Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 26, 1889, Image 1

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Watch rsTnew-ifea" early false.
ThrDistatck piopto keeppae
wltb the city's progre diipteoM
wHI be Rata teurthf.
.k : ;j
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H FORTY-FOURTH TEAS. . ' " ' ' . . .4 PITTSBURG, THURSDAT,, DJSOEMBER 26, 1889. ,, "" ' ""' ;'
IW IlrilHllWwII 11 U wrillini weatn. ujie. aay was "warm tnrougnout,
tUfr and sultryatnoon, and tc-njght an overcoat
H is more ot ad ornamentthah'a necessity.
HT; . . . The weather is remarkable, and yet mer-
fHe Fills sHis GrandcMldren's SyKgp0s.hwvIerMlM th" wual
IHlllllllll.lllll U. U rV I U i. . ..
u 'J'fgK,
Colt Weather Anywhere Except
lnSonthern Hichigan.
Lawn Tennis and Croduet Flared tu Kansas
liim ?
4 m$r- Ci.and
JL ,T'
President Harrison and trife had a quiet
V'SMfr'liffctm.. Tnv t the "Whits Honse. Their
chief enjoyment was in that of their grand
chiFdren, -who had their first Christmas tree.
members of the Cabinet had quiet
Afamilv dinners. Such remarkably warm
weather was nerer known. The records in
J3pUiTdirection are all broken.
"WjLshixgtoh, December 25. The nur
sery saved Christmas Say at the. house of
the 'President from being one of quiet and
sadness. The family gathered at the Christ-
,mas dinner were the President and his wife,
,their daughter, Mrs. McKee, Dr. Scott,
leutenant and lira. Parker and Mrs.
imock, the two nieces of Mrs. Harrison. The
real Christtuas was, nowerer, np in, the
nursery, the once beautiful and somewhat
rioted room of President Arthur, noted for
.the exquisite taste, making it more like the
room of some fair woman. Here in this
White House comer Benny and MaryMc-
-" See. the President's grandchildren, made
merry over a Christmas 'tree, bending with
its load of gifts.
rstlt had been many a year indeed since a
siCnxistmas tree lifted its green branches in
ra ith'e "VThite Houss, and many a day since the
i racket and tout of baby fun rang through
V -fthe solemn, stately old rooms. But to-day
' y Grandson Ben, who Is just 3, and Grand
vvl' Iv -r i.:. t..iL.ir.r . j
e festivity for themselves and everybody
' else around them.
-There was no Christmas Eye for a starter,
,hut hrlght and early this morning their eyes
: opened to stare and wonder at the six-foot
-'j . .cedars-sparkling and dancing in the light of
'a-hundred fairy lamps. The tree held toys
-1' " ''and wonders enough to last till next Christ
mas. It was their nrst (Jhristmas tree, and
the first in the honse for nobody can say just
how long. ' ,
llfc 1JfnBif.irTT-r.iti1'riT!;grofnrTwn.
"ThVtfee was notiU. ' There' was a row ofj
same mantel graced for four years by the
picture of President Arthur's wife, and then
: by Frances Polsom, before she became mis
. " tress there. A row of little stockings were
there this morning, stuffed to their very tops
by the President's own hands, and the great
grandfather, erect under his 90 years, had
put in some things, too, and so it was that
-with the beginning of the day the sunshine
"lof ,bby happiness shone above the recent
. - . sorrow of the "WTiite House family and
j'v.anaajs it all around a "Merry Christmas."
- There was no church going by the Presi-
, Relent and his wife and by the Cabinet, only
-- those who are of the Episcopal faith went
'ftb church. The Vice-President's family
attended service at St. Mark's Church, and
f made a merry Christmas without the tree.
" Secretary and Mrs. Blaine had a truly
f "family gathering around their Christmas
board, all of their children being at home
, for the reunion. There were Major and
is''' Mrs! Coppinger, with the two children. Mr.
and Mrs. Erdmons Blaine, "Walker, Mar
garet, James. Jr., and Hattie Blaine and
Mr. "Walter Samrosch, who is to marry Miss
Margaret Blaine. At the home of the Sec
retary of the Treasury were Secretary
andMrs.'Windom, their son, "William "Win--dom,
and his wife, and their two daughters,
the Misses "Windom. Secretary and Mrs.
Noble had with them the Misses Halstead,
Mr. -and Mrs. Henry Strong and two sons.
-Postmaster General "Wanamaker and family
.went over to their country home near Phila
delphia to keep Christmas in the truly good
.-Aold fashion. At the home of the Secretary
" oi"War, Mr. Prank Tracy came from New
2" :M5ork to eat Christmas turkey with this
-,iiather and mother and sister, Mrs. "Wilmer-liff-'ding.
At Secretary Busk's house there
?pfe" was a family dinner, and also quiet dinners
,'at the homes of Secretary Proctor and At
' Jf torney General Miller.
-'A Press dispatch says: This has been
-'the mildest Chaistmas in this vicinity for
years. The air was warm and moist and
the sky was lightly overcast with light
clouds most of the day though no rain fell
except in the early morning. The day
Massed off uneventfully. It was almost uni-
any oDservea as a noiiaay ana the only
business places open were those ot amnse-
ifrnent. The Catholic and Episcopal Chnrch-
fiand a few of other denominations had
vices during the day and. the theaters
re performances to large audiences. At
various penal and charitable institutions
tfthelfnmates were regaled with an unusually
jgood dinner.
Most of the Georgians In "Washington
'gathered at the Metropolitan Hotel in the
. afternoon, and passed resolutions eulogistic
- ;o the late Henry "W. Grady. Speeches were
;jmade by Prank B. Gordon, son of Governor
Gordbnand others.
.The Grand Army men in this city glad-
-caeneif uic icaiva ui iue mumies 01 aoout
F?1 '3 4L l..np.. Jkf.l. r ! 11 V .
li2H0M tne poor memDcrs oi me order by gen
''erourdiitribution of provisions and other
'-jarSciea! The following letter was read from
President Harrison:
- .siExECUTTVB Maitstoit, December 21, 1SS9.
j.aB-tBown, EiJ.. Chairman, etc.:
. tjit uili-bdjjb t ui jvu buow me io nave a
6 mill part .In "the provision of the Christmas
rattsybu'are'dlstrlbntlngtobnrless iortnnate
comraucB , fc.j .w MJ j-
i Orereaat ConIderabtr More of aa Oraa-
sienrTkan a Kecesltr
cisfDecembei ;2i Christmas ttm
Chleaco Celebrate ifco Par ta FBrih of
Jalj SlyJn KuTicatloa SiHl Open
on the Lakes Tbe Mrr-
eary la Iowa.
Chicago, December 25. Christmas Day
here, like the winter of which" it is a part,
has been a most usuiual.one. It has been
bright, clear and warm, the thermometer in-J
dicating in the neighborhood .of 60 degrees
aboye xero in the shade in the outlying
suburbs. Marksmen were out of doors,
shooting at marks or clay pigeons, and on
the lake, which was as calm as a mill pond,
oarsmen were out towing, stripped to the
Numerous parties were seen in the parks,
in fact, the winter so far has been a re
markable one. Almost no snow has fallen,
and but very few frosts, and though the
entire summer was nnnsnal, bringing the
average for the rear much below the nor
mal, the temperature for December has been
so high as to overcome all this and bring
the averatre of the year to a degree above the
normal. The great lakes to-day are as free
from ice as they were in midsummer,
and navigation to a limited extent is
kept up even on the north shore of
Lake Superior, a couple of boats plying
regularly between Duluth and Port Ar
thur. On Iake Michigan a half dozen
steam "barges are still carrying lumber,
mostly from Muskegon, much the same as
though navigation Jiad Bot been formally
closed by the expiration of insurance De
cember L
A "Waverly, la., dispatch says: To-day
has been the warmest December day known
in ohis section of Iows "The thermometer
registered t0 for several hoars in the mid
dle of the day on the north side of build
The Weather Bureau Aimlta That All
Records Were Broken.
New Yoek, December 25. The "Weather
Bureau says that of all the Christmas days
it had come across, to-day was 'the rarest.
Everybody accepts the "Weather Bureau
.statement as good law. The day was excep
tional, in that after several hours 'of real
tropical winter weather,, it did not end in a
bluster or stnrm. It was all on account of
the high pressure in the Southern States,
and a storm passing over the lake region.
It won't last long' here, Sergeant
Dunu, of the "Weather Bureau, says,
for there will be rain in this sec
tion to-morrow, followed by colder weather.
The heat will hang on throughout to-nior-rofr
over Pittsburg and the Ohio Valley,
The thermometer will drop 20 to 30 degrees
to-morrow, in the lake re&ons.
There was a scurry f snow In Canada,
this morning. It was freezing cold in
Southern Michigan, and the cold is likely
to hang on there to-morrow. The recorded
temperature here to-day is 62. Christmas a
year ago was a little the warmest for many
years, yet it was only 53. la Cairo, Ilk,
the temperature to-day was 65.
i I-..AS -
rmrtcty ana! MIacreffli7fr ri
y ltentlaryilatuatea.
israelii. rzLxatiiM'To raa'pisTAtCB'.
Columbus, December 2E Christmas was
generally observed In this city, all the busi
ness houses, with the exception of the
saloons, being closed. - The merchants re
port unusually large sales of holiday goods
thiryear. All the State institutions made
special efforts to make all hearts glad with
appropriate presents' to the unfortunate
wards of Ohio, and served a big dinner to
At the penitentiary all work was sus
pended and the inmates were treated to roast
turkey, vegetables, mince pies, oranges,
nuts, candies, etc. Twentv-five of the in
mates gave a negro minstrel show in one of
the large amusement halls in the prison this
afternoon, and part of the performance was
as good, if not better, than that of profes
sionals. '
The Menn Temperature la Philadelphia 45
Decrees for thenar.
Philadelphia, December 25. This
"was the warmest Christmas in the history of
the signal office records, which run back to
1811. The Inchest temperature was 66 at
the Signal Service office, 68 at the park
and nearly 70 on Chestnut street Thou
sands of people in light clothing visited
the park, and there was much regret
on the" part of boathouse and merry-go-round
keepers that their summer privileges
had expired. The bicyclists and horsemen
were out in full force, and all day long the
crowds took a grewsome delight in watch
ing the grappling which is still going on
for the missing banker, Ditman.
The nearest approach to to-day's weather
was in 1879, when the mean temperature
was 45 degrees, or nine degrees lower than
to-day's mean temperature of 54.
A Very General Observance of Christmas In
the Rained City.
Johnstown, December 25. This has
been a delightful day. The thermometer
has been about 60 since noon. The sun has
been shining all day and the air is as balmy
as May. Johnstownlias never experienced
a more general observance of Christ
mas, and gift-making has never been
more generally indulged in. Services were
held in all the churches and the Sunday
school children received their rifts from
teachers; as in former years. It is snrprisinc
uuw nine rcicrcace js luaue wt uieuoou. it
is scarcely mentioned.
Kansas City Celebrated by PInyInc Lawn
Tennis and Croqoet.
Kansas City, December 25. It was
difficult for Kansas City to realize that to
day was Christmas. The weather was
spring-like, the thermometer registering 15
degrees above freezing' point, and for. the
usual Christmas games there were substi
tuted summer sports. At one of 'the parks
a ball game was played, and several tennis
courts and croquet grounds were n use.
Slurries the Man of Her Choice la Spite of
Her Parents.
Chattanooga, Tern., December 25.
"William Graham, of Cartersville, Ga.,
stenographer of the Cherokee Judiciary
Circuit, and Anna Jones .were married to
night. The bride is 17 years old, and is a
daughter of Bev. Sam Jones. The parents
opposed the marriage.
Fntuljy Woondrd In aa Altercation.
Shelby Station, Mi8.-,:Deober 25.
In an altereatioa with aasjwc Haywood
Johnson; white, agedlS, WMltitsiaaddied
pi Uo.wMftde,. JeswatsMtMM&vtshot,
TheCreohoM f a Ckteeu Mayor Anzlou
to Bee nio Honor Other Trouble
. BreWfaw IB fhe Molt Street
.Chinatown. -
rsractat. nLsa&uc to the bisfatch.1
NevvYoek, December 25. When Cha.
Toun Gwin, the Mayor, of Chinatown, came
hack to his anxious people a short time ago
at the earnest solicitation of the citizens and
tried to explain what he had done with the
$1,500 which he" was accused of giving to
his cousin, Chtt Pong, from the treasury,
'everybody thought the matter would be
settled' and the Mott street government run
like a piece of well-greased machinery. Bnt
as soon as Gwin had finished telling the
Aldermen that he was still an honest man.
away he skipped again. His" absence is as
plainly felt in the district as the loss, or the
electric lights on a dark night. The term
of the Mayor doesn't expire for two months
'vet, and until that -time no election can be
The merchants are patiently waiting to see
if the general Bnpply firm of BIwong Hone
Long are going to make good the money
taken, by their manager, Chu Fong,-,who
jumped in the swim a short, time ago and
swindled tright and lelt until bealsed about
540,000. and" then fled. The Chn family is
pretty strong, and numbers 350 in Mott
street, alone.- Their idea at present is -to
starve the.creditors.out, and then, at the last,
moment, to jump in and .get their hands on
.everything that is worth having, tt, it
comes to a fight there will be formed two
political factions, the Chu ' family tin one
one side, against the families of Lee,. Moy,.
"Wongj Pong, Xinn and many others.
The families, which will oppose the Chu
family aumberabout"400, a majority of 50.
and represent the blue blood of Mott street.
Thn (Ihm RreAha rnnrhs nf the street, and
would like nothing.better than to get' their j
fingers in the vhwese jraouc pie ana seip
themselves. If'tb'e'KOvefhmeht is'dlvided
there will be two 'Chinatowns, one on the
north side of the street and the other on the
south side, with a dead line in the middle.
Royalty and Peasantry Alike Saffcrlnr to
Esirepe The Czar Has a' Severe
Attack Fatal Effects of the
Malady at Berlin..
St. BETEESBtTBO,. December' 25. The
Czar has suffered severely from fhe prevail
ing epidemic of influenza. To-day he was
too ill to attend' ' the regular .Christmas
church service, and was also compelled to
omit thexustomary review of the .parade of
the guards.. The Ess press presided at the
luncheon given in the Anltchkoff Palace
after the military parade.
A cable from Berlin says: The public
health authorities-report a great Increase in
the number of ..'cases of influenza and ag
gravation of the disease, with an increase in
the death rate- The. fatal effects are pro
duced by complications of pneumonia
and laryngitis. There r is news that the
gas works are short ot hands Inconsequence
of the number of employes, down with the
epidemic. In Munich "the disease is in
creasing, and the hospitals- are lull. The
epidemic has appeared at Bucharest, Galatz.
and Braila.
At Paris, in consequence of the spread of
the epidemic, the hospitals are crowded and
the authorities have been compelled to make
extraordinary provision for new patients.
This has ' been done by the erection Of
a temporary pavilion on the grounds of the
Hospital Beauion. In the School of the
Daughters of Members of the Legion of
Honor,- at St Deniu, one-third of the pupils
'were ill and the- school; has therefore' "been
closedlvs e")4 "'' ?"V' - " '
" A cable from'-Tjisbon says: The King of
Portugal is suffering, from an attack of in
fluenza. Dom Pedro and' the ex-Empress
of Brazil are in Oporto. The ex-Empress is
still indisposed.
Clews Sees Nothing- bnt Brleht
, Times for 1899.
rsracTAi, telxosau to tux DisrATCn.1
New Yoek, December 25. Henry Clews,
the banker, proposes to enter the new year
with a cheerful belief in the possibilities of
1890. Speaking of the "Wall street situa
tion, he said to-day: "Taken as a whole
the situation is 'very generally felt to be a
hopeful one: The general trade of the
country is.in a more than ordinarily healthy
condition. There is, it is true, some little
complaint of backwardness" in "Western
payments, which seems to be caused
by the mild weather checking the con
sumption of certain classes of products;
and this has induced free sbipments'of cur
rency to the interior this week. But these
are o'nly transient drawbacks to a very satis
factory condition of business the country
over. The railroads participate in this
benefit, for, with all their rolling stock em
ployed, there is the less inducement to cut
rates, and their net earnings should there
fore be good. The increase of dividends by
the Yanderbilt lines between New York and
Chicago has produced a marked impression
on the estimate of railroad shares, for those
being representative stocks, it is therefore
argued that other dividend payers ought to
show a like improvement
"The 'trust' craze is subsiding, the build
ing of new railroads has almost ceased, the
excitement over Southern .developments, has
settled into a careful investment movement
in the hands of sober men of capital, and
prices of both commodities and securities
are ranging around a level that scarcely
admits of any important reaction, but rather
invites buying upon reasonable prospects of
a rise."
A Teat Iiegtslntlve Case Under Considera
tion In the Courts.
Helena, Mont., December 25. The
test legislative case of Representative Bob
erts was called in the District Court yester
day. W. P. Sanders appeared for Roberts,
and Attorney General Haskell for 'the
Auditor. The Attorney General claimed
that Roberts' petition was insufficient in
that it did sot set forth the fact of his elec
tion, or that "he was a'member ot the Hou'se.
Another point made by the Attorney Gen
eral was that there was a question as to
whether Roberts was a member of the legal
House of Representatives.
Judge Hunt overruled the demurrer and
decided the writ must issue. Haskell en
tered an exception, argument on which
will be heard Saturday. Then the vital
point of the entire case, the validity of Rob
erts' State Board certificates, will be
Hamilton and McHalton, the contesting
judges in Silver Bow county, placed their
resignations in the Governors hands to
day. '
Dominion Government Handled
Bsnghiy by (he Canndlnn Press.
Ottawa, December 25. The Dominion
Government is already coming in for.a large
amount o censure from the Canadian press
for "undertaking io guaranteeing a subsidy
of 5150,000 per annum, for 25 years, toward
the Chigneeto Ship Railway, which it is
alleged mutt end in failure. The Montreal
Merald, owned -by Hon.- Peter Mitchell,
formerly Minister of Marine in the Domin
ion Cabinet, says:
It is littlo late In the day to 'set about won.
derinowhether the Chigneeto ship canal will
attract business, The .Government ant Its
friends should nave eoaeldered that question
before levying 09 the Tmeary for this wildcat
scheme." . . ; - . .
By Hnmefoas Deeds of Blood ia All
Sections of the' Cosatry,
A Slot in a ChSrek CeMeroiBg the M
tritmtlQii of Preettut.
Used In CeleBritint KespaBalble fer tta Death of
TWu Tonng'Ladies.
Promnearly.all.. sections, of fhe country
come reports of bloodshed on. Christmas.
Day. Churches and barrooms alike seem to
havelieen yisitedTby the demons of discord.
Several accidental cases of shooting also
Mnvw'AUKEE.TJecemberSS. A fight took
place in Eagle Creek preointt last night, in
which chairs, clubs, knives' and pistols were
used. Thbmas Burroughs,- the church door
keeper, and-one of the most respectable and
prominent farmers in the county was. dan-,
gerously stabbed In two places, Stbut Col
bert was hit on the chin with, a bullet and
-several other persona received minor in-t
The fight arose from a isisiake in distrib
uting the presents. As usual at
such entertainments,, paresis, in the neigh
borhood had taken their gifts to the ohurcby
where they were prpperly labeled' and hung
upon the tree. Some of the tags were inse
curely fastened and' dropped off, but were
replaced as accurately as possible. Last
nieht a large crowd assembled to witness
the distribution. "When" .about a dozen of
the. presents had been handed to the chil
dren, a farmer named Johnson grabbed a
sled .from a child's hands and declared-it
was one he had brought there for his little
boy. ,
The sextos attempted to explain his mis
take, but Parmer Johasoa pushed him
aside and started for the door, carrying the
sled in his hands; Some' young meii who
had been drinking tried to snatch the sled
from Johnson,-and he struck one of the men
and was himself hit with, a chair and felled
to the floor. The fight then became general,
and for a time it looked as though a number,
of the combatants would-be. killed-
S '
-v. .
A Man Accidentally Kilted ta a. Strsnle for
a Pistol.
DOBB3 FEEEY, Decemberi25. John Pat
terson, of this village, entered JackPran
cis' saloon on Main street, this noon, where
he met some young companions, including
"William Tobln. A revolver was lying on
the bar. - Tobin took it tip and began to
examine it. Patterson also caught hold of
it and there was a struggle. The weapon
was discharged, and the bullet entered Pat-,
terson's" right thigh and lodged in the right
side of bis abdomen.- Dr. Judson says that
the bullet cannot be extracted, and that the
wound will probably prove mortal.
Coroner Nordqujst .took Patterson's ante
mortem statement. J?&ttersoa said the
shooting was accidental. He exonerated
Tobin. The Coroner; howierer, ordered T
bin's arrest - ., '
"..."' - .S-kT '" ' t ..i$ftaiiiBBtoft. Jtfc
A Sadleal Keawrs to Premaut a Boor Being
Broken lew
STIHOSTTLI.E, Ikd,, December 25.
George Easfon, son ot -a -hotel keeperand
John Douglass, a barber, indulged in a
Christmas drunk and were Ordered out. of
Gtorge Buskirk's "saloon.. Buskirk locked
the door and brdered-them not" to return.
They threafened"iokick in the door and
Buskirk fired at.tbem with a shotgun, lit
erally blowing off thd head of Easton and
fatally wounding Douglass.
The Chief Soathern Cities Adda Two Mar.
J dera to Ifao 1.1st.
NeWvObleaxs, December 25 At a late'
hour last, night, in a drunken row between
two laborers, "William Burton snot and
killed John Schaffer, aged 45. The mur
derer has been arrested. Gus Seelig, a
railroad switchman ordered James O'Keef,
a carriage. driver, and another man, to leave
hi, premises. O'Keef refused to co. Seelig
then took up his gun and shot O'Keef dead.
Seelig surrendered.
An Onlooker at a Saloon Fight Decides to
Take a Hand.
Baltimobe, December 25. John Cain
and Prank Giles quarreled in Donohue's
saloon this morning and began fighting.
Charles Yates, who was an. onlooker, drew
a seven-shooter revolver .and fired at Cain,
the ball entering the latter's'side and caus
ing a probable fatal wound.
The injured man recently came here from
"Washington. Both Yates and Giles were
Two Whlto Men and Several Negroes Re
ported Killed and Woanded.
Sayannah, December 25. A riot oc
curred to-day at Jessup, 57 miles south of
Savannah. Two white men were killed,
two others seriously' wounded, and several
negroes are reporter killed.
The Georgia Hussars sent two detach
ments of troops to Jessup to-night, aud
more trouble is apprehended.
Serious Accident to a Yonng Sportsman.
YouHGSTOWir, December 25, 'William
Marshall, aged 15 years, with a party of
young companions, was hunting north of
this city to-day, when, in dragging his gun
over a fenoe, the weapon' was discharged.
His right hand was blown, entirely off, and
the right eye destroyed.. The-lad bled to
death before surgeons arrived.
Celebrating With Flrearras,-
"Weston, "W. Ya., December 251 Karl
Kunst, 'son of Dr. A. H. Kunst, President
of the Clarksburg, "Weston and Midland
Railroad, aecidentalIy,shot the 4-year-old.
son 01 Henry juavin wvuugu 101 ueau. xiiu
little fellow will die. It is the. result of
celebrating Christmas with firearms.
Accidentally Shot by His Brother.
Reading, PAy December 25. "While
Oliver Hubert, colored, aged 15, was shoot
ing at a mark with his brother Samuel, aged
19, here to-day, the weapon was accident
ally discharged and iha ball lodged in
Samuel's heart, killing him .instantly.
Oliver was not arrested, the shooting being
Salclded la a Fit of Despondency.
Milwaukee, December, 25. "W. P.
Wilbur, lawyer of. Phillips, Wis., com-
aiHed'ialeiaa by sabotiag himoelf in the
head last Bight. Th1 sc wm oamitd Hi
at of dssfetiawHf.
A Satooa Keeper Sheets a Teach Who Tried
, t'e Give Him a Blaff.
"Stw Yobk, .December 3$. James Gra
ney. a notorious tough, wm shot in the left,
arm at midnight yesterday, by Henry
Schleer, a saloon keeper at 549 Morris av
enue. The wounded sun was sent to
the ' Harlem Hospital by Policeman
Cells. Schleef surrendered himself to
the . Morrisania. police,- and Justice Tain
tor released him under $3,000 bail.
Graney succeeded Owen Degnan and Charles
Mulholland In the leadership of the Prog.
Hollow gang, and is known to the police as
"Shanty" Graney. Michael Degnan, brother
of the old leader of the gang, died and was
buried M6nday. Graney and a friend "at
tended the funeral. On their return from
the cemetery, Graney and his friend entered
Schleef's saloon and ordered Schleef to "set
ud the drinks." Sehleef referred pay for
I his liquor, and told Graney so.
uraney threatened to wrecK tne piace,
and Bhleef started to eject him. Graney
clapped hk hands on his hip pocket, with a
threat to -'shoot the saloonkeeper if he
touched him. Thereupon Schlee secured a
revolver and fired, the ball taking effect in
Graney's -arm Graney's., threat' seems to
have been" a sort of bluff to frighten Schleef
info giving him the liquor; as no' pistol was
found on'the wounded man. -
A Coal Heaver Dies From Xnjaxlea Re
ceived In a Fight.
!zbUx telioeam to raa dispatch.!
New Xobk, December 15. Wiliiara
Greer, captain of canal boat, No. 1, of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Bail
road, and "William Lange, the foreman of a
gang of coal heavers employed on the com
pany's coal pier in Hoboken, are in the Ho
boken , police station, -accused of having
caused the .death of John Plynn, a coal
heaver of 75 Second street Greer and
Lange-got into.a 'fight on Greer's boat, last
night) Plynn tried io separate them, and
in tbe.'strnggle he was pushed or fell into
the hold of the canal boat, and his back was
broken. He died a few hours later. His
death was reported to the polico as acci
dental. About midnight Sergeant Rathjen heard
therahad been a fight on the pier; and later
arrested Greer and Lange on, a charge of
homicide, and Benjamin "Wilson, "William
Beckeland "William "Warren .as witnesses.
Greer and Lange admitted that they were
fighting, and said that Plynn was pushed
ihtothe hold accidentally, They will have
a hearing before Recorder HcDonongb.
Aa Expectant Bridegroom Shoots and Kills
Bis Prospectlri Fnther-ia-IittWi
Tuscola, III., December 25. Arthur
Crafg, orindianapolls, arrived fn Newman,
near here, last eveningiwith a view of wed
dteg Miss Hattie Bultoiy a pretty teacher
is the Newman school. Her father, De
tective John Buttoh, who bitterly opposed
the match, confronted young Craig, and
placing a cocked revolver at his head,-said,
"Git or Bll kill you." Ho pulled the
trigger, but his weapon balked him. He
tried again, but before he succeeded two
bullets lrom Craic's revolver pierced the
angry detective's brain, and he fell a corpse",
Craig gave himself up.
A jury was called,, and, the evidence
showing that he acted in self-defense, was
acquitted. He at once returned to Indian
apolis, fearing trouble froto the dead aaa's
IriM&Xh'e ' yws.lftdy1;is:aM.iC' exon
erate her lover -froa Bilbloaa."",The"'aaiir
creates much excitement owing to the
prominence of all parties. Craig is a
nephew of the Representative of the Thirty
second Illinois District, while Sutton was a
prominent Grand Army man.
They Resent Arrest and One la Killed and
Another Badly Woanded.
AUQUSTA,, GA., December 25.-rWhen
Officers "Williams and Crawford attempted
to arrest a party of drunken negroes to-day
they resisted, disarmed the policemen and
beat them badly with their clubs. The
police' were subsequently reinforced, and
half a dozen of the negro ringleaders were
arrested and locked up in the eocine house.
A large number of citizens collected hbout
the place, and great excitement prevailed
during the afternoon.
The negroes were subsequently removed
from the engine house to the jail, where
they were safely guardedand no further
trouble is apprehended. When the officers
started to jail with the prisoners, a diffi
culty occurred between a negro aud several
whites. First clubswere used, then pistols,.
One negro was killed and . another badly
wounded. All is quiet to-night.
A Negro Killed and Robbed aad
a Car
Driver Fatally Stabbed.
Memphis, December 25. Christmas was
observed in Memphis in the usual manner,
accompanied by the usual murders. Early
this morning the dead body of a negro, sup
posed to be Dan Hawkins, was found under
the Bayou bridge with a bullet wound in
the head. His pockets were turned wrong
side out, and it was evidently a case of
murder and robbery. There is no clue.
At 8 o'clock to-nigbt G. K Pinkston,
driver of a Main street car,, was stabbed to
the heart by an unknown, negro and in
stantly killed. The. killing was the result
of a dispute as to whether .the negro had
paid hia fare. The negro escaped and up to
a late hour had not been captured. The
only passengers in the car atr the time were
two small boys, and the identification of the
murderer wi 11 be difficult.
AtA Christmas Party Killed by the Unwil
ling Boaa
Lebanon, Mo., December 25. James
Carter, a young boy 17 years of age, was
killed at a Christmas party last night at
Bank: Branch. by a man named Jennings.
The party was' given at the house of John
Burns, and James Carter and a number of
other hoys attended uninvited.
A quarrel resulted, and the intruders
were driven from the bouse. Jennings fol
lowed them out and hurled a stone after
them. The missile struck Carter on the
back of the head, killing him instantly.
Testa Oncers Believe That, They Have
Slaaghtered the Noted Bandit.
Tabcot, Tex., December 25'. At Mc
Kenzie Lake, about 50 miles from here, a
man was killed Saturday while resisting ar-.
rest. The absence of railroad communica
tion 'and the extreme roughness of the
country make it difficult to obtain full in
formation, but a courier has arrived with a
statement to the effect that the victim was in
all probability Babe Burrows, the celebrated
bandit. Burrows was believed to be i this
locality, and the Sheriff of Kimball county
was out with several deputies looking for
Saturday they came upon a man who an
swered the description of the fugitive fidm
justice and called upon him to surrender."
He showed fight aad the officers fired in self
deleave, .rapers ana articles wana in the
peekeeseJ the deceased wake' the oss-ises al-"'
mort rtia that he wm mw.N .
Impressif 6 Burial of leiry WtQnij,
' live Hero of tk Hew Sotlh.
f eatara of 0ae Wia Tkey
Dearly Loved in lis Life.
Eat 6ob UwihiBe'Scraes Wen Witnesses" imsd
- " 7 3"iB!er.
Thousands of.sien, women and children,
took a last look at the remains of Henry "W.
Grady, at Atlanta, yesterday. The cere
monies iWere vary impressive. Pew. com
ments were ade,-grief was too genuine.
tsraciu. TaiaKAX to ran star atom
AtlaktA,- December 25. To-night the
mortal remains of Henry "W. Grady repose
in Oakland'. Cemetery. So sudden" is the
change from Jife to death thai the" story
reads like a tragedy. In the flush of con
scious victory 'and power he stood before
that distinguished Boston audience. The
death-damp' seised him before his return
home, and ihe pecan which was to have
greeted him has become a dirge instead.
Prom the residence the body was taken at
10 o'clock this morning and placed in state
in the First Methodist Church until 2;
There was a constant procession of people
anxious to see his face. The
church services, conducted by Dr. H.
C. Morrison, consisted of the reading of
psalms, prayers by the clergy, and the sing
ing of several hymns. To the cemetery the
hearse passed, followed by a mile of people,
passing through immense crowds which
opened up all the way. Thus passed the
first Christmas day which Henry Grady did
not enjoy in the flesh.
no -words to speak;
Before 9'o'clocK this morning those who
had been Mr. Grady's nearest friends began
collecting at his house. As each niw arrival
entered the hall a warm hand-clasp was ex
change J. with those standing near, but no
words were spoken. The folding doors. lead
ing, into the drawing room were tightly
closed, and when ladies arrived they were.
shown into the sitting room on tne right en
trance. The frasrrant blossoms banked hieh. one
above the other. The floral tribute formed
a fragrant' mass of bloom, and in the center
of all rested the casket with its mass of
sacred, contents. The head of the casket
was toward Peach street, and 'immediately
m irout VI a wiuuuyv wiucu auuncu uio
light.fo fall upon the dead feainres, snaking
them clear and. distinct.
For half aa hour the friends were per
mitted to pass by the casket and look upon
that dear face. As. soon as it was over, the
guard of honor, led by Mayor Glenn and
Dr. H. O. Morrison, left thehouse. After the
coffin was placed in the hearse the pall
bearers formed on each side, and with meas
ured steps the funeral cortege moved toward
the' church.
On reaching the church door the guard of
honor was met by Governor John B. Gor
don, who had traveled all night to be in
time for the funeral, and reached the city
only in time to" meet the coffin' as it entered
the church. He took his place on the nghf
of the door, aud the g'uard of honor
and Hha 'Coeamisoiondrs- formed a double
tow, through" which' the h-eamewr4rlvea
were called on to perform (heir duties, and
as they bore the coffin into the church every
head was uncovered.
"When the side doors cf the church were
thrown open, not less than 5,000 people were
standing Jn line oh Peach street. Por some
distance above and below the door
the street- was one solid mass of
humanity";, stretching from sidewalk to
sidewalk- Men, .women and children, white
and black all classes and conditions were
waiting for a1 last look at the still, white
face of the one friend on earth they had Is
The crowd passed on either side of the cas
ket like a stream divided tor a little way,
and then uniting again. Old men and
women, with feeble steps, lingered
an instant at his side, gazing
through the mistof gathering tears
gazed sorrowfully, lovingly, and were swept
on" by the stream. Mothers lifted their
babes for.a glimpse of him deadj and called
his came to their little ones, in voices
choked with tears.
boms touching scenes.
An old negro woman stopped for an in
stant, the tears streaming down her face,
then, taking a pair of plain spectacles from
her pocket, she put them on and bent
over the casket. There was a halt in
the procession, but nobody thought of
saying "move on" to her. She seemed
to have forgotten .all else in her grief; and
stood sobbing, while those following h'er
waited patiently and with tears in tbeir
own eyes. Not five minutes afterward a lit
tle negro boy passed, standing on tiptoe for
a look at the face in the casket. He was
about to pass on disappointed, when a
gentleman lifted him from his feet
and held him for an instant above the cof
fin. .The little fellow looked back with one
half-frightened, half-grateful look, and
passed out with ihe crowd. Pew comments
were made, and little was, heard but the,
steady, muffled tread, and the quiet, monot
onous order, "pass on, pass on. '
The people qf Atlanta to-day issued an
address calling, for subscriptions to a fund'
they have started to erect a monument io
memory of Henry Grady, and which they
propose to make a national movement.
The Baltimore and Ohio Soothwestern Has
Beea.Pat oa a Solid Basis.
Cincinnati, December 25. The plans
for the reorganization of the Cincinnati,
Baltimore and 'Washington Railroad are
completed. A temporary directory has
been agreed upon. The capital stock is to
be $5,000,000. The company will be known
as the Baltimore aad Ohio Southwestern.
"With the initials B, O. S., it. will doubtless
soon tie known as the "Boss" railroad, in
asmuch as nicknames are often more con
venient than the real names of railroads.
It will be operated as a division of the Bal
timore and Ohio, wblcn owns a controlling
interest in the stock.
, General Orland Smith is to be President
and Captain "W. IV. Peabod will be Vice
President and General Superintendent
Captain Peabody for a long time held a.
similar position on the road, and.his return
will be a pleasure to all old employes.,
Mr. J. H. Stewart, the present general man
ager, has tendered his resignation, but it
has not yet been accepted. The .rsorgauiz-.
ation goes into-effect January 1.
Called States Marshals Fight to Keep
Liquor Oat of Indian Territory.
ABDOif OBB," L T., December 25, Yester
day afternoon Deputy United States Mar
shal Tucks and another deputy attempted
to arrest Lise Brodbam and Joe Merritt for
introducing liquors into the Indian Terri
tory. The outlaws resisted arrest and a.
-lively battle ensued, all the combatants
using their revolvers, R. A. Brodham was
shot in. the right side and fell to the earth
mortally wounded, hat he eontinaed to are'
as loag as he had - strength to use his re
volver. Neither" rf she ofioswr w ia-
dived mvwm.
A Dfexteaa War Veteran's Beath Bae
. the Now VamoM 'Sag A Coroner
Who Wasted to the
MytWeal Ma.
CmciNKAn,pcesshr2V TheMcGlnty
gag has" teat aao'lhr Ban te-joia the major
ity. Tfck time the victim killed kisself by
jumping from a bridge ia search of ther
mythieal McGiaty. The saielde took place
this afteraoon, at Lawreneebarg, afcoat 15
miles below Cincinnati, whea John Oram, a
Mexican "War peasieaer, aea 82 years,,
jumped from theNewtowa bridge into the
waters of Parmer's creek, beneath, a dis
tance of nearly 50 feet.
The old man had draws his pension, aad
began early this morning making the
rounds of his acquaintances, wishing
diem a 'merry Christmas. Some mis
chevlous fellows sent him from one
place to another, looking for "McGinty,"
who, they said, had a valuable present for
him. .Oram was finally told tbatMcGInty
had plunged from the county bridge into the
creek with his best Sunday suit, and with
the present ia his arms, and if be could find
Mr. McGinty he could get the present.
Oram had been drinking some, which,
added to his childishness, led him to go- to
the bridge. Carefully emptying his pockets
of , all his papers and valuables, he placed
them, in his hat on the bridge, and
telliae come boys who .were watchinz hia
actions that he was going to the bottom for
McGinty, 1 the old fellow leaped headlong
over the side of the bridge, into the shallow
waters 0 f the creek.
The Vaffrighted .youngsters quickly gave
the alarm, but- when some men hurried
to the breek the jumper was floating
on the top of the water, dead. His
body was pulled to the shore and Coroner
Jackson was summoned. After holding an
inquest on the body of Oram, the Coroner
insisted oa dragging the bed of the creek
-.. .-. . T 'i xt.ir T--ti-r r.
and Clerk Russe finally convinced him that
the body of McGinty could not bo found,
Oram was an Englishman by birth, and
at one time a wealthy boot and shoe mer
chant in Philadelphia, but losing his wife
and child by death, 'some 30 years ago, he
began drinkinc.and in a few years his dis
sipation broke up his business and rendered J
mm penniless, ut late years- ne nas sup
ported himself by working at the bench as'
a shoemaker. Por several years his home
has been the poor house of this county, but
being educated and intelligent, he felt keen
ly his position as a pauper, and whenever
he drew his pension he would leave the
poor house and not return until his' money
was all spent. He was boned in the pot
ter's field this evening.
An Attempt to Kill Bob Ford fa a Kawas
City Pars Bask.
Kansas Cm, December 25. In Buch
anan's gambling house just before daylight
this morning an unknown friend of Jessa
James attempted to avenge the death of the
famous outlaw on. Bob Pord, his slayer.
Ford has been around Kansas City for sev
eral days, and on Christmas eve came over
from Richmond, Mo., where he had been
visiting his parents. He went io the "Wind
sor Hotel and unfortunately, as he now says,,
left, his revolvers in his room. "With a
party of friends he went to Buchanan's farq
bank about midnight and took a "seat at a"
faro table. Early in the morning he noticed
anumberof friends of Jesse James in the
roombafrefHsed to'leave. . - .
While ha was Intent on. tbe game an. un-
struck at him with a? knife as he hissed:
''You bloody murderer, I'll cut your
throat." The knife went through Pord's,
collar, but did not draw blood. He was on,
his feet in a moment, and grappled with
the avenger. The latter was thrown down
and begged Pord to spare his life. Tha
avenger hurried from the room, and Pord
calmly finished 'the deal.
A.Ssath CaroHna Merchant Arrested on Two
Charges of Fraad.
Columbia, B. C, December 25. Some
weeks ago J. T. Nix, the largest merchant
in Upper Carolina, failed in Greenville.
His assets, nominal and actual, were $40,
000, and hia liabilities about. J200.000. He
has been arrested and jailed qn" the. charge
of being guilty of fraud in securing goods
Vrom creditors and fraudulently disposing
of the money derived from the sale of the
same without making proper account of the
same. Larenty & Bitter, of Baltimore,
bring suitfor $18,000, and Stern & Co., of
Richmond, Va., for$13,00O.
Judge Norton, who ordered the arrest of
Nix, fixed the amountor his bond af $20,
000; which he was Unable to give, and he
has spent his Christmas in jail. Nix ran
several branch establishments in other. towns
in this State. His Insolvency was not. sus
pected until his failure was announced. He
was one of the leading lawyers In Green
A Novel Method of Campaigning In a Kansas
County Seat War.
tta-wbak City, December 25. A county
seat election is to be held in Rawlins county
in the northwestern part of Kansas. Two
.towns, are competing for the honor of being
the seat of eovernment Atwooa and Blake
man. The latter town has inaugurated a
novel method of campaigmne. A fund
has been subscribed to buy all the houses in
Atwoodand move, them to Bldkeman and
thus depopulate its rival. Porty-seven
dwelling houses and stores have1 already
been purchased ana movea to uiaccman,
and the purchasing commission is nego
tiating for a majority of the remainder.
The people of Atir'ood are said to be hard,
up and quite willing to disposeof their'
houses at a fair price. The Blakeman Pur
chasing Commission is backed by a railroad,
and a town company, and findsiio difficulty
in raising the necessary funds. -The Blake-,
man people are confident of success at the
coming election. -
Robert Bay Hamilton Sends the Little One
Two Pretty Plas.
Philadelphia, December 25. Baby
Beatrice was seated on the floor 'of Mrs.
Bodgers' sitting room,at 458 Franklin street,
last evening-.gazi a in open-mouthed, wonder
at a well-laden Christmas tree, in the corner.
Around the baby's neck was' a gold chain,
which its alleged mother, when she stripped,
the infant of its finery, had left, and at
tached to it were two pins of gold and tur-;
The pins were the Christmas gift to the,
baby of Robert Bay Hamilton. "With the,
present, was a letter from Mr. Hamilton to;
Mrs. Rodgers, asking after the child's wel-f
fare, and requesting that she be well cared
for. Mrs. Hamilton has not once written or'
sent to inquire after te child siaee aha was
sent to prison.
Tried to 8ioi a Raoaway Horse.
Elizabeth, N. J., December 25. Gen-i
eral J, Madison Drake was severely injured!
till neon in attempting to step a runaway;
bene. Hefell"Ba4erheaiftl aad "was1
kiteied several tissos. ThQMrtl'f isiadJ
waadwed all the a&eraoo.
BBaegfeT V
ft, "or "
,.... 1fwSM TTiiiniiB Tuff iiMilia
ij f cu mCAHAH icictauiiitiTUTO
:tm Fortune 'by His Uncle.
P tn nrnnm nnn it irnnTTfll
I1UU1 xvjvxiy'XJauuvs
-SskU Trytae H-w !Sa
STrJJ of His Hands.
recuUix Kanier la Which He Wis Irnrbed effBsU
Gtod fsrhme.
Robert Smithy an aged colored man, haXi
been left about $50,000 by the death of t
unclelin "Washington. His sisters aretfgs
ini tri nrpvpnt Ms cettino- fhn mnT. Tha 3
,'... -T, . . -.-,
omieuow is a juexican war veteran. - , v;
NEwY0BK,Decemher25. LawyerPrankJ
V. TTInMl . Otl TnaH.aw -A..r- ..'. '
.t tmi W..V. .... fvtw .. Mitt mTm.uI n. w " '
who said ha -eras hn!r to an esiAta nf 50-000. 3
which he wanted the lawyer to get for him.,
He gave his name as Robert Smith, and
whTl!nrtpHmi0fl ft trt life iyinnnfinn isiii f
in broad negro dialect that his wife, -
am wuaing. j.ue estate, wnica ne Claims,;,
once belonged to his uncle. Bonanarta VfluAj
gins, who died in "Washington last August, i'j
agea uuoaa years, jar. v iggins natt Deen. ,
a shipping merchant, and was one of th'sT
many colored people who settled in "WmIk
lnston after the war. .
"When the will was read it wassund that- h
"Wiggins had left all his property, consist?
1UV1 1WU
ing of four coasting vessels, which are at- '
-.., . . . ". wi,.,. ,.iJ?i.
k"j" - """ M r, ' ".'?-
uau account oi av.uuu. to nis seDaBT..
Robert Smith. The vessels are supposed,' to :
be worth $9,000 apiece. . '-
Smith says he did cot hear of his uncle's" '
death until about three weeks ago. His,
sisters are now trying to prevent him get
ting the money. Smith served as cabin
steward on the United States steamer Miss-'
issippl, during the Mexican war. Ha
was. wounded in an action off Vera bj
Cruz, and receives a pension of $10 a month?,
nn. . 1... .... t.1. ... l. ..fc A
n iieu iud uo war uiujhc uu jju wcufcasr
steward with the Seventy-first NewYorlc!
Regiment, and ran at Bull Run. He, snb
sequently enlisted in a colored regiment
and was made an Orderly Sergeant. Ha
belongs to the Grand Army. Smith says!
he thinks he is 70 years old, but isn't quitst
Tha way in which ha became apprised of
his relative's death and his .own good fortune
was remarkable., He wsatandiog at Pulton
Perry, when he was accosted by the Revi
Mr. Brown, of "Washington, a colored chap
lain during the-Ciyil Avar.
thought he-was seas.
"I thoueht von. were dead." said the Eev3
Mr. Brown. ,$
"Who dead? "Whafcher talkln' about??.
answered Smith, who thought his old com
rade was tryintr to play a joka on hin
"Wbv. down in "Washlnetoa vour. sisterift
are tellinz everybody that you are dead andj J
can't claim the money your "Uncle 'Wig- - '
wln left mn " ? .4
rm.r. o..t. .,.:. ... i. -. -it r'.Jt -j
tin had of his Tinele'a death. Mr. RrnwnA
advised him to go immediately to "Wash&g&'f
i therefore his comrade advanced hinf'thel
moner. and tbey went to washintrtoa"
together that afternoon. They called npooT
the counsel for Smith's sisters, aad Smitbr '
told his story; The lawyer said he' did not
believe it, and even if it were true, the late'
Mr. "Wiieins was incompetent to make si
will, and so all the money would have to eo- i
to his two children, who are living with
Bmith'e sisters. ". iA
THE case nr COT7ET. j
J.UV vasa i&uic uu iu. ntusmj. wvun yM
iionse a tew aays later, ana umitn wapnt',f!
on the stand, a.9 testinea that Mr. wig--.
gins was not married, ana that he thought)
his sisters had lugged in some;
stranee children, so that they.
could get the money themsefvesir
In telling the story, Smith said t "Comrade"
Rrnnn and me Frsn?ed it so dat when ha'oV
bob hia- head I wuz dumb, and when he'd! 3
shake his head I'd talk. Day pestered tne?,4
wid questions 'bout dis and dat, till I jes. ' jl
got tired and 'journeyed de conrt. I told . 1
de jedge dat A wanted to get uapum jieyes..
He wuz a pilot fo' de old man. an' he know.
. all 'bout de will, and "Widier "Wiggiqg wusf
married. tfiKKiu uiatficu nuiuuiuuw j
The Pairfax Court has adjourned until'
tha March term. . m $f
Another Man .Aniwerlna: HiaBeserlDtlaa-ui
-Now Being Paraaed. fl
Ottawa, Ont., December 25. A maaT.3
answeriCg in 'most particulars the descripf" ;
tion or eucott. tne wasnmgioB-sJ
A.W.. 1. h..n ivmnoA f fttla ' Jttv!fej
"fi" M MfcM M4.WM w .. V,j.
, night for the "West He was greatly-changed.
in appearance, nis nair was ayea aniK
brpwn, and he had discarded the clotblag
with which ne came into uanaoa. .,:;
He said he was eoine up country to loos
for worsr, but from words he inadvertently
dropped it war inferred he wonld trytoi
leave tne country tnrongo anvaa uotna-a
bia and make his way eventually to Ea-&
land by way 'of Australia. He had plenty
of money.
ianns;a x-enormance a unriaia tyaswact
. . . -,...
Fire aad Created Alarm.
Christmas at Braddock was. sliehtlyTj
marred .by what might have dve.Ioped.VV
second Johnstown panic A telegram fres-7
Braddock says:" Quite an exciting 'scenes
was enacted at the Lytle Opera Honse thlil
' afternoon at the production of "The PallTTfJ
Atlanta." The house was filled with school
children. During the performance it wasjj
noticed that one of the curtains wsaonfirex
The children became frantic, and foraf
time it was feared there wonld be a naaia
but Manaeer Hamilton succeeded in qniet-
ing the audience, and the fire was extisf-j
guished. The play then proceeded withe
i nrther lntexrupuon.
Two Imllaaa fierloaoty Iojared Threo" Ce)
ored Me Arrested- rii ,
About Jl o'clock last night two -ItaU
and three 'colored men got into.a qa
with each other on Jones avenue, near the
head of 'Twenty-eighth street The
Italians were both cut with rasersj
and one of them Is dancerouslv hurt;
His name is P. Tetis and he received a cat
, In the back eight Inches in length. Hk
.companion, John Morrlski, was cn-t oa the
arm. but not seriously. Both mea.wjj
takes to the Twelfth ward station. waoMi
;ur. Atoyer aresaea ineir injuries. i
t-. -r . j,, ..-,.. ----
xaree colored xoeo, were arrettesl Ml
o clock, oa suspiion of doing the cu
To Haapresa Gambling la Mrxleo. '
City op Mexico, December 23, Ge
Die aad Seeretary of the Iateie;i
have aader ooaieratioa alaltUirto Mpb
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