Emn '"FiTTSBTjRGi)mpT03!mmsDM degembek188s v bEl gWTHETWOEKEDIT mhti Bearing in the Porter Conspir acy Cases Draws a Crowd. KL iTCCflHS TELL BOW TflEY BLED. Cash to Settle Salts Placed In a Desk in the Alderman's Office. HTPACKAGB PUT IN POETEE'S POCKET. line Fsrtuue Teller Said Ehe Charced far HerAdnee V the game as Lawver. Alderman Porter and his constables vrere ' put on trial yesterday for alleged conspir acy. The cases are old ones and are similar to those for which Detective Bander and his assistants are now serving time. The testi mony developed its very racy. The trial of Alderman W.f H. Porter and his three constables, Thomas Packer, Elijah Bheppard and Tom Carney, was taken np before Judge Slagle in the Criminal Conn yesterday. Thomas M. Marshall. William Beardon, James E. O'Donnell and William Urennen represented the defendants. District Attorney Porter and Clarence Burleigh, Esq., appeared for the prosecution. Mr. Bnrleigh represented the Department of Public Safety. The entire forenoon was taken op in the selection of a jury, which was finally made np as follows: Levi Gregg, James Kewell, Joseph Berlcblle, Michael Otway. Gottlieb Kolllncor. John Field ing, John Dold, Thomas S. Maple, George Glass Jacob Beckert, Scott Dibert and Will iam T. McCann. Attorney Bnrleigh made tho opening ad dress, in which he briefly outlined the case. Hugh Daly was tbe first witness called. Hetesti fiedtnat hefcnew all tbe defendants, and that he sad formerly been employed by the Porter De tective Agency. Alderman W. H. Porter was the general manager and Elijah Sbeppard secretary. All court cases were sent In with Constable Packer's name. Henry Krusa and Perry Bailer were also employed by the agency. Tbe witness knew of assault and battery suits to have been discharged, owing to lack of evi dence. The witness flid not receive any wages; all he got was his costs in cases. In all cases settled the money was collected by Constable Bbeppard. Cards were seat out by tbe agency, but they were legitimately soliciting business. HOT ONE WAS SETTLED. Mabel Gilbert testified that she lived at No. 77 Second avenue. She was protecuted before Alderman Porter last spring. Constable Sbep pard with three others came to her house to ar rest her. Tho charges against ber were for keeping a disorderly bouse, selling liquor with out license and selling on Sunday. Witness had four girls in her hnuse.and Constable Sbep pard informed ber that a forfeit of $10 each for tbe girls and J100 for herself could be put up. Witness put up MO for ber girls andtben en tered ball for ber appearance before Alderman Cassidy. Th hearing was set for the following week. The case was aitcrward dismissed. She rever beard who tboprdsecntor was. A friend of hers named Max Friedman went witb her. Max Friedman testified that be went to the Alderman's office with Mabel Gilbert. He spoke to the 'Squire about the case. He said the prosecutor was nor present and everything would be all right, Tbe hearing was set for tbe following week, and then he was informed that the nrosecutor was not present, but It wo uld cost him 165. One of the constables told the witness to put tne money in a arawer, in a desk that was in tbe back room. This be did. Al derman Porter was in tbe front office at the tune. The witness had two bundles of money In his pocket and pnt the wrong bundle in tbe drawer, which contained SSO. He afterwards returned to tbe office and the Alderman gave him back the Slo. nr the 'squire's pocket. Lottie Brown, of No. 78 First avenne, was prosecuted before Alderman Porter for keep ing a disorderly house and selling liquor w ith out license. She was arrested by Constables Bheppard and Henry Krusa. Tbe hearing was fixed for Friday. A man named Casper Left had ths case fixed for her. Witness gave Leff $35, which he put in an envelope and placed in the 'Squire's pocket, bhe went to the office on Friday, but tbe prosecutor did not appear, and cbe was dismissed. Henry Krusa was the prosecutor in tbe case. ' ' Clara Meyers, of No. 85 Third avenne, was prosecuted last winter for selling liquor with out a license, and was arrested by Constable Packer. She put $35 In an envelope ana gave it to Alderman Porter. Henry Krusa was tbe prosecutor, and as he did not appear she was discharged. MaudByan testified to having been with Miss Meyers and saw her give the envelope to the 'Squire. She did not know what it contained. Lou Arthur, of No. 125 Second avenne. was prosecuted before Alderman Porter, and was arrested on tbe 8th of last February by Perry Bailey. She was sued for being a disorderly Jierson, keeping a disorderly house and selling iquor without . license. She gave ball for a hearing, the bail being entered before Alder man Cassidy. On Tuesday, tbe day of the hearing, sbe went to the 'boulre'a office and on Alderman Porter's advice pleaded guilty and was fined S10 and costs in one case, SETTLED FOE THIETT-FIVE. The hearings in the other two cases were postponed for a week. Meanwhile Constable Sbeppard wanted her to settle for $50. Wit ness refused to give that much, but offered $35. She was told that she conld settle for that sum at the 'Squire's office. Bhe went to the office and handed the rgoncy to Constable bheppard. Alderman -Pcrter afterward discharged her. telling Perry Bailey, who was the prosecutor, that the wit ness had been out three times and he bad not appeared. As tbe thing appeared to be more of a persecution than a prosecution he would have nothing more to do with it. The witness never heard anything more about the suits. 2uMs.MaryMcMlnniman testified to having been prosecuted three times before Alderman Porter for fortune-telling. Tbe first was entered by Henry Krusa, and she gave an attorney $70 to have it settled np. The second suit was en tered by Perry Bailey, and never came to a hearing. Tbe third suit was entered against witness and her husband by Richard Lavine. This suit as tried in court. The witness was fined $170 and her husband sent to the work house. dr. Marshall conducted the cross-examination, and some laughable testimony was pro duced. The witness stated that she handled tbe cards. Mr. Marshall What kind of cards; vlsltlnc cards? Mrs. McMlnnlman Why. cards, cards that you can play euchre with; I read them for the people. Jlr. Marshall Do you receive pay for that? Mrs. McMlnnlman Of course. IN hen people rap at my door and want advice 1 charge theia for It tbe same as you do. 1 can run the cards to you. There are S2 cards In the pack and 62 weeks lu the year. 1 read them bvthe week, icharin. Hh r people 1 and poor psopletO cents. My bouse was av 'sowuiwatcueuoy tue ponce mat 1 had to put Hgf cotton and cayenne pepper In the keyholes to mg' keep them from spying In. After bearing this witness conrt mUnnrnert until this morninc. FOE THEIR CHARTER. Vac Articles of the Pennsylvania Water Company Filed. The articles of association for tbe Penniyl Vania Water Company, Limited, were filed yes terday in the Recorder's office. Tbe company is formed for the purpose of supplying water within tbe limits of Allegheny county. Tbe capital stock is 8200,000, divided into 4,000 shares at $50 per share. Tho subscribers and managers are Theodore Doerflmger. S3O.O0O stock, J. E. McCrickart. J110.000L and William McCallin,J3O,O0a ""- ! Grist From Jnttlce's Wheels. An argument was heard in the United States Circuit Court yesterday in the eqnlty suit of W.J.Innes against tbe Oil City Boiler Works for infringing on a patent cast for boilers. Bakewell & Bons and X C. Bojca appeared for tbe plaintiff, and J. H. Bollock and G. H. Christy for the defendants. Charles M. Thorp. Esq., yesterday was ap pointed commissioner in the divorce case of Kate Little against Walter Little. F. X. Barr was appointed in thecaieoXLUieAGrundy against Robert L. Grundy. To-Day'a Trial Llita. -Criminal Conn Commonwealth vs August Weber. CbrtBtUn Smith, J. U. Price, John J. Kennedy, Pat DIskin, Annie Wallace et aL Servla Carmonia, G. McColgan, Mark Jourdan. Mollis Camp et al, Franklin Huffman, Charles .Richards. Bai Woods, James Burns (2). W. H. Per Deafroylnc tho Shirt. In'Judge Collier's 'branch of the Criminal Court yeiterday Ell n Jones was tried and con- Mntftd nf tnallMnm vnltrlilAf- RhA r. l.a.v-if with destroying some (hint, collars, etc be- h longing V : kj a man lorwncniauo warned in sH- WANT THE BALE SET ASIDE. They Ak That the Grntr-Beraett Prsperty Bo Keiold. C C. Dickey, Esq., yesterday filed a petition in behalf of the Cherry Valley Iron Works and others, the plaintiff in the equity gait against Graff, Bennett & Ox. J. H. Bailey, as signee, and others, asttnK to have the sale of the Arm's property set aside and the property resold. The petition astshat the court make a rale restraining the assignee from distrib uting the money In his hands among the cred itors, far, in caso the suit is determined in favor of the plaintiffs, he would have to ref and the money to the first purchasers. THE GCAKD JUKI THEOUGH. Rapid Transit of Fear Hundred nnd Eighty Two Caies In Tbre Weeks. The grand jury yesterday finished its work for tbe present term and made its presentment to court. They had only been in session three weeks and 4S2 cases were disposed of. Their sessions were shorter and more cases per day were disposed of than any previous grand jury for a long time. Judge Slagle discharged them after praising them highly for their efficient work. The returns yesterday were: True bills, William Burke, horse stealing. A nolle pros was allowed in tbe case of Thomas Barclay, charged witb embezzlement. A Fourth of July Kovr. Louis Hilke yesterday entered suit against John Lutzfor $5,000 damages. Hilke alleges that on July 4 Lutx, without provocation, as saulted him and struck him on the head with a stone, severely wounding him. How to Cure a Cold. Dr. I. Bader, of Fulton, Kan., says: "I have been practicing medicine for 27 years. Many times I have prescribed Chamber lain's Cough Bemedy and do not believe it has an equal in the market." It is a certain cure for coughs, colds and hoarseness. It is a splendid expectorant. It contains no opium, cbioroiorm or any injurious suo stance, CO cents per bottle. Sold by E. G. Stuckey, Seventeenth and Twenty-fourth Etreets.Penn avenue and corner Wylie ave nue and Fulton street, by Msrkell Bros., corner Penn and Franketown avenues, by Theo. E. Ihrig, 3610 Fifth avenne and by Carl Hartwig, Butler street, Pittsburg, and in Allegheny City, byE-E. Heck, 72 and 194 Federal street, and Thomas B. Morris, corner Hanover and Preble avenues, Fred H. Jiggers, 372 Ohio street; F. H. Eggers & Son, Ohio and Chestnut streets. ttsu THE ABSOLUTE PERFECTION Of the Hardman and tbe Kraknner Pianos. They are used by the best musicians, cul tivated amateurs and people of intelligence generally. The charm nt tbe mechanism and tone of these two makes of pianos capti vate all who hear them. "Even those who have been wedded for years to other instru ments must acknowledge, it they are honest, that the Hardman and Krakauer makes are the peers of them all. As a Christmas or New Year's gift, a Hardman or a Krakauer piano is without a rival. A most magnifi cent stock of these and other well-known makes of pianos on hand to select from. Mellob & Hoenb, 77 Filth avenue. Just for To-Day We will offer SO extra fine blue Kersey box overcoats with patched velvet collar, richly lined. A very high-class garment of our own manufacture. These overcoats were made to sell for $30 our price to-day, and to-day only, 513. Store open till 11 o'clock to-night To-morrow, Christmas Day, we close at 12 o'clock noon. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. new Court House. Clean nnd Freah Mock for the Closing Days of Holiday Trade. Visitors to our store will find that we open fresh goods every day, and that we still have a large assortment of fancy goods, Christ mas cards, calendars, pocketbooks, card cases, etc. Open every evening. Jos. Eichbaum & Co., 48 Fifth avenne. Everything Kew la BXcn'a Keckwenr. In fancy suspenders, in silk balf-bose, in white shirts, in linen and silk handker chiefs, in umbrellas. Headquarters here for men's Christmas gifts. Open till 9 o'clock to-night Jos. HOICTE & CO.'S Penn Avenne Stores. Sensible Parents Will Present Their boys with sensible gifts. Don't say you can't afford it, but make a bee line to day for Kaufmanns' great special one-day sacrifice sale of boys' suits and overcoats. Prices were never as low as at this sale. b. t n. Special Notice And come early for choice. All the holi day dress patterns that were put up in boxes specially for Christmas as presents reduced. Must all be sold to-day and are marked at "cut" prices that will do it Boggs & Buhl. DInke Children Happy. Just the thing lor the little ones Mar Tin's Christmas toys and animal cakes, made especially to please childish hearts at Christmas time. Grocers keep them. D Steels. Our common sense stools, painted, or un finished, now delivered on short notice. P. C. Schoenkck, 711 Liberty street, xusu A Very Good Benson. The reason for the large business done at "Hauch's Jewelry Store, No. 295 Fifth ave nue, is easily explained. Good reliable goods at lowest prices. 5.000 People Happy Who will receive their photos and crayons at Anfrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Blnck Silks Tho Bcsr Ever Sold nt $1 A yard are here; come to-day for them, or this evening till 9 o'clock. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. Catholic Prayer Books, Heating's book store, Fifth avenne, above Smithfield street Largest and best assort ment in the city. Low prices. To Accommodate Their friends (the public), Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny-, will have their photograph gallery open all day Christ mas. Porcelains. Our own importations- All the new things from all the famons potteries. Lowest prices, at Beizenstein's, 152, 154, 156 Federal st, Allegheny. Another lot of those 16-inch kid body bisque dolls for only 60c, at Harrison's toy store, 122 Federal st, Allegheny. xxs A gbeat bargain in lace curtains from tl 50 to $5 per pair 23 per cent less than manufacturers' cost. Htmus & Hacks, ttssu The Best Galnet Silk Ever Sold for 81 A yard 16 to 18 yards make an elegant Christmas gift All departments open till 9 o'clock. Jos. HortNE & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Fbattenheim & VlLSACK'S ale and porter are superior beverages. Call for them., AH dealers keep them. Or order direct 'Phone 1186. Brlcg the CblUres, They are our friends, to Anfrecht's Elite Gallery, 616 Market street, Pittsburg. The moat healthful winter drinks are ale and porter. Z. Wainwright & Cos brew is the best. "Telephone 6325. TX3u Yotoq folks who intend to start house keeping will conult their latere by bar ing their outfit in faraltare at M. Seibtrt '9s Co. 'a, Alltf hy. ALL THAT S1LG0TT iEFT. The Money He" Forsot to Tnk.o Witb Him When He Skipped. IrEOSt A staff coukt.spokdent.I Wi8nrHorairt December 23. In strong vault No. 6, of the Treasury Department a close neighbor to upward of $3,000,000 of Gov ernment money, lies a huge sealed package, which bears tbe following legend: Contents of cash compartments of safe of Ser geant at Arms, House of Representatives, sealed for purpose of delivery to the Treasurer of the United States, pursuant to a resolution of the House adopted December 21. 1889. Seal ol the House of representatives affixed on sealing wax in sundry places, In presence of tbe undersigned. J. P. Uroox. GIonOE E. AKlilS. J: W. WHBLPLEY, A. J. HOL1II8, J. V. SEXZKB. The packet contains upward of -$83,000 in notes, cbecks and other securities, represent ing all that Was left behind by Cashier Sllcott when he departed from tbe city with tho money of various members of Congress. It will bo beldby the Treasurer until Congress author izes its farther disposition. 11AB1LITIES ABOUT $2,000,000. A Partial List of the Debts nnd Asset of the Bancerttea Paper Firms. Kingston. N. Ym December 23. The liabili ties of J, B. Sheffield & Son, tbe Saugerties Blank Book Company and J. Q. Preble fc Co. consist largely of promissory notes and ac- H ceptances held by banks. While the total lia bilities are estimated at $2,000,000, the liabili ties of each company cannot be stated ac curately. The assets of Sheffield & Son consist of the mill property at Saugerties, estimated at $500,000 (which is mortgaged for 8303,000), of which $263,000 is represented in the mortgage bonds held by the Sheffield family and $50,000 is in a mortgage upon that part of tbe property rented to tho Barclay Fiber Company, stock manufactured and unmanufactured worth be tween $300,000 and $100,000 and machinery, eta, valued at $200,000, besides accounts with cus tomers. The assets of the Saugerties Blank Book Company are estimated at $400,000. AS UGLI-L00K1NG KN1EE Used In a Quarrel Terminate the Career of Tonus; Edward Davis. Chtxxicotiik, Mo., December 23. A shock ing tragedy occurred at Meadville, near this city, to-day. John Barbee, aged 17, and Edward Davis, aged 18. became Involved in a dispute, whicn terminated in Barbee disembowellne young Davis with an ugly-looking knife. xne murderer is a son oi tne owner oi tne Meadville planing mill. Beechams Fills cure sick headache. Peaks' Soap, the puresrand best ever made. Black Silk The Best Ever Sold at 81 A yard, are here; come to-day for them, or this evening till 9 o'clock. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. WSS. Holmes' Bear. 18S9. Our catalogue contains the names of 17 brands of champagnes, as many clarets, all the best vintages of port, sherry and Bar gundy. Best imported French brands, choice cordials, in fact all the items of the trade which are essential to the holiday eastings, including our own specialty, vis: "Holmes' Best," a whisky ofnndoubted excellence. Bend orders by telephone 305 or to W. H. Holmes & Bon, 120 Water street and 158 First avenne. TTSSU Best Bargain Holiday Dres Goods In patterns, and by tbe yard in colors and in black prices away down, best' valnes ever offered store open to-night till 9 o'clock. Jos.-Ho eke & Cor's Penn Avenue Stores. Boya' Overcoat Below Cost. We mean just what we say. The entire balance of our stock of boys' and children's overcoats is to go at less than cost price and right now, too. Wise parents will fit ) tneir Doys to-aay at Jantmanns'. Black Stlka The Best Ever Sold at SI A yard, are here; come to-day for them, or this evening till 9 o'clock. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Cash paid for old gold and silver at Hanch's, No. 295 Fifth avenue. Its sunerlor excellence craven In mnilnnn nt homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United State Government. Indorsed by tbe beads of the great universities as tbe Strongest Purest and most Healthful' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia. Lime of Alum. Sold only mvaus. riu.j d Aiun uruwuit(i;u. SW TOBK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. mj5-S2-TTSeosa HE HAD CONSTANT PAIN. Mr.AD. King, of Twenty-third street, this city, had a constant, dull, aching pain in the small of his back and kidneys, and more or less pain all over his body. His urine was very high-colored, with a brickdust sed iment He had a burning sensation In his bands and feet, and, as his disease further advanced, his appetite failed, and what he did eat soured on his stomach, caus ing much eructation Dr. Shatee. of gas. His skin bad a yellow color; he could not sleep, was con stantly tired and finally became so weak as to be unable to attend to any business. After becoming cured be states: "This is to certify that I have received treatment from tbe physicians ot the Polypatblc Medical Insti tute, at 420 Penn avenne, and am entirely cured of my disease. "A D. Krao." They treat success! ally all forms of kidney and urinary diseases, chronic diseases and sur gery. Office hours. 10 A. H. to 4 P.M., and 8 to 8 p. m. Sundays, 1 to 4 p. if. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Patients at a distance treated with success by letter. Write for a question blank. de24-TTS3u HOLIDAY PEESBNTS! Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Lorgnettes, Barometers, Graphoscopes, Stereoscopes, eta, -etc. . Handsome Pearl Opera Glasses, in Plush Case, $5,' Fancy Thermometers, Magio Lanterns, Steam Novelties, eta, eta, at cost. ' WS, E, STJERE Wician, 544 SMITHFIELD de3-22-TTS ST., pirrfBuno, PA. BEECHAM'S PIUS ACT T.I M u asrA.(3xc3 ON A WEAK ST0MA6M. t BOX pr all WHioewn- pPPRICLTs CKEAM AfONg fell NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. sS Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS HMOC OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be tmost beneficial to the human 'system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDKEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUkWt When one is Bilious or Constipated SOTHAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STREHGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using It and all are delighted with it ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR WXTtTLXE3 OF SFXGrSI manufactured only by CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. v LOUISVILLE, KY. NtW tORK. K. Y. JvS-77-TTS p ATE1TTS. -- O. D. LKVI8, Solicitor of Patents, 811 Plf tn avenne, above Smithfield. nextLeader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se2S-60 EMPLOYERS OF LABOR. Call on, or write to BENSWANGER & ZAHN, Agents, No. 60 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg, Penna., and secure a Policy of Insurance in the EMPLOYEES' LIABILIT? ASSURANCE CORP. OF LONDON, ENG., protecting yon against acoidents to you Employes and defending you in case of suit in Court for same cause. po23- 6-rnan SNAPFO. 12 Ladies' solid gold watches, Elgin stem winding movements, cases encrusted with genuine diamonds, HO 00; ladies' solid gold watches. American movements, richly engraved cases, S25 00. Ladies' solid gold watches, stem winders and setters, Geneva movements, 89 CO, $11 60, $15 00 and $17 SO, all warranted for time and quality. Gents' solid gold watches. American movements, $19 00 to $10 00. Gents' gold filled watches, Elgin, Waltbam or Springfield, from $13 60 to $20 00, cases warranted for 20 years' wear. Boys' watches, solid silver, $4 75. $8 53. $8 UX ladies' Chatelaine watches from $3 50 to 155 00. IK! SIMHn?, 934 Liberty St, Cor. Smithfield. P. a All the latest novelties in silverware, clocks and jewelry of every description suitable for Christmas presents. del5-TTSSu CLEARANCE SALE -OF- HOLIDAY GOODS. We still hare a large stock of the following articles, suitable for presents, which we offer at greatly reduced prices. The greatest cats have been made on Fancy Goods, via: PLUSH AND LEATHER CASES OF ALL Papeterie and Plush and Fancy Paper Boxes. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS Embroidered and Lace Handkerchiefs. BBASS ARTICLBSj Thermometers, Ash Beceivers, Ink Stands, Writing Tablets, Smokers' Tables, Travel ing Companions, Toilet Sets, etc. CLOAKS :: MUST :: GO ! Prices cut all to pieces. Must reduce stock to make room for spring goods soon to arrive. Over 600 fine tailor-made Jackjts, all kinds, will be offered below half the former prices. All Newmarkets, Plush Sacques marked down below cost of material. LIZSTIEILSr HAITDKEBOHIEFS Slightly mussed goods from the great Christmas rush, half price. SIPIECI-Ij deiyes In Silk Umbrellas, Muffs, Ladies' and Gents' Un derwear, Hosiery, Woolen Gloves, etc. Extra good valnes in KID GLOVES Kid Gloyes, 75c, $1, ?1 18, ?1 60. Ieberbavm 510. 512.514 MARKET ST. TIOM W-L Douglas name and xne price are stamped on the bottom of as wAU I IVJIM Bhoes advertised by him before Icavinc hU factory; this protects tbe wearers against high prioet and Inferior goodi. Take none unless so stamped, nor bedecelvsd by others claimed to be as Rood, on which dealers mate more proflt, but send direct t" factory, and receive by return mail what yon want. State kind, button, congress or lace, wide or narrow toe, the and width usually worn, and, inclose price with order. Prompt delivery and satisfac tion saaranteed. Address, W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mais. W. $3 Our SS 00 S4 00 S3 50 $2 50 S2 25 2 00 $2 00 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSttt - U ill " -fck iBP ;:-! ' I ' P- ?A mm .ssssssssssskssssssslifsssssssssssEKSssssssV ISSSSSSSsE'1 & 'TE; S PssF-- t a HU I VvilssssssssssssssssssssssssU All made in Congress, Button and Lace. W I DQUGL1S S3 1ND tt SHOPS JSL Both Ladieanshoes are made in sizesTrom 1 to wlutns. STYLES OF LADIES' SHOES. "The French Open," "Tho Spsnlsh Arch Oflora,1' "The American Common-Sen," MTha Medium Cimmon.Seaie." All rasdo tn Button in the-Latsst Styles. Also, Frer.oh Opera In Front Lace, on S3 Shoe only. A QPFPIAI W.L.BOUULAS $3 GRAIN SHOE (head) for-Gentlemen, with heavy isp sole OrCUlAL. sndstrleHywaierproofls just out. W. L. DOUGLAS, ftrofrktos, Mas. H. J. A G. M. Lane Forty.f fth and Better streets. J K. Fronting, SN rifth aveaiK. D, wn m vwvwi asnen swa n t wnwn n fss awrari wwrwmu new ABTiRTisEsarcrrs. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Gold. Spectacles, Gold Eyeglasses, Opera Glasses, Field and Tourists' Glasses, If agio Xanterns, Barometers, Thermometers, Draw ing Bets, Microscopes, Graphoscopes, Pho tographio Cameras, etc. KORNBLUM, OPTICIAN, No. 50 Fifth Avenue, HEAR WOOD STREET. Telephone No. 16S6. deS-100 HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SOLID GOLD SFECTACLE8 And Eye Glasses, 15 and upward. J. DIAMOND, Optician, no208-TTSu 22 SIXTH BT., Pittsburg. ONE WAY EXCURSIONS. Pullman tourist sleeping cars from Chicago tp San Francisco audtbe Pacific coast. For tbe ex clusive accommodation of purchasers of second class ticket', tbe Cbicago, Bock Island and Pacific Railway are now running excursions in Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally con ducted), every second Thursday, from Chicago to Oregon and California via Denver. Every comfort and convenience assured at a great reduction from regular first-class ratesj Address for full particulars E. BE JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gon. Manager, Gen. "Ticket and 'Chicago. Passenger Agent. no28-S0-TT8 FOR XMAS CHEER CALJ, OR U. E. LIPPENCOTT. 639 Smithfield street, Pittsburg. Distiller and wholesale liquor dealer. Our specialty is Lippencott'g Nectar, a pure old-fashioned rvo whisky, 3 to 15 years old. at fiOo to 51 75 per quart Fine wines and liquors at lowest prices. Orders by man attended to. Cincinnati and Milwaukee bottled beer con stantlyon hand. delO-ma KINDS. at 60c, 75c, $1, fl 25, Jl 50. Gents' French. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE. de24-TT6Su L DOUGLAS SHOE FOB GENTLEMEN. claims for this shoe over all other S3 sheet AD MUFFLERS advertised are: It contains batiar material. It is more stylish, batter filling and darabl. It gives better general sstisftciion. It save t more money for the consumer. lis great success is due to merit. It cannot be duplicated by any eihsr mssifss. lurer. , It Is the best In the world, and has larger do. mand than any other S3 shoe advertised, CR finn wi" be Pald to any person who will 9al,UUU prove the above statemento to be untrue. The following line ot shoes will be found to be of Ihe fame lilch standard of excellence. GENUINE HAND.SEWED SHOE. HAND-SEWED WELT 8HOE. POLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE. EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. WORKINGMAN'S SHOE. GOOD-WEAR SHOE. Md SI 75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. 7. inclndlne halt sixes, and 11. C. D, E and EE i . m tin kew ABrnmsmmrn. ANNOUNCEMENT , EXTRAORDINAIRE! -- For To-Day, Tuesday, December 24, In order to make it the largest day's sales in the annals of our business, we will offer our entire stock at a discount of lO PER CENT OPP Our present very Low Prices FOB CASH. Our line embraces Tea Seta, Dinner Sets, Chamber Sets, Fish and Game Setsf Richly Decorated Fruit and Dinner Flates, and After Dinner Coffees, Gas Fixtures, Bronzes, Clocks, Banquet Lamps, Table Lamps, Piano Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Hall Lights and Chandeliers, Bric-a-Brac, Antique Brass and Oxidized Silver Tables, with Mexican Onyx Tops, Vienna-Metal Tables, Bich Out Glass, Easels, Pedestals, Placques, Sconces, Cab inets and a world of Goods Suit able for Christmas Presents. Re member all goods marked in Plain Blue Figures, from which for To-day, Tuesday, December 24, we will give a CASH DIS COUNT OF 10 PEB CENT. THE J. P. SMITH Lamp, Glass & China Co,, 935 Penn Avenue. Bet. Ninth and Tenth Streets. P. a We still have a few of those Brass Banquet Lamps, with SUk Fringe Parasol Shade, at $4 75. STOEE OPEN EVENINGS. de23 Useful Present. Press aEfl Outfits t75, 2.50. $5.00, 57.60, $10.00, 121.00 to $31.00. Send 6c. toi cata- ' Iogne, W. A. BUNTING SO StrxAve., cor. Marltot st. noas-vo-TTS KAUTROADh. From PlUibarg Union Station. ennsylvania Lines. Trains Ran by Central Time. SOUTHWEST SYSTEM-PAH HANDLE KO0TE. Leave for Cincinnati and St. XjOum, d 1 :1S a. m., d7:80 a. m.,d9.-O0andd ll:15p. m. tiennlson, Z:4S p. m. Chicago, d 1HS a. m. and 12.05 p. m. Wheeling, 7:3U a. m., 12.1 6:10 p. m Bteuben vlUe, tai a. m. Waibtagtoiv :U. 8:33 a. m., 1:26, 3:30,4:13,4:55 p.m. Bulger, 10:10 a. m. Burgctta toivi, B 11:35 a. m., 5:25 p. m. Man.neld, Jili 9307Il.0Da.m.. 1:05, 6.30. d 8.30, 9:50 p. o. Mc Donalds, d 4 IS. d 10:44 p. m. Tsaiks ABiuvxfroin tbe West, d 1:10, d 6:00 a. m.. 3:05. d S:55 d. m. Dennlson. 8:30 a-m. Htea- ,benyllle, 3:05 p. m. Wheellnjr, 2:10, 8:49 a. m.. a. m. Wainlnicton. 8.S& 7:60. 8:40. 10:25 a. m., 2:36. 6:25 p. m. Mansfleld, 5:33, 8.39, 11:40 a. m., 13:48, 3:55. 9:40 and B 6:20p. m. Bolder, 1:40 p. m, McDonalds, d 6:15 a. m., d 9:00 p. m. NOBTBTWEST STBTEM-BT.WATNE KOUTK. Leave for Cblearo. d 7:25 a. m., d 125 , d 1.00, d S:46, except Saturday 11:20 p.m.: Toledo. 7:28 a. m., d 12:31 d 1:00, and except Saturday 11:20 n.m.: Creitllne,5:45 a.m., Cleveland, 6:10am.:12:4Sd 11:05 p.m., and 7:23 a. m., via P., rt-W.&CRT.iMew Cattle and oungttown, 7 .-05 a. in.. 12:20, 3:43 p. m.; Younzstown and Mllea. d 12.20 p. m.: Mead ville, Erie and Aihtabula, 7.-03 a. m.. 120 p. m.; Nile, and Jamestown, 3:43 p. m.: Hauillon, 4:10 p.m.; Wheeling knd Bellntre, 6:10 a. m.. 12:45, 3:30p.m.: Beaver Fall., 4.00, 5:05 p. m.;Beavar rails t) 8:20 a. m.iLeetidale, 5:30 a.m. DiPAitTFHOM alleoitknt Hocheiter, :30 a. in.; JBeaver Falls, 8:15. 11:00 a. m.; JCaon, 3.-00 p. m :Leetsdale, 5.00, 9:00,10:00, 11:45a. m. : 1:15, 2:sa 4:30, 4:43. 5:30, 6:15. 7:30, 9:00 p. m.: Conway, 19:30 p.m.; FalrOakaS 11:40a.m.: Beaver Falls, S 4:30 p. m. ; Leetsdale. S 8:30 p. m. Trains arbtvx Union nation from Culcaro; ex cept Monday. 1:50, d 6:00, d 6:35 am., d 5:55 and d 0:50 p.m.: Toledo, except Monday, 1:50, d 6.35 a. m 5:53 and 6:50 p. m.; Cre.tllne, 2:10 pv m.; YonngstownandtewCajlle, 9:10 a.m.. lr25, 6:50, iiiisp.m.; mies ana ioudiiuwo, ataup, m.; Cleveland, dS.50 a. in., 2,25, 7-00 p. m.: Wneellnft and Bellalre, 9:00 a. m., 2.23, 7:00 p m.: Erie and Anhtabula, 1:25, 10:15 p. m.: Masilllon. 10:00 a.m.: JiUet and Jamettown, 9:10 a. m,; Beaver Valla, 7:30a. m., 1:10 p. m.; Beaver Falls, S 8:25 p. m.; Leet.dale, 10:49 p. m. Absive allxouknt, from Enon, 8.00 a. in.: Oonwajr 6. 40 a. m ;Kochester, 9. 40a.m. ; Beaver Valla, 7.10a. m., 5.30 p. m.: Leetadale, 4.30, 5.3), 6.15, 6.50, 7.45a. m., 12.00, 12.45, 1.45, 3.30, 4.30, 6.30. 9.00 Ii. m.: Fair Oak.. S 8.55 a.m.: Beaver Falls, 3 1 30 p. m.: Leetsdale, S 6.03 p. n.; Beaver Falls, B 8.15 p.m. d, dallj; 8, Sunday only; other trains, except Sunday. PENNSVLVAMA BATLBOAD ON AMD after November 10, 1889. train, leave .Union station. Plltstmrg, aa follows, Eanern Standard Time: MAIN LINE EASTWAKD. New York and Chicago Limited of Pullman Ves tibule dally at 7:15 a. m. Atlantic Exprets dally for the East, 3:3) a. m. Mall train, dally, except Sunday, 5:30 a.m. gun day, mall, 8:40 a. m. Bay express dally at 8:00 a. m. ill express dally at ISO p. m Fhlladeiphla express dally at 4:30 p. m, Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. m. no rai :nn iran r.rue uauy si suu i 10 p. l 5:10 p Oreensborg express 5:10 p. m. week days. Derry express il :00 a. m. week days. xierry express 11 :mi a. m. wp aayi All tnrough trains connect at Jem ouiu trains connect at Jcrsev City with boats of 'Hrooklvn Annex forBrootlni. a. i. avoiding don Die ferriage ana journey through n. Trains arrive at Union Station as follows: St. Louis, Chicago and Cincinnati Express, daily t 2:00a tn. Mall Train, dally 8:10 p. m. western .Express, aaiiy.... 7:45 a.m. Pacific Express, dally, 12:45 d. m. Chicago Llmlte tea Express, dally 9:30 p. m. Fast Line, dall; v.... SOUTHWEST FENN KAILWAY, llitWI, iU. yorUnlontown, 6:30 and 8:S5a. m. and 45 p. tn., without change ol ears; 12:50 p. m connect In); at Ureenstiurr. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 am., 12:20, 55 and 8:10 p.m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA JJ1V13ION. from KEDEitAL BT. 8TA11UN. Allexbeny City. Mall train. connectlneforBIalrsvIlIe... 8:43 a. m. Express, for Dlalrsvllie. eonnectlnf for Butler.. J: 15 p. m. Butler Accom 8:20 a.m., 2:25 and 5:43 p. m. HpringdaIeAccom9:00,ll:50a.m.S:aoand S.-20p. m. treeport Accom.... 4jW, 8:20andll:4Op,m. On Sunday , 12:35 and 9:30 p.m. jiortn AponoACCom... .iinwa. m, ana a:tup. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation... 8:29 a. m. Blalrsvllfe Accommodation.. 11:00p.m. Trains arrive at FEUEBAL STKEETSTATlON: Express connecting-rrom Butler 10,35 a. m. itall Train. . 1:45 p.m. Butler Accom 8:10 a. m., 4:40 and 7:23 p.m. Dlalrsvllle Accommodation 9:52 p. m. ureeport Accom.Tiiu a. m,, 103,7:25 ana n:iu p.m. On Sunday 10:10 a. m. and 7:03 p. m. Sprinjrdale'Accom.S.CT, 11:48 a. in.. 3:45. 6 43D,m. North Apollo Accom. ..(..8:40 a. m. and 5:40 p.m. MONONOAHBLAJJ1V1SION. , Trains leave Union station, t'ltuhur;. as fol los: For Monongshela City, West Brownsville and TJmontown, 10:40 a.m. Vor Mononzahcls City and West Brownsville. 7iC5and 10:40 a. m. and 4:1 1 p. in. OnbnndaylKlIp.m. For Monoogahela City, 6:40p.m., weekdays. Uravosbure Ac weekdays, J:20p. m. West Kllzabeth Acco.nmodatlon. 8:3) a, m., tM, B.-J0 and 11 :SI p. m. Sunday, 8:40 p. m. Ticket offices-corner JTourth avenne and Try Street and Union station. .. CUAS. E. rUUJL J. R. WOOD. Ueucral Maoaxer. Den'l l'ass'r A Rent. A LLKUMSNT VALLEY. HAIMCOAIJ iifnliis leave Union Sutton (Ess tern titandsnl Ume)t KltunniBfr Ac. i a. m.: NlsgsraEx dsllr. SriB a. m.. ilulton Ac, 10:19 .f. m,: Valler Camp Ac, 12:06 jp. buj Oil (Hty snd JJnBoIs Ex presljao p.au ; Hultt o. Ae.,rt0p.m. : KlUMmln Ac.lieQpTm.i BrebBraEiL)p.o.l Klttjjin lagA.,tip.ifi. Bmtwni Ac, 4rt0p.su (.Hal loa Ac, 7&p. a. 5 Jtala JX 47, Siss p. .t Hnlton Ac, i p.m-i Brsebnra Ac, Jli . m. Cftureft trIa imwtiani, 11: VI p. a. nd SiSp. ra. rnllmsn Bleepinsr trs betwuHi xtttsbUTK and Bnffuo. JA. 1'. ANDEESON, X. AII.I 1UVUI KUUA2UU. ucm. asm. I1T8BUKO AND WK3TE1CN KAlUiVAY on Trains (Ct'lBtsn iltlrap) Leave. Arrive. DaVEx., Akronroledo, Kane Mi in 9-00 a m 7:X p m &&Q d m ;ur Accommoaanon. Cbli cieo Express (dally). usf p ra ll:aoa a Mew ir uaatiB &. uunaa ai eeom. p J: d M mi efiwi, 7.-W m mm Aeeea, First fiira so milMiro. MO N. Baamd MECtttM SK If WBHOfV I Give Your Boys a yrj BJS V r v 1 V UfA VflL vlP V - Z. Jit fwCmjr - THIS WILL BE THE BUSIEST ?-. .. : DAT OF The crowds of the past tea days will be dwarfed into insignifi cance alone the mighty, joyous jam of Holiday shoppers that wil throng. Pittsburg's ideal establishment Kaufmanns' Grand Depot tn-rlav. , So vast, so spacious is this dent of dmerent members of one family purchasing ennstmas gifts here foe each other at the same time, without one being aware of' the other's presence, is of frequent occurrence. A And, then, everything imaginable can be found here in such, elegant variety and at such matchlessly low prices. Christmas gifts that'll delight mother, daughter or sister; Christmas gifts that'll please husband, son or brother; Christmas gifts that'll enrapture beau and sweetheart; Christmas gifts that'll suit for friend, acquaint ance and pastor. Some will buy ornamental and fancy articles; the majoritVr-howeyer, will buy .-.. SOMETHING TO WEAR. .'. But, let your purchase be what it may, you can positively rely on-a' big saving of money in every instance, lor, recognizing the neces sity of closing out the balance of our Christmas gifts immediately, we have made a most? severe cut on the price of every article. .Come to-day and TAKE AT any Toilet Set, Shaving Set or Smokipg Set; any Pocketbook, Chat elaine Bag or Satchel; any Silk or Linen Handkerchief or -Muffler; any pair of Gloves, Silk Suspenders or Fancy Slippers any Fur. Muff, JBoa, Cape, Collar or Cap; any Smoking Jacket, Office Coat or Dressing Gown. And to give all a chance to avail themselves of these most excellent offerings our store will be Open till 11 o'clock to-night; till noon (12 M.), v to-morrow. .. A FINE SUIT R OVERCOAT ' '' Makes a Truly Splendid Christmas Gift. And, oh! how the prices of the goods have dropped in our Men's and Boys' Clothing departments. They were from 15 to 20 peri cent lower than all competition before the drop. Now after the drop the difference is fully 40 per cent. These prices will be in forceto-day and up to 12 o'clock to-morrow. Regular 10 and $15 Men's Suits and. Overcoats for 7 50 and 11. Regular 20 and 25 Men's Suits and Overcoats for $15 and 18. m Regular $4 and $$ Boys' Suits and Overcoats for $3 and 3 75. Regular $8 and $10 Boys-' Suits and Overcoats for $6 and 7. Regular 3 and $5 Men's Pantaloons for $2 and $4. . , Regular $6 and $8 Men's Pantaloons for $4 5 and 5 50. ' Regulai 1 and i 50 .Hoys' rantaloons tor 75c ana jsi 10. And don't forget that our store will be Open till 11 o'clock to-night; till noon (12 M.) to-morrow. ;.:.; GIFTS Grandest Books published Dorc's Bible Gallery, illustrated by Dore. MiJton's Paradise Lost, illustrated by Dore. Dante's Purgatory and Paradise, illustrated by Dore. Standard Print 1 Standard Size 1 Standard Binding 1 Regular publisher's price, 4. GIVEN GRATIS ! GIVEN GRATIS ! With every Man's or Boy's Suit or Overcoat, or Lady's or Miss Cloak costing not less than 10. Our Christmas Gifts to Patrons of Our Lady's Shoe Department. A beautiful Golden Boot or Cinderella Slipper, .containing a bottle of finest perfume, will be presented with every purchase in ' our lady's shoe department to-day and up to 12 o'clock to-morrow. ' FOR JHE LITTLE FOLKS We have prepared some excellent gifts and attractions FIRST A large Picture Book or handsome Sled goes free with every Boy's Suit or Overcoat or Girl's Cloak, no matter how low the price. SECOND Kris Kringle's Popcorn Bakery, the most novel and original idea of the season, will supply every child calling with a large, sweet, delicious Ball of Popcorn. THIRD The Royal Italian (Fantoccini) Marionette Theater, that has.been delighting thousands upon thousands during the past ten days, will close its engagement with our house to-night Let all the little ones see it this day. Performances in corner window, com mencing at 9:30 a. m. A magnificent 8-colored lithograph Calendar of 1890, a workof art in every respect, will be presented to every visitor afourYtore , to-day. KAUFMANNQ I v. Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street WJBCOXtESAIiH 1UILKOADS. Si Bchedulela effect rlovember 10. 18B3: La ltT..Hlni.fnn : wasninjrioD. j. . w'"'i ..- phis and New Yo. -siwa. in. auu -jj p. in. Kor Cumberland, "3M a. . m.. 0. -J.aip.iii. For Connellsvlllp. : and 8M0 a, ra., tiap, ttm sad ItStn. m. For Dnlontown, :. "8ans.ni., tlMtWtm p. V For Mt- flessant, tt:tt SJrtoi m. and lM and 1 tl:C0p. b. For Wasb lngton, ta., 7.-C5 and t?: a. .., J0 1 and. 7:a0p;m. For Wheeling. 7.-S,:j0 p.. JdS, 7:n, ra. For ClnalnnaU and St. Tuonls, 7iOSa. m.. n:S P. m, For Columbus, VM a. m.. "J pTb? For NeVarlc lOi, P:S s. ra . ds, 7:39 p. m. For Cblcsra, 7:n5 and "7:30 p. ra. 4-ralns arrive ftom New Tort Fhlladeiphla, Baltimore and Wasblnston.. 31 a. m., ':oS p. m. From Columbus. Cincinnati and Chicago, S:3s.ni.. a P. m. From WbeeUnr, , loais. ra., .OO.'S.-Wp.ra. Thrnarhslfeiilnrcnrs toBiUImcre. TVsjhln-- " ton, Clnclnnsuanil Chicago. UOnneJisnue tccouiauu.uutt a iq.' a. u& Sundar onir. oflie PltUbarai Transfer Company will call for ndebeck bagrace from hotels and residences mnA phhrk htmll ftoni -"- -"ii-r75'ja-i- . .-.. . - upon orders len at a. et v. ucaei omee, corner Finh ate and Wood it., or 401 anij 839 Smlthlleld it. CUA8. o. bcull, lien. ra. Asenr, J.T. O'DEliL. ueneru jaanazer. P1TTBBUKQ AKD CASTLE SHAN NON K. R. wlnterTlraa Table. On and after December litis, until ftrtliwnotkevtralns will run as follows everyday, except Sunday. I lei Javinjr. l'ltubnfi-SiM i a.m.. : bi.. llt. m : Eastern standard time! s. a., 7:ws. m l:UO a.m.. I rn s-ilt) p. l!)D.in 3:)d. KCVn n. K.-Klta m hnn .n I1B Dl Arliiifton-t: a. m.t tcx a. m., 7ilC tits a, m.. 10 JO a. sa.. vfft p. ra, 2ivr p. ui. a IiUb.. KSB 19 SB TtHTl -BSi . IH'S .!. 8MfcTtralai,:vlx'lsrKs:nia feieVp,.. liM p. m., MS. ?av- ArUBftsa-yilO - "w n ,- ' IMS Jiiir. k. Ql' QFSl mmm December 24, 1889. THEM ALL. : vTJsliBS house that the rather amusing inci- fi HALF PRICE a TO-DAY. in the English tongue?!' ana KETAIHc ds2-B BAILKOADS. pnTSBTJHO AND LAKE KBIE KA1LBOAU JL UiJJll.'iVX 1. Scbednle In effsct NnrmhAp 17 1689. Central time. DsrABT lfor nn.i.ii :00, 3:C0a. m.. '15, UOj, "Sia) p. m. For Cin cinnati, cnicara and lit. Louis. 4:00 a. m., i-js. SdOjj. id. For Buffalo, 8:00 a. m., tsn, )op. ra. For tjatamanra, 3:00 a. m., 43) p. m. For Younxstows and Newcastle 5:00, 30, 10:U a. ra., '1:3 UOK )Hf p. m. For Beaver FalU. S-OO. Taa,SHJ0, 10:0 a. m., 1:86,10, 'iOO. iJSi 9:3ub. m. For Chartlers, Jajo, isafa. mT. siS as,7ii5.7do. 8:05. sax ao.iBzvs.niHa!nx 1U:45, 1:40, JdO. ZOO, ltdO, 8:05! tOl, SilO'lOdJ p.m. ABnrvx-From Cleveland, tiB a. ra., 118, ) E:X 7:U P- m. From Cincinnati, Chicago and bt. Iinls. -TZ-.n, -7:53 p. m. rrom Bnffalo. : a. m.. '11:3a 10 p. ra. From Salamanca, 15:31), 7:55 p. m. From xonnxstown and Jiew Castle.? s:2V:M. m., 12:30, S:. Tiii Up. n. From" , Braver Fails, sra, aa, v-si, "ss a.ra UJa. ifft. &-& 1-1H- ion. m. P.. C. A "V. trains for MansSeld. 8:S a. m.. 1: '" 55 p.m. For Essen and ISeechmont, 8J0a.m.. --; 10 p.m. P.. O. ft V. trains from XsntieliL Xtseii and' Beeehmont,TMi.a.,1ld9.m. F., MeK?4T. R. B.-DWAT-For Kew Ha-, ven, rsaoa-m., -up.m. for wut Jfewtos. I'SJO. t JO a. m.. S:30. J:M p. m. Abbtvx From New Have TtSO sum., S:1SS pt m, From West Mewton, en S;lSo. m. -a.B., laij For McKeesport, Kllisheth. llonoariheU at nnd Bene Vernon, 6:'. ynsi, nu a. tu., vjg,t7 up. in. from Belle Vernon. Hononnhela City. Zllza- Detn ana Jicneespon, 7:u a. m., -yz2i naa, sj 15:1J p. m. jl Uallr. iSundsvs only, twill ran oa hour jaieoaaaauar. ry lu ran two auurs ifl oa aoa-B 9 - ! '( tiwaitssssF aWneketoaeeieNSmiUtseidSbeH,. ' k CSSSBt I'Tsaff ?m kjssssi 4MV ' : k