' BtfirlHBBBIHBnKHni t. T . GOOD MOBNING. The Dispatch greets tens of thou sand! every day in the week. Its readers keep up with the procession of events the nde world over. .- fabgahthontebs Win find the offerings of the most prominent merchants In the columns of Thb dispatch. Investors should peruse the classified advertising page. 'b'. 5 -. 8 - fVy wt f FOKTY-FOUHTH YEAR. SHE WAS SHOT DOWN Mrs. Paul Budert Mnrdejed last H igM by Thieves. . A 0BHIE AT TAEENTUM That Has Thrown the Village Into a Very Wild Fever. - THB EXCITEMENT MOST INTENSE. i - : Quick Justice Probable if the Perpetrators th ' Are Captured. (SCOURING THB COUNTRY FOE THEM. fe 'he little town of Taretum was the scene of a murder last night Mrs. Paul Budert was the victim. As her husband's jewelry store was being closed three robbers broke a pane of glass in the window. They helped themselves to a half pect of jewelry and watches. Mrs. Budert surprised them, and one oi mem snot ner. v iguuuix: vuiuuutwca are scouring the country in search of the trio. Lynching is threatened if they are caught. (TBOX A STATP COnnESrONDXXT.l Tabektosi, December 21. Tarentnm is in a wild state of excitement to-night. Few people fn the town are asleep. The male population are out scouring the country with guns, looting forthemurderersof Mrs. tPaul Budert, wife of one of the prominent , , merchants of this place. If he is found he will not be given any trial, bnt will be lynched from the nearest telegraph pole. The murder occurred a few minutes past 10 o'clock. Mrs. Budert was in her hus band's store on Main street. Her husband was in the back part of the store, and two clerks were preparing to close np. Three men were seen outside the window of the store, looking in at the jewelry. Suddenly ""' there was a crash of glass, and the large store window was broken, w L MtTBDEB AT THE "WINDOW. ", v Mrs. Budert rushed to the front of the '" '"store, and pushing aside the curtains between the store and the window, ' looked out. As she thrust her Ihead through the curtain she looked into the muzzle of a revolver. Be- " 5fore she could withdraw her head there was a report, and she fell back into the store, lifeless. Her husband and the two clerks rushed out to tne street. The former took time to grab his revolver. He saw three men running down the street to the river, and discharged his pistol at them. He fired two shots. Two of the fleeing men turned and shot at the merchant The latter returned tsjjsssfnii firn T ""J I ----"- f..-.- y of them. - LOOKING FOB THE STttEDEBEES. At this hour, 1 A. M., large crowds of ex cited men are parading the streets of the town and vicinity. Every one of them is armed and all look determined. One man has been arrested and is now in the lockup, awaiting a hurried investigation. His name is Frank Clark, and he lives on the other side of the river.' On his person was found a seven-shooter with one cham ber empty. There is no shell in the empty chamber. The man says he pur chased the revolver from Tree's, the gun smith of the town, and was advised to leave one chamber empty. An excited crowd of men surrounds the little lockup where the man,is confined. He was fonnd among the willows which line the river bank below here. The man claims he was on his way home at the time, and says he is entirely innocent of the murder and robbery. LTXCHETG MIGHT OCCUR Cool heads are advising the crowd to do nothing rash, but it is hard to tell what they might do if some one of them takes the initiatory step. At the time the murder was committed there were few people on the streets. The robbery had been all planned. The major ity of the male residents of the town were at the opening of a new dancing hall, the Alhambra, and an entertainment at the Grand Opera House. The street where it occurred is one of the side streets, leading from the railroad to the river. George Parker, a clerk, was near the store, and saw one of the men push his back through the window. As he did so one of the burglar's companions placed a satchel at the opening and began to scrape out the jewelry. They secured about a half peck of watches, bracelets, diamonds, rings, etc. ZYIDEITTLT XOT rBOFESSIONALS. The job was evidently done by persons who are familiar with the town. The citi zens think tbey were not professionals, for the reason that they would not have shot the woman unless ttfey had to. It is said that a regular gang is operating in the town. Last Saturday night Mrs. Strong, of Fourth street, had an encounter with a burglar who tried to enter her house. The same night several men tried to effect an entrance into the house of Mrs. Huff, on Breckenridge avenue. She, scared them off. The bullet fired at Mrs. Budert struck her above the rigbteye and entered her tem ple. Her brains were scattered against the glass in the window. She bad two children, little tots of 3 and 5 years each. They were in bed at the time, and know nothing as yet of the murder of their mother. Mrs. Bu dert came here with her husband years ago. HOT ON THE TEAIL. After the shooting 'Squire Calpass organ ized a posse and started to look for the rob bers. His example was followed by others, who are still out, scouring every part of the county. They are so determined to catch the culprits that they wjM not cease their search. Half ft dozen rigs have been started out along the country roads, with searching parties. In conversation with -Thb Dispatch correspondent, Father Fareni, a former pastor of St Peter's Church, said that if the men are found they will be strung np without ceremony. The people are frenzied, and will make an example of the robbers and murderers. McSwiOAS. OUT, ON THE TEAIL. Encrcetic Work or the Vigilance Commit- tcra Coroner McDowell Thinks Ho Can Place One ,or Tiro of the Murderers. It was known to the police authorities of Pittsburg that at this time of year lawless gangs were anxious to reap harvests from the displays of valuable jroods, and as has been stated in Thb Dispatch, extra pre cautions were taken to foil the work of the light-fingered and safe-cracking gentry. This has had the effect of driving them out Into the smaller- places, with, In this case, mur derous results. Telegrams received by Coroner Mc Dowelllast night announced meager particu lars or what Is so fully told in the special tele gram above. Mrs. Budert who was a very prepossessing lady, was but 27 years of age. She died about 3u minutes after being shot, while from every house in the place every male inhabitant issued, eager to avenge her death. Vigilance committees were hurriedly formed, and, armed with shotguns, revolvers and clubs, parties started in all directions In chase of the robbers and murderers. The whole vicinityis-patroled, and it is more than probable that the criminals will be either caught or chased into the hands of the Pitts burg or Allegheny officers beforo morning. Coroner McDowoll notified the police officials of both cities, of Bharpsburg and the surround ing places and a general lookout has been es tablished, which be thinks will secure the cap ture of the men. one of whom he thinks he can place as a man whomjie. .formerly knew as ad dicted to criminal pursuits. He saw blm yes terday afternoon haueimr aronnd the west Fenn depot, and has sent to his home to see whether he has left ornot In the former case Coroner McDowell u pretty sure he can name one of the men concerned in the tragic robbery. SUING THB CITY. OP BRADFORD. A Railroader Who Claim $10,000 Dam ages far the Lou of n Leg-. Rochester, N. Y December S3. Yesterday afternoon William Dorsey left his room in this city for the first time in two months. He sup ported the stump of his right leg on a crntch. In October last Dorsey, who was then employed on the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg road, laid off over a trip in Bradford. While walk ing along the street during the evening, he was attacked by two men, one of whom knocked him senseless. The two men fled, and a police officer coming up, took Dorsey to the station, thinking that he was drunk; The unconscious man was placed in a cell, which was lighted by a jet of natural gas. About mldnicht the turn key, In his round, came to the cell, and was horrified to find that one of the man's legs lay across the gas jet He was removed to the hospital, where it was found that a hole had been burned nearly tbrongb the calf. Gan grene and extensive inflammation set In and amputation at the knee joint became neces sary. The man was in the Bradford hospital three weeks and was then brought to this city on a Stretcher. When examined at the hosDital, a wound was fonnd on his head, apparently made by a policeman's locust Dorsey has retained a prominent legal firm of this city, and brought suit In the Supremo Court for 810,000 damages against the city of Bradford. BOUGHT FOR A SEW SEMSARY. Archbishop Corrigan Fnrchasea a Historic Place to Bolld a Catholic School. rSFXCIXI. TELEOBAM TO THI CIrATCK.l New Yobk. December 23. The famons old estate at South Yonkera, known as Valentine Hill, has been purchased by Archbishop Cor ngan, as a site for a new Catholic seminary, the erection of which has for some timebeen contemplated in this diocese. The estate in cludes 60 acres, and was sold for $70,600. It has been In the hands of the Valentine family since 16S7, when the ancestor of the Valentines in tbis country took possession of it under a lease hold. It was purchased outright by Thomas Valentine, great-grandfather of the present ocenpant, after the revolution. The old home stead contains materials that were used in the ongmal home built lnlSST. The hill was an important place during the revolution, and was held much of tne time by one or the other orocen in a anon tune.-. iBe-siotJuiiaing, -wmcnwui Deerectea nrsx, -wui'pe- oi stone, 600 feet long fcy 200 f eevaeep, with accommoda tion tor 1,000 students. DRE1DFUL ST0RI OP CONSPIRACY. A Young Man Drugged and Blade to Marry an Adventures!. rerxciAx. TixxaiujtTOZES'nisrAvcE.l St. Louis. December 23. A dreadful story of conspiracy to ruin Alfred K Plant, a prom inent young society man of kthis citv, devel oped to-night. Plant is S3 years of age, and is a son of George J. Plant, a millionaire millor. According to his parents, he is periodically subject to mental aberration, though this fact was never known before, not even to his most intimate friends. Two weeks ago he drew from the firm $3,800. and began drinking heav ily. He wound np in a low den presided over by a hardened police court character named Mollie Murphy. She took entire possession of the man and his money and jewelry. She plied him with strong drink until he was Insane and entirely subject to her will. Lat Wednesday she got a carriage, drove to the Recorder's office with, young Plant whom she bad dragged, secured a license, and had a justice marry them. Plant was found Satur day by a detective, taken to police headquar ters, pronounced insane by a physician, and committed to St Vincent's Asylum, where he is now being treated. 0ALLAGHAN COMPLAINS AGAIN. A Telegram to Judge Archbald Whlcllnis Honor Won't Notice. Scbaxtojt. December 23. Hon. Edward D. Callaghan, of Scottdale, who makes charges against T. V. Powderly. was heard from to day. Judge Archbald was to-day interrupted while considering an important ease by a mes senger boy, who presented the 'following tele gram: Scottdaie. December 23, 1839. Jndge Archbald, gcranton, i'i.: Why should you Impede Oficer Washabauah In the discharge of his sworn duty? Answer to Pittsburg, Pa. dwaho Cjlllagiiax. Mr. Callaghan sent a similar telegram to Justice Hand, who Was formerly a Judge ot the Lackawanna Courts, but who resigned two years ago to accept an appointment to the Su preme Bench of the State. Justice Hand turned this last dispatch over to Judge Arch bald. Judge Archbald informed a reporter this afternoon that he would take no potlce of what he designated such impertinent and ridiculous communications. SAFETY IS ELECTRIC WIRES. Inventor Edison Saya Danger Lurks Only In Strong Current. IKrrCIAL TZLXORIX TO THX UISFATCB. t New York, December 23. Wizard Thomas A.Edison testified before the grand jury to-day in their inquiry into the killing of Lineman Clausen, and, incidentally, into 'the entire sub ject of electric lighting in this city. Mr. Edi son, it is understood,, told the grand jury that electric lighting could be conducted ata mini mum of danger by using a current notstronz enongh to do any barm to-human beings, and be suggested that the law should prohibit the use of a current that was strong enongh to take hnmao life. This law shonld be enforced, whether the wires were buried or not MORE MONEY .FOR M'GLINN. Bit Faithful Former FarUMencra Raise Him Quite a Pane. ISrECIAZi TELEOllAJI TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New York; December 23. During the. past three weeks, the parishioners of St Stephen's Church who still remain faithful In thelt alle giance to their former pastor, the Rev. Dr. Mc Glynn. have collected SLOOO, which was pre sented to him to-day at bis residence in Brook lyn by a committee. This is just double the sum Dr. McGIvnn re ceived last year from his former parishioners. 01E BUDLANGIST ADMITTED. The Chamber of Deputies Beelares M. Gref fulse's Election Valid. PABis, December 23. The Chamber of Dep uties, by a vote of 2S1 to 201, has declared valid the election of M. Greffnlse, a representative of the Boulangist party. M. Constans, the Minister of the Interior, read, a decree closing the session. The (Senate agreed to the law by which the Government assumes the monopoly of the man ufacture otjaatcbet -the south: mourns. Henry W. Grady, a Gifted Journalist and Orator, Bead-Sketch of Qjs Brief SHtBrllllant Career Trlb- ates of Praise. Atlanta, December 23. Henry "vV. Grady died of pneumonia at 3:40 o'clock this morning. Mr. Grady was ill when he left Atlanta for Boston to make the speech recently delivered there. He went contrary to the advice of his physician, and returned quite sick; He grew rapidly worse last night and before morning his friends gave up all hope. Henry Woodf en Grady was born in Georgia inIS5L With perhaps a single exception be was the best known editor in all the Southern Btates. He stood In the front rank or Ameri can journalists, and the prospect -of none was brighter., His lather was a colonel in the Con federate army, and lost his lifo in battle when his son was only 14 rears old. Young Grady was educated at the University of Georgia, in his native city, where he graduated at the head of his class, and bis studies were afterward continued at the University of Virginia. From the first Mr. Grady was strongly at tached to journalism, and on leaving college, a lad of 19, he started a daily paper on bis on account at Borne, Ga which failed of support He re ovea to Atlanta and issued the Atlanta Berald, and afterward, the Atlanta Courier, both of which ventures proved unsuccessful. His ready penhoweverfountt plenty of em ployment. He wrote for Atlanta, Louisville and New York papers. A fortunate specula tion, it is said. In railroad stock yielded him 520,000, which he very wisely in vested in a nnarter Interest In the Atlanta Con ititution. This interest, now enormously en hanced, be still owned when he-died. Though frequently urged to become a candidate for office he persistently refused. He was a gifted orator, and when be made a speech, political or otherwise, it always attracted attention. His death causes wide regret tbroughont the South. The press generally pays hin the warmest tributes. Telegrams of condolence have been received by Mrs. Grady from all over the country. Among them are messages from ex-President Cleveland, Governor David B. Hill, Hon. Samuel J. Randall. Emery Bpeer, John Temple Graves, Clinton B. Fisk, Patrick A Collins and others. Ex.President Cleveland's message was as follows: HEW YORK, December 23. JIr. Henry W. Grady: Accept the heartfelt sympathy of one -o loved your husband lor wbat ho was and for anrtbat be has done for his people and bis country, lie as sured that everywhere throughout the land warm hearts mourn with you In your deep affliction, and deplore the loss the nation has sustained. Geovbb Cleveland. At 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Christmas Day the funeral ceremonies will take place. From every section of the State has come the request that the body might lie in state, that the people might look upon this face once more. In response to this request the family have Consented that his body shall rest in the First Methodist Church, of which Mr. Grady was a leading member, from S o'clock in the morning until the funeral hour. IHTEKT0R OF THB 'PH0KB. Testimony Being Taken to Prove Daniel Drnvrbangb'a Claim. ISrSCUI. TELEGRAM TO TUX ItSPATCS.t HABBisBtrso. December 25. Daniel Draw baugh, the inventor, who lives across the river In Cumberland county, was in Harrisburg to day, with some ot his neighbors and friends, who are citing testimony before F. M. Ott, the examiner In the suit of tne United States against the Bell Telephone Company. This testimony is to substantiate the two charges that Alex Graham Bell had no right to the telephone patent because-it was obtained by fraud In the Patent Office, and, even it it were obtained without fraud. he has no right to it because Daniel Draw baugh was the prior Inventor. Among those whose testimony was taken on Saturday was James Brooks, of Shiremanstown, Cum berland county, which Is near Drawbaugh's home. He aays that be used the 'phone in Drawbaugh's workshop, between 1873 and 1871, before Bell bad even announced such an inven tion. The hearing- ot testimony will be re sumed on Monday morning. It is believed by Drawbaugh's friends here that be Is the original inventor, and tbey hop the litigation began by the Government may etjdla his-tavon Tne lakliiKr testimony at this time la the-outcome or 'an-efforT of the Bell Company to evade the Drawbaugh issue altogether, but Judge Colt;Tjf-tbe Boston Cir cult Court, decided against the company, and the qnestlon of priority of invention is now one of the leading elements In the controversy. gomez wants nv fight. He Promise to be Liberal If Great Britain Is Friendly. London, December 2i The News corre spondent in Lisbon reports an important inter view he had with Senhor Barres de Gomez, the Portuguese Minister, In the coarse of which Gomez said: "If England is willing to meet us upon the question of a deline ation of the frontier Jn Africa, we are ready to adopt for all Southeast Africa the most liberal commercial policy. We might ne gotiate upon the basis of giving commercial guarantees in return for a political guarantee. Our help to the English, which wonld, upon such an understanding, be given to extend their commerce to the interior ana to facilitate their trade with our long coast line, would be an advantage that it would be difficult to overestimate. X attach to the friendship of England too great a value to neglect any eifort to retain it, and a rupture with her wonld be a great misfortune to the Portuguese nation." Senor Gomez justified bis policy at length and denied saying that the English merchants complain of the Portuguese administration. On the contrary, they deplored Portugal's loss of the lower Congo. MADAME ALBANI'S REPLY To a Salt Brought Against Her for Alleged -Breach of Contract. rfrrciAL teleqeam to TBxpiErATca.i Toronto, December 23. The answer of Mme.AIbanl has been filed in the suit for $5,000 damages brought against her here, by J. F. Thomson, for breach of agreement to give concerts about five years ago in Toronto, Montreal and Buffalo. The agree ment was made in behalf of the singer by John Lavine. of New York, who acted as her agent She repudiates the agreement as unauthorized, and says if any agreement was made, which Is denied. It was made when she was in Europe, and was subject to the condition that she came to America within the time the plaintiff alleges she shonld have carried out the contract, and she did not come to America within that period. The Court has consented to allow her exam ination at any place where it is convenient for her. so as to get over the difficulty of her ap pearance personally here. MAYOR GRANT AS SANTA CLATJS. . He Answera a Little Girl's Christmas Re quest Very Promptly. rsrXCIAI. TXXXOKAX TO TIM DISrATCTM New Yobk, December 23. The attributes of Santa Clans, Bergh and Gerry, were all crowded into an official act of Mayor Grant's, to-day, when he wrote to the keeper of the dog pound to release one of the captive dogs. This appeal by letter moved him to it: Dear SIayou Grant -I am a little girl, 10 years old. andlamgo'ngtoask afavorofyou. iryou will grant It to me. It wlUbethe haoplest Christ mas that I have spent In my life. Dear Mayor. I was rolng to the store this morning, and my dozle iellle followed me, anqtue doE catcher took him airayfromme and put him Into the wagon, and all my erylnc and betrglnrdldnotdoauyicood. so 1 thought I would ask yon If you would please get my dogle for me. 1 wish you a very merry Christ mas and a happy New Year. I am Lizzie Oalnes, too Sullivan street. New fork city. Please give memydogie Nellie. IMP0ETANT DECISIONS. Assistant Secretary Tichenor on the Use of Second-Hand Cask. rsncciAx, Txtxoiuut to tub disfatcim New Yoke, December 2X Collector Er hardt to-day received a decision from Colonel Tichenor. Assistant Secretary of tne Treasury, sustaining his action In a recent case where be ruled that casks formerly containing imported liquors eonld not under the law be used for the exportation of domestic liquors, and then re imported in the same casks. Colonel Tich.enor.also decides that when such course is adopted, the Collector of Internal Revenue shall be authorized to seize both casks and contents. ytcmnt!c Antl-SlnTery Movement. Bkcbsels, December 23. Advice's from the Congo report very satisfactory progress In the equipment of the new stations that are to be tbe basis of a gyHeraio opposition to the lave tiade. - - ' PITTSBURG, TCJESDAY, SUGAR AM) TOBACCO The Two Items pa Which Major Mo Kinley is Said to-Intend to COT DOW THE SURPLUS ALONE. A Democratic Committee Colleague's Opin ion on the Bill " ' THAT IS TO BE READY" I FEB&CiKI. Senator Fngh Declares a federal Election 8l Will Hot be Passel p McKinley's tariff hill is expected by a committee colleague to be xeady in Febru ary. Sugar and tobacco to be made free, and thus themselves cat down the surplus. The said colleague calls it a Scheme of the Major' to catch votes. A Democratda Sen ator threatens what his party will do to pre vent the passage of a Federal election law. trnoK A btajt cottKEsroNDEirr.J WAsgraGTOir, December 23. A Demo cratic member of the "Ways and Means Com mittee, in conversation to-day with. The Dispatch correspondent, said: I am ot the opinion that Mr. McKinley's Idea of what a tariff hill should be will be demon strated pretty soon. I think It will be 4 very simple bill, and an effort will be made to have it introduced by the end of February. It 'will make all the reductions necessary to dispose of the surplus on two items alone sugar and to bacco. There wlll.be a few amendments made to the general customs schedule, so as to adjust such inaccuracies and inconsistencies as now exist, and possibly the freelist maybe extended by the addition of one or two unimportant arti cles. Possibly, also, alcohol used in the arts may be made free from taxation, but Mr. Mc Kinley's idea is to make the hill just as simple as possible, so that everybody can understand It and at the same time, to make It a popular measure in every sense of the term. Xt is a pretty bard thing to introduce sentiment In a tariff hill, but if the present chairman of the Ways and Means Committee can have his own way he will come nearer to making It a senti mental matter than has ever been done before. He wants to make tobacco entirely free, and to take off, if not all. atleast the greater part Of the tax on sugar. This, with the few compara tively unimportant additions I have 'men tioned, will constitute the bill. The Workingmen of the country will have no trouble in comprehending what it means. To them it will appear that they can use sugar in their tea and coffee, and take their smoketaf ter ward with the consciousness that in doing so they are paying taxes in neitherlnstance. And Mr. McKlnley thinks that the man who can give them tbis comfortable feeling will be a prime favorite in some future Presldental con test Then, on the other band, the manufac turers and producers will See that their inter, ests are not in any way menaced by the bill, and tbey will feel grateful to the man who drew it up. So you see Mr. McKlnley expects to catch the votes of all classes by one stroke of policy. It Is a neat little scheme, but I don't think be will be able to work it His sugar proposition will fall, because his own party presents a broken front on that question, and because his party's record is for protection to "Infant" industries, and certainly the sugar Industry of this country cannot yet stana without support But one thing is very certain, and that ts that no matter what bill is Tenorted from the committee, it will not disturb the present schedules on manu factured articles to any extent UonruER, WORKING WELL TOGETHER. Blaine and Salisbury Said to Have Come to a Perfect Underataadlnc. lSriCTAL TILIOKAK to THE DISPATCH.! WAsmxGTODecember 23- There is said to be perfect concert of action between Lord. Salisbury and. Secretary- Blaine Jn the trattjr of-Pprtngai;a eonfleiatabn rthe Daigoal Bay .Kauway, aner American, even more than English interests,are involved in the contention. The dispatch of English gunboats to Delagoa Bay.and tbe arrival of the American fleet In tbe Tagul. are simultaneously reported to-day, and between the, two, Portugal is likely to be impressed with the idea that a day of reckoning is at hand. The Delagoa Bay and Transvaal Railway, which is the shortest route from the South African arold fields to the sea coast, was bnilt under a con cession granted by the King of Portugal to Edward McMurdo, an American citizen. Col onel McMurdo built the road, with the aid of English capital, "In the face of difficulties which everybody else deemed Insurmountable, only to be confronted at last by a throat of the forfeiture of his concession and the confiscation ot his property unless cer tain new and Impossible conditions were com plied with. Under stress of financial complications grow ing out of this threat, and pending bis appeal to the United States Government for protec tion, the concessionaire's health gave wav, and he dropped dead from paralysis of the brain. Immediately after his death the Portuguese carried out their threats against tbe protests of the American and English Governments, and Mrs. McMurdo then came to Washington and filed her claim for 13,500,000. CARLISLE ON THIS CONGRESS. He Doesn't Think the KeDublleun Have Doae Much a Yet. rsFZCTAX, TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCn.1 Washington, December 23. Ex-Speaker Carlisle, in commenting upon the claim of the Republicans that they have in the present House already advanced legislation beyond any stage hitherto attained, says that the progress Is more apparent than real. "This Is tbe first in stance," said Mr. Carlisle, to-day, "in which tbe Speaker has been authorized to appoint the committees on ways and means and appro priations in advance of the others. It has. been customary to make early announcements ot the committees on rules, mile age, accounts and enrolled bills, but the committees intrusted with the preparation of actual legislation have hitherto all been an nounced at tbe same time. But up to the present time no rules have been adopted, and no material progress can be made In legislation until after the adoption of rules. "The only real difference between the method pursued by the Democrats in recent Congresses and tbe Republicans in this Is that the latter have deferred the adoption of rules until after the holiday recess." WILL FIGHT IT TO THE 1AST. Senator Fagh Threat Against Any Federal Election Law. rrnoH a staff coRBxsrONDiirT.l Washington. December 23, Senator Pugb, of Alabama, gets quite pugnacious when any one happens to mention in his presence tbe possibility of the Republicans trying to put through Congrats a Federal election bill. He said to-day to The Dispatch correspondent: I for one will stay in the Senate chamber night and day for months. If need be. to help beat it. I wonld help defeat every appropriation bill rather than see a law pass that would pnt tbe-electlons 6f the country Into the hands oi Federal officehold ers. Tbe proposition Is the vilest attempt to break down and violate the Constitution that has ever been sugKrsted, barring none. It Is the last des perate effort of a disintegrated party to perpetu ate themselves In office, and it will fall Ignomlnl ously. COLLAPSED ON THE STREET. i President Lclsenrlng Falls Down From an Attnek of Syncope. tsrsciAi. THKoaAitTo thb Disr atoii.! Hew Yobk, Decemhor 23. A. W. Lelsen ring, President of the FirstNatlon&J Bank, of Manch Chunk, Pa fell unconscious at the cor ner of Broadway and Warren "treets, at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon, while waiting for a car. At the Chambers Street Hospital it was found that he was suffering from an attack of syn cope. He was unconscious for several hours, but was able to leave the hospital late in tho after noon. WILL PAY HER DEBTS IN GOLD. Austria Resolves to Resaae Speclo Pay rocnta Two Yean Hence. Vienna, December 23. It is reported that Austria and Hungary have agreed to resume specie payments two years hence, and to In troduce at tne same time tbe decimal system, the main change to be In gold, silver being paid only in small cotes. .acn city win nun we aEiry. laaus i the loan. DECEMBER 24, 1889. MB. GO WS DEiTH. Selective Working an tbe Theory That Harder Stay Have Beea Cetaailt ted The Windows of Hie Room Found Opes. , HFaOTAn TEUaBAM TO TBS DISPATCH. Philadelphia, December 23. The rel atives of JFranklln B. Gowen are, through thePinkerton Detective Agency, pushing a systematic and searching inquiry into tbe manner of the Bead ing ex-President's death. The brother Henry G. Gowen. the wltffw", and the snr viving -daughter cannot beVconvinced that Mr. Gowen committed suiotde, and base their opinion on the fact that there is not the slightest evidence to show why he should take his life. It now tran spires that the whole troth has not been told abodt the condition of the room In which Mr. Gowen's bo'dy was found at "Worm ley's Hotel, in "Washington. The windows of the room were not fastened, as given out to the public On the contrary, they were not only unfastened, but were not shut down when tbe doors were opened after the tragedy bad been discovered. -- Captain Linden admitted this afternoon that such was the case. He at first said that he did not care, about talking of tbe case in any way on account of tbe family and friends. He was then told that information has been: obtained about tbe wioaows being up, and tbe question was put: ''Is It not true that tbe windows were unfas tened and raised?' "Yes," he replied,' "the windows were unfastened and raised." Captain Linden declined to talk further about the case, and It was only by calling his attention to some indisputable facts that he was induced to say what be did. At the same time, he reiterated his previously expressed opinion that Franklin B, Gowen committed suicide. Application was made to Begister Grata by Francis L Gowen and James Ji. Hood, for let ters of administration on tbe estate of Franklin B. Gowen. Tbe letters were granted. Tbe estate left by tbe deceased is valued, according to the petition filed with the administrative appli cation, "as near as can be ascertained at tbis time," at M,000, ot which amount 350,000 is comprised of personal effect and f 100.000 real estate. Security in tbe sum of $700,000, that being double tbe amount of the personalty, as required, by law, was entered AK IMLOKIOpS END. CoHapsa of a Shrewd Swindling- Scheme A Fraudulent ParcBaatas; Ag-eney Quits Bnslne la an Abrupt Manner How It Wn Worked. rtraciAr. teleobam to Trot dispatch.1 .New Yobk, December 23. Messrs. Bil lings, Oamp & Co., alias the National Bargain Emporium, of 835 Broadway, hive gone ont oi business for good. Mr. John Jones' was the whole concern. He rented the front attie of the five-story building at the above number, and started in business on the first of this month. He is a smooth shaven, well-dressed man, of about 35 years, and he says that he was formerly employed by a cotton-broking firm in tbis city. He also says that he is married; lives in Ho boken; that his father is a well-known Brooklyn clergyman and that John Jones isn't his right name. His real name be absolutely refuses-to give. He wrote 3, circular letter, which be copied with a patent impression paper about 10,000 times. The letter began "Dear Madame," and went nnt We take tbe liberty of writing you a personal introductory letter, and of Incioslnr samples of our latest ''bargain offerings." Heavy blaofc gror grain sue, double warn, 21 Inches wide, war- ranted to wear, at SS cents (worth si 23 per yard). Alt eaprru cuarges paua. , In each letter were Inclosed small samples of fine black silk, and a little sample of White muslin. It was stated In tbe letter that the goods represented the best value ever offered by Billings. Camp A Co., "or any other respon sible concern." According to the letter, Messrs. Billings, Camp fc Co. had established a "purchasing department" and would, always be willing to shop for the firm's patron?, hut "monevmusthccomDanv orders." Jones sent ont abOHf 1.080 of bis lettMS. aitdwaltel r- .... T.-. Ia-n. M- wmf A- l..-.-,,... ...... ' piutfc JM..M w ..yiMitmi. WAk UD SEll. UIJ gooas in response to oraers. The Second, ft ational Bank, meantime, began to receive Inquiries about tbe National Bargain Emporium, and informed Inspector Williams, who detailed Roundsmen Collins and Cooper to So to tbe Emporium on Saturday and arrest ones. Tberf ound 345 in his pocket and as he made a partial confession, they locked him up. EX-EDITOR WET CONVICTED. Found GnllJy of Fraud and Given Five Year In Prison. CniOAGO,Deeember2a Guilty with a penalty of five years in State's prison and tbe payment of SL000 fine, was the verdict returned to-night In Judge Grinnell's court against Jas. J. West," ex-editor of the Chicago Times. There wag little delay in reaching a verdictonly two ballots be ing taken. The crime of which West was con victed was the fraudulent overissue of stock of the Times to the extent of 1,250 shares, or the equivalent of over 125,000 in money. When the verdict was announced the de fendant betrayed no great emotion. His attor ney, on the contrary, seemed painfully affected. ana coma scarcely De neara wnen entering tne usual motion for another trial. Judge Grin nell stated that he would dispose of tbe motion Januarys. West was released on his original bond of 515,000 until to-morrow morning, when the question of a new bond will be discussed. TWENTY MINERS ENTOMBED. Three Escape Alive, bat the Fate of the Other I Unknown. SAN Fbahcisco, December 23. This morn ing news was received of an accident in a mine at San Andreas, Calaveras county, by which 13 men were killed, and about SO injured. All day messengers bave been expected to arrive at some telegraph office near Angel's Camp, in this State, bringing particulars ot the disaster. At a late hour this evening, however, little ad ditional news had been received. A special dispatch from Milton says: Word reaches here that the cave-in occurred about 3 p. m. yesterday, at the Utlca Mine. Twenty men were Imprisoned, two of whom escaped without injury and one with serious injuries. The remaining 16. with three possible excep tions, were at work in tbe drift some distance from the main body of workmen, and may pos sibly be alive. THE POLES HAYB TO COME DOWN. New York Keeps Up Its Work of Chopping Down Incumbrances. ISrSCIAI. TELXOBAX TO THB DISPATCH, t New York, December 23. The work of chopping down dangerous electric light wires and poles went on to-day with Increased vigor. Superintendent Cummlngs, of the Bureau of Incumbrances, added ten more men to the six gangs who are doing the work, so that they now comprise about 70 altogether. He stated to-day that there was no attempt at inter ference by the electric light companies, and that the wires and poles would continue to fall until the Board of Electric Control gave the order to stop. There is little chance of this happening for mouths yet unless the courts again decide- to interfere on behalf of the companies. GOOD CUPSE PHOTOGRAPHS. The KesnlU of tho Observation Quito -Satisfactory as a Whole. Ixhtdox, December 23. Dispatches from St Paul de Loando Teport that numerous photo graphs of the ecllpso were obtained by the American expedition during the period of to tality. The effect was much obscured by clouds. All the apparatus in use worked to perfection. The photographs made on the Pensacola, which worked tar out at sea, are likely to be particularly usefnL Tbe English observers at St Paul de Loando report that bad weather prevented any useful results of their observations. DB CROWN'S PROPERTY. Aa Inventory Which Show That the Mar. dered Man Wsi Very Poor. CHicAGO.December 23. Theodore T.Conklln the Clark street saloon keeper and particular friend of Dr. Cronln, has filed In the Probate Court an inventory of Dr. Cronin's estate. Conklin is tbe administrator to collect and re port shows that the only property left by the murdered man consists of a library worth $300, and surgical instruments worth H00. . The inventory was approved, but no final disposition was made ot tbe property, which will goto Conklin m a creditor, and to Dr. CroBiVS brother In Arkansas. rONGF.DOY'S BREAK. He "Wins His Goldea TYajr in China to the High. Tnne of $75,000, ON A $1 MELLICAN JNYESTMEHT. An Exalted Assamcd Name, a Policy Shop Winning of $1,500 AND A TRIUMPHAL .CELESTIAL 10UR. Qow the Golden Wash-Basln Broke Into the Chinese Treasury. Bret Harte never knew him. Yong Pong Doy is a more modern heathen. He invests, fl in a IjTew Xork policy shop; rakes'in Sl,500; goes, home to tbe Celestial Empire; assumes a well-known wealthy Chinaman's name and dpes business with the natives' treasurers, raking in more than $75,000 al together. ISTXCMX, TELXOUAJf TO THE DISPATCTI.l Hew Yobk, December 23. It was just about 17 moons ago that Yong Pong Doy, a laundryman of Second avenue, hit a Mott street "poh ka peah," or policy shop; for $1,500 cold Melican dollars, on an invest ment oi $1 capital, and concluded to visit his relatives in Canton. Yong and a com panion pnt up at a first-class Chinese public house in Hong Kong, nnder assumed names. The younger of the two became the elder's valet, and made the proprietor understand that his companion was a mandarin recently commissioned to the United States to in spect railroads, and that he was on his way to Pekin to report. The effect of this was to bring tbe employes of the house upon their knees. In a day or two nearly 200 men were- hired as bodyguard, secretary and other necessary attaches to the person of a "Kwauyin," or high official, on a journey. A BASfN OF BEATER GOLD. Yong had a wash-basin made to order in solid beaten gold. It took more than one halt of bis fortune; but it Inspired confidence. To each of his 200 followers he advanced a half month's wages, which means S3 apiece. In a week Yong set out jn a gorgeous sedan chair, carried upon tbe shoulders of eight able-bodied Chinamen, for Pekin, in tho char acter oi KM Chong Wong, the uncle of the Emperor. The bogus Khi Chong Wong began on the city of Soon Chu, in the province of Kan 91. The Prefect was notified hy couriers that his excellency Khi Chong Wong would probably need some ready cash for necessary expenses, as Is customary for all members of tbe im perial household, who never carry money while traveling. DCTCVN OS THEIR MAEE0W-B0KE3. The frightened "Chefoo." with a force of gayly-clad officials, went out of the city to meet Khi Chong Wong, and the next morning the "Chefoo," upon bis knees, handed to the bogus prince 190,000 In gold bricks, as the only avail able cash In the publio treasury. Tbe next city was Lin Kfang, where the Pre fect gave up $25,000. Other towns were laid un der contribution In the same way, until one day Yong and his companions disappeared. The discovery of the fraud was not made untll tbe "Chefoo" of Ly Chu called upon the Viceroy of his Province, and. the latter tele graphed tq the capital to Khi Chong Wong himself. Of course the latter had not left tbe capital fpr years. A big Toward I offered for 4aLlBot:aaarehouer!afan4-lf UfM faHBEWISSSS S ZZZZZZZ Vrlll TPCAlV-UVhft' vML!flC.(7tllf nntltaTlTTlOnt tftftfc is, he wU he cut up alive into 18 pieces. ENGLISH FLAGS ORDERED DOWN. Serpa Pinto Object to Them Waving Over Portaaueae African Territory. LlSBOK.December 23. A telegram from Serpa Pinto, dated October 15, at Muggurumba, a telegraph station on the Shire river, has been received. It reports that tbe English flag was being hoisted at several places on Portuguese territory, and. that ihe natives had raised an English flag opposite tbe cams of the Portu guese railway survey, wblch had been removed by Major Dais. Oo November 9, the Governor of Mozambique wired tbat Serpa Pinto had been reqnested by the natives to lower all for eign flags, and notified them that 'If this request-wag not complied with the Portuguese wonld haul them down with due honors, and send them to Qnllllmane, to be restored to the Consuls there. Senor Gomez, replying to Lord Salisbury, says Pinto did not order an attack on the British flag, but merely repulsed hostile na tives, among whose baggage, after, tbe fight, three British flags were fonnd. Senor Gomez asks Lord Salisbury to await further informa tion concerning the affair before he takes any further action. CORNERED ALL THE WHEAT. A Manitoba Company Controls the Whole Product of tbe Province. WnnrrPEO, December 23. The Ogilvle Mill ing Company, the largest milling organization in Canada, oas secured a corner on all wbeattln the Province of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories, amounting to about 4,000.000 of bushels. It is an open secret that tho firm secured a pointer from the Dominion Government tbat the duty on flour wonld be Increased on the pending session from 50 cents to tl a barrel. The Ogllvles bave large mills in the Northwest and will market all their grain. Their deal cuts a lot ot other milling com panies out of sufficient to keep goinz. and in consequence wheat has bounced up to 80 cents. AM EDITOR'S STRANGE ACTIONS. He Hay They Were Caused by Suddenly Abstaining Prom Tobacco. lNDiAirAPOi.is,Decomber23. A special from Goshen, Ind., says: "C. G. Conn; of Elkhart, who has been instituting libel suits right and left aealnst the papers of this county, and wbo was indicted for attempted blackmail on Harry B. Sherwood, comes out In his paper, the Truth. with a very ample apology to all concerned, withdraws all suits which he has instituted, and confesses that he has been suffering from an aberration of the mind brdught on by sud den abstinence from tbe use of tobacco." WITH HALF A MILLION CAPITAL. A Coal Company In Which PIttsbnrser Are Interested Chartered. rSFZCTAX. TELEGRAM TO TOT DISPATCTtl Wheexiho, December 23. The certificate of incorporation of the New Orleans Coal Com pany has been issued at Charleston and filed here. The incorporators are John Moren and W. G. Cotton, of Pittsburg; J. W. Ailes, or Koscoe, Washington county. Pa., and T.J. Woods, of Woods' Kun, Washington county, and C. D. Snnwden, of Brownsville. The capi tal stock is 1300,000. INFLUENZA STILIr SPREADING. The Epidemic Hn Now Keacbed Every Part of Germany. Berlin, December 23. The epidemic is now spread over every part of Germany, but Is worst in II esse, Hanover, Thurlngia, and Sax ony. In Potsdim, Stettin. Casset Frankfort preiburg, aud Dresden at least half the garri son is affected. A dispatch from Vienna states: Three more ministers bave the Influenza. There is scarcely a family in the city that has escaped the epi demic, hut the disease has a very mild form. i1 Tito .Railroad Change. SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO TBI DIBrATCH.1 Cikcikwati, December 23. Joseph Ramsey, Jr., Chief Engineer of the Cincinnati. Hamil ton and Dayton Kail road, resigned that office to-day, to accept the position of assistant to President Ingalls,of the Big Pour, on and after January L 180. Mr. W. M. Greene, of the Big Foar, who has held this position, will hereafter beeoae geseral maaaer ot that road. PBOBLEMS IN POL Biecaned oy Sea. Chatncev PurftaIe Parity aid the- Ball The Teaching of Taomh and Grady. New Yobk, December 23. Hon. cey M. Depew was a speaker at tl England dinner to-night "TJnsolvi Problems" was his topic, and in the progress of his talk he spoke thus: "Thirty years ago Bohert Toombs, of Georgia, one of the ablest and most brilliant defenders of slavery, said, in his place- in the United Btates Senate, that he would yet can the roll of his bondmen at the foot 'of Banker HOI Monument To-day his slaves are citizens and voters. Cheers. I Within a few days a younger Georgian, possessed of equal genins, but im bued with sentiments so libera! that the great Senator would bave held him an enemy to the State, was the guest of Boston. "With powers of presentation and fervor of ueciamauon wormy tne nest aays ana nooiess offorta of eloquence ho stood beneath the shadow of Bunker Hill and uttered opinions justifying the suppression of the negro vote. L which were hostile to the views of every man"! In his audience. And yet they gave to his ar gument an eager ana canaia nearing ana to his oratory unstinted and generous applause. It as tbe triumph of Puritan principles and Puritan pluek. Cbeera.1 "Thoy knew, as we know, that no system of suffrage can survive tbs Intimidation of the voter or falsification of the count Cheers. The public conscience, scarred by the approval of fraud upon the ballot by tbe virtneT and in telligence of the community, will soon be in different to the extension of these methods by the present office-holders to continue in power, and arbitrary reversals of the will of tbe ma jority will end In anarchy and despotism. This is a burning question, not only in Georgia, but in New York. It is that government for the people shall be by the people. "The telegraph brings us this evening the announcement of the death of Henry W. Grady. We forget all differences of opinion and remember only his chivalry.patrfotlsm and genius. He was the leader of the New South, and died la tbe great work of impressing its marvelous growth and national inspirations upon tbe willing ears of the North, upon this platform and before this audience two years ago he commanded the attention of tbe country and won universaT fame. Applause. His death in tbe meridian of his powers and the hopefulness of his mission, at the critical per iod of the removal forever of all misunder standingsand differences between all sections of the Republic, is a national calamity. New York mingles her tears with those of bis kindred, and offers to his memory the tribute of her profoundest admiration Jor his talents and achievements." f Applause. ALL IN EARNEST. Mr. McMahon Saya Ho'a No One' Stool Pigeon fa the Ohio Senatorial i Knee Everr Candidate Ont for the Stakes. tSTECIAI. TELEOHAU TO TUX SISrATCH.1 Dattoit, O., December 23. the Sena torial race has aroused an unusual interest here, this being Hon. John A. McMahon's home. The Dispatch: correspondent called on him this evening. He first refused to talk, but finally said; I bave been so poorly reported, and made to say so many things I never said, as to be reluctant to express my views. But with your promise to be accurate, yon may say a few things about the canvass in my name. roo have been over the State?" "Only upon Invitation. Ont of this fact has growntheimpressloathatlam not a candidate, or. irone. In tbe interest of Mr. Brlce only. Mr. Thomas' friends bave passed tbe story around freely. Mr. Urlce's friends, of course, do not object to tbe statement. It is this that has led some of the laoor organizations, atthesoliclutlon of Thomas' friends, to Indorse bis candidacy. Now I am incapable of being a mere stool plgeoa for anyone, and regret that an expression or the personal recard for Mr. Brlce which-1 still enter tain sbould have been Interpreted so much to my disadvantage. I am. have been and will continue to be an earnest candidate; npto tbe close qf toe fight, and I have every assurance of the fact that my friends will stay to the end." 1 believe no one disputed tbe soundness of any oi we cauma&ies upon uxia ciorm. in me uw I M.nma.l..nnMrf. rwmilHiiilt.htnMlh MmrosBectsare rood I wonld not chaore with Briee or Thomas. We We are all cheerful and bope- 1 fll. The members are all very quiet and canvass ing the situation with care auda due sense of tbe grave responsibility resting on tbem. But few are pledged, notwithstandirjir all report to tbe contrary. The first ballot-will surprise me If any man receives 25 votes. Do you think Mr. Brlce will be nominated? I do not. A special from Columbns, this evenmg, says that ex-Connessman Lamison. of Lima, to-dav corroborated the refutation of Mr. Brlce's non- residence In every particular as printed in an interview in The Dispatch to-day. Mr. Lamison says Mr. Brlce decidedly prefers an open ballot in tbe caucus. C0DLDNT LITE DNL0YED. A Wealthy Englishman Shoots Himself After Destroying III Love Letters. AUSTIS, Tex December 23. Yesterday J. It Kevan, a wealthy Englishman from Liver pool, suicided near this city by shooting him self. He was in love with a daughter of Captain Stanlforth, a retired English officer, who re sides a few miles from town, and yesterday, when Kevan called to see her. she flatly refused to marry him. He left, and going about 200 yards from the house, burned a lot of letters and then placed tbe muzzle of a pistol in his mouth and blew tbe top of his head off. He baa a brother, it is said, wbo is a wealthy banker in Liverpool. Kevan was largely Inter ested In tbe stock business, and owned a large sheep ranch 15 miles from this city. EXPECTS TO BE CLEARED. A Buffalo Man Charged With Forging; la a Canadian Court. rSPICIAL TELIQUAlt TO THE DISPATCH. I Toronto. December 23. W. H.Sherman,the defaulting secretary of a hhr warehousing com panyat Buffalo, charged with forging ware house receipts on grain to the extent of $300,- 000, and who has been in jail here for many month), was tried before the county judge here to-day. Senator Williams, of Buffalo, stated in bis evidence that he was of tbe opinion that Sherman's offense was not an extraditable one of forgery, because be bad only used a firm's name without being authorized by formal resolution according to tbe act of tbe company's incorporation. Sherman's cbances of acquittal are good. Judgment will be given to-morrow. FINED FOR PLAYING DOCTOR. A Woman Pays S50 for Prescribing for a 8lck Lady. rSTECIAZ) TELEOBAM TO THE DISrATOt I New Yobk, December 23. On complaint of William A. Partington, counsel of tbe Medical Societyof the city and county of New York, Mrs. Elizabeth E. Burton was arraigned to-day at tbe Court of Special Sessions. Mrs. Burton, who claimed to be an electrician, was charged with practicing medicine illegally. Mrs. Bertha Schoder went to Mrs. Barton's office and complained of being ill. 31rs. Burton prescribed for tbe sick woman as though she was a genuine physician. She pleaded guilty, and was fined 150. i DULLNESS AT THB CAPITAL. Very Few Conareumcn In Washington During- tho Holiday; rrciOH A BTAJT COEHE3POSDEXT.1 Washington, December 23. Dullness reigned at tbe Capital to-day. Not more than a dozen members were to be found la the House of Representatives at any one time, and these were, most of them, tbe far-away representa tives of the Gulf or Pacific States. Speaker Reed loomed up in tbe corridor for a moment and then disappeared into his official sanctum. He will work very little this week, as he desires a good rest after the hard work of creating his committees. CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR HAKEISON. A Passamaqnoddy Indian Has a Fine Seal kin for the President. sFXCIAX. TELXOBAX TO THS DISPATCH. Boston, December 21 Governor Joseph Lora,ofthe Passamaquoddy tribe of Indians, whose huntlnz grounds are at the "jumping off" place (East port. Me,), visited tbe State House to-day, bearing a handsome sealskin, which he desired to send to the "Great Father at Washington." Secretary of State Pierce gave him the proper directions, and the big Indian departed happy ta the anticipation of sending the Christmas greeting to President Harrison. mSki, ?,"lVi . sdWJ THREE- CENTS MANYWILLS HELPEDi & Hindered at Beaver Mis 'J 3jvy Competing Shippers. HOW A CANAL WOULD AIDM To 'Develop the Valley's "'Alreajigi large, Growing Indastrie&'v H.W.HAET1IAKF0RWATEE-P0WER! X A glance at the industries of Beaver Falls is significant It shows large interests to be' benefited bya ship canaL Mr.H.W.Hart-1 ,,-;,. r -i man. always a friend of water-power, favors1 the project He talks very instructively on both the transportation and power facilir)' ties afforded by water. fTEOM OUB SrXCUL, txopnssioxs.T Beaveb Palls, December 23. If Providence and the delegated authorities ft ever build a ship canal down the Beaver. Valley they will find that Beaver PaHsVisvl ready and anxious for it. Here is a townof between 11,000 and 12,000 inhabitants, notM counting New .Brighton. There are manvjaj and varied industries, here, all of which" wouia De mors or less oeueniea oy a snip canal. Just take a glance at what these in dustrial establishments are. Everybody mentions first the works of Carnegie, Phippa is Co.'s steel, iron and rail mill; it is the biggest establishment here. Th'eni there are these industries: Xhat Beaver Palls Glass Works, the file works, the "Whitla Glass works. tbe Howard Stove Works, the Co-operative 'l Stove Works, the novelty works of Harker, Knotty? Co., the Penn Bridge Works, the' Whittaker Soiling Mill Company the.'.'d Beaver Palls Steel Works, Knott 'Co.'i. Hour mill, the riartmaa Manutacturingl Comrjany. the Metric Metal Company, thai Union Drawn Steel Company, the- Beaver . T7.1t. THnnf.., inila tV. -Vt7ttcf,T R?a1wjfe Co. Planing Mill, the Co-operative Planing Mill, the shovel works, the ax works, the Co-oneratlve Glass Work, two ntanlntr mills at the upper end of town, the Midgely Wire Belt, nuias, urn iMiuvDU uwu 0w wt& w. Rohrkaste 4. Co. the ke& works of William, Ball & Son, and a brush factory. ' A 70B3HOABLK ABBAS'. Taking these altogether, they constitnta quite an array of Industries. I have no inten tion, in this letter, of saying anything 'about their tannage. ThaswlH come later on. But here is another stumbling block in tho way of the shlpeanat Hera is a bridge now r?Amr,.. .... .. .li.TMlh Rtivot Rvirlira rVtm. pany of Beaver FaHsL It a ship canal comes -J tnrougn, mat unazB win nave w oe eicTauiu. a little, as Douthett said when he wanted ant apostrophe Instead ot a comma. Then there is the bridge ot the main line of the Pittaburz-. Fart Wavne and" Chicaeo Bail- road crossing the Beaver river just below the towiL whteh wonld have to ero an & few feet. Bat the water power is the greatest objec tion ta a canal nere. air. xt. w . xtarrmaTt. us head of the HartmanMannfactnriscComnanr. the chief owner of the Union Drawn Steel Contpany. et ceteraandjo forth, lathe Dead of tbe water power company which owns the dams.' BtBeayerl'alliand New Brighton. Thiscom nanv owns abocf 12 miles of river front, ran-. ruins frma,Ievv Brlghtotf tr MoravlVInTEawa icuui cuuabr. irii.kiuuiuuiDa. udit -u.mlu ton are operated by water power is told In the g letter irom mat place, neo wuafr ia uuao ux . Beaver. AM. ETT-T BY -WATEB POWEB. The water power runs thren planing mills, a. flour miir, a pottery, the Hartman Manufact-3 urmg tsompauy vrura, ui- uiuuu iitkwu Steel Works, tbe Metric Metal Company's' works, the-chemical works, the electric light company's works, and the Beaver Falls Cut lery Works, when those works ran at alt Mr. Hartman has extensive plans for making greater improvements to tbe water power, but be is nevertheless decidedly la favor of a ship canaL It was pretty -hard to get him to talk at alt but he did finally say something. "lam not opposed to a ship canal,'' he said, "on the contrary have taken much Interest in furthering the measure since the bill was fine Introduced In the Legislature. I preach the gospel of water power and water transporta tion, even though it may be tbougbt heresy in tois day of steam power and railroads." Mr. Hartman has a keen appreciation of the value of water powenlsupposebe ought to have as he values bis plant at 11,000,000. "Only thosa persons wbo have practical experience with water power," be said, "can appreciate its commercial value as compared with other kinds of power. It is cheaper than natural gas as a gift Here is 300 horse power harnessed with tbe most modern improvements that has run day and night now for IS months practically without one dollar of expense, and with out an hour's stoppage. At night tho surplus power generates electricity to light these towns over yonder.;' (referring to the other side of the Lake Erie Railroad track), 'It is transmitted by wire t cable underneath streets to factories requiring enormous power. IS IHE GOOD OLD DATS. "In the good old days," Mr. Hartman con tinned, "they brought the mills and factories to the water nower. oftentimes at great disad vantage; now we locate factories at the most " i convenient points, ana carry too water power a tn thpm either hv cable or electridtv." VJ In answer to a question as to the extent of the falls ot the Beaver river, and the water power available, Mr. Hartman replied: "Within four miles of its mouth, and not SO miles from Pittsburg. 12.000 horse power can bat" , made available. However, Daa engineering at tbese dams and unwarranted encroachments of " ...I..... t..w ... .(troll ..i-n..r) tV,a iffahln lMJilMU.U4I.WtUIJ .b,k.faV. ...U . 1 tMU. W i. , power. What a workshop this little valley wouia-ne u tne energy ox man were ous auueu. to the f nil forces of nature available in thla: river, and to tbe development of minerals ta! these adjoining hillsT , "I conlan't tell you the tonnage of the Beaver Valley," Mr. Hartman said, "but there are over, 60 factories and Individual establishments be- tA.n thn north end of Beaver Falls and East . Rnhpstpr" 1 In answer to the question whether or not ho thought the canal would he built, Mr. Hartman said: "If tbe engineers' pronounce the route prao-. tical.then yes how soon I will not say hut It must come eventually, and it little matters whit the cost. Our neoDle can't realize tbe in calculable value of a canal to tbe lakes. Think. of Pittsburg having a thousand miles of water transportation through tbose inland seas of thav Northwest, and then with the Oblo lmDroved by a system ot dams that will render it uaviga- Die all tne year, giving us Auwaaaiuonai miies of constantly navigable waters to the South-,' west,and Pittsburg would undoubtedly become what nature has christened it the inland ciry of this continent A OBOTVCTO PUBLIC SENTIMENT. J "Public sentiment is growing rspiaiy in tavor? ottho canaL" Mr. Hartman went on, "and! wlthnublio men like Governor Beaver and Senator O.nav thoroughly enlisted in the move ment, we are encouraged to believe that thai crime of once abandoning tbe old canal will bal atoned for by the substitution of another andj vastly oe.ter one. te "England with her matmiScent system of railroads has never permitted her canals jo fall? into disuse ana now comes iorwara speuaing minions of rounds sterling to convert her chief Inland cities into sea norts. Then in ContKlS nental Europe see what a network of canals and waterways arecareiuiiy raainiaineu, luiuougog tbe railroads, if not owned by the Govern-I ments, are operated by the cheapest labor ofj the world's market" TjM In answer to the question as to how he would advise the procurence of water during the sea4 son of summer drought, Mr. Hartman replied: "I would dam the tributaries. Hundreds, ofj millions of gallons can be held in storage., be4 sides creating great water powers, nothing visionary In this, perfectly practical as any one can see. Besides, the expense would not bo od-j jectionaoie." " And then this was the Parthian dart of.Mr?l Hartman. "When we see a fortune In nature's! forces rolling by us every year unutilized,' tsl aon't require a surgical operation to gecitne lact into me thickest neaa mat snea reckless I waste will not always last" Now, I can't give the tonnage of Beaver raiisuauiinnaoucwnaciiu. abb AiiafATOSI readers will nave to be patient ou mat score.- C. T. DAwwwl . ? r & i