Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 29, 1889, THIRD PART, Page 19, Image 19

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HE Yioletlsland was
"one of the most .beau
tiful places in the en
lire ocean. At was
situated in a part of
Jf I 3 " .... .......
Ewith'adelignt.ul climate. It was a country
loffeternal spring in fact xneisiano. was
palled nhe "Violet Island," because iU
ImeadoVa. proves and forests were always
leovered with that deliciously penumea
fflower, the fragrance of which made it the
most "delightful place to live in.
Che people of the "Violet Island" were
Igorerned "by a "prince, who was mnch be-
'The Prince Receives the ilagie Bivord.
lofed on account of his great kindness, his
tWftdom and chivalry.
.This prince was passionately fona of nul
ling and he spent a great deal of his time on
jthe oeean indulging in his favorite pastime.
POne day, while the Prince was again sail
ing around on the tumultnous waves of the
ocean, he was overtaken by a terrific storm.
His little craft was shaken hither and
thither by the wildly Toaring waters. The
Prince was a skillful sailor, but "all his
knowledge of the sea and of his boat
availed him nothing against the terrifio
tempest, and ere he was able to steer him
self into the sate harbor of the island a
great wave overpowered his boat and capsized
it "When the Prince disappeared
Sunder the surface of the now boilirrg sea he
rapidly grew unconscious, and it looked as
lif.his doom" was inevitable. How long he
Hwas insensible he never knew, but fortun-
inlMv fin vm saved bv some mvsterions
f means, and when he awoke he found himself
V"ii a beautiful castle down in the lowest
FadeDth of the ocean. Before he was able to
sKiSrealixe the wonderful truth of his escape a
fs s'ivery lovely maiden as beautiful as a nymph
" and as ieavenly-looking as a fairy appeared
before him, addressing him in tins way:
siiWtlcome, .Prince, in the home -of the '
whale-princess. lam thankful i was near
when that terrible storm broke loose, espe
cially as it auorded me tbe pleasure or sav-
inc tou from a watery crave. Please make
F2yourself happy with me, andbe assured that
J-you are entirely welcome to my Hospitality.
terror a moment tne .ranee was aumionna
ed, because the overwhelming beauty of the
sladyand her expressions of sympathy and
ikin'dness for him were inexplicable to him.
He did not know whether an angel or a hu-
uan being was talking to him.
:"I am indeed very grateful to tou for
your disinterested kindness to me, but may
II ask whom 1 have the honor of adaress
llngS" Thus spoke the lord ot the Violet
ilsland and tne lady replied:
' "I am an unfortunate woman who was en
chanted by the wicked whale king and ban
ished into this castle under the sea. 1 was
born the daughter of a mighty king, who
lives in the Southern Sea near
the island of the whale-king. The
latter is a terrible monster half
The Paint .Boat Conveying the Prince to the
V Whale King's Stronghold.
i whale and half human. "When I grew up
the whale-king took it into His neaa to
..marry me and ne irequenuy came u our
icourt to imporione me wuu w w mo up
;' testable protestations oi anecuon. ui course
all Tii nleadinirs had no effect upon me. I
fe' remained obdurate even when he swore that
he would banish me away Irom come, inenas
and the world. I never thought that he
would keep his word, but he did, and the
result is that I am now here imprisoned for
life." .. ,
f "But is there no way to UDeraie you irom
t the terrible spell of this fiendish monster of
Kthe deep?" hotly asked the Prince, who at
fonee felt that he could lay down his very
riife to please this lovely woman.
inere is one waj. vuui, ........
ethe Princess, "but it is a very hazardous
lone." . , ,
fr "Tell me," quickly replied the Prince,
Efand whatever it might be I will venture
i surmount all difficulties, even li my me
should be the penalty."
"Believe me. I admire vonr chivalrous
nature," the Princess now said, "tbut I am
(afraid the task would be too much; for you.
IHowever.I will tell you what would give
5e back life and liberty. It is simply this:
L'he death of the whale-King, xnat monster
Hives on the Whale Island, which lsacy
gopean rock in the Southern Seas close to
Ithe ooum xoie. xau vuiuc-&iug i -ii
Ithe whales of the -ocean from his castle,
rhere be can be found Dear 17 ail tne year.
aSf In ,thn snriner ol the Year he is alone on
thVTsland, and if anybody would like to go
SaHdee him that would be the best time to
patriate uicjuuruc.
iSPrlneesa, now mierropiea tne rrince
frosi.tbe Violet Island the lady, "tell me
aWyonlknow about this wnaie-cing ana j.
ill ttra either Km mm or me in tne
jrwill iell you all I know, but yet I
Krould want you to Consider this matter wen.
K-rm. . n of life or death. Wbr should
?fou"icrifice7onr lire for me, a stranger?"
S' J...Tr l. kit nnv ovrI itiv Ufa from a
'.and i.viraia w "'""' ,. .. -
irere not ;aan enouga ro aerre you in ro-
Iturn. Yobwtb MTed xny me, nenceionn
"Ml right, I accept you as my cham
pion," the Princess" said, "then listen to
me. I will place vouinaboat which will
carrv you directly to the whale island. The
boat'is drawn by four young whales, who
are all devoted to me, and it you are suo
cessiul in your task, they will take you
back to ydur home on the Violet Island. It
is fortunate, that it is now winter and by
the time you arrive at your destination, the
whale-ldntr will have about sent all the
whales away into the ocean, because you
will not get there until spring. I
will also give you a sword, which was
presented me a few days ago, by
the nymph of the oeean. This sword makes
you invincible, and if you strike anyone
with it, death is sure to follow. As regards
the whale-king you must be careful of one
thing. Of course you must attack him with
his sword, but be careful thati'e does not
ret away and gain access 10 me .
soon as he does that, your power is vanished
and he will then surely kill you. On land,
however, I believe you are able to vanquish
him, and with this sword you have a great
advantage." ,. .
"Thank you. dear Princess," replied the
master from the Violet Island, "get the
boat ready, give me the sword and I will
start-" 1 J, A
All preparations were soon completed, and
within five minutes the four whales skimmed
through the waves with the Prince and the
boat at lightning speed. The journey con
tinued uninterruptedly, and the young
whales must have been instructed as to the
object of their journey, because they never
stopped in their travels until they arrived
at the whale-king's island.
Here the Prince at once jumped ashore,
drew his sword and began to look around
lor the monster the whale-king. His
search was not very long. Soon the gigan
tic form of a monstrous beast, half whale
and half man, came forward ana in an im
perious manner asked the Prince what he
wanted on his island. The arduous young
man, however, did not leave him in doubt
very long, because he at once began to at
tack the whale-king. The latter was so
much taken by surprise that he did not
know what to do lor a moment or two. But
he must have realized that he had met a foe
not to be trifled with, so bethought it wisest
to escape into the water. "With one immense
bound he gained the shore,and in the next
instant he would have disappeared under
the surging waves bad not the Prince been
watching him. As the young man knew
what he micht expect he lumped after the
whale-king as fast as he could. He just
reached the monster in time, and at the very
moment when the whale-king meant to
jump into the ocean the wonderful sword
from the ocean nymph pierced his heart, and
in the next second the inhuman monsterand
whale-king was rolling in a pool of blood
and breathing his last.
"When the Prince saw that he had come
out of the combat victoriously, here-em-harked
in his boat and the four young-
Heath of the WhaXeKing.
whales retraced their way through the
ocean towards the- Violet Island. He had
just arrived within a few hours of his own
country when he suddenly noticed a most
wonderful ship coming directly towards
him. The vessel looked milk-white in the
distance and the Prince looked at it in
amazement and curiosity. Dow the ship
earner closer and he recognized it as a ship
made out of ivory. He now understood why
it looked so white in the distance. At Jast
be got alongside of it and be immediately
recognized the Princess from the castle be
neath the ocean waves. She beckoned him
and wished him welcome from his journey.
Then the Prince went aboard the ivory Tea
sel. The ship went to the Violet -Island and
when the Princess arrived on that beautiful
land, she grew so tond of the delicious per
fume, that she resolved to stay there, especi
ally when the Prince offered her his hand
and his throne.
Here the two lived in the future m great
happiness and contentment.
Interesting- Facta Abo at the BIDS' St. Iionla
People Drink.
M. Ii. Holman, Water Commissioner, to
a Globe-Democrat reporter: "The subject
of clarifying the water of the Mississippi for
the use of the people of St. Louis is to me a
most interesting study. The sediment dif
fers in character as well as in quantity at
different seasons. In March and April the
water is most difficult to settle. In the
spring of 1888 1 took a sample of that rise
in a six-inch glass-stoppered bottle, and
kept it in my desk for fon- days, where the
snn could not get at it. The sun heats bot
tled water and tends to keep it stirred up.
"Well, at the end of four days the water had
settled but three inches of the six-inch
depth from shoulder to bottom, and one
could see very plainly the line of demarki
tion between the clear and the muddy water.
This was the only instance I ever knew of
the settlement of water by planes. At other
seasons than early spring the mud is coarser,
contains more sand and settles pretty satis
factorily in the 18 hours quiet -which the
basins get between filling and emptying.
"As the mud in the bottom of the basin
gets deeper it packs down eolidly, so that
it has to be cut ont-with a spade in fact, it
becomes somewhat like the natural earth.
only it is all composed of black loam. A j
section of this packed mud. looks like the
leaves of a book, and one may easily detect
the different kinds of sediment by their vary
ing colors. And even the separate settlings
can be traced, each being composed at the
bottom of thesaud and heavier particles, and
at the top of almost impalpable powder."
A Compliment lo'Salvlnl From an TJneul.
tared Boston Staid.
Boston Cnrter.l
It was at one of the Salvini matinees, and
the play was "Othello." Two girls to
whom not only the acting but the play
itself was evidently a novelty, sat in the
balcony. They giggled more or less during
the early portions of the play, but gradu
ally they fell under the spell of genius, and
their laughter gave place to the closest at
tention. As the "last act proceeded it was
noticed by one who had observed
them curiously during the after
noon, that they were full of excitement and
sympathy, tnd sighs took the place of the
giggle nf the opening scenes. When at
length Othello has slain the hapless Dude
mona, and quick remorse makes itself felt,
one ofthe girls turm to the ether, and
with tears ia her eyes remarks:
"He feels kind o' sorry he doae it, now.
don't he?"
And the Indication of her Heth phrase
was m true a-pplawe ai fee aeter won that
If Toa'do, Listen to and Heed a
Physician's Words of Wisdom.
When CoMaaed a the Troper Time and in
I n Bl'lTUt tob xax DisrATcn.l
Owing to limited resources, savage man
was content to assuage the cravings of his
sweet tooth with licorice root and myrrh.
But things have changed since then, and
man, somewhatless savage, sucks the minted
candy-stick or melts in his mouth the creamy
French confections.
The candies of to-day are made of fire ma in
Ingredients, cane sugar, glncose, gnm and
coloring and flavoring matters. Other sub
stances are often added, as starch, which,
though often considered as an adulteration,
should be looked upon as a legitimate in
gredient. If all these substances are pure
and good, the conlection manufactured there
irom cannot be otherwise than wholesome
and nutritious. The sugar, glucose and
starch ai fat-forming, and heat-producing
principles are present in many of dur diet
ary staples. This fact shonld not be lost
sight of by consumers of candy. Being
loods, the various candies shonld neVer be
eaten between meals, as they are equivalent
to a lnnch, and everyone is aware of the
deleterious effect of constant lunching. The
proper time for all kinds of confectionery is
as a dessert to the regular meals. Used in
this way they are often decidedly beneficial
in inducing one to stop partaking of the
more bulky elements oi the meals before the
stomach becomes overloaded.
They offer thus a nutritious, digestible
dessert of little bulk, a dessert which by all
the laws of nature and humanity, tiughtto
substitute for all time that indigestible
American conglomeration mince pie. Good,
pure candy, eaten in modeiate quantity as a
dessert to a meal, even to every meal, never
hurt anvone; and such certainly is the logi
cal, rational way to eat it. But children
must have something to keep them quiet,
and ladies with nothing to do must have
something to amuse themselves; and further,
blunted tastes must have something exceed
ingly sweet to tickle jaded palates for these
reasons it is liceiy mat canav consumers
will go on eating their dozen and one luncnes
a day, in spite of all their physician may say
to the contrary. Yet it is an indisputable
fact that no ordinary stomach can do its
work quietly and well if it is required to
digest more than three meals per day, or if
it receives within it anything other than
water between those three meals. True,
there are people who ore always eating and
lunching, consuming candies and cakes by
the pound, who yet seem healthy and well;
but it is doubtfdl if these pepple ever eat a
meal with relish; and it is certain that sooner
or later dyspepsia will overtake them and
induce a dire repentance.
Practically, the best way to give confec
tionery to children is to allow them, after
each meal, such a quantity of candy as they
will be likely to eat within a hall-hour or
less. Then they should have no more nntil
after th next meal; and they -will not
usually want It, if they get it thus regularly.
As to the kind, it should be such as will
not readily dissolve or "meltdown." Soft
or creamy sandies are apt to be consumed
before the. palate is satisfied; whereas the
harder, less soluole kinds remain longer in
the mouth, yielding their sweetness lor a
more protracted period, thus inducing
satiety, with afar less consumption of candy.
Por the same reason, teach your children
to dissolve the candy slowly in their mouths
not to chew it Partafcen of in this way.
and at these times, tho harder candies, if
pure, are not only not injurious, but are
indeed often decidedly beneficial, and lor
these reasons: They are easily digested
foods rich in nutriment; they are an induce
ment to leave, the meal short of satiety, and
they assist digestion. The latter assertion
may be questioned by some, but iils a
demonstrable fact that anything which
promotes the flow of saliva, at the same
time, through the sympathetic nervous sys
tem, promotes the now of the gastric diges
tive juices. The saliva, too, that is swal
lowed with the dissolved candy may aid di
gestion somewhat after it has reached the
stomach, though in the light of late inves
tigations, this is somewhat doubtful long
held opinion to the contrary notwithstand
ing. Persons inclined to adipose and who are
opposed to it, had better let candy alone; as,
for them, nothing is so fattening. Persist
ently slender people, however, need not"
gorge themselves with candy in thejiope of
getting stout, for, in them, something more
than fat-lorming food is necessary for an in
crease in weight
Children under two years of age are better
off without any candy whatever, because
their nutrition apparatus is not yet equal to
the task of properly assimilating cane
sugar and glucose. If not digested both
these substances are exceedingly apt to fer
ment; and it is fermentation of ingesta that
is the Nemesis of baby's second summer.
In order to ascertain the purity of the
candy now manufactured, the writer ex
amined 61 samples of the product, taken
from the general market In general, it
may be stated that these examinations
showed as clearly as anything could that it is
folly to expect to get something for nothing.
"When the price of the candy was so low as
to preclude the possibility of paying for the
making and the sugar with a profit beside,
there was added some cheap foreign sub
stance, usually pipe clay, to bring the thing
np to a paying basis. Especially was this
the case with the very cheap imitations of
fine goods. It was in this class of products,
too, that the most injurious coloring matters
were detected.
Here is a list of the impurities and adul
terations found in 19 of the 51 samples of
candy examined:
Chalk in flro samples.
Pipe clay (terra alba) in ten samples.
Bronze' (copper and zinc alloy) in one sample.
Prussian Dine in one sample.
Vermilion In one sample.
Fuchsia (aniline red) fn three samples.
Chrome .yellow (chroinate of lead) in one
sample. r
It is proper to state here that these 61
specimens of candy were not tair average
samples, but were such as seemed by their
appearance and price to merit suspicion.
Some kinds of confectionery are wrapped
in brilliantly colored papers. As children
freauentlv put these in their months and
even chew them, the writer analyzed 16 of
such wrappers for poisonous coloring mat
ters, with the result of finding arsenic in
four, and chromate bf lead in two.
With regard to the probable effects of the
impurities found, it may be stated that
chalk, when pure (and it usually doesnot
contain harmful impurities), is not especial
ly injurious, though possibly It might form
concretions in the intestines if large quanti
ties were taken. Pipeclay is analogous to
filaster of paris, but does not harden or set
ike the latter when mixed with water;
Like chalk, it also may form concretions in
the food tract, though i( could not be called
poisonous. Nevertheless it is an adultera
tion and a fraud; it is net an essential in
gredient of good candy, bnt is added for the
sole purpose of gain.
Bronze coloring matter, an alloy of zinc
and copper, it is needless to say, is a dan
gerous compound. to swallow repeatedly, be
the amount ever so small, for like other
metals, these tend to accumulate in the sys
tem; so that small doses repeated may soon
exert a combined influence. Prussian bine
li ferro cvaalde of iron, a salt cot poisonous.
an certainly eujccuuusuic.
Yermillie feuad ia one sam
a, ji -v wsmi, . liiyzlts 'KTajWJrtS-iEf 4ETJV l-.1 .-r "
ele n-a bi-
ViWMIu J J ;
line red is not poisonous if pure, yet, like
other aniline colors, it is objectionable on
account of its liability to cftnteln arsenic at
times. It does not seem feasible for con
fectioners to have each package analyzed
for the mineral, but manufacturers of these
dyes might easily put them np free from it
for such purposes as confectionery. No ar-
Isenio was found, however, in the samples
Chrome yellow, or canary yellow enro
mate of ?ead, found in one sample of candy
and in two of the Wrappers, is of course a
cumulative poison; though the quantity
present, in the candy at least was small.
That in the candy was mixed with Prussian
blue to make a green. '
Most of the foregoing poisonous coloring
matters were painted on the surface of the
candies, though in some instances they were
intimately mixed with the entire mass.
Now the remedy Jor this state of things is
not in letting candy alone. The writer has
received many letters stating in effect that:
"If the advice given in the adulteration
articles recently published in The Dis
patch were followed, one's daily dietary
would be narrowed down to air, and it is
auestionable if even that is pure." No
such advice has, however, been given in
these columns; what has been urged is to
pav reasonable prices for things, or do
without them. This is doubly true of
candy. If you want to get pure goods of
this kind don't expect to get them for less
than glucose is worth: if you do you will
irpt nine clav and worse. If your
money is limited buy clear, uncol
ored goods such as rock candy. The
good old-.'ashioned taffy is as wholesome as
anything in the candy line; though com
monly considered as very prone to ferment
In the stomach, it is not so. Never buy
cheap imitations of fine grades of confec
tionerv, such as the so-called Trench can
dies; for they are pretty certain to contain
pipe clay or similar substance. Highly
flavored preparations should be avoided for
the reason that they contain large quantities
of essential oils or artificial essences, both
of which are objectionable. The oils are ir
ritating to the stomach, and the artificial es
sences are made in most instances' from fusel
oil, an acid, and oil of vitriol. Pew if any
of the "pure fruit essences used for flavor
ing confectionery and various other things
contain any fruit juice whatever; they are
products of the chemical laboratory. Por
instance the acid of rancid cream cheese,
when mixed with metbvr' alcohol and oil of
vitriol, yields on distillation a fragrant es
sence of pine apple. So it is with the rest
of the commercial "pure fruit juices."
Five samples of "cough drops" were ana
lyzed for opium and its alkaloid, morphine.
The latter was found in two of the five sam
ples; and in one other specimen there was
good ground for suspecting the presence of
ipecacuanha. These are powerful drugs to
be sold for indiscriminate use under the im
pression they are candy.
On reading the foregoing list of impuri
ties and adulterations found, the skeptical
will ask: "If these things be, why do we
not hear of some one being poisoned every
day?" In the first place the quaptity of
poison is usually smallL so that immediate
effects are not produced and ultimate effects
are overlooked or attributed to something
else. A short time ago a Philadelphia
baker was convicted of poisoning a number
of people by chromate of lead, which he
had put intb Tolls to give them a semblance
of eggs, which were absent The same
poison had been used before, but it was only
when used in comparatively larger quantity
than usual that immediate toxic effects were
produced. Again, many cases of sickness
in children supposed to be dueto overeating
of candy are doubtless due to impurities in
the confection; and, there are numerous au
thentic cases of poisoning by confectionery
colored with poisons. Of course there
are many colors which are quite
unobjectionable, and from these confection
ery of all tints may be produced; so that it
may not be inferred from the foregoing
that all colored candies are poisonous. It
is only the very lowest priced that justify
suspicion. And here it should be stated
that confectioners -who use poisonous colors
doso in most cases ignorantly; for they are not
aware of the true nature of the preparation,
i. knowing it onlv by its common name. The
same cannot iiwever "hi' said oi the milt
I f,.t iivrf Sf.-Intea' haii stesMCB. .
.. . . V? i- h.v..itX Ini. 1
T'tnn la nmsn oiivR m iuk auiivst s...
who puts pipe clay in his chocolate creams.
A prominent confectioner told the writer
recently that if n good adulteration law
were passed in this State and enforced, quite
a number of confectionery concerns would
have to go out of business, as their only
trade was in goods which, by reason of adul
teration, were placed on the market at a
lower price than genuine goods could be
produced for, The writer's analyses cer
tainly confirm the candy man's opinion.
Chevamee Q. Jackson, M. D.
A Barbaric Festival During Which the
Bridegroom la Roughly Treated.
Ladlei' Home Journal.
A marriage celebration in Algeria is an
interesting relio of ancient customs. The
bridegroom goes to bring the bride, and the
guests assembled outside the house will wait
for his coming. Soon the sound of pipes is
heard coming from the summit of some
neighboring hill, and the marriage pro
cession approaches the bridegroom's house.
The pipers always come first in the proces
sion, then the bride muffled up in a veil,
riding a mule led by her lover. Then comes
a bevy of gorgeously dressed damsels, spark
ling with silver ornameqts, after which the
friends of the bride follow. The procession
stops in front of the bridegroom's house, and
the girl's friends line both- sides of the path
way. The pipers march off on one side,
while the bridegroom lifts the girl from the
mule, and holds her in his arms. The girl's
fiiends thereupon throw earth at the bride
groom, when he hurries forward and carries
her over the threshold'of his house. Those
about the door beat him with olive branches,
amid much laughter.
In the evenings, on such occasions, the
pipers and drummers are called in, and the
women dance, two at a time, facing each
other, nor does a couple desist until, pant
ing and exhausted, they step aside to make
room fox another. The dance has great
energy of movement, though the steps are
small and changes of position slight, the
dancers only circling round occasionally.
But they swing their bodies about with an
astonishing energv and snppleness. As
leaves flutter before the gale, so do they
vibrate to the music; they shake; they
shiver and tremble; they" extend quixering
arms, wave veils, and their minds seem lost
in the ababdon and frenzy of the dance,
while the other women, looking on, encour
age by their high, piercing, trilling cries,
which add to the noise- of the pipes and
drums. '
Thing Immortal,
The pure, tjie bright, the beautiful,
That stirred our hearts in youth;
The Impulse of a.wordless prayer,
The dream ot love and troth.
The longing ot after something lost,
The restless spirits cry.
The striving after better hopes
These things -can neTer die.
The timid hand stretched forth to aid
A brother In his need;
The kindly word in griefs dark hour,
Tnat proves a friend indeed;
The plea of mercy softly breathed
When justice threatened high.
The sorrow of a contrite heart
These things shall never die.
The memory ot a clasping hand.
The pressure ot a kiss.
And all the trifles sweet and frail.
That make up life's first bliss:
If with a firm, nncbanglngJaith,
And holy trust and high,
"We feel and act the better part
These things can never die.
Let nothing pase, for every hand
Can And some work to do;
Lose not a chance to awaken love,
Be firm and just and true.
Bo shall a light that cannot fade.
Beam on the lorm on high.
And angel voices whisper thee:
These things shall sever die.
I -CAUGHT her heads: "Now listen. Nannie,
"Why ia it, dear, toh. sweeter grow?"
She said and-laaf hid, "It's VraogipMBl,
Bessie Bramble lakes a Furious aid
Deadly Ouslaaght Upon
Who Bolds Captive so Many Fair ladies of
Thii Laud.
That the women of society favor fashiona
ble things is a foregone conclusion that re
quires no testimony to support Submis
sive to their gods of Fashion, Vanity and
Ostentation, they can Ifc counted "upon with
certainty to delend and upnold anything
and everything these social forces may de
cree. Decollete or low-necked dresses, like
dancing or card-playing, have been de
nounced from the pulpit vdth the utmost
zeal, eloquence and fervor, times without
record, but the good folk pay little or no
heed, or deference to the opinions and pro
scriptions of the Church, as thus expressed,
so long as Fashion prescribes them as
proper. The beloved brethren might as
well talk to therwind as, attempt to control
the cut of a gown. It was tried in apostolio
times without much success, and the women
of to-day are likely mnch less under the
coercion of the clergy than were the primi
Christian sisters.
The ancient Fathers prescribed that
women should not appear without veils,
and should remain shut up at home, and not
exhibit themselves to deceive the minds of
men bv their adornments. .Natural grace,
saysTertullian, must be obliterated by con
cealment Uven Clement of Alexandria
insisted that the dress of women should be
such as covered them cbmpletely, head and
face, and all because woman wassaid to be
"the first deserter of the divine law" and
"persuaded him to sin whom even the devil
was not valiant enough to attack." This is
a decided slap, or perhaps compliment, to
the "influence" of good Mother Eve, and
and through her to her lrivoious, aaoru-ment-Ioving
But when the Holy Fathers have preached
to fashionable women through divine in
spiration, and they still go on banging and
braiding their hair, wearing gorgeous ap
parel and jewels, and persist in appearing
in public with uncovered heads and should
ers, it is very plain that the words of the
brethren of to-day will have no effect, so
what is the use of their butting np against a
stone wall, or rather in raising an issue
against fashion in which they are
It will surely be discouraging to the good
Presbyterians to find that Hrs. Harrison,
the wife of the Deacon President, is in favor
of decollete gowns, although, being a grand
mother, she does not propose to have the ex
treme low-out for herself, but rather of the
square or V-shape in front Mrs. Harrison,
as quoted, is decidedly not opposed to low
dresses. through any Puritanic scruples
whatever, but simply for the reason that
when a woman becomes a grandmother she
should put away such vanities as low gowns
and short sleeves. There is nothing prettier
for a woman, she remarks, when beauty and
health will permit, until she has reached
the elderly dignity of grandmotherhood.
In this opinion she differs in some
degree from Queen Victoria whose dictum
is that no condition of bones, or lean scrag
giness, or pudginess, or excessive stoutness,
or absence of lines ot loveliness, or curves
of beauty, or age under 90, is to interfere
with the court rnie 01 mil areas, wnicn
means low neck and bare arms. Conse
quently the British matron has the law
laid down for her without option.
As English, customs and French stand
ards are the rule in American society, it
follows that the low-cut gowns will still be
the fashion of the day, especially when
they are- so warmly commended and de
fended -on, the score of healttfand comfort
by women who are grandmothers, and who
by wearing them make them fashionable,
even at the hazard of pneumonia and expo
sure to the ridicule and laughter of the
happy souls who manage to enjoy life and
have a good time regardless of the tyrant
It is true, that to strengthen their posi
tion many of those sd devoted in their wor
ship of this .god of society would be
likely to support and follow its decrees,
even if it went to the length of dressing in
the style that was censured so forcibly by
Pliny in the age of Tiberius and then de
fend it in the score Of health and comfort
No man, even in the most torrid heat of
summer is permitted, under the edicts of
good form, to sit down to dinner without a
coat, and if he, under
and the immoderate heat of the drawing
room shonld tnrn his shirt into a V shape
so as to be delightfully cool, he would be
hooted out of every house in the country as
a boor as lost to orj as ignorant
of the proprieties as a Hottentot Or if so
ciety men should appear at theWhite House
or other fashionable receptions in low-cut
shirts and coats so as to show the beautiful
curves of their throats, and the loveliness
of their Apollo shoulders, with bare arms to
display the magnitude and superiority of
their striking-out muscles, there would be
a bowl of universal denouncement from the
very women who assert they dress in such
fashion for comfort and coolness, and who
claim, as do some of the Senators' wjves
in "Washington, that not one hostess in a
hundred knows how to adjust the tempera
ture of her drawing room to the comfort of
her guests, and hence women must wear
decollete gowns to prevent great suffering
from heat. Under such circumstances in
society, is it not barbarous to condemn the
poor men to wear an undershirt, and then a
"boiled shirt" on top' of that, and then a
Test, and ever all a coat with a donble layer
turnover, and surmount the whole with a
stiff linen collar and a necktie. If the low
gowns for women are essential to comfort
and conducive to health if they are
so enhancing to beauty and have no sug
gestion of immodesty, as Mrs. Collumof
Illinois, Mrs. Cockrell. or Missouri, and
other notable society women who have been
interviewed assert to say nothing of the
Pittsburg ladies who believe in it so im
plicitly and uphold It so strenuously if
they make evening receptions more com
fortable, balls more endurable, and dinners
more delightful, it is certainly desirable
that the beloved brethren who on these oc
casions are so tightly cbokered up, and so
muchly overlaid with starched linen, and so
enwrapped in the sweltering (olds of full
dress, should be allowed the same latitude as
the dear sisters. If all is trne as asserted
by the society sisters as to the sweetness of
life in a low-cut gown, it we -were a man
and a brother, we should strike for an equal
right to. wear decollete duds. As a well
posted English woman with English views
on this subject, Mrs. Senator Hawley says
an evetfing reception without a fulLdress
display "would be inconceivably dull" and
that "the handsomest woman in the most
eleganthigh-necked dress would look out of
place in a room brilliantly lighted, full of
flowers, glistening with diamonds and white
It will be solace to the souls of society
women in Pittsburg, as in other cities, to
L learn that while some of the ladies of the
Cabinet from away out west propose to
wear high gowns, and do what in them lies
to secure what they call a modest adminis
trationMrs. Blaine and "Mrs. "Waditnaker
and Mrs. Morton propose to uphold the.
Queen Victoria style and British court edict
by wearing decollete gowns. Mrs., Blaine
is a grandmother, to be sure, and Mrs. Wan
amaker haa likely attained to the same
honor, out their example will establish, a
high precedent and pat an end xotne aosnm
scruples of those lees versed in court usages
and the wavs of the world. The fact too.
that the decollete style is sustained, de
fended and put ia practice by these leaden
saaia body of ee4ors to Ale beaJtfeM aad
eerortaki mode ot dress.
"What queer people these fashionable hus
bands arel Ther will rave over the woman
on the stage, Plfsasoll'sline or noPlimsoll's
line, grandmother or no grandmother, and
will dilate upon the charms of this or
that woman in society, who comes within
an ace of getting below the line ot propriety
as laid down, but when their wives desire
to appear in the same fashionable and en
chanting costumes; then these inconsistent
creatures go on like mad and insist that
such "a display is not proper. They make
their wives miserable bv objecting to their
dressing in the manner prescribed by Queen
Victoria, and Sara Bernhardt, and Mrs.
Langtry.and Mrs. Blaine, and Mrs. "Wana
maker. These should learn that fashion is a god
in whose seryice comfort and happiness are
to be sacrificed to show and ostentation.
They should know that society is that part
of the human family who, as the celebrated
Scottish divine, Chalmers, says, "walk by
rule, and would reduce the whole of human
life to a wire-bound system of misery and
constraint" They should remember, that
the people who hold that to be fashionable
is the highest good are constrained by their
creed to spend their lives in social ceremonies
that, even when well done, amount to little,
save wearisome parade.
with social ambitions have no reason to
groan over the shortcomings of their wives
as to waists and sleeves, when they them
selves follow alter the same gods of custom
and fashion. Only one man in the Cleve
land administration dared to denounce and
defy the soeicty raid as to full dress coats,
and while he abjured Cabinet circles and
"swell" occasions, he had, as report goes, to
come to it at last, though this falling from
grace, as it were, is not generally known
around Hominy Hill.
The truth of the matter is, that with all
onr boasted liberty and independence, and
freedom ot thought and action, we are all
slaves of custom and fashion. Men, as they
claim, are less trammeled and less given to
the rigid observance of the laws of society,
but it cannot be denied that when tight
trousers are decreed that the very spindliest
shanks give way, to the pain and amuse
ment of those more favored, while when
those that bnlge and bag to the appearance
of divided skirts are promulgated by the
fashion plates, the whole of mankind is
speedily so invested. The power of the
presa, the pnlpit and common sense may be
united and arrayed against some fad of the
all powerful god of society, bnt by some un
seen and unknown force fashion holds her
own and eventually gains the victory. Men,
it must be admitted, have proved them
selves more courageous and defiant
of the laws of custom than women.
They have emancipated themselves
from slopping gowns (save the Supreme
Court) and trailing togas, and enjoy com
parative freedom, but women, alas, unhap
pily, still hold on to the long skirts, that in
wet weather are an abomination and a
source of misery and unhappiness. No
human being under prize of $1,000,000 could
invent a more despicable and undesirable
costume for wet weather or any weather
than long skirts, and yet, slaves to custom
as all are, women wear them with inward
growl and swear but no rebellion. "With
all this ia view, is it any wonder that the
profound philosophers proclaim that nine
tenths of mankind are fools?
Bessie Bramble.
Soma of Their Peculiarities as Students
The Question of Race.
New York Time's.!
"The girl would make a better student in
our public schools and colleges," said one
of the prominent educators of the city yes
terday, "if she had the same incentive, the
same motive, that the young man has. The
young maq who goes to the public schools
and colleges feels that he is to be a bread
winner. He has this for a clear purpose in
getting an education. But it is not so with
the girl. With her motive is everything,
and not having the motive she does not
study ttfher full capacity. She looks to
getting married someday, and having some
one else provide the bread for her.
"Of course this is generally speaking.
We hear a good deal about woman's power
of application as compared with man's, but
my experience has been that if a girl knows
.what she is alter, if she has a distinct pur
pose, in nine cases out of ten she will dis
play steadfastness of aim that is quite equal
to that of any boy.
"Much has been said about the capacity
of the female intellect for mathematics, but
I can say that the girl excels in pure mathe
matics. Girls are exceedingly fond of
history and literature, and invariably stand
high in those studies.
"The best students are Hebrews. That is,
they carry off the honors. Bnt this is not
always a fair test of intellectual capacity.
The scholarship of the student is deter
mined quite as much by her home influ
ences, by her surroundings and associations,
as by her textbooks or instructors. iAa a
rule, the wealthy Hebrews avail themselves
ol the advantages of the public schools and
colleges for their children, while, genelly
speaking, children of Christian parents in
similar financial circumstances go to private
institutions. This makes it particularly
difficult to institute race comparisons in the
public schools." . ,
Spanish Girl Who Are Admired for fine
Forms and Small Feet.
Henry T. Tlner, inScrlbner.
As regards her stature and mold, the
Andalusian girl is almost invariably a
petite brunette, and although not all are
plump, and many are too stout, the majority
have exquisitely symmetrical tapering
limbs, well-developed busts (flat-chested
women are almost unknown in Spain), and
the most dainty and refined hands and feet
Regarding these feet Gautier makes the
most astounding assertion, that "without
any poetio exaggeration it would be easy
here in Seville to find women whose feet
an Infant might bold in its hands.
A French girl of T or 8 could
not wear tbe shoes of an
Andalusian of 20." I am glad to attest
that, if the feet of Sevlllian women really
were so monstrously small 60 years ago,
they are so no longer. It is discouraging to
see a man like Gautier fall into the vulgar
errnr of fancying that, because a small foot
is a thing of beanty, therefore the smaller
the foot the more beautiful it must be.
Beauty of feet, hands and waists is a mat
ter of proportion, not of absolute size, and
too small feet, hands and waists are not
beautiful, but ugly. We might as well
argue that since a man's foot ought to be
larger than a woman's, therefore the larger
his foot the more he has of manly beauty.
If the Andalusian women really had feet so
small that a baby might bold them in its
hands, they would'not be able to walk at all,
or, at least, not gracefully. But it ia pre
cisely 'their graceful gait and carriage for
which they are most famed and admired.
X Pecnllnrlty of Speech That DtattagBUfeea
Him From the Phlladelphlaa.
Philadelphia Inqulrer.l
"That man' said the observant Philadel
phian. "is from New York; so ia his com
panion." "Those two who just passed as?"
"Yes." '
"How do you know?"
"I overheard a few- words of their con
versation." "Well?" "One of them said
that he was going to 'Chestnut and Ninth
streets,' and the other replied that it was
'three blocks farther.aeross.' A Philadel
phian would have said he was going to
'Ninth and Chestnut,' and another Phik
delphian might have remarked that it was
'three squares out When you hear a via
say 'DiocKs, or, in -naming a eorner, pat
the numbered street last, it were well to
wgiwi dlfaiiejjtjaiit, JbcisaAw ja
k OfiectM i WaM M If
Hdk CnctiBt
AdOrett communication for thit aepartmenlr
to E.KCHADBOURN.Xwton, Maine. ,
863-JANUABY 1, 1890.
My flock of birds has come to stay:
They come from far and near;
And greetings bright they bring to-day
You'll find those greetings here.
Fansie Blauvxlt.
A man discovered a source of wealth
At least, be hoped it so
-And to get at his end he took by stealth
The canine letter, and, lot
By adding a hundred exact
And what in that source was packed.
He found he'd ten millions! Ohol
Just find what means a thousand men
And take away a "portion 01 tract"
You have tbe commander ot these then;
'Tis easy if you have the knack.
From this a certain "construction" take
'lis something the builders make
And naught from a. country you lacs.
Yon see the common exclamation?
Then multiply It by a word.
Which has a synonym in every nation, '
And if my research has not erred.
It's used in ours for "judgment"
There's left, as is evident.
A gay chrysanthemum or a bird.
L What kind oftea will give justicer
2. What kind of tea will cause rudeness?
5. What kind of tea denotes uprightness?
4. What kind of tea brings loss!
fi. What kind of tea denotes dampness?
6. What kind of tea Is elevation of mind?
7. What kind of tea denotes coldness?
F. O,
There are four words that I have seen.
And ttey four different things do mean.
If I should speak them o'er to you.
You'd say one word for all would do;
But when you read them, then yon see
That each quite different must be.
X. The rapids of a river here.
Of whiob all boats should have a fear.
2. A savage; roams o'er the wild West,
His restless spirit ne'er at rest.
3. To prosecute In law is this.
In which justice oft comes amiss.
4. A foreign coin will do for last;
'Mongst France's money it la classed.
The 1 2 8 will prove a friend
If yon to it are kind;
The 3 4 5 a sticky mesa
We In the South will find;
The 466 name for a man.
Though not a common one;
The 6 7 8 we all must do
If our work we'd have done,
Tbe whole with tumble, rush and roar.
Comes headlong down the hill,
In baste to reach the water-wheel
That turns the busy mill.
868 a pboble2l
Take five hundred as the basis of the problem,
add to this one-fourth of four, fire hundred,
and one-third of ten, and you bave a fraction
of a man, although in his opinion the numera
tor otthe fraction is larger than the denomi
nator, anon.
I knew a jflrtf of Major Jones
A. goodish sort of lad.
Who was like Mother Goose's boy,
Not very good nor bad.
He always said he ne'er would wed;
He thirty was, and past,
When suddenly this boasting boy
In Cupid's two was fast
He, knowing well sly Cupid's power.
Surrendered then and there;
Full many a total then he wrote
And tent his lady fair. .
Edith Estzs.
, .871 ANAOBAMS.
When yon see a jockey riding.
Usually he's on a gig;
Bat one day I saw ona passing
In what seemed like "a race rigj'
Black his steed as Ace of Spades is,
And It gives no one offense
If this kingly stepping trotter
Treads upon the "map event."
834 Twenty-four fingers, besides thumbs.
855 Choice-drawn.
856 Acres, cares, races, scare. -
837 L Wed-lock. 2. Hem-lock. S. Fad-lock.
4. Shy-lock. S. Bol-lock.
858. Niagara Falls.
859-Patent. paten, pate, pat, pa, p(ea).
860 The lazy tramp worked 2 hours a day for
2 days; tbe second tramp, 4 hours a day for 4
days; tbe third, 6 hours a day for 6 days, and
the fourth, 12 hours a day for 12 days; total, 200
881 BUl-ow(e).
882 D (ee)-otter-el(l).
If Tlsa Dream.
If 'tis a dream that after while
We'll meet thelored ones gone before us.
And greet again t&e cherished smile
And join our hearts In one glaa chorus
With friends in an eternal home, '
Where death our ties no more can sever.
And sin nor sorrow shall not come
Ob let me fondly dream forever.
If 'tis a dream that by and by
Hope's sun of glory shall be shining
A restful haven in the sky
For which our weary hearts are pining;
And those we gave in grief and tears.
To meet again on earth, no never.
Shall join us in tbe endless years
Oh let me fondly dream forever.
Chicago Herald.
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Manhood, Acu having tried larahieiyo;
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