5,- IP . jMI bee trend of trade IPittsburg's Prosperity AbnntUntly Proved by the-Big Boom FlGOODS WASTED BI OLtfSAKTA. Merchants and Manufacturers .of Several i ljtnl?iTnaA PIirAB LOOKING OUT POE LOCATIONS THIS WA1 Office of Phtsbubo Dispatch,! TOTSDAT. December "24. I8S8. J Mr. S. S. Marvin, whose name has become a household -word across the continent, re ports that trade in the cracker line has never been better than it has the past month. De cember's volume of business Is beyond the .corresponding month of last year, or any , .previous year. Similar reports axe received w from the other representatives of this lndns- -3 ' try.'namely, McClurg's, Maginn's and Herd's. It is not claimed that there is a Doom in this j manufacturing department, but simply a healthy growth, corresponding to the increase ot population. The bread winners and caters of Pittsburg are on the increase, and the bread and cracker makers naturally reap their foil "share of this increase. In conversation with Mr. S. 8. Marvin to-day the ideaf-was developed that warehouses and stores in 'desirable locations are .very difficult to be badrSaldhe: Xknow parties in Cleveland who would be glad to locate in Pittsburg or be represented by .branch bouses here if they could secure de- -tsfrable business bouses to rent. You will no- .jtlce Tery few to-leta on any of our business " s ''streets. I noticed one to-day. and was some- i ivr hat surprised. . 'Why To-Lcts Are Scarce. ,fc .t The probabUlty in this case is that the land- $ordwas exorbitant in his ideas. There is a vpj E"8 oeed in the old part of the city of a sum- Cberof new business blocks, constructed after .modern patterns. There are any nnmber of jmcrchants and manufacturers in less prosper ous places who have their eyes on Pittsburg as a place that has a great future before it, and you will see many such casting their lot with " .us in the near future. I have great faith in ". our people will but come up to their opportuni--."V'tiesand make the most of them, Pittsburg S?S will occupy the third rank in 1900 while her that this citv will be Pennsylvania's metropo lis at the close of the century. The Pennsyl vania Railroad Company are evidently alive to this fact, sinco they are laying their plans to secure an entrance into the heart of the city. .There is no city in tbe land which has a ibnghter future before it than our own. "Our createst need now is that our business men will do as those of other great centers $ ' have done, assert themselves and advertise their goods. Tbe exposition has shown what we can do in this line. And now it remains to go forward and keep the ball rolling." Christmas Goods Booming. : The chief difficulty in seeking light from ' dealers in Santa Klaus wares for a few days past has been to find dealers sufficiently dis- engaged to talk business. At the candy, no tion, toy, art and furniture stores, all hands "Vwere hustling to wait on customers. A lead- - 'rngjeweiersaiu to-aay: uur traae nas oeeu imiy sa per cent oetter this- December than last, and we considered last December an extra good month, xne de mand for higher grades of goods was never up to what it s tms season. There is no bettor evidence of r citv's general prosperity than ' sis seen in the jewelry trade, when iron and " steel boom our people are Teady to invest in ' 'the ornamental goods." ' The same story was told at the art, toy and notion establishments. Pittsburg has seen no "jfmore prosperous Christmas season than this. - 'More stockings will be better filled here than . erer before. And so as our hearts turn to-day to ,F'fhe Great Giver and His great gift, it is well to " -reflect that no city on the continent has better ' reasons for rejoicing and cultivating the grace , oi cuaniy than our own. Sic Call fc Co.'i Review. , The supply of cattle light, but owing to the scarcity of buyers the market ruled slow but shade higher in price. We give the following as ruling prices: Prune 1,300 to 1,600 pounds, f4 254 69: good, 1,200 to 1.400 pounds, S3 75 4 10; good butcher grades. 1,000 to 1.200 pounds, it S3 153 60: rough fat. LlOOtoLxn pounds, S3 10 SSKV SSi.jroodXeeaers, 1.100 to 1,300 pounds, S3 S0 "so-rgood xeedera, 200 to 1,100. pounds. 2-C5 3 00; common stockers and feeders, 12 002 0;- buHstand fat cows. Jl 502 50; few exporters, $3 U0r-f resh cows and springers, "$25 TO50 00 per head. The snpply of hogs was liberal yesterday and the market slow. The soft, warm weather has bad a bad effect on the hog trade. The offer ings to-day were extremely light and very little doing. Heavy bogs are hard to Bell even at a reduction of 10c per cwt from best licht grades. Sales ranged to-day from 83 55 to $3 70. The supply of sheep this week were light and the market active at the following prices: ..Prime Ohio and Indiana ethers.weighing here uv to &u poanos, & outgo w; goou, w to luu pounds, J4 404 70: fair to good mixed, 75 to 80 pounds, S3 S04 15: good vearlings, 75 to ;80 pounds, U 235 00; fair to good, 60 to 60 pounas, 30 ckxep wr gooa -amps, uutao -; m heavy calves, S.-003 25. HEAT ON THE HOOP. MJ?' The Condition of Business at the East Liberty , iC . Stock Tarda. -j " Ofctce or PrrrsBUEO Dispatch; I Vns , Tuesday, December 24, 1883. & jLCATTC..- Receipts, 180 head: shipments, gFjlS-1 bead; market steady at Monday's prices; no ?r: j cattle snipped to New York to-day. Oloos Receipts. 1,100 head: shipments. 2,300 head: market fair; all grades, S3 60S 7a Ten cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 1,800 bead; shipments, L20U head; market steady: pnmc, S5 003 25; fair to good. 4 Z5l 75; common, $1 50tf 2 00: lambs, $4 00S6 6U i Br Telegraph. CHICAGO Cattle KecetDts. 400 head; rf shipments, 2,500 bead: market strong to 10c s. ..higher: beeves. $2 852 95; stockers Wc higher; fx cows, bulls and mixed, SI 102 85: Texas jcatUe, SI 602 85. Hogs Receipts. 28,000 bead; shipments, 4,000 head; market dull and 515e ', Jlower; mixed, S3 403 65: beaw, S3 35S3 70: light, S3 453 65; stockers, 533 25. aheep-Ee ceipts, 3.000 head; shipments, 800 head: mar , ket steadv; nauves. S3 005 25; Western corn- lea. iuqo uu: xexans, 3 OWB4 25; lambs. ft 906 25. The Drovtrt JournaVt special cablegram from London quotes moderate sup plies of live cattle, but a weak demand and -r 'prices lower at 10Jf12c per pound for medium to choice. ' .New York. Beeves Receipts, 25 loads for city slaughterers direct and 15 carloads for ex portation: no trading in beef cattle; extremely t, .dull for dressed beef: 5J7c per pound for - common to prime; exports to-day, 3,000 quarters 'beef; cable advices from London quote Ameri can beef steady at 8c per pound; receipts,-140; nearlv nominal at o7Kd per pound for veals ,and 6Jic for passers and Western calves. Sheep Receipts, 2.300 head; market du)l; sales included sheep at 43 755 60 per 100 pounds, : and lambs at S5 257 27 Hogs Receipts, 7570 head; none on sale alive: nominally slow at ' J3'75l 15. . 8t. Loots Cattle-Receipts, 8U0 head; shlp- fments. none; market strong, good to fancy - 'native steers, S4 30Q5 10: fair to good. S3 20H .& 4 "35; stockers and feeders. 10033 20: range .. 'teers.S:iO3 0U. Hogs Receipts, 5.400 head; s shipments, none; market lower: fair to choice flheavy. S3 4503 60: packing grades, S3 303 40; light, fair to best, S3 403 60. Sheep Receipts, t i 700 bead; shipments, none; market strong: fjf fair to choice, S3 604 90; lambs, 14 505 60. E5 Kawsab Crrr Cattle Receipts, 2,600 head: " 4 shipments, 1.300 head: market strong at recent T advance; natives. S3 304 60; cows. 51 502 45: 'stockers and feeders. S2 20g3 00. Hogs Receipts. 5,400 head: shipments, none; market weak and 6c lower; all grades selling at S3 52K ' 3 oUSbeep Receipts, 100 head; shipments, v '800head;rtnarket steady; good to choice mut s atons,'fi4 TSstockers and feeders, S3 801 00. -BurFAM) Cattle Quiet: receints. 0 load through, no sale. Sheep and lambs slow '(yforeii mediums and heavy. S3 65S3 70; mixed , landjiorkers and pigs, S3 6oQ3 70. jF - ., Drvcoods. W . WW Toek. December 24. The drygoods We ,market was dominated by a holiday feeling to- -. 'day and there was consequently little demand, f though some odds and ends of stock were be- l Ing cleaned np and deliveries of many descrip- , UonS'Of goods were active There was no " change in prices or tone of cotton goods, firm- mess ruling as before, and there was no feature. To Dispel Colds. r.-hr and fevers, to cleanse tht svstem effectually, yet gently, when costive or buious, lor,when the blood isfmpure or sluggish, to per bnanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken ithedkldnevs and liver to a healthy activity. Iwtthout irritating or weakening them, use SympofFIgs. MAMETS BY VIBE: Wheat Lets Active and at a "Lower Rango ef Prices Lesga Afraid to Held Over Christmas and Sell Oat. Chicago Only a moderate business was transacted in wheat to-day within a lower range of prices. Early in the day for a while there was a good trade, but after that dull, slow market was experienced. The opening as K He lower, and with only slight fluctuations gradually declined c more, then ruled stead ier, and closed about c lower than yesterday. The weakness was partially attributed tolongs selling, who, nnder the influences presented, did not feel like holding over the holidays. The announcement by elevator proprietors that storage rates would be adrauced after January also had some effect upon tbe market. Euro pean cable advices were less favorable. A good business wasoue in corn, and the feeling developed was but a continuation of that manifested yesterday and the closing days of last week, lower prices being again the rule. The Influences on the market were much the same as yesterday, namely, large receipts, both here and in tbe southwest. The market opened a shade below the closing yesterday, but was steady. It sold off JiXC rallied some, but closed MSKc lower than yesterday. Oats were weaker and a shade lower, with trade light. There was more disposition on the part of local operators to sell, and only a few outside orders to buy. A light trade was reported in pork, with an easy feeling. Prices declined 57Je, ana the market closed quiet, at medium figures. Trading was moderate in lard, about -Zc lower, closing tame. An easy feeling prevailed in ribs, but only a fair trade was reported. irices ruled about 5c lower, and the market closed quiet. xnc leaaing intures raneea as iouows wheat Januarv. 0S2iie82Kc Corn December. CtftnlZfmUCWIIW.r! Hu Oats December, 2C&c; January. 20420j4 620X620: May. 22X22k22a5c. Mxss Poke, per bbL January. 19 I5et9 12K; March. S9409 409 379 37i; May, S3 60 9C269559 65. Labs, per 100 lbs. January. S5 S7K5 85: March, S5 955 92$: May, S5 050$ 05&6 02 602. SnoBT .Ribs, per 100 as. January. $1 70a 4 65; Marcb. S4 771 804 854 75; May. S4904S7K- Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 77c: No. 3 spring wheat. 6768)c; No. 2 red,77JJc; No. 2 corn, 31c. No. 2 oats, 20Kc. No. 2 rre. 45c No. 2 barlev. 5S06Oc No. 1 flaxseed. Si 35. Prime timothy seed. SI 1801 22. Mess i pork, per bbL S3 62)$9 25. Lard, per 100 lb., S5 82. Short ribs sides (loose), H 6536 75. Dry salted shoulders Iboxed), H 25. bhort clear aides (boxed). S5 03. Sugars unchanged and steady- Receipts Flour. 25,000 barrels: wheat, 65.000 bushels: com. 303,030 bushels; oats, 189,000 bushels; rye. 17,000 bushels: barley. 56.000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 20,000 barrels; wheat, 20,000 bushels: oorn.29i,000buhels; oats. 143.000 bushels; rye, 6,000 bushels; barley, 24,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was dull: fancy creamery, 2727c; choice to fine. 1719c: finest dairies, lb2uc; fine, 130 17c. Eggs,1920& New York Flour heavy and moderately active. Cornmeal dull and steady; yellow western, S2 252 65. Wheat Spot dull, weak and MHC lowen options moderately active and 4;c lower, closing steady, foreigners buying early: increased amount on passage weakened prices. Rye weak, western, 5658c: Canada, 5659c. Barley weak: barley malt quiet. Com Spot moderately active, c lower and weak; options freely offered on large movements forward from farmers' hands, c lower, closing steady after an active busi ness. Oats Spot dull and easier: options dull and lower. Hay steady and quiet. Hops 4rm, with a fair demand. Coffee Options opened steady, unchanged and higher, closed firm, 615 points up; dull: sales, 18,750 bags, including December, 15.8516.00c; January. lo.S015.95c: February, 15.9018.00c; March, 15.90c: May, 16.1016.15c; June, 16.15c: July. lb2516.30c: September. 16.2516.35c; October, 10L2016.S5c; November, 16.20c; spot Rio steady, quiet and fair cargoes, l&c: No. 7, 17c. Sugar Raw, dull and nominal; reflnsd. o lower and quiet; C, 55c; extra C, 6K5c: white extra C,fi5c; yellow 6V eSJc; off A, 5X5Kc; mold A, 6id standard A, ci confectioners A, Qic; cut loaf, 7Jc; powdered, 6Kc: granulated. 6&c; cubes, BJic Molasses Foreign, nominal; New Orleans fairly active. Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil steady; crude, 26Kc: yellow, S3 33Kc Tallow dnll. Rosin firm. Turpentine doll and easy at 43X44c. Eggs firm; Western. 2026c; receipts, 1,293 packages. Pork quiet and firmer. Cut meats quiet; midules slow. Lard weak and dull: sales. Western steam, S8 206 25: closing, January, S6 17; February, S6 246 25: closing. $3 24: March, $6 30H 31; closing S6 30 bid; May. $6 406 41: closing, $6 40 bid. Butter dull and weak: Elgin, 2829c; Western dairy, 9elSc: Western creamery, 14 17c; do held 1018c; do factory 916c Cheese unchanged. PmiAxiKU'HlA Flour quiet. Wheat-Options dull and lowen No. 2 red, December. 80K 81c: January. 8181K February, 82H83c; March, 83K84ic. Corn Weak, and prices of options closed Jc lower; No. S, 353Sc; steamer, 373Sc; No. 2$ ebruary local trade, 3S39c; No. 2 spot export elevator, 3Sc: No, 2 mixed Decem ber, 37J(38c; January. 373K, February. 872437Kc; March, 3S38K. OatsCar lots quiet but steady; No. 8 white, KQ31c; No. 2 nhite, 32c; futures quiet, but steady; No. 2 white, December, 31f?31Vc; January, 30e30c; Febmary. SOJfeWic; March. 3031J4C Eggs Fresh stock steady; Penn sylvania firsts. 2425c Receipts Flour, 8,600 barrels; wheat, 6,200 bushels; corn, 18,600 bnsbels; oats, 1,800, bushels. Shipments Wheat, 9,700 bushels; com, 12,000 bushels; oats, 11,300 bushels. Minneapolis Receipts of wheat 251 cars and shipment 429 cars. Dulnth receipts, 28 cars. The demand for good milling wheat was pretty good and prices were very full supported though shaded lightly, in sympathy with a blackboard decline in futures. liow grade Duyers, for shipments still claimed holders are too high for them, but no great amount of that Kind of stock was offered. Closing quotations: May 83c; on track. 79Kc io. iuecemoeranajanuary,Tb$c; Jlay, blKc: on track. 77c: wheat was steady most of the day and closed dull at 84K84o for May: cash No. 1 hard closed at78Kc;Nn. 1 Northern, 75c; No. 2 Northern 70CKeceipts 26 cars. St. Loots Flour nominally unchanged. Wheat lower. The market was dull through out and closed KJc below yesterday's. No. 2 red. cash. 77Jc: Deeember. 77Kc. closed at 77Kc bid; January, 77?c; May. 8I82c, closed at tsl81c asked; Julv. 7777Wc, closed at TTVc bid. Corn lower; No. 2 mixed, cash. 25W gS5c; December. 25Jge, cloed at 2oc bid; January. 25K28c, closed at 25c iiid; Febra ary. 2Bg26c closed at 26Kc; March. 27c closed at 27c; May, 28S3c: closed at 28c bid. Oats lower: No. 2cash. 19ie bid May, 22c barley slow; Minnesota, 45c Flax seed salable at SI 30. Provisions verr quiet, with prospects of remaining so during the holi days. Mhvaotieb Flour steady. Wheat No. 2 spring on track, cash, 7374c; May, 76?ic; No. 1 Northern, 82c Com quiet: No. 8. on track, 28K29c Oate No. 2 white, on track, 22K023C Bve auiet: No. 1. in store. 4V. hM Barley firm; No. a in store. 46Jc Provisions auiet. Pork. $9 Ti. Lard S5 90. Cheese steady: tieddars, 9m)ic Toledo Cloverseed steady: cash, December and January, S3 60; February, S3 52. DA F0NSE0A TALKS. He fiavs the Safely or Brazil's Provisional Government Is Assured The Min ister of Ferelara Affairs Says Ditto. rsrrciAi. teleouam to thi risriTcn.1 Rio Jakeiko, December 24. 1 have ar rived at Rio by steamer from Para, I -at, once paid a visit to the chief of the Pro visional Government, General Da ifonscca who received me most cordially and ex pressed himself as delighted to have the opportunity of addressing himself person ally to the people of the United States, through the medium of The, Dispatch. General Da Fonseca wished to say, jirst of all: "The safety of the 'Republic is assured, not withstanding all that is said to the contrary by the adherents of the Empire who are now in Europe, and who wish to do all the injury they can." "Were the people heartily in support of the movement?" , . Tho people had Jong been willing to estab lish a Republic, but the proper opportunity to strike a decisive blow did not arrive till lately. It would never have done to make an attempt when failure was almost certain." "Was not Doin Pedro personally very pop ular?" "Yes. Tbe people of Brazil bad ,no dislike for Dom Pedro personally. It was only tho principles which he represents the monarch ical principles that were obnoxious to them." .Alter leaving the Marshall paid a -visit to Dr. Guintino Bocaynva, thef Minister of Foreign Affairs, who -was as cordial in his reception as the Gener&L, Dr. Bocaynva expressed himself) as Generar Da Fonseca had done, to the effect that he was anxious to see trade interests betweea Bmil and the United States enlarged, and said that he would do all in his power to bring this about BEECHAlf'S Pills CnTefeIllnaaiMliTTnn ill. PxABle'.Soap secures a beamafaleemplexiou I Ta... .. P - -- Te J VnrpiTDD riDl? A T Tik W EyerytkiBg Jammed With -Disciples of Sasta CIxus Intent on HAKINQTHB LITTLE ONES HAPPY. Christmas Jollity Takes the Place of Busi ness on Foarth Ayenne. SOMEBODY BOOMING BACK STREETS Business was unhinged yesterday except at the banks, where everbody was working double turns. At the Exchange, brokers smiled, swapped jokes, shook hands and said something about Christmas. Stocks and oil were at a heavy discount. Similar scenes were witnessed at most of the real estate offices. Big deals were forgotten, and thePennsylvaniaBailroad and Cherry alley got much-need rest. Every man looked happy, whether he was or not, but it is to be presumed that all were at peace with them selves and on speaking terms with the world. There were busy scenes on tbe streets and in tbe stores. Seldom have they been so packed. In the forenoon the crowds were 'anxious and eager. Many bad their purchases to make. Toward evening, however, when all of their wants, real and imaginary, bad been supplied, andample provision made for the little ones, the old ones and the middle-aged ones, smiles chased dull care away, and everybody seemed happy as larks as tboy wended their way to the several depots or cable cars, loaded down with packages. It was -a great day great in events and great in social and moral lnflnonces. This will be a day of rest and enjoyment, and then to work again with the usual rush and bustle, but the relaxation the change, the sacred influences of the occasion will inspire greater effort, and perhaps lead to the attain ment of better results than if there had been no break in tbe monotonons round of life. www - Pittsburg is full of real estate schemes, large and small. If one were to believe nair oi wnat he hears he would at once conclude that the city is to be torn down and rebuilt in the next few years. No part of the city has escaped the contagion of these rumors. They affect all parts of it and involve all classes of people and all de scriptions of property. One of the oldest and wisest of tbe real estate agents, whose habitat is on Fourth avenue, made some interesting re marcs on this improvement epidemic in em bryo yesterday afternoon. He is a thorough Pittsburger, and believes in the manifest des tiny of the city, but he takes no stock in any of ttie remarkable stories of revolution and up heaval with which the air has been freighted for anonth or more. Said he: "I am afraid the people, or rather some of them, are not satisfied to let well enough alone Where do these sensational reports of Immense movements in realty come from? It looks to me like a concerted plan fan the part of a certain set of speculators to get up a boom. That would smash the market at once, and put the city back at least 10 years. Sensible people do not buy when the commodity they seek is in flated. The disaster in the seventies should open our eyes to the coining danger. I believe in the steady and equitable enhancement of the value of realty as the city Increases in popula tion and wealth, but not in forcing Ic Present values, except in particular cases, are about up to tbe ability of the purchasing element, and to advance them much further would cause a reaction. Business would suffer. Owners would find their property left on their hands. "Let us look at some of the schemes that are being talked about. First, Diamond alley. Cherry alley. Virgin alley, and some others are to be widened hundreds of buildings demol ished at one fell swoop. This Is a big job. and it would cost millions. Who is going to do it? Private individuals! Hardly. The dtyT It has about as big a load of debt already as it can comfortably carry. The Pennsylvania Railroad? It seems to be identified with nearly all the wild rumors that are floating around, but it would be too much .for even that great corporation to undertake. Besides, its Interest is local, not general. IT It can get a place for a depot on Seventh avenue or Smithfleld street it will be satisfied. It will pot expend a dollar, for any improvement in which it 1s not directly interested. The widening of Diamond alley would be a public benefit, but as for the others there is no hurry. When tbe demand for their improvement becomes general and the neces sity apparent it will be time enough to act; We also bear a great deal about contem plated improvements on side streets, where, we are told, capitalists are investing Immense sums of money. There is no truth in this. Why should capitalists invest on side streets when they can do better? Very little business Is done on them. The houses, with ' few excep tions, are tenements, and are rented for about all they will ever bring. They have practically reached the limit of their productive capacity. This means that the market value of this class of property has reached high-water mark. Capitalists know this perfectly well; and to suppose that they are hungry for side street property at fancy prices does violence to their judgment. Of course there will be Improvement on the side and back streets, but it will be slow and accomplished as needed. There will be and can be no general movement to elevate them to a position of im portance, which, in the nature of things, they cannot maintain. Fiat money may do, but fiat streets sounds ridiculuous. There is a certain demand for property on the retired streets, am transfers are not unusual, but that there is a regular scramble for entire blocks of it at al most any price is as wide of the truth as any thing in Gulliver or Munchausen. A few good properties on Cherry and Virgin alleys are wanted for special purposes, and it sold they will probably bring pretty steep figures, but the bulk of it would have to be offered at a sacri fice to secure purchasers, Tbe same is true ot side streets in general. "The effect of the yarns with which the pub lic is being regaled is injurious to property owners as well as buyers. Mr. A., who lives on a side street or alley, reads or hears that Bul lion & Co., acting for themselves or a great cor poration, have an eye on property in his vicin ity. He tells his neighbors. They confer.reach the conclusion that a boom is coming their way and forthwith advance prices 30 or 40 per cent. A bona fide buyer comes along and makes them a fair offer, but it is refused. Then they wait for Bullion & Co.. to show their hands. In due course they learn to their sorrow that the great firm bad been misrepresented that tbe Tumor connecting their operations with that thorough fare was an idle tale that they were not Invest ing in property trjere and didn't expect to. After all tbelr waiting the deluded victims of a rumor find their property still on their bands, and no prospect of celling it even at a reduced valuation. Property owners, wbether on side streets or not, frequently miss good trades in this way. "JL good deal of this sort of work is going on In tbe city at the present time, and it is grad ually putting buyers and sellers further apart, to the detriment of all business. Judiciously managed the real estate Interest of Pittsburg will be strong and active for years, but unjus tifiable Inflation can have lio other effect than to drive buyers out ot the market. Rumors of booms, like bash, should be viewed with sus picion. I am hopeful of a reaction and return to common sense methods of handling real estate." Tho .Real Estate Record, which keeps a sharp eye on all that is going on, remarks: "The de mand for business, property is pretty sharp. The area of operations is extending. It any body doubts this, let him inquire what prop erty anywhere between Eleventh and Sixth street, on Pcnn avenue, is worth, or what prop erty on Third or Second avenues is held at. Let him inform himself of ,the prices offered for It.- Lot him Inquire what property on Grant street is held at. From Grantto the Allegheny rivet and from the Union depot to the Monongahela, every piece of property is re garded with more Interest than it possessed a year ago. Tbe rata at which values are en hancing on Penn avenue, for Instance, has con vinced even those who predicted that the busi ness on the avenue was overdone. uWe heard a good deal of the same tenor about property in Diamond street, but it is worthy of note that comment of this character Is not indulged when property between the Monongahela and Sixth, avenue is discussed. The changes made on the various streets em f"3svy-s ryv-r --- - braced are of a character that convinces the AxnfcTt i ii. ill Mil ireSecHue tbt bfImi will st erty e tatned, but that tk; will teffeve steadily. At for residence property, it iff In request la a dozen directions. The peculiarity retaarked is that the purchasers in almost every instance buy to build. There is very littlo of the specu lative element in tbe market1' BQLIDAI ON CMAKQK. Stcck Brokers Do Seats smhiit and Have Lets ef.FBD. Although it was the day before Christmas, with little except fun andfrolle expected, busi ness was not entirely abandoned at the Stock Exchange yesterday. The sales were 81 shares, of which 50 were Pennsylvania Gas, which brought 13, the lowest point it has yet reached. The other active stoeks wera Pittsburg Trac tion and Electric, both of which were slightly firmer. Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester advanced to 260 bid and" 880 asked. Pleasant Valley also scored an advance. In fact, with few exceptions, the entire list was stronger,wlth bids largely in the majority. At both calls There was considerable fun. The brokers old and young indulging in wild capers and bad cigars, which were handed around lavishly. Many hats were smashed and clothing saturated witn. water that may have been squeezed out of the stocks. The 'boys" held themselves well in hand, however, as tbey felt the necessity of keeping some of the jollity hack for the last day of tbe year, when they will have a regular carnival. Momtrxc. Bid. Asked 75 .... 63 .... AFTSBNOOX. Did. Ailed. Banc of ITIttsbarr. .... Keystone U'Kor Jfltts. Tradesmen's Mat. B'k Urldjrewater Gas Chanters Valley U.Co. Nat. Uu Co. of W. Va. 250 29 22 47 42 65 "J9H 75 13X SO 30 Pennsylvania Gas Co.. i2h 13 , Philadelphia Co.. tK 39 ' Wheellnc Uas Co...... torestoit Co WashlnrtonOllCo..... . 103 80 Central Traction S2X Pitts. Traction . 47 fleaunt Valley., 21 Pitts.. A. & Man 2 47 2 Oi 3S0 lol Nona aiming vo x t Luster Minlnc Co.... . 31 .... S3 ; ouvenon alining uo. l, .... Westlnghouse Electric f)H 4S Union B.& signal, Co... .... 13 '47 " Bales at both calls vera 1 share of Electric at 4 20 at 475&1 Pittsburg Traction 49, and 60 Pennsylvania Gas at 13. J. C. Forse A Co. sold 10 shares of Central Traction at 33. The total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 79,991 shares, Including: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 6,900; Missouri Pa cific, 9,234; Beading, 8,600: Texas Pacific, 3,744 BUSY BANKERS. The Imrge Holiday Hales Make an Interesting- Money Market All the leading banks reported a brisk busi ness yesterday. There was good demand for money, which was abundant at 67 per cent. The exchanges -were heavy, showing a con tinued large trade in holiday goods. Some bankers think that after the January settle-' meats money will be so plenty as to justify lower rates. A notable feature of the trading of the last few days has been to bring out a large number of small notes which had been boarded up. The market is therefore easier in this respect. Tbe exchanges were $2,419,225 S3, and the balances $370,412 48. Money on call at New Tore yesteruay was tignt, ranging irom o to v per cent; last loan, e; closed 57 bid. Prime mercantile paper,5K7. Sterling exchange dull and steauyat (4 for 60-day bills. Closing Bond Qaotatloas. n. B. 4S.K7 126K NtK.ftT.Gen.es . S3X Mutual Union BS....100X U. 8. 44. COUp........l27Ji u. o. , retr, iu U. a. 4)i. coop.... 104V Paclneoa of '95. lis M. J. U. int. uert...ii3i Northern Pac lsts..us9i Northern Pac.Jds.. 112)4 Northw't'n eonsols.143 Northw'n deben'a..lll Union & Tram. 6. 104 IiOuislanastampedii MX Missouri es 103 Tenn. new set. 6s... 109, xenn. new set. &.... iui Tenn. new set. Ss..,, "H Canada So. ads 9S3i Oen. Pacific. Uts... ..113 Den. A K. U., att. .,118 Den. & R. G. 4a 79 D.&K.6. West, ins. MX Krie,lU. lux U.S.. AT. Qes.es.. 7 St. U. 4I.M. Uen. Is S9X St. U&ti.V. (ien.iL 111)4 St. fan! consols ....139 St.Pl.Uhl Pclsts. US Tx., Pel, O.Tr.K. SOg Tx..PcK.ai2T.cW 31 Union Pae. liu...illK West Shore .....Un New Tons Clearings, 1157,510,839; balances, ances, $6,697,985. " Philadelphia Clearings, 813,228,601; bal 0,934,214. London Bar silver 13 I3-16M per ounce. Chicago Bank clearings, 811,874.000. New Tork exchange at par. Money unchanged. St. IOU1S Clearings, 3,189,541; balances, 8392,716. B0 SDPF0ET. A Better Feell-a la Oil, Bat Not Enoaca to Boom Things. The feeling at the opening' of the oil market 1 yesterday was rather better than usual of late. Tho opening was 103, highest 103, lowest 102, closine 102. Tbe range of a cent was sufficient to inspire good scalping, but nobody seemed disposed to do much, and the market sagged off for want of support and closed weak. "There was some buying here around 103, but on the whole trad ing was very light and entirely expressionless. Features of the Murker. Corrected dally br John M. Oaxiev A Da. 45 Sixth street, members ot the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened, aighest, .1C3 1 Lowest., .103rClosed.. I 102J Barrels. M.J70 7S.780 30,3a) Average runs -. ... Average shipments Averajre charters. jKennea, .new xork. j.ouc. Keflned, London. 6d. Refined, Antwerp, liXr. Keflned. Liverpool, s l-16dj Beflned, Bremen. 7.15m. A, B. McQrew quotes: Puts, Jl 021 XGfa calls, J103X- Other Oil Markets. OrLCtTT. December 24. Petroleum opened atjl GSy,; highest, 81 03K; lowest. 1 02; closed, Jl 02JJ. Sales. 197.000 barrels; clearances. 248, 000 barrels: charters, none; shipments, 91,883 barrels; runs, 32,329 barrels. TrrusviLLB, December 24. Opened attl 03; highest, tl 03K: lowest, U 02: closed, 1 0 liEW York, December24. Petroleum opened steady at SI 0i and after slight Improvement In the early trading became weak and declined to-tl 02. In the last hour the market rallied and closed firm at $1 02. StocK. Exhange: Open ing, SI 03; highest, SI 035$; lowest, SI 02; clos ing, SI 02k. Consolidated Exchange: Open ing. JlOiJi: highest. SI 03K: lowest, SI 02; closing. SI C Sales. 415,000 barrels. STILL PICKING IT UP. Real Estate Continues to Hove A Few Christmas Gilts. Samuel Vf. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold lot No. 10, located on Paul avenue, S. Lw Boggs' plan. West Liberty borough, for S22S. They also placed a mortgage for $8,000 for three years at 4 per cent, free of State tax, on prop erty onwylie avenue, near Congress street, citv. EwingAByers,No. 93 Federal street, placed a $650 mortgage on Second ward property, Allegheny, to run three years, at 6 per cent. Black & Baird,-95 Fourth avenue, sold to M. C. Mertz half of lot 623 on Ninth avenne.Home stead, for $450. NEXT TO NOTHING. Too Much Christmas on Wall Street for Share Speculation Sngnr Recovers Lost Ground An Expert Takes a Look Ahead. New Yobk, December 24. Of course noth ing of a market was expected the day before Christmas, and almost no market at all was had, the transactions in listed stocks being next to, if not tbe smallest, ever seen In one full day at the StockExcbange. There was no news or a character to affect, values, and the attendance at the board being unusually small. the fluctuations were strictly on a parity with the amount of business done, and in few of the stocks traded in were the extreme rango of values for more, than JJ per cent during the day. Tbe opening was steady, though a few stocks were slightly lower in sympathy with ,the Lon don figures, which, in all probability, were as devoid ot significance as our own. The tem per of tbe room was bullish at first, but soon changed, and traders "who had the floor to themselves see-sawed prices back and forth between the limits of small fractions through out tbe day. The Gould stocks were most prominent in the dealings, and Missouri Paclflo was most active, out failed to reach Ave figures at the end of the day. There was a little boom la Pacific Mail and Texas Pacific, tbe latter road being reported to have accumulated a surplus of about $800,000, after spending the same amount on better ments. The improvement was all lost later, but toward tbe close a better tone again ex isted, and final prices ate only Insignificant fractions different from those ot last evening. Tbe Trusts, that is, tbe Sugar and Cotton-Oil, were more active than the regular list, and the latter at one time showed an advance of nearly 1 per cent, a portion of which was lost. Sugar, after fluctuating over a wider mage than any other atocfc traded in. flaiakedwltha set gain of per cent The close was (Van aa Heady l HI iH 1 li i J, trwa' VT itonarr- jMJTAra.-f toftrsaat the tewes. The tates of satisted stocks were !,, Sagaf cejrtrlbatlaff U,M Railroad bdnds wera again mare active tkaa stocks, tho trading aggregating 916,000; Texas Pacific, 223,000. The market was firm. Among those which are higher are Internationa! firsts, 3 to W6K: the seconds, 8K to 74; Central Paetfia 63 of 1SS, IK to 113. The Post's financial article says: The firm ness ot tbe market under tbe present extreme dullness is an evidence of tbe general expec tancy of higher prices for stocks in January, though the prevailing Idea is that the improve ment will not come until after the middle ot the month, because the interest and dividend disbursements will not begin to have much in fluence on the money market until that time. The experience of stock speculation, however. Is that expectations which are so unanimous are often disappointed, because all the shrewd people- try to forecast and .anticipate the' future. If the future of the stock market in the.. present case depended on the proiessionai speculators, they would probably experience disappointment for the reason mentioned, but It does not; it depends on the money market and tbe general public outside of tho professional speculators, and those are factors in regard to which no very positive opinions can be expressed yet forapplicatlon to January and February. Many persons who have thought carefully over the 'whole situation are not very sanguine about very easy money during tne first quarter of the year. The rollowinc taois snows tne prices or active stocks on the .New York Stock ixenange yester day. Corrected dally for TBI DISPATCH by TVHimf it A BTirnxMSOx, oldest Pltubnrg-mem-bcra or .New X ort Btock Kxchange. 67 fourth ave nue: Open Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. i Am. uotton Ull 34 A ten., Tou.&a.r..... 34 Canadian Padfio Canada Southern 47 Central of KewJerser High- HL Central 1'aetflt W CbesaneakeA Ohio.... 25! C- Bnr. Ona,cT. ..,.107! C., Mil. a St. Paul.... 70H u., aui.ssi. r- oi... a, Kockl. ftp (i.SLk Mttt a, su 1.. ft puts. nr. C.. St. P..M. ftO...... .... cst.j-ii. &o.. nr. .... C.a Northwestern Ill), C .Northwestern, pf. .. . a, a. a i o.. a, tx&h. or..... ssx OoL coal ft iron 132 Col. ft Hooking Val .. 19H Dei.. UftflT 1J7 Del. ft Hudson...... Denver ft Klo a r .... Denver ft Bio (.. 01.. K.T.. Va. ftUa - .... E.T..Va, ftOa.lst pf. .... T.. Va. ftUa. 3d pr. .... Illinois central. Lake Erlo ft Western.. .... Lake Krle ft West. nr.. S4 Lake Shore ft M. S.....10S Louisville ft Nashville. s6 Mlehlnn Central. S Mobile 4 Ohio Mo.. JSan. ft Texas.... ilH lllMOnnPaolflc 72)t New Kork Central. ....10$ b. Y L. . ft W...... 27 N. .. a 4 St. U 1744 N. X.. C ft St. L. pr.. 70 -N.i.. a ftst.u.Jdnr ssx a.xft.N. m 4354 K. Y..O. ft W. .... Norfolk ft Western .- Norrolkft Western. pr. 60 Northern Pacifle .Nortnern facino prer. 75X Ohio Mississippi..... e Oregon Improvement. .. Oregon Transcon. 23K PacinoMall zejl ii m ux 1HK ran 21X 113 18 3Jf JUS 86)4 97 12 "X 71 IOS 27 70 43V 20 19 39 31 8 36 33il J88)i "X 77H Hit 39 83 21 6314 IS 314 MM 19)4 Vi LOW est. K 31 3SS4 34 34 83H A 33M 33K i 25S B With 1U' 70 70J4 98V ma SH 64 64 lOi'A 108 8SX 88 S3 93 iiM iiS 72 1H loaik ios 27 VH WH 70 70 3SK UK 43K 73X mi 37 5f 35 son X3 rouaaei. a Besuinr.. rajt Pullman Palace Car RIchmona ft W. P. T.. 31K KlchmondftW.P.T.nf St. P.. Minn, ft Man..U2H St. L, ft San Fran it) St. L. ft San Jrrairpr.. 39 st.L. 4 san'r. 1st pt Texas Paollla 20)" Union Paeino taj Wabasa Wabash preferred 11K Western Union 33J4. Wheeling ft L. . Snirar Trust. K National Lead Trust.. 19 Chicago tias Trust.... 4234" x-dlvldend. :i tin ma iSK 112 Mi 21 " S3H MX 19)4 43 19 42K Boslan Htoclu. Ateh. ft Too.. 1st " H7H .34 .11 Bntland, com... 43 Itutland preferred.. 30 Wis. Central, com... 33)4 Wis. Central pf.... 63 auouezMgCo 1.03 Calumet ft Haela....2S0 rraniuin. isx Haron 2 Osceola. 51i Pewahlo . ...... 6 Ateh.ftTop.K.K.t Boston ft Alosny.. Boston ft Mame.....200U C B. ftQ. 108 Clnn. San. A Clove. 24M Eastern B 12S Flint FeraM 23 runt ft Pen M. nra. S3 Jlexlean Cen. com.. )7h Hex. Cist mtr. bds. esh S. x". ftNewJCn... 43K N. Y. ft M. X. 7S....I27 Old Colony. ITS Qnlner 69 Bell Telennone., ..200K - H .149 Boston Land...., iTamarack.... .... Philadelphia Htoeka. Ooslng quotations of Philadelphia stooks, fur nished by Whitney ft Btenhenson. brokers. Ko.37 Fourth avenue. Members Mew Xork stock Kx change. Bin. Asked. PeansvlvanuBtUroad.,, -.. 62X Keaainjc 19 7-l ssi 19)4 Banaio, nttsonrg ft western . th Lehlch Valley 1)4 Lenlkh Kavlratlon MS4 Northern Pacific 31 Northern Paelna preierrea 75 -5H S2H St. Minlns: Stocks. New Tobk. December 24. Chollar. 200; Deadwood Ter., 140: Consolidated California and Virginia. 100: Eureka Consolidated, 800; 1 Cristo. 150; Hale Norcross, 230; Home stake, 900; Horn Silver, 190. I Business Notes. Real estate agents predict a rushing busi ness after New Year's. Real estate agents who 'attended the meet ing yesterday think the change of moving day is a go They think the landlords will be com pelled to yield. The Ontario Silver Mining Company has de clared its one hundred and sixty-third dividend of $75,000 for November, payable at the office of Lounsbery & Co., New York; December 31. Transfers close December 28. Total dividends to date, $10,823,000. Since Secretary "Windom announced bis pol icy of a gradual withdrawal of public funds on deposit with national banks, the amount so held has been reduced to a little under 333,000. 000, and the available surplus lnlbe Treasury has been reduced to $27,500,000. Some of the brokers think "Westlnghouse Electric stock is selling too cheap, and predict better prices for it in tbe near future. The fact that until quite recently it was the only electric company which had ever declared a dividend is a strong point In Its favor. TOLD IN SH0BT SPACE. Uriel Condensation ot Accounts of Many Interesting Svents. The Bell Telephone Company in tha past year has put out 32,000 phones. President Carnot, who is suffering from tbe influenza, is slightly better. Emperor William has entirely recovored from his illness, and has resumed his recep tions. The steamer Puritan, of the Fait River line, made the passage from Newport to New York oa December 23 in 7 hours and 51 minutes, dock to dock, against a strong northwest wind. This is the fastest time on record. AT a meeting of the Brazil Sugar Company yesterday the chairman said that the new gov ernment in Brazil has shown every disposition to lollow the honorable course of the old gov ernment. It had paid tbe moiety of Interest due the company. When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she' cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children.she gave them Castorla au9-77-uw7Su INSURANCE HISTORY. The Boston fire cost the Insurance companies interested 5,000,000. The Lynn Are cost the insurance companies interested $4,000,000 The total loss to tbe companies represented at the J. W. Arrott Agency, In this city, amounted to tbe sum of. Including the "Monongahela House," five hundred thousand dollars. .$500,000 Tbe total SURPLUS of tbe companies repre sented at this agency amounts to the sum of 85,912.093 Tho total ASSETS of the companies repre sented at this agency amounts to the sum of $10,808,695 These companies could have paid Ue entire Boston and Lynn, etc, losses on the usual basis of one hundred cents on the dollar and kept Tight along without any annoyance whatever. What and where will tb e next great loss bet ARE YOUJNSURED? Insurance effected in. tbe largest and strong est Companies doing business, and at the lowest rates consistent with safety. Apply at once to J. W. Arrott, Insurance Offices, AT STANDARD BUILDING, 681 AND 5 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURG. att8nw i75MKB-?T ""F DOMESTIC- MARKETS. PoiHry CMtiaiMfi Very Acttie, Par ticularly Tarkeys. r TfiOPICAL FRDITS IN GOOD D1IASD Little Change- is Cereal Sltntles, Market! Are Weal:. tat SUGAR D&0P3 AGAIN COfSSS fISX OrrccE orPrrTSBTOO dispatch, 1 Tuesdat. December 24. 1SW. J Country Prodace Jobbing Prices. Poultry is tho most active article oa tbe mar ket. Turkeys were, rushed in the past few days in muck larger quantities than dealers expected, but none too large for demand. All that came were quickly taken, and anything choice readily Brought 18o per pound in a fob bing way. Chickens, ducks and geese were equally firm, and fresh game was in good de mand, An improved demand for tropical fruits is also reported by dealers, but prices re main unchanged. Dairy products are quiet, and ao activity is looked for until the turn ot tho year. Prices, however, are fairly main tained. Bottkr Creamery, Elgin, 304332c; Ohio do, 2ST9o: fresh dairy packed. 25fi27c; country rolls, 2425c. Beass Navy hand-picked beans, $2 250238; medium. S2I02 20. Beeswax 2830c ?) a for choice; low grade, 184320c "" CiBEB Sand refined, S8 5007 50; common, $3 604 00;crabcider,!S O0S5O-$ barrel; cider1 vinegar, 1012c ft gallon. j Chestnuts 45 005 50 bushel; walnuts, 6070c bushel. CHEESE-Ohio, UUHc; New York, llc; Limburger, 9Kllc; domestic Sweitzer, 11 13c; imported Sweitzer, 23 Eggs 2425c ft dozen for strictly f resb. ' Fruits Apple?, fjney, $2 503 00 f) barrel: California pears, $3 504 00 a box; cranberries. Sll0012 00 ft- barrel; Malaga grapes, large barrel. S3 00. GAME Squirrels.75cSl f dozen; quail, $175 f) dozen; prairie chickens, H 505 00 9 dozen; pheasants, 15 005 50 dozen: rabhlts,3035c a pair; venison saddle, 1012c fl pound; venison carcass, 7ffi9c V pound. Feathers .Extra live geese. 5080c; No. 1, do, 4045c: mixed lots, 3035c ft Jb. Poultry Live chickens, 6065c a pain dressed. 89s a pound; ducks, 6575c ft pair; geese, SI 2ol 80 V pair: live turkeys, 1213c fi tt: dressed turkeys, 1618c $1 ft. Beeds Clover, choice, 62 fts. to bushel, $4 2049 4 40 ft bushel; clover, large English. 62Rs,H3e 4 80. clover, Alsike. 8 00: clover, white, $9; timo thy, choice, 45 lbs. $1 50r blue grass, extra clean; 14 fts. $1 251 80; blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs. SI SO; orchard crass. 14 As. SI 40: red ton. 14 Bi. SI 25: millet, 50 Its, SI 00: millet, 6070c f) bushelr xiunganan grass, ou ms. ooc, lawn rrass. mix ture oi nne grasses, 3 w n Dusnei oi 14 ms. Tallow Country, 4Jc; city rendered, 4J 5c Tropical Fruits Lemons, common, S3 00 2 25; fancy, S4 0035 00; Florida oranges, $2 00 2 50; Jamaica oranges, S3 004 00 l barrel: bananas, $1 50 firsts, $1 00 good seconds, V bunch; cocoanuts, S4 004 50 V hundred; figs, 8C9c n ft: dates ,6KQ6c $ ft; new layer figs, 12K15Xc;new dates. 7c f ft. Vegetables Potatoes, from store, 6560c; on track, 4550c: cabbages, $7 008 00 a hun dred: celery, 40c f) dozen: Jerseys, $4 004 25; turnips, $1 001 50 barrel; onions, SI 75 a bar rel. Buckwheat Flotjb 2J2Jo sp pound. Groceries. The weakness of sugar has again culminated in a drop, as our quotations will disclose. Coffee is quiet but firm. Tbe uncertainty in Brazilian affairs and weakness of exchange in the new Sonth American Republic Is tbe chief reason for quietness. General groceries move along in the old ruts, and no change is likely to occur this year. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2324c; choice Rio, 2122c; prima Rio, 20c; low grade Rio. 18Xl&Kc; old Government Java. 27g2Sc; Mar acalbo. 23i24sc; Mocha, 2329c; SantoiL 20X24c; Caracas. 2224c;peaberry, Rio, 23 24c: La Guayra, 23&24c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 24c; high grades. 2529Kc; old Government Java, bulk, 3133c; Maracaibo, 2728c; Santos, 24i28Kc; peaberry, 284c; choice Rio, 25c; prime Klo, 23c: good Rio, 22Kc; ordinary, 21 c 8fices (whole) Cloves, 1920c: allspice, 10c; cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7Jic; Ohio, 120". 8c: headlight, 10, 8Kc: water white, lOKc: globe, 1414ic; elalne, 14c; car naainetilX;ro7allne, 14c; globe red oli, 11 MmzBsvOrx Nol winter strained. 46g47c V gallomsummer, 4043c Lard oil, 70c Stbufs Corn syrup, 2830c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c; prime sugar syrup, S033c; strictly prime. 3335c; new maple syrup. 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop, -4S50c; choice, 47c: medium. 3843c: mixed, 4042&. Soda Bi-carb in kegs. 33?c; bi-carb in K. 5Jc; bi-carb, assorted packages, 626c; sal sodam kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c;stearine, f) set. 8Kc; parafflne, ll12o. RICE HeHd, Carolina, 67c: choice, 6 6Jic: prime, 5K0c: Louisiana, 5Sc. Starch Pearl, 2c; cornstarch, 58c: gloss starch, 47c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don layers, S290; California Loudon layers, 82 75: Muscatels. 82 40: California Muscatels. $2 25: Valencia,7c; Ondara Valencla,8SSfc; sultana, 9Kc:currants,8X5Kc, Turkey Drunes, 4K5c; French prunes, 69c: Salonlca prunes, in 2-ft pacEages, 8Kc: cocoanuts, f) 100, $3 00; almonds, Lan.. $1 lb, 20c; do, Ivica, 19c; do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 14gl5c: Sicily flilierta; 12c: Smyrna figs, 1213c; new dates, 66Kc: Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans. ll15c; cit ron. H ft, 1920c; lemon peel, 18c ft ft; orange peel, 17c. Dried Fbutts Apples, sliced, per A, 6c, ap ples, ovaporated, 9c: apricots, California, evap orated, 14X16c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2628c; peaches, California, evaporated, un pared, 19&21c; cherries. pltted,13KHl4Kc; cher ries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evaporated, 25K28Kct blackberries, 7XeSc:huckleberriesK 1012c i Buoaes Cubes. 7c; powdered, TKc: granu lated, 6Kc; confectioners' A, 6c; standard A, ec; soit wnite, t 5jc: yellow, good. 66Kc; yellow, choice, G I. 6Kc; yellow, fair, 5 5Wc:Telow. dark.yxc 11CEXES Medium, bbls (1,200), $5 60; medi um, half bbls (bOO). S3 25. Salt Na 1, bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex bbL SI 05; dairy, fl bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal. $ bbL $1 20: Hlegins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 So; Higgins' Eureka, 18-14 & pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 00 2 25;2ds, $1 63I 80; extra peaches, 12-4002 60; pie peaches, 95c; finest corn, $1 00150; Hid Co. corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90cSl; Lima beans, $1 20; soaked do, 85c; string do, 6065c: mar rowfat peas, SI, 101 15; soaked peas, TOaSOc; Slneapples $1 40Q1 6Q; Bahama do, S2 75; amson plums, 95c; Greengages. $1 25; egg plums, $2 00; California pears, $2 60; do greengages, SI 85; do egg plums, SI 85: extra white cherries, 52 40; raspberries, 95cSl 10; strawberries', SI 10; gooseberries, SI 3U1 40; tomatoes, 8590c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 651 90; blackberries. 65c; succotash, 2 ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2-ft, SI 251 60; corn beef, 2-ft cans, 82 05; 14-ft cans. 314; baked beans, SI 45 1 50: lobstei, i-ft. Si lotgi fiu; mackerel, i-m cans, broiled, St 60; sardines, domestic. Js, S4 254 50; sardines, domestic Hs. SS 757 tX); sardines. Imported, s, SU 5012 60; sardines. Imported. Ji. 8: sardines, mustard, S3 30; sardines, spiced. S3 50. Fish Extra No. X bloater mackerel, S36 fl bbL: extra No.l do, mess, $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $82; extra No. 1 do, mess, $36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, iiie ft ft; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large. 7c; bouelesa hake In strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocxs, 67c Herring Round shore, $4 60 fl bbl.; split, $6 60; lake, S2 75 100-ft balf bbL White fisn, S6 00 f? 100 & half bbl. Lake trout, S3 50 fl balf bbL Fin nan haddock, 10c fl &. Iceland halibut, 13c fl ft, PIcKerel, K bbl. 82 00; K bbl. SI 10; Poto mao herring, to 00 fl bbl, S2 50 per H bbL Oatmeal $8 006 23 fl bbL ' Grain, Flonr nnd Feed. The only sale on call at the Grain Exchango was a car of wheat straw.SO, P. R. R. Receipts, as bulletined, 28 cars, as follows: By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 7 cars of bay, 3 of otoats,3 of flour, 2 of barley. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Bt. Louis, 2 cars ot hay, i of oats, 7 of corn, Oats are dull and lower. New corn ditto. Old ear corn, is practically out of the market. The situation of grain and hay markets is little changed from our last reports Tone of trade is weak, owing to too liberal re ceipts. Only the choicest grades find ready sale. Cdminon and inferior stuff goes begging for buyers andean only be sold at very liberal concessions. Prices below are for carload lots on track. WHEAT-NewNo.2 red,65S6c; No. 8,820 83c Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, new. 38037c: high mixed, ear, 40041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, old, 4142c; new, 3536c; high mixed, sheHed, 400 41c ' , Oats No. 2 white, 29029X extra, No. 3, 282Sc: mixed, 26027. Kte No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 58054c; No. 1 Western, 6152c BaRLet Western, 45085c; Canada' barley, 70075c FioUK Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, $5 0905 50: winter straight, S4 2504 68; clear winter. $4 0001 25; straight XXXX bakers', S3 6808 75. Rye flour, $8 690 475. MlLLTBBD MiddHmeJ, fine white. S 060 H 89. tea; blow taiddliB, HS NMe Mt li'WS'H T i.uA J&."S "vViC srj . - ' - wst-',fr --'' ulauri.waiat .M, m SBsyixpo f iwtm, tsmmt ML - SAT-Baled tiatotkr, K& t. mM612 06Y N . x do, $8 8S10 00; loasa from wagon, 111 08 " M, aocoralag to oaaMtf : Na. 2 prsdm bay, SntAW-Oats. $S757,e0; wheat art rye straw.SS 006 25. FrovMaafli Sagar-cured hams, large, 9c; sugar-cared haaas, medium, 19c: sugar-cured bams,ssall, lJc; sufar-cured breakfast bacon, 8c; sugar oared shoulders, 5c; sugar-cared boaelese abealders, 7Jic; sugar-cared California hams, 6e; ssgar-cured dried beef flaw, 9c; sagar-enred dried beet sets, 16c; sugar-cored dried beef rouBds, 13c;bacon shoulders. 6c; bacon, clear sides. 7Kcr bacon lear bellies, 7Kc; dry salt shoulders, 6VXe; dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess 'pork, heavy, $1169; mess pork; family, ?ia oa. Laru uennea. in tierces. c: naii-Darreis, 6c: 68 tnba. 6Uc: 20-ft nails. 6c: GO-ft tin cans. 6Xc; 3-ft tia pails, 6Kc: 5-fttiB pails, 6Kc;10-ft tin pails, Pyic: 5-ft tin palls, Gc Smoked sausage, long. 6c: large, 6c, Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bams, 10Kc Figs' feet, half bar rel, $4 00;-quarter barrel, $8 15. Dressed Heats. The following prices are fnratsBed by Armour 4 Co. oa dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 Its, 5c; 680to6501ks.ee: 650 to750fts, 6KfMc Bbeep. 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c f) ft. Hogs. 6ic Fresh pork loins, 7c TChsBociet rf my luuiiiluefis bvIlsTO ttesBsMR wj da aiBcxmg tmaa, mm. navo W ATERPH00F BOOTS BEAUTIFULLY POLIfiHKD WITHOUT LABOR. WoIfTsAOMEBIacking Prodase a poKsh without He old bnah, asdAe Un uta laif a wkA oa naCt, mi Otn an Katun's afaea Why stfek to eld ways in thesa dajs of eognes f J Sold by Shoe Stuns, Grocers, Dntaaistaj etc- WOLFF & RWWttFH. rmMOPM. HWTSTJ 1. 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET, MTTlI5XJIlG. FA. Transact a General BanMi Business. Accounts solicited. Issne Circular Letters of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer cial Credits, LN STERLING, Available In all puts Of the world. Also Issue Credits IN DOT.T.AKS For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, South and Central America. ao7-91-w BLOCKER'S liuteateneew. FliiTr!-! E.ttoa 150 Cups for $1.00. COCOA U. 8. DEPOT.IS Harxr St,S. T. OC23-50-WS -(7U tt. :W GUN WA is a Chinese Physician. Owing to existing laws he cannot practice medicine in Amencx So he has prepared a line of Chinese herb and vegetable specifics whichrinstead of simply relieving symptoms, strike at tho VERY ROOT OF DISEASE, and perform cures that are nothing less than mar velous. A friendly talk and CONSULTATION with Gun Wa COSTS NOTHING. Ha charges but a small sum for bis remedies,whlch, though gentle and harmless to take, are certain and unerring in their effects. They SPEEDILY CURE all blood, nervons arid chronic diseases. Young, middle-aged or old men. suffering, quickly restored to PERFECT PHYSICAL HEALTH. GUNWAiaaFRIENDTOTKE AFFLICTED. If you cannot caU, write him. in perfect confidence. Send for history of his life, and his circular on Cancer. Tumors, Tape Worm, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Female Weak ness, or Files. Inclose 4c stamps for reply. Office hours, 9 A. ir. to 12 v.; 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 " G-TTILSr ".A.., OdW Perm jL.-vG.,FittBtmrst I oes-wsn STEAMERS AND EXCURSIO.NM. r iUTg STAB LU H JOli QUaXMSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, Itoyal and United States Mall Steamers. Brl tannic, Dec. 23, 7.30 am Britannic, Jan. S,Cn 'Adriatic, Jan. 23, 1 p m Celtic Feb. 3.6:30am Uermanlc Feb. 12. 11 a m "Aarianc, dan. i, z p m Celtic. Jan. 8. e a m Uermanlc, Jan. li, noon rrnm Whlta Stir doet root of West Teeth St. 'second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates, $50 and upward. Second cabin. 133 and upward, according to steamerand location of berth. Ex cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steeraxe. pa. "White star draft payable on demand In all tha principal banks throughout Ureat Britain. Ab- Sl v to JOHN J. JlCCOltMlCK, 639 and 401 Smltb eld St.. Pittsburg, or J. BKUCK UMAX, Gen eral Asent, 41 Broadway, Hew Yore deH-p STATE LINE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY; Cabin passage 133 to tax according to location of stateroom. .Excursion SSS to too. Steerage to and from .Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. General Agents, fit Broadway, Mew York. j.j. Mccormick. a0. at. 639 sad 401 SrarHinsId SL, PIftsbarg, Pa., OC24-D ANCHOR LINE. United States Mail Sfoamert. Sail every SAlURfJAT from NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Calling at MOVILLE, (Londonderry.) Cabin passaze to Glasgow, Liverpool or London derry, MS and 5. Bound trip, 90 and ilOO. v , Becond-claw. tsft. Steerage, . MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE via Azores. Best route to Algiers and coast ot Horroceo. NEWYORKtoFLORES.FAYAL,6IBRALTAR, NAPLES, VENICE and TRIESTE. 8. B. VICTORIA, WEDNESDAY. JAN UAB VS. Cabin passage to Azores, MS to M0; Naples, Mo to woe: Venice. SI23. Drafts on Ureat Britain, Ireland or Italy, and letters of credit at favorabln rates. cCOKMICK.eajU 4M Scaiehaeld st. :A.U. sun, w BstsBssM sc, nttsDurg; w. it., ij-mMm.rAjNcBcBy. -v rr oes-xirr I AM LjHl happy! JZaw r ' wiir-1 vests x vrf Wfmip r3Bm:.- jvvsStt-w ,, -.', nw. AWfMm.nmum.stnxa. - Tlio Great EsctexrxtUratosr- AilOOO. jc-Oixi- 1 I AX of the opinion 8. 8. 8. should s4ijrj the head of the list of blood lemedle. I rived at this conclusion from the testimony ci! scores of persons who have told rasoftks good results from its use. I have been selling',: aa8.foryears.andlthaswonalarj8 sali, C. A. Gbijtith: Mayflower, Ark."l Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mails4 3 free. . The STTT8pr cine Co Drawer.3, Atlanta Ga. aulS-65-inrTi WHOLESALE -:- flOUS WOOD AND LIBERtYSTS. Special attractions now open," in tuefikO goods speciaLy suited for the m .c Holiday Trade. Dealers are invited to inspect the ttocW which is complete, and at prices vrhicb caitB sot fail to impress the buyer. nol9-D? EXTRACT OF BEEF.1 ARMOUR & CO., CHICAgO?;i duijEi jianurAiottiitw. 1VJ xnis is now couceaea to oq tna oes& in wa , -marker, as witnessed bv tbe face that" we j secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCELLEWCH'! at the Pure Food Exposition, held in PhiladeP '$ pnia. t CLEANLY IN MANTJFACTURIV HTTPKTtlOR TN OTlAT.TTT; And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresS J lvr(vitii fwf. - 4 PARIS EXPOSITION. 1889. ' The GOLD MEDAL has been awarded to 1 X1A1UUUA u. j.t UltigU, For their exhibit of Dtcr tAinfloia. ., ,- REMEMBER. vca&Sl-ycwr j. UUOMJi US FINANCIAL. TITH1TNEY fc STEPHENSON. ST FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeL. Morgan & Co, New York. Passports procured. THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. OF PITTSBURG, . NO. 83 FOURTH AVENUE. ... ....... -j t..... w Of tear ro.--.-.. ilKUlIVl.KU WaUUA.J 1. AIM. U1UU Ml yQl- petuaL Capital S500.00a Burglar-proof vaults) Jh. Lor Buurifcies uu Taiuauies. AcisosiUKa- tor. Administrator, Guardian, Trustee and all other fldndarv caDacitiea. DIRECTORS. A- Garrison. Edward Gregg; WnuRea, Thos. Wightman. A. E. W. Painter, Chas. J. Clarke. A. P. Morrison, Felix K. Brunot, John H. Ricketson. OFFICERS. A. Garrison, President: Edward Gregg, First vice-'resiaent: wm. ilea, eecona vico trttU't, dent: Wm. T. Howe, Setfy and Treas.; Robt. CT MOore,A8st- secy ana xreas.; uenry A. xmiez,. Counsel, No-153 Fourth avenue. de4-JCWT-.y JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS- lMi Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago. 45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. BIEDICAL- DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE. WTTSBUKG, VA. ' As old residents know and back files of Pitts."' burg papers prove. Is the oldest established and most prominent physician In the elty, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. 5KSKN0FEEUNTILCURED. MLTDWnilO and mental diseases, physical 1 M t II V U U Odecay. nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashfulness, . dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples; eruptions, lra poverished blood. Calling powers, organlo weak- ' ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society -and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD ANDSKIN J&3 blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular 1 ulcers, old sores, are cared Tor life, and blood poisons tnorougniTeraaicateairom xae syswrn. tarrbal discharges. Inflammation and otherF: 1 -lT,fnl innntnmlr.MlTA fraTChlnff' trMtfflMlt'J prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive expert-; ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment, -. on common-sense principles; Consultation free.. Patients at a distance as carefully treated aa it . here. Office hours 9 A. X. to 8 P. M. Sunday. 10A.K.tolr.n.only. DR. W UllTlEB, Sli ' -enn avenue, r-iiisourg, jra. w 6RAY'5 bPEUIFIU MhUlUIBtr CURES . t. ntHVOUS UEBIU I T.V, LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. r Tnll nartloulars In namnhlee sent free. The genuine Gray- ' Bpeclfle sold by an irnselsts onlvia . yellow wrapper. Price, ft peer"'' package, or six for S3. OTbymxU.l'-'A THE OBAY MEU1U! Id lnPlttsburr bv3. on receipt.oi.pnce, ot wunwf nr TBE UliAl ALEUICIE.C'O, BnUaUV-H. Ci som miriiisBurg aja.o. auiiuxsiv. corner.'; Bmlthaeld and Liberty sta. apu-av DOCTORS LAKE? SPECIALISTS in all cases reSv quiring, scientific and confldeno uai treatment ur. a. &. iKa,v M. R. C.P. S is tbe oldest and! most experienced specialist ha? tbe city. Consultation free and! strictly confidential. Offlcsl iiMMitniudito Sf. it: Sundays. 2to4r."iJ H. Consult them personally, or write- DocTOMt " LAX& sa vena ave .rinsourg. ra. Jel2-45-DWk a Oottcxn. S43Ci COMPOUND of Cotton Root. Tarar as 'ennvroyal a recent discovery by aa J 'old rjhvsiclan. Is mieuasfvUv utt&i rnmuiit Safe. EilectriaL Price SL or "m sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook's J Cotton Root ComDound and take no snbstitatevi or inolose 3 stamps for sealed particulars. AsV3 dress FOND LILY COMl'ANY, No. 3 Fsksssfl Block, 131 woodward av&, .Detroit, Mica. WSold in Pittsburg, Paw bv Joseph Fles j jug a sou, uiaroona ana Aiariet sta. seae-aav TO WEAK MEN Buffering from file effects ot youthful errors, earlr, decay, wasthur weakness, lost manhood, etCL,I waH sena a vainaoie treansa seaieai contamnacn particulars for home care. FREE of charge. pientua meonsu wora:" snoaia uc reaa srrc man who is nerrms and debilitated- i&i rrof. V. C. FSWLEX. HXeostna-C odsWS-sftuwki T A TTCia5BIN-OXIDEPlLL8ar's I J fa 11 VAJ superior to pennyroyal iosJj . ' T m 'IT th M$ BBBBBBL trji B.izgr"' -- b&zsi I 4 . V 5S- ' --.- . --. c ..-rf 5,' i ... .- - 1rlv V! !i& --. o a -. i