Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 26, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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VoLK Ho.K Entered at flttsbnrg rosto ce.
November H, 1887. as eecond-class natter.
BusIesa Office 67 and 09 FifUi Avenue.
F, .News Booms and Publishing: House-75f
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising oflce. Boom , Tribune
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DAH.T DISPATCH, One 'Vjar. t 8 00
DXTX.TDIEFXTCQ, yexQifcrter 200
DAH.TDirATcn, One Mouth... 70
DAU.T DISPATCH, including bnnday, lyear. 10 00
UAILT DISPATCH, IneludingSunday.SnTUis. 3 50
!DAilYDiBrATCH,lnclndlngBunday.lmonth 90
IVzxxlt Dispatch, One Year 1 IS
THX Datlt Dietatcb Is dellverelby carriers at
ItcesUper -week, or Including Eundsy edition,
at 20 cents per week.
The Christmas Day of 18S9 will be long
remembered if for no other reason because
of the extraordinary wannness of the weather.
Among Christmas days, as they have been
observed by .the Signal Service since 1871,
yesterday was the bottest The thermometer
showed & maximum temperature of 65
degrees, which is eight degrees warmer than
that of the Christmas of 1877, also memorable
on the score of abnormally hot weather.
But it will not be on this account alone
that yesterday will be remembered. It was
a delightful day for everybody," if the con
ventional attributes of the festival in this
latitude were wanting. Nobody but a
selfish misanthrope could see that sky of
summer blue and sigh forsnow, nobody but
ahancman could breathe the warm wind,
which bad no clouds to drive, and long for
a blizzard. The sunshine seemed to tempt
the entire population of Pittsburg to walk
abroad. The streets were never so
crowded, and never with such happy and
prosperously-looking men, women and chil
dren. The services at the various churches
did not suffer in attendance by the lovely
weather. In the wealth of flowers which
adorned the churches and put the old-fashioned
evergreen Sn the shade, there was a
suggestion of Easter time rather than
'Taking the day all in all ,we ought to be
satisfied to see Christmas come to us in such
gentle and gracious guise, over and over
The letter on the ship canal project, pub
lished in The Dispatch yesterday, de
votes its attention to the iron and coal
statistics of Sharpsville, and the feeline in
that town in iavor of the enterprise. There
is no doubt that a place whose business de-
, 'pends so largely on the cheapness of trans
porting heavy freights would be warmly in
favor of improved water transportation; and
the same feeling could be found to a wider
extent in the more important communities
of Toungstown, Sharon, New Castle and
the Beaver Yalley. The immense freights
which these towns could furnish, would be
more than doubled by the ore and coal
freights of Pittsburg. These are in the
nature of foregone conclusions. The infor
mation that is needed now, is the cost of
the work, after which it will be necessary
to solve the problem where the money is to
come from.
A Christmas present to Pittsburg, and a
welcome one, is the assurance that we are
notito lose the old, the famous hostelry, the
Monongahela House, after all. On the
strength of the rumors regarding the dis
posal of the old hotel which were current
yesterday, it seemed more than likely that it
was to be numbered with the glories of the
elder Pittsburg past and gone. The exact
facts concerning the sale of Messrs. Ander
son & Woog's lease to the. lessors, which
The Dispatch prints to-day, will reassure
the public on this point.
As to the comparative profit of the prop
erty as a hotel or an office building we do
not presume to speak. The owners are satis
fied to maintain the hotel, and will put it
after it is reopened in competent hands. The
public concern is that a historic landmark
and Pittsburg bas none too many links with
the worthy pastr-is not to be swept away.
A famous poet has made the assertion that
the sentence, "It might have been," ex
presses more sorrow and regret than any
other combination of four words in the En
glish language. Perhaps he was right from
lis point of view. A poet who soars through
etheriai space mounted on a pegasus warrant
ed not to shy or buck looks atthings in a dif
ferent light from as poor mortals who travel
on street cars. But if the poet had given the
! matter second thought he might have appre
ciated the morbid horror of "The Day
After." "Whatever great event we may par
ticipate in, whatever of happiness, honor
and material gain may result therefrom, a
reaction always follows wmch is very de
pressing for a fl w hours.
There is no doubt but that this reaction is
widespread in all communities after a gen
eral holiday, and after none more than
'Christmastide. For weeks old and young,
.rich and poor, have been making arrange
' merits for a fitting- celebration of the great
jest anniversary oa the calendar. Surprises
'lave been arranged in the shape of hand
some presents to kindred or friends; feasts
lave been prepared in honor of the children
who will gather under their parents' roof;
boys who have wondered far from the old
'homestead plan to drop in unexpectedly
, and gladden the hearts of father and mother.
AlPthese arrangements have been carried
out, and it is safe to announce that ninety
jper cent have been successful. Tommy has
flbeen duly awestruck by the magnifi
cence of the Christmas tree prepared
for him; ; mamma and papa have
'received their presents with due apprecia
tion; and have returned tenfold with becom-
atSelurkey tender, and the mince pie a
fdream of Araby the blest; the prodigal son
fr.ahli the fatted calf have had an interview
fwfiicn resulted disastrously to the dish of
" ;To-day the sky does not seem as briehtlv
iblue as it did yesterday; there is a suspicion
of i&lloy in the golden rays of the sun;
Tommy, upon mature consideration, feels
that aicycle would be more appropriate in
an open' winter than a sled; some of the
presents look a trifle shopworn; papa real
izes that he has some bills to meet; mamma
is tired out, and the prodigal son never did
like veal anyhow.
What bas caused this change ot spirit;
where bas the glamour of Christmas gone?
Surely this Christmas bas compared favor-
. ;ably with any previous one. Oh, yes: but
; "'then, you know, tbjs is the day after. Per
haps -tommy nas eaten wo ireeiy oi candy
walking-sticks, perhaps a little touch of
tdyspepsia is troubling his seniors, perhaps.
nore probably, we are all simply meet-
ut we naa arawn on .nature's tuna
of energy to tide at over the holiday.
Tommy will go, back to school, the guests
will leave, the matron to "get much-needed
rest, papa will get into business harness
again, the prodigal son will return to his
pork packing, in a few days spirits will be
as serene as ever, and long before the Yule
tide season' arsives again the American
nation, will be looking forward to it with
pleasurable anticipation, and talking of the
jolly Christmas of 1889.
The day after is with us, but not for long.
The use of iron for structural purposes is
no new thing, but there is more than a
probability that that use will be greatly ex
tended before long. As will be seen by a,
perusal of the interesting article which ap
pears in another part of this issue,
the new movement's birthplace is
England. There iron is being used
for the construction of seaside villas,
summer cottages and other structures of a
residental character. On this side of the
water, while we have frequently erected
business buildings of iron, or of a composite
construction in "which iron predominates,
and have recently built commodious struct
ures, of which Pittsburg's Machinery Hall
is a good example, the employment of iron
for residences has not been often heard of.
Mr. Marvin has not taken unwarrantable
risk in prophesying that the day will come
within' the next century when iron bouses
will be the rule rather than the exception.
It is reasonable to believe that iron is not
yet thought of for various purposes for wbich
it is well fitted. Naturally the increase in
the demand for iron, which would follow
such a revolution as Mr. Marvin suggests,
makes the subject of tangible interest to
The arguments need in iron's favor as a
material for house building are clear and
convincing so far as the experience of Eng
lish builders is concerned. They show that
an iron house can be erected for far less
money and immeasurably less time than one
of brick pr stone. Other advantages of a
less notable sort are promised, but these
would have to be submitted to the test of
this climate before they could be certainly
assured. The movement ought to be felt
here in earnest before long.
The end of what was once a craze is shown
to have been reached, by tbe report of the
New York Bureau of Labor Statistics on
the decline of tbe boycott Within a com
paratively short itime the boycott was con
sidered a great sower; but the statistical re
port on its use in New York shows that the
spell has lost its sway. Inl8S8the total
number of boycotts started in"that State was
266. Of this number 53, or one-quarter,
were successful, 79 met with failure during
the year and 134 were carried over into the
present year. This was a decrease as com
pared with 1887 of one-third in the number
of boycotts attempted and of nearly one-half
in the number of successful ones. No sta
tistics are given for the present year; but it
is a matter which everyone can ooserve for
himself, that the once common threat of the
boycott is rarely heard now.
This decline is attributed by some to the
decisions of the courts against it That had
its effect, doubtless; but as the popular ad
hesion to the boycott was outside the reach
of the courts, the decline must mainly be
charged to the inherent weakness of the
method. It was unrepublican, opposed to
all ideas of individual liberty, and was no
toriously at the command of the unscrup
ulous and irresponsible. Hardly any more
complete illustration of its weakness is
needed than the fact that the last heard of
the boycott in Pittsburg was the attempt of
rival labor organs and inharmonious labor
bodies to boycott each other. "In other
words," the engineery which was started to
protect labor has by its irresponsible char
acter been perverted to the prosecution of
quarrels among labor organizations, and bas
proved to be utterly ineffectual in the pres
ence of such divisions.
Organized labor need not mourn the de
cay of the boycott It has plenty of means
for strengthening itself without resorting to
methods so little consistent with dignity and
so utterly at variance with law and indi-.
vidual rights.
In spite of all rumors to the contrary, the
Americus Club has more than a fair chance of
securing the Hotel.Hamilton for the site of its
new clubhouse. If twenty-five members of tbe
Americus. can produce 63,000 out of tbe 103,000
required, there ought not to be much doubt of
the result of the subscription invited.
The hour is ripe for a prophet of evil to
arise. Tbe torrid term weare sow passing
through is enough foundation for the foretell- -j
ing of a still warmer time in store for this poor
It is not safe to expect peace and good
will to bold sway over even' a Christmas gather
ing In a church out West A dispute abont a
toy sled very nearly ended in the decease of a
Wisconsin farmer yesterday. The assassins'
knives cut just as deep on hallowed ground.
It is a pity that the Government cannot
go into the business of smuggling opium. There
is far more money made by the smugglers than
Uncle Bam gets out of the duty on opium.
The theatrical managers would have pre
ferred a nipping frost a sharp wind and a
flurry or two of snow yesterday. The matinee
audiences were not as a rule as large as usual.
But the bumpers at night put the managers in
good humor-again.
IP in the comi ng "Iron Age," prophesied
by Mr. Marvin, hotels are built entirely of Iron,
what noisy places they will be, unless the drum
mers are careful to muffle their cheeks.
The shadow of McGinty "in his Sunday
clothes" has fallen so heavily upon Pittsburg
of late, that the foil Identification antfhistory
of the unfortunate man which The Despatch
furnishes to-day will be appreciated by the
public, no doubt
If there is one character above all others
in wbich Miss Juch shines it Is Marguerite In
'Faust" Tbe illumination will be admired by
hundreds of Pittsburgers to-night
The nsual number of Christmas Cay
crimes are reported. Four or five murders,
plenty of violent assaults, a suldde or two, oc
curred In widely-parted places. But Pittsburg
enjoyed the day. In an orderly fashion.
The baseball fever broke out in Spring
dale yesterday. The srmptoms were acute; a
game was played under the midwinter sun in
spite of tbe Intense heat
Whexeveb a rumor of improvements
for this city is squelched another report of tbe
same nature with truth to back it compensates
the public, Witness recent developments and
rumors in the hotel business.
Of course the people like the idea of sum
mer concerts in the exposition at low prices.
The Dispatch knows what the people want
The chariots of the Police Pepariment
were kept moving yesterday, picking; .up fallen,!
heroes. tTb complaint lajaett paces was not
sunstroke, thoasjb tfcesaa was as atwgaa new
whisky yesterday.
Mr. Geoeob W. Ohadwick; the musical
composer, is a descendant ot Edmund Chad
wick, who fought at Banker Bill.
Mme. Aktoinette BTETtT.TTto, the well
known contralto singer of this country, long
resident in England, has applied for admission
to the Society of Friends.
Mies Letitta AiDEicnvnleco of Senator
Stewart, of Nevada, it Is announced, is to go
on the stage, making her debut on tbe 9th of
next month in Washington.
SroNOB 8AT.vrKi at home in Florence is one
of the most hospitable of men. and bis bouse is
continually tbronged with .guests. He has a
country place, out on the Bologna road, whither
he goes now and then for retirement.
Benator Ikq AL.L3 is as fond of literature
as be is of politics, and is said to double his
Congressional salary by his magazine and
newspaper articles. His pen is very prolific,
and everything he writes Is easily marketable.
Mabe Twain Is reported to be growing Indo
lent with his advancing years. He no longer
has the incentive of poverty to force nun to
work, and tbe products of his pen grow smaller
every year. Ho retires early to bed and never
breakfasts before 10 o'clock.
It is not often that a French Cabinet officer
twp.omea a dramatist in snlte of himself. This.
however, is the case with M. Yves-Guyot Min
ister of Public Works, who wrote a book In
ISM called "The Drole." The story has been
dramatized by M. Bertal for the Chateau d'Eau
Theater, Paris.
Mrs. Rebecca CoixiES,a Quaker preacher,
now 85 years old, bas been speaking ever since
she was 20, and is still active, traveling and
preaching all over tbe country. She started in
Philadelphia the Home for Discharged Women
Prisoners, is-a Vice President of tbeW-CT-V.,
and is active in every kind of philanthropic
work In ber home in New York.
Speakiuq of the new House of representa
tives a correspondent says: "There are no
Blacks, and, strange to say, there are no
Whites or Grays, and, what is more remarka
ble, there is not a single Jones. There is a Mr.
Abbott and also a Mr. Cowles. There is a Mr.
Flood and a Mr. Balnea. There Is a Craln, a
Parrett, a Hare and a Bullock. There Is a
Flower, a Spooner, a Post and a-Btump. There
is a Knapp and a Goodnight Bland, Wiley
and Frank are good friends."
A Warren Connty Man' VIovr of the Political
Situation In the State.
lfrom the New York Star.l
John Lawrence, a prominentDemocrat from
Warren county, Pa., is in the city with his f m
ily, spending the holidays. Imet him at an up
town hotel last night, and in a conversation we
had about political matters in the Keystone
State he told me some Interesting facts coof
cerning the situation.
Senator Quay," he said, "is materially aid
ing the Democrats over there, and if he is
spared and' retains his present characteristics
and methods for another year I think be will
make our fight. He is determined to force. tbe
candidacy of Delamater for Governor upon the
Republicans, and If he does It will be what
the Folger campaign was in this, State in '8
Delamater is a shrewd, crafty young politician,
whom the Standard Oil people would like to
see elected, but he is highly distasteml to the
people in the oil country of Western and North
western Pennsylvania, because ol MS under
handed opposition to the Blllingsby bill, a per
fectly fair measure of relief which the inde
pendent oil producers of the State tried to put
through against tbe Standard, out wnicn was
lost He will be opposed by Chris Magee and his
big followingfromAlleghenycounty and several
other sections of tbe State, because they will
not wear O.nav's collar. Congressman DalieU.
though a loyal Bepublican, will not support.
Delamater. congressman uuioerison, oi o,
has thrown off the collar. James McDavJtt, of
Lancaster, is with Magee always, and McManes
and a big gang ot Philadelphia Bepublicans re
fuse to recognize tbe Beaver county statesman
as dictator.
"Every one of them will be against Delamater
in the convention and in tbe field, for Quay is
pledged to nominate him, and it would be a
worse defeat to not nominate him now than to
have him beaten. The opposition will stand
for Adjutant General Hastings, a blggood
natnred fellow, with considerable personal
popularity, but not a very strong man politi
cally. The fight between those people is so
bitter owing to Quay's hlgb-bandeddlctator-ship
shown id a hundred instances, toat they
will knife the Senator's candidate, no matter
whom he may be. I don't know who the Demo
cratic candidate will be, but with a strong man
t.0 can do next, Tear what we did In '82 unless
Quay bends, and he is not one of the bending
kind. The next election .in Pennsylvania is
f;omg to surprise people as much as Ohio and
owa did in the last"
"" Tdeee killed BI EAGLES."-"
An Odd Happening on Twin Lnlte Stream
In the Adirondack;!.
Nosthwood, N. Y.. December 25. James IX
Bloan killed an eagle over on Twin Lake
stream one day last week under circumstances
that have excited a good deal of interest among
the woodsmen. Sloan was looking foc,a suita
ble spruce for shingles. He was carrying bis
rifle, be says, on account of the possibility of
seeing a rabbit or a bear, two sorts of game
now in season. About two miles below the
North Lake road two large birds flew up from
the brush before him very unexpectedly and
alighted in a tree not more than six rods away.
Sloan thought they were hawks, but of such
enormous size that he at once raised his rifle
and shot tbe largest one, when the other flew
off in a lumbering fashion and disappeared.
Then Sloan looked at the bird, and found that
it was a real bald-beaded eagle, with wings that
spread a bit wider than he conld span with his
arms, or perhaps 6K feet On examining the
brush where the birds were first seen the body
of a freshly killed fawn, born last spring, was
found. It had been killed by the eagles, and
they had then eaten so much of. it that appar
ently they were too tired to fly far when
alarmed. Eagles, and especially bald eagles.
are rarely seen in this country, while the oldest
Inhabitant does not remember such a circum
stance as a deer being killed by them.
How a French Editor Resarda the Great
American Showman.
Barnum has been to Paris for a little visit
andParis is astonished to find that he did
nothing astonishing. .One of the soberest of
the weeklies puts it in this way:
"But what does Bamum in Paris? For Bar
num is in Paris, the king of tbe puff, the em
peror of brag, and he has not yet given sign of
life! We have not heard yet the beating of a
great drum or the sound of cymbals. Barnum
will have to taste tbe earth.
"In the country at M. Snob it is easy for him
to draw a crowd. In the country of M. Gogo
this onght not to seem much more difficult for
him. I await something resounding and enor
mous; but what the can Barnum invent?
The most astounding thine (hat be bas done in
his life bas been to pass through Paris without
making any noise about it. Barnum incognito;
that bas tbe air of a paradox."'
upon reading wnicu Mr. juarnum prooably
rubs his chin and remarks that he seems to be
getting the advertisement just tbe same, noise
or no noise.
John F. Cabl, an oil expert of Venango
county, has been at Stony Bun, Berks county,
some days examining the oil field with a view
of making explorations. He took samples of
the oil from tbe well ot Joshua Bailey and ex'
amined the geological features of the region.
It is his opinion that the oil lies at a decth of
about 200 feet from tbe surface. He thinks
that the prospects of finding gas are also very
fair. If arrangements can be' completed with
tbe owners of tbe surrounding land he will
shortly set up a drill.
Babies bom with teeth are becoming nu
merous In Ohio. AI?ew Lisbon mother has a
babe that had two front teeth before it was a
day old.
There is a curiosity "alone the Fairmont
Morgantown and Fittsbnrg Ballroad. about six
miles above town, worth noticing Two syca
more trees, standing about tea fee( apart, are
joined together by a limb 15 Inches in diameter,
and It's- dollarsto doughnuts which tree It
started to grow from. They are the only
Siamese twins in this Ticinltj.AIorgantoum
AtsO, A.R. fair In Stenbenville recently,
2,000 of Confederate money, which was taken
from thB trunk of Jefferson Davis after his
capture, was on exhibition.
The report of a pistol Interrupted a wedding
ceremony at Bcranton the other day. Nobody
wav hurt The Small boy, who was fooling with
tbe weape In asMtber rat,' h4 ,a laoky es-
caf e.i ' tj i y -
A Scene Drawn Fron IJfe In a Snektag
Car Which HlMtrstca Some of ibe Re
sults or Celebrating Christmas Not
Wisely bat Too Well.
"These has not been more drunkenness than
usual probably during tbe holiday season,
but it bas been my misfortune to meet a great
number of offensively Intoxicated persons in
the last 48 hours. Sketches of drunkenness
are not edifying, but I am tempted to describe
a scene wbich made things very Interesting for
tbe passengers on the Cleveland express two
nights ago. Tbe train was late, that is to say
Eastern connections were abont an hour be
hind time, and a great crowd gathered at the
Union and Federal street depots. Of those
who finally boarded the train it would be a
modest estimate to say that 10 per cent were
drunk and another 10 per cent somewhat under
the Influence of liquor. There was not, how
ever, as far as I know, any disturbance in any
of the cars but the smoker. In the latter, as
usual, the inebnated passengers congregated,
and yet as the smoker was tbe only car In which
there was room, a dozen sober men took seats
there. Twelve lambs am one wolves. '
The train bad hardly started before a lanky
countryman, whoso face, had been painted a
leathery yellow by the sun, began to deliver an
address on nothing in particular. He looked
like a man who hangs abont oil wells and takes
care to work as little as possible. He spoke
with a racy Yankee twang, and swore pictur
esquely and with much profane imagery.
When tbe conductor bad taken up the tickets
a florid Irishman, thick and strong as a bull,
who was pretty nearly sober, took exception to
some of tbe lanky cluntryman's remarks. Tbe
Irishman evidently.went Into the conteat for
the fun of tbe tbingr-not objecting to a Cent,
of co urse, )I It had to, come. But the country
man did not take the interference kindly. He
called the Irishman all the names he conld
think of. Not one of these names can be given
here. All tbe Irishman would say In reply
was: "There is no need for you to apologize,"
which hardly acted as a sedative.
At last tbe tall, raw-boned countryman arose
unsteadily fro m bis seat and said to bis laugh
ing opponent: 'Til lick you or any
duplicate of you, you blank blank
Although a clenched fist was unpleasantly
near his face, the Irishman still laughed and
murmured: "Don't apologizeP' But a third
party took a hand in the debate at this point
HT Biscombatant was a medium-sized gentle
man who had been slumbering in the seat
behind the Irishman all this time. As tbe
countryman yelled the challenge to his tor
mentor, or his duplicate, tbe sleeper shook
himself and scrambled, and almost fell out into
the aisle. ,
"Who called me a duplicate?" he thundered.
The suddenness of this irruption produced a
momentary calm. Tbe last invader of tbo ring,
who spoke the Lancashire (England) dialect
as only a native can, went on: "The map who
says I'm a duplicate Is a liar."
By this time tbe leather-coloredpugilist from
rural parts had recovered from his surprise,
and not deigning to answer the newcomer's
question, or not understanding it he struck a
prize-ring (Attitude, as nearly as the swaying ot
the train would-fillow, and begged some one to
step out and get licked. The gentleman who
disliked the term of a duplicate advanced at
once he had a face, by tbe way, which shone
like a full moon in foggy weather, a dull, angry
red. But a fourth man took a hand.
'The fourth man was a brakeman no chicken,
hut a stocky, determined lookine fellow. His
height was less than that of the smallest of the
men whom he started out to subdue. He had
been watching the progress of the sqnabble.
How as tbe countryman and the Briton rushed
at each other, the brakeman neatly upset tbe
latter with a shove, administered with his left
hand, and with his light forcibly deposited the
countryman in his seat
The downfall of the Briton was grievous to
behold. He fell under the seat on all fours,
and for two or three minutes lay there strug
gling like a turtle turned upside down. The
audience laughed lone and loud. The country
man continued to breathe blood and fury and
whiskyfled sentiment The Irishman benevo
lently offered to back both men and hold tbe
stakes, which the Briton, upon his resuscita
tion, announced he would pat up In amounts to
snlt any pugilist's desire, '
But the brakeman ruled the ring with a
strong hand after this, and with a patience and
forbearance that I've never seen beaten. There
was no nearer approach to fighting than gales
of profane language till the train reached the
quiet station at which I retired. What occurred
afterwards some one else must tell.
Little incidents like tbe above are not un
common In tbe experience of railroad brake-
men. .The brakeman has to be ready to turn
policeman at a moment's notice and not only
to "brake" his train, but to keep his own head
from being broken.
Coming Events Id Local Operatic and Theat
rical Attractions.
Faust," to-night by the" Emma Jnch Com
pany, at the Grand Opera Houje, promises to
be tbo gala operatic event of tbe season. The
grandest lyric composition of modern times
will be interpreted by a body of artists and
accompanying musical forces fully competent
to meet all the requirements of the score. Miss
Juch will be the Marguerite, and her imperson
ation of this role is Incomparable and is
one of the most brilliant portrayals
of Goethe's heroine known to the lyric stage.
Hedmond's VFaust" Is credited as being one of
his best efforts. Vetta as Mephittophelei
has set a standard of vocal and dramatic excel
lence in this role, and tbe Valentine of Tagll
apetra Is the work of a genius. Miss Lizzie
Macnichol as Biebel is seen in one of ber best
roles. The remaining parts aro intrusted to
artists of sterling talent sufficient to insure a
performance of the -work that will be well .worth
The attendance this evening will be enor
mous and tbe Grand Opera House will be taxed
to its utmost to accommodate tbe demand for
The appointments for the remainder of the
week are as follows: Friday evening, "Mig
non," with Miss Juch in tbe title role. Satur
day aiienioon -Aiaruana," ana Saturday even
ing "The Freischutz." with Miss Jnch as Agnet.
Manager Golick has secured Dion Bouci
canlt's sensational play After Dark" for his
New Year's attraction. The production, which
is elaborate and costly in tbe way of scenic
effects, comes to, Pittsburg direct from New
York City, and after Its representations In this
city returns to tbe metropolis to finish the New
York run. "After Dark" bas been played up
ward of 3,000 times in every part of the United
States, .England and Canada, Unusual prepa
rations are being made by Mr. William A.
Brady, who is to present the drama herewith
all of the accessories needed to give it a nota
bly successful Pittsburg representation. The
sale of seats opens tbis morning.
"A HOLE in the Ground" will be at the
Grand Opera House next week. It Is a very
funny skit upon railroad affairs, as Pittsburg
ers most all know by tbis time, for this farce
ofHoyt'shas been here several times. The
eale of seats opens to-day.
The Largost Steam Teasel Ever Ballt Being
1 Broken Up.
ITom the New York Trlbune.1
For nearly a score of years tbe English news
papers have periodically announced the last'
nd the very last and positively tie last, of that
magnificent bat generally useless ship called
the Great Eastern. She has been a huge sink
ing fond from the day that tbe first plate of her
keel -was laid in 1853; and She proved a com
mercial failure, having performed only one
practically serviceable and honorable task
that of laying the Atlantic telegraphic cable in
1868. ,
Perhaps It should be said, however, that she
has been of service in deterring investors from
making similar foolish ventures in shipbuild
ing. She had lived SO years of an obscure and
a profltlfss existence before tbe 'positively
last" other as a floating obstruction was
reached. From the time of tbo Ill-success of
tbe first attempt to launch her she was a sortof
Jonah. Men were killed by tbe breaking of
tbe gear of tbe hydraulic engines that slowly
pusbed ber, almost broadside on. Into tbe com
paratively narrow river. Mr. Brunei, her con
structing engineer, died a few days later from
anxiety and disappointments.
Then came tbe explosion of one of the steam
nines on her first trip, at the cost of ten iivi
Her single voyage to this port, to New Orleans
and to Melbourne resulted in a loss of several
thousands ot dollars Finally the lavfith-m
that cost abont l,000.U00lto build was sold only
recently for a little more than 200,000, and aba
is being broken up. Tbe sale realized 2,080
for the copper, 1)89 for the gun metals, 8,180
for tbe brass. U86 for the lead, 12,660 for ihe
oater Iron .plates, 12,899 for the innw iron
plates, rivet ad bmim ad AM tat tfce
The Ve4ey-laK nail Parker. Hffls Na
tlale Follow In Qalck Saceeaaloa Tho
Eaat Xni Freafcrterlaa Cbwch the Seese.
The handsome new Presbyterian Church in
the East End was honored last evening with
two very pretty weddings.
At i o'clock tbe awning from the street to
the church doors was in position, the pulpit
was handsomely decorated with the most lux
uriant tropical plants, that J. R. 4 A. Murdoch
had In their possession, and everything was ia
readiness for tbe first wedding tbfit occurred
at 5 o'clock.
And none too- soon, either, for shortly after
that time the guests began to arrive, and be
fore tbe specified time for the ceremony, the
church was comfoitably filled with a fashiona
ble audience.
Miss Annie D. Negley and J. W. Sloan, Esq.,
were tbe first couple to take tbe solemn vows
and four ushers and two little flower girls tra
versed the aisle ahead of the bride
and her, uncle, W. B. Negley, to the
altar. There in waiting was tbe groom
and his best man, L. B. S. Beese and
Rev. J. P. -E. Kumler, who, .assisted by Eev.
W. P. Shrom, performed the sacred rites of
The ushers were Messrs. C. O. Montooth, J.
A. Sloan, a brother ot the bridegroom, D. C.
Negley and W. K. N egley, a brother and cousin
of tbe bride. The little flower girls were Mary
Mellon, a consin of the bride, and Mary Seuff,
a niece of the bride. They were dressed in
charming llttlo whlto mulle gowns, fashioned
Ion-necked and sleeveless, and carried dainty
baskets of fragrant roses.
The bride, a petite brunette, was lovely, in a
white faille robe, the front of wbich was com
posed of a plain, round skirt over which fell an
open work drapery, constructed of fine silk
braid and terminating in a deep fringe ot tbe
Tbe bodice was V shaped with elbow sleeves,
and a roll of swansdown with an edge ol
duchess lace finished both neck and sleeves.
Deep plaits laid at the waist line formed the
fullness for an extremely long train and a
pretty ruchlng edgeirlt Tbe bouquet carried
was composed of lilies of the valley and Driae
roses tied with white satin ribbon. A' tbe con
clusion of tbe ceremony the more intimate
friends of tbe bride and groom were conveyed
to tbe residence of the bride's mother, Mrs,
Caroline Negley, where thb congratulations
were received by the happy couple. The
presents were extremely pretty and were ex
hibited in a room on the second floor. Re
freshments were served by Kuhn.
An Eastern train late in tbe evening took Mr.,
and Mrs. Sloan on their wedding jonrneyjwhieh
will consume some two weeks' time.
On their return they will reside with airs. Keg
ley, and "at borne" cards have been issued for
tbe latter tbree Thursdays in January,
Tbe Second Wrddlng.
Scarcely had the echoes of Miss Negley'i
wedding march died away and the guests de
parted when the organ pealed forth again, and
a second aggregation of beauty and fashion
took possession of tbe church, this time to wit
ness the nuptials of Miss Susie Parker and Mr.
Marlon F. Hippie, wbich was solemnized at 7:30
The ushers who seated the euests. and an
nounced tbe arrival of the bride and groom by
preceding them to the altar, were Messrs. Paul
Wolfe. Lee Mason, Jr.. Frank Liggett, Walter
Herr, George West and Thomas JIcEwin.
The bride, a tiny mertal with black eyes and
hair, was exceedingly pretty in a stiff white
cordsd silk princess gown, trimmed with ostrich
tips. The neck was cnt high in the back, and
finished with a pretty double collar and a line
of the soft wavy feathers extended around in
front forming a slight V, and thon diagonally
across the front of tbe robe to the bottom of
the skirt
A handsome veil of cobweb texture was con
fined with orange blossoms and draped the
girlish figure ot the bride to tbe edge of tbe
court train. Diamond earrings, the present of
the groom, were worn, and a bouquet of roses
was earned. Rev. Kumler was again in de
mand as officiating clergyman.
un account or tne nipess or Airs, i-arser, no
reception was tendered at the residence of tbe
bride's parents on Shady avenue, but after ex
changing wedding garments for traveling cos
tnmes, the young people departed on a western
Their travels ended they' will sojourn with
Mr. and Mrs. Parker, and occupy a charmingly
artistic apartment that has been furnished
througbont with wedding presents. And from
the selections made it would seem that friends
and relatives had combined to furnish every
thing in old gold, the silk coverlid, toilet set,
fringed lamp shade and various other articles,
all being of that lovely shade. Besides the fur
nishing of the private apartment silver, onyx
and rare China, were received In abundance,
making in all one of the prettiest fcolleotiona of
wedding presents Imaginable.
The Participant Will Wear Very Band
some Costume nt Tant Event.
Tbe pretty costumes to be worn by the petite
actors and actresses in the Christmas Panto
mime to be given this afternoon.combined with
the popular nursery melodies that will be sung
and acted, will doubtless make a decidedly
picturesque and interesting entertainment
The little folks will be "supported" by some of
tbe best known and most popular musical
talent that reside in the city, and careful re
hearsal bas made them quite proncient in tneir
various roles.
The very worthy object for which the enter
tainment s given, the benefit of the Newsboys'
Home, and the prominence of the little ones
that will perform will insure a cultivated nd
appreciative audience. It is rumored that
many handsome floral offerings will be passed
up over tbe footlights.
Social Chatter.
gTCAEDS have been Issued for a private view
of tne recent paintings of Artist John W.
Beatty "Mohican Bluffs." "Outside the Vil
lage" and "A Block Island Road" for to-day,
to-morrow and Saturday at tbe Pittsburg Art
School on Wood street
Miss Emma, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. F. C.
Davis, will be wedded this evening to Mr. J.
Warren Lytle, President of the Pittsburg
Kumbeblkss family reunions and dinners
were in progress throughout the city yesterday.
.Miss Josie Woodweli. will receive her
friends this evening.
The Whitehead-Slrlter wedding this even
An Austrian Rogarda (he United Btates as
the Eldorndo of Womankind.
In North America, says a writer in tbe Freie
J'resse, of Vienna, woman stands in many ways
above man. North America, especially the
United States, is the Eldorado of womankind.
No occupation Is closed to the American
woman. To be sure, I have never seen female
choppers of wood, nor female blacksmiths, nor
female Congressmen, nor female Aldermen.
The last two diversions are forbidden women
bylaw. But if women never fell trees in the
primeval forest nor tame horses, nor perform
otber heavy work, it is simply because they
don't wish to do it not because tbey can't
Owing to the fact that American girls pass
more years at school and college, on the aver
age, than American boys, tbe American women
are generally much better educated than
American men. The American woman is tbe
standard bearer of American culture and the
patroness of tbe arts and sciences and bigber
cducaupn. The high culture and education of
the American woman explains completely tbe
consideration and respect with which sbe la
treated by American men. The Amer
ican husband treats his wife with the greatest
consideration, which unfortunately cannot be
said of tbe German husband.
The American woman is generally beaBliful.
or at least understands how to make herself
look so. I have not seen such beautiful women
anywhere else old women, too, with magnifi
cent white hair. The American girl knows
how to dress herself tastefully and stylishly.
Sbe knows how to make tbe simplest garment
"fetching" by means of a little bow or fold or
flower. All the homage wbich is paid the
American woman In private and public life has,
however. Its very shady side. To give up your
seat to a woman in a horse car is now and then
a trifle uncomfortaole. To wait to have your
baggage checked till a woman who arrived after
you nad been attended to is In tho highest de
gree burdensome. To be delayed at a hotel
table while women who come in late td dinner
are served, Is almost unbearable. There are
also many 'other occasions on which the man
must step aside for tho woman in America.
Custom demands it and custom In America is
mightier than law.
He Ovrsi the Town.
From tbe Philadelphia Ledger.
George Van Dyke, of Langaster, N. H., who
owns 123,000 acres of land in the northern part
ot New England, has acquired the deeds for
tbe town of Beattie, Me., which is said to con
tain a custom house and postofuce, beside the
houses, etc., of tbe inhabitants. Mr. Van Dyke
may scoop in Rhode Island yet
Their WUticp Don't Count.
From the Chicago Jiowt.;
It is announced that oa New Year's Day tbe
President and his fasnlly wH! receive. The
office seekers, however, weald prefer to de Use
reeeiviBg themselves.
Odd Optafaa BSd'Qanlat Observations Frea
Curb and Corridor.
TJICK Hendebsoit came to town to spend the
Christmas season with bis former chums.
They were everyone glad to see him, and be
shook hands all day. yesterday until he conld
scarcely bend his elbow. Mr. Henderson has
been up in' the oil region, wearing big boots, a
flannel shirt and an air of industry. He has.
been edifying his friends with yarns about his
experiences. "He says 'that for two years he
bas been feeding on ham, pore chops and saa
sago until be is ashamed to look a hoc lathe
Tee sable gentleeen who occupy the posi
tions of dock bands along the river, cele
brated Christmas with unusual gusto. The
weather was so much like that "down de rib
ber." The dock band is happy this winter.
That last word is used with reluctance, but is
warranted by tbe standard almanacs. The
dock band has had all the work he wished. He
did not wish much. Tbe packets have come
and gone regularly, freight bas been heavy,
and tbe weather mild. When a cargo was
loaded and tbe dock band given his pay, he
could get drunk and sleep all night on a pile of
planks without danger of catching cold. He
has even, In his dreams, been able to imagine
himself on the levee in New Orleans,
'J'he dock hand is arstudy In contentment
Even at hard labor he does not work bard.
Watch that gang carrying boxes of glass from
a wagon to tbe packet. One ,is on tbe wagon,
His old brown Blanch hat Is hung upon the
back ofhis head. He rolls tbe boxes to the
rear of the wagon with sedate deliberation.
Two ebon-hued companions stand there. Care
fully they lift the boxes and place them softly
upon the shoulders of tbe carriers. How slowly
those carriers move, Tbey walk up the gang
Plank with measured, stealthy thread, placing
one long flat foot before the otber only after
mature thought The dock band is an artist as
an expectorator. He does not move bis bead.
He looks calmly ahead ot him into dim dis
tance, with the solemn countenance of a Nile
statue. He expectorates and winks and that is
all there U of it
QN Mt Washington the children of three
neighboring families aroused to enjoying
themselves in the summer time with aliwn
tent which one of three papas, in the fall,
carefully folds away In his attic. Yesterday
moraine the warm sunshine was too much for
tbe bright eyed little ones, and tbey called
upon pere In a boay. They would not listen to
anything short of the production of the summer
tent It was spread upon the lawn, and tbe
children had a jolly time all the forenoon. Soon
after dinner one of the little girls went to her
father, and, with a look of irresistible appeal in
her blue eyes, asked: "Papa, can't you get us a
croquet set?"
y stoet like the above, however true lt'may
u, uue not move a veteran uxe controller
Morrow. He listened calmly to the narrative,
and said dryly, "There is nothing extra
ordinary about that. On the 1st of January,
1876, tbe Centennial day, I played a game of
croquet in my shirtsleeves." On that day
tbree men were frozen to death in Alle
gheny county. There is a slight discrepancy,
but the Controller has the advantage. He Is
connected with a Sunday school and the rec
ords ara not
'T'hebe appears to be p wide divergence In
tbe manner of spelling tbe name of the
Christmas saint. Within a week the newspa
pers of this city have spelled it three different
ways: Kris Kringle, Kriss Kringle and Kriss
Single. The latter spelling, wbich seems to be
the furthest out of the way, appeared yesterday
morning in the editorial columns of a city co
temporary, Tbe same is sometimes spelled
Knss Klnkls or Kriss Krinkle. The cyclope
dias spell tbe name Kriss Kringle. Tbe devo
tees of tbe old gentleman, tbe children, should
insist on a correct orthographical rendition.
pHB warm days of this season again bring
out the hotel mashers who air themselves
about the entrance of the Hotel Anderson.
Tbe proprietor of tbe house have been as
much annoyed by those gaudy and riddy men
as anybody on tbe street bnt tbey have been
unable to hit on any plan to abate the nuisance.
A large number of those mpst notorious pests
in town are not guests of the Anderson at all.
They come either from other hotels or from
this city. They stand upon the steps, and near
the entrance, and smile their muskmelon
smiles upon every comely lady who passes.
The young men who display their pretty mus
taches and their fine raiment in this fashion
are probably not aware that for some time
they hare been tbe subjects of discussion
among tbe higher officials of the police bureau.
Yet such is the fact Inspector McAleese is
aching to get at them, but until tbis time has
been unable to concoct a plan. They do not
mash when a policeman is near. It may be in
teresting news to the boys on that comer that
a plot for their demoralization is now in the
course of formation, and maybe sprung upon
them at any moment. Bo may a hose.
'There was a large lot of holly used in this
city yesterday, placed as'decoratlons in tbe
houses or worn in buttonholes. Few persons
who bought tbe beautiful branches at tbe
florist's were aware that they had come across
the ocean. Nearly all of the holly sold in this
country Is brought from England. Some is cul
tivated here In hothouses. It is called an ever
green, but, like all evergreens. It will not keep
Its color forever.
Come amusement was caused yesterday by the
account sent to the city by a suburban cor
respondent ot the chase which Chief of Police
Donovan, of Braddock, gave to three men who
were suspected of beine tbe murderers of Mrs.
Rudert In connection with tbe lively inter
change of revolveV shots It was said: "There
was some queer dodging of bullets, or some
person would have been shot" The report was
not intended to be a humorous one.
pnmsTHAS In 18S9 was distinguished by tbe
appearance upon the public streets of the
paymaster of the Eighteenth Regiment Na
tional Guard of Pennsylvania, wearing a silk
hat tbe first In his career. The Executive
Committeo of the union will meet at 3 o'clock
this afternoon to consider the case.
Mbs. S. B. Rathoks, of Chicago, spent
Mrs. McCullough and her daughter. Miss Viola.
They enjoyed their Christmas dinner at tbe
Hotel Anderson. Mrs. Raymond Is the wife of
a prominent wholesale merchant of Chicago
and one of the leading Bepublican politicians
ot that city. The Stkoiake.
Tie Oldest Blnn fn Illinois.
Chicago, December 25. Dennis O'Hara, who
was probably tbe oldest man in Illinois, died at
his home, at No. 78 West Thirteenth street
yesterday morning, aged HO years. Ho was a
laborer until incapacitated for work by age.
A raorosAL is powerfully supported before
tbe British Postoffice for changing tbe place for
embarking and landing tbe American passen
gers from QueenBtown to Holyhead.
Baeok Hatosmait, In his 70th year, Is to
write bis memoirs. He was one of tbo most
active members of Napoleon Iil.'s surround
ings, and his revelations should be peculiarly
Numa GiLtT, ex-mayor of Nimes, whose
revelations about leading politicians and Cabi
net Ministers got him Into hot water some time
since, bas been released from the prison of
Balnte Pelagic In Paris.
The two principal prizes in landscapes given
to the Royal Academj students have been
taken by women, and a third female student
carried off a prize of 30 for a decorative design
in water color. Tbe workof the male students
was still very good.
The Queen's Ladles-ln-Waltlng are begin
ning to murmdr about a dress grievance. They
only receive 300, and are expected to appear
in a hew costume at every dinner. The maids
are compelled to trim up their old gowns in all
possible ways, for tbe Queen has an eagle eye
for old dresses and hates them.
The continued trials of tbe British torpedo
boats of the Rattlesnake class point to failure
too much power for tbe hulls to stand. Tbey
are of S75 tons displacement and their engines
are contracted to indicate 500" horse power.
Tkelast te be tted, the Seagull, nearly shook
herself to vieeetwith a deVelOMMat of 3.66
horse poweVr, and had to be seat to tbe deek tec
I 4 w . J- 5f j' .. " S2K5t fr. "
8HsW It Ktfct Frew St. Lee.
To tee Sdltdr of The Dlsnateh:
A few da jb ago, in looking over an old copy
of your' patjer, xsy attention was called to an
article describing an oocorresce in your dty on
the 9th of tljto month an occurrence of which
I was an eyewitness. On tbo day In question I
was a guest at the Nuttridgo House, Diamond
Square, your city, and during the temporary
absence of tbe proprietor, a party of five men
entered thel house, one of whom at least was
drunk. The proprietor's son, who was in
charge of the bar, assisted by two competent
barmen, very politely but firmly refused to
serve these men with any liquor, whereupon oc
curred one ot the most disgraceful scenes I ever
witnessed, certainly disapproved on the part
of the men of the house, and I am sure that but
for tbe great; forbearance exercised on the part
of young Niittridge and bis assistants; the oc
currence would nave ended disastrously, per
haps tragleajly. Eventually they were ousted,
trom the nquse, when the scene was renewed
ontside,whea one ol these men, in the most
cowardly manner,, struck unawares a man
whose only fault consisted in having quietly
helped to eject them.
Your article says that "two men were arrested
in the house a few days ago, one of whom had
a badly used-up head." As an eye-witness I
can amrm that this did not happen in the
bouse, and personally I have no interest to
servo beyond that of laying the facta be
fore jour public, thus preventing an inno
cent person being compromised by an occur
rence over which fie had no possible control.
Hoping yoti will give this prominence in your
widely circulated journal, I am, sir. very truly,
, JoaxMAETix.
St. Loins,' mo., December 22, 1889.
KcaspBS Asaipit Hpy Olovlag.
To the Editor ef The Dispatch:
Let me say a word to movers, particularly
those who bare their own house-cleaning and
summer sewing to do. Oo you wish it to be
July before your summer sewing Is begun? If
so. more May 1. Tenants after moving always
effect temporary organization of house'-belp-ing.
Then, In most all cases, fully 30 days will
have elapsedbefoTe a perfect organization can
be effected. If they move May lit will be June
1 before they commence house-cleaning. All
housekeepers know how much pleasure house
cleaning and sewing is in tbe hot month of
June, wben it should be done in May far June
wearing; Nojr, a word to all employes. If
moving day be changed to May 1 it necessarily
makes the merchant wait one month longer for
his spring business, giving us dullness four
months instead of three. Now, what will be
tbe result? Why. Instead of carrying tbe em
ployes over those four months tbey will have to
tw discharged January 1, and we will have to
take our changes May 1 of getting you again.
You cannot blame tbe merchant for be cannot
afford to cany the expense If he has not the
If the real estate dealers want more time, tol
do their business let them influence capital
enough to buird" for the citizens of Pittsburg a
.surplus orhouses, as they have in the Eastern
cities, xnen an win Da Denentteo, ana jeopie
can better themselves when they are so dis
posed. The real estate business wfcH not all be
done In tbree months of tbe year, and the busi
ness men of the city will have more time to at
tend properly to the wants of their patrons.
Fbane a. Hopper.
Pittsbtjbg, December 25, WJ.
Jny Gould Hot on the Trait
To the Editor o j" Tbe Dispatch:
Please Inform me through your Mail Pouch
who is the richest man in the world, and his
wealth, and oblige " A.D. C.
PrTTSBUBG December 21, 1889.
The Aster, Vanderbflt and Rothschild es
tates are undoubtedly the largest in the world;
but many individuals have their fingers In each
of these rich, flaky pies. If the latest pub
lished returns are correct Jay Gould can come
very near seeing tbe richest man in the world
when he looks into his plate-glass mirror at
Irvington-on-tUe-Hudson and sees a little man
of about five feet (altitude), weighing probably
not more than 115 pounds avoirdupois, but per
haps nearly 80,000,000 pounds sterling. Cer
tain It is that he is, thus far, the only man on
record who has been at anyone time able to
show up such a full hand as (SO 000,000. In bonds
and securities, while he was supposed to have
"bidden up his sleeve" as much more in value
ot real estate and other solids too numerous to
mention. If Jay Gould is not the richest man
in the world, he is "hot on the trail" of that
man, with the betting two to one that if be
(Gouid) lives long enough, he wBI overhaul and
do np the champion.
i ft
Apportionment and West Foist.
To the Editor of ThD.lspateh:
Please let me know, through your Mail
Pouch: (1) What part of Allegheny county is
In the Twenty-fourth Congressional District of
Pennsylvania? (2) What is the number of peo
ple that a Congressman is supposed to repre
sent? (3) In what county In the State of New
York is the United States Military Academy
situated? Yours respectfully.
Thoxas R. Moboab,
CAKONSbubq. December 10, 1S89.
(1) According to the last apportionment
enacted in 1837, that portion of Allegheny
county assigned with Fayette Greene and
Washington counties to the Twenty-fourth
Congressional District lies entirely south of the
Monongahela and Ohio rivers and between tbe
Youghlogbeny and Monongahela, and includes
the borough of McKeesport (2) When this
apportionment, under the census of 1880, was
made, the ratio ot members of Congress to
population was, on the average througbont the
country, one lor every 154,0X0 Inhabitants.
(3) West Point Military Academy u In the
town of Cornwall, county of Orange, N. Y., on
the west bank of tbe Hudson river. 1
The Tobacco Law Isiptres the Muse.
To the Editor ofjlie Dispatch :
Will you kindly oblige on attentive reader of
your valuable paper by saying whether, tbe
tobacco law forbidding the sale of cigarettes
to boys nnder 18 years includes cigars, tobacco,
tobies, etc? x H.E.M.
EastBbast, V, December 25,1889.
An answer to your query, dear H.EL M., In
spires the muse, if not the mnsee, to Indite the
following, which, like figures, cannot lie, and
wbich. In this county of lusticetbat often goes
by contraries, may be considered already in
dicted: You may vend tbe deadly toby
To tbe kid who wears a Lilt
And the weed, like lucre, filthy.
You may sell him, without guilt.
Ton may help him chew tobacco
Long before ho cuts bis teeth:
Smoke bis little brow wltn "two-fors"
Till the smoke looks like a wreath.
But too may not and you most not
Abl dear reader, don't forget!
Sell to children, touzh or tender,
Tbe malignant cigarette.
Not Exnctly a Direct Salltna Yoyace.
To the Editor of Tbe Dlspatcni
Would you please tell me if vessels can sail
directly from Chicago to Europe? And oblige,
Idlewood, December 20, 1888.
Not exactly direct from Chicago to Europe,
for it Is a devious, and not a direct route. Nor
canveS3els "sail" the entire distance,. They
must be towed by steam through tbe "Soo,"
tbe Welland, and tbe Lachinecaaals.and some
of the rivers. Bnt, very big vessels can "get
Writing to the Wrong Pnper,
To "J. W.Ry Harvard, '82." Boston? Your
communication, anusive oi Princeton auuetes,
and assailing their morals and manners, was
evidently addressed to the wrong paper when
you wrote to The Dispatch. This journal is
not a medium or organ fortho promulgation of
scurrilous attacks of any kind, much less for
cowardly and anonymous ones.
An Ased Man Who Has Been a Convict Mere
Than Half HI Life.
LouisviiiE, December 25. There will be re
leased on Monday from the Jefforsonyllle Peni
tentiary a convict who has probably served a
longer time'ln prison than any man nOw living.
His name is John Hicks. He was born in
Montgomery County, Virginia, in 1S08, and
moved to Leesbarg. lud., when a young man.
He has six times been sentenced to the peni
tentiary in Indiana. He has spent in all 40
years within that State's prison walls.
In addition! to this record in Indiana, he has
served two termsjn tbe Ohio Penitentiary, and
Is believed to have served saa ia other State
In round numbers he maybe said to have spent
half a century in prison. Wben his term ex
pires next Monday be will go to Indianapolis,
where the State Board of Charities have prom
ised to provide for him and secure an honest
livelihood for tho worn out old felon.
Easily Located.,
JTroa the Waeblagton Pott!
When David BeaseK Xi leew his jaaft
knife it eaa generally be fesad sosaew (tt ia.
9 vieteKy of Qrover CTevwaad's fifth rib.
"- - ?
The total value of property in. Massa
chusetts has increased SO per cent slncelSSCL
The laih has never been abolished as a
means of discipline in the German penal Insti
tutions. Ia Bridgeport, Conn., the cats ara In, the
clutch ot la grippe, and feline sneeilnglis ttia
order of the night. f
TJp in the Korthwest, Scandinavian
journalism is having-qnite a boom. The?havei
a better Swedish newspaper in Minnesota than
they have in Sweden, it is said. ' -
A Jackson county, Mo., man is suing
for a divorce from tbe woman he weddedrX
I years sgo. He says his wife made blmdd"the
wasning ana me general nousework.
A woman of Ionia, Mich., suffered Trith
a pain in her side for 20 years. Last week a.
Sbysiclan removed a needle that is supposed tej
ave caused all the trouble.
The Peninsular and Oriental Steam.
Navigation Company awns a fleet of 72 steam.
ships, of 199,270 tons nd 180.000 horse-power.
In the past year the fleet has steamed 2,600,000
miles 'without accident or delay."
Knsiian officials have decided that iba
telephone is "dangerous to the State." In War
saw orders have been given that telephones be
removed from .all restaurants, coffee houses
and liquor saloons, similar orders have been
issued In all other largs Polish towns.
There Is a man at Crawfordsville, Ind.,
who has left his wife tour times. The first time
he was gone 17 years, S years the second time, 2
years tbe third, and 1 year the fourth time.
After leaving the fourth time bis wife ob
tained a divorce, and now he is back again. She
bas always made her own livelihood.
Michael Fitzgerald, of Bay City, lived
30 days with a dislocated neck. Ha was In
jured about a month ago by a los falling on a
peavy which he held, tbe shock dislocating his
neck. Paralysis did not immediately ensue,
and heappeared as though nothing was the
matter with him. A post-mortem revealed a
dislocation of the neck from disease of the
A Chicago carrier was frightened nearly
ont of bis wits by a white robed figure that ap
peared at the door of a certain store just when
he was delivering the morning paper. Ha
started tbe story that It was a ghost but in
vestigation proved that it was only the pro
prietor of the place, who was accustomed to ap
pear about that hour, unlock tbe door and get -
his paper. ,
Abont a year ago Charles Metcalf cams
to Walpole, Mass-, from California, and be
came engaged to Miss Sarah Nlckerson,of
Lynn, who was visiting here. He interested
her in a mining scheme, and induced her to in
trust him with $1,000, with which to purchase
tbe stock In Chicago. Investigation, it Is said,
has shown Metcali's representation to be false,
and he has been arrested on the charge of ob
taining money under false pretenses.
It is sometimes said that the branches of
very old trees are. properly speaking, roots, and
that if planted upside down the trees would
flourish. Herr Kny, a German botanist has
recently Investigated the matter by planting
vines and ivy with both ends in the ground,
and subsequently cutting them at tbe arch.
The experiments werefairlv successful, though
not In every Instance: and Herr Kny intends to
continue them with otber plants and trees, such
as willows, poplars and roses,
A Baltimore gentleman who bought for
a Christmas tree one of the large japonicas
which were cnt down in the general dismant
ling of the old hothouse of the Messrs. Halllday
gave Santa Clans a genuine surprise wben he
went on his rounds Tuesday nigijt The tree,
which is 8 or 9 feet high, was full of buds wben
it was cut down. By placing the stock in water
for tbree days in a sheltered place a few of the
buds matured, and Santa Clans bad the pleas
ure of seeing two or three beautiful white ja
ponicas in half bloom when fie added his con
tributions to the bush.
A well-known Mount Clemens, Mien.,
lady has been laborlnr under the Impression
ffor tbe past five yesfrs that she was a widow.
Her husband left her that long ago to take a
trip West and it was reported that he was
frozen to death in Dakota. When the old gen
tleman returned borne last Monday sbe knew
better. During his absence he has been most
of the time in British Columbia, where he
stacked up an Imposimrnileof the coin of th
realm. What explanation he made to his wife
for his long silence is not public property, bnt
I it must have been satisfactory, as she now ap-
1 a;f nappy-as grassuopper uancing in tne
There Is living at.a point on JEast Bay. L
hear Pensacola, a remarkable fioilJy'orrrar! '-
boys and one young woman. The boys con '
aider their sister to be one of themselves, she
being In nearly every respect as handy as a boy
should be. and sharing the labors of her
brothers. They can draw tbe lines of a ship,
hew tbe timbers, build and launch ber, and
then sail her around tbe world. Tbey have done
it and are doing it again. Tbe schooner Axel,
a fine little vessel 'Which they hare built, is at
present somewhere on the gulf under command
of one of tbe brothers, who is a most expert
navigator. Tbe other brothers and sister are
now engaged in building another and a larger
vessel, which is well under way.
Twenty years ago diamonds were at
three times their present value. The'discovery
of the South African mines brought down the
price, but amalgamation In the last 12 months
bas put it up by above a hundred per cent
The rough estimate is tbat during the last few
years tbe output of diamonds has been 1,000,01)0
carats per annum, and that these, cut into
1,600.000 carats, -have sold for 4,000,000. It
costs 10 shillings per carat to cut diamonds.
Tbe South African mines being nowamalga-
4 -that nnvnttv' 1 rornr1 tn nna.riU t m
2,000,000 carats, bnt tbe merchants estimate
that this will still produce 4,000,000, hecauso
tbey regard this as a fixed amount which, no
matter wbat the price of diamonds may he,
will be spent on tbem.
"Kissing under the mistletoe" bas been
thus explained by a Noleiand Queries corre
spondent: "One would suppoce, from the part
played by the mistletoe in Scandinavian myth
ology, that tbis custom was common to all
Northern peoples. Baldui was slain by a mis- ,
tletoedartattbe Instigation of Loki, and la
reparation for the Injury the plant was after
ward dedicated to his mother. Prigg. to .long '
as It did not touch earth. Loki's empire. On
this account it Is bung from the ceilings of the
houses, and the kiss given under it signifies
tbat It ii no longer an instrument of mischief.
The fetes held in commemoration of the sacred
mistletoe survived In sbme parts of France into
the Sixteenth century. The plant was credited
with many tallsmamc properties, and its festi
val attracted immense gatherings of people."
Respectability is contagious, but, Ilka
other contagions, yon can't always catch It when
yon wantlt Pact.
. He I see that another American heiress
Is abont to marry a baroh.
She What kind of a baron?
He Barren of cash, of course. BorrUtovm Br
A Mistake Somewhere. Boy Bine
Santa Clans must have been crazy this year!
Precious Baby Why do you think so?
Boy Elae Why, he left a big elephant at my
home that mews like a kitten. Puet.
Hal (Just home from college) Grandma,
your head reminds ma of our last c uewlththa
hounds In Cambridge.
Grandma How is tbat. my boy?
Hat Whfr the hare Is nowhere. Kearny Sn
ttrprUl. There is no joy
Without alley.
For Christmas m hurrah and hi;
Though we gladden.
Soon we'll sadden . ,
At the memory of mince pie. '
-Philadelphia Ingulf tr.
Mamma 'Well, Willie, what good re
solve are yoa going to mate for the new year?
Willie I won't light with Johnny any more.
Mamma I'm very glad my little son sees how
wrong and sinful It Is to fight
Willie Yes'ra. He always licks me. Xu-itt?
The man who comes within an ace of win
ning the turkey after spending 10 In vain en
deavor, and then goes home, and with a bright
thonch sad ana sickly smile paxes off on bis wife
f iraslmon pure raffle prize tho bird he purchased ,
at the market on bis way bo e, ha oursym--patby.
Puek. "
Opposite Dispositions. Prisoner I don't
care to explain. Your Honor, wbat tbe cause, or
causes, was or were, which led me to become so,
as you exprass It hopelessly intoxicated. I'm a
very non-committal man.
His Honor "Well.' Z am not a non-committal
man. Thirty daya or sio, and yoa are to aa nd
committed until the tine Is pal5.-Spo.
"Man wants but little here below,"
The psalmist sang Ions; years ago; ',
To-dayit can not be denied
Man want tbe earth and stars beside. $t
- -. -
Though he with earnestness may strive
xo wis ana jhm H while alive,
Whenh ai ea tfc river Styxj
jm hh st owa two ftet by