Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 23, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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-lC 4 ,. Si t TT fc ' - lf' . - T .l S js, J I- - f -?g
CGdheressmaii O'Xeill Assails
the Players' ATew league.
President Kimick Eeceives an Im
portant Letter From Carroll.
"Congressman O'Neill talks very plainly
about the new baseball League. He con
demns the Brotherhood for refusing to ad
mit St. Louis, and states that a Brotherhood
club in Pittsburg will be a failure. Fred
Carroll writes an important letter to Presi
dent Nimick. Fat Farrell makes an offer
te fight Arthur TJpham.
Washington, December 22. Ex-Congressman
O'Neill, the St. Louis Browns
genial counsel, is back here, and from the
way he speaks of his reception at the recent
Brotherhood meeting, it was anything but
satisfactory. He is very much disappointed
in the action of the Brotherhood in not
taking the St Louis and Columbus clubs
into the fold. These cities, ha claims, are
both great baseball towns. He predicts
that both Buffalo and Pittsburg clubs will
be failures as far as the Brotherhood goes.
If it comes to the extreme, the Association
will organize a six-club circuit. He greatly
favors placing an Association team here, as
he says this is a 25-cent city.
jRegarding the Brotherhood saying that the
laboring element are with them, it is all bosh
Id his opinion. Sunday baseball in the West is,
and always will be, largely attended by those
who are compelled to work throughout the
week. As to Comiskey signing with Chicago,
be is non-committal. There are Tory lew play
ers in town, in fact. All quiet on the Potomac.
The Congressman said: "Most assuredly the
Association will surmount its present diffi
culties. Many people are undoubtedly trying to
kill it, but their efforts will not only fail but
will recoil on themselves. I mean exactly what
I-say when I say that the Brotherhood clnbs in
Buffalo and Pittsburg will be failures. There
is not money enough behind either of these
' clubs to keep good players and carry a team
through a losing season, for next season will
certainly be a losing one to both Brotherhood
and League. This is just as sure as we live. I
am not making these statements without
authority, because I know there has been some
very tall hustling In both the cities named to
raise H,Upr JiOOO.
Many assessments will be made before the
first season ends, and these new baseball capi
talists will think baseball a very un
satisfactory business before they are
through with it St. Louis wonld certainly
have been a first-class city for the Brotherhood
because there wonla be only one clan there. It
Uonlynonscrsi and claptrap trying to, under
false" pretenses, nlist the sympathies of the
laboring classes into the Brotherhood scheme.
It is just as purely a capitalistic scheme as any
baseball organization I know of "
"The officials ot the Washington National
Ijeagne club still declare tha the club will not
be dropped from the League. There is great
doubt aboul Baltimore, and some people say
that thcre.hu "been no definite deal between
the Baltinioro and Washington clubs.
For the Buffalo Players' League Clnb Shows
Vp Very Welt
BrFrAiO, N. Y., December 22. The mana
gers of the Buffalo Players' club are going
ahead in earnest with their preparations for
makinjr-.baseball lively in this town next sea
son, and yesterday took their first official step,
when the certificate of Incorporation of the
Buffalo Baseball Club was filed. The capital
stock is CO, 000 in shares of $100 each andthe club
is to exist 60 years. The incorporators are ex
Sheriff Gilbert Clerk Shire, of the Superior
Court; Charles R. Fitzgerald. Jack Rowe and
Deacon -Jim" White.
Jack Rowe said yesterday that the prospects
of a successful season were very bright in
Buffalo, and he believed the League would
t revolutionize the baseball business by making
it more popular and avoiding many of the mis
takes of the old magnates in their treatment of
vlajers. Mr. Bowe expects that 25-cent ad
missions will be allowed for Buffalo; but that
will not be determined until the March sched
ule meeting. Buffalo is a great 25-cent city.
Wilmot's desertion of the Players' League
has canted some comment here, for he was
wanted by the Buffalo clnb. Kowe does not
believe bis statement that he wrote three times
to President Ward for advance money without
receiving a reply, for Ward would have noti
fied Kowe. who would have gladly advanced
the money. "It is a very lame excuse any
way." said the Buffalo man.
The Buffalo club has signed 13 men. Includ
ing White and Bowe, who will do much to im
prove the work of the ex-Senators from Wash
ington. The slayers and probable positions are
as follows:
Pitchers. Alexander Feroon, of Manchester, Jf.
H.: Georjre Kceie. or Washington: George Ud
doebf Dorchester, ilisv, and (Jus Krocfc. of
Chicago. Catchers, Owen Clark, of Brooklyn,
and Connie Mack, of Spencer, Mass. Basemen
First, J. J. Carney, of Salem, Sls.; second, Sam
TVlsCj-of Utica: third. Deacon White. Fielders.
IV. H. Hoy. ofFlndlay. O.: Jd Beecber, of Bart
ford and Junes Irwin, of Boston. The shortstop
will be Jack Kowe,
Brotherhood Leaders DUconraced by Mike
Tternan's Desertion.
John Ward. Al Johnson, Ed Hanlonand
other of the Players' League in this city were
quite despondent over Mike Tiernan's action
In signing with the New York League Club.
They all claimed that Tiernan eiredwhenhe
stated that the Players' League wanted him to
sign for 500 less than be received last year. It
was just the opposite, so it is stated. He re
ceived $2,500 from the New York club, and it
Is quite likely that be would have been paid
iaooOby the riayers League. But he asked for
13,800,' and that was an amount which the mag
nates thought they conldn't stand.
Tm sorry that Tiernan has left us," said
Tim Keeie to a Sun reporter last night -He is
a nice Tellow and a good player, bnt he doesn't
state -the truth when he says the Players'
League offered bim $500 less than his salary
last year. He was too exorbitant in his de
mands, and the League couldn't sexheir way
clear to meet tbem. The fact is, the players
whoare demanding such enormous salanes are
simply takins advantage of the differences be
tween the National League and the Players'
League." A". Y. Sun.
He Will Come East Before He glens Any
Fred Carroll means to be careful before ap
pending his name to any contract President
Nitnlck received a letter from him on Satur
day In which he says: "It Is difficult to get any
definite information bore as to the sitnation. I
win, therefore do nothing until I come East
which: will be shortly after the holidays. When
I meet you we will talk business."
This would indicate that Carroll is taking a
reasonable and cautious view of the situation,
and it rurtlier means that alt rumors about his
having sicned a new League contract are very
questionable It further proves false all stones
bont!tne local, club sending a man to San
Francisco to sign him.
,,- Bnneball on Christmas Dny.
The unusually iinc weather at tils time ot
year .has induced efforts to be made to have a
basetfill game at Recreation Park on Christ
raas'ljjay. If tSe weather is as it has been for
tne last day orsn. the Keystones, colored, and
the SJhndards. of tbo Sonthside, will play a
gameuring the alternoon. If the game takes
placelt will be a novelty, although games, and
championship games at that, have been played
here on more disagreeable days than yesterday.
'?- The- Astoclnllon In Line.
PHttADKLPHiA, December 22. The baseball
worldlt very quiet Sere, Everybody is await
ing developments. The American Association
will? pull through all right notwithstanding
the prescat'dark-" aspect," - said-fl."C, Penny.
packer, of tho Athletic Club, to-day. "Wearo
notes sleepy at we loot, and X think yon will
hear some good news from us within a week.
Mr. Whlttaker is off on another of his Hustling
trips, and when he returns be will be ready to
talk. Take my word for it, thero will be eight
clubs in the American Association next year.
We hare no intention of allowing the name to
be lost or losing oar place in the National
Agreement. The present mixed state of affairs
in the baseball world cannot last more than
one year at most, and when it does rnn clear
it will bo all the better for the peoplo who are
still in-tho business."
Some Prospects of ibe American Associa
tion's Resuming Business.
PHiLAKLPniA. December22. Brighter pros
pects are dawning for the American Associa
tion. There is no doubt now that an effort
will be made to reorganize the circuit, and
there may possibly be eight clnbs. Rochester
has been admitted, and there are now five
clubs. There is no truth in the report that Co
lumbus has joined the International Association
and that St. Louis has applied for admission
to the Western Association. The American
Association will probably bold a meeting on
the second Monday In January, by which time
more will be Known about its prospective cir
cuit The managers of the Athletic clnb an
nounce that they have no intention of joining
the Atlantic Association. Secretary Whlttaker,
of the Athletic club. Is chairman of the Amer
ican Association Circuit Committee, and be
favors a 12-club circuit.
"I believe it possible to form a 12-club clr-.
cult," said Mr. Whlttaker. "For Eatorn
cities we have Boston, Lowell, Hartford. New
Haven. Worcester, Providence, Troy. Albany,
Brooklyn, Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore
and Washington to choose from, while in the
West Sr. Lodis, Chicago, Louisville, Indian
apolis, Columbus, Detroit, Toledo and Mil
waukee are available. The Bos
ton League club has alreadv consented
to placing an American Association team
in the field, the intention being to play it on the
same grounds with theVLeagne club, having
the schedule so arranged that there will be no
conflicting dates. A similar arrangement may
also be made at Brooklyn and Cbicaffe, al
though we are not counting on them with any
degree of certaiuty."
Mr. Whlttaker Includes Washington and
Indianapolis in bis proposed circuit, because.
in his opinion, these two cities will be dropped
by the National League at its meeting next
month. Toledo and Detroit are both willing to
accept franchises, if they are offered.
A Team There to be One of Ton Der Abe's
rerxcTJii. teleohax to the nrspjLTCTt-t
Rochester, N. Y December 22. It has
just leaked out to-night that Von der Abe and
two other baseball magnates were in the city
two days of last week. They put up at a prom
inent hotel, bnt did not register. They came
hero at 'the solicitation of General Henry
Brinker, a baseball enthusiast and a director
in last year's local association. Several
secret conferences were held, so it is learned,
and General Bnnker. who is worth $300,000 and
over, practically decided to buy individually
the Rochester franchise, and enter Von der
Ahe's league, retaining Manager Pat Powers,
and giving the latter authority to hire his own
General Brinker Is one of the most prominent
men in the city, and able to buy a half dozen
clubs, if he felt so disposed.
Manager Mntrle is Said to Have Signed
With the Players' League.
New Yoke, December 22. A document was
exhibited by the Players' Brotherhood men to
night, signed by James Mntrle, ,and consisting
of an agreement to quit Day and manage the
New York Players' club for 1890 at a salary of
5,000. The'names of E. F. Bell. George F.
Gore and Nick Engel are appended as wit
nesses. As the agreement purports to be signed to
day it is probably illegal, even if genuine. It
has caused a sensation among baseball men,
Some Interesting Pointers Abo it the Con
dition ot the Contestants.
Considerable interest is centered in the big
72-hbur race which starts to-day in the London
Theater at 12 o'clock. All the arrangements
have been completed except the swearing in of
the score keepers. The contestants are all in
the city and party feeling is running very
high among tbem. Several of them
met in the theate" yesterday and some
very warm exchanges of opinion took place.
Already some private speculation has taken
5 lace on the event and Herty. Hegelman and
foremac seem to equally divide first honors as
far as being favorites Is concerned. Connors,
Golden and Day come next Aout 13 men will
start, and it is safe to say that the contest will
be a severe ono. Principally there ae three
parties, vizw tha Hegelman party, the Nore
mac party and the Day party. Noremac and
Herty have no strong feelings between them,
but a local business man is backing Noremac
against Day. Golden, of course, is another bit
ter opponent of the Noremac people. During
a conversation last evening Golden said:
"After I ran so well at Lewiston I resofved to
come here. I may not be able to win, bnt I feel
confident that 1 won't be shutout Certainly
the best 12-honrs a day men in the country are
here, and the track is a hard one to run on.
Noremac and Day ought to be in better condi
tion than tho balance of us, because we have
been in some severe races lately. However,
we'll know more about it next Friday or Satur
day. Most certainly the man who wins will
have earned his $450."
Golden is seven pounds lighter than when he
was here last The Woods' Rnn people behind
Day state that be was never in better condition
since be came to this country than he is at
present bach contestant has engaged his at
tendant and they are all ready for the word.
The Eastern Man Demnnds Unfair Condi
tions for a Fight.
John Quinn,the well-known local sporting
man,4 returned from the East on Saturday, and
will return toPhiladelphla to-day to attend the
race between McCIellandand Miller to-morrow.
Mr. Quinn is backing McClelland and thinks
be will defeat Miller. Speaking of the pro
posed battle between Pat Farrell, of this city,
and Arthur TJpham. he said that TJpham's de
mands are unreasonable.
TJpham wants to fight Farrell atlSSpoundB
within four weeks. It is almost impossible for
Farrell to get to that weight in the time speci
fied. Farrell is willing to fight TJpham at 161
pounds in nine Weeks from signing articles for
f,000 a side. This offer is a fair one. consider
ing that Farrell is considerably overweight
now. It seems, however, that TJpham is not
anxious for a fair battle. It is likely that Far
rell will soon go West if he cannot secure a
satisfactory match In the Bast
Mr. Quinn. speaking of the winter running
races, said that the Eastern meetings are a
great success. He backed Amos for a place
the other day when that horse started with 50
to I against. Mr. Q ilnn has done well on the
runners, and his luck has continned for a long
time. He xas won a large amount of money.
The Alleged Feather-Weight Champion
Strikes a Woman at 'Frisco.
Bait Fbascisco, December ,22. Tommy
Warren, the feather-weight fakir champion,
was arrested last night in Oakland for beating
John Church's wife, in the tatter's notorious
port He occupied the cell adjoining the one
Church was in himself, and the latter fur
nished the fighter with cigars and whisky un
til bo was bailed out, Church not knowing
that it was in his bouse that the little fakir had
given an exhibition of bis true character. When
apprised of the facts. Church's rage knew no
bounds. Church is serving three months for
beating a man whom he alleged insulted his
Jack Dempsey is after LaBIancbc's scalp
harder than ever, and last nicht. after the
Marine's decision in the Griffln-Mulholland
contest at the Golden Gate Club, he insulted
LaBlanche before a large body of clnb men,
among other things remarking that the de
cision, like himself (the Marine), was no good.
Some Excellent Contests Arranged by the
Ilerron mil Gun Club.
The members of the Herron Hill Gun Club
will have a great time on Christmas Day,
weather permitting. The following programme
of contests and prizes indicate what Is in store:
First match, nine blue rocks, entrance 1, five
prizes, which will consist or turkeys.
Second match, ten blue rocks, entrance SL five
prizes. First prize, shell case, (5; second prize,
leather gun case, St): third prize, game carrier,
V. so; fourth prize, turkey, U 60; fifth prize, tar
key. tl SO.
Third match, nine bine rocks, entrance II Tim
prize, double action ejector revolver. S10: second
prize, wool-lined leather gnn cue, V SO; third
prize, shell case, U: fourth prize, large turkey,
XI: ami prize, turkey, 1 60.
Fourth match ten blue rocks, entrance II First
prize, white handle carvers, f5: second prize.
Laneewood fishing rod. St: third prize, 300 10 Ga,
(belli, f2 70; fourth prize, large turkey, tz; fifth
prize, turkey, f I So.
. Fifth match; nine blue reocj,'etra-&ce fl-Flrst
irlze. double ac-
iion i
12 25:
revolver. So: third nrlie.
iz-us. sneuj,
--..'.- - . T .. u .....
rounn prize, urge lursey, ft; mm
turkey. tl 50.
Ten-bird races -will be shot from flTe trans.
Nine-bird races will be shot from three traps.
A Great Hatch Arranged to Take Place at
WASnraGTOir, December 22. If Christmas
be fair, the people of Washington who are fond
of such sport will enjoy a great treat in a foot
ball contest here. The famous Naval Academy
team will be here to contest against1 a plcxed
team of prominent players. Tbts visit of the
cadets will eclipse the one of the Princeton
College, as the cadets ara better known here
abouts, andthe large contingent of naval and
army pebpfe wjll give tone to the affair. This
Naval Academy team is a goed ope, as is shown
by their victories over the ramous'one from the
University of Virginia, and will give a splendid
exhibition of the game that has taken such a
bold on society people. . ,
Captain Catlln, the head of the team, is re
garded as the finest athlete that has ever en
tered the Naval Academy, a reputation he has
maintained while handling the football eleven.
Secretary Tracy, Admiral Harmony and neatly
all the leading naval people will be in the Capi
tol Paik Christmas Day to see how the future
officers of the navy can play football, while it
is expected that many of the ultra-fashionable
people will also be there. The team that will
play against them will be selected from such
as Cash, of the Princeton: Greenway. of the
University of Virginia; Darlington, of Lehigh;
Williamson, of ITinceton; McCoy, of Stevens:
Church, ot Princeton; Wells, of Staten Island
Cricket Club;Tobra and O'Donnell, of George
town: Bernard, of Lehigh, and Reed, Harben,
Brown, Stoutenburgh and Sam King.of the Co
lumbia Athletics.
Tbe United Clnbs Hold a Sleeting and DIi
cms Important Blatters.
The regular quarterly meeting of tho United
Hunting, Fishing and Camping Clubs was held
in tbe rooms of the Pittsburg Rod and Gun
Club on Saturday evoning. Reports from the
various clubs were read and were referred to
the Committee on Publication of Annual Re
ports. J. W. Hague, the Fish Warden, re
ported that he bad secured 86 convictions for
violation of the fish laws during the past 12
months. The report was well receivetLanda
warrant ordered drawn in favor of Mr. Hague
for $5 for each conviction be secured.
There were general applications of new clubs
to be admitted to tbe United. Tbe meeting ad
journed to meet at the same place on the sec
ond Saturday in January to elect officers for
the coming year.
Lucky Baldwin's Good Bet.
At the commencement of the present year
Mr. "Lucky" Baldwin offered to wager $5,000
that he would not see any of his horses race on
an Eastern track this year. Mr. Baldwin's pas
sion for seeing his flyers do battle with the
cracks was so well known that a friend of his
who happened to be present snapped at the
offer, and, like the colored sport, no doubt
thonght it was "jes like findin' de money." Mr.
Baldwins horses journeyed East however, but
the owner did not accompany tbem, and al
though they met victory and defeat in turn as
other stables. Mr. Baldwin's familiar face was
never seen in tbe paddock or ou tne quarter
stretch. At tbe commencement of 1890 tbe
master of the Santa Anita stable will be free
from the obligation of bis wager, and (as be
bas now virtually won the money) be richer in
pocket by tbe neat sum of $5,000. This will bny
a few oats for tbe stable, besides paying the
millionaire turfman's traveling expenses the
next time be journeys East to capture tbe
Derby or some-other notable event BporU
man, .
MeLnnghlln as a Trainer.
Talking of jockeys who have been great but
are on the point of retiring, we are reminded of
the fact that McLaughlin's engagement with
Mr. P. Lorillard begins with the new year.
Among many people we find an impression that
McLaughlin will not get along at Mr. Loril
lard's. He has, they say, no experience as a
trainer beyond tbe fact that occasionally he
bandied Miss Woodford, George Kinney, Sir
Dixon and others of the Dwyer stable when
RoweorMcCabe were elsewhere with the bal
ance of the stable. In such cases the horses
were trained when ho took tbem and he only
had to keep them going. In this case it will be
different He will have a lot of horses of no
established reputation, good and bad alike.
Tbe fact that he has not an estalished reputa
tion as a trainer may cause Mr. Lorillard to
interfere with bim, as employers are apt to do
in snch cases. Moreover. Mr. Lorillard. while
one of the most liberal of employers, Ja not the.'
easiest to please, ana tne uassanaras up town
say thev will give McLaughlin six months, and
lay odds he doesn't last over a year. Spirit of
the Timet.
Tbe Unknowd Ready.
Tbe following challenge was left at this office
I wonld like t know if Billy Glery wants to
fight my unknown, if be does I will meet Glery
at Thx Dispatch offlce on Saturdiy 'next a. 8
o'clock, to make a match. My unknown will fight
Will Back Shechnn.
The backers of Davy Bheehan is willing to
put him inasweepstakQwithSmitbandRosser,
who have to run at Homestead on Saturday
next, the winner to take all. The race can be
75 yards for $50 or $100 each.
The Fight Scheduled for To-Dny.
Loxdon, December 22. It is stated that the
fight between Slavin, tbe Australian pugilist,
and Jem Smith will take place to-morrow fore
noon in a racquet court at Bruges, Belgium.
Sporting Notes.
KrxiRAiit and .Vaquelin have been matched
to fight on January 23.
The Horseman bas Issued a handsome and
instructive Christmas number.
McCLXLLAirD and Miller run their ten-mile
race at Philadelphia to-morrow evening.
The sickness of Searle which caused his
death was the result of a sunstroke at Co
lombo. Zimmeb says that Messrs. Ward, Hanlonand
Pfefferhave persistently misled the players
and broken faith with them. '
It is said tbe Covington boys. George and
"Malar." will tide Cantaln Sam Brown's thor-
.onghbreds next year, having signed contracts
witn tne xittsoui millionaire.
Thk records of all previous years are far sur
passed by the 2.30 roll of trotter and pacers of
1889. The list up to Monday last showedrnoless
than 782 names. The total number of horses in
the 2.30 ranks is now very near 6,000,
George Scattebqood is wintering Ham
brino Prince, the 6-year-old colt owned by D. Ia
Ward, that recently trotted a trial mile at Bel
mont in 2:3 and unless ail signs fail this
horse should certainly be a campaigner in the
spring, and rank with the 2.30 trotters.
what was probably the oldest horse in
Maine died lately, in Bangor. A mare owned
by J. H. Craig dropped dead in her stall. Had
she lived until next May she would have been
42 years old. .On the same day she Vas driven
-downtown, and appeared as frisky as a colt,
Phaxlab, 2:13, who was sent to California
a lew weeks ago for the purpose of being piit
in shape for an effort to lower bis record, is 'on
his way back to tbe home of his owner, Jackson
L Case, of Racine, Wis. Bhortly after his ar
rival in California tbe rainy season began, so
that all chances of his being able to have a trial
against the watch this year were abandoned.
That Frightful Butchery In a Nlles Home
Partly Explained.
Niles, O., December 23. In addition to
particulars of the Shelar tragedy, sent
earlier, the following is learned. Kittie
Meeker, a little sister of the mur
dered woman, caused the discov
ery of the tragedy. She went ' to
the house to deliver the evening's milk, as
usual, and was nnable to gain admittance
to the house. Charles Mossman was in the
vicinity and she told 'him about it. He
went with her to the rear of the house, and,
finding a door open, entered.
The first floor of the house was deserted,
but a terrible sight met their eyes in the
second story. The dead baby wjjs onthe
-floor of one room, two murdered child
ren with gaping, bloody throats lay
in their bed in another chamber, while the
murderer and his wife were clasped in the
embrace of a bloody death on their own
It appeared that the wife was the first
victim, and that she made a desperate fight
for, life. The broken handle of the razor
was found by Tier side. Then he
went tpthe room where the 18-months-old
girl lay and nearly severed her head from
her body. Then came the bloody slaughter
oftbe,eirlB, aged fi and 7 yean. The mur
derer then apparentlyLtook a lamp, went to a
mirror, deliberately cut his own" throat and
staggering to where his wife lay. threw
prise, hunting coat. K; second
uitujcii upva ur mraj.
He Believes That Hr. Brice is Kot in
the Eace for Senator.
An Indorsement is Expected From tha
Knights of Labor.
The EpriBzBdd Itsnnfsctnrer Will Hardly be Second
in the Fight.
J. H. Thomas, of BpringfieTd, O., is sure
that his prospects for becoming a Senator
are bright. He regards McMahon, and not
Brice, as his strongest opponent. The can
vass oi Thomas, however, is really being
conducted in a very loose manner.
Colttmbtjs, December 22. There seems
to be a mutual understanding between the
leading candidates for the Senate that there
shall be a cassation of hostilities until after
Christmas. They are, however, suspicious
of each other, and it is likely some of the
finest work will be accomplished between
this and the last of fhe week. The million
aires are not slothful and do, not tire early
in the good cause with such a prize at
John H. Thomas, of Springfield, who has
been in the city for a couple of days, left for
home last evening, saying that he would
not likely return until tbe last of the week
unless he discovered there was some' effort
to take undue advantage of him; then he
would abandon the Christmas observance
for one year. Hr. Thomas talks entertain
ingly, when it is considered that he is
looked upon as the leading candidate for
the Senate against Calvin S. Brice. Thomas
said last evening:
"The people generally speak of the candi
dates as if Brice and I are the leading can
didates, and the fight is between us. I am
not satisfied that the contest will not yet be
between myself and JIcMahon. He has
quite a strong following and is the opposite
of the elements which are represented in the
candidacy of Brice, and I think if
Brice begins to lose that McMahon
with myself will be the gainers. The worst
thing which can be said against McMahon
is that he hasnever done anything for the
party; in fact he has not so much as opened
his mouth in its interest since he left Con
gress, where he was placed as a recognition
of his ability, and not because he had ever
done anything looking to the strengthening
of the party in the State."
"What do you consider your leading
claims on the party?" was asked of Mr.
"Undoubtedly myleadingpointofstrength
lies with the workuegmen of the State. I
do not suppose there is a man in
Ohio who has done more in the
way of example and direct work in
the interest of organized labor than
myself. While other manufacturers in
Springfield have had strikes on hand trying
to grind the men down, I have been run
ning steadily, payiug advanced wages and
working them less hours. In their fights
with the capitalists I have on one or two oc
casions made public speeches in which I
have. taken the part of the.mecnanics and
laboring men, and they remember these
"The adoption of the resolutions by the
Dayton Assembly, Knights of Labor, was
unknown to me, and while I Jiave not asked
for anything of the kind I expect that other
organizations of a similar character will take
like action before the contest is concluded.
If I did not consider that I am the strongest
candidate for the position, and could do
more for the Democratic party in the State
and the nation than any other candidate. I
would withdraw at once. I believe that the
members of the Legislature will see it as I
do, and I feel quite sure of election."
"Are you urging any special point
against Brice, your leading opponent?''
"No, I am on the best ot terms with all
the other candidates and expect to continue
in that manner to the close. I learned
while ou the -road as a salesman, several
years ago, that it did not pay to make an
attack, or run down the goods of an op
ponent, in an effort to make sales, and I
think the same will hold good in regard to
politics. If y policy has always been to
give the best recommendation I have to my
own wares or my own cause, and I think it
will win in the long run.
"Of course on the question of which you
speak, the fact that Mr. Brice is not a resi
dent will go a great way toward his defeat,
I. think this alone should insure his defeat
and probably will. Ohio has plenty of
good men in the State who are identified
with her material interests as I am, and I
think some one of them should represent
the State in the Senate. It is also urged
that Brice did not come home to vote at the
last election."
Mr. Thomas denies that he had anything
to do with the apparent bureau interviews
which were .gotten up in this city against
the candidacy oi Brice, yet there is a gen
eral belief that he at least had knowledge of
what was coming, if he did not in
spire them through his manager. After a
long talk with Mr. Thomas, and hearing his
reasons as to why he should be elected;
hearing his estimate of his strength so far
as be is, capable of giving anything of the
kind: after learning the loose manner in
which he has been conducting his canvass,
without any direct or intelligent aim, and
with managers who know little more than
himself in regard to the work of politics, the
impression forces itself that he is not now
and will not even be a second in the race,
but there will be at least two or three candi
dates who will lead him when the time
comes for voting in caucus.
Canadian Detectives Think They Are on tho
Defaulter' Track.
MontbeaIi, December 22. The report
was current here to-day that Silcojt, the de
faulting cashier of the House of Represen
tatives, and his mistress, Herminie Thibault,
were in Montreal. Similar reports have been
current here for some time, but all efforts to
locate Silcott have failed. The big reward
offered for his capture has induced several
Montreal detectives to take up the case, and
one of them who is working on the case
claims to have a clue that will lead
to his arrest. It is claimed that about a
week ago Herminie Thibault arrived 'in
Montreal on a visit to a married sister, and
prolonged her visit until yesterday, when"
she suddenly announced that she
was going to Quebec. The sister,
when questioned, admitted that she
had a visitor, but refused to give any in
formation, The detectives have spotted the
house, and are awaiting developments. They
say they are positive that, thi woman in
question, is Silcott's mistress, and during
her stay here she was visited by a man
who, it is claimed, answers Silcott's de
scription. The Montreal detectives, however, who
are wVrking on the case, are doing so on the
spec, ind, as they are not certain of their
man, cave not yet taken any steps to arrest
the supposed Silcott. The only certain
facts in the rumors are that Silcott's mis
tress is'supposed to have been, on a visit to
a relative in Montreal, and several detec
ttyes are now trying to make a case out of it,
PrVttMent Da Fe Ket Brief.
JjOndW, December 23, The Brazilian
Jjesratiotkhere announces that the illaew of
K President Da Pobko is apt twios
Tbe Engllh Klstlonarles Incited the Ns-
lives to Attack the Pertagaeso Forces
Tbe Africans Defeated After
n Stubborn sJetUtnucc.
Lisbon, December 22. Dispatches from
Quillamaine, under' date of November 12,
confirm the report made by Engineer Cas
tello to the Colonial Minister on his en
counter with the Makols. Thedispatcbes
say also that the natives made an unpro
voked attack upon the camp at Mupassa,
and that Castellp, after a slnbborh resist
ance, defeated them and occupied the coun
try. It was reported that the British mission
aries at Blantvre instigated the Makolos.
Major Serpa Pinto conferred with the Gov
ernor of Mozambique and afterward pro
ceeded in the gunboat Quansa to Quillamine,
thence to llopa. A fortnight later news
was received that the natives were massed
on the Zambesi, and were advancing in the
directioa of tbe Shire river. Serpa Pinto
sent his scientific! instruments to the coast
for safety, and placed Castello, Engineer
Themudi and Lieutenant Contino' in com
mand of the Portuguese and native troops,
Contino also directing the movements W
three steamers armed with guns and manned
by Portuguese sailors.
The latest news to October 29 was that
Pinto had sufficient stores to last three
months and that there was great activity in
the camp. Pinto was suffering from ma
laria. He expected to' be able to subdue
tbe Makolos by December and return to
The Hnsband of a Womnn Whose Body Was
Resurrected for Dissection Eager
for Tenccance Horrible
Work of Ibe Ghouls.
"Washington, December 22. The grave
robbers have been at work in this city
again, and to-morrow Dr. A. C. Adams, a
demonstrator at one of the medical
colleges, ' will be brought into court
on a charge of being concerned in
the affair. Last Friday night the police
stopped a carriage near the outskirts of- the
city and'iound in it two bodies, one white
and the other colored. The driver and two
other men in the vehicle escaped in the
darkness, leaving their horses and carriage
It was at first supposed the bodies came
from potter's field near by, but the body of
tbe white woman has since been identified
as that of Mrs. Cheek, wife of a gentleman
living on South Carolina avenue, in this
city. Her body was to-day reinterred in
the Congressional Cemetery, irom which it
had been carried away. An examina
tion of the body showed that the ears had
been foully mutilated and the fingers
braised by the force with which the robbers
had stripped the body oi some costly rings
in order that thev might not be held ou the
serious charge of larceny if caught with the
The law in this city, it is maintained,
makes no provision for the punishment of
the resurrectionists. The husband of Mrs.
Cheek, however, threatens to shoot on sight
those concerned in theaffalr.
Pittsburg Again Leads Baltimore ia the
Clearing Honse List.
Boston, December 22. The following
table, compiled from dispatches from the
Clearing Houses in the cities named, shows
the gross exchanges for the week ending
December 21, 1889, with rates per cent of in
crease or decrease, as compared with the
gross exchanges for the corresponding week
in 1888:
New York t703.KS.SS7
Boston 93.IS2.042
Philadelphia 74.410.212
Chicago ,. 71.C36.CCO
St. Loul 20,6SI,8S5
ew Orleans. 16,411,273
San Francisco, 15,870.841
HtUburE 14.279,271
Baltimore 13.8JS.771
4,nln,t! 14?TCCCn
'Kansas Citv., K797.973
Louisville. 0.831.943
Milwaukee S.137,00)
Providence 6.WI.50O
Minneanolls 6,069.883
Detroit 4.963.SW
St. l'aul i6.435
Omaha , 509,3ffJ
Denver 4,4M,8c9
Cleveland - 4.989,903
Commons 3,063,200
Memphis 4,402.270
lndlanaoolls 2,085,015
Portland. Me...... 1.213,737
Dallas ., 2,434,347
Hartlord 2, 147.007
Itlrhmond.. 2.205,577
Galveston.. ., 2,057,20H
Duluth I , 1.905,403
Fort 'Worth 1,718,386
Peoria 1,892,888
8t. Joseph 1,009,585
New Haven .Vv.... 1,238.118
Worcester 1.317.637
Springfield 1,230,734
Not Included in totals.
Reported in Washington, and a Reconcilia
tion Thonght Possible.
"WASHiNGTOir, December 22. Mrs.
Knox, of Pittsburg, and her daughter,
Countess Di Hontereole, have arrived here
from their Virginia plantation, and
are stopping at the Xormandie. They
are accompanied by Mrs. Barker,
of Pittsburg. It is not known exactly
whether they will remain- here for the sea
son or go to Pittsburg, bnt the chances are
in favor of this city. It is rumored
here that negotiations are pending
between the two families, looking to a re
conciliation between the 'Count and his
bride. Some time ago it was stated that
the Count had been seen near the Virginia
plantation and. was striving to be reunited
to his wire.
Now it is said Baron De Fava, the Italian
Minister, has been acting in tbe role of
peacemaker, having been interested in the
matter by the entreaties of the Count's par
ents. He is in this city, and this, it is sup
posed, is the reason Mrs. Knox and her
daughter have come here.
BufTalo Experiences a Singular Phenome
non and a Bis; Gale.
Buffalo, December 22. This city was
visited by the singular phenomenon of a
mid-winter thunder storm early thismorning.
It started about 3 o'clock and continued
an hour during which the thunderpeals
were terrific and" lightning almost continu
ous. The storm was accompanied by a high
wind which blew at the rate of 60 miles an
Signs were torn down and windows and
wi;es broken. Several small buildings
partially collapsed. The white caps on the
lake were the highest seen in a long time.
An Appeal Well Answered.
The Allegheny General Hospital sent out
a thousand circulars to friends of the insti
tution some days ago asking for contribu
tions of money, clothing and groceries as
Christmas offerings, both for the hospital
and tbe patients confined there over the hol
idays. The request has been already hand
somely responded to. and many groceries as
-well as clothing and drygoods, the latter
principally mateiial for beds and bedding,
.have been received in tbe past few days.
SKf200 in own has also seen donated.
.Norfolk 1.202.937 ....
Wilmington 898.155 14.4
Syracuse 799,673 0.2
Lowell 713,907 ....
i nes Moines. 522.837 3.2
GrandHaplds 716,545 27.7
Wichita 616,372 ....
Los Angeles 754,514
Topek 359,762 6.4
Buliaio 4,169,723 ....
'Portland, Ore 1.885,871 .?..
Nashville 1,007,600 ....
Sioux City m 906,477 ....
Seattle 865.103 ....
Tacoma 732,415 ....
Birmingham 640.535
Montreal, Canada 8,426.669
Balliax.: 1,129,414- .,
Total SL 134. 401. 850, 40.7
Outside hew rorr. 430,472,993 7.1
The Quaker City Reports 2,000 Cases
of the Dreaded Influenza.
The Disease so Far Has Appeared in an
ceedingly Mild Form.
And Thousands of Victims' Are Expected to be Beard
Frofli Shortly.
Philadelphia complains of the influenza.
Says she has 2,000 cases. So far all are very
slight. Local physicians tear worse- will
come. (Some predict thousands' ot cases.
rsrxciu. telioivim to tb sistatcim
Philadelphia, December 22. Much
as the blizzard nearly two years ago swooped
down upon Philadelphia and all this section
of country, so has the influenza come. It is
infectious, but not contagious. A medical
expert said to-night there were over 2,000 cases
already in Philadelphia, and another very
high authority said that it had reached the
city within 24'hours, and had come with
such a rush, something like a cloud of dust,
that he expected within another day to see
hundreds and thousands attacked.
The epidemic in this country seems to be
somewhat mild, and has a duration of from
two to seven days. It is not limited to any
section of territory, bnt is raging severely
along the main line of the Pennsylvania
Eailroad. Fourteen of the nurses
in the Philadelphia hospital are
now in bed, three more having
succumbed early this morning. The condi
tion of those who were taken down yesterday
remains about the same. One or two ot the
nurses tried to get up to-day, but after a
little struggle thought it best to remain
where they were.
Two of the resident physicians have had
slight attacks, but they have kept at their
duties right along. Miss Marion E. Smith,
the chief nurse, is improving and expects to
be about to-morrow.
Dr. B. Glnrtin said that the epidemic was
in the air. and would alight wherever it
conld find a nest. It was a result, he
thought, of atmospherio conditions, and
attacks persons, whose nervous temperament
is overstrung.
It is thonght by some that th disease
came with the fog that bas prevailed here
several days, and therefore that those
who live along or near the rivers
may be quickest attacked by it.
The theory accounts for its presence
in the Philadelphia Hospital which
is on the Schuylkill, bnt singularly
enough, not more than one or two patients
hate it, and in the University Hos
pital, near the river, there is not a
single case. Dr. James C. Wilson is
an acknowledged expert on influenza, hav
ing written extensively on the subject. He
was on the jnmp to-day, all day, and rnshed
as well in the evening. He bounced into
his office, where a reporter was awaiting his
return, and said:
Fm so busy tbat I haven't time to talk. Got
to go right out again on an important engage
ment. Yes, I think tbe grip is here. I said on
Friday, wben tbere were only half a dozen cases
in New York or Boston on record, that if it did
come.lt wonld be witn a rusb. and there
would be a general affliction. I think it's come.
I have seen a ereat many cases to-day. Cannot
tell you about tbem now, but I'm quite confi
dent the epidemic is here! and in large num
bers. Dr. Cnrtin, another physician, who has a
dozen cases under his care, says he knows
ot fully 100 others. He said:
I think 1,000 cases is a low estimate, and
probably tbe number ia fully twice that,
throughout tbe city. It Is only a fewdsTsago,
sinoe it started in Russia, so tbat it haan't been
spread by contact or by the winds. Itcouldnt
nave reached here 'by this time. It Is
therefore, infections, and whenever It can find
arestine place it alights. Those persons wh3
are especially liable to be attacked are per
sons of high nervous temperament
and who are somewhat rnn down. It affects
the pulmonary organs, in some cases producing
congning and some pain. The temperature
goes up like a rocket, and comes down lust as
swift. Take tbe nurses at tbe Philadelphia
hospital. Some of them had a temperature of
103 degrees, and after it had subsided, it left a
prostration a dozen times more severe than the
prostration resultant upon chills and fever.
Olollle MnRuIres Claim They Did Actually
Kill F. B. Gowen.
Philadelphia, December 22. An er-
Body Master of the Mollie Magnires
has sent a letter to a Wilkesbarre
paper, saying Franklin B. Gowen was
murdered by his "double." The Mol
lies, he said, had been on Gowen's
track these fen years. A man who looked
like Gowen wasselected to do the work.
He bonght a pistol'and watched Gowen.
When Mr. Gowen latter lelt his hotel, the
day of the mnrder, the double went into the
room and waited. Gowen came in, and the
Mollie threw a coat over Gowen's face and
shot him, escaping afterward by the win
dow. For Sleeplessness.
.Exhaustion, Nervous
ness, Headache, Mala
ria, Paralysis, Neural
gia, c, &c. $1.00.
Every Draggistv
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
" Soda
la endorsed and prescribed by leading
physicians because both the Cod liver OU
and Jlypophosphiita are the recognized
agents in the cure of Consumption. It 13
as palatable as milk:
Is a wonderful FletK Producer. It it the
Bat Bemedy tor CONSUMPTION",
Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wastisf Dis
eases, Ckreaic Coughs and Colds.
Ask tor Scott's Emulsion and take no other.
Established 183s.
Broom Manufacturers Supplies
ie vm. k&w-xwt
Tor Western Penn
sylvania and West
Virginia, fair, cooler
Monday momingjol
lowed ay warmer By
Tuesday morning ;
winds shifting to
PrrrSBtBtQ, December 22, 1891.
The United States Signal Serrice officer la
this city furnishes the following:
8j00a. v., mm...
UiOO K i...
1:00 r. M.
2.-00 r.M....
8:00 r. x ..
JrOOr. M....
Maxim am temp.... 67
Minimum tmn 44
Kange 13
Mean temp.. ........ SO
Precipitation. is
Hirer at 9:20 rv It. 8.9 feet, a change of 0.2 In U
hours. .
River Teletfrnms.
rtnexu. Txi.anA3iB to thx DisrATcn.i
WAEBKir River 4 feet 6-10 inches and ris
ing. Weather cloudy and cold,
MoROAWTOWS River 5 feet 6 inches and
falling. Weather clear. Thermometer 2 at
Bbowasvili,s River S feet 9 inches and
falling. Weather: clear. Thermometer SZ
at 4 p.m.
Swift's Specific entirely cured me of a severe
case of blood poison which obstinately resisted
and refused to be cured for over 28 years. Tbo
regular medical remedies of mercury, and
potash only added fuel to tbe flame. I suffered
during most of'thls long time with ulcers,
blotches and sores of the most offensive char
acter, and was for a long time practically an
invalid. In less than SO days use of S. 8. S. I
was all cleared up sound and well. This has
been nearly ayear ago, and no sign of any re
turn of tbe old enemy.
JoHir B. Wrms,
87 Clark street; Atanta, Ga.
Swift's Specific cured me of terrible Tetter,
from which I had suffered for 20 long years. I
have now been entirely well for five years, and
no sign of any return of tbe disease. ,
Rogers. Ark., May 1,1889. W.H.Wiorrr
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
free. r
Thk Swijt; Specivio Co., Drawer 3, At
lanta, Ga. auSI-SS-uWF
Pears' Soap
(Scented and Unscented)'
A Few of the Many Symptoms
of Catarrh, the Forerun
ner of Consumption.
Do you experience ringing or buzzing noises
in your ears? ,
Are you troubled with a hacking cough and
general debilltyT
Does your voice have a husky, thick sound
and a nasal sort ot twangT
Is your breatbr frequently offensive from some
unaccountable cause?
Have you a dull, oppressive headache, gener
ally located over the eyesT
Do you bave to hawk and cough frequently
in the effort to clear your throat?
Are you losintryour sense of smell and hear
in?, and is your senseof taste becoming dulled?
Does your nose always feel stopped nj,
forcing you to breathe through your mouth?
Are you annoyed by a constant desire to
hawk and spit out an endless quantity of
Is your throat filled withphlegm in the morn
ing, which can (July be discharged after violent
coughing, and a hawking, and spitting?
Are you troubled with a discharge from the
head into the throat sometimes watery and ex
cessive: sometimes mnens, thick, sticking to
whatever it' touches; sometimes bloody, and
nearly always putrid and offensive?
Tbe Catarrh andDvsnensIa Institute is ner-
manently located at 323 Fenn(avenue for the
'nnA A ttila fllanflSd TLtwt tlnnlmAr. an An Irak
Mr. John "V. Hartman.
"I was afraid of consumption. I had a con
stant hawking and spitting. I coughed and
felt a soreness and pain in my lengs. Mv
throat became sore and ulcerated, breath
short, 1 lost flesh, and had night sweats and
many otUer symntons. It gives me pleasure
to add my testimony to the hundreds already
published, to my complete cure by these physi
cians. "I now weigh more than ever before and feel
well and strontr.
"JOHN "V. HARTMAN, 1211 Main street,
Remember tbe place. The Catarrh and
Dyspepsia Institute, 323 Penn ave. -
Consultation free to all. Patients treated suc
cessfully at home by correspondence. Office
boars. 10 A. K. to 4 p. It, and 8 to 8p.it, Sun
days. 12 to 4 v. r. de23-JTWT
Special attractions sow open iff useful
goods specially suited- for the
Holiday Trade. '
Dealers are invited to inspect the stock,
which is complete, and at prices which can
not fail to Impress the hnyer.
ZECa-ts am-cL Caps
Manufacturing Clothiersjailors,
Hatters and Furnishers,
' .-954 AND 956 LIBERTY ST. ,
.AS Sit if
SH'BBKeH--" " SsW
I AM f-f$l
I 1 iK" t ii 171 jA
i w mi I i li -"- l -
The secret of my nappmessfe, I hare Cuuffaswsy
my" old Blacking Brush, sad hire
KodacospoBsh without the old bmsh, and Sis Mm
ctttlattamckoinim'i,axd(&nm txmm'tihoa.
THu stick to old ways la these days of progrees I, J
Sold by Shoe Storey Grocers, Druggists, eta.
, The demand made upon us from our ncjier
ous customers in and around the two cities and
surrounding counties for our 8-year-oIa Export
Whiskv assures us tbat we bave secured and'
bave to-day tbe Dest and largest portion ot tha
trade for this article. And by fair, honest and
gentlemanly dealing and treatment, we flatter
ourselves that we will not only, retain all the
trade we now enjoy having on this reliable
whisky, but it will continue to grow, as it Is a
and has been doing every day for some time
Dost. PeoDle nowadays are not led off brab-
snrd incorrect statements. They vant puro
whisky. They want a whisky that bas
a record, and they want that record
so it can be traced. Such is tbe shar
acterof ourEiport Whisky, a whisky with a
record. And the only place to-day you can pur-,
chase pure 8-year-old Export Whisky in tho
two cities Is from us; and we hold the docu
ments to prove that we are correct In this .
Full quarts, SI, or 6 for S3.
Something beneficial at this season of the
year, buy a bottle of our
Port, Sherry or Claret Wine,
These are the three best sellers on oar wine
list. They are selling very nicely 'and rapidly
just now and are giving the very best satis
faction. It is a revelation to many who have
not carefully looked into the merits of our
Pure Domestic California Wines. We are mak
ing a specialty of these wines. We keep a full
line of these celebrated wines, embracing eight
varieties, all of which we are selling in lull
quarts at 60c per bottle, or S3 per dozen, except
claret, which sells at 75c per bottle, full quarts,
or SS per dozen. You will like them and buy
no other wben once tried.
Since the late decision of the Supreme Court
before, bnt no goods will be shipped to minors
or persons of known Intemperate habits. Send
for complete price list, mailed free to any ad
dress. All mail orders promptly attended to.
jink nemfng ttnT"
412 Market Street,
A fine, large crayon portrait S3 50; see them
before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, $2 and
12 50 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY.
As old residents know and back; files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is tha oldest established
and most prominent physician- in tbe city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MCDnilO and mental diseases, physical
L II V J U Odecay, nervous debility. lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
disordered sight, self distrust, bashfnlness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,"socity and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling bair, bones, pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tODgnt mouth, throat,
nlcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 R I M A P V kidney and bladder derange
U tl I Is nil I , menu, tfeak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttier's life-long, extensive expert
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as 11
here. Office hours 9 a. jl to 8 P. sr. Sunday,
10 A, 3f. to 1 P. X. only. DR. WHITTIER, 8M
Penn avenue. Pittsburg." Pa.
deS-15 nsuwk
full particulars In pamphlet
sent free. The genuine Urays
bpeclllcsoldby drn2zlsts"onlTla
yellow wrapper. Price, tl per
package, or six for S3, or by mail
on rpCRlnt or nricf hv address-
..TOttllPlV MFIHrtvir I'M Un,,li, M V
Sold in Pittsburg by 3. 3. HOLLAND, corner
Smlthfleld and Liberty sU. pli-ii
SPECIALISTS in all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden-'
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R.CP.B, is the oldest and
most experienced specialist ia
the city. Consultation free and
strictly contldentiaL Office
hours V to 4 and 7 to 8 P. 31.; Sundays. 2 to i P.
iLConsnlt them personally, or write. DoctoeS
Lazx. 323 Penn ave., Pittsburg. Pa.
Jel&45-DWk .
o3.'s -Cotton- 3sooo
Cemnosed of Cotton Root. Tansyand
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an
'old nhTslcian. Is succcssfvau ?
monuiiv Safe. Effectual. Price SL hymaUj
sealed. Ladies, ask your drucgist for Cpora
uoron ttoot (.ximpouna ana tase no auwuww
or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. An
dreas POND LILY COMFAiTXVNo.3 Fisher
Block, 131 Woodward ave, Detroit. Mich.
" "3nld In Pittsburg. Pa., by Joseph Flem
tag Sc son. Diamond and Market sts. s2g-i3
Bufftruw from the effects of youthfajerrois. early
.,...,...,. ..vi,m, int manhood. etcl will
send a valuable treatise (sealedr eratalniBgfnlL,
particulars for home cure. VREEotcimXf
splendid medical work : should ba i read by every
man who U nervous and deWJltated.- iddress,"
rxot.r.c. n wusxi moo ,cmu";