Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 27, 1889, Image 1

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. ,sr i.-,2ey: .':alaisiTK."
in xne ueius ui u auuLumun.wiu con
tribute- to THE' Dispatch atterjjNcw,
Year's. Watch lor forthcoming nn-'
hsmimiiif'nfTTwehrePairesi 'Careful
carriers deliver THKiDrsrATcrr every
'day'ln.the.year. -Iron', men will find.
fresh news'fn to-morrow' tone, ' '
" - : m -.
b DUIUllut-uw . -ucv (catUICS 1U 1IOHO
2 PJlxlJ
ft.- oi
Bailway.S6lieiiies That Will
Make Mes Yernp Tired.
To,$.e;leYelopecl by a Company With
Capital of $100,000,000.
fflntold.Blches Only Waiting for Means of
, Acompany has been organized with a
proposed capital of 5100,000,000 to 'construct
Jandoperate a railroad north and south
through South America, in connection with
PiiT "
lA!. r
steamers. The time from Lima,
!iiuca -4
"'fperu, to New York will be .reduced to nine
-.. days. Mineral and other wealth will be
; Sppured into the United States. A new plan
' forjArctic exploration is proposed.
''Wheeling, December 26. In view of
its great importance as growing out of the
feeling that inspired the Pan-American
Congress, and of the gigantic proportions as
railway enterprise, the recently incorpor
ated Colombia Railway "and navigation
Company, at Richmond, "Va., is likely to
assume, the following explanation of the
bplan.'is gained from parties directly inter-
'ested, but who have heretofore refused to
fcive out any information for publication,
will apper in to-morrow's "Wheeling Iatelli
gencer. It is authoritative.
The purpose of the company is to con
struct railroads in South America, steam
ship lines connecting these railroads with
'points in the United States and incidentally
r everything necessary to properly carry on
such a business.
Theeomnanv'scanital isto be 8100,000,000,
ffand Captain H. C Parsons, of Virginia, is
the head of it very shortly the other
steps necessary to complete tne organi-
zation will be taken, and at no
istant day the plans -which have
Sbeen carefully matured by some of the lead-
Ming capitalists and most practical railroad
men of this country will be in readiness for
application. Briefly, the aims of the Col-
jffe,ombia Railway ,and Navigation Company
"fejgaare as follows: To construct a line ot rail--'j-Sroad
from some point near the mouth of the
!g-4Magdalena river, which empties into the
life Caribbean Sea, in the United States of Col
jjjgirombia, southwardly along the eastern
m (flank' of the Andes and the head waters of
the Amazon to points in Poru.
.There it will connect with the Peruvian
and Argentinian system of railroads, at
L" present in operation or under construction.
; Prom the' mouth of the Hagdalena river
ifc steamships will be run to the'sonthern twint
HfeTp&Eteriifrrand io2fetr1Orleans,fnm whence.
win cxienu raiiroau. couunuuu w-ou jaii.
this country.
Tho vastness oi the enterprise contem
plated is thu apparent at a moment's
-oTrp A pntitinpnt Trfthnblv' lhfc rmTipt
5 tin material resources of all the continents in
'Jthe'world, and still practically unknown, is
r, v, ?jbe opened up to the purposes of commerce,
W:,-!K'of immigration and civilization; ltsprod
i dg$uctsind people are to be brought into easy
. excommunication with the rest of the world,
Sand, best of all, the direct and lasting bene-t'-'fit
of these purposes accrues to the United
iStates, and especially to the Southern
IStates. .
As stated. Captain H. C. Parsons, now at
&' 'Natural Bridge, Virginia, but who was for
f&vlH'merly a resident of Charleston and Hunt
1 ington, W. Va., is the originator and con
trolling spirit of the enterprise. It's by no
''means the first difficult and hazardous un
dertaking m the railroad line that he has
Ibeen engaged in, though the others were as
nothing when compared with this. He
'made tho contract with Huntington
for the Chesapeake and Ohio line
from Covington, Kv., to the Ohio
iriver. Constructed the Kanawha and
-Ohio from Charleston to Point Pleasant in
' "i "West Virginia; and, finally, having pur
chased the rights and privileges of the old
.James River and Kanawha Canal Com-
rtpanr, built the Richmond and Allegheny
Railroad from Richmond to Clifton Porge,
w Va. 250 miles in 14 months, under a pen-
falty of 5500,000.
t For 15 years Captain Parsons has given
sthe subject of a North and South line of
EJrailrosdin South America his attention.
'-.He has traveled and investigated stirrer n!
'the'eountrv. and collected information of
Rft -, - "
w'' all kinds until he has demonstrated the
ISiieasibility of his great project, and at last
(. j brought it to toe point or realization. In
order to obtain a more thorough organiza-
iption and secure a heartier co-operation, in-"
corporators have been selected and will
shortly be named in all the Southern States.
7hen this has been done and the organi-
Eration completed by the election of officers
Sthe.practical work of making surveys and
estimates will be inaugarated at once. The
Iportion of South America through which
Ithis line will penetrate,particularly the great
p?en traversed by the network of rivers
forming the headwaters of the Amazon, and,
illact, the whole or the eastern side of the
Lndes Honntains is terra incognita to the
Jhveraee person. Nevertheless, with the
tJIKceptiou of a small part, it is
Igoes to show that the proposed route is not
ilik'ely to present such engineering obstacles
4k-&sj'.were snccesstullv overcome in the run.
J? vjruction of such roads as the Canadian Pa
Sf" ""tcific and the Denver and Rio Grande.
fc . &" A 'WOlrDEKFnL EEGIOK.
lany noted travelers -and scientists.
lumboldt and Orion for instance, have
MEtaaled and expatiated upon the wonders of
jjthittreglon, so that the only part ot the
STDUtegrnlch remains to-day entirely nn
benowa'and unexplored is that between the
sources of the Hagdalena and Napa rivers,
over the dividing ridge of the Cordilleras in
Ecuador, some 60 to 100 miles in extent. It
iis'here that the only real difficulties or con
Jstruction will be met with.
a" mountain chain must be crossed in
t,f "order!to pass from the valley of one river" to
W .that or anoiner, miu m nuuiuoa ro me
(itnaturai oosiac mo " m uovo uu m
hospitable BTge tribes, -who have hitherto
rendered all attempts to explore their conn
try ineffectual. " It will probably be neces
sary to make the preliminary Burveys
through this mountain chain under the pro
tection of -an armed' escort, but once this is
accomplished, it. is 'believed there will be
little to fear from the natives.
The northern terminus, as now proposed,
will be the port of -Carthagena, on the
Carribbean Sea, the southern terminus will
be Cuzco and Cerropasco, in Peru. The
distance between them is. approximately,
2,000 miles, one-half of which distance is
along streams navigable for such
steamers as ply on the v Ohio
river, and all of which, with the
exception of the 50 to 100 miles above men
tioned, is along water corrses, or across
pampas or level plains.
. The port of Carthagena, though now al
most abandoned, is one of the noblest har
bors in the world. Upon its wharves,
canals and other works the Spaniards spent
558,000,000, and during thei occupancy of
it carried hundreds of millions of gold
through its gates. Thence the road will
follow the bank of the Jlagdalena river as
nearly as possible for more than 800
miles to its source. Thence across the
mountains and down into the beautiful and
fertile Pampa Del Sacramento, through
which it continues to its destination, per
haDs the richest atrricnltnral reeion on the
globe, skirting the largest gold and silver
mines that have ever been discovered, and
penetrating forests of untold value.
On this later portion the only difficulties
encountered will be be enormous rainfall,
on an average 72 inches per year, and the
consequent sudden floods. 'This rainfall
will, however, be a considerable aid to con
struction in one way. for in the wet season
there will scarcely be a mile of the line to
which supplies cannot 'be furnished by
Means of boats, while there is already a
steamer service on the Hagdalena river.
At Cuzco and Corriopasco, a junction
V V - ' "
. H
will be effected with the two Peruvian line?
from the sea ports of Malendo and Call so.
on the Pacific, and at the former point will
be met the railroad frord'Bhenos-Ayres en
the Atlantic, which roadds, already in oper
ation for 400 miles, to S?lt4, on the head
waters of the Xa Platarlyer,
Thus are these different outlets to the
ocean secured for products at present in
accessible to any or all of them." At Cuzco
and Cerro Pasco the heart of the mineral re
gion is reached. Cuzco was the ancient
capital of the Incas. Here was their temple
to the sun, lined with plates of beaten gold,
studded with gems, and filled with blocks
and pots of gold. ,
Around this region cluster the multitude
of traditions dating from a time even pre
vious to the Incas, telling of fabulous
wealth extracted in the long gone ages.
Here, it is claimed by some of the old
monks who wrote of it, was the Ophir of
Cerro Pasco is the center of the silver
mines. It is said that at this time there
lie uncovered there ridges of silver ore
which will produce tons of pure silver, for
which no means of transportation to smelt
ing works can now be had. The possibilities
of Peru, which has within itself such store
houses of mineral wealth, not to speak of
its agricultural and climatic advantages,
are pot to be estimated.
Its devclopmrnt has been in the past ex
ceedingly slow and at a wonderful cost Its
1,300 miles of railroad built and projected
have cost the State almost 150,000 per mile.
the most costly in the world. .Nofxitcstand
ing this, the constructed portions of these
lines have already been largely paid for by
the royalty on the gnano beds. What would
be the result of a rapid and complete devel
opment of such resources can better be imag
ined than described. .
Almost as much may be said for every
one of the States through which the pro
posed route passes. Tho .United 'States of
Colombia is iorming an empire which, from
all information, promises to be more pros
perous than the Argentine Republic. AH
these States have labored in the past under
tbe sarpe disadvantage lack of an outlet
for their riches.
In conversation Captain Parsons dwelt at
length -upon the element of uncertainty
which must enter into the problem of rail
road possibilities on account of the unknown
quantity represented in the crossing of the
Cordilleras. The fact is that this particu
lar piece oi territory" through which a pass
must be found to all tbe South American
continent, in spite of the efforts of Jesuit
priests, Spanish conquerors, gold seekers or
hardy adventurersremains still unexplored.
The highest peak in the Andes system looks
down the coveted, way, rising nearly 21,000
feet above the sea level.
Untold forces and powers will oppose the
entrance. Whether man can do what man
has never yet done, is tbe question which
tbe company's engineers mil have to solve
in the near future.
-Notwithstanding, it cannot but be clear
to even the casual student of the matters in
volved that this or some similar one is the
only practicable channel by which our
wares can be carried in competition with
those of Europe to the heart of South
America. It offers theonly possible means
of competing in time with transatlantic
steamers and the La Plata system. By
this means a traveler will be able to make
the distance from Limn, the capital o(Pferu,
to New York in nine days.- At Lima be
will be buC 30 hours by steamer from Val
paraiso, at New York he is but seven dars
from Liverpool, or from Chili to England in
17 days.
. If it be true that the Unites tales, with
' ::'
V - . - ''y&ui
Pan-American Congress and reciprocity
treaties, is seeking its chief markets in
South America it -would appear tbat she
can best find not at Rio Janeiro, not at
Buenos Ayres, not upon the coastfronting
England, nor upon the narrow arid plains
of the'npper Pacific coast, but by piercing
to the center of the nut at once extract the
kernel-while foreign -nations are looking for
an opening on the outside.
Description of n Wonderfal Project Which
a Caltnred Jnles Verne of Boston
Has In the Wind Chimerical,
Uko Some Others.
Boston, December 26. David Thayer;
A. M., M. D is just out with a pamphlet
setting forth a mighty tiovel proposition, in
detail on "An Aerial .Railway for the Ex
ploration of the Polar Zone, and for Air
Transit Over "Water and Land.,": Nothing
more readable in the Jules Verne line was
ever 'evolved .in Uriel; and, in view ot the
seasonable character of the proposition
now that people are' actually skipping
around the world to beat the records and
with projectors all but proposing to girt the
globe with railroads, the whole scheme is
worthv a place in the columns of daily
newspapers". Dr. Thayer tells it all as fol
In October, 1SSS. in the teeth of a gale o'
wind, we steamed out of the harbor of Qaeens
town, bonnd for New Yprlc A flock of gulls
Kept company with ns across the Atlantic. Our
speed from shore to shore was 15 miles an hour,
while the Wind was blowing In an opposite di
rection daring the gale, with a velocity of 30 or
10 miles, an hour.
Our convoy, the flocks of culls, with the
greatest apparent ease, seemed to be resting
upon thflir wines, and as II drawn by an invisi
ble force, kept even with us, and oft and fre
quently, as if laughing at our delay ,and in
viting nS to emulate their speed, on steady
winra would frlicle awav In advance of the ship.
cross our Cow, fall back into the rear without J
any apparent expenditure of force; nay, not
half so much force as they seem.to exert when
fishing in the halcyoD waters ot Charles, river
and South Boston Bay. Tbcse -observations
led us to the reasonable conclusion that these
birds, with all the ease of thought, moved
through the air at the rate of SO miles an hour,
and continued it for more than a week.
The phenomononwas observed and remarked
upon by several ot our companions of the
voyage, from day to day, daring the continu
ance ot the gale, but no one could tnrow any
light npon it by way of explanation. It appears
that these gulls were on the wing for more than
a week, unless they were complemented by a
relay daring the night, which is not probable.
AU along tho line of history we find wise men
have predicted that man will navigate the air
like a bird, but to the present hour no one has
been able to imitate tbe act or explain the
modus operandi. It is as much a mystery to-day
as it was In the days of King Solomon.. We may
recall the marvelous fact that tho home pigeons
have traversed the air a hundred miles in a
hundred minutes. This fact declares the wdn
derf ul power of their flight, while the gyrations
of the swallow and tbe swift proclaim, their
wonderful accuracy of flight.
This Invention of the Aerial Railway points
the way to the first step in the solution of the
sublime problem. The Aerial Railway consists
of an apparatus which is acted upon by two
forces, the first of which is tbe wind acting by
oblique impact upon the surface of aeroplanes
or kites, and the second, the resistance to that
same force, by means of a drag at opposite
ends of three or more draught lines. Force No.
1 is tbe direct action ot the wind upon the
aeroplanesvForce No. 2 is the resistance which
the drag otters to that of the wind.
By the judicious use of these two forces we
are enabled to travel over water and land, over
seas and oceans; to explore unknown TOgions
of the polar zone; to cross the prairies and
pampas of North and South America, the arid
steppes of Russia, tbe sandy plains of Africa;
to carry the life line and needed supplies to
shipwrecked mariners; to ascend to great alti
tudes for purposes of observation; to
visit with little expense and trouble any of tbe
islands of tbe Pacific archipelagos: to reach
tbe Northern and Southern poles, and other lo
calities which by other means are difficult of
The apparatus consists of several series of
aeroplanes or kites, and the drag lines of these
Kites are attached to somo impedimenta or
drags. In the water the drag may consist of a
number of boats fastened together, sometimes
called a catamaran, to Increase the resistance
of tbe wind, ttfereby diminishing the velocity
of the aeroplanes or kites. If tbe catamaran
be insufficient In its resistance to the force of
the wind acting upon the aeroplanes or kites,
we may add logs of wood to the drag, or any
other method of increasing its weight and re
slstacce. The drag when traversing over the
land consists ot wheels and axles with a brake;
when traversing over Ice it consists of 'heavily
laden sledges and any additional device to in
crease the resistance.
At the very top of tbe figure are fonr bal
loons. The nso.of tbcse balloons is to keep the
kites aloft when the wind dies away. These
aeroplanes or kites may be multiplied at pleas
ure, and each kite may be made more buovant
by increasing the number And size of the 'bal
loons, and the principal use of the balloons is to
keep the kites aloft in the absence of the wind.
If there were 'always a wind to be depended
upon there woaldbeno use tor balloons. In
each series of aeroplanes or kites there aro two
broad, large kites, and to the right and left of
them are two narrow kites which we call wings.
To the outer edges of these wings are attached
ropes called braces. When in tho course of tbe
voyage it becomes necessary to change the di
rection ot tbe flight, in order to avoid an isl
and, an Iceberg, or tbe enemy, if desirable to
evade such dangers, by escape to starboard, we
would haul upon the right-hand braces, there
by flexing the starboard wings, which
away .to the right If. on the contrary, it be
come necessary to escapo to the left, we would
haul on the port braces, thereby so flexing the
port wings that ocr whole apparatns would be
carried to tbe left. If, in case of voyages of
observation. It become necessary to seek greater
or less altitudes, we effect this by hauling on
tbe halyards which are .attached to the lower
edges of the aeroplanes or kites, thelowerends
of which halyards are within reach of tho voy
agers. l?re vlous to starting upon the voyage, wo will
suppose that the carls resting in the water by
the side of the drag. When everything is ready
and we desire to weigh anchor, it is necessary
for us to locate tbe car up tbe railroad, suffi
ciently high to avoid the touch of the waves. In
order to do this it is necessary to raise the sail
attached to the tront of the car resting upon
the three rails or drag lines above tbe car, bv
means of tbe sail halyards, the lower ends of
which halyards are within reach of the voyag
ers, and then by the force of the wind the car is
carried up the railroad a few feet i8 may be re
quired for purjiose above mentioned, when we
apply the brake, which grasps the cables or drag
lines to which and beneath which the car hangs
suspended. This brake holds the ear In any por
tion of the track where It may be desirable to
JDisaDDoinfed at Losing thtfHatftti-
Whom Hooped tor Win '$:
The Shocking Tragedy Closely . Follows the
. Wedding Ceremony. ,' f ;
- . j,
Sad Seanel of a BoBuntio Courtship and an Klope--ment
to Jersey. I'''
; " ;
AStroudsburg bride and groom, were snot
on their wedding day as they were returning
to their home. , Tho man's injuries are
thought to. be fatal. The crime was com
mitted by. the young woman's rejected
suitor. . -
Stbotjdsbubo, Pa., December 26. The
community along the Delaware, ten miles
easf of 'here, is greatly agitated over the
outcome of a iifve affair in which there were
several suitors for the hand of Anna Hiller,
it rustic beauty and general fav.br
ite. The two men most de
voted in .their - attentions were
John W. Snyder and Rush Miller, .the lat
ter a resident of the neighborhood, and the
former hailing from Brooklyn, N. Y. The
city chap made the greater- pretensions. Bat
the rustic belle preferred a man from eer
own sphere, and six weeks ago kindly bat
flatly refused the offer of Snyder. He lin
gered in the neighborhood, however, and
wat occasionally seen in Hiss Miller's Com
pany. .?
A few days ago it was rumored thnt Miss
Hiller had accepted Rush Hiller who,
tnougn bearing tbe same name, is not a rela
tive. He is reported tobea'sturdvhonest,
hardworking young man and entirely de
serving the aflections he was so fortunatolo.
" t
Christmas Day vas. fixed for their wed;
ding, and in the morning they went down
to Columbia, N. J., and were married.
They did this rather than cpme to Strouds
burg, the county seat, and 'take out a mar.
Wage license, as tbe law of Pennsylvania
requires. After the ceremony theystarted
for their home at Reseca. After
leaving1 the cars they had to
walk some distance', and while going along
side by side a shot was fired at them by .a
man concealed in tbe thick underbrush.
The bride turned her head, 'receiving sev
eral shots in her face and arm.
Despite the pain, she managed to keep
her senses sufficiently lbn to. see her re
jected lover, Snyder, rise from his- !croqch
ing position, shake the gun threateningly,
utter an oath, and then start off through the
woods. " '
At the sound of the gun Miller", the
groom, fell prostrate, and when the cries of
the bride brought aid he was. lifted up. It
was found that he bad received, nearly the
entire charge of large size shot in the back,
and that he was seriously hurt.- His condition
has since become worse, and it is believed
that he cannot recover, although his strong
constitution is in bis" favor. The neighbors,
on learning of the circumstance, began to
search for Snyder, but he' has. disappeared.
It is thought thathe took a cut across the
country and topkan-Erie train for his home
in Brooklyn. '" 5
.No intormatlop was, .sent to the police or
committed is -eoarseirettleo. The ceo d.
are mostly in the humblest' circumstances,
quiet and inoffensive, and aro'consequently
an vue more snrrea.up over meauair. mrs.
Miller's injuries are' slight.
Sirs. JtHeraon Davis NOt'Ready to Select a
Final Resting Place for Her Hus
band's Remains Too Many
rsrr.ciAL, nxioamio rax dispatch
Richmokd, VA., December 26. Hayor
Ellison, of this city, this morning received
a letter from Mrs. Jeffersori Davis, iu reply
to a request that the body of her husband
might he buried here.. Her letter is dated
at Beauvoir House, December 21. In it she
If gratitude, for the manner in which tbe
people of Richmond sustained him during the
war, his affection for her. citizens, and pride in
tbe calm fortitude ot her men and women
under crushing defeat were to be the moving
cause'only, I might lay him there unquestioned,
but tbe State- of his birth (Ken
tucky), tbe State of his adop
tion, which showered every honor nDon
him wltbln her gift (Mississippi); the State
where the Confederacy first unfurled her flag
(Alabama); the State In which his parents
spent their early life, and where his father was
born, and where zoy husband has received
many honors (Georgia), and last, not least, the
State which now gives him sepnlcher amid tho
tears and plaudits of her people (Louisiana).
All these have put forth claims so strong that I
cannot cboose among them, and have decided
to wait, perhaps a year, before making a selec
tion. To rest in the same soil with your immortal
boroes. Generals Robert E. Lee and "Stone
wall" Jackson, is a privllego folly appreciated,
and I sbould be the last to nndervalno tbe hon
or, bnt when the final decision mnst hn made. I
cannot be unmindful of the rights of those.
wno nave aone me iue nonor to claim tne cus
tody of my dead, and I beg you to bare pa
.tlenco with me for a season.
Thousands of Them leveled to tho Ground
by the Hlsh Wind.
Bbadfobd, December 26. A terrific
northwest wind has been blowing here all
day, add thdusandsof oil derricks have been
leveled to the- ground throughout the Mc
Kean and Allegheny fields. In this city
the hause ot John Carroll, at the head of
Sandford street, was blown from its founda
tion and left reclining on the hillside at an
angle of 40 degrees. The family were in the
house at the time, but escaped unhurt.
John Evans' house, in course of construc
tion, was lifted from its underpinning and
badly warped. The,1 losses, as far as can be
estimated to-night, will reach at least
A Woman and Two Children Caaslit and
Carried OB" by Men.
rsrrciAL tsixobaic to tub ntspATCat
f CoLTjniBXA, S.. C, December 26. The
citizens in' Spartanburg county are very
much exasperated at tbe high-handed con
duct of a party of white men from Ruther
ford county, N. O., who recently came over
the State line at midnight ana kidnaped a
negro woman, her daughter and ton, 10 years
old. The woman was tied and put in a
The white men are said to be respectable
whites of their county. Thev claim that the
woman's son had been legally bound to one
oi them, and that she attacked his mistress
and took the boy away by force.
Infloenza Has Reached the Rockies.
Denveb, Col., December 6. The
Russian: influenza has .reached the Rocky
fountains. Three-fourths of .the citizens of
Denver are suffering from.it Reports from
Cheyenne are to the .effect that that city is
similarly affected, . . .
auair Huin;;iiTjia.isi!i?wii;n.-l
sgiB'.nay.imijmu"gw-y,Digv lead,
com'mutiitvin'which the-crime was
Tjf o Ohio Mob .SeeklDg to Rocayer Tr&es-
uro Tht Wa Baricd ky "Sfcermaa's
ArrayT-Thoy Expect.ta pi
0tf t. $266.899. .
Chablotte,, 'N. Cl, December .26.
There is - consierabie sti,r. in. Kershaw
.county, South Carolina, caused; by tbi .ap
pearance there oEtwo strangers who say they
have - been specially commissioned by
John Sherman','' of Ohio, -to dig
tip ' the rich treasure which was
buried there in February, 1865, when Sher,
man's army passed through this State. The
two-men say they, are irqm Ohio, and they
b'aVe 'already employed x number of negro
'laborers; who with: pick, spade and shovel,
are fast.tnrnlng over, earth in search-of the
bag-containing tbe-precious staff. ' ,
, It is said that about a month before the
cl'oseof the late1 war, when Sherman's' army
'passed through this State and South Caro
lina, , in a certain place in nersnaw
coubty,' about 18 miles 'from Cam
den . and near the banks' of
the?- Lynch River, Sherman had a large
canvas bag full of gold buried. The bg
was placed in. a big pot and put. down 15
feet' iu tbe ground. ' There was a lot' of
Jewelry set with diamonds in tbe pile,
and. all would be worth from .100,000
to $200,000. Tbe summer ' alter
the surrender man came down from Ohio
to dig np the . treasure, but was taken sick
With fever'and 'died. On his death-bed he
.told his mission, and described as best he
could the spot where the treasure was' de-
S'ssited. All efforts, however, tounearth it
ave"prqved fruitless.
' These new' searchers appear to mean
business. The digging is watched by many
bitizenswh'o 'declare that if the pot Is un
earthed itwill not be carried to Ohio:
Hailstone Large n Hickory Nats
Do n
' trent Deal of Damage.
Amsterdam, N. 'Y. December 26. A
cyclone from tho West struck this city about
noon to-day, accompanied by .hail and rain.
Great damage has been done in the Mohawk
Valley, and especially in Gloversville. The
several knitting mills were unrbofed, chim
neys blown down and telegraph and tele
phone wires blown down. The damage to
buildings alone will amount to several thou
sand, dollars. At Rockton, a small town
adjoining this city, a house was struck by
lightning and badly damaged. Thomas
Steward's ice houses were damaged to the
extent of Si, 000.
The hail was the size of hickory nuts. In
the town of Florida hundreds of trees were
blown down and. fences destroyed. Several
dwellings were '.unroofed at. Gloversville,
and tbe damage is heavy. To-night a blizzard
is blowing. The oldest inhabitants do' not
remember seeing such a storm in years.
A Man Ron Over by a Train While Picking
Up Coal on the Road.
Reading, December 26. A thin and
withered. man named Simon Spohr, aged 60
ars, poorly clad' and hungry-looking,
carrying a battered tin pail, stopped to pick
coal along the. , Reading Railroad
here to-day, when" a train came
along and cut off both his
legs, and he died a few hours'later. Be bad
been warned as late as this morning to buy
his Cnal and keep off the railroad track, or
elie be would be killed, but be' smiled and
replied: "Nomatter: I won't Jive longer
than the 1st of'hext April. Then 11 have
reehed.mr father's age.""
Li .yltvsUaetttepAoaa ! houses,
BcaDuiy-iHraisnea apanioBHV witn a poor
bed, a small stove, and a tiu spittoon cover
ing a rat hole. All the coal he needed he
gathered along the railroad, and yet his
real estate and personal property are worth
about $40,000.. This money will grto his
aged sister, as he had no family.
Conllnned Increase of the Net Earnings of
the Pennsylvania- Company.
Philadelphia, December '26. The
statement of the business of all lines of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company east of
Pittsburg and Erie for November, 1889. as
compared with the same month in 1888,
shows an increase in gross earnings of $631,
946, an-mcrease in expenses of $370,934, an
increase in net earnings of $261,012. The
11 months of 1889, as compared with the
same periodW 1888, show an increase in
gross earnings of $2,655,185. an increase in
expenses of $1,546,862, an increase in net
earnings of $1,108,323.
All lines west of Pittsburg and Erie for
the 11 months of 1889 show a surplus over
all liabilities ot $921,124, being a gain, as
compared with the same period of 1888, of
$1,071,558. , '
An Actress Loses Some Jewelry, bat Re
covers It Very Lnckllr.
Philadelphia, December 26. Hiss
r Bessie Taylor, leading lady in the "Pas
sion Slave" Company, playing at the Ken
sington Theater, was robbed of three dia
mond rings (bis afternoon. Hiss Taylor
was about leaving the theater when she
beard a clinking of jewelry in her dressing
room. She rushed to the room just as 10-year-old
Thomas Nilan, a messenger boy in
the theater, was ' leaving it, and found that
her rings were gone.
She called an officer, who arrested the lad
at bis mother's house. He gave up two of
the rings, and said that his mother had tbe
other one. He was taken before. Magistrate
O'Brien, and released for a hearing on $600
Roofs and Fences In and About Pongukecp--lo.
Suffer Sndty.
PotroHKEEPSiE, N. T., December 26.
The wind has been blowing very hard here
all this afternoon, and from 5 to,8 o'clock it
was 'a heavy gale. Tho roofs in several
places were 'blown away and fences pros
trated: This evening there have been snow
squalls. At this writing the gale has
lulled. .
Wants a Territorial Government.
Guthbie, Oklahoma', December 26.
A petition which has been circulating
through Oklahoma returned here to-day
with 30,000 signatures attached. The peti
tion, is addressed to 'the Congress of the
United .States and prays for the speedy es
tablishment of a Territorial government in
Crmthed tinder Falling Wall.
Syracuse, December 26. The storm
here this morning tore down 100 feet of the
People's StreetvRailway barn. Charles A.
Nichols, foreman, was struck by the falling
wall, and was dead.. when his body was
taken, from the rains. . Joseph Forkheimer
and Giles Woods, employes, Tvere seriously
injured. '
' Tho Storm In the Mohawk Volley.
OiK Ajohabie, N. Tk, December 26, A
terrible wind and' rainstorm swept over the
Hohawk Valley this morning, followed by
a resplendent rainbow. In the afternoon a
bllacard struck the;' tame section, leveling
trees, telegraph wires, etc .
Tfcdiigli TMef e is: Yt H o Proof of iny
Having Occarredlecentl
Tho Steamship SIrias Arrives at lfeir York
jlfitfc s'Lot of New.
EattheBnxlliairHewspipers Contain Many Items of
' Interest,
Another steamship is in .from Rio
Janeiro. 1 brings lots of paper's- and other
tidings. .No stock is taken, by 'its officers
and passengers idthe rumors of late distur
bances ln'BraziL . On the other hand, late
mercantile cablegrams. indicate an unsettled
state of affairs in Brazil.
New x"obk, December 26. The steamship.
' Birius arrived to-day, frora Rio Janeiro.
Captain 2risher,told a Dispatch reporter
that the surface. of tljiuKS was very quiet in
Rio when he left there. He said that busi
ness was going on as jusual, though the
banks were getting very cautious And hesi
tated a good.- deal about honoring large
drafts. Captain Pisher said:
There was a very strong undercurrent of dls-
affection In the city, and I think an outbreak
was only restrained by fear, There were
grumblings and murmuring on all sides. I
heard tbat a riot bad. taken place in the Rio
3rande district, but I could learn no particu
lars. I am not surprised to hear of riots
'since my arrival, and I'tbink the opinion of the
best informed people in Brazil Is tbat there is
trouble abead. The United States steamship
RIchinond and several other foreign warships
were in the harbor of Rio.
'Hr. Charles R. Hind received a cabled
gram from Rio stating that exchange bad
.gone down to 23 francs. "William R.
Grace & Co. received' word that exchange
in Para was down to 24 from 25
the day before. This is a tre
mendous drain and plainly indicates
an unsettled state of' affairs and & lack of
confidence, in the future on the Dart of busi
ness men of Brazil. No news was received
regarding, the rioting in Rio, and merchants
here say that under the present cable super
vision no such news could be sent.
The most important mail brought by tbe
Sirins was several copies, ot the Rio xfeuis,
the weekly English newspaper printed in
Rio Janeiro. Editorially summing up the
events of the week ending December 2, the
News says:
The course of events during the past week
has 'exhibited nothing new and interesting;
Aside from the consciousness . that a great
change has taken place, and that hew elections
are impending, one might be led to think that
everything u moving on in the same old
grooves. Business is dull and complaints are
heard of the scarcity of money, just as
we havo so often experienced under the mon
archy. Then, too, the Republican Minister of
Finance has had a little consultation with the
same old gentlemen bankers and merchants
whom his predecessors were acousxomed to
consult about tbe unfavorable state of busi
ness, and the panaceas recommended are ex
actly what might have been expected at any
other time. We have changed, and yet are un
changed. Brazil has merely put on a new suit
of clothes,
The Provisional Government has unquestion
ably found that.tho task of changing and re
forming institutions cannot be carried out in a
day.. We were advised 'sometime ago that de
crees were boob, 'to be .issued declariwr civil
marriage, the secularization' of cemeteries,
Annratrori -,of -f'.Cfenrck- mid - State, rnw
fexsilti-ikm&ljmm'YimSmty 'na"twalatfopKr
ui nmsi -.out-. iu iu tuo -vraacuiH 1J110
they have 'not. been .promulgated. ' The
church'hashecn aroused, however, 'and we are
now betog,ntertalned with a discussion ot tbe
divorce eccentricities of the United States, as
a means of defeating civil marriage, the writer
evidently ' forgetting that other countries,
notably Great Britain, have such laws, without
the "20-mlnutes-for-divorce" diversion. Tbe
Cabinet should not have announced these de
crees so soon, and then we should have been
spared these tame discussions.
Among its'news items the paper prints the
Unsatisfactory 'reports were spread as to the
health ot General Ueodoro, chlet of the Pro
visional Government, but a conference of doc
tors examined him on tbe 27th ultimo, and de
clared that, although the1 morbid state of the
illustrious citizen required every care, it pre
sented no immediate gravity.
The States of the Rio Grande Be Norte and
Ceara appear from telegrams to show some ob
jection to the appointment of Governors who
are not natives of the States- It is to be hoped
tbat the enthusiastic adherence offered the
General Government is not to disappear at so
early a period of tbe Republic Tbe objection,
however, is well taken.
A commission oi army anu navy omcers has
been formed to organize a full and correct ac
count of the revolution.
The Gazelle de Noltctas mentions a report
tbat before convoking tho constituent As
sembly, the Governor will order the organiza
tion of a census tnrougbout tbe republic.
The Journal de Commercio hears that the
commission to organize tbe project for the
constitution of the republic will be composed
of Drs. Santos Werneck, Americo Brazlliense
and Kapgel Portana, with Dr. tiaidanba
Warinbo as President. On tbe 23d ultimo
the Chief Nf Police of the State of
Rio Janeiro received information tbat tbe
froemen in the Cantagalio and Valonco dis
tricts threatened a revolt against the Republic.
He drdered energetic measures to be takon,
and a police force was sent to tbe locality, but
it has since returned and reported everything
Onthe30thult.it was officially announced
that tbe flag of the Brazilian Republic will he
that referred to heretofore, viz: a blue celestial
globe with the southern cross and neighbor
ing stars. In all 21, astronomically dis
played, crossed from left to right,
with a white zone bearing the
dovice: "Ordenm V. Progresso." The globe
upon a yellow lozenge on a green field. The
flat was not eenerally satisfactory to the pub
lic, but the Government has determined unon
its adoption.
According to a Santa Catharina journal, on
the 18th ult., at night, 42 men of the Twenty
nfth Infantry Battalion met the band on Its return-
from an entertainment, and, or
dering it to precede them, marched
through tbe streets with tbe flag of tho
old Twenty-fifth Battalion volunteers, yelling
and making a noise generally. The omcers of
the battalion, some of the men. and a police
force interfered, and at the firt encounter
beat the rebels, disarming and capturing them,
after killing one and seriously injuring three.
On the 23d tho Governor of Rio de Janeiro
appointed a commission of three to revise tho
civil, judicial and ecclesiastical divisions of the
8tate. '
The Governor of the Stato of Rto de Janeiro
has asked tho War Minister to fhrnlsh tbe
State police with 40U C'omblaln rifles, 100 Spen
cer repeating earbines and 20,000 cartridges.
On the 22d the Governor of. Rio de Janeiro
notified the Assembly that by a decree dated on
tbo20tb, all provincial assemblies elected un
der tbe Empire are dissolved, and that It should
closo its sessions.
The judges and other legal luminaries of tbo
town ot Rio Branco Mlnas Gerlaes address the
Governor as Most Excellent Wir, quite io the
old Monarchical style. They, however, save tho
situation by winding np with'health and fra
ternity." , ,
A Santa Paulo local journal states as a
report tbat the Rev. Mr. Chamberlain, an
American pastor ot tbo Presbyterian Church,
for many .years resident in tbat city, had
secured subscriptions- in tbe United States
reaching Sl.000,000, to build a university at
Santa Pawlo. ... .
On the 23d. at the invitation of the Gov
ernor of tho State, various ex-members ot the
Provincial Assembly of Rio de Janeiro met
and submitted their views as to necessary ira-
Srovements in various parts of the State. ' The
Governor took notes of tbe idea's ot bis vis
itors for future Investigation.
Telegrams received In Bahla, on the 20th
ultimo, state that new disturbances had oc
curred at Lihlos. Some 100 armed men at
tacked tae plant t-ioa of Geatil Jon da Caeft a
who, with his adherents, resisted.
eral deaths and many wound'
salted. Certainly ' these feuds
unrmml v-iv m -MHfnl Tiirttf-nn-' rf-l V."
few mjmbcrs of each .of the factions! ,55he Crowded Littlo PlaVhonSeHaS
EhtreRIos, in tbe same State, a regular rL-J,.t? w' "' '".' t-'.r-
froi Tihe TaZthorlsfr "-Stat: dm&.T8 w jnw"- wvux.
'away, houses were sacked, etc. No mention
xaade ot what had been done to correct aS all
- On the 22d nit. when thB Emperor's repre
sentative went to tho. Petropolis palace, to
gether with the authorities, a large quantity of
valuable jewelry, tbe personal property of the
Empress, was declared to' bo inisslntr. Tbe
police were at once communicated with, and
tbet matter Is under investigation The doubt
seems to be whether the jewels wero
not packed away in some of
tbe luggage ot the Imperial family by mistake,
but tbe occurrence will recall a jewel robbery
at the Santa Christovao palare some, years ago,
la which servants were implicated, it is more
than possible that av&ilim- themselves of tbe
tr disorder caused by the hurried departure of
ine imperial lamiir, some or tne wr-ncnes
could not resist the temptation off ered by val
uable jewels at their disposition.
The Brazilian Government Suppresses a
Newspaper and Katabllshea a. Mlll
tary Trlbaaat An Official
Benin! of- the Re- y
' ported Matlny.
"Washington, December 26. A re
porter who called at the Brazilian Legation
to-day to' inquire fot news concerning tbe
fighting which is reported to have occurred
at Bio Janeiro, from the 18th to tbe 20th
of tbe present month, found that the
Hinister had. just received the following
telegram from Buy Barboza, the Minister of.
Finance, under tbe new regime:
From telegrams we learn that, unfortunately,
there is no speculation from newsmongers
agalnstus, which is not credited In Europe in
SPlteof all onr. warnings against this sort of
.conspiracy. Reports about mutiny of corps of
artillery are false. It was only the mutiny of
few soldiers, immediately repressed. This cir
cumstance increased confidence In the Govern
ment, which shows itself strongly prepared
with prompt and decisive means to put down
any disturbance of public order. The aggrara-
tion of General Fonseca's illness is not true; on
tbe contrary be is recovering speed
ily from his former complaints.
The assistant doctor believes his recovery ur be
certain. At any rate the fate of the! revolu
tion, now accepted bytbawbole country, does
hot depend on the contingency of one man's
life, however precious it may be. In tha army
itself tbe revolution can rely on other chief of.
great prestige and no less devoted to tbe cause.
All tbe different political parties have espoused
with enthusiasm the term fixed (November 15,
1S90) for the meetinr of tbe constituent As
sembly, they considering by this act tbe sta
bility of the Republic assured. Beware of
Another cablegram from Rio Janeiro
says : .The Government nas issued a decree
providing that all persons found endeavor
ing to corrupt the allegiance of the sol
diers, or contriving or proposing nny meas
ure tor active opposition to tbe Republic,
shall be tried by a military tribunal. An
opposition journal was suspended on Tues
day. v
A Wolf and. Fox Chine la Illinois Panning;
Oat Big A Pnnther and Tiro Deer
Anions the Gams Driven
From Caver.
Cabthaoe, III., December26. A great
wolf, and fox chase has been in progress
along Bear creek ever since Christmas morn
ing, when old Si Xemberger blew his horn
and dashed into tbe buffalo- grass at the
head of 200 well-armed farmers. The air
was crisp and cold on Christmas, and
the hunters enjoyed the sport keenly. Sev
eral foxes'we're killed, but the wolves that
were driven from cover escaped. Christmas
night was spent iu camp on Bear creek,
which; is a: crooked, swift-running stream.
This moWnsT the party started out with
the hounds baying musically as they
WBsded ovtrire jarie;. :About noon Jim
Long, who was Reading one-of the squads,
dashed id the thickets in the bottom. As
,he did son terrible-scream set the horses
back on- their hnnches, and a panther
bounded out into the opening and started
away over the prairie. A volley of musk
etry caught the big cat and toppled him
over, dead. This is the first panther seen in
the bottoms iu many years, although form
ers have often heard screams from the
thickets. The pelt was taken by Si Lem
berger. At 3 o'clock there was a grand rounding
up on the south fork or Bear Creek. The
haul consisted of 10 foxes, 6 wolves," a.1
panther and 20raccoons. After eating din
ner, the party dividing into squads, re
sumed iu chase over the bottoms. Tbe men
had not been out an hour before two deer
were driven from cover, and at 4 o'clock the
animals were coursing in tbe direction of
Basco. As the hounds have been hard
pressed since Christmas morning, it is
thought tbe deer will escape to the Missis
sippi river, and reach the forests in Mis
souri. The chase will continue all night
and to-morrow.
.Seven Bodies, Only Two of Which Were at
First Identified.
White sheeted and cold lay seven bodies
in the morgue last night, five of which had
not as yet been identified. From the boy
who was drowned at about 4 P. M. yes
terday, to the man whom some stories
said was buried under an East End
sand bank for three days, the mute, pitiful
bodies looked from half closed eyes back
into the tear-filled ones of those who missed
their friends, with .a pathetic appeal which
is unknown, save to those who have missed
a relative and gone to tbe morgue on a mere
chance of finding him.
Five unknown dead I Killed by tbe rail
road, the river and tbe shop, they repose in
the morgue waiting the recognition of
friends, as tbey do tbe judgment day, and
Potter's field will probably hold the ma'
jority of the victims before Si hours.
Enoneh Electricity to Exrcale Anything
That Gets Within Kracu.
New Toek, December 26. To-day the
electrical execution machines at Sing Sing
prison were tested by a committee for the
State, composed of Dr. Carlos F. Mac
Donald, Dr. A. D. Rockwell, Dr. P. BT.
Laudy and electrical assistants. The tests
to-day clearly showed that tbe dynamos
were even more deadly than had been rep
resented. '
Wbent run at less than their ordinary
number of revolutions per minute the elec
trical pressure was found to exceed 1,600
volts instead of being only 1,000. This
proves that about 200 times a second the
pressure runs above 2,000 volts.
One of Them. Wanders. Tbrousb n Man's
Apntomy for 65 Year.
Holliston, Mass., December 26. J
"W. Keith, who is 75 years old, exti acted
from the calf of "his leg, Christmas morning,
a pin which ha had swallowed when 8 years
old. He had felt it.in various portions of
his body many times since, but not until
now did it come to the surface.
The pin was i inches long, and though
rusty in appearance, it otherwise retained
its original conditiod.
Lost the Money Flnylng- Poker.
Ht. Vebnon, Ind., December 26. E.
Ht-IiOrd, Superintendent of tbe water works,
was- arrested here this afternoon, charged
with the embezzlement of 1,790 of the com
pany's funds. Lord admits his guilt, and
says he lost the moneyplaying poker ia this
city and Evansville,
. taE - .
K'W.4Tii1Ufi Tnramfn- Siva Thmf ZfJml
' uuuuiuj, iuycvvvi iW AjW3
Will Close ther House '
Several People
Choked by Emeie,
At it few minutes past 9 o'clock fire was?
discovered 'in the cellar of tho Casino
Museum. A big panic narrowly avertedibyfyu
quick work of the police. Damage" incon?
sequential but tbe possibilties great. The.
Building Inspector will close the theater. '
About 9:10 p. ii. yesterday there was a
very peculiar commotion in, the Fifth Ave- '
hue Museum. The double-headed baby
commenced a duet at once, which signified.
that it had taken in the situation- through,
both noses, and also a sense of fire impend
ing. Tony White, who is a brevet member
of the Humane Association, at once 'took:
the tduocephalous child, and shrieking
"Saved, saved," carried it into
Grove's toy store, deposited it in" a'
perambulator, and, although he failed to "
hitch the wagon on to a cable car for adver-
tising purposes, cent the youngster home..
The other freaks were of coune mora ma
ture add got out in good time; but the fact..
remained that one of the most disastrous -panics
on record in Pittsburg was quietly
averted by two-police officers. With three
places of amusement almost side - by.side
and an alarm of fire started in one,"1 it
seemed almost miraculous that no loss of '
life occurred.
The whole loss'by fire and water will noW
amountvto over 200, but that museum will
never show another freak or stageperform
anceifthe ideas of Assistant Building In
spector J. A. A. Brown will prevail in ac
cordance with, bis report of September 24,
1887, on buildings of the kind,
where amusements are exhibited.
He' said last night: "I say
there .are several houses ot the kind- in this
city where tbe exits are not properly ar
ranged, and where the houses can be re- -garded
as little short of beinc death traps
should a sudden alarm arise. N o w, here is
ahouso where the main stairway is in rear'
of the ticket office, and an obstruction to
free exit is easily discerned if. you want to
go out in a hurry. I shall make another
special-report on this subject"
Outside ot the official accounts there were
soma interesting statements regarding a fire,
which, started by a foolishly thrown match
in the basement of the building, might'have
cost hundreds of lives.
About 8:53 o'clock Willie Dardine, a boy
attached to the house, observed smoke coming-
up the stairway from tbe cellar
into the auditorium and through cracks
in tbe floor. He gave the alarm
of fire and the audience at once.''
bnt Soa.Oaef'ji-
made a rush for the door. There being no' 'SI
wav nh frnm tli mnr the f nfrn nMnltt v&m -' ,4
compelled to follow on the heels ot the
crowd. The employes of the house at
tempted to stop the people in theirrusb,,butk
tbey were pushed aside, and the struggling
mass was outside fa a very short space of
timet Many persons were severely squeezed.
-ana. bruiseo. in tne xusn, out no- one jw
hurt to anv extent it
The downstairs audience had just escaped
wheu the alarm was communicated to those
on tbe second floor, and a second rush oc
curred. As in the first case everyone got
out safe with the exception of a little rough
handling in the rush.
JSp. 24 struck the fire alarm and the usual
crowd collected in tbe customary number of
minutes. The greatest efforts of the police
.were directed toward allaying the excite
ment and keeping the people in the Grand
Opera House and Harris' Museum from
knowing that such a thing was possible as a
fire panic. Within probably fire minutes
the police were on hand and the Assistant
Superintendent, with his blonde mustache"
and bland objurgations upon the people who
crowded the premises; the Inspector, with
an eye on both bureaus of the Department1
of Pnblic Safety, experience in the one and
enthusiasm in the other; Captain Dan'
Sylvus, whose majestic frame held back the '
crowds from pouring into the building to
find what was left of the audience, and De
tective Coulson, who distinguished, himself
by getting involuntarily "verjr wet"
through the breaking of hose, with their
trusty lieutenants, were visible to the naked
The whole fire was a temptest in a teapot
as far as actual damage is concerned, the'.
whole Insurance being only about (3,000, c ,
according to Mr. OUnsai statement, and
the whole damage being about 200. It'
started in a -quantity of paper and rubbish :
In the cellar, and is supposed to have caugh"t'
from a heater close bv. The stairway from' j
the cellar on np to the second floor was -sevtrelv
scorched and .the flooring bad v.
burned and was the extent of tbe damage,, '
outside of soma slight damage to the walls'
and the wetting. Tbe upstairs portion was ."
not damaged at all, and the ecects oi tne '
stage people were uninjured. The damage. -
is estimated at from i0O to low.
One fact that excited considerable com
ment was that there is no exit in the rear of
the nlace. Had the fire cot any kind
start in the front of the building any oner -.fl
wbo might have been in tne rear pan would. . i
nave naa no way ot escape.
While on the way to the fire engine No 4,
coming down Fifth avenue, collided with. .
engine xio. 3, which was standing at the;
corner of Smithfield street. No one 'was :
hurt, but No. 4engine wasdamagedslightlv.
There were about 400people in the theater-it;
when tbe hrst smoke apprised, tbe Poor".
.flayers and tne public tbat the cellar wast a
eettincr tin a startling denouement to tha9
tragedy then being perpetrated. w i
A Perfect Ilnrrlcanc of Wind Castes GrcaC'jj
Dnmaeo In the Dominion.
Honteeal, December 20. The tailendj
"of the cyclone which visited Now York!
State lately, has struck Eastern Canada!
and to-night brings intelligence of its
ravages. At Toronto it has been partico-
Iarly severe and many accidents;
more or less serious, occurred to-day. The
Salvation Army barracks at Toronto were
razed to tbe ground by the cyclone, anda
new wine of the Congregational Church was
'denlolished. At points east of Honfreal the
cyclone was accompanied by rain. Great
anxiety is felt for the steamsh'D Parisian
tvhich is five days overdue, and no word has
Observatory returns at Montreal show
that the barometer fell to 28.90 to-day
the lowest point it has reached for years
uuuat tiiuca we vciiwity ui mo winOjWas
140 miles an hour. The beautiful mild
weather of Christmas was followed to-day
uj ueavy now ana tne cyclone rageaHIor,
some time at a terrible rate.
EnglUU Ironclads Ordered to LUbonq
-. -Liu.nuu.rw AjecemDer 2U. jionr ipnnAinwH
T ,.. - t ma .. --t.'VE
hayejeft Haifa under orders to .prw'eeSjtoi
LisBon to be present at the ceremony. ofUhj
proclamation oi .rung varies a. - -Tj
' - '"- '
ssfe-; j3