f&m 'Tt'TTWW T.V i " 1 '." - -"" r- v- c ,1-k - .WT'er-" ?"- -- MA'l y - "T- . -,;n Bvsr - -.-, iri v,; .-,, " re. . i JS" J, fV' I -SHE HCTSBraa-JlSPATOBj ' 'MONDAY, DECEMBER Tj8,', 1889." r fc,T X t jL ,"l '.H I ST' t i riUGPERIOTTS LUNCH ConTicls and Thtilk Temporarily Betire'd From; public Life. tMDST TAlBvWAf OTHERS GIYK Cbristmas Dinners Behind Bars, "With Bit ter Tears for Sauce. POEE A5D BEAKS ARE GOOD ENOUGH "Peace "ba earth, and good trill toward men." earliest Christian history, an event which has been looked forward to with the greatest expectation and most potent imagination, especially by,the growing generation, as . the mostimpartant of the year. To those v- who have passed the heyday of life it is looked irt forward to .as a reunion of friends and w relatives, and" a time when the inci- f ', dents, trials, and tribulations of their existedcef 'during the time since they last i met, will be poured into sympathetic ears. Thousands and hundreds of thousands of turkeys of all ages, sizes and conditions in , life will be placed upon the Christmas board throughout the civilized world to be eaten by the assembled guests. Perchance, in j: some few thousands of cases, only an at- " tempt will be made to enjoy the fowl, when, sfor instance, the length of time which the bird has been upon earth is uncertain. THE THANKLESS OSES. TtTliila millinna nf npnnl nrp. thus &K- . ' , sembled and a prayer of thanks to the &., Almighty is ascending from their lips, win . 1 'those doomed to spend their Christmas in jails, workhouses and penitentiaries be re membered except by those to whom they are still held dear, despite their crimes? A centleman, when spoken to on the sub ject yesterday, said: "I wonder if the Christians throughout the country when they sit down to tbeirJChristmas dinner, and while asking the accustomed blessing, as the hoard before them groans with the weight of delicacies, think of their fellow creatures who are incarcerated in the various penal institutions within a few miles of them? Do they, while contentedly gnaw ing at the fat turkey, think that the con Yirts are nossiblv chewing the bone of dis- 5 content, or do they think the wives and i children ot these men, who are struggling through life's rugged path with the stain on ' their protector's name hanging over them, sitting down to a Christmas dinner which may consist only of a enp of tea and a crust of bread?" 1 SOME SOEET MENUS. W To solve the problem a Dispatch repre-jp-" sentative called at the penitentiary, the L workhouse and the jail yesterday. At the former place he was told that the prisoners V ' would be given an extra fine dinner with a T' menu which would lead with roast beef, and t, le followed with vegetables, side dishes of je various degrees of delicacy, mashed potatoes ft1 and'tea or coffee. The "convicts will be 9l given a holiday and the workshops will be i ' silent. The citizens who are confined in the work house will not be treated to any exfra bill t of fare, but will have the 'satisfaction of ' '' knowing that their friends in the peniten , tiary are comparatively happy and con tented. "The persons who occupy the building in . the rear of the Court House Wednesday V will not be invited to a banquet by the - ' warden, but the prison societies of the .4 - various churches nave alwavs made it a point to remember tiie jail prisoners on that day, and will no doubt do so this year. The iwarden said yesterday that he had 182 peo- --v pie with iiim, and he bad thought or pur chasing a barrel of saner kraut and a quan- i. tity of pork -and treating them to a free Innch. . "A DEER IN TBE CODMT. Extraordinary Kllllnc of an Enormous Bnck ' ' In Hnmpton Township. An extraordinary thine happened yester day that has not occurred for years and probably will never in this county agaip.. In Hampton township, only ten miles from here, the people of that quiet neigh borhood were wending their way to church whe"h a large animal dashed past them and Into the woods. Some called itan enormous sgoat, others a roebuck, and still others of the simple folk declared it was the devil. There was one, however, who called it no such thing, though no doubt he would as soon expect to see the last named personage as a wild deer within ten miles of Pitts burg, nevertheless he had seen it, an enor mous buck at that. Joe Jones, a thorough hunter, and John Lunch, an excitable German, turned their heels to church and their face toward home, and in IS minutes, with every hunting in stinct aroused, stood one at each side of. the wood, while two boys drove the deer out. The splendid animal dashed up 'to within 20 feet of Jones, who nulled the trigger on the left barrel of his gnu, which was loaded with heavy slugs. fe ' .The cap snapped and the load of birdshot in the other barrel were Buried harmlessly in the thick fnr. Valiant Lunch, however, was loaded for deer, and under the direction of Mr. Jones, soon found the deer. He set his teeth, shut both eyes, pulled both triggers, and that deer was venison. Mr. Jones was formerly a Pittsburger and invited several friends to the leant nn o'l-s Christmas. As for the poor deer, there is 'i. no donbt he was chased down from Clarion 5 sL county by dogs or hunters, as a fresh wound jTT on his hip showed. He made a hard fight yi- for it and lost. v f - A LECTDEE PEOM TAKNEE. jgv .The Corporal to Deliver His First Lecture fkt in Pittdborc Jnnnnrr 17. Jfc The Bloomfield 'Public Librarv Associa f ' tion has arranged for a lecture to be given in ii Old City Hall on Friday evening, January v rw,Vl Tanner " The rlictlnmiiel,.,.) veteran and orator has never lectured in h 'Pittsburg, and he will no doubt be greeted 4 by a large audience. 'The Bloomfiel ft Library Association have ' ""'--Ibright, cheerful reading rooms at 314 Pearl 'ustreet, wnere there is a good library of over .200 volumes, and all the prominent dailv, 'i vreefclv and montnlv rianers and magazines (are kept on file for the benefit of the mem- w. 'ben. .,. " Bleir the Stack Dorm. ; ;HThe smokestack of the Allegheny County v Light Co. station on Bast Diamond street , wasljlowrj down about 9 o'clock yesterday ? 'morning by the high wind. The stack was 'about 90 feet high, and luckily there were ""iP6681"11118 passing on the street at' the , nne. Saivation Oil is at once prompt and re liable as a pain cure. Price only 25 cents a bottle. - BIch, Eiecnnt Plates. jKow is the time to select We never had fsoVmanv from 25c up to 25 each. Thev are marvci itiij wu ucaijju. van eany. KEIZESSTEDT. 152.54, .156 Federal st, Allegheny. ' Jnst in Time for Xnm. i .Eeduced prices on wraps at The. People' EL m ' rmniuffTT Xr T.n- Wt N"- B. Open to-night till ft to-morrow ?- i(.Tuesday)tilllD; Xroas J)ayuntil noon. ,rBOB ALOIIBK7 OO.IB Of, .fine embroijeref suits, black silks, ' surahs, atin plnshes, Telvets, henriettas, serges, cloths ana jrrencn casnmeres at uspecW low prices at H. J. Lynch's, 438 and H40 Market st. f t rrvHrtrvrrtT ' & VjXSACK'S' ale and ; porter are" superior beverages. Call for Ethem. All dealers keep them. Or order Idifect. 'Phone '1185. HIS HOfiOE AND THE EEElHG. Sesae People Who Will Dine at County Hotels on Christmas 'The Record Broken by 49 iHard Coses. The spring of '49 wasn't a marker to the nervous jump of the 49 in Central station on Sabbath morning when John Gripp japped sharply on the desk and announced as his text, ""Why is this thusly?" This break from the orthodox text was justified, lor the assemblage broke the record in numbers and appearance. Just 49 boozed, bilious, battered men and women filed solemnly in from behind the bars and faced the inevitable and John Gripp. f Unfortunate number one was a rather pretty youth, and His Honor's 'face softened as he gazed at a downy mustache that seemed to fairly curl with apprehension. "My pretty boy," said he, sorrowfully, "why do I find you here amid such sur roundings? Why did you trr4o lick a man twice your size ? Whv did the officer chase you ten blocks, and why, oh why, did he bring vou here ?" "Because," said the deceptive youth, feel ing to see if his knuckles were safe, "be cause l1:ouldn'txget away." Bob snickered at this and received a warn ine dance, while the boy received-30 days. All eyes than turned to the man whom the turnkey called "Kaixt." Mr. Kaixt, was a spectacle. He may have been pretty at one time, but that was before policemen and maces were invented. -"What is the charge?" "Lookin in women's pocKets." "Eh?" said His Honor, sharply, who is a married man himself. "A peepm in women's pockets." "Let him go." said Gripp. "Any man who has the nerve to look in a woman's pocket has my sympathy." After several very ordinary d, d, d's (very drunk and disorderlies) had been dis posed of, a gentleman, evidently from the country, clanked in, and to the judgment desk and record. "Whit's the charge?" a "Full on Fifth." "What's he matter with his feet?" "Nothing, Tour Honor." "Lemme explain this 'ere matter, Jedge," drawled the man from Washington county. "You see, my wife's 'been reading of so many people bein' struck by these Tere elec tric litenin' wires in-the cities, 'n she made me put on a pair of insulators. That's all." "I found this man," explained the arrest ing officer, "trying Co climb a telegraph pole feet first, and defying any lightning to strike him. I tapped him on the head and he dropped all ot a heap, atfd yelled that he was a dead man." "Let him go," said the Judge; and how that farmer wili lie about the ins and outs or Pittsburg. They were having a pieasant time at Dougherty's Saturday night and the fun was fast and furious. Suddenly some inacropos person yelled "murder," but he may live, the doctors sav. The choice ones of the gang received 90 days each. Pat Kelly thought it was worth ?5, and paid it like a man. Pat's fun consisted in standing in front of an "Eyetalian's" store and giving to all would-be purchasers the gratuitous information the bananas were rotten, the lemons sweet and the canay sour, the nuts moldy, and the proprietor a Dago. Bill Brown, vag, 90 w. h., was the mystic sign that showed the unfortunate gentleman had not enough money on bis person to escape the title of vagraut He wilt eat his Christmas dinner in the workhonse, and re appearin the spring with the smiling April showers. A Double Influence, Dr. Flint's Remedy Is a medicine whlchNrill cure cases of neuralgia which other remedies have failed to rearh, as it exercises a double inflneuce, in one case over the circulation, and in the other over the nerves. Descriptive treatise with each bottle; or address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. mwt Holiday Excursion Rntes. The Baltimore and Ohio E. E. Co., in pursuance of its usual liberal policy will sell excursion tickets at reduced rates dur ing the holiday season. Tickets will be sold to and from all stations on i lines east ot the Ohio river from December 21 to Jan nary 1, inclusive, good for return trip until January 4, inclusive. Tickets will be sold from Pittsburg to ajl stations west of the Ohio river, inclndiug Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago, Decem ber 24, 25, 31 and January 1, good to return until January 3. MSu Clean and Fresh Stock for tBe Closing-Days of Holiday Trade. Visitors to our store will find that we open fresh goods eyerv day, and that we still have a large assortment of fancy goods, Christ mas cards, calendars, pocketbooks, card cases, etc. Open every evening-. JOS. ElCHBAUM & Co., 48 Fifth avenue. For Christmas Dinners. With . the rapid approach of Christmas comes a yearning for the good things of life. In thisjconnection it is proper, to call atten tion to Marvin's, golden lruit cake, or plum pudding, something that should have & place on every table. It is pure, sweet and delicious. Ton can order it through your grocer. ' d BIch Cat Glass. Our stock now complete with every re quisite foi the table or buffet in all new and artistic effects. Onr prices and depth of cuttings are the very lowest. Beizensteik', 152, 154, 156 Federal st, Allegheny. Jnst In Time for Xtnns. Beduced prices on wraps at The People's Store. Campbell & Dick. IT. B. Open to-night till 9; to-morrow (Tuesday) till 10; Xmas Day nniil noon. 1; Pbactical bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, algebra, geometry and me chanical arawing at Curry University. Day and evenings. uws Floe Gold Watches a Specialty, 37ice diamond jewelry, fine silverware, bronzes and onyx clocks, at Hanch's Jewelry Store, Ko. 295 Filth avenue. Come and see our prices; it will pay yon. Holiday Umbrellas In gold, silver and natural stick handles, from $1 to $10, at H. J. Xynch's, 438 ana 440 Market st. Fbauehheim & Vilsack's ale and porter-are superior beverages. Call for them. All dealers keep them. Or order Holiday umbrellas and canes at James H. Aiken & Co.'s. 100 Fifth ave. d Bny a Watch for the Boy. Good reliable watch for $4 at Hanch's Jewelry Store, No. 295 Fifth avenue. FOB a reliable, pure grade of beer, D. Lutz & Sons brew surpasses any in the mar ket. Office, corner Spring Garden ave. and Chestnut St., Allegheny. MP OXE of those hand-painted porcelain panels makes an elegant Christmas present. Harrison's Tot Stoee, XVF 123 Federal St., Allegheny. Catholic Prayer Books, Heating's book store. Fifth avenue, above Smith field street. Largest and best assort ment.in the city. Low prices. Holiday silk handkerchiefs and mufflers at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. D Furniture. One hundred different styles of bedroom suits at all prices. M; Seibebt & Co., Allegheny. Finest photos and crayons, at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. Holtdat silk and linen initial handker chiefs. James H. Aiken & Co., y,V --1W 'Fifth ave. TOV'ANOTflER HELD. Toucans letter of Resignation From the Kev. Howard B. Grose. ORDINATION OP TWO CLERGYMEN. X Fatal Panic in the Jfew Chartiers Church Barely Prevented. INTEEESTING EELIGIOUS NOTES At the close of his impressive Christmas sermon in the Fourth Avenne Baptist Church yesterday morning, the pastor, Bev. Howard B. Grose, read to the church and congregation a letter tendering his resigna tion. This had been, to a certain extent, -anticipated by all who had read in The Dispatch last weetc the article telling of the call Mr. Grose had received to the Presi dency of the University of South Dakota,- made vacant by the recent sudden-death of his intimate friend, Prof. Olson, who perished in the Minneapolis Tribune dis aster. In his letter of resignation, Mr. Grose re viewed his 18 months' pleasant pastorate in Pittsburg, told ot how hopefully he had planned bis iutnre work in the same prom ising field, referred to the harmony and hap piness of his large flock, and said that under ordinary circumstances he would have deemed it impossible to even consider a call to vacate such a pulpit and accept a position s5 altogether" different in both its require ments and in its very character. A CALL Fr.OM A HIGHEB SOtJECE. But the call bad come with such unanim ity from trustees, faculty and students who only knew of the close relationship and kindred acquirements of Prof. Olson and himself and the impression was so positive that it was likewise a call from the. higher source for him to take up and carry on the great work that bis dearest friend had' so, nobly commenced, that the pastor felt .he simply must respond to the summons. The pastoral duties would, Mr. Grose believed, be ably, earnestly and immedi ately taken np in the Fonrth Avenue Church, by his assistant, Eev. "William "Ward West; and therefore he asked that his own resignation take effect on the list Snndav of the dvinsr vear. in order that he might enter upon his new and responsible position with the beginning ot tne winter term, early in January. At the close of the service, by tbe pastor's urgent request, there was a meeting of church members to act immediately upon his resignation. Mr. H. SI Porter, one of the deacons, presided; and, upon motion ot Dr. King tbe same good man who had, 18 months atro, moved to extend a unani mous call to Bev. H. B. Grose at Yonkers the resignation was very reluctantly, yet with entire unanimity, accepted; the ex pressed idea of the sorrowing mover being that the church should thus -present its be loved pastor, a living Christmas gift, to tbe great new University that had come to need him most. SOMETHING OP HIS LITE. Viewed with regard to its effect at this end ot the line, the resignation of Bev. Howard B. Grose can only he looked upon with deep regret A vigorous intellectual and spiritual guidt, he will be greatly missed from the most influential Baptist pulpit in "Western Pennsylvania. A graduate of Rochester University, he has many of the sterling qualities of Dr. II. B. Anderson, the honored ex-President of that institution, who was ever teaching young men that, more than all things else, he desired them to be prepared and determined to "bring things to pass" and his good right hand came down with a bang on the desk every time Dr. Anderson said it "What effect this callinc in of Assistant pastor "West may, have upon the newly- organizea J-iinaen urove xtaptistunurcn which had been until only a fortnight ago a chapel and branch of the Fonrth Avenne Church remains to be seen. IN H0N0E OF THE HABTIBS. General Obsermnce in Jewish Synagogues of the Feast pf Hanncba. The Feast of Hanucha Was celebrated in the Jewish Synagogue, at the corner of Fourth avenue and Boss street, yesterday tbe Hebrew population of the orthodox at 3 o'clock. This is an annual feast day with stripe, and was generally observed. It is intended to commemorate the burning of Hannah's seven sons, because they refused to be converted to an idolatrous religion. There is no importance attached to the event beyond keeping fresh the memory of some of thegreatest heroes of ancient times. The exercises yesterday were of A simple character. - They consisted chiefly in an ex amination of the Sunday school children in the church catechism, and tbe lighting of the candles in honor of the event At 3 o'clock tbe children marched into the church from the school room and were seated in tbe front of the auditorium. The pastor, Bev. A. Bernstein, conducted tbe examination of tbe children, after which a number of recitations were given by the pupils. During the exercises Master Harry Gibousky lit seven candles on tbe altar and read from a Hebrew work the meaning of the celebration. The candles are supposed to represent the oil that was bnrned il the. temple at Jerusalem after it was recovered Irom tne Syrians, xne on was bnrned for eight days to purify the temple. The can dles, representing nnrity, are now burned lor' seven days, and one for each of the mar tvrs. , One of tbe pupils then read a number of prayers, with responses from the remainder of the children. There were a, number of other exercises in Hebrew, relating to the history of Hannah's family. Master Louis Hiller then read the benediction in He brew. This was followed by addresses by Mr. Bemstein, Mr. Fihk and other members of the congregation in which the work of the school was commended, and the idea ex pressed that theUewish people should make a ereater effort to educate their children, in both the English and Hebrew languages: After the exercises were concluded the children were each presented with a present of some sort as a reward for good attendance at school. - , JEOM DEACON TO PRIESTHOOD. Ordination nt Trinity Charch, Presided Orer by Bishop Wbtlehrad. . John Bussell "Wightman and Charles Donehoo yesterday were advanced to .the priesthood of the Episcopal Church at Trin ity Church. They were both or dained deacons a year ago, and have been engaged in church work since. A large congregation witnessed theServices yester day. Bishop "Whitehead presided at tbe ordination ceremonies, and was assisted by the Bev. Messrs. Cayley, Brightman, Cow per and Maxwell, the last named being rector of tbe church. Mr. Brightman preached the sermon, dwelling at length upon the duties of tbe priesthood. Mr. "Witrbtman is tbe oldestsonof Thomas "Wightman, tbe glpss manu&cturer, and has J been engaged in business with his lather lor a nnmber of years. He wouM have entered tbe priesthood long ago had he been able to leave the glass business. This was impos sible, tboughf until his brothers were able to take his place. He has spent all, his leisure from business in preparing for hi? chosen calling, and during tbe last year has been assistantOector of St Andrew's Church. Mr. wightman is about 40 years old, and is a graduate of the "University of Pennsylvania, which institution conferred upon him the degree of A. M. For ten Tears he has been stndvinir under Prof. Villiaps, formerly professor of theology at tne libit crony oi x-eBBsyivania. sail 'proficient Greek.'Latia and Hebrew scholar, Atuas not yet peen qeciaea wnereae i permanently locate, hut until the spring he will havechaiee of the Mission established by Bishop "Whitehead at Chartiers, Knox ville, Temperanceville and Woods' Bun. Mr. Donehpois24.yearsold. He gradu ated at the Divinity School at Philadelphia and since his ordination has been rector of Trinity Church at Tarentum, where he will continue his work. He was ordained dea con at "Washington, Pa. Mr. Donehoo is-a nephew of the Bev. E. B. Doneboo, the well-known Presbyterian pastor of the Bouthside. PANIC IN TflB CHDECH. An Accident at the Dedication of tbe Char tiers Building. During the Alication services at tha Church of St. Francis de Sales, at Chartiers; yesterday, an accident occurred which for a time almost caused a fame among the people. The new church is a large two-story frame structure. The church services are held in the second story, while the first floor is used as a school room. There were about 1,400 people on the second story when the acci dent occurred. The seFvices were near over. Bev. Father Tobin was in the act of ne livering an address to the congregation. Suddenly a cracking noise was heard and the floor dropped about four inches. In stantly there was a wild scramble for the two doors Ieadin to the stairway. "Women screamed and many of them fainted. About a half dpzen ushers stood in the rear of the church. Among the ushers were4 Alderman McKeirney, of the Eighteenth ward, and Richard McGarrell, of Eleventh street They jumped to the doors and by superhuman efforts managed to get them closed. Then they began to yell to the crowd to be seated. Gradually the frightened congregation qnieted down, and the voice of the priest could be heard. An investigation- showed that one of the iron pillars had been crushed by the weight of the people. The stone upon which it rested had been separated, allowing the pillar to drop on the founda tion unsterneatb. ' The dedication services were conducted by Bt Bev. Bishop Phelan. Father Cos grove," of Temperanceville, said the mass, and Father F. L. Tobin. of St. Marys, preached the sermon. The Hibernian Rifles, Knights of St. George and Emeralds par ticipated in a parade to the church. St. James' new church and school at "Wilkinshurg were dedicated yesterday. The ceremonies began with a high mass at flO o'clock. This is Father Lambing' iiambing'kf church which was burned last Christmas morning. A large crowd of people attended the dedication from this city. WILL THE! SELL THE CHURCH? The Italian Congregation Will Get Their Answer To-Dny. The congregation of the Grace Eeformed Church will decide to-day whether or not they will sell -their church building at tbe corner 'of "Webster avenue andtGrant street The limit of time for the option of $1,000 has abont expired, and the Italian congregation are anxions to find out whether" they will be able to purchase or not The people of the Grace Church have offered the build ing for 35,000, but some of them do not want to sell at that figure. It is said tbe chnrch could have been bought a year ago for $27,000. On account of the bazaar being held in the basement of 8t Paul's Cathe dral the Italians havebeen obliged to vacate the place. They are now .worshiping in the exhibition ball of the Mercy Convent on "Webster .street which has been converted into a chapel. To Dispel Colds, Headaches and fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to per jnanently cure habltnal constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. Pitlsbnrg aad Lake Erie Railroad. Holiday excursion tickets will be sold to .points on the J & X. E. and principal: points on tbe-N. Y: P. & O. and Lake Shore' and Michigan Southern, from xoungstown to Erie and Toledo inclnsive, at excursion rates December 24, 25 and 31 and January!, good for return until January 3. Tickets will be sold to points on the P. McK. & Y. and McK. & B.V. B. E., December 21 to 31 inclnsive, and January 1, goad for return until January 4, inclnsive, at excursion rates. And Down Went the Prices. Only a few more days remain to dispose of my entire stock, which is yet quite large. The price on everything has been cut in two. Twenty stvies corsets, including all the best known makes, ranging in price np to $2, now go for 76 cents. Kid gloves, pocketbooks, chatelaines, lace scarfs and fichus, and many other articles that make nice Christmas presents, at about half price. P. Schoenthal, 612 Penn avenue. Mr. Mcdinty'a Wife. "Whatever may have been Mr. McGinty's misfortunes while attempting to win his famous five dollar bet, he was happv and contented with bis home life. His wife be in? a sensible womani used (Marvin's Self- Bising Flour, and every morning McGinty reveled in the most delicious buckwheat cakes made from it Marvin's Self-Bising Pancake and Buckwheat Flours are for sale by all grocers. d Clean and Freah Stock for tbe Closing Dnya of Holiday-Trade. Visitors to our store will find that we open fresh goods every'day, and that we still have a large assortment of fancy goods, Christ mas cards, calendars, pocketbooks, card cases, etc Open every evening. JOS. ElCHBAUM & CO., 48 Pifth avenue. Amateur Phplographlc Outfits Are inexpensive and give enduring pleas ure. They are an unfailing source of amuse ment, and are the most appreciated Xmas gift. Sold by "W. S. Bell & Co.,v431 "yood st, Pittsburg. MOT Just in Time for Xmns." Beduced prices on wraps at The People's Store. Campbell & Dick. N. B. Open to-night till 9; to-morrow (Tuesday) till 0; Xmas Day until noon. Porcelains. Our own importations. All the new things from all the famous potteries. Lowest prices, at Beizenstein'a, 162, 154, 166 Federal st, Allegheny. Furniture. Our large five-story warehouse turned into retail rooms. Nothing like it in the city. Come and see the furniture displayed therein. M. Setbebx &,Co.r Allegheny. 'tr Pbauenheim & VlLSACK'S ale and porter are superior beverages. Call for them. All dealers keep them Or order direct 'Phone 1186. Foe a reliable, pure grade of beer, D. Lutz & Sous brew surpasses any in tho mar iet Office, corner Spring Garden ave. and Chestnut st, Allegheny. MP Holiday Handkerchiefs, Silk and linen, 'immense stock and low prices, at H. J. Lynch's, 438 and 440 Mar ket st , If you wish to save money select your presents from the art department, at Harri son's toy store, 123 Federal st, Allegheny. MVT Cash paid for old gold 'and' silver at Haueh'a, So. 295 Fifth-avenue. , Cubby University office is open during the holidays. Jtws Holiday neckwear for gentlemen at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. D OxB-sr viaid for old'seldlstnil silver at is aXHauchVNo. M5JttftkaveBW; , MSt-Diiplay a&verHtemmtf one dollar par ttjuare Jar one insertion. Clatsifleii advertite menu on thU page tucA at Wanted, Jftr Bale, Jo Let, etc, ten cent per line or each inter Hon, and none taken for leu than fifty cenU. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, whejp Want, For Sale, To Let; and other transient advertisements will be received np to 0 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where id-rertlsers already nave accounts with Tna IMS- rATCIL PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCATyKEY, SMBntler street EMIL G. BTUCKET. Uth street and Penn aye. E. G. 8TUCKEY &CO., Wrlle ave. and Fnltonit. U. STOKELY, FUlhLvenoe ttarket House, KASTXKB. J. "W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenoa. OABXAXTJ. Mc ALLISTEK 3c EHEIBLEB,Stn ST. A AlwOOd It. SOUTH&IDS. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street H, A. DONALDSON, r?07 Carson street. ALLEGHENT. A. J. KAESCHEB, C9 Federal street. H. J. McURIDF, Market Boose, AlUfhenT. FRED H. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. K B. EGGEltS & HUN, Ohio and Chestnut its. JyF. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackion streets. THOMAS McHENBV, Western and Inrlnayes. G. TV. HUGHES. PennsYlT&nla, and BeaTerares. l'EKl'.r M. GLEIM. Kebecea and Allegheny ares. 1 311LLVALE BOBOUGH. W. TV. FLOCKEB, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BKANCH OFFICE FOB THE SOUTHSnJE ATI NO. 1220 OABSON STBEET. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND 8UB SCRDPTIONS CAN BE LEFT, BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIALSOUTHSIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EA'CH SATURDAY. ' WANTED? JUnJo Helm. T7"ANTElJ-A FIKST-CLAS3 BABBEK. An- ply 208 PENN AVE. -de23-23 WANTED-KXPERIENCED SHOE SALE3- M EN at KAUFMANN8' deg-128 .- WANTED-TEN WRAPPERS. APPLY IM MEUIATELTatKAUFMANNS'. deZW VTT ANTED-TWO GOOD TINNERS. APPLY1 TV at UEOBGE KElb'tf, 4603 Batler St. de23-12 Trri wivim uTrt nv i -vr tviu ,mi;ttii J VV -vrork at 8 DIAMOND; sober ana worker. WANTED-AGENTS TO SELL HOLIDAY slfrns and show cards. MABTELL, 411 Bmtthneld st. de4-Mwr WANTED-A GOOD JOURNEYMAN BAR BER at No. 12 CARSON ST.ScratlisIde; apply Immediately. de23-14 TTTANTED-A COACHMAN FOB LIVERY. VV None bat experienced and sober need ap ply to T. B. MORELAND, 6100 Penn ave.. E. E., fiufiuurg. aeu-iis "VHTANTED-OFFICE BOY. 15 TO 18 TEARS, TV who writes a good hand and is correct at fitrnrcs: first-class reference required. Call at ttuiunp, v foarm aye. deU-69 XTTANTED - FIRST-CLASS BREAD AND VV cake baker, mutt he clean and sober, to board in family. BOBT. MORKOW & CO., Wood land ave.. Eleventh ward, Allegheny. de23-6 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST IN office; must be a good penman and correct at figures. Apply either In person or letter to STANDARD blOBE, 531 andS33 Woodst., with reference. de22-43 WANTED-AN ACTIVE MAN AS SOLIC ITOR: a good worker who is acquainted with real estate values preferred; liberal salary and commission. Address, with real name, ref erence and address, LOCK BOX .542, Pittsburg Postofflce,'Pa, de22-28 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN with an established trade in hosiery, un derwear, white goods, notions; etc, for Pitts burg. Address, with reference and particulars, JOEL J. DAILY & CO., 719 and 721 Market street, Philadelphia, tja. de21-16-D WANTED-SALESMEN AT 75 PEE MONTH salary and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc. : by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Bartlculars and sample case of goods free. SXAN AED SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D WANTED-MANAGERS EVEBYWHEBE TO take charge of our business: advertise, dis tribute circulars and employ help:, wages. 850 to fuaprmania; expenses aavanceo; state experi ence, wages expected, also v6nr preference for Some work or traveling. SLOAN A- CO., Manu facturers, 291 George street, Cincinnati, O. de22-25-D WANTED-AGENTS. GENERAL AND LO CAL, to handle tbe new pat. chemical Ink eracin pencil; greatest novelty ever produced: erases ink in two seconds: no abrasion of paper: 200 to 503 per cent profit; sells at sight; territory absolutely tree; salary to good men; sample 35 cents by mall. For terms and full particulars ad dress the manufacturers, THEMONBOEERASRB CO., La Crosse, Wis. de2-23 WANTED A FIRST-CLASS AGENT IN Pittsburg for Mark Twain's latest book, "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court;" thegreatest success of any work writ ten by this celebrated author; agents In other towns and cities are positively selling from 10 to SO copies per day: each applicant willpleasesend references, and also state the number of copies he thinks can be sold In Pittsburg. ,CHARLES L. WEBS1EK CO., No. 3 East Fourteenth st, New York. de23-2-HW Fepnle Help. -T7-ANTED-GrBL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- W WORK by man and wife ana one child; no wasnldg or Ironing; mnst be good cook and give gooa reference. Aaaress uxt&uc jsispaicn omce. de23-17 Male and Pernnio Help. WANTED-COOKS; WAGES, S3 50 TO 84 00; chambermaids, dinlngroom girls, nurses; 100 house girls; German and colored girls; farm bands; drivers. MRS. E. THOMPSON, BOS Grant st. deJ-MTha XTT A N T E D IMMEDIATELY 4 FARM VV hands, 2 woodchoppers, 10 quarrymen. SO hands, 2 woodchoppers. S3 SO to ft per week, 20 ishers, 2 dlnlngroom'glrl! A COOKS. chambermaids, 4- ' tfletivra enafie nzroomirlrla. 100 house elris. woman cook ana nonseseeper ior smaii notei. MEEHAN'S, 545 Grant st. deS-D Situations. WANTED-BY .JANUARY 1 SITUATION as city salesman by live man of experience. Address HUSTLER, Dispatch office. de22-109 WANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED MA CHINIST and foreman, a situation as fore man ot machine shop. Address J. D. S., Dispatch office. k de22-24 Partners. w ANTED PARTNER A KAHETOPPOR TUNITY to invest Si 000 or SiaooOwltbor without services, ln.a large, well-established and very profitable mercantile business in this city. For particulars address LOCK BOX 779, Pitts burg, Pa. de22-17 WANTED-ONE OB TWO GOOD PARTIES, active or otherwise, to take an interest In a full running and rapidly growing lumber busi ness In the tlty that bas always made and is now making money, and issusceptlbleof Increased reve nue with additional capital and assistance. Tbe firm stands high In commercial circles, and is fnll of energy and enterprise, and possesses abundant means, and only propose now to accept of addi tional capital, with orv without personal services. In order to meet tbe expansive character of the business. This is a splendid opportunity to make an Investment that has every element of safety and profit, and offers the privilege of becoming associated with gentlemen of integrity and finan cial worth. Fuller particulars will he disclosed only to principals and parties who mean business, by our Mr. Drape, who is personally acqnatnted with tbe firm. Amount of capital wanted, 330, 000. JAS. W. DRAPE Si CO., 129 Fourtb avenne, Pittsburg: de21-32-D ,FlnnncluI. XlTANTED-MORTGAGJ!2S-tW,000TOLOAN VV in large and small amounts at 4M. 5and per cent, free of State tax: no delay. Kt r cent, free of State tax: no delay. HEED B. COYLE&CO. ui ji'ounn ave.- mjii-w WANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR small amounts on Plttsbutg. Allegheny or suburban improved real estate at lowest ratsjs. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood at. de2i-23-irt-y TANTED-TO "LOAN MONEY ON MORT I GAGES In amounts to suit, in city or conn , at 4W to a per cent, as to security: no delay. UUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. des-14-MTWTr -rrTANTED-TO LOAN 3503,0(10, IN AMOUNTS VV of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4 per cent, free oftaxt-also smaller amounts at 5 and S per cent. BLACK & BAIBD, 83 fourth avenue. se2I-d26-D WANTED-TO i,OAN 1200, 000 , ON SIOBT GAGES; 100 and upward at S per cent; 500,000 at 4K per cent on residences or business property; also in adlolnlng counties. S. H. FRENCH. 125 Fourth avenue. 0C2I-4-D . VTTANTED MOKTG AGES-1, 000.OXTO LOAN VV oncltyandauburban-'propertlesat4!. Sand' 6 per cent, and on farms In Allegheny and aaja- cent counties at 3 per cent. A. iU ACAUilUlA. A ap7-f41 oun, iuj r ourui avenue, WANTED-MORTGAGES-100.000 TO LOAN on mortgages, in sums from S500 to (10,000. for 3 to i years on city property, at very low rates; write for terms and give description? of property. J. E. GLASS, 13S Fifth ave. Telephone No. 1764. noU-47 XTTANTED HOUSES TO BENT-WE ABE f v i nowenterlngapplleatlonsfromgoodtenanuj uses In all parts of tbe two cities and sub-T for houses I urbs; our renting department is nnter the direc tion of experienced and systematic management: all properties taken in hand have our personal care, looking to tbe Interest of owners, as well as tbe satisfaction aad permanency of tenants; monthly and quarterly statements with remit tances ire rendered. CHARLES SOUEBS ft CO., 311 Wood ft, . daK-W WiiNTEB. Waanclat. TI7ANTKl-SM,fLiL510KlQAGE3-l. J.WIL YV SOM, lttFofabaTe. no2S-a mb2-a22-p ,,i TlJANTED-(60O JO IMCOSQ-TO LOAN ON morttragev 4& i and 6 per cent. J AS. W. DBAPEACTCiatfo tinnnft Tin on. oarth ave., Plltsbnrtr. Tele- oe:i-33-uws t MlweltaaeoH. tTTANTED-HIGHES'r SPOT CASH PRICES V V paid for second-hand furniture, carpets and honsefiolagoods of all kinds. III! PENN AVE NUE. aa2G-B-MWI- ANTED-r-TO BUY A COMPLETE DERRICK! snltable for a stone quarry; must be abont K feet blgh: state lowest price. Address DEK- juuo, uispxica omcc. dc3-5 i TTTANTEn EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT W PEARSON, tbo leading photographer, of 86 Fifth are.'jind 43 Federal st., Alt'y.. Jsmaklnsr a life size crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and iron pi lb. nb( one dozen cab. photos, all for 3; all fine work. mhlJ-63 tTTANTED'-TBUYERS FOB DOI.1DAY VV goods; special lndnceinebts to cash buyers; diamonds, watches: silverware, clocks, etc.; spectacles anthEyeitlasses accurately fitted at low est rates. J. M1XBCH, 130 Federal St.. Allegheny. dels-MWTgu ANTED-BUYERS FOR EIGHTEEN TO twenty .tons dressed turkeys and one car lire turkeys, ducks and geese, to arrive Monday morning, .uecemocr 24; parties wisning larg-e mis will do welt by calling on THOS, H. MCGOWAN, Xio CQ7 Liberty streel ae:a-& WANTED-EVKBYBODY TO KNOW THAT I have the largest assortment ot typewriters for hollday-.prescnu ever sbown in this city: I have machines at (8, 110, 1S 3i fO, ten, fli, 95, KSi ana f 140; no more useful present can be se lected. A. M. MARTIN, 412 Wood St. de20-C9 WANTED FOB THE FOLLOWING 10 days, anybody contemplating tbe purchase of Christmas gifts to call and examine our great as sortment of diamonds, watches. Jewelry, silver ware, clocks arid bronzes; our goods are entirely new and consist orall tbe latest novelties to be fonndlntbe Eastern markets: just think of it; yon can buy a triple-plated sngar bowl, plcklo castor, spoon bolder, butter dish or enp at il each at il. J. SMIT'S, ill Smltbfieid st. de23-U9 VOfl SALEr-IMPltOVED REAL ESTATE City Residence. FOR SALE-EUREKTa' ST., LATE ALLEN TOWN, lot 84x120 it., with a 2-story frame house of Brooms: price, 12,500; easy payments. 1. il. PENNOCK. & bUN, No. 105 Fourth ve. delS-23-Hwr FORSALE-ON.FIFXH AVE.. FOR&S00, ON montbrypayrnents if desired, a neat brick: bouse of 6 rooms; location good; call or send for list. W. A. HEBRON &J30NS, 80 Fourth ave. no30-41-M FOR SALE-MT. WASHINGTON-OMAHA ST. lot, 23x130 ft., with a 2-story frame bousd of 4 rooms, attic and cellar: price 81.400; easy pay ments. 1. M. PEN H ova. & SON, N o. 105 Fourth' ave. del8-23-uwr FOB SALE-2W ACRES OF GROUND, WITH large dwelling, outbuildings, fruit and or namental trees, on Herron avenue. Thirteenth ward, near Center avenue cable line. This prop erty will subdivide to good .advantage. Sea W- A. HERRON 4. SONS, 80 Fourth avenne dei-19-n FOB S ALE-F3.50O-T WO BRICK HOUSES, one short square from Wylie ave. : these houses are two-story, with finished attics and six rooms; ball, laundry, bath, inside w. c hot and cold water throughout: electric bells: these booses are almost new, and a great bargain: this property win pay 8 per cent net on Ihe investment. . BAR NErriCHAPHN.No. 1& Fourth ave. de22-35 FOB SALE-t8,000-DO YOU WANT TO SE CURE now at a low cost the foundation Sot an elegant bome; we have It to offer in two acres of beautiful ground oh ltne of new electric road, and close to tbe city's finest driveway; comfort able cottage bouse; fruit, shade and shrubbery: location and surroundings are attractive, and improvements projected will add largely to pres sent values.-wlthln a year. Call and let ns drive you to tbe property. CHARLES bOMEBS St CO., 313 Wood st. de22-S3 East End Residences. FOR BALE-I1.800-NEAB LARIMER AVE. Good location: choice lot, 24x100, with cozy and attractive 4-room bouse. CHARLES SOMERS & CO.. 313 Wood St. de22-93 FOB SALE-CHOICE DWELLINGS-9 TO 13 rooms, on Forbes it. and Coltart Sqnare, Oakland; late style: elegantly finished; price low, terms easy. See W. A. HEBRON & SONS, E0 Fourth avenue. de4-13-HTb FOB SALE-EAST END-HI LAND AVE. home; a brick dwelling of 8 rooms, large ball, modern conveniences; the numerous shade and fruit trees make it a desirable Dlace: lot t80x 428: price and terms reasonable. BLACK & BAI V.1BU, , 93 Fourth ave. (4-A-lW.i del9-U FORSALE-S3.500-GOOD E. E. INVESTMENT near Lincoln aye.; large lot fronting two streets; three comfortable and attractlte two story bouses recently built; gne of 8 rooms, two each of 4 rooms: rentals about fio per month. CHARLES SOMERS A CO., 313 Wood St. de22-3 FORSALE-NEW QUEEN LOSIE RESIDENCE in the East End near Bhadyslde and Ben Venne; 7 rooms,, finished attic rooms, batb, w. c, largcreaeptlon halL. piazza over entire front, dry teUar, perfect sewerage, everything in prime order; possesslonwltbln30days; price 88, 250; pay ments to suit. JAS. W. DBAPE & CO.. L3 Fonrth avenue, Plttsnurg. dea-32-D T7IOR SALE-THERE ABE TEN VEKV DE- JL' CURABLE nouses now in course of construc tion on Oakland square; to be finished complete ready for occupancy by April 1: five of these houses are aires laaysoia. . leaving flvevtlll available to buyers: prices. S7.500. S3. OOu and 110. 000. accord. lng to size and location; lots vary in size from 30x 100 to 92x150; Atwood st., now paved with asphalt from Filth are. to Oakland square, and traction road being laid. Apply to SAMUEL W. road being laid. Apply to SAMUEL W. BIA ACK & CO., 99 Fourtb ave, deC-4 Allegheny Residences. . FOB 8ALE-IL600-HOO3E OF 6 BOOMS, LOT 40x120. Shady ave., Allegheny. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St. de22-93 "nWR SALE-S3.400-GOOD BRICK HOUSE IN JP prime brder.t rooms, vestibule, hall mice vard: choice street In Allegheny. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood st. dc:z-93 FOR SALE-K200 A NET 10 PER CENT IN VESTMENT; convenient location in Alle gheny: corner lot: substantial bouse or 5 rooms and attic: 2 houses, 4 rooms each. CHARLES BOUEKS &,CO., 213 Wood st. de22-93 TTIOR SAL-E-VERYDES1HABL2 TWO-STORY JC brick dwelling of 7 rooms, bathroom, w. c, laundry, slate roof; loUtoxllO feet to 20-foot alley near pars:, seco easy payments. near park. Second wardv Allegbeny: price ta. 500; wji. jl.. oxr, w jjiamona si. deliS-87-Mws TTIOB SALE-A NICE 7-ROOM HOD3E AND J good tot with side entrance to an alley, in Allegheny, on line of street cars: natnral gas, bath, w. c and other modern conveniences: price only 15.500. JAS. W. DBAPE- CO., 129 Fourtb ave., Pittsburg. de.l-32-p FOB SALE-SECOND WABD, ALLEGHEN Y This is what yon are looking for: a 7-room and attic, new brick bouse In tbe Second ward, Allegheny; lot 22x110; excellent location: electric cars at door; price, 5,800: come quick, as It won't be for sale long. BLACK & BA1BD. 85 onrtn ave, deist-u FOB SALE-NEAR PLEASANT VALLEY electric road. Second ward, Allegheny a good Investment property, consisting of a well-built row of SbrlCKhouseaofSrooms eacb, with inside tt.c marble mantels, gas, water, etc: can be made to pay over 9 per cent net. Address A.. Room S14 Penn building, Penn avenue, for fuller particulars. . de23-31 Suburban Residences. -7OB BALE-IN SEWICKLEY A FINE. 10 X: room brick residence, with modern conveni ences, with lot 47x203 ft., on tbe best streel In tbe borough; before renewing leases for tbe coming year examine tbls property, which will be sola on terms of SaOO casli'and 300 per year. A. W. A DAIR. Boom Si4Penn building. Penn avenue. de3-31 FOR SALE LOTS. Boat End Lot. F nn Hir.TrrrturapKABP mm KTTTr.mwra Jb lots: call or send for printed list, Jnst issued, zree. w a iijjuiufl a bktix d,ouj ourui avenue. del-77-MTh TnOR SALE-BEUSHTON LOTS. ADJCINING Jj Bank of Conurierce addition. Send or call for plan. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt.,8I2bmlthfleld st. UC1-UWS FOR SALE-FINE EAST END BUILDING lots, near HUand and Stanton avenues: only 325' per front loot. CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood St. de22-S3 FOB SALE-BAUMSGROVE LOTS-SECURE colored plan and Investigate: easy terms and low prices. MELLON BROS.. East End; or JOHN P. BAXTER, Agt,. 512 Smlthfleld st. de22-50-MTbS Farms. FOB SALE-EARM 250 ACRES. VERY BEST Improvements: finest grain, stock and fruit rlace In Westmoreland Co. ; miles from station: 13,000. M. WITTlSH,410Orantst.. Pittsburg. de21-D FOR SALE-A PINE LARGE FARM OF 200 acres of good land, nearly all nnder cultiva tion: splendid orchard, plenty of water, excellent dwelling, barn- and other outbuildings; would take a small city property in part payment. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. de21.32-D FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY property. (0.250, a splendid farm containing -35 acres, situate near Mansfield on the Pan Han dle Railroad: can be retailed readily at 600 to 80 Ser acre, a portion of the farm having already een sold off In lots for which there is good de mand; tbls is an excellent opportunity for specu lation. For particulars see SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 0 Fourth aye. de22-94 1 Miscellaneous. TJiOB SALE-A LOT IN ALLEGHENY OEM ETEKY. at a bargain: ebolcelocatlon JAM- 1SON ft DICKIE, 96 fourth ave de22-2S-MWV FOBSALE-OR EXCHANGE-300 ACRES OP coal and mineral land on line of railroad and river, about 60 miles from the" city, with connec tions to isunaioi ana tao langauui iraqe: oesiues coal there Is Iron ore. lime and building stone and fireclay; two coal mines and one ore mine open: equipped with tracks, cars, etc.; demand for all. coal and Iron ore that can be mined: 43 dwelling houses, large store and other buildings; two good gas wells on tbe land; a splendid opening for a profitable business; will sell, or exchange for other property In nart payment. W. W. ACHE SON, or Soa. PAINTSM, Room 204 Btosell block, or JAS. ,W. DRAPE. .CO., Ufr fourth ave., Plttteai 4eH-X-B F8R SALE LOTS, City Lot. FR SALE-BUILDING LOTS ON- TVYLIE avenue, right on line of 'Cable, at tTOO. CHAKLKj SOMERS Jt CO., Zli Wood St. detZ-H Glenvrood Lso, T7X)B SALE-LOTS AT OLENWOOD: CON L1 VENlENTtothe station and Second Are. Electric KaQway; graded streets, sidewalks, city water; houses and lots for sale on monthly pay ments. GEORGE C. BURG WIN, ISO Fourth ave. OCSKS-HWSU FOB SALE-VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING lots in tbe Bl&lr estate, Hazelwood and Glen wood, Twenty-third ward, from SI00 upward; terms 10 per cent ensb, balance on monthlypay wents. It desired: these tots are vervdeslrable on acconnt of their easy access from tbe center tof the city by electric- and steam railway, and will greatly enhance In value for tbe same reason, AMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. de22-9.M7 FOR SALE-ECSINESS. Baainesfi Ccrancea. TTrORSALE-AMILKBOtTTEIN ALLEGHENY X doing a splendid business: reason for selling Is, have not time to give It Toper attention. Ad dress Q. V. A., Dispatch oIBce. de21-13 FOB SALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED GRO CERY business In Allegheny: best part of the cltyi sales mostly for cash: stock clean and well assorted. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 119 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. de21-I4-D FOE8ALE-THBDRYGOOD3 DEPARTMENT of a first-class general store doing a profit able business In a town of not less tban 12,000 In habitants; no old shelf worn goods; a splendid chance to the right parties: aU communications confidential. Address E. T. 8., Dispatch office. del7-lS FOB SALE-GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR one or two active men with some capital to step Into a paying wholesale produce commission business, profits this yearwlll reach f 10.000; owner engaged In otber business reason for selling. Ad dress F. C. DICKSON, 140 Monterey St., Alle gheny. delO-50 FOR SALE-GOOD FISH AND OYSTER Uepot, grocery stores, r35Q to 110,000; cigar stores. 12.0 to SI, 600; light business clearing S7S weekly; drugstores, country stores, boarding houses, milk routes, confectioneries, bakeries and otber good business chances. SHEPABD CO., 54 Fifth ave. de22 FOK8ALE-A LIVERY AND UNDERTAK ING business: borses:. carriages, buggies, wagons, bearses, with all the necessary outfit, etc., in one of the most active manufacturing towns on line of railroad in the county; a splen did opportunity for a man who understands the business; the present proprietor has made a snug fortune; particulars to principals and parties who are able to purchase will be furnished at our of fice. JAMES W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. deZl-32-D -I Bnalness Standi. FOE SALE CHEAP ON WOOD, NEAR Second avenne, 3-story business house: lot 3) X10 ft. See W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. dels-41-H FOB SALE-A FINE BUSINESS PROPERTY nt S590 per front foot; tbe best property for the price in the business center of Allegheny. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 213 Wood St. de22-93 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. T7IOB SALE-ENGINES AND BOLLERS-NEW JD and refitted: repalrlngpromptlr attended to. POBTEBFOUNDE5fANDMACHlNECO..LliL, below Suspension bridge. Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 FOB SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; ail sizes and styles In stock..f rom 4 to 100 h. p. ;all refitted; good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines. 8 to 25 h. p. ; boilers sU sizes aid styles. J.S. YOUNG.23 Park way, Allegheny, Pa. OC2S-80-D FOE SALE HOISTING ENGINES. NEW and second hand;wlre and rnanllla rope, der rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and cars, day and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacocfc and Sandusky sts Allegheny. aoJ-17-uwr OR SALE-THEUNDERSIGNED.RECEIVEB of Bees, Shook b Co., offers for sale the ma chinery, tools, patterns, etc., of said firm: the machinery consists of lathes, drill presses, etc. ; also a large gray mare, 7 years old. and harness and wagon. Apply to JOHN D.MCKENNAN.Re celver, Bakewell Law Building, Pittsburg, Pa. dell-28 3Usccllnneous. P OR SALE-HOLIDAY GUTS-SOLID SIL VER stem-windlnr watcbes. S3. S8. S7. at M. SUIT'S, 3U Smlthfleld St. de22-U9 FOR SALE-HOLIDAY Girrs-MISSES' AND children's rings, solid gold, 75c. I! 25. SI 75. M. J. SM1T, 311 Smlthfleld St. de2MI9 FK SALE HOLUJAY GIFTS LADLES, bracelets and bead necklaces. 11 25, K and 3 2!. M. J. SMIT, 311 Smlthfleld St. dc-119 FOB SALE -HOLIDAY GI1TB LADIES' vest. Queen or Victoria chains, roll plate. at JL 1 W and 2 25. M. J. SUIT, 311 Smlthfleld st. t de22-119 FOR SALE-I1M DELIVERED BUYS OUR finest billiard or -pool table, supplied wltn onr quick cushion and complete outfit; no finer table made (or money refunded): write for cata logue. THE BLOCK BILLIARD TABLE CO., Cleveland, O. del&-73 TTIOR SALE-THBEE JKAIBS GENUINE D1A X" UOND earrings; weight, IK karats, abso lutely perfect and white, at 100 per pair: also 2 pairs weighing 2J karats, same quality, at 225: 8 pairs weighing 1 1-18 karats each, at 70 per pair; also 21 pairs weighing karat, at 42 50 per pair, and 17 pairs welcblnir M to U karat, from 817 to S30 per pair, at M. J. SUIT'S, 311 Smlthfleld st , third door from Fonrth ave. de22-U9 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS-HUNDREDS OP 'new books, nicely bound in clotb gilt, at 25c each: many fine books in elegant bindings: come and see tbemf LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, Liberty st., nearNlnth. nc3-33 PERSONAL-1N GOD WE TRUST! TAKE DR. Griffith's great Ta-va-Zon remedies and re ceive the divine blessing (health): In use 34 years: get our "Herald of Health." 301 to 307 GRANT T., corner Third ave., Pittsburg, Pa. de2Z-l24 PERSONALHE PELL IN LOVE WITH HIS wife, and wU he might after she presented htm with one of 31. J. Smlt's beautiful gold watcbes, which cost ber but (5. 11. J. BJIITV 311 Smlthfleld St.. third door from Fourth are. de2Z-H9 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had net been on tbe best of terms owing to a little family Jar occa sioned by tbe wife insisting on being allowed to renovate bis wearing apparel, and which, ot course, was done in a bungling manner: in order to prevent tbe trouble tbey agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor. 63 Fifth ave..- corner Wood St., second floor, and .now everything la lovely and peace and bapplness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1558. auJO-D LOST. LOST ON SATURDAY EVENING, BE TWEEN Market and Fulton sts.. by way of i'lfth and Wylle aves.. a smalt alligator purse containing a sum of money; name on inside Hen rietta Vance. By returning to ROOM 11. 9S Fifth ave.. the finder will be liberally .ewarded. de23-27 T ObT-ALL REGARD FOR FORMER PRICES JLi and now offer 1.000 pairs Rhinestone and Vol taic diamond ear drops and screw knots from (I to 3 23; all mounted In solid gold settings, and war ranted to retain their brilliancy. M. J. SUIT, 311 Smlthfleld St.. third door from Fonrth ave. N. B. Complete selection of lace pins, brooches, scarf olns, studs aud collar buttons mounted with Bhlnestones and voltaic dlamohds, and make one of the most suitable gifts for tbe holidays. de22-I13 FOUND. FOCND-POCKETBOOK-THE OWNER CAN have it by calling at 641 PENN AVE. and describing Its contents. , de23-lS TTOUND-THAT M. J. SUIT, III SU1THFIEL.D JD st", has 500 ladies' gold watches, all stem winders and setters, which be Is selUng from (9 to (45 each, and every watcb la warranted for time and quality, and are suitable for holiday gifts. Bemember the name and number, M. J. SUIT, 311 Smlthfleld st. dc22-ll AMCSE31ENTS. J ONDON THEATER Seventy-two hour race, from 12 noon to 12 midnight daily, nnder the personal manage ment of Harry Davis. FIFTEEN OF THE BEST PEDESTRIANS IN THE COUNTRY ENTERED. Good music will be in attendeuce. Reserved Space, 50cL de2&65 CENTRAL TURNER ASSOCIATION-ON occasion of their Christmas celebration, "Wednesday, December 25, a theater perform ance and ball will take place. Only members and their families will be admitted. Hoping there will be a large attendance of tbe mem bers, COMAUTTEE. de23-30 B IJOU THEATER ' TO-NIGHT. MAGGIE MITCHELL in LITTLE BAREFOOT. Matinees Wednesday and Satnraav. Dec 30-W. A. Brady's ".AFTER DARKV de23-ll GRAND OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT. EMMA JUCH GRAND OPERA CO. CARMEN. Next week-HOLE IN THE GROUND. de"3-13 HARRIS THEATER Every Afternoon and Eventnc MISS FLORENCE BDNDLEY, In the Beautiful Comedy Drama, -DOT," Week December 30 N. B. Wood in bM new play, "Out in the Streets." de22-20 HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY Tc-nichf and Matinees. HARRY WILLIAMS' OWN SPECIALTY COMPANY. Grand Holiday Matinee Christmas Day. ' Night Prices of Admission. de22-Il youmarriedt H not, send your address to THE AMERICAN CORRESPONDING CLUB; Box 648, Clarksburg. W. Va. d3-SI TO LET. VatlMlipnT TfeaJdeneea. TOLET-llKICn.DWELLLNG.WASHINGTOX street Allegheny; 12 rooms, modern lm pxovemen ts. Inquire ROOM 28 Blssell Bloek. dc4-vO-3t w m s n Artrtments. ; -I TO LET-TWO CONNECTING KOOMS. OJT 1 second floor; furnished: sttttonary,.wash t stand: rae of bathl 432PENN AVxi, city? de2S- t T IO LET-ON FENN AYENDE, EASTLEMU, k two laniuiteu rooms, id muvw ones, uwuj . with cable road In front. Inquire of JAMISON uiiJvu,,;nsourtasYr. ww-" Omees. Deals Boom, ifcc ( ITIO LET-LARGE OFFICE-INQUIRE; BOOJCi. JL MS, JJ1SSCI1 JilOCr. ownil. TO LET-S300 PER YEAB A LARGE, WELL; L1GH1ED office with all modern conven iences; newly painted and papered: hastwo large closets for storage room. Inquire at OERMANLs. SAVINGS BANK. 423 Woodst. nol3-K-Di Buslneaa Stands. TO LET-BUSINESS FBOPERTY-DIAMOND , St., .near Wood, desirable storeroom, with I . floors above: splendid location. SAMUEL, w."i U LACK A CO.. 99 jrourtn ave. de3H3-rr OTiscenaneoBa. mO LET-NOT A 6-ROOJI BRICK HOUSE,BOT. JL to let yon know that yon can select tbe nicest: illSmlthfleldst.. who Is selling ladles' rings, solid -t'f gold, at ), fi.fi is, ana warranted as repre- - J senteo. ' qir-na ALEETlNGs. "TOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF JLM the" McKeesport and Bessemer Railroad' " Company will he held at tha office of the com pany, at No. ill Fourth Avenue. Pittsburg, " Pa on JANUARY 13, 1890, at2oelocKP. IL,. i for tbe election of Directors for tha ensuing year, and such other business as may be brought before tbe meeting. The stockholders are also notified that an elec tion win be held at said meeting npon the ques- -tion of increase of capital stock and the in debtedness of the company. ' - W.T.W'AILACE, Pittsburg; Pa., Nov. 12, 1889. Secretary. no62-M TVTOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OT , Xl tbe McKeesport and Bellevernon Kail road Company wilt bejheld at tbe office of tbo Company, at No, 111 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg,, Px, on JANUARY 13, 1890, at 2 o'clock P. JL. iur fcutt uecuou ol xurectuis ior tue easuui; year ana snen otner Business as may De Drongns before tbe meeting: - The stockholders are also notified that an election will he held at said meeting upon tbe question of Increase of capital stock and the indebtedness of the company. ' . - W.T. WALLACE, Secretary. PrrrSBtTBO. PA.. Not. 12. 1889. nol3-82-3C ELECTIONS. AXLEOHJENY NATIONAL BANK. 1"" PittsbuboPa., December 13, 1889. j ELECTION THE ELECTION FOR DI RECTORS of this oank for the ensuing year will be held at the banking honserNo. 4or, Fifth aTenue, on TUESDAY, January M, 1S9Q,,, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 12 x. deH-32-D F. C. HUTCHINSON, titshler. ? FibstNational Bank. PirrsBtTEO. Pa. Pittsburg. December, 14, 1889. t ' -T1LECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION I nt nlnn illfftrtnft fnr thim hanlr. tn Mnn for the ensuing year, will hsbeldattbefiankios: ' itonse. corner wooa st. ana iiitn avenue, , rrnponv y.. ... . il loo, v . v. ' honrs ot 11 A. M. and 1 o'clock F. Jf, del4-31-l J. D. SCULLY". - KOTlCEs. Office of National Transit Co, On. Crrr, Pa., December 18, 1889. J rnHE PATBONS OF THJiT NATIONAL I Transit Company are hereby notified tQatall credit balances upon the books ot the National Transit Co., attheclose of business. Pea 11,1889, and all outstanding acceptances and certifi cates issued on or prior to that date are' subject to an assessment of forty-six thousandths (45-1000) ot I per cent. or forty-six hundredths (15-100) barrels pu a thou- sand In pipeagn paid oil on account of loss, by fire on the morning of December -15. 1SS3", from,'; tanks united register, numbers 1303 and 1301, " located near Clarendon. Warren county. Pa. ' de!7-85 D. O. DAY. General .Manager. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. I... . I. ! .11.1 ,11. .1 .II.-----..., Office of the city treasurer, i , PrrrsBtmo, December 2. IS. JL. NOTICE-NOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVENfi that the duplicates for tbe second as-' sessmeuts of water rents (for new buildings completed since April L 1890,) have been placed in my hands for collection, and payable at this, office duting the month of December. All water rents remaining unpaid January V 1R90, will be placed in the hands of W. E.. Ford, Collector of Delinquent Taxes, with 5 -per cent added, for collection. ," ' J.i.JJtMPliBlUn, - i ue4l uiiv .Lreasurer. . 1,E6AL NOTICES. LEWIS McMULLEN. Attorney at Law, No. 157 Fourth avenue. TnSTATE OF GEORGE MCKNIGHT, DE Pl CEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of G eorgo McKnight have been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same should make them known without delay. J OHN OQDEN, No. 51 North Diamond street," . Allegheny City. de22-7-M' AUCTION SALES. AT AUCTION By order of -.i. O'RPHAIS".-. COURT On the premises, TUESDAY, JAUUAuY 7,1890, ', At 230 o'clock, NO-73 LINCOLNVENUE. ALLEGHENY. An elegant residence property. 12 rooms, lot 38x110 feet. For information see "W. A. HERRON fc SONS, delV9-Th3f 80 Fourth-avenue EURNITURE. CARPETS. DRES3GOODS,, ETC AT AUCTION. TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 24, At 10 o'clock, sharp. ., NO. 3U MARKET STREET. Mahogany, walnut, oak and cherry chamber suits, rockers, chairs, sideboards, extension tables, center tables, bouquet stands, fancy, goods, holiday presents, fine seal sacqne, dress goods, clocks. Full line of handsome parlor salts, easy chairs, conches, lounges, bookcase, ladies' secretaries, office desks, cabinets, bed steads, bureaus, washstands. hall racks, ward-' robes, mirrors,' iron safes, stoves, mattresses. f.-J springs, toilet ware, lamps, Christmas good3,i etc 0?, HENRY AUCTION COMPANY. LDL. t ' de22-12I Auctioneers. Grand Closing Out Sale,. -1 AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ' " . Regardless of cost, balance of onr Sixth street retail stock left over. Lace Curtains, Portieres and Upholstery Goods In general. Also a very fine line of odds and ends in painted and em broidered Silk and Plush Goods, from our wholesale department. Sale commences Wednesday, December 18, at 2 p. JL, and will continue until all is disposed of. H. Holtzman & Sons, 5M.WOOD ST.. BET.FD7TH AVENUE ANT' VrRGIN ALLEY. del7-S4 . 1 JANUARY L 1880. - - -St FREE. FREE. FREE. J Annual quit notices-mrmsnea. to property owners or delivered, free of charge. Send : names of tenants and location of property lm-f mediately. BLACK '& BAIRD. . . kr VC.,i... .'.. - QearJ nruutunAvii, PIANO, ORGANS. . And all manner of Small Instrument AT tt 1 HAMILTON'S, w delO-D ' Fifth avenue. '-' CHRISTMAS PRESERTSa"!3 An elegant stock of ladles and gents fln" watcbes. diamonds, iewelry, plain -and- set rings, gents' chains, ladles' queen chains, Vie tori chains, vest chains, charms, lockets, beadE neck chains, lace pins, -stick pins, bracelets,! sleeve buttons, eta, docks, silverware r. and spectacles, etc, etc Boys' watches, 13: Misses silver watches, 55 50, at WILSON'S. 61 Pourth ve4" delfrrs PlttshurgJjLsa THOMASVILLE GA, Piney Woods HoteL Season opens December . 18S9. M.A.BOWER,Propriae: ULTtjr TlAVTITa rnf. TfimnulU Tvfll UK UIKULSIS. IXUU. DU. KUUIBM - - or F. A. BODLONO, vyindsorH'otel.TTtY.Clt J . oir(-rss ,3r ? , ' ii. ' A . .-J-.SSai . w: t. ' . .Tif jT.-at'' L . Tf ..' .'. --. ,. ' ' t.4 ZfWK h! Js4V.i BX