Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 24, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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IliTe Stock All Along the Line is
Depressed by Poultry.
Choice Sheep and Lambs Firm, Owing to
Terjf light Receipts.
Office of Pittsbtieg Dispatch,!
AIondat. December 23. 1888. J
The rnn of lire stock was below average,
with the exception of hogs. Sheep supplies
were. particularly light Demand corres
ponded with supply of cattle, and only
choice stock found ready sale.
The hoiday season is never good for the
old staple meats, and this season is no ex
ception to the rule.
The cattle supply Taried very little from
last week, either as to quality or quantity,
and while prices held up fairly well to
last week's range, markets were sluggish,
and outside prices were with difficulty obtained.
Prime, heavy Chicago bought beeves, weigh
lnci,500 to L.G0O pounds, were quoted at $5 40
6 60, with rerr few sales at the latter figure.
Medium weights, 1,350 to 1,450 pounds, sold at
J5 0065 25; do, 1,200 to 1.300 pounds, H 751 9a
Prime LIsht Welches.
Prime licht weights, 900 to 1,100 pounds, H 85
to M 6V; common to lair, thin and rough stock,
S3 SO to H. Fresh cows were in demand and
i easy to sell at 35 to $50 a head. Calves were in
Tery light supply, there Being but S3 head on
sale, and they sold readily at 5fe to 6cper
pound according to weight and age. Bulls,
stags, etc, from surrounding counties were
slow sale at SJc to 4c per pound.
Receipts: From Chicago L Zeigler, 88
head: L. Gerson, 87; L. Rothschild, 72; A.
Froium, 51 From Ohio Needy Sc Smith, 16;
A. Koby, 17; H. Hank, 9. From Pennsylvania
J. Shepherd, 23; G. T. Shepherd, 19: various
owners. 8; total, 892; last week, 409;wevjous
week, S1Z
Sheep nnd Lambs
The features of markets were light offerings,
good demand and firmness. Choice sheep and
lambs were 2c above prices of last week. Best
heavy Western and native wethers sold at $5 00
to So 25; good to choice medium weights, do
84 25 to j 45; common and mixed lots, S3 50 to
4 00; lambs. S to (c per pound.
Receipts: From Chicago L Zeigler, 315
head. From Ohio J. Langdon, 62. From
Pennsylvania Bingham & Co., 152; J. Relber.
16; J. Wright, 68; V. Craig. 39; D. O. Pisor. 36.
Total, 6SS; last week, 829; previous week, 723.
Supply large, demand light and market lower
with a fair prospect of some being left over un
sold. Best Chicago and Ohio were quoted at
S3 75(24 00. and country hogs at S3 603 9a
Receipts From Chicago I. Zeigler,234 head;
Huff t Hazlewooa. 15L From Ohio J. .Lang
don. 25: A. Frank, 135; A. Rohy. 67; B. Hank,
49; Needy Smith, 328. From Pennsylvania
Buigbam & Co., 29; J. Reiner, 10: W. Cralc, 10;
D. O. Pisor, 41; J. Shepherd, 163: G. T. Shep
herd, SO: F. Cruiksbank, 67. Total, 1,389; last
week, 910: previous week, 1,343.
Receipts of hogs at Chicago on Saturday
were 38,000 head, an amount f ullyCLOOO above
the average for that day of the week. This
number was a surprise even to the bears. Re
ceipts this morning at Chicago were 2,800 head,
and S3 60 was the outside price for selected
hogs. j
The Condition of Business U the East Libert?
Stock Tarda,
Office of Ptttsbubq Dispatch,
MONDAT. December 23, 1889. (
CATTLE Receipts, 1,800 head; shipments,
700 bead: market steady: nrime, f4 1004 35;
pood, S3 403 70; fair, $2 60Q3 25; bulls, 11 50
2 6U One car of cattle shipped to New York
Hoos Receipts. 6,800 head: shipments. 4,400
bead: market slow; all grades, S3 503 7a
Twenty-six cars of hogs shipped to New York
Sheet Receipts, 5,400 head; shipments,
2.S00 head; market- active: prices about the
same as last Monday.
" ro .fcjf c
By TeleKranU.
New Tobk. Beeves Receipts, 2,790 head,
making iaS30 for the week; arrivals
included 67 car loads for slaughterers direct,
63 car loads for export and 30 car loads for the
market. These fresh arrivals ana some 20 car
loads beside' that were in the pen Saturday
had a slow sale to-day at about the closing flex
ures Friday last; very common to extras. S3 200
6 25 per 100 pounds, a few stackers at $2 602 75.
a bunch of common Texas steers at S3 10 and
poor to besttoulls and cows at SI 402 60. The
week's -shipments Included 1,740 beeve, 125
sheep, and 10.300 quarters of beef, to-day's
LIvernool cable quotes American steers dull,
at I0l2c per pound for the drcsed weight,
sinking the offal, and American refrigerated
beef barely steady at scant 8c per pund. Calves
Receipts, 4,000, making 2,100 for the week;
.dull but steady, at S5 to $8 per 100 poundsfor
Teals and at E2 003 25 for trassers and "West-
.em calves. Sheen Receipts, sain moving
r,S0.900 for the week; extremely dull, and J to
Tguuci puuuu iuhm; uruioary 10 cnoice Sheep
sold at J4 005 75 per 100 pounds: extra, do at
S6 O06 25. and common to extra lambs at
So 505 7a Hogs Receipts, 13,400, making
41,000 for the week: none offered alive: nom
inally firmer, at S3 904 2a
BUFFALO Cattle Good hntrlipr mrta
fairly active and a shade better; common slow;
receipts, ISO loads through, 130 sale; extra ex
port steers. S4 40Q4 70: good medium weight ex
port, S4 154 25: choice heavy butchers, S3 75
4 la Sheep and lambs slow and lower; re
ceipts, 16 loads through. 60 sale: sheep, choice
to extra. $1850500; good to choice, 846004 75;
limbs, choice tn extra, $6 606 75; good to
choice, J6 256 Stt Hogs in fair demand; re
ceipts, 29 loads through, 150 sale; mediums and
heavy, $3 65; mixed and Yorkers, S3 70; pigs,
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 8,000 head;
shipments. 3.000 head: market steady to 10c
hichen beeves.12 905 15; stackers and feeders.
S23; cows, bulls and mixed, $1 202 90; Texas
cattle. Si 502 75. Hogs Receipts. 27,000 hesd;
shipments, 6,000 head: market strong and 6c
higher; mixed, S3 200? 65: heaw, S3 6003 67W:
light, S3 6003 70: skips. J303 35. aheep Re
ceipts, 5,000 head; shipments. 1,000 head: best
firmer, others stead v; natives, S2 7505 40; West
em cornled. $4 350510; lexans, S3 5004 25:
lambs. S56 40. '
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1.400 head; ship
ments, 300 head: market strong; good to
.fancy natives, S5 45; fair to good, S3 2004 35
stackers and feeders. S203 40: range steers,
S2 1003 0a Hogs Receipts. 6.300 head; ship
ments, 2.400 beid; market steady: fair to choice
heavy, 13 5503 8a: packing grades. $3 4503 60:
lizht, fair to best, S3 4003 55. Sheep Receipts,
600 head; shipments, 100 head; market strong;
fair to choice, S3 6004 90; lambs, $4 6005 7a
Kaxsar Cm Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head;
shipments. 2.600 bead: market 10015c higher;
natives. S3 3004 50: cows. SI 5002 45; stack
ers and feeders, $2 2003 00. Hogs Re
ceipts, 6,000 bead; shipments, 300 head; market
. about steady; all grades selling at S3 5503 6a
Sheep Receipts, 600 head; shipments, 700
'bead; market slow and unchanged.
Brazilian Coflee.
" BIODEJAKEIBO. December 23. Cor7eTti7.
inlar first, 6,700 reis per 10 kilos; good second.
y.-w reis. iteceipts annng the week. 70,000
" bags; purchased for United States, 44,000; clear-
-i-AeOOO reis. Ilecelpts during the week.
ancesiur uo. aimu; aiocK, ica,wu oacs.
Santos. December 23.-Coffce Good aver
age, 6,150 reis per 10 kilos: receipts during the
.week, 51.000 bags; purchases for the United
s States, 10,000 b igs; clearances for do, 18,000:
stock, 164.000 bags.
Grain Id England.
London, December 23. The Jlfar Lane Ex
press, in its weekly review of the British grain
trade, says: English wheats are weak. The
sales of English wheat during the past week
were .82,577 quarters at 30s Id, against 55,529
quarters, at 80s 8d, during the corresponding
nrek last year. Foreign wheats are firm.
Flour is dull. Oats are in demand and prices
cave advanced 7d. Corn and peas are neglect
ed. At tvday's market English wheats were
firmer at 6d advance. Fine whites were quoted
at 35. Grinding barley was 6d dearer. The
prices of oats were maintained.
- The VWIble Supply of Grain.
. Nkw 1'oek, Decemner 23. Following is the
a'etatement of the visible supply of grain in
store and afloat on Saturday, December 21, as
jBisued bv the Produce Exchange: Wheat, 84,-
4274,799 bushels: increase. 330,057 bushels. Corn,
tS.8o6.957 bushels; Increase, 587,674 bushels. Oats,
ii.8S3,277 bushels; increase, 25.420 bushels. Bye,
?1L251.C30 bushels: increase, 89,304 bushels. Bar-
' ley, 2,519,833 bushels; decrease, 63,861 bushels.
f jAbx in advertising. Send for estimates
. andeiizns. General printing.
'. r ti. -
TiSBn 75, 77, 79 Diamond et.
jfi ttshd u. 4f. i AjiKTnnnn ar. I Twr luu mBQas. - t,... 3.. n. . aaa
mmSk'-S --14? '. JSi - - ' ''iA.,; k - r
Wheat Opens Strong, but Weakm Under
Free Offrrlnaa Corn and Oats
Lower Pork Quiet and
Chicago There was a good trade In wheat
to-day, and the feeling was somewhat unset
tled. The opening was strong and about Ke
higher than Saturday's closing, but rather free
offers, chiefly of long wheat, created an easier
feeling, and prices declined Klc They re
covered KKc. and ruled steadier, closing s
lower than Saturday. Parties who did most of
the buying Saturday were the principal sellers
to-day on the decline., about 83c for May.
Quite a good many outside buying orders were
received. J
Cable advices were generally or a favorable
tenor to holders. Many operators had calcu
lated on a decrease In the risible, and this may
hare influenced selling by some parties, thoueh
a majority of operators no doubt operated on
the theory that the advance would bring out
free offerings and a decline would result, and
by selling they expected to break in at a lower
pries again.
There was a large business done in corn, and
the feeling dereloped was very weak, lower
prices being the rule on all futures. Offerings
of the more deferred futures were exceeding
ly heavy, especially May, which sold the lowest
so far on the crop. The'markct was influenced -chiefly
by the larger movement, both here and
in the Southwest.
Oats were moderately active, weaker and
lower. Good weather and an increase in the
risible made operators bearish. There was free
selling for May by a large private elevator firm
andonlr a limited demand. Prices declined
K&c and the market closed easy.
Only' a fair trade was reported in pork and
the feeling was easy. Early prices receded 2,
5c, but later in the day rallied again and
closed steady.
Very little interest manifested in lard and
the feeling was steady. Prices show very little
A fair business was transacted in ribs and the
feeling was not quite so firm. Prices averaced
2c lower and the market Closed steady at me
dium figures.
The leading futures raneea as follows:
wheat Decern oer. iai
January. 7907978J478c;
KJ4B6iSSC. ,
Corn December. 33033032032; January.
SlKffi31K30?31c; March, 31c; May,S30S2
Oats December, 20c: January. 202QJb
2O02OK: May. 22J$i&022K22Xc.
Mess PORK, per bbl. January. S9 17K0
9 17k: March, S3 37g9 42K09 S7&09 40; May,
S9 6009 62
Labs, per 100 fts. January. $5 9005 S7K;
March, to 9505 95; May, $6 0506 056 0506 05.
Short Ribs, per 100 Its. January. $4 70S
4 70; March. $4 7JK4 82X0 77K 80; May.
S4 92J404 92K.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady
and unchanged. No. 2 sprine wheat, TSJic:
No. 8 spring wheat, 6S071c; No. 2 red,78jc;
No. 2 corn. 3:; No. 2 oats, 20Kc: No. 2
rye. 45Uc. No, 2 barley, 6S06OC. No. 1 flaxseed.
SI 35. Prime timothy .seed. $1 22. Mess
pork, per bbl. $8 6009 2a. Lard, per 100 lh,
$5 8505 87. Short Tibs sides (loose), $4 650
4 Sa Dry salted shoulders (boxea), $4 12M
4 25. Shortclear sides (boxed). $5 00.
Sugars unchanged and steady. Receipts
Flour, 1.000 barrels: wheat, 37,000 bushels:
corn. 256.000 bushels; oats, 139,000 bushels;
rye. 13,000 bushels: barley, 47.000 bushels. Ship
mentsFlour, 23,000 barrels; wheat, 15,000
bushels: corn. 221,000 buhels; oats. 112,000
bushels; rye, 6.000 bushels: barley, 23,000
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was unchanged. Eggs, 20021c
New Yobk Flour moderately active and
easy. Wheat Spot dull, i0c up, and easy:
options fairly active, K0?c UP an(1 closed
weak. Rye dull. Barley dull: barley malt dull.
Corn Spot moderately active, 01c higher,
and weak; options fairly active, U4e lower,
and steady. Oats Spot" dull and weaker: op
tions weak and J40c lower. Hay quiet and
steady. Hopslalriy active and firm. Coffee
Options opened steady and unchanged to 5
points down, closed steadv and unchanged
to 10 points up; sains, 35,000 bags, including
December, 15.8015.90c; January, 15.70015.85c;
February. 15.75015.90c; March. 15.9O0iaOOc;
April. 16.00c: May. 16.00010.10c; June,
18.10c: Julv. 16.0516.20c; November, 16.050
16.10c; sint Rio steady and dull; fair cargoes,19
No. 7, 17c. Sugar Raw, dull and nominal;
refined dull and easv. Molases New Orleans
steady. Rice Steady and quiet. Cottonseed
oil easier: crude, 28jc;yellow. 33034c Tallow
quiet. Rosin steady. Turpentine dull, 43J0
44c Eegs higher; Western, 2424c; re
ceipts. L659 packages. Pork firm; mess, inspect
ed. S10 50010 75; do uninspected, $10 25010 50;
extra prime, $9 5009 75. Cutmeats steady;
middles quiet, short clear So 4a Lard easier
and dull; sales, 250 tierces; Western steam.
(620; options sales. 3,250 tierces; January.K 180
620: closlnz. S618 bid: February. $6 26 bid:
March.6 33: closlne. $6 32: May. -JO 41 bid.' July.
$663. Butter slow and easy: Eldn, 28K029c;
western ojuit. wwioc wesrem creamery. ia
17po held 10018c; Jo factoryeSc Cheese
quiet, about steady; Western, &8c
FHXXASEif hxa Flotorqnlet'ind In buyers'
favor; Western winter clear, $4 0004 20; do
straight, $4 2504 45; winter patent. $1 5004 90;
Minnesota clear, S3 6004 00; do straight, $4 270
4 75; do patent, $4 8505 15. Wheat Spot firm;
options weak, and closed KSO-slower: fair to
good milling wheat, 780tioc; choice and fancy
longberry. 88092c: ungradeoV in grain depot,
84c; steamer No. 2 red.in exporr elevator, 72Kc;
No. 2 red, December. 810S1HC: Janusrv, 8lk
082c: February, 828SKc; March, 8084Xc
Corn Options steady; carlots dull and liberal
supply; No. 4 mixed, in Twentieth street ele
rator,35c; No. 3 yellow.in grain 'depot. 350S5c;
export steamer, for Febrnary, at 3737c in
elevator; No. 2, for February, at SSWc in ele
vator: No. 2 mixed December. 38t40SSMc:Janu
T. SS0SSUc: Fehruary. 3SJi3SKc: March.
3SH039c Oats Carlots firm; No. 3 white,
31c: No. 2 white, 32c; .futures quiet, steady;
bo.j wnite, uecemoer, aitjaiwc; January,
SO03OXc; February, 8OK08
3O5i031Kc Provisions dull. Pork Mess.
?,l: marr.ii.
new, f 11 50012 00; do prime mess, new, $11 00;
do family. 112 50013 00. Uams Smoked, 1OH0
12c Lard Western steam, $6 50. Butter dull
and unsettled; Pennsylvania creamery, extra,
25026c: do prints, extra. 3336c. Egcs Fresh
stock scarce and firm; Pennsylvania firsts. 240
25c Cheese dull; part skims, 708c Re
ceipts Flour. 400 barrels: wheat. L500 bushels:
corn, 4L 400 bushels; oats. 5,200 bushels. Ship
ments Wheat, 2,000 bushels; corn, 8,000 bush
els; oats, 6,000 bushels.
Minneapolis The posted receipts. Includ
ing Sunday, were 3S6 cars, and 18 were shipped
out. Dulutb receipts, 35 cars for the same
time A fair demand existed for milling wheat
on a basis of about 78c for No. 1 Northern, with
some choice a little bicber. There was but a
small increase in local stock, amounting to 97,
815 bushels, as the mills ground last week con
siderable from private stocks. Tbe total in
crease in Minneapolis. St. Paul and Dnluth
was 297,049 bushels, while the total visible in
creased 321,000 bushels. Oats wore very dull,
and parties with many cars to sell found it im
possible to dispose of them even at the current
low prices. Closing quotations: No. 1 bard. De
cember. 79c: January.tSOc; Mar. 84c; on track,60c:
No. 1 Northern, December, 86Jc; January, 77c;
May, Sljfc: on track. 78c: No. 2 Northern,
December and January, 74c; May, 78c; on
track, 74076c
St. Lotis Flour quiet and unchanged.
Wheat lower: larger receipts than anticipated
and weak markets elsewhere brought ont rough
selling to start a decline. The close was weak
and Mc below Saturday: No. 2 red, cash, 78c;
May. 82K82Ke82Jic: closed at 82Uc; July. 77
078c, closed at TTJic asked. Corn lower; No. 2
mixed, cash, 26c; December, closed at 26c;
Januarv. 26K29c closed at 26io bid; Febru
ary. 26J27c closed at 26c asked; May,
2SJ029Uc closed at2SV28Jsc; July. 30cclosed
at2903Oc asked. Oats lower and dull; No.
2 cash, 14e: May, 22022c bid: January, 18c
bid. Rye, No. 2 offered at 45c, with 43044c bid.
Barley, nothing done. Provisions quiet and
easy, without material change.
MrLWATTKEE Flour dull and steady. Wheat
easy; No. 2 spring on track, cash, 73075c:
May, 77Jic;No. 1 Northern, 82c Corn quietf
No. 3, on track, 29c Oats easier; No. 2 white, on
track. 23c Rye dull; No. L In store, 45Ja
Barley firmer; No. 2, on track, 46c Pro
visions quiet. Pork, t9 17K. Lard 15 9a Cheese
unchanged; Cheddars, 869&C
BAlrntORE Provisions quiet and un
changed. Butter steadv; Western, packed. 14
019c; best roll, 17019c: creamery, 13016c
Lggs quiet at 22023c Coffee firm: Rio firm
at 910c
Toledo Clorerseed active and steady: cash,
December and January, (3 60; February, 3 62.
New Yobk. December 23. Jobbers were
doing an active business In cleaning up stocks
through special offerings. Deliveries by agents
were active and the market continued strong.
Stocks of cotton goods rather improve in con
dition than otherwise, -thongb no upward
changes seem likely to be made at present.
Grain In Eight.
Chicago. December 23. The Board of Trade
report on tbe visible supply of grain is as fol
lows: Wheat. 34,275,000 bushels; Increase.
S3L0O0.. Com, 6,856,000; Increase, CS6.000. Oats,
4,853,000; increase, 25,000. Rye, 1,251,000: in
crease, 22,000. Barley, 2,521.000; decrease, 63,
000. Metal Markets
New Yobk Pig Iron steady. Copper duU
and firm: Lake. December, $14 10. Lead, quiet
and steady; domestic, S3 90. Tin quiet and
easier; straits, CI 00.
S. W. Hill, Pittsburg 3Ieat Supply
Company, corner of Church avenue and An
derson street, Allegheny, Pa., sold for Nel
son Morris & Co., lor the week, ending De
cember 21, 1889, 83 carcasses of beef; aver
age weight, 638 pounds; ayerage price, 5 54
per J00 pounds, . v.
Everybody Getting Heady for
Merry Christmas Holiday.
More Light Thrown on the Pennsylvania
Bailroad and Cherry Alley.
The prosperous condition of business dar
ing the year has enabled every person who
made an effort to save up something to in
vest in Christmas presents to make the home
circle brighter and happier. So generally
is this regarded as a duty, to say nothing of
the pleasure, that lor tbe past month,
through rain and shine, buying has been
prosecuted at a rate to break all previous
records. Saturday and yesterday sales of
holiday goods were enormous. Thbia of
Saturday swelled the bank exchanges to
neayljr $3,000,000. Yesterday's sales were
probably greater, as all the out-going after
noon local trains were crowded with people
loaded down with packages, great and small,
which looked as if they had passed through
the hands of good old Santa Claus. It is a
pretty custom, and keeps green the memory of
the most momentous event in tbe annals of
Ordinary affairs, so far as may be, are neg
lected for the time. The man absorbed in bus
iness lays it aside for a little while and medi
tates on the wondrous event at Bethlehem,
when for the first and only time the human
ear caught tho strains of angelic music "Peace
on earth, good will to men." It is a joyous and
a welcome season to rich and poor alike. It
affords an opportunity for rest and review. It
is a time for good deeds and high resolves. Sel
fishness and narrowness retire abashed when
confronted with the light which it pours upon
dutyand responsibility, and all that is good and
noble In man is strengthened and confirmed.
He who is not happy on Christmas is Indeed an
object of commiseration. A happy Christmas
Is tho best thing The Dispatch can wish for
its army of readers.
Business will keep. Let it stand aside for a
few days while the bells ring and tbe people
make merry.
The movements of the Pennsylvania Rail
road in the Cherry alley district are as much a
mystery as ever; but enough light has been
thrown on the subject in spots to convince the
public that there is more in the wind than the
railroad people and their agents are willing to
admit. But as it Is a big thing, if anything, it
will take considerable time to accomplish all
the plans In view. It may be years before the
facts will be allowed to come to tbe surface
Bald an East End gentleman yesterday: "I
feel satisfied that there is a large admixture of
truth in the talk of Pennsylvania Railroad
gobbles in Cherry alley and Seventh avenue. I
am acquainted with some of tbe officers of the
road, and frequently meet them. Two or three
months ago I overheard one of them say: 'It's
all right; I have just seen our agents. They
say they have secured some and have options
on more. If we can ret down lo Seventh ave
nue we will be fixed.' Of course, I could only
gdess what he was talking about; but with
rumor and a few facts to assist me, I was not
long in making the application. He was throw
ing a little light on tbe Cherry alley mystery."
A member of a real estate firm on Fourth
avenue, supposed to be in the secrets, if- not
the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in
its efforts to get a depot site down town, when
asked yesterday for information on the subject,
said: "I have nothing that I can make public
There may be such a deal as you speak of. It
Is a fact that the road has been trying for years
to get a site for a depot further down town.
Tbe change at Grant street was tbe first im
portant move in that direction. That gave
them a free outlet to Seienth avenue. It was
an entering wedee to something better. What
they have done since I am not at liberty to y;
but when a big, rich corporation like the Penn
sylvania Railroad undertakes anything it gen
erally carries it out.
"One thing I, would like to say In this connec
tion. Property holders on Cherry alley and ad
jacent thoroughfares should not jump to tbe
conclusion that the Pennsylvania Railroad
wants to absorb all that part of the city, and
make such extravagant demands for their pos
sessions as to practically retire them from tbe
market. I by no means admit that the railroad
people are looking for property on Cherry alley
or elsewhere, but it they are they know its
value and are not likely to pay much more. It
has about reached the limit of its productive
capacity, except for the purposes of the rail
road. To boom it on tbe mere supposition that
the railroad wants it would be an injury to the
property of that part of tbe city. Large bodies
move slowly. I have no donbt that the Penn
sylvania Railroad would be pleased to have a
depot in a more central part of the city than
the present one, but it can wait 10, 15 or 20 years
if necessary."
Another agent said: "What everybody says
mnst be so. While I have no facts to show for
it, it is my opinion that the Pennsylvania Rail
road is working a big deal in real estate in the
district bounded by Liberty, Smitbneld. Fifth
avenue and Grant.- This is a large territory,
and gives ample scope for selection. Some of
the maneuvering is no donbt for the purpose of
throwing dust in tbe eyes of the people. I
think Seventh avenue is tbe objective point,
and tbat the depot will be built there if any
where." w
A case in plumbing in New York recently
discovered discloses conditions tbat impress
two Important points with considerable em
phasis. Tbe case is that of a "Jerry builder"
In the construction of a row of houses. The
cellars of these houses had to be blasted ont of
solid rock at considerable expense To connect
the house drainage with the street sewer called
for an additional expense of $300 for each bnild-
inc. But to save this expense ot blasting to
make the required connections, the contractor
ran the waste-pipe from each house down un
der the cellar floor and back under the yard to
a point beyond the fence line, where the mouth
ot the pipe was hidden under a pile of broken
rocks, thus saving 2,000.
This was not discovered until the Health De
partment began to investigate the cause of so
much sickness in that row, when the outrage
was discovered. This Impresses two lessous:
One is that plumbers should be chosen for the
inspection of plumbing, and the other is that
bad plumbing does cause sickness. These les
sons are important enough to be dwelt upon by
civil and health authorities in a Tery serious
manner. There Is no necessity whatever to
wait until disease prostrates a family before
the discovery ot deficient plumbing is made.
As a general thing the building and plumbing
regulations of our cities are such that the au
thorities can point to no manner of excuse for
such work.
Local Stocks Hake a Favorable Showing
Tbat Warn Quite Unexpected.
The stock market was quite unexpectedly a
good one for Monday, and nearly everything on
the active list was higher. The sales were 372
shares. Luster moved up to Zl4 bid and 40
asked. There is no telling where tbe upward
movement In this stock will stop,
Tbe company was organized about seven
years ago. Tbe capital is 100,000, all held by a
few people in Pittsburg. Those acquainted
with the mint say It was never In as good shape
or so promising as now. A broker remarked:
1 didn't want the stock a short time ago, be
cause promises bad not been fulfilled. But the
prospect has Improved so much since then that
1 think it will go to 60 or 60, or perhaps 100, be
fore there is a halt In the advance. If the naif
that I bear about it is true I think it's one of
the best things on tbe list. The scarcity of tbe
stock od the market shows that holders have
confidence In It. Some think tbe advance Is a
bull movement, but I don't. I tbinkit is fully
justified by the Improved condition and pros
pects of the property."
Among the other strong features were Elec
tric, Panhandle, Philadelphia Gas'and Central
Traction, all of which scored advances. The
rest of the list was firm, but underwent no ma-
Keystone B'kor Pitts.
Third Nat. Bank
Ml &U. iU JUKeQi
j,.auu.b Au., .. ...... u7B .... ... V
Tradesmen's Nat. B'k la .-fir
Allemannla Insurance. 4J , fig "
City Insurance , . S5 Eff' "
'Western Insurance Co. .:.: m jJsr '
U....I. U...W ,1S
Philadelphia Co
33H !i 29;
nueeiin? uasuo...... -..
Columbia Ull Co ....
Forest Oil Co ....
Hazelwood Oil Co... ..
Tuna Oil Co
WsshlngtonOllCo..... 80
Central Traction....... 23
Citizens' Traction
Pitts. Traction iX
Pleasant Valley ,. 2JM
litis.. A. & llsn...... 2
Allegheny Valley, ,.,. 1)
380 -..
v.uArbiera Hallway...,. )
Pitta. June. It. R.
l'ltta. Cln. ABt.Inls.
.. Va. AC. K. It. Co..
N. Y. A CI. Q. C. Co.,
La Norla Mlnlntr Co.,,
Luster Mining Co......
bllverton Mining CO...
Yankee Girl Slinlnjt Co
Westlnirhouse Electric
Pitts. Mate Glass Co..
31 4
47X 48
:::: "is
unions, is. prer,
At the first nil HI hana nt H.ntral Traction
snlrt atm 91'harH.ra n-ii.L(- lmpimsant Val
ley Railway at 23.10 Electric at -4 andfO
Philadelphia Gas at 29K. At the last call 150
shares of Philadelphia Gas brought
a Gas broneht 2954.
Henry M. Long sold 60 Pleasant Valley at
C. W. McCntcneon sold SO Electric at
1 he total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 131,200 shares. Including: Delaware.
Lackawanna and Western, 13,380; Kansas and
Texas, 3.560: Missouri Pacific, 16,750: Pacific
Mail; 7,600; Reading, a900; St. Paul, 10,175;
Union Pacific, 5,640.
Money In Good Demand and Holiday Sales
"" Very Larsr.
Business was brisk at the banks yesterday,
the demand for accommodations being un
usually urgent and checking and depositing
heavy. Money was comfortably easy and rates
unchanged at 67 as the extremes.
The larce sales of holiday goods on Satnrday
raised the exchanges to nearly $3,000,000. The
correct figures are: Exchanges, $2,861,668 61
and balances, $320,836 2a Business yesterday
was heavy, as will be reflected in the Clearing
House report to-day.
Money on call at New York yesteraay was
clofe, ranging from 6 to 9 per cent; last loan, 6;
closed offered at 6. Prime mercantile paper,
57K. Sterling exchange quiet and steady
at U 80M for 60-day bills and $4 84H for Re
mand. Closing Bond Quotations.
C. B. ,rec 118
M.K. AT. Gen.ta . M
Mutual Union M... .100)4
N. J. C. Int. Oert...H
Northern Pac lsts..lltl(
Northern lac.2dt..ll2a'
North w't'n conioli.HJ
Nnrthwn 1hn'a..liaK
u. a. . coup am
u. u. H reir. iw
O. S. 4Ms. coup.... 1WK
PaclScsaofM. USX
Lonlilanai tamped to 1Z
Missouri 6a 102
Tenn. new act. 6a... 109.H
Tcnn. new set. Sa,...102H
Tenn. ncwaet.Ss..., 74J4
Canada Bo. 2ds SIX
Oregon A Trans. 66.10SX
be. Jj. si.jh uen. vu
St. L.& a. K. Uen.iL imi
til. Paul consols ....12SM
Hi-VL (!hl !( llla.118
uen. racinc uu, .,..in,t
Dn. AK.Q., lsts.U8
Den. AH. U. n. n
U.AK.O.West,lsts. 98
Erie, las. 101M
at. . AT. Gen. .. 74
TX., PC.L.G.TT.K. QOit
Union Pae. UU...IV1H
West Shore 106)4
Government tonds dull but firm. State bonds
dull and firm.
New York Clearings, JS3.8S6.692; balances,
Boston Clearings, $17,699,334; balances,
SL944.0S6. Money at 8Ji per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, $11,313,162; bal
ances, J 1,530,503.
Baxtikobs Clearings. $2,629,698; balances,
London The amount of bullion gone into
tbe Bank of England on balance to-day is 50,
000. Bar silver 43d per ounce.
5JPABI8 Three per cent rentes 87f62Kcfor
the account.
CHICAGO Bank clearings, $12,332,000. New
York exchange at par. Call loan rates are 6
per cent, and time 68 per cent.
Oil Weakens Under the Pressare of a Gen
eral Selllos Movement.
The oil market was rather firm at the open
ing yesterday, and advanced a fraction on
moderate buying, but in a short time every
body seemed to turn seller to get out for
Christmas. Under this pressure the" market
sagged off and closed weak at a little better
than the lowest point of the day. Trading was
light, Saturday's clearances were only 51,000
barrels. The opening was 101, highest 10
lowest 103, closing 103,
The following was received by a member of
tbe Exchange from Chlllicothe, O., dated eD
cember 19: "Yours of tbe 18th at band, asking
as to the showing of the oil well in this vicinity.
In answer I have to say that the item appear
ing in the papers Is witbont sufficient foundation. J-
xue report was stanea oy some correspondent
not sufficiently Informed, else he intended to
mislead the public. There Is drilling going on,
but no comforting prospect of gas or oil."
Jennings & Roth have just finished a 25
barrel well on their Watson lands, in AIcKean
county, which opens new territory in that field,
and insures Its extension, covering a large
tract of land which they have Deen very fortun
ate In buung recently of the Fox estate ad
joining: The Bromfield farm No. 7 came in
good for 40 barrels, making the rest of the farm
good. This belongs to R. Jennings 4 Hon. It
Is on the eastern belt near Millerstown, Butler
Fealarea of tbe Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Cakiey fc Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened .1C4 I Lowest )03
Highest 104 dosed 103
Average rnna 54,370
Average shipments , , 79,780
Average charters 30,390
Beflned, New York. 7.50c
Beflnert, London. Sd. ,
Refined. Antwero. ISKf.
Beflned. Liverpool, s l-Ud.
Beflned, Bremen, 7.13m.
A. B. McQrew quotes:
Pots, H 02i; calls,
Other OH Markets. .,
OtLCrrr. December 23. Petroleum opened
attl 04JS; highest, fl OiH; lowest, 1 03; closed,
SI 0 Bales, 121,000 barrels; clearances. 136.
000 barrels; charters, none; shipments, 105,052
barrels; runs, 73,391 barrels.
Bbasfobo, December 23, Opened at SI 04;
closed, SI 04: highest, SI OiX; lowest, SI 03JS.
Clearances, 215,000 barrels.
TrrusvrLLK, December23. Opened at SI 04i;
highest, SI lowest, SI 034; closed, SI 0
IsewYokk, December 23. Petroleum opened
steady at SI 04, and after narrow fluctuations
in tbe early trading became weak and declined
to SI 03: a slight Improvement then occurred,
and tbe market closed steady at SI 03U Stock
Exchange: Opening, SI 04; highest, SI 04;
lowest, SI 03; closing, SI 03V. Consolidated Ex
change: Opening, SI 03; highest, SI Ottfc
lowest, SI 03&; closing. SI 03LX. Sales, 270,000
barrels. r
Tho Acquisition of Lauds and Houses
Makes Some Peoplo Happy.
Ewing 4 Byers, K Federal street. Alle
gheny, sold lor enry Smith to Jlartln
Prenter, Esq., a lot 21x120 on Wost End ave
nue. Second ward, Allegheny, for 1,375 cash.
James W. Drape A Co. sold a bouse and lot
on Sarah street, Southslde, for 3,423 cash.
They also received an offer from an Ohio firm
for an extensive body of realty and railroad in
terest of an Eastern -concern of S350,000, par
ticulars of which are withheld for the present.
Samuel W. Black & CoBO Fourth avenue,
sold No. 20 Oakland square, being one of those
handsome new ten-room two-story and man
sard brick dwellings, situated close to tbe new
Scbenley Park, lot abont 30x150 to a 15-foot
alley, lor S7.600. This makes the twenty-third
bouse sold in this square since July 1, 18S9.
W. A.Herron4 8onssoIdlot No. 288 in the
Aspln wall Land Company's plan, at Asplnwall
station, 25x100 feet to alley for S32S.
Black & Baird, 05 Fourth avenue, sold to
Thomas Calllgan lot 759 In the Homestead
Bank and Life Insurance plan, of Homestead,
for $800.
Gives Railroad Ekares -a Balllab. Twist
Sugar Attacked and Knocked
Down Three Per Cent A
Kally In the Wind.
New Tobk, December 23. The apathy of
speculators was to-day Illustrated by the lim
ited fluctuations" In the stocks of the regular
list, the great majority of which were traded in
over & range of not more than per cent. The
good bank statement of Satnrday was the cause
of a better feeling on the street this morning
and rf strong opening to the market. The bull
ish Reeling ran highest in the Gould stocks,
however, and Missouri Pacific, which led the
market in both activity and strength, rose to a
shade above its highest price of last week,
touching 74J4. The high figures induced sales
for the short account, however, and the im
provement was all lost
In the afternoon sugar was attacked and stop
orders being uncovered on tbe way down, with
no support apparent, tbe drop reached 3 per
cent before the movement came to a bait.
There were rumors that competition was likely
to increase and there Was likely to be further
trouble in tbe Trust and the stock yielded
readily, the decline meeting bo setback until
ket began to work deter k the afteraaoa.
AlleichenyHeitlngCo. ....
Brldgewater Uas 29
ChartlersVaUeyG.Co. 48
Ohio Valley....! , ..
Peoples N. (4. 4 P. Co. ....
Pennsvlvanla.au Co
Rates all went as high as 0 par cent, which, as
tbe traders were inclined to bo ot a bearish
nature, resulted in tbe shading off of prices all
over, the list, though, the declines were on tbe
same limited scale as the early advances.
Pacific Mail was quite prominent in the first
few minutes' trading after U o'clock, bnt soon
fell away again, and later in the day Denver,
Texas and Ft. Worth became prominent for its
weakness, hut outside ot these stocks thero
was no feature. The close was dull and rather
heavy, with Sugar at bnt a shade better than
tbe lowest price of the day.
Railroad bonds were relatively more active
than shares, the total of $1,439,060 measuring
the business done during the day, though there
were tbe usual Insignificant fluctuations and
lack of special feature. Tbe Wabash Issues
were the active spot in the market, and the
seconds contributed $120,000 to the total, and
Texas and Pacific seconds furnished r-47,000.
ThePoitsays: The rumor mongers in Chi
cago who invent stories merely to affect the
stock market for a few hours until the inevita
ble denial is made had nothing to say this fore
noon. There is no mistake about the general
sentiment being in favor of higher prices for
stocks, and so far as sentiment may govern tbe
movement of prices, they will probably ad
vance for all stocks that will bear tbe test of
examination, and while there are, of course,
some securities that will not look so valuable
aftersuchatest.it is also true that there has
been no time In half a dozen years when there
was so little unsoundness covered up as now.
Nearly all the Weak spots have been pretty
well exploited, and whether the specialties will
go higher or lower will depend more exclusively
on the money market than upon anythingelsc
The following tanie stiowa tne prieea ol active
atockaon the New York Stock lExenange yeater
day. Corrected dally for Thx Dispatch by
WnrrKBY ASTErnENSOX, oldest Plttaburg mem
bers of Hew o stock Exchange, i7 fourth avenue:
Hlgn- Low.
esL. eat.
SIX 30
l 33
J4)t 34
S7H ihh
12Ul 13
34 SI
28 25X
wait vna
71 H 70)4
Am. Cotton Oil Trust..
Am. Cotton OU.
Atcn Tap. A a. f
Canadian .Pacific
Canada Southern SIX
Central of New Jeraey.122
Central Pacini. U
CheaaoeakaA Ohio. 2S
C' Bar. a Oalncr. ....103
a. Aim a St. Paul.... 70S
a, Mii.Atjt. p pr ,
C., KoekL &P 99
CSt.L.4 Pitts 15H
C, St. L. A Pitts. PL. 41M
CSt. P..M.AO
C. St. P.. M. A O.. PL ....
C, A Jlorthweatern. . ... llljj
C. A Northwestern, pr. . -
C. C. O. A 1 71
CoL Coal a Iron. !3.
Col. A Hocklns- Vai .. 20
Dei.. L. A VV. I37X
Del. ft Hudson.
Denver A Bio U
Denver A Bio U sc... 49X
E.T..V&. AUa.lat pr. ....
K. T.. Vs. AUa. 2d pr. ....
Illinois Central.
Lake Erie A Western
Lake Krle A West. pr.
Lane Shore AM. s 108!4
111 11U4
4P3 49
ioaiaruies.naanviue. w
Mlcblxan central.
MooiieA Uhio
41o.. Kan. A Texas.,,
Missouri Pacific
New YorkCentraL..
h. Y L. . A W....
a. I.. C. A St. L,....
n. r., c. a St. I,, pr.. ..
N.Y.. U ASt.lj.2d of ..
n. i an. a ,
1. If., O. A W
Morfolkft: Western. .
Norfolk A Western, pr. ....
Northern Pacific Si
Nortnern Pacific preL 7SH
Ohio A UlaslsalDpl..... XSi
Oregon Improvement.
Oregon Tranacon KH
. 38
jracinosaaii o
Peo. Dee. A Kvans.
Phllsdel. A Headlnc. 23
Pullman Palace Oar
Btehmona A W. P. T.. 213(
Richmond A W.P.T.pt78
St. P.. Minn. & JUan.. 113
SLL. A San Fran
St. h. A San irran pf.. ....
St.L. A San IT. 1st pL
Texas Paciflo KH
Union Pacific OH
Wabaan 16
Wabash preferred 11
Western Union .M
Wheeling A L. . 68
bugar Trust. 59
National Lead Trust.. 19
Chicago Uas Trust.... 43
Beaton Stooka.
Ateb.ATon..lst7. 117M
A. AT. LandUr't7s.lll
Atctu A Top. IL K... 14
Boston A Albany.. .215)4
Wis. Central, com.,
Wis. Central pC.
Calumet A Beda..,
Huron .. .......
Osceola. ,
Qulney. .,
Bell Teiepnone... ,
Boston Land
Water Power
Tamarack,. ...,
Santa Fe copper...,
. mt
. 63
. 1.05
.230 a
. 13
. 4
. 70
. 6
. 7
. 10
Mann a jnmo,....zw
C. B. AU. 108
Clnn. Ssu. A Cleve. 23
Eastern B. B 117
Flint A Pere.ll...... 23
Flint APeroM. pfd. 92
jnexican uen. com., is
llex.O.litmtr. bda. 691
N. . Aewiuc... 43
N.Y. AA.K.7S....127
oia ooionr. m
Butland preferred.. W
Philadelphia Htoeks.
Closing nuotatlona of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Btcpheuaon, brokers. No. 97
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock JCx-
Bia; Asked.
Pennavlvanla Hallroad 2K
Beading 19 7-16
Buffalo, Plttaburg A Western 7
Lehigh Valley S2
Lenlgh Navlgauon S2
Northern Paciue preierrea 73
Mining Stocks.
New Yobk. December 23. Best and Belcher.
225; Crown Point, 130; Consolidated California
and Virginia, 430; Deadwood Ter., 140; Eureka,
300; EI Cristo. 145; Hale & Norcross, 2C0: Home
stake, 900; Horn Silver. ISO; Mexico, 215: North
Belle Isle. 105: Ontario 8500; Ophir. 825;
Plymoutb,295; Savage, 185; Union Consolidated,
Tee annual meeting of the Voughiogheny
Northern Bailroad will be held January 13.
The Philadelphia Company's oil well in the
Hickory district is doing about 20 barrels a day.
Twenty-two mortgages were finished up
yesterday. The largest was for $5,000. Eleven
were for purchase money.
A OENTLSKAN who ought to know, said yes
terday that there was very little likelihood of
the Americcs Club buying the Hamilton Hotel.
SMB. GoTTLD'spositionia no longer problemat
ical. It is known beyond the shadow of a doubt
tbat he is a bull on tbe market in general and
looks for considerably better prices.
These was a rumor yesterday evening of a
50,000 real estate deal down town, but as it did
not pass through an agent's hands a clew to it
could not be lound. It is believed, bowever,
to Involve a business property on Liberty street
The Pennsylvania Bailroad reports that tbe
quantity of coal and coke originating on and
carried over its lines east of Pittsburg and
Erie for the week ending uecemoer it was 374,
110 tons, of which 258,232 tons were coal and
115,877 tons coke.
The new Secretary of the Dollar Saving's
Bank is A. W. Pollock. With this exception
the officers are the same as before the recent
election, Tbe Executive Committee for the
ensning six months is composed ot Benjamin
Bakewell, C. F. Wells and John W. FarrclL
The Auditing Committee consists of D. W. O.
Carroll and W. E. Schmertz,
Considebablk talk was occasioned on
Fourth avenue yesterday by the decision of the
Commisslonerof Patents In tho case of Westing,
house versus Dixon, sustaining Dixon's patent
Mr. Westinghouse said: "Tbe decision referred
to relates only to a minor detail in tbe construc
tion of triple valves, the device as a whole
being covered by earlier and more important
patents ownea oy tne Airoraae uompany. xne
device in question is not used by the Airbrake
Company, and if used by other parties its use
could be stopped in due course by proper legal
proceedings.'' ..
Just after Christmas of 1870, 1 was laid
up with an obstinate cough, together with
spitting of blood, accompanied with some
fever from the ioint effects of which I was
greatly weakened and became rapidly re
duced, .(following the Des; aavice A could
get, I tried various medicines, but none ap
parently done much good, leaving me low
spirited enough. 1 made up my mind at
last to try Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, and
procured some. I nsed it carefully as di
rected, and gradually got rid of my com
plaint Wm. A, O. Pyle, Tamaron, Perry
county, "Wis.
1838. Holmes' Beet. 1889.
The test of 31 years' use and severest
trials have given this standard brand oi
pure whisky an unrivaled reputation in pro
fessional, scientific and non-professional
circles. It is of high and unvarying excel
lence, and always dependable. "We are
now lurnishingour patrons with all brands
of champagne, imported brandies, cordials
andliquors, and nave constantly in stock
bitters and table waters.
VT. H. Holmes & Sow,
120 Water st. and 168 First ave.
JAS. IH 8s BRO.,
With as Increased capacity and hydraulio,
machinery we are prepared to furnish all work
In our line cheaper and better than by the old
methods. Benairlna and treneral machine
V&$2Mm''" S" I
fresh- Poultry Very Active at Ad
vancing Prices.
HesTr Eeeeipts of Grain and lay, and
Market Weakening.
Office oyPrrrsBTJBO Dispatch,!
Monday. December 23. 1888. J
Country Produce Jobbing; Prices.
The week is not far enough along to furnish
satisfactory pointers as to trade. Monday, how
ever, was not so bine as usual. The demand
for fresh poultry is good, and prices are stiffer
than they have been for a few weeks past
Tnrkeys,promlse to be cleaned out at advanced
prices before Christmas. Eggs are tending
downward. Butter is quiet As to all other
things In produce lines the situation is practi
cally unchanged from our last report Tbe out
look for Tuesday is tbat business will rush
enough to keep all hands bustling;
' BtrrMB Creamery, Elgin, 3032c; Ohio do,
283290: fresh dairy packed, 2S27c; country
rolls, 2425c
Beams Navy hand-picked beans, S2 252 30r
medium. S2 1CQ2 20.
Beiswax 2830c ft tt for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, K 507 50; common,
S3 504 00; crab cider,S8 00860 ip barrel: cider
vinegar, 1012c f) gallon.
Chestnuts S5 005 60 bushel; walnuts,
6O70o ? bushel.
Cheese Ohio. llllKc; New York, llKc;
Limbnrger, 9Kllc; domestic Sweitzer, 110
13Kc; imported Sweitzer, 23.
KQGS 2i25c dozen for strictly fresh.
Fbuits Apple.-, fancy, 82 603 00 fl barrel;
California pears, $3 50Q4 00 a box; cranberries.
Sll0012 00 fl barrel; Malaga grapes, large
barrel. S8 00. "
Game Sqnirrels,75cSl ft dozen; quail, SI 75
f) dozen; prairie chickens, (i 505 00 ft dozen;
pucasauu, to vji,j su m uozen:raoDlts,ljUi$xx; a
pair; venison saddle, 1012o ft pound; venison
carcass, 709c fl pound.
Featheks Extra live ceese. 6060c; No. 1,
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c fl ft.
Poultry Live chickens, 60Q65c a pain
dressed. 89c a pound; ducks, 6575c fl pair;
geese, 81 25QI 30 ft pair: live turkeys, 10011c f)
ft; dressed turkeys, lS18c fl a.
Seeds Clover, choice. 62 fts to bushel, S4 20
4 40 fl bushel: clover, large English. 62 fts, S4 350
4 60, clover, Alslke. S8 00: clover, white, S9; timo
thy, choice, 45 ftsSl 50; blue grass, extra clean,
14 fts. SI 2501 30: blue grass, fancv. 14 As. SI 30:
orchard grass, 14 fts. 81 40; red top, 14 fts. 81 25;
millet, 50 fts, SI 00: millet. 6070c ft bushel;
Hungarian grass, 60 B. 65c, lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, S3 00 ft bushel of 14 fts.
Taixow Country, 4ic; city rendered, 4J
Tropical Fbtjits Lemons, common, S2 00
225; fancy, 84 0005 00; Florida oranges. 82 00
2 60; Jamaica oranges, S3 004 00 ft barrel;
bananas, SI 50 firsts, 81 00 good seconds, ft
bunch; cocoannts, 84 004 50 ft hundred; figs,
8K9c ft ft; dates ,5XGe ft ft; new layer
figs, 12Q15c;new dates, 7o ft ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, from store, 6560c;
on track, 4550c; cabbages, 87 008 00 a hun
dred; celery, 40c dozen; Jerseys, 84 001 25;
turnips, 81 0001 SO a barrel; onions, 81 75 a bar
rel. Buckwheat Floub 22c ft pound.
v Groceries.
Gbeejt Coitee Fancv Bio, 2324c; choice
Rio. 2122c; prime Bio, 20Kc; low crade Bio.
18X19Kc;oId Government Java, 2728c; Mar
acaibo, 23W24c; Mocha, 28K29kcr 8anto,
20X24c; Caracas. 2224c; peaberry, Rio, 23
24c:Ia Guayra, 23K624C. ,
Boasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c;
high grades. 2529Kc; old Government Java,
bulk. 31K33c; Maracaibo, 2728c; Santos,
2iX28Kc; peaberry. 28Kc; choice Bio, 25c;
prime Rio. 23c: good Bio, 22Kc; ordinary, 21c.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c;
cassia, oc; pepper, nc; nutmeg, vwjouc,
Petboleum (Jobbers' prices) IlO0 test, 7Vc;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc: headlight 160, SX water
white, lOKc; globe, 1414Kc;elaine. llc; car
nadme, llHc; royaline, 14c; globe red oil, 11
Minees' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 4S47c
f) gallon; summer, 4043c. Lard oil, 70c.
Bybups Corn syrop, 2S30c; cboice sugar
syrup, 33838c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime. 3335c; new maple syrup. 90c
N.O. Molasses Fancy, new crop, 4850c;
choice, 47c; medium. SS13c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs. 333ic; bicarb in $,
6c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal
soda in kegs, l4c; do granulated, 2c
Candles iar.f nil weight 9c; stearlne, ft
set, oc; parauiue, xt0ic
rues tieaa
i.i7. asn.. ,., ma.
X..UA uvu. va,u,iurt, UTjffU. vuUiW, MymH
v?VX pnme, o)iu2dc; xiouisiaua, oic.
Utarcii Pearl, 2c; cornstarch, 6
starch. 4Si6flc
, 66c; gloss
Foreion Fbuits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon
don layers, 82 90: California Loudon layers,
S2 75; Muscatels, S2 40; California Muscatels,
82 25;Valencla,7jic; Ondara ValencIa,8Ke8Kc;
sultana, 9Kc;currants,5Kac; Turkey prunes,
K65c; French prunes, 69Xc; Salonlca
prunes, in 2-tt packages, 8Kc: cocoannts, 1100,
86 00: almonds, Lan.. 1 lb, 20c; do. Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., ll15c: Sicily
filberts, Uc: Smyrna figs, 1213c; new dates,
66Kc: Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; cit
ron, ft, 1920c; lemon peel, 18c fl lb; orange
peel, 17c
Dried Fbuits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c, ap
ples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap
orated, 1416c; peaches, evaporated, pared,
2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared, 1921c; cherries, pttted,13!ic; cner.
ries, unpitted, 6Sc; raspberries, evaporated,
25K26Kc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckleberries,
bnOABS Cubes, 7Kc; powdered, 7Kc; granu
lated, 7c; confectioners' A, 6c; standard A.
ojic; son wane, oiimcgic; yeiiow, cnoice.
oac; yeuow, goon, om
6c: yellow, dark. 6c
jioc; yellow, fair, 5K
I10KLE3 Medium, bbls (1,200), 85 60; medi
um, half bbls (600), S3 25.
HALT No. 1. ?) bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. bbl, a 05;
dairy, ?? bbL SI 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, SI 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S2 80; Higgins'
Eureka. 16-M ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Ooods SUndard peaches, S2 00
2 25;2ds, SI 6ol SO; ex'ra peaches S2 402 60;
pie peaches, 95c; finest com. SI 00 1 50; Hid Co.
corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90c31; Lima beans,
SI 20; soaked do, 85c; string do, 6065c: mar
rowfat peas, SI lol 15; soaked peas, 70S0c;
pineapples SI 401 50; Bahama do, S2 75;
damson plums, 95c; Greengages. SI 25;
egg plums, 52 00; Calif ornia pears, $2 60; do
greengages, SI 85; do egg plums, SI 85; extra
white cherries, 12 40; raspberries, 95cSl 10;
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40;
tomatoes, 85Q90c; salmon, 1-B, $1 6ol 90;
oiackDernes. ooc: succotash, z a cans, soaked.
90c; do green, 2-ft, SI 2501 60: com beef, 2-ft
cans, S2 05; 14-fi cans, S14; baked beans, SI 45
1 50; lobstet, 1-ft. SI 7501 80; mackerel, 1-ft
cans, broiled, SI 60; sardines, domestic. V.,
U 254 60; sardines, domestic Ks. S3 757 ft);
sardines, imported. Mi, Sll 6012 60; sardines,
imported. Hfr 518; sardines, mustard, S3 30;
sardines, spiced, S3 60.
- Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 ft
bbL: 'extra No. 1 do, mess, S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, mess,
S36: No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4l(c V ft; do medium, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocs., 67Jfc Herring
Ronnd shore, 34 60 $ bbl.; split, 86 60: lake,
S2 75 ft 100-ft half bbl. White tish, S6 00 ft 100
B half bbl. Lake trout, 85 60 fl half bbL Fin
nan haddock. 10c ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft
ft. Pickerel, C bbL 82 00; JA. bbl, SI 10; Poto
mac herring. 55 00 ft bbl, XI 60 per X bbL
OATMBAL-58 006 25 ft bbL
Grnln, Flonr and Feed.
Receipts, as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 66 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and
Chicago, 9 cars of bay, 8 of com, 1 of wheat,
2 of malt, 1 of rye, 1 oi barley, 8 of oats, L of
feed. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis,
10 cars of com, 2 of mlllfeed, 7 of oats, 6 of
wheat, 1 of bay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 6 cars
of corn, S of oat, 1 of hay, 1 of middlings. By
Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of rye, 1 of
oats, 1 of feed, 1 of malt There was bnt one
sale on call, namely, a car of 2 y. e. com, 37ic
10 days, P. R. B. With heavy receipts, tbe sit
uation generally is in puyers iavor. nay and
new corn are particularly weak. And all kinds
of cereals must be of the best grade to find sale
at quotations.
Prices below are for carload lots on track.
WHXATNewNo.2 red,8586c; No. 8,82
Cobn No. 2 yellow., ear, 4243c: new 3837c:
blgh mixed, ear, 404Ic; No. 2 yellow, shelled,
4242c; new. 35 SOc: hi eh mixed, shelled, 41
41Kc; mixed, shelled, 41fi!Kc.
Oats No. 2 white, 29Xg30c; extra. No. 8.
28K29c; mixed, 2528.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6354c;
No. 1 Western, 6152c
Bablet Western. 4565c; Canaoa barley,
Floub Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, 85 005 0; winter straight,
S4 254 60; clear winter. W 004 25; straight
XXXX bakers', S3 6003 75. Bye flour, S3 60
4 75.
MrxxrEBD-SMiddllngs, flue white, S15 00
16 00 ft ton; blown middlings. $12 00814 00;
winter wheat bran, SU-2511 60; chop- feed.
S15 60gl6 00.
HAY Baled timothy. No. 1, 111 6012 00:
No. 2 do, $8 0010 00; loose from wagon, Sll 00
112 no. according to quality: No. 3 prairie hay,
87 0098 00: packing do. 87 257 60.
Btbatv Oats, 86 767 00; wheat and rye
straw, (8 0096 85.
Sugar-cured bass, large. Wic:' suzar-cured
&wf, aaeaMam, Wei tafwoared has,sstaU,j
Me; sagar-cursd bMkfsM bacon, 8c; sugar
eared shoulders, 5c; Kgar-cnred boneless
fcoBlders, TJct ssgar-cured Califoraia hams.
8c; sagar-enred dried beef flats, 9c; sugsr-cured
dried beet sets, 10c; sugar.eured dried beef
rounds, 12c; bacon shoulders. 6c: bacon clear
aides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies, .TKcr dry salt
shoulders. 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess
pork, heavy, til 60; mess pork, family, 812 00.
Lard Beflned, in tierces, 5:; half-barrels,
6c; 60ft tubs, 6;: 20-ft pails. Ga 60-& tin cans.
6c; 3-ft tin pails. 6Kc: 5- tin pails, 6c; 10-
tin pails, 6cr 6-ft tin pails, 6c Smoked
sausage, long, 5c: large, 6c Fresh pork links,
9c Boneless hams, Kc Pigs' feet, half bar-
itu, rt w, quarter narrei, w bv
Dressed Meats.
The following prices are furnished by Armour
k Co. on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650
fts, 5c; 650 to 650 fts. 6c: 650 to 750 fts, BftGRic
Sheep. 8c ft ft. Lambs, 9c fl ft. Hogs, 6Kc
Fresh pork loins. 7c
'-Carter's Little Liver Pills.
'-Carter's Little Liver Pills.
SICK HJUmACHi:cartr..Lmie Liver Pills.
'-Carter's Littlo Liver Pills.
A nnrelv Veetabla
i Compound that eXBfils
(all bad humors from the
system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
JAS. D. CALLEBY. A President
Capital and surplus. 8125,003.
Transacts a General Banking Business,
Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured
by Administering Dr. Halaes'
It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without
tbe knowledge of the person taking it: la abso-
elv harmle
narmiesa, ana wiu eueci a permanent ana
speedy cure, whether the patient la a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
Drunkards have been made temperate men who
have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without
their knowledge and to-day believe thev quit
drinking from their own free wUL IT BTBTVEB
FAILS. The system once impregnated with the
Specific, it becomes an utter Impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exlt. ForsalebyA.J.Bankln,
6JE. federal st.
Allerhenv. Trade annnlled br
A. Kellv A Co.. f lttaburr. Pa. ae27-i&-TTS
The Great English Complexion SOAP.
OT all Drizs'sls, tut beware of Imitations.
Simply apply "SWATyx'S OmmjmT." No in
ternal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema.
Itch, eryslpelaa. all unsightly eruptions on the
face, hands, nose, etc.. leaving the skin clear,
white and healthy. Its great healing and curative
powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask
your druggist for Swatbi's ODrnra-iT. sc24
ttth1tney 4 stephenson.
7 fodbth avenue.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co New York. Passports procured,
1 n stock options or margins in Wall st leads to
no26-TTSu 60 New st. New York.
Dealer in "
Gold, Iron and Copper Stocks.
Michigan Gold Co.'s Stock a specialty.
"The richest mines in the world,"
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
46 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg.
7cpeenbt 20-IEAR GOLD BONDS.
We Offer at Par end Inieresi $500,000
Bear Lake and River Water
Works and Irrigation Co.
Bonds, Due In 1909, Interest Parable April I
and October I.
Tbese bonds are a portion of a total of
$2,000,000, and are Issued to complete the
construction of 120 miles of canals diverting tbe
water of Bear Lake and Bear river into tbe
Ureat Salt Lake Valley, Utah, for irrigating
250,000 acres of land, and to supply tbe city of
Ogden and otber towns witb water for domestic
and manufacturing purposes.
They are secured by a first mortgage on all
tbe property, canals, francblsesand water rights
Belonging to tbe Irrigation Company, including
many tbonsand acres of fertile land in Salt Lake
Valley. The right is reserved io advance the
price without notice. For full information,
address or inquire at the offices of the
No. 289 Broadway, New York; No. 618 Walnut
street. Philadelphia; No. 63 State street, Boston,
Mass.. and No. 27 Custom House street. Provi
dence, B. L, or
140 Fifth avenue. no28-76-TTS
JU HlTg 9Re lu e-
Royal and United States Mall Steamers.
Germanic. Dec. ls.2Dm
Uennanlc, Jan. 13, noon
Britannic, Jan. 22, 6 a m
-Adriatic Jan. 23, 1 p m
Britannic, DecSS, 7 .30am
Adriatic. Jan. 1. 2 p m
Celtic, Jan. 8. t a m
vcimc feo, a uuin
yrom White Star dock, root or West Tenth st.
-Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates.
50 and upward. Second cabin. S3S and upward.
accordlneto steamer and location or ben
u. Jtx-
curslon tickets on favorable terms.
Bteerare. SQL
White star drafts navable on demand in all the
principal banks throughout Ureat Britain. Ap-
Slyto JCHN J.ilcCOKMICK, 639 and Ot Smith
eld St., FttUburg-, or J.BKliCE 13HAI, Gen
eral Agent, l Broadway, New York. delS-o
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passaa-e SS5 to 160. according to loeatloa
of stateroom. Excursion ass to S90.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates,
AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., General Agents,
63 Broadway, New York.
j. j. Mccormick. Agent
639 and 401 SmilhSeld St., Pittsburg. Pa.
Balling every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations lor
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Ureat Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, etc.
GaBercl agents, S87 Walnut at- Philadelphia.
Pall information can be bad of J. J. MCCOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smltbileld Street.
filflfli Punfler.
f msw ADTZKTiaiXaPrry;
Special attractions now open la nsftj '
goods specially suited for the
Holiday Trade.
Sealers are invited io inspect the stoestil
which, is complete, and at prices which CMs?
not fail to impress the bnver. ' " T".
z.-rcrTTi 7 i.- - ir-
yisioiiiiiouuir car .ints
CIIHP.I) br PmVi ViZ-tll
9 'lunnljir Km flo.
Ions. Whispers heard diatiseeM
lr. Succeaafol when all remedies faiL WnUorcallfo
illustrated book FREE. Sold only br 7 HISCOX.".
www .wMHw. ww. uwu., m,. it.. i.,v mvaamm
As old residents know and back flies of Pitts,
burg papers prove. Is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in tbe dty.de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases,'
MLDnilQ ant- mental diseases, physical i
iil.ii v wuuaecay, nervous aemuty. lacszox
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
disordered sight self distrust, bashfulnesa,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Im
poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak
ness. drsnepsla. constipation, consumption. -nn.
flttlnz the person for business, society and mar' i
nage, permanently, saieiy ana privately curea,
blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular"
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month, throat
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system,
IIDIMADV kidney and bladder derange
U 111 linn 1 1 mentsvweak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other.
painfnl symptoms receive starching treatment, '
prompt renei ana reai cures.
Jit. Whitticr's life-long, extensive expert"
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation Irea.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if .
here. Office hours 9 A. K. to 8 P. v. Sunday,
10A.sr.tolP.K.onIy. DB. WHITrLSB,8li.
Penn avenue, Pittsburg; Pa.
A Sdentlflc and Standard Popular HedlcaJ Treatise oa
ueBrrorsot xoutn, rrematuraAiecune,rervoua
and Physical neouny, lmpurnies of theBloodj
Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Ex.
cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit--ting
the victim for Work, Business, the Mar
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
great work. It contains 300 pages,, royal 8vo. j
Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt Price,
only SI by mall, postpaid, concealed in plain
wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, It you,-
anntvnow. The distinguished author. Wm.lL,.
How Lost! How Regained,
SaaaW .aaaaaraaW
Parker. M. D received the GOLD AND. JEWTJ-
cl.hu ntuni. irom ine national meoicai s m
ociallo-, for this PRIZE ESSAY OH NERVOUS tfl
and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and ar
corps of Assistant Physicians may bs cra-"
sulted. confidentially, by mall or In person.-at
STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch St, Boston, Masa.,ta
whom all orders for books or letters for advice),
should be directed as above. aulS67-TuT3uwk; -ni
Health is Wealth
Treatment, a guaranteed specific for bvsteria,
dizziness, convulsions, nts, nervous neuralgia,
headache, nervous prostration caused by tbe
use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, mental
depression, softening of the brain resulting In.
insanity and leading to misery, decay and
death, premature old age. barrenness, loss ot
power in eitber sex. Involuntary losses and,
spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion, of tba
brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each
box contains one month's treatment, tl a box,
or six boxes for S3, sent by mail prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
Tocureanycase.Witbeachorderrecelvedbyur .
ior six ooxes, accompaniea witn jo uu, we wiu
send the pnrcbaser our written guarantee to
refund the money if the treatment does not eti
feet a cure. Guarantees issued only by EmllG.
Stucky. Druggist, Sole Agent, 1701 andZJOlPenn,
ave. and cor. Wylie are. and Fulton- st Plttv
burg. Pa. se27-100-TTSSa
SPECIALISTS In all cases rs '
onirinz scientlllo and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. B. a P. S isthe oldest and
most experienced specialist fat
the city. Consultation free and v
snictlv confidential. Ofuca
hrm-rt 9 tn 4 and7to ST. ST.! Sundays. Zto4p.
jtConsult them personally, or write. DoctohS rl
tjlik. as renn aveu, rinsonrg, z-a.
'S Oottoaa. BOO
Composed of Cotton Boot; Tansy aa4
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by aa
'old physician. Is success) 'uUu ustd.-
. ....... r.- t, -, T). , M - 1
sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook's
nntirm Boot Comtxjtmd and take no substitute. -
or inolose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad-1
dress FOND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fl&hesj
Aiiocr, lit wooawara ave, xietroit, aucsv.
.3-3old In Pittsburg, Pa by Joseph Flena.
mg or oon. ziiamona ana jaarket sis. weay
BAA ud tinyt nctua. LAdiot,
aak DnusTlift tor Diamond Srand.1
faired, meulUo bora, ell witn
bint ribbon. Tftks bo atkrw All
sfui la putcbomrd boxes wlut nak ird
pen tr danccrvvs cmterfeiU. Bnt
4. (rtamtw) for ptartleBJaraV tn tirrwoUJS" -
a posrnvis cukbj
i or Liusr or raiunr j
MAN HOOD. Nerrouat
neaa. wealcnesa a
uoaj A iuna. iaE or strength, vigor ana De
velopment, caused by frrors. Excesses, 4c Book
Mona of Sxur-TBXATKINT. and Proofs malle
(sealed) free. Address KKLB MEDICAL CO;'
Bzxxst Text. A-flcUmv
of Touthful bmrrndroefc-i
ouitiatr rrenxunr year. nerTons epajgy. iom
MSUiuwu. iu iuit Ulg Ufsuiu vaMUVvcty ajiunHtauin
dr, bu rHjeoTTerad rim pie means of tf-coreirlUeijVl
ka wilt auM fml-.M IDVV r tf ail lAMjn I mm -m "
For men! Checks the worst cases tai
days, and cures in five dava. Priea tl no at J
jwaii-raau iia maraet street
sunenng rrom tne effects of yeutlirui errors, early t
decay. wasUnK weakness, lost manbood, etc,I wuTr
send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing faJl
particulars for borne cure. FREE of charge, tjf
splendid medical work: should be read by everyj
nan who la aerron and debilitated, f Hrrse.j
inn m v iw I iait wnaaaiani
aaHllsBB raSXaW aHHBCSSl