t&i 1 1 j !; - its pili .tyoi ncBtason-s. bll . . a 9 ajm1h jm .vn.ww frw Sionen installation ot officer!. AB&'1KrUi VW-.w,W M www,..w..... F , The next Inspection 'by the Deputies will be thorough and complete U the blanks are an in rdlcauon ot what Is required. r j. K. Moorebead Conclave still leads In the Increase ot Its membership, and has 18 appll . uatious pending to start the new year. rltrlris Nrac 1 nd S exnfct each to be 600 ' strong by January 1, 1891. This will give them two delegates laxn. next supreme wmcure Kittanninc Conclave will have several ap plicants ready for initiation when Brother Charles Cornelius, the Deputy, makes his ufidalrlsit. Duqnesne Conclare elected an excellent corps bt officers at Its last meeting, The at tendance was larger than at any previous meet inc'dorlns the term. -.T m .. . "With the close of this month the crowtn oi i.TM.iivn wiiirtn9 thA last term will DO tmade known. The workers and non-workers I'xeadily be ulstlncuisnea. -It has been rumored Friendship Conclare . 3 will co to work ana recruit its raemuw t5tfYi"unrt then annlT to be made a sep- tarate supreme representative district. KllnmhiiMF nnnrliT No. G3 elected its an nual officers at their last meeting. This con rclavo was also well officered, and those chosen a continuation oi rood material seiecreu. t. tit ciw.i tho well known chvslcian lot Write avenue, was Initiated as a member of Fifth ATenoe Conclave. John Dimr-llns, the Market street caterer, was elected Archon of this conclave Tor the eusninc rear. The con clave presented Fast Arohon W. B. Kunx with a handsome badce of the order as a recognition of his excellent service renaereu uie owic. new applications were aiso treceive- -- Ireferrcd. Select KnUhta A. O. V. W. Pittsborg .Legion No. 1 wilt hold their an nul iotinn fnr nffieers to-morrow evening, when a lively lime is anticipated. -Deputy Grand Commander Benton i-atter-; w.,n .......orf , rhn t-nmiwdes of General icade Leftfon Sa 19 at the Installation ot offl crs of the various legions north of the Alle- iKhen- - . . Invitations have been Issued ry uenerai ; j-i -itTl r iDfnrthn T-nrian's fifth an na-, ifi'"" ,-"rv. !., . 1.HI I reception, wmc- m ui-'" ...-,.. i -kj rinnt cmwt. on Wednesday even- ,i.w -- -;rr, ti-iii Bnn- February a. ine ungin-i jj.uj-i " --- "ply the music. : n....i M. TirlnnKo. 19 has adoptedSt R,aew set of by-laws, wherein it is Jaiddown that a member becoming sick cr disabled will be en IwtiSed to SS per week as sick benefits. Tne same en:..iTt..nrnltaT the Committee onIw and Supervision. n ..1 irA.i1 TwMnn ??A. 19. S. I. Of A. i O.TJ.W held a meeting on Friday .evening ? ii.m. .twiM the following were elected officers I'iof the Iieon for the ensuing yean Com iAhnG.BurlandiVice6omnder -William Ji?wwc5 ""m:rMUte lSr7mrk.Bood Recorder. S'Willlajn H. Mnhl; Kecordlng ireasurer, j. j "oeuiutnww "- n w. -- t bbUlne: 'Ireasurer, niiuuu ,""izi Klunlor Workman, John -Burns; ateaicw x- analner. Dr. B. a. smitn. H. Golden Chain. Supreme Organizer Osmond is worktagun a fine list for a charter lodge to be located In! Oakland. J-xr.irnnrt todire. of McKeesport, Pa is preparing to give a grand public entertainment pat an early date. -Tii. Tr'nmraiiiders' Convention, to elect Ra Supreme Representative and an alternate, has ibeen called to conveno in the room of Pitts "burc Louse No. 81, Fourth avenue, this city. fon Wednesday evening, January o, uu. -rf,. iiiM.hinT Oonntv Entertainment - rT,ttm tn.t lut Uondav nlchl at F. Beletz "Idge of Allegheny, Pa. The Boston Quartet, of Boston. Mass- has been engaged to give an - - entertainment at Old City Hall, in this city, on . ithe evening of February a. 1890. , -Bessemer lodgef Dnquesne, Pa opened rti. niir T .Trunin Rink at Dnauesne. Pa- on ; , last Monday night. Deputy bupreme Com !vmanderS.L Osmond, of this city, delivered 14 the opening address. A first-class entertain-Bg-ment was given, followed by a dance. -IJn.rtvLodire. No. 65. of this city, has riected the followlnc officers: Commander, S. fe 'H. Kalston; Vice Commander, M. D. Shields; -, Assistant Uommaaoer, ii.j.i5au5man,jrreiai, f ,t.J.aiaovay;uiuuc,i- """3"j ,r ?;ttary, Barancl Harper; Collector. J. W. Macvay; lTreasnrer, Thomas C. Bcott: Guardian. V. N. atHarper: eenunei, u. xw uuiaucn; iimi, jj Ih. suuneyer, Andrew Richmond, H. F. Oeiger. .Catbollo Knloml BearBelnl AmeclBtloa. -Branch SI of Allratown. has fixed- its in- - , . TstaUaUon day lor xnsrsoay next. , S'raoiBoerswlllbe instaUed on Tuesday even-1- -jiA in Brunei! 47. O. M. B. A on ilt Washinc- Kt;-- - jton. fh (nitillaHnn in Branch S3. C. M- B. A jot Lawrenceville. will be held on Monday inert LnrMidDenntvfW. 'Sullivan, of this city. spald an official visit to Branch 59. of New Cas Stie, Paon last evening. . branch 67. AUecbenr City, will hold an ' Jopen meeting on Friday evening, January 3, at lot. AnuxewB ocawi oau, aiicbucu. -rtnuinh SS will hold an oien meetinc on Thursday. January 9. at Holy Trinity Schdol- nouse. corner oi xuiton aueet ana uenmrsTe- "nue. '- Janlor Order O. TJ. A. M. it-i-Rav. i. W. Montcomerv. of the Cumber- :s.t Jland Presbyterian Chnrch. of this city, will 'to-daVjijecemDer &, aeuvera sermon io ine iUr.-O. U. A. J1. iv council, mo eerxnon wui Pbe strictly unbiased, and attack no creed or community. A large attendance ot the order is expected. A new council ot the Jr. O. U. A. M. called Thomas A. Armstrong 29Lwas instituted December 7, 16S9, in Mundle's Hall. IN Ohio street, Aiiegneny uny, oy j. r. uonnston, oune ' Deputy Councilor. The following are the officers: Councilor, Joseph Paul; V. (X, Fred Bennitt; A. R. &, Benl. F. Mclntyre; A. B. a, Wm. C Miller; F. S-, Thomas Hood; Treasnrer, John Brlnkman: Inductor, T. C Hall; Ex aminer, W. Evans; I. E, Ed Cramer: O. P., Joseph Christy, J ry Trustees, W. H.S. Hamil- 4 -XOD, dOBCpH rfiOl, .U lrUICIWl. f,. ., 4. W. i, FT-Xiran. or. &. r Xi. o. jihiiiiiwju. . Nntlonnl Colon. Duqnesne Council No. SIS. ot the N. TJ elected the following officers for the ensuing dent, Yineent Turner: Speaker. T. J. Haworth ; Secretary, it. J. onaw; financial secretary, w. i 8. Turner; Treasurer, John Eeelen; Chaplain. ty. C Lewis: Usher. H. M. Marshall: Serceant I Tfmk TIT,or. rinnrlr0An(r OTniiATin MllllflT. L -r-Prnilpiit John Maronls: Trustees- Eft. , -". ,'-ry- r-r ' wortn, uarquis, Aiarsnau. Electric Council No. 1SS, National Union. ' last evening elected the following officers for 1S9U President, L. Mentzer, Jr.: Vice Presl W.C Enoch: Sneaker. F. E. Reed: Secretary. . F. Hunt: Financial Secretary, W. C. George; eton: Usher. P. A. Peterson; Sergeant at Arms- W.iU Maize; uoorEeeper, uenjamin jurco i miArr Ki -President. Robert R. Little: Trustees. fjileed, Johnston, Richardson. ' Order of TonlU Christen Lodce No. SS. Order of Tontl has ' riveted the follovinir officers for the ensulnc 'yean Philip Sehlender, President; J. Christ Rodfrer. Vice President: C. L. Wilson. Secrc- rotary; Charles E. Cummings, Medical Exam- n.. Wolwrt T!lin nhftnliiln? TTrnd Plmmttl. .4i""."r"i;.- tx :- "iarTTi. . 3t KiTTr AMarsnai; w m. vuiniana, unara; Aom n ei .iel. Sentinel: Robert McClain. Wm. Fisher and fAdolpb. Herter, Trustees. O. C. A. 31. " Atarecularmeetincof Shingiu Council. fE33,0. U.A. M the following officers were ..elected for the ensuing term: C, M. W. Miller; KV.CC. A. Stevenson: K. 8., J. L. Drocourt; feA. K. S J. B. Lewis: r. o m. k. ueorge; mol. I Elmer Hunter: ex. h. ta. amnart: i. r., unris Kohl; O. P John Faloney; Representative to State Council, Robert Reno; Proxy, E. Eckcr. Knlcbta of Pythlna. E--A1 a reeular meeting of Great Western fLodge 815, K. of P., the following officers were elf cted for the enruinc term: C. C- Simon Conen: v. i, w. tu u. namnuinj -relate, n. ITATaylonM. A, Robert McGaffin; Trustee for 7 1UWIW", W m 1iUVUUkt COULDITT BTAND 05 A TiCL Why iLlttle Jolinny Denbtcd the Truth ofn SalloHa Yarn. i American.! I'Sorlev's sailor brother Taa is MMrstt sea, after a lengthened Tovace, 5iali aerer weary ot regaling the lamily witH'Terjr "tall" yarns of the briny deep. fttie Johnny McBorley is among the sost entbosinticofhiiauditon; but, as Uncle Tjim found oat the other night, there is a limit even to Johnny's believing powers. iTJncle Tarn was in the midst oi a thrilling witZ't t hi- sea. in which he said: & .-"33ie ship stood on onetack a' day an the ...---rli. 41.A thf " trhrpnnon .Tnnnnx. WA sua 1 (TaJ ' U t j;nB. helieve that, uncle. X had ae ttack inine o! y Sanday shwaMterfay, 1 LiW'JIWS''iriHEF. ' 1 The Muskeget Life saving sution, on Nan tucket Beach, was burned Friday night. -Three lives were lostaafi je1rPni! seriously injured at a fire in the old St. Ignatius church bnllding, at San Francisco. President Harrison sent a letter and a doll to a little girl who presented him with a knlie as he passed throagh-Richmond, Ind recently. At Mt. Vernon, Mlclu, William Major mur dered his wife, his daughter and his J?rand daoshter, and" then committed suicide by bang ing. The failure of the New England Shoe Com panv, at Chicago, Is now said to have been a widespread conspiracy to defraud the cred itors. AtHezel, a D, the scene of the diphtheria epidemic, 32 Russian children have died ot the disease, only two having recovered. A number arerstiU sick, but as the district is isolated fears of contagion are not entertained. The past week has been marked by an un usual number otdoaths In Boston. Total deaths number m In Christmas week last year the r-nr wr 190 OonsnmDtioa carried Off 43 this week, pneumonia 38, bronchitis 16. AtPottstown.Pa, Chester, a year-old child of Elmer Goodman, was found dead in bed from eating too much candy. Elmer, a 10-year-old son of Isaac Schafer. died yesterday morn ing in convulsions as a result of the same cause. C. Hall and Max Nold were arrested at Kansas City last night on a charge of highway robbery. At the time they were preparing to waylay the driver of transfer wagon. On one of them was fonnd a murderous slungshot. ana on the other a pockrtbook, taken from o. i Derom whon he was assaulted by footpads some time since. L Monasch,FinancialSecretaryof the Turn- h RniMIf mtA l,n A w!4ttnn is Short 1U hl accounts. The discrepancy is estimated at $25,0001 Monasohis a lithographer, and has been Financial Secretary of the association for many years. Monaschis anxious to make a settlement, and it is not likely that a criminal prosecution will follow. . A loss of about $50,000 was caused by a fire which broke out vesterday morning in the oil cloth factory of William Brasher Co.. In Brooklyn. William J. Fllnn, driver ot an en gine, was run over and seriously injured. An explosion of napmha knocked Robert Engles and Henry Mapes from a ladder, and they were badly injured. Insurance $40,000. A colored man named J ohn Bprague caused much excitement and terror at Des Moines, la-, br nhasinff nennle aroncd with an ax. He struck Abram Warlord on the head, inflicting a serious wonnd and threatened to kill several inmates of a house on Elm street. He was caught in the cellar of his house by Deputy Marshal Burns, who hurried him Into a patrol wagon. Tho colored man was crazed with liquor. Mary Lombard and Oelia King, who with 80 other women, arc employed in the rag room of the Seymonr Paper Mill at Windsor Locks, Conru, have the smallpox, and the other women and the people of the town are much alarmed at the prospect of the disease spreading. The mill proprietors say that the rags used were thoroughly disinfected before being nnloaded from the vessel which brought them from Egypt They have arranged for the vaccina tion of all the women employed in the rag room, and the local Board ot Health has disinfected the premises. A WISH QUICKLY GEAT1FIED. A Lady Expresses a Desire to See a Tiger and One Appears. "You'd better not wish for the impossi ble," said an Irish-tongued gentleman to a friend who, in a fit of depression.had wished she had died in her cradle, "ion may get it!" One might apply the same stricture to wishing for the possible when its attainment wonld not be altogether pleasant Last summer, says the London Graphic, two ladies staying ia:India drove in a bul lock tonga to "see the view from a neighbor ing hill. The prospect of the thick jungle, stretching away for hundreds oi miles, nat urally suggested the idea of .game, and one of them said: "How I should like to see a real, lire tiger just once in his native glen." The sun was beginning to sink as they started to drive homeward by an unfre quented track cleared through the jungle. Soon they came to an open space, ana there. "All at once," writes one of them, "on : looking up, I saw what I at first thought to be the stump of a feUed tree about 30 yards off the roadway. As we drew a little near er I saw it was moving. " Look, I said to my friend. 'It's a pantherl' "Fortunately, the bullocks did not scent him, or they would have Jolted and proba bly upset the tonga, leaving us at the ten der merer of the beast. As we were passing him he left the tree under which he had been standing, and came toward us in a crouching manner, as if making ready for a spring. We then saw it was a tiger, and a Terr fine one. "To say we were frightened would not be wide oi the mark, especially as he moved parallel with us for about 20 yards, keeping his eye upon us the whole time, and looking as if determined to have at least one of us for a meal. The driver whipped up his bul locks, we shouted, and one of us opened and shut a white umbrella. This apparently frightened the tiger, who disappeared into the bush." A HABIT OP BURNING AWAl. An Old.Fasnloned Lady Haa a Novel Care for Bad Temper. Youth's Companion. A lady who does not believe in the present "high pressure" system of worK and amuse ment says that she owes her placidity of dis position and her capacity for endurance, to an old habit of running away. "When I was a child," she says, "1 had a notoriously hot temper. As soon as my mother saw one Of the 'fits' coming on, she used to say gently, 'Perhaps you'd better run away a little while, dear.? Then I would take my sled, or my little gar den hoe, according to the season, dash out of doors, and stay there until the evil spirit had passed by. "We kept up that little habit, my mother and L I entered the young ladies' semin ary of our town, and there 1 worked very hard, but. Unlike manv of the girls, 1 did not break down. "Whenever my mother noticed that my forehead was beginning to tie itself up in a knot' over my books, she would say: " Eun away for"an hour, daughter. The snnshine is very bright, and I want you to go out and soak yourself in it.' "Of course,! didn't always want to go,but mother could be firm as well as .indulgent, and the result was that I did a good deal of running away, either to bed or Into the open air. The other girls kept themselves awake on coffee, in order to study late at night, and some of them did outstrip, me in book knowledge. Still, I came to believe so fully in my mother's prescription, that I made it one of my rules of life, and I am consequently one of the people who hare -Lived to fight another day." MILLIONS Of M0NEI Will bet Paid as Interest on Government "Beads Next Week. WASHnrGTOS, December 28. The Treasurer to-day mailfd 34,DG9 checks, ag. gregating $7,430,961, in payment of interest due January 1 on registered 4 per cent bonds and Pacific Hail bonds. All these checks are puuehed with figures representing the amount for which they are drawn, ana are the first checks so marked ever issued by the Treasury Department. The idea of punching the checks originated with Treas urer Haston, and is intended as an addi tional protection of the interests of the Gov ernment in preventing the raising of checks. In view of the fact that the first proximo is a legal holiday, it is more than probable that Secretary windom will, authorize the pavmentof these interest checks Monday or Tuesday next. It is explained that 'the Secretary favors this prepayment ot interest merely at a matter oi coavenieaee to the public and sot because of any alarm of rumors of a stringency in the money market. SICK SICK SICK HKADACHB-Carier'sLlttle Liver rills. HfDACHI-Cartr'sillM Liver Pills. HEA1?A0HE Carter's Ltttk Liver PlUs. BICTC BKABAOra. '-Carter's LMM Liver PiU. CHBPfTT'rSBOTJeS ANOTHER BIG WEEK la BwiMw, notwithstanding tlie Iilerrifrlion of a .Holiday. PLEKTI OP CHEAP LANO LEFT. The II Ismiranee Companies Not Beady te Spread Oat in Pittsburg. t t A QUIIT SOBBLS -ON THE SODTHBIDE The holiday interruption had ho percep tible effect upon the volume of trade last week. What was lost by itwasmade up later on. According to the Clearing House report a reliable authority the weeas business exceeded that of the corresponding time last year by nearly a million and three-quarters. This prosperity bids fair to last throughout the-winter. There were no changes in conditions or ralueaof a radical nature. Beal estate maintained its customary activity, with a large number of small transactions, and some large ones, to show lor it. Stocks and petroleum were quiet, but quotations underwent no particular change, except in the case of Luster Mining Company, which made a remarkable jump. Permits for SO new buildings were issued, which, it is estimated, will cost $59,572. It is repotted that the Tyler Tube Works, of Boston, will be removed to Washington, Pa. andjthat besido erecting buildings for their present business, the company is contemplating the establishment there of a rolling mill. Washington, in every way prosperous as well as famous, may yet achieve additional distinction as a manufacturing center. The people ot this bustling suburb of Pittsburg are to be congrat ulated on their good iuce. A rumor has been rife for two or three days to the effect that theEquitablelnsurance Com pany was negotiating for the purchase of the St. Charles or Central Hotel properties, in or der to acquire a site for a magnificent granite building for the use ot thexompany, and also for ofaces. Henry A Weaver t Co. were spoken to in relation -to the matter yesterday, and they stated explicitly that the report had no foundation in fact Mr. Weaver added: "The Equitable, the .Manhattan and and the Sew "iork Life Insur ance Companies have been urged by their Pitts burg agents to buy property and put up large buildings in this city, but so far they have not been able to see their way clear for such an ar rangement All stories connecting either of these companies with any real estate deals hers at present are pure fiction." It was learned yesterday that 200 shares of the Butler Salt and Chemical Company have been placed in this city at 510 per snare ana over. The par value is $50. It will probably be listed and traded in on'Change. Handsome dividends are expected. - A promoter ot one of the national bank schemes which are being worked up In the .East End, said yesterday: I think the project with which 1 am connected will be a success. More than half of the necessary capital has "been pledged, and the rest will be forthcoming when wanted. Some of the best citizens of the East End are connected with the movement They think there is sufficient business in that part of the city to support suchA bank as we propose to establish. "Two or three others are talked of, but I know nothing about them, but do not look for any of them to materialise' except, perhaps, the one proposed for Lawrenceville, where there appears to be a good opening." St Those who think that all the cheap residence sites around Pittsburg have been taken up are very much mistaken. Good lots within three or four miles of City Hall can be bought as low as 815a Lots were sold last week near Belts hoover for $100. There is land for all and at prices to suit lean purses as well as fat ones. The Southslde Traction Railway Company, through Its agents, is said to be acquiring con-, siderable property in the vicinity of South and Bingham street to complete the approaches to the new river bridge which the company pro poses to build. The movement has been kept very quiet so as to avoid a boom in prices. It is understood the company has secured about all the ground it needs for the purpose indi cated. m Improvements in the hill wards notably the Eleventh and Thirteenth keep pace with those in other parts of the city, and the prospect is good for large accessions of population next year. With rapid transit, which is now assured, these wards offer peculiar attractions to people ot moderate means desiring to establish homes. It will scarcely be believed, but it is a fact nevertheless, that there are properties in the lower part of Pittsburg which yield less than 3 per cent to their owners, who are unable to im prove them and will not sell to those who are. This prevents improvement where most needed and where business sites are particu larly scarce and in demand. These properties should be improved by some means. To keep them in their present condition is detrimental to the city, and is not likely to ben efit the owners. By selling at a fair valuation they wonld be able to invest elsewhere and se cure' better return. This would benefit the en tire city, and give, business a chance in a dis trict where it is now badly crippled. Damp cellars is a standing complaint in Pitts burg. The best way to keep them dry that has yet been devised is to build an area wall around the whole of the site, so that the earth does not rest directly against the walls ot the house. To form such an area a four-inch wall is built parallel to the main walls, and about two inches from them. The bottom of the en closed space is formed into a gutter, so that any water that finds Its way through the outer cas-, ing may have an opportunity of running away to the drains. The top of the cavity is usually covered in just above the ground line with a row of orna mental bricks,or sometimes with bricks laid on edee. When these means are adopted, it is de sirable that openings in the main wall should be -provided tor ventilation. BEAD! FOB A CHANGE. rieaty et Figures Bet Utile Business in Local Securities. Sales ot stocks yesterday were 160 shares, all but 10 of which wero Philadelphia Gas. It was a shade weaker. Luster was bid jip to 44, but there was none for sale. Passenger railway shares, except Pittsburg, Allegheny and Man chester, were, If anything, a trifle easier. Pleas, ant Valley was passed over in the bidding: The weaker feeling was due to the absence.of bust, ness, and had very little bearing upon actual TTherewasthe usual Saturday craze for bank stocks, but Waders all fell short of the mark. There were no sales. Such changes as wero noticed were in tho direction ot a higher level. All other investment securities were firm. Tl,a speculative feeling is good, but it is restrained bvthrht money. After the completion ot the January statements there will, it is thought, be a good market for local securities. They are in Ugh fave with investors. BaxxsToexs. - Arse nsl. ...- Allegheny National Bank - Bank of Pittsburg........... Commercial National Bank. Citizens National Bank.. , Diamond National Bank. Daqnesne National Bank. Exchange National Bank... S5 si .... 7S M """.".180 165 81 .......170 ui , w.nnjk ........ ...... 4iK Pint Hat. Bank, Birmingham 250 ,.., German National Bank .SOU .... Iron City National Bank.... 91 .... Keystone Bank of Pittsburg , a .... Masonlo Bank tv,"".V"if.5i" Merchants Manufacturers' Na.Bank.l ... Metropolitan .National Banx..... ....103 .... Monoumbela National Bank.... Ill .... Odd FeUows' Savings Bank. 68 People's Jiatioaal Bank......... .160 Trademen's NationsBank. 1M ..., Union National Bank ivi; BeatEstateLiOan and Trust Co... ..80 .... Second National Bank. Allegheny .... Third National, Allegheny ....1SSJ .... INSURANCE STOCKS, fe i J ., Armenia. ...a......... ." S;vr?.7 V tt,tm.,f . .... .. AT.IrTfT-A.' Cidsens Gars&an Aaaem Humboldt., SBmttnsvsMt.tm MIStsiiSMWjf Man. ft Alex, Cai KJISPXTOTl Western InsHranse Co........... GASSfOUKS.' 'Allegheny Gas Co. (Ilium.),.... V..lt.4..iul Hum V Ml!tta.. BiaMAskea, .SS Pittsburg UM Co. (Ilium.).,....;...., Bouthtlde Qs Co. (Ulurn.)....;..... VXTUHXL 6AS STOCKS. Allegheny Heating Co. i. so 4 Bid. Asked. ...... 100 i. W " ChartlersVaUeyGasCo i... ' wiacewater People's JJat-Oasanuripeagouo..... -;, Pennsylvania Oas Co an so raiadelp&ia cp ' '(xl coxrAJrV STOCKS. , s Bid. Asked. '. TO Columbia Oll'Co:.'.... Tuna Oil Co. ; PiSSBHQEE BJJLWAT STOCKS. " ' , - A- Bid. Asked. Central Traction. , K S Citizens' Traction ; JJ Sru Pittsburg Traction v-S'"',"';::-45 aoo Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester.5 aw BJOLEOAD stocks. Bid. Asked.- Aliesheny Tall ey.,. - " ChartlertBatlway.t Pitts. & Conneilsvllle , Pittsburgh Lake Erie Pitts. June. B K. Co...., ....... .. Pitts., McK. & Youfth. EfcB. Co... Pitts., Cln. ft St. Louis.. ........i.. Pitts., Vs. & Charleston K. K. CO.. M... '. W.AM. 1 If A ... 156 .... ... ... 10 IS 65 SOU ...41 IS 18H 1'ltta. A Western K. B. Co. pref. IS MISCELLXNBOUS STOCKS. Sid. ABKOO. IT. T. & Cleveland Gas Coal Co la Norla Mining Co Lnster Ulnln? Co iankeeQlrl Mining Co.. Westinghouse Electric ... Union Storage Co. ....... .......;. Union Switch and Signal Co Westinjtbonie Air Brake Co... 17 .44 !'. t& ,.111 so 75 IS 112 U Pittsburg Plate Glass Coy .ISO Exdlv. The sales were ISO shares of Philadelphia Gas at SO, and 10 of Electric at 4754 - Robinson Bros, sold JU.000 Irwin boreugh school bonds. 4 8-10, at par and Interest. Andrew Caster sold300shares of Philadelphia C. L. McCntcheon sold 60 shares of Philadel phia Gas at 80. , . .. The total sales of stocks at New York yester day wero 116,916 shares. Including: Atchison, 2.7U0: Delaware. Lackawanna and WesteriiM, 400; Denver, Texas and Ft Worth. 2,710; Erie, 4,420; Lake Shore, 8,930; Louisville and Nash ville, 2.836; Missouri Pacific. 8,100; Northwest, ern, 1,700, Northern Pacific preferred, 2,600: Pacific Mail. 3.058; Reading. 18,160; Richmond and West Point, 1,8815 St. Paul 5,210; Union Pacific, 8.603L " BASKEKS IN CL0TIK. inrnnnrv irrrinmrnii iii...t....i..iiii They Report a Hashing Business for a Holl day Week. Business at the local banks was up to high water mark yesterday, the demand for loans being brisk and checking and depositing heavy. Money was easy and rates unchanged at 67 for call and time accommodations. The Clearing House report was highly satis, factoiy, showing" a large volume of general trade. The exchanges for the week exceeded those for the corresponding time last year by (1.692,132 73. This leaves no ground for com plaint. The report is worth a careful perusal. Here it,ls: Yesterday's exchanges. li!! Yesterday's balances .. H?-! V, Week's exchanges , JfSS-JSfi "WecK's balances. .'. JIH'S? S Dally average exchanges .JSU-iS V, Kr.hriiiri w.fr nflRSS.. 10.672.87711 Balances week oflSSS 32iSSi2S Galnoverweekof isss...... i,eM,13273 Money on call at New "York yesterday was tight, rangingfrom4to 10 per cent; last loan,f4; closed offered at S. Prime mercantile paper, S?f7K. Sterling exchange quiet and weak at W 80 for 80iay bills and M 8S& for demand. The weekly statement of the New York banks, issued, Saturday, shows the following changes: Reserve, decrease. $1,372,060: loans, increase. 82.217.600; specie, decrease, 81.226,000; legal tenders, decrease. 860,000; deposits. In. crease, 8344,000: circulation, decrease, 8115,200. The banks now hold 12,021,675 in excess of the 25 percent rule. - Closing Bond Qaotatlons. U. 8. 4s,reg VXHi U. 8. . coup 127H M.K.4T.Gen.Ss .65 Mutual Union 6S....100H u. u.4S. rer.. ...... iw D. B. 4)is, coup.... 1M Pacifies of 95.. ...-US Louisiana. ttmpea 4 S4)j Missouri 63 ...103 Venn. nw set. As... 109 Tenn. new set. Sfl....l02J4 N. J. c. int. cen...uzx Northern Pae. lsts..lI7 Northern i'ae. 2d..112X Northw't'n con.oU.H3 Northw'n deben's..lll Oregon Is Trans. &S.103J4 SC U 4I.M. Gen..Ss 88H Term, new set. Ss.... 74! St. bS3.r. uen.Jkii2 Su Caul eoniois ....130 St.PL CM A P&lits. 118 Tx.,Pcli.G.Tr.Bs.SO) Tx.,PcK.G.Tr.KctiS3 uauaaa do. la....... v; Cen. l'sclSe.lsts.....US nn A fV 1t 117 Den. AB.G. 4 7SV U.&K.U. HM,IHS. as Erie, Ms. Id union irae. inM.iui West Shore 106 U.K.. &T. Gen. Cs.. 73H Government bonds firm and dull. State bonds firm and neglected. New York- Clearings to-day, J12Cora7ffij balances. 88,539.872. For the week Clearings, 8603,992,959; balances, 880,149,921. Boston Clearinfcs to-day, 815.916,661: Ibsl aneea. C2.041.233. For the week Clearinira, ESQ.-, 868,218: balances, 89,666.465. for tbeTcorre- spondlng week last year Clearings, 173, DaiancesB3,Du,tio. pjma.DEi.PHiA Clearjngs to-day, 810,864,198; balances, 82,037,647. For the week enled to dayClearings, 861,810,678; balances, 89,U0,6SS. BairutOBS Clearings,. 82,190,051; usances. 8226.258. Loktjok The amount of bullion ran the Bank of England on balance to-day is .18,000. Chicago Clearings for the fire d&vs of the week lust closed were ! usiness 609.193, against to'aow lar -n corresponaing pcrmu last year. New York exchange was 2550o premium. Money was firm at 66K'per cent on call and 68 per cent on time loans. To day's clearings, 810,718,00a St. Louis Clearings, 83,072,586: balances, 8232,431. For this week Clearings, (816,626,407; balances, 81.820,747. Same weekjfast year Clearlngs.-8i6,iii4,K; oaiances, ,; THE WOEST TET. A Day's Trading In Oil Dwindle! to About 10,000 Barrels. The oil market suffered from 1 grippe, or some other malady., yesterday, wh! took all the life out of it. Business was the dullest of the week. It is doubtful if 10,000 barrels of oil changed hands. The onenlng was 103J& highest 103 lowest and closing at 193K, the range bfeing ii of a cent Within this narrow limit very little could be done and nothing was Attempted, It Is surprising that the market holds up so well, considering the stagnation. That there, is something behind it no one donlbts. What is the Standard dolngT I The Week's clearances were (probably the smallest on record, being less) than 1,000.000 barrels. True, there were pnly five days, but another would have made only a slight differ ence. All the support the market has Is from the inside in the nature ot scalpiWg, and this is becoming monotonous. It sometning cannot bo done to interest the outside pablic there soon will be no market at all. Features, of the Marker. Corrected dally by John M. Oaaiey 4 Co45 Sixth street, memoera or sue Jf lttSDurg rev leum Exchange. (hum I...- ICttf! Lowed ......I0t Highest J033i (Closed... 103)j jsarreis. Average runs i.. ft.615 Average shipments; .,...,.... jJ Average charters. - zwi Kenned, Hew York. 7,Mc tteflnei, London. 6d. Keflned, Antwerp, ViUt. Keflned, Liverpool. 6 i-Hd. Be&ned, Bremen. 7.10m. A, B. McGrew quotes 8104104H. Puts; II OSHr cal Other &H Markets. On. Crrr. December 28. Petroleum opened at 81 0! hlghesttt 08Jit lowest, 1 03; closed, 8103H- BEABrosl), December 28. Opened at 81 C&; closed, 03Jb! highest 81 ; lowest 5103. TrnJSVii.i.B, December Opened at 81 ; highest II 03Ji! lowest, fl rejfc closed, 81 OSJi. NkwYobk. December 28. Petroleum opened steady at II 08K and sagged oil to I 03H, closing steady at 810 Stock Exchange: Open ing, il 03K: highest H 03i lowest H 0$i; closing. 81 0 Consolidated Exchange: Open ing. IT08K: Ittlghest. fl 03k: lowest WOBJii closing, ttOBJfr Total sales. 84,060 barrels. IT WILL SOT D0W5. A Botsct Street Dweillag Flekesl TJp Other Dickers In Really. Black 4Balrd,93 Fonrth avenue, sold for Frank Murray to John Ichteay, a two-story and mansard fr fne dwelling, on Boquet street, Oakland, adjoining F. T. Lusk's property, hav ing a frontage of 86. feet by about 230 feet la depth, for $9,080. f . John F. Baxter, SIS Besithfleld street, sold lot No. 184, Baum Grove plan, Roup station, front ing 40 feet oa St Clairtreet,by 102 feet to a 20 foot alley, to W. P., Potter, Esq., for I2.2), There is quite a demand tor this property, since the improvements aro nearing comple tion. Ewing Brers, No. 98 Federal street sold for Daniel L. Emeilckto William Jones, a two Story Irame bouse of tour rooms and attic, , with lot 25xll5,J5itnated' onSoath street, near 'Brighton road and Woods' Ra avsow, Tsath 'ward, Allegany, for laeso. 9fcKed & Cejls Co.. 181 Fovrtk avstnM, sold "lotsKos.ad89itt TiwtwtwpJ 1 atCuiaS)isaAc.MI9. Xs ssHst SM '?! avk as 1MLAMHXS Til CITI. Mtrtr Persak lor New ! aka 6at Last Week. Balldine holds up remarkably wall for so late in the season. So far there has been only a break in the operations. Advantage is being taken ot the mild weather to rush work on un finished bouses and to finish foundations for others. From indications there will be uoma-1 tenal lujl this winter. Hearly all the permits taken out last week were for medium Bleed dwellings. The following is tho Hat: Oliver Iron and Steel' Company, Ironclad one story blacksmith shop, 70x90 feet, on the river bank. Twenty-eighth ward. Oliver Iron and Bteel Company, frame one story warehouse. 16x50 feet, on South Eleventh street. Twenty-ninth ward. ' W. X JEarley, frame addition one-story boner honse, 9x17 feet, on Washington street. Twenty-ninth ward. Thomas Snowden, bnck two-story and attic dwelling, 85x40 feet, on Shady avenue, Twen- J. A. Taylor, frame twotory dwelling, 17x83 feet, on Scioto street, Twentieth ward. Mrs. James Tracey, frame two-story dwelling. 20x82 feet, on Bingham, street, Thirty-second Barney Moore, frame three-Story stable. 80x40 feet, on William street. Thirty-second ward. Matthias Keck, stone one-story kitchen, 16x18 feet, on Millwood avenue Thirteenth ward. James Holbrook, frame two-story dwelling. 1ft-oo m An nfnhawtr etront Knnrteentb ward. Joel Pollard, five frame one and one-half and two-story dwellings, 17x82 feet each, on valley View plan. Nineteenth ward. E. A. Baker, brick one-story store, 20x40 feet, on Forbes street, Fourteenth ward. Samuel Ingulf, frame two-story dwelling, 18x2a feet, on Atwood Btreet, Fourteenth ward. John Belling, two brick two-storyand attic dwellings, 17x80 feet, on Liberty street, Six teenth ward. . , AnnaM. Stewart, frame twotorv dwelling. 14x82 feet, on Margaretta street, Nineteenth Lotus Clnb,f rame addition two-story kitchen, 12x14 feet, on Carson street,Twenty-eixth ward. " D.L. Jones, frame two-story dwelling, 18x20 feet, on Thlrty-tbird street, Thirteenth ward. nenry r ox, irame one-siorjr suup, "--" "i on Frankatowh avenue. Twenty-first ward. JM. B. Rafter, brick two-story dwelling, 20xlB feet, on Linden street, Sixth ward. H. ftobenritz, brick two-story and mansard dwelling, 16x20 feet, on Bank alley, Eighth Patrick Green, frame two-story dwelling, 17x 82 feet on Brereton avenue, Thirteenth ward. Mrs. a A. Hamill, frame two-story store and dwelling 18x38 feet on Thirty-third street Thirteenth ward. , . . William Petty, two brick two-story dwell ings, 21x14 feet each, on Junilla street, Thir teenth ward. ... , . F. Plohr, frame two-story stable, 20x20 feet, on Tew street. Twentieth wartL F. Messenger, frame two-story dwelling, 18x 23 feet on Whittteritstreet Twenty-first ward, umm4 r.i,-mwaii hriMr Addition to two-story kitchen, 12x15 feet, on Carson street. Twenty nlntn warn. . . . . Third Presbyterian Church, brick twe-jtory dwelling, 18x51 feet, on Virgin alley, Third ward. Wharton McKnlght ironclad two-story sta ble, 16x50 feet, on Bell's alley, First waro. J. W. Sorg, eight brick two-story and man sard dwellings. 15x83 feet each, on Breed's alley, Twenty-eighth ward. ...... The Linden Club, frame two-storyaubhouse, 52x122 feet on Linden avenue, Twenty-first ward. . . George Hargenwader, frame twewtory dwell ing, 22x80 leet on Virginia street, Thirty-second ward. EVERYTHING LETS 60. Bear Pot on Their Wnr Paint and Make si Bald on the Share List Lower Stock Prices All Round. NbTtYobk. December 28. The stock mar ket to-day unexpectedly showed more anima tion than during the same hours on any previ ous day this week, but the increased activity was had at the expense of values, the bears pressing tho active stocks for sale throughout the session. This pressure was specially ee vere against the coalers, the reports in regard to the coal trade being particularly discourag ing, but the impression made upon those stocks was not so great as upon some of the others, where a smaller amount of stock had to be sold to make a decline. , Sugar Refineries, Missouri Pacific, St Paul ti rnimiiifi and Nashville were all conspicu ously weak, while there was not a strong spot to be fonnd in the list There was also some attempt to get Erie down and the stock did sell at its lowest price for months, the attack being accompanied by the old story of a new bond issue The monetary situation received special attention at the hands of the bears, and the most pessimistic utterances were spread through the street in this regard,especially as far as next week is concerned. For the time being the general expectation Is to see a marked decline daring the ensuing week. The opening was rather heavy, and first prices were generally f rom H to per Cent lower than last evening's figures, and the early dealings were marked by special pressure upon hugar. Union Pacific, St Paul and Wisconsin Central. Theie was a let-up toward U o'clock, but no recovery, and after that time the attack was renewed with vigor, and Lackawanna, Reading, Louisville and Nashville and some others felt the brunt of the pressure. The decline continued without interruption until the close of business. Which was fairly active and weak at the lowest prices of the ses sion. The list is invariably lower. Sugar Is down 1. Louisville and Nashville, Missouri -Pari fin and fit. PanI M per cent each, and Beading and Chicago Gas Trnst 1 per cent Railroad bonds were quiet, and sympathized closely with the decline in stocks, though the movement in the downward action was not as pronounced as in the stock market The sales ot all Issues reached 420,000, which was well rnd widely distributed. The rollowlne tame snows tue prices oi active stocks on the Mew York Stock Excnange yester day. Corrected dally for Tub Dispatch by TVHiTNaT ft STiTHXHSOir. oldest Pituburg'mem bers ofKew York Stock Xxcnange. S7.lrourth ave nue: Clos ing Bid. 3 K'4 66)4 120 WM ah w 69 11314 Mi KM i SS saK nojj 141 70H S7M S3 19 1BSX 1H 9 67 21 117 17 Open In ar. Am. Cotton On Trust High- Low est, est mi wi Atcn xop.ftD. r..... a Canadian PaciSe mi Canada Southern KH Central of JJew Jersey .121 Central PaeiSi ... Cnesancakeft Ohio.... ,26 C Bnr. ft OuUit.....1W C MIL. ft St t"aul.... 70f t6)i I20J4 1D7 10 106 ! ran X.'. VlH 7!H ii'A C, KoctLftf.. U., JlUi.COb- f' U..DI.I. dErnu -.. c. atL. t: Pitts, ut. 40 C St. P..3tftO c st.P-.M. o.. nt .... Ci ft Northwestern 111. p. ft fl ortb western, pr. .... U., C. C. ft I..... 71 c. a, c. &l. nr S3H Col. Coat ft iron. S3X Col. ft'Bocklns Vai Dei.. L. ft W 1SCK Del. ft Hudson CT Vs. fttia -. .... E.T..Va. ftUa.lst pf.. .... K. T.. Va. ftUa. Zd pr. .... Illinois Central. ,.118 Lake Erin . Western XakeKrteft Westpr.. .... LaaeSlioreftM. S...-103 lxralrrUie Nashville, tsiii Michigan central. 87H MobUeft Ohio Mo.. Ban. ft Texas.... 11 Mlaionn Paoille 71 H r S3 S3 wx lift 87H io ios 28 111 a- 136X lis" loi" H ii" 71K mil 2SM Sl join MM ! io 6914 107V 23 16K 70 S3 C 19 19 6UK SOX 73H 21H 41 t3 S3 13 7K JS8 m iti 11IH KM 33 em 16 tCH 67 K m I Newl'ort Central ..108H h, ti, Ij.E.& W...... 26K k.. a ft st !. nr.. x.. u. aou u...... .... Ay., c &stii.2d nr flAYft.N. IS K.wr.. o. w NmVolk Wjjtcrn.... nu m 19 NorVik Western, pt 60 NonVrn Pacific NortArn faclfie prer. Wi UhloaMlsslislppl... --. OregoiMmprovement Oregon Transeon Jjfjfi PaciflcjAll M Peo. Dee.w Kvans..... ..-. Phlladel. A Beading.. S3M Pullman Patace,Car..,18Jl Rlenmona AW. P. T.. Kichmond ft W.P.T.or 77if St P.. Minn I ft Man.. .... St. 1 ft San ilran ... St h. ft San ran pf.. S Texas Paeifla.l K UnlonPaciflc.l. H Wabasn L - Wabash orererSed tl'4 Western Unions. :H Wheeling ft U 1. 67k ,Bugar Trust.. ...1 "i ManAtitl lAarf TMBlt.. IB 60H SI P TTit so S,4 36i jfji 188 20)4 70l six an Chloajo Uas Xrufi.... H M 20)4 C8 7X -S04 t2H 19 . 18V U)i 4lg ' WALtifeTBEET GOSSIP. Mosey Rather UUtt htrt -Every Prospect Pleases KnllroW Stares Lose Ground. By Special Wire to John il. Oakley t Co.. 3 NkvtYobk, December 28. Trade publica tions are naturally hopeful in their expressions concerning the promise of the new year, and, as an example, we Vote the following para graph fromto-day'al'ryoedsCAronJcfs: "In dryeoods lobbing the year has not been marked with any great drives or surplus stock thrown upon the market to break prices, but on the contrary, there has been a general ab sence ot seasonable (stuff offered at special prices by.importersaadjohbers. Theflnanclal situation couldn't be betters money is abundant anW can be obtained at low rates of Interest. Allprunk line railways are taxed to their utmost Jreipht-carrylnc capacity and eive promise of fair dividend to their stockholders, and is slime cases, an extra divi dend for the year has already bees declared, In a word, the trade the eouatry is m a very bealthystate. and;tbprMietafortheetteis year never, were brMkter or sees ehsstrel meoarrti!tBf they are w. . ' MslthsSseaisKsfeVi sesssesi .was et esdy two hoars' daratftw. Sod all hum 4U0te Monday, so that Jatersst rats wt stat wromA neat before speculative. eyes, the Jtuwrai ipm kt showed greater weakness astd aettrtty than yesterday. Leading shares lost awariy ope point The Coalers while weak resisted the deollne better thaa the Grangers, manifestly by reason ot the existing short interest In the former.. New York UeBtral and Tennessee Coal and Iron were the only conspicuous exam ples of Sranees. Lake Bbore,Kic!iisu Ceo' tral and Canada Southern, in spite of their re--cent extra dividends which have yet to be pafd, 'were all lower. , The bank statement was unfaveras, show ing a loss in reserves of over 81,300.060, the loss in actual cash being about the same. Higher interest 'rates here, and extraordinary heavy exports of American "products, have weakened the rate of sterling exchange to a poiat which makes gold Imports possible. , The condition of theBankof England reserveJs so low and the requirements for the monthly settlement on she Berlin Stock Exchange are so great that aay attempt to withdraw at this time from foreign money centers wonld be vigorously resisted. Erie was weak to-day, and we can only repeat what we said overa week ago, that we expect lower prices for it We have not changed our, ideas of Louisville and Nashville, which, we think, is a' sale. Atchison is dnll,.but ought to decline, and Indeed we expect lower prices all along the list on Monday. We do not see how the Coal stocks can stand up long under the incubus of a warm winter, slack demand for coal, big. stocks, light coal tonnage and M.080 miners out of employment Bos tan Stocks. Ateh.ATOD..lsts. n7 A tell, ft Top. K. K. pf 11 Boston ft Albany...217 Boston ft Maine.. ...2)5 . H. Ik a. 106K AUonezMsCo i. 1.26 Calumet ft Becla....Z5S Catalpa '0 Franuin.. ........... jv Huron ........ S Clun. San. ft Clove. 24J Useeoia. ..... ......... si Eastern a. ji.... .is Flint i'ereil .2 FUntftPereSl. old. 02 Mexican Cen. coin.. IS Me7.Clstmtr.bds. 70 rewanio ....... ...... Qnlncr ..- " Bell Telepnone... ..a Boston Land H Water Power........ 6M Tamarack.... 150 San Dleeo n Santa Se copper..... IX . x". ft AewlCnjt... tiM uiauoionr is Rutland nrftfeiTed SO Wls.vansral.com... J1H Philadelphia Stocks. ' Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney 8teDhenson.brokera,'a'os7 fourth avenue. Members ttew York Stock Ex- Asked. ES 151J-18 Pennsylvania KaUroad.. ......... ?2K Beading JSM Lenlffh Valley.....,. ...... ........... 52t Lenlgh Xavijratlon Kortnem Paciuo. ............ ...-. MoruernPacinopreierrea 7M. BUSINESS MOTES. C. H. Lots, the real estate agent, is on the sick list The Dollar Savings Bank is the richest insti tution of the kind in Pittsburg., Two large flats will be erected in Allegheny city next season, plans for which are being drawn up. TJitmss all signs fall, tho coming year wul keep the real estate men busy. The prospect could hardly be better. So jab as the figures ot the Clearing House are any guide, trie business of Pittsburg has doubled in the last six years. The Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester Ball way Company yesterday declared the usual annual dividend of fi per cent J. Kl Ewnra, of Ewlng 4 Byers, real estate agents and dealers, Allegheny, has returned from a business trip to Chicago. . ahcsttect J. A. BNTDEB has prepared plans for a foundry and machine shop for the Paisley Stove Works at Beaver falls. The sales of stocks on call for the five days of last week were L378 shares, against 650 the previous week. Philadelphia Gas led with 885 shares. FrDELTTT Title and Trust Company officials report a steady increase of business. This in stitution prevents a great deal of money being sent out of the city. J ANTTABT 1 is the regular dividend period of 88 local banks, 17 insurance companies and six street railway companies, besides a number of miscellaneous corporations. It was positively denied yesterday that the Avery Church property on Virgin alley had been purchased by the Pennsylvania Bailroad. There is a mistake somewhere. . Thb holiday trade seemed to lag forawhile. bnt the rush at the close of last week was un paralleled. Could there be better evidence of the prosperity of the community. The annual meeting of the Fifth National Bank will be held January 14, that of the Su burban Rapid Transit Railway Company on the 13th. and that of the Iron City Mutual In surance Company on the 28th, , It was stated yesterday byaa officer of the Fidelity Title and Trust Company" that a full' statement' of the, condition of. the suspended Lawrence Bank could not be made for three or four weeks. The books and accounts are being examined as fast as possible. MABKETS BY; WISE. Wheat Moving Slowly, bat Prices' Brace Up Corn and OnU a Shade Better Pork Favors Sellers Lard Bather Mixed. Chicago The volume of trading in wheat was light to-day, and while prices were gener ally kept within the range of yesterday, the closing was a higher. There were r.o special t .-Ltnrea to note, and there was nothing special in the character of the trading. The opening was a trifle stronger than yesterday's closing, and prices advanced Ke, later eased oft Xc, then ruled stronger. Cable advices generally quiet and steady markets, and some private cables reported a strongor feeling. Advices from the Northwest reported things in good condition and farmers' deliveries very light Not much change is expected in the visible supply, either a small increase or small decrease being probable. A moderate trade was transacted in corn and the feeling was somewhat firmer, trading being at slightly higher prices. There were no new features presented and values were gov erned to a great extent by local influences. Offerings were not as heavy as on several days nast while a good demand existed from shorts, under which the market rnled Arm. A promi nent local trader was credited with selling Jan nary and February and buying May. June and July The market opened at about yesterday's closing prices, was firm and gradually advanced j?st eased off a little and closed HSMP bet t8Oats Steadier, but with a lighter volume of business. There was moderate selling by par ties who bought yesterday, and also a fair de mand to cover shorts, and prices were bid up KKc Trading tho last .hour was light and an easier feeling prevailed. , . v . in,, mirttiit fnr oork was rather a met but the feeling was steady withprices a little moro favorable to sellers. Rather more steadiness prevailed in lard, hut' trading was moderate. Prices steady. Short Ribs Trading was only fairly active. Early, prices were a trifle easier, but toward the close the market was steadier and prices slightly hlsbec The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT No. 2, DecembetJJgmKe77?fa. 770: January. 77Ke7877XdWc; May, (figg CoBM-Not 2. January. S0e3eji3830c; February, 2930S2930c; May. 81832gg B1OATC-No. 2. January, 22C826ss-0Kc; February" 20&20J4c: May. -lft22,e21?B 22c MISS POME, per nbL-January. SS 009 OS 8 W9 05: February. 109 I9 109 17X; MayTW 4&SM) 799 42H? . IArt. per M8 5BS.-Jauary. K 776 898 ieseiOTsjfec. , SHOUT KEBS, per 100 --January. 57V 4 6001 57X4 6S February. Si WX&i 62J 1 60g4 62; May. M 801 BXi 84t-3C " Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheaV77 No. 8 sprins: wheat, none; No. 2 red, 77c; No. 2 corn. 31Kc No. 2 oats, 20c. No. 2 rye. iiie. No.2 barTey.SagiOOc. No. lflaxseeo. 1 &. Prime timotbyseed.none. Messpork,perbBl.l403896. lard, per 100 lba.,as77K. Short nbs sides, (loose), SI 60et Drysalted shoulders (boxed). H VQi- Hurars-Cuaoaf nuchanced. Receipts Flour, 21,060 barrelsr wheat, 41,080 bushels: corn.EB.0W bushels: oats, 1W.000 bush els: rye., 18,000 bushels: barley, 6S.000 bushels. Shipments Flour, Ra,080 barrels; wheat, 12,089 bushels: corn. 329,000 bushels; oats, 159.000 bush els: rye, 6.000 bushels; barley, AOOO bushels. On the Produce Exchant;e to-day the butter market was unchanged, Eggs, 18319c. MEAT OS THE HOOF. The Cea-Wea ef BswhMse at the Beat ikertr Bceek Tarda. OnriCX 0 PITTSDIBTATCB, I SATB-DAT, Deosiber28, 1888. ( CATTUt Receipts, 198 head; s-iptae-cs, 1,W head; mar-et eleesd firm, wish fab- eros peeta for Mondays four ears of eHe sbiayed to New: Tork to-day, Hoos Re.celpta, 1.960 head; ehlpeoenM. lea .bead: market active; all Kradej, fff wm w, 1 twocars of hoes shipped to New York to-day. "SHEXP-Reoeipti, 2,006 head; skipmeats, 2, Bi; ssarketslewM UBO-a-fedpciees. XxxsA h-rgalM effsri-f In all dspart ; sawta this wee, the test uvises to esc sesek wtTessteffy. - - A fc-sr f Tmswt SuwftMM JsWsfced sad Asasneaa AfriesHwtK.1 ,1 wm walking (r8ghsefc-iekjlet-tess bordering a cypress swaasp, and ease aeress.a curious, conical pile of .earth and ticks;, it was about three feet 1b height and the same in diameter at its base. I dug into it at onee, believing it to be aa alligator's swst, and unearthed 20 eggs. They were pure white, and about tho sise of goose eggs, but somewhat dif ferent in shape, both ends being rounded alike. "Wishing te seeif they would batch out, X carried them hose and placed theas in a pile of earth and sticks resembling the genuine nest Around it I built a pea of boards, so the young could hot get away should the eggs batch. Inside the pea a trough containing water was placed, sunk level with the. ground. One momine. aboat- three weeks after, X visited, the nest and was pleased 10 near a number of small voices; there on the top of the nest, and in the trough of water, were several little 'gators, not over five inches in length. Nearly all the eggs- were finely hatched out I kept the little fellows about a year, and became quite-attached -to them. X could take them' in my hands and' caress them without any resistance on their part; in fact, they seemed to like it "When I went out to see them after being absent sometime they would come crawling up to the side of the pea at my call. X never knew them to eat a particle of anything during the time that X kept them. I finally put them in a swamp to shut for themselves. THE INTENTION OF BOAR More Than 2,066 .Years Ago tho Cauls Wero Manufacturing It. More than 2,000 years sgq the Gauls were combining the ashes of the beech, tree with goat's fat and making- soap, says an ex change. When Marios Claudius Marcellus was hastening southward over the Flamln- ... . . r . . . , - ian-way, laden with spoils wrested from the hands of Viridomar, the Gallic King lying dead by the banks of the Po, his followers were bringing with them a knowledge of the method of making soap. The awful rain of burning ashes which fell upon Pompeii in 79, buried (with palaces and statues) the humble shop of a soapmaker, and in several other cities of Italy the business had even then a footing. In the eighth century there were many soap manufacturers in Italy and Spain, and 600 years later the Phoenicians carried the business into France, and established the first factories in Marseilles. Prior to the invention of soap, fullers' earth was largely used for cleaning purposes, and the juice of certain plants served a similar purpose. The earth was spread upon cloth, stamped in with the feet, and subsequently removed by scouring. It was also used in baths, and as late even as the eighteenth century was employed by the Itomans in that way. A, WAEEANT FOB A BIBD. A Woman Asks to Have a TroBblesosss Crow Arrested. Cincinnati Times-Star.1 ' "There is a tame crow in Newtown, O., which has been taught to speak," said 'Squire Schwab. "If tho diminutive bird would do more talking than stealing the populace would be better ofit You know crows' have a penchant for things that are not theirs, and this crow has made a record lor itself which is not a particularly fine one, and if it were a human being it would be sent to the 'pen.' for life. "When I was in Newtown last week a woman appeared before a magistrate and sworeout a warrant for the bird's arrest, charging it with appro priating a dozen spoons for its own use, but when the Constable tried to serve the war rant on Mr. Crow it was nowhere to be found." "When the 'Squire finished telling the above story Constable Long said bad Joe Mulhattan heard it, it would have made him envious. WHr HE DIDN'T BID. A Scotch Minister Who Was a Match far. Two lawyers. Scottish American.! Many years ago two gentlemen, both Justices of the. Peace, were walking from Glasgow to Govan (at that time a beautiful country road) when they saw in the dis tance the Bev. Mr. Thorn, minister of the. latter Tiirish. coming toward them. Mr. Thorn was somewhat eccentric, and the two friedds resolved to have a joke at his ex pense. When they came up to the minister one of them accosted him thus: "Good morning, Mr. Thorn, how is it that you do not imitate the example of your Master, and enter the city riding upon an ass?" "Because," was the ready reply, "they has made them a' Justices o" the Peace." Reward of Industry. 'Detroit Free tress.3 A counterfeiter captured in Baltimore the other day stated that he had been in the business for IT years, most of the time mak ing bogus coin,, and as near as he could figure his income had averagedonly 93 cents per day. He was clean discouraged, and willing to go 'to prison, where he would at least be sure oi his board and clothes. "When baby was sick, we Rare her Castoria, Whaa'she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clnng to Castoria, When she had Children,she gave them Castoria an9-77-srwTsu BROKERS FINANCIAL. YTTHITNEY & STEPHENSON, a FOURTH AVENUE, Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morzan-s Co-New York. Passports procured. ap2M .$1 TO 1100 JUDiaOUSLT INVESTED 1 stock options'or marRins'luWall St. leads to Wealtl, STEVENSON CO, Brokers, . no28-TTSu E0 New St.. New York. DAVID M. FORD, HOUGHTON, LMlCri, Dealer la LAKE SUPERIOR Gold, Iron and Copper Stocks. Miclvgan Gold Co.'s Stock a specialty. "The richest mines in the world.'' CORRESPONDENCE SOUCITED. de22-83-TT3U COMMISSION, X ag'$2!0L16 Por cash or on margin, either on New York. Ean FraficScb, Philadi iladelehla or Boston Ex-. chances. Loans made at low rates of interest. jStebUshedlSTB. 4S-Weekly Circular FREE. a7b. CHrSHO-M etC-., 61 Brosdwey, ft. Y. mhl3-S7-fia JOHN r OAKLEY Jc CO. BANl-tata A-TD WKJKM8. SMcks; Beads, Orate, Fetreleu-L Private wire te Ne w York aad Chicago. 46 SIXTH ST Pitta rag. w if if .'? XT' EijOffiDISCOUEA&EDj The Stay Told by Mr, lmm of Allegheny, -vi OTHER INTERESTING WIESh "I had become diseouragedr adj&eui given up an nope 01 ever irejng fSiSSiJ again, as my trouble had existed forve H m and T mtntfl lint obtain SBVrMl I had tried a number ot physiciansJlSajS had spent large suras of money,, but'0Hly3? seemed to get worse instead, ot better. .jjj The' speaker was Mr, I-eman J'.-Ware,.! who resides at No. 29 "Windsor streetiAllii J gheny. He is foreman of the hinge depart ment of Lindsay & McCutcheon's ttea- sive machine shops. located on Eebeocai street, Allegheny, and is well knowa throughout the community. ' ' rf3 "I wis ahontlS Years old when I first so- J Heed mv tronhle." continued Mr. Warden.-" "It came on with a severe cold. Atrsiay3ip head became stopped up. My nostriIs,ww so clogged that I could scarcely breathe.pi 4 had a dull, heaw nain in mr forehead dMl rectly over my eyes. There was a dropping hack of matter into mr throat, and I was! constantly hawking and raising,. tryingfto-J! clear it. There seemed to be a lump which; 1 could neither get up nor down. My.eyesf-31 1. -.a j ;. ..... ...3 . .. .nV. .tfia were weaa. aim uisvuargeu n wawij su-rM stance. X had a constant ringing in my" ears. Zeman F. Warden, 9 TPindsor Street: "Gradually mr trouble erew worse and mw thmat Kwmm anfprK and nt iimex Wfllf il so sore that X could scarcely swallow. ? Pinally my whole system became involved S I would get up in the morning more tired'-jj than when I went to bed. X had no appe- I tite. X would sit down at the table feeling hungry, but the very sight of food seemed & to nanseate me. vv nai urae a qiu e-tx'-au greit difficulty in retaining on my stomach.' .My cpest and lungs were soon mvorvea. ; Sharp pains wouia snoot tnrongn my cnest, stabbing like a knife. Tbey would be so severe ... .(.....a ... ... a1mA. ..V. T,W ll.A4t H "It was while in this condition that I read of a ', case similar to mine, tnat bad oeen cured oy Drs. Copeland fc Blair. I called at their office, and afier consultation, placed myself j nnder their care. . "I soon beiran to notice an improvement. My.-. nostrils were no longer stopped. My head ceased to acne, jay eyes were.nu juukce . j j.w; ... .........ma Wa.... nwH V .M.ll4 r wSrf UCl.J . ...UW., .M WW .. .- W ..- J ... mail T Attl f n tA ,Wf tllra ft ftiffurilnc .a person, ana owe toe cuaugo m my cow(uuoa;u Tr- fl neland A Blair. ' Lv.?3 Mr. Warden can be seen at either of the abovej places, and this interview easily vennea. MH. BAHNES' STORY. Slaismeat From a Well-Koowa Oeallemsa efs .: Hlrkmnn. Pa. - .-". The statement given below is from one of the patients residing out of the city.whos was treated from the office ot Drs. Copeianat & Blair. The gentleman in question is;Mr. "William Barnes, of Hickman, Pa.,"athnv-i ing town on the Pittsburg, Chartiefs and j xougbiogbeny jiauroao, aooui 10 mues obij from Pittsburg. During a recent conversation with tup! w:.. ha M- "TTivo veai-i fttro m-r tronhln' ,.W, WW w.w. w..-- -- 0 j -. first made its appearanc, and it continued7! to grow steadily worse until A was at last lus a very serious condition. My head and J nose were urss stoppeu up, uu uicro ru j drnnnincp from mr head to mv throat.?!::! would get np in the morning feeling moiej tired than wnen x went to oea ine mgnt oe- fore. X could eat hut little, and whatX did' eat laid like a heavy load on my stomach.'- 'i "At last the trouble extended to mv chest! There would be sharp pains stabbinjr like a j imifA rif ht over mv heart. Mr lunea became 5 affected and I had a dry hacking con(:b.H:l erew weaker and weaker and was unaoie to do : nn-'ornrk- I lost all sense of taste and smell-ft I was advised to go to England. I wentthere, &nit suent a irreat deal of money, but derived!! no beuCfit. 1 became disheartened and hon-j eatly believed my trouoie wo-ia soon cause myg -I was advised while in this condition to try! n ft.n.i.rl Xr ttlIr. T Tia7 rorf nt thm VIS. wWyO.wM. "- w... w www -- -- - -AM createood they were doing; so determlned'tea seetnem. . , , '.-a The result has been a ereat surprise to a.-a r imnrnnd ranldlv from the verr first. I sooa" recained my sense of smell and taste. I have j no more trouoie wrcu xoj ucaik m iwujw w b chest. I can eat well and feel refreshed by myl sleep. I can work all day ana reel gooaiass nicbt. In fact I am perfectly weU. lowamyj recoverv to Drs. Copeland & Blair, and shall! bel glad to speak with anyone about my case.? . Result of Home Trestmeat. .1 Borne time ago Mr. Harry Phillipsla Hulton, Allegheny countji Pa., co"3 msneed a course of home treatment for.hisj catarrhal trouble, under tue care 01 um i flnnelanil & Blair. H At that time his trouble naa -ssaw-sj -verr airwavated form. He statedw tftel writer as follows: 1 "My nostrils would closup. Mtheadachesti constantly, i. naa severe pM j "!l;l There was a droppin of mucus from my beadl tn -m-r f nr.!vt. I had nlsrht sweats. Mr heart would palpitate rapidly, and be followed by al slow, irregular ueauug anu 'H"''-'"'-J j, was -any ki ia wc-wbi. " "vr?4 ertion urea me, ana x was bhuum -:j "Like another being; All the symptesMf have described to you nave oisappearea, 1 .i o woll an T aver was in mv life." iAstMay Miss Louie J. Forker, of 288 Are street. Meadville, Pa placed herself . ujadec treatment by mail with Drs. Copeland B-c -f,Ariitrrha1 tronble. . -J3s OoJunaOsbewrote: "l'onr medicine Is doi-sej me cood. X do not feel so tired, and my esV aches bare ceased." ,J9P August 0 her letter stated; "I feel quits Ussf a different woman from ths one-was waeal commenced your treatment." 439-sl Mr. M. C Wilson, who commenced nire home treatment early in July, wrote oa the -Mt nr inn soma month! "I aa improviast lUs-Het feel much better than I have for years p-t.'i-s Autust 18 he wrote: "I am feellne like; aids ferentbeiueirom the one x was wue-AC menced your treatment, and am glad te M tn Tnikn this stalemenL." I DOCTORS CKIlttl Are located per-uwis-My s4 " M' SIXTH AVE,! "vThere they treat wife ,. v; CC9hoais-9toUA.at;2te5 KJt.1 ?.c (Bua-ayiwCiuaea. : BDeci-l-es-OATARSIt: .AX-sMyl EASES of the EYE, EAR, THJV5iISSJ XiUXiUB. rsSwSs-e-s. l VwssWnlVllwSt sj-Us .'Ant AMnfB V .3& ..'.,. .t..,....,i