PTTO'iPKfS mPUT THE AIRBRAKE. J.? 'Several Mooted Phases of the Becent Decision. iA h- BI&OBIGINAL INTENTION. r.. fl. Westinghouse Describes in Detail the Dixon Patent. ITHE COMPANY SOT YET AFFECTED The terse, modest and apparently unim- portant telegraphic announcement from Washington, printed in all the morning papers, in regard to the "Westinghouse-Dixon suit, has created an interest here. The fact that the Commissioner of Patents had. decided against the "Wesiinghouse Airbrake Company and tin favorof one Dixon, claiming a prior patent, was widely talked of among well informed railroad men yesterday, and some experts opinions were siren. f The engineers were interested in the decision until It was learned that the engine valves were not Included in the case, but something ess important to them. TEE SYSTEM EXPAIED. The Westinghouse triple air-brake system, to explain it in a searching, scientific technical ay, is as easy as rolling off a loc when it is understood. It is based entirely upon the elas tic quality of air. and most anybody conld bare " bad a fortune out of it if they bad only thought of it first. In the first place.when a train of cars is prop erly "hitched" tocetber, the engineer pulls a throttle, and drives an air pressure throurh the pipes on every car into a regular storage bat tel y or tank. With the pressure thus equalized, the brakes are all off. If, however, be wishes to stop, the engineer lessens the pressure from the engine, when, of course, the pressure from the storage banerr in each car is the creator. and a valve is pushed back, when a Tent allows the air to act upon the brakes, closing them in stantly. This is the antomatic system,and without the tank it is thought to be useless, and it is this ' tank or storage battery fight that Dixon is said to have won. IS IT TEKT IMPORTANT? The relative importance of this suit will be realized when it is known that the freight car airbrakes are also involved. The freight car airbrakes are an improvement on the orig inal styleonTy, howeTer, in their instantaneous, or as the experts say, gunboat action." This quick action is accomplished merely by the use of larger vents apd larger supply pipes. Two years ago a .sensation was felt in rail road circles when these brakes were publiclyJBStested, and the Westinchouse freight brake pronounced the peer of all. They are now being placed on freight cars as rapidly as possible, also upon baggage and long train cars. As a railroad man said yes terday, however, the Westinghonse Company has no rivals, since it is the largest in the coun try, and is rapidly usurping everythinc in Can ada, France and England. A BAILBOADEB'S OFDttOX. A Pennsylvania Railroad man, who talks what he knows about and knows what he talks abont. was asked an opinion upon the decision, and be gave it without the slightest hesitation. "The invention of the Westinghonse Air brake,1' said he, 'Is a secret, dead and burled now probably, as It has been used for nearly 17 yean. Its inception is shrouded in mystery, and the real name of the inventor will never be known. lam no lawyer, but consider this de cision or treat Importance." "1 do not think mnch of the decision." said another railroader, when spoken to: "it will be Inst Men all these treat Rases either venm nf R delay or a compromise, or one party will buy tne other out. wny, a case like that," well manaeed. could be dragged through the 8n- Wt prcme Court for ten years. By that time, prob- that would discount them both. I wouldn't give a penny for a decision from the CommW tiouer of Patents these trying times. There are too many vents both in airbrakes and courts .for such a decision to be final." H. H. -WTESTISGHOUSE TALKS. George Westinghonse, Jn, left last evening for New York, and could not be interviewed, but his brother, H. H. Westinghonse. General .Manager of the Westinghouse Airbrake Company, was seen at his home at Edgewood last evening by a Dispatch representative, and when shown the telegram which had been sent from Washington said: These are evidently sent out by parties who wish to scare the stockholders or the airbrake com pany. I cannot see for what motive, except, per haps to cause a decline in the market, by which speculators will be enabled to buy at a low figure and afterward sell at a fair, if not at an enormous proSt. Ill these statements which you have shown me are exaggerated to the highest degree. This man IMxon is a patent lawyer who lives in Chicago, and never Invented a thing in his lire that anyone knows of. If you will remember the Westinghouse Company some years ago went through the country experimenting with the air brake, and on the trip a trial was made of it at Jtnrilnrtoa. That is where Dixon saw it. At that time we were trying to perfect a scheme by which the air could be emitted at each car when the brakes were applied, bnt even this was unsatisfactory, because the friction of the air on the pipes while passing, from the engine to the rear end of a train, which perhaps was 2, 000 feet long, was so great that all the force would be expended and a terrible bumping and Jarrtngwould be the result. A SUBSEQUENT PATENT. Subsequently we perfected a patent by which the air, instead of being emitted, 'Was forced back Into a reservoir, and conld be used again. This was a great saving, and after concluding to adopt It. we secured a patent and paid no more attention to the former machinery. Dlxon, bow ever, did, and the first thing we knew he had" applied for a patent for cur idea which we had considered entirely secondary. We entered what ;s Known as an interference ana nave lought the thing all the way through, because we were the Inventors of the contrivance, and should have been given the patent. Hot the Commissioner of Patents, although acknowledging that we were the originators or the idea, stated that we had been dilatory In ap plying lor a patent, and therefore he should give the. patent to Dixon. We are not through with the case yetby any means, and intend to appeal from the decision 01 the Commissioner of Patents. TALK ABOUT BOYALTIES. This talk about future royalties, and them. Si mentor royalties for the past 17 years is all bosh. r TJIxoBeould not collect royalties for the nast 17 years. All he coma ao wouia he to go Into court and sue for damages, but in snch an event 1 do not apprehend that be could give ns the least trouble, because the Invention on which he claims a patent Is a subsidiary one to ours, and entirely supplementary. It has no connection with the airbrake which we are now using, it Is slmplv one of our inven tions on which we neglected to taae ont a patent. I am very glad you came out to see me this even ing, for I can state to you positively that the com--ranv will not be affected in the least hv th ni. t-sion. whereas some of the stockholders might eet nuKucvauu cut uuiiiwc vatuefti upDOnunity. c nm ku &uu jus hue Mtuc as ever, ana CTen lr Mr.-Dlxon's patent holds good he cannot In auv war trouble the Westinghonse Alrhmto .Cvmpauy. HAUMBAUGH AN OLD HA5D. A Swindler Who Has Worked a Profitable Game Before. On Saturday evening Henry Banmbausb. who has been for some time doing a thriving business in selling tickets for bogns charitable entertainments and projects, was arrested. Onrcauestof the police officials the fact was withheld from publication until bis confeder ates could be secured, as they had a clear case against him, including a counterfeit seal of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers and rubber stamps, signatures of different first-class firms and beneficial asso ciations. From the records of Alderman McKenna's office it was found that Coroner McDowell, at that time constable for the Alderman, arrested three of the same gang and convicted them of the same offense, and Henry Baumbaugh figured on the indictments. inspector aiCAieese says that there is no question of'bis having a clear case against Baumbaugh this time and will push it to the "farthest limit. THE TITLE ALL BIGHT. An Air of Mystery Snrropudlng the African Church DcnI. An air of deep mystery surrounds all the meetings .of the Wylie Avenue A. M. E. Church since the publication in The Dispatch of the Broposed sale of the church's property in berry alley. Last night the weekly class nieeting.was.held. The doors were closed to all except members of the church. It was "learned that nothing was done in regard to tbe deal. it is said that the pacers will be completed ion Thursday. According to one of tbe mem bera the deal almost received a death blow lowing t the charge tbat the title of tbo prop- saicri. wticu muwire icu u jb cnurca was fueieeuve. The report oi tne fidelity Title and Trust Comnanv. in whose hand this mat. terwas placed, shows that the title was rjer. ' ,,Xectly clear. tf-i ' MATTERS OF MOMENT. The Chamber ot Commerce Held a Most Important Meeting Yesterday Silver Coinage and Tin Tariff Considered. The regular meeting of the Chamber of Com merce directors yesterday was more interesting in a numbei of ways than usual. Mr. Scott, of the Committee on Railroads and Transporta tion, asked for a continuance of the matter In their committee relating to country roads. He said the subject was being considered by some of the societies, and be deemed it best to wait until they took some action. Mr. Miller, of the Committee on Finance and Banking, had prepared an exhaustive report in relation to silver coinage. He submitted it and asked that it be placed aside until other business had been disposed of. Mr Anderson's report on the matter of a re duction In letter postage was also temporarily laid aside. Mr. Dravo, of the Committee on 'Rivers and Harbors, reported a resolution favoring the establishment ot rve boats to protect property on the river, and condemning the practice of filling in tbe rivers beyond thelow water line. It was adopted. The firm of Black t Balrd was admitted to membership, and then Mr. Miller read his re port on the silver question. He was decidedly against an increase in the coinage of silver and said: By the Wlndom bill the Government had to take all the silver brought to it, and in effect a corner in the commodity could be created. The standard value of money is based on gold, and when sliver Is offered for sale in Europe the value of It is computed in gold. The Secretary of the Treasnrv has the whole matter In hand, and he makes tiicprlce and has the power to put ltup or down, ir there is error In this it ought to be checked. The silver dollar was rerused by the United states Senators, and a riot was almost cre ated when their pav was tendered in that coin. The old legal tender, the 'promise to pay, "was the better form of money. The silver piece purporting to he one dollar we know in our hearts to be a fraud on the face of It, and when we tell them in Europe that it is a dollar thev look at us In a man ner signifying that we are either fools or knaves. The report or the committee Is to let well enough alone. We have 330, 000,000 or sllverlylng in the vaults of the treasury, and we are coining fast enough. We do not want to coin too much, and the credit of our people and country is too delicate a thing to tamper with. A resolution was then submitted as follows: We recommend to our representatives in Con gress the continuance of the existing methods of coining silver, and that no change be made at this time In the laws relating to silver coinage. On the question to adroit the report Mr. Fos ter arose and spoke 8trongy against it. He favored the coinage of all the silver produced by the country. Captain John F. Dravo also spoke against adopting the report, and made quite a speech in favor of an increase in the coinage. He believed that the country's credit wonld be strengthened rather than weakened by a continuance of turning out the finished product . He offered an amendment to the resolution embodied in the report that the Chamber of Commerce recommend an increase over the present production in coinage of $2,000,000 a month. Mr. Foster seconded it. Mr. Miller then moved that the whole matter be laid on the table for the present. The motion was carried without a dissenting vote. Mr. Anderson, ot the Committee on Legisla tion, then made bis report on a reduction of letter postage. In view of the fact that the present cost of the postal service is in excess nf the revenue derived from It, and from other important reasons, the report was averse to the establishment of a the post. Mr. Ilicketson read a communication from the American Tin Plate Association asking the board to consider the matter of an increase in the tariff on tin plate. The matter, at Mr. Bicketson's suggestion, was referred to the Committee on Manufactures, of which Mr. Ricketson is chairman. THE UITAL MINING UNIONS To Amalgamate and Act In Co-Operntlon for the Interests ot the Craft. A joint address was yesterday prepared by the officials of N. D. A. 135, and the National Progressive Miners' Union, embodying plans for the amalgamation of the two organizations, will be at once issued to the members of each. It is proposed to effect the consolidation without sacrificing the essential features of either. The work is to be completed at a joint convention to be held in Colnmbus on January 22. The address refers to the rivalry which has existed between the two organizations; de plores the energy which has'been uselessly ex pended in a contest for supremacy; remarks on the large percentage of miners who. as a result of the disunion, remain out of both, and de clares that the UtUe interest taken in running affairs by the men most concerned and the con dition to which the craft is reduced is due to the inability of the two organizations to unite for the common weal. This has led to a reduc tion of wages, and renders the miners and offi cials of both organizations powerless to resist imposition and assert their rights as wacework ers. The address continues: The writers of this met and agreed upon the following plan, which we believe, if adopted, wonld unite our forces nponabasis satisfactory to tbe members of both organizations, and bring about the beneficient results that all de mand: First To unite the two organizations under one head to govern and protect the in terests of miners and mine laborers; this union to be effected witbont sacrificing the essential features of either organizations. Second The organization to be divided into national, dis trict and local divisions, tbe meetings of which are to be either secret or open, as the members may determine or the exigencies of the case may require; that is to say. the meaning of the terms open or secret shall be construed as applying to tbe meet ings of the National Progressive Union or tbo K. of L. as tbe casemay be. Third Equal taxation upon affiliated members. Fourth The staff ot officers for tbe National Districts and local organization, in which due provisions shall be made for' visiting and directing tbe business of both branches of the'organlzation. The necessity for a unification oi our forces demands that all the members of both existing unions, and even those miners not connected with either, shall give these propositions their careful thought and study, in order that they may be better prepared to intelligently consid er tbe adoption and tbe modification of the policy. Signed John B. Rae, M. Workman N, T. D. 135, K. of L.; .Robert "Watchorn. Secretary Treasurers. T. D. 1S5; John McBride. Presi dents P. V-; Patrick McBryde. Secretary Treasurer N. P. V.: David Ross for N. P. V. President McBride has issued a call for the' annual convention, to take place at Columbus on the 22d of January. In doing this Mr. Mc Bride has taken advantage of a special dispen- Bauuu. as uio wubuluuuu pruviues fcuai lue annual convention shall be held In Febrnarv. Tuesday, the 224. is the day which N.T.D. 135 will hold its annual convention, and Mr. Mcbride's changing tbe date of his conven tion, is for the purpose of trying to effect an amalgamation with the Knights of Labor. .Every mine throughout the country will send delegates, and it will be the largest convention of miners ever held in America, as well as the first time in which the two organizations sat together as one. Robert Watchorn was in the city yesterday on bis way to Courtney. He expressed the greatest hope for a successful outcome of the joint Columbus convention and said that here after coal operators throughout the country would not deal with conflicting officials, but with an united organization. The new union will have one set of officers and one treasury. TO BE P0STJIA8TEK. A Veteran of East Liberty Who Is Well Backed for a Branch OtQce. John P. Shaf er, a veteran who served In the late war as a private in Company B, Eighteenth United States Infantry, has bean on the track for postmaster of Station A, East Liberty, sinee last February. He has a formidable petition, carrying such names as General A. L. Pearson, Colonel Norman M. Smith, Nelson P. Heed, Robert Pitcairn and L200 or 1,600 others. Ho was severely wounded at the battle of Stone River, December 31, 18K1 Mr. Shafer Is formally indorsed by Alex Hays' Post, G. A R., No. 3. . K0 STRIKE AT ALL. An Anthorilntive Telegram Anent tho Typo graphical Strike. Tbe rumored strike in the ranks of the Typo graphical Union which was billed to take place in Philadelphia was entirely without founda tion in fact. Jacob Glaser. President of Philadelphia Typographical Union, telegraphed last night to Ml. J. J. Jones, of Pittsburg, district organizer for nine States, that the report printed in The DBPATcnwas to be denied authoritatively. This settles the rumor of a strike. THE UFFICEUS EE-ELE.CTED. Annual Meeting of the Plttabarg and Fair- port Compnny. The Pittsburg and Falrport Terminal Com pany b eld its annual meeting at the Baltimore and Ohio depot yesterday afternoon. No busi ness of importance was transacted except an election of the officers of 18SS to serve for the yearlKM. Falrport is situated on Lake Erie, and the Pittsburg and Western Railroad have terminal facilities at tbat point, which are also used by the Baltimore and Ohio. America Leads tbe World In taste and tbe refined customs of civiliza tion, the evidence of which is, that of 2,454, 504 cases of champagne imported into the United States during the last ten years, over 25 per cent was "G. H. llumm's Extra Dry." whose imports were over 200,000 cases in excess of any other brand. Quality tells THEIE MW -STATION. . - Plans for the Pennsj's Freight Depot Over in Allegheny. IT WILL ENTAIL A COST OF $24;000, And Will lie Built at the Corner of Well Known Avenues. TEE ADDITIONAL NEW TRACES 10 IT The Pennsylvania Company has at .last decided lo build a new freight station in Allegheny City. Hans have been prepared and the work of building Will be begun January 1. The new station will cost 124,000 and will be built on the site of the present depot, at the corner of North and Irwin avenues. For the past two years numerous reports bave been afloat in regard to the company building the station. A number of sites had been selected. Among them was the old Pearl mill property, adjoining the Penn sylvania station on Federal street. It was also stated that the 'company contemplated the reconstruction of the large oil house, at the foot of Allegheny avenne, and chang ing it to a freight depot. The yards and platform were to beat the corner of Penn sylvania and Allegheny avenues. The plans have arrived from Philadelphia and the station Is to be Iocatod at North avenue. Tbe present tracks used for storing cars be tween North and Pennsylvania avenues will be torn up about the first of next month.The work of building tbe platform of the new station will then be begun. The .platform will be single and covered, with offices for clerks at both ends. It will be TOO feet long and 34 feet wide. One-balf will be used for loading, and the other half for nnloading. A wide driveway of granite, or block stone and asphalt will lead to tbe platform from both Irwin and-Pennsylvania avenues. Instead of driving .on to the plat form, wagons will be backed np to it and un loaded. Tbis will be a convenience appreciated by teamsters and horso owners. In the past, a number of accidents have occurred to horses and wagons on account of tbe platform giving wav. Four tracks will be constructed from Penn sylvania to Irwin avenue, to accommodate tbe cars. In addition to tbis, a number ot bulk or car-load tracks will belaid along Allegheny and Pennsylvania avenues. Tbe company will also construct another track alongside their main tracks from the end of tbe West Patk at North avenue to tbe outer depot. This will give tbem five tracks from this point w&rt. The two out side tracks are exclusively used for freight trains and the new tracks will enable the com pany to better handle the rapidly increasing business. The office of Freight Agent W. George Gib son and bis clerks will be located close to the gateman's tower, on North avenue. The office will be a two-story brick building with stone trimmings. It will be totally unlike tbe present office, which is nothing but a shed. The latter was erected in 1871, when the freight station was moved from Federal street to North ave nue. It was intended at the time to make it but a temporary office, but nothing was ever done to replace it with a better Station. Instead of moving out in six months, the company has occupied the present incommodious quarters for 18 years. The building was partially de stroyed by fire abont three years ago, but was rebuilt. It is probable that the new building will cease to be the freight station within a few years. It is generally believed by the higher officials that the depot must be located at Fed eral street in order to be centrally located for shippers. Tbe company owns acres of gronnd between their tracks andLacock street, on the west side of Federal street, and can easily find room for it. It was intended to put thepresent new building on tbis site, but the elevated track scheme would not allow this to be done. It is only a question, of time until the tracks crossing Federal and other cross streets will have to be elevated. The work will surely begin about January 2. TO MANAGE THE LIBRARY. Lively Discussion In Allegheny Councils ns to Whether the Carnegie Library is for the Aristocrat or the People. At a special meeting of Allegheny Council last evening, after some minor unfinished busi ness had been taken care of. a resolution was pass'ed commending the Chamber. of Com merce's disapproval of encroachments on the river front. The ordinance authorizing the is suance of 5117,000 8K Per" cent bonds was re pealed, and an issuance of a like amount of 4 per cent 20-year bonds substituted; also, $25,000 1 per cent 20-year park bonds. Some discussion ensued when the question of repaying and grading portions of Federal and Diamond streets came up, bnt it was laid over. Another squabble ensued over the board to be appointed to manage the Carnegie library. One member wanted to know who was the instigator of the ordinance, as he tbonght it was intended to give aristocrats the benefit. Another thought Councils should have full control, as tbey were the pick of tbe flock, and tbe Board of Control was made up of what was left. A motion to adjourn cut tire discussion short, and the ordinance goes to the city Property Committee. Daring the evening it was an nounced that a second test of tbe new Qilsby engine would be made Christmas afternoon. DRESSED IN HIS SEST. The Weather Clerk Make HU Usual Ad instable Statements "Yes," aid Wiggins, "I-think it will" This profound remark was In answer to whether it would or wonld not rain on Christ mas Day. No perfect reliance can be placed upon the ground hog's observation, as he Is the same gentleman who tries to believe In his own predictions by appearing on a rainy day with out an umbrella, or traveling around in the sun with a borrowed ulster or perhaps trying to mop off fancied perspiration with a ther mometer 100 per cent below par. In spite of the clerk's prediction, however, there will be weather Christmas. It will be more or less ruffled aronnd the edges with a marked vacuum in the pockets.anda great deal of wind on the stomach in certain regions. On the whole, people in Pittsburg will find it com fortable as usual on Christmas to be clothed with righteousness and seal skin. MAGGIE M'QDAIPE'S IKQDEST. The Coroner Snyi He Will Find the Ulan Who Pawned Her Clothes. The Coroner yesterdayadjourned the inquest on the death of Margaret McQuaide. for a day, to secure further testimony as well as to secure tbe man who pawned her clothes to get drink. Tbe Coroner says he will get the man if the law will assist him, and make him regret the part which he took toward hastening the death of the poor woman. At the inquest yesterday there were several witnesses examined, among them being Chief Elliot, of the Department of Charities. He said the application to him had been made by telephone for the relief of tbe McQuaide woman, and he advised the proper course. Dr. Chessrown the jail physician, attended the case, and said the woman appeared very ill when he left her. The other witnesses will be calledthismorning. Superintendent Cowan, of tbe West Penn Hospital, says tho woman left the institution aganst his wishes. TO MAKE LARGEfi PIPES. S'panff-Clinirnut Will Manufacture Slxtecn Xncb Tabes. Spang, Chalfant i Co. are about to enlarge tbeir lap-weld tube department with another furnace, and will put in machinery to make 13 inch wrought iron pipes, which is just double the size they have been turning" out. The wrought iron pipes of such dimension bave largely taken the place ot cast iron ones used for gas and water mains. The firm is so pressed with orders .that they cannot make enough plpo iron. THAT COAL .DEAL. Col. SLInn U Still Negotiating With the Rlvrr DIeo. Colonel W. P. Ehinn said yesterday that the river coal syndicate was just in tbe same posi tion It was in prior to the 16th of December. He declined to say whether the deal was on or off, and would not say what.had been the outcome of his talk with a committee of river operators the other day. It could be seen, however, that tbe Colonel had some hopes of still carrying tbe negotiations through. Tho Saltsburg Gas Company. A meeting ot the Saltsburg Gas Company was held at the Seventh Avenue Hotel last evening. About 20 persons were present, bnt tbey all declined to talk on the business which had been transacted. It Is rumored, however that they Intend increasing the capital stock of tbe company and extending the Una. THE CARB0H STRIKE. Conference Yesterday Between the Com pany and a ) Committee of Organized Labor What Vn Accomplished. A conference between the Allegheny County Light Company and a committee representing the labor organizations and the Electrical Union Was held, .yesterday afternoon. No agreement has as yet been arrived at There were present, on behalf of the company, Her man H. Westinghonse, Manager Blaxter, and Superintendent Naysmitb, and as a committee, Jobn E. O'Shea, Secretary Martin, of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, and Bteei Workers, C P. Du Ross, John Flea, Frank Cur rier, Charles Fitzwilliams and James K. Mill man. Mr. O'Shea stated that the conference had been asked for to devise some means whereby the impending dispute might be settled, and suggested that a scale bq drawn up under which it would be impossible for such disputes to occur in the future. Mr. O'Shea asked Mr. Westinghouse to explain the causes that led up to the difficulty of last August, and to state tbe arrangements that had been entered into between tbe company and the American Fed eration of Labor. Mr. Westinghouse deputed tbe task to Mr. Blaxter, who said that prior to August tbe company had four men in its employ to whom they were not paying tbe regular wages, S2; they were getting only 81 75; that tbe com mittee called upon tbe company to pay these men tbe regular rate or discbarge them; that tbe company refused to do this, and the men struck. A verpai settlement wassuosequenuy arrived at, by whicb the company Was to rein state tho men who had struck; that it had so done with the exception of three. Mr. O'Shea wanted to know if these tbree men were not reinstated because of their con nection with a unionf To this Mr. Blaxter would not reply directly, bnt stated that there were several reasons why they should not be re employed. The phase of the present difficulty was then discussed, and when- the matter bad been re ferred to at some length Mr, O'Shea desired to know if the Electrical Union had intimated to the company its objection to working with the three men referred to. Mr. Blaxter denied hav ing received official intimation of tbe fact, but admitted that a committee of three bad called upon him and proffered a request that the three objectionable men be discharged. He said that be had asked the committee to put tbe request in writing; but this they refused to do for reasons best known to themselves, and tbe men then went out on strike. In reply Mr. Carrier, of the .Electrical Union, said that the reason they bad not made tbe formal request in writing was because they sus pected there might be some catch in the matter. Mr. O'Shea then asked Mr. Blaxter it be had any reason to suppose that the men on strike bad contemplated, or would make, any attempt on tbe property of tbe company, or in any way Injure its business. To this Mr. Blaxter de clined to make any reply. Mr. Martin desired to know from Mr. Blax ter if a tacit agreement did not exist between the cummittee and the company, under which tbe tbree men who had been discharged during the August difficulty should be taken back, but Mr. Blaxter denied this. Mr. O'Shea then' suggested that a contract be orawn up oetween the committee ana me com pany, to remain in force for one yoar, binding both parties to give due notice of any griev ances that might exist, before any strike or lock out should mentioned. This was discussed for some time, and then Mr. Westinghouse said that for his part he had no objections to his men organizing as they might see fit, and that it was immaterial to him whether tbe men em ployed by his company were organized or not. He asked the committee to draw np a contract as suggested and submit it to the company. This will be done and placed before the com pany at another meeting Thursday next. Subsequently tbe committee met at Amalga mated headquarters and drew np a contract to be submitted at the Thursday meeting. It is understood thatit contains a clause providing tbat every man in the employ of the company shall, owing to the dangerous character of his work, abstain from the use of intoxicants dur ing his working hours. HIS RESIGNATION ACCEPTED. Dr. Hay' Relations With tho Central Church Dissolved Rev. Hunter toFlH( Ibe Pulpit Next Sonday. The resignation of Dr. L N. Hays as pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church was ac cepted yesterday by the Presbytery and the re lations between the pastor and that congrega tion dissolved. Rev. W. M. Hnnter will preach tbe sermon In the church next Sunday. An adjourned meeting of the Presbytery was held yesterday afternoon to take action on the requested dissolution. At the last meeting the congregation of tbe Central ' Church was cited to be represented at tho next meetingand show the reasons why tbo relations between them- AaItpa and T)r TTftva fthnnlil nnt ha HlB.nlvAiT The meeting was opened by Rev: H. O. Fergus son., who acted as Moderator. Dr. Hays stated tbat he asked the dissolution of the relationship because the covenant had been broken. He became pastor of tbe church at 2,000 per year, and was lately notified by the trustees tbat bis salary for the next year would be only $1,500. John Ogden, George Irwin and W. C. Armstrong were present as Commis sioners of thi Central Church. Mr. Irwin read the report of the meeting, which contained only the facts of tbe appoint ment of the commissioners and the concur rence of the congregation in the request of Dr. Hays. Dr. Robinson then stated tbat the rest of the report should be dispensed with, as it would serve only to breed Ill-feeling, and was unnecessary, as both parties were willing to separate. M. H. Tweed, a member of tbe Presbytery, also of the Central Church, stated that in jus tice to the coneregatiun of his church, and to the trustees, the report should be read, as it cleared the action of the trustees over which a cloud of suspicion seemea to rest. The ques tion of the dissolution was put to the vote, and uuaujuiuuaiy uaiticu, uo cuinmiasiouers men left the church. Mr. Tweed then asked that Rev. W. M. Hun ter be' made moderator, and preach the sermon next Sunday at the Central Church, and also declare tbe pulpit vacant. Tbe request was granted by the Presbytery. Dr. Campbell ottered a resolution which was a testimonial to the works, sincerity and high uiurai qualities ui jr. xiays, it was unani mously earned. Rev. Jobn Fox introduced the following sub stitute resolution which was passu. Resoltkd, Tbat a committee he appointed to visit the Central Church and confer with the ses sion of the congregation so far at may be neces sary to learn whether there are any circumstances' connected with tbe dissolution of the pastoral re lationship ofDr. Hays which requires the atten tion of the Presbytery. HIRED IN TAB MOD. No Chance to Get Oil Well Supplies Into tbe Territory. There is but lit tie chance to develop oil ter ritory now, except close to the railways. Tbe mud is axle' deep in most places, owing to tho condition ot the country roads. Material can not be transported only when the mud is in a thin fluid condition. Tbe wind of Sunday and yesterday's sun. has for miles in tbe Charters' vaney neias.aned tne mud to the consistency of shoemaker's wax. Tbe withdrawal of a horse's foot is followed by a report as loud as a pistol shot, and the revolution of wheels dis places it so that it is dangerous for a horse to navigate. Many thousands of dollars were worse than wasted oa these roads last year, and the same has been tbe case each year lor three generations past. With their usual fatuity, tbe supervisors are dumping a few broken sandstone here and there, and the result is a mixture somewhat resembling plum pudding, and as bad for horse comfort as the pudding is for human digestion. Where the inud is still fluid vehicles thump on the bed-rocks' of tbe roads, maklne driving as nncomfortabI6 as it was on tbo old-time corduroy road. Inconsequence of the situation but little news could be had from the fields. A mm. Lmiss'oner was sent on Sunday evening to iu ouuiuuuu); u& tun ujviauuuo un Hiontour run. As he took tbe overland route and was not heard of last "evening apprehensions were felt tbat he might have been swamped, or, pos sibly, laid out by hard cider, the only stimulat ing boveraee abundant In that section. At the Pittsburg, Chartiers and Youghio gbeny Railway crossing, in Chartiers, a river ot mud has been pushing its way down the road for several weeks and gives employment to a squad of men, who shovel incessantly in order to prevent the trains belne swamned. it might be a good idea to assist all the mud off the hill roads and,use it to fill the overflow land at Chartiers. A solid hill would then be left on which a decent road might be made. WHEN H'EEAN WILL STEP IN. Ho Visits Air. Lnrkln and Decides to Take Hold February 1. James B. McKean, the newly appointed and jovial postmaster of Pittsburg, paid a visit yes terday to his predecessor, who only lacks one of these characteristics. In a pleasant chat tbey discussed the prob able time of turning over Uncle Barn's C. O. D. business establishment, at which goods can be bought during the holidays at as low rates as any similar shop in tbe country. ft was finally agreed tbat the official transfer would take place February 1, and that tbe price of stamps would remain unchanged. Both gentlemen parted with assurances of tbeir mutual and most cordial regard. A Regulator. A few Hamburg figs will cure the worst cases of constipation and indigestion, and tbeir' occa sional nse will prevent tbe recurrence of these troubles. 2ijcentt. Doss, one fle. Mack DrugCo.,N.Y. tmu . , in THE CHIEFS' SAY SO. Comment Upon the Board of Under writers' Action. CHIEF BROWN AND M'CANDLESS. A Question as to Conference Held Yes- terday. CHIEF ETANS MAKES A STATEMENT It was rumored yesterday that Chief Brown,, of the Department of Pnblio Safety, had received a-. letter from the Board of Underwriters asking a conference on the subject of the Monongahela House fire, and, it was said, asking the dismissal of Chief Evans. Mr. Brown, when asked abont the subject, said that no conference had been held and no committee had waited upon him on'the subject. Major W. G. McCandless, President of the Board of Underwriters, was sought several times during the day, but was away from his office each time on business, the last time hav ing started for Nltnick station and thence home. Abont II F. if. be was asked by tele phone whether he had had a conference with Chief Brown, and he said he had at least a chat on the subject of tne fire in question. Tbe let ter asking for the conference, he said, did not ask for, nor in the Consultation was the dismis sal of Chief Evans requested. He said the general talk was on tbe protection from fire of the property of the citizens,' No conclusion was reached and no definite steps taken. Chief Evans was seen last night, and said: "I do not want to appear as boasting, or as putting myself forward, but I will Say tbis. that I never have seen abetter managed fire, and I have seen a good many fires. I say this simply in vindication of the men, not of myself, for no man could bave an eye on every side of a fire like that. Had.the people who first discovered the fire reported it in time, aBabcock wonld have extinguished it. You can Inquire for yourself from tbe man who gave the alarm." John Paisley, of Engine Company No. 2, said: "A man ran over to me on tbb morning of tbe fire about 11:30, and asked me to come over as there was a blaze, r started with him, and passed through tbe barroom running, when the man behind the bar said: 'Don't make such a noise, you will disturb tbe guests.' "Back of tho bar I met Mr. Anderson, who also said, 'Hush; don't make a disturbance,' but I went through and heard the fire whoop ing up one elevator shaft. 1 didn't mind dis turbing people, but rushed back, pulled the box and skipped to the hotel again to find the fire swooping np the other shaf r, ana no Bab- cock conld tackle it then. We did tbe best we could with the blaze, and put the bose at tbe source of the fire, as we were there first, which accounts for the heavy e'nelne having tbat work to do, while tbe later arrivals had to attend to toe ouisiae worav- "You'can add." said Chief Evans, "to yoor statements that with the smallest engine in the Hepartment we can throw water on top of that building or to any part of it. but. as there is no salvage corps here we directed our engines to putting out the fire and succeeded with proba bly as small a loss as any hotel fire ever showed." GOS WAH IN TROUBLE. The Chldose Physician of Penn Avenne Im mared la tbe Baitlle.. The arrest of C. A. Bernard and the Chinese physician. Gun Wah,wbo have for some time been giving herbal decoctions as per advertise ments in an Orientally-decorated place on Penn avenue, caused no little excitement around the Central station last evening. Gun Wab, or, as tbe police, who bave not yet perfected the study of tbe signal code, called him, Gun Wad. was, divested of bis Oriental robes in which he pre scribes mint tea and other sovereign remedies, a very plain little Chinaman with a wise look and cblld-like and bland smile the former be hind a pair of smoked spectacles and the latter in front. As be pensively watched tbe bars of the Central station he was consulted by a Dis patch reporter on the state of the latter'a health, and replied with the wise look and tbe bland smile alternately on questions touching painoiogicai suDiects. w nen asxea wnere he procured his diploma as a physician, the tech nicalities did not seem to trouble him, and he promptly answered "China." In reply to the question what part of China he came from, he answered: Canton." Mr. Barnard, who waff understood to be man aging tbe medical firm, was balled out in 11,000 by Mr.Taylor, one of tbe Hamilton House pro prietors, but the figurehead, of the concern, Mr. GunWahj, remained .behind the bars at midnight. Inspector McAleese has made in formation against both for practicing medicine without a diploma, and various other offenses whicb they will have to explain before Judge MeKenna to-day. LAST DAY OF WORRY. Anderson, Dopey & Co. Will Supply Tbeir Own Gas After To-Day. Anderson, Dnpey & Co. are beginning to breathe more freely in prospect of getting their own gas into their works at Chartiers within the next 21 hours. The finishing touches were being pat to pipe laying yesterday, and Major Lyon stated there would be less trouble from tbis time on, at least this Is the hope en tertained. To Make Fine Steel. A new works called the Reliance Bteei Cast ing Company has been built at Thirty-sixth street, near Liberty, by Messrs. Charles Bailey and Joseph A Kelly. The production is fine crucible steel. The plant as yet consist of an lS-pot furnace. Mr. Bailey, who is experienced in the business, wa? for a number of years connected with tho Pittsburg Steel and Cast lug Company. An Offer From Joannotte. The leading citizens of Jeannette have come forward with an offer of 38 acres, of which a portion is to be donated lor the Pennsylvania Forge, on Second avenue. If the company will locate tbere. Look ont for counterfeits! The genuine Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is what you want. 25c. Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad. Holiday excursion tickets will be sold to points on the P. &L. E. and principal points on the N. Y. P. & 0. and Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, from Yonngstown to Erie and Toledo Inclusive, at excursion rates December 24, 25 nnd 31 and January 1, good for return until January 3. Tickets will be sold to points on tie P., MoK. & Y. and McK. & B. V. E. R., December 21 to 31 inclusive, and January 1, good for return until January 4, inclusive, at 'excursion rates. At Tail's Philada. dental rooms, 39 Fifth ave., you can get the best set oi teeth for 58 00. A good set for (5 00. REAL ESTATE SAYINGS BANK, COL, t 401 Smtthfield Street, cor. Fourth Avenne. Capital, $100,000. .Surplus, $50,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts Blaik'S Pills Great English gout and rheumatic remedy. Bore, prompt and effect ive. At druggists'. ttsu Closing Ont Begardless of cost, a very fine line of art embroidered and painted plush and silk goods lace curtains, portieres, upholstery goods, etc., at private sale every morning and evening. Auction sales every after noon until closed out. Call early, as choice goods are going fast at our very "low prices, at 614 Wood st. H. Holtzman & Soks. . , Dead! Dead! Dead! McGintyan'd wife ate non-union bread and crackers and consequently, died. There is no doubt both would be alive to day and doing well had they purchased none but union made goods. ' When ill with pains and exhaustion, Pai ker's Ginger Tonic Is your" surest relief. Parker's Hair Balsam aids the hair growth. And Down Went tho Prices. Onlv a few more days remain to dispose of my entire stock, which is yet quite large. The price on everything "has been cut in two. Twenty styles corsets, including all the best known makes, ranging in price up to 2, nowvgo for 75 cents. Kid gloves, pocketbooks, chatelaines, lace scarfs and fichus, and many other articles that make nice'Christmas presents, at about half price. F. Schoekthal, 612 Penn avenue. BUT fine rings, at Hunch's, pricti. No. XH Fifth annus. --''. . i ,r Lowest ......; ; i ' -,. AT MONT BTI. URSULA. The Animal Chrtaman EBtertatament m. Grand Success. An admirably arranged musical and dramatic Christmas entertainment was presented to a select audience at Mont Ste. Ursula Academy yesterday afternoon. The leading feature of the programme was tbe presentation of the beautiful French historical drama, "Marie." Miss Blanche Ihmsen" and Miss M Bruhl showed a refined conception of tbe principal Characters. Tbe Juniors' concert recitations in French and German"werd charmingly given. Miss LoefBers' performance on the piano proved that the young lady entered into the sonl of the music; while Miss Jolly and Miss Galen tine's vocal selections were sung with musical strength and feeling. Longfellow's "Legend of the Beautiful" was artistically recited by Miss Anna Ihmsen, a tal ented young lady of the graduating class. At tbe close Father Murphy delivered an address. THAT CHURCH TROUBLE. The Ins Have Rested and tbe Oota Will Mow Commence Their Story. The Ebenezer Baptist Church controversial 1st, held another meeting yesterday, and more testimony was taken "before the master, A. H. Clark, Esq., but it war not particularly edify ing; save to the parties in interest. The attor neys, Messrs. Broe and Prescott, for the"onts," had several spirited wrangles with Mr. Young, attorneyforthe'lns." Kev. Pryor and Messrs. Robert Hall. Reed and A. H. Downing contin ued their testimony as to cost of church. A voluminous mass of testimony Is piling up, but the "outs" say they will not occupy much time. The ins closed yesterday. Tbe question of Baptist Church government, seems to be set tled, as Hiscock and his manual were given a rest yesterday. EsonAvrsos for all illustrative pur poses. General printing. Pittsbtjeo Photo-Engraving Co., ttssu 75, 77, 79 Diamond at Gentlemen Ton Can Bay Here Pine Alaska seal garments finest fnr capes muffs boas collars and stoles shawls fichus jackets long garments kid gloves silk hosiery merino hosiery black silk dress patterns woolen dress patterns in colors and black handkerchiefs laces umbrellas chatelaine bags portemonnaies card cases fans fancv nic-nacks in sil vernow just cut this ont and come in to day from 8 o'clock to 9 P. M. and we will make your Christmas buying a pleasure. Jos. HOBNE& Co.'B Penn Avenue Stores. m 1838. " Holmes' Best. 1SSD. The most approved whisky procurable anywhere. It nas the indorsement of all who have used it daring the past 31 years. Send for catalogue or order by telephone No. 305, if needed at once. W. H. Holmes & Son, 120 Water street and 158 First avenue. Tissn . For Chrlatraaa Dinners. With the rapid approach of Christmas comes a yearning for the good things of life. In this connection it is proper to call atten tion to Marvin's golden fruit cake, or plum pudding, something that shonld have a place on every table. It is pure, sweet and delicious. Yon can order it through your grocer. r J nit for To-Day $6 00 Muffs for 83 00. Red and gray fox, nutria, natural and dyed raccoon, real beaver and black lynx a counter full. Don't miss this chance. Entire store open until 9 to-night. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. Rich Cot Glass. Onr stock now complete with every re quisite foi the table or buffet in all new and artistic effects. Onr prices and depth of cuttings are tbe very lowest. REIZEKSTEnr. 152, 154, 158 Federal st., Allegheny. Ladles' Love Laces. Oar stock of fine laces in dnchesse, point applique and hand run Spanish and Bayeux laces is full and complete. Gentlemen make a note of this. Store open till 9 to-night i ; JosHOENE & Co.'s Penn. Avenue Stores. Clean nnd Fresh Stack for the Closing Days of Holiday Trade. Visitors to our store will find that we open fresh goods every day, and that we still have a large assortment of fancy goods, Christ mas cards, calendars, pocketbooks, card cases, etc. Open every evening. JOS. ElCBBATJM & CO., 48 Fifth avenne. Ladles' Elegant Lace Trimmed and Silk Undervrenr, The largest stock outside of New York single garments as high as $39 Japanese silk neglige gowns and dressing sacques in muslin underwear department. JOS. B.OBKE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. If Yon Are a Crank Yon want to mend your ways and improve yonr disposition by purchasing one of those beautiful toned, perforated paper automatic Celestinas or Mnsettes for your family, and b'e happy. Anybody can play dance, popu lar, sacred, foreign and all the new music of the day on them. Call and hear them. Geobgb Kappel, 77 Fifth avenue. 17,24 Diamonds, Rablcn, Sapphires. Emeralds, Set and unset, at best prevailing prices. The array of elegantly mounted gems this year exceeds all our pastefibrts. These goods ate well worth a trip to see. Our stock is replete with all manner of rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, lace and stick pins, stnds, sleeve buttons, etc. Geo. Vf. Biorw & Co., Jewelers, Cor. Sixth ave. and Smithfield st 86 lliSi for 83 TojDnv. Come early for these in center of store biggest sort of. a bargain. Store open to night till 0 o'clock. . Jos. Hoene &Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. B. it B. About 60 robes that are in nice boxes specially for Christmas presents are all re duced to prices that will sell them quick this morning. Boggs & Buhl. Silk Dressing Snc'qucs In Black, And in delicate colors; also 'neglige gowns and elegant lace trimmed French hand made underwear, in onr muslin underwear department. Jos. Hobse & Ca's Fenn Avenne Stores. Fnrniiare. Our large five-story warehouse turned into retail rooms. Nothing like it inthe city. Come and see the furniture 'displayed therein. M. Seibeet & Co., Allegheny. Fbatjenheim & Vilsack's ale and porter: are superior beverages. Call for them. All dealers keep- them. Or order direct 'Phone 1186. Stools. Our common sense' stools, painted or un finished, now delivered, on short notice. P. C. Sohoeneck, 711 Liberty street TUSU embolic Prayer Books. Heating's book store, Fifth avenne, above Bmitbfield street. Largest and best assort ment in the city. Low prices. SAVE time and money by selecting your presents from the immense-stock, at Harri son's toy store, 123 Federal st, Allegheny. TX3 The most healthful winter drinks are ale and porter. Z. "Wnmwright & Co.'s brew is the best Telephone 5525. ttsu Hate your photograph taken Christmas Day by Hendricks & Co., 63 Federal It, Allegheny.' Gallery open all day. v Kb CaBJSTMAS table should be without kettle of Angara Bitten, A,S4H4 Cm Present. Teafeowoar liberality to our patrons; we will give to all purchasers to-morrow in every department a cash discount of 10 per cent as'a Christmas gift. It don't matter what yon bar may it be a suit, overcoat, fiat or furnish ing goods you will get 10 cents on every dollar returned in cash. Onr store -will be open until il o'clock to-night, and Christmas.-we will close at noon. P.. O. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sis., opp. the sew Court -House. Don't Forte the Christmas Table Linens. Yon can't -find a nicer present for a housekeeper matched sets, cloths and Dap kins, $4 75 to $80,' largest stock. Open till 9 o'clock: to-night. JOS. HOEKE & CO. '3 Penn Avenue Stores. Colder Weather 1 Sarelr Coming-, Bnt Kaufmanns' don't propose to wait for it, but sell without delay their entire exten sive stock of overcoats, at almost any price. Come to-day if yon -want the biggest bar gain of yonr life. Whole Storo Open Till 0 O'clock To-NIght. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S Penn Avenne Retail Stores. Stools, Onr common sense stools, painted or un finished, now delivered on short notice. P. C. Schoeneok, 711 Liberty atreefc Tusa Plain, and Fancy Silk Stockings, For Christmas, 75c a- pair np to finest Largest stock here. Whole store open till 9 o'clock to-night. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. Exceptional bargains in combination pattern dresses at $7 SO, $10 and $12 60 each. ttssu Hugus & Hacks. Whole Store Open Till 9 O'clock To-NIght-Jos. Horrs & Co.'s Penn Avenue Retail Stores. Purs watches a specialty, low prices a certainty, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth avenue. Lnrsrst Stock of Furs, Boas, stoles, collars, capes, muffs in all the popular furs. . Also, fur sets for tuildren. Otir prices ore the lowest. This department open .till 9 o'clock to-night. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. The Thermometer Hna Dropped And a cold wave may be confidently ex pected within 24 hours. Take tbe hint and attend Kaufmanns' special overcoat mark down sale to-day. You never saw such low prices. 50-Inch Black All-Wool Serges at 73 Cents. A special bargain in black dress goods stock to-day worth $1. This department open to-night till 9 o'clock. Jos. Horn e & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. Stbipeo cloths,, braided wraps reduced from $12 and $15 to tbe unilorm price of $8. ttssu Hughs & Hacke. Whole Store Open Till .9 O'clock To-Nlghr-J03. HOENE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Retail Stores. SPECIAL. THIS WEEK HOLIDAY UMBRELLAS. We have just made largo additions to our stock of fine umbrellas for ladies, gentlemen aud children. Natural wood sticks, with metal and gold caps, II 50, Jl. 75, $Z Extra fine natural sticks, with silver and gold mountings, at $3 np to ti. $5 and SO. Fine natural sticks, with solid silver mount ings, at 15 to flu. These prices are lower than usual. Children's fer Sets in almost endless - variety,. as very cneap Sfjcea,- - r. . Satin damask table cloths, with napkins to match, in great' variety of size, grade and price. FINE ELTJSH GARMENTS ,, ' Offered at special low prices during tbe next two weeks. These are made from best grade of silk seal plush; elegant satin linings, correct styles, superior fit, finish and workmanship. SEAL WRAPS AND COATS. We have still onr hand some very choice Alaska seal garments of the best English dye. In sizes from 3f to 46-inch bust measure. We offer you these, with a great variety of small furs, collars, capes, muffs, etc-, at unus ually low prices. HOLIDAY HANDKERGH1EF& Our stock ot handkerchiefs was never so large and never so cheap. We offer great variety in all linen, hemstitched and plain, at fl 60 per dozen. Ladles' initial handkerchiefs mneh nnder value. 81 50 per dozen. Silk hand kerchiefs and mnfUers in almost endless variety. FRENCH DRESB PATTERNS. We offer a large Jot of extra fine ladles' dress combinations at greatly reduced prices. 60 robes for da $50 robes for $35. $25 robes for $14. $20 robes for $15. $15 robes for f U. These are choice new goods, aud a chance to save money. ' Special values at our silk counter. We offer on very close margin a large purchase of re liable black silks. We name as unusual good value grades at $1 and Jl 25. ALL.SILK STJHAH& Full line of colorings of 40c, 65c, 73c, 83c. BIBER &EASTON, 505 and 507' MARKET STREET. de22-TTSSn GEMS CHRISTMAS. For the holiday season of 1E89, we exhibit the-most superb collection of Diamonds and Ereclous stones we have ever shown, mounted 1 all the latest designs. Our Diamonds are all ot finest quality, and being purchased before tbe recent advance in prices enables us to offer special inducements to Christmas buyers. AN INSPECTION INVITED. E. P. Roberts & Sons, de6-63-TTS Cor. Filth ave. and Market st ISAM' MUX FrencH, Kendrick I CD;, THE CB3NA STORE, .518. SMITHFIELD STREET,. vf-. -, - ! iOonosite City Hall. . .. ' r ItmFXi&?J 10 '", OPE3 .' U.' .... ' ' -' Jl MONDAY ; AND TUESDAY ' ' fH C "srVTENINGS.. ' v-' 609-63 1 PENN AVE. i 'HjJatM ' fe- ' ' vt - -iti v"'C' ' - 1-7 .' liar MeS. V'.3 r r TiWMrMHlif ir - ifjTitk-WfiP. ,l5m' T aJTlMMlfJuOlE. QCL3l - &rK2lHKltK.'sH . Woald Yob Like a Plana or Organ f ' If so, never permit limited means to stand, in your way. Inform yourself of Mellor & J Hoene's easy rental system, by which you will have paid for your instrument compara tively beforeyon know it Call at" their warerooms, 77 Fifth avenue, and yon. will be delighted and- astonished. There you will be enabled to inspect such charming pianos as the Hardman, Krakaner,Kim ball and Harrington, without equals inth'e market; also the celebrated Chase, Chicago Cottage and Kimball organs, which are without peers in the musical world. "Re--member Mellor & Hoene are the only firm that handle these magnificent makes of in struments. They require no eulogism, they sound their own praises and have attained tbeir present standing purely upon their.' ' actual merits. Send for catalogues, make ' your selections, and you shall realize in any and all transactions the most liberal and -- honorable treatment at all times from thisi popular and old-established firm. ' ' Mellob & Hoejte, 77 Fifth avenne. . V ' Just for To-Day We will offer 60 extra, fine bine Kersey,box overcoats with patched velvet collar, richly lined. A very high-class garment of our' own manufacture. These overcoats were made to sell for$30-rour price to-day,. and to-day only, fl3. Store open till 11 o'clock, to-night Td-morrow,' Christmas Day? we close at 12 o'clock noon. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. new Court House. Tine French Fans. Hand-painted tinted gauze, hahd-painted pure white, hand-painted black; white and black ostrich leather fans, shell sticks. Jos. Hobnb & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. tTsefnl Cbrlatmaa Presents. Fine seal muffs, beaver muffs, genuine monkey muffs and collars', and children's fur sets closing out cheap at H. J. Lynch's, 438 and 440 Market st Whole Store Opea Till 9 O'clock To-NIght, JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S ' Penu Avenue Retail Stores. CHRISTMAS-1889 ONLY TO-DAY AND TO-NIGHT TO BUY. JOB. HHRNE REEL'S PENN AVENUE' STORES. PriTauuKQ, Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1B89. - Ihae Blares will net be opened on Christmai Day. Excuse tbe expression, bnt yesterday was & scorcher. We've prepared for another day cf It What a jolly, good-natured mass of huma. ityit was, too, yesterday. Sorry some of you had to wait so long to get In arm's reach of the counters 3 or 5 deep is a few too many for what a pessimist would call com fort. But it only adds to the pleasure of . the Christmas buyer who enters fully into the spirit of the time. Expect the same scenes to-day. We bave done our part. Packed a solid line of salespeople behind every counter, from one end to the other, and replenished the goods. You can take your goods right with you if you choose. If not, we will send them to your bouse within an hour. If tbey are to go out of the city we'll send them for yon. Delivery in the two cities is free, of course. ' BtarUd's pi tal)foCimair tma"S3 furs yesterday. Clearing up tne Christmas stuff- Plenty for to-day. Imitation Seal Muffs, tl 60. Extra fine Monkey Muffs, $SL Persian Lamb Muffs, S5; J7 and 19. And Black Hare, Black Coney, Nutria, Black aud Natural Lynx; Black Marten And Beaver Muffs. Prices reduced clear through. An accept, able gift Also a large assortment of . small furs collars, capes and muffs. Center of stores. An acceptable present would be one of those $20 braided all over Beaver Cloth Jackets at $5 all sizes, black and colors a 120 Jacket for J5. Other bargains,in jackets. Prices on all our short wraps and long cloth garments and on our plush coats and wraps bave been reduced. A very large and choice assortment of cloaks and wraps and jackets at the fairest of prices. Bring wife or mother or sister to this great cloak department and fit them out with a substantial and handsome pres ent Remember the children and our Chil dren's Department "- ' Fine French Fans. T ;- . Tinted gauze, band-painted. J .' Pure white, hand-painted. J Black, hand-painted. . White and black Ostrich Fans. Shell sticks, scented wood, pearl, ivory and many other sUcks. No more acceptable present to a lady. We have a beautiful assortment at all prices. One of tbe most proper of the little .ex pense and big comfort gifts you can think of is a down pillow or head rest. We bave an unequaled assortment of pillows, all shapes and sizes, from SI to $5, covered with satine and ready for use. Head rests at 50c All Just half regular price. We can to-day cover any of them, and as many as you want, in any material yon se lect, in any fancy design, In one hour's time. Special Christmas bargains in aprons at IL Our 20c apron, hemstitched, beats any bargain you can find in the city. New lot of Japanese Silk Smoking Jack ets. 'Prices on all smotlng jackets and house coats way down. Foil lines yet, though the sales have been enormous. New goods bave come lu every day. Gents' Eld Gloves, for street or evening wear. The best made. Gonts' fine Seal Gloves and Gauntlets. Gents' Natural Beaver Gloves and Gaunt, lets. Gents' Lined Eld Gloves. Coachmen's Leather Gloves, lined and unlined, superior quality. Coachmen's Fur Capes and Fur Collars. Give John a surprise. Slake another big day In Dress Goods and ' " Silks. 1 " m .2 '& V