Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 29, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 16, Image 16

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k Bernhardt to Appear as Joan of Arc
In. a Sew Melodrama to .
!The Great Emotional Actress' JLmMtion to
W ' be Eealiied.
PABIS, December 14. Manager Da Qaes-
;Bel is coin? to produce a melodrama by
' Julei Barbier, and with some of grand old
Gounod music in it, very soon at the
Porte Saint Martin Theater, and then Joan
Of Are -will appear nnder the features of
Sarah Bernhardt A capricious chance,
jnitean insignificant incident in its tray,
was the means of bringing about this im
portant event, and it is sufficiently curious
to merit being narrated.
Some time ago a journalist received a let
ter fronijS society lady in which she said:
"Ton, who know lime. Bernhardt, could
-you not tell that great artiste that there are
many -women and young girls who would
like to applaud her, but that the class of
pieces she plays forbid their going to the
theater to witness her triumphs? It is fatal
ity. One time she plays a vicious queen, at
another takes the role of some outcast, again.
lis seen interpreting the part of a great lady
of, suspicions morality. Vny does she not
play the part of Joan of jLret Many
mothers would go and applaud her, and that
too with all their heart."
The journalist sent this letter to Sarah,
and, naturally, she was touched by the re
quest made to her thus indirectly. "Why,
for ten years 1 have londled the plan of
playing Joan of Arc; for ten years I have
wished to carry it out, and it was time I was
doing so, for I shall soon be too old. Just
think, I am already a grandmother."
So Sarah and Du Quesnel pnt their heads
together, and then a play which, in
spite ot its. great simplicity, permits of
a display of mise en scene quite out of the
common, "was put in rehearsal for the
Christmas season. The title has been
changed, and it is now designated "Jeanne
d'Arc, drame-legende en trois parties," and
these three parts are called the Mission, the
Triumph and the Death. In the first the
,nction tabes place at Domremy, where Joan
lias the vision; the second is at Orleans,
and then at Bheims, with the coronation of
Charles VII, as King; the third is Bouen,
where we see the prison and the stake.
, The illustrious musician who is writing
- we ueuium wi huuiuijuv .a uig fwuuc
-' whom all the world knows as the composer
ot -taust, ana wno, only a iew evenings
back, made a grand success with his
aiireille." He and M. Du Quesnel, with
the musical director of the Porte Saint Mar
tin Theater, are very busy now on the de
tails. Yesterday the vnanager showed the
master the model ot a new scene, that of the
Cathedral at Bheims, one of Uavastre's mas
terpieces. The first entrance is intended for
the acting, and the succeeding wings are re
served to the choir stalls, high altar and side
chapels that are perceived in the depths, ex
tending unheard-of distances, and Jit up by
ravishing stained-glass windows.
"Is it not superb, 1117 friends!" exclaimed
Gounod, cuite transported. "What silence
in that majestic structure." And turning
round toward M. Du Quesnel, he compli
mented him in enthusiastic terms.
Then Du Quesnel read the fourth scene to
him, and alter ward they decided on where
the music was to come in. In this fourth
scene, the curtain rises on a chorus which
precedes the triumphal march, a "Veni
Creator," written as a plain chant. Gonnod
touched a chord on the small piano that
forms a part of his office furniture, and with
.his, lovely voice, sang this chant. With
head thrown back, and eves uplifted toward
K ."the oaken girders, he evoked in those pres
ent rue image or a monk of the Middle
Ages, and as he chanted, a mystic warmth
passed in nis persuasive and touching voice.
"Yes, it should be plain chanting, noth
ing but fundamental notes, and, sung
simply by 40 women replacing choir boys,
it will have a grand effect in the midst of
the magnificent scenery that you are prepar
ing. After the march," he continued, "the
Archbishop .proceeds to the coronation of
tne Jung. Charles yn. buckles on his
breastplate and puts his foot in the stirrups;
-Joan of Arc comes forward and recites five
strophes aside; and it is here that I will
J dace the orchestral mnsic which is To fol
ow, and then the accompaniment to Sara's
A it,. fY,A f l.M.l.A m1ba T !- 1
is thinking of triumphs, the grave voice of
uc Arcuuisaop is neara, wno chants:
"Gloria in Excelsis," and "Gloria in Ex
celsis" respond in a distant murmur the
assistants, among whom will figure
on one side, bishops in their pews,
CMised and mitred on the other.
I priices and peers of the kingdom. At the
ceconu stropne, Joan suddenly becomes fear
ful; le no longer hears voices from heaven.
Xeo gratias." repeats the Archbishop, and
Dei irratias" is taken nn tivtho iitl,fl
lin muffled voices, which die awav in the
depths of the arches. Joan goes back in
er mind to her cottars at Dnmrprnv
dreams of happy days, regrets the lilies in
her little garden, and the birds that used to
'come and sine at her window thi rim-in
-the third strophe. In the fourth, she asks
Wrtdior power and time to finish her work,
but in a vision, she sees the horrible stake
.which is to burn her body alive, serving as
,'B spectacle to tie bating Jndases and the
revengeful Pilatesthat dared not defend
Aer. Alter tbese strophes the music ceases.
oan walks Ut the stare, and the Arch
bishop places the roval crown on thefcenri nf
'Charles VIL She prostrates herself before
him and then the crelate in n. land vnW ,T.
claims: "Vim rex in leteronm." "Vivat
rex." thrice Tenlv the multitude, and the
rtchoir sings a carol that Gounod is now finish
."Wiile Du Quesnel was reading this scene,
icjiuuHnnsa master listened religiously.
V5.es, yes: I see nlainlv what mn.in in
wanted. It is necessarv in this mm that
auric should be the servant of the.situation.
tion sars. Tbese stronhes mnst he retwatxl
hbyr;Sara Bernhardt in a kind of singing
atmosphere, as light as muslin. Only a
small orchestra, and the nielodv not before
.Joan but behind her." The master re
mained absorbed in thought a few moments
and it .was the musical director who re.
W minded him of the realities of this world.
As most people know, I am personally ac
quainted with the golden voiced Sarah,
Having had the pleasure of traveling with
1 r- tl. . J :" ,
B?rst Toyage in America. The last time but
one that'l called on Mme. Bernhardt I took
Buffalo "Bill with me to her dressing room
";and presented him in due form to the dis-
iiiuguuocu inuu one was encuantea, ana
Eome.oi cer inenas wno were present, .Mile,
t&bbema, the painter, etc., did all they
could to make Cody know thev were clad to
see him in evening dress. It was after that
.visit that Bernhardt cave her oomion about -
Joan of Are.
P -"For lone time." said she. "I have been
enamored of the character. After having
d Michelet. Henri Martin and Lamar-
tine. I searched lor everrthintr that had
been written about her for the stage: Pierre
,xamenii irageay. Boumet's trilogy,
.bchiller'i superb drama, and Dayrigny's
play which was acted at the Theater Fran
Call tomeSO rears aro. X finallr selected
UilesjBarbier's work, as one that keeps the
conditions exacted, right or wrontr. bt- the
Krenchtage. He gives us a series of situ-
fttionrepresenting the great Joan of Are at
dlffcrent'davs: but unfortunately he has not
SJjownher to ns nnder all her aspects. For
toy, ,-part, I regret the , absence of
tiat'. marvelous scene where tbe eim
'ile ValVarieonlenri ffirl keens at hnir
aih'acasuistics and caviling science
steetorlfdirinity who met "together with
MBMAMK" ' - . -,i
.. . ... v'-fc
'the Tiew of. eefeadlf: hr. Ber replies
are wonderful. At one tiaae JoaH is of a
sublime naivete, at others iroaieal. and even
playful. Her coolness threw them into
confusion, which the anforewea logic of the
poor woman reduced to a tacit avowal of
their powerlessness. Yes. I should have
liked that scene, and, in my mind, I had, so
to speak, prepared it"
Asked if she had any settled ideas of the
part from a physical point of view, and as
regards costumes, Bernhardlrepliedr "Most
decidedly; I know by documents that Joan
was thin and slender; there was nothing of
the peasant girl about her, much less like
the robust Marguerite imagined by Goethe.
and whom Ary Scheffer painted as an ema
ciated person! I have aimed at an archaio
restitution. The Joan of my imagination is a
church windowsaint inspired, and acting un
der the impulse of an exherent will of science.
In the nimbus of her mysticism, there is a
suggestion, a case of hypnotism this is my
humble opinion th&tl give yon whfch can
and ought to have a certain effect on the
stage if it be rendered sincerely, especially
in tbese present times when science deigns
to put her foot into the domain of things
that are miraculous."
Bernhardt believes in the miraculous.
The time of her first trip to America, the
third night after her arrival in New York,
shebad a dream, and when she awoke out of
it she called 10 her dame de companion,
Mme. Guerard, who was sleepingin the same
room: "My dear friend, I am undergoing a
terrible torment; I have just seen my pnor
son bitten by mad dogs. It is dreadful; tell
me I am under some hallucination, and that
it is not real." The following morning she
sent a cablegram to-Paris, to Maurice, who
replied: "Do not be uneasy, the dogs were
beaten off; the bite I received in the arm is
not dangerous."
If I mistake not, Schiller's ''Joan of Arc"
was originally produced by the Saxe-Men-ingen
Company, and that too, after three
years of patient study, and it was called:
"Die Jucgfrau von Orleans." Baroness
Heilbuth, the morganatic wite of the Duke
George von Saxe-Meningen, directed the
rehearsal of the actresses, and the Duke's
youngest son, a pnpil of ttyj Munich school,
painted Joan's standard. At Strasburg,
a few years back, when Schiller's work was
played there, the theater was crammed, and
and the scenes where the French put to
flight, the English, were loudly cheered.
One scene arousea the public. Before the
arrival of the Maid of Orleans at the palace
of Charles VII. the tumult of the victorious
troops was heard extending over the town,
mingled with the frantic hurrahs of the
raving crowd, and the flourish of trumpets
combined with the resounding din from the
great bell of tbe clock tower. Then the
heroine came on the stage, followed by
soldiers and holding her standard in her
hand; it was at this moment when a mad en
thusiasm seized the audience. Her entrance
was like the appearance of "la patrie."
One ot the scenes in Jules Barbier's
"Joan of Arc" represents, so it appears,
theTieux-Marche Square in Bouen, which
has been celebrated ever since the torture of
the "Grande Paysanne." The tower where
her prison stood has long since entirely dis
appeared; that which exists, and which-was
purchased by a national subscription was
the larger tower of the dungeon. It was
there where on Wednesday, May 9, 1431,
Joan replied to her Judges, in spite of their
threats of torture by the horrible instruments
that they showed to her: "Were you to
tear me limb from limb, I should not
speak otherwise." It was also in that tower
where, by her presence of mind,she abashed
the executioners who dared not inflict on
her "the question," as they had announced
they would; and, finally, it was from that
square that she started for the stake.
Archeologitts have, discovered that the
exact site where she was burned it at pres
ent covered by a block of houses that sepa
rate theTieux-Marche from the Place Saint
Eloi. One ot these bouses is the Theater
Francais of Bouen, and the stage covers the
very spot where stood the faggot pile.
Heney Hayxib.
Rumored Movement of tbe Equitable to
Build an 0ce Block Discussed The
Central or St. Cbnrlci Hotel Talked Of.
There was a rumor in circulation yester
day to the eflect that tbe 'Equitable Life In
surance Company, of New Fork, was nego
tiating for the purchase of the Central or St
Charles Hotel property, on which to erect a
magnificent office building.
Edward A. Woods, Cashier of the Equit
able in this city, and son of Manager George
Woods, was asked last evening if they
knew of such deal at his office in this city.
He said they had not heard of it, and he did
not believe that the Equitable contemplated
investing money in this city or, in fact,
anywhere outside of New York City, where
the bulk of its capital is already invested.
The company has office buildings in New
York, Boston, St. IiOuis, Mexico, Santiago,
Paris, Vienna and Berlin, but the
reason of this is that it cannot
do business in foreign countries without
putting up a cash deposit, buying bonds or
owning real estate in those countries. The
conditions of its charter are such that it
cannot invest in property outside of New
York City without first procuring a special
permit. It was also rumored that It. T.
Yoder, of Yoder, Weaver & Costello, con
fectioners, on Third avenue, in the rear of
the Central, had been approached by parties
who wished to buy his property.
ilr. Yoder was very busy last night, be
tween attending a choir rehearsal and the
worry of having a sick baby at home, but he
took time to say that Henry W. Weaver
had asked him some time ago if he would
sell his Smithfield street property, and he
replied that he wonld If he got his price,
but there was no offer made on either side,
and the subject was never resumed. Mr.
Yoder said he had heard that a syndicate
had secured considerable property some
where in that neighborhood, and that Mc
Donald, the caramel manufacturer, would
be forced to seek new quarters as soon as
his lease expired, which would be in a few
months. Mr. Yoder had been informed
that the Equitable Xife Insurance Com
pany, of New York, was the party seeking
ground in the locality named.
Is Causing; a Feeling- of Insecurity lDEsstlsh
Karnl Circles.
DOHDOir, December 2a Naval circles
are very much disturbed at tbe reports of
the successful trial of Iiieatenant Peral's
torpedo boat in the Bay of Cadiz, the mar
velous working of the vessel having es
pecially grave significance in view of the
presence of a number of England's best war
ships in Portuguese waters.'
Submerged to the depth jol 40 feet, the
boat easily made six knots an hour and
answered tbe requirements or her guiding
apparatus as readily as though she were
floating on the surface.
Tbe Joraof KoeL
First Darling What did job do on
Christmas Day?
Second Darling I saeked the plt off t
red horse: '.'' i
First Darling I swsllwed awitaad a
handful of awdarf..ftie. :
?4 Q
-r$KW -. . 1 -
A Little Humorous Wiadoa Dished
Up ExclitsiYely Jw
for the Manufacture of Unread
Paets and Novelists.
It could hardly be with a burning curi
osity u to the way "not to dolt," that to
many youths and maidens, matrons and
heavy fathers fonnd their way to South
Kensington, says the London Qlobe, to hear
Mr. Andrew Lang's precepts .lor those who
want to fail. Whatever was their motive,
they had the pleasure of simultaneously
helping that laudable institution, the Col
lege for Men and Women, and listening to
a charming exposition of the surest methods
of coming a cropper. For the sake of those
who could not be present, we propose to re
produce as much as we can remember of the
instruction. Let us begin with the early
If your ambition is to be a dead failure, at
the outset it is wise to. begin observing noth
ing. Don't follow the advice of Mr. Besant,
and the example of M. Daudet by goipg
about with a notebook in your hand. There
is only one thing more ruinous to the aspirant
than observation, and that is hard reading.
Avoid the classics as yon do -poison. Never
by any chance open a Shakespeare, Bacon,
Hooker, Sir Thomas Brown or any other
great work, home or foreign. Should yon
wish to fail in fiction a casual glance at the
weakest drivel of the most driveling novel
ist will serve vour turn for a model, and
though it is unwise to trouble about style at
all, a look at the thinnest article in the
worst magazine is all you require. Then
cultivate the gifts of playing such tricks
with grammar as sandwiching an adverb in
an infinitive, like "to ingloriously copy,
and to ignomimously live as stfch" "such,"
according to Mr. Lang, being always a pro
noun in tbe failure's grammar and yon
will do very well. Don't forget to begin
early; to be a great failure or a great bat,
the training must date from, childhood.
There is one word which those who want
to fail as poets mnst be sure to use. It is so
familiar to all tbe editors and publishers
that tbey recognize in it an old acquain
tance, and at once proceed to give the sender
his heart's desire. Mr. Lang recited some
verses of his own to illustrate the sort of
thing be meant We dare not, and we could
not an' we would, infringe copyright by re
producing them, but here are some others
which may serve almost as well, made for
the occasion in close imitation of the bard
who fails:
Only a dying ember, only a warming fire,
Only life's December, only death's desire, -Only
a last love token, only a memory rare.
Only a sad heart broken, only a lock of hair,
Only only ....
Only ........ only ....
The aspiring render who wishes to imitate
the style of the unread poet cannot do better
than exercise himself with filling in' the
blanks. Imitation is a sine qua non of the
art Imitate Tennyson. Swinburne, Brown-'
ing, Bossetti, anybody and everybody, but
don t be original. .Never plagiarize either.
All the common successfnl poets do that,
and even it you had every other quality
that merits failure you' would succeed if
some critic were to crucify your work in
parallel columns. Be careful, too, to write
a cramped, illegible, hand. Puzzle the ed
itor with hieroglyphics, and he will be snre
to send your copy back. If 70a cannot
write so ill as to prevent your MS. being
read, the next best thing is to search out all
tbe most out-of-the-way words you can find,
and insert them at the very spot where they
will most astouish the reader. Try not to
be simple and natural; but if you cannot
help it, then be commonplace.' If you bear
these maxims well in mind it will require
tbe utmost ingenuity in fate to prevent you
from falling.
In these days, judging by the successes,
it does not seem altogether easy to fail as a
novelist; but, nevertheless 'attention to
a few plain rules will secure it in
19 cases out of 20. A careful choice
of character and scenery is nearly
enough in itself. Pnt in "the sunny smiles
of Italy," or "the soft sweet air of the
Biviera," make the hero either stake and
lose his all or break the bank at Monaco.
utilize the sceptical curate, and the risquee
governess who speaks slang and rides to
hounds, and tbe quiet, unnoticed governess
with sad eyes, who one day flashes forth as a
radiant beauty; also in comedy the large
family of slovenly, good-humored girls, who
tear up the bed curtains for garters,
bnt who all marry rich husbands.
In introducing your hero and heroine,
never use any but the well-tried devices,
the bull in the meadow and the sprained
foot being especially recommended. Never
choose your characters from your own so
ciety. If. you have been brought up poorly
in the country admit nobody into your book
below the rank of knight or baronet, and
give detailed accounts of ducal dinners such
as in fancy you have conceived them. But
if you are yourself a marquis, twine your
story round the daily life of a dock laborer'.
Whenever there is an unsuitable oppor
tunity give a brilliant specimen of your
finest writing. In that way you will insure
that the publisher's reader will direct yonr
copy to be made up into a brown paper
parcel and expeditiously returned.
It is essential that you should be very
careless abont your manuscripts. "Write it
only once (as badly as possible) and never
correct it till, if you ever do, you see the
proof. That is expensive, and brings about
pecuniary failure even after a measure of
success has been achieved.
Put the parcel outside the window for
Pickford's van to call for, and mayhap, as
once occurred in Mr. Lang's, experience, it
will be stolen by a tramp, when yon will
not only have the satisfaction of failing, but
the intense pleasure ofimagining the thief
curiously opening what he conceived to be
at least a suit of clothes, and perhaps some
thing still more valuable, and finding only
a heap of paper. A less satisfactory, way of
achieving the same end is to write the ad
dress so carelessly that the parcel is never
delivered. When it is done, write to a
iriend who has a distant acquaintance with
some man of letters to use his influence for
it Probably the go-between will scribble
something in this style: "Dear Smith That
wretched idiot Jones asks me to write yon
about some drivelling romance he has writ
ten. I am doing so to please him, but of
course, I would be the last man to interfere
with the performance of your duty." Tlhls
does the trick.
If the best houses refuse to accept, don't
for a moment imagine that this is the end of
the whole affair. Publish boldly at your
own expense; it is as well to spend tbe
money in that way as in any other, or indnce
tome semi-bankrupt fourth rate publisher to
take it up. Tbe greater rubbish it is be tbe
more insistent on its appearance.
"In. spite of all your precautions the novel
-after all may turn out to be marketable, but
in that case you can still manage to .be a
failure by making a bad bargain -with the
publisher. Should he wish to purchase it,
sell the copyright for a small sum in cash.
It may be that he "will draw a thousand a
year for it while you have only a single
hundred, or if it Is on the half profit sys
tem let him inserts clause making the halv
ing begin after he has' bad 20 per cent ot the
profit Nothing is easier than to neutralize
the uncalculated advantages of having unwittingly-
been guilty of a clever novel.
There wonld be many more failures but for
the fact that publishers, to do them justice,
when tbey make a' great hit, are in the habit
of presenting checks the aaee-amercial
If yoa happen i We the sligMest andl
most eaeaal acquaiatMee irikk a treat critic
.: ' .- a; LV-r,-.. a.: I
5 A,.-, -f. .- jaaL-.-; sss.afia
writ aaeTask ata ef MMod w?N tar ti
yoa afavoraMe fceview; The ways ef jomtig
authors ia this ropeet are strange. Al
thoBgh they obviously trust nothing ' to
their friend's probity, ior they wonld not
write .at all, they make no attempt to trade
on his baseness. Who ever heard of a bud
ding novelist accompanying his modest re
quest with a box of choice cigars, a case of
champagne, a valuable curio or a rare
edition? But we must not pursue that topic
farther, or we shall be accused of going
against Mr. Lang, aad telling tyros how to
succeed in literature;
Superintendent Forter TcHs Private Balasetl
Jast How It- Ofay be Takes Is
Detail An Iandeqaate Ap
propriation am Yet.
rerlCXU. TXItZQUlt to thi pistatck.1
Caldwell, O., December 28. Private
Dalzell has Just received from Bobert P,
Porter. Superintendent of the Eleventh
Census, the following letter, telling how it
is proposed to find out all about the old
soldiers next June :
Private Dalzell, Caldwell, Noble Co., Ohio:
DfiAB 8m Your suggestions as to the points
which should be covered by a special census of
surviving soldiers and sailors, have been re
ceived, and I have to thank you for them. The
law,jso far as provision has been made for this
special work, permits the securing of the name,
rank, company, regiment and length of ser
vice, and this data can be secured, on a special
schedule in the hands of the census enumera
tors. To ascertain correctly tbe other points men
tioned by you wonla require a personal visit to
each surviving soldier and sailor, and would
require as wella good deal more time than is
now allowed bylaw for the gathering by the
census enumerators of tbe statistics authorized
and required nnder tbe law.
As you probably know, It Is only rarely that
tbe census enumerator would see a sarriving
soldier or sailor in person, the Information to
be gathered on tbe several schedules being
supplied by some member ot bis household. I
presume, also, that you are aware that the
census enumerator is limited as to time, said
time being two weeks in cities of 10,000 inhabi
tants, according to tbe census ot 1880, and one
month in all other enumeration districts.
This matter of obtaining a detailed statement
as to tbe present financial and physical condi
tion of survivors baa been tbe subject of con
siderable consideration and correspondence
with General Alger and others interested, and
the means whereby this could be carried out
and not conflict with or jeopardize tbe success
of the census as a whole, has been
suggested by this office. This plan. In
brief, was to have the census enu
merator, at the time of tbe enumeration,
in June next, to leave with each survivor or
widow an inquiry card containing the various
points covered by this special data needed, and
with the necessary instructions printed on the
other side of the card. This card could bo
filled In at tbe convenience ot tbe person, and
returned in an envelope supplied for the pur
pose, to tbe Census Office.
In the case ot all those persons who, after a
certain time, did not make such return special
means could be provided to secure this Infor
mation from them, and thus make the recprd
as complete as possible. To do this, of course,
wonld require an additional sum of money be
yond what has been already appropriated for
tbe census proper. If such a plan is adopted,
and the additional money secured, I do not see
why this could not be carried out successfully,
and be of great value to all persons interested
in this nutter. Very respectfully,
Superintendent of Census.
A Cuban Girl's Great AstonUhmcnt en Be
holding Icicles,
Youth's Companion. 1
A Cuban girl who had never seen icioles
spedt a winter in a 'Northern city for the
study of music She woke on Cbristmas
morning and was astonished at seeing for
the'first time Jn her life the long, pendant
fringes banging from the eaves.
"Ob, what a beautiful Christmas cus
tom?" she exclaimed, as she came hurrying
downstairs. "Tbe candelabra look lovely
hanging from the roof all ready for the illu
mination)" BeechaVs Pills cure bilious and nervous ills
PsABfi' Soap secures a beautiful complexion
Barcalm OnssnaL
See column, ad. this paper, and come to
these stores Monday morning. We'll save
yon a good many dollars. ;
Booos & Buhl.
At Hunch's Jewelry Store '
Yon can buy fine diamond jewelry and gold
watches 20 per cent less than elsewhere.
This is quite a earing, at Hauoh's, No. 295
Fifth ave. -
Furs French and Scotch flannels a great
variety of patterns to select from prices all
rednce'd. Huqps & Hacee.
McGInty'd Christmas Dinner
Was composed chiefly of Marvin's new and
famons McGinty cakes, just out Get a
pound from jour grocer.
SiylUu Trouserings.
The largest stock at popular prices.
Pixoaiek's, 434 Wood street
Those who use Frauenheim & Vilsack's
celebrated ale and porter pronounce it ex
cellent in flavor and very beneficial in its
effect Kept by all first-class dealers.
'. .- v
J: C3.FS obtained
awarded solely for toilet SOAP m competi
tion with all the world. Highest fossibk
..' i.-'
HV :?'
.;' Ml
EflWH- 9sEasmaJgV
Qaaek Veeter Mtth 'Meter fcr
Tkeei AH SeM ef XeetmsM.
New York Sen,
"Fat men," said a well-known physician
yesterday, "are.the most gullible creatdres
of earlh. No end of patent medieine sharps
have made big fortunes purely by the Man
ner in which they have' preyed upon "the
prejudices of men who convey superfluous
flesh around with them, and there would
seem to be absolutely no .nostrum too non
sensical or absurd for a fat man to reject The
merest tyro In matters relating to hygiene
knows perfectly well that the only reasona
ble way for a man of abundant flesh to re
duce himself is by exercise. Then, as he
grows thinnerfhis muscles harden and he
increases in strength, but' inordinate fat pre-,
rltenneoa a man inavttai anil lanmiA anrl'
so fat men try to reduce themselves by medi
cines and medical remedies of various sorts.
They succeed, in wrecking their digestive
powers, and that is about All. Most of
them are big and strong enough' to protect
themselves In a physical sense, bnt they are
veritable children when they come in contact
with quack doctors." '
Usees of Lntz's beer are always well
pleased. Sept by all first-class dealers, or
will be supplied direct Office cor. Cheet
nnt at and Spring Garden ave.. Allegheny.
Harry Scott .Manager
A Happy, Prosperous New Year to All,
Week Beginning Monday, Dec. 30s
The Sensation of the Day,
World's Mastodon Fat Woman,
Weight 898 pounds,
Will positively walk across the Sixth street
bridge andlnto the Museum Monday morning,
December 80. at 10:30 o'clock. Everybody in
vite d' Tbe sight of a lifetime. She does not
par toll. She is a lady.
A complete transformation in every depart
ment. Indeed, a dollar show for a dime. A
genuine Chautaslnne Pantomime Company in
theatre and olio. of specialties. A Great Show.
Cor. Beventh ave. and New Grant Street
Tuesday (New Year's Eve),
New Year's Afternoon,
New Year's Night
Thursday Night and Saturday Matinee,
Usual prices of admission, 60c.; hat box,
10c and 15a
Saturday Matinee, 25c.
Music by the Mozart and Boyal Italian
corner Beach street and Irwin avenue. Alle
gheny, wfll open for season ot '90, Saturday, Jan.
4. Class Arrangements Misses and Masters,
Class, -Wednesdays from! till 6 P. K.: Saturdays,
from 8 till 5 P. it, commencing Saturday, Jan.
nary 4. Ladles and Gentlemen's Class, Mon
days and Fridays 6 to 10 P. it., commencing
January 6. Class lor Ladies, exclusively,
Fridays from 4 to 8 p. II. For further informa
tion address MISS 11. E. BKIDOE, Cyclorama
bull dins. de25-M
Liberty avenue and Sixth street.
The second term for beginners will commence
for ladies and gentlemen THURSDAY, Janu
ary 2, at SJo'clock f. K.For misses and mas
ters SATURDAY. January i, at 8 o'clock.
New dances taucht will he the Military
Schottiscue Quadrille, Le Reve. Cadet Waltz
and L'Eclalr, the last named just received
from the author.
See circulars at music stores. de29-70
Furnishes JInslo for Concerts, Weddings,
Receptions, etc., etc
Also Lessons on Flute and Piano.
, sel5-l-su 0 WOOD ST.
"- i.-" J-
; 189.
only 7: gold ; medal
llW ;
: WEEK: nl
mm wmm
j EV
IJflU, DU. fT R,
"Tie Eagle can.
Elaborate Picturesque Production of ,
;, Famous Night Picture of London Life, entitled
With the Great Boston and New York Oast, including
-A- OT7olox,axcLa; ofa 0tw Xie
January 6, BRONSON
ILR. E. D. WILT, Lessee ana Manager.
25c, 50c, 75c and,$l OO.
Matinees Hew Year's Bay and Saturday.
The Funniest Comedy of the Beason,
xm ii ii mop
"A Satire on the Railroads-"'
Great Cast I New Scenery!
Popular Music!
Company of Comedians and
Pretty Girls.
Week ot January 6 Primrose and
West's Gigantio Minstrels.
Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
AT 2. '
Harry and John
Tne Braatz Bros,
Weber and Fields,
The Iamaa Bisters,
Harding and An Bid.
Ward and Yokes.
Haber and Allyne,
Mouday, Jannary 8 The
American Fear
Every Af teraoo aad Evening.
s N. S. WOOD
J xm uxxm? 'btjcuesh,
--"v f
Underlie direction of
well" afford to let the little
Soeiie Carried Coxnple"be-
The London Bridge
The Underground Railroad Tunnel, ;
The Home Under the Arches, jT
The Famous Concert Hall Scene.:!
BOBBY GAYLOR, The Great Irish ComiqueL r?
MARIE RENE, The Premiere Change Danseuse,
KELLY & MURPHY, Exhibitors of the Manly Art.
la nothing short of a commercial victory, and is another and most
conclusive proof of "the survival of the fittest." Cash and Credit
Houses may come and Cash and Credit Souses may go. Tliey may
Jaclc-in-the-box-lik& pop up on every street and thoroughfare of
both cities, but Keech will survive them all. The contract entered
into by Keech for supplying the people of Fiitsburg and Allegheny,
with first-class Furniture and Carpets at lower prices than any other
house is not made of such brittle stuff as idle promises or exaggerated
advertisements, but is as solid and everlasting as the rock of Gibral-
tart Due. recoynitionjof this fact on the part of the people is clearly
manifested by their ever-increasing patronage. They come toe
Keech's as naturally as Father Mississippi finds his way to the gulf 2
Tliey expect to get better value for their money than any other house
in this section could or would give
to say, they are never disappointed.
iivi TLicr eti ii-iiviiti inr i iiviit
iw inc. rumii i ur& inxc
iteprh'a stand head and shoulders
r n-no na -fhtt sfnrlr. nf "Furniture fHsnla.7lP.fl Till thill nonutn.r Tiniisn m.Wuh"
be (five spacious floors being required for its display), it contains not
a trashy or unreliable article. The
truth,of f ' - I
:: nKEECH'8 ::
Amona the hundreds upon hundreds of big rolls of rich Brutselili
Tapestries? Velvets, Moquettes or
vain seek for a. shoddy quality or a
Just a few more words and we
cern Keech's. Cloak and Clothing rooms. They yet contain a oeauttt
ful variety of Ladies' JTewmdrkets
and- Overcoats, and, owing to the lateness of the season, you wtay,ZJfci
for -
.-, bio- jsnDTJcrrioisFs
::'jv ..
Si . . -V " .
t --s v A'T T AT rtMf
Sl4 . XXLi-l n.J-.-J.11 JS
4Jr "
:k: e ie o hi
Cash and Credit Hduge,
m-rS ! JVT
U.1 XM WS..W
ISFeaa? H5TXL-fcii.
-A -
Sparrow chatter."
at Night,
them, and it is hardly necessary '.
; 't t ;
above all so-called comnetitlotl:':
same may be said with equal
Ingrains shown here yow will id
fading color. y
are done. These -words wiUcsnSi
and Plush garments, 'Men's Bjmsj
' - "!-J?
TUT? T TVTT? -. &&
J.J.1JJ4 JX1XX. i. f'Sr .,
.??. v
-2i "I- o t rvr-il 1 &
A. VXXXJ. '. it wl A,-t.Wrt
.JkL.i ''
1 hit A
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as "OLD TOM."
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