wm a fxifc ' J A Wk ynTTi'ji T -r -A Jr - O-DJJ -"Hirsffd Sr "?? wtssTwi.! - vm-aw""-' ,imx - i.-.Mn--r -:A-J- Jt ,,, . ;-r- -? I ' ?SBfi TOW TO START EIGHT. f Significant Omens wic .luster P t Around flew Tear's Day. i2-' Rb FIBST DAI SETS TEE PACE TOIc- nj xpect to Continue ltaraghout the Tear. iPfiOGKOSTICATlOKS OP GOOD AND EYIL rwRr TO TBI DISFATCI ewM. Dav it reearded as a sort of tnroKKintinthe yew's history. Many Teoplelma-e new plans or new resolutions llUUSCUiy, IBS IB 1 J ..-.. --- rtbooks are opened, while inw is regar-c- ? last day of grace for the delinquent jEreditbr. Persons inclined to be snperau- naturally, therefore, invest 11 witu iconsTaerable importance. This is true not ily of this day, bnt the whole penou iro LChristmas to January 6 QUreiith aay;. holiday week -as formerly extended to luae this tie. -All the happenings of Tew Tear's Day, and many occurrences &-t--tt, --hole feerio are invested with ffioecnliar importance in their eyes, as in dicative of the events of the coming year. AnSld Enelish calendar puts it tnus. aury Of this month the opening day, ' -.- ... .. .! will tttav f A.nseven uj w -..-..,. r -oient"Rome no one would suffer fire, : n- iron utensil, to be taken out of the Ihouse, nor lend anything whatsoever. There i notion among the mountaineer ortb. Carolina that yon wiU continue xo rdSthronghout the year wnat you uu uu - BTheblief that it is unlucky to take any Khing out of the house is sometimes modified iSs .is way: Ft, "Take out and then take in, Take in and then take out, cniui in -t coma about. Tt is still believed in France a bad thing -leddany article on this day. u e North of England new clothes are put on IfJbrluck" on New Tear's day. It seems to iTve been thought a propitious time lor rifts, it we judge trom me oia ami w--snread custom of matting presents then. .There appears to have existed a peculiar rastice in England, aooiraeu ...- 1290. ofgivine bribes to magistral- uu - day. Tokens were bestowea upon tuc xuS aslateastneumeoioaujco fciVnold work, "The Book of Presidents Precedents). sets down January 1,2, 3, 4 and 6sluckvday The good luck, generally attends the day elsewhere. In Germany it Js said that he who goes often to the beer .i.: ..... .rill ffmir kliuui' uu kruday. and young girls think dreams made ysew iw j-.is"" - v t . sure this, English maidens, c-eiore gums , rest, place three pails of water in their bed-iSX-mf nrl nin three leaves of green holly ito'the night dress, opposite to the heart. In Ithe midst of her dreams, the sleeper will be roused by three louu yens, suoceeucu uj three laughs, and then the form of her future husband will appear, mu " affection for her by changing the position of the pails of -water. ..,, l arJUh maidens divine their lot for tee W T,VM..B. Tear by going into the henhouse on Jew (Tear's Eve, and striking the .perch among the hens, meanwhile saying: "If cackle" the hen. Ton will have a man; If cackles the hen. Who knows whenT" biblical urvrNATioirs. "tj,! is accounted the proper time of the SVear to consult the B,ible lor intimations as to coming eTeais, uu - - ---north of England by the master of the household, who inserts his finger with his eyes shut, into the sacred volume, and reads i. nn fimt tnched as a Dronhecv. Tn Rn-edeD. if the moon is visible on New flesrve,onehasbuttogo out into her lihtwitha psalm-bookin one hand, apiece i!aj-mA in . Atlipr. and jl coin in his &moulh. If the book opens at a bridal i nr;ulf. -while the holder looks at the 'f'moon. he will be married that year; if at a xunemTtuc -.--. 'he occurrences aurmg mc " " vear are received as an adguryot those the-whole year. If you receive money, - ill .nntinnn in do so: if VOU HIT it out. Tou'must sUU do so until the next twelve montlu This would seem to put matters under easy control. IrrChemwitz, tiermany, just auer usew ear a Dav. as manv iitue caii. u , there are persons in tne nouse. xca oi se is named Jor an occupant, and a hole x.a!- in it If anvone s cake closes up rilbaking, he or she will, it is said, surely lie that rear. Cakes are also nsed in di- Jvination in ithnania. Nine cakes, shaped to represent money, a craoie, oreaa, a xius, a-death's bead, an old man, an old woman, ladder and a fcev, are DaEea on jm ew xear i.r. .ne- laid in nine plates. Three "grabs" are allowed to each person, and he or she mayjndge of fate during the coming year from the cakes drawn. 1 "Weather prophets in many parts of the world rely particularly upon the vacations furnished at this time of the year. In Swe den it is said that if the sun shines brightly n.n tmnhlf iii at hand. If the wind blows ,v,.rH there will be averaee croDS. It the !. Tt red hard times may De expecieu. ,jThis theory that fine weather on New Tear's 'with the notions about Christmas weather, t -J . 4 . -w.4t no and may Doin proceeu irom "c uuuuu .. "Inck coes by contraries." The first moon r.tn now Tpnr furnishes important prog- inostications to the. Swedish peasant. If 'INyet," as it is called, be obscured by clouds theeeu wiu oe ueiaj-eu iu b(jiuuhu(ju.i v any days as tne oDscnrauon coauuues. xi e evening tar sets before the moon there ill be abundant harvests, but lfNyet' sets first crops -will be scarce. Ing of the waters to exorcle the deawns Tne fire mnt be earelullywatehea, the same as on Christsaas. InVEogland itls said that ir it be allowed, to go out on New Tear's Eve bad luck will come, and it Is also unlucky to give anyone Hve coal or a lighted candle. The Druids used to build a consecrated fire and give brands from it to everyone, and all fires were then extin guished and relighted with the sacred brands. In modernQreece the members of each household gather dried branches and cast them on the fire, wishing good luck to each one at the same time. The brighter the flame the better the augury. In Ger onir it u Mid if von leave the fire in on New" Tear's Eve you will Nraht nothing dur ing the coming year. J xiona ubiuu j Is said that ho one must borrow Are at this timebut buy it with some trifle an interest ing SUBYTVIi OF FXEB WOESHIP. Millet and herring are eaten on New Tear's Day in Germany to insure abund ance during the coming year. In Coventry, England, the cattle are ted a sort or triangu lar cake, made of flour mixed with mince meat. In Germany a sickle is laid in the manger to prevent witches from harmlne the cattle, and in Esthonia an idol of straw is put in the staoie to proieci me . -flax is put on the spinning-wheels, but none must be spun during the holidays. Some of these notions are transferred to TwellthDsy. In Hertfordshire,Eng.,12 fires v:-i nne lin nooi'h to "barn the old witch." and the farm lads sing and dance about them to insure a crop. A very curi ous ceremony is recorded as observed even yet in parts of Ireland on this day. A sieve full of oats is set up with a dozen lighted candles in it, and another larger one in the center. These typify the Savior and the 12 apostles, the light of the -world. Fires are then lit and the farm hands, led bv the master, pledge the company in old cider and form ft "circle abont the fires, shouting and hallooing. After a feast at the home all repair to the stable, when the master fills a cup with strong ale, and stands opposite to the .tpntt(iT the company doing the same with the other oxen. Their healths are then pledged, and a large cake put on the horns of the best ox by means of a hole in the middle. He is then tickled to make him shake bis head. If he throws the cake be hind his hprns, it is the master's perquisite; if in front, it belongs to the head herder. Thev then return to the house and pass the evening in singing songs. The toast dranfc to the oxen is: Here is to you, champion, with thy white horn, God send our master a good crop of corn: Both wheat, rye and barley and all sorts oi Ifwomeetthls time twelvemonth, we'U smile AMNCIENTPBOTEST; 01d-Tie Bankers Who Wanted the 0H0Bakela House Property. A YIGOEOUS OBJECTION MADE To the Site Jtecwse it Was Too Far From the Business Center. eii FotVirwott. i W Mmt in this country believe that the rst three djys of January "rule the three '.nnh and that the weather during that period is exactly indicated by that on these three aays, ana Boe ui c uij .-. Christmas to January 6 as the keys of the year." OFNew Tear's Day it is said: "If the morning of New Tear's Day is red it portends foul weather and great need." FOKECASTIKG THE "W4.TH In the east of Prance it is said that the wither from Christmas to New Tear's indi cates the character of that for the next six ,nn. vhile & widesDread belief character izes that or tne i nays as is iuuci ui the year's weather. This period is that of the "halcyon days," when, according to ancient fable, the winds ano seas were quiet allow tne naicyon w n upon u n 1ib pharmed wave." If the wind blows hard upon fifth night (December 30), according to an xgusu aumor- ty,- ships at saa win ,'" t penl ounng mc wmus j. .. t - J .w M hA the weatner is tne wuu u, . .u FMr. so It wiU be In September," is a saying 'current in parts of our own country. If the Sjnd blows hard on Jew xears jiigui ii. -..;a in rvrninr. to be a sign of coming pestilence. ATeryold jreatber book, the Shepherd's juuenaar, vein " - rj.. Ttiiv in ihp morning opens with Susky red clouds, it denotes strife and de-" bates among the great ones, and many rob- ieries that year." ears vewas aiso uu ii . a note the weather. 7f"New&.ear' Eve nlehtwlnd blow from south, It betokeneth warmth and drouth; irwest. much milk and fish In sea; SfS ..-, ,1H nH Ktnrm thcr'H Iib; iinor,i"r:,ri--nh ir east, inere ui u -- . In "Westphalia it is said that if the sun '.. .;. .niMnnee on New Tear'a Day, :7-.a. v;ifh8 straight: in Sweden, if it gisV clear, Tinder a bank of clouds, there awlllibe a good harvest. rti . prin ceremonies performed In many places to insure good luck throughout Se Tear nl there are many things to be MonHKbe avoided on New Tear's Day. Hessians sy PP" m """ t,"-" li: i tn Vmdncf an absceM. In Son- K .hA .min Then eat thy browse, and I will drink my And the'good Lord send us ahappyNewYear. One of the most important things in be ginning the New year is to meet with an auspicious person the first time one goes out. In many parts ot the world this first foot is carefully attended to, and the belief that it is unlucky to meet certain persons is widespread and ancient The Eomans1 paid great attention to this augury. The Emperor ilaximns met a woman with disheveled hair and mourning habit on issuing forth on New Tear's morning, and deemed it an omen of his approaching death. It is in .nnio Vinnirht narticularlv unfortu nate to meet a female. The ancient Scots, if 1 -- . t.-rafnntid Tnmin MOSS the Itad ahead of them, seized her and drew blood from her forehead as acnarm. Venetians i think it ill-omened to meet a woman .first on New Tear's Day, and.a priest was as un lucky, being a messenger of death, while it was a sign of proximate litigation to meet a policeman. "Women and red-haired men are not desirable first-comers in many parts of England, and it is unlucky to be wished a happy New Tew by such persons. In neashire, black-haired per sons were formerly rewarded lor making the rounds ol the villages on this day, thus in suring th luck of the household, and boys are accustomed to turn an honest penny in -Worcestershire by going abont the villages early In the morning. In Cornwall, they are given a gratuity for sanding the door steps early, and it was formerly a custom in Xondon to have chimney eeps make their w..nn. thn an m to insure a male visitor at an eatlyhour. It was thought more for tunate if the visitor were a bachelor, and if be brought a loaf of bread "with him. Toung women carefully ascertained the name of the first visitor, for that of their future spouse I would be the same. OBIOIK OP 1TEW TEAB'S CALLS. It is probable that these superstitious ideas with reference to the lnck of having male visitors on New Tears' Day, gave rise to the custom of visiting or calling on that dav, now becoming obsolete. Holiday revels were formerly prolonged beyondNew Tear's Day, ending only with Eniphany, or Twelfth Day (January 6). fhU Hair, commemorated as the one on which the star appeared to the wise men of the East, had a goodly share ia the old revels. Prominent among these was the choice of the bean king. Cakes were then made and in one of them a bean was buried. Pieces were distributed, and he who got the one containing the bean was chosen king for the night. The custom gave rise to a saying, "He has found the bean in the cake," that is, has drawn a prize. The ori gin of this custom probably dates -back to Boman times when, at the least of the Saturnalia, children drew lots with beans to see who sbonld be king and queen of the revels. Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" nmhihlr owes its name to this "Bean King Festival," although the incidents of the play are tacen irom an oiu lmuau mauuee New Tears Day is not with all peoples, the first day of January. This day was not universally accepted as the first of the new year until the sixteenth century. Some day has, however, been celebrated as the first of the year in all lands, usually with some ceremony, such as those alluded to above, or with some religious observance, generally of a festal nature. The early fathers of the church tried to make it a day of fasting and mourning, but it was never accepted as such. Xhe Jioman xew xear was in March. The Chinese are particu larly given to festivity on the day celebrated by them as the beginning or the NewTear. .,., New Tear's Eye, known as St. Sylvester's Eve in the calendar, is observed with par ticular ceremonies in many countries. In Boman Catholic churches, a solemn Te Deum is sung at the close of the year, and "watch meetings" now take the place of the festal celebration of the evening formerly, prevalent in many countries. The old year . wntehed ont and the new year greeted in Germany and Scotland in this manner, and congratulations, "Happv New Tear" wishes. "Prosit New Jahr"-and similar ceremonies observed. There is a peculiar ceremony observed on some ships, of "turn WHAT TIE GROUND TAS WORTH TflEfl A document in the possession of Mr. George Plumer Smith, formerly of this city, but now residing in Philadelphia, relating to the present site of the Monongahela House, is of peculiar interest at this time. It had been suggested that the property on which the hotel now stands be purchased for a banking house. To this the loiiowinjj protest was made, which resulted in the purchase of the property now occupied by the Bank of Pittsburg. Oi the Bigners of this protest Major E. Denny was brother-in-law of General "Wil kins; "William McCandless was father of the late Judge Wilson McCandless, and George Boggs was a merchant, nis .amei-iu-law being John."Wrenshall, grandfather or Mrs. General Grant E. DENNY AND OTHEBPKOTEST AGAINST RESOLUTION TOPUBCHASB NEW BANKING HOUSE. 2 Fbb., 1818, Ptttsbukoh. To the President and Pirectors of the Bank or the United btatesi Gkktl1!-A resolution of the Directors ofyMrofflcTat this place was passed on the BeiolvedYhat the Present be requested writetotheBankof tbe United States todis jEsVof the present banking house. and to authorize the purchase, or rent ttie house . oi Wm.. yilkin being in toe opinion of this board tbe most convenient, auu !, ing in this city for the bank." .,.. Havlnc entered our protest against this reso lution, we deem it our duty to give to you , cen Uemena correct view of this .business and of the facts and reasons which influenced us. In the first place it may be well enough to in form you of an effort made at an early period to obtain possession of this house of Mr. Wil kins' tot use of the bank. Directly after Mr. foe's return to Pittsbnrgh In the fall, it was known who had been electedDirectors of the n?w office, and an repression 8antliaJ vonr negotiations with the Directors or r,.rc?S.nnmni. had been broken off, uu. is..-.,..------- -i.- , 5 HeJ, JR-rMS' S5r I romMr. S&Ch?ertoM tte new members and directed an mediate organization or the Board, and to look ontf or aporary office, etc. Tbe Board was organ Izedand a committee appointed toinqnlre lor atemporary offics. This committee reported an office which was to be bad. but beUevln& notwithstanding the reports and opinions to ttrcontSiyTtEat a purchase, etc.. would be TrnR. leeommended a continuance In the old office until something further was raomiff the Directors of the Bank of ..the United States. TOO FAB TBOJI BUSINESS. Things remained so until our meeting the next week. In the meantime, Mr. 2 come to an understanding with Mr. WilUns about the purchase of his house, and had made a conditional bargain for the same, which was submitted to tbe Boardf. -d t"8 Bo"d would have authorized the purchase at that sitting, notwithstanding all that could be said of the probability ot a transfer ot the old es tablishment, had not Mr. Cochran arrived inst .A . -,. tartar frnm Mr. BmltD ID- foming of ,rTt5: wblch arrested our proleedings and prevented the purchaseat r. ., . - T tvnuine hnm, and aa some tnuumsoi jui . "- :-. o... An AiMHctBeH ef tlw Ce Wslc Has See Mae. "Washinotok, Ieceber 28. The fol lowing arratfgement of census districts In Pennsylvania, Ohio and -West Tirgiaia is announced: . , ..., ,t Pennsylvania, ten districts-First .ffi5 Philadelphia, city ana countyrSecond district, Chester. Delaware, Lancaster and York conn ties;Thlrd district, Btrks, Bucks.Lehtgb Mont-' comery and Northampton eonnties; Fourtn district. Columbia, Dauphin. Lenanon, Mon- ties; Fifth district, Carb. Ifcka wanna, Lnzerne. Monroe. Pke..Sn?: quehanna, Wayne and Wyoming counties. Sixth district, Bradford. Cameron, Center, Clearfield. Clinton. Elfc.Lycomlnir, McKean. Potter. Sullivan and Tioaa counties; Seventh district, Adams. Bedford. Blair,. Cumberland Franklin. Fnlton. Hnntington, JMita. Mix flin. Perry. Snyder and Union countlestEientn district, AVmstrong. Cambria, Clarion. Fayette, Indiana. Jefferson, Somerset and Westmore land eonnties; Ninth .district, Allegheny. Beaver, Greene and Washingion eonnties. Tenth district, Butler. Crawford, Erie, Forest. Lawrence Mercer, Venango and Warren counties. . . . .,.,. . Ohio, eight districts, rirst oiuio-i"-"' Crawford. Defiance. Fulton, Hancock. Henry, Lucas. Ottawa,Paulding. Putnam. SanduRy. BenecVan Wert, Williams. Wood aad Wy andot counties. Second district-Auelalze, Champaign. Oarke, Darke, Greene, Hardin. LoganVMercer, Miami, Montgomery, Prehle and Sheliy eonnties. Third district-B itler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren counties. Fourth district-Adams, Brown. Gal lia, Highland. Hockmg. Jackson lawnc &? d-Set-SirarT Fairfield. "Fayette, Franklin. Knox. Licking. Madison, Marion, Morrow. Perry. Pickaway and Union counties. Sixth district Ashland, Cuyahoga, Erie, Holmes, Huron, Lorain, Medina. Richland and Wayne counties. Seventh totttotrA" Belmont, Coshocton, Guernsey. Harrtsot MeSs. Monroe. Morgan. Muskingum Noble and Washington t eonnties. Eighth district Ashtabnla. Carroll, Columbiana, Geauga. Jer-. f erson. Lake, Mahoning. Portage, Stark, Sum mit Trumbull and Tuscarawas counties. WestVlrginia-Two districts. Ftrst district T.i,nr btVi1bt. urooice. uainouu, i..-- Wr T JMnMsw adHwtUementt one ttpiare oroneintertion. Clattfrd s-vsrtita fnetUt on au page tueh a Wanted, XbrSale, 2b Lit, eft, ten cents per hne oraeh tnttr tion. and none taken for leu than ft) 'tv -Mug. . WAJfTKB. 1 ,' THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the Dubllo. Branoh Offloea have been established at thefollowinsj places, where "Want, Tor Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning; AdTertlnnentaretobe prepaid cept where advertisers already have accounts -iriTBSUls-FATCH. prrrsBUEO. THOMAS MCCAFFKKY, SWBnUer street. KMO.G. STUCKET. Mth street and Psnnave. E. G. BTDCKEY ACO., WyUe ave. and Fultonft, N. 8TOIY, JTUth Avenne Market House, XASTXSD. t. W. WAM.CE, SlzlPenn avenne. oasxaitp. -CAIiLISTBB SHE1BL.ER, 8th av. - Atwood It SOUTBSrpXV JACOB SPOHN. Ho. ZCarson street. H. A. DONAliUSON, 1T07 Csraon street ALLEOHEMr. A. J. KAEBCHEB, 59 Federal street. H. 3. McBKIDK. Market Hons Allegheny. FEKD H. EGGEES. in Ohio street. v. tt -rjottHs SON. Ohio and Chestnut its. J.F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and InriJiaves. (j. W. HUGHES. PenusylvanU and BaTerares. PEKKT11. GLEIM. itebeccaand Allegheny ayes. 111LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. TLOCKEB. Stationer. Bo. 4 Grant ave. w Ma Hel. ANTEB-M Ait TO TAKE CAKE OFHOKBE ana mux cow., Appiy uu i;" hloek, city. dS-l ANTED-CLOTHINGSAlMMENsTfOUNG MODEL, praddocK. . .i . urrmtn , rWll, ITTCrtMn W wort In furniture s'tore. Address FUKNI- TOBE, DUpatch bfflce. 30Y d 23-106 WANTEU-AGEUTS FOK BOOK 'EXELOK ATlONB and Adventures otHenry M. sun ley" and other noted trawlers a Trao'd . For terms and circulars address X. W. BOWK, IS TannehUl street. JElttsliurg. de-lW WAMTEU-AGENT9 FOB BOOK, "THE rn.n.n-ftni kni Murder of Dr. Oronlu;" only authentic and complete edition ,P,nbjshea. For terms, circulars, etc.. address X. W. KOJVE, 18TnneMU street, Pittsburg. ae:3-101 Female Help. WAHTED-PKOaESSf ANT GIKIi OR GEN EBAb ho-ewore in snwil family: good waees. inquire o itAjsaxwir -Jsiig jsna.- m m m . trWPT,. T TIilIT Til W ladles on salary to take charge ; of my busi ness at their homes; light, very fascinating, and healthful; wages siu per -weei -. ww uw J" '" good pay for srt time. Address with stamp, &BS. A.0f WALKEK, " FtsfM-R-IMMrsW -KAL 'AT Eom Bad KeaMeseea. TnOK SAtE-,le, OS EASY terms. WILL Tiritorf X ourtB sto, de3)-30-sa T31OB8ALE-tS.750-NEW AND SCBSTAS" V hnck dwelling, containing 4 rooms m floor and all conveniences! lot 7xl feet: deslra hi.i.wit,rlln Khidvslde: Is a bargain: terms to v.. .. -. ,-r . i. 'an,vnr . DTW 1 suit purchaser. ave BTEWABC U4 Fourth deSS-a)-su terms to surr rl?: dwelling, eon- tllnl&i hill and S rooms: Iotxl feet: desirably iocauS in East liberty. W.. C, SI"!',. Fourth ave. de--sn -mnR SALS ONLY S2.2 JD purchaser substantial 1 TTIOK BALE-THERE ABE TEN VEBV BE- B1BA BLE nouses now in coarse u Y,"",;;; r '--- -,"-itM LUT B4J,U, JiV? T jc CfesssT C499 tsTHCB - fTWLrrEKtCKDW?LLl.WASGTOiT a STrWHt AllCIllOf J -w T - -.- . proveen5. InqutreKOOMMO. "-Jgwjg, mo LET-fS FEB. MONTH-NO.S4 tvCCST VestlEBSsSc1 srsei: ixxx- iw -.-.r-r '.ihAna irti: 1-xsre lot. zixua: jiuaw 1772. hone , f ,flstli IV JIICUS5JJ sv..- iL-4 i mo LET-BEE.KWING BYE NO. 1XD- , 1 IKAlSl. (lor AUCJUCUJ uvw,. jlfc dcI9-5-Tusm de -13 EMPLOY A FEW XtTAITED-T.ADY aOLlortORS TOR OOB VV tioofc '"'Mary, the Queen of ttie House of David ?f salary IC i to I?per week; applteants must be aboveVyears ot "geandwell read; the book will sell as rapidly In January as any other month of the year. CaU or address Aw S. GRAY & CO., Eisner &PhIUlps building. de--79 tlon on Oakland sqnareilo be finished eomplete readv for occunancT br April 1: live of these 7 1' . 'i fl Wvlw41WA till W11B to buyers: prices.p.MO. "-(? accord. lngD?o,E.SA jSSaSa1 "IrV in .. from 3 IMtOSZXISQ: Atwooast.. aowpai "T.Siii from Filth ave. to Oakland square, and fa?" road being laid. Apply to BAMOEL WBLAC & CO 89 Fourth ave. FOR HA1V LOTS. East End I. FOR BALE-49.000-LOT. 100X219 TZtX.JAJ' CATED on one of tbe finest avenues in Shadyslde. Y, . C. STEWAKT. "ir"JgTega Male ild Vemaie Heln. . ...r. Y-iitrfa xir rjtrwTt.EMlQI IN AY . AW.?'H'jai?..,0JBrk ot u. supposed, put the subject wresuuw gentlemen. sJuu" ---? VHTiid a J U- o vaAsww fj Ine out the watch" with the strikine of 12 bells, instead ot 8, at 12 o'clock, and with a noisy and demonstrative masquerade of the old watch, making pandemonium, reign for an uneasy quarter of an hour. F. 8. BASSETT. Self-Deleullon. T 5 LVMHAriv nn nn majority of theBoatd were prepared to pass It is not that we think this property ofMr. Wllkins' too dear (It was offered at .SOOJ), for the house is a superb modern building, spacious and finished In elecant style, witn crounds 80 feet front on the Monongahala Sverand extendlnK back 180 , feet to Front street, and the whole establishment, coach house, stables, offices, etc., superior to any thing in the place; and we agree that the situ ation would be a Pleasant one for the Cashier, and not Inconvenient for several of the present Directors, two particularly, who reside some distance out of town and in the direction of ,m hnna firm "room of this honse Is Intended for tbe Directors, ana a nanasoms uaunut, room Is intended to be erected adjoining, which will make tbe whole very complete. But, een tleinen, our ohjections are altogether on ac count ot its situation. This property lies in one corner olthe city, too near the eastern limits of thetown tots, and on tbe bank of tbe Monon gahala riypr, and entirely without the bounds of the people of business, and would certainly be very inconvenient for alrnmtery pertonhav inobvjtnea to transact with the offlc .There :.S i, of Pittsbnreh published In Philadel phia which we beg leave to refer you to. The property in question lies on the upper side of thetown, on o ououBii" ""; " r"". vacant lot between it and Smlthfleld street above. By this short description you can see its situation upon the plan. But we are told that It's no matter where the bank is located that, the people will find it out and necessity will compel them to go to it wherever it may be. Now we humbly conceive that some considera tion is dne to the convenience ot such members as will necesarily have business with the office, and nattering ourselves that our views will be fairly appreciates wo num. w i.- -will not be authorized. ARGUMENTS PRO AND CON. It may not be Improper to mention that only one member of tbe Board was absent when the resolution was agreed to, but fAat gentleman (Walter Forward, Esq.), we understand, would have been with the minority. After "what has been said, gentlemen, you may, perhaps, expect something further from us. We will then state to you our opinion of things. Your present property nere is wen enough situated, tnere can ue uu uuireuuu, m that score the house and back buildings all very substantial and well finished, and a lot extending from Second to Third street, but the bouse Is too small, too contracted, for the purposes of the office and tor the accommoda Son and convenience of tbe Cashier's family. The greatest inconvenience arises from the banking room being too smalLandthe Direct ors having, when they meet, to occupy a room which at other times is occupied by the family, nor can the building be -well enlareed. The first and most economical plan we can sneeest would be to erect on tbe vacant end of the same lot (on Third street) a substantial one-story building sufficient for a banking room and a room for tbe Directors, and leave to the use of the Cashier's family the whole of the present honse; this plan could be completed In afew weeks for abont 6.0O0 dollars, tnclud- ine the cost oi a new vaum uii 6" attached. The next plan, which, perhaps, would be more generally approved, would be to purchase suitable ground and erect entire new buildings, such as you should approve. And a very central and convenient , lot is offered by the owner (Thomas Held), 73 feet front, extending from Second to Third street, and midway between Market and Wood streets, valued at $12,500. The buildings necessary might be estimated at about an equal sum. taking Into view a convenient dwelling house and accommodations for the bank. But In the event or yonr seuing yuui n"; "":?" "r lot. you must not count, upon anything like the sum It cost you. Our apology, gentlemen, for obtruding upon you this inofficial communication Is an anxiety to prevent a material and incurable error, the motives of which we are unwilling to arraign. We are, gentlemen. With the greatest respect Yonr obedient humble servants, B. Densy, Wm. MoCanbsss. Geo. Bogqs, Pittsburgh, February Zd, is. The Board were told, after the resolution had been agreed to. that the minority would transmit their objections. J.JTT1" ii... nV. TTumnihirn . HanCOCK, HarSK HarnsonV Jf5Sf -SwC Marion. Marshall, Mineral. Monongalia, Morgan, onto. Pendleton, Pleasants. reston. M"KSt Ritchie. Taylor! Tucker. Ww.JD'pshur. Wet d. Wirt and Wood count es. Second district -rioone. Braxton, Cabell, Clay, fayette. Greenbrier, Jackson. Kanawha. Lincoln. Logan. McDowell. Mason, Mercer, Monrog, Nicholas. Pocahontas, JPutnam, Relgh, BoaneVSummers, Av-ayne,"Webster and Wyom ing counties. YARIOUS F0EMS OP ANEMIA. What Eminent Antfaorltlei Say About Blood Dlaensea nndTheIrCan.se. Ynnth's Comnanlon.l A condition of antemia, or lack of blood, occurs in the course of many acute and chronic diseases, and under such circum stances is of importance only in connection with the special disorder which it accompanies. But what of the many persons who are evidently "poor blooded," and yet have no other known physical innrmiiyi imswiiui"" Is seen In all degrees of severity, from the simple anamia resulting from a slight failure in the assimilation of food up to the well-nigh incurable disease called pernl cions antemia. A form of the disease called chlorosis, or green-sickness, -which gets its name from the sickly greenish hue of the skin, is not unfreqnently seen; it occurs espeoiallv in young women who have too much indoor life and too little exercise. Kairpmi theories have been orougnt in ward bv eminent medical gentlemen to ex plain the affectSo- One authority ascribes it to the imperfect development of the heart and blood making organs; another thinks it is due to the inability of the formative tissues to meet the demands of the growing organism; still a third believes it to result from a lack of iron in a form suit able for assimilation. Sir Andrew Clark, the (eminent London physician, believes thatln the majority of cases the whole trouble results from the absorption into the system of poisonons alkaloids, which are formed during the decomposition of the contents of the digestive tract. It has been calculated that sufficient poison is (..n, tn tVm nrocessof decomposition in the intestines of a healthy man during 24 hours to cause death, if retained and ab- T nrn ftlka)oiAs ore mixed with the blood, there is every opportunity for them to exert their baleful Influence upon the tissues into which they are carried. A lack of attention to the Regular and complete evacuation of the bowels is quite sufficient to account not pnlyrforihis special series of maladies, butfor maby slighter ailments, and it has been' found that the surest method of treatment in these cases Is such a course of diet and laxatives as shall correct this irregular habit. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOB THE SOUTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CARSON STREET. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEW8 AND SUB SCRTPTIONS, CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR aENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE BPECIALSOUTHSIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. dlvat tbelr own homes: no canvassing; work S'i.TJhin And sent bv mall any distance. Address Blxth St., Cincinnati, O. lurnlshed and sent bv mall any distance. Address wstnp70HYbTAXI'iHirnCO..IBW. no24-lD3-su Situations. WANTED-S1TDATIONA3 fiOAOHlIAS OK yv anver: gooa rccomiucuu...--"---- Address M. C. , JUispstcn muca de-8 vmn. UlOfTTnM W ENCED i traveling man to travel or wore in WANTED. Mnla Help. EXPERIENCED uu wnrn AN VV twins olirltor for tlons. Address BOX 633, Pittsburg. Pittsburg pnbllea- Ul ADTER- ODUCS eSS-37 w ANTED-FIRSl-CLABB LOCK. A Nil BOLT fitters for burglar work. Address im, 1IOSLER BANK SAFE CO., Cincinnati, Ouio, de29-Zi "VITANTED-FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER: W must give boiids and unexceptional refer ences. Address COMPETENT, Dispatch office, de -33 . ... .... ...wif, vof0ipnrpA 1. N. D. U.. Dispatch office. BY AN EXPERI- Address, Before Jan. uiwr ANTED-POS1TION AB BOOKKEEPEB K salesman: best of references; .ten years' experience In produce commission pusiness. -dress BOOKKEEPER, Dbpakh office. deS-M w TJiOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN. IFSpLD80ON. Xi that elegant building site. m feetr located In Shadvslde on tlltn ave.. neaa u ""," 1 " W. a STEWART, 114 Ponrth ave. deS---sn -T5oBSALE-t3.750-LOT, 50XISO, FEET. DESUi h ABLY located In shadyslde: has an eastern XDosretan taeTMiuu. yrir'i. theni-ket. W. q STEWART, U Fourth wre. Suburban Residences. ntTwnrT rt ff. tC B." ' I ' honTof 8 to rooms: renta .1? to JW;; nnth. the Utterhavjng stable anairom ,, acres or lauo. him i .-St apartments. TO LET-FRONT AND BACK PABLOES ATij mi at PENH AVE.? physicians andM dentists nref erred. de3-10 FOB 8ALE-A SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND balance on loog time will buy a flneresldance site In Villa Farkplan, Brushton: our prices are vervlow. and now Is the time to invest. JOHN T. BATEB, Agent, SIS Smlthfleld street. de2J--TT8SU FOR SALE-ONLY 11,250. TERMS EASY; LOTS SuxMO feet to an allev; lodteoon Squirrel Hill, right on the line or the new electric road, wlilch will beta operation March L and withlnT mlnflteswslkofSchenleyPark. W-CSTEWAKr, ill Fourth ave. ' noM-3-sn FOR A MANDFAC- a .mnr. X 3TT1JI .V V TURING Co. -or good paying specialties In . " uiKS"?-.Kr.7.EK: Tifflisai fur- nlfhed, Addrw-ANP. AGENT, DUpateh of- flee. de -a WANTED-SnUATION AS GARDENEB BY ayoungman, 18 years of age: 3 years ex periencein the nursery business: n take care or horse. cows etc Address K. W. B., lPa', -v-r-riXTTiriiA COACHMAN FOB LIVERY; VV none but sober and experienced man. An- i iinuiri . s nisi hiiii :'ititi avK.. ii i ua deJ7-17 ply T. B. MOREL AND, SIM fenn ave., "'ffTa WANTED STENOGBAPHEB AND TYPE WRITER Young man of someexperience j ft fniT nirtlcnlars. Address T. W. B.. Dls- patcn omce. de!-82 WANTEK A DRUG CLi xu v iu East LiverpooU O;!t,51F.?U,r,ec0!S: de29-60 DRCG mended. ApDlyioM. Fifth avenue. SIGNS and advertising nov'lties: immense sales and profUs: outfit free. EPBKBT Bio t-".. WanClnirton. D. C. de23-39 TTrANTED-AGENTS-IRIDESCENT -w-r-. -Mrirr rnr ATinN W 1ENCED coachman (colored): BY AN EXPER lored): speaks En glish and Fren hand thoroughly understands toe rare of fine horscsl good reference. Address GEORGE. 2401 Fenn ave.. city. de25-93-wssn TjiOK 8 ALB-rSS. 60O-TERMS EASY: LOMSOxMO on llnSof new electrlcroad. -which will be ta ope ration January 1: nothing In the East End to ex cel them. W.qOTEW ART. Hi Fourth avenue. no3-18-gn FOR BALE BACK GROVE LOTS -THE ebolcest restricted property for private dwell ings In the East End: for convenience or access and prospective advancement in valus nothing else on the market approtches It. Full lnfprmj tlon from MELLONllROS.. East End: or JOHN F. F. BAXTER, Agt-.S-Smithfleldtree TO LKT-I FLATS IM triBr jwy house; also others: any location and Pricetf 2 .... si. iii-VM- . ii lit It rtnrth-. t 4 only apartment gU). e7-w w ta Tlattr Unam- ct?f. S TW LET-LARGE OTriCE-lSQVBOmird mO LET-8TJ1TABLE TOR ADVKBTlSlNa A. asency. broser. coal or coie, raxuraiu, m. a Insurance, eommerctal or manufacturing agency jl or real estate offices, three line first floor offices '.S3 with large, fireproof vsnlt steam heat. etc.. atl, No. 419 Wood street, Germanla Savings Bankf j bnlldlnr: will be remodeled to suit tenants. In-T ji qnlreonpremUofTHOS.D.l ae-f SCseertaiieoii mOET-NOT A J-EOOMBKICK HOUSE.B01f JL M roods l 91, Hm1thflM I (told, at SI 80, p. 3 73, and warranted as senica. 2fi LOST. T OST-A XJ 21lh third st . HAKHIS. liberally rewarded. SB, YE TEBBIEB DOG OSTHI de-71 IHlscellaneon Partners. rANTED PARTNER A BAREmPPOR- W TUN1TY to invest 85,00O,or l0.0powlthor ..... ...i... in . irrn. well. established and very profitable mercantile business In this city. FoVparSculSrS address LOCK BOS "."'? burg. Pa. eJ!'" T1TANTED FOR OFFICE WOK , a "u VV man who Is a first-class writer: none others need apply: piease sw :. uu.c. ""'VtZjx- apply! S,Tli TION, Dkpatch office. w ANTEDrSHlPPING CLERK FOB LARGE perience Ad Boarding. TXTANTED -IMMEDIATELY IN A SMALL VV Private family, or very select boarding house. PSlxth7seventfc Eighth,' Fourteenth ward preferred: 2 desirable rooms, "with or without board. In a house of modern conveniences for at leVst one year, Uere comforts of homeean be v.h rnr iniir-mnn and three children: tnla is a rare opportunity for ftiw r small Income Lrduee expenses Address W. H., Dlspatchofflce. rlr.lk . K, ...., 1ii.afiAn And ranvenlences to behadl Tno attention paid to any other answers; reference given It required. atahii TTIOB SALE-CALL OR 8ENDFOB OCR NEW for sale list. eralst. EWING&BYERS, No. 93 Fed- ue -oo T OST-TAKEN BY MISTAKE. AT THE RE-, ( " S J CEPTlOrl Olr. li.. naiaun.'Ui iau" f J ave.. Allegheny, on Monday evening, December t and tetnrn to owner. 263HIDGE AVE.r AUegheny.S and receive one left in place. de -a XTOB BALE-REAL E3TATE-BABGA1NS IN i ... ..lAtev'nFhnTfiaa ATlli f nTtStlIltl! over 1,000 properties to select from: now is the time to buy; real estate Is tbe nest security In toe country, ano jo i. ? " -----.,. r. -.. 3,11 UU AUWd. vwo. Office open evenings, tjeg-uvwssu trv. Beforeb FBEY, 3503 1 Telephone S5H. FOR SALE BUSINESS. -TTT ANTED-YOUNG MAN TO TRAVEL WITH YV a specia trtnrougn in; '"vV5 vanla: references required. Address juuscia ao BROS., SS State st, Chicago. df28-69 EXPERIENCED snd collector for i good referencrs necessary. m w r KJTirn IV W book deliverer and collector for a fine coun try route: gooa rererencrs WALKER AGO., Ninth st, SERIAL E. W. deS-99 , . NTRIllttN A MRNTKR Fl W must have practical experience, bftsober QRTINWARE; VV MUSI nave pracurai tipericutc, o"" and first-claw recommendations. Apply at a. m. B. S. MARVIN tt UU., t.ineny street. uc--i ANTED-YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST AT shipping and billing; must be good penman and accurate at figures; address in own hand writing and state age. Aaaress .su oj, ckj. dea-30 TXTANTED-AN ACTIVE YOUNG MAN TO Ion Boom 21. park. Boarders and Lodgers. ANTED OCCUPANTS FOR LABGIJ second-story ftont room: well furnished and class board: location a lew doors frouiEast Address SO, Dl3patcn omce. oea-i o TTrANTED-A YOUNG . dea-93 1.AT1Y AS ROOM- mate in a nrivate family In Allegheny; nicely furnished room: 6 minutes'; walk irroui uii.h .t nn Pennave.. Pittsburg. Pa. Address E. F., Dispatch office mnnnrial. ANTED-SM'ALL MOB1GAGES-I. JiWlL- SOM, u our ave. Buslnesa Chance FOR 8 ALE-A MILK ROUTE ON THE BOUTH HIDE. Address MILK, Dispatch office. deS-34 . . T OST-ALL REGARD FOB FORMER PEICEa XJ and now offer L00O pairs Rhinestone and Vol .... i.w.a ,H.mn(, ttrrvw lenota from SI to 83 53; all mounted In solid gold settings, and war-j iJ3 TintJd to retain their brilUancy. M.J.BMXr, 4 311 Bmlthfleld St.. third door from Fourth ave. a. B. Complete selection of lac pins, brooches, scarf olna. studs and collar buttons mounted with. Rhinestones and Voltaic dlamondsiand make one) of the most suitable gifts for toe holidays. j ., ft 1UEET1NG9. TJOB SALF-GENM' FURNISHING STOBE ti Mmnanfth, hst streets In Allegheny, at a bTiraaerince; Call at once. EW1NG 4 BYEKS, No. S3 Federal st. de29-S3 IOR SALE HALF 53 F1TZMIEB, Connellsvllle. Pa, F and tlnshop; gi small capital. IKTTRFST IN STOVE ood trade and doing good busl- Forlnrormauon auares j Qef-v FOB SALE-GROCERY WITH FINE CASH trade: eleitant room, near Court House: nice fresh stock; Invoice ROX; tola 1; one of the finest groceries In Ohio. . FpLSOM, imlajM w deS-83 WANTED-BTATIONARY ENGJNEEB-A good engineer wanted to operate stationary engine for hauling out coal; married man pre ferred; reference required. Apply atBOOMl, IH Water st. de2M5 WANTED-A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT young man as driver and porter for gro cery; nUBt reside in Allegheny and have iood reference. Apply aner 9 o'clock A. M. 14 DIA MOND, Pittsburg. de29-45 L TTTANTED-FOB TUB uaiixt-v luh r W army able-bodied, unmarried men. be tween tne ages oi zi nu i J'""f """frit. ! tlons, clothing and medical attendance. Apply at No. 915 FENN AVENUE, Pittsburg, Pa. oes-is-su no WANTED-TOIANMONATSAND 6 per cent free ol tax. W. C. STEWAKi: 11 Fourth ave. Ja-2-8U WANTED-MOKTGAGES-MOl. EY TO LOAN in sums to suit at , S and 6per cent. ALLES & BAILEY. 164 Fourth ave. TeL 167. apia-n-TiaBa WANTED-MOBTGAUlS-Si03Q,OMT01 in large and small amounAV at iii. J per cent, free of State tax: no delay. BE COYLE&vU.. Muounaarc. 000 TO LOAN Sanaa :eu B. myZl-CO WANTED-MORTGAGES-SOWCWTOLOAN on city and suburban properties at4K, Sand rent, ana on mm " i"t"j.w.rr.Tir'-v ountlesat Sper cent. a. . jth" e ncr cent. nt eonnties at S Der SON, 105 Fourth avenue. NOCK A P7-1 WANT ED-BAD WKnERS 8MARTRAC. TICAL BUSINESS AND BHOBTHAhD the score of au- r. .... n uranlM on thorlty to purchase real estate, one scheme was tSallowMr. P. to purchase otfhls own account and rent to the Board, they to pay Interest on the money aarancea jor pur uu ju uu provements and to take the property off his hands "lit1 caSnot be had now for less than tM.000, to wblchadd cost or banking room and vault, say o,0u0, total SIS. 000. Prof. L. . Phantasia SVhat's th.e trouble there, 8elim? Selim (for professional purposet only ?leasersir, Pluto thinks he's ketched th' boy c'nstrictor, an' he won't beige. Pttefc Black silk warp Heriet a. 80c, 86c and 75e a yard: twerevt btin erer A FEW fine siarble and onyx clocks and tables left bver from the holiday rush. We take stock January 10. Until that time we will allow a discount of 25 per cent onll clocks, bronzes, onyx tables, silverware, lamps, etc lake advantage ol this offer. The eoods are all first class and newest de signs. M.G. Cohen, Diamond Expert and Jeweler, B33 Saitbfield st Large pillar clock inYront of the door. B.&B. For exteaweMMwy Wi, eloaks, rapt, furs, see colsa vd. this paper, or-better, co to the el- nomt MsBdajvorn- in?icae. " B m A DIT0BCB IN A CHURCH. A Clergyman' Rnis to Kennlte an Un happy Couple. The author of ".Reminiscences of a Liter ary and Clerical Xife," himself a clergy man, narrates an amusing anecdote which his reverend grandfather used to tell about an ignorant young couple in his parish. The old minister had married them, but the mar riage had turned out to be ill-advised, and after a while things came to a desperate pass. The couple had vast, undefined ideas of what a rector could do, and it entered into their foolish minds that he might be aDie to undo their unhappy marriage. So they asked liim whether he could not take them into church again and perform some service that would set them iree, as they had been before. The rector meditated for a moment. "x"es,"he said, "I think if you come to onnrrh T can nut vou in the way of becom ing unmarried. But it is a curiSus kind of business, and instead of coming to the altar; as before, y&u will have to go into the bel fry." The unfortunate pair readily assented,and at an appointed hour went to the church, where the rector marched them into,the belfry. "Vnn oea taose two trestles." he began. "The husband will have to stand on one of them, and the wife on the other." With mnch wonderment the man and woman followed his instructions. "Now each ot you take a bellrope in your hand." This was done. "Now, then, tie the ropes round your necks and jump off the trestles." "Good lack, sirl" said one of them, "we should be hanging ourselvesl" . "Exactly," said the minister, "that is just what I mean. The only way in which, yon can unmarry yourselves in church is by hanging yourselves m we ucuiy. The young couple dropped the ropes in haste, and the minister, proceeded to give them a lecture upon mutual forbearance and affection, it is to be hoped with, gooa re sults. A BOLD LAND COMPANY. Four Acres of Land Belonging to the City Plattfd and Sold. ' St. Joseph, Mo., December 28. The discovery ot land grabbing has been made by -the city authorities. A land company v.. oV-or- nasse'ssion of. platted and sold four acres of valuable land belonging to the citv situated in the northwest part ot town. The discovery was made through an at tempt on the part of the land company to get possession of several Jots in the tract deeded by the city to the school board in 1867. The land involved is worth about 520,000, and the city will begin suit at oace to recover it rni.T.KHK. i Sixth street fneir bridge), openA. M. to 9 P. : good pennmanshlp guaranteed in a ; nnvaie rooms 40c mio. dezs-43-TTBSU few lessons; private rooms 1 WANTED-BY BUTCHER SUPPLY HOUSE a pushing, energetic and hustling travel ing man: must have unexceptional references as to ability and character: state salary wanted. Address L0RD4TH0MAS, St. Louis, Mo. aeH-5u WANTED-MOETGAGES-tlOO.000 TO LOAN on mortgageOn sums from 3 to sia,px, for 3 to 5 years on city property, at very low rates; write for terms and give description 1 of property. J. E. GLASS, J38 Eflth ave. Telephone No. 1764. nolJ-C , . FOB SALE-SALOON-FINEST IN THIS fast-growing city; elegant rooms, releasing second noor so that he makes his rent clearfflne stock of liquors ami furnltnre: has a large estab i,h.n tr3e: nrice SI.600: bargain, a H. FOL- suai. jjimau. de -93 AND SALE-HOTEL, FUBNITUBE a-i mifT-tra riHefc house. WitH- rooms, nicely furnished, excellent bar tradclarge . -. ! Tirf fnt-tn rent? nrice transient custom, long lease and cheap rent: price Kin owner mnst sell, and will sell at a great S3.UX): bargain C. H. FOI.SJOM. Lima, O. FOR SALE-GRAND OPPORTUHITy FOB one or two active men with some capital to sten Into a paying wholesale produce commission business, profits this yearwlll reacnsiu.iMi: owner engaged in other business reason fprseHlng. Ad- bu.a ,,..T-i.,xr 11 Unnt.?.T at.. Alia. aress . v. wivaaw.i, gheny. NOTICE WAGON AND OABBIAG . builders and bodymakers, wagon and car-.-. B.iAtramtra -,4intr ni trfnitTiers irr qntsted toassemo'lsonMONDAYEVENINO-. J December 30, 1889. 730 o'clock, atBolouHafU fl 4B8Urani st, 10 orgno - - -",-- LANG2, Sec Pro 1 em. de0. ASONIO NCraCB-SPECIAMEETN5 uu-.- ivi-a Tin. SS7. F. and 2C SJW? SUNDAY. December ra. iae. x o cjoo--. --. funeral of Bro. Alexander .Ttadle. Slster ,.?-'. ... .-..-.tfnil- InvitedL Carriages will" leave Freemasons' Hall, Fifth avenneata o'clock sharp. Bv order of the w.-u- de--4 . LL DvinniTivmX CnT.n?V R L. 0Lrtf W. t ,cd,v Pnai 1.1 O. A- I - SPECIAIi ORDER ISO. 4. COBADa of thU post are ordered to assemble as their hall. 1923 Carson St. THIS ; (Sunday) AF TERNOON at 1 O'clock In full G. A. R. nni-' Torm. to attend the funeral of tha late- Com rade John Wagner. By order ;t, . 7 JOHN DETTIS, Commander n. A. JONES. Adlutant, de298 -VTOTICE TO CARPENTERSiANDJOlN-. 11 K8 Ail memnera 01 uu.u . 71 ...w..Mi,..t.ii tn ittAnil next reffnlar JeenaThi1 41 Fifth avVnne, MONDAY EVENINU, tneautn '."'?'' eeatest importance to each Individual mem-- Hit rw, trannaeted. " By order of Local Union I . j ae290 J. . J ON ia, r in. aec. 1 Monterey st.. Alls. delo-50 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at W per cent; no tax: we bj-IT FOB-SALE-GOOD JISH AND 0?Ster depot, grocery stores, S3S) to 10,000 I cigar stores, teo to 81,600; light business clearing f weeklyrdrugstores. country stores boarding housed milk routes, confectioneries, bakeries and other good business chances. SHEPARD .CO.. M Fifth ave. aea . FOB SALE-DRUGSTORES. 81.500 TO HOOD; cigar stores. to tl.W. grocery stores. si, 000 toss. 000; confectioneries. aS to L0: res taurant, good location, doing good business. 31.000; also half interest in paying business, wltn lilarr, for 8500. PERC1VAL CHAPMAN. 87 Filth ive. Second floor de2MH will also loan money on Improved farms In Alle gheny. Beaver,, jayerae. lYMuiuimii "y"I't"C morefandcouniles;anymarketableseOTrifftaken for loans of any amount. BLACK. & BA1KU. 85 Ie3-a9-su 1 . ...... . . .... WANTED SAL JHEM JBIBOX-OUA.03 salesmen to seU Imported enameled steel ware: superior to agate and granite: only those experienced In the line and having trade need ap ply. HERMANN AICH, 43Murray St.. N. Y. de-U WANTED - MEN 860 8ALARY, 840 EX PENSES In advance allowed eaen month; . . .... , 4,wnl(ntf, A1 steaay employment at. uuiuc vt u.c,.uk, mv o-lii-itinir: duties delivering andmaklng collections: netting: duties delivering ann maaing no posuu carai CO., Plana, O, no postal cards. Address with stamPjHAFEB WANTED-AGENTS 8HOULD WHITE FOB Illustrated circular and terms for two weeks' trial or Missouri washer: washes dirtiest clothes clean by hot steam without rubbing: easily sold: proatable. J. WORTH, H Beekman St., New York City. nolO-M-wssu VTTAN1EO-A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT VV hospital steward: must coma well recom mended, be a good nurse, and familiar wltn drugs; single man: for an Institution outside the city: salary 8360 per annum, with board and washing. Address V. Z.. Dispatch ofilce. deZ7- w- T-.nAt.T, BRICKLAYERS AND COI- ti a rrrnu tn know that the headauartcrs of the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT AS bOClATlON, at 93 Fourth ave., near Wood, W the anthoriied Central Labor Exchangeor the B. and M. L U.; no charge to employers or mem bers. v ocli-8o-wrsn Fourth ave. Miscellaneous. . .- ,iinTn annPT A CHILD BETWEEN W two and four years of age: a good home will be given. Adojess uiiiuxi. office. Dispatch des-vj WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S doien (13) or Stewart Co. 's fine cabinet photo. toU. it and E FEDLAUe- gheny mvSS-49-TTSU WANTEDi-A FORTY HORSE POWER SEO . ND-HAND englueand lUer?for same: iieeoriTiA una irive-nrice lur c . ........ --.- CHIN 1ST, Dispatch office. Business Stand. -rrtOR SALE 362.500 Uxl3 FEET LOCATION F ittst4uS7w. a STEWART, Fourth mHE MEMBERS OF SONS OF JOSHUA' I vj.-at rvran-n rid-e No. 12 ro reanested n m.atin thnir hslL corner Frun avenue and m .njinH mrrmmt nn RTTNDAY. Decembers 29 at 12 o'clock noon, to attend the funeraloiy Tl! ..- 1, .. T.h. n sav Vftmhora will. our iw oiuiuui -wu v..wj. ---- . nleasawear regalia of the order and white tr. . . m -,-. ,... a ?M.lim. District I O. L. No. 6 are respectfully invited to accompany us. oj oruer m DAVID RTJSSEIi, W. M. GEORGE CABilSLE, Recording secretary. de-74 . NOTICES. TriOBSALE-ps.ooo-arxwr "-"jf-.,' 1 inrated rorreiauiraue. . w. .. ..-, 114 Fourth ave. de3-3-SU Pittsburg. de9-20-SU NUMBER erties in ;h ave. FOR SALE - 10O,00O-rx! FEET-THE r.Mt location In Pittsburg for a. retailor wholesale business of any kind ART, 11 ronr ave. W. C. STEW- de -20-sa deJ7-73 WANTED-BILLIAHD TABLE-MUST BE IN goodpalr; sUe 4x9: can't use combina tion table. Address, with description and price, BILLIARD, Dispatch office. dea-33 WANTED PHOTOGRAPHERS. ARTISTS and agents to know we make L. crayons ifor the trade, and also frame them ready for delivery. PITTSBUBGCRAYON CO.. S31Smlthfleld st de2Ml BELL FURNTTURE AND m 9 A -WPITT. t Trt W t ... r. ,..a Pffnn ,Tf house, fltledwlth nhvslclans and roomers: desirable location for boarding houses cheap If sold soon. A., Dispatch offlcei Address B. ae - WANTED-A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL mechanical engineer, 40 years of age. a member of Institution of Mechanical Engineers. London, who has had many years experience as master mechanic both In this country and Europe, desires similar situation: unexception able references. Address M. L M. E Dispatch Office. de-3" -TTTANTED-SALESMEN AT ONCE-A. FEW V v gooa men to sen our soww uj oaiupic w mo wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest manufacturers In our line in the world: liberal salary paid: permanent position: money advanced tot 'wages. aSvertlslng. etc. For rull terms ad dress CENTENNIAL MFG. CO.. Chicago. HJ.. or Cincinnati, O. ANTED TEACHEB3, no9.77-wisu MINISTERS, TirANTED-UPBIGHT PIANO-FOB USE OF VV good instrument will give best of storage and care, and keep Insured Tor owner: prores stonal married gentleman: no children. Ad dress LAWYER, Dispatch office. dc?9-84 FOR SALE-THE BUl.b'iu tlZ,"l with 40 rooms and stabling. No. 195 Second ave. ; a three-story building, with lot 48 fert front on Second ave. and 24 feet on Third ave. For par ticulars call on O EOHO B FEARN LEX or HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., 92 Fourth ave. de -47 T7OR SALE-OB TO LET-ONE OF THE BEST r buriness stands on the Southslde. with or without business lam in (grocer). This Is a jare chnnceforagood stand, any person seeking for a good business place and safe investment should not delay. For particulars inquire jf P. F. SCHUCHMAN, cash grocer, on premises. 83 South Twelfth street, Southslde, PUtiburgjPa -il .'iVTOTICEiig 1 HEREBY GIVEN TO NAVI- JN GATORS on the Monongahela river thajH tha southern Channel span 01 o msyiuim, street bridge will be closed for navtzationV during J AINU Alt r Dy iaiso wui ira-j, . for erection of new structure. . i 1 GUSTAV XJNDENTHAI ,- 4 de-95 cniei engineer. .. ELECTIONS. " oraici os the coi.traiBiA On Co, tm, Va fil4 Market st. Pi'iiiimiimn TWT0mber 27. 18SSL ...u l' A-wiaiTAT. MRETING OF T. I stockholders of the Colnmbpn CO.W111J. o'clock A. K ..iioruie ww ""- - for the transaction of such business as may bo Presented. A. P. McGREW, Secretarv. ,? de27-79- AOCTION SALES. FOR SAIJmSCELANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Uve Stock, dfce. TTOR SALE-1 LIGHT SPRING WAGON. H nesrlv new; 1 buck wagon. 1 covered wagon. A. M. HOCKS VVEN PER. 343 Fifth ave. de3-9a TTIOR SALE-5-yEAR-OLD HORSE, SOUND Ef Ffvlryect: weight L:al?cb,,pco TTZUI AUUIU, .rv .. ered wagon. Madison ave Allegheny. de-110 -TTTANTED-EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT W PEARSON, the leading photographer. Of 96 Fifth ave. and43Federal St.. All'y.ls making : life slie crayon portrait, beautifully frameiLandj one dozen cab. photos. U for8; all nhe work. mh 13-63 FOB HOLIDAY sneclallnducemehtslo cash buyers; watcbeai silverware. docK.s, . etc ; TIT ANTED BUYEBS VV roods: soeclal lnducen t.MAn. vr.,,hfftii Kllvprwa spectacles and eyeglasses accurately fitted at low .estrates. J. MIISCH, 130 Federal St.. Allegheny. UCiOJnDU IN- W BUBANCE agents, or anyone of lntem- . . . A. .i41 An r-nn . tn ff-nCB Sua aDIUiT W uauuio vus -.j, w Wen of the House of David, "on contract of saiarv pi w ww pc ommlssion. to tbe right nartles. Call or address, sriving age ana occupa-o-f STOBAY Ctt? Eisner APhlUlps bufid fAitr tn twfilr months month, with privilege of comm ing. de -79 ANTED-AGENT8-GENEBAL AND LO- W leal Ink Erasing OAL agents to handle the new pat. Cbem k Eraslni nencllr greatest novelty ever nroduced: erases fnk In two seconas: no aorasion ofpapen 200toS00per cent profit: sells at sight: territory absolutely free; salary to good men"! iamu'es 33 cents by mall. For terms and lull particulars address the manufacturers. THE MONBOEEEASERCO., La Crosse, Wis. -TTTANTED-AN ACTIVE. ENERGETIC W .AnM,.- mvmii 23 and 80 veara of aee. to act as assistant manager of an Important Pitts burg enterprise: must h sober, have a good edu cation, as well as tact and address In approaching and dealing with men. and willing to devote. blm ?.,r .... . murciti of the enterorlse: the opening Is an unusual one, and offers the right man an opportunity to make a reputation; , saTary at first. 8l, 0U a year. Address A. M-jlils- patcnomce, riwoift -TITANTED--THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THAT W the largest and most complete stock of trusses, elastic stockings, '"."JwM'iSr can be seen at -the store of ARTIFICIAL LIMB Pittsburg. Pa. f r nol8-63-S8n TTTANTED-TO BELL-lE FURNITURE OF W a 10-roomed house In central part of city; location first-class: will sell aU or part of furnl .. hA-a eiiArf with roomers: nossesslon at any timn"; wiu sell chean to prompt buyerigood rea sons for selling. Address FURN1TURK. uis patch office. ae!a'B Machinery and Metal. IOB SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and reattert: repairing prom ptlvattraded to. POBTER FOUNDRY ANDMACHlNEW..l.iMa, belfw suspension bridge. Allegheny. Pa. aaio-- f: Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-HOLIDAY GIFTS-SOLID ML VERstem-wlndlngwatches,S, 88, i7.at M.J, SUIT'S, Sirsmlthfleldst, Positively the Last and Closing Week! COMMENCING, MONDAY, DECEMBEBaM BANKRUPT BALE.:: OF THE S150.000 STOCK. -OT- FINE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO DWra GOODS, CARPETS, KTJGH, Eltt, BY AUCTION t 723 AND 725 LIBERTY ST CUIU i U IJUflin. Bales. Mominft Afternoon and Evening ' H jj B.gpecial accommodations jprovided foil F B SALE-HOLn)AY GITTS-JIISSES' AND children's rinirs. solid gold, 73c, 1 25. 81. 73. M. J. SMnySll Smlthfleld St. aes-m T7IOB SALE HOLIDAY GIFTS - LADIE3' Fbraeeleu and bead necklaces.l Z5, IB and 832S. M. J. SM1T, 311 Smlthfleld st. de29-llS -rnOB. SALE-HOLIDAY GIFTS -LADIES' r vest. Queen or Victoria chains, roll plate, at t l W anfp S3. M. . SMIT, 3U Smlthfleld st. WANTED FOB THE FOLLOWING" 10 days, anybody contfmplallng the purchase of Christmas gifts to call and examine our great as sortment or diamonds, watches. Jewelry, silver ware, clocks and bronsea: our goods are entirely newand sonslst of all the latest novelties to be found in the Eastern markets: Just think pf it; you can buy a triple-plated sugar bowl, fickle castor, spoon holder, butter dish or cup at 81 each at M. J. BglT'3. 311 Smlthfleld St. de29-113 lllrl weighing 11-18 karats eaetyat per 'pair; ii-i nir wci-uiuK ;. . and 17 pairs welgblnrij to H perpair.afc ja. o- door from Fourth ave. A Warning to Bfflcers. PhUadelphla Kecord.J A policeman at Swedesoarg who kept awake at aighU saw a ghost. UrHu. By obi casb system-we tare yen. from 16 per cent, to 20 per cent. TJsltng Ss Bon, Kercnant Tailors, tubu 47 Sixth ave., Lewis Block. ONEY TO IRELAND, BCOTLANDAJJD England can beet be snt by cheeks cm thi 'Cheaue Bank.' wnioa are ss K" MONEY TO England &&SPSS3L eds-na. ,l4s-Mti.nttwS-c, eft WANTED-A FEW HONEST AND INTELLI GENT persons to take orders In th s and surrounding towns on "Stanley In the Wilds of Africa, and How He Rescued Emln .Pasha.' 'The Intrepid hero has Just returned to clvUliatlon; publfc interest In h'lmlsat ftrerheat: thli i Is the Etanley boos the people wait i send M 'cents for Sutllt and be the first in the field, or write Imme diately are j' I IN de3-7i-a, au, si, ja- s, o ; .tuwiLinwni TCVKRVWHERE W . . ...nkmlT to tisb Dr. O'Keefe' Mcts. liver pills, cold or catarrh pUli, cough pUJv I1CSUHUCI'1M fivsm .'""Tt. ii-Vjlua nllla DIUB. BCnrtKax Pt - ':;; nl. nineral debility -. :.- .s i, -.i ..i pulS. BUflS VUUH Hliu-w- FOR SAIiE IMPROTKP KE"A- ESTATE. Cltr Resilience FGB SALE-IB.00O-EXSY TERMS-VINE ST: near ColweUst., new brick dweUlng of T room, hall; all improvements: bargain. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. TeL IP. de-t FOB SALE-NEAR PENS AVE.JLND NINTIT street, eornerproperty, lota feet 8 Inches by 85 feet to an allev: ll-roomed dwelling: all con veniences: 313.500: big bargain. ALLES BAILEY, lfll Fourth aye. TeL 187. de27-M FOB SALE-10.N-Oll TATLOB ST.. SIX TEENTH ward, at terms to suit: let46Jxi-f feet, corner prODrty..S almost new brick dwell i.. iX. iii-.T.rnalr.nawrentlnir for 81.008 per THUS. MCCAF-Jel4-14-W8SB de2Wli Br.v.A NATIONAL CASH REGISTER: nearly newsnltable for grocery or restau rant: sold cheap. Inquire or amuvw. wholesale merchants. oeara FIB m EE-SOETS. -rpOB SALE-THREE PA1KB utn uiij. wul Jb MOND earrings, weight, 1 karats, abso iutelyperfectand white, at-lOO pet pair: also J pairs weighing zXkaraU. same quality, at 8223:8 at It! 60 per pair. taraf, from 817 to Bmlthfleld st. 17 to $30 tnira de29-ll3 FERbONAL. PEBSONAL-NEW BOOKS-HUNDREDS OF newboot nicely .bound In cloth gilt, tc each: many fine books in elegant bladings: come and see them. LEVI'S BOIIKSTOKE, Liberty st, near Ninth. nczi PERSON AL-INGOD WE TRUST1 TAKE DB. Griffith's great Ta-va-ion remedies and re ceive the divine blessing fhealto): In use W y ears: gtr our "Herald of Health." 301 to 307 GRANT ST., corner Third ave., Pittsburg. Pa. de29- . OLD POINT COMFORTS VA.. HYGEIA HOTEL. J , -,i.TCt rri- from Pnrtress Monroe.! where dally inspection!, drills, .StEi and dress paraao tae j-. am- w-v-w s , . ---44-r4ltv iif, "??""... t:r r-,.-f--. citato miicLi hr-ln? and. InTicoratinz- Ttia mossoM "SK"!?-? Ttiths. Bend for illustrative. descripttvaj Tmnhl F- H. PIKJS. ; deH-63-TTSSU ManaoJ lON'T FORGET ITI HOSPITAI. BTJND A Y, DECEMBER, a annum; will net over 8 per cent. FBEY, 3609 Butler St. Saharboa KeoMeece. - - TTiOKSALE-ATWiKlMSBMoM.jjiaw irnA, TO F house of erooms, lotti88flveteutefro fe's station: terms 82.600: 81.500 -down, baljaee 3 years; Ills, greatest bargain In WUkiasburg to-tay, w. E. JV B F1 unfit. M smimaeld sweet, PKwrg. sad kidney eunr meastraal puis, sore throat pills, croup puis, nitrous aeouity pun serve pills, teething thartle pifls, whooping "h PW I v..b.nwT m w jl. eh: larae bottles 81 08 z!rrr...:,Z. . b nturt A CO.. to6u:t.-w wrij5f; j nAM... A..., ... -r ' .,UI WllklnsourgfCa. "" r SALE-IM SEWICKLIY -JM NOT renew lease natU the fine realdeaoe i or Invest-' -"- . i 8. ,v. ' 4 Klkr ,dwellSof r.wlmodr evealeaes, beaattfe lot8Ot.l wn ajsd fryw be iMtamtotmtom art. Tisr year. A, TADA, H4a M MSJWh ft- ave. PEKSONAL-HE FELL IN LOVE WITH HIS wife, and well he might after she presented hhn with one of M. J. ,Smlt's eant1fulgold watchee, which cost her but8S. M.J. 8MIJ. 311 HmithSSld st.. third door from Fourth ave. oe29-H3 PtJDNB. TTOUND-THAT M.J. SMIT. 311 BMrTHFlELD H it has seo ladles.' gold watches, all stem wlndS. and slttore! T which he U Ulng.from J to s eeft. and every watch Is wsrranted for time CS<?. and are suitable for hotldsyg! fu. Keember thename and number, M. J. SMIT, 3U atithld st. df29-U5 UITABLE HOIDAY GIFT8 ALT. . i.i hi a 1 nt anlauya. natrote. , w w -- --rj- ., Bs&m tte&,mamuw.Kvm ---. aw-sw-1 Contribution boxes at the ..railway - bridjes, note ano o or i i. . v. MONEY IS NEEDED. HBOP YOTJB DONATION ISTO THE BOJM Get up collections In mills, workshop factories mr tne ospi is. ralXECTION INALtf CTTROHESj FID-UTY TITLE AND TBTJST COMPAKTJ JLTeaAurer. TrnsPITAl. BATDR AY AND BUNDAtl ASSOCIATION. J de29-25 121 and 123 Fourth ave -WSPvomascrmSSi suppUes all the city hotels: housaTrlvejj flnritto their advantage to deal with hi am 8- 3 i; umv I- 1 Telephone to. Pittsburg; Jyl4M FRESHrA faw -r- -a-T-UV. pnTTKTRY. Jt tender: fresh coontry egge ad and game isj eason,can alwajs be fi Stall wo. JSjJiaoaaai-Hi TeIephoalsV , d-W IMc, If not. send can cor: nbri AClMkk-l j thii iiedrior tfeeattalVlt- afcowB. JULepqt. M , 'i W I, 'J.A ' .: - i tsii-Ji i- V f : fSM .flts . t. Snll