Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 29, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 15, Image 15

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llCContest in Which SeTeral Kod-
ern Giants Will Compete.
iLlftlng a Platform "mth a "Weight upon
iit Igoal to 20 Men.
icoxBXSPonsEircx or thx pisrATCB. i
December 27.
"Within the next
few weeks lovers
of athletic sports
in this country
will in all proba
bility be treated to
a novel and sur
prising contest.
Sampson, Cyclops
and Sandow, the
trio whose feats of
strength have been
exciting a iurore
in London; Louis
St Cyr. the Cana
dian Hercules, and
Denis Gallagher,
the wonderful
strongman of But
f.l m. AvnaotM
''4.0 meet in a public
trial of strength
and skill, such as.
has never before
been witnessed in
Jienia QaUauKer. the united eiaies.
Mlf halt the feats said to We been accom
plished in England and, elsewhere by these
t-mln are duplicated here, the exhibition will
Ebe one well worth seeing, and will be nota-
AhU. nmnnr nineteenth century athletics.
F It is prettyhard to believe all thetremend
frTons stories that are told of those fellows who
dare coming here to show us just what real
physical strength means. For many weeks
plslVshort-necked man with stout legs and
iblgibiceps, calling himself t3.-A.bamp-
i.fand spilling it with a "p." to showtnat
'mmi't related to the other Samson who
Iwas so badly tricked bv Delilah, has been
Wounding London audiences by his per
formances with a young fellow who modestly
'concealed his identity under the imposing
-name or Cyclops. 'Xney nave oeen periorm
ing at the Westminster Aquarium, and
fiending out all sorts of challenges fronithe
fstsge to men who labor under the hallucina
tion that they can lift a ton or two with
comparative ease. Finally, after Sampson
ibad.onered a prize oi ouu u me man wno
cbuld do the feats done by Cyclops, his
5upQ, and $2,600 to any man better than
imselfwho might turn up, Eugene San
j3ow undertook the task. He fairly won the
' premiums offered by Sampson, but the latter,
nmiWr thrnnfh pharrin. refused to hand
over the money.
JSonie biehlv amusing stories are told
"iiabout these contests. Sampson, who is not
the herculean person in appearance that his
ieats would seem to imply, is a native of
Metz, the son of a French mother and a
Spanish father. He speaks seven lan
guages, plays sonatas on the piano with the
delicate touch of a girl, and has a biceps
. measuring 14j inches in repose and 19
inches when be wrestles with an iron rod or
ia wire rope. His chest measurement is 44
r inches, but when he inflates his lungs he
adds several lnCD.es to tnis ngure. xnis
.peculiarity gave rise to the rumor that he
was a native of Chicago and a "World's Fair
boomer, but this he has indignantly denied.
Sampson, however, visited the United
ft j States several years ago, being then com
7,vjaratively unknown. Cyclops, his pupil,
18 21. years oi age aau a uiaguiuceut &jjcci-
men of physical development.
Sandow is a Pomeranian, and was born
(at ELonigsberg 22 years ago. Eor four years
he has been trained by Prof. Attila, one of
the best known athletic teachers in Ger
many. His development is superior to that
cf Sampson, his chest measurement being
45U inches and bis biceps and forearm each
from 1 toljf inches larger than those of his
jrival. He weighs 202 pounds when in cod
lifinn Kftndow nerformed in London be-
Ffore the leading sporting men of England,
eclipsing Sampsons most dimcult leats,
breaking chain bracelets and wire ropes
with his forearms and bending heavy iron
rods by striking tbem across his chest, arms
and his thighs. The bracelet chains, which
had a resistance of 2,500 pounds, were
unarmed like pioestems. Amonsr those
who witnessed these extraordinary trials of
strength were the .Marquis of Queensberry,
fXord de Clifford and Captain Molesworth,
who acted as judges, am tne Pomeranian
: snapped length alter lengtn ot tne steel
, chain bracelets with his biceps and burst
Lthe wire ropes with his pectoral muscles,
pnen rose in the audience and waved bank
(notes of big denominations as an invitation
to Sampson to beat the white-skinned San
How if he could; but the former Sulked and
rdeclined. Sandow then, alter lightly toss-
ring a 150-pound dumbbell in the air a few
times to keep his hand in, while the judges
(consulted, periormed a trick that caused
Sampson to collapse, ile placed a cnatn
around his back and neck, and pro
ceeded to Hit the 150-pound dumbbell with
His bands. The chain snapped, the Brit
ishers yelled, and the referee declared that
iHEPomeranian had beaten the Hets man
rSufof sight
IvWhen these two. with Sampson's incog-
rSitocomrade, Cyclops,cross the Atlantic,
theypill meet competitors worthy of their
prowess. Louis St. Cyr, the "Cana'dian Her
iciles," who has challenged Sampson and
Sandow, is 26 years of age. and is a man of
fsuperb -development, standing 6 feet 10
(inches tall and weighing 323 pounds; his
Jfleshand muscles are as hard as oak, and he
hsfprebably the best weight lifter ever seen
finuhls part of the globe. Another chal
lenger 1 Ienis Gallagher, a muscular
tathlete who formerly resided in Buffalo, and
pwhose specialty is Lancashire wrestling.
IThiiBafelo bej doesn't care to attempt any
Maia-bre&kiac feats at present; -aa ureters
'.$ f
-? g V m
jjK w V -fM
WL ' & a vim
n mm,: -s iw -c m mm
Km vfmWm
KNmj. -- Eampton Sends Pit Iron Bar.2
tn w tbe iln- pfAhj skill oi the slants at
about of collar-and-elbow wrestling, ra
catch-as-catch-can match Jor any amount.
St. Cyr and Gallagher hare both appeared
in public contests. The former has put up
a 245 pound dumbbell from, floor to shoulder
and from shoulder to arm' length with one
hand. On .Harch 28, 1886. at St. Henri,
Canada, be lilted a platform on which seven
men were seated, andTrhich also, contained
St. Cyr With tSO-Ptncnd Dumbbell
seven dnmDoeus anu a utra ". -
whole making a dead weight of2,378 pounds.
He repeated this Jeat six months later. Im
mediately after this, he placed a barrel of
flour upon his shoulder, and followed this
up by lifting 3,500 pounds of pig iron with
a plank as the hold. His tremendous de
velopment will dwarf both Sampson and
Sandow and render a contest among these
giants decidedly interesting.
There are other great Americans who wll
in all probability enter the list against the
i..nnliii fnrolCTn- when thev arrive.
. .1 1 1 .1 f Ann illA
William B. Curtis, the sporting editor of
tne optrt: tp me jijbm. is m.muu -teur
athlete. He has lilted with the harness,
1,250 pounds in New York City. David L.
Dowd, of Springfield, has lifted 1,442$
pounds with hands alone; H. Leussing.ot
Cincinnati, has a record of liftine 1,364
pounds; G. "W. Winship, of Boston, 1,200
pounds; Ambrose A. Butts, of Auburn, O.,
2.737K pounds; Dr. John Lucas, of Belle
ville, 111., 2.700 pounds, and C. O. BreedjOf
Lynn. Mass., a barrel of flour weighing 226
pounds, with his hands alone. All these
men compare favorably with the foreign
champions. A carpenter named Sterns, of
Granite Corners, N. Y,t aged 80 years,
shouldered a 4.000-pound cannon.
Stiil others in the muscular arena who
may be expected to come forward are Powers,
the "Cowboy Samson," a celebrated lifter
well known in New XorkCity, and Andrew
Hall, a medium-sized, finely developed
athlete whose best feat is to place a cobble
stone on his chest and let a man break it
with a sledgehammer. This is the same
trick that "Pooley" ilace and Thomas Lam
bert used to perform 15 years ago when they
starred all over the country in the "gladia
tor statue" business. Hall Also does the
trick performed by Sandow and Sampson
with the iron rods. He bends the rod to a
right angle by beating it over his armor his
head, and straightens it out again by the
same method. His skull seems to be in
capable of injury, and this part ot hispro-
gramme la a puuic w u m.-. .....-..-,.
The remarkable- feats accomplished by
these strong mqa will not suffer by compari
son with the vaunted deeds or the ancients.
Milo, the old ox-killer, who used to gorge
himseU on 20 pounds of meat and 15 pints
of wine at a sitting, may have had a nobler
appetite than our modern athletes, who are
trained on scientific principles,but he would
have shrunk from a bout with St. Cyr, had
the latter playfully invited him to lift a
platform with 20 men sitting on it Even
Tommv Topham, the famous Englishman
who,in 1836, lifted three, hksheads of water,
bent pokers across his neck and arms and
straightened them out again with his fingers,
could hardlyhave held his own against such
a redoubtable champion as this .Canadian.
Bandovft Greateit Teal.
The records given above go very far to prove
that the modern athlete is in every particu
lar the superior of his predecessors.
The Handsomest Maidens Seldom Excel in
Their Madlcs.
Teacher, In Globe-Democrat.J
Ask the teachers in the schools who are
the best scholars, and you will find that
they will point out the plain ones. These
girls, knowing that they conld not count
upon personal attraction, Bought their
charms nt a higher source. It is believed
that Michael Angelo's broken nose did
much to stimlate his genius.
The eminent women of this age, as a rnle,
are not noted for their beauty, And it is a
rarity to find one that nas a share , or good
Jntt no Long- at yer.
Philadelphia Eecord.l
It has taken much earnest thought by
many a genius to bring the skate to its pres
ent perfected shape, which in a second can be
adjusted to any foot, but, despite these im
provements, it will always' take the young
man just as long to put his girl's skate on
for her as it did in the days' oi the oldDntcn
jumper with its labyrinth of tape-like
Diamonds have advanced since July
last about 40 per cent This is but the be
ginning of a movement to increase the mar
ket price ot precious stones. We predict a
furtheradvauce of from GO to 75 per cent the
coming" year. Onr Btock of diamonds was
purchased in June just before the advance,
and we are still selling goods aHhe old
prices. "We take stock January 10, after
which we will be compelled to advance oar
prices on diamonds to meet market prices,
we have a large and complete stock. To
those contemplating the purchase of dia
monds we would fay, now is your time. M.
G. Cohen, Diamond Expert and Jeweler,
S33 Smitbfield st. Large street clock ia front
of the door.
Usees of Lutz's "beer are always well
pleased. Sept by all first-class dealers, or
will be supplied direct. Office tor. Chest
nut st. and Spring Garden ave., Allegheny.
Z. Watnwbighx & Co. a!ly raak all
othew as producing MiMrierVrer, ale and
ports. Fwtllks EapftlM tUmt 3V1
. J W.J
Interesting EeKinlscencea of Famous Tra
gedians and Comedians.
I sometimes think that if the callboy, or
the scenehifter, or the property man of a
theater could be brought to the point of
writing his autobiography, the result would
be some "mighty interesting reading." Not,
perhaps, because of the autobiography itself,
but because of the bits of other biography
that would be woven in with it.
The views ol Chuffy Smithers, call-boy,
concerning" Chuffy Smithers, might be a bit
tiresome, but we could put up with that for
the sake of getting his views concerning
Mr. Tearpasslon, the eminent tragedian, or
Mr. "KVafher. the favorite comedian. His
recollections of those renowned artists
would be delightfal in their way. The
standpoint would be new, and the criticisms
and reflections would have a fresh, impar
tial independence about them not to be
looked for anvwhere else.
The thing written would be very different
from what the famous artist himself would
write, of course; not necessarily better, but
different, giving lights and shadows the
great man knows nothing about, and spiced
with anecdote and reminiscence the subject
of them would probably not have selected.
As to truthfulness, not even the manager
not the advance agent himself could be
depended upon for such strict and judicial
uprightness of judgment as -the unpreju
diced person spoken of. And as to infinite
variety, think of the multitude of actors and
actresses, great and small, which a callboy
encounters off their guard at one time and
Erom time to time little fragments ol
secret stage anecdotes get out into the air
at least they used to in the old stock com
panv days that give a taste of the quality
such" asanantobiography would have. Idon't
know whether it was the call-boy, hut it was
some unconsidered theatrical underling,
who gave limited freedom to a bit of gossip
concerning one of the great stars who visited
Pittsburg years ago.
It is a well-known fact that many com
edians sigh for the missing opportunity to
shine in high tragedy; and many tragedians
"believe that they could convulse an audience
with lauchter if they were to appear in
broad comedy. But who would ever have
suspected the great Elstori of any ambition
to be a dancer?
Yet the gossip "referred to indicated just
that. It was privately related that one of
the attaches of the theater, just before the
curtain was to be rung up for the tragedy ol
the evening, caught a surreptitious glimpse
of the renowned artist, when she thought
she was alone and safely secluded from all
profane eyes. She was posing, but in the
most unheard of manner.
The majestic tragedienne was not rehears
ing any of the telling attitudes which niide
Queen Elizabeth, ox Mary Stuart, or Media,
or Lady Macbeth so grandly effective. Ear
from it. She was balancing herself on one
toe and trying to spin about in the limited
space of the dressing room. In other words,
she was practicing a ballet step, and was
verv much in earnest about it, too.
I'hope the story is true; for it is delicious
to think of Adelaide Eistori indulging in
such frivolity as that
Then there was another storv. coming from
some such source as the first. Thiswaaabout
Edwla Forrest, and related to one of his
last visits to Pittsburg. He was old, he was
afflicted with gout; and his temper, so it
van vrhlsnered. shared the affliction to a
marked degree. Therefore, everybody who,
came in contact witn mm, on tne stage or
off, was very careful.
Perhaps it was because he was too careful
that one of the stage subordinates got into
trouble. He bad occasion to pass Mr. Eor
rest as he sat waiting lor the time to "goon,"
He moved with such elaborate care that he
"stubbed his toe" against one of the gouty
feet. Panic almost overthrew the poor fel
low, and in the effort to recover himself he
struck the same foot a second time. Then
he stood still, prepared for annihilation.
Eor an instant the pain from the first blow
was so treat that the tracedian could only
gasp, preparatory to the proper explosion of
wrath. The second infliction came before
the explosion' was ready; and then the situa
tion was too thrilling for even Edwin For
rest's most tempestuous rhetoric. Nothing
in "King Lear" could match it
Consequently there was no outburst at all.
The offender was dealt with, but he was
simplv cut in two by a sharp sarcasm of
courtesy. Bowing low to the unnappy man
Mr. Forrest said, with the blandest civility:
"Will you favor me by practicing on the
other loot for a while? That one is tired I"
I hope that story, also, is true. If it is not
it ought to be.
Whatever Ehtori may have done when
she thought nobody was looking, she never
did anything funny on the stage. One of
her Italian supporters made the audience
laugh one night, but she had nothing to do
with it. The play was "Macbeth;" and
Macduff hai just been told of the atrocities
committed by the wicked Thane. In the
excess of his emotion Macduff thrust his
head out of a window and shouted into the
wings some Italian words that sounded like
"Soke! Sukel Sake!" as if he had discov
ered a cow in the garden. The audience
tittered at the outcry.
But when Lady Macbeth was before them
there was no thought of mirth. Eistori, as
the strong and wicked wife of that weak
and wicked man, was a terrible fascinating
woman. And she was a woman, not a
monster. In the sleep-walking scene, when
all has come to naught, nnd'onlyremorse
and terror are left, she was so womanly
that pity thrust down condemnation.
It was the subtle quality of womanliness
in her characters which made Bistort's rep
resentations of Queen Elizabeth and Mary
Stuart so popular. The plays were not
Ktrnntr. from either the literarv or the his
torical! standpoint, perhaps; but they becamo
favorites with Pittsburg audiences, and I
think the people liked the actress better in
those two characterstthan in any other.
Elizabeth's love-making with Essex; her
stormy interview with him when he called
ber names and she demanded his sword; her
signing of his death warrant; her eager wait
ing for the ring which would be his plea for
pardon; ner ternoie gnei ana remorao niiea
at last the fatal ax has fallen; and the love
memories the old woman indulges in as she
lies dying, holding the crown npon her head
to the last moment those are scenes which
those who witnessed then recall with a thrill
even now.
And so of the stronger scenes in "Mary
Stuart" Thatperonation found less favor
than the other, but there'was obo very tell
ing situation in it, which stirred the audi
ence to enthusiasm the interview between
Elizabeth and Mary in the park. The En
glish Queen demands that her captive kins
woman shall kneel before her. Mary's
haughty spirit will not consent to that, for
shots also a Queen. But even Queens may
kneel to God, and to God she kneels, leav
ing Elizabeth to suppose thereverence is for
It was a bold stroke for even so eminent
an actress as Jean Davenport Lander to
challenge direct comparison with the great
Italian by following hard upon her heels
and appearing in these two characters, which
Eistori had made especially her own.
But Mrs. Lander did it, and did
it successfully. Some oi her ad
mirers may have regretted her
enterprise when they first heard of it;
but they approved and admired when, they
saw how exeellHt were the represeMatious
she gave. She say have
rival; b ifTe,sfc
aitai&ed Ty hw
siopW MtlT a Uttl
Bright LiglitsTbtlaTeSkoBe pon
the Pittsburg Stage.
failed y to reach
short of her, Mi
adWa , WW
C ili-Ml
That Is what EdwiaJForwst was, beyond
a doubt Many years afto it was more or
less the fashion to stigmatise him as coarse
in his conceptions and inartistic in his
methods. If there was truth in those criti
cisms ht any time, he made.such trnth a
mere matter of tradition by his later devel
opment The power of his genius, losing
none of its strength and grandeur, was
quickened and controlled'by human insight
and human feeling; and his art was of the
highest and the best, as the arf of genius is
apt to be. ...
Pittsburg saw much of him.and the KeinK
was a privilege the memory of which will
only end with the ending ot life. Tt seems
now as though there was only one Kxng
Lear for us to remember, and that the one
Edwin Forrest made a reality for us. Was
there any other such at any time? The
poor old man, broken in mind, body and
estate; his kingdom gone, his crown a mist
ol straw, his children cruel mockers; yet
even in his sore extremity "every inch a
king" this was a man, Indeed a man
whom we must love, pity, sympathize with
and, weep for.
The fiber of strong humanity was in ev
erything Forrest gave us. After his time
John McCullough gave some-or the charac
ters which had been Eorrest's exclusively.
He was great in them, as he was in every
thing he played; but his greatness was not
the greatness oi nis preaeeessor.
The last timo I saw Edwin Torrest he
played "Hamlet" He-was an old man, al
most disabled by gout, and Hamlet was-the
very last character one would have thought
r.r fuenniatintririth him. It seemed absurd
forhim to undertake it; and two or three or
us went together as a matter of idle curi
osity, lamenting the while that so great ft
man should yield to such a weakness. We
would look in for a, rew moments at the piti
ful spectacle of a lame old. man enacting the
youthful Prince.
The revelation given to us held us en"
bound the entire evening, and when we had
seen and heard the last of the great repre
sentation we wished for it all over again.
Wnat must the Hamlet of young Edwin
Forrest have been since, broken by ace and
infirmity, he could sit in a chair upon the
stage and make us discern meanings in the
character we had .never suspected before?
That is what he did that evening His
reading of the lines f acting there was but
little gave a delight which is vivid even
Of a very different sort, butfcf great emi
nence in his way, was John E. Owens. In
his prime I suppose-no comedian was better
loved in Pittsburg than he; and there was
abundant cause for the affection bestowed.
He made us laugh delfcionsly, .and some
times the laughter had tears in it He had
that highest quality of humor which Jeffer
son and all the best comedians have, the
quality which rouses a complex emotion,
having mirth for only one of its elements.
His John Unit became at once the friend
of all who made his acquaintance, entering
into their affections and aoioing mere ioi
ever. So did bis Solon Shingle, and so did
ail the fine old gentlemen or all the fine old
mmediea he eave us from time to time. His
acting, for the most part, was very quiet,
but he had plenty of lun in him that was
not of the quiet sort, and very often he had
his audience in a tumult
And, speaking of quiet acting, Janauschek
had a master of that difficult art with her
the first time she played In English in Pitts
burg. The play was "Bleak House," and
this man I do not recall his name had the
part of Tulkinghorn, the lawyer. Alter his
interview-with iody Dedlock, Mr. Tulking
hbrn went to his room, and there was shot
and killed. But before bis sudden taking
off he held the audience breathless for what
seemed a very long time. He did not utter
a word, and he did not do a thing beyond
what a grave, methodical man absorbed in
thinking over a very important case might
be expected to do. He wrote a little; he
walked up and down the room with
his hands behind him; he looked
out oi the window at the night; he sighed,
in pity or weariness; he drummed with his
fingers on the table in the great perplexity
which possessed him. Nothing very thril
ling or exciting in Jtllhat but not-by the
rustle of a fan did anyone in the audience
disturb the scene. The man was oppressed
and he oppressed those who looted on him
with the weight-of the woe he was about to
let fall. Earely is a stronger illustration
given of the intense eloquence of silence.
Has anyone who looked on her beautiful
face and, watched the grace of her move
ments, and heard the musioof her voice.and
felt the spell of her genius, forgotten Ade
laide Netlson? l don't tninK so. s&e was
not a woman to forget; and to remember her
is to have something very valuable always
in possession.
There have been Bosalinds and Rosa
linds, but the one she gave us was so alto
gether charming that we cared not for any
other who might have been or might come
thereafter. More Juliets have gone to un
timely death upon the stage than one can
ronnt, but when this Juliet died there was
grief as if a well beloved friend had gone
from us. The spirit of pure girlhood
seemed incarnate in her. Sometimes it was
a girl's passion she showed us; sometimes a
girl's freakishness; sometimes a girl's arch
gayety, and always a girl's winsome, love
able charm.
And surely Caroline Etchings is not for
gotten; but there may be very many who do
not remember that she ever came to Pitts
burg except as an opera singer. It was
after her operatic days had ended in dis
aster. She came once as a dramatic star,
and very many of her old friends flocked to
see her. I remember she appeared in
Charles Beade's "Christie Johnstone," and
sang "Caller Herrin' " in a way to make us
remember the best of her singing days.
Lucille Western was another one of the
galaxy. Perhaps she had genius, perhaps
not; at all events she had the power to make
people cry. wnenever sne appearcu. m
East Lvnne" the house was packed and
the atmosphere became damp from the tears
shed for the woes of Lady Isabel and Madam'
Tine. And it was sot only the women who
wept; there were always men in plenty who
.needed a dry handkerchief by the timelhey
got home.
And Mrs. D. P. Bowers was one of the
"emotional" actresses in great favor. It
seemed as though Miss Braddon must have
had consultation with her before writing
"T,adr Andlev's Secret" so antlvdld the
actress interpret tne part of the fascinating J
murderess. But not only as baay jiuatey
did Mrs. Bowers excel. She was an actress
of genuine power, and did good, strong
It is pleasant to think of them all. And
still pleasanter is it to think of the .stars
that have not set May it be long, very
long, before Booth, and Jeffersont and Bar
rett, and Salvini, and Janauschek, and
Modjeska and many more of the great and
lesser lights cease to shine for us!
James C. Pukdt.
Catarrh Cared.
A clergyman, after years of suffering from
that loathsome disease Catarrh, and vainly
tryine every known remedy; at last found a
prescription which completely cured and
saved him from death. Any sufferer from
this dreadfuldisease sending a self-addressed
stamped envelope to Prof, J. A. Lawrence,
88 Warren street, New York, will receive
the recipe free of charge. SOS
You'll surely come to these cloak and
fur rooms for bargains ibis week; read
column ad. this paper to-day.
Booos & Buhl, Allegheny.
From the Bottom ot the Sea.
McGmtyhaa been found st last The
mystery is solved. You can find him at
your grocers. Marvin's McQinty oakes are
the newest, sweetest, best in the market
Get a pound at once.
CLOTS, plush asd far shoulder eapes
good assertmeat and at cost priest.
Cask paid for. M
Haueh'i, &. m JTUtk r7'
vn?2 'i Fji
rA V
sn ,v -vrvp
PiscoTeriet in aidApplfca
tiofls of Electricity.
ShipsiildiBg Affected fey the Price of Irea
and Steel.
Eeaders of The Dispatch who desire
information on subjects relating to indus
trial development and progress in mechani
cal, civil and electrical engineering and the
sciences can have their queries answered
through this column.
Mr.A. E. Foote, in his recent work on
the "Economio Valtto of Electric Light and
Power," says that tne dangers or electricity
are lamentably exageerated. Selections
from papers written, by insurance experts
are quoted, proving that electricity, when
properly handled, is the force most easily
controlled and least hazardous, and that
electric lighting is the best and safest form
of artificial illumination, The testimony ot
eminent physicians, showing the hygienic
advantaees of electric light in our public
theaters and halls is also given. Much of
the mystery connected with electricity to
the average person is caused by ignorance,
or a very slight knowledge of what is in"
reality the greatest force which man has ever
made his servant
A prismatic rainbow of enormous size,
arching from an anchorage in the lake to a
point in the Exposition grounds, was sug
gested to Mr. Edison by the Chicago repre
sentative, at the Paris Exposition. Mr.
Edison is reported to have said: "It is
feasible beyond a doubt, and it can be made
so close an imitation of the most brilliant
rainbow ever seen in the heavensas to
absolutely deceive many of those not in the
secret" It is now contemplated to build
such a rainbow in Chicago, making the
framework of the great arch as light as
possible, so that the rainbow-hued bulbs
of incandescent lights will appear unsup
ported. Prof. Forbes, in a paper read before the
British Association at Newcastle, England,
said he had not the slightest doubt that in
the course of a very few years the steam
launch, as used to-dav, would be entirely
abolished. The result would inevitably be
the survival of the fittest, and the electric
launch would take the place of the steam
launch. The electric launch is free from
the objections of smoke and oil, and taking
into consideration its size and accommoda
tion, it is cheaper than the steam launch.
The difference of time in passing through
the Snex canal between vessels fitted with
the electric light and similar vessels with
out that illuminant, averages 15 hours, the
steamers having the electric light being al
lowed to proceed at night
Fiber Venn Hair In Mortnr.
Various tests have been made with a view
to ascertaining the advantage to be derived
from the use of manilla fibers as compared
with other substances in plastering work;
One of the most conclusive of these tests was
made with four plates of equal size, one con
taining manilla hemp, a second sisal hemp,
a third jute and a fourth goat's hair of the
finest quality, and the operation consisted
in suspending weights from the middle of
each plate, the ends of which were properly
supported. The result showed that
the plaster mixed with goat's hair
broke at 144K pounds weight, the jute at
145 pounds, the sisal at 150, and the manilla
at 195 in the latter case the hemp not
breaking, but cracking, and though cracked
in thn center, the lower half of this plate,
when it was suspended, held .on to the up
per half, the manilla securing it last. j.ne
three other plates were broken, that is to
say, entirely severed. Another test was
made of mortar mixed with manilla hemp
and best goat's hair respectively. The mix
tures were stored in barrels in a dry cellar
for nine months, and when examined the
hair mortar crumbled and broke apart, very
little of the hair being visible, showing that
it had been consumed by the lime; but the
other containing the hemp, showed great
cohesion, it being quite an effort to pull it
apart, the hemp fibers permeating the mass,)
and being but little affected by the lime.
New Machine for Winding Silk.
The new machine for winding silk, which
was shown at the Paris Exposition, owes its
invention to the Ingenuity of the represen
tative of a French silk firm. This gentle
man, while at Sautari, watching the depart'
ure oi camels, loaded with spools of silk for
Teheran, was struck with the disproportion
in weight of silk to spools, the latter being
75 per cent of the load, while the loss of
camels on the jonrney was 10 per cent
Upon thinking over the matter he decided
that the silk shonld be wound without mak
ing it square, or causing it to kink, that the
spools for commerce and the reels for the
sewing machine should be done away with,
and a wound silk or thread, of equable
strength, suitable for hand and machine
use, be provided for the worker. The "Star
Disk," in which silk is wound on '13 bob
bins at the same time is the admirable de
vice which has been evolved. It is made
in all sizes adapted to the requirements of
the trade.
Textile Fiber la Cotton Stalk.
According to a recent experiment, a very
valuable and important part of the cotton
plant has hitherto been, wasted. It occurred
to a manufacturer of Helena, Ark., that
some use conld be made of the cotton stalk,
and he sent a quantity of it to a factory in
New York to be operated upon in the same
manner as flax and. hemp. The results
were returned to him in the shape of about
20 different grades of fibrous material, from
coarse strands of the stalk to the glossy
fiber as solt as silk. A machine to spin the
material is now under consideration. Should
the claim that is made be substantiated,
that the fiber of the stalk is sufficiently
strong to mako the best of bagging, as well
as cloth as fine as linen, the'.value of the dis
covery to the cotton growing States is incal
culable. The extraction from the stalk
takes about six hours, and is effected by an
electrie process.
The Eje and Color.
Mr. Parkyns, in the course of one of the
Gilchrist lectures delivered at Colchester,
England, on "The Eye and Color," gavo
several interesting illustrations ot color
blindness. He told an amusing anecdote of
Dalton, who, beine a Quaker, objected to
bright colors. " Once in going to some cele
bration it was necessary that be should wear
his robe, which was bright- scarlet His
friends feared that'he would refuse to don
it: but, contrary to their fears, he was so
pleased with it that for several days after he
insisted on-wearing it in the streets, with, as
Mr. Parkyns said, a "top-hat on top." He
thnneht it was erav. The lecturer men
tioned several times the amount of damaged
done to children s eyes at scnooi oy uaa
treatment, chiefly in two ways, by haying,
insufficient light apd not being placed at
the best distance from the book.
DeveliK Ream Ilhrnhmtlea.
Bapid improvement is being shown in
various branches of photography. A, yellow-green
light is the latest illuaiaaat for
the developing room. Not only does it
afford better illumination than the ruby
light, hat 4t is also less' irritating to the
W Ia manv developing rooms yellow
.light k takiag the plaee ofrubyj evn
1 mim It, wklok ims yu TJ
W55.-s-".'i 4A!r2i2 Ctisys?f
HV imsvsMMI lUinniMii ;fai w
power has km femad to be ytmy .
ad far store pleasant than tto old arga4
burner with the red chimney.
Hot-Air TromiBot of FafhMo.
Dr. Weigert's hot-air treatment of
phthisis has been carefully tested, in St Pe
tersburg, with unsatisfactory results. The
cases selected were chiefly those where she
tuberculosis had affected the upper part of
the lungs or the laryngeal tissues, the author
thinking that whatever might be the tem
perature of the hot air, by the time it had
penetrated to the remote parts of the pul
monary substance it must, at least, reach
the larynx without much cooling, so that if
the inhalation of heated air is capaple of
exerting- any influence on the tubercle
bacilli, a throat .case presents the most
favorable opportunity for testing its power.
In spite of every precaution, however, bo
good resulted from the treatment, several of
the patients succumbing to the disease, and
the others showing no -signs ot any real im
provement Brick as a Pavement Material.
In a late discussion on a paper on "Pav
ing Brick, Its Manufacture and XJi" in
Philadelphia, the advantages of brick street
pavements werd put forward. One import
ant point mentioned was that in Cincinnati
some very hard granite was put dowa for
paving purposes, the City Engineer having
discarded the softer granites,. Afters time
the granite became glossy and the horses
fell upon it, causing a petition against its
use to be circulated bv the citizens. The
resnlt was that the pavements were taken
upand the soft granite, which had been pre
viously discarded, was replaced with im
proved results. This went to show that anr
paving material which is liable to be pol
ished in the course of time is unsafefor pav
ing purposes, and proved an additional ar
gument in favor of brick pavements.
To Clean Engraving.
It frequently happens that fine engrav
ings, notwithstanding every precaution, be
come soiled and stained, and a recipe for
restoring- them is valuable. Put the en
graving on a smooth board and cover it
with a thin layer of common salt, finely
pulverized; then squeeze lamon juice upon
the salt until a considerable portion of It
is dissolved. After -every part ol the pic
ture has been subjected to this' treatment,
elevate one end of the board so that it will
form an angle of 45 degrees with the hori
zon. Then pour on the engraving boiling
water until the salt and lemon juice are
well washed off. It will then be perfectly
free from stain. It must be dried on the
board, or on some smooth surface gradually.
If dried by thfr fire or sun It will be tinged
with a dingy, yellowibh color.
A Setback to Shipbuilding.
A reliable English authority states that
the British shipbuilders are placed in a se
rious position by the rise in the price of iron
and steel, and a further advance would prej
udice them very seriously. Unless there is a
speedy fall In plates and raw material, the
ore-eminence of this trreat British industry
will be seriously threatened, and the ques
tion may be solved as to wnetner tne Amer
ican flag may not resume its former posi
tion upon the high seas. Much of the best
steel used on the Clyde and at Barrow comes
from Spain, and the'mmorof an export duty
on the product being considered by that
-power has created consternation in the trade.
Solid! flcatlon of Fetroleso.
That the commercial practibility of solidi
fying petroleum, -upon which doubt was
cast some time ago, is established, is proved
by the exhibition of Prof. Millefleurs, be-,
fore a meeting of Parisian scientists, of sev
eral bricks of petroleum, which he bad pro
duced by an original process. The bricks
were hard enough to be handled without in
convenience, yet soft enough to be cut with
a stout knife. They burned slowly when
touched with a lighted match. Prof. Mille
fleurs claims that they are non-explosive and
A Useful Chilian Bark.
At a late meeting of the Linnean Society,
specimens of the bars: of Quillaia saponaria
from Chili were exhibited. An extract of
this bark has been used for some time for
cleansing silk and wool, and n special pre
parations for cleaning gloves, etc. It is,
however, stated that it will solidify the hy
drocarbon oils, even benzoline, and thus in
sure safe transport on a long voyage. The
addition of a small quantity of citric acid
renders them liquid again.
Tbe Scintillometer.
The scintillometer, the invention of a
Belgian scientist, which is used for measur
ing the scintillation of the stars, is now util
ized by meteorologists as an aid to the pre
diction of the weather. Authorities differ
as to the exact cause of scintillation, and
Mr. Eanyard has published an article, in
which he examines the lacts, and gives an
explanation of the reason why stars seem to
scintillate, while planets do not
A FaraoM Iowa Medicine.
Mr. Frank Faville, a druggist at Dolge
villc, N. Y., says' be would not go to the
trouble and expense of sending to Iowa for
medicines if he did not believe them to be
superior to any he could procure nearer
home. Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy,
manufactured by Chamberlain & Co., Des
Moines. Ia.. is famous for its cures of
coughs, colds and croup. Iiwill loosen and
relieve a severe cold in less time than any
other treatment; besides it leaves the system
in a strong and healthy condition. For sale
at 50 cents per bottle by E. G. Stuckey,
Seventeenth and Twenty-fourth sts., Penn
ave. and cor. Wylle a ve. and Fulton sts.:
also by Merkell Bros., cor. Penn and
Frankstown aves., Theo. E. Ihrig, 3610
Filth ave., Carl Hartwig, Butler st. Pitts
burg, and in Allegheny City by E. E. Heck,
72 and 174 Federal st, Thos. B. Morris, cor.
Hanover and Preble sves. Ered H. Eggers,
172 Ohio street, and F, Bv Eggers & Son,
Ohio and Chestnut streets. txsu
Low Rate Tickets via the
Holiday excursion tickets, at low round
trip rates, will be sold from all ticket offices
oi the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg
on December 31, 1889, and January 1, 1890
good going on date ot sale and returning
until January 3f 1890.
To the West TIa B. Si .
New and handsome i'nUmau sleepers are
run through without change via the B. &
O. E. E. from Pittsburg to Cincinnati and
Chicago, on the train leaving Pittsburg
dally at 730 P. M., arriving Cincfnnati next
morning at 6:85 and Chicago at 10:55.
The route is via Wheeling and Benwood.
At the latter "point the Chicago sleeper is at
altached to the vestibule limited and break
fast is served in the dining car as the train
approaches Chicago.
These trains make connection at Cincin
nati and Chicago with all lines leading be-
' yond those cities. If you contemplate a trip
to tne west or douio, try me . j. iuuic.
Information in regard to rates of fare, etc..
Will be cheerfully furnished by ticket agents
B. & O. E. B. or byE. D. Smith, Division
Passenger Agent, cor. Weed street and
Filth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa mso
Holiday Kxearolea Rate.
The Baltimore and Ohio R. K. Co., in
pursuance o( its usual liberal policy will
sell excursion tickets at reduced rates ddr
iag the holiday season. Tickets will he
sold to and from -all stations on its lines east
Of the Ohio river from December 21 to Jan
uary 1, inclusive, good for retura trip uatll
January 4, inclusive.
Tickets will be sold from Pittsburg te all
stations west of the Okie river, iucladiug
Colambus. CielaBti and ChleMO. i
her . 26, & t4 Juiury L gWi t
MttJaaaaryS. , t
' A....
a i.inini jmyunwt-t.
Itm Mneum laMgen SMrek for
. Marretow Attraetkw.
Smmb4 fey tie I etffe ftr feaetfeisg Keir
Md Attractive.
There is a uerversitv of spirit ia human
Mature which leads mankind to regard the
eeeentrio and bizarre with admiring won
der. In the familiar language of the
Mikado, "there's a fascination frantio in
the odd." The inventive Yankee has suc
ceeded in tarning this passion for the fan
tastic to good account in a business way by
introducing to the showman's boards the
anomally known In popular parlance as "a
freak." The crippled mendicant who ex
poses his distorted limbs on the street cor
ners of European cities, ia America poses
on the stage as a star, while paying andien
cesflocktoviewhim. A freak must not neces
sarily be deformed in order to fulfill the re
quirements of his calling. If he be suffi
ciently differentiated from his fellows by
anv startling peculiarity, he is thoroughly
equipped for a professional career, and is in
a position to draw a substantial salary,
while, like the Pharisee, he thanks God that
he is not like other men. There is a peculiar
pathos in the life of a freak, which, sketched
by the master pencil of the creator of Little
Nell, would challenge the tenderness and
pity of all mankind. The misshapen off
spring, whose existence is a reproach and a
burden of woe to indigent parents, frequent
ly becomes their staff of strength and the
lonrm nfn poodlv income, but at the cost of
sacrificing shame and making of deformity
a stocE in trace.
Humor and pathos usually go hand in
hand, and tbe freak is not wanting in hu
morous aspects. There is something ex
quisitely funny in the thought of adopting
obesity as a profession, or the idea of chew
ing tacks for a livelihood, and it is very pos
sible that many patrons of the freak are at
tracted to the platform where he abides less
by curiosity than by a sense of the ludicrous
elements in the spectacle which he presents.
The freak, as such, first made his appear
ance iu the sideshow which was a feature of
the old-time circus. It was soon discovered
that he was a paying attraction in and by
himself, and tne evolution oi tne aims mu
seum was tbe result.
This Institution came into being about ten
years ago, and has had a phenomenal run of
prosperity. Shrewd managers have built
up fortunes by exhibiting their anomalous
fellow creatures, and the freaks themselves
have earned handsome salaries simply by
putting themselves in evidence.
jiut tne range oi unman ueiuruinv aim ec
centricity is necessanly limited, and most of
the attractions in this line have become
familiar to the public, and passed into the
realm of what show people know as "back
numbers." As a consequence, the managers
of dime museums are obliged to exercise the
greatest ingenuity and industry in order to
secure prodigies for the delectation of their
"The freak is still the drawing card of a
dime museum," said one of these gentlemen.
"That this is recognized by the museums is
best shown by the fact that their managers
invariably maxe tne ireass tne cmei adver
tising feature. Bat freaks are scarce, and
one of the species soon becomes a chestnut
after showing about the circuit A freak-
that commands 1500 a week during his first
season is often glad to get $50 a week a year
or two afterward."
"What methods do yon adopt to secure
freaks?" asked the writer.
"Well, in the first place, the museum
managers, in common with the rest of the
world, rely for news on the columns of the
daily papers. The appearance of a prodigy
in the physical or mental order is a matter
of news, and is chronicled as such. We scan
the great dailies closely for announcements.
of this sort, and an agent is at once dis
patched to interview the marvel, and, if it
be found bona fide, to secure it for exhibi
tion. That is the standard method. Then,
too. in vacation time it is usual for the
superintendent or agent of a museum to
make a haphazard tour in out of the way
districts, and strive, by diligent inquiry, to
discover freaks of nature in the human fam
ily." i
"Such a quest must necessarily be some
what arduuus, and adventurous, as well,"
said the reporter tentatively.
"Yon may well say so," was the reply.
"I have been on nnmberlesa expeditions of
the sort, and I can assure yon that the work
cut out for a man is of a sort that is calcu
lated to try his patience and tax his in
genuity to the utmost My usual method
is to register at a hotel In an out of tbe way
village, and allow my mission to become
known to a few of tbe oldest inhabitants.
These are usually the greatest gossips in the
neighborhood, and what they don't know
about the family affairs of tbe country side
isn't worth knowing. It is not difficult to
get them to tell you countless stories ol the
rarest prodigies "indigenous to the vicinity,
but, on inquiry, you usually learn that the
invaluable freaks yon fancied yourself
about to secure are all dead now. If, by
chance, one still survives, and you should
seek it out, you are. indeed, fortunate il ex
asperating and ludicrous disappointment is
not your portion. Several years ago, at a
little hamlet in Aroostook county, Me.,
I was told- that some 10 miles away a
babe had been born with a full set of teeth.
I at once ensaged a team and drove post
haste to the farmhouse in which tbe infant
was said to have first seen the light of day.
On arriving at the place I was met by a de
crepit old woman, who invited me into the
kitchen, and, in reply to my queries, sol
emnly assured me that my information, was
correct She, herself, she averred, had
given birth to the phenomenal baby. She
had all the appearance of a centenarian,
and vou may imagine that her statement
was something of a staggerer. Mydiscom
fituret was complete when she hobbled
ont into the garden and returned with a
bulking, sheepish fellow of 50 odd years,
whom she introduced as her son and the
baby in question. 'Show the gen'l'man yer
th 'T,i!' shrieked the old crone, while
the infant of 50 grinned hideously in obedi-
Atn't them beauties? He had 'era
on 'Ami inem ucouwca -ut; uou clu
all when he was born. Er course they've
growed some'at, but they're the same eedeu
tienl teath. an don't yer fergitit'
"It would be superfluous to say that I did
not engage that freak. It ia quite a usual
thing to hnutfor days foran alleged prodigy,
and find, at last, a fellow with a club foot or
a wart on his nose. Last spring I started In
search of three brothers, who, Dame Eumor
averred, were all three the unfortunate pos
sessors of jolntless legs. Tbe upshot of my
quest was the disco very of a farmer's son
who was suffiwing f rom a stiffkaee.
"There ire three difficulties with which
the searcher after freaks has to- contend.
These are the lack ot freaks in nature, the
.ifffi-nltToffindinE'them. consequent upon
the secrecy in which men envelop their in
firmities, and, lastly, ma sariu&iag juuuwty
which renderiit often impossible to secure
aa attraction alter it has been unearthed.
Freaks of a peculiarly curious nature are
frequently found in wealthy families, by
whoa the very suggestion of exhibiting a
defemity for the sake of pecuniary
sain would be received aa an lnsilt
Then, too, there are families whose relizlous
scrnples make such a-proceeding a thing to
be abhorred. Yoa oaanot expect that a
family who object to attending a theatrical
performance would ealmly countenance the
appearance of oae of its members as a
salaried freak en the stage of a museum.
It will be seen atonee, then, that the task.
of semriBg a areak, even after iaaiag it is
. has-' wikk snaWsltiM and rMBtriac the
iuwy, wy,xtmi
TC SJii -Wt lioiv swr? witlal
Uv ta'oMwlB.? one of its. ssesBMtut
dMghter, for an engagement at ow
BBseBia. The delicate nature ot my mlio
may be imagined. when I tell yoa that itl
k.4 .ilt In ffn'mfinf the vou nit ladT.J
I would have billed her as The HoseeHett
Tcr,. -cvirth. or rnnrse. it waaj
hhmuit to att her consent to aeh at
arrangement beforehand.
iiTtr-ll . Mnt- nt thn rnmxnW.tl& '1
and maidenly modesty which it was Hsy'dlf-,.
finlt rintvtn avoid woundlne. while I !.
-.4 . hA 4mT the Twr.nniarradv&a-
tages which would accrue to her, shoaldJA
inunt tn atcrn with me. In this InSOMMe. '
t r.it.t in Mcnrn the freak, and. moreover.
I fear tnat the young woman harbors vsh- "
charitable thoughts toward me. isutsneM;
same, and there's a fortune in it for htritp'
lia nan np hwnmnirht ia thlnk.SO. 'v .
"Are the old-time freaks In much dessMelj: '-jj
tattooed man, etc?" ... ,' w22
"No; they are in the sere and yellow leatre
TC-- ..II Vim fllt-nr. TfiMr nlarM havA
been usurped forthemoit part by the ensaiWJ
tional bridge lumper, tne man wno navigate' -;
the Atlantic in a dory, or the couple that got ,
married up in a balloon. Attractions ot is
this kind, however, are usually seven-days
wMnlA- Tkv are crrAt drawlnff cards
mhlt n umixif lhoir orntoits 1 f resh. hat j "
they soon lose their grip on the publicj&.
What the public wants is to be continually?
snrprifea witn new wquuot, am vm --i
business to cater to that demand. Ourstsga ,!
show is a satisfying performance, out a stag. ,
show would never draw tne populace as
nctr freak will."
"What are the salaries which freaks conwv
.rr. .,. J T ; Li.li .-
-creass commana salaries numn iniia-ij
all the war from $25 a week to 11,000 a IM
week. The freak must needs maxe hay 1
while the sun shines, and, as I have said j
the sunshine of the freak ia as short-lived a
a winter's day. The wonder of to-day sooa
becomes a thing familiar to tbe masses, and.
the big salary of the first season dwindle,
year bv year until it touches rock bottomV
Then the freak is fallen from his high estate
and is relegated to some cobwebbed cornet '
of the museum as a "fill-up."
A Boy Descended From Fire Signers of ska '
Declaration of Independence. i
Boston Gazette.1 t
The little son of Mr. Clymer, instructor etf
English at Harvard, is remarsed oytna
curious in such thines as being descended
from no less than five different signers of,
the Declaration of Independence. . His
mother, who was of the Livingston family -
of New Yort, represents three of the sign-.
ers. His lattier is a granuson oi we ism
A.lmiral Shnhrirfr. and a lineal descendant .
r ht nr.rrr filvmer of Pennsylvania
whose name appears at the bottom "of both''
the Declaration of Independence, and thsr
Constitution ot tbe United states.
A Unique War Belle
Mir-nn fGa.lTeleeraDh.1
Colonel E- A. Crawford, of Atlanta," hastf
in his possession quite a unique cI2 war
relic It is a small Yankee canteen sur- '
mounted bv an eagle with outstretched
wines. The canteen was presented to Col
onel Crawlord a numoer oi years ajtu uy uw j
Secretary ana xreasurer u iucjiuiiutJi
gan Volunteers, as memento of threap
stormy meetings between he two at the
battles of Malvern Hill, in all three of
which Colonel Craw ord confronted tha
Michiganders. The Federal soldier found,
out who was his fighting foe and presented ,
tn rv,lonp1 Crawford the canteen asa tribute '
of the hieh estimation in wnicn tney neir
him as a hard fighter. 1
Save Tour Hair-i
T1Yatimelvuse of Ayer3 Hair Vigor.
D This preparation has no equal as.aj
dTRaainir. It keens the scalp clean, cool,.,
end healthy, and preserves the color,- i
fullness, ana beauty oi tne nair.
T was ranldlv becominz bald and!
gray; but after using two or three) J
bottles of Ayert Hair Vigor my hair j
grew thicK and glossy ana mo original J
color was restored." Melvin Aldricnft
Canaan Centre, N. H. "
" Some time ago I lost all my hair ia)
consequence ot measies. -a-wt "u;
-nraUimr. no rtftw irrowth appeared. I
then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my j
flair grew s
Thick and Strong. ?'
It has apparently come to stay. Thfc
Victor is evidently a great aid to nature.' v"
:f -r -Williams. Floresville. Texas- ij
"I have used Ayera Hair Vigor forT
the past four or five years and find it a
mnt nn.tl9far.torv dressing for the hairj '
It is all I could desire, being harmless S
causing mo mm w - -"-
.niA. nnA vonnlrfnfr Tint fi small auanutr7 4
TunrW tn hair easv to arrange." i
Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles streeV!
Haverhill, Mass.
" I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigort'I
for several years, and believe that it has?, j
caused my hair to retain its natural
color." Jits. H. J. King, Dealer im
Dry Goods, &c.,Bishopville,Md.
Ayer's Hair Vigor;
Dr. J. C Aver It Co., Lowell, MaM.?
Bold by Druggists and Perfumers.
Mr. A. D. King, of Twenty-third" street; tnlM
city, nad a constant, ami, acorne pam ia, u
small oi aa oaciawj
kidneys, and mora.a
less pain all 0Ter;hJi
body. His urine i
vary hlsb-colorftevl
with a briexdust i
iment. He hadvj
burning sensa&oa 11
bis bands and ieVi
and. as his disss soil
farther advanced. Mil
arroedte failed, aau
wnat he did eat sours
''Tlllm aBSMKs on his stomach, can
Inn much eructatlssi
Tn shaves. of eas. hisswb
a yellow colon he could, not sleep, "sa'ceoSJ
.t.tw Mii anfl flRallv became saweassewg
be unable to attend to any business. "a
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the physicians ot ttePolnatbieMedIlBSJWl
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