fp " MERRY CHRISTMAS I THE DlSPATClT tenders th mm nil. HAMFT MIW THARf'"'' "Watch rornew features early in HBO. The Dispatch proposes to keep pace with tea citTs Droare.. and Its patrons V meats of tbe season to Jt t?i nf thnn. T "JSV "i" ' , a. I sandpit will continue to give all the news eTery day In the week. will bo gainers thereby. j FORTY-rOBHTH TEAS. PITTSBUKG, "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER'. 25, 1889. 1iiWRBxt. OEDFTS p& PPW WX b f ' " JSsL 4 -A. ' !-: z ' I' Y IK SharpsYille, the Heart of a . Most Prolific Yalley of TOMAGE ON A SHIP CANAL. Enormous Fields of the Famo.us .Biiaron uiocjcwai mere AKD.FUE5ACESF0E LOTS OF ORE. Qoaint Eemindere of a By-Gone Time When .. - the Canal Ruled. RICHER PROMISE iihe "TWfc j 'iRS?x&?j f m it' I ?? WHAT PROJECTOR GOODWIN HAS 10 SAE tjrEe nost interesting and important of thVship canal letters appears this morning. V"hile there remains a portion of the Beaver f ' JiYalley yet to cover, this digression to a still 3. mere prolific section, a little further up, for j.' a single issue, trill add both variety and ln- - i-'- terest to the series in this canvas of the several valleys to be benefited by the great anew project The wonderful geological re- . sources of the. Sharpsville region, as -well itas its present great industrial activity, p promise a rare development under the stimulus of real competitive transportation. , -" rwtoat OUB SPECIAL COXICISSIOXTS. Shabpsville, Pa., December 24. This jtown was one of the most important on the J line of the old canal, as it will be on the ijnew ship canal, if the latter is ever bnilt. jilt was just below this town that the canal on its way from Erie to Beaver made con nection with the slackwater of the Shenan- . 'go river. The dam in the Shenango still remains, and the.slackwater is utilized for running little pleasure steamers up to Trout Island, but for nothing else. Trout Island is a veil-known summer resort, about three miles up the Shenango. The old lock still remains, also a monu ment to departed greatness and a testimonial to the honesty of those days. There is not ithe slightest evidence of decay in the stone work. Even the chisel marks can still tie 'leeen on it. .A MIGHTY THICK VEIN.' . The material was the Connoquenessing sandstone, of which there were, and still are, immense quarries from a mile to a mile and ahalf back of the line of the old canal. At 1 Bidge quarry the stone is SO feet thick Without c break. " "iBut, while the stone in the lock is as sound as the day it was laid, the hand of time has rested heavily upon the woodwork of the old gates. The gates are still there, closed as thev were when the canal was finally abandoned; but the ppsts are rotted and seem ready to crumble away at a touch; tne neavy iron doiis and bands are wasting away, in fust, and onlrthe tough oak boards seenrtoTiave defied tlmertlde and con tumely. " HISTORIC OLD CKAJT. "Within the lock above the upper gate lies sunken the remains of one of the old it" -.See , canal boats, whose name even has been for- i, .gotten. On the other side of the Shenango, half hidden among the trees on the bank, can-be seen the rotting ribs of another vessel, ; which was so noted in its time that its name ; is still preserved. It was the Kindoshawa, f ' and was so called for an Indian chief who, " .tradition says, once lived on the banks ot the Shenango. It will soon pass into greater oblivion than did the aborigine whose name 2 : it for a time recalled. - But if the greatness of the canal has de- 'parted, that of Sharpsville has not Long ago'Sharpsville had blast furnaces for the production of pig metal from the iron ores of this section of the country by the use of charcoal. The first lot of Lake Snperior ore smelted in a blast fornace anywhere was a canal boat load of aboht 70 tons, which was smelted in the old Sharpsville furnace in 1853. THE 6HASOK BLOCK COAX. The fuel used, however, was dot char coal, but the Sharon block coal, which had been in Ube instead of charcoal since 1845. Sharpsville, therefore, has the honor of in- p " troducing the Lake Superior ores into the Shenango and Mahoning valleys. H The statistics of the shipment of coal from . ' Bharpsville by canal and by rail give a good '.- ' ;4idea of the gradual decadence of the old v- - The Erie and Pittsburg Bailroad was com ' V ' .pleted to Sharpsville in 186L The Sharps f '.' v "ville railroad, then known as the Sharps- a "ville and Oakland Bailroad, was Duiltinto ' " T;i'l5barpsville jn the same year. The Erie ex p - -tension canal was opened for public use in -" 1845. In the period from 1845 to 1864 con g -aiderable quantities of block coal were j shipped from the vicinity of Sharps vile to aS.' Erie harbor by the canal. Beaching Chi Yfk 'cago from Erie, this coal received, at Chi Vfr v caco, the name of "Erie" coal ; and is known ?. -there bv that name at the nresent time At ?;.-; ''jBuflalo it was known as "Keel Bidee" Ait $" V, y i IT TVAS -BTtLI, MAINTAINED. -yr jor Mjiue juut seasons alter tne opening rpr tbe Jrie and Mttsbnrg Bailroad to 'sharpsville the canal was maintained in -3(good condition. The railroad, however, af ' '; fording facilities for shipments in winter as ':fi: well as dnring the season of canal naviga- ' t!on, from the start carried more coal per , 'yea fnm Snarpsville than did the canal. rSeeubjoined table shows the disposition - -.iofJBie coal mined on the line of the Sharps "" vllle Bailroad in each of the several years i specified: 5TXMU Del'dtoE.P. Jt. K. Tona coal. Del'd. to Canal. Tons cosl. Used at Bharpsvllle lnrnacea. Tons coal. rlec;3l 1WS ii8sr; asffi, JSW 3S7i ;iS72 . 8S.1 108.S43 1S7.S S3a,T4B 2M,9C as, sos 172,123 216,031 39,101 W.2SS 33.689 1S.SS 7.S3S X347 none none 13.8C4 13.473 18. SiC CS.T7J S2.1SJ 75,667 78. SO 81,896 ,-ilKS -Beside the above deliveries to the "Erie fndPittsbnrg J-oad the deliveries of nut oal and slack to that road in the years 870, 11, "li and 73 aggregated about 60, 00. tons. ,.- As shown by the table the decay of the canal commenced in 1868. In 1871 the oifinal shipments of coal from Sharpsville by ' canal were made. In 1873 the canal prac- 3 ticauy weuk ouiui cxiBKun, "A WOSDERFiri, OUTPUT. 1 During the period irom July 1, 1865, to fp:- 'the present time the block-coal mines on the gfellne of the Sharpsville Bailroad have produced something more .than 3,600,000 tons of coal, of which the furnaces in and' near Sharpsville have consumed about 1,000,000 tons, while shipments abroad, through the territory between Rochester in the East and Chicago in the "West, have ag gregated about 2,360,000 tons. In 1873, when the consumption of block coal at Sharpsville, and in that vicinity, was 91,896 tons, the demand for this coal, for furnace.-fuel, reached its maximum. Thereafter coke gradually, and finally en tirely, took thtf Wace of this raw fuel. At the present time there are but two block coal mines in operation on the line of the Sharpsville Bailroad. Of these, the one most recently opened is about one mile further away from Sharpsville than any before op erated; yet it is not more than 1U miles from Sharpsvillerto this mine by the quite devions route of the railroad, ana all of the aforesaid 3,500,000 tons of 'block" coal have been mined within a territory represented by a strip abont one mile in width by about nine miles in length, in which the coal oc curred (as this coal always docs J in "poc eta." A PBOJECIOB TAXES. Mr. J. M. Goodwin, of the Canal Com mission, from whom most of these statistics were obtained, says: "There are perfectly reasonable grounds for believing that this coal exists, in ample quantity, in territory readily accessible by the Sharpsville Bailroad, and that upon the opening of' a ship canal along the She nango Yalley, affording improved facili ties for getting the coals of Mercer and Butler counties to market, new developments of coal will be made. But, with an output of 'block' as great as that of 1871. in which year the Sharpsville Bailroad carried to Sharpsville 355,613 tons of that coal, this output will aDDear small in comparison with the aggregate coal ton-i nage irom .mercer and Uutler counties, which will seek such a canal. Mines in the excellent steam coals found in those coun ties, respectively, have now an aggregate output capacity of considerably more than 4,000 tons per diem, but at present can mar ket but abont 2,350 tons per working day, or abont 735,000 tons peryear. "Mercer and Butler counties together would send to the ship canal fully 3,000 tons of coal per diem, throughout the season of navigation." THE BIGGEST INDUSTRIES. There are now in Sharpsville six iron furuacs companies, viz: The Sharpsville, the "Wheeler, the Claire, the Spearman Iron Company, Pierce, Kelly & Co., and Per kins & Co. The three last named com panies have two stacks each, making a total of nine stacks. Just outside the borough limits is another furnace, owned by Hall & Co. The capital invested in blast furnacea in the borough considerably exceeds fii . 000,000. One or the other of the "twin" stacks is always out of blast. The others consume annually 256,320 tons of coke, 102,960 tons of limestone, and 6,480 tons of sand a total of 733,478 tons. The product amounts to 232697 net tons of pig .metal per year. The entire tonnage of rail freights arising from the fnrnace business of Sharpsville is, with out going into further details, 1,069,178 tons, equal to 53,677 car-loads of 18 tons each, or 147 cars for every day in the year. The total railroad tonnage, exclusive of that arising from the Heeds of a town of about 2,500 inhabitants, is about 1,125,000 tons per year. To do this carrying there are four railroads, the Erie and .Pittsburg, ibe Sharpsville, the New York, Pennsvlvania and Ohio, and the Lake Shore and -Michigan Southern. THEY WOULD -WELCOME IT. Taking these facts into consideration, it is, therefore, evident that a ship canal Sharpsville. In fact, they are unanimously in favor of the project.. They are also nnan- imous in saying mat tne Government should I nuna it, nntinat -tennsyirania should aid li-ania with a bir-aDDroDritiolS5TrriTntlrT:n 1 jut. jrierceoj jt-er5e,Jk.eijy. VJO.. wno Is largely interested in'coal'as-weiras the blast furnace business, even goes so far as-to say that the Slate should -provide the rights of ""ay. C ,T. DA-svsoir. r -r. r -r' V W " ii - V A MEKCHAKTS FIANCEE Elopes Wllh the Dahlnr Yoone Son of a DfUsoari Consreanaino. Kansas Cut, December 24. A tele gram from St Joseph .announces the elope ment and marriage of Miss' Lilly Beed, a prominent young society lady of that citv, and Arthur Harlett, of Wellaville, Mo., son of Congressman Harlett The young couple started out Sunday evening for a buggy ride and were not heard or until this morning, when the young lady's parents re ceived a telephone message from Leaven worth stating that they had been married. Miss Beed was engaged to be married to a prominent wholesale drygoods man of St. Joseph, and her runaway .marriage has caused general surprise. PODE PERSONS GO TO THE BOTTOM. A Sailor Who Was in tbe Samoa Disaster Drowned Off Cnlifbrni . Vallejo, CaL, December 24. A boat containing eight sailors from .the United States Pish Commission steamer Albatross and a crippled newsboy left the Albatross at Mare Island navy yard last night and started for Tallcjo. The night was dark and the tide running strong, and the boat upset when near the United States steamer Thetis. A boat was lowered from the Thetis and five men were rescued. John Enricht, a sailor who was on the Trenton at Samoa; Padgett, -machinist; W. W. Lee, colored, and the. newsboy were drowned. None of bodies have been recovered. B0IALTI SETS-AS EXAMPLE Of Calmness la an Opera House Panic at tbe Spanish Capital. Madrid, December 24. During the per formance afMhe Opera House this evening an accident to the electric light machinery caused a panic, a cry of iire having' been raised. By the efforts of the actors and manager the alarm was checked and the audience dispersed quietly. The Queen Eegenf and the Infanta Isabel, who were in the royal box, remained standing during the commotion, and were the last to leave the house. EEAL EI0TS AT KI0. The First Reports of Trouble la UrazII Have Been Confirmed. Buenos Asses, Argentine, Decem ber 24. Private telegrams from Montevideo received by persons here confirm the news of recent disorder and riots in Brazil. They also state that the situation of the present Brazilian Government is critical. The Choice of Senator Quay. rsrzxxAt. tklsosax lo'int xhsfatcim Washington, Pa.. December 24. E. P. Acheson, who has just returner! from Washington, says Senator Quay is favor able to the appointment of W. H. Under wood as postmaster at this place. The ta.ll- about Quay opposing Underwood 'because the latter is a friend of Acheson, and Ache son a friend of Magee's, is regarded as ab surd. A Case of Mystcrlon Disappearance. Kansas Citz, Decesaber 24. Walter Lawrence Austin, the young man who m'vneriously disappeared from his home -in New York, about three weeks ago, is under arrest at Cottonwood Palls,' Ka., 'charged with ioree stealing.- -- MISS .j A Fewfof the Substantial and Costly Gifts Laid at Her Feet v .' .-i'j Till' i"'i ev l- "c .l Vti t' . - ii . ... CABINET LADIES ANGBY. AN ACT OF MRS, HARRISON STIRS UP A HORNET'S NEST. Her Daaahter Given Precedence of All Other in tbe Official ProgrnmmeforNew Yenr Day Secretaries Wives Wander What Will be Ibe Next Affront. rsrzcuii telegram to toe dispatcu.i Washington, "December 24. Mrs. Blaine entertained to-day at, luncheon the ladies of .the Cabinet, there being present Mm Morlbnr;Mrs;,McHee,;!'Mrs.. Wihdam Mrs. Tracyj 'Mrs. Wilmerding, Mrs. Hoble Mrs. Miller, wife 61 the Attorney General, and Mrs. Busk. During the lunch theKew Year's Day programme for the Cabinet Min isters' homes was discussed. At this lunch nothing was said.about the action of Mrs. Harrison in assigning to her danchter, Mrs. McKee. the first place in the receivincr line on H ew Year's Day, but the new departure in the etiquette of official society has raised a veritable hornet's nest" among the wives of all the cabinet members. It had not been expected that the Presi dent's wife would appear at the New Year's reception, owing to the death of her sister, but the impression prevailed in official circles that the Vice President's wife would take Mrs. Harrison's place in the line, and take precedence) of course, over the ladles of the Cabinet, all of whom are asked to assist UBS. m'kee has fibst place. The official programme gives the first place to Mrs. McKee, the President's daughter, and who, the women declare, has no official rank whatever. The wife takes the rank ol her husband always. Mr. McKee is not in official life, and therefore, they say, Mrs. McKee has not official status. Were she the unmarried daughter of the President she could, with much more -propriety f represent the wife of the President on official occasions. This question came up at the outset of President Cleveland's administration, when Miss Katharine Bayard "was given the first place in the line at one of the official recep tions at the White House, though Miss Bayard was something, of an invalid at the time. It was. after much discussion, deter mined that during Mrs. Bayard's life, her Slaee at the White House could not be filled y her daughter. After the death of Mrs. Bayard, Miss Anna Bayard, then the recog nized head of her father's house at once and by right took precedence over all others in the Cabinet. BPjECIMEN feminine aeouments. As the Presidental succession is direct from the Vice President into 'the" Cabinet, the Secretary of Statejieing but ".one step removed irom the throne," it can be imag ined how mighty a thing becomes the order of precedence. That Mrs. McKee should precede the wife of the Vice President and wives of Cabiqet officers, is no trifling cause lor alarm. If this is the beginning what will be the end? If Mrs. McKee takes pre cendenceon New Year's Day, why not at the state dinners also, and on other official occasions? If the Vice President's wife. too. makes her own little court, are the wives of the Cabinet officers to be ranked by the wife of a private citizen? What, indeed, is to be the outcome of the present situation? In the meantime talk is going on, heads are very erect, and altogether there is an undercurrent ot deep feeling that promises to reach the tidal wave overflow- by New Year's Day. JIOBE reasons fob gbumblinq. Another new departure in the official programme, which causes almost as much comment, is tbe giving of precedence to the Justices of the Supreme Court of the Dis trict of Columbia over the Senators and Bepresentativesin Congress, and admitting them, with their legal brethren, the Justices ottne united states bunreme Uourt dnrino the first half hour of the reception, which is the most brilliant portion of the day. The Congressmen and their wives do not accept tbe new departure gracefully and the ladies especially are doing a larger amount- of grumbling. BOULAKGEE IN GKEAT LUCE. A Woman Will Devote a Fortune of S1.500 886 to HIa Cause. Paris, December 24. Madame Bonne main, an enthusiastic supporter of General Bonlanger, has just inherited.$l,500,000, the balkvof which she will- devote to the Gen eral's cause. , t -' - ' ' ' ; ' - A' j . i . . 'PITTSBURGH anu x-iueraacy omcc AMIELIONAIEE'SEUSE. He Becomes n Day laborer and Works Two Days In His Own.Minc, Thereby Se- cnrlsg- Possession of Tnlna bio Property. rSTXCIAL TELZOEAJI TO THE SISTATCS. Canadaigua, N. Y., December24. W. H. Smith, a millionaire mine operator, has a claim against the Betsot Salt Company, of York, Livingstone county, for two days'' work as a common. 'laborer in the company's salt minejit ?1 30 per day.- Smith applied for work, at the SaperinteBdent'azoiSce tbe. It?" j J-j ' 'l-jr-l- t.: ?;. tL .omer.uay uvwjn avak udwq ibb saait wita tag miners, o.b worsea two .aays, 8na oa the morning of the third. requested a day off on account of sickness. It was granted, and the miner hired a rig and took a ride for his health to the home of a farmer, S. H. Gray, who owned land supposed to be rich in salt deposits. He introduced himself to Mr. Gray as an employe of tbe JBetsof Mining Company, ' ana asked him what he would- take for his 400-acre farm; Gray had been negotiating with the Betsof Company for some time, and there had been a difference of only a few dollars per acre between them. He had abont made up his mind to complete the deal before Smith arrived, so he answered promptly, "$80,000." Smith accepted the terms at once, and drew $10,000 from an in side pocket which he handed over to bind the bargain. Tbe deal completed Mr. Smith returned to the .mine and resumed work. Dnring the afternoon of the same dav, when Mr. Gray met the Superintendent of the Betsof mine, he said: "Well, I gave in at last and closed with your man to-day for $200 per acre." The superintendent soon found that no officer of the Betsof Company had done anv such thing, and a lively investigation fol lowed. All the men were called' together, and Gray pointed out, Smith as theman who had bought the farm. When asked who he bought the farm for he replied that it was for himsel He was promptly discharged, and when he presented a bill for his two days' work payment was refused. Smith is from Pennsylvania, and is largely inter ested in coal,, gas and oil lands. Here it is believed that his scheme has. secured for him the cream of western New York salt lands. RUBBER STILL ADVANCING. The Act of ibe Para Government Brines up Prices S Per Cent. ESPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUB BIBrATOB.1 New Yo'ek, December 54. Mr. Charles B. Plint received to-day -a cable dispatch from the Companfa: Mercantil, the company in whose favor the provisional Government of Brazil recently granted, a "special conces sion" in the snape of a tax upon all rubber for export, adyisinga decline in exchange of cents, and an adrance in the price of rub ber oflOO reir, nearly 5 per cent The stock on sale was said to be 75 tons and the market very strong. Mr. Plint said that the receipts of rubber in Para since December 1, amounted ia all to 950 tons, being 40 per cent less than the average receipts of the, previous three years .for the same time. The decline Jn Brazilian exchange brings it' to 253 pence. The par value of a Brazilian mil reis is 27 English pence, and the decline to 25K i a decline of 1) pence in a week's time. Mr. Plint received later the following cable from- Para: "Bubbe'r market strong and advancing; stock for sale, 20 tons; ex change 254 pence; demoralization of ex change," BURNING C0EN FOE FUEL. The Formers la NorUweatern Kansas Havo No Olber Uo for It. Topeka, Kan., December 24. A State official, who returned from a trip through out Northwestern Kansas, says that thousands of bushels of corn are being burned for fuel. In some counties the price of corn is less than 15 cents per bushel, while coal is from 25 to 35 cents per bushel. The corn makes, an excellent fuel. The corn crop is immense. In all the principal corn-producing counties it is stacked up in great racks without protection of any sort, it having been impossible for the last 30 days to obtain cars to move it in. The railroads.have been nnable to supply the extraordinary ssmm et transportation. Every rallroad.fc short turn to 8,090 cars. - :. MERRY CHRISTMAS. paijta viaus iasc vanea. " - . TONY BOSTON EATS. The Hub Stocked at the Xscapadra of a Rodents' Club, with Noted Members Its Meetings la an Old Warehouse. tSrECIAL TKLEOBAK TO TUX DISri.TCH.1 .Boston, December 24. Bostons ans- tocratic 400 are holding, up their hands in holy horror over the escapades of sundry dignified members, whose names are sup posed, to be4 synonymous with sobriety and propriety. It leaked out to-day that sev eral of. the distinguished bluebloods'have 'eenholdlhg meetings' In' a loTf oh India wharf and that they were banded together, under the dignified title of "India Wharf Bats," to have a good time in a manner that would not "be allowed in the tony Som erset street Botolphian and Puritan clubs, of which the gentlemen were members. The skipper and crew.of the "Bats Club" are no fiction. They are solid fact They are solid financially, socially and politic ally. They wear white linen caps and white linen aprons at their symposiums, but they are nevertheless .solid. It is a fact that the Hon. William Eustis Bussell, ex Mayor of Cambridge and ex-candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, wears a white linen cap and a white linen apron super scribed "Bats," at every Bats' Club dinner that he attends. The skipper is the Hon. Sigourney Butler. Next to the skipper In tbe club is the chief cook. The chief cook is, in some respects, a better man than the skipper. His name this year, is John T. Wheelright, a consummate culinary artist The Bats all have to cook. Anybody who cannot cook may pot aspire to be a Bat If a married man becomes a Bat, the rest of the nibblers as their first duty, con gratulate his wife. If a bach enters' the Bats' trap he must be so fitted for service at the gndirdn and chafing dish that every marriageable maiden in Boston yearns for his companionship. The club was organ ized in lose, through tne eaorts of five young were ' men. The 19 original members Sltrnnmpir-Riitlor A ,w w.ii S wyi ui v - 2? i j -f John T. Wheelwright Francis Peabodv.' William P. Weld, William Farnswortb, P. W. Thayer, Charles S. Bird, C. Aj Long fellow, B. S, Milton, George C. Adams, otaniey uunmngnam, ueorge .a. JNicKer son, Edward BrooKs, E. M. Wheelwright, C. A. Coolidge, W. E. Bussell, Samuel D. Warren, Jr., and William J. Dale, Jr. The poker chips, now and then admired by visitors, were donated by Messrs. W. XL Bussell and Samuel D. Warren, Jr. The popular divertisement is roulette. The loft is on the third floor of. an old storehouse, where ordinary mortals cannot hear, what is going on. The room is 55 feet long and 40 feet wide, ornamented with nautical curiosi ties, ancient China beer mugs, revolutionarv muskets and clay pipes. Two of the most honored guests are Will iam D. Howells and President Eliot who, on a recent occasion, attended one of the Bats' levees and entered into the spirit of tbe occasion with ail the zest of the young est members of the club. NUMEROUS SERIODS CHARGES Preferred Against tbe Secretary of 'an Iron and Steel Company. fSrlCIAL TELIOHAM TO TUB DISPATCH.! New Yobk, December 24. John Will iams, Secretary of the Bam'el-Conley Iron and Steel Company, and also representing the United States Sealed Postal, Card Com pany, at 290 Broadway, has not been at his officefor about three weeks, and gentlemen associated with him in business say that he is In an insane asylum. Edmond Hnerste), Treasurer of tbe Bamel-Conley Company, has obtained from Judge Xawrence, of the Supreme Court, an attachment against Mr. Williams for 4,000ioney lent In his affi davit Mr. Huerstel alleged that Mr. Will iams, as Secretarv'of the Bamel-Conley Iron and Steel Company, wilfully and fraudu lently altered a check or checks drawn by the company to the order of sundry persons, collected the money, appropriated it to his own use; that in a conversation Mr. Will iams admitted that he had misappropriated such money; had lost it In speculative ven tures: had squandered and risked his money and "property in reckless gambling "opera tions, and was. entirely insolvent Mr. Huerstel also alleges that Mr. Will iams has concealed the whereabouts of any stock or property which he formerly repre sented he owned and that Mr. Williams U indebted to. a large gawunt to taBdryotiw trtditonb by Progress, Prosperity i '"-' i' - YffiWSOFANlNEIDEL. IKGERSOLI. DISCUSSES THE OBSERY. -.. ANCE OF CHRISTMAS. Ho .Atbhcs the Antlqnlty of tbe Custom Shows a- Pagan Origin Tbe Baa Worship of ibe Past What a Holiday Sboald Be, m Boh Sees It. israelii. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. I New Yjjkk, December 24. Strange as it may appear, Colonel Bobert G.Ingersoll has never erven an opinion on thetseat holIiJnir -oi.Chriitwir-Li' all his loeinm, addnms auu wriuags bis luea oi me greatest aefway of tneAhristian,w6rId has never been expressed.-) '-The following from 'his pea will. thereforebe of tbe 'greater interest, as it. is on a subject'of which the world has not yet heard the greatest infidel of his age speak: My family and I regard Christmas as-a holi day that te td Bay, a day of rest and pleasure, a day to get acquainted with each other, a day to recall old raenrories and for tbe cultivation of social amenl.tii; The festival now called Christ mas is fai.jjJder than Christianity. It was known and .celebrated for thousands of years before tho.establishment of what is known as our religion.. It Is a relic of sun-worship. ANTIQUITS OF the custom. It is tbe day on which the sun triumphs over the hosts of darkness, and thousands of years before, the New Testament was written; thou sand of years before the Republic of Rome existed; before one stone of Athens was laid; before tbe Pbaiaohs ruled in Egypt: before the religion of Brahma: before the Sanscrit was spoken men and women crawled ont of tbeir caves. Dusbed the matted hair from their n and greeted the triumph of the son Prer the powers of night There are many relics of this worship, among which is tbe shaving of tbe priest's head, leav ing the spot shaven surrounded by hair, in imi tation of the rays of- tbe sun. There is still another relic the ministers of our day close their eyes in prayer. When men worshiped tne sun. when they looked at that luminary and implored its assistance, they sbnt their eyes, as a matter of nocesslty. Afterward, priests look ing at their idols glittering with gems, shut tbeir eyes in flattery, pretending that they coniu not oear tn enuigence of tbe presence. AndtMaj, taonds xf years after the old i"Ms have passed away, the modern parson. wituoub khowiok ma origin 01 tao custom, closes hts eyes when he prays. PAGAN AND CHBISTIAN CUSTOMS. Thereare many other relics and souvenirs of tbe dead worship of the sun, and this festival was adopted by Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and by Christians. As a matter ot fact Chris tianity furnished new steam for an old engine infused a new spirit into an old religion and, as a matter ot course, the old festival re mained. For all of oar festivals you will find corresponding Paean festivals. For instance, take the Eucharist tbe Communion, where persons partake of the body and blood ot the Deity. This is an exceedingly old custom. Among the ancients they ate cakes made of corn in honor of Ceres, and they called these cakes tbe flesh of the goddess; and they drank wine in honor'of Bacchus, and called this trine the blood of tbeir god. "And so I could go on, giving tbe Pagan orlcln of every Christian ceremonvand rnstnm Tbe probability is that the worship of tbe sun was once substantially universal, and conse quently tbe festival of Christmas was equally widespread. As other religions have been pro duced, tbe old customs have been adopted and continued, so that tbe result is. this f estiral of Christmas is almost world-wide. A FOPTJLAE HOMDAT. It is popular, because it is a holiday. Over worked people are glad of days that bring rest and recreation, and allow them to meet tbeir families and their friends. They are glad of days when they give and receive gifts evi dences of friendship, of remembrance and love. It is popular because it is really human, and became it is now interwoven with our customs. .habits, literature and thoughts. For my parti am perfectly willing to have two or three a year the more holidays the better. Many people have an idea that 1 am opposed to Sunday. I am perfectly willing to ha've two a week. All I insist on is, that these days shall be for tbe benefit of the people, and that tbey be notmiserablo or sad or hungry, but obserroU in a w,ay to make people happy and to add a Uttlo to tbe Joy ot life Of course I am In favor of everybody keep ing holidays to suit hiraself, provided no does not interfere with others, and I am perfectly willing that everybody should go Xm church on that day, provided that he la willing that I should go somewhere else. THREE OF A FAMILY KILLED. HBsihjpitfWifo and Child Struck Bows by Ibe Iiocomotlvr. Wilmette, Illm December 24. Three persons lost their lives in a railroad acci dent here to-night They were J. D. Bevellj formerly station sweat at Wilssette, and his wife aad child., iWhUe.crossiag .tie traeks they, w skoek by a pMtiBg tnis, , .-v -- . ' r - 3NZA. TV TUB American Kepresentatl Vetera- bar Describes the Prevail i, ., Aac Alter ABCCl Vroro-O the TXaUdf ItIC Washington, December 24jV "W. Wurts. Charee d'Aflaires at thff,i BUtesXeeatien at St. Petersburg, bxwt to the State'DeoaTtraent an account ox the prevalence of "la grippe" in Bnssia, with some interesting comments of lis own. He states that about the middle 'of ifdveraber publio attention was called to the large number of person falling ill with much the same symptoms, fever, severe -pains in the head, back and limbs. ".For waut of a better narae," he says, "the malady hat been called 'influenza,' but it shows signs of a typhoid character, though not of a malignant nature, and up to the date of writing, December 6, no fatal case has been reported. The illness in most cases is very light and lasts but a few days; seldom longer (ban two weeks. It leaves, however, all persons who have been touched by It with great debility and great depres sion of s'blnts. In fact the after effects are rather more unpleasant than the disease itself. "The disease has not been satisfactorily explained. Most persons ascribe it to the abnormally warm weather of the past month, but that would not account for its appear ance in Siberia, where it has burst out in several places, the weather there having been as cold as usual at this season. How that winter seems to have fairly set in here it is'expected that the malady triU disap pear, but meanwhile "nearly everyone is af fected. There is no exaggeration in print ing the number of the sick at fully two thirds of the population of St Petersburg. Certainly not a house has escaped its visita tion. The Emperor was very ill with it lor several days, and scarcely a member of the .imperial family has been free from it More than 40,000 cases have been medically authenticated, but- these represent a small portion of the sufferers. AX0THEB ELECTRIC DECISION. Jndae Greshnm Sustains the Brash Com pany's Patents at Every Point. Indianapolis, December 24. Judge Gresham to-day decided a case ot general interest, especially to those connected with electrical matters. It was a suit brought by the Brush Electric Company, of Cleveland, against the Fort Wayne Electric Company for infringing the Brush: patent upon the so-called double carbon lamp. Tbe case has been vigorously prosecuted and' defended, and has been .pending about three years. All of the claims of the Brush patents are sustained, six in all, and declared to be in fringed. These claims cover the all-nfoht electrle lamps used for street lighting where two or more pairs ot carbons are employed; one pair being first burned and then another automatically consumed. The patent was attacked by the defense mainly upon the grounds' that its claims were too broad and sweeping, but this defense did not avail. Electric lamps controlled by this patent are in use throughout this country, and, in fact, the world over, wherever street light ing by electricity is bad? SOLD TO THE GAS TEUST. The Plant of tbe St. Iiouls Gas Company - Brines $4,999,900. rSFICUkI..:TH.SaBAM TO THZ OISrjt.TCB.1 St. iouis, December 24. In a nice, quiet, orderly manner, the plant, franchises, privileges and property of all, kinds of the i St-Jjoais Gas Light Company were sold to TKitfosTorKOeO,6X)0,'torthva'LacIede.. Gas Light Company; The sale took place at the company's works on Second and Con vent 'streets, and' not an incident occurred to disturb the serenity of "the Hollins & Co. syndicate, who were present to perfect their scheme to, buy in the plant for the Laclede Gas Light Company. No one appeared "to bid against them, and the plant was knocked, down to President Emerson McMillen, of the Laclede Com pany, on hjs first bid, which was $4,000,000. He gave certified checks for $100,000 on be ing awarded the property, and the sale was .ratified U V President William HUThomp son, of the" St Louis Gas Light Company. McMille'n represented the Laclede Gas Com pany, and tne Laclede Company means the Gas Trust TROUBLESOME SUITS SETTLED. Conclusion of Litigation Over the Fortune) of a Pnrsee Merchant. rSTICTAI. TZXEOBAM TO TUX DISPATCH.! NEW YoSK, December 24. A settlement has been made of the claim against Nathan iel Jarvis, Jr., as trustee of the estate of the Parsee merchant, Bomanjee Byramjee Colah. Surrogate Bansom granted an or der to-day permitting the administrator of the estate to settle actions against Jarvis upon the payment of 65,000. Early in the seventies Colah, while traveling here, be came insane, and his property, mostly gold, and ' amounting to nearly $100,000. was handed oyer to Mr. Jarvis, who was ap pointed trusteee by the Court of Common Pleas. Subsequently the lunatic was sent' back to India, where he died, his property re maining in' the custody of Mr. Jarvis- The dlfficnltybas been to secure a decision that would relieve Jarvis of the responsibility of having to pay tne money a second time. OPERATIONS SUDDENLI STOWED. A Backet Shop Proprietor's Arrest Follows Ezposeare of His Methods. rSFXCJAt. TXLKJBAK TO THB DIJrATCH.1 Philadelphia, December 24. The Metropolitan Stock Eicbange.a high sound ing name for a bucket shop, came to a sud den end here this aflernoon,-for it was dis covered that the grain quotations which they bnlletined.ottensibly from Alexandria, Vs.. were sent from an upstairs back office. les than a block away, and by a member of the firm. The proprietor, Bussel Colgrove, and his assistant, Samuel Taylor, were held each in $500 for swindling the public There were two wires in the office, one was from Wall street and had been recording honest quota-' tions for several months. On Thursday last the grain wire was started and a vigorous business followed. A BOSTON PASTOR D1T0ECED. " Rev. William R. Campbell Separated From His Benotlral Wife. ISriCIAI. TKLXOBAX TO TBI DISPATCH, t Boston, December 24. The Bev. Will iam B. Campbell, pastor of the Highland Church, has at last secured a divorce from his beautiful wife, Minnie Scott Campbell, ot St Louis. Desertion was alleged. The father gets the custody of the little girl, over whom there has been such a bitter' wrangle in, the courts, bat the mother may have her lor three months in the year. i Germany WW Take a Hand. London, December 24. The Daily ITeici says that Germany will send an iron-clad to Brazil to protect the German colonists on tbe Bio Grande. Kaappe Will Go Back te Sanaa. Berlin, December 24. As soon as the Saffioan question k finally -settled Knappe will rewuM his peftiefi at Geraa Coastl fen.-. iAIL ABOUT I M.ASHBUENEEDEAD The Well-Kno-vrn Scientist' Dies Snr. 'denly-atBis Eesidence. .- I ;- -HIS ILLHESS OP BEIEP DUBATIOK. Science Loses One of Its Brightest 13(ars'bv f His Demise. t - 'ZW.2i DEATH WELCOMES GUESTS AT 1 MST His Deojsa Cause! ty an Attack tf BHrhPs T)lmmti ' Coatraeted Wills ia Hew UerJea. Beadewof the- Dispatch wUrWsuiSi prised to read the announcement that DiCl C. A.- Ashburu, the eminent eolozist'rof this city, died yesterdayafternoon." He hash been ill buf a short time and no thought was entertained that his disease would carry him off. Dr. Charles Albert Ashburner, the geolo gist and scientist, died at his residence, 'NaT, 363 South Hiland avenue, yesterday aer- noon atl o'clock. - ' Thannouncemeat of the death of Mr., Ashburner will be a painful surprise to his thousands of friends not only in Pittsburg, Tint all over the United States, as if was not known until yesterday morning thathe was .dangerously ill. Probably no man of Mr. Asburner's years was so Widely known among scientists oa the western continent and in scientifia circles his death will be mourned as an irreparable loss. A few weeks ago he went to Arizona to locate acobpermine, While up in the mountains , was attacked with a severe cold, but it was not considered dangerous. When Mr. Ash BSSSSSsb7mk!k25 So ? JSMmm - sHKiiiJiS Dr. Charla JU AthbumerXrom a Recent Photograph. burner returned to Pittsburg the cold had;! become, worse and he concluded to remain' at home for a few .days- I r; DEATH AT THE FEAST. Every Christmas Eve while n Pittsburgh he has entertained his friends and their families at Ms residence. A reTrMaysiagoS 'while aVioma endeavoring to"recnperateH( from the effects of 'Bis Westenr trlp.f he! sent cards to his friends. Invitinz-.lhsrnktn-: join him in his annual Christmas Evefes-TJ itviuea. xne suoce is douoiy severe to those who had anticipated spending wua mm tost evening an hour of merry making, .and he the' fountain ot wit and mirth, scattering the gems of his intellect among the friends' as sembled aronnd his fireside, instead of gas Ins upon his inanimate form. a The primary cause of his death was acuta Bright's disease. The attack wasf so'tridde'a that fie was dying almost before even the the physicians were' cogniz- ' zant of the gravity of the case. When friends telephoned to his residence, yesterday morning, inquiring about his con dition, Mrs. Ashburner replied that he had passed a restless night, but even then she was not aware that she would ' so soon be jiarted from her husband, and helpmate. She telephoned Jo'serJh Woodwell. however, to procure a nnrsei Mr. Woodwell went immediately to tho Homeopathic Hospital to fulfill his mission. -When he returned to his store he was , handed a message announcing the deaths?-' his friend. "' , . Mr. Ashburner was a member of Calvary Episcopal Church, of which the Bev. George . Hodrres. is castor. Mrs. Ashburner and Re. Hodges were the-onlv persons present" wheoV J tne scientist preatnea nis last. Ma suserea the most excruciating pain until abont ten minutes before his death, and although con- kiuuf, nw uuauio w auciuk. HIS RECORD AS A GEOLOGIST. Mr. Ashburner was bom in Philadelphia February 9, 1854. He wasa graduate of the. University of Pennsylvania in 1874, rank ing first in his class. ' Dnring tbe summer of 1872 he was engaged on the survey of thV Delaware river. On his graduation . he acr, cepted a place in the lighthouse surveV) service. In 1874 the Geological Survey "of ''J Pennsvlvania was reorganized with ths sii. pointment of Prof. J. P. Leslie as Stated Geologist Mr. Ashburner at once resigned from the United States service to become an., assistant on. the survey. He was activel-r' employed during the latter part of 1874 la surveys of JUimin and Juniata counties. Ia 1875 he was appointed Assistant Geologist, with charge of the surveys in McKean, Elk, Forest and Cameron counties. In 1880 1 he was appointed geologist in charge of the surveys of the anthracite coal fields, where. jig uwuAicuAuictuvii ui surveying aut; remeasuring the. geology of this greati coal field, which has received the approba tion of mining engineers and geologists, both A Aw JV w Atfl rib - A 4 ft A 4 k f - -- a- J in the United States and Europe. The ability and skill with which the undertak-- lug was periormed led to nis being -appointed in 1SS5, 'geologist in charee .of, all tbe office and field work of the'- sur-' vey. Mr. Ashburner was a member of the, American Philosophical Society. the American Institute of JIimnzEneineers. and other scientific societies,, to, whose proceedings ne nas contributed valuable papers. He also contributed to the scientific;' and mechanical journals. He prepared more than 20 of the reports of the geologVj icai survey. HIS PITTSBUEO CABESB. He came to Pittsburg about four yean an Cff0ntlt fnr ihtk W.et!nttlinn.. S-'Zl'-i pany and the' Philadelphia Gas Company .tie nas resiaeu in. mis city -since 1885. ie was an authority fa on, coat ana minerals or every viauBuu uis services were eagerly sougnt pjr cuu operawrs wuo were aesirous oi naylss; a mine located- Although scarcely in the prime of life, his reputation; among scientists is wona wiue. tie was, oa the path which leads to the keystone of famS At the time of his death he had agreed' to superintend' tbe collection oi dats? for the coming census relative to coal and1 gas, anu was also employed by the State te. furnish the authorities with statistics rela? uve to coai. HIS PEBSONAL CHARACTER. Personally he was a man of the most Irfl reproacnaoie nanits, domestic to. an alBaeetl Continued Jn Sixth JPnge, J Sl s;-c- f .3r.f5 ?.-. 5?' , . SSiiiiiiiMSSnSHSjSSKSHaWnSjHMHS