'r V 8- . iV V,r-"ii.Mfii WMffliEBIEIffl Kf - Karnes Ivans is the Yiclim of Some Super-Official Charity. sjHEKcr hospital -takes hih in. Ifcilef Brown Shows 'the Necessity for an Imersencj Hospital. CORONEE H'DOWELIi BEAES HIM OUT The police authorities -were notified yes terday, morning that a man was very sick at Robinson's lime kilns on Second avenue. The patrol wajon was sent for the sufferer, and&be"w&3 taken to No. 1 police station. His same was found to be James jEvans, Herts' about. 27 years, of age, an English man, and a perfect stranger in the country. -flerwa suffering from a case of most malig nant diphtheria. ,.Dr. Heyer, the acting police surgeon, was 'called and. he tried to get the unfortunate fsnfferer placed in some hospital. He was in the Central .station hospital rooms, where lost ' children are brought in erery hoar, especially at this season of the year, and the police officials wished to place him where he could be cared lorgsHospital alter hospital -was tried, and Dr. Meyerpitted his teeth as he chewed the red ta'peywbich was reeled to him oTer the wire. iFinally, the question was solred "by Mercy Hospital taking the case in and givine an op portunity to Pittsburg charities to reconsider .their ways of doing business. ' . -The man was for some four days exposed to 'the weather and to hunger, in fact, and climbed (into the space above the kilns for warmth. If 'nothing else. He comes from Aberdeen, Scot land, and has been in the country not more than-ayear. The Mercy Hospital doctors see ibut little hope for bis recovery on account both of bis exposure and the peculiar nature of bis uisaase. xoeyioojc wiin a eoou ueai ui uouu "- itrto.beIngaeain.as In the case of Margaret -.r -aAlcGnaid, accused of having turned someone jdont. When the investisration at the morgue is f concluded, in the language of Coroner McDow- I kii hra will ho discovered the necessltv of a ! 'J&T:municipal or general hospital for such uses. Zk 'Chief Brown, of the Public Safety Depart ment, is tnoroucmy in accoru wiiu mo win ner on this subject. He said that one of the TirinciDalobiectshehadin view in establlsb- jJV" ' ing a central station on some roomy ground cr was to meet just such contingencies. He S-1WV thought a hospital department could be de . Sf .' vised which would keep apart the lost chil-- drcn f rom contagions diseases, and the patrol Vwagon knows no law except that of the man at V.k... -. TTnll ctqtfnn -nrt tha nnn at the lines. He tbonght to- make. as now necessity compels, we central r,- i station into a son oi general paiooiocicai ' postofaee. into which is dumped anything from : scarlet fever to a drunk, is not the Tight way of doing bniness. It Is unfortunate 'that In such aposwifficial arrangement a post mortem in vestigation is liable to follow, as the disease may not be properly directed in the first place or stamped by the first alleged medical man who finus it. It was absolutely necessary, he thought, to Lave a hospital for the cases which are brought in, and the sooner it was done the better. Around the city a good deal of comment was made on the refusal of the different hospitals tn takn in the natient. as wp.ll as on the neonln who let a poor unfortunate man stay for days in a lime kiln for warmth and without food. The fact that State appropriations are made for the benefit of some of these Institutions. while the one that took the wanderer in was without such aid was freely spoken of, and Mercy Hospital was praised both in the police . stations and on the street, while the question opened was, "What shall be done with the pauper sick?" They have no friends, or if they have are too poor to render aid to those in dis-.-tress, and the city as well as the county officials are anxious to have a hospital where emer gency cases can be placed without recourse to red-tape proceedings. CHINESE CAPITALISTS HERE. They Vfnnt Another Pittsburg Engineer to CO to Canton. Kwong Ten and Fong Wong, the two Chinese capitalists whe are traveling in this country inspecting the different electric systems, ar rived in the city yesterday and are the guests of one of the officers of the Westlnghonse Company. The former gentleman will stay here several days, while his companion will t jonrney on.to San Francisco. After Inspecting Wfparthl'the plant of the Westinghouse Com pany yesteroay, the gentlemen put in their time traveling about the city last evening in vestigating the workings of the street arc t lights. The two- Chinamen are representatives of a syndicate in China who have secured a 90 years contract to light the principal cities of the Em pire. Their headquarters are at Canton, where they will soon have one plant in operation. Tbelatter was shipped from this city about three mouths ago. Another man is wanted to go .from Pittsburg to operate the plant. . .- : ;' BIPEDS OP TWO KINDS. j Some Soothilders Wonld Like to Know the &' 5 Locality of the Fight. fr'1-' A long line of carriages carrying each four -'.".- men and four game cocks attracted attention ' on Smlthfield street between 3 and t o'clock f",yesterday-momingas the cortege weeded its ,'':. way to the Southside. It was evident that they were neither mem bers of the Ecumenical Council, Presbytery or Ministerial Conference, and yet they made a .quiet. -orderly appearance and did not seek to "attract attention. Neither Sam O'Brien nor !,; ,Mickey Dean accompanied them, and ap v jparently conscious of the rectitude ot their in - vV tentlons they kept the even tenor of their way -T, unostentatiously. The chickens appeared to "iDeasweii oeuavea as their escorts, but some r ,peopie smnea uiooay work aueaa nevertheless. THAT NEW BLOCK. A "Bnmored Downtown Real Estate Deal Sat Down'CpoD. ' v ,The usual report that a mammoth building . j. ls'tobe.erected at the corner of Liberty and v. (Sixth streets cropped out yesterday afternoon, ' , t .and is denied, this time by the proprietors of ' "Hbe Hotel Anderson. They say that the prop- crly extending from their hotel to Liberty -, " -.has been in the market for years, but a legal (delay and fancy prices have forbidden a sale. "-u, jThey deny authoritatively that the top floors Tof 'the supposed building are to be occupied by jt Athem. or that they know anything whatever TRIED TO STAB FELIX. A Drunken Citizen Who Wonted ta Pr. feX.' ' formte the Hibernian. 'iJohn Martin entered Felix McKnleht's sa- loon at 932 Second avenue yesterday moraine i i and called for a quart of whisky. After belnc -, -served he refused to pay. McKnighttook the jfcfwblsky from Martin. The latter then pulled Jf. jtin ugly looking knife and attempted to sub V, the saloonkeeper. ivl ' . Martin walked away a short distance, and 5? "'then, turning: around, pulled his revolver and - - 'shot at McKnigbt. Two shots were returned - : lbT a man vho attempted to disarm him. ' V: - THREATENED TO BE00T. .xAi Gentleman From Evans City Too Beady 'yf With HU BeTolver. 'Jlast night about 730 o'clock as a boy named William Riley, about 14 years of age, was walk- .ing up Diamond street, above Smithfield, he - accidentally collided with Felix Haller, a , grown man, who was intoxicated. ' Riley's hat was knocked off, and when be re-,-". .monstrated with Haller the latter drew a big ; - revolver, and pointing it attbe boy, threatened u- to shoot him. The boy ran away, but notified j.-. Officer Andy Scott, who soon afterward ran .- Haller Into the Central station. Haller is a - resident of Evans City. v ' X.IXG THE NEW BELL. Jin Event at the Upper Twelfth Ward School of Allesheny.' There was a small celebration at the upper Twelfth ward school In Allegheny yesterday, when tne Dew Bctool bell, which had been paid for by subscriptions raised by the school chll- 'drewrwas rung for the first time. Heretofore ; there'bas been no bell on the school bouse. 'An entertainment, consisting of songs and recitations, was given by the children Tn the 'presence of their parents and other visitors. A Bl' Boarer Came In. -A. natural gas well, with a pressure of 600 n'niinds. was brought in yesterday at Lock No. ''jiopposite ilcKean's station. It is on the 'DrOPertT OI Hir uw0vumu uuuuoj, mhi ,jj .J be used by the Gibson company In Its works. . ItSUione'of the finest wells yet drilled la the IJellevemon district. KOyiNG DAT CMA5GEIC. Twenty Real Estate Agents Decide ta Date , Leases from May 1. TheTeal estate agents and, landlords met yes terday morning at 10 o'clock in the Chamber of Commerce, to further discuss the proposed change of moving day from April 1 to May L Thos. A. Iggate, of Allegheny, presided, and stated the objects of the meeting. Several speeches were made favoring the-change. D. C. Martin said he was in favor of abolish ing moving day altogether,-and offered a reso lution that property be Tented by the month, quarter or year, leases to date from any day. The resolution was discussed at some length and filed for action at a subsequent meeting. L. Oloninger, the Secretary, saia he thought it was time for the meeting to get down to busi ness. He then presented a substitute for Mr. Martin's resolution, that thoso present in favor of the change pledge themselves by signing a paper to that effect. This paper met with approval and was signed by about 29 agents. Mr. Martin then moved that the real estate men organize permanently. The motion passed and an organization com mittee was appointed, consittingof Mr. Martin, T.G.VanGordorandW.M. Hacer. with in structions to report the progress made at a fu ture meetmc. A SENATOR'S CHRISTMAS. CoL Qnny Drops Into Fltubarff for a Few Minutes to Look Around. Senator M.S. Quay arrived In the city yes terday forenoon at 10 o'clock,, coming from Beaver, where he and hlix family are passing the Christmas season. He was seen by a Dis patch reporter, with whom he exchanged the compliments of the season, but he said that he was not talking politically. He said that what had happened recently in political affairs spoke more eloquently than be could in that direc tion. He bore evidence or being at peace with all the world and ready to extend "good will to -men" to all comers. He will return to Wash ington after the holidays, when It is possible that he will try a little tarpon fishing off the Florida coast. He called yesterday upon a few local poli ticians, among whom were Messrs. Warmcastle and McKean, and be visited a Jewelry store. He averred that his visit to the jewelry store was the principal object of his coming to town. He returned to Beaver on the 1:40 train. The Senator reveals the enjoyment ot excellent health. THE BLOW DIDN'T SETTLE IT. A Justice or the Peace Held In 81,000 for Alleged Ballerina and Shooting. W. E. Meanor. of '.Coraopolis, yesterday morning came to the dtr and hunted up A. B. Stevenson, Esq., and related a story to him. At its conclusion both went to the office of Al derman C. O'DonneU, where Meanor made two informations charging William Loughry, a Justice of the Peace, of Coraopolls,'with as saultand battery and pointing and discharging firearms. According to Meanor's story the two had some words and Loughry dealt htm (Meanor) a blow on the nose ana said nose was very much the worse therefor, subsequently occupying a great deal of space on the prose enter's face. It was dark when the difficulty took place and after Meanor had gotten somo distance away he alleges'tbat a pistol shot was fired. Alderman O'DonneU fixed bail at $500 on each charge and it was furnished by J. G. Weir. Meanor was once a constable in Loughry's bailiwick. 05 WITH THE GOOD WORK. The Humane Society After Cruelty Cases and Dos; Fighters. Humane Agent O'Brien has again called the attention ot Superintendent Starr, of the Ft. "Wayne Railroad, that the charges that cars containing live stock are unnecessarily delayed between Alliance and Pittsburg. At a meeting yesterday, Mr. O'Brien stated he had watched the unloading of a certain de layed train. Many animals were either dead or injured. The society's lawyer ' will be con sulted. In regard to the dog fighters, a postponement of the hearing was made until to-morrow. The agent claimed his witnesses were hampered by intimidation, and the society passed a reso lution askifig all informations be taken from Alderman Foley to court. ANOTHER LANDMARK GOING. The House at the Corner of Washington Street to be Dismantled. Another of the landmarks on Fifth avenue extension is about to disappear. The old build ing at the corner of Washington street, owned by the Watson heirs, will probably be torn down. In Its place will be erected a four-story flat. ' r , Part ot the bufldlnc has been occupied as a toy store for the past thirty-fire years. The proprietress, Mrs. Ripper, is a familiar figure to the residents of the avenue. She has stood behind the counter for over a quarter of a cen tury, and is known to everybody. Her stock is now being sold in consequence of her removal prior to the first ot Apri The place formerly belonged to old Alexander Watson, who made the first plan of this city. COMMENDABLE. ENTERPRISE. A Railroad Train Equipped With the Hew Device for Announcing; Stations. Attention has previously been called in these columns to the mechanical device ior plainly announcing "next station" on rail- road trains. These ingenious machines are made by the American manufacturing Com pany, 313 Wood street, and were first ex hibited at the Exposition in this city last October. The excellence of the apparatus at once recommended it to public favor, its entire superiority to the brakeman's mum bling announcement being very evident. The machine is constructed so that as soon as the passenger train leaves a station a clear bell is rung, drawing the passengers attention to a handsome sign reading "If ext station ." The Pennsylvania Com pany has equipped a car on the Beaver Falls accommodation with tbese ''indica tors" which are said to give entfre satisfac tion to the passengers. If it is decided to equip the whole train the "indicators" will be operated by compressed air, and thus the names of next stations be simultaneously displayed in every car on the train. For the sake of ease of mind of travelers it is to be hoped that all trains will soon be pro vided with this excellent device. The Kewsboya' Home Pantomime.' The ladies in charge of the pantomime to be held on Thursday and Friday afternoons of this week for the benefit of the Newsboys' Home wish to correct a mistaken impression that has gone abroad, to the effect that all the seats have been sold. This is a mistake, as any intending pnrchasers'maylearn by a glance at the box sheet at the Bijou Theater office. Plenty of seats are still left in par quet circle and balcony much the best location for viewing a pantomime, as a clear and unobstructed line oi sight is given. Closing Oat Regardless of cost, a very fine line of art embroidered and painted plush and silk goods lace curtains, "portieres, upholstery goods, etc., at private sale every morning and evening. Auction sales every after noon until closed out. Call earlv, as choice goods are going fast at our very low price's, at 514 Wood st. H. Holtzmak & Sons. Newly Married Conplesl Making preparations for housekeeping do not forget that Dreydoppel soap is a very important article to have. The finest and best for all purposes that soaD can be used for. Renders clothes beautifully white, sweet and healthful to -wear. Fall pound bars, 8c per pound, at grocers everywhere. Grand Reopenlnc of the Society Photo Art Gallery, Ko. 35 Fifth ave., Pitts burg, lately bought by the successful Alle gheny photographer, H. Sonnenberg, estab lished 16 years. The very best talent, as operators, retouchers and artists, has been engaged. Only first-class' work. Delivery -prompt. Prices moderate. TJse elevator. The old reliable photo gallery, No. 62 Fed eral St., Allegheny, will be kepi running as usual. kws Feed. Beown's Ginger is recommended as a tonic to persons recovering from fever or other diseases, and relieves all pains in the stomach from whatever cause. Fbattenheim & YrLSACK's ale and porter are superior beverages. Call for them. All dealers keep them. Or order direct Thone 1186. HATE your photograph taken Christmas :Jj iay oy xLeauricu uo., ee jreoeral st, xuefiueny. uauery open au aay. i - fc M-v iferi. ' Tfll CO WARD STILL IT LARGE. J The Perpetrators of Tarentam's Cold Blooded Marder Cleverly Blade Arrest A Chief of Felice Shot. The coward who shot Mrs. Paul Budert at Tarentum is still at large with his miserable accomplices. The town has been simply wild. All Stories of the shooting seem to agree that it was one of the coldest blooded affairs that has occurred for years. After the robbers had smashed in the window and began to pile the jewelry into satchels, she tried to, drag the tray away, when she was de liberately shot down. The funeral will take place on Thursday, and testimony will be taken by the Coroner's jnry'saturday. The man Clark denies any knowledge of 'the shooting and says his own friends can prove an alibi Coroner McDowell was busy all night and day sending messages to different points, and'the vicinity Is so full of detectives it seems impossible for the men to get away. Chief of Police Donovan, of Braddock. and a posse of men, bada lively chase after two men last night, who were supposed to be the murderers of Mrs. Rudert. The men were dis covered walking eastward on the railroad tracks, and the officers gave chase. When the men found they were belne followed, they, drew their revolvers and began shooting. The officers returned the shots and a lively skirmish followed for a few minutes. It was reported late last night that Chief Donovan was bit by one of the bullets, but escaped Iseri ous injury. He said be was sure the men were the parties wanted. The men were chased all the way to Turtle Creek; where they were lost sight ot The Coroner ana .county detective are ae-' tively engaged working up the case, and have engaged the services of a well known private 'detective to help them. They expect to uncover the perpetrators of the crime in a day or two. The man who gave the name of Clark, arrested at Tarentum yesterday morning, is said to be Alex. Klllen. a man who has quite a record in Pittshurg police circles. Detectives Elcbenlanb andMcClure, of Alle gheny, went to Tarentum yesterday afternoon to work on the case and about 8 o'clock .last night telephoned to Mayor Pearson that tbey would not return to the city until 8:40 this morning, as they thought they had a clew -Which would lead to the arrest of the murder ers. EMMA JDCU'S CHRISTMAS. She Pnt in the Evening; Dressing a Tree From Mr. DfcKInney. Miss Emma Jucb, the charming prima donna, pnt in the greater part of last evening dressing a Christmas tree after her own fashion. -The three was contributed by Mr. McKicney, of the Hotel Anderson, and the nucleus of its decora tion was a wonderful woolly dog, a false woolly dog, sent In by Mr. John Black, of the East End Bulletin. Many other gifts were received at. the hAtel during the day. The singer took great delight in tricking out her Christmas tree in the most fantastic fashion. TURNS THE TABLES. A Tonne Man Will Sue for 813,000 for Alleeed False Arrest. James Brady, of Penn avenue, near Thirtieth street, was given a hearing before Alderman Warner on a charge of larceny, it being alleged that he stole $600 from his aged mother, John Moran was the prosecutor. The defendant was discharged, as it was proved that his mother had allowed him to take the moner and that everv cent ot it had been returned. .W.P.Miller, the attorney for the defense, stated that he would enter suit against Moran for $15,000 in ashpit time, to recover damages for the false arrest and imprisonment of young Brady. Fight for a Woman. J. W. Metzler, of Leechburg, was attacked by William Carter at the West Penn depot, Allegheny, last night, on account of Mr. Metz ler's attention to a woman of the First ward. Detectives Murphy and Glenn arrested them in the midst of the fight. A Saloon Fracas. Ulysses Wimms, a colored man who grew noisy in Dun's saloon last night, was knocked senseless by the saloon porter. William Slauter. Both were taken to Central station, where "Wimms needed the attention of Dr. Moyer. CRLIXG. OLD FRIENDS IN NEW QUARTERS.' Urllnc & Son, the Well-Known Merchant Tailors, Installed In Handsome Rooms, No. 47 Sixth Ave. The opening of this reliable firm in the Lewis block is attracting considerable at-' Mention even in' the holiday "season. Their1 friends and patrons will be greatly pleased to see how handsome, well lighted and com pletely equipped for handling an increasing business are their new rooms. But better still are the ' seasonable, handsome and ex clusive lines of overcoatings, suitings and trouserings shown by tbem; and best of all are the extremely low prices which are asked for everything. This firm can refer to a great number of the best people of Alle gheny county, who have for years been regu lar customers. It is their aim to make friends by giving full' value and the finest workmanship in every case. The public is invited to call and inspect their new stock, and. will certainly gain both pleasure and profit from a visit. Our Mr. C. A. Muhlanbring has returned from a trip to the principal European cities, where he obtained all the most recent ideas in fashionable tailoring. He will give our patrons the benefit of his skill. 'wsn To the Editor of The Dispatch: Deae Sis X wish to call your attention, also the public's, to the following matter of "vital interest to this community. At each new achievement of success the world doubts and questions nntil overwhelming evidence compels it to believe. The med ical fraternity in this city during the past few weeks have been thrown into no little excitement over a claim set forth by Dr. Sturgeon that it is In his power to check the progress of and cure that dreaded disease, ty phoid lever, a feat heretofore unheard of in the history of medical science. A son of Mr. J. M. Force, of No. 185 Jackson street, Allegheny, was -violently taken with the disease. Dr. H was called in to see the boy and pronounced the case typhoid fever; he attended the patient about two days, with no improvement on the part of the sufferer. Mr. Force had in some way heard of the successful cures effected by Dr. Sturgeon and summoned him. The doctor diagnosed the case as Dr. H had done. Both of them pronounced it typhoid fever. Dr. Sturgeon said he could cure the boy in five days, and inside of 60 hours the fever had subsided. In an incredible short time young Force was restored to health. The writer called on Dr. H this morning, and, in conversation, the doctor stated that he would give. $1,000 in cash for a copy of the formula, proving conclusively his appreciation of the wonderful discovery. Get Your Ten Per Cent. Our Christmas present to our patrons is cash. "We don't believe in giving them worthless toys, like some firms do who place it on the price of the goods. We shall give a cash return of 10 per cent on every article bought at our store up till noon to-day. We .have about ISO of those Daisy overcoats left at $10, -worth $25. Store closes at 12 o'clock, noon, to-day. P. C. C. C. Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. new Court House. Wood Hoaldlngs. All the new shades to suit the new color ings in wall papers. Cbumsine, Bake &j3assett, 416 Wood st. PbacticaXi bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, algebra, geometry and me chanical drawing at Curry University. Day and evenings. mws D. Lctz & Son's ale and porter are sea sonable and healthful beverages for this time of year. Office and brewery Spring Garden ave., cor. Chestnut st Canvas Wall Hangings. A fall line of these very desirable goods. They must be seen to be appreciated. CmrjiBiira, Bake & Hassett, 416 Wood st. Farnhare. Our large five-tory warehouse tamed into retail rooms. Nothing like it in the city. Come and see ' the furniture displayed therein. M. Sxcbxbt & Co., AHegheny. I'lysBtnaSI isHSSiESDiP !-r wrrja r&sz v. . . . . .J'S.iS &&? . " atfwas' THE '1IVAL3FF ST; . NIOI. NOBLE SEPAKTUXE FOR CHRISTMAS OBSERVANCE. THE How e4,ee BeokmTkl. Morning Find Their Way to the Home of as Many Sandfly School Chlleren-Kaafownn Bros. Novo! nnd InstrBCtlye Cemmeaaeratlon of the 4 Glad Dav Little Folk Won't Forget It. You never saw an old fellow look so utter ly dumfonhded and mortified as the worthv fur-robed Santa Glaus did this morning, when he came jingling oyer the Alleghen nies and found a rival Santa running the Christmas business1 under his very "nose. Blue indeed did that nose turn, and fiercely did the jolly Saint's eyes flash Tfhen the news cameribging over.hill and' dale, that Kaufmanns, ox Pittsburg, without exactly donning furs and garlanding themselves about, with holly leaves, bad gone forth through this city, as a, second Saint .Nich olas, and beaten the old-established Saint all to fits. When the bells of "merry Christ mastide" chimed cheerfully over thebouse tops, many a child's eyelids opened to the sunshine, all ablaze with bright expectancy, and many a lisping tongue cried, "Has Kaufmann been here?" For manv years J.- Kautmann & Brothers have brought joy to thousands of infant hearts, by their generous distribution of dainty Christmas gifts. Their lore for the little "ones seems to' "be- limitless. It never slackens and never abates in the least de gree. Everv Sunday school child in Pitts burg and Allegheny gets this Christmas a present from Kaufman b, and no one is neglected in the distribution. Just a month since J. Kaufmann & Brothers started in on the great work, they have brought to so successful and so agreeable a conclusion, books were the presents decided upon for this Yuletide, and certainly the Kaufmanns displayed much good, sense in making the Selection. No better present could be im agined.for school children than tbese de lightful 'books. They last longer than other gifts, and are of real value besides. Agents of the Messrs. Kaufmann went to the book marts of all the great American cities, buy ing all the picture books they thought suit able for their young friends by the banks of the Allegheny. Some two weeks ago the books began to come in hundreds, and the big Kantmann store on Filth avenue and Smithfield street was soon filled to overflowing. Additional storage room had to be obtained, and the work of book buying went on bravely. When the books were stored awar requests were sent out to the superintendents of the Sunday schools in Pittsburg and Allegheny and to all the .towns in the vicinity for the names and number of pupils enrolled. Then began the distribution, a dozen men were . kent bnsv for a week wramiincr ud and ex pressing the books to their destination, until to-day all the names that have been received have been, provided with a youthful and beautiful book, one that is replete with magnificent illustrations nnd stones, such as will delight children's hearts. So quiet has this book distribution been conducted that few people outside of the ministers and superintendents of the churches and schools know anything of the magnitude of such an undertaking. Over 60,000 volumes will' be given away al together. The distribution is confined to children of no particular denomination, but' is common to all. The pastor of one of the leading Fifth ayenue churches yesterday complimented the Messrs. Kaufmann very highly indeed on .their benevolence, and their evident desire, that all young people should be happy in the season oi happiness. This reverend gentleman also gave some statistics bearing on the mammoth presenta tion. "The smallest number of books, 25," he said, "go to the children of the Twenty second Street Presbyterian mission school, and the largest number to the Webster Street (Cathedral) Convent, which requires 1,200 to go around. The majority of the schools asked forfrom 300 to 500 each, and there were books in plenty, and some left over. Never before has any individual or single firm expended such a vast sum of monev tor the pleasure of the little ones as have Kaufmann Bros. Expense apparently had not been taken into consideration. In all 60.000books were distributed at a cost of 'thousands of dollars, lint the amount, vast ar men when they Considered and compared . it with the happiness and the pleasure the children experience in receiving the gift Never before have so manv little hearts been gladdened, and. I am sure' the children will never forget the men whose sole object in displaying such unprecedented generosity, is to make the little "tots" happy, at least one day in the year. Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon such liberality, and the world would be far better off if we had more such men." it is a time-honored saying that " 'Tis better .to give than to receive," and the spirit which prompted this distribution gives evidence of the kindly feejing ot "Peace on earth and good will" to ward men" that Kauf mandV bear to the rich and poor alike of the people in this vicinity. There is 'no motive of self-gain in their distribution, and if it was not for the out-spoken joy of the children in telling of their pretty books the public would never know of the gener osity that has'been manifested by these peo ple. The books were all bought and sent out to the different churches before even an inkling had been given out as to what was going on in their emporium. Kauf manns' secret has leaked ont; every boy and girl one meets is talking about the nice' book they are going to get on Christmas. Letters of thanks are pouring in upon them from every quarter, and if the blessings of thous ands of men, women and children count for aught surely Kaufmanns must be fully repaid for the outlay of money, large as it may have been, when it brings so much happiness. The distribution of books among the children is certainly an achievement worthy of imitation by others, and it is to be hoped that, prompted by the good that has been accomplished, others will follow in the footsteps of such generons men. What more worthy object can money be placed to than of giving pleasure to others by the expenditure of a sum, large though it may seem to some, is but a drop in the bncket compared to the fortune that l has been amassed by honesty and integrity? .Lb was iuiuo53iuie iu uuiaiu a mil ana coiu- plete list of all the chnrches, mission schools and convents the Kaufmann Brothers sup plied with Christmas books, as the firm was opposed to making any public display of the distribution through the columns of the news papers. They did not propose to make cap ital ont of charity, bnt from the ministers and superintendents it was learned that at least the following places had been supplied with books for the little ones that were en rolled upon the school record: The United Brethren Church; Wilbins burg; Forty-third Street Christian Church, city; Trinity Lutheran Church, Woods' Bun; St Joseph's Cburch.Sharpsburg; St Paul's M. E. Church, Bloomfield; -Thirty-seventh street Baptist Church; Church of God, city; Union Mission, city; Denny M. E. Church, city; Glenshaw Mission, city; EighthTT. P. Church,Allegheny; Sixth TJ. P. Chnrcb.Al legheny; McCandless Avenue Methodist Church; Nixon 8treet Baptist Church, Al legheny; Millvale JEresbyterian Church; St. John's Convent, Southside; Sandusky Street Baptist Church, Allegheny; Taren tum Lutheran Church; Emmanuel Evangel ical Lutheran Protestant Church, West End; Cumberland Presbyterian Church, McKees port; St Paul's English Evangelical Luthe ran church, Allegheny; ML. Zion St. John Lutheran, Allegheny; Biverside M. E. Church, Allegheny; St James Church, Wil kinsburg; St Thomas Church, Woods' Buu; St Paul's Church, Glenfield ; Wash ington Street Convent, Allegheny; St Jo seph Convent, Allegheny; Union Sabbath School Association, Beltzhoover; Trinity Episcopal Mission, Beltzhoover; M. E. Church, Sewickley: St Thomas Church, Braddock; First Baptist Church, Sharps burg; St Paul's German Reformed Church, citv; Hudson M. E. Church, Bennett sta tion; Presbyterian Church, Turtle Creek; Fourth M. P. Church, Eist End; Second Congregational Church, Allegheny; Ger man M. B. City Mission, Allegheny; Liber ty Street M. E.'Church, Carson BtreetM. E. Church.'' citv: St Luke's Church, citv: .St Mary of Mercy's Church, Polish St Btanisiaas- unarcn, be. z-aai b ja, ml lianrea, Bloomfild: St. Jhm' Chmrtfc, WMi Sad; TMlttfinEWl! .-v a- Tftw JV.rjTfcJl.WjCT 3 i"? a. ' Li U - 1 Triaily .Beforaed Church, Wilklnee; Trinity Lutheran Church, Stockton aveaue, Allegheny; United Evangelical Protestant Church, Mt Washington; St Stephen Epis copal Church, Wilklnsburg; Trinity M. B. Church; Shady Avenue Baptist Church: Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Castle Shan ,non;Trinity Lutheran Churcb.Greenock; St Paul's Lutheran Church, Bridgeport, Ohio; Ames "M. E. Church, Hazel wood; Emery M. E. Church, East End; Third Presbyterian Church, Allegheny: Forty-third Street Presbyterian Church; St. Andrew's Convent, Allegheny; German Br. Lutheran Church. Natrona; Allegheny CentralB. P. Church; Third TJ. P. Church, city; Third TJ. P. Colored mission, city; Evangelical school, Etna; First German Baptist Church, Southside; Lutheran Church, Freeport; Reformed Church, M4n ordale; German Lutheran Church, Keown, Allegheny county; StPhilomena's Convent, city; Moorhead building. Industrial school; Emmanuel United Evangelical Protestant, Allegheny; Second Lutheran Church, Pride and Ann streets, city; English Lutheran Church. Lawrenceviile: Walton M. E. Church, Southside; Second Primitive Meth odist Church, Southside; Thirty-third Street TJ. P. Church, Bev. B. A. Hill; Mt. Olivet Evangelical, city; Bethel M. E. Church, city; Church of Good Shepherd, Hazelwood; St Mary's Protestant Episcopal. Beaver.Pa.; St Mary's Church, SharrJsburg; First Primitive Methodist Church, city; Eighth Presbyterian Church, West End; St Mary's Convent,-Vebster avenue, city; St Joseph's Orphan Asylum, Troy HHljSee ond German M. E. Chnrch, city; Most Holy Name Of Jesus Church, Allegheny; John Wesley Chapel, city;1 German Evangelical Church. Millvale; German M. E. Church, Southside; German il.E. Mission, Allen town; .Fourth Presbyterian Church, city; Convent of Mercy, Seventeenth and Liber ty; Presbyterian Church, Braddock; M. E. Church, Turtle Creek; Southside Presbyte rian (George W; Jones, Esq., Superintend ent); Seventh U. P. Church, Alleghenyr Christ Lutheran Church, East End;Mill valc Presbyterian Church; Fourth TJ. P. Church, city; Convent of Mercy, Forty sixth street; Siloam Baptist Church, city; St Albert's Church, citv; Catholic Church (Bev. G. Schmidt), McKeesport; East End B. P. Chnrch; German Evangelical Luth eran Church (Bev. P. Brand); St Joseph's Church, Liberty avenue and Pearl street; Knox Presbyterian Church, Knoxville; West End Industrial School; McClure Ave , nuePresbyterian Church, Allegheny; Union Baptist, Southside; First Congregational Church, Allegheny; Evangelical Lutheran, Sixth avenue, city; Lawrenceviile Presby-. terian Church, city; German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Thirty-seventh street; Eleventh. U. P. Church, West End; Mc Candless Avenue Presbyterian Church; School Street Sunday School, Allegheny; First B. Pi Church, cityj 8t Martin's Epis-' copal Mission, Mt Oliver; St Peter's Church, Southside; Twenty-second Street Presbyterian Mission; St Paul's Evangel ical Protestant, Alleghenyr Episcopal mis sion, Chartiers; Seventh Presbyterian Church, city; United Evangelical Protest ant Church, Temperancevllle. Fashionable clothing is difficult to ob tain. That is.clothing advertised as fashion able proves to be of inferior cut and appear ance.and buyers are not pleased with it after careful examination. Brokaw Bros.' New York tailor-made suits and overcoats are, however, the acme of stylishness and fine appearance, and purchasers are always pleased. A. L. Sailor, Sole Agent, Sixth st, cor. Liberty. tvp Highest prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at De Haan's Big 6, Wylie ave. Call nr send by mail.- wstT MEETINGS TIT A80MIC A. ' MEETING OF THE XXX. I stockholders of the Masonic Fund Soci ety, will be held on FRIDAY. December 27, at the ball. Fifth avenue, at 6 o'clock P. it, for election of trustees. de25-23 A. M. POLLOCK. Secretary. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Office of the crrr treasurer i PrrrsBtmo, December 2, 1889. f NOTICE-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the duplicates for the second as sessments of water rents (for new buildings completed since April L 1890,) have been placed Jn'my bands' for collection, and payable at this ofllco during the month of December. All water rents remaining unpaid January 1, ISSO.wlll be placed in the bands of W. B. Ford, Collector of Delinquent Taxes, with 5 per cent added, for collection. J. F. DENNISTON, rte38-T City Treasurer. NOTICES. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO NAVI- GATORS on'theMonongahela river that the southern channel span ot the Smithfield street bridge will be closed for navigation during JANUARY by false works necessary ior erection oi new structure. GUSTAV LINDENTHAIi. dei5-95 Chief Engineer. BUSINESS CHANGES. fTIHE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE X existing between George B. Gleason and Charles J. Atkins, under the firm name of Gleason's Ticket Office, transacting business at No. o Smithfield street, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent Charles J. Atkins retiring George B. Gleason will continue the business and assume the liabilities of the firm. GEORGE B. GJLEA80N, CHARLES J. ATKINS. PrrrSBURg. Pa., Dec P. 18S9. dell-23-w LEGAL NOTICES. GEO. D. RIDDLE, Attorney-at-Law, 118 Diamond street THSTATE OF WINFIELD B. WTLSON, DE 111 CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary en the estate of Winneld 8. Wilson, late of Allegheny county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons lndobted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay to MARY H. WIL SON, Executrix, No. 23 Cabinet at, Allegheny, no20-13-w N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEASNO. 1 oi Allesheny county, jso. &s .march term I. Notice is hereby given that an applica 1690, tion will be made to said court on the 11th day of January. 1890, at 10 o'clock A. St. under the general corporation ct of April 29. 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called the "Linden Clnb of Pittsburg," the character and object of which is the maintenance of a club for social enjoyment F. K. McOANCE, Solicitor. delS-W-w AMUSEMENTS. T ONDON THEATER Seventy-two hour race, from 12 noon to 12 midnight dally, under the personal manage ment of Harry Davis. FIFTEEN OF THE BEST PEDESTRIANS IN THE COUNTRY ENTERED. Good music will be-in attendence. General Admission, 25c. Reserved Space, 50c de2&65 GRAND OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT. EMMA 4UCH GRAND OPERA CO. This afternoon. Fostiliok of Lonjimkatt. To-night BoiIEMIAN GlBL. Nextweek-HOLE IN THE GROUND. de25 B IJOU THEATER- MAGGIE.MITCHELL. Matinee to-day. RAY. To-night, UTILE BAREFOOT. Dec 80 W. A. Brady's "AFTER DARK." de25 HARRIS' THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening: MISS FLORENCE BINDLEY, In the Beautiful Comedy Drama, VDQT," Week December 80 N. 8. Wood m bit new play, -Out In the Streets." de22-20 HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEM-JT To-night and Matinees. HARRY WILLIAMS' OWN SPECIALTY COMPANY. Grand Holiday Matinee Christmas Day. Night Prices of Admission. de22-U WORLD'S MUSEUM ALLEGHENY CityHarry Scott Manager. A Merry Christmas to AIL Week beginning Dec 22. Broncho John's Genuine Wild West Exhibit and Cowboy and Indian Convention. New Year's.weett Big Ellsa Weight 996. de245 JANUARY I. 1891 FREE. FREE. FREE. Annual quit notices furnished to property owners or delivered, free ot charge. Send la names ot tenants and location of property im mediately. BLADK & BAIRD, tm-40 . T 86 FOURTH ATX JaVRsbjtUrsVssWHelBLtWUla iMaWr iadbM UI nm Awsiswy mf,vrnvmwnw vtw tssstiwr jut tqvart er.stw Mmoi Claused aiaerUtt mentt on tM page, ru(h at Wanted, For Sale, To Let, rfc.tew cent, per Une for. each inter Hon. and none taken for teutlum fifty -.enU. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BBJJfck OFFICES. Tar the accommodation of the public, Branch' Offices have been established at iHe following places, where Want; Tor i3ale, "Ho Let, and other traneientadyextieementswQl be received up to.8 F- M. for inser tion next morning: Adrertlseraenu ar&to be prepaid except where advertisers already bare- account wlthTBXDls PATCa prrraBURG. THOMAS MCCAFKKEY. 3609 Butler street. EMIL G. BTUCKEY. Mth' street and t'enn are. E. G. BTUCliEYi'CO.rWyUeTe. and Fultoatt N. 8TOKELY. fifth Avenne Market Home. KAST23TD. J. W. WAXliACQl-SlziFenn avenne.- OAXUtro. MCALLISTEK'X BHE1BLEE, sth av. tt Atwood t aocTBsmx. JACOB BPOHN. No; JCarton ttrect. B. A. DUNAXDSON, 17OT Canon street, i , ALLEOHENY, A. J. KAEKCHEB, 3 Federal street. H. 3. McMUDEj Market House, Allegheny. FEED H. EOGEKS. IS Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS ft SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. 7. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENltr. -Western and Irwin aves. G. TV. HUGHES.' Pennsylvania and Beareravej. FEKKYM. GLE1M. -Rebecca and Allegheny aves. MILLVALE BOROUGH. W. VT. JfLOCRER. Stationer. Ho. 4 Grant ate. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH :hFFJ.CK.FOR THE BOUTHSTDE AT NO.' 1220 CARSON STREET. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRD?Ti6nS, CAN" BE LEFTi BOTH FOR GENERAL, EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIALSOUTHSIDEIBSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. Maja Heln. WANTED FIRST-CLASS, SOBER, STEADY barber. Call on or address F. HELD, SIS Market St., McKeesport, Pa. dett-4 WANTED DKUG CLEKK REGISTERED pharmael3torqaallfiedass!stant; German preferred; at once. Address E. P., Dispatch OUH. ae-id WANTED-BLACKSMITH-GOOD HOKSE SHOEB and general smith for country shoo. Address, stating experience, MT. W. 11., Dispatch office. . deI4- WANTED-A B1GGEK, ONE WHO HAS had experience with tackle. Applv to THOMAS KEEK AN. Clinton furnace. West Car son St., Southside. de2S-3 WANTED-A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Salary and expenses paid, or commission it preferred; salesmen wanted everywhere; no experience needed. Address, stating age, H. W. rOSTEK -4 CO., Nurserymen, Geneva. N. Y. de2S-5-ws WANTED-AGENTS. SHOULD WKITETOR illustrated' circular, and terms for two weeks' trial of Missouri washer: washes dirtiest cioiaes clean oyaoi l sold: profitable. J. clothes clean by hot steam without rubbing: easily boiu; nroniaDie. New York. City. WOKTHrM Beekman St., noiiMH-wssn WANTED. 200 MINERS, ITRST-CLASS meat. to go to Lehigh, Indian Territory: good wages and permanent employment: trans portation allowed on satisfactory terms. Address W.. B. MUNSON. Vice-President Southwestern Coal and Improvement Co., Dennlson, Tex. d5S-89-D ' -T7-ANTED-8ALESMEN AT S75 PEE MONTH vv salarrand expenses, to sell a line ofsllver plated ware, watches, etc. : by sample only; horse and team furnished free: write at once for mil particulars and sample ease of goods free. STAN DARD SILVEEWAEE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D w ANTED-ALL BBICKLAYER8 AND CON TRACTORS to knbw that the headanarten of the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT AS SOCIATION, at WFourth ave., near Wood, 1) the authorized Central Labor Exchange for the B. and M. L U.; no charge to employers or mem bers. 4, OCH-8U-WTSU WANTEO-MANAGEK3 EVERYWHERE TO take charge of .our business: advertise, dis tribute circulars and employ help; wages, S5Q to S1Z3 perroonth; expenses r u.i n.jtm fun .u ranced: state exoerl- aarancea ence, wages expected, also vonr preference for home work or traveling. SLUAN A CO.. Manu- facturers. 294 Georie street. Cincinnati. O. de22-3-D WANTED-SALESMEN AT ONCE A FEW good men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest manufacturers In our line In the world: liberal salary paid; permanent position: monej- advanced for -wares. Advertising, etc. For full terms ad dress CENTENNIAL MFG. CO.. Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati. O. no9.77-wrsn - "Trr-ANTED AGENTS-NEW AND WON W DEBFUL book in both English and Ger man, recent explorations and adventures of Stan ley in tbewllas,.of Africa: thrilling accounts of his journey across the Dark Continent: over 200 fine engravings: a bonanza for agents: send SO cts. for outfit: circulars free. BORLAND & CO., 101 State st., Chicago, HI. deiS-7-ws WANTED A TIKST-CLASS AGENT IN Pittsburg for Mark Twain's latest book, "A Connecticut ran tee In King Arthur's Court;" the greatest success of any work writ ten by nils' celebrated anthor; agents In other towns and cities are positively selling from 10 to SO copies per day: eacbanpllcant will please send references, and also state the number or copies he thinks can be sold In Pittsburg. CHARLES L. WEBSTER &.CO., No. SEast fourteenth St., New York. , de23-2-irw male and Iremate Heln. WAN TED -IMMEDIATELY '4 FARM handset woodeboppers. 10 qnarrymen. SO cooks. S3 0 to S4 per week. 20 chambermaids, 4 dlstyrashcrs. S dlnlugroom girls, 100 house girls. woman coos: ana Housekeeper ior small notei. MEEHAN 'S, S43 Grant st. de23-D j. Situations. WANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED MA CHIN fST and foreman, a situation as fore man ot machine shop.Addresa J. D. S., Dispatch office. dezt-24 WANTED-POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER and typewriter by a man a years old: Are Tears' experience: can kitb reicrence. Address de24-33 . 8. G Dispatch offlce. WANTED SITU ATION BX AN EXPER IENCED .coachman (colored): speaks En glish and Fren.-h and thoroughly understands the care of fine horses; good reference. Address GEORGE, 2401 Penn ave., city. de25-93-wssn Partners. WANTED PARTNER A KABEroPPOR TUNITV: to invest (3,000 or 110,000 with or without services; In a large, well-established and verv profitable .mercantile business In this city. For particulars address LOCK BOX 779, Pitts burg. P. de22-17 XITANTED-ONE OR TWO GOOD PARTIES, VV active or otherwise, to take an interest In a fall running and rapidlr growing lumber busi ness in the cltr that has always made and Is now msklngraoney.and Is susceptible of Increased reve nue with additional capital and assistance. The arm stands high In commercial circles, and Is full of energy and enterprise, and possesses nbuna-in t means, and only proposes now to accept of addi tional capital, with tr without personal services. In order to meet the exnanslve character of the business. This Is a splendid opportunity to make an Investment that has everv element of safetv and nroflt. and offers ther nrivllere of becoming associated wlthgentlemen" of .integrity ana finan cial worth. Fuller, particulars will be disclosed only to principals and parties who mean business, by. our Mr. Drape, wnols' personally acquainted with the firm. Amount of capital wanted. 130,000. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 120 Fonrtb avenne, Pittsburg. deC5-2 tRobra. House. Etc. -ttt-anted-rooms, IUKNISHED OR TIN- Tf j uflflion i-i.f, ivr uuk uuuvcaecpmg. references exchanged. XE-B., Dispatch offlce. e2S-lS B.T-.I. .Mu,. V, ,.. k.l. .. . SlaaactaL w ANTED-SMALii MOK1GAGES-L J.WIL- 80N,-i&Jrourtnare. nozs-Z3 WANTED-MORTGAUS-S1.000,000TOLOAN In large and small, amounts at 4k, SandS per cent, free of State tax: no delay. BEED B. uurijca w., ui iranmie. mjn-uj WANTEDrrMORTGAGES IN LARGE OR small amounts on Jflttsburg. Allegheny or rahiirh&n lmnroved re; irorea real estate . at lowest rates. ALEXANDElsr&LEE.SiaWoodst. deZl-23-irws w ANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON MORT- GAGESJn amounts to suit.. In citv or conn- try, at 4 U to B per cent, as to security: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., OB Fourth aye. , . deS-14-MrwTP ttTanteii-to loan aoeo, ore. xa amounts VV of 18,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, .on ii percent, free of tax: also smaller am ounts at S and percent. BLACK & BA1ED, 85 Fonrtb avenue. seil-126-D "TTT-ANTKD-TO Oxs a)0,080 ON MOBT VV GAGES: 100. and upward at 6 per cent; 900,oeoat 4H per cent on residences or business property: also In adlolning counties. S. H. FRENCH, 123 Fourth arenue. oc2M-D ener .lleornen v and aali cent counties at e per cent. 1. st. PENNOCJC A curt, 1W J ounn avenue. P7-FU -TTTANTED-MOKTGAGK8-100,000 TO- LOAN VV on mortgages, in sums iromptu to IU,WV for S to s years on.city propertr. at very low ratesi wnteior lermaaoo kitb uesi J..E. GLASS, 1 Fifth ave. leicrlrjtlon of nronertv. Pm ' 1U.h.n. -ftj.. ,?M .vuvmb MV..ma -TTrANTED-HOUSEs. To BENT-WE ABE Y.V now enterlngappllcatlons from good tenant for houses in all parts of the two cities and sub urbs: our renting department Is under the direc tion of experienced and-systematlc management; all pronertles taken lit; hand . hare our personal care, looking to the lalerat of owners, as well aa the faMefaoMon and. jnrsanencr of, tenants; monthly and qaarterSr (tateaeats with remit tances re rewtsrea. tiXAKTiKH jsysuyss co, nvvass Tf WA!fTEB;'-Vf' Wanted-hortgAges ox crrr pbop EKTT. over tiOSS; 4 Ber cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., KFouta aveaue. Bb2-a23-D -TirANTED-1600 TO S5ee,030-TO LOAN ON VV mortgages, 4K, -5 and 6 percent. JAS. W. UBAt C db IU. I4tf J OUXta STB., rUUDOT7. XCIO phone No. en. dea-a-uws MUcefl XTANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT V V tbey can get the latest novelties In signs at PASTO BIDS A JACOBS', 411 Smithfield st. deS-KWT WANTED-HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICES paid for second-hand furniture, carpets and household goods of all kinds. 12U PENS AVE NUE. au26-23-MWr "VT7- ANTED ALL APPLICANTS FOR Vv liquor license to have their bonds properly executed berore THOS,. MCCAFFREY. Notary Public, 3509 Butler st. Telephone 5514. Offlce open evenings. dels-4-w WANTED-EVEHYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON, the leading photographer, of SS Fifth ave. and 43 Federal St., AlPy.. Is making a life size crayon portrait, beantlfnllr framed, and one dozen cab. photos, all for S3; all fine work. mhl3-3 WANTED BUYERS FOB HOLIDAY goods; special Inducements to cash buyers: diamonds, watches, silverware, clocks, etc; spectacles and eyeglasses accurately fitted at low est rates. J. M1TSCH, UT.Federal st. Allegheny. dels-Mwrsn WANTED FOE THE FOLLOWING JO days, anybody contemplating the purchase of Christmas guts to call and examine our great as sortmentofdlamoqds, watches. Jewelry, silver ware, clock and bronzes; oar goods are entirely new and consist of ail the latest novelties to be foundlnthe Eastern markets: Just think oflt; yon can bny a triple-plated sugar bowl, pickle castor, spoon holder, batter dish or cap at Si each at M. J. BMIT'S. Sit Smithfield St. deS-119 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Cltr Residence. FOR SALE WEBSTER AVE, NEAR FUL TON ST., 2-story brick dwellings rooms and storeroom: lot rnnnlng to Wilson St.; price $4, 000. 1 . G RE1LLY, 77 Diamond St. de&7 FOB SALE-LOCUST ST NEAR MAGEE, S story brick dwelling 7 rooms and finished attic, n. and a. gas; In good condition: lot 21x62. J. C. BEILLY, 77 Diamond St. de34-7 fTiORSALE-WYLLE AVE. NEAR DAVIS ST., A3 2-story and mansard brick dwelling 7 rooms, bath, laundry, etc, both gases: a neat and verv desirable home; lot 23x100. J. a BEILLY, 77 Diamond st. de24-67 FOR SALE WYLU5 AVE. NEAR KTJLTON. brick bouse, C rooms, ball, vestibule, both gases, slate mantels, Inside shutters.slde entrance: cheap If sold at once. J. R COOPER ACO.. 107 Fourth are. dc2S-19 FOR SALE-COLWELL ST., NEAR DIN WIDDIE, 2-story brick dwelling 6 room and attic; In good condition: both gases; price ,700; terms easy: lot 20x100 to alley. J. C. EILLY, 77 Diamond St. de24-57 FOR SALE FIFTH AVENUE NEARLY opposite Soho public school, 2-story and mansard frame dwelling: nearly new; 10 rooms; will rent so as to net 10 per cent; lot 25x100. J. C. BEILLY. 77 Diamond St. de24-S7 TjVOR 8ALE NO. 4515 CALVIN ST.. 8EVEN Jj TEENTH ward, new brltk dwelling, slate roof, 5 rooms, halt, vestibule and large finished attic: large stable on rear of lot: price. C. 500 at terms to suit. THOS. MCCAFF REV, 3509 Butler street. no22-31-ws FOR SALE-GRANT ST., CLOSE TO THE Cathedral, lot 79 ft. on Grant st. byJ17ft. to alley with 4 3-story brick buildings thereon: this without n donbt is one of the choicest pieces ot realty now on the market. J. C. BEILLY. 77 Diamond St. de24-67 T7OBSALE-WYLIEAVK.NEAB CONGRESS, X? 9,250. orlck house, 12 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath. Inside w. c, marble mantels, elegantly fin ished in every way; rents for poo: this Is a fine business property. J. R. COOPER CO.. 107 Fourth are. ' de25-19 FOR 8ALE-S10,50O-ON TAYLOR ST.. SEC TEENTH ward, at terms to suit: let 43x137 feet, corner property. 5 almost new brick dwell ings in first-class repair, now renting for SU00S per annnm; will net over S per cent. THOS. MCCAF FREY, 3509 Butler St. de!4-14-WSSu FOR SALE-ON MAIN. NEAR DAVISON ST., Seventeenth ward, at a sacrifice, as owner la leaving the city, a new 8-room brick dwelling, with modern' conveniences; lot 23x100; price $4,500: aU or half cash, bal-to suit; eost over $5,000. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler street. noIg-80-wssu FORSALE-S5.600-NO.1 INVESTMENT-NO. 310 Cedar st; lot 40x125; one frame house and 3 almost new.brlck dwellings In No. 1 repair; the whole will rent for S720: olentv of room to build 3 "more house; Mpr&cnsh. bal. to salt: street and anerpavea. xiius. jacuusiu.!, & easier st. dc8-144-wsa FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE-BARGAINS IN houses and lots for homes and Investments: over 1,000 properties to select from: now Is the time to bny; real estate la the best security In the country, and the safest place to pnt your money. Before buying be sure to call on THUS. MCCAF FREY, 3509 Butler st. Office open evenings. Telephone 5514. deS-US-wssu FOR SALE-?S,500-TWO BRICK HOUSES, one short square from Wylie ave. t these houses are two-story, with finished attics and six rooms: halL laundrr. bath, inside w-c. hot and cold Jwater throughout: electric bells: these houses are .almost new. and. a great bargain: this property wii i pay a per cent net on :oe investment, aao NETT i CHAPLIN , Ho. 101 Fourth ave de22-3S Eut End Residence. FOR SALE-PENN. AVE NEAR WINEB1D DLK brick house 6 rooms and attic hall, ves tibule, bath, h, and" c water, both gases, slate mantels, front and side porches: lotSoxllu; price low. J. E. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. . deSJ-i9 FOR SALE-THERE ABE TEN VERY DE SIRABLE houses now In coarse of construc tion on Oakland square; to be finished complete ready for- occupancy by April 1: five of tbese houses are already sold, leaving five still available to buyers; prices, 7,500, M.00Uand 10,000, accord ing to slzo and location; lots vary in size from 30x 100 to 92x160: Atwood St., now paved with asphalt from Filth ave. to Oakland square, and traction road being laid. Apply to SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. dett-4 Alleoheny Residences. FOB SALE-A HANDSOME RESIDENCE almostnew.wtth corner lot. on the parks. Alle gheny; most desirable location and particularly fine residence: replete throughout with all modern requisites and In elegant condition; would take a smaller property In exchange as part payment and allow long time on cash difference. JAS. W.M1RAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. de25-2 Suburban Residence. po a BAT.T--AT W1LK1NSBUKG.NEW FRAME house of a rooms, lot '1x163: five minutes from station: terms S2;5O0:Si,60O down, balance 3 years; greatest bargain in tvuamsourg to-oay. r. js. HAMNETT, 401 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, aud Wllklnsburg, Pa. de25-88 OB SALE IN SEWICKLEY, ON TERMS of S500 cash and S500 per year: very centrally and desirably located, but one block from station In an excellent neighborhood, a 10-room brick dwelling with modern conveniences: fine level lot 47x203 feet; In lawn and fruit; do not renew your lease nntll this fine Investment in residence prop erty has been examined. A. W. ADAIR, Boom 814 Penn B'ld'ng. Penn ave. fieStl FOR SALE LOTS. East End Lot. F IOR SALE-LOTS ON ATWOOD ST., THE finest iota in uakiana. uaiu Hi & uiiAr- LIN. 101 Fourth are. aes-w FOR SALE-BBUSHTON LOTS. ADJOINING. Bank of Commerce addition. Send or call for pun. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt-,5l2Sralthfleld St. de22-49-XWS FOE SALE-MUST BE SOLD PROMPTLY; lot about sort, front on Negleyave., E. ., an elegant location for flno residence. GEO. T. MCCONNELL, Forty-third and Butler sts. ' deI44-WS FOR SALE THE CHOICEST BESIDENCE propertr in the city 1 the Baum Grove plan. East End: asphaltum streets 60 feet wide; wide flagstone sidewalks, with crass plats and build ing restrictions, making this grove the finest In the market. MELLON BROS.. East End, or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smithfield St. ' deK-46-wsu Seburban Lota. TTIOR 8 ALE-ONLY 4 OF THOSE DESIRABLE JO lot left In the Patterson plan: secure one be fore they are all gone; easy payments. J. B. MURPHY, office opposite R. R. station, Crafton, jja. de2S-100 Fartaa. FOR SALE-FARM' 250 ACRES. VERY BEST Improvements: finest grain, stock and fruit Jlace In Westmoreland Co. ; IX miles from station: 15,000. ED. WITTISB.410 Grant St.. Pittsburg. deil-D Miscellnneoaa. XnOR SALE-4.000 ACBE3 HEAVY TIMBEB A' Cameron county, lane, Phlla. T. LIVEZEY. Allen' delS-W-w TTIOR SALE-A LOT IN ALLEGHENY CEM X? ETERY. at a bargain: choice location. JAM ISON & DICKIE 8 Fourth ave. de22-2S-MWr FOR SALE BUSINESS. Eaalnea Chance. l SALE-GOOD E1SH AND OYSTER depot, grocery stores, SS50 to S10.0O0: cigar stores, (360 to SI, 800: light business clearing S75 weekly; drugstores, country stores, ooaroing bouses, milk routes, confectioneries, bakeries and other good business chances. UHEPABD A CO.. M Filth ave. deS TJTOR SALE AN INTEREST IN A WEL JU established store, house furnishing and builders' hardware business In the city: a good man. who can furnish as, 000 and come well recom mended and proveeorapetent to take charge of the books and omce work, will be liberally dealt with; this 1 a good opening: the business Is prosperous and growing. JAS.W. DBAPE A CO., 129 Foortn avenue, Pittsburg. de2&-2 FORSALEALIVEBY AND UNDERTAKING business, horses, carriages, buggies, wagons, hearses, with all necessary outfit, etc., in one of the most active manufacturing towns on line of railroad in the county; a splendid opportunity for a man who understand the bulne; the present proprietor has made a sang fortune: particulars to prlaelBabi and name who are able to purchase wtBb4Mra1bed atoacoslce. JAS. "VV. DBAPE AW.sWreartsaveal'Utibvff. 4H-2 FB gALE-OTSISSSe. iea Cfemeew. TPOKSALE A WKLL-KQDD?PEDLiyEKT9 JP stable, doing good business, la the best loca-- tlon In tne city : present proprietor siek Is his rea son for selling: If sold soon bargain can be se cured. Address L.x.idoojnw "j3t.5,r MeadvUIe, fa. "'-'-- T710B SALE-GRAND OPPOBTUNITY FOR A one or two active men- wKuwiuwwiv."- stepl Into a paying wholesale produce eommtsalort. syj business, profits tblsyearwm reaen siuiju: owner -j .M..Vi..4h.m,trnMirMifln rnrieillnsr. Ad- dres F. a DICKSON, 140 Monterer St., Alle- t-henv. delo-MJrx- gbenr. TTOR SALE-OB TO LET-A MANUFACTUB- :'3 :Tir -FiTiI?. si. ..,lti shanr rlllsi i?. tli shops, foundrrand pattern ihops, warehoiwea etc.: buUdinzs trick, frame ana iron, m jcwo, oiaer: two train oi xoiu. eosioo, i,i.,.,.,: - , - .. . I...... tln.M flrfll nrMUL . shiftlnar, culleys. etc.; will suit for almost any; kind of manufactnrlnsr: best advantagesr natural--J gas, railroad and river at works. For term ana. inn particulars cau or aaarcw a s. iav GONER, No. 1 Carson street, Pittsburg. de24-u-ws TTIOB SALE-A FINE BUSINESS PB0PEETY3 JL at S55oper rront root; tne nest property loiji the price in the business center of Allegheny. J CHARLES SOMEBS & CO., 313 Wood St. deSt-Si FOB SALE-FORTY-THIED BETWEEN BUT-i. LER and North. 2-story brick dwelling anda storeroom. 9 rooms, hall, batb. both gases; also lar rear on Forty-seeond st, honse 4 room andg finished attic: this la a first-class lnrestment; lot 40x130. J. R. COOPER i CO., M7 Fourth ave. vJ de25-!9- ' -T7KJK SALE MACHINE SHOP AND FOUN- . JD DRY. The controlling Interest In a first-'-; class machine shop and foundry business In one of the best and most rapldly-erowlng manufactnrrl ing towns on line ox raiiroaa.ua vnjtr airecuysas the orreat natural s-aa .reelon: to anv one who nn drstnd th hnslniiist thla la a rare orjeniOfiri-?n Particulars from JAS. W DRAPE Jfc CO.129r-3 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. aeO-Z 3 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. -, DTorM-s. Vehicle. IAvo Stock, etce. ? ' 1 170RSALE-PAIE MATCHED HORSES: WESTl l- ouggyauaverynne aoaoie narnes to ex change lor cheap building lot. Address X. E. K., Dispatch office- de2.vis . TTIOR SALE-ONE BROWN HORSE. ONESET'f- J.- of harness, one Sprael leather top cart. only,. -Ci two -week old. one nonv and eart. To be sold at '.!"A a bargain at RED LION STABLES. Inquire lm-w-ii mediately, as party wants to leave the eltr. - t ',, -rf! deS1-' jg3 T710R BALE-VEBY CHEAP-SMALL HORSE A3 soluble for lliht work: verrirenileralsdoe-f -" tor's baggy and harness, separate or togethert. - -3 BioV. CUtUt? Aa4aV UUUCi WlUUiUCi SW IV II Us - ' ALLEGHENY AVENUE, near Rebecca street, v. Auegneny. . aea-ar. Machinery and Metal. , FOB SALE ENGINES AND BOILERS NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. ' PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACHlNECO..LIM. below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aul0-23a F)E SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND' boilers: aUslzesand styles ta stock,-from 4to -100 h. p. tall refitted:good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines. 8 to 23 h. p.; boners au sizes' ' and styles. J.S.YOUNG,23Park way.AUegheny.r . Pa. OC25-80-D POR SALE-HOISTING ENGINES. NEWf and second band;wlre andrnanllla rope,der-' -rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and cars, clay and ' ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky' sts.. Allearhenv. au5-17-irw c - TO LET. Allrxheny Residences. mo LET-BRICK DWELLING. WASHINGTON" fj provements. Inquire BOOM 203, Blssell Block. . de4-08-MWTSU. , Aratments. mO LET-ON PENN AVENUE; EAST END, JL two famished rooms. In a new brick house, with cable road In front. Inquire of JAMISON & DICKIE, 98 Fourth ave. deS-29-MWT Offices. Desk Boom, die mo LET-LAKGE OFFICE-INQUIRE BOOiT X 208, Blssell Block- de4-8-xwrsa mO LET-S300 PEK YEAB-A LARGE, WELL-'' JL LiluatHAf omce witn au moaern conven iences; newly painted and papered; has two large closet for storage room. Inquire at GERMAN LA SAVINGS BANK. 423 Wood; st nol3-3I-D PERSONAL. TjlEBSONAL-NEW BOOKS-HUNDBEDS OS' JL new oooks, niceiy oounaincioto gut, stac. ,?m eacn: many una doth la urKso, Diauiaa; coujojH and see them. LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, Liberty!' St., near Ninth. nc3B PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY BE-., TURNED; recently they bad not been on the. i best or terms owing to a little family lar occa sioned by the wife Insisting on being allowed to' ' renovate, Ela' wearing appareL and which, ot.. course, was done in a bungling manner; In, order? to Tire-rent the tronble thev agreed to- send all tbeirwork, hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, SS .,;; JJrltljiJl TC. (VJliCt 1TWU ! ICl,UUU uuvt.auw-if vnv awaw4thl , ia I ArvramliBr atiff jh jA aisnat S1 t1natfl V . aain reigns la their hoasehold. Ttlcpaone 134.,1 LOST. T OST-HKYR TEKKIKK AKSWEK BY THE ,- uaiuc Ut J"P liircii lonum as itvuiucu J. 47 ALPINE AVE.. Allegheny. ' deS-BS i T ELECTIONS. -"' . .. .i - i . - ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANK. I '. PlTTSBimGjPA-December 13, 1SS9,' J -TnLECTION-THfe ELECTION FOR .DI- , ri RECTORS of this bank for the ensuinc year will be held at the banking house. No. 45 Fifth avenue, on TUESDAY, January I4,I9Q,f between the hours of 11 A. M. and 12 n. deliO-B F.C. HUTCHINSON. Cashier. FlBSTNATTONAI.BAinC,PlTTSBtrBO. PA. k'i ""!!" .JSXS'rS'it"VSSSt '.I TnLECXton lius aimxnuaij rjjuu; f I'i oi nine airectors ior tnis cans, to serve ; inr the ensuine year. will be held at the Bankine' Honse. corner Wood st. and Fifth avenue,,, ya UJMUn.l, rfauuatjr 11, law, tra.nwu .uqp- honrs nt 11 A. St. and 1 o'clock P.M. - del31-r J. D. SCULLY.- ?i$ ifkl AUCTION SALES. -&j D BY GOODS AT AUCTION. Big sale of elegant dress goods stni golne oris at the rooms. No. 311 Market street; everyj-J morning, afternoon and evening. Ladies specially invited. Every piece a great big bargain. The one opportunity of your life? to buy cheap. Positively no reserve on any-a thing. de2S-2I HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. a x auiiyii ,.. FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 27. tfjfl AT 10 O'CLOCK, AT THE ROOMS, NO. 3U MARKET STREET. Fine walnut and oak chamber suits, chaval -mirrors, secretaries, cabinets, mantel glasses chiffoniers, dressing cases, wardrobes, bed-j trl hnran waahatanda. hrnsaels and Incraln eameta. linoleum, mats, rjictnres. mat-. S t.AM.a vnrintrti two Aal SIMTIM. elepant dretas-b c- goods, desks, fancy rockers, tnU line of final parlor suits, center tables, folding beds, side-, boards, dishes, extension tables, leather chairs, book cases, toiletware, lamps, clocks, etc etc.) HENRY AUCTION CO..LIM., -f de25-25 Auctioneers... ' Drptiana' Cnurt Bale; Elegant Business Propertyjj Adjoining the Dollar Bank on Fourth avenue. LOT 45XSD t k., M j At auction on the premises TUESDAY, Jaa; 7,1 IBM, at, 11. O'CIOCE A. 3L. Vnr f nil narticnbira sea W. A. HERRON & SONS. ' SB delS-32--W3 No. 80 Fourth avennaTj Grand Closing Out Sales , w tittt, rtti . in nnrntf RRprdleas of cost, balance of our Sixth street retail stock left over. Lace Curtains, Portieres!; and Upholstery Goods- in general. Also-a very: fine line of odds and ends in painted and em broidered Silk and Plush Goods, from one wholesale department. Sale commences! Wednesday, December 18, at 2 P.JL,andwlUl continue until au is aisposea or. H. Holtzman & Sons, 514 WOOD ST.. BET. FIFTH AVENUE AND! VIRGIN ALLEY. del7-S4 ClUITABLE HOLIDAY GD7TS Li kinds of .birds and pet' animals. parroa.w -mi.,ti and .vr,1f v (rnlrt flili anrl ltt.in.Mil fK-- ".. 4........J. fw. uwm ..u.. H4M.O.M seea ana gravel ior oirast cue aogs, otrasanai animais mountea to oraer at,Jv3fiut' birdi si uttt, ew amitnnem sl, near tjeventb. ave-K aei-2D-wsu PIANOh, nUU 1 IHfiUUOt Wiv OAUaftlA aVUaVVJi USnss)i A Ka tl maaaAB a tklaivatittt TtwteHia.aiaaJi HAMILTON'S, del0-D . Fifth avenue. 1BD ypnmarriedT Unot,sendyouraddreasta jyyi THE AMERICAN CORBESPONDINOl vJbu;soio,LiarxaBurj, ry.va.a A- ' .- M )k'. -...".. 'i&