-- - -IT- - ""W itolemnlate htm. Success In politics, anv fray, w largely due to circumstances. Poli cies often thrusts itself upon a man, and ibefore he is scarcely aware of it, he isin the iBwim -and borne on to success. Oftentimes ieasy success is the bait that causes one to ftry again, and the result is defeat. Young men can study politics to advantage and 'become better citizens, but to think of becoming an officeholder in a professional way is not to be thought of, much less en couraged. A SNAEE AND A DELTrSKW. Ex-Mayor John A. Boche, of Chicago There js no sense, no satisfaction, no inde pendence in politics, and to nearly every young man it is a snare and a delusion. I confess that I took a flyer in politics and have had enough. I have a business that keeps me engaged and employs a number of young men. As soon as 1 was elected Mayor two young men in my employ wanted to get sm.aU offices. I knew the uncertainties of a Jong tenure of office and advised them sot to quit positions, that, although they did not pay as much as the offices, "would be more secure and more remunerative in the long run. One clerk agreed to remain and is now getting a much larger salary, is rising and is practically independent. The other took office. I "was not re-elected and he was asked toresign his office. To-day he is looking for work; Do not thint of politics, young men, as a pursuit; ;t is the road to poverty. "lEx-Postmaster General Frank Hatton, now of Washington We had no profes 1 Modal ofSce-seekins: class, properly speak ing, "until civil service relorm became a law. All young men who contemplate entering politics to get an office through.appoint.ment I. would most emphatically advise to try anything else in the world. There are hun dreds of applicants for office on the civil list waiting in vain. They have stood the exam inations and have their names on the list as eligible to hold office. It has demoralized them, and instead of going to work to earn their livine in some other way they hang on from day to dav, hoping eve that their a :n . 11. T. t. .:.!. .A lUfU Hill CU1UC UCJLk J.li 13 OlUVptJ MU W consider, ana snows that pontics as a proies siim is very discouraging.' I do not intend to say that young men shonld not take an interest in politics, for they should, in order toyote intelligently and understand the questions at issue "before the people. If 'civil service is perpetuated a professional class of office seekers will be the natural consequence, and there will be much suffer ing and poverty among them. A SIGN OF INSANITY. John F. McLean, editorof the Cincinnati 'Jinquirfir Why, a young man is insane to go Into politics. There is nothing to be - gained, and all to lose. Success in one or two instancesJs no security that lor the rest of his natural life he may Lot score failures. AnyproressToh or business is better, and will bring more contentment and more genuine happiness. The political office seeker's life is one strewn 'with shards and flints, and the yonng man who will fully and 1 premeditatedly selects politics as a pursuit or calling has a mental structure tthat certainly should be inquired into by the proper -autnori ties. . George S. Batcheller, Assistant Secretary oT the Treasur.y A man cannot be honest and.be a professional politician unless he is wealthy. No man should ever accept an ap pointive office unless he is rich enough to afford it. As to elective offices only, I think they can well be accepted. For a Toung man to think of adopting politics for a profession, unless he is independent, is moral suicide. If young men could see the old men in the departments at "Washington theywould -take warning and not wish to meet ;a similar fate. It is a great problem with" ns to know "what to do with the old men who have been in service so long and are now physically incapable of discharging tbeir duties. "We cannot pension them off, because the Government has made no pro , vision, and they have not saved enough to keep them alive witbont work. In England they are pensioned, and so young men there entering the Government service do not run any risks. THE FAKES OF HISTORT. Time-Worn Traditions That Originated In Fertile Imagination. Boston Glofceu It seems that most of onr popular deities are "crockery gods after all. Throw a few facts at them and ther fall in fragments. A French historian has just demolished Joan of Arc He has proved that she didn't amount to much anyway, and did the French more harm than good. It would seem that historians have very often drawn from the inexhaustible foun tains, of their own imaginations. Thomas Jefferson never rode up to the Capitol on the morning of his inauguration and hitched his horse to the trout fence with his own hand, which would doubtless have been a very picturesque thing for him to do if there had been any fence there. Homer never wrote his own poems, which would have been a very credible piece of work for . "him if he had ever existed. Alexander -never wept for more worlds to conquer, for Alexander wasn't in the habit of playing 'the baby act, and would have been ashamed to cry in public anyway. Arnold Winkel reid never cried, "Make way for liberty!" which would have been a very pretty thing for him to say, only it didn't occur to him at the time. Shakespeare never wrote his own plays, iforhe never doubted for a moment that 'Bacon could write them well enough with out his assistance. Grant never took Lee's sword under the apple tree, for by some strange oversight the apple tree wasn't there. "William Tell never shot the apple off his son's head, a teat which he might have done well enough if he had been at all de sirous of establishing a reputation as a marksman, for Captain Bogardus in ottr day would consider it an easy matter. And there never was any "William Tell any way. t Someone has said that history is a series of lies which mankind has agreed to be- Jieve. Perhaps the reason that truth is stranger than action is that a large propor tion of what people accept as truth is fiction ,in disguise. THE EEA OF BAP1D TRANSIT. Problem Thus Barn Been Solved by the Bead Builder of the World. ISew Tork Tribune. J ' When thft TfllltrflV W firt infmi3n4 ; iinlojEngland its adoption was greatly hast- pened by the fact that the existing means ot R transport had long been outgrown. Goods wenyjy canai; ana jjiverpooi, xor example, was lull of merchandise that the canals conld. not carry. Passengers hired special conveyances or traveled by coach, and every night 1400 coaches rolled out of the Iiondon yards.- If you were in haste you might post the 210 miles from London to Liverpool in 24 hour for S100. The world was ready for the new order. In America, as in the Old World, the towns were on the rivers; roads were few and mostly bad. and the chief travel was by water. When the time came for us to cross the hills and-.plains there was the railway, so we stopped short in onr new career of road- (making, and left the great traffic to the rail ' and the aide traffic to the "dirt" road. Now. Nat last, 'we are face to face with a new era 01 road-makibg, certain to give wore and opportunity for the hands and brains of nencan engineers lor a generation at least. How long, for example, should von Isay it would be before New Xork and her Istep-cisters over the waters are not merely (connected, but united? la the Absence of the Dot. 'JFrom the Detroit News. . Ihesforce on the Modesto Herald took Rharge of the paper recently fn the absence Iof their chief and this is one of the literary Kerns produced by the inky-fingered typos: be editor of the Herald has been sick for the last ten days a"ad doesn't often come near the office, and we printers are running Ithinra to suit ourselves. If he stava sick long enough we'll make a good paper oat of the.SeraId.'- A BAIDEFSimPEISE K-.lltK -lKgS Ingenious Trick Played Upon a Spec tacular Audience. GENIAL HOBBY OF A EICH BROKE E. Gilbert's Fantastic Philosophy Adopted by Dentists. WARD 1TALLISTEE A8 SANTA CLAUS tcoBBxsroxsxircs or the DisrATcn.: New Yobk, December 27. OMIOAL is the trick played upon ihe spectators of one of the current thea trical ballets. A dance by Alsatian villagers is intro duced in the specta cle. Pirst, a line of eight danscuses am ble out from the wings and trot down toward the footlights. They are a happy medium as to faces and figures, they are costumed neatly and their motions are eraceful. After cut- k tlug up their allotted capers, they separate into 'fours and retire to the sides of the scene. Then eight more Alsatians emerge into view, and come forward in the manner of their predecessors, except that each holds a bared right arm la front of her face, as though shielding her eyes from the sndden glare of the footlights. Thus they dance forward, with their visages hidden, until they are now close to the front of the stage. They are as spry and as symmetrical as the eight who haye come beiore. But when they suddenly lower their right arm and disclose their countenances it is seen that a good joke has been played on the assemblage. They are all women of BO years or more, with un commonly ugly features. It is an old maxim in the theater business, I believe, that an audience shonld never be fooled. But the oddity and success of this trick is so great that I doubt if there is any resent ment over it Anyhow, it is immediately followed by an atonement. A third octet of danseuses quickly come into view: Their right arms are before their faces, too, and as they patter down the stage to the place jnst vacated by the old women, the specta tors wonder how mnch further they will be shocked by visual ugliness. "Probably these will turn onttobeboys," was one surmise. "These will be centenarians," was an other gness. "We have had the daughters and mothers," a third opined, 'fend now they will show us the grandmothers." Down went the arms, and into view came eight of the youngest and prettiest faces in the whole ballet. A BBOKXE'S PLEASANT HOBBY. Xou may have read a line or two an nouncing the death of Harvey Kennedy, and telling yon that be was a very rich old Wall street broker. But nothing has been printed as to the'Friday night sight which his demise will take away from the Metro politan Opera House. Mr. Kennedy was a widower. He showed no inclination to re marry, yet he was very fond of young la dies, and his method of getting their society without paying particular attention to any single one was ingenious and genial. He had a carriage built to hold eight persons. It was a cross between a fine private coupe and a big public stage Two big, prancing horses drew it, and a liveried coachman sat high on the front seat. The other portion ot Mr. Kennedy's outfit was a box for one night a week at the opera. He hired it from Cyrus W. Field at $175 a night, and was a sub-tenant at that price all through last winter and during the present season until his sndden death. For each Friday night he invited six young ladies to go with him to the opera. His guests were chosen from among all his acquaintances,and not often was the same girl entertained twice. For each party he also secured a matron as a chaperone, and he himself made the eighth person in the party- To every lady he sent a huge bouquet of the costliest roses, tied with a very longand wide satin ribbon exactly matching her dress, or at least har monizing with it in color. To be exact about this he usually obtained a scrap of the chief material in each instance, and these samples were delivered to the florist, who obtained ribbons for the eight bouquets to suit Every Friday night the Kennedy barouche would start out from his own quarters he had lately lodged in the Union Leagne Club with the host alone within it His first call would be at the honse of the chape rone, and thence they would go the round of six honored domiciles, finally bringing up at the Metropolitan with the always envied loaa. Mr. Kennedy was a handsome old man, large of stature, with a ruddy, beam ing face and $ now white hair. It was an odd spectacle to see him in his box surrounded by a bevy of vivacions girls, handsomely costumed and profusely bedecked with the roses of his providing. After the opera was over he always took the party to one or an other of the most fashionable .restaurants, where he treated them to a magnificent sup per. The cost of this weekly entertainment conld not have been less than $500. Mr. Kennedy died of heart disease. Now, how many of my readers .will fail to remark that of course no old widower's heart conld stand such a complex strain as that? A SEW AID TO DENTISTBY. "When a roan's arraid, A beautiful maid Is a charming sight to see." That is what you heard the maiden sing in "The Mikado." She was telling about a capital punishment -which she had wit nessed, and ber declaration that the doomed man, just before losing his head, gazed upon her pretty face for courage, -was always taken as a Gilbert phantasy. Bnt the idea is actually put into practical use in the largest of New York establishments where teeth are extracted under laughing gas. I have been there two or three times, and have watched this feature ot the business with amused in terest "Now. as von mav already know, laugh ing gas renders the patient oblivious bnt not insensible. Ho feels all that is done to him, and often make a lot of fuss about it, but upon awakening he can recall nothing that has happened. It is when the "man's afraid" that the "beautiful maid" is placed before him as "a. cheering sight to see." In other words, while the strong-armed dentist stands at one side of the victim's chair, with the gasbag ready for him to breathe out ot a girl with an amiably pretty lace takes a position close to the opposite arm. She gazes sympathetically yet smilinglv into his face. She isn't coqeettish about it It may be described as a sort of cousinly smile that is, somewhere between a sisterly grin and an ogle with no tie of consanguinitv about it As the man breathes in the cas and loses his senses, the last fading vision is that of the girl's encouraging face. The practical value of this device lies in the fact and I have this on the authority of the boss of the place that a goodly proportion of the pa tients would become obstreperous and vio lent while under the influence of the gas but for the effect ot the girl's, presence. That may seem like nonsense, bnt in prac tice it proves to be good sense. When the man awakes he finds tbat his guardian an gel is still there, and he departs feeling. I suppose, that she has taken a deep and poig nant interest in his particular case. A SWELL SANTA CLAU3. In Filth avenue I chanced to walk just behind a medium-sized gentleman, who wore a nigu nat, a ratner roagn and not entirely new gray overcoat and well-wrinkled troae- en. His hair was slightly tinge with the .V a ap isBiraramsF 111 Ml v,rav" -F-BTMCH-S -1 AF T Wmi.'j".j - iSftfc T - freet of ae.ad hie cait.WMninciQg. From the rear he looked add, for alL the pockets of his coat were staffed oat to their full limit with envelopes, while his arms .were held akimbo to allow for two boxes that he car ried beneath them. He looked not unlike a latter-day Santa Clans, bnt instead of filling stockings it seemed to be his duty to fill the post-boxes that are fastened to the lamp posts. He would upon reaching a post de posit a large share of his envelopes, and then pass on until he reached another box, where he would resume his work. This performance was kept up all the way down to the Union Club, at Twentieth street, and by that time the modem Santa Claus bad shrunk into the fairly veil-proportioned man for which nature had intended him. At the corner he turned with an. air of pride at having done so much so cleyerly.and in another moment he was sitting in the club window, looking somewhat iatigued, bnt satisfied. The modern Santa Clans was Ward McAllister, and "he was sending on invitations to something or other, probably the famous New Tear's ball. Just to show that there is a fact in the adage, "Truth is stranger than fiction," let me tell what was told the other evening in a circle of friends who are very much given to discussing literature and art In their little symposium everyone had to pay an admission fee in the only coin which is cur rent mere mat is, in wii. Aucr iwuiug judgment on recent literary efforts, they be gan to discuss "Camille," and all agreed that it was pre-eminently the model at its wicked kind. The most enthusiastic ad mirer of the play was a woman whose name is well known in literature, bnt which I am not privileged to give. ' A STBANOE STORT. "When I was 20," she said,. "I began to teach languages 'to earn my living. This did not succeed, and one fine morning my l&3t pupil turned me adrift what to dc next I didn't know. All the forenoon -I wandered abont in search of an idea. I was all worn ont, physically and. mentally. A cold, fine rain began to fall, chilling me to the bone, and rousing me from my dismal reflections, so that I began to look about for a place of shelter. While so doing I came upon a crowd of people, an interminable line, pushing, jostling, scolding, crying out all because they were getting wet. and because the doors of the theater which they were be sieging did not see fit. to open for the mati nee of "Camille" earlier than usual. I took refuge in a neighboring doorway and watched the people enter. Then the idea occurred to me to do likewise. Now, my judgment was not backward in telling me that this pleasure vras scarcely in keeping with my finances; but I reasoned to myself that it was the highest kind of economy to get under shelter, for the rain, by damag ing my clothes, would cost me more than the price of tr modest seat. So I went to the box-office and asked lor what I wanted. " 'None left here,r responded a voice that seemed to come from the depths of the earth. "I was retiring from the field discom fitted, when I was accosted on the sidewalk by an amiable person, who offered me, for a modest compensation, an excellent seat in a box. He was so persuasive, and my desire to see the play was so great, tbat we came to terms, and armed with his ticket I re-entered the theater. " 'Better leave your cloak in the dressing room, ma'am,' said the usher. 'It is wet, and there are already five in the box.' HONESTX'S BEWAEDJ "It was with much reluctance I confided the garment to his care, because I feared he would expect a fee. The door of the box was opened for me, and its five occupants, already in bad humor from waiting too long, looked decidedly askance at me. In spite of this unsympathetic reception X estab lished myself in my seat, feeling that it was well paid for, and settled down to a delight ful atternoon. Just before the closing-scene the usher came around with mv elbafe. All at once a rumor was started that caused a panic The gas jets were extinguished at once; somebody shouted fire; the confused, struggling, shrieking mass surged and swayed in the darkness, their senses para lyzed by fear. It was horrible! Amid this universal panic I was fortunate enongh to retain some slight intelligence, and despite the horror or the situation my hand had been extended in the direction of my prop erty. I seized it as 1 thought and held it above my head for safe keeping. Before long the em- E loves of the theater restored order. There ad been no fire only a new gasman had turned off the gas by mistake. Every one was entreated to be calm and to go out quietly. This, however, "was easier to say than to do, and for my part I -was glad to find myself once more out on the sidewalk in the rain. Imagine my astonishment at finding on my arm a man's overcoat I searched the pockets. They were empty. I examined it carefully, and superior as it was to my own feminine garment, X failed to rejoice at the acquisition. All at once I felt a hard object between my fingers in the side pocket I took it out and discovered a wallet It contained .5200 and several cards inscribed with the name of a million aire. I hastened to the address, and, after prolonged argnment with the hall boy and considerable parleying with the valet I was at last permitted to see the Croesus. He thanked me for my trouble, and declared that he would order a new cloak for me at once. "'But how did you know the coat was mine?' he asked. "I learned it from your card in this wallet," I answered. "How careless I am said the rich man. 'I might have looked for that money for a long time witbont remembering where it was. I am extremely obliged to you." Then look ing at me keenly, he went on: 'If I could be of any use to you, it would give me great pleasure. "His face showed such a kind interest that before long I had put him in possession of all the facts of my history. He listened with attention, and as I rose to go he prom ised to keep me in mind. A week later I became a well paid tutor to his grand children, and from that time on I have had no financial troubles. It was the wicked 'Camille' that gave me a start in life." The names would add interest to that true story, but I must not give them. Cl aba Belle. TEIN1TI IS MIGHTY EICH, Bat Not Worth the 8138,600,000. Same Folks Would Saddle on It. Hew York Times. The Bev. Dr. Morgan Dix has addressed a letter to the Churchman in correction of an exaggerated "statement of ihe value of the property owned by Trinity Church. He says: "It is said in the item referred to that our property is -worth $160,000,000. This is an astonishing exaggeration. It far surpasses statements on the same subject which I have again and again corrected in our Year Book and in the secular journals of this country. Let me give your readers a de monstration of the wildness of the estimate. "The income oi $160,000,000 at 6 per cent -would be $7,500,000. Our property is man aged on strict business principles and with tne earnest desire to mate it available to the fullest extent for the purpose of onr trust but the entire income from that pro perty for the year ending Jnly 31, 1889, hardly, if at all, exceeded $580,000. The difference between $580,000 and $7,500,000 may be taken as a lair expression of the difierence between the value of the property of our parish as iancilully estimated and its actual value for practical purposes."" Boiton Wars Ridiculed. New Tort Sumf The way some Boston folks disregard the feelings of their neighbors among whom they chance to be thrown is, positively shocking. One family from the Hub, tern' porarily living in Fifty-third street, regu larly every .Saturday afternoon sets its pan of beans out to cool pn the second-story window ledge right over its front door, and directlv under the evea of the nammenetr on the elevated road. -This would "Bndoubt- edlv be thej-Pii1ar tltitur ifci aoas fcnt New Xork laughs at it. ' BSJESSLEBMBSBaaBM f-j(atssfa -' sMsasr'jjrswJWfKsiaiBuapn . STitTnn"' ?EUSE. Remarkable Escapades of a 'Slaye Trader Who Was Known as THE PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC. Stealing a Yessel and AssaKlsg Ike Sole of a Bishop. FEEDING 150 SLATES 10 THE SHARKS rwaiTTEN roa TUX DISPATCH.! Some years ago the state of affairs in Poly nesia was such a scandal to civilization that the attention of the European powers was called to it, with very important re sults. The Fiji Islands, one of the finest groups in the Pacific, had become an AI satia for all the vagabonds and desperadoes in what has been called the fifth quarter of the globe. Thither resorted every fugitive from justice and every broken adventurer from all the British colonies or the French penal settlements, certain to find there J plenty of kindred spirits among the reckless characters who at that time carried on the island trade. Under the pretense of estab lishing law and order, a number of these worthies had banded themselves together under a native chief named Thakombau, whom they had proclaimed King of Fiji, and established what they were pleased to call a government The only effect of this was to subject honest traders to extortion under the form of dnes and taxes, while en abling the lowest ruffians afloat to evade all national responsibilities by flying the Fijian flag. The great development of the sugar trade in Queensland and of tne cotton, coffee and copra industry in many of the islands, necessitating the employment of colored hands, had, about the same time, given a sudden impulse to the labor traffic, more commonly known as "black birding" and in many instances not distinguishable from slavery. The ordinary practice among the more regular traders, was to make arrange ments with the tribal chiefs in the groups wnere tne Dest laDorers are tonna, to supply a certain number on a fixed scale of pay ment, with an undertaking to return them by a certain date, when they had completed their engagement This was regarded as legal, if anything could be legal where no defined authority of any sort existed. But there were numbers of traders, or so-called traders, who cut things short by landing an armed party and captnring all the people in a village, or else enticing them on board their vessel by one device or another, and having got them down below, sailing away with them. These raids were often accom panied by blood-cnrdling cruelties, and the men who were guilty ofthem were among the most depraved and callous wretches that ever disgraced the human form divine. BATHES A pUBFEISE. About this time news reached the great German trading house of Goddefroi, at Apia, that1 the Karl, one of their vessels, was engaged in slave-stealing and piracy. The Goddefrois were thunderstruck. They had been established atSamoa for many years, and had the highest standing in the Pacific for fair dealing with both whites and natives. Moreover, they were in no way concerned in the labor traffic, and the mas ters of all their vessels had instructions, not only to carry no labor on account of the firm, but never to have any dealing, how ever profitable, with tbat unsavory trade. The captain of the Karl was an old and trusted servant oi the company, and a man of excellent judgment and of unswerving honesty., Afterward it appeared that the Karl, while on her crnise, had been hailed by a Fiji vessel flying signals of distress. The captain of the Karl answered the signal, and promised to stand by the disabled vessel dnring the night, bnt darkness had hardly fallen when the Karl was boarded and captured by the men from the 'Fiji vessel, headed by -Bully Hayes, the pirate of the Pacific. The captain and crew of the Karl were put ashore on a small island. WOLVES IS SHEEP'S CLOTHING. A few weeks later, the Kail, with her well-known white hull and trim rigging, came to an anchor one day off one of the most populous villages in the island of Mai licollo. The natives having often seen her beiore and had no occasion to regret ber visits, soon swarmed round her in their canoes. They were all the more confident by seeing on her deck several men in the biack silk coat and soft black felt hat which are commonly worn by the missionaries in those seas. Hayes was always well pro vided with these disguises, and on this oc casion he chose to wear one himself and to play the role of a new bishop coming to es tablish a mission station, on the island. Meanwhile, his mate, who wai acting as. captain, appealed to the enpidity of the na tives by offering to buy all the produce and curiosities they could get together at a price which seemed fabulous to their simple mind. He had no inducement to be economical, as he was never going to pay. The next day but one was fixed for a great gathering in the village, both to meet the missionaries and for purposes of trade, the "Bishop" es pecially requesting that all the young men and women might be present to hear him preach to them in their own language. At the appointed hour the largest build ing in the village, an immense shed built of light timbers and the leaves of the cocoa nut, was crowded with the very flower of the population, only the old people and the children being left in the neighboring set tlements or the other houses of the village. The produce which had been brought for sale had already been taken on board the brigantine, and payment for it was to have been made at the meeting. SHAGGED INTO SLAVEBY. Billy Hayes' money, however, was on a par with his religion. The fitfet thing the unhappy natives knew, a volley of bullets and slugs was fired through the fragile walls of the building, killing and wound ing a great many and striking terror into the rest Taken entirely by surprise, and being quite unarmed, they were unable to offer any effective resistance, and though the people in the village made a gallant struggle, wounding several of Hayes' men and killing more than one of them, fully a hundred of the finest youngmen and women were driven or dragged down to the boats and carried off to the Karl, while probably double that number were left dead or man gled by the murderous fire and cruel blows of their assailants. The prisoners were im mediately placed under hatches, and the Karl was away before the terrified natives conld gather in sufficient numbers to sur round her in their canoes with bows and arrows. When the news of this atrocious deed reacned tne uommodore, he commissioned a young officer named Freemantle, who had already distinguished himself by his activity against the slavers, to take the swiftest cowatta on the station and go in pursuit of the Karl, which, it was surmised, would make for some port on the coast of Queens land, where alone so large a number of laborers conld safely be disposed of. Cap tain Freemantle accordingly kept a course which he calculated would bring him on the track of the brigantine somewhere among the islands of the Aralnra Sea; feeling easy abont overtaking her by his steam power, if once he could ascertain which way she had gone. On the evening of the third day of the chase, when among the islands off the coast ot New Guinea approaching Torres Straits, became in sight of a craft sailing to the northwest with everything she conld carry. As he overhauled her, he saw she was a brigantine with a white hull, flying the German flag, and sunk very deep in the water. She conld be no other than the Karl, and the commander of I the Botario already felt his post captain' cossaiiseion in his pock'et , ' A XrVELY CHAsi AtsuiewatiM Wu&H wM,lti W- wasmm mtimnmmm 5K " iwrn"v,"i sr ' "r" "" sai dWaat, ah ah was eraekiag aa every inch' of sail before half a gate oi Wind and was boldlv steering close to the edge of the reef, where the Uosarfo, with her iron plates and ber heavy draught, did not dare to go. Captain Freemantle tried xthe effect of a shot from the Armstrong fivot gun which served for a bow chaser j nt the only response the Karl made to that was to dip her German ensign, three times in, derision. When nieht came On. the brie' antme vanished among the islands, where the corvette could not follow her in the dark. Captain Freemantle, however, thought nothing of that being certain of picking her up a very few hours after day light next morning. When dawn came, the Eosario -was still in the channel between the islands, and it was impossible for any vessel to pass her without being seen, or to escape her as she steamed ahead. She no sooner cleared tbe group of islands among which the Karl had been lost sight oi the night before, than she descried a vessel standing to the eastward, crossing the course previously taken by the Karl. Captain Freemantle, thinking the enemy had doubled on him, in the hope of leading him astray among the perilous reels which abound in those waters, cautionsly changed his course to cnt him off. studying the chart closely and keeping the lead line constantly going. -The way seemed clear enongh and the Eosario was soon under a full head of steam once more. By 10 o'clock she was near enongh to tbe tailing vessel to see that she was a brigantine of much the same size and build as the Karl, bnt painted black and liv ing the detested black and white rag of the kingdom of Fiji. These were tricks which every naval officer was quite prepared for, and Captain Freemantle bore down on the brigantine as hard as he conld go, convinced that her liv ing freight would prove her to be ihe Karl. He was rather surprised, however, to see that she made no effort to get away; bnt kept on an easterly course, as if she were sailing from Townsyille or some North Queensland port to the islands of the Pa cific. AX INHOCENT CEAFT. He signalled to her to heave to, and she hove to immediately, at the same time saluting the British flag. Captain Free mantle lowered his launch and, taking a Lieutenant and 24 men, be went off himself to tne ongantine, wnirn now lay right un der the guns of the Jtosario. The com mander was received in the gangway by a fine-looking, gray-haired man, who sainted him respectfully and welcomed him on board. He placed his men in charge of the deck, and ordered the other to produce his papers. These showed that the vessel was the Annie Woods, of Levnka, bound from Townsville to Tonga. Everything seemed quite in order, but that proved nothing, for lorged ships' papers were a very common de vice. Captain Freemantle asked how manv men were on board, and was told that there were 30, inclnding 14 men who had been taken at their own wish from Thursday Is land, where their ship had been left dis abled. The crw wero mustered on deck and answered all questions satisfactorily. Captain Freem.ntle was not at all de ceived. He mjrely admired the way in which the thing was done. He now sent the crew of the brigantine to the forecastle and ordered his men to open the hatches of the main hold. The captain of tbe Annie Woods made not the least objection, and tor a very good reason. The hold contained nothing but barrels of water and a quantity of bananas and pineapples. The bulkheads were newly whitew ashed and the deck scrubbed down, and there was( not a sign throughout the ship of her having carried labor for months. TOO SMAEI FOR TJIE OFFICES. What was a naval officer, bound by rules and regulations and the decisions of vice admiralty courts, to do? The law said tbat slavers were only liable to be seized on the high seas when v actually found with un licensed labor on board. Here there was not a trace of a laborer, licensed or un licensed. If Captain Freemantle seized the brigantine and was unable to prove any thing against her, he would be liable to heavy damages, and would certainly be reprimanded by the Commodore for excess of zeal. . Mdst reluctantly, but most politely, he handed the ship's "papers back to the Cap tain of the Annie "Woods, together with a certificate from himself of having boarded her and fonnd her all in order. The Eosario steamed her way, and the Annie Woods sailed hers. . When the Commodore received Captain Freemantle's report in his own stateroom on board the Challenger, at Sydney, he asked him what he thought of the affair. "I'm as certain as that I'm sitting here, sir," replied Captain Freemantle, "that the Annie Woods was the Karl, painted black in the night" "But how about the 150 laborers?" "That sanguinary scoundrel consigned every one of them to the sharks between the time when I lost him in the evening and the time when I found him again next morn ing." "I've no doubt you're right," said the Commodore kindly, "bnt you only did your duty in letting him go." He was right; and many a time afterward Bully Hayes boasted of hb w he had been one too many for the smartest naval officer on the Australian station. Edwabd Wakefield. AMERICAN GOOD HATDKB. A Trait In Yankee Character That Seems Qaeer to the English. New York TrUmne.l There is a streak of good nature in V the American character which is not found in that of the English, for instance. People here seem to take an interest in everyone whether they know him or not The writer was riding uptown with a friend on the elevated road a few days ago when he noticed a man across the Car looking at a friend with a worried, almost painfnl ex pression on his face. He stirred uneasily in bis seat as if not wholly decided what to do -until finally he came over with an apologetic air and said: "Excuse me, sir, your watch-chain locket is open." When the writer's friend had thanked the man for his kindness, he said with an amused smile on his lace: "Isn't it remarkable that Americans should be continually doing such things? Three or fonr days ago I weakened the spring of the locket and since that time the case has been coming open. I have had people call my attention to it on the trains, in the street, at the theater everywhere. It really seems to exercise them terribly. I have even had women stop me and' warn me that it was open. Not the least amusing part of the tning is the fact that when any one domes up to trie he seems half-ashamed of his weakness, but he can't resist the im pulse. Now when I see anyone fretting or looking disturbed in a car, I examine my locket. When I close it I seem to restore the person's peace of mind at once. I get so mnch amusement out of the fractious little locket that I am loath to have it re paired." Checkers nt Spilt Canon. "Wentbad Harlinghdm (the cowDnneher, who has moved twice in succession) Whose ove Is it now ? Bevera Wiatkje fswawtlyX-r ToMf. Ji," If I mm W.tlMJB m YOUTH 1ND BEAUTY! Shirley Dare Tells Woawa How to Lire Long ad Liie lonng. THEEEFOLD AGEHCIES OF BEAUTY. Disclosing ,tbe Secrets of Belig Lovely All One's Life. WEI SOME GRANDMOTHERS ARE BELLES tWBITTEX FOB TIIZ DISPATCH.! The world so far has been content with making a good living combined with more or less moral improvement during life. But with real progress ws cannot always be sat isfied with so little. The good we must insist upon enjoying longer, and since life without vigor is ajnere penalty, we must have freshness and at traction to go with it The looks' of women have improved greatly within the last 20 years, in which the arts of dress and physi cal culture haye received new impulse. Pretty women at 35 do not feel obliged to lay aside their queenship, and, when a woman of over 40 who looks and is the incarnation of youth and vitality, no one thinks to question her age or mutter the odious syllable: "well-preserved." There is such a thing as a life of constant work, simple habits, generous feeling and intel lectual activity, keeping mind and body In such harmonious play that failure has no chance to mar its working. The springs of such a liie are incessant activity, with close physical attention, and not too much over work. It is not work that kills people, but mental worry and unhealthful surround ings. The overcharged heart and taxed hands wonld bear their strain nobly to the end if it were not for the close office, the overheated house with air drawn from the cellar, the vitiated food at restaurant, or poorly-kept home, which poison hearts and paralvze brain.. The conditions of beauty are threefold, the culture of bodv. mind and the affections. We cannot neglect one of these and look for satisfaction from tbe others. Sne care and opportunity must be given to soul and in tellect alike if we would have the full per fection of the physical. WHAT 13 BEATJTT? The cultivation of beauty is the cant of the day; bnt gymnasinms, reform dress and cosmetics can never give allurements which will stand one hour against the same looks which add a measure ot keen wits. These in turn go down against the dainty lip, which takes the curve of pride and tender ness at a thought, the brilliant eyes keen with discernment, and full of passionate af fection as they are pure, fit' for heaven's se trolling, the roseblooming face which can be arch with coquetry or soft with unutterable devotion, yet always generous, always sin cere, from tbe very nature and fiber of its sonl. Thank heaven, such women, though incredible, are not impossibilities. Such natures had the historic beauties, who drew hearts after them as long as they could smile. Great generosity and keen mind seem inseparable from this lasting loveliness, and when we come to look into it scientific ally, they are the very rise and causes of its being. Acute feeling stimulates the nerves and quickens circulation, which actively carries away dead particles of the skin, leav ing it fine and clear. I qnote from the ad vance sheets of Mrs. Stanton's most able and suggestive work on phvsiognomv: "A fine thin skin willgive a corresponding bright solerotio and retina to the eve. A bright eye is never seen in combination with a coarse, thick skin. The second cause of brightness is the quality- and expansion of the optio nerve. The nerves of sense of high quality and activity, in con nection with tbe thin covering of the eye, give the brightness and vivacity observed in the mentally gifted person, and. absent in the dull and stupid-" " This quick circulation also gives color to tbe cheek and fairness the general com plexion, besides favoring the muscnlar ac tivity which gives fine limbs, freedom and grace of movement The nearest approach to these conditions is to be fonnd among actresses, who study tbe art of self-repair, who are under continual artistio stimnlus, and if they do not throw themselves away by dissipation, of all women preserve their charms longest A GBAHDUOTHEB AND A BELLE. I lately paid a call npon a well-known actress, whose trim, elegant figure, glossy black hair and fair vivacions face, coupled with faultless taste in dress, defied any idea ot being over 36. I ought to know women, and yet I sat within a yard of her without suspicion of her real age, and was taken aback at hearing one cry out afterward, "That womanl She must be 60, and she has been a grandmother I don't know how long." It may be, yet I shall always think of her as one of the most fascinating of women, wim mo eeuuuent anu vivacity or yomn about her, as it will be until she dies. I know one New Xork grandmamma with the most snperb roseleaf com plexion, melting dark eyes and pliant figure, without a redundant line, with arms one feels like kissing for their lovely taper and velvety skin, yet this bellemere, as tbe gracious French term fitly expresses it, is one of the keenest business - women in New York. A life which keeps a woman's activities on the alert, giving her contact wi(h the world, while feeding her sentiments and affections and leaving time for personal cares, is the ideal life for the preservation of beauty. Women who marry and settle down, as it is phrased, give themselves too often to monotonous cares, grow plump, padded and expression less. Wrinkles come easy to snch women's faces. Sentiment, not sentimentalism by the way, is after all the great beautifier of women, and yet they rule it out of their lives as contemptible, if not dangerous. But sentiment, alasl is not perhaps in fancy packages, sold at the pharmacy. One can only indicate its worth, as doctors say, and go on to the care of the cuticle. One would imaginetbat all had been said upon this subject Science shows how mnch there is to discover in the search for the lost spring of youth. That spring is vitality. If this is active in supply, tbe system readily throws off its old, worn-out matter and creates new, the waste and repair are so nearly equal day by day tbat age comes slowly and impercep tibly. The reason people have not this vigor is principally food. ACTIVE AND GAT AT 96. In an institution for elderly people of the better class, near one orour largest cities, is or was a man of 96, who was a most remark able specimen of vigor at that age. Up mornings at 4 o'clock, playing his flute tor diversion, studying hard and gardening or walking far, he spent as active alifeasmost men ot 65, and did not look much'past that age, exoent tbe change in the cornea of the eyes. His signt was seen, nis hearing gooa and his memory of events and dates phe nomenal. Our food shonld be our tonic and medi cine, and it is either that or our poison. Its work in eliminating old matter from the system must be carefully secured, as this tells most strikingly upon "the cleanness of the skin. This skin of ours, which the Japanese say, keeps us from seeing our souls, is a horny film, in the outer layers pierced by minnte sweat glands, protecting the lymph vessels and juices below. If not cleansed frequently it takes additional thickness. The magnify, lug-glass shows a coat of dead skin, watery and oily exudations which serve to hold dnst and fibers from clothing. Water will not remove nor pass through this layer en tirely, alcohol will not Immediately cleaBje it Steam and spray, or mist dissolve this coating, and alkalis and soaps clear it away Only the scouring processes of the blood, aided by warm alkaline baths will keep the skin, in its parity, velvet to- the eye, soft t the touch. This regime, pure feed,, pur sum, win give oautiraiiy nn skm, mk ttAA Any uf,yatJ && U MM it wefooaK. Tk tr eot- Mtls are ike ediines of the skis. ad time who take it upon themselves to de jMHinee eoesieties, to. be consistent, shonld ever ase salve or oil on a sore Up, or rub esMereaa on a asaburnt faee. Thecos aaeties to be denoaaeed are tboee palate and powders which merely plaster over the de fects of the face without removing them in any degree. A BZVOLTJTIOir IS COSMETICS. The latest practice makes a revolution in cosmetics and skin medicines. Glycerine is foand almost noa-absorbable bv the skin. and produces so much irritation that it falls into disuse by dermatologists. Like all ir ritating applications it tends to produce down on the face. Glycerine jelly is the jelly of starch combined with glycerine,and forms a nice fixative for the hair, but is not highly serviceable to tbe skin. Dr. TJnna, the distinguished German authority shows that the sole office of fats on the skin or body is to prevent evaporation of sweat and retain animal warmth. The laver of fat serves as a layer of clothing, and nations who annoint themselves do it as a protection from heat or cold alike. Olive and almond oil are i slowly absorbed, lard passes mora quickly and is considered superior to ban doline for promoting absorption of drngs, while vaseline pot only is not absorbed, bnt contains irritating qualities which discolor the skin and produce growth of down if continued. Numbers of private letters the last year complain of this result from using vaseline on the face. Its value for the hair, however, cannot be too highly urged. Tbe safe cosmetics for the skin must be without fatty matters as far as possible, rather alkaline and cleansing, while protect ing the face from tbe air. Old cosmetic for mulas renew their significance, for the makers might not have our glycites and obites to compund, bnt they knew better than we the practical value of mucilaginous pastes and lotions. Foppaa, wife of Nero, nightly plastered her facewith a paste of barley flour and asses' milk, and she could hardly improve on Her practice to-day, bar ley being mucilaginous and the milk pe culiarly softening to the skin. Still, the newest cosmetic,, which is a paste, forming a pearly film over the face, is rather more ele gant in looks, than Poppaa's poulticing. This new preparation, which has hardly leit the laboratory, is an ideal cosmetic, without a fatty baso or irritant qualities, protecting tue a&m 10 iu jeasirioia, aa a mass cannot do unless fitted to each particular face, and and hardly then. X do not decry the use of tne mast, nut must say the pearly paste is preferable. BAIN- FOB FXOTVEBS AKD FACES. One of the best ways of freshening the complexion is to expose it freely to the rain. A long walk, with the soft rain play ing in one's face, is a thorough beautifier, which umbrellas have robbed us of long enough. Equipped in waterproof cloak and cap of -storm serge, leaving the face quite bare, one should walk hours at least to get the full benefit of the rain. Not only the rain bnt the vapor-laden air soaks the tissues, washing the skin more thor oughly than a Turkish bath, filling out the shrunken skin, parched by house heat, and obliterating fine wrinkles. Sleep and walk ing in the rain are two great aids to beauty which preserved the charms of Diana of Poitiers, who never allowed weathertokeep her indoors, and who never lost an um brella because she never had one. Spraying tbe face with water from an atomizer every nicht for 15 minutes will soften the complexion withering by indoor dryness. It is a fact that within a month after the steam is turned on, or the furnace going, fine lines and wrinkles begin to show in faces which the coast fogs had sent home fair and fresh. The furnace is best, it tbe air supply is pure and not taken from the cellar, and the water pan is kept full. But steam pipes are the unkmdest things to women's faces known. The only way to endure them is to keep a pan of water or -vet towels evaporating constantly on the register. If we are to have any beautiful women left the dealers mnst give us some way of securing moist heat for nouses. Our women grow aged by their very comforts. SniBLEx Dabs. THE WIZARD OF THE KENNEBEC. A Weird "Legend, of n Srarra Bfoaghronky Black Art. The Hallowell)..Seg-tter recalls a weird legend of the Kennebec in which a man named Haler, who once lived on London Hill, and who was known as Old Half, played the chief part He had tbe reputa tion of being a wizard and one time a run away couple appealed to him for help. The hero of the episode said his name' was Bridge and that the lady was Miss Cashing, of Pownalboro, and instead of a boatman they wanted the biggest kind of a storm and were w illing to pay a hundred Spanish dollars for it The old man made no reply, but went to a chest and taking out a small leather bag gave it to the stranger saying: "Go back a little way on the road, cnt open tbe bag, squeeze out its contents, throw- the bag awav, then come back and resume your journey." Ube gallant aia as ne was oiaaen ana in a few minutes the sound of distant thunder was beard also of something that sounded like a cyclone. The lovers speeded on their war and the old man went into the honse, savin? to himself: "I'm afraid I made that bag fnll too strong, bnt I don't know that X am sorry for, for it would never do to have the young couple caught" The next morning where a peaceful little brook bad flowed was a fearful gorge checked with uprooted trees, the mill was gone and the big boulder that formed part of its foundation Had been swept away, far ont into the river; and now forms that im pediment to navigation known aa the Mill Bock; An Editor! Arithmetic Jacksonville Times- Union. Key Vest threatens to secede from the United States- Government Better look out Key West is only 20,000 strong. Mathematicallywe have solved the problem as follows: If Uncle Sam subjugated 12, 000,000 Southerners in fonr years, or 1,460 days, how long will It take to subjugate the pluckv little island? Onr answer is, just two days and nineteen hours. The Key Chain Hua Keached Maine. Mr. Duke (of Portland) Try some of this? . It's gilt-edged an cost (6 a gallon. Mr. Biddeford Thanks. I'm dry as a salt cod. Mr. Bsrice (after aa wseeaeeaaUe interval) HeW mU I tUak yeJbeMl an say tkt T- "" ?" m A -xft HEEP ONE MOTHER! The ITwd of EFery jfeiis ! ana nomen vino LlT8DQiAioj F1HD HEW WAYS OP DOISGpOW 1 Seasonable Sermon on Charitj aHdfJaS semtum. CflEISMAS IN TAB PAMILI CIRCL1 iwiurrax tob thx piarxTott t So Christmas, which a few days atro "Christmas piesent," is now "ChmtnS? past" And a pleasant Christmas in memory, let us hope, oi all who met it the greetings of the season, and in the spirit 01 tne aay. 1 The trouble with most of us is thaiw miss just the best spirit of tbedayu'Tno "good will toward men" we have in abun dant measure. But the "glory to God in the highest," which comes first, and is'best, and contains precisely the' essential mean ing of the real Christmas jov some of us miss that And this is where the sermon comes in. It is the business of the sermon to keep us from letting Chrisf mastide gofyy with only the lower thonghWabout it in our hearts. So I go on where I left off last week, and speak again of the meaning of Christmas in th6 family. The holy family is the abode of Christian charity. The father and mother are always reaching out a helping hand for the love of Christ and in His name. Ther are always helping somebody, or planning-' to help somebody. They are always think ing abont others; the sick, the afflicted, the poor, they are always remembering, in that spirit which, according to St James, makes up a considerable part of pure and unde fined religion. They are always about that kind of gracious ministry which hastha emphatic promise of our Lord that will be blessed at tbe last Indeed, it is blessed at the first, and all the way through the doing is the blessing. The light in the face of the helped flashes into the face of the helper. la such a family it is ablessing for a child to be brought up. The child catches thoT family spirit He is enrolled from the be-" ginning in a league of ministering eh ildren.i He runs gladly upon the srrands'of mercy, and invents r i HEW "WAT3 OB1 D0D?O GOOD. " I know somebodv who. last ChristoMT begged gifts and candy enough among her "cuu9 tv scb up uuristmas trees lor tne children of six families in a poor neighbor hood. Iknow somebody who last week pro vided a Christmas gift for every child in a mission ounaay scnooi, aoing up every package separatelv and marking it with a. child's name. In the presence of snch.a' Kcuumcipr vurisnaa spirit, 11 is a privilege tor a child to live. All the unselfishness which is natural to unspoiled childhood ii nurtured and strengthened in bim. i The need of every age is for men and women who have this fine instinct of help ing. It is such men and women who make tbe world habitable and worth living in. It is snch as these who are following in His blessed steps who went about doing good. Boys and girls grow up into such men and, women out of the training of holy families.1 Another quality which enters into house hold holiness is Christian consecration. By this I mean the more directly religious side of life. By Christian courtesy, or which" I spoke last week, I intended the love of the members of tbe family for each other; by Christian charity I meant the widening out of this love to take in all that family in which all men are brothers. And now, by Christian consecration, I mean the reaching ont of this lov? upward. - Daily remembrance of God is made in the ideal family by the gathering of father and mother and children to the hearing of the message of God's word, the utterance of the common faith, the o Serin ? of the rnmmrm (prayer. Few influences can bring-religion scroioie. to cSIIdreh and mako.it to real tol them as the daily family devotion. It pre sents religion in'' its best war, as an Inflai " ence which touches the home and enters, into daily life, and as SOMETHING EKTZBELT 2TATUBAL. Without it religion is apt to be considered as a set of teachings meant principally for Sunday, as something which is shut up ia a dark church six days of the week and guarded by the minister. This is aa 1 wrong as it can be. The mis sion of the Christian religion is the sanctification of common life. The repre sentation of the Christian religion to every boy ought to be his father; and to every girl, her mother- There they shonld look for their ideal Christian. There they should turn for religious guidance and instruction., That father and mother know not how much they lo(e, whose children, coming to the age when great thoughts begin to crowd upon the soul, and great questions begin to clamor for answer, and the spiritual self comes to be conscious of its being, have to turn to some one else for sympathy for satis faction. In tbe holy family Sunday is a sacred day. Sunday-is not the Sabbath. The let ter of the fourth commandment does not' touch it It ia not a weekly-recurring op-t portunity for scaring and torturing chil dren. The whole meaning of the Christian!: Sunday is in the name which St John gives it The Lord's Day. And the spirit of it is indicated in the words of the psalter: "This is the day which the Lord hath made, let us be glad and rejoice in it" Sunday is a day to rejoice and be glad. Itjix a day in' which to make children happy. But it la the Lord's day. It is a distinctively re ligious day. He who knows what the'! Christian religion, is sees no incongruity " here. Tbat a religious day should be an uncommonly- happy and delightful day ougni to oe ins most natural tiling is the) world. The day may be made notable and desira ble for the littlest ones by special books and; toys, better than the week-day playthings which shall be brought out on Sunday. A PLEASANT BEST. In the holy family Snnday is made a resi-ff day by a distinct change of occupation.'' People do not get rested by laziness. Best-'i comes by t change of scene, of thought, ot' work. Different books and. papers to readfi mark the day; all chosen with the remem-S brance that Sunday is the Lord's day, andg yet with tbat wide and true interpretations ; of tbe words which accounts whatev;rf makes us better, stronger, truly happier, asK service rendered acceptably to God. That Bible Is tbe Sunday book of the holy family. In the afternoon the mother tells its beanti- ful stories to the little ones. ,'i. And all this this dally- and SundayK service is but the external expression of ag; gennine spirit of love for Him of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is namedA That spirit eludes' definition and descrip tion. Bnt yon know when it is present' ahei when it is absent ; and the children, with their clear eyes, know infallibly. No other influence so impresses itself upoa the family, so sets the tone Of the family life, V aa this elusive and indefinable spirit -A look into the face of a man or woman whor genuinely loves God helps every receptive' soui iniHour. xi u wonaer unrist did miracles I No wonder the sick looked into His face asd were wellt They beheld one who loved God supremely. His presence) brought blessing. He did not need- ia speak. It was enongh that He stood where -, they could see Him. The holiest family is that wherein tW father and mother are living closest to taj Christ The old painters were' right whey lighted the faces of Marv and Jnunti vitV glory from the Christ-child in the nasaer. & GEOBGK HODGBfl. -t The Geographical Uilw Within which Hostetter's Btoieaeh performs Its mission or preventing aa oaflMtj disease are well nigh measureless. .North sXf Boma America, arupct, .aas-tnuiA, islands ot the Caribbean ami PaclSe mim ciuaeu in wis area, w nerever manm, tmn Bftirersal sconree. la found. the "- - - te recognized spe18c, aslt is also fer.aaavf (4BK f4BBKT 1 HnK. ft!, rheumatlflxH, lirec ftd X&mmXSf aaaftM afttal OOatttoa(lMAa tfkBarf anmaMaiB llaaa kkJ - i -Ml Els tK hoKI itir3Ki $PH rx 1 1 i t t rt "?T f. . j?& fJiI? ik-iM 5i A- " ifji- .