V(F3flj THIRD-PARf 'f&. BMMHHBSSSS . . im BBBT COB f II I WWW !. I I -. S H W " V H TMBT m FIE I. B ' - j . ..IrAS'ie H .4' W ML H -i'aW H V r.JM-."Cl- H4i "JV aak. TOE M " -.-. . jr.i HB 7L-. ""I- 1 J1 bB B&.aV , - J . i - ' " lv B, marv -IB---.. - iB---- .XtP' ICi -T . . ; Y .. TMB-JTJ "5' wsr,-'saiww?M .,sw . . ta.H & r - ,st y.i '-y?s5'ySM!i?-&,a8M mf rjit .- a - . " ri it tsib t --' s -? - WAMwt.s'r"ri,'w5gf''irr-i4"v'f i- .-"aRHiKi...-.,.. .:... - - .....'; . . i-i --.--. ,-s""--m' - .. w . ' -:-." " -j r " , r. -rc?u '? vast.. .-.x- i . .- smkiivh . . ,,,. ..-., ,vv : JL XJL. '1 -- - r m- T- " : : : TT" - , W . i -,..,.,., ,..-rw- - omrniv vron"tt."M"RTirR. 99 1889. " ' - ' Ll'lriKII Klt nil!117J.J. JUWXJXIJ-lA-IA.W -- r & i KEIsflll IMMWSPUJkCE How BeEant's Dream Was Re alized ia East London. HEEpf THE JOYLESS CITY ir .s v . . tiriffiifiniMi nnd Elevated tv a Temple n. 3fe"'Af -MnBift and Art ' Flak cokckrts in ehglakd :-lMKmM" -fianiiti, iSHpopi pl- mat: - w MP .jjfh. y HI vf VA K KfcJ)l wf' l-w-j:' .nr-zsjctiiiVjt'mA - --r-z - ! " '- fc. -twkmss tob ipi distatph.! N Impossible Story. This Is srhafWtlter Besant calls his novel, "All Sorts and Conditions of Men." To those easy-going people who are disposed to accept things as the y are merely because they are, and to he lieve that because certain conditions always, hare been they always will be, .the story does seem ran impossible one. To those social op-, timists whose latest lad is the doctrines enunciated in "Looking Backward," and who find it no trouble to believe that in tne year of grace 2000. so ciety will be constituted and run on the Bellamy model, Besant's impossible story should seem Tery possible, for it certainly does not propose to inaugurate such radical changes as does the Boston iconoclast But to that other portion of the people who, while recognising and deploring existing evils, do not expect human lowers, is completed, it will be one of tne architectural sigats 01 .uouaon. NiaHT IK THE PALACE. Night is, of course, the time to visit it, for then those for whom it was designed are there enjoying its pleasures. At 9 o'clock the scene is at iU best. A penny admits us to the courtyard, which is thronged with young people listening to the Palace band discourse popular airs, and scores of eonples walti around on the smooth asphalt in unchecked sayety. Threading our wav throngh the merry crowd, we enter the Queen's Hall, a mag nificent auditorium 130 feet long, 75 feet wide and 60 feet high from the floor to the center of the roof. Around it are Jhe statues of 23 queens, while throned above the en trance, Victoria, in Tobes and crown, scepter in hand, gases with marble smile upon her humble subjects. The hall is filled with a strange company. Many of them are neatly and even well dad, but the majority wear their working .i.i... tk. o t fmat msnvoldmen and women, their bent forms and wasted firm showintr how bitter has been the struggle of life with them. Mothers with a whole brood of children, men with hard hands and broad shoulders, and, of course, the young "chaps and their irls are there in great numbers. It is, indeed, a typical East Jjondoc audience. An organ recital has just closed, and the Scots Guards' band is playing a march, fol lowed by a rattling medley of Sullivan s airs. The applause dies away and a young lady comes out on the stage and sings an Italian song. It might be thought that such musie would be above the tastes of the audience, but the prolonged cheers and t,..j.iinnini (hows this to be a mistake, and in respond the singer comes back and sings "Home, Sweet Home." Perhaps few audiences ever had so few among them who knew what a home, as all that the word should imply, meant, as has this one, but as she sings they think, not, perhaps, of the dingy tenement where, amid a poverty al most squalid, they light that "battle for bread which is like the savage's hunt for food," but of the "home everyone builds for himself in his heart and hopes, and when the lasttrain dies away there goes up such a burst of applause as almost makes the marble queens tremble on their pedestals. Near us sit two old women, poorly clad, whose worn faces andJgnarled hands tell that their lot is not an easy one. Beneath the eye of one is a discoloration which speaks, perhaps, of a drunken husband or an unfilial son. Their bonnet strings are ers are employed. During- -each term some of the most distinguished men in Irfmdon lecture on their specialties before the classes. In addition to these night classes, there is a course of day instruction whlsh is largely attended. . ., , .. But it must not be supposed that itls all workand no play" at the People's Palace. There are amnsements on every hand. J.ne concerts in the Queen's hall, the gymnasium and the swimming baths have been spoken of, but these do not cover all the entertain ments. There are shooting galleries, ball and bowling alleys, billiard rooms,, flying dnru tnhhix.b railwavs. Deep shows, punch and jndv, tennis courts, and each has its crowd of attendants. CLUBS OAIOBE. There are the People's Palace Chess Club. Cricket Clnb, Choral Society, Volunteer Fire Brigade, Bambling Club, Military Band, Debating Society, Dramatic Society, Minstrel Troupe nd Literary Society, the president of the latter being Walter Besant. This is the People's Palace and its work. During the first year after its opening, over a million people availed themselves of its DAIS OF COUETSHIP. Maud Howe GiYes Some Hints Lovers aid Their Lassies. to A PLEi FOE FBAMINESSJN GIELS. Pertlaeat Facts for I6Hng Women Are i&.Love to.Sememher. Who Pv K wk Hv l LOKG SHGAGEMENTB TO BI ATODED rwnnrzs tob ihb sispatcs. 1 The advice of Solon to a young girl -who is passing through thefairyland of courtship would hardly be regarded by her, or by any young person in her position, and I hardly think my advice will oe oi any more . But, as I have heen asked to give it, and as one is always glad to talk with those most delightful people lovers I will very diffi dently give one or two hints which have oc curred to me as of possible value to some girl whose lover happens tor be away on a journey, and who may be lulling to pass the time, which she would prefer to pass in his society, in reading these modest sugges tions. ' . To such a one I would say: Let frankness aud reserve be your two watchwords. Courtship is tiie gay novitiate to sober marriage, but it must be always remembered that it is a testing of each other's natures, a trial of characters, which sometimes at the last moment 4o not stand the test, are proven to be unblendable, and the mar riage never takes place. Eeserve in de meanor is, therefore, alwaj to'be borne in mind. . , , ... TKn en mnrtl Of Wttat IS Caiieu m- who is" willing to take., a littls trouble about it , ' But to return to courtship. Beware how you exhibit your captive to your frierids until you are quite sure that the fetters are fast about him; kedpyour owncounsel about attentions which may .lead to nothing. This does not apply to your father, mother, sis ter, or to any member of your Immediate family who has a personal interest in your affairs, but to the half-dozen intimate girl friends who will baa nick enough to spy out your secret without your confiding it to them; silence is golden ; Indeed, in such mat ters. SOITE OOOD ADVICE. If the world is to know that-Horace is courting Harriet, it is from Horace that the information must come. All men are not Orlandos, and even he might have been much annoyed if Bosalind and not himself had spread the news of his attentions over the trees of the forest. Once Harriet ahd Horace understand eaoh other, all the rest is so easy, xnere is no aa vice so good as the two short words: Be happyl Avoid lovers' quarrels; even the bliss of reconciliation does not quite wipe out the sting of sharp words given and re turned. I have said a word about "long engage ments, which are, J think, always to be avoided, except and this is the most Im portant exception where Harriet and Horace are almost strangers to each other. A year is then not tod long in which to learn each nt Wc nhnracteristics. It is a good thing to know howthe different seasons affect Horace. He may be gentle- id June and fierce In Febrnary; I' our iTer know each other well, then the sooner they marry the better, in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred. Do not be afraid of beginning housekeeping on a small income.. Horace will learn to make it a larger one all the sooner' with Harriet by his side, and Harriet will be none the worse for learning the lessons of ecohomy, for, as the Scripture saith: "Bettena dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox ana aaireu vucjowh. Maud Howe. OUTSETS OF HEW YEAR'S. TWO ANNUAL COMMENCEMENTS t A. FORTUNE SEEKER: ' -: Written for The Pittsburg Dispatch', -BY-' - 'Rev.'T. DeWitt Talmage and Marian White.' The ethical portions of thte story are specially contributed by Dr. Talmage. The plot and . . narrative are by Mrs. White. ,A,fr,Jrnrtha trio. Ha assnred.Ber.loo7 t.. t. onTiTrl'Tidft In tba mras trainaort Of l the way, and that he would ba gladito keep, a defensive oversight. By this&time they were in the Phifa'Jelphia stationf She .uuraii nnt tTirooffh the window 'into what was suddenly changed from darknesSinto a lighted enclosnre. Ss . ' "There there!' man. she cried. That is thai ?'. ? rrh iW;Hvo W.i. tnltln?in the shadow offi ....... A i - At t-Am5. .! a post, with his eyes nxea on mo wujuvn.. "Ufivno rtwlirnized him 83 Llovd DiCkSOn,, t, mn "nffftMm- bank clerk, of whom,.- Trrni!..-. xr.. T. l.f? tTiaf. afternoon moken as having been distracted by a supposeajde-h ficit The exhausted Mrs. Blakely waa.too'fj weak to be further talked to. ana Jayn8 Tfihor In the attentive care of Nancy. j wJiila ha went hnrriedlv to Diekson. At CHAPTER ABEZ. MAYHE'S HOrjDJLY VACAXIOH. r ' 7." SiV " E!m a Sit of a BingerMystVl" pleasures' and privileges, and the attend ance constantly increases. On the evening of our visit fully 5.000 people were present, and a more pleasant, cheerful,; orderly gath ering it was never our fortune to see. Cares seemed forgotten, troubles let behind L Met li .-.I .'..lnneipit nud strifes ended for tte nonce. 'All appeared bent on pleasure and improvement, anccess w l? :? Palace! It is an oasisfin the desert of toil, ii.!.. i .i.i..o.i.. far those whose lives must be spent in pent-up tenement houses. It imparts new life and hope and spirit to hearti cast down with many "res. It eases the burdens on weary backs. 'lo1 lonely, the ignorant and the joyless may con .sad fin I delights beyond their hope. A the ftudent of the. great labor ques tion sees its towers rising from the ugliness of the "joyless city," strong .fortress against ignorance and vice and crime and ," j-? ..j o hnran of nromise to its toilin? denirens. teaching them to live and not wrely to exist, he. takes heart and hope and cries but with Lowell: 'Surely the wiser time shall come "When this fine overplus of mlsnt, No longer sullen, slow and dumb. Shall leap to mnslo and to light. "In that new childhood of the world Life of itself shall darice and play, Fresh blood through Time's shrank reins be And labormeet delight half way." Henet Hat.U THE PEOPLE'S TkUL.CS ST EAST X4UTO0X. to be changed, and society trans- -tibrmed by some mysterious process; and who RareVlaid to note anv steo toward imnrove- "'.' i-jjntn't,i0itfe is encouragement ihjKtknowl r -edge that the cardinal, feature in Besant's dream', the "Palace of Delight," that grand and beautiful gathering place for the poor, . the tired, the sad, the heart-hungry -of that great hive of industry, East London, has Jiad its partial.if not complete,realization in the People's Palace, a magnificent structure facing the Mile End road, and which was opened to the public by Queen Victoria in her" jubilee year of 1887. "The Joyless City" is the name that has been given to East London. It include? "Whitechapel, Mile End Road, Stepney Bow, Shadwell and the adjoining districts Nearly two millions of people inhabit Earl London. 7t is the home of A THOUSAND S2IAX.Ii XXDTJSXEIBS. 'Here is furniture making, gold beating, glass blowing, cigar and cigarette making, handloom weaving, match and matchbox making, brewing, tanning, sugar making, jam making, chemical manufactures, comb making, mat making, walking stick making, feather dressing, pewterers, cork cutters, workers in sealing wax, shellac and line, and nnmberlessothers the larger in dustries furnishing employment to a score or a hundred hands in single establishments, the smaller to six or a dozen, or sometimes carried on by individuals. Much of the work is done at the homes of the toiler. Competition is keen, the smallness of the establicbments and the diversity of indus tries prevent combination ot the workers, and cheapness is gained at the expense of bodies and of souls. Here the "sweating" system flourishes in all its odiousness, and between the upper millstone of necessity and the lower one of competition unfortun ate women who must earn their bread are ground to powder. It is an unlovelv section an ugly wilder W . AH OLD-TIME BUNR0 GAME". unloosed, and ther lean forward with their eftows on their knee in.eontented. comforts "Hi wish hi could j!ib,S like thatyJiann " said one. "Wheai hi Vere a pell hi' could sing a bit, but now, bless yer, hi can't'slng no more nor a sparref." "No more could she, Sary," replied Ann, "hlf she'd 'a ad your Willum and height kids to look arter. Stillllike to 'ear 'er." "Yes," said "Sary," with a sigh. "It makes one forget one' troubles for a bit." Surely if the Palace of .Delight makes its citizens forget their troubles for a time it is accomplishing its work.- ' THE QKE-EYED CEITIC. I11P Bi WUhm Could Bing Like That, BannP and tsjis ness of bricks and mortar, remote from parks, gardens, libraries, theaters, concert halls and the other means for healthful recreation and innocent enjoyment which the inhabitants of more favored parts of the city have at their command. The houses are small and mean, the streets narrow. "Whole families live in two or three rooms, sometimes in but one. Social gatherings e out of the question. The pavilion thea ter and one concert hall are about the only -places of amusement in "Whitechapel. The museums and picture galleries are too far away to be enjoyed. The only pleasures of the people oi mat section must oc gamcrcu Wthe streets or at the bars of the public 'houses which' abound in great numbers. ' Surely nownere in tne woria was mere a wider field for practical philanthropy than in East London. Nor hat it been neglected, for, from the seed sown by Walter Besant, in the "Palace of Delight," which, in his foovel, he puts into the heart ot Angela :-nr.muer. the heiress, to erect, has sprung fetbApalrttol building called the People' ;7Pauce, which was built by funds subscribed inz alone contributed $300,000. It fronts on the KU Bad road, the great highway of lialf a WUies people, aud when tie vut ze tod,vltlt As pillared troatui UottU A gentleman with a. black patch over his leit eye and who, like. logo, is "nothing if not critical," does not. join in praising the songstress,. saying: "She does well enough for tljem as likes 'er, but hi don't 'Er voice is fair, honly fair, and she can't 'andle it properly. Hit hall depends on the way a voice is 'andled. Now, you 'ad hought to 'ear Rose Nichols. There's a voice- for you 1 And 'ow she can 'andle itl Is it hup? Hup she goes. Is it down? Down it goes, till you'd think she'd dropped it" "We express a polite regret at not having heard this vocal paragon, and he modestly continues: "Hi 'm a bit of a singer myself, but hi've just got hout the London 'Ospital, where hi 've been for six weeks. Hi lost my heye, and since then when hi sing it makes my ead hache." , "We had heard singing which affected the hearers that same way, hut his case seemed a unique one, and chancing the subject we asked him " if the Palace had proved the benefit to the people itsproprietors intended it to be. It was a pleasure to hear him answer heartily, that it had, that it was steadily growing in favor, andwas in every way a power for good. Nor was he the only one who bore willing testimony to its suc cess. All with whom we spoke were instant j m lis praiaea. "We 'ad the hold gell hont to hopen it for us," he said, with a backward nod in the direction of Her Majesty's statue. "She's a pretty good queen, isn't she?" we ask. After a retrospective pause, which seems to .take them all in from Boadlcea down to Anne, he replies: "We've 'ad wnss." Leaving the Queen's Hall we enter a large temporary bnilding, where is being held a representative exhibition of the in dustries and manufactures of .East London, the exhibits being the work of the pupils of the technical schools of the Palace. It was an exhibition, in itself. The skill displayed was remarkable, nor were there wanting evidences of a higher cnlture. for the paint ings, water colors, etchings, brass work and other art and decorative exhibits showed no ordinary talent THE GTlQTASrtral AND XTBBABT. In the immense gymnasium the Palace Athletio Association were giving an exhi bition to a large audience, while hundreds of men and boys were plunging through the waters ot the swimming baths. The library and reading room had their full share of at tendants, aud the Technical school rooms were well filled with scholars. To give an idea of their scope, it may be mentioned that competent teachers instruct night classes of over 3,000 pupils in reading, writ ing, arithmetic, bookkeeping, French, Ger man, elocution, civu service covering tne examinations in every branch), stenography, telegraphy, photography, land surveying, etching, wood carving, "metallurgy, chem istry, upholstery, filing, fitting, turning, pattern making, molding and carpentering. For females there are classes in plain needlework, garment making, art needlework, dressmaking, millinery, cook ing, ambulance, home nursing and hygiene, as well as the ordinary educational branches. There are also classes in vocal music, piano, violin and military band. The fees for instruction vary, running from 2 to 21 shillings a study for the three months term. The average fee would be about 5 shillings, or $1 25. The classrooms are supplied with the most approved ap paratus, the ehemieaUaboratory and photo graphic ioais bavisg most elaborate outfits. The instraetien k tealaly f rataitoas, but How London Shnrpi Swindled Conntrvmen Over 70 Tears Ago. London Guide. An English writer said in 1816: Money . m-bjio other than gamblers who contrive that method to begin play. It is an J almost obsolete prapftee, and Its twincneav Jj'AZZ.t nnt 1 disnsedl. "Whatia uk uiiih"h - -...- . :... 'this?" says.tbe dropper: "My wiggy! if this is no! a' leather purse wun inuuei Hal hal ha! Let's have a look at it" While he unfolds its contents his companion comes up and claims a title to a sharc "Not you, indeed!" replies the finder; "this gen tleman was next to me, was um ji" To which the countryman assenting, or, perhaps, insisting upon his Triority, the finder declares himself no churl in the busi ness; offers to divide it into three parts, and points out a public house at which they may share the contents and drink over their good lnck, etc. The found money is counterfeit, or screens, or else Fleet notes. They drink. An old friend comes in, whom the finder can barely recognize, but remembers him bv piecemeal. La bagatelle, the draught board, or cards, exhibit the means of stak ing the easily-acquired property, so lately found, but which they cannot divide just now, for want of change. The countryman bets, and if he loses, is called on to pay; if he wins it Is added to what is coming to him out of the purse. If, after an experi menter two, they discover he has little or no money, they run on anu icaro uuu w answer for the reckoning. nocent flirtation" between young people in this country, that an unsophisticated girl thrown in the society of a young man given to paying'attentions without intentions to the most attractive young girl on the social horizon, may sometimes be deceived by such alight swain, and mistake for serious court ship what is only meant for a pleasant pass ing of the time. I think this is not often the case, for a woman's instinct almost in fallibly tells her with wha end a man per sistently seeks her soolety; still, it does sometimes happen that a very young girl fancies she is being courted, when, in point of fact, she is only being trifled with. MAIDESLT BESEBTE. It is as well for a girl to bear this in mind, and not to wear her heart in her sleeve. t -u :. . i.n nnrt of the pleasure ol iv. .i .ml tti thine that has cost us the greatest effort to seenre is valued ac- cordiofriy " Until you have reason" to believe that your love is being sought, no matter how much you may care for a man, do not let him know it If he, really wants your love he will not fear to. risk a refusal. The man who keeps his attentions to you ft secret, ..u.s. i iiiinv. that the whole world should know he is your suitor, does not de serve to win you. If his vanity Is stronger than his love let him tjss by ; he is no true . lover. Orlando wanted all the dwellers In the forest -of Arden toicnow wo . -.. love for Rosalind, so" he hung verses on the trees of the. wood praising her virtues and beauty: every woman prefers an honest Or lando who. whether his love is crowned with happiness or not, is willing all the world should know that he loves her and has chosen her for his own. The books of etiquette give rules of be havior for lovers which may be of use to some people; but the best rule is in your own finer instinct " So much forreseryev If yon are galitrwarr loTe&-,fqr4he- . . . 1 1..kmIj..mTa f-anl with -sake 01 your iutareuHt";'" " """" 7. .3 !1L ... 1..k.1im1 IF WAV. your suitor ana wiui jo wuuuku. -i. .. are on the point of marrying from any other motive ambition, pique, fear of being an old maid, or anxiety to provide yourself with a home, you need read no farther, for I have no advice to giye you., except Punch's ad vice to those about to get married, "Don t This lecture is only for true lovers, to no others doth it apply. Perfect love casteth out fear. If you have a,hot temper, a jealons nature, a tendency to dispute, do not conceal it fromyourlover, for he will be better able to forgive now than later. Of course you are an angel in his eyes, but all the same, if he be the good fellow neougnti to tb, no juiuws j i that girl-angels have plenty of fanltss If they did not, would they be fi. mates, for nun ana nis s.ina mnsuu tui DE. TALMAGES CELESTIAL DREAM. A Vision ot a City Where. Neither Poverty Nor Want Ab)des. Pr. Talmage In Ladles' Home Journal.! One night, lying on my lounge when very tired, mv children all.around me in lull ! romp and hilarity and laughter, half awake aud half asleep, J. areamea tnis aream. x was in a far country. And I wandered in the suburbs of the city to find the place where the dead sleep, and I looked all along the line of the beautiful hills, the place where the dead might most blissfully sleep, and I saw towers and castles, but not a mausoleum, or a monument or a white slab was to be seen. And I went into the chapel I of the great town, and I said: "Where do the poor worship? and where are the benches on which they sit?" And the an swer was" made me, ''We have no poor in this country." ..,,.. And then I wandered out to find the nov els of the destitute, and I found mansions of amber and Ivory and gold, but not a tear .-ia t nnt n. Irh conld I hear, and I was bewildered and I sat down under the branches of a great tree, and Iaid; "Where t? nrl uhnnm comes all this scene? And then out from among the leaves and up the flowery paths and across the bright streams there came a beautiful group, thronging all "about me, and as I saw them come I thought I knew their step, and as they shouted I thought I knew their voices, but they were so gloriously arrayed in apparel, such as I had never before witnessed, that I bowed as strangerto Strang, er- But when again they clapped their bands ana snouteu njiw -o-.... the mystery all vanished, and I found that time had gone and eternity had come, and we were all together again in our new home t rinawnrr a nd I looked around and I said, "Are we 'ull'KrtTana-we-owetr-O' Htaujcgeswar- tions responded, "All nerei" Ana wnno tears" Of gladness were raining down our cheeks, and the branches of the Lebanon cedars were- clapping their hands, and the towers of the great city were chiming their welcome, we all together began to leap and shout and sing: "Home, home, home, home!" Brain and the Bare Spot. ,' f 'M n .1 i . L-l r. x", utuaa tne isiana oixew .York in 1685 a wall of earth and stone was built It was cannon-mounted to keep back the Indians. Alongside this wall ran a vstreet. and as the street .kept the line of the wall. it was appropriately called Wall street Short, narrow, unarchitecturaj. and yet unique in ita history, and, excepting Lom bard street, London, the mightiest-street in the world. There the United States Gov ernment was born. There Washington held his levees. There Mrs. Adams, and Mrs. Arnold, and Mrs. Caldwell, and Mrs. Knox and other brilliant women of the Bevolution displayed their charms. There preached Witherspoon, Jonathan Edwards and . George Whitefield. There Dr. John Mason chided Alexander Hamilton lor writing tne Constitution without any God in it There Tieomrs were sold in the slave mart There "- " " lift ! yfrTNJ ',Tp-C r ' '.V. Slil5( Wmm I WsTSlBlM - ft i pjjBfT -iv.H- il-.-i --- 2fte Compliment of tha Beason, ABE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN HAPPIEST? A Gifted Writer Answers the- Question In the Negative. Anna Katherine Green writes in the Ladies' Borne Journal: In my life I have known many women well. Among them is a fair majority oi what the truly appreciative would call happy, for which fact I thank God. as it has helped, me to take, on the whole, a hopeful view of life, as .well as human nature. Now, are those women, blessed as many of them are with devoted husbands, cheerful homes, cultivated soci ety, and leisure for the exercise of any special talent they may possess, beautiful women? With one or two exceptions, no. Indeed, more than a few of them are i.posi-. tiiv nlhin if feature only is considered, while from the rest lean bingle out but two or three whose faces and igures conform to any of the recognized standards of physical perfection. But they are loved, they are honored, they are deferred to. While not eliciting the admiration of every passer-by, they have acquired through the force, the sweetness, or originality of their character, the appreciation of those whose appreciation confers honor and happi ness, and, consequently, their days pass in an atmosphere of peace and good will which is as far above the delirious admira tion accorded to the simply beautiful as the placid shining of the sunbeam isto the phe nomenal blaze of an evanescent flame. A Serious Question. ..A W 1 1 P W MMZs mkmW Dicky Deedlehlaks (to Dotv Doodle- 8HE BIT THE BANISTEB. Do not play tbe part of the girl with the abominable temper, whose lover tested her patience by bringing her each day a tangled skein to wind. Tbe task was alwavs accom plished with the greatest sweetness. After they were married our Petrnchio found he had wedded a shrew. ,.. ' "How was it possible that you could have had so much patience with those tangled skeins?" he asked his wife. For answer she led him out into the hall, and said: "Don't you remember that I used to go out of the room from time to time?" "Vej." "Well, I came out and bit the banisters!" Now, girls, do not bite the banisters; lake my word for it, it's a very bad plan. Be frank and natural, and lethim see you as .you are, faults and all. Not that you are to sit down under the burden of your short comings, and. say, "I am cross, or jealous, or lazy, or disorderly, and you have got to make the best of it" Never, if we live to be b hundred vears old, can .we afford to take that point o'f view. We speak of the battle of lifer-the battle is mainly with our own shortcomings. I cannot give you-the advice of Hamlet, "As sume a virtue if you have it not;" but try in all ways to cultivate the virtues, ana to trim down the faults in the garden of your life. I know no quality which is more im portant In establishing a normal and happy relation between a man and woman -than that of frankness. With its help you will be stronger to conquer those troublesome weeds of vanity, selfishness or indirection. jlf the courtship Is successful, and the time of probation is to be long,, which is In itself a thing to be avoided, I should advise our voflng girl (the one.whose lover is away on a journey, and who is reading this advice of mine withoutmuch idea of following it), to devofe some time of every day to the house hold arts. HELP YOUBSELF. The woman of my acquaintance who has accomplished more than any other in her lire has for her motto these words: ''It von want a thing done, you must do it yourself." I take this to have, first, a literal meaning A besides, asecond. broader significance. If tnere is something that is of great im portance to be attended to, there is no way en re at to do it yourself..' We must never think that other people will take more. trouble for us than we will take for our selves, for this Is very, very rarely the case, The second significance of this most wise device Is that if yon want anything well done, you must be able to do it yourself. If you know how to make bread and your cook knows that you know the difference between well and badly baked bread, you stand a better chance of always having frnnri bread. The same b tra of pie-crust, Mttp ana coffee. Though this advice may be some what premature, I wish to lav certain stress ori the matter of coffee that huge rock on which so manjr domestic barks are wrecked. No matter how magnanimous a man may be, there i one thing he" cannot.forgiye the wosaaa'b loves, and that is a cup- of ba4 & "Whatever ! is Wvoodyesr reach.' coffee Is not; any woman can give ar j5 "When snow had covered deep the ground, A hear by tnow-shoed sport was found TJpon a rocky eminence, Haffc'.no snow-shoes to go thence. There Brnin slept He'd long to wait, Bo took a little hibernate. And in his isolation trusted. The hunter's gun, long rusted, busted. WHtS- "f Vwj84, tK!,ffiSv. 1 At this explosion Brnin woke, .A4. snir.t to see'asd take a i Availed himself of raeaw at . i.t.Sii V .Iia 1.AWnr.li.. criminals were lasneaiuruuRu mo .Uws tare behind carts .to which they were fastened. That street has seen the corona tion and the burial of ten thousand fortunes. The abode of just the opposites unswerving integrity and Up-top scoundrellsm. Heaven descended charity and bloodless Shylock ism. The present story shall tell of one Wall street man's commencements ot the New Year's of 1880 and 1889. The man's name was Abel Mayne, and he was a clerk in a broker's office. At the age of SO he was seemingly np nearer to that millionairism which all Wall street men aim at than he had been st 25, when he first entered the district of Mammon. During the intervening quarter 6f a century he had risen in fortune to a speculative business of his own, and had dropped back to employ ment on a salary. His income was fully sufficient for comfortable support, and, away from the fever of Wall street, he ui...lw.it nnietlv content But in the midst ot the excitements of great and quick gains and losses, he was too sorry over his own failure of enrichment to be happy with his fair measure of success. On the' day before Christmas in 1880, he quitted his desk for ten days, for he had se cured sp much of a holiday vacation as was involved in an easy and leisurely errand in New Orleans for the firm whith employed 1.!-. "Well, a Merry Christmas and a- "Happy New Year to you, Morris," he siid to his deskuiate, as they were making ready (to leave th office. "Thanks, and the same to you," was the cheery response of. William Morris. As for me, I'm pretty sure of them. I,o chock full of holiday feelings what with Christmas trees, New Year's alls and lots ofthIngs-thatI.')l he as Tar away from Wall street as, you'll be, even if I do spend tbe week her at the desk." . "You've 'a fortunate disposition, Morris. Now,, my mind, will be struggling here though my bodv will be down in Dixie. ' "I trust vou re' not in the sort of bother h.t Blmost snolled Dickson's Christmas. How'a that? Well, he got his accounts en tangled. He knew he was honest, .and yet i,a ..Anld not make his fieures come out right. -and Hetolled at them day. and night until he was nearly ireuncu. c.u.. j those books that something had been mis appropriated, and he knew before God he was honest aeknew.lfhecouldnotfixthe matter before the end of the. year he would go Into disgrace and into banishment from h attafclishment. He came over.here very early, before there was anybody in the place and he knelt down at the desk and said: 'Oh, Lord, Thou knowest I have tried to be honest, but I cannotmake these things come out right 1 Help me to-day help me this morning!' Then.he arose.aHd hardlyknow ine why he did so, opened a book that lay on the desk, and there was a leaf containing a line of 'figures which explained everything. That's what will make Dickson's Christmas "0,'of course, it ia a good thing to keep your work for other folks straight, bat as for me I can't get a merry Christmas until I've got some prosperous figures of my own to puzzle over." Mayne went from Wall street to & railroad station to embark sontaward. xaepas-, eneers were so numerous that, almost at tbe last mlnnte, the additieaal oars wwre separated from the others, and the train went away in two seetioM. The extra , wo. BM1 W the d-esrture of New i Corkers for, Uw home of relatives, where .they would apeao: tne nonaajs. Itl one ot the private compartments of a toarlor car sat a wau ana ecjaiw ?-"i Accompanied by a maid Jervant, and pro vided with all the purehasaWe comfertoof tAveL But it was clear at a glance that the l..a aukt aarrv out He lire, as m ass ?W.T FT, .!!. -ot. 1 IT- l.k.J ffMl AMI WW. w ".FTV much fashionableness and some eccentricity. For several years her physician had feared lung trouble for her, and had tried to in duce her to go to the South for the"winters, but she had stubbornly refused to leave the life of New York in its gayest season. Finally he had in despair told her that she would not live until spring unless she. fled from the Northern climate. So now she set out for Florida. The servant bestowed her carefully inher exclusive compart ment, and then went out to see to some de tails ot baggage. When she boarded the train again, at the warning of the steam whistle, she entered a car belonging to the first of the halves into which the train had been divided, and by that mischance was started away from her charge, who was in the later section. Mr Blakely knew noth ing of the accident as yet, and soon her own car was rolling' along at full speed. In her excessive fatigue, the invalid fell asleep, and when she awoke at the end of an hour, she supposed that she bad only dozed a few minutes. Therefore the absence of the ser vant did not disquiet her at once, but after waiting a while she became alarmed. The porter tapped on the door, and entered to llirht the famn. for darkness had fallen. "My girl, Nancy do yon know where she la?" the woman querulously asked. The man did not know Nihcy from any other -young woman. But he conjectured that she had been separated from her mis tress by the division of the train. He ex plained that there -would he a reunion at Philadelphia within an hour. Left alone, Mrs. Blakelv took the idea to count the money which she had exchanged into bills at the last moment She opened her traveling bag, and emptied the crisp new paper into uer ojj iuuk w.i ovu. coins, which had been provided, for conven ience of expenditure along the route. All at once a draught of air struck her face. In her surprise she looked up. The door had come open. She frantically seized a shawl, threw it over the money lying on her lap as a man appeared. She was ready to taint in her terror. This man must surely have seen her In the act of counting her money, and he had come to rob her. Panting for breath aud with face drawn and haggard, he watched her, preparing, she thought, to leap upon ner. Incapable of opening her lips, but hearing her heart beat and her ears ring, she sat iu abject terror. In a hasty, unconscious move ment her knees drew nearer together, and the coins began to roll to the floor like rain water from a gutter-pipe. The man stared in surprise at this stream of silver, and then bent forward as if to pick it up. In her fright the woman started up, throwing all her wealth" to the ground, and hastened toward the door. But the man saw her in tention, sprang forward, and, grasping her firmly by the arm, forced her back into her seat Then he shut and locked the door. "Listen to me, madan," he said, "I don't want to rob you, and fo prove it I will pick up all that money ana nana it oac& v you. But I am a lost man if you do not letn.e stay here. I can tell .you nothing more. Wittnr t vonr flld.I shall be lost" Then throwing himself upon his knees he picked up the coins upon the floor, search ing even for those that had rolled to the most distant corners and restoring some notes that had fallen. When the small leather bag was again filled, be returned it to its owner. The amount was $5,000. "I am a fugitive from the law,'' he said. "An officer is on the train to capture me. He will not be likely to enter your compart ment If you will let me stay until we reaoh Philadelphia my danger will be passed. Will you?" Mrs. Blakeley's silence, which ie con strued as assent, was due to exhaustion. She was no more able to utter "no" than a "yes." There came a rap at thedoor. "What do you want In there?" they heard the porter say outside. "A rich lady is alone in that section." "Then my. man can't be there," was the response ot another man, and he passed along. Mrs. Blakely lay back in her couch-like chair, silent and motionless. She was still weak from terror, but gradually recovered her composure. As to the man, he sat bolt upright, staring straight ahead with tbe -'iff 'ft: iM Left Alone uy the World. the same instant a stalwart man laid a hands on Dickson's shoulder. "Vnn'va canehtme " the vonnz man said2 "I will go back to New York with you, and! make no trouble." -e J "What is the- matter, Dickson?" MayheJ asked. "I'm a defaulter that's all," was the. doetred reply. The captor turned to Mayne, and whis'pl ered: "Don't worry him. He is temporal arily insane crazed by hard work, and laboring under a delusion that he has stolen! money ironi the bank where he works- To3 day ne got relieved of his strain, and aj mental reaction crazed him. I am a physi cian and the bank president sent me tol overtake and capture the poor fellow." The whistle blew, and Mayne had toj hurry into the. train. Iu his berth h'el mused on the curious affair and could not fall asleep. He thought of the five thous-1 sand dollars, and coveted them; oftherpal-1 pablv dvlnz owner, to whom they wonldf not much longer be of use; of the- absence j of natural heirs, if what the cashier hadr said of her family isolation was true; of thai singular circumstances which had made thai innocent Dickson seem a fleeing criminal ft and he was afill awake when -the porter touched him. ' n "Begpaidon, sir," said the porter; "butj The Boboer Vnmatla JSlnuelf. is & LUten to Me, Madam. rigidity andpaUorofacorpse. From time to time she glanced toward him. He was about '20, extremely handsome, and with all tbe appearance of a gentleman. The train hastened on, sending out through the darkness its shrill cries, some times slackening its speed and again start ing swiftly forward. At last its pace mod erated, several whistles sounded, and every thing came to a stand-still. Camden, across the river from Philadelphia, had been reached. "I am more grateful to you than I can tell " the vonni? man said. "Good-night" He slipped out of the room, and Mrs. Blakely saw no more of him. Her aid had been passive, yet, she could not convince herselrthathewas a guilty runaway, and so. she was not sorry that she had helped HereNaacy restored herself to her mis tress, and that had scarcely been accom plished before Mn. Blakely encountered a slight acquaintance in, Abel Mayne. It chanced that she had an account at his em-; ployers' baaking office and he had witnessed the exchange of other securities into the Botes and silver lor her journey. He had heard the cashier advise, her to take a drait on a Florida bank, instead, and carry only cash enough to meet the requirements of th fnnmev: bnt. she had obdurately in- citw noon her less safe method. The cashier had privately remarked to his com mdM. after sh had EOBt "I don't know' that it would matter if she lost, it, for she has ptenty, aad I'm told she is without a relative ia the world to leave her fortune to." In passing the doer of Mrs. Blakely's car room, just as Nancy was holding it open, Havnesawher. "Will job come in, sin" she; caned, recognising his face. "I have had an ad venture with the saeaey I drew from yor Th.n 1m laid him at the yoaae stranger ltreio, aud 1m Metaled her to ke the the lady I saw you with Is very Ok w.nli -vnn ' - 4 . Mayne hastily dressed himself and went .- ii -mv!'. nrlrate compartment! The distracted Nancy was supportinsher f.tr hnt it was a meiess iona iuui l. lisTrl The' woman was dead. A 4 "it was the robber that killed her. Nancy sobbed; "he scared her so, jf ii .!,. -rvna hail than?ht about I matter now returned to his mind, and '1 condensedly that, in an instance, realuedl .u- u- ,:t. t.v. the SS 000 in safetv.J&SSM "(i nrt fetch the porter." M- saiajetej She obeyed, leaving him alone for-twofort three minutes witu ukumu .jn Later, when the hand-bay was openegj not a dollar was in.it CHAPTER IL the cosnnaf CEJUQiT or a hew tbab TTnder the twelfth stroke of the braiS? hammer of the city clock the year 187911 .wl. andtha stars of the night weretha a...i n.iie Tt was in New OrleaaT that Abel Mayne heard, the midrnghtbeUji He thrust his hand unner the pUlOWnttj felt that the $5,0Q0 were there,as he haa aoaj monv time dnrine each of the nighta of ,th week that the money had been in hisposMjg sion. He repeated to his accusing ,fS33 science the quieting argument tnas wtgS. sIen the money from noDoay, oeesiuauw owner was dead, ana sne naa ieii no otj Then he fell to planning speculations wU this capital, and so scheming fell asleeppl Next morning his des mate, Williaa Morris, arrived at the hotel, to help through the business on which he had Deem-sea South, and which had proved more imperjh ant than had been expected. So hefc4 companionship for New Year's Day, wWek in New Orleans is very festive for themt dent, but not. social for a lone stranjer. They had dinner together, and they,tatf of their prospects for the just winmeMj "There are many men," Morris remarited "who estimate tneir ihb ou kuw . .mnnn) nt mnnev they have accumulat mi.. .... vrho Ti wasted.' Wh r.,f.rm mnnev. NoW. ltls AllcantlM insincerity to talk against mobeyaa thowl it had no value, it may sjjracu..is. mnt nnrl education and ten' thou: M..trl mrrnnndintrs. It is the SprtwHl of the table that feeds your childmj; i. . Tt ,. tha liVhtineof the far that keeps yon warm. It isth makiafjjj the bed on which you rest fromcari)a4 anxiety. is tne carrying uu ,-ww you to decent sepulture, and the; puttifgB of the slab on which is chiselled the story M your Christian hope. It is simply hypeeriJ this tirade in pulpit and lecture hall ajjtajj money. r''H "I'm glad to hear you preach so seasiwy Mayne responaea, aeriYiug wtf imm the wnrd than their utterer Ima "T mn tn vet rieh vet- see If I doa'ti'iM "Has somebodv capitalized you,. ASM iiv.. -- l... (. "Well. T haval -, j.ca j.u u .?. tf w . . r new schemes for 1880." "Honest ones I trust" Wh.t niVu tnti rrrtSt?" V'Mv dear fellow. VOU Seem tSlteSMI question personally. I was boxiy preacuer, you oivcu veu uic, luuioa Is full of texts. Bemember thatthj who geta his gaiff by iniquity. willt it all. One moment after his d"pariitll life he mi not own a certificate '5tltei will not own one dollar of GovsfiJBl enri ties, and the poorest bey &UJM?J the tet witn a cent, in oh 'hwun ttke (uml nrocasaion at tha'dtMal i zttZ2fi73zrzz& irwfliiTiiiwMBsr ic& ?.v.';...t &;t. . i, t-- k iXii y ?- &4 ZA-i .