bf m BAO FOR CRIMINALS, fftjrdork, Coarse Food and the "Whipping Post Recommended by some. Jrazilian Methods of Work Touched Up by a Traveler. I SPICT-TALKSONCURRENTMATTERS Talking of the proposition to put crimi nals to work on the roads County Commis sioner Mercer said that he could scarce make up his mind what he did think of it, and rather took the stand of "Put-yourself-in-his-place." Continuing he said: tWhile society doubtless owed very little to some of them, yet it is largely responsi ble for vice. Intelligence is strength, and when it exercises itself to live at the expense of ignorance, it is not astonishing that the latter, not being logicians, attempt 'specu lation also, and when they are detected, and von know people in palaces who are more guilty, and who gave the stumbling stone and rock of offense to these criminals, and who are rioting in ill-gotten -wealth, how can you ieel revengeful toward people who are largely creatures of circum stances. I have known men lauded for philanthropy who have been the cause of more crime, not only by their commercial dealings, but by their deoauchery pleasure purchased at the expense of ruin to poor families, than are all the criminals in the workhouse." Mr. Mercer tbinks a eolation of the ques tion a considerable distance away. In view of the environments, he thinks much charity .should be inlnsed into deliberation on the EubjecL i TAYOBS THE 'WHIPPING POST. Judge Fetterman said that about 400 criminals could be utilized to good ad vantage jnst now and for a month to come, between the city and his home, on the old "Washington road. Mr. fetterman said: "I am in favor of the whipping post for wifebeaters, and the chaingang for most other criminals. It is a fact that in Delaware a man is rarely whipped twice, which proves the reformatory effect of the lash?well laid on in public Offenders either repent and sin no more, or emigrate, and in either event give no more trouble." Mr. Fetterman allows no room for mawk ish sentiment. He says that if a man, or woman either, does not want to work in pnblic or be whipped in public, neither is compulsory, and he suggests that in lieu of magisterial sentences 01 tza nne, or ou nays to the workhouse, let it be the same fine or svmpatheti like to see any of their' number exposed to public derision they could pay tne nne, ana prevent it instead of having the workhouse devoted to the purposes of a sanitarium to restore the nerves of toughs who wreck themselves by a course of vice, and recuper ate periodically at public expense. Thomas H. Davis, Esq., suggests a gradu ation of punishment." If it be found neces sary to punish someone more sinned against than sinning, let him for the first offense be punished by sending him to the workhouse v and treated decently, but furnished with some kind of remunerative employment. For all subsequent c (Tenses, either whip him or put him in a chain gang. There will always be work needed on the highways, work that does not conflict with the inter ests of H02TEST LABOEIKO PEOPLE, 1 -work .tbatjwniT pot deprive coonersof. em ployment and work that will never be properly done unless by the utilization of the labor of criminals. Mr. Davis would go furtbei, and by act of Assembly give the courts power to sentence criminals to work on the country roads as well as on city streets. Mr. Davis suggests some diffi culties in .the, way: For instance, it would be necessary to house criminals .at night He thinks the county buildinzs, the old University build ing and the one at Old avenuemightbeused in the city, but in the country it would be different, though in hot weather tents would answer. He suggests that coarse prison garb should be furnished and all made wear .it, as not only are there many people sent up who are inadequately provided 'with clothing sufficient to withstand rigorous weather, but a uniform would serve to com pel those doing public duty to remain at their posts, as it would proclaim their deser tion. He also suggests that they should be made work hard, but be treated humanely and well fed with coarse food, and a sen tence of a certain number of days be held to be wet and dry, and the prisoner get the benefit of wet weather unless he could be found indoor employment As to female employment, he sug gests that they could be em ployed at making and repairing the wardrobes of their male companions and at laundrvinr beside other suitable emnlov- xnent might be found for them, if this were not sufficient The proportion of female convicts is much less than that of male. Mr. Davis called attention to the fact that whipping a man for whipping his wife con flicted with the old common law, which, while holding him responsible for her torts, pave him the power to restrain her by allow ing him to administer "reasonable personal chastisement," if she refused to behave her self properly. Mr. Davis suggested that a man .might be -punished lichtly for the first offense, if in the discretion ot the Court there were mitigating circumstances, and sent to the whipping-post for the second offense. CASE FOB DEUXKS. He says that extreme care must'be taken in the management of drunks. They are sot generally arrested until they are on the verge of delirium, and frequently the first ten days of a 30-day sentence must be de voted to careful .management or a funeral follows commitment Quite a number of people talked to had no opinions tto offer, stating that they had not given'thesnbject any thought, but all agreed that society must either devise better pre ventive measures or a more salutary system of punishment, as the evil bad grown to enormous proportions, and if remedies were not made more efficatious for reform pre ventives must be found. A good many were found to be of Commissioner Jlercer's opin ion that crime is .largely the natural off spring of our system called "society," and that more may be effected by the removal of producing causes, such as monopoly, etc.. than by any system of punishment for pun ishment ol criminals, though they must be punished. If ignorance were converted jnto virtue and intelligence unequal laws would be cured, out, as nas oeen ooservea by the most philosophic of historians, re forms come from below and not from above, and, if the masses are intelligent and virtu ous, they cannot be oppressed. i pnn npr.v rn uprntPT 1VJ AitLMA. V AMtUAAUAa Tbe'Onllook for the Glnai Trado Appears to -' be Bright. Me Jenkin Jones, of Jones, Cavitt & Co., the Soutbside glass manufacturers, said last evenlne about the outlook of the glass trade: "After January 1 the jobbers will miirrate East and stop in Pittsburg. Asa ,- rule, the Western men come Fast and some of tne Eastern men go west, isui tney ail stop in Pittsburg because everything that is ! made in our line can be seen in Pittsburg. "The Boston people make Pittsburg their headquarters about twice a year. They come here for the purpose of looking-up the new lines of goods and the trade for the t whole rear, depends lartrelv on what these Jobbers do on their January visit It would hoe nam to conjecture vu iuc uuic win ue llike.until after the second 'week in the -new so many days wort on the streets or roads. A rich loafer might pay his fine, if he didn't like it and if sympathetic friends didn't BRAZILIAN ODDITIES. Seste FeciHarlltes of the New Jteb - Ucana Patting; Sand on Axles to Mnke Them Sicreecb. Mr. J. C. 'Wright, of Richmond, who happens to be in Pittsburg at present, re cently returned from a trip through Brazil. In a chat about the country yesterday, he said: "The new Republic of Brazil is wel comed into the so-called areaa of free coun tries by more vehemence in this America than probably exists there, though one would naturally suppose that they would be the most demonstrative upon a subject in volving apparently resnlts of such magni tude. For years the Republican and Impe rial parties have, in their respective sec tions, been very rampant in the expressions of their political creeds, and voiced their views on the occasion of elections in a man ner quite in keeping with their hot blood and ignorance. It has all culminated recently in the overthrow of-the heretofore existing system of government and the es tablishment of a republic. It is exceed ingly doubtful whether more than 50 per cent of the natives have yet learned of the change. Of course the residents along the coast in all the cities and towns are aware of what has occurred, but not one in ten is "capable of taking in either the intent of a republican government or privileges which it seeks to guarantee. "Some idea of the high order of intelli gence pervading in the interior part of the country may be gleaned from the fact that the natives use wagons, or carts, in which the axle revolves, being mortised in the wheels, the latter being hewn ont of solid blocks of wood. The noise ot a train of these wagons is intolerable, and can be heard for miles. The City Councils or the powers controlling the various cities and towns some years since passed an ordinance requiring these teamsters on reaching the confines ot the corporation to grease the axles. This they were forced contrary to their judgment to do, and they claiming that the oxen would not pull without hear ing the creaking noise. Immediately after leaving a town a convoy of wagons will be stopped, and the drivers will throw sand and gravel in the boxes in which revolve the axles. The result is a screaking, grating and horrible sound which can be heard for a mile or two. Their simple Explanation is that if the oxen don't hear this noise they imagine the wagons are not loaded and hence will' not pull at least not in unison. i "How exactly hojf a class of people like this will conduct a republic it is difficult to predict Fnergy with them is an unknown auantity, except as manifested in their declarations of hatred and love. To be in a hnrry about anything is to be suspected of rascality. If a man runs on the street he is tripped up by any passerby amid shouts from the bvstanders of ladrone, ladrone (thief). "The average Brazilian would gaze stead fastly in the face of a town clock for an hour (provided he was seated in the shade) and'forget what dav of the month it was. On the railroads and in the mines they are paid about 1 milree (50, cents) per day, and never pretend to work more than three days in a week. "Cursen, the drink of the country, is 1 cent per glass, and with guitars at $1 a piece and moonlight and love generally pre vailing, there is not' much thought, as a rule, expended on the establishment of a better form of government . INJURED BX GAS. The Nataral Fluid (-opposed to be a Fob , to the Telephone. As J. W. Cupps, Inspector of the Fire Alarm Bnreau under Morris Mead, looked at the telephone in Central station last night he used some observations which will not bear repetition in polite society. He said: "There you are; natural gas is a big bene fit to everybody but myself and the tele phones which I have to handle in 'getting them n shape, at least ths is my opinion. Ever since natural gas has? been in . use I have found a sort of insulation has been formed on the points of contact, or probably it would be better to say they have got gummed in such a way that it gives me trouble to get the instrument in order." And there the Inspector viciously plied the sandpaper and file, and wondered it natural gas made a saving ot labor after all. GOOD HOLIDAY TEADE. A Druggist Reports That the Business Was Never Better. Al. Maginnl, the leading druggist of Braddock, last night said that there was a better business during the holiday season than he had seen before for many years. The prospects for the coming year, he said, were mnch better than they were at the same time last year, and if no calamities occurred, the District of Western Pennsyl vania would come out many thousands ahead of even the present good season. He thought that giving the eastern end of the State the sea coast and other advantages which it was supposed to possess, the Pitts burg district could hold its own against any part of the country. 'WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING. Some Who Travel, Some Who Do Not, and Others Who Talk. Prot J. D. S. Biggs, member of the faculty of Dennlson University at Granville, O., Is in the city. He came to be present at the marriage of Miss Lillian Biggs .and Elmore Ellsworth Caddes. Prof. Rlggs is a nephew of Ore. W. J. and L W. Rlggs, of the Sonthside. He will remain here over to-day, to be present at the closing services of Rev. H. B. Grose's pastorate of the Fourth Avenue Baptist Church. Prof. Rlggs and Rev. Grose were col lege friends, together with the late Prof. Olsen, for many years. Prof. Grose will at once go to Dakota, where he will begin his labors as President of the State University, to which he has been called to succeed Dr. Olsen, who was killed at Minneapolis a few weeks ago. Mr. Francis Murphy will leave to-njght for a lecturing tour, going first to Indianapolis, thence to St. Paul and several cities in Iowa, On his return, in about a fortnight, he will make arrangements for a series of gospel temperance meetings in this city. " Mr. W. H. Andrews, Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, returned yesterday moraine from Beaver, where he had visited Senator Quay. He took dinner atthe Seventh Avenue Hotel, and last evening de parted for his home in1 Titusville. Miss Kate Yoder, of Parsons, W. Va., who will come to this city in the spring to study voice culture under one of Pittsburg's ablest teachers, has been making decided hits in ihe West State, her latest being at Mannlngton a few evenings since. Dr. X. 3. Scott, of Cleveland, an emi nent specialist, was at the Hotel Dnquesne yes terday. Attorney It, E. Holden, of Cleveland, is at the Hotel Anderson. ' FAINTED OS THE STREET. Some Excitement Cnuied by m. Woman Losing- Consciousness. About 10 o'clock lost night a woman named L&zie Fallon fell in a faint on Fifth avenue, near "Wood street, and created con siderable excitement. The woman was carried into the office ot the Chronicle-Teleqraph, and it was some time before she could be brought to. Mrs. Pallon lives at 164 Fourth avenue, where she was removed. A Bath and a Beating. Charles "Weber, who was charged before Alderman Flach a few days ago by his wife Catherine with aggravated assault, waived a hearing last night and entered bail for court. Mrs. Weber claimed that she was made ill by an ice water bath administered by her husband, followed by a severe beat ing. De. B.'M. Haitha. Eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Ofiee, 718 Penn street, Pittsburg, Pa, s&sa CHILDEEN iffMILlS. Complaints to 'Agent O'Brien ,Trial the Factory Law is a Nullity. GENERAL DISREGARD OF THE ACT. Inquiry as to What Has Happened, to Got. Beaver's Inspector. , HE IS BDMOEED TO BE IN HEW ENGLAND Complaint was made at the office of the. Humane Society yesterday that a manufac turing establishment-on thfeNorthside was employing a large number of boys and girls under the age of 12 years, that their hours of work recently bad been from 11 to 13 hours a day, and that four of them had been in jured during the last two months. Other complaints of a similar sort have been made from time to time, and the Humane Satiety has been in a quandary what to do in the matter. Under an act passed by the Legislature last May, it is the duty of a factory Inspec tor to prosecute persons guilty of such abuse of children. Ihe act was signed by Governor Beaver on May 20, 1889, It was made the duty of the Governor toappofnt a chief factory inspector immediately after the passage of the act Although it appears that such an inspector has been appointed, the appointment has not been made known to persons in this city most interested in his "work. The act, which is a thorough one, seems to depend entirely upon the inspec tor. That official, it appears, has not been heard of nor seen in this city, and has done nothing here to enforce (he law. Persons interested in the protection of children find serious fault with ,ther gentleman for his neglect. CHILD LABOR THtL&WvVIi. The act of 1887 made it unlawful for man ufacturing or mercantile establishments to employchildren under the age of 12, and authorized any person 'to make complaint. The act of 1889 repeals the preceding act. It again makes it unlawful to employ children under the age of 12, or to employchildren between the ages of 12 and 16 longer than 60 hours in a week. Children under 16 are to be employed only upon the making of an affidavit as to their age by parents or guar dians. The hours of work required of such children must be posted in every room where they are engaged at labor. The vio lation of the act is made a misdemeanor, and the penalty a fine of not more than $500. The factory inspector provided for by the law is allowed a salary of $1,500 and ex penses not to exceed $2,500 a year. It is made his duty to post copies of the law in factories, mills and stores, to visit such establishments, to investigate and prosecute all violations of the law. It is this last pro vision which causes a doubt in the mind of Agent Samuel O'Brien as to his authority to act Agent O'Brien said yesterday afternoon "I tbinkyou.have an old woman in the Go vernor s chair. It is a very strange thing that he has not appointed the inspector. At least I have never, heard of an appoint ment Perhaps he( doesn't want to -see the law enforced? We are getting quite a number of complaints of violations of this law. I should say that no attention is be ing paid to the law at all, and there won't be, I suppose, until the inspector is ap pointed. In some factories there are chil dren employed not over 8 years old, and kept at work long hours. I would like to get at these people, if I could. Perhaps I could prosecute them for cruelty. In such a case, of course, I would have to show -by doctors that the work was injur ious -to the health. I don't suppose it would be hard to do that" CONSULTING THE LAW- Agent O'Brien went -yesterday afternoon to the office of. Mr. Prank W. Smith, the attorney for the Hnmane Society, laid the facts before him, and asked bis opinion of the law and the authority of the Hnmane Agent under it Mr. Smith said: "As the agent of the Humane Society yon have no power to act under that law. Touhave no authority to enter any mill or factory to investigate. I am of the opinion, nowever, that you can make complaint as a private individual. You might get beaten at it The defendants might set up the section of the act which says that the inspector shall prosecute 'all violations,' and might beat you on that" Agent O'Brien said that he would investi gate the complaint made yesterday. He has the names of several men formerly em ployed in the mill in question, and will call on them for the facts in their possession. If is possible that, if he finds the facts to be as represented, he may prosecute either the company or the parents of the children. Mr. I. N. Boss, Master Workman -of Dis trict Assembly No. 3, K. of L., was asked if he knew whether the Governor had not ap pointed an inspector. He said that al though he had been watching the matter a little, he had not heard whether the ap pointment had been made or not A telegram from Harrisburg stated that "Governor Beaver expressed his satisfaction at the manner in which William H. Mar tin, the Factory Inspector appointed by him, is performing his duties. He says he appointed Mr. Martin inspector under the act passed at the last session of the Legisla ture, and as no appropriation was made for the pa) men t of the inspector and his depu ties, although their salaries are fixed, they will have to take chances on obtaining com pensation for their services. The Governor says Mr. Martin has visited New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut for the pur pose of familiarizing himself with the sys tem of inspection in operation in those States. PfllSICIANS UPON SICKBEDS. The Two Dootora Kins; Slekj With Unmli itakable Influenza. Two of Pittsburg's M. D's. are down with the influenza. Dr. W. D. King, of Fifth avenue, near Elm street, has been confined to his bed for several days with the (Jlsease, and his brother, Dr. Harry King, the dentist of Neville street, near Ellsworth avenue, is also laid up 'with it Both gentlemen have been ill for several days and their sickness has been determined beyond question to be influenza. Dr. T. M. Scott, of Filth avenue, Soho, is also seriously ill with typhoid fever. Sbe Bays Be Bit a. Boy. Joseph Sayder and George Pettyford will have a hearing Tuesday night, on a charge of assault and battery. MrsTBarbara Hyde made the infoimation in behalf of her 12-year-old son, whom she alleges was struck on the head with a piece of iron, at Mc Cully's glasshouse, on Twenty-eighth street, by the defendants. The charge was pre ferred before Alderman Warner. A Catholic Bank for LnvrrencevIIIe. A rumor was started in Xrawrenceville that a Catholic bank would be started at the Forks of the Koad, now 'that the Law rence Bank has gone under. It was re ported that Frauenhelm & Yilsack were to be the principal backers of the bank, but they deny any knowledge of the bank, nor can they account for the rumor getting out Beld by a Wreck. The limited came in an hour behind time last evening. The trainmen reported that a bad freight (wreck at Newton Hamilton, on the middle division, had detained the train. From what could be learned it would seem that no lives were lost Weary of Haaltsg- $e Bar. Patrick Kelly, an" ash hauler, got tired driving his horse as far as the river so he just dnmped a loadof ashes oa Try street Officer Truby ShaalibapAened along about that time and Kelly is now la 'the lockup for violating a city ortiawiii. ,- . -.-, A fmjmmmwmW" .QUEER LEGAL WOHT A Mas Wasted Is Pktskars; Retawedi m Bail la Philadelphia A Hearing- Before a Magistrate. A strange piece of what appears exceed ing crookedness has been developed in Phil adelphia from proceedings begun in this ritv. Some weeks aeo the eeneral aeent of I E. W. Walker & Col, book publishers of Boston, Mass., canea on, uonn u. nsran, Esq., and told him that the Pittsburg agent of the company, H. M. Nichols, had been embezzling money belonging to the com pany. At Mr. Watson's suggestion an information was made against Nichols be fore Alderman McMasters. The general agent said he had examined Nichols' books and found a shortage, it being ascertained that'Nichols was in Philadelphia. Detect ive Heiner states that he sent a warrant for Nichols arrest to Charles W. Wood, Chief of Philadelphia detectives, and the next aft ernoon received a telegram from him stating that Nichols had been arrested, and had furnished $1,000 bail for a hearing on Mon day, the impression being allowed that the bail had been taken before some Magistrate in Philadelphia. As the law does not say that a police ius tice, or even a justice of the peace, shall take bail for a man charged in'another county with crime, Mr. Watson and the of ficials interested looked upon the proceeding as somewhat irregular, but concluded to await the date set tor the hearing, supposing they would get an explanation. It was fixed for last Monday, but neither Nichols nor an explanation put in an appearance, and the authorities here began to look the matter up. No news came from Wood di rectly, but they were informed by a clipping from a newspaper that Nichols had a hear ing before a Philadelphia magistrate and had been discharged. This relieves his bail, and he has had time to get far enough away bv this time to be comparatively safe. Said Mr. Watson: "It looks to me as though this was a conspiracy to assist a fu gitive from justice. I don't believe it could have been accomplished in Allegheny county. It is an unheard-of proceeding, and is at variance with all previous pro ceedings in such cases. Though extradition between States is a matter of courtesy largely, no Governor would .take it upon himself to act as these Philadelphia officials have done. In this case of ours the evidence was all at this end of the line, and none of it in Phila delphia. In fact we have no evidence yet that there was bail given in Philadelphia at all. MrjHeinens experience in matters ot this kind rats been varied, and he states that this is something new to him. Just what will be done about it remains to be seen, no further steps having been taken as yet THE BIYER COAL SIKDICATE. Three Operator Bave Extended the Options Until July. '.. The conference .between certain of the river operators and Captain W. J. Shinn, which was referred to inTiiE Dispatch as likely to bear fruit has at any rate given forth blossoms of more or less prom ise. The object of the meeting, as already stated, was to discuss a proposition on the part of Mr. Shinn to extend the options which will expire the 1st of January to a later period. That he is meet ing with success was ascertained yesterday irom the fact that Joseph Walton & Co., S. S. Crump & Cq.( and Thomas Fawcett & Co. have each signed an agreement to ex tend the options on their properties to the first of July. No further stipulations or conditions have been added to the contracts, which remain as originally agreed upon, excepting that the amount of consideration paid for carrying over the option in each case is 51. From what was learned it seems that about one-half the operators are indisposed to have anything more to do with the syndi cate, while others of them are considering their position. If the old river rule that whatever Walton & Co. does goes. Mr. Shinn will have to congratulate himself on' fetting an extension of time for his New ork friends in which to look about them. BOOMING JOE PEMISTQN. The Committee In Coarse of tbe Depart ment Encampment Bnrd at Work. Ameetingofthe delegates to the G. A. B. Department Encampment was held last night in Select Council Chamber, with Colonel John A. Dauks in tho chair. The Committee on Transportation report ed that nothing could be done until the au thorities found out if there were any sjde tracks that sleepers could be placed on at Bhamokin, the idea of the delegates being to use the sleeping cars instead of hotels. The delegates "unanimously indorsed a circular to 'be sent out by Post 117 to all the G. A. B. posts throughout the State setting forth the record of Major Joseph F. Dennis ton and reasons why he should be elected Department Commander. Tbe committee having the candidacy of Major Dennlston in hand, through Comrade Bengough, stated that the nomination would be seconded hy Philadelphia, Erie and other points, but they -desired that the closing oratorical effort be delivered by Thomas G. Sample, of Post 128. This request was unanimously agreed to. The delegates will meet again at the call of the chair, v A MARITAL HELODBAMA. The Infelicities of tho Armor Bootehold Brought to the Light orDnr. The second act in a Christmas drama was played yesterday at Alderman McKenna's office, the magistrate being the only addi tion to the performers who gave the first act of the entertainment George Armor was tbe heavy man, according to the stories told bv his wife, Maggie, and Elizabeth Heiser, who related that he had assaulted them, and, in addition to that, had expressed hfs intention to end Mrs. Armor's earthly ex istence. In default of ?1.500 bail the de fendant was committed to jail for trial at court LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Say In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Renting-. H. Levhtson, ol 261 Fifth avenue; the Dn qnesne Stationery and Cigar Company, 263 Fifth avenue, andT. Walker, 265 Fifth avenue, are charged before Alderman Reilly. by Ordi nance Officer Schultz, with violating a city or dinance. It is claimed that the awnings of th e defendants are soow as to obstruct the street against pedestrians. Jakes Caut, who lives on Soho street made an information before Alderman Jones last night charging Patrick Kelley with aggra. vated assault and battery- Cain alleged that Kelley struct him over the head with a pair or large mill tones, knocking him down. A -warrant was issued. ' P. PL Stevenson, of Coraopolls, who at tempted to kidnap the little girl of Mrs. Ruhl, Friday evening, has been Insane sfneo child hood. Mrs. Byers, a sister of the unfortunate man, said be had gotten bewildered, and he never showed any violence before. John Kolsitto,, employed at the locomotive works on Beaver avenue, Allegheny, fell from a scaffold yesterday and bad his right leg broken In two places. Henras removed to his home on Hancock street. Woods 'Bun, where Dr. Langfltt attended him. Peteb HcClusket was arrested by Officer Bhaffer last night on Forbes street, near Brady, for throwing a cobblo stone through the win dow of Patrick Moran's house on Tustin street. He was locked np in tbe Fourteenth ward station. John CaSTXETON, an employe of the Benson Pump Works, on Chartiers street, Allegheny, had his skull slightly crushed yesterday by a piece of iron falling on his head. He was taken to his home In Woods' Bnn. . The first of a series of open meetings of the Young Men's Hebrew Association, will be held this afternoon at their hall, on Federal street Allegheny. A. Leo Weil will lecture on the Merchant of Venice. A vest liberal donation ot clothing, gro ceries and vegetables was sent to the Society for the Improvement of the Poor yesterday by the Parnassus Sunday school. These a ball given "by Divtelon 10 of A O. H., at Imperial Hall. New Oraat street, ontaeovesaBf eDeBaer3&, ,,r- " ALirctE'MQRELIGHT. Mri Langhors't Things Three lea Are Irs. Endert's Murderers. THE ARRESTS WILL SOON BE MADE. Mrs. KiHen Tlaced in Jail by Coroner McDowell's Orders. KILLBS CHABGED WITH" C0BPLICI1I Some new developments may be expected at any time in the Tarentum murder mys tery. There are so many detectives at work on the case that ft seems almost impossible for the dastardly perpetrators of the crime to evade arrest very long. County Detec tive Langhorst seems to be the busiest man on the case. He has come to the conclusion that there are three persons yet to arrest in stead of two. He has received a fuller and mere com plete description of the. men from Mr. Budert, and will send ont new circulars giving the descriptions in detail. He said yesterday that one of the suspects might be arrested any day, as he is pretty sure he knowswho and where all of them are, but does not expect to turn up the others so soon. 'He did not go to Tarentum yetter day, and will not be up there to-day, but he has a man there constantly watching that end of tbe case. Mr. Kudert is bothered considerably by private detectives, who offer their services on the case for a moneyiconsideration. County Detective Langhorst pantioned him yester day notrto employ any more officers without consulting him. Coroner McDowell went to Tarentum yes terday to continue the inquest in the case. Dr. W. H. McCullough and Dr. J. B. An derson submitted their report on the post mortem held by them. The substance of the report was that Mrs. Paul Budert came to her death from a gunshot over the eye. The inquest was then adjourned until Sat urday, January 11, to give the officials an opportunity to work up the various clews that they now have in their. possession. PLEASED WITH THE WOEE. Coroner McDowell had a conversation with Mr. Budert while in Tarentum. The latter expressed himself as satisfied with the work being done by the officials. He be lieves they are doing all they can to bring the wretches who have blighted his home to justice. Mr. Budert made an examination of his stock yesterday, and so far as he can learn six watches and a diamond pin are all that were taken. Three of the watches had their works in tbem, but the others were merely empty cases. The pin is known as a lady's scarfpin. Coroner McDowell said last evening: "This case has passed beyond the ordinary, bntlfeel pretty sure that by the next call of the inquest we will have such a chain of circumstantial evidence woven that it can sot fail to locate the -proper persons. Al though the murderers have been very suc cessful in covering up their tracks, we have the best people available working carefully and systematically on the case, and I expect to be able in a few days to r(W down some thing that will be very valuable in helping to clear up the mystery." , Killan and his Wife are still in the county jail, and will remain in custody until all of tbe clews now being workediaretrun down. County Detectve Langhorst said yesterday that it would be unnecessary for the Taren tum officials to make an information against Killan, as he had already done so, charging him with complicity in the murder. Matters at Tarentum were rather quiet yesterday. " The excitement created by the tragedy on Monday night is considerably allayed, although it would not be very safe for the murderers to put in. an appearance in the, borough. Mr. Budert says he could identify the guilty' parties. now, and- thc-statement ir made that there were four mes; instead of tlinu Tt.f.AtitfB TiflAlnli -ta ,lll in Tarentum working on the case. All of the detectives are endeavoring to straighten out one of the boldest and mostmyterious crimes that has ever been committed in Allegheny county. " MBS. KILLAtf's STATEMENT. (Pn the return of Coroner .McDowell from Tarentum he at once committed Mrs. Killsn to the county jail to await further develop ments in the murder case of Mrs. Budert A Dispatch reporter saw Mrs. Killan, whose title, according to her own state ment, is purely honorary, and she said in response to the questions put: "I am sure that Killan was not concerned in the rob bery and murder for the simple reason that he was in the house all day when it oc curred, and until 6:45 next morning. "If I thought he were guilty for a mo ment I would not shield him, or any other person for such a crime. I am, however, perfectly sure that he had ne connection with the matter. I cannot say why I am committed in the case, as I knew nothing about it comparatively until my arrest, and when we went to Thomas' house it was long before we knew anything about tbe affair. "How long have I been married? I have not been married to Killan, but have lived with him for about three years next June,and as I said before I would have nohesitation to say what I know if I thought him guilty. I am not acting under advice of an attorney, as I have none and have no desire to engage one." The latter confession probably explains why the Coroner wishes to detain the woman as a competent witness. She is about 6 feet 3 inches in height, and 120 pounds in weight, with a rather jaundiced complexion, aquiline nose and thin features generally. She is a ready speaker, and has had evi dently a plain education. Of her former life she refused to speak. Opinions of Free Bridges. City officials think that purchasing bridges to free them Vould prove a costly speculation, as the interest on such a sum would be a very large factor in municipal expenses. City Attorney Moreland has stated that the whole matter of freeing bridges lay in 'the hands of Mr. B. F. Jones. That gentleman was requested to express an opinion upon the'matter. He stated that he had given the subject no attention, but would look it up. Identified nt tho Morgue. One of the bodies that have been in the morgue for several days was identified yes- Pterdav. George F. Kim, of 3614 Fifth ave- nue, recognized one of tbe bodies as that of Jacob Oblack, a German, 36 years of age, who has been in America eight years. His home was in Soho. The- remains have been in the morgue since Christmas, when be was killed on the Pennsylvania Railroad at Dallas station. A Post Event and One to Come. The ladies of the West EndM.E. Church will give a dinner on New Year'&Day, and a bazar in the evening. At the Christmas treat on Christmas Eve, for the Snnday school, Mr. Harper was presented with a handsome easy chair, and Bev. H. C. Bea com was given a gold-headed cane by the members of bis Bible class. DmrameraHfeer. The annual meeting of the Commercial Travelers' Protective Association was held in their rooms' in- thcrStevenson building last night The old officers were re-elected. An Engagement Broken. A young lady, high in social circles in this city, has just broken her engagement, because her intended, who promised to buy her a musical box, refused to go to Gallin ger's, 1200 Penn ave., to buy it The young lady claims that their stock, consisting of musical boxes, guitars", mandolins, violins, accordions, concertinas, banjos, etc., is the largest and finest in the-'elty; auo their line efallkbt&ef etrlifs, - xhM BAEEAQBANQtIITED. ,- Old Cewafes GIveHta a Mwser at the Hotel Baaesfle AbEtobIbs of Feaatlsc 'andJolHtv. A number of the Beet prominent veterans of Pittsburg and vicinity last night gave a banquet at the Hotel Duquesne to Mr. J, B, Harrah, recently appointed United States Marshal for the Western district of Pennsylvania. The table was set in the shape of three sides of a square in the larger dining room upstairs. It was elegantly decorated with green plants and colored lights. The gentlemen sat down to dinner at 9 o'clock. The following were present: J. E. Harrah, of Beaver; ChffiW. Hazzard, Monongahela Citv: Jndze John J. Wickbam. Beaver; Captain A. J. Welsh, Sheriff of Beaver county: Alfred Moore, of Sewickle; C. if. Miller, of Phil; Miller, nt Philadelphia: Colonel John Ewing, of Washington, Pa.; Judge Blagle, Judge Over, Colonel W. H. Reed. W.V. Bpeer, vvimam vngeison, captain jonn a. need. Prof. P. F. Bohrbacker, John Douglas, Edward Fisher, a A. Will. Captain McFeeters. of Braddock; J. B. Eaton, W. H. Lambert, A. J, Bingham, Warden E. a Wright Captain Thomas B. Kerr, W. J. Caskey, Charles F. McKenna, Daniel Ashworth, John Doyle, M. B. Lemon, C. O. Smith, Walter Morris, General AL. Pearson. G. W. Bryant, J. W. Morrison, Arch H. Kowand, Captain Graham and James Bradley The bill of fare was a choice one and well served, but it was not long. At 10 o'clock, on motion of Colonel Eeed, Judge J. W. Over was elected chairman. In speaking of the countv where Mr. Harrah lives, the Judge said: "I believe it has the reputa tion of producing more statesmen to the square inch than any county in the United States. v On motion of W. F. Speer, General A. L. Pearson was elected toast master. The fol lowing toast were spoken to: "OurGuest," Colonel Chill W. Hazzard; response by Mr. Harrahf "The American Citizen as a Sol dier," Judge Wickham; "The American Soldier ai a Citizen," Prof. Bohrbacker; "The'Soldier in Politics," Charles F. Mc Kenna; "The Artillery," Captain J. A. Bead; "The Cavalry," General Miller; "The Infantry," Judge Slagle; "The La dies." Daniel Ashworth.. The toasts were full of humor, and, with one exception, were impromptu. Colonel Hazzard paid a pretty eulogy to the Scotch Irish pioneers of Western Pennylvania and to one of the number, William Harrah. The latter, he said, was a sturdy Whig, and named his son after the Whig candidate for Governor, Joseph Bitenour. Mr. Harrah made a verv brief and-nrettv response. Prof. Bohrbacker paid A tribute to tbe German. settlers in Pennsylvania. The othe& ad dresses were short and lull of bright salies. The "entire evening was spent in aA-ery hapyy manner. ABOUT THAT CDT WIRE. Fireman Daly Says K Was Broken Acci dentally and Not Of allcloasly. Some of the Allegheny County Light Company's late employes whom a Dis patch reporter happened to meet last even ing were very indignant at the Insinuations made in some oT the papers that they were concerned in tbe cutting of the wire on the Sixth street bridge.. Later Mr. Bobert Daly, the company's late foreman, was seen and in this connec tion said: "You want to know how that wire was cut? Well, I'll tell you, and an examination of it by any man who , knows jiis business will prove what I Bay. It was cut just as wires On the same bridge bave been cut before, by abrasion and undue strain, coupled with some defect in that particular place. That's how the wire was cut, or broken, for if it had been cut, the insulation must have cut. too, which it is not The men, I know, are blamed for it, but unjustly. They didn't cut it You can take mv word for that." AN CNPflOTOKED ASSADLT. An Unknown Assailant Who Used a Bottle as an Implement of Warfare. John Hallan, a young man living in the Fifteenth ward, was assaulted last night on :ButIer street and terribly rut about the1 head. In company with another man, whose name is not known, Hallan left his home about 9 o'clock to go into the Eighteenth ward. When they reached Forty-eighth street someone stepped in front of Hallan and, uttering a curse, struck him on the head with a large bottle. The force of the blow broke the bottle over Hallan's head and cut his face and scalp in a number of places very severely. The assailant fled and left nothing by which he could be identified. Hallan was taken into Bellman's drugstore, which was near by. Dr. Gardiner was summoned and dressed the wounds of Hal lan, which, he said, were ugly looking, but would not prove dangerous unlses inflam mation set in. Hallan was removed to his home. PUDDLEBS' WEEK OUT. Claiming That the Iron Is Too Strong for the Money Paid. The nuddlers in Carnegie, Phipps & Co.'s lower Union Mills have refused to work any longer on the iron supplied them by the firm. The claim made by tbe men is that the iron is of the description known as strong iron, hard to work, and therefore worth more money for conversion than ma terial of softer quality. Manager Blackburn, on being asked for an explanation, said that the iron was of the same qnalitv as habitually used. The mill was closed down for the annual stock! taking, and Mr. Blackburn was assured that on the resumption of work that the men would turn in to work on the same iron. The bar mill is to be completely re modeled; a new-engine will be built, and improved rolls put in, and which will be three instead of two rolls in height as at present The mill will start up again early in January. DIDH'T BEAD BUMPS EIGHT. How the Allegheny Phrenologist Win De ceived In the Characters of Friends. Last night a man reported at the Alle gheny Mayor's office that he had been robbed of $13 50 by two companions-, and he wanted them arrested. He said bis name was Prof. F. N. Charles, and he was known as the Allegheny phrenologist He lives at 42 Cedar avenue, and said that yesterday afternoon he had two friends at his house entertaining them in his wife's absence. He bought two bottles of whisky, which they drank, and afterward he showed them a box containing 13 50, which he told them he would not spend, as it was to pay his month's rent He then went to sleeD, and on awakeninc the money was gone. He wanted them arrested, and a detective promised to return him his, wealth. Corkvrorkcrs In Debate. A committee of the Corkworkers' As sembly met in Knights of Labor Hall yes terday and disenssed the proposition of Armstrong Bros, with regard to the change Tn the system of work. An amicable settle ment of the question at issue may be ex pected by the time the factory reopens after the annual stock-taking. Sneak Thtevrs Make a Hani. The residence of Major William M. Hart zell, No. 38 South Tenth street, was entered yesterday evening by sneak thieves, who stole two overcoats and a frock coat The stolen coats were the .property of Major Harfzell and hi son. The theft was reported to the police, who will try to have the property re- f turned. All the Way to Soath Australia. American goods are able to hold their own against the English article In English dominions. The Atlas Paint Company, e-f this citv, yesterday, received aa order frosa Adelaide. South Australia, for a eesekta- steat f 25 barrels of paiat, fellewiag aJ enter ftc aaisaiiar aatowit rmwy mbw.' HOWTO'IESTEMGHES f Ai Old Fire ForiwBM Suggest a 72 hoaT Trial oXKndaraice. ' WHICH CA'S STiifD W0EO0XGEE? Tie JacllBe Whlck.CaH Sick Ssad or Ssck Water Succeeds. CHIEF BKOWSl'8 OUT JF0B TIE FINEST As Chief BreW, of'.the Department of Pnblie Safetyhas given the opportunity for all engines to contest for supremacy in the handling of fires, The Dispatch made inquiries to-the proper manner to make such a test. Some eight old firemen were heard, oh tbe subject, but a foreman who has ield the position foe over five years, suggested the., method in whka the test should be made. He said: "I do not wish to appear in dictating what course should be adopted in testing the dif ferent engines, hut Tjrould like to see the best engine for the city adopted, as the chief of the Department of Public, Safety said. There are several ways of testing engines, one of which will last about 15 minutes,and show a horizontal stream of from 125 to zWieet Another is the vertical stream which will be thrown over a brick building or a church, spire, as the tesf might be demanded. "But there are other things to test beyond the length or height of a stream, which may be regarded aa tie crucial tests of an engine. Not being connected with the Fire Depart ment at present, I should like to see the best engine win, just as I should have liked to have the handling of the best engine when I was with the .Eire Department KNDUKAITCE to be tested. The question of endurance has got to be solved. I think then that a 72-hour contin uous work for each engine would be about tbe best test possible with the suction-pipes laid in the river. This is not to ascertain which engine can j;et up a spurt of steam, as I would place the steam gauge at about 80 pounds for each en gine, and let the engineer regulate the water pressure to suit himself. There would be no trouble as far as tbe supply is con cerned, and there could be no complaints as to giving the losing engine the wrong plug. No one can take exception to this method of making the test, as it is immaterial which river the water is takea from. You have said that Engineer Dan Eccles, oi En gine Company No. 2, thought his engine could pump sand. In pulling out Monon gahela river watefTthirikVhe would have to do so to some extent, and I would like to see the test made. "I shall admit-that a Totary engine m a good one, and I would be glad to see tbe difference exemplified between one and the other, but, as.I said in the first place, I want 3TO IU3PAXiBUSnrES3 for a half hoar or so, and the question of what engine will last longest, putting it in the superlative degree, and thus including more than two engines, is one that I should like to see decided. When the test is made it will be one OF the most interesting that has ever eccurred in Pittsburg." "Chief Brown last night said: "I have not had any experience, as I told you be fore, practically, in the handling ot engines, before I took charge of the department, but I still take., the position that such a test should be made, and the results made as public as possible. I chart publicity in this matter, nothing else, and I hope when the competition - comes off, that the citizens of Pittsburg, who have heavy interests at stake, will be-represented, if not present, to see what care is. taken of the property of the city. I make, perhaps, mistakes, as any man might, but the policy that I pursue is as far as my ability can carry me in the in terest of the city and in pursuance of my duty." The Confrnoo Nr Comclaind. The committees ot-'ths Associated Glass Manufacturers and the Flint Workers1 TJnlon continued In'conference yesterday. The meeting adjoumedJiU to-morrow after noon at the same hour. A JUST WHAT YOT7 ARE BOOKING FOB. Uarsalns at the New York Grocery. Impounds granulated" sugar ?1 00 16 pounds clear white sugar 1 00 18 pounds yellow sugar 1 00 4 cans tomatos.. ..,..., 25 4 cans sugar com. , 25, i cans choice peas., 25 4 cans string beans. 25 3 cans California apricots 50 0 pounds Butler county buckwheat 25 1 gallon newcrop Orleans molasses. '40 1 gallon golden drip syrup 35 7 pounds rolled odts 25 8 pounds large lump starch 25 12 boxes bag blue.....,...: 25 Sugar cured hams per pound 10 Sugar cured shoulders per pound.... 6J 6 quarts dried peas. 25 7 quarts hand-picked beans 50 1 sack choice Amber flour 1 15 1 sack Thompson's-Amber flour. ... 1 25 1 sack Thompson's "White Swan". 1 30 1 sack ThompsonV'fancy patent.... 1 45 California peaches perpound 10 California apricots , per pound 10 30-pound p" butter 1 35 6 pounds 20-c.ent tea" 100 5 pounds 25-cent tea 100 4 pounds 30-cent tea 1 00 3 ponnds'40-cehttea, 1 00 Goods delivered free to all parts of both cities. To those living out of the city will prepay freight on all orders of $10 and up ward. Send for catalogue. , M. B. Thompson, 301 Market si, corner Third aye. Wholesale and retail. GRAND DISPLAY OF GOLD WATCHES For New Year's Presents. AT THE JEWELBT BOUSE OP HEKBT TEB HETDE1T, 530 SiUTHFIELD ST. Having ordered out a very large stock of gold watches for the Westinghouse Indus trial Watch Club to make their selections, I bave quite a-large number on hand which I will dispose of- at a very small margin. Fancy cases suitable for presentations, as well as plain ones for popular use. The movements are from first-class factories, viz: Howard, Elgin, Waltham, Hampden. Warranted accurate time keepers. Come quicsr, before the new year, as I want to close them out before taking stock. Is You Value" MOSey. Do not make a purchase until you-get our reduced prices for ladies'-jackets, newmarkets, wrappers, jerseys, girls cloaks, dresses, blankets, com forts, infants' wear, etc. Busy Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty. Urltsc. If you want an elegantly-made suit and a large assortment of goods to select from, call at TJrling &Bon's, Merchant Tailors, No. 47 Sixth ave-,Jjewis Block. tusu Thd-Flnent Crayons At lowest p'rices are made at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg. Leave your orders. No money required until picture is complete. FrvE great values in. all-wool black cash meres, 46 inches wide, at 60c, 65c, 75c, 85c and la yard. Huous & HACKS. Over 59,99 CpMaet Photos for Inn Were made atAufrecht's Elite Gallery, 616 Markets!., and bat few disappointments. - - No New Year's table should be without a bottle of Angostura Bitters. . . FrHoc Call aad see as in ear sew sitM. . TjBMXtf & SOX, Merckaat Tailors, '-. xa ' .'. '042 ate.; I Meek. ?3 tr I0LDIN& THE UMi' Tfce Citizens Making Six Trife PerMMrl on ao Extra Koad. The Citizens' Traction cable lise'.hsaaai extra line running from the cemetery1 along? omaiimaa ana Lioerty streets to the'UBioa depot The line has been idle iincSBSf cable road came into existence on-tiBnti ler street route. About a month agolthej traction company was notified by the statSy omciais tost u tney uesirea to noia.'seirj charter for the right of way on the route?! the? must continue to travel on it aeeonld ing to the requirements embodied intHel charter - S9 The charter enforces the comnanr Si make six trips each day on the line. Thiij is tbe limitation, and if they fail to adhere! to this rule the charter will be forfeits I and the State may force them to tear theM track up, and put the roads intheorijau.', shape. Tne officials of the traction road held a consultation, and determined that the' wisest course to adopt would be to run a ' single car, and keep other companies from building a new road, or laying an opposi tion cable to their own. The result is a horse car is now making the six trips a day. How long tbe traction company intend to -pursue this policy could not be ascertained. Since the hone car has 'been in operation' very few travelers have patronized, it. People who are traveling to or from the city prefer the speedier transit by the cable system. The State law which compels the. 'Company to operate the road is a constant expense to the traction road, and will la some little way affect their yearly divi dends. IIQDOK LAW Y10LAT0E8. . Alderman Carlisle Continues the Crasader Against Illegal Sellers. ' Alderman Carlisle disposed of some 20 more cases yesterday infractions of the Sun day laws, some for working and others, the majority, for selling booze on that day and selling it illegally on any other day. Mrs. Wilhelmina Fierst, No. 2210 Penn avenue, for selling liquor on Sunday, paid $50 and costs. Emma Hess, 131 Spring Garden avenue, Allegheny, had her case held under advisement Mesdames Her ron and O'Brien, rear of No. 2943 Pennsyl vania, and vicinity of Thirty-fourth street," paid ?50 each and costs. Mrs. Snyder, of No. 76 James street, Allegheny, and O. Baldenhocker, of No. 2744 Penn avenue, . paid $25 and costs each for secular work on 1 Sunday. ' , Temperance Matter. , kT The gospel temperance meeting aj .Curry . University Hall to-night will be presided over by W. C. Cooke. A' large number of good speakers will be present, and an inter- esting meeting is promised. MANY BAREAINB'7 FOR YOUNG LADIES .. . A large range and choice In Plain, Fancy and Vest Front Jackets, All reduced to ti, $5 and ST. PLTJSH JACKETS, S3, $10 and $12. PLUSH CLOAKS, now 115, $20 and $35 , CHILDREN'S GARMENTS I Finest Styles Ij Heaviest r i- r - i iMy HEWMARKETS AND LONG WRAPS! Your choice of Stylish Garments at JS, $10, $12 and $15.' r Embracing GARMENTS SOLD FROM $12 TO $35. EXTRA GRADES IS SEAL JACKETS! One Handred Dollars for Eighty. EXTRA GRADES nr SEAL WALKING COATS! f 125 Garments for f 100. BIBER & EASTON, 505 and 507 MARKET STREET, aezu-TTssa MARBHELL, THE- CASH GROCER,'' WILL SAYE YOU M0HE? ' Yon are hard, np ol course. For, ' - Christmas left you broke. But then, you7 . ' it V mnsteat I will give you tbe most to - eat for the least money to be had any- i where in the two cities. I WILL BAVE YOU 20 PER CENT, all around on yonr Groceries. SPECIAL BARGAIN IN CORN ) BEST CORN YOTJ EVER ATE,. t 5 CANS, 25c. Don't let tha price frighten you. May- tie I stole it and tbat may be the reason" lean sell it' so cheap. Bat that need' not hurt yonr conscience nor ypnr. stomach either, as long as the Cora If good. Send for Large Weekly Price List and Order by Mall. . Orders amounting to $10, without v counting sugar, packed and shipped free of charge to .any point within r- - SOOmiles. .. -j3 . - r .' ;?MARSHELL, M n, 81 AND; 85 OHIO ST, Cor. Saadasky, Allegheny.' sfeZT5' ' A FEW OF ' f I CnttllltiKsiBsF '.. 1 1 , . -ir '3 f 1 t 1 Hs 4 " I It I CT. 1 k rK