mmt L'.a:. w I m .i&r: lit wv row B$wj 7 CLjts'vH zs. -y v ?W j- TVhat a meny week it has been,"tiekea off br happy hearts, the moments passed" from Monday morn till Saturday night. Uonday evening the "Watson-Bproul wed ding was solemnized in Trinity Episcopal Church, and a charminjrly pretty one it was. !Tbe altar of the church was most beauti fully decorated with pure white flowers, the iarrisi Illy predominatinc, and combined Jwith the white robed minister, and the ''vested choir of 48 Toices seated in the chor isters seats seemed appropriate attributes to ithe bridal party, which, when formed for the final words, represented the letter V, of which the officiating clergyman was the apex at the altar. Besides the maid of bonor and best man eight maids and the ushers were in attendance. The costuming of the party was in the most artistic fashion, the musio was delightful, soft and dreamy, during the ceremony, and swelling into a, perfect burst of melody as the sacred rites were concluded, in which the chimes of the church joined with m'erry peals. The re ception which followed at the bride's home, on Lincoln avenue, was In accordance with the magnificence ot the wedding; The residence was decorated In the regular old English style, with oceans of holly arranged Wf where it would be most effective and the sup per was lit ior Lao gnus. 4 O'CLOCK TEA JPOB JUCH. Following the brilliant wedding on Tuesday afternoon, was the 4 o'clock tea given by Mrs. E. 1L Ferguson to Miss Emma Juch, at which a number of society ladles availed themselves of the privilege, given by invitation, to meet the falrprima.donna.They found her, suffering as she was from a severe cold, charming in every particular, dress, beauty and conversation, and the event was one of the pleasantest In the 1 social annals of the city. 'Christmas day was celebrated by numerous dinner parties and home gatherings all over the -dtv, and also by two East End weddings, both being solemnized in the East liberty Presby terian Church. At 5 JO the nuptial march an nounced the arrival of the first bridal party, and Miss Annie D.Negley became Mrs. J. W. moan. A number or ushers and daintily aressed 'little flower girls preceded the bride, wbo was "escorted by ber uncle to the radiant altar, where the groom and his best man awaited. A reception was held immediately alter the cere monies at the home of the bride's mother, where intimate friends congratulated tbe happy couple. At 730 tbe secondbridalparty was announced and Miss Susie Parker and Mr. Marlon F. Hlp- pie assumed tbe vows of holy matrimony. 'Thursday and Friday afternoons Mother 'Goose and Santa Clans received the various 'members of the Goose family and entertained delighted audiences sit the Bljoa. Tbe panto nine which was given to benefit the .Newsboys' Home was one of tbe greatest successes ever achieved by amateurs. THE NEWSBOYS' BEKETIT. Never has the Bijou been favored with such an aristocratic company of players, such elab orate dressing or such fashionable audiences. The costumes worn by the little folks were superb, and some of the modlsts' bills will be immense, for no expense was snared by the Indulgent parents. In spite of nervousness and lootlight frenzy tbe little ones acquitted them selves admirable in.thelrvarious roles, and con gratulations are In order to them, also to the -vocalists who so kindly loaned their voices for the occasion and sang the roles so charmingly. Withal the pantomime was a great financial .and social success, much to tbe gratification of the ladies wbo were in charge of It and to tbe Board ot Managers of tbe Newsboys' Home, who will receive the nroceeds. "Thursday evening Mrs. John 5. Hays gave a small dancing reception in tbe Pittsburg theater in honor of her daughter. Miss Hays, and several scnool friends. It was a delightful -affair in everyparticular. Mrs. James B. Scott, of Ridge avenue, gave a charming reception Friday afternoon in honor ot ber two sisters, Mrs. Mathew New kirk and Miss Jacobus of Philadelphia, her daughter. Miss Scott, and Mrs. Charles Met . calf, the bride. Tbe same evening Miss Bessie Reed was an interesting hostess to quite a partv of merry young folks who enjoyed danc ing to a late hour. The second dinner dance was indulged in Friday evening also. Tbe gertnan was given at the residence of Mrs. A. E. W. Painter and varied and beautiful were the toilets worn and the figures danced. A glorious success are the dinner dances. . A. notable wedding was celebrated Thursday evening when Miss Emma E., daughter of Iter. T. t!. Davis, married Prof. J. Warren .Irytle, of the Pittsburg Academy. Tbe Second Avenue Welsh Presbyterian Church was the placed selected for the solemn Jltes, and six ushers attended the pair. Tbe opera was a great attraction all through tbe week, but tbe evenings the programmes of vhichwere graced with Emma Juch'aname drew the largest audiences, as would be ex pected. Friday evening, especially, was notable for lovely ladies and exquisite toilets. Tak ing it all tbe way through tbe past week has :been a continual round of gayety. A TEAPOT TEMPEST. Resolutions are in order and thousands of them will probably be made and broken this week. New Year's Day will be spent very tquletly in the city. No receiving will be done to speak of, in fact none at all is known of at the present writing. The custom is dead in every city in the United States excepting Washington, where officially, tbe ladies are obligated to hold re ceptions. What a tempest in a teapot Mrs. Harrison has created, by the way, in placing herdaughter. Mrs. McRee, in bet place on tbe receiving programme, as, owing to her sister's death, she will not appear, thus giving Mrs. McKee, who has no official rank whatever, pre cedence over tne vice xresiuenvs wue ana ail tbe Cabinet ladies. The unwritten law of social life at tbe Cani- tol has heretofore always accorded tbe rank of the husband to the wife, and this departure from "what has been" is not accepted grace fully by tbe Congressmen and their wives, es SpeciaUy the wires who are in a very chaotic condition and are doing considerable grumb ling. The Monday Evening Club will dance a fare well to tbe old year to-morrow evening. It is .first of tbe series given by tbe club under its new name. Mrs. W. E. Schmertz will entertain a num ber of friends to a 7 o'clock dinner on New Tear's Eve at her lovely home in tbe .East 'End. Mrs. J. M. Xennedr. of Wllklns avenne. will , honprher guest. Miss Ross, by a dancing re cepuon on ub ma 01 .January. .Cards have been issued for a fashionable tea to be given by Mrs. John Wood well on Tues- aav eveninc at her orettv East End home. The Duquesne Club will open doors to friends In their newhome, on tbe 4th otjann- The Sewickley Club has accepted the Invita tion extended by the Tuesday Night Club to present Esmeralda," at the Pittsburg Club Theater, some time in the near future. Christmas' Pleasures. Mr. Albert Von Christy cave a delightful musical at his home on Friday evening. ' The programme rendered was an excellent one. The Golden Circle Literary Society held a . larval attended meeting on December 27 an elected their officers for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson, of Acklv street. Allegheny, entertained a few of their friends at a 3 o'clock dinner on Christmas Day. Avery pleasant surprise party was given Mr. and'Mrs. William Macintosh at their home on West Jefferson street, Allegheny, Christmas evening. ;.iMr.!and Mrs. James Bhipman,ot the Ninth Eward,-aAUeheny, gave a Christmas dinner to thelrnumeruus children and grandchildren. ut zj were preseni. One otthe most enjoyable events ot the week Lwas'theTcelebration, Monday eveninc at the TesidenceTof Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gordon, on Miltenberger street, ot mine hosf s birthday. Alnnmber of friends were invited to participate Inithemcrry-maklng. and a great many useful nd beautiful presents were given Mr. Gordon. An elegant Christmas dinner was given by ra.lK.-J. Clark, of New Brighton, in honor of ;tsonVMessTS. Harry ana John Clark, of -ittsburg?and Miss Gertrude, of Buffalo? N. r.lTbajEUesis included Mr. and Mrs.Messner, uvaBUdusiijs.Gi.iau j, ol fjiuuurg; airs. H. Arrarde; ad Jttes Lets wwe. f ' New Brighton. Miss Agnes A. XaekreU and Mr. T. Schran kle were privately married at tb home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hornberger, Hazelwood, last Thursday eveaisw. At the conclusion of the ceremony a delicious repast was served and the happy couple embarked on the steamer Scotia for Cincinnati lo spend their honeymoon. No cards. tost Monday evening the offloers ot "The Iron City Brewing Company," & recently Incor porated company, met in their office at the corner ot Liberty and Thirty-fourth street, and Indulged in a gorgeous banquet to celebrate the floating of the corporation. Tbe officers are E. Frauenneim, President; L. Vilsack, Vice President and General Manager: A. Frauen helm, Secretary and Treasurer: E. J, Frauen helm. General Agent, and E. J. Vilsack, Assistant Manager. The choir of the Episcopal mission of the West End was agreeably surprised last Thurs day evening while holding Its weekly rehearsal at the residence of Dr. J. E. Miller by the whole congregation calling and taking posses sion of tbe house. The leader ot the choir, Mrs. Miller, was presented with a handsome watch chain and each member of the choir with a Christmas card and box of candy. An elegant-luncheon was next served and a de lightful evening was the result of the meeting; On Christmas night Emory M. E. Church was the scene of a merry little entertainment by the children of the Snnday school. Little Miss Hall sane "Rock-a-bve Baby" very sweetly, and Miss Tiny Miller rendered a few pieces very niceiy, out tnegem oi tna evening was the singing of little Clyde Dixon. His clear, baby voice rang out through tbe church In a joyful Christmas carol, to the great delight of all listeners. After the entertainment the usual Christmas boxes were passed'around,and tbe children all left the treat In great glee. OnjChnstmas evening Miss Daisy E, Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hunter, ot Sll Taylor street, was united in wedlock to Mr. William H. Corbett, paymaster of the Home stead Steel Works, in the presence of a select number of Immediate friends and relatives. Tbe ceremony was performed by Rev. W. P Enrom, of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, and after congratulations and the wedding feast, the happycouple left for their new home which the groom has just built on .Ella street, at Edgewood station, Pennsylvania Railroad. The presents were numerous and handsome. On Christmas Eve the Fourth avenne church was beautifully lighted and decorated for the wedding of Miss Lillian Riggs, tbe only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Riggs, ot the Southside, and Mr. Elmer Ellsworth Caddes,of Allegheny. At 8 o'clock the bridal party was announced by ushers Messrs. Dr. E. E. Biggs, J as. O. Penny,. John Craft, David Bbsser, Chas. M. Smith and Tbeo. Motherel, who, to an inspirit ing wedding march, preceded the conple to the altar, where Rev. H. B. Gross performed the ceremony. The bride was attired In a handsome steel gray traveling costume, with hat and gloves to correspond. After the cere mony they started on an extended wedding trip through the South. The presents re ceived were both handsome and useful, among them a full set of diamonds, the gift of the groom. The wedding of Miss Ida A. Lena and Ur. John Loeffert was celebrated In a pleasant manner at tbe residence ot tbe bride's parents. No. 1S5 Spring Garden avenue, Allegheny, on Christmas night. The ceremony was performed at 6:30 o'clock by the Rev. Dr. B. Pick, of First German Evangelical Protestant Church ot Allegheny. The bride is the daughter ot Mr. Harry Lena, and a very scholarly, talented and benevolent young lady. Tbe groom is tbe oldest son of Mr. George Loetfert. He is a gentleman In every respect, and well liked by all who know him. An elegant supper was served at 9 o'clock p. w, Tbe young folks participated in music and dancing, the former being furnished by the Eleova orchestra with harp. The bride was dressed in acream colored satin. Tbe bridemaid and groomsman were' miss Anna ajenz, sister or. tne m-ine, ana air, George Kirch, cousin of the groom. Social Notei. MlssGeyer, of Washington, D. O, Is the guest of Miss Porter, of Western avenue. The Sylvan Social will give a select reception New Year's Eve at Union Rink, Allegheny, Miss Jordan, of Marion street, has departed for New York, where she will spend the win ter. t The pupils of tbe advanced class of Thuma's Dancing Academy will give a reception on New Year's Eve. Miss Ktodie Carlln, of 'the Westlake school, Chartiers township, is spending her vacation with friends In Columbus. Miss Christine Lies, of Philadelphia, is mak ing a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Lies, of Arch street, Allegheny. Miss Gertrude Clark, stenographer, formerly of Pittsburg, but now of Buffalo, N. Y., is home for the bolidavs, the guest of her jnothei, J. Clark, of New Brighton. A dramatic musical will be given Friday evening, January 10, in Masonic Hall, 'Washing ton street, Allegheny City. The promising youth, Vaw-Metre Gates, will make his first appearance, supported by a chorus of 25 voices and a dramatic cast ot SO people. A pleasant surprise in tbe shape of a tempt ing little luncheon awaited the pupils of the High School class, Lackey School, Duquesne Heights, on Tuesday morning. The delicacies were furnished by the members of the second division of the same room. No. 7. The annual Ladies reception by John J. Davis Commandery, A. O. K. M. C. will take place on Tuesday afternoon and evening at tbe Castle Hall, 2o45Penn avenue. The beauti ful souvenirs of last year in floral emblems are surpassed this year by the surprise In store for the lady visitors. The entertainment is wholly by invitation. . Sewickley Society Motes, Miss Minnie McKnlght is home from Phila delphia for tbe holidays. Mr. John Semple, one of Lehigh's students, is spending his vacation with Mr. Arthur Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Wardswortb, ot Erie, Pa.,spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Frederick Burrows. Miss Bessie Anderson, of the Park Place Hotel, has returned from a visit to friends in Cincinnati. Miss Annie Sample, who attends sohoolin Boston, Is spending tbe holidays with her cous ins, the Misses Fleming. Mr. and Mr. J. B. Oliver give a reception at their handsome home New Year's afternoon and a dancing party in the evening for their daughter, Amelia. Tbe cast of "Eimeralda" have been invited by Mr. and Mrs. Quay to repeat the perform ance at Morganza sometime in the near future. The invitation will probably be accepted for Monday week. Mrs. Catherine Warden gave a dancing party last evening for her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Warden, of St. Augustine. Fla. This,as alt parties are at Mrs. Warden's home, was thoroughly enjoyable. The annual holiday cotillon will be given In Choral Hall Tuesday evening. Tbe cotillon this year is nnder the management of Mr. George Whlteseliand Mr. John Porter, and tbe patronesses are Mrs. L. H. Williams, Mrs. G. B. Clapp, Mrs. M. B. Cochran, Mrs. C. S. Pease, Mrs. Henry Davis and Mrs. J. B. Gilmore, A SCARCITY OF BAtLOES. Rot Enough on the Paclfle Coast to Han the Kevr Crntaer. Washington-, December 28. Arrange ments were being made to-day at the Navy .Department for the fitting of tbe two new vessels recently adde'd to the navy, the Charleston and Baltimore, with tbe proper complements of men. The Charleston is now at Mares Island, Cal. There are not enough men by about 100. on the Pacific coast to give the ship her full allowance, and It will probably be necessary to send part of the ere" overland. This is very ex pensive and will be a heavy drain on the department. it was at first thought that arrangements could be made for sending tbe men down to the Isthmus of Panama from New York by mail steamer, and then transter them across the narrow strip ot land to .tbe Charleston. This wonld be a much cheaper process, but it was found that the mail steamer company would not take tbe men until late In Janu ary, and so the scheme was abandoned. The Baltimore will receive ber complement in about ten days, and will then steam down from Philadelphia to Norfolk to receive her last touches. AS AM0T1NG ACCIDENT. A Sfeot la She Eye Gives Marshall McClate Considerable Tronhle. , Marshall HcOlaln, of the City Clerk's office, while hunting in tbe Chestnut Ridge, waa accidentally shot in the eye by one of the party with him. ( On his return to the city yesterday be saw a Penn avenue ocnhst, who probed (or the shot, but failed to loc&te it. The sight has not been, destroyed. Paxlok Mits, easy efesies imi eoefeM needing re-upbolsterkg, a4tXaagk. Xeenaa, 33 and 31 Water at. fllft DP jnl' 'CUlpfl, If!?" i VlTinTT TOT1TTB After Dark GniifD ofkbjl House Bole In the Ground Rabbis' Tbzateb...... N. B. Wood ACAEiirr or Musio.... Harry Kernell's Co. Woeld'B SIU6itm...... Cariosities, Etc Casino mcseuh. Curiosities, Etc, Wi The above are the theatrical attractions for this week. There is a very big scheme on foot to give Pittsburgers a great spectacular show in the summer time. Mr. James Collins, repre senting a New York syndicate comprising P. T. Barnum, J. A. Bailey, Imre Kiralfy and A. A. Stewart, is now in this city, and is prepared to lay the foundations for the novel enterprise. Mr. Collins said yesterday: "The idea of the New Tors syndicate which I represent is to give Pittsbnr? ers what they have had to go hitherto to New York to see, a grand open air spectacle such as the Fall of Baby lon. A great many Pittsburgers have no doubt seen that wonderful show at St. George's, Btaten Island. But the syndicate does not intend or desire to go into this enter prise alone; it seeks tbe co-operation of the business men, hotelkeepers and others wbo would reap profit from tbe crowds which such a show is likely to attract to tbe city. Tbe policy of tbe syndicate would be to adver tise tbe spectacle far and wide for 200 miles aronnd Pittsburg, run excursions from sur rounding towns, and make it an attraction for Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia. "Spectacles like tbe 'Fall of Babylon,' 'Rome Under Nero' and the "Conquest ot .Mexico have proven marvelously successful elsewhere, and 'Rome Under Nero Is now the great feat ure ot Barnum's show which has captured Lon don. We intent, to give tbe spectacle for a season ot six weeks, beginning in July. This week I intend to sound the business men of this city on the subject, and, If they respond favorably, Pittsburg will have a spectacular exhibition next summer that will astonish the natives." Mr. Collins Is a well-known manager and a prominent member ot tbe Order of Elks in New York City. For the present he is stay ing at the St. Charles Hotel V The influenza has attacked grand opera, Miss McNichol, ot the Juch Company, was un able to sing in "Maritana" yesterday afternoon owing to an attack of the imported dissase, La Grippe, and an understudy had to struggle in her place with a book in her hand. To-morrow evening Dion Boucicault's famous melodrama "After Dark" will begin a week's representation at the Bijou Theatre. ''After Dark" is written by Boucicault, written at his best time, and it has the beat of his stage knowledge combined with the excellent judg ment and management of its present producer, Mr. William A. Brady, and the result hat been one of tbe most successful productions of the present decade. The plot Is one of these sub stantial -ones which will not die so long as melodrama lives. London life and England's great metropolis is the scene of its action. It contains effects that, perhaps occasionally used in other pieces, are neither So effectively in troduced In them nor so legitimately worked. In the years gorfe by "After Dark" was consid ered a great play. It la still a great play of its kind, and Its kind - is one of which many for tunes have been made lately, as the litho graphs inform the city, and few pieces have been so strongly and well Illustrated, there are several thrilling situations, giving an oppor tunity for great scenic effects, which the man agement have gotten up with tbe best of care. There are to be some surprises tor the audience. Indeed, from what is said at the theater, "After Dark" is to be a big, well-put-on, strongly sensational play. The representation Is one of these Im mense successes that playtbe larger cities only, and come direct to Pittsburg from tbe Grand Opera House, New York City, and at the close of the engagement here, return to the Metro polls for another extended engagement. The same cost, scenery and effect used during its original run will be seen here. Every scenio act is the work of Harley Merry. Tbe dramatic portion of tbe cost is exceedingly strong and Is headed by Mr. William A. Brady, an actor of much experience. MISS Laura Biggie, a band some actress and a fine soprano singer, Is the leading lady. The especially Interesting feat ure is In the London Music Hall scene where the troupe of vaudevilles appear. Bobby Gay lor, well known and popular here, Marie Rene, a charming dacseuse.and Kelly and Murphy, exhibition boxers. ' AT the Grand Opera House Hoyt's comedy "A Hole In the Ground," commences Monday, December 80, and contlnnes through the week, with tbe Satnrday and New Year's Day matinees. To amuse full houses is the author's ambi tion. Tbe company is said to be more than competent to put the active movements in tbe oddities of the farce. Miss Katie Hart is possessed of.agillty as astounding as her face is pretty. . She (rives so complete an exhibition of dancing it is said that only somersaults seem lacking to fill out tbe extensive circle ot her gyrations. But Miss Hart is comely", graceful and filled from tbe top of her neat little head to the tips of ber little feet with snap anddasb. Mr. Frank'Lawton is the Station Agent, and as comically exacting as to tbe rules of the road and railroad regulations as ever. Harry O. Stanley as the Tramp Is a fit- uog luuuncr ui jcur;g Aieuarus, ana resem bles him in face and form so closely that many take him to be tbe same man, Mr. Julian Mitchell Is the baseball mascot. The singing of Miss Maud Williams Is said to be a pleasing feature ot tbe performance, and her sweet voice is heard to good advantage. The following editorial, taken fromjhe New York Mirror, bits the mark: The reprehensible habit tfhleb American andlences have of leav ing theaters and concert balls before the con clusion of a performance was emphatically re buked by a prominent Western star last week," About ten mlnntes before the fall of the cur tain some ot the auditors began to make their sortie, which so an noyed the star that he summarily stopped the performance. The remainder ot tbe audience took the hint and kept their seats till tbe close ot the performance. The rude ness of audiences in this respect has become such a chronic offense that it has been sug gested that tbe orchestra, jia in England and tbe colonies, should dlsmiM.the audience with a National anthem. It certainly is a nuisance that ought to be abated, and any means that wonld effect that reform wonld be hailed with delight by the players. Harry Kernell's Cqmpany will he at the Academy of Muslo this week. Harry Kernell's New Company Is made up of the strongest kind of talent Kernell Is In himself a "whole team" with a ponular "pull" that Is good for thousands of applicants for seating room at the Academy. John Kernell is another great favorite here, andtbeBraatz Brothers are re markably clever and daring acrobat The rest of the company leclsfte these eapable fun and made makers, the Inman Slcten, Ward and Votes, Huber d Allyae, Weber and Fields, ad SBar etbM. ..- '; N.B. Woo leal iwftkt patrons oT SarialTsar.'a4'k wl dawetf less draw the usual crowds Skis week wfc he appears there, "Oat in the Streets" is as full of incident, thrilling, touching, sentatieeat pioturesqmeneMaadfaa as an egg is full ot meat Strong scenes follow each other so fast tbatane is lost la following the domes, work ings and heroism of B arry .Barlesy (N.& Wood), the hero, The special feature ot the World's Hneeum announced for this week is undoubtedly a heavy attraction. It Is Big Eliza, who is said, to weigh 998 pound. The Chantallsque Panto mime Company and other specialties are also prominent Hepbubk Johks. N Stftge Whispers. NEXT season William A. Brady intends to produce a grand production ot "The Bottom ot the Sea." Mahie Rene, the danseuse that appears in "After Dark." was the She that was recently seen In this city. W. 8. Gilbert, after witnessing the success ful launching of '"The Gondoliers," in London, has gone to fndiaf or a holiday. Me. DAwson, of the Bijou Theater, says that Harry Kernell will go "Out in the Btreets" "After Dark" to see "A Hole in the Ground," Minnie palmer returns to this country after her engagement at the Drury Lane, Lon don, where she has been playing "Cinderella." "An Irish Arab" Is the unique title of the new melo-dramatie comedy that Bobby Gay lor is to be starred In In New York City next season. A. a Quotes, the well-known author and playwright, has purchased the fonr-story brown stone house at No. 68 West Fifty-second s ti ee t. New York, f or S3iOCO. W. Howsll Pools and Alice Raynor, the English players from the principal' London theaters, propose to come tt) this country next season in a repertoire oi their own successes, all, of Hoyt's comedies are doing a large business this season. At Proctor's Fulton Opera House, Lancaster, Pa., "A Hole In the Ground" did the banner business ot the season last week, Mrs. Jakes Bbowk Potteb IS to leave Paris next week tor London, whence she sails for Australia. Her repertoire Includes "Camllle," "Frou Frou," "La Tosca" and Theodora." ' Gladys, the pretty and clever young actress whom J. M. Hill was going to star in "Juliet," may possibly be seen, later in the season, in able production ot "Paul and Vlr clnla." Miss Gladys will suit the part splen didly. Msubebs ot the Booties' Baby and Oar Flat companies were stopping at tbe United States Hotel in Boston recently. Alice Harrison, of the latter company, on her arrival was greeted by tbe darkey boy who runs the elevator with these words: "Glad to see you again, Miss Harrison. Is you wid de Bottled Baby comp'ny dls season?" A BSASEBof the Jfirror writes that he at tended Wilson Barrett's performance of "Ham let" at the Fifth Avenue recently. Between the acts he asked an usher bow old the star actor might be. "Oh, about 40,"- was the an swer, "He makes up to- look younger, doesn't hef ' remarked the auditor: 'Yes," said the usher, "you see, that's one of the tricks ot our profession." "Pansy," the little kitten with the J. K. Emmet company, has been given two weeks' notice, having grown too big for the business. She was a great favorite with the company and was very fond of Plyp, the big St. Bernard dog. Mr. Emmettoffers to give ber a letter of recommendation, both professionally and so cially, as he feels, with tbe rest of the profes sion, that it is hard to be out ot an engagement at wis season oi toe year. Manager Davis Henderson1 has secured the new Gilbert and Sullivan opera for all the territory west of Pittsburg. John Stetson will have all the Eastern territory save New York. which has been bought by A. M. Palmer for S reduction In Palmer's Theater In Now York, lanager Henderson will play tbe opera 17 weeks at his Chicago, III., Opera House, and then put it on the road. He has his company Dearly selected, and will stage the work very handsomely. WM. A. Beady, an actor who Is making a fine reputation this season in New York and other cities, will present his version of Dion Boucicault's famous drama entitled "After Dark" for a week's engagement at the Bijou Theater, beginning next Monday evening. The prodnction is to be spectacular, with recent ideas of realism, and an all-around surprise is promise!. A strong olio of vaudevile artists appear In the London music hall, scece, and embraces such artists as Bobby Gaylor, Marie Rene And Kelly and Murphy. At the Bljoa Theater, commencing Monday. January 6, for one week, Bronson Howard's, greatest triumph "Shenandoah," now In its sixth mbnth in New York City, and still run ning, will be brought direct to this city and pre sented for the first time here, in precisely the same manner In regard to scenic effects and auxiliaries as at present-being given in New York. "Shenandoah" Is, without question, tbe most solid and substantial theatrical suc cess of the day. Without nudity, pruriency, bone play, or criminal sensation without even avarar" nart of anv kind It fills larce theaters regularly with audiences made up of all classes of playgoers, from the t'god" In the gallery to tbe goddess in the box. t A fastnebskip has been formed between Charles Abbott and 'Ben Teal. Abbott is the husband and manager of Maggie Mitchell, and he will be aided In tbe firm's ventures by an extensive capital. Teal is a stage manager and playwright of valuable experience and ot proven skill. The new firm propose to control their own plays, presenting tbem with com. panies organized by themselves, and generally aiming at Ioqg runs In big cities, rather than the conventional peregrination's on the circuits, Tbe first play will be a local drama, domestlo in theme, by Dion Boucicault and Mr, Teal, wbo thus come together as collaborators for tbe first time. Tbe piece will be put on the Stage of a New York theater about February or March. There will be especial Interest In Its production, because Boucicault has had no American cotlaborateur before this. Indeed, it Is a surprise to bear that be has at last per mitted himself to take a co-worker of native birth. HOME ART AND ARTISTS. The many friends of Mr. JohnW.Beatty were afforded a private view of his three new paintings at the rooms of the Pittsburg Art School during 'the week. Tbe .titles of these pictures, which are the most important works he has produced this year, are "Mohican Bluffs." "Outside the Village" and "A Black Island Road. Me. Wils. Pobteb has a painting at Boyd's, the motive of which is not very clear. The scene is laid in a garden, in which are a num ber of soldiers, apparently skirmishers, one of whom, standing behind a bush near by an old stone gate post, is engaged in lazily loading his musket. Close by stands a young negro wear ing a decidedly frightened expression on bis face, not apparently without some sufficient reason, since bis hat has been lifted from his bead and has ah enormous rent torn in It, pre sumably by a rifle bullet while upon the stone post behind him Is a splash ot color which would seem to Indicate that the battle was be ing fought with eges in place of cold lead, and indeed the lackadaisical looklngsoldlerappears to regard the whole affair rather as a good joke than in any sense a serious matter. TBE painting by L. Walter Elsenlobr, after an original by A Mauve, at present on exhibi tion in tbe GIespie gallery, is a very pleasing picture) And although but a copy of another man's work the artist has shown considerable knowledge and technical skill In its produc tion. Ot course, in conception and composi tion, it can only eqnal the original painting, and In color and general arrangement ot tone it will probably fall somewhat below It; still, in tbe matter of handling, much ot the credit is due to tbe artist who executed the work, aside from the merit of the picture copied. The subject represented is a stretch of level land scape with a straight row ot tall and slender tsees leading from the foreground Into the dis tance She landscape, however, is subordinate in interest to a flock of sheep, that with the shepherd form the real interest of the picture. In tne color scheme of the work, coo grays and grav-toned greens are seen to prevail, and Ibe antet subdued effect produced fa very salt atd pleasing. With regard to the picture which Mr. H. S Stevenson exhibits at Gillespie's this is not putting it too strongly' to say that It is equal, or perhaps sunerlor. to any woi;k that he has ever shown. It has considerable strength in composition, is fairly well handled, and is of very good color; but It is In its completeness as a worn oi art mat its superiority to nis usual style isseen. Tbe scene represented is one In the bay-making season, and tbo subject con sists of a stretch of level meadow with a fringe of picturesque trees In tne distance, the pleasing and varied outlines of which form one otthe most striking features of the picture, Tbe harvesters at work in the field, And tbe wagon with its load ot new-made bay combine to lend life and interest to tbe scene; and it is in the positions and actions of the figures that tbe chief merit of the picture lies. The land scape appears to have been painted with a fair degree of fidelity to nature, but, of course, the arrangement of tbe. figures depends wholly upon tbe judement of tbe artist In so much, as It has been correctly handled, tbe laadsoape lstrothfnlasaploture, and by the introduei turn of tbe flgurae the work becomes artlstle: In some otJir. Stevenson's works complete during tse presat year, there is a marked la provesaeat ever Mytblac. wblck "he'-Jtasl previously ke,adki evidently tkMW oi greater sore ana pai tmg. ' -, , Jm-',, ftWg usyitty. Vfi JVUrWU tr i ft 6dY? $ '?l)lJTfe w- One of the 15 regiments composing the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps was of light" artillery, consisting of eight batteries, but one of the latter was from Western Penn sylvania. It was Battery B and wasfor- ganized at Mount Jackson, Lawrence coun ty. It was more generally known as "Cooper's Battery," Captain J. H. Cooper baying been its commander (or over three years; Captain William McClelland, of this city, served with the battery during its four years' service, first as a private, and commander'at its muster-out, after the close of the war, He is very much pleased with the following letter to Lieutenant James A. Gardner, of New Castle, Pa., from their former brigade commander, General C. S. Wainwrighti Yours of first inst I received from my brother on my return from Europe, a week ago, and a day or two after the copy of your address at Gettysburg came to hand. Their receipt has given me much pleasure, as prov lngtbat lhave not been wholly forgotten, by my old companions in arms, though so many years have now passed since wo parted. As Hook over the official worts of the dif ferent commanders, now published, and see how much many of them make of small mat ters to tbe glorification ot themselves and'their commands, I sometimes thlnt that In my en deavors to confine my reports to a simple state ment of facts. I may have failed in securing to those who served with me all the credit tbey deserved. At that time we bad no: idea that these reports would be given to the public. They were supposed to be solely for the in formation ot our Immediate commanders. Had I been writing tbem for the publio I should have said in writing what I often have In con versation, that Cooper's Battery was tbe most perfeot ideal organization of fighting men I ever came across. Those wbo originally composed it seemed to have bnt one object: to put down the rebellion, and then go home. Of soldiering, as such, they bad no idea. No military organization that was not composed of such a high standard ot men as your battery originally was, both intel lectually and morally, could have been con trolled, or made of any use, without an enforce ment of discipline, to yon unknown. My own appreciation of your battery was shown by my retaining it In my brigade so long as I could : one ot the three only out of the U batteries I bad on joining tbe First Corps. I have read your address with much pleasure. 1 think you are about right in your description of the part Battery "B" played In the battle of Gettysburg. Could I have done it by word of mouth I should like to hate added some Inci dents that more fully Illustrated tbe kind of voluntary discipline that prevailed In the bat tery, and the perfect composure that always cnaracterizea uapum uooper, I hope you will remember me most warmly to Captain Cooper and to all who may care to know that their old commander for nearly three years still has a very warm feeling for Battery fl, First Pennsylvania Artillery. Again thanking you for the trouble you took in hunting ma up, I remain, yours truly, C, S. WAtNWBIQHT. Post Installations, Officers elected' to serve the various posts during tbe year of 1EM will be Installed in their respective offices at the first stated meeting in January. Many ot the installations will be open, and as these affairs are generally very interesting the attendance at them will.nodoubt be very large. Upon the recommendation of Chief Muster ing Officer X S. Rees the following named comrades have been detailed to install tbe offi cers of the posts set alter their names ot Alle gheny county: -v John Dittes, Post 8; John L. Jones, Hi A. P Burehfleld, 83: George W. Ladlev, 128; John C. Hill, 161; William H. Lockhart 155; Thomas G. Sample, 157; William McClelland, 182; Jacob Nelson, 2W: John F. Hunter. 230: M. M.Bell. 236; A. H. Askln, 25Bf William. .41. Carey. 38, Etna; J. H. Lewis, 69,-McKeesport; J. F. Bar nett 111, Elizabeth; John L. Kolshouse. 135, Tarentum; James L. Graham, 153, Putnam; W. S. Speer, 18L Braddock; C. J. Williams, 199, Turtle Creek; Thomas' G. Jones, 207, Home stead; foster ai warn, tf, opringaaiet dames Patton,S29, West Elizabeth; John B. Holmes, 860, Verona; G. R. MorreL 470, Rural Ridge; R. B. Elliott, 545. Etna: O. M. Head, UU, Wilkins bnrg; J. F. Kirklaud, 684, Dravosburg. Chief Mustering Offioer Rees will install the officers of Posts 117 and 215. . From n Soldier' Home. "An Inmate" ot the Soldiers' Home at Min nehaha, Minn., tells something about these national and Btate institutions in tbe loilowlng letter, which continued: -Sometime after the great BebelUonhad passrd by the philanthropic statesmen at Wash ington, grateful for services rendered the na tion and foreseeing the probable condition ot want that many of the veterans would be re duced to as tbey drew near the end of lite, took measures to erect and maintain national eleemosynary institutions, or Soldiers' Homes, at different points, where such veterans as were In want and could not maintain them selves could be sheltered and properly cared for during tbe short time yet allotted to thetn. "Tnese national Homes were soon tilled to their utmost capacity, andhundreds, nay thou sands, of veterans who bad already furnished tbe evidence required were waiting thejednc tion by death of tbe numbers of their oomrades therein, that they, too, might enjoy, for a short time, the protection from dire want afforded by the sheltering arms of these Homes. "The crowded condition of these National Homes was known, too, and understood by tome ot tbe philanthropic State legislators ot diifereut States, and State Homes were organ ized by these legislatures! and among others theSiateof Minnesota passed necessary Uwb to erect and maintain, at some point within its Commonwealth, a Home for Its own citizen vet erans, regardless ot where their enlistment had been. They, however, were required to be actnal residents of tbe State. "An executive board and other required offl- J cials were appointed, anu a location ior tne Home (to be erected) was songbt for. Offers came in from different towns, and induce ments were held out by each to erect the Home in Its vicinity. All these offers and induce ments were fully considered by the Board of Control, ana all these different places were vis ited and examined by a committee appointed for that purpose. All were found to have pe culiar advantages, and none were In' the least objectionable." ' The Mt. Washington a. A. K. Fair. The fair of Post 153, G.A.R., Mt Washing ton, will continue until Wednesday, 1st prox. On Friday evening the entertainment was one of the most classlo yet rendered, patriotic reci tations being given by Mrs. Dr. Sadler, Miss Edith Smltbson, Mrs. Or. Simpson, Dr. Dean and others,of more tban local celebrity. On Tuesday evening a new" departure will be made, an old-fashioned watch night to see the Hew Tear in being the order ot the day. A camp scene Mil grace tbe stage, with some live features in the shape of scouts, contrabands, and the plokets, and the audience will both be surprised. Reminiscences of former New Year's eves In tbe field will be related, and the whole evening wilL after the social chats and dancing are concluded, be' a realistic and pa thetic prodnction ot the old times from 1861 to 1S65, with jnst enonen comedy thrown in by tbe contrabands aud counterfeit soldiers to spice tbe evening's entertainment. Comrades H. c. Bnepler, Thomas B. Bass and William Armlgerare in charce otthe entertainment, as well as of the fair generally;. Old Friend Dtae. The annual dinner of the Old Friends' Club, of Pittsburg, was observed' on the evening of December 24, a't the cafe Berzberger. An elaborate menu was furnished, and the boys spent tbe time In eating; speaking andslnglng with all the enjoyments that accompany such feasts. VrterniHi end Their Being. The fair of Post 128 continues to flourish with .nnboaaded saecess. Th Onion dead burled ia Southern Btate number 3?5.M0 aid of these IflLON rest in craves nawked "aakaewH." ' Amm jtoiaMaltatiesi tt Hw.Wsm Vm W ,Tis4er, Jaary. U, CMmmB m, COKXASS W. D. PATTBMOir will COMS Poet i. of Latrobe, next' year. Tbe delegates are John R..Owtler, Ker, O. W. XUler aad Jaaees Peters. CoxKJua'at Stlas A. Basvon, of Boeio. is Secretary or the Executive Committee bavlog in charge all the 'arrangements tor the next National Encampment CHAHr.Es 'SrKNSB Cactv, Ladles ot the G. A R., will serve a dianer- on Ne"w Year's Day at the Franklin street scboolhousc This effort will no doubt be largely patronised. Comeade B. A Joxse. of Poet 151, made a capital Santa Clans at tbe Christmas treat ot the Eighteenth Street M. E. Church. He dis tributed eandy and presents to 8H0 children. The success of Pos't 41's fair Is away beyond the expectations of the managers. There is a large nightly attendance and the various pleas ant features are much enjoyed by the patrea lzers.' The remains of Comrade John Wagner, who metsuchatraglo death under a cable car' oa Friday will he buried this afternoon by Post 151 of which he was a member. Tbe post will assemblo at the hall at 1 o'clock this al ternooa for this purpose. A number of the Union veterans of West ern Pennsylvania testified their appreciation of the appointment of Comrade J. RHarrah to tbe United States Marsbalsbio of the Western district by a reception and banquet at the Ho- iei xiuquesne last nignt. Mant young hearts were made happy on Christmas afternoon through Post 151's dis tribution of clothes, candy and oranges. These were giren to soldiers' orphans, as is the an nual custom of this post Forty-three boys and 42 girls were tbns benefited. ' Tbe second meeting of the delegates to the Department Encampment at Shamokin was held in Select Council chamber last night The Committee on Transportation were not ready to report in full. When so prepared the com mittee will issue a call for the next meeting. Post 8. of Philadelphia, will In all. proba bility get the prize offered by Comrade W. R. Wooters, of Philadelphia, to the post in the department of Pennsylvania having tbe largest accessions in membership during tbe year. The prize will be presented during the Department Encampment at Shamokin. THE open installation of Post 157s officers at Turner Hall on Friday evening, January 10, will be made very interesting. Tom Kay, with his comicalities, will come on from Philadel phia and much local talent will be there. Holders of tickets for tbe grand drawing will he admitted on their drawing tickets. Post loo's fair will end a very successful run on next Wednesday evening; New Year's. Un usually good entertainments will be given ibe last three nights. The entertainment on Fri day was very fine. Mrs. Dr. Sadler's and other talent was much appreciated. Tbe walk ing match between Comrades Montreville and McCoy will probably come off on the last sight. A litteb was received from Johnstown last week by Mrs. Carrie V. Sherrlff, Department President of tbe Ladies of the G. A R., thank' Ing the ladles for their kind remembrance in tbe way of several boxes whioh contained fruits, glassware, clothing, cooking utensils, eta, and many household effects which found their way Into the .homes of those who lost everything during the flood. SrmvivoBS of tbe Fifth Pennsylvania Caral ry whose names are not already onthe roll ot tbe Regimental Association are requested to send their names and addresses to the Secre tary, Charles A. Steiger, WSU Leltbgow street, Philadelphia. Great preparations are being made for the next reunion and banquet of this association to take place at Philadelphia on George Washington's birthday. Every member is Invited to be present, and an enjoyable time Is promised.' Post loTs officers for next year are: Com mander, William E. Long; Senior Vice Com mander, H. L. Hobnrg; Junior Vice Comman der, James L. Dawson; Chaplain. J. D. Brooks; Surgeon, Charles Bwearlngen: Officer of the Day, John Braun; Officer of the Guard, James Cannon; Quartermaster, Bernard Coll; Captain of Firing Squad, F, C. Calhoun; Lieutenant ot Firing Squad, Thos. Ferrant; Sentinels, Jos eph Victoria and Peter Dooney; Council of Administration, Augustus Cochrane Delegates, TT TT l)Mri.n.h f U lt.Tl..ln tXT T Dm ... son. H. L. Hoburg and John Daly; Alternates, F. C. ;Calhoun, William P. Deltney, James L. Dawson, Hugh Madison and W.H, H. Chester. Bon of Veteran and the Pair Alder. Ladies' AH) Boozsrr Ko.lwas inspected yesterday afternoon. AlX members ot the Lincoln's Birthday Committee are earnestly requested to assemble at, the store of Charles Babst, 62-J Wood itreet, -next Saturday erenlng at -7:30 'o'clock to com plete arrangements tor the celebration. NATIONAL GUARD KuTS. CoLoirsiiWrxis J. Hctraos, of Oil City, and Major Bamnel HazIet,ot Washington, Pa., spent a few days in tbe city last week. GracssAi. J. a Witchxb, United States Paymaster, stationed in this city, has returned from a short leave of absence in tba East. Cawais WnxiAJt Harvbt, of this city, expects to spend the next few days on a hunt ing tour in tbe central portion of tbe State. The Councils of the city of Philadelphia have appropriated nearly $8,000 for the benefit of the militia ot that city to assist them through the coming year. Lietjtenakt Eeeps, of the TJ. B. Army.who has been stationed at MeadvlIIe as instructor for the past two years, spent Christmas with friends in this city. Battery Bhada well attended drill last Thursday evening. Captain Hunt compli mented the first section in very high terms on the fine appearance of tho men, also on drill and attendance. Lieutenant Coloitei, Frajtk Rutxedqe has recovered from a severe cold, which tor a while he mistook tor the dreaded influenza. His anprehenslons were strengthened by tbe fact that his entire family was afflicted" in the same manner. The election In Company B, Eighteenth regiment, last Monday nlgbt, resulted In tbe unanimous choice of Mr. Charles Holmes for the First Lieutenancy. Mr. Holmes was for merly Sergeant Major of tbe regiment, but has been ont of the guard tor some time. The consignment ot new 45 caliber rifles to tbe two local regimeits, was shipped from Harrlsburg last Tuesday. Each organisation returns an equal number of tbe old style guns in exchange. It is expected that in one year more the entire guard in this State will be equipped with tbe new gnns. Air election has been ordered in Company G, Fourteenth Regiment, for next Saturday even ing, to fill tbe vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Captain Hamilton. There are several candidates in the Held, among tbem Lieutenant Jackson, of this company, and the chances seem favorable for another postponement on account of a deadlock. The last report of Adjntant General Axllne prior to turning over bis department to bis suc cessor, General Hawkins, shows at the present time the Ohio National Guard to consist of S3 companies of Infantry, eight batteries of light artillery, and one troop of cavalry, with a total of 4.910 officers and men. No part of tbe militia was called Into service during tbe past year. Cokpawt F, of the Southside, will shortly move Into new quarters, as tbe present armory on Thirteenth street 'has been leased for other purposes. Quite a number of the companies of the Eighteenth Regiment will seek; temporary quarters after tbe 1st of April, in order to avoid re-leasing their present rooms for another year, as It Is confidently expected that tbe new armory will be In shape for occupancy in the early part of next fall. Colonel BoNAlTOir, of the Third Regi ment, was defeated last week for the position of chairman of the Board of Control of the Regiment. Lieutenant Colonel Denny was bis successful opponent, and as both gentlemen I are candidates for the Colonelcy of the reel- raeut, wuiva wii ua uu. utwiku uj iub expiration of Colonel Bonaffon's commission, it looks as it Colonel Denny would be the next Commander of tbThlrd. The committee of officers appointed In the Eighteenth Regiment to perfect the plans for the new armory met last Monday afternoon, and decided on a number of changes from: the original drawings. Tbe locations of the differ ent company and headquarter rooms w ere laid' out, each particular department being cared for. One of the features will be a library for tbe use of tbe enlisted men, also a large room for the veteran corps of the organiaattos, a connection of tbe regiment which, it is ex pected, will grow rapidly after the new bnaDg is one occupied. 2 he plans, as changed, were subssltted to the beard ot offieers last night fee approval. XXsibs should remember we mate a specialty!" re-npholstering and repairing fine furniture. Xnttresses made and renovated.- Ha-jo-e&Keenax, 33 and 3i Water at. IrnflHwr. bear to Mild ikHv diwfcs will In TecstMl si. enratkea stS: liftf ,XW . W '- ' .-.;?r V f ssasHtsfTNfk, . MAiaMWtM'std astd loaovteJ. fw srifre T-phhiMsd wd repaired- Kewe hold goeds fee eJ frr storage and sWpweat. HATfGX XMXAS, 38 and 34 "Wa-Jersi. TROes wbo use rraneakeira & Vilsaet's celebrated nle and porter pronpance it ex cellent In lavor and very beneficial ia its eieet Kept by all first-clase dealers, JANUARY SALE -AT- LATIMER'S, of all heavy or winter goods, which J ' " MUST GO, : , . " as we need their room and money, and desire to pot on all Seal Plush Coats, Jackets and Newmarkets, such ' ' PRICES AS TELL rapidly cm stock. 500 REAL MONKEY MUFFS, $3. This if a notch to which no one has dreamed ot their cominir. Owing to the mild weather we are OBLIGED TO make prices tell, and we are giving genuine bargains la Men's Wool Underwear. M . T. M. LATIMER 1 138 Federal and 46 South Diamond Streets, Allegheny, Pai deas-srwrsu TO THE PUBLIO. Hunters Ketchup it is rpxmE.. Idesireto draw at tention ot to the of Hunter's Ketchup. Itismade from se lected tc matoes. and is pure' Mr. Then, u. Jena ins: DrAii Bnt The sample of J. W. Banter's To mato Ketchup received from yon on Oct. 8, 'B3, has been analysed, and 1 And It free from all min eral acids, salicylic acid or artificial coloring matter. Blfned SVQO BLANCK, Chemist, Pittsburg. FOR SALE BY THOSjQ: JENKINS. ' nol5-86-SSU WINE GLASSES, EACH 2 CENTS. k ENGRAVED DECANTERS, EACH 2t OEMS. SILVER CARD BASKETS, EACH 88 CENTS. J.'-A. GATiT.tTsTGEB, 49 SIXTH STBEET. de29-sn ON THE FHMALH PACE. On tbe upper Ho, chin, n..i. mrrtmr m. ear, hands, arms -and, breast, hair between' the eyebrows, on men's cheeks abovethe beard line, also hair crowing in tufts from scan, m o 1 e a and birth marks, destroyed for ever without pain, shock, scar or injury by tbe Electric Needlo Operation by Dr. J. Van Syck, Electro Surgeon, "Philadel phia, and 03 Penn avenue, Pittsburg: This suoerfluons CTOwta of facial hair Is surorislnzlv nrevalenr. We see It In the drawing loom, street and wherever ladies con cregate. Every lady with hair on ber face knowa that tbe use- of depilatories, tbe tweezers, scissors and raxar all make these bairs (crow oaarser,. stiller, darker and more numerous. There Is only one method in the world by which this obnoxious growth of hair can be destroyed forever and that Is by the Electric Needle QperatitH. This is a purely scientific operation, and is indorsed by'ftll physicians and. surgeons of eminence. Dr. Van Dyck devote several hours daily to the permanent, removal of hair by' this operatioa. He has operated for ,18 years, has treated hundreds of oases, and has a nattoBalrepntfttfea as aa expert in Xleetra Surgery.' Ladies, if. Baeare has unkindly provMed yeo; with this obnoxious growth of facial hair, (Isn't neglect yonr ease another day, Tint atop the nee of depilatories, scissors, tweeaere or nam, and consult Dr. Van Syck at once aad be for ever freed from this lifetime bleralak. Moles, birthmerkj, wsrty excreeceeoas est the eyelids, neck and bands, red, nose, enlarge, veins f.ebeeks and nose, elevated aad. 8ieo4 ored searsj keloid growths, enlarawd giasd. oaoeerr and tmaors doetfyed fry mm tro er- KS,t Dr. Vaa Dye, tfae Ansa, Bwaday, a. XTO lflPa&4HB7!r4NHSH pj UPERFLUOUS HAIR s &M mwAi B.&ll Monday, December 3o,.Ji8gl CLOAK ROOMS will be thefceS ter of attraction for Barealri?SeeS? ers. We've Just completed tKeTfiSJul MARK DOWN From oae encTto the otherv Jackets to finest Ions darmsnts & Short Wraosf That were ioq and $150. We Iutcm cat deep into prices thatweie neverM? uigu, uui rriuiu wcaiucr uas icii.ioo many Cloaks, and low prices' now will have to do the, work. 90O lankflte at $5. . aw w wmwiww rw 150 Newmarkets," $8 50. 100 Newmarkets, $10. . About half or you NOW get two garments for the price of'- one. Plain Colors, Stripes and Plaids,. Plain. Sleeves and Full Sleeves, -fe;. Plush Sleeve. Newmarkets.? fi$ from 25, and. all the fine Long, and Short Wraps share the same fate. $100 and 125 garments now 75 J $75 down to $50, and all. the $$o wraps to $35. Plush, Braided and Applique and Fringe Trimmed. Long Fur-Trimmed :: Garments trimmed In Persian Lamb, Astra khan, Lynx and Marten suitable for carriage and street wear. . 50 Plush Capes, gio, the price" bought to see hem, now $Sy$iS ones $7 50: 20 quality down' ;to; JS10, including the Plush CapeawttK; . long uds in. ironr. $50 Mattelesse Newmarkets $35 (i- Prices here in these Cloak Rooms &-: that you can afford to buy and givis mem away. Children's Garments, The cost simply not considered; x lot, 4 and 6 years, at $2 $o.J;' i lot, 4 and 6 years, at $3 50.' x lot, 4 and 6 years, at $5 -oa Just half of what they were before, this awful cut, and even then they were extremely reasonable, but this' almost summer weather left 'too many of them with us. -T Misses' Newmarkets, ' ' 12, 14, 16 and 18 year sizes, Plaids, Stripes, Plain Cloths, Plush Sleeves. To-day the prices are $$, $8, $10 and $12. You don't care what the prices were, you'll buy them at these prices. There are a eood manr. I. DUtwpn .t last long, whenjyjQU,aIliget; 1 a iooK at tne sacrifice pnces.TiJrtnn- the girls early "Monday triominp: and: you get the pick and choice of the stock. AND THE FURS HAVE NOT J BEEN :: OVERLOOKED -Df THE- GENERAL MARK DOWN , H -07- WINTER WRAPS. , The Capes (Astrakhan Fur Capes)' at $6 50 and $8 50 will make a stir in fur department. All the Persian" Lamb Capes down to 25 and 30' for the best that are made.. Mink Capes, 25. -S Beaver Capes, $20 and 5525; . " Monkey Capes, $18 and 20. l Hare Capes, $$. . ; ;: French Coney Capes, $5 and.5.. Eas'tern Mink Sets, Muff andr Cape, 35 from 50. ' " Baum Marten Sets, 45 from 60 - and Sealskin Capes, 30, 35, $0 . and 45. "" ' ' Muffs marked down to $10 .and! r $2 from $6 and $18. VJ" 300 French Seal Muffs, $1 50,27 $2 50 and 3. " '"', Natural Lynx Muffs, $2 to $1 '5o-; each. -4 ; All the Black Marten Muffs now 5 from $8 and 10. " fc, ': Monkey Stoles, with Sealskmi -, pj. pa 50 auu pi 50 iicacu oe&l Stoles, 3 50 each. Black Hare Collars or Stoles, ; 1 50 and 2. Hare Boas, 3 yards long, 2 eachq Best Monkey Boas, 3 yards; 10. from ts. Finest Black Marten Boas, ia and 15. , Best Natural Lynx Boas, xa and 15 from x and 20. Natural Lynx Boas as low asjff and te. - '9si Russian and Lynx Sets, Muff 'and' Boa, 3 50 a set WM Children's Fur- Sets, Mufcna Collar and Boa, x 50 set, from 2 50 and 3. This is not nearly all, but comeu and see the immense line for yburV self and the unequaled bargains of fered you. If it is not cold Mon day, buy them at these prices in anticipation of the cold weather that is sure to come- in January. iiicsc uargains win De ,nere reaay for you at 8 o'clock Monday mora-) ing, December 30. Ji Boggs&Buh 115. n 115. 1 Wsii r J,&. b"3Hsv 3C" ss? J$li ' '' 1 f i f i r Jam sy-&rt. 36 B" 1 4 I ffi- '! l T ' pi h tm j"t5.? a :