HE ijmsmsmKtimsmmnmmi taanl controlled toe monev Xonjkrelbo snneamish." ".. to A T9 TJX11 thaM fllAM IM tlrA Af ft! Itl the street Lloyd Dickson and X" "Lloyd Dickson!" Mayne ejaculated. r, "Do you remember what I told yon of hii perplexity over hit booki?" Morris vent on. f'How he nraved for helrt. and rot it. too? iXhe pooi'lellow is very ill in a hospital. Brain fever, I'm told. He is getting better, but theie 'was a spell, for several days, when he Srat totally deranged. He doesn't remem ber a thing." i"Doesa't know what he did?" TT Vaen't irltmmw f Tftl 1 vf 1 a. .rv ' 'he says, of anything from the time he left -une Dane unui ne came to uis senses in a hospital." : The two men accomplished their mission several days later and, as a reward, they got eave to return to -Tew iorK leisnrely by steamer. During the voyage .uayne s plans iiwere forming and ripening.! ; "Well, 1 may yet dc ncn," He mused, "l lhave finally got a fresh start for my goal." Often, while leaning over the deck rail- Biingand gazing at the Inrrowed waters, the ft strangeness of his ad venture would recur to gibim. Often as he had tried to gain fortune ceeded. Now. despite his past uuri?ht and courageous life, he was retnrningbome with iresn capital, out meiamorpnosea into h thief, "flow is it that I have no remorse ?" thought he. Then fragments of his early studies recurred to his mind, and among them a sentence irom Bibot: If we per sist in regarding the conscience as a cause, then everything is inexplicable; but if we retard it merely as an accompaniment of the nervous processes, then everything becomes dear." "No. I am not a thief," continued bis thoughts, "or there was no premeditation. JO.V Will UaU UUUCrUUC VCUltWJUJJ CUUta- tion. and I was irresponsible. Bnt my un fortunate weakness has led me to no actual '-wrontr. fori am withholding this money from no lawful inheritor. It is onlybor-i Crowed from nobody, and some time in the HUture it will oe easy lor xne vo give utm w some philanthropic object. Thus, although he felt remorse, he soon Eftpersuaded himself that he ought to sufier pone, xie nan reacneu ituai acienusu term '"psychic paralysis," or moral powerlessness, iwbere""without will, which is the cause, there can be no conscience, which is the effect." ITo matter how. by sophistry, he might piquell his conscience in the matter of taking iiln. jJlaceiy s money, ne iouna at once (that he had to become a liar concerning it To account for the possession of money he ihad to pretend that he had madeasuccessfnl venture in stocks. That he did within a f. vek after his arrival in New Tork. He EUd-not modify his simple mode of life, and nroceeded with his previous modest existence. .Every day he was the first to arrive at the 4 IimVm'i nffiit. nni) TrnrVi.il nscMnnntlv until JS nVlno.t in the afternoon, .His colleagues L,liked him for his inexhaustible good hnmor, -CIS devotion to Business, ana ior we aaiiy courtesies which he rendered to everyone. -All sorts of dreams peopled his excited Ibraio. In life he henceforth saw nothing ibnt money. He had so execrated fcjhis failures that he had come OHl OI IDe Eirugie brauaiuxuieu. .liow lie 11 complete faith in his star, and nothing should hinder his success. Scruples, honor. 'conscience all lay buried in the cemetery where Mrs. Blakely lay sleeping her last sleep. With his sure exemption from ex- posure the man's psychic paralysis was aug mented. He continued to feel neither re morse nor penitence, bnt hastened eagerly toward the future without seeing the specter of his victim gazing threateningly at him from thepast. S i The year steadily and rapidly gave growth to the stolen capital of AbelJIavne. Every venture increased the money risked. At the end of six months he eave up his place in the broker's office, and avowedly embarked into speculative operations on his own account, and when another winter came arouna ne was .Known si an exceptionally prosperous "Wall street man, One evening there was a charity concert 5n one of Sew York's large halls, and the occasion was marked by the debut of a Voung girl as a singer. She was Alice ilavne. daughter of Abel Havne. She was his only child, and had been motherless since xniaucy. ah ws uuiuparauve poverty be had cherished ner tenderly and in is sudden affluence he had re solved to crown her musical education which had been arduously acquired with honors of public praise. Although she was only IS years old, and was still a pupil, her .voice had been pronounced fine enougn for a test of a concert trial as an amateur vol unteer. This, venture was successful, from the moment' of her appearance, Alice's beauty prod vd its usual effect, and her first sone commanded an admiration which ja'seeond increased. Tbe elated father was ion his way to the retiring room when he Suet William Morris. g "Well, you're perfectly happy, I fancy?" said the friend. I "Yes, very happv." was the reply. "Will Ton come with me?" a "I should think sol I want to tell your daughter all that I have heard said about her." ' ' J'They found Alice surrounded by the in- fvitAhlp irorshinftrs nf mpfN. Radiant (with happiness, she threw herself into her atner s arms. !Xou are satisfied with me?" she asked. !More than satisfied I am proud of u." fiTust here a knock was heard at the door. I'MIav I come in?" asked a pirlish voice fimusical nuritv and sweetness. IJAlice uttered a cry pf joy, and advanced with outstretched arms toward the new comer. rYou, my dear Florence?" she said. "Of course yon may." Then she made a formal presentation: "My dear, this is my father. Papa, I want you to love my schoolmate, Miss Florence Blakely." KVBlakely," Mayhe exclaimed. "Did you gv Blakely?" ff'Yes," Alice laughed. "la the name so fed?" W.U4I.! MI3KSl wenld reeeniM 'But there i't '.!riiWt"'ekw"to W Identity." Abel Mayne stood pale aad agitated. "Cosae, papa," Alice went on; "we mustn't star aside from our friends." So they joined the merry-group, in which even the black-garbed Florence was happy in the success of her dearest friend. Even the thoughtful William Morris was jolly in his congratulations to his friend's daughter. The card of one more well-wisher was brought in and handed to Mayne. He read the name. It was that of Lloyd Dickson. Mayne shook as he saw it. But he had no apprehension for himself, and he could hardly refuse admission to a worthy ac quaintance. A minute later tbe two vic tims of his theft were bowing to each other in an introduction Dickson, upon whom lay tbe false charge of robbery, although there was as yet nobody ready to formulate it, and Miss Blakely, impoverished, if not bereaved by reason of the securely-hidden criminal's act. v That night Morris rode away from the hsll in the same carriage that conveyed the Maynes. Wall "street men never intermit their Wall street talk for long, and the financial topic of the day a misappropria tion oi a trust tuna was introduced. "It 'has got to be popular to take the funds of others and speculate with them." Morris remarked. "Almost every man in the course of his life has the property of others put in his care. He has administered perhaps for a dead friend. Now, when that man takes that money and goes to specu lating with it for his own purposes, he is guilty of theit, falsehood and perjnry, and in me most intense sense ot the word is a miscreant There are families to-day-widows and orphans with nothing between them and starvation but a. sewing machine, or kept out of .he-vortex by the thread of a needle red with the blood of their hearts, who were by father or husband left a com petency." "Or by a mother," Mayne added, scarce ly above a whisper. "Andwhat must be the conscience of such a criminal? I remember some odd theory of yours, Mayne, that 'where there'is no will which is the cause, there can be no con science, which is the effect.' I don't agree with that. A hiehwavman once pluneed out upon "Whitefield, the preacher, as he rode along on horseback, a sack of money on the horse money that he had collected for orphan asylums and tbe highwayman put his hand on tbe gold, and Whitefield turned to him and said: 'Touch that if you dare that belongs to the Lord Jesns Christ!' And the ruffian slnnk into the forest. Conscience! Conscience! The ruffian had a pistol, bnt w mteneia snooc at mm tbe linger of doom. The orphans' money was saved. Do not think you can hide any great and protracted sin in your heart In. an unguarded mo ment it will slip off the lip, or some slight action may for the moment set ajar this door that you wanted to keep closed. Bnt sup pose that in this life you bide it, and you get along with this tramgression burning on your bean, as a ship on hre within for days hinders the flames from bursting out by keeping down 'the hatches, yet at last, in the judgment, that iniqnity will blaze out before God and the universe." The carriage stopped at Morris' residence, and he alighted, bidding xthe father and daughter good night, and never dreaming of the pertinency ot what he had said. "Alice," said Mayne, "I will see to it that youryoung friend, Miss Blakely.-does not lack a good support I will make good the loss which she sustained through that robbery." Pie bowed in silence to the girl. She was ender, pale creature, of about his daneh s age. Could she be a relative of that Mxs.'Blakely who had died on the train, luTd whose money he had stolen. He saw, or lid he fancy it, a resemblance in her face, ger costume, too, was one of deep mourn oe. as of a daughter erievinc for her moth- ir! death. There soon came a chance for lira to ask his daughter about her lriend. f""I"lorence is the dearest girl alive," was he enthusiastic reply, "and I pity her so. Sh'e lost .her mother less than a year ago." fnffow? Where? fe'iMfs. .Blakely died whileon her way to norida, where she was going in search of fealth. Poor Florence was crushed by jrief. for she loved ber mother dearly." giiBut I thought Mrs. Blakeley had no elatlve." flrSou knew her?" jfbe man trembled, bnt instantly compre lended that he was in no danger. He re-iliedr-1he Mrs. Blakely whomUknew 3 a:little business at onr office, and I re all somebody's remark that she was with ut an heir." tjAnd so she was, us it turned out, for here was nothing to inherit Mrs. Blake ywas robbed fnst before her death, and Uorence was left penniless. The real estate jhTch her;mother le(t proves to have been iortgaged'to its fnll value." g "'About the robbery? How did ithap ?' tSiMra. Ulakely's maid, a girl named tancyvgives tbe only account that can be CHAPTER HL THE QUEST OF KLOEEKCE BLAKELY. Something of the history and character of Florence Blakely should be given in or der to explain the motive.amounting almost to a mania, which controlled her mind. As a child she grew up passionately fond'of her widowed mother, whose ill health, however, prevented them from living much together. The mother was unable to assume the daughter's care, and, desiring that she should be well educated, sent her to a fa mous female college. It was this separation that had given rise to the belief that Mrs. Blakely had no family. Years passed by, and Florence grew in intelligence and grace. She worked assiduously at school. thinking that tbe sooner she had finished her stndies (he sooner she would be with her mother. That was the time for which she waited longingly and impatiently. When she heard of the tragic death of her mother, Florence nearly went mad. When she be came convalescent after two weeks of de lirium, a strange transformation had taken place in her. Her childish lightheaded ness had disappeared, and her mind seemed suddenly matured. She wished only to see the maid who had accompanied her mother on the fatal journey. From Nancy she learned all that the servant knew of the sad event When Florence revealed her whole thought, Nancy was stupefied. The child of 15 wished to avenge her murdered mother by devoting her life to the quest ot the robber, whom she construed to be virtually her murderer, because his deed. had hast ened death. Her efforts to find the man were feeble and unavailing. The authorities did all that could be done, bnt they got no idea of Lloyd Dickson's connection with the case, nor of the part that Abel Mayne had played in it Dickson himself retained no glimmering memory of his insane trip. The physician who recovered him, being humanely instructed by the bank president not to divulge to anybody the particulars of the trusted employe's temporary insanity, and failing to read the brief items in the New York papers about the death oi the lady in a car at Philadelphia, did not con nect the two matters at all. Thns we are brought to the time when .Florence met Abel JIayne at the concert Mayne kept his promise that the orphan shonld oot suffer from impoverishment He insisted that she shonld return to school with Alice for a completion of their educa tion together, he paying the expenses; and the orphan, influenced thereto by her fond chum, consented. Tbns three years more passed, and in 1884 Florence and Alice were graduated. Then Mayne projected a European tour for them, so leisnrely that it would involve a year's study of music by Alice in Paris. A trustworthy agent ac companied them, and they were to have every care and comfort that money could procure. "Xou are using your wealth wisely," said William Morris to Mayne, who winced under the undeserved praise! "You know that he who uses monev or thinks ot money as anything bnt a means to good ends will find ont his mistake when the glittering ucHuira iip uub oi nis nerveless grasp and he goes out of this world without a shilling of money or a certificate or stock. He might better have been the Christian porter that opened bis gate or the begrimed workman that heaved the coal into his cellar. Bonds and morte-aires and ! have their use, but they make a poor yardV EucK-wuu wnicn to measure lite. They that boast themselves in their wealth and trust on the mnltitude ot their riches, none of them can, by any means, redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him that he should not see corruption." But it was notalone by giving to Florence far more than a fair income, from the $5 000 that he had kept from her that the unins pected thief placated his conscience. He put Lloyd Dickson into a way of prosperity, and the young man In a few years became one of the envied bankers in Wall street xime passea, and the summer of 1888 i:!htSi' kwmubhb, swwwrai saaura wac less akrsaed tfaaa mrpnsed. He wasln love with this glrL Wfcy shomld she net love him in retnrn? He had conquered fortune and ho could certainly conquer her. His evenings dngged slowly by in any other place than the Mayne cottage. Alice Mayne was hot long in perceiving how the land lav with the young man. But how should she find ont Florence's sentiments in regard to him? bbould she asc her mend? Intimate' as they were, she had observed certain Incom prehensible traits in the orphan's character. Whenever the girl spoke of marriage, she would -say: "Oh, yes, I shall marry some day, hut not yet not yet" What could she be waiting for? Once, however, she was so communicative that Alice divined a part of her secret They hadeturned from an entertainment late. "I am almost starved." said Alice, laughing, and she served the hot tea in the enps of old Sevres, which a maid had brought "Home is the happiest place for me, sne continued, -wiinnryiovingiainer. Yet, I Bnppose you and I will' both be going to other homes as wives one of these days." Florence sighed. "Yes," she murmured, "to love and to be loved makes the whole of life, All other joys are idle in compari son." ' "Since you think so, why don't you act upon the opinion? Pretty and bright as yon are, you would fine it easy to choose a hus band. Any man would be proud? to be loved by you." Florence made an abrupt movement, and all at once covered her face with her hands. "My dear child, what have I done? You are crying," said Alice. "It is nothing; it is very silly of me not to control myself better. . Yon must forgive me" "Forgive you. my poor child! It is I who am to blame. My careless words must have touched upon some unhappy chord." "Well, yes, I admit it You have spoken to me severaltimes about marryinz, and vou do not know, you cannot know" w She stopped for a moment, then continued: in a fainter voice: "I shall never he able to marry. Don t try to understand me. It is a sacred duty. If I loved a man I would flee to the ends of tbe earth to escape from that love. If I were cowardly enough to yield to my poor heart I should hate the man who made me so weak. And yet" Here she flropped her head in Alice's lap and sobbed like a little child. Alice tried to calm her, and sought, meanwhile, for the cause of this inexplicable erief. Undoubt edly the girl fancied that she had some duty to perform, which would hinder her from marriage. She wished.to remain independ ent and free in her actions; but why should she regret so bitterly her inability to dis pose of herself, unless she already loved some one? This some one was Lloyd Dick son. Not a word nor an allusion betrayed her secret inclination, but Alice felt no doubt on the subject "You have always hnd confidence in me, my dear," said Alice, "and you may trust me to the end. I do not wish to learn your secret I do not desire even to know the nature of the duties to which you sacrifice your youth. But can I do nothing for yon?" "Nothing, unhappily. Still, I wish you would make me a vromise." "Willingly, "What is it?" 'That no one shall hear a word of these half-confidences that yon have received." "I promise." "No one not even your father or" Flor ence stopped, blushing deeply. "Neither my father nor Lloyd." Tbe girl turned away her face. Her friend had understood. Tbe conversation took a new course, and gradually Florence's sadness disappeared. Every day Lloyd passed hours in the cot tage. Wall street no longer existed for him. Every day he arrived with the determina tion to take tbe young girl's hand and say, "Iloveyou; will you be my wife?" But he remained silent, through an insurmount able timidity. He could see that Florence liked him that she was glad to see him; but at times she became cold and silent, as if to create a gulf between them. Alice had re spected her friend's secret and kept silence, so that Lloyd could not know of the girl's secret motive. "Strange girl," he often thought "The worst coquette could not act otherwise, and vet there is nothinst of the coquette about her. She has seen that I love her, and she seems to betrin to hate me in her fear that I may tell her of that love. One day he found Florence reading, and her face lighted up with pleasure at the sight of her visitor. "It is very good of you to come so soon," she said. "Then I don't tax your forbearance too far?" MOtWHiMilf 'says to tfcWHjf mm ef h lie' appiwW v b, job Miy gee i,wu a year? w y, that wouldn't keep me ia pin-money. I spend 15,000 a year. 'Where do y6u get it?' asks tbe plain young man. 'Oh, stocks, enterprises, all that sort of thing, you know.' The plain young man has hardly enough money to pay his Board, has to wear clothes after they are out of fashion, and deny himself all luxuries. After awhile he gets tired of his plodding, ind he goes to the man wb6 has achieved suddenly large estate, and he says: 'Just show me how itfii done.' And he is shown. He soon learns how, and although he is almost all" the time idle now, and has resigned his position in the bank, he has more money than he ever had, trades off his old silver watch for & gold one with flashing chain, sets his hat a little further over on the side of his head than he ever did, smokes better cigars and more of mem. jie has his band in. Now, if he can escape the penitentiary for three or four years he will get into political circles, and he will get political iobs. and will have something to do with harbors and pave ments and docks. Now he has cot so far along he is safe for perdition. It is quite a long road sometimes for a man to -travel be fore he gets into the romance of crime. Those are caught who are onlv in the pro saic stage of it If the sheriffs and con stables would only leave them alone a little while they would steal as well as anybody. They might not be able to steal a whole rail road, but they could master a load of pig iron." "A good sermon, Morris," said Lloyd, "bnt you needn't preach It at me." "0,1 didn't mean to. Your success is honest, my boy, and I don't think it will lead you to misery." JNor to happiness, neither so it seems." The two older men gaxed at Lloyd in sur prise, for the bitter tone and complaining words were unusal in him. He went blunt ly on: "I'm getting rich, and I'm honor able, but the girl who loves me won't marry me." "Who is she?" Mayne asked. "Florence Blakely.". "And why?" "Because she will marry nobody until she has discovered and punished her mauler's murdsrer." woman' who wm Krtkf aaxiowly '. ' . "Oh,'a', I so MigUl to sm jW Theyueniered a eonpe. and were driven rapidly ;off to the borne t the Maynes. On the way Florence wm not loquacious. "Have you nothing more to tell m, ma'am?" the former servant asked. "Ah, you bitish! Now I see. A pretty young lady like you" Florence interrupted her: '1 always trust you. Yes, someone loves me. I love him. But I sent him away. How could I drag him into my revenge? But how I have done it I am to marry him two days from now, and he is to h"elp me in my search. That is why we have sent for you." So Nancy knew that a rehearsal of the case was pending, and, by the time she was in Abel Mayne's library, she had revived mtg mmMwmwm. S'X ",c ""' ".' " " l jonna tne maynes domiciled In a cottaee at -- ' ."uiik omuKu, wiw ji lorence a member laTd rawing room car. A young stranger. itrffded as she was counting $5,000. He pb'ed ier. Just hpw he did it nobody nows. iNancy'a memory is not clear, for ienly'beard a part of what Mrs. Blakely fldfa stranger about the fellow's coming jtojtheroom, and tbe feeble, frightened Hyt was probably incoherent The only jrtatnty is that she was robbed, and that w'excitement'hastened her death." tMayiie'sTiext question was hesitant and Shnlons. hut his daughter did not suspect Mnature of , his emotion: "Doesn't Nancy teem ber theman to whom Mrs. Blakely Utedjheifad ven ture?" 'Shercannotrecall his face at all," was teplxSjShe remembers the robber, for badsigbt of him . in the railroad sta- Philadelphia, and she thinks she """"", nuu j:iuicucc a memoer ot me nonsenoia. ana Xilovd Sictxnn nr,A "William Morris were familiar and welcome visitors. Two days after his new meeting with Flor ence at Long Branch he was her admirer Nowhere in his past life could he discover anything resembling love. A few passing fancies had marked his earlv life, bnt noth ing aerions, and since then h'e had been im mersed in the cares of business. Outside of his liking for her, she interested him strangely. Many things were inexplicable or unexplained in the orphan' disposition. She seemed to be keeping to herself some painful secret, and often a "vague allusion wonld suffice to throw a sudden shade of melancholy over the exquisite face. Lloyd noticed all this, and the girl, at once so sim ple and so enigmatical; attracted aad ?nc- "You want a compliment? "Well, sir, you shall not have it. But I must thank you for my lovely flowers. They came this morn ing. "See how fresh and fragrant thev are?" Flowers were the only presents which he was at liberty to offer, but these arrived at the cottage several times a week; "If you knew how much pleasure you give me by spoiling me in this way," she went'on. "It is so nice to find friends when one is all alone in the world." ''Alone in the world. Oh, Florence! Are you then blind, to speak lite that?" i lorence turned paleKand ber eyelids fell as she murmured, "Don't, please don't!" Bnt Lloyd continued, "No, let me speak. I am 30 years old, Florence. Until nowlhave never loved a woman. Life has been very hard for me. But when I met you you will be my wile?" Florence uttered a cry of pain, as if sud denly aronsed from a happy dream. She started up, ran to the other side of the room, where, tottering and almost fainting, she leaned against the open piano. At last she said hoarsely, "Your wife! I can never be your wife." Lloyd thought that he must be dreaming. "You reject me you refuse me?" he fal tered. She made a great effort, but her voice was scarcely audible as she replied, ?'Yes." . iiioya ma his lace in his hands. He wished to regain his self-control, - "Is it you who say this, Florence you, or the other? There are two women in you one whose eves say, 'I love you,' and another who tefls me, 'You shall never be my husband.' I cannot understand." Facing him resolutely, she said: "Until I am no longer- that other woman I will marry no one. I have a work to do, and it will probably never be done, but I will not marry until I have accomplished it lb, is to find and pnnish tbe murderer of my mother; I am revengeful. That is wicked? True. Bnt the idea has become a mono mania? May be that is so. Bntl cannot rid myself of it I will not try to. I am vowed to my task." Lloyd said no more, but left the 'room. As he disappeared Florence made a move ment to stop bim, and then ai the end of her lorces, leu to the floor. It seemed as if all her happiness bad fled through the half-open door. "Oh mnthiiF mAth.!.' m7a1 u. CHAPTER IT. A KEVT TEAB COMMENCEMENT " BT MA.TNE. , The sextons of the Tillage churches are about to put; their hands on the rope of the bells. All around the world the air will vi brate with sweetest tintinnabulation punctu ated with tbe roar of Cathedral tower, the jingle of the lightermetal submerged by the .1 overmastering boom. Tbe Christmas of 1888 is close by. Lloyd Dickson sits alone in his Wall street office. The chime of Trinity Church Jets him know that he has prolonged his business hours until midnight in order to enable himself to go away on' the morrow for a holiday vacation. Since that summer day at Long Branch he has not seen Florence Blakely. His only solace has 'been work, which shonld exclude from his mind all nnhappy memories. As the chime rang he began to look over the last of his mail. He carefully sorted out the various letters which related to his private matters, leaving the rest over for his clercs. in tbe midst of tbe operation his heart leaped at the sight of one envelope be fore him. Florence's writing! He opened it, and found only four lines, a little trem ulous but very eloquent The writer wished him to come to her in the afternoon of Christmas. What could she wish to sav to him? Her intention must certainly have been altered, and this unhoped for summons could have' but one motive. At 2 o'clock next day Lloyd reached the residence ot the Maynes in frreat agitation and anxiety, feeling that this crisis would decide his fate. Florence was very pale. "I was afraid that you would not come," she murmured. "Did yon not know me better?" was the reproachful answer. "Could you doubt that I would come at your first summons?" Florence was grave and anxious. "Sit down here, and promise to pardon me for the pain I was wrong in the answer I gave you. I must tell you so, frankly." She paused and looked up at him with clear eyes that showed her complete sin cerity, "You told me that you loved me. Well, I love you, too " "Floreneel" "Please hear me to the end. Before giv ing any answer you must know my whole story. When at last I felt tbe invisible tie that bound ns to each other, I tried to strug gle against what seemed an impossible hap- piucw. -l iisu ueea very weac, a sacred duty seemed to separate me from 'you. Listen, I believed that I belonged to the dead. My mother met with a most terrible death, as you know. Her murderer was not discovered, and I took a vow never to marry until I had secured his pnnisnment A feeble creature like myself could do noth ing, une hall-romantic whim of a young girl, you will think; bnt when I made the vow my heart was free. Later, I came to love you, and I tried to repulse you; but it seemed as if all my life went with you." Her blnshes showed that her frankness had cost a resolute effort "This is my Christmas of all Christ mases," Lloyd exolaimed. "You are a noble girl, Florence, and I will try to re ward your love. The man who robbed your mother, and who hastened her death, shall be detected, if that be possible. I will de vote myself to the task, next to my devo tion to you." Then he pleaded for an immediate mar riage. Florence's wish was that the wed ding should be as quiet as possible. She disused ppoucttv. "ffhw Tint- wsi"l her memory fully. They found Mayne there, and he listened quietly to the woman's repe tition of her account She had not Pro ceeded far before Lloyd Dickson entered by a door behind her. "All that I saw of the robber," she went on, "was when he was ont on the platform. It was night, and tbe cars were ready to go along. He was hiding in the shadow of a post when poor Mrs. Blakely caught sight of him. Just then a man laid his hand on the scoundrel, but we didn't see any more." Lloyd Dickson was gazing with dilated eyes, as thongh the woman's words had re called a scene to his memory; and so they hid, for to his recollection came clearly the occurrence in which he had participated. No dimmer of the period of his aberration had ever before flashed upon him, and his kindly employers had, on his recovery, re frained from talking at all abont his illness. "Describe the man,1' Florence said. "I can't," she answered. "You know that I've never been table to he looked so wild and scared. But if ever I should, lay eyes on him " She turned and saw Lloyd. "Ah! there he is! There he is!" A silence of a full minute was broken by the accused man. "She tells the truth," he hoarsely said. "I remember it now. It was I who entered your mother's apartment, Florence. I fan cied I was a fugitive. It comes back to me suddenly and clearly. I helped her to put her money into the bag, pnd ." "Then you robbed her?" Florence cried. He stood dazed and uncertain. "No; he did not," AbelMayne interposed. "I was the robberl" Then the real criminal made a fnll confession. Abel Mayne had at last learned that the human conscience is a reality. ,He wasuever exposed to the public. Those who heard his regretful account of his misdeed had no dis position to increase the expiation which he insisted upon making. He never went to his Wall street establishment again, but deputized Lloyd, and Morris to settle the business, and to give every dollar of the proceeds to such charities as Florence chose as she would not take any of the money. Hapbil7 Alice's ereat talent as a vocalist rendered her independent as to income, and no her refusal to take a gift did not bring poverty to her. In beginning the new year of 1889 penni less, Mayne was a happy man, clear of conscience for the present and hopeful for the future. He has not since set foot into Wall street But the worship of the modern golden calf goes on there, and, like the one described in tbe Bible is very apt to be made out of bor rowed gold. These Israelites borrowed ear rings of the Egyptians and then melted them into a god. That is the way the golden calf is made nowadays. Still the degrading wor ship goes on and the devotees kneel down and kiss the dust, and count their golden beads and cross themselves with the blood of their own sacrifice. The musio rolls on under the arches; it is made of clinking sil ver and clinking gold, and the rattling specie of the banks and brokers' shops, and tne voices ot all the exchanges. This temple stands open day and night, and there is the glittering god with his four feet on broken hearts.and there is thesmokintraltarof sacri- ficenew victims every momentonitand there are the kneeling devotees and the doxoloey of the worship rolls on, while death stands with moldy and skeleton arm beating time for the chorus "more! morel more!" THE END Eu Been Decided Upon by Many Washiitofl Secfcty IMm. CHAMPAGNE AND PUNCH BANISHED !hri if it is mi)mkit . wW UMtoi- Tm, Ceffw, Boallloi-aBd Chocolate to to Served Instead. TIP TOE STATESMEN WI0 DBISK Copyrighted, 1SS3. AU rights reserved. WHI OIL DRILLKRS ARK HEALTHY. poor eirl. "what can I do? "WHI -ron fnr. give me it I break my vow?" Lloyd strolled to the summer house on the ocean bluff, and joined Mayne and Morris, who aat there chatting. Money was their topic Wall street men rarely talk of any thing else. But Morris commonly weighted his conversation with sound Morality and good religion. "It is a grand thing to have plenty of money." he was saying, as he noted the fine equipages dashing past, "and horses that don't compel you to take the dust of every mmnenng and lazy vehicle'. There is no virtue in owning a horse that takes four minutes to go a mile, if you -can own one that can go in a little over two minutes and a half; no virtue in running into the teeth of a northeast wind with thin nnnirM (fmn can afford furs; no virtue in being poor when j -u uuucsHj ue ncn. xnere are names of men and women that suggest not only Wealth, but relieiou and generosity and philanthropy. A recent writer says, that of w leauiog Business men in oneol our Iast- Why not avoid all this disturbance?" she asked. "It always seems to me as if these gorgeous feremonies were one of the silliest forms of human "vanitv ." Alice laugnea, lor it was to ber that this was said. "You are quite right, my dear girl, but if you refnse to obey the reigning fashion, you will make every one your enemy." "Oh, nonsense!" "You think that I am overstating the case? It is easy to see that you don't know New York. Woe to any rash mortal who dares to rob 'society1 of an expected treat." In the end Florence had to yield, and submit to the extensive celebration which Abel Mayne -insisted on. He was still chloroforming his conscience with all possi ble expenditure of money on Florence. So he urged a fine wedding in the holiday week. ' "You'll sanction it, Morris, won't yon?" he said to his friend. "Letmetell yon," was the reply, "that the dissipations of social life are desuollinc the usefulness of a vast multitude of people. .1 tt u&i uo loose peopie care aoout tne lact that there are whole nations in sorrow and suffering and agony, when they have for consideration the. more important qnestion about tbe size of a glove or the tie of a cra vat? Which one of them ever bound up the wounds in a hospital? Which one ot them ever went out to care for the poor? Which one of them do you find in the haunts of sin distributing tracts? They live on themselves, and it is very poor pasture," After all, he had no strong reason to urge against a handsome wedding for Llovd and Florence, and to that view of the matter the girl herrelrauented. While the hasty preparations went on. Lloyd eagerly began his work of detection, He learned from Florence the little that she knew, at hearsay, about the robbery and death of her mother. "WA must talk with the girl JNancy," he decided. "Can we bring her here?" "I have always kept her address." FWrence replied, "and she is now-living in Yonkers. 8he will Mmi JP T cpnri fnr ha " A. telegram was sent, and a neply was re ceived irom Nancy that she would arrive on men of one of our Western cities, three- luuituiui tocHi are uuriniaas. Mayne thought of the stolen eapital out oi wnicn ne naa made BM wealth, M hopi turn iic naa repaiu iu "There has been an irrwittibleli among young men," Merrk etiai 'that rff yMtt wyltt.MMMy ern cities, and of the 60 leading, basiness k certain train next dly. Florence, excited ioj iuo renewal oi ner quest, sooa waiting on the- platiorm.' A shrill whistle pierced ins cniuy air, ana the train rolled ponder ously into the station.. Florence remained in tbe background while her neighbors precipitated themselves upea the, new ar rivals, and watched tie ?! aligstUaf M-aetioa 1t X tr. Irom the trajp. Crude Petroleum n a Preventive of Threat nod liODffil.seaaea. New Tort Star. 3 "Next to working in the pine forests I don't know of any occupation in which men keep so healthy as around natural gas and petroleum wells," said Captain David Han ley, an old oil and gas well driller, whom I met last night 'I drilled in the Bradford and Cherry Grove oil fields in Western Pennsylvania from the time they were- opened; followed the development of oil territory into the Washington and Shanopin fields, and I have drilled a good many gas wells, too, and I think that drillers are as a rule among the most healthy and robust men in the world, and while much, of course, is dne to tbe hardy outdoor life they lead, I ascribe more of it to the smell of the petroleum, which is almost over powering, either from oil or gas wells. I never knew a driller or a man em ployed aronnd the pipe lines to have con sumption or any other lnng or throat troubles, and I never knew A driller to have rheuma tism, notwithstanding it is outdoor work, and in the opening of new fields the men often camp ont for weeks, sleeping on the cround and exposed in othe ways. I be- r lieve that there are medicinal properties in cruue peiruieuui, anu you win uuu mat every old driller has the same belief. "Crude petroleum is a very different fluid from the refined article kerosene and other products. It is as thick as mapla syrup, with a dirty greenish tinge and a smell that almost stupefies a person. The oil in1 the Lima, O., field is much worse. The odor from that is almost fetid, and I have seen old drillers from the Pennsylvania .fields made deathly sick from nausea when they first commenced working in tbe Ohio field. The Italians employed in laying the pipe lines in the gas and oil fields lookupon crnde petroleum as a panacea for all evils, and the natives down in the oil and gas belt claim that tbe Italians eat it I wouldn't vouch for that story, however." EXPERIMENTS IN HIFlToTISM. Persona of Weak Will Not Alwnya the Moat fncrptlble Bnbjecta. Dr. James la Globe-Democrat The hypnotic experiments now being made in St Louis have demolished the popular idea about mesmerism; that is, that the person of strong will can, by simply exer cising it, influence the weaker will. That is untrue, to a great extent. The person of the weak will can hypnotize him of tbe stronger will if tbe subject consents to sub mit himself to the influence ot the operator. In our St Louis experiments we have found that those accustomed to obedience sink most quickly into the hypnotic state and give the best results while they are hypno tized. They are in the habit of subordin ating their own wills to those of others, and so it is easy for them to yield themselves en tirely to the commands of the person who is hypnotizioz them. " "IrSnticipate sonSe original work in St. Louiti bhypnotizers, now that we have be gun the investigation with a will. There, are "bow a dozen earnest and thouzhtful ,men, skilled in the treatment'of various dis eases, now wonting away at hypnotism. TcBBtiasr a Hrsther. Somervllle Journal. 1 'The consistent minister wilLnot preach steadfastly for two hours upon the iniquity of lying, and then blandly ask one of the leading members if the congregation how he liked the sermon. ICOBEISFONDEfCX Or TBI DISFATCH.1 WA8HTNGTON, December. 28. The New Year's reception is dying out in Washing ton. Year by yew the ladies receiving calls decrease in number, and the receptions of the first of January, 1890, will be confined to the White House, the' mansions of the Cabinet Ministers and the houses of some few ladies of the Senate and the Supreme Court The wife or the President and a number of tbe Senatorial ladies tell me that tbe reason for this domes from the custom of serving punch at New Year's, and the day when New Year's calls make the excuse far a grand Washington spree will soon be gone forever. This year Washington society, with the exceptions above spoken of, will leave a butler and a basket to receive tbe cards of the backwoods Congressmen and others who have not kept up with the times. Many of the girls will go to the matinee in the afternoon, and there will be a number of big balls in the evening. In all probability not a dozen honses which will be open next Wednesday will have a puncK-bowt Tbe sentiment among the people which has made Kansas, Iowa and. Maine Prohi bition States, has affected in a great part tbe rest of tbe Union, and a Senator's wife tells me that tbe leading ladies in all the aid societies of the chnrches in her little town. held a prayer meeting just before she started iur Yt asningron ana ascea uoa to enaoie her to resist the evils and corruptions of the Capital. I have during the past week called upon the leading ladies of Washington society and interviewed them as to their New Year's receptions. I have asked them their opin ions as to the use of wines and I find that though they object to tbe serving of pnnch and port on new xears, many of them think" wine should be a part of eterf din ner. A. SENATOEIAI, TEETOTALLER. There is indeed only one public man who dares give a dinner without wine. He is a Senator, and when he came in a few years ago ne announced orasbiy that he should give as many dinners as he chose, with never a drop to drink. He did give them and on each occasion his roof covered more suppressed swearing than the roof of a cow boy's ranch. One Senator went into the dressing-room after the seven-conrse dinner, and violently asked of every incomer if such a course should go unrebuked. a luis auuioisuauoa mere win De ouiy four, besides the President, who will give dinners. Vice President Morton, Secretary Blaine, Secretary Tracy, and probably Sec retary YYindom. The Postmaster General would like to do SO; for he is the soul of hospitality, but it will be noticed that his entertainments will run to receptions and balls. Mrs.iWana maker says a dinner is not a dinner with out wine, and as she disapproves as strongly as her hnsband because of the example to the yonng, there will be no formal dinners at the Wanamaker house. Nearly every social law hut one emanates from tbe Executive Mansion, and that luckily, is the serving of wine at the New Year's reception. Custom has it that the multitude need not be dined or wined at the White House on that day, and the whole business ol decision falls on the Vice Presi dent and Cabinet Now Mrs. Harrison ia Known to oe iioerai, ana as sne maces a delicious punch, she will not dictate to the Cabinet ladies their policy on the question. How many of them will do it? All but Mrs. Proctor will keep open house and but three 'will serve wine. MraVsaMatfetfcatT mvmU. .Tutu. TiH Htm a sop of 4ooIate better than any taiaf els " wist' he Makes calls, and I always have it for peeple who, like hiss, prefer it TIXBS HATE CHANGED. "I ess sotiee a decided change in easiest ia tea years Sherry, claret and chsaapeeae used to be served, bnt hardlv a house ia Washington has anything but claret for mixed companies in these days. In tbe time I have been in Washington I never saw but two people intoxicated at my New Year's receptions. Nearly all the supreme voart laauiies serve light wines on such occasions. I believe ex-Jostibe Strong is tbe only one who never has it even at his dinners." I next raetMrs. Senator Hale, of Maine, and got aa expression from NealDow's prohibition eeantryv 8he said: "Tea is the bulwark of Wash ington society, and it should have kept tbe old custom from falling, if wine was tbe cause ot tbe fall. Xhave always thought, however, that the reason people gave it up was because they were too tired after the President's reception", to stand from 11 to 6 receiving. At least, that was the rea son I gave up my New Year's recep tions, it is a pity, too, especially for the elderly gentlemen. They used to enjoy it so much. When I received I always served tea, ana, as jl am somewhat bigoted on the subject and think tea should be good tea, I have not been particular to place pretty girls at the table, but always put someone who knows how to brew a drink, although tbe person might not be a debu iante. I have always had a decanter of sherry on the- table, and the guests might use their own judgment about taking it" Mrs. Senator Sherman, Mrs. Senator Hawley, Mrs. Senator Spooner and Mrs. Representative Burrows will serve nothing but mild, innocuous refreshments on. New Year's Da v. The debutantes do not agree with the matrons. They like the old custom and say if it is to be kept up it is only by serving wine. One of the prettiest of last year's conservatory had her "coming-ouf', party last New Year's. , As the "men" were pre sented to ner. sne. turned blithely to her aids and said, "Take him out now, and fill him !.! t . ujj wim cuampagne. Goodness, with what horror the mothers do quote her! They prophesy all sorts of evn ior ner, duc sne is now pursuing a course of notable success. She is a Sena tor's daughter. It is, indeed, a black outlook for General Van Vliet and the other famous men who have called on their friends for the last quarter of a century. If they get anything at all it will be what a chagrined Justice of the Supreme Court at a receptieu last year called "A mild tip, truly a mild tip a California claret pnnch, with straying slices of lemon." There is one ray of hoper At some houses the sparkle of Mumm's extra dry still mates the gleam in the caller's eye,and the cork of Veuve Clicaout mounts nnward with hi spirits. The wives of Senators Stock bridge, Quay, McMillan, and Frye as well aa those mentioned before will not give a drop to drink, but most of the hale Justices of the Supreme Court will have decanters as well ar "coffee urns, and there wiir be a light punch and perchance champagne,- where the wives of the Senators Evarts, Edmonds, Dawes, Dolph, Paddock, Stanford, Ingalls, Cock rell and Davis are hostesses. Miss Geundt, Jb. SUKOAY TWWMTS -ON- MORALSiMAIill 4 The Beat Hu la Bod ant &tilt Trlbsae. The beet aiaa ia Zaf lsd will be 80, years old fear days after Cbrletatas. 'If yea doa't xaew w&a tne nki iXsgkMai MBS. "VICE PRESIDENT MOBTON. When rbroached the subject to the Vice President's wife, she smiled winningly and said: "Beallv, don't you know, I have been away from Washington so long that I have. forgotten tne customs. I really do not know what thejr do .serve here on a New Year's day." There is a deep-rooted opinion, however, that no one will leave tbe Vice .President's mansion thirsty next Wednesday. As the wine-bibers of be Capital, the for eigners and navy officers form the bulk of the guests of the Secretaries of State and of the Navy, they will have punchbowl and decanter. Secretary Windom has the kindliest feel ing in the world toward people who do serve wine, bnt he will have none of it Wednes day. In a little talk at the President's table a few weeks ago when Mr. Wana maker was also -present, the Secretary of the Treasury advanced the opinion that every Cabinet" member should follow his own principles on the subject. "Oh, of course, we will keep open house," said Miss Nellie Windom, when I asked the qnestion, "but I am quite sure papa will not have punch or wine, although he does not disapprove of them on all oc casions. - "My husband and I have one quarrel,'" said Mrs. Noble when I asked her whether she would serve wine at her first New Year's reception, "it is the Daniel Webster anec dote and it comes up eery year. It seems that Daniel Webster went to tbe house of a friend lor a week's visit, and when he fotrnd that his friend did not serve wine be packed nn his poods and departed the first nipht Mr. Noble says that ft man of Daniel Web ster's genius should have 'his wishes re spected. I say that the other man had as much right to 'his principles as Mr. Webster to his wine. I shall not serve wine at any of my receptions or dinners." "What will you substitute for wine New Year's Day7" I asked. "Substitute? There is no substitute. It is a case of wine or no wine, for nothing will take its place. Wine is good. I like it, and keep it on my sideboard, but that is no sign I mean to serve it to young men and mixed companies." MBS. ATTORNEY GENEBAIi MILLER. I next called on the wife of tbe head of the Judicial Department, and asked her as to the wine question. Mrs. Attorney General Miller replied: "I have never served wine in Indianapolis, and I sball not do it nere on .New xearsUay. The harm in the custom comes from giving it to young men. When the question was asked Mrs. Sec retary Busk, she 'said emphatically.' "I snail have coffee, bouillion and chocolate. but no wine upon my table New Year's Day. Neither my husband nor I are averse to tbe temperate use of wines, but we will never give it to a mixed gathering such as belongs to a New Year's reception. When I was here years ago I saw many a New Year's caller who showed the effect of too much drinking. Mrs. Chief Justice Fuller is another lady who objects to the use of wine. She said to me: "I sball never serve, wine at another New Year's reception. I have always been used to it, as in my father's family it was the custom to serve it to euests, but after what! saw in my first winter in Washing ton, I have decided never to have punch, and, if anything at all, only a light claret at my receptions. I shall never give a punch made of rum or champagne to anv but people I know well. Do not think I have seen any cases of genuine Intoxication ia Washington society. Bnt have really seen men, and women too, who showed signs of too freemen t notations. T brebablr saw more of it than most hostesses, as I lived ao far out People came in cold and tired, aad before they knew it had taken too much Mrs. Stephen J. Field i one or tbe best entertainers of the Caultal. still she does act helieve In'lhe New Year's punch bowl. She says: "I Km aever served anything bat eiarei Jiew AN IDEAL QUAKES C1T1ZE5. The Great Influence of John G. Whlitler Among- Bis Neighbor. Amesbcry Letter In Baltimore American. His great popularity at home is dne less to his fame than to his long record of just dealing and honorable conduct He is the ideal Quaker citizen. Although spending much of his tiraeia visits to a favorite cousin at Oak Knoll, Danvers, or in New York or Philadelphia, his home continues to be in Amesbury. His poems reflect the hills, the valleys, the forests the jnvers, and even the sayings and doings of the people that sur- iuouuuiu. .rafcjuE uu. ins xieacn was inspired by some of hi neighbors who wereT loft In the present condition. accustomed to spend a season each summer m their tent upon what is now known as Saulsbury Beach. Whitier was often their guest, and the few remaining members of the group, onee Went to assemble on the sands of old ocean', still enjoy repeating tbe stories and the jokes at which tbey all once langhed so heartily. Whlttieris ho humor ist himself, although no one enjoys an amusing narrative more than he in his quite way. The poet's habifs are, nowadays, very regular. In fact, the saying goes 'that his neighbors time themselves by his move ments. His home is a large double house on Friend street, which is so named because npon it is sitnated the little, white meeting house which the poet attends whea in Amesbury. ME. JBNKINSON'S FAITH. Unexpected Information Gives In Answer ts a Question. New York Sun.1" They were dining rather elegantly at a table d'hote restaurant. Conversation had been brisk through soup and fish, but was flagging a little when the waiter put down a platter of rare roast beef. Miss Withers crooked her figure genteelly as she raised a glass ot ice water to her lips. "Are you a vegetarian, Mr. Jenkinson?" -she asked, after an appetizing sip. "Hardjy, Miss Withers," said Mr. Jen kinson, and he carefully wiped his mus. tache with the air of a man abont to make a remark, "I have always had a leaning toward the Episcopal faith.',' BY A CLERGYMAN. Like the fly leaf in the Bible betwewsl the Old and New Testaments, this Sunday! stands midway between Christmas andlNeiiJ xear s Day. Sow the years hnrrv-scnrrTawMiaVrHl -fj .. .,... j - oiuerwe get .tne iastcr tbey come andTJoJ When we were children they were shod witbl lead and crept like the snail. Now. thev borrow the winged heels of Mercurv. TM Time is not long enough for pleasure' orS ambition, or money-making. It is longf enough for. duty, for "the compacting of character, for the relief of 'man's estate ine very etsence of the holiday season lit in tbe words of Jesus: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Few believe this. ThosaS who pretend to are for tbe most part self-a? riflcinc enonzh to be content with tha lMif blessed good! But those Christian souls who'' have mastered the secret and acquired the?. nam oi inrowmg out love, and throwing out ,. help, and throwing out symnatbr. have aif"i upon the truest and surest way of being happy s themselves. . & uuen we aim at happiness wa miss it But 3 wnen it comes through good words ana deeds It j stays. It transmigrates from heaven to earth 1 irom the bosom of God into onr breasts. Tha-- moa ana women wno live ror others carry sma lne faces and leave radiant footsteps. Bnry selfishness with 1889. Begin and go throneh 1S80 In the spirit of the Christmastlde. 'TiS a. DitVth.lt tlm fmtl,lT ,,. .k..Mv'. disfigured and misused as Ifris by being asso- wuimuouiuiuj oi manywun ootherand expense bevond their means. Tha lwm.fit-nf thA h-ltltlf 111 Miat.im n9 9t .... -v7- upon the spirit and motive back of the gift and " pviupuusih, n no cares ior a gut tnat has nothing behind it but enstomf Still 1m nnM anyone desire a gift that cams out ot grumbling ' and grudging bands. It is only as they aro tokens of affection that gifts have value whether to grrer or receiver. It was the leva r of God that prompted Him to give His Son Ha'; put His heart in it. Thus Christmas oridnated f in a heart-throb. Mow, tbe abuse of the season lies In this, that -..iumsu AvitvsiuiiijierciiangeoE presenss,wnra the wish, or the ability to afford, or tbe gra- ' clous motlvo ara lacking. Sd that the season'JM of good will is transformed into anrhypocrisy.',V It is Identified with worry and expense Instead. or with peace and love. This is a sad per- in version. Better eive Christmas to theyounz- i stera. Make It tbe children's festival. Forlt -? i is not the llttla on hnt thhft.nn that ...? - ' the fret and provoke the extravagance. Tha i-J most popnlar reformer of th e day wonld be tbe '' uuo wuomoom ruormine aoosesoi tbe noil day season and free ns from tbe thralidom of usago w guu wnicn we don't want to give. The Reward of Well-Doing-. It is a chief part of wisdom not to expect too Umnchof poor human nature. Here is a new.' beatitude: Blessed are those wha don't exf" pect, for they won't be disappointed. The? broad are narrow. Tbe noble are selfish. Ths good are bad. It was out of a profound knowl-' wfco "- uicu buat .Duraa wruie; j "Bnt ocb 1 mankind are unco weak. An' little to be trusted ; If 'self tbe warerlsir balance shake. It's rarely right adjusted!" Hence, if we undertake to heln onr kind ,- mnst set about it without much expectation of . appreciation on earth. The only way is to do ' ' ' it as to the Lord. He marks and He will repay. '-:-The remembrance of tbis will safe as from mncn - j; chajrrlnand perhaps from salsanthropy. The Master Himself, who went about doing good," " '-i was maliened and finally crucified. U tha . v world dealt so with Him, ooght we to expect it to do better with usT "The disciple is not ,4r above his master, nor tbe servant above his ,si lord." The, satisfaction of doing good ia two '-TI fold. There cornea from it an inner conscious- nes of well-doing, which increases our self re- ' spect And ft wins for ns the benediction of heaven; yes, and after awhile of earth. Let as ' toil on, therefore, against thanklessness and misunderstanding of men, leaving an apprecia tion of our woric, as Lord Bacon said in his will, to our "own countrymen after sometime be passed over." - Alternative Creed far PretDrterian. Thebnrnint: question in the Presbyterian Church Just now Is that of revision. The Presby tery of AIbany,N.Y..has just adopted by a larga ' majority a resolution recommending alternative creeds,-and asking the General Assembly to " ., f - -j X. J,trat t&o w eliminator' JZonfesstaaXthm aaaaaaS 9 JUST ABOUT CHICAGO'S SIZE, Kothlua bat a CWopo Will Satisfy Ber Mnilcnt Critics. rrom the "Washington Post. A Chicago man who arrived in Washing ton last evening was talking with an ac quaintance at the Arlington. "I see," said the acquaintance, "that Chicago doesn't take much stock in Patti's singing." "I shonld say not. Why, she can't sing a little bit. I'll bet $50 1 can sing twice as loud as she can, and I don't claim to be the loudest dinger in Chicago by a long shot." We fear Chicago will never be quite satis fied until she hears s steam calliope in her new and wonderful Auditorium. 2. Thaf a new creed. "BTiniUri! Vnrt lrenlcal," berformnlated, in the usual consti tutional way, to be used alternatively with the confession. The modus operandi of this scheme was clearly explained by a distinguished member of the committee. Although he used the dia lect of the saloon, he is nevertheless a consist ent temperance man. He said that, where a minister is to bo received into the Presbytery. ' if be wishes to take his Calvinism straight, ths Westminster Confession, win be presented for his subscription. If be prefers to have it di luted, he will be offered tbe "evangelical and lrenlcal" formula, that is to be. The report in question was regarded by soma of tbe brethren as a beautiful piece of diplo macy, inasmuch as conservative members of Presbytery were propitiated by tbe negative to revision, while the advanced guard was made happy by an alternative creed. Death of Eocene Berster. Pastor Eugene Bersler, the eloquent French preacher and the untiring and sympathetic pastor of l'Eglisa de l'Etolle,in Paris, Is dead. He was In his 50th year. Correspondents of weekly religious journals do not say when ho died, only that he preached on the Sabbath with his usual power, on Monday evening ad dressed a McAll meeting of worklngmen, re tired from his study at midnight, and before 2 o'clock had entered upon tbe eternal rest of the children of God. The French Beformed Church and French Protestantism lost more than can be told, and Christianity is de- " prlved of an advocate who seemed lndlspensa-' ble. For his services to tne suffering- peopla daring the siege of Paris be received the Cross " oitno iiegton oiiionor irom tne State, and through his effort tbe monument of Admiral Collgny was erected. Years ago, beforo ha studied theology, he lived for a year in New Bochelle; K. Y. HE KNKW THB PAMILI. A Mllwankeo UfaH Pays Himself a Doaaffal Compliment. Milwaukee Wisconsin. J A crusty old West Sider was informed by his daughter the other day that a certain giddy girt of her acquaintance was about ia be married. "Has the young man any money?" de manded the old man. His daughter con fessed that he did not have much wealth. "Well, do you imagine he has any traces of brains?" "Why, I suppose so, father; .why do you ask?" "Because if he hasn't there won't be any brains ia the family, that's all." r-. Aa Argument on the Other SW. Kansas QtyStar.J A speaker on the, affirmative side of the question, "Besolved, "That farming pays ia Eaaeas," had just taken the floor at the meeting of a debating society out ia West ern Kansas When a fellow on the negative side opened the stove door an shoveled, ia three or four pecks of corn. Toefc Sr la His Brisk. eBdeabHM.l As every one knows that George' Waafc togkm was set a fetal abstainer, the He eovery of 'aa eseraew pBaeh.bowl, ewaed by hiss, U rather ia Usfaver. It ladlaates Rebert Browning' Work and Success. Bobert Browning was more and better than a poet, he was a man of great sweetness ) and nobility. His poetry will lire, thouch' not, probably; In so many hearts as his more gifted wife's. Browning wrota much, and often obscnrelv. But hia writings have such an attraction for those In v.' clined to the study of literature that clubs have '- been maintained In the United states and En. . - eiana xo extract Dy tneir comoined effoststhe meaning of bis Delphic Sentences. Hence his sway has been over the educated mind, rather than over tbe popular heart. He was not one ox inose poets "Whose songs gushed from bis heart. As snowers rrom tbe eioods of summer. Or tears from the eyelids start." This Is equivalent to saying that he was not" one nf tbe supreme .singers of ihe world, thongh he has penned some lines that throb. Browning's house was well ud Parnassus, though on tbis side of the summit. Fortnnats in hia gifts, fortunate in his length of days (be was 77), fortunate in his union with Eliza beth Barrett.be was fortunate In his death. -which ocenrred in hia belnreii Ttalv amA d lagoons of Venice, city of enchantments, with tbe success of his- latest literary venture ring ing In bis ears, and with the sympathy of all tnends of tbe good and true and beautiful ta kiss his eyelids down. Westminster Abbey will be enriched by a new deposit of noble dust, and the poet's cosV ner will hold another shrine. -v The Troublesome Church Member. The most troublesome man in the chnrchjl exclaims an expert, is not the rudelv ont;- spoken one; nor yet the perpetual fault finder 3 nor yet the church-gossip. Bad as they are,--, -,jt they are not so bad aa tha man who applies , every thoughtless remark, every word and ' la deed that Is capable of unintentional inter-1 ' pretation to himself. and who is continually" being hurt and offended. He if always on the . lookout for slights and insults, aud takes them, when they are neither intended nor given. He is always threatening to leave the church bat unfortunately never does, lwa't be easily provoked. Keep cooL , - jlaaaafc. aaaaf Gee.aHiHKe Berates. I CA2TOOT call riches better than the baggage of virtue; the Roman word is better, impedi menta; for as the baggage Is to the army, so Is riches to virtue; it cannot be spared nor left behind, but It hladreth the march-Xoroi .&-' cen. Iia noted ay Sylla first, aad after aha by Tfteriae, that "more adore the saa rtfagt&aa the saa setejafE, or at the meridlaa." Jo, DeifTB afraid of saathtaa. Tab Is tha aateciaasofpaaaw The sua fades, eareB,BatUaearisheshaaiaalty. Wheatha'J s J r r."' " ,"y ZT. "ir..r: ""?r ea,stuaoaasaaiaity. wseataa that tba atoiaa'iK af -Ma potaWaas was wSA- mOmtMiw. the aaaeer , says aw .tab iTffiaV SV 3f Iwm ;JHfi '-faa r aaa -' JLa '.jCaaa 7?W v - SI t-cal Pf y. la aaasstw, Jt awe giv to jkj aaattt. aad ht water, Mi JJY c-y r-tl sr . LaaaH ill