iyjii ' f?,fmi L SBritisli Aristocrats BobM k -, K. Slaiin of His Battle. EftFALK mm AL BEACH. r4r . Another Eiciting Day Among the 6-Day Pedestrians. Nu - ,TflB SPOETIKG BBWS OF TUB DAr Txin!i Mandeville and Abintrdon. two T1..!!!. rtnnMita a t,awrwl WlfK )lir , UBgUSU UtBlWVtttM . .....,.... . -- ing blackgnards to break; op the bmitn- Elavin battle. President Al Jieacn, 01 me Philadelphia club, makes a few interesting statements on baseball matters. E. C. Mc Clelland, the Pittsbnrger, defeated Ifillerin their 10-mile race. Heeelman still leads in the local pedestrian contest. rBT CABLX TO TBS DISFATCB.1 ijjONDbs-, December 21 Inquiries proye that the breaking up ot the Smith-Slavin fight was due chiefly to private malice. Early last month Slavin attended a select sapper party at Yiscount Mandevilte's trvVnrTinnu ITio tmesis including Bessie. y Belwood, and Baird, alias Abingdon, one of the leading patrons ol tne xsnusn turf, owner of scores of firstrate race horses, possessor of an income of 90,000 a year and a most consummate blackguard, beside whom rascally Marquis Allesbury Is a respectable member of society. A slight misunderstanding ar&e and ended in Slavin kicking Baird down stairs. Baird rowed vengeance and took Im mediate means to obtain it. - A BUTFIASXY GANG. He sent Jim Carney, one ot the several bully .-niflans who attend and protect him whenever p he goes, toBlrmincham to engage a gang ot roughs, among woum w w twwn "- had just completed a term of 15 years penal servitude for Jdlline a man under revolting HO HI ORDS H circumstances. Hearine that Pugilist Mitchell had nromised to second Smith, Baird, oeuev irig Mitchell bad soine lingering spark of chiv alry tnhls composition, paid him 100 not to put in an appearance. When once the roughs reached the ringside there was no possible chance of fair play for Savin. Abingdon was present, and led them throughout, and glee fully returned to London boasting of what he had done; Lord Allesbury is poor and has been warned off the tort Baird, alias Abingdon, is rich, graces every race meeting with his pres ence and rubs shoulders In the paddocks even with royalty. Pnblic opinion has beVn f urtb er emphasised to-day by the suspension ot Flem ing, Smith's manager, from his position as mas ter f ceremonies at the Pelican Club, the de cision of the same club to recognize Slavm's right to the English championship and an en thusiastic reception of the Australian at the Stock Exchange. Slavln's testimonial now . amounts to over 600. iocal oraraoNS.. I ., , The above cablegram entirely fulfils the ex pectations of the leading local autnonues oi pugilism as far as breaking up the fight was concerned. One well-known and veteran ad mirer of the fistic art said: "Smith ought never to be allowed in a ring again. He knew that he could not defeat Slavin and must have certainly known of the organized gang that were present to break np the battle. I don't think the affair proves Slavlu a first-class man. He is better than Smith certainly, but that does not prove him to be the best man in the world. There are many men in America who can de feat Smith." . Another Authority said: "I don't think that anv more strangers will co to England to fight. When fair play cannot be given Slavin. who is British colonist, I fail to see how an absolute foreigner will get any show." The general opinion among Pittsburg sport ing men is that Slavin and Jackson will make a good contest, and that the." ought to fight be fore Jackson meets Sullivan. By doing this Sullivan wonld then have a chance to meet the , real champion of Australia. - - - -- SLATIN CHAMPION. t. The Pelican Clnb Gives Htm the English f . Fogllistlc Tille. - Lokdox, December 24 At a meeting of the Pelican Clnb last night it was resolved to send a letter to Frank P. Slavin, the Australian -pugilist, who was assaulted by roughs during the progress of his fight with Jem Smith, near i Braces. Beldam, yesterday, expresring syra- Y pathy f or him in the treatment accorded him and admiration for his courage in ngntlng in the face ot the ruffianism displayed at the ringside. The clnb decided to recognize Slavin as champion of England and to present him with a belt and a parse of money. Fleming, who acted as Smith's umpire, and who is a member ot the club, was suspended from membership pending an explanation of the part be took in the disgraceful affair. In an uiterriow Fleming said he was not ac quainted with the roughs who caused the trouble, but that tbey were doubtless friends whom Smith had hired to interrupt the fight in the event of Its going against him. Fleming -' slfio SAid that he had severed the connection fc" 'between himself and Smith forever. Upon his arrival in London, Slavin was given an enthusiastic reception by a large crowd which had gathered to welcome him. He B visited tne Stock Exchange and the members I BUlOWlilCU AM 4.UI mill vu vuo oyv AL BEACH TALIS. f; Be Says the PbJlUcs Have Some Great Prospects Ahead. rsrzcui. TUXOBXK TO tbx DisrxTcn.t New Yoke, December 2t President Reach, r of -the Philadelphia club, paid Gotham a flying visit to-day. u.e dropped in at ii.etie A Becan con's; and, after a business talk with the cele brated pitcher, greeted Tee Dispatch re. 1$ TjorterTerrkindlvand said he wonld onlvba too glad to give any information concerning the'Phiiadelphia clnb. When asked what be thought of the papers sirred on "Ward be said: "It looks to me as if it was a clincher. I can't see where he can have an argument. Of course this law business is a fenny thing, and I may be knocked out of my calculations. Now if you were to ask me what I thought of the players' movement 1 could, say with a certain degree of accuracy that it won't amount to much. Thus far everything has been theoret ic IcaL Now the practical part ts to come, and Here's ineir greatest stumDung oiock." "The result of the recent action of the Phila delphia club against the Players' clnb is gen erally retarded as a knockout for the League club," the Dispatch reporter remarked. "I don't see bow it can be considered in that light. Colonel Rogers, our attorney, simply told the Court that he thought the incorpora tion of the Players' club was a matter for the State to grant and not the city. Tbey claimed that the clnb was 'not organized for matter of profit, and in that case it was held that the or ganization was entitled to a charter." ! What are your prospects for next season?" They are of the very best. We have 16 men signed, and, excepting Fogarty, Idon'tconslder that we will teel tne loss of any ot the old men If tbey shouldn't sigh. Buffinton's action has been outrageous. The Philadelphia club has always treated htm with the utmost -consideration, and for the few games that he pitched for us last season I am certain that any .just and fair-minded man will say that he was paid handsomely. Now. see what he has done. Would the Philadelphia clnb like to have hlmr No. I wouldn't go across the street to secure him. J am confident that we can replace him easily. I think Vickery will make as pood a nitcher as Snffinton ever was. All ; . he wants is steadiness, and that is easy enough xo inculcate into a man. we nave now un der contract Vickery, Day, Anderson, Gleason, and left-handed or 'Phenomenal' Smith. . pitchers: Clements, Burke. Decker and Bcnnver, catcners; jumvev, nam inompson. Myers, Delehanty, Mayer, as fielders; Mc Caulay, -first baseman from the Central Inter state league, and Allen, a clever short stop from 'tne Davenport clnb. This is quite a strong combination of playing talentand as I aid before, with the exception of Fogarty I don't care a snap of my finger if the balance of the old men does not sign." "More Players for JIcKeeiporf. Mc&SESroBT, December 2i Manager 'Frank Torreyson, pf UcKeesport, succeeded thurraarnlnir In slmtnfr Freddr Millnr. th 'fVa.iM. f.....lt.?tsi nf 9lta1,nv t. . taken -from McEeesoort last season and did good work for wheeling. Torreyson also -signed boddv uosteuo, we xcure young second g Baseman oi trauourg, woo uiauo a gooa recora t-'trith McKMinort last season. The elnh s-nti 506$ men in these signatures.. .-JLW . ,..-., HEGBLKAN STILL LEADS. He CMtlsaM ta Pint Flnee la tfceBfct Thecal Race Gtetdea an4 Herty Keep Htaa Going Noremac Very Sick. The local 73-hour pedestrian conte st was con tinned In the London Theater yesterday, and the building was crowded all day. Excitement again Tan high, and the day's race was of a des perate kind. Hegelman, Herty, Golden and Connors sustained their remarkable speed until evening, when nature began to rebel. Connors gradually dropped from the leaders, and Herty and Golden slowly but sorely got nearer to Hegelman, the leader. The latter had several spells of vomiting, and suffered Intensely. He stock to his work, however, and held his posi tion. Golden ran better than he has done tor years. He and Herty never left the track yes terday. Both contestants bave found good sup. porters. Noremac was sick all day, and he became 111 about 8 o'clock. B vomited considerably and -was compelled to leave the track several times. TJp to last night he had bean unable to eat a bite since Sunday. Game little man that he is, he ambled round the track when his sufferings were very intense. He was exceedingly fever ish last evening. Day kept np bis steady Jog, but the leaders gained on him. Glick was in good form all day, but Adams failed to appear on the track at all. Little Charley Smith's feet troubled him, his new shoes blistering them fearfnllv. Snlcer was also in difficulties. The race is a game one, and Herty Is now- greatly fancied by tne talent as the winner. Golden, however, is in fine form, and Hegelman is still confident qf getting first place. As midnight approached Noremac's sickness became moresenous,,andhe was compelled to take a long rest. Hegelman, Hertv and Golden made an exciting contest right up to 12 o'clock. Hegelman managed to hold first place, bnt only by a comparadvely short distance. Little Smith gave some good exhibitions of heel and toe. walking. Glick; Selbert and Splcer were all going well when the time was np. .Day was a little wearied, bnt bis stomach was all right. Following was the score at midnight: Miles. Laps. Daniel J. Herty.. . I4 03 l'eter Hcrelman ., 149 CO George 1). .Noremac US 10 .Peter Golden It! j I' Sam Day .'... 139 IS Georpe Connors.... 140 11 John splcer 183 s Charley Smith 100 X Andy Selbert ISO IS JohnGUek JK' s TEEMEE TO GAUDAUB. The HcKeeaport' Scalier Recalls the Rec ' orde of Both of Them. McKxespoet, December 24. When asked if bethought the Thayer 85,000 purse world's championship sculling arrangement would be a go, John Teemer said to-night: "I certainly think It is a sore thing, and am awaiting further and complete details by letter from3Ir. Thayer in reference to it Mr. Thayer will make it a go, even though the contestants are but Kemp, Stansberry and one or more pro fessionals of America. I will be one, and I hope there will be more of them. Should alt of the professional oarsmen stay out of it and offer as an excuse that they do not think it is the proper way to decide the matter, I shall go Into itanyhqw, and I believe Stansberry and Kemp will do likewise, and it will be a go, even though there are bat three oarsmen. But that there' will be more of them I feel certain. I would like a short space to say a few words in reference to Mr. Jake Gandaur. who has seen fit to criticise me rf iitA nnri HrivA At mA thronph the natters. Gandaur is not an oarsman of merit, and when he did defeat others In a boat it was not due to the prowess he possesses as an oarsman. It was because he caught them at an off time, after fishing after it year in and out. If he loses a race next season it will be claimed that his back is out of order, eta, bnt yoa can bet he will be In very fine condition before that. To bis remarks that I am no good 1 wonld say 1 defeated him In U races when I was in rowing condition and he defeated me in four when I was not in rowing condition, as is known by anyone who knows me. In all of the races I rowed him in 1SS3-4-5 he led mo at the mile and half to the stakeboat from three to four lengths, but I defeated htm in each very easily all the same, simply because I was rowing them, and if it had been possible he would have lost a leg to defeat me then. I always defeated him when I was in condition, and ho knows it. He says Hanlan is no good and Is broken down. This was not so when .Hanlan defeated him. He defeated the St. Louis man lor the cham pionship of America in 1SS7, and would have done so when he rowed him before that had he (Hanlan) not rowed in a boat too small and swamped. He bad the best of Gandaur when he met with the mishap. :Idonot think Han lan wonld have to take very long training to defeat Jacob now. I defeated Gandaur twice at Pullman and twice at .Manitoba In 1SS3, and twice at Conneant Lake and once up in Maine in 1SS4. In the same year we rowed a dead heat on Creve Cosor Lake, when I gave him five seconds' start. I fouled on a snag which was placed there for that purpose, and the referee so decided and called it a dead heat. I defeated him at New Orleans in 18S5. He defeated me at Wood's Bun, and also on three occasions in 18SS,at a time when I was not rowing with my usual strength and men like Ten Eyck beat me. Again I beat him for tho championship of America in 18S7 at Lake Marandicake, and also afPoint of Pines,and at" Annapolis, and in 1SSS. I rowed badly in the lat ter part of JSS6 and 18S5. Bntiroin the above I leave the public to judge who is the best oars- Cllflon Entries. UreCIL TELXOSaK TO THX DISPATCH.! Nett Yoke. December 21. The entries at Clirton.lor to-morrow are: First race, five furlongs Boyal Garter 122, Gnardtman 113, Moonttonc, Sqnandre, Kittle Pease llOrGonnod, Highland Hary, Prospect 107, Peril 102,' Mollle Thomas 89, Ked Leaf 97, Little Mickey, Lorrls 87, Marshall Luke, .If is 94. Second race, six and a half furlong Focatello, Manhattan, Crier, Umpire, Seatlck, King Arthur, Brown Charlie lit, Fannie H 109, Ttaeora 109, Kadlant 107, Belmont 102, Glory 104, Blchland 87, tit. Mary 94, America 94. Third race, seven and a half fnrlongs-St. Paris 112. Bosetta 109, falcon 106, Carnegie 106, Pericles. Bralt97. MaryT. Vlctrlx, J. McFarland, Made line, colt, Flftaway, Specialty 94, Bedllgnt 82, De ception 87, Ban Lassie 8L Ponrth race, handicap, one mile and a half JHeve 115, Banister lil Dnnboyne 109, Hamlet 103, Van 103. King or Norfolk 104, Zangbar 103, Bonnie s, Brac-a-ban 101, Deception 100. Iceburg S7, Banbrldge 94, Charlie Enesell 90, J. J. Healey so. fifth race, seven and one-half furlongs Mon tapeake, Pocomote 137, Blackthorn 122. Keystone, Bonnie 8 IS, BIpton 127. AlTeda 119, Linguist 117, Owen Golden lit, Faustina 111, Memory 96. Sixth race, six iurlongs-Fordham, Na villi. Red Elm, Shotorer, St. John, Golden BeeL She. Issa quena filly. Prodigal. Teddle Venture, Speedwell, filna W, Vengeance 10S. Mltcbell'n Opinions. London, December St Charley Mitchell, who seconded Prank P. Slavin, the Australian champion, in his battle with. Jem Smith, is in dignant at the f onl play Slavin received at the bands of the Smith mob from London and Bir mingham, who robbed him out of the battle by breaking into the ring and Inaugurating a free fight when Slavin had Smith knocked out Mitchell has issued a challenge to fight Smith, and offers to wager 1,000 that he can knock him out in 12 rounds. Mitchell has also challenged Peter Jackson to fight 10 or 12 rounds before he leaves for New Yors: for 1,000. A Promising Pitcher. Amid the many signlngs of young local ball players, Gilbert Ward,, the promising pitcher, of the Southside, should not be lost sight of. "Ward has a first-class record as an amateur or novice, and is certainly big enough and strong enough to make it better. So tar he, has done remarkable .work for amateur teams, and if he can even keep up his past record he will be a 'valuable pitcher for any minor league clnb. Barnle on the Warpath. Philadelphia, December 21 Wm. Barnle, manager of the Baltimore Baseball Club, yes terday began a libel suit against Mr. George W. Cbilds,- and a suit for slander against Mr. Jacob E. Wagner. Mr. Barnie's complaint arises' from the story given out by Mr. Wagner and published December 6 in the Ledger that tii. Barnle was insane and had been confined In an asylum. Atfi 30 Qnnil. Baitimore, Md., December 24. Carroll S. McQill to-day finished his task of eating SO quail in SO days, and won his wager. He began on November 25, and each morning since re ported at the same place and partook of the quail. Be says hereafter the quail and himself will be strangers, as he has had enough. Tncker for the Brotherhood. Holtoke, MAS&, December 21 Manager Selee,of the Boston League Club, was here yes terday urging Tucker, late first baseman for Baltimore, who has signed with the Brooklyn Brotherhood Club, to go to the Bostons. Tucker declined to sign. An Old PngilUt Ben. Locmtille, KY., December 24. Jack San. ders, a pugilist and trainer once well known In England, died here to-day. He came here from England 25 Tears ago. Hughes Signs Wkh the Breeklfaa. isrzcni. xatadaxxTo thi eistjitch.1 Nrw Yeas, D9aec 54,-Misfcey Xagbw, -r - -' it' -v - tTHEjPIfKrSBSO ,he pitcher, bsms Vcoowaet te4ay,toplay with the Brooklyn Leagua-team daring the. season of 1890. OTCLELLAND AN IASI. WIBHEE. The Phtsbarger Defeats MMer fat Their Ten-Mile Race. rsrscux. teliqkax to tb DisraTcs.i Philadelphia, December 24. At the rink to-night Alexander Miller and McClelland, of Pittsburg, ran a race of ten miles forJSOO a side. A good deal of Interest was, taken In the affair, as a keen rivalry had existed between the men for some time., The attend ance was small, only about 200 persons being present, but almost everybody on hand ap peared to have a financial interest in the result, and upward ot $1,000 was wagered, the betting zuUng at 8 to Son McClelland. The track is a poor one for making good time upon, and con sequently the record ot the first mile.- i minutes and 17 seconds, as also the first five, 27 minutes, must be accepted as unusually rapid. The men got away to a god start and Miller at once assumed the lead. He made the pace exeeedlnclv hot as mav bo Indeed from the time and remained in front until ball the lonr. ney was covered. Asinemenspunarounaauu around the track enthusiasm ran high among their respective partisans and as each spurted his backers cheered lustily. Jnst before the fifth mile was concluded McClelland ran op to l! dronnlng a vs. ard or two behind him, persistently dogged his steps for the rest of th ionrnBT. There was no change in the respective positions of the men up to the sixth lap ot the tenth and last mile, when Miller faltered, stopped and reeled 'from exhaustion, stumbled and fell into the arms of his friends, who bore him away from tho track to his dress ing room. He soon revived and ' subsequently appeared none the worse for his hard journey. Meanwhile McClelland dropped into a walk and leisurely finished the lull distance. On breasting the tape the Pittsnurg man was greeted with'.nproarious applause. In the ex citement which ensued the official who held the watch forgot to take the full time. Barney Crossin was the referee. ABOUT THE INJUKCTIOK." Kew York Anthorltles Disease the Bomb Fired by the Lengne. New Yoek. December 21 Baseball men are discussing the injunction proceedings against John Ward by the New York League dob to restrain him from playing with the Brother hood, which were begun last night. The action is brought In the Supreme Court, and the argument on it is set down for January 6 next. The complaint is made more on a sup elemental contract which Ward executed than the regular contract. The complaint charges that Ward' himself wrote ont the contract with the "reserve" clause in it on whiqh the new clnb now seeks to hold him. Tho complaint next recites Ward's relnsal to fulfill the terms of the contract, and his announcement that he intends to play -with the Brotherhood, and asks that defendant be restrained from playing baseball or abetting any exhibition or game of baseball during the season of 1890. Annexed to the complaint are the two con tracts that Ward executed. There are also affidavits by President Day and Superintendent Bell attached to the papers touching Ward's engagement A BRUTAL BATTLE. James Farrell Nearly Kill James Bonis In a Prize Fight, WrxsssBABBE, Pa., DecemberZl A brutal prize fight was f ought In a barn four miles from Plymouth early this morning which in all probability will end in murder. James Barns and James Farrell were the principals. Four rounds were fought, characterized by the most terrific slugging. There was no science, but brute force took its place. When time was called in the last round. Burns was unable to respond. He was picked up .and removed to an adjoining farmhouse. A physician was summoned, and an examina tion revealed the fact that he wag badly injured internally in the region of the stomach. Lock jaw set in later and his death is expected. He cannot be removed from the farmhouse. MANAGER BABNIE PLEASED; The Formation of an Atlantic Association Favored In Bolton. rSrXCtAI. TXLEORJL1C TO TBS DISPATCO.1 Balttjiobe, December 21 Manager- Barnle returned home last night rather unexpectedly from his Northern trip. He says he is more than satisfied with the success of bis mission, notwithstanding all tbereportsto the contrary. Tho Boston men are in favo- of the establish ment of an Atlantic Association clnb In their city, and have signified their willingness to give the use of their grounds. Both Conant and Billings' ara heartily in favor of the scheme, the former stating that he wonld be willing to sink f 1,500 io-their trying the experiment, if by so doing he can score one against the Brotherhood. New Orleans Knees. New Obleaics, December 21 "Winter meet ing, eleventh day; partly cloudy and warmer; track fast; attendance good. Colonel B. W. Simmons returned from New York and offl dated in the judge's stand to-day for the first time this season. First race, selling, six furlongs: starters: Churchill Clarke 94. 10 to ) uapoun renny veigni 103, lto2; Colonel Hunt 108, Mo I Mollle Hardv. 11 to SI ; 1'nentelll, Harry Ireland 114. Captain Pennyweight was first off bnt gave way to Colonel nuni at me nau, ireiauu seconu ana usray, Clarke, Pnentes, Pennyweight In the order named. Tbey came into the straight In the same positions bnt in the run to the finish Churchill Clarke came to the front, winning by half a length, Mollle Hardy second, half a length in front of Ireland. Time, l:15)f. Second race, selling, eleven-sixteenths of a mile-Starters: Story Teller 95, 20 to 1; Vivian 99, 20; Boot Jack 100, 12; Bob Nance 100, so; Joe Plerson 102. SO: Mlcol 104. 20; Hlble 104, SO: Sam Jones 111 GO; King Koxbury 112, 2; Dnhme 112, 7 to 10. Dahme lead from the start and until at the finish post, where King Koxbury went up on even terms, making a dead heat. Sam Jones was again third, the others beaten of. Time, lr0S& In the runoff, which took place after the race. King Boxburywon byanose. Time, 1.08X. Betting, Unhme 6 toS; Koxbury, 11 to 20. Third race, for -non-winners, six furlongs Miners : Boy Blue 93. f7 to 1; Winnie Davis, 84, S; Little Bess M, 7; Harry Mack 98, 4:Probusl01, 2; Csrleton 101 3; Zeko Hardy 112, 5; Fremont 117, 20. Harry Mack led from the start to the finish, winning by a neck. Probus second, one length ahead of Winnie Davis, third. Time; lay. Fourth race, handicap, teven?elghths mile Starters: Somerset 122. 5 to 2: Cora L 112, 8 to S: Metal 10), S; Balance 100, 7; Cashier 85, 6; Prltchett 8S, S; Buckler 85, 12. Somerset took the lead lrom the drum tap. Metal second, Bncklcr third. At the half Somerset was still showing in the lead, closely lapped by Balance. Prltchett, Cora L, Metal, linckler and Cashier In the same order. On entering the straight Cora L came to third, Buckler last. Near the wire Bnckler came with a wonderful burst of speed, overhauling the bunch and winning the race by half a length, Cora L second, almost In front of Cashier third, the others well np. Tlme.liISM. , Racing again Thursday. r Gnttrnbnrg Winners, israelii, TO THX SlSPATCB.1 Ne-wYork, December 21 To-days races at Guttenburg resulted as follows: First race, three-quarters or a mile Jim Gates first, Miller second. Thud Bowe third. Betting: Jim Gates 8 to 1 and 2 to i. Miller 20 to 1 and 8 to l,TbadBowe4tolandtpS. Time, .ISO. Second race, selling, seven fnrlongs-Berman first. King Idle second. Boodle third. Betting: Herman 12 to 1 and 4 to 1, King Idle 4 to land 7 to 6, Boodle 11 to 5 and 7 to 10. Time. 1 S3. Third race, five furlongs Australltz first Marie Lovell second, Sam Morse third. Betting: Austra lltz 2 to 1 and 1 lo 2, Marie Lovell S to 1 and 2 to L Sam Morse 9 to Band 3 to 6. Tin-e, 1:04. Fourth race, one mile and a sixteen th-St. Mick first, Bradford third, Mow or .Never third. Time 1:54. Betting: St. M'Ick 6 to 1 and 7 to 5, Brad ford 2 to 1 and 3 to 5, Mow or .Never even and out. Fifth race, six and a -half furlones Bine Kock first. Lemon Blossom second. Time 1:28K. Bet ting! Blue Bock 1 to 20 and out. Lemon Blossom 9 to l and out. - ' Sixth race. Banker first, Harwood second. Time l:35M. Betting: Banker 8 to 5, Harwood 30 to 1 and 8 to L Spsrtlns Notes. Mioket Welch has sent for- a National League contract. ., Abthub TJphax now wants to fight any middle-weight in the country. It is stated that Arthur Whitney has signed with, the New York Brotherhood Clnb. Air admirer of Hegelman promised him a flOO-diamond ring yesterday if he wins the race. Sam Thompson says the future of the Brotherhood Is too doubtful for him to remain In it FEBFECT DS1TI IX TIIE'OHUBCfl. The Address of the Pope to the College of Cardinal. BOMB, December 24 His Holjness, the Pope received'to-day the Sacred College of Cardinals, the supreme councilor senate of the church. In addressing this chosen body of advisers the Pontiff saidi "In these times, when the church is assailed and per secuted because it is the great stronghold of faith and truth, it is consolation to know that among the children of the church' them selves there is perfect BnityC" Hi Holiness announced that he wonld shortly issae aa encyclical letter defining theMEtA: Catlike bitUsK&s. -Sr Vtt&SttJlSZK&Jtt K ft) Tko Pri?ileg6 of Taking Ferris for 20 .Years Offered for SIe. . MB. WIKD0X 1SES FOE BIDS For tie EsclasiTe. Sight to aa Isdartry That BriBgsto Uacle San HANI MILLIONS ' OF. EETEBUE A Member cf ths Alaskan Commercial Company TaltJ About the Business. The privilege of catching Alaskan fur seals for 20 years is advertised for sale by Secretary Windom. It is avery Yaluable one, despite the heavy tax imposed by the Government. In seven years the receipts of the United States were over $!,000,000 from this source alone. The company that had the contract during the last 20 years pro poses to bid ior it again. fSPXCIAL TXLXGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. I Philadelphia, December 24. The ad vertisement issued by -Secretary Windom this afternoon, inviting proposals for the-ex-elusive right to take, fur seals npon the islands of St Paul and St George, Alaska, attracted widespread attention in "business circles in this city. The immense profits which accrued from the fisheries of the Alaska Commercial Company dnring the last 20 years make it probable that there will be considerable competition amongvthe capitalists of the country to get the con tracts. Secretary Windom's advertisement calls for sealed proposals for the exclusive right to take fur seals upon those islands for 20 years from May 1, 1890, and stipulates that the successful bidder will have to maintain schools on each island six months of each year, pay the inhabitants for labor per formed, etc. The number of seals to be taken during tbe next year is limited to 60.000, and the Secretary is to determine the number to be taken yearly thereafter. A PBOFrrABtE MONOPOLY. The Alaska Commercial Company have had the sole monopoly of tbe Alaska seal fisheries since the contracts were signed m August, 1870. The provisions of the lease read that the company.should pay a rental to the Government of 55,000 per year, with a revenue tax of f 2 per skin taken, dnring the 20 years that the company had possession of the fisheries. Since the lease went into effect the royalty of 62 cents per head was added, making a total tax of (2 62). The number of sealskins captured .can be esti mated when It is known that the total re ceipts of the Government dnring the period from May, 1870, to June, 1887, amounted to $5,009,065. Tbe stockholders of the com pany have made great fortunes. One of the rnmors circulated to-day stated that the company had slaughtered so many seals that the monopoly was not as profitable as at first. To ascertain the truth of this statement Captain Kohl, who holds a fifth interest in the monopoly,' was'inteT viewed this evening. Captain Kohl lives in a luxurious suite of rooms at the Con tinental Hotel. TOO O0D A THING TO GTYE TJP. "Does your company-propose to submit a proposal to Secretary Windom, for ,a new lease?" he was asked. "Certainly .we do," Captain Kohl replied. "Our investments in the shape of houses, churches and schools, which we hare erected at onr own expense dnring the lost 20 years, are too valuable to surrender without trying for another lease. Bnt the industry of obtaining tbe skins of fur seals is not what it used to be. The fisheries sufler from the extensive ipoachiag which, the British vessels from Victoria ore continually -carrying on. The Government of the United States do not send anything but revenue cutters into Alaskan waters. These vessels are too small to be very formidable to the poachers. "Nov on the Russian coasts tbe Canadians meet with a very different reception. As soon as the season opens, for seal hunting, several war vessels from the maritime sta tions of Siberia appear on the scene and carefully guard the industries of the coast all through the hunting grounds. . "The number of seals which the company kill yearly has decreased considerably dur ing the last few years. This is shown by the decrease in the number of casks of skins which we ship yearly. The number of casks we ship jnst now is 135 less than what it was a few years, ago. This decrease is on account of the small size and number of the animals we kill. The seal is naturally a very shy animal. I suppose we only capt ure one in every SO seals that we aim at. The instant a seal is wounded it sinks be neath tbe water. If the wound is serious it never risesagain, and that is a clear loss to the hunters." In conclusion Captain Kohl said that he thought the contracts would not neces sarily go to the highest bidder: "There are some companies," he said, "who have ad vantages which the Government will take into consideration, and I don't believe the contracts will be awarded to tbe people who offer the greatest monetary considerations." J. Q. PBEBLE k CO. ASSIGN. A Bank Cashier Thinks; Their Liabilities Not n Lnrao as Reported. rSrXCIAL TILEOBAM TO THX mSFATCB.1 NEW Yobk, December 24. Jacob Q. Preble and Walter E. Preble (J. Q. Preble & Co.), wholesale stationers at 10 and 12 Thomas street, made an assignment to-day to Thomas S. Bassford, without preference, except wages of employes. The amount of notes held by banks in this city is said to be $350,000, distributed among 20 banks. The Messrs. Preble were surprised to-day to learn that the Sheffield heirs had entered judgment for 530,000 ngairt J. B. Sheffield & Son, the judgment being filed at Kingston. A representative ot Preble & Co. said to day: "The' Sangerties Blank Book Com pany, J. B. Sheffield & Co.tand the Wabash Manufacturing Company owe onr firm in the aggregate about $525,000." A cashier of one of the banks interested said he did not think the liabilities could be as high as reported, and that afew hun dred thousand, instead of $1,500,000. would cover them, lo one bank in tbe city held over 525,000 of Preble's paper. ' The in terests of the Prebles and Sheffields being identical, they owed- considerable sums to one another, and these sums were of course offset to a great extent. WOHAJi'S FICKLE FAKCT. A Kentncky Bride Changes Her Wtad oh Her WoddiBB Oar. tsrrcijU. telxoejLm to the dispatch. Padtjcah, Kt., December 24, Another sensational marriagejs reported from Mays ville, this State. Last night; at a. late hour, in the room of a. friend of the groom at the Haysviile Hotel, Miss Emma Hays and Eobert Chewning were wedded. The couple were old sweethearts, but Miss Mays lately became engaged to a Mr. Kelly, of Brown wood, Tex., having met him while on a visit at his home. Cards were' oat, and the aarw ringe was Bettor to-night, and was to hare been quite a social event, Kelly being wealthy. To-day ChewniBg prevailed upon Miss Mays to take himinstead of Kelly, In spite of lamilyopposition, and arrangements being made last evening, she slipped away from home in a tea gown, ostensibly to call on a near friend, with the res alt stated. Mr. and Mrs. Chewning immediately left on a bridal tour, and to-day Maysvflle is all agog over the event. Miss Mays is aa esti mable vonne ladv and Mr. Chewalmv U cashier e-i mm f Mavsvilk's teaks. ,,.l. .-. - - -.. ,.f. vr''siA WE&SBl ConUnntdfrom Firt PagtS. extraordinary degree, but at tbe same tisae. genial, fall of life and energy and generous to a fault. Els conversation sparkled with wit' and repartee; in which were mingled the brilliancy of poet, and the reasoning of the philospher. He waa a man to whom home and family were paramount, and wherever heweat his presence waa in stantly felt, and friends; gathered around him by the score. OF OLD XXOLISH STOCK. He was one of four children born of an English' family of ancient lineage. His mother still lives In , Philadelphia. His two surviving, sisters are mar ried to Episcopal clergymen, one to tbe Bev. Osborn, of Newark, N". VJ"., who who was recently pastor of Trinity Cburch in Chicago, and the other to the Bev. Tucker, of, Charleston, W. Va. The. deceased was married .about ten years ago to Miss Roberta John, of Pottsvill'e Two bright children, a boy and a girl, were the'result.of the union. The remains will betaken to. Philadel phia for interment It'had notbeen decided last evening whether the body would be re moved to-night or to-morrow evening. Mr. Ashburner was, the author of several scientiSe works, besides numerous pamph lets of statistics, and treatises and coal and geological subjects. , A friend of his said last evening that-' the deceased carried considerable life insurance, but just how much .was not known.. He was a member of the Duquesno and Jaunta Clubs, but belonged to. no secret so cieties. WINDOM'S COMPROMISE BILL. A Measure Embodying tbe Secretary's Silver Policy Being Prepared. rarcciAi, txlxqbah tO tub msrATca.1 Washhtgtok, December 24. It is an open secret that the Secretary of the Treas ury is now at work upon a bill which 'will be introduced in Congress after the holiday recess, embodying the leading features of his plan for issuing treasury notes on silver bullion deposited in the mints. There are two committees to which sucn a bill might be referred that on Coinage, Weights and Measures and that on Banking and Cur rency. Unless something now unforeseen oc curs, the Coinage Committee' will un doubtedly get this, one. No positive in formation is possessed, at the Treasury De partment as to the disposition ot the com mittee as a whole, but the impression pre vails that it is a pretty conservative body. Mr. Conger, of Iowa, "the Chairman, is understood to be very moderate in his views on the silver question; a report has got abont, indeed, that -in one of 'the previous Congresses in which he lias served, he cast a vote generally adverse to the silver interest when some test question was sprung npon tbe House, and a search into his record is now under way. Mr, Bartine and Mr. Bland are known to be radical free-coinage men, while Mr. Carter, of Montana, whose ideas are lairly conservative .for a represent ative from a State full of mines, is expected to support the Secretary's compromise meas ure. TheVxest of the. committee is pretty well divided, so that one silver man, who has made areasonably thorough canvass,snmmed np the situation this morning with the statement that the committee was "neither a gold committee nor a silver committee, but a bi-metallio comniittte." AIDED BI DICTIONARY MAKEES. Celluloid flfaBHfactarers Wis a Salt AgalsH a Rival Company. rSFECIAI.' TZLSOtUlt' TO THB DISPATCH. 1 New Yobk, December 24. A suit that the Celluloid' Manufacturing Company of this city and NeTrarb-iegan a year, ago against the Cellonite Manufacturing Com pany of Wilmington, Del., for infringement of copyright, has jnst been decider! by Jus tice Bradley, of the United States Circuit Qourt of Kew Jersey, in.favor of the plain iif .The; Wilmington .company makes,,a substance similar to celluloid under the somewhat similar name' of cellonite. The ITew York and Newark concern at once brought suit to restrain the rival from using the word, asserting that the word "cellu loid" was a noun of its own creation; that it had' copyrighted the word as a trade mark. The Wilmington Com pany offered the dictionaries as evidence that the word was public property. Law yer Rowland Cox, for the plaintifts, mean time laid the matter before the publishers of tbe dictionaries and the latter promptly revised the latest editions, publishing the word in its alphabetical place, but with the explanation that it was a private trade marc. Justice Bradley's, decision gives the plaintiff exclusive use of the word "cellu loid" as a trade mark 'and also of its 'cor porate name and grants a perpetual injunc tion against the use by anybody of any name in any manner resembling celluloid. SOLEMN, IET SIMPLE FDNEEAL. Tbe Obsequies of Henry W. Grady Not to bo Formally Pnblic. Atlanta, December 24. All arrange ments for the funeral of Hon. H. Wi Grady have been completed. While the funeral will not be a pnblic one, in the usual mean ing of the word, it will nevertheless be a most solemn and imposing demonstration. To-morrow at 10 o'clock the body will be taken to the First Methodist Church, where the procession will start for the cemetery. Committees from the Council, Chamber of Commerce and all other orders and organ izations of the city have been appointed to escort the remains from the residence to the church. From the church to the cemetery orders and societies will attend in a body. No uniform or regalia of any sort will be worn, at the request of the family, and, the funeral will be conducted as quietly as possible. The luneral services will be con ducted by five of tbe leading divines of tbe city, and the pall bearers and honorary escort are composed of prominent men from all portions of the State. PETE0L1A KEEPS AID. Tho Council or tho Burned' Village Appeals to tbe Pnblic tylCTAI. TZLXOHAX TO TM DISPATCH.) Petbolia, December 24. At a meeting of the Town 'Council of Petrolia ts-day, to take action looking to the relief of the suffer ers by .the late, conflagration, resolutions were adopted as iollows. Whebkab, In tbe providence of God Petro lia has been sorely scourged by fire, leaving many of our families without homes, food and .clothing, destitute, entirely dependent npon their pwn efforts stnd the charity of a liberal -people for the present and future. Whereas, Onr people have always been liberal in their contributions to other places nnder like circnmstances. therefore Resolved, That we, tbe Town Council, hereby make appeal to a generous pnblio for aid by contributions of money or such' other, gifts as tbey In their charity may see fit to bestow upon our needy. Resolved, That our Burgess be authorized to arrange for the'openins: of books to record all contributions received and. distributed, and that "all eontributions.be distributed by, the Council or their authorised committee to be ac knowledged through the newspapers. CfifiSUBED THE HOSPITAL. . The Coroner! Verdict on the' Death of Maggie McQaatd. , ( ., . In tho inquest on the death of Maggie Mc Quald at the Jail, the', Coroner's jury, yeete-i-day fonnd that It was due to1 ex haustion, superinduced by her (hav ing been committed to jail wfeea she tm not a fit subject for such commitment Tbe Mercy Hospital authorities were- severely censured for turning the-deceased out before she had. fully recovered from 'tbe operation performed npoa her, and. the establishment of. aa emergency hospital is recommended. The jou owsian were bhumh awa m mass. K-n'TryVT'T-TtTiT'rin. nurrri.T v?n m ,Da,vIM ' WJ,WiW .Postfflster General WaiaaakerSftyf it k EmiMitly Prefer. . BUSINESS 1ES SHOULD TAKE HOLD And the State Capital Shoal!, fee Moved to Philadelphia. A K0TID SOOTH'SKM fEADES BPIAIS. CMgressaaaJT. & F. Breekesrlsn Tells .Why tbe Scafh Is Solid. i s.t me lestivai h uis xiow x.ugiauu ou- iiIl. . it t - it. -vr i i j o- eiety at rniiaaeipnia uonn nanamaKer made a speech, urging, the business men to take a' more active part in politics. He stated that money should be used liberally in campaign work. Philadelphia, December 24. Among tbe guests at the ninth annual fes tival, of the New England Society of Pennsylvania were Postmaster Gen eral John Wanamaker, Bev. Lyman Abbott, Hon. W. C. P. Breckenridge, of Kentucky; Hon. Benjamin Butterwortb, of Ohio; General Horace Porter, of Kew York, and'W. M. Singerly. In his re sponse to a toast, Mr. Wanamaker said, in part: lam reading tbe papers closely, and I think yon abuse yourselves terribly. This city was once and more tnan once tbe capital of tbe nation. It was the home of Ben Franklin, the first Postmaster Gen eral, who could not sleep at night witb 70 postofflces, while now there are(60,O0a What shall you do for this nation, which takes in four new states in a single day, and will take in Canada,Cnba and tbe sugar Islands when they are ready? Send your best men to do your country's Business. Put yourself into politics. That may seem a strange thine for a business man to say, but yon can leave your business for an afternoon to go to a matinee, and could EO to Councils as well. Yoa can leave your business for a six months trip abroad, and can't you go to Congress or ths Legislature as well I" MOTE THE STATE CAPITAL. lYou say yon could go to the Legislature if It were not In Harrlsbnrg: Move Harrisburcr. to Philadelphia thenunake tbe capital of the Bute here. I would like ta see another Bullitt bill passed,increaslng your Mayor's powers and giv ing him the rleht to slzn a deed for a niece of land in tbe East Park for tbe new Capitol. Put your money into politics to endow great schools for teaching political economy and to establish great newspapers that shall not be afraid to speak the truth or correct a mistake when tbey make one. Put your money into elections. The great expenses that are necessary cannot be naid bv moonshine or shoutlDR, so let those who want a pure Govern ment put ineir nanas in tneirpocKets ana maze personal and public subscriptions. Shoot that man on the spot,who spends a penny tor dis honest elections; but pnt men as thick as grass hoppers over tbe State to see that there is an honest ballot and an honest count;" Congressman W. C. P. Breckinridge, who was greeted with long continued cheers and jiand-clapping as he arose to speak after a brief and eloquent intro duction by Bev. Dr. Boardmau, responded .to the toast, "Our Country." Beferrfng to some statements by Postmaster General Wanamaker, he said that he agreed with him that it would be better for the people, of the North and the South, if they were frank er and braver with each other, and he con tinued; THB SOUTHERN IDEA. I thank the President for the kind statement that I have tried to bring the two sections of our counttx togther since the unhappy war. I feel at home in Philadelphia, and in the midst of the war of tbe Confederacy, when I was a yonng soldier under the stars and bars, there never was an hour when I did not wish for Philadelphia's glory and prosperity, as for every other city and State of the union also. If the Confederacy had succeeded It would' not have been followed by two hostile confederacies, bnt by broader government. God willed otherwise, however, and having done what I'conld for the Confederacy 1 TAtnrncd to tha ailefrlanca of American ci&- Unship, believing that every Southern soldier snouia neip to nulla up an amencau union that should be broad and free. Mr. Breckinridge declared that the South ern States had held together because they believed tnatthe North was hostile to them. The fundamental truth with which men should face the negro problem was thai Christ bad died' for the colored man as well as for the white man. "We are solid," continued the eloquent Kentuckiau; "because we believe that you desire not to understand the race problem in the South. It is a question of civiliza tion with us. I cordially- agree with the Postmaster General that it would be a good thing if you would send South your best men, which you have not done by a long shot We want you to un derstand us, and, if you can't help us, to let us do .for, that poor colored race what Is kind and generous and just. BEHT ON BUBNING A TOWN. A Gang of Fire Bass Sets a New York Village Ablaze. tSrXCLU. TXUCOBAX TO TUX SISFATCE.1 , Canandaioua, -N. Y., December 24. The operations of a gang of fire bugs gave the Canandaigua fire department a lively chase last night, and caused a great deal of apprehension. They set fire to seven build ing in different parts of the village and suc ceeded in destroying two. The first build ings fired were tbe costly barns at Sonne berg, the summer residence of F. IP. Thomp son, of New York City, which were de stroyed about midnight. Alarms then fol lowed in rapid succession, and the, firemen bad hard work to keep np with the fire fiends. Among the buildings which were fired, bnt saved, were the McKechnie brewery and the barns on Judge William H. Adams' place. The Pitch and Jewett stock farm barns and a' barn on T. M. Howell's place, in a thickly populated part of the village, were bnrned. Abont five years ago the village 'suffered a reign of terror from a gang of fire bugs, none of whom were ever detected. It js believed that the same ones are operating now. A CLUSTER OF K0SEBUDS. Numerous Fair Debutantes Attend a Recep tion nt John K. McLean'. ' rSFXCUI. TXLXQBAX TO THIDKTATCH.1 Washington, December . 24.-A merry party of dainty debutantes sat around, the table in the dining room of John B.. Mc Lean's residence to-night, the first formal dinner this season to which youngladies have been invited. The decorations of tbe ele gantly appointed table were entirely rose buds, in all shades and of all varieties. Mr. McLean sat at the head of the table and Secretary Blaine was his vis-a-vis. The girls, who wore exquisite costumes, included Miss Hattie Blaine, who has jnst left school; Miss Louise Bainbridge Hoff, whose coming out was made the occasion of a most fashionable event; Miss Myer, Miss Lanra Jackson, Miss Rachel Cameron, Miss Adams, Miss Pauncefote, the daugh- ROGERS ROYAL NERVINE A SiBiCTLY Vegetable EESTOEA TIVE to the BEAIN and NERVOUS SYSTEM. There is ho substitute for this remedy.. IT CTJKES, it GIVES NEW IillE, it Is PTJBE and WHOLESOME. Sold by druggists. Price, $1. Prepared, oaly by BOQEK8' XOYAL KJEJUMJAMS W.. B9M9B, OMt. . w --m . ... i swmsisbb w r rsi i .ww m V . w- - - . Jssrarti t. - ! i e hta n, c iviKiwviK. Hist 'dstULU . riiioBUJiurAs iisvn rjassi; AMr. MiMXvw. Jtis Brae. Miss Storr. Mies Bonrta.BsWB, Miss Parte aad Mis Carlisle USELESS I0YE CHASMS. AWoasaa Tavrriiea a Chrirvayaat's AM to Wla Baek H VsMbasd-Her Sftrt Vnta, sfce SaUa Lady for Fra ait. racial, TatiMAa' to ins pisraTcx.1 St. LO0IS, Deeeaiber 24, ICrs. Kate Gieselmsna told: aa Interesting story to As sistaat Prosecuting Attorney Dierkes at the Four Courts this morning, and as a result of her applieatiba Mr. Dierkes issued a war rant charging Mine. Marie, a local clairvoy ant, with.fraud. Mrs, Gieselmann is mar ried, bat has separated from her husband. She says: "At first' my husband and I lived very happily togeterv Then we began to have trouble., It war partly his fault ' and partly miae Wewera both in tbe wrong, but we, could not see it at that time. We agreed to separate',' I to have my child and be to contribute to our support. That was almost two years ago. I saw my mistake after a few moatHsbnt my letters were never answered. I tried in many ways to again win' the love of y husband. He had loved me onee. andTthoughtthathisoId love was but smoldering. But J did not succeed. "Then I saw the advertisement of this woman and called on her. She said it waa the easiest .thing in the world to win him back. I gave1 her $10, all I had, and she gave me a .black, ,bali;o some sort to throw in the river at midnight, and call my hus band's name when it touched the water. I went at midnight on the bridge and threw it in and called TTenry' when it struck the water. I waited and waited, but the charm failed to work. I went to her again and she said I must have made some mistake. I gave her f 10 more and she gave me love powders to burn in the house at daybreak and night fall, and while burning call my hnsband's name. Still he did not come. Then she gave me other charmsr and as I bad no mo ney she took some of my pictures and furni ture. The charms were of no use. I told my friends about it, and they said she was a fraud. I have sworn out a warrant against her." Mme. Marie was arrested and gave bail. A TALK "VYlTil A. BEAE. Aa Old Operator Talks oa the Stock of Oil ' What the Btnadard Is Bolng A Radical Change' Predicted. Tbe balls, the bears, the longs, the shorts, the vegetable operators, and messenger boys who fleece the lambs on Fourth avenue will forget their orders, puts, calls and margins to-day to eat' their Christmas turkey with some degree of. comfort, and while com placently gazing at the well-known motto, "Peace" on Earth and Good Will- Toward Men," will relegaM to oblivion, or sink: with McGinty the fact that they ever schemed to make a few dollars by. squeezing a abort, or throwing a long into the atmosphere. For the last two or three weeks there has been scarcely amy trading and tbe brokers do not loot for a revival of business until after the ' holidays. Tbe market has been weak for the last month and an official of the Exchange and a 'well-known broker on wbonrthe'f ur has commenced to ap pear, asserted, yesterday that before a reaction would take place the market would touch 90 cents. There appears to' be an enormous decrease In stocks," said he, 'fudging by tbe monthly statement of the' National Transit Com pany. If you will take notice you will note .the . fact that you ' never see a statement of the; refined on hand. All they have to show figures for is the elude: Now I'll tell yon something, which is not generally taken Into consideration. That is the fact that the Standard Oil Company is running all Us refineries full blast" and their storehouses are'filled from cellar, to garret with refined U, They are prepared now to fill orders months ahead. Yes. J may say a year hence. That is where tbe crude is going, and that is where a big portion of the 600,000, 600,000 of 700,000 barrels of crude is pat which tbe major ity of oil speculators think isbeingconsnmed.1 know this for, a fact. There are still over 9.000,000 barrels of Pennsylvania oil above ground, and this, talk about the tanks' being empty In a conple of years is all bosh. -The Standard, too, controls now all the refineries of any Importance what ever in tho TTnited atates. . Another argument inrfavor Of what I 'have just' said 11 the fact that the Standard is bnying no all the Lima oil it can get. and is also getting bold of all tbe Lima producing territory. Just as soon as Pennsylvania oil runs ontr they will commence refining the Una on an extensive scale. The trade here is pretty well demoralized just now and unless' some thing turns Up. or a chance Is made in the man ner of running the Exchange, the first of April will see only a few fools on the floor." Field news was light yesterday, as contractors and drillers had stopped drilling and left for home. Thft-MurihaU well at Alt. Morris was re ported to have come In and to be doing 75 bar rels. A SO-barrelvrell was also reported in at DntUl. . River Telegrams. rSWCIATJ TXUGJUHS TO THX DlgrATCTM BROWUaviiXE River 5 feet 1 inch and falling. Weather cloudy.- Thermometer 61" at 8F.lt. MOBGAITTQW-Elver i feet 6 Inches and stationary. Weather clear.' Thermometer 56 at 5 P. 2C W abbes River' 3 8-10 feet and falling. Weather mlldVllght rain; Save Your Hair BT a timely use of Ayert Hair Vigor. This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps tbe scalp clean, cool, and healthy, and' preserves tbe color, fullness, and. beauty of the hair. "I was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but after using two or three bottles of Ayer'a Hair Vigor my hair grew thick' and glossy and the original color was restored." Melvin Aldrich, Canaan Centre, N.H. " Some time ago I lost all my hair In consequence " of measle3. After due waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and iny hair grew Thick, and Strong. It has apparently come to stay. The Vigor Is evidently a great aid to nature." J. B. 'Williams, Pioresville, Texas. "I hare used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past four, or. five years and find It a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I' coold desire, being harmless, causing the hair to retain Its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange." Mrs.. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass. " I have beeausing Ayer'a Hair Vigor, for several years, and believe that it has caused my hair to retain its' natural color." Mrs. H. J. King, Dealer In Dry Goods, &c.,.Bishop ville, Md. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PBIPABZDBT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Macs. Bold by Druggists and Perfumers. HEN'S FURNISHINGS. This the most Complete Depart ment in this City. Maiwfectwmg Clothir$,Tailors, Hat- tersr and Men's Furnishers. it954AND.9M LIBERTY ST. fVTr- TAB WI1TIIE.1 Western ftnnfaanwxardtw?. I taind; teamer Wednuday, OTning,fottowedbw cold Thir9jiif?4t' -jpiotis Jior nett Virginia; fair, varmer. tout A? trill winds Wednesday morning shifting f& northwesterly ana muen. eoiaer oy Thursday morning; PrrrsBTTBO, Decemher 23, igs& The United States Blgnal Borneo offloerta tnu city inrr'T"" ui. iwwnui " .- . SiOOA. Y..,.,......-j0 Sax K,, ...... ....S3 IMP. M.... ...... .. iMr.v M SlOOF. C ........ mi ir ' TA MtTlmnm fmn Kja . Mlnlmnm tnp..r .. Precipitation. ...."I, Hirer at iOO P. 7.7 feet, a change of 0.4 ln'M bou"- 4Li Trace. - -3L' There arej ' " ' - ' many white soaps, each represented to be --'.-, te "just as good as the Ivpry:" They are not, , 3' ;'",, hut like ' V all counterfeits; they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities? of the genuine. A fir Crf ' ' Ivory Soap. -v1T3 and . .-" insist upon having it. 'Tis snlrl pvprvwhprp- - no3-101-3twS &AKER IS THE STRONGEST HORSE BLANKET For sale by an dealers. Kooe'jrrnine without hoi stamped inside. JIidotij'WltATEISiSoas, WuTAdA, who make the Strang &A Hone Blankets, sel-iS-ivs KsSissismi Tor )tL JlA uesferZt 3? wins - . "ir"- ' 'K''lll W IV -'Ml ''T --si -IAS tr dORSIjMHD SCOTTSL cmuLdiun Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPoraosraiTEs g of Lime and Soda is endorsed and prescribed by leading physicians because both tho Cod Llvrr Oil and Hypophosphlta are the recognized agents In the cure ot Consumption. It Is as palatable asmlli. SciH'sEiMlsiM&.z is a wonderful Jr'lesfi Producer. It is the Sett Bemedy tor CONSUMPTION, Screftla, Bronchitis, Wastis Sis cases, Chronic Congrhs and Colds. Ask for Scott's Emulsion and take no other. OC2-23-MWTSU THE MOST POPULAR IS FLEMISH'S. PURE EIGHT-YEAR-OLD ' EXHORT WHISKY. The demand made npon ns from onr numer ous customers in and aronnd the tiro cities and' snrronndlng counties for oar 8-year-old Export AYhiskyassuresnstbat we hare secured and have to-day the best and lareest portion of the trade for ths article. And by fair, honest and gentlemanly dealing and treatment, we flatter ourselves that we will not only retain all the trade we now enjoy having on this reliable whisky, bnt it will continue to grow, as it Is and has been doing every day for some time past. People nowadays are not led off by ab surd incorrect statements, Tbey vant purs whisky. . They want a whisky that has a. record, and they want that record so it can be traced. Sncb is the char acter of onr Export Whisky, a whisky with a record. And tbe only place to-day you can pur chase pure 8-year-old Export Whisky in .the two cities Is from us; and we hold the docn menta to prove that we are correct in this statement. Full quarts, $1, or 6 f or Ji IF YOTT WANT SOMETHING NICE, Something beoeflcial at this season 'of th year, bay a bottle of oar ptjbe California: Art, Sherry or Claret' Wine, These are the three best sellers on oar wine list. They are selling very nicely and rapidly Inst now and are giving the very best satis faction. It Is a revelation to many who hare not carefully looked into tbe merits of onr Pure Domestic California 'Wines. We are mak ing a specialty of these wines. We keep a full line of these celebrated wines, embracing eight, varieties, all of whieh we are selling & fall quarts at 60c per bottle, or S3 per dozen, except claret, which sells at 75c per bottle, full quarts, or 6 per dozen. Vou will like them and boy no other when once tried. Since the late decision of the Supreme Court WE CAN NOW SEND GOODS & O. IX. as Del ore, nut no goods, will be shipped to minors, or persons of known intemperate habits. Send for complete price list, mailed free to any ad-, dress. All mail orders promptly attended tcv , vflt-A Jna Fleming I Hnn, :M DRUGGISTS, ., 'dft '4, IP Market Strearl JH! V .v Vi mi V 4 3 , F - 1 ,v - t t ..- .II -- 2 "iX -.t jr. -.. 'W Jfc .AHHsYI ! ,.- . ' j-ka ti- .(Vj tetesaWSA