Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 23, 1889, Image 1

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,.- - Ffa. Wi
zr i
bargaihunters " f
Will find the oeings of the most
prominent merchants inthe columns
of The Dispatch. Investon should
penise the classified advertising page.
The Dispatch greets tens of thou
suds -every day In the week. Its
readers keep tip with the procession
of events the wid.e world over.
Ffr-ir -i
F He Has to Bemain Neutral
Just at Present in
He Can't Openly Favor Delamater,
Because He Promised
T At the Bame Time, the Crawford Senator
1 . ' U Hit nhn!.
it His Choice.
A Philadelphia Congressman tells where
Quay stands in the Gubernatorial fight
Delamater his choice, but he has promised
not to oppose Hastings. The Crawford
county Senator's friends claiming Quay is
for their man, and the National Chairman
won't stop their talk.
Washington, December 22. Less than
a. year ago Senator Qnay said to his friend,
State Senator Butan: "It's too early to
talk about the Governorship. I hare
pledged myself to none of the candidates. I
should say,' however, that if the prohibition
amendment is adopted, John S. .Beyburn's
chances for the nomination would be excel-
ig lent xnaeea, we mism ue wiuycucu m
" jfe nominate him. Otherwise, Delamater's
" prospects would be bright, but I am not
committed to anything.'.!
If these were not Senator Quay's exact
words, they express exactly what he con-
veyed to Senator Butan's mind. At that
time it was claimed all over the State that
. Delamater was Quay's choice, and the man
u ner in which State Chairman Andrews and
the Crawford county Senator used Quay's
j name, both here and at Harrisburg, gave a
color of strong probability to this claim,
and it was generally credited, and has since
been'strengthened by the fact that Frank
"Willing Leach, Quay's private secretary,
and nearly all the Quay following in Penn
sylvania are working with might and mam
for Delamater's nomination.
The contingency upon which Quay based
his opinion that Senator Beyburn would
become the nominee of necessity has not
occurred,, and now, upon the threshold of
battle for the Republican nomination for
Governor, everything depends or did de
pend a few days ago upon a word from the
man who seems to hold the party in Penn-
sylvania in the hollow of his hand. Natur
ally Republican members of Congress from
j.. Pennsylvania, Dalzell alone excepted, don't
SSrsritospiafc their"SrzBfndibout the"
Gubernatorial contest in public, for
fear of encountering Quay's displeasure,
but to-night a member from
Philadelphia, ho Is as nearly independent
in the fight as he can be under the circum
stances, and who, without being unfriendly
either to Delamater or Quay, is rather in
favor of .Lieutenant Governor Stone's nomi
nation, talked without reserve, for informa
tion only, and not to be quoted by name,
npon the question, and presented some old
things in such a new way, and some new
thing in such an entertaining way, as to be
worthy of close attention and perusal. He
Naturally, the gist of the matter, the real
fight and the genuine issue, is between Dela
mater and Basting, unless something totally
N unexpected, some accident or one of those
brilliant combinations which occasionally are
made npon the political chessboard, bnt of
which the present situation in Pennsylvania
shows no possibility, should happen, the con
vention next summer will nominate either one
of these two candidates, and Quay's
mere open declaration for either
would almost certainly settle the contest.
General Hastings might mind, I say might
by a fortuitous succession of circumstances
and combinations, defeat Delamater in the
teeth of Quay's making an open fight for the
Crawford Senator, bnt the chances would be
desperate, and the result, if faaorable to Hast
ings, would make him the Republican leade
of the State. But It is no mere probable that
euch a result could be brought about than that
General Hastings would fight Delamater if
Quay should declare for him. At least, he
would not have done so a few weeks ago, for
reasons which will appear.
Now, as to Quay's position I can speak from
absolute knowledge of the facts. He has not
authorized Andrews to say that he favors the
nomination of Delamater, ana he has not said
to Senator Delamater that he will be for him.
He has most solemnly assured General Hast
ings that be will take no part in the fight, and
that, while he would not contemplate Senator
DelamateVs nomination with displeasure, yet
he will allow Hastings to win if he can.
Indeed, Quay could not now make an
open fight, or authorize the use of his name for
Delamater against General Hastings, for the
latter told the Senator that he would only go
on in the contest upon tbe assurance that he
would not have Quay to fight, and Quay said
to him: "Go ahead. I am hands off. lam
friendly to Delamater personally, and if he
wants to make the fight I can't oppose him and
I don't oppose you.".
In short, Qnay has made both Delamater and
Hastings his candidates. But beneath all this.
Quay is somewhat distracted. His personal
choice Is undoubtedly Delamater, hut he re
cards Hastines as the strongest candidate and
the most likely to conciliate the If acee opposi
tion and oppose a strong Democratic fight.
delamatxe's oppobtunity.
In the meantime tbe friends of Delamater,
knowing Qnay's personal feelings, are making
tbe most of it and are assisted by Chairman
Andrews, who Is naturally and enthusiastically
for Delamater, thus deepening the Impression
that prevails everywhere that Qnay is heart
and soul in the Delamater fight. Quay winks
at this and will not put a stop to it as he could
if he so desires because he wants to give Dela
mater every chance, and I hare no doubt if
the pinch comes, and Qnay. seeing that
the event rests with a mere nod from him, and
tbe situation is safe enough to risk Delamater's
nomination, and thus intensify tbe alagee op
position, even to a revolt, he will tip the scale
in the Crawford county Senator's favor.
Thu is precisely the situation, and it means
that Delamater must win without the open,
active interference of Qnay, and Hastings
must win with all of Quay's friends or at
least most all of them against him.
r hey Think Speaker Itrcd Tented His Spite
Ob Him.
rsraciAL txxxgbax to na DtsrATcn.1
Fbilaselpbxa, December S3. Don-
greamin A, C, Haraer'i friends In this
city are very indignant over the way he "has
been treated by Speaker Thomas B. Beed in
the make-up of tbe House committees.
More than 100 of them called npon the
Congressman in his home at Germantown
and expressed their approval of his course
in the contest for the Speakership. They
were all emphatic in their condemnation of
bpeater deed's action in leaving Air. far
mer off of the Committee on Naval Affairs,
on which he had served 14 years. Mr. Har-
Acting under the belief that there nrevailed
a strong sentiment in my district in favor of
McKlnley for the speakership, I declared my
preference for him during the Fiftieth Con
gress. That pledge once given? so long as
Mr. McKlnley adhered to the policy of
protection and my constituents recognized that
fact, could not be broken. If under these cir
cumstances I bad violated my pledge what
uaim oouiai nave nereaiter upon we conn
denoe of the people? I therefore gave my sup
port, first and last, to McKinley. and have no
regret or apology to offer for my course of ac
tion. Mr. Harmer said, with regard to the re
port that Senator Qnay wanted Speaker
Beed to punish him for his independence:
"That statement is without warrant I have
evidence that Senator Qnay had nothing to
do with Hr. Seed's action."
Tho Provisional Government of Brazil
Merely a Military Dictatorship Only
a Spark Heeded to Cnase
Bl Blnze.
New Yoek, December 22. The steamer
Lassell arrived to-day from Bio Janeiro,
December 1. Captain Bensle told a Dis
patch reporter that the ship was in Bahia
when the Brazilian revolution broke out.
He said:
Bahia was not over-and-above friendly to the
new Government, and people there at first re
fused to obey tbe orders from Kioto proclaim
the Republic In a day or so, though, the
soldiers came around, and the new Govern
ment was proclaimed. There were only 120
soldiers ip Bahia, and .their word was law.
After the soldiers decided what to do there was
no further talk, and the Bepnblio went on
quietly. I was in Rio Janeiro for the week
ending December L Things were all quiet
there, too. A man started to harangue a crowd
in the main street there one day, and the police
and soldiers cleared them all ont pretty
anick. Tbe crowd made no resistance.
People are quiet in Klo Janeiro,
but it is the quietness of fear.
The new Government is simply a mili
tary dictatorship, and people are afraid to say
or do anything for fear of being imprisoned or
shot. I think that the sentiment of the know
ing people is that there is trouble ahead. It
only needs a spark, I think, to start another
blaze. The only power that keeps un the Gov
ernment now Is tbe soldiery, and disaffection is
as likely to start there as elsewhere. Tbe crit
ical time will be when the new national elec
tion is held. I think that well informed people
in Brazil do not believe strongly in the stability
of the present Government.
In a personal letter to Mr. Charles B.
Flint, which arrived by the Lassell, an in
timate friend of his, familiar with Brazilian
politics, writes from Bio:
Politics"will soon be red hot here. There are
many indications of fierce contentious brew
ing. There are papers. Journal do Commerao,
Gazette de A'olicias and others, already indi
cating dissatisfaction with the provisional Gov
ernment, and fear trouble. 8ilveira Martins .of
Rio Grande do Sul (thef atijer of the Dr. Mar
tins wno was one oi toe secretaries oi tne Bra
zilian delegation to thelnternational Ameri
can Congress, but who left this country with
Councillor Lafayette, when the latter refnsed
to act for the provisional Government, as a
delegate j is a prisoner in nis own come.
A Cement-Laden Schooner Wrecked and
the Crew Narrowly Escapes.
New Yoke, December 22. The cement-
laden schooner TTnftisrietnlrrr whJch-Jolt i
. :.i- js . st-i:" r rui-ij.-
Captain Kelly lost bus bearings somewhere
between Barnegat and Absecom. The mist
rolled away at 0:30 o'clock in the afternoon,
and the skipper made a light which he sup
posed to be Absecom- Heound ont that it
wasn't abont an bonr later, when he struck
on Brigantine shoals, three miles from
shore. A heavy sea was running and the
little craft soon began to breakup nnderthe
watery lashing. The Captain and his crew
of six men launched the lifeboat, provision
ing it and putting in -a-lot Of clothes. A
big wave capsized the boat just as it got
clear ot tbe wreck. The men clnng to the
sides and managed to right the bouyant little
craft after ten minutes' straggling in the
The boat was overturned twice more be
fore the shipwrecked men succeeded in
getting over the bar into Egg Harbor chan
nel, where the water was comparatively
smooth. Their boat was leaking badly, but
thev managed to keep her afloat by constant
bailing. They tied np to a bnoy in the
channel, remaining there until Saturday
morning. They got to Lea Haven in the
evening and were provided with free passes
to this city by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. Captain Kelly had a third in
terest in the schooner, which was valued at
$8,000. The cargo was worth abont 53,323.
An Illinois Concern Has n Grievance Against
a Pennsylvania Company.
Newcastle, December 22. Spragne,
Smith & Co., of Illinois, have begun a suit
in the United States District Court of
Pennsylvania against W. S. Foltz and
Forbes Holton, of this city, and James E.
Patton, of Iowa, purchasers of the "Union
Glass Company's personal property, which
was sold at Sheriff's sale here last May, and
the papers to be served in tbe case are in
the hands of United States Marshal Har
rab, of Beaver. Sprague Smith & Co.
allege that the Union Glass Company owed
them $3,768, and that when the sale took
place, Foltz, Patton and Holton, by an
arrangement, indnced other 'persons not to
bid at the sale, Holton agreeing to see that
all debts were paid.
The stock sold at a very low figure, and
the plaintiffs ask that Foltz, Holton and
Patton be required to acconnt for and pay
the full valne of the property.
A Fight Between Men of Different Races
Cnnses n Slot.
St. Louis, December 22. Meager re
ports came here late last night that a riot
was in progress at Pott's Camp, Miss., a
station of the Kansas City, Memphis and
Atirmingbam road, 35 miles irom .Memphis.
The trouble was precipitated by a fight be
tween a white man and a negro, in which
the latter was worsted. He went ont from
town, collected a party of friends, and re
turned to clean out the victor.
.The whites rallied, and fighting ensued
all around, in which some half dozen people
were wounded, bnt none were killed.
Latest advices were that everybody was in
arms, and further trouble is expected.
Two Toons Binrderers Who Did Kot Ran
rsrxctu. telxobax to ths nisrATcn.1
Columbia, S. C, December 22. J. "W.
Murrell and William Carpenter, two young
white men, aged 18 and 20 years respect-'
ively, who were convicted of murdering
another young man in Edgefield and sen
tenced to be hanged on January 3, and who
escaped from jjii two weeks ago, have been
captured in Prinkley, Ark., and the Gov
ernor to-day sent two men with requisitions
for the condemned men.
The captured runaways were wwth 700
to tnc it captors.
. v"v
Philadelphia Physicians Explode a Popular
Superstition One of Them Has
s 'Boar and a Cat That
Can Also Sneeze.
Philadelphia, December 22. The
sneezing part of the' system of influenza
gives rise to a remarkable question., A
statement has been published in a leading
New Xork paper, that a negro cannot
sneeze. "With a view of ascertaining the
opinions of prominent physicians on this
subject, several of the leading doctors of
this city were seen by a Dispatch corre
spondent to-day, Here are a few of their
Dr. C. T. Newgarden, of the Jefferson
Medical Hospital, stated that he was cer
tain negcoes could sneeze. He had both
heard them and seen them many a time.
Dr. Joseph Hearn was equally positive.
He said he had been practicing medicine
for 18 years, and during all that time,
negroes had been sneezing the same as white
people. Df. Da Costa and Dr. J. "William
White were rather non-committal. "I can't
say," said the former, "as I have never seen
any -report on the question," while Dr.
"White remarked that no case of the kind
had ever come under his 'personal ex
perience. Dr. Howard, a colored man, is a graduate
oft Harvard and a regular licensed practi
tioner. He said that if his visitor had
come two minutes earlier, he wonld have
had the pleasure of seeing and hearing a
f nil-blooded negro sneeze. Dr. Howard
added that at present he is treating two
cases of Influenza among colored patients,
and that they sneezed constantly. Dr.
Potter, another colored practitioner, agreed
fully with the opinion expressed by his
colleague. He stated that he had an old
mother, a cat and a dog, and that all of
these had been observed to sneeze, both in
chorus and solo parts. If the dog sneezed
first, the cat soon followed, and his mother
was snre then to sneeze herself.
Gilbert A. Ball, the well-known colored
statesman, was next called upon. He said:
"The races are now so closely blended to
gether that there is very little difference. If
the colored people as a race' really da sneeze
it perhaps comes easier to them on acconnt
of the broad, open shape of their nostrils,
bnt again the question now naturally arises,
does a sneeze afford them the same relief as
Undoes a sharp, hatchet-faced, gimlet-nosed
white man?"
New York Chinamen Expect Chn Pong's
Uncle to Pay Bis Debts,
rsrxciAi. tklxobah to tux dispatch.!
New Toek, December 22. The firm of
Kwong Hong Long SMott street, Chinese
importers, of which the Chinese defaulter,
Chn Fong, was a partner and acting cashier
and interpreter, was put under the charge
of a sheriff by some of Chu Fong's victims
yesterday, and almost simultaneously the
Mausingson Japanese store at 813 Broad
way was attached to the amount of
$9,000 by several American creditors of
the absconded manager. It is now ascer
tained that the combined Interest of Cbu
Fong in both of the stores did not amount to
$4,000, and his liabilities have thus far
footed up to over $27,000. The story of his
running away with a prettv American girl
is now denied, bnt instead, be had simply
swindled the young lady's father ont of sev
eral thousand dollars of borrowed money.
According to Chinese law. a blood rela
tive is responsible for the debts of another.
At least, it has been so for years among
Chinamen in America. Mr. Chp, Fong
"Wing, the head of the Kwong Hong Long
firmJs an uncle of the defaulter, and the
'Chinese victims of the latter allliolrtoThlm '
for compensation.
Two Labor Union Circular Peddlera Get
Three Months Each.
New Yoek, December 22. James Law
ler, a liquor dealer of Thirty-fourth street
and Third avenue, has had tronble recently
with the members of the Ale and Porter
Brewers' Protective Union No. 1. Last
nigbt circulars were being distributed by
some of the nnion men. Captain Byan
caused the arrest of two men who were ped
dling these boycott circulars near Lawler's
saloon: N
Attention! To Organized Labor and ths Fabllo in
Tour attention is called tu the fact that there
is a boycott on tbe liquor store of Lawler.
Thirty-fourth street and Third avenue, as he is
selling Tracy & Russell's scab ales and porter.
"We therefore appeal to your manhood, not to
patronize this store until he discontinues the
use ot this scab product.
The circular bore the seal of the Central
Labor Union. Justice Murray sent them to
the island for three months.
A Connecticut Expressman's Carelessness
Resnlts in Great Iw.
Haetfoed, Coitk., December 22. On
Thursday night, at New Britain, Thomas
Clark, an expressman, carried, as was his
wont, the Hartford mail pouch containing
the evening mail from New Britain down to
the depot from the postoffice. He placed it
on the platform of the station, and waited
for the train, but when he turned to pnt it
on the train it was gone. The police were
notified. There were in the pouch between
400 and 500 letters. Many checks and money
orders, and some postal notes were known to
be among them.
The next morning the ponch was discov
ered in Steele's lot, 15 eet south of the rail
road track, with a cut two feet along its
side. Most of the contents were torn in
pieces. Many letters and packages had not
been opened at all. Many checks had been
torn in pieces. A package of checks from
the First National Bank bad not been
A Freshman's Beard Forcibly Removed by
His Fellow Students.
"Woosteb, O., December 22. William
H. Cave, ot Circleville, O., a member of
the freshman class of "Wooster University,
was seized on a back street at night by a
number of disguised students, who carried
him into an alley and forcibly shaved off
his beard. It is said that Cave had been
asked to remove the beard, which was a
very sparse one, and as he bad declined, the
students decided to do so themselves by
force. At tbe time he was seized, Cave, as
treasurer of one of the boarding clubs, had
considerable money on his person, and he
thought the assault was made for the pur
pose of robbery.
Hence he was badly scared, and the shock
laid him up. He claims to know his dis
guised assailants, and it is undeistood that
he will report them to the faculty when he
returns after the holiday vacation, which
began yesterday.
A Broken Else trie Light Wire Nearly Causes
Two Deaths.
Lima, O., December 22, A broken elec
tric light wire nearly claimed two victims
here early this morning. John Higgins
and John Holland were walking along
South .Main street when they encountered
the -wire. Both were knocked down, re
gaining .prostrated for some time. They
are better this, afternoon and will royer.
By a Frenzied father ia Nile's, While
They Were Sleeping
Cruelly Bntcnered In Bed With the Bazor
of the Suicide.
And the Dreadful Deed Is Hot Discovered uatn j
Day Has novo. . j
NUes, O., Buffered a cruel tragedj yester
day. Millman Shelar slew, his wife and three
children. He did it with the same razor that
subsequently cut his own throat. Drink and
domestic infeUcity alone explain it, so far.
rspxciAi. Tzixanxu to thbeibpatcb.1
Niles, O., December 22. The discffjlty
of fonr horribly bloody murders and a sui
cide threw this city into a fever of excite
ment this evening. Abont 5 o'clock Kitty
Meeker entered the bouse of Charles Shelar
and found the lower story of the house-deserted.
CalUnga neighbor, whoascended to
the second ftory, a dreadful night met their
view. In a bedroom were found the bodies
of the Shelars' children, aged 7 an'd 5 years
one on the floor and the other ,pn the bed
with their throats cut frotp. ear to ear.
In the front room lay Mrs. Shelar and
the body of Charles Shelar, cold in death,
with their throats likewise cut from esr"to
ear. On the bed lay a 2-year-old infant,
mutilated in the same manner.
quietly dohe xs the dabe.
'The frightful deed was done by the father;
about 4 o'clock this morning, and was not
discovered until this evening. On the floor
was found a razor, with its handle broken.
Shelar purchased the razor Saturday even
ing from a hardware dealer.
At last midnight the family was all right.
The children had retired, and father and
mother were ready for bed.
The deed seems to have been premedi
tated, as Shelar's actions for the 1)081 week
have been very suspicious, ue "was a
catcher in the Falcon Hill, and was about
33 years old.
The bouse is located on the River road,
in tbe central part of the city, and another
family resides in the same house, yet nq
body suspected the terrible butchery,
quietly was it done. i
Shelar, as a mill man, had steady em
ployment, but of late drank, heavily, and It
is rumored that he and his jvife'did not live
happily together. The theory advanced ia
that Shelar, in a fit of madness, cut tha
throats of his wife and children and then
his own. Shelar and wife were born and
reared in this city.
The street in ront of the house at this
writing is densely packed with an excited
populace, all eager to get a glimpse at the.
ghastly spectacle.
The Coroner is at present investigating
the case; bnt of course if he learns anything
at all bearing npon it, it will only be In the
line of clearing up the motive of the evi-
deqUyfrenziealharHw Shear cduld ,
ever nave- oeoeoji e9u jeanuuy insane,
though, as to have engaged in such a
slaughter of his own innocents while they
slumbered all unconscious of the slightest
danger, cannot be now conjectured, except
from the standpoint of a naturally blood
thirsty maniac Insanity seldom runs tbe
length of such cruel and cunningly devised
deeds as this.
A Missouri Grand Army Man Ends
Zilfe In the Potomac.
Washinotok, December 22. John 8.
Parker, n G. A B. man and formerly a
well-to-do real estate dealer in Kansas City,
committed suicide last night by jumping
into the Potomac river from the float of a
boathouse moored near the Washington
Monument. The details of the tragedy
show that Parker took his life with un
usual deliberation. Before drowning
himself he neatly folded his handsome over
coat, placed his hat npon it and laid both
articles carefully on the river bank, putting
a clean stone on the hat to keep it from
blowing away. Pinned to the overcoat was
a note giving his name and former resi
dence. In his pockets were several letters mak
ing disposition of what property was left
ont ot his former estate and requesting that
tbe Grand Army take charge of his body
and have it buried in Arlington. This re
quest will be complied with, the body hav
ing been recovered this afternoon. The let
ters askad that it be stated that neither
wine, women or cards had anything to do
with the deed, Parker came to this city
several weeks ago. At one time he had
considerable real estate in Kansas City,
which he sold and gave the proceeds to his
brother-in-law to invest. The failure of
these investments is supposed to have
caused the suicide.
Erie Engineers Say tbe Company Is Trying
to Break Up Their Brotherhood.
New Yoek, December 22. The suspen
sion of five engineers on the Erie road, be
cause they refused to answer the questions
prescribed in the book ot rules, and affix
their signatures to tbe same, may cause
much tronble. The -company evidently
cave the subject careful Consideration before
making a test ease. "When the big griev
ance committee ot engineers, firemen and
brakemen wailed npon General Manager
Thomas, several weeks Ago, and he struck
out the two most obnoxious questions of the
297, he asked them if it woild be satisfac
tory. Said an engineer to-day:
In suspending tbe members of the standing
committee of the Eastern division of the Erie,
the company Intended a blow at the Brother
hood of Engineers, which It has long been
anxious to break up. Let them try it. They
will have thf engineers on every other road
toflc-ht. beside all ths firemen and brakemen.
who also were asked to sign the rules and re
fused to. A stnke at this time of tbe year
would be bad for tbe men, bnt it would be far
worse for tbe company, since freight is running
very heavy, and every bit of rolling stock h as
been pressed into service.
Death of theOfna Who Advocated Its Use as
Early as 1S36,
rsriOAL TibsaaAX to tux dispatcb.i
FlKDLAT, O., December 22. At a late
hour last night Dr. Jacob Carr, tha original
discoverer of natural gas in this State, died at
his home in this place, aged 80 years. He
became famous for nntirlng efforts to secure
capital with which to prosecute his theory
that natural gas existed here in paying
quantities as early as 1966.
Dr. Carr struck a supply 'of natural gas in
this city and utilized it in heating and
lighting his home. He nsed natural gas for
a number of years Mere the people awak
ened to the fact of its we-ralness. Dr. Carr
was Mayor of Fialy fM.fear teraw.
' DECEMBER 23, 1889.
Per the Third Olrae the Little Oil Town
U $conrced by Florae No Uvea
Lost, bat tbe Damage Is
Nearly $1 00,990.
BcTLEB, Pa., December 22. The busi
ness portion of Fetroliais in ashes. Afire
broke out at 3 o'clock in the morning in
Klingensmith's grocery store when a strong
wind, was prevailing, and burned along
both sides of Main, Argyle and Fair
view streets, destroying ijsssUiaUy all
of the business houses and xsanj?residences.
The fire pings were filiejl w'ithjnid and no
water could be had. n-tfterWih, hopeless
Circumstances Tiffin nr nf esssM vim made to
fight the flames, which aweW theJittle.
" wnu wnu irigu.iui vatHKMUBii uu
the sleeping-inhabitants coBltffMtVfttfcout
with their lives and wearingapparelTNoth-,
mg oi vaine was saved irom the nurnea ais
triot, Fortunately no loss of life is reported
and no one was seriously hurt. It is Impos
sible to pnt anything like an accurate esti
mate on the total loss, but it will range be
tween $85,000 and $100,000.
The. thickly settled portion of the town on
the north side of Maiu street between
Argyle street and the offices of the United
Pipe Line, including the latter, and on the
sonth side from the bank, whichis still stand
ing, to Fairview street, is destroyed, as well
as the buildings on Fairview street ns far
sonth as the Presbyterian Church and north
on Argyle street to the street leading to the
cemetery. Abont 40 buildings were de
stroyed. The loss to the merchants is very
heavy. They saved neither buildings nor
stock and it is believed that in most in
stances there was very little if any Insur
ance on either, as the buildings were gener
ally frame and the insurance rate was so
high as to be almost prohibitory, Petrolia
has been scourged several times with fire
and flood, but this is the most disastrous
visitation in its history. Its present popu
lation is 700. The following list embraces
the principal concerns burned out.
Cheesbro's drygoods store. Oil Exchange,
Western Union Telegraph office, McCall's bil
liard hall. Klingensmith's grocery.Doyle'sHall
and harness shop, Starr's groceryLuce's shoe
store, hose house. Episcopal Church. Petrolia
Hotel, Ervln's furniture store.Hawk's grocery,
FoOte'S drnratnrp. ftamnhpll's trrornrv C.tmtrni
livery stables. Central Hotel. Borcbardt's cloth-
"s siure, .nouseman's meat market, uel
holme's grocery, Chatham's bookstore, Jam
ison's drygoods store, Klingensmith's hardware
store, Foster's drugstore. United Pipe Lines
offices and postoffice. Cheesbro's loss is $10,000,
insurance, SS.0OO; CM. Burnett, proprietor of
tbe Central Hotel, 57,000, no Insurance; J. M.
Hawk, $4,000, no insurance: H. A. Klingen
smlth, (0,000, insurance $2,400; W. c. Foster,
$3,000, insurance $1,000; Jamison, $8,000, partly
insured; Borcbardt's, $8,000, insured; Masonic
Hall, $5,000, fully insured j Central livery, 53,000,
Insurance J60O. 'w"
Some Alleged Discrepancies In tbe O3co of
the County Commissioners.
Butlee, Pa., December 22. Great ex
citement was crested here yesterday by the
announcement that discrepancies had been
discovered in the office of the County Com
missioners. The news spread rapidly and
soon became the chief topic of conversation
on the streets and In business and political
circles. When all of the Commissioners
had arrived at their office in the morning
Clerk McDonald remarked that he had
some matters to which he wished to call
Commissioner John C. Kelly's attention.
The County Auditors would meet tbe first
of January to audit the accoudts or the
year, and he had several warrants before
hihisadrawt;'bj-JEellyrhich he didrjiot
-raiiy unaerstana. -f
The matter was fully discussed at tbe
meeting ot the Commissioners, and it is
stated that the amount of money needed to
cover the alleged discrepancy was forthcom
ing later in the day. There are hints of
further action in the matter.
Bad Blood In a Colored G'hnrch Cnnses a
General Flslit.
rsrxciAi. tzlxobam to the bispatcb.1 I
Kansas City, December 22. For some
time there has been bad blood between fac
tions of the First Baptist Church (colored)
in this city, and the trouble culminated in
a ferocious fight between the members, In
which clubs and razors figured. A ma
jority of the members are opposed to
the present minister, and they demanded
that the meeting shonld be turned into a
business meeeting, in order that deacons
might be elected. The Bev. Daniel Jones,
the minister, treated the request with scorn.
and referred to the opposition as "imps of
the devil," and in a second tbe whole con
gregation was mixed in a free fight.
vynen tne patrot wagon arrivea, tne
church had the appearance of having been
struck by a cyclone. Twenty arrests have
been made so far. and warrants are out for
25 more of the rioters.
A Hotel Cook Killed by the Ulan Who Had
Sworn to Cherish Her.
New Yoek, December 22. Johanna Sin
clair, a cook at Smith & McNeil's hotel, in
Greenwich street, was fatally stabbed, early
this morning, by her husband, Christopher
Sinclair, at their rooms. Mrs. Sinclair was
at work at Smith Ss McNeil's until 10
o'clock last night. She came horns with her
husband abont an hour later. Sinclair was
then under the influence of drink. Abont
1 o'clock he entered the room of 'Mrs. "Wil
son, jnst across the hallway from his own,
and said: "I'm after killing my wife.I must
rive myself up," Then he went downstairs
and surrendered himself to Policeman
Mrs. Sinclair was found lying on the floor
of her room, with a stab wound in the abdo
men, and a bloody carving knife by her
Bide. She died at 1:25 o'clock to-day.
A Fifieen-Year-Ol'd Boy Charged With
Killing His Younger Brother.
Columbia, S. C, December 22. A
coroner's jury in Lancaster has foncd Sam
Boss, a boy about 15s years old, .guilty of
tbe murder of "William Boss, a brother 2
years younger. They were out shooting
together, with an old squirrel rifle,
and Sam claims that his brother
ran against the rifle, and that it discharged
accidentally, bnt a man who was near the
boys at the time of the shooting testified
that the boys were fighting over the gnn.
As "Will was shot in the back of the head,
the jury could not find that the shooting had
been accidental.
His ConsTegnilon lias Him Jailed on a
Charge of Embezzlement.
New Castle, Pa., December 22. Bev.
Daniel G, Moore, formerly pastor of the Mt
Zion Colored Baptist Church, of this city,
was placed in jail here lasi night on a
charge of embezzlement. Tbe congregation
was raising monevto pay for the erection of
a new church, and an information has been
mode charging the minister with appropri
ating tbe lunds he collected to bis own use.
Moore claims the arrest is spite work, and
that the congregation owes him salary,
Bev, Moorer is a native- of Youngstowa.
The amount Involved is small.
Is the Season for the Present' Great
Boom in Iron and Steel.
Prices In England Are Even Higher Than
in This Country. '
Changed the Ueaning ot the Bpceehat the Boston
Jlcrcaants' Banqset.
Andrew Carnegie says the boom in iron
is cansfd by the fact that English manu
facturers are kept busy filling ,thelr own
orders. No permanent benefit can be se
cured by reducing or Temoying the present
tariff duties. The product of steel from
Southern iron is as yet only an experiment.
New Yoek, December 22. The Tribune
this morning published a two-column inter
vied with Andrew Carnegie, the main feat
ures of which are here given. He was asked:
"Mr. Carnegie, how do yon account for the
great rise that has recently taken place m iron
and steel in the United States?"
The explanation Is to be found in the fact
that prices hare advanced so much in Europe
as to prevent tbe foreigner from finding a mar
ket in America. Tbe American manufacturer
is, therefore, called upon to supply the wants
of his country. For the first time he has un
disputed possession of the home market. Ha
was rapidly securing this all of last year,
hence the manufactories were kept
fully employed. notwithstanding only
some 3.600 miles of railway were built:
as against 11.000 the previous year, and 7,000
miles last year. The miscellaneous forms of
Iron and steel absorbed the surplus of the iron
ore and pig iron produced. Europ? has been
able td sell to America more than 1.000,000 tons
of iron ore and from SOO.000 to 500.000 tons of
finished iron and steel in various forms every
yesr. These Imports are now cut off. and the
American manufacturer is suddenly called on
to supply them. It Is feared that the strain for
some time to come will be great npon bun, and
that prices will materially advance."
To your Boston speech, Mr. vCarnegle, yon
said tha$ America stands first among nations
In the manufacture of Iron and steel."
"So she does, in the manufacture of finished
iron and steel. Here are ths figures: In 1887
America manufactured 3.839.000 tons of steel,
as against Oreat Britain's 3.170,000 tons. In
if on, Great Britain manufactured only 1,711,000
tons, while in the Republic tbe product was
3,303,000 tons. Bnt the most extraordinary de
velopment has been in steel rails. We males
abont two tons for everytonmadelnEngland.'
"Tbe progress of steel rail manufacture
seems to have been wonderfully rapid."
"Nothing like it in the world. Eighteen
hundred and seventy-two was the first year in
which America made 100,000 tons of steel; 15
years later, in 1S87, she made more than 30
times that amount; This is not an isolated
illustration of our progreia In 18CT only 2,550
tons of steel rails were made In America; in
188720 years later we made 2,351,000 tons."
"Are our steel rails cheaper than tbe English
eatinLondonasinNewYorlc Not a cent of
uty on steel rails is paid by the American con
sumer. .Trices are also, substantially tne same
for steel plates and for many other articles of
Iron and steel.
"If the present prices abroad are to continue
it would seem that a reduction of tariff duties
might not injure the country."
"Von are right Hut that little word If' is a
very big word. Reaction in prices abroad is
sure to come, and rather than restrict produc
tion which would Increase cost the foreign
-raanufaetfetacimido as ho has always done,
make America the dumping ground for his sur
plus. Tb.e revenue reformer of free-trade pro
clivities always makes two assumptions which
are incorrect.' First," he compares costs on
both sides, of tbe Atlantic, adds the freight
charges to America, and assumes that this
should be the measure of the tariff against the
foreign product.
"Now, difference In cost is only one element
To make iron and steel articles cheaply a man
ufacturer must make, let ns say, 1,000 tons a
day. If hB can And a market for 750 tons a day
to net a small marein of nroflt he had better
sell the rerqatohig 250 tons In America at an
actual loss of several dollars per ton than to re
strict production. Secondly, as to the extra
cost of freight to tbe foreigner: tbe British
manufacturer is closer to the American mar
kets on the seaboard than the American manu
facturer. Tbe British manufacturer delivers
(his rails at Savannah, Charleston, Bruns
wick, rrernanaina, aioDiie, new Orleans
and Pensacola for much less freight
than any steel rail manufacturer in
America can deliver his product at tbe same
points. As for points on the Pacific coast,
freights do not cost the foreign manufacturer
one-half what tbey cose tbeAmerican. I have
stood in the office of the iron kings of Scotland
the Bairds aud seen them give a steamship
company, as a faVor, the right to haul from
their iron yards In Glasgow and deliver to
their iron yards in New York, free of cost,
hundreds of tons of pig iron, the steamship
company paying the cost of hauling from yard
to yard. The ships that are sent to America for
our cotton are often glad to fetch iron for
ballast and will at all times bring It over for a
mere trifle. In some instances tbey have paid
a trifle for tbe privilege. These facts are so
potent, when understood, that there is no dan
ger of any committee of the House or Senate
being able to ignore them."
"Mr. Carnegie,! see that there Is a demand
from some points in the East that the duty
should be taken off iron ore. What Ho yon
tnroicot lour-
"Thatis a subject concerning which X cer
tainly am lnt position to give an impartial
opinion, because, situated as we are, midway
between the East and tbe West we can use
foreign or Lake Superior ore indifferently.
We have used many hundreds of thousands of
tons in some years of tbe foreign article.
Nevertheless, I am certain that tbe permanent
prosperity of America will be promoted by re
taining the present duty on Iron ore.
"The profits which iron ore men rightfully
expect to make next season are already stimu
lating exploration and development through
out the country to such an extent as will en
able the country to produce all the ore it re
quires. The ores mined in Cuba, and placed
on shipboard at a cost of fl a ton, as I am In
formed, labor being only 60 or 70 cents a day,
and no royalties tobe paid, can well afford to
pay 7o cents a ion auty, as compared witn
American ores mined at a cost for labor three
times as great Besldetbis.it is always folly
to attempt what it is impossible to carry. It
is not the East nor the West, especially
not the State of Pennsylvania, which is most
Vitally Interested in the development of Ameri
can mines, bnt tbe South. WJien tbe Mills
bill was under, consideration, not avoiee was
heard from Pennsylvania in- regard to the ore.
Iron and steel branches. It was gentlemen
from Alabama, Tennessee and Virginia who
protested, and so it will bein the future.
"Would Pennsylvania gain anything by a re
peal of tbe dutlesT"
"As far as tbe State of Pennsylvania Is con
cerned Immediate benefit might flow from a
repeal of the duties on foreign ore. although.
asiuayesaio, iu permanent interests will oe
best served by adhering to the present duties.
We are not legislating for to-day, only. Wo
can never maintain our Industrial supremacy
if wo have to depend for one or other supplies
upn foreign markets. We must be sure ot a
home supply." ' .
"Does not tbe extraordinary development of
the iron industry in tha South threaten to in
jure Pennsyivanlat"
"The South makes only a fonndiy Iron, so
far. and this does now and hereafter will com
pete with the furnaces ot Eastern Pennsyl
vania. The iron product of that portion of the
State has not been profitable for sometime,
nor has it increased. The excessive rates of
railroad freight partially account for this, but
it is likely that these rates will be reduced, as
the roads find the traffic growing continually
less nnder extortionate rates. But evennnder
the most favorable circumstances I do not look
for an increase in the iron product ot Eastern
Pennsylvania. Tbe iron and steel industry must
move westward, as the population mores. Its
center may still besald to be in Western Penn
sylvanta.about Fittsburgjiut that district is still,
held fast la the grasp of a great railway mo
nopoly, while tne excessively low rates of
freight with which Chicago is favored are giv
ing that city prominence as an iron and steel
manufacturing center. .Chicago is already the
greatest steel ran manufacturing center In the
world, and the new blast furnaces and mills
nia Railroad. It in hnwiwr mnehmore nroba -
uia mat tne railways will agree on aoout equu
rates In the Chicago and Pittsburg districts, in
which case there will be an exciting race be
tween the two eities."
"Is it your opinion that the South cannot
compete with Chicago or Pittsburg or else
where, except the Eastt"
"Yes, that is my opinion, under existing con
ditions. But we must remember that perhaps
the South can purity its iron by tbe basic proc
ess so that it will make steel, in which case we
shall have a grand, generous rivalry betwren
all sections. But, as I said at the Birmingham
banquet, there is room in this country for a
dozen Birmingbams and Shefilelds and Bristols
of tbe South, and Chlcagoes and Pittsburgs of
the West; the only article for which there is
not room for more than one is tbe flag; and
this sentiment was loudly cheered."
"What is the peculiarity of the Southern ore
which prevents it from being turned into
"The ore In the extreme South contains too
much phosphorus. To eliminate that is possi
ble by the basic process but such a process
costs money, and besides it will bo necessary to
experiment with Bouthern iron before it can be
definitely known that it is even suitable for tbe
basic process."
"Is the South entirely destitute of ore suita
ble for steel r
"Not quite so bad as that In thelCranberry
mines of Sonth Carolina, and In some Virginia
mines, an ore is found that is suitable for steel,
ami we have recently purchased in Pittsburg
2,000 tons of pig iron from the Sonth, which
will make steel if tbe lot is equal to the sample
sent us, which we hare analyzed. But so far as
I know, these small pockets of ore suitable for
steel are exceptional."
"Do you look forward to a nrosperous year
for iron in all sections of the country:"
"Decidedly, as long as the surplus of the for
eign manufacturer cannot bo thrown on our
markets regardless of cost, so long will the iron
and steel industry of America be prosperous;
until capital 1 tempted into new enterpries
and the productive capacity of the country be
comes greater than its legitimate wants. Al
ready many new concerns are being built It
is highly probable that before most ot them get
a start the reaction will have come; and In that
xass It were best not to start'at all. The iron
business is a king or a pauper."
"By top way, Mr. Carnegie, your reference in
your Boston speech to running Mr. Cleveland
again seems to have attracted much attention."
"Yes. What I did say was in answer to the
Snestfon, "What shall we do with our ex-Presi-entaJ'
I said: 'One good thing to do with them
is to invite them to all our banquets,' and then
X added, 'why not run them againt' The re
porters left off the ' and made me say 'ex
President' That's all there is o it"
... . , t -. . , I.;
A Divorced Wife's Former Husband Killed
by Her Present Coningal Partner
A Deed of Blood Upon -the
Public Street.
PEKSACOLA, FLA., December 22. A
terrible tragedy was enacted here at noon
yesterday. J. SI. Thompson and J. T.
Carter, both prominent citizens, engaged
in a fight in the street, in which Carter was
stabbed and killed. The story of the crime
concerns Mrs. Thompson, who was the di
vorced wife of Carter. She was married to
him some eight years ago and is the daugh
ter of W, L. Thorpe, a wealthy lumber mer
chant, and is an .accomplished woman.
Carter failed to properly provide for her
snpport and she procured a divorce from
Less than a year ago she married Thomp
son, a leading grocer of this city. Sinee
then Carter has repeatedly insulted her. A
few minutes alter noon yesterday, while
Thompson and his wife were engaged in
conversation on the street, Carter passed,
applying to Mrs. Thompson as he brushed
by her, a,very objectionable epithet, which
her husband resented.. The two men
elinchedrCarter falling on top.
AstMrs. Thompson stooped to separate
them a stream of blood-from a wonnd in the
neck' of Tier former busband spurted -into'
her face. Thompson had severed Carter's
jugular-vein, and Stabbed him once through
the right Inug and inflicted several other
ngly wonnds in different parts of his body.
All the parties to the terrible tragedy -are
highly connected, and though it was
thought that the affair would culminate just
as it has, it is very much regretted on all
sides. Public sentiment, however, is very
strongly with Thompson, who is now under
Fonr Members of a Ship's Crew Boasted
and Eaten by Natives.
Sah Feaitcisco, December 22. The
Sydney Serald ot November 5 says that,
according to a letter received from Captain
Woodhonse, of the trading schooner Elma
Fisher, the boat steerer, Nelson, of the
schooner Enterprise, of Sydney, and three
of the native crew of the Enterprise, were
killed and eaten by the cannibals of the
Solomon Islands. "The Enterprise was
trading among tbe islands, and tbe natives
from Hammond Island, one of tbe Solomon
group, indnced Nelson and the others to go
ashore to maSe some purchases.
Once on shore they were knocked on tho
head, and it is reported that tbe bodies were
then roasted and eaten. The letter states
that Her Majesty's ship Boyalist shelled
the village on the islands on Captain Hand
learning the particulars.
Mrs. Bedell, the Contralto, In Search of Her
M Isslns Spouse.
Asbuby Pake, N. J., December 22,
Mrs. Emma Bedell, or Bedel, the well
known contralto, has been here searching
for her missing husband and little daughter.
Her absconding spouse is Frank .Bedell, the
pianist, who' has not lived with his wife
since the pair abandoned his elegant Brook
lyn home, some weeks ago, and separated.
At that time their pretty child was-in ill
health, "and by consent of both parents the
little one was sent to recuperate witn a rela
tive in the vicipity of Long Branch.
The Bedells separated, stf the wife says,
because he tried to kill her with a razor.
He refnsed to make any provision for his
wife's support, and she had him arrested in
He Is Making a Very Thoroosb Reorgan
Izaiioa of the Pension Office.
"WASHiuGTOir, December 22. General
Green B. Baum, Commissioner of Pensions,
has thus far accomplished the following re
sults in the reorganization of the bureau.
He has added SO good clerks'to the adjudi
cating divisions, reorganized the Board of
Review, and placed on it w oi tne most awe
men in the office.
He found that thejiresent Medical Board
had fallen abont 5,000 cases behind the ad
judicating divisions, and is now endeavor
ing to obtain legislation authorizing the ap
pointment of 30 additional medical exam
iners, and with this addition tbe Commis
sioner feels sure that tbe Medical Board
will be able to dispose of tbe delayed work,
and keep up with the adjudicationsof the
divisions as they will be increased.
Wants to Hear From the Irea Men Abont
the TarlffSchednles.
Washingtoh, December 22. As here
tofore annonnced by Chairman McKinley,
of tbe Ways and Means Committee, hear
ings on schedules of ores, coal, etc., and
manufactures of iron and steel and other
products will be had at the committee rooms
Thursday ami-Friday, December 28 and 27,
comBaenciBg at 10 a. x. of each day.
. 4. -!
t - '
raitefe of Way for the
Rfc at NewBrigliton,
How IndostrierAIreadj Great W
la De veloped by It.
The gold for, the ship canal must be largely ;,
spent at New Brighton. Present expensive '
occupancy of rights ot way necessitates it,,-'
Then there is the grade. Dams and locks;
would come in there. Still, all the thriving'
industries favor it.
rrsoM ont srxciai, comhissiohzs.1 k
New Bbightoit, December 22. It is at
this point, Nrbich is 3.3 miles by rail from
Koch ester, that a person begin&o' realize
the difficulties which await the Ship Canal
Commission in securing a practicable route v
down the valley of the Beaver river. Mr.
Shallenberger remarked to me on Thursday
morning that the more information he ob
tained on the subject the more he become
convinced that the cost of building the canal
between Bochester and New Easfle would
not be so immense as he was first led to be
lieve it would be. He may be right; but
npon tbe face of the facts it looks like the
cost will be very considerable in simply
going from the lower end of New Brighton
to the upper.borough limits of Beaver Falls.
New Brighton and Beaver Falls are prac
tically one town; but they are operated by
different borough officers. There has been
talk for a long timet of consolidating tha
two places, bnt the efforts made in that
direction have only ended in talk;
In the letter just preceding this one.I told
something of the old canal. It was there
said that the first dam was at Rochesfer,and
that there was no other dam until Beaver
Falls was reached. That was true; hut
mention was not made of the fact that be
tween Beaver Falls and the lower end of
New Brighton there were fonr locks. There
is a heavy fall in the Beaver river in that
distance, and the old canal didn't follow the
bed of the stream, by any means, and dams
were not necessary to give the water supply.
Some persons, who are not even the "old
est inhabitants," remember distinctly how
long it took to lock the boats through. Ger
man immigrants constituted a good part of
the cargo in the days of auld lang syner and
there are many traditions here of bow they
they wonld get off the boats and skirmish
through the community for "brode ant but
termilch," and have plenty oi time to catch
up with the boats.
These reminiscences are not so important,
however, as existing, stern facts. At no
point along the entire route of what may be
the- ship canal will the commission" find
1 niaZnr t - ?r trfcr'
way thanthey will find at New Brighton,
In the first place, between New Brighton
and. the upper end oi Beaver Falls, there
are six bridges, either built or in process
of construction. Four oi these are county
'toll bridges, and 'two of them are railroad
bridges. The Cleveland and Pittsburg
Bailroad crosses the Beaver river, just
above Bochester. Tbe main branch of the
Pittsburg, Ft Wayne and Chicago Bail
road crosses the river abont half a mile
above New Brighton. The Pittsburg and
Western Bailroad, nnder the direction of
the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, ia mak
ing preparations to cross the river near
I Wampum.
Should a ship canal be built, all these
connty toll bridges, all these railroad
bridges wonld have to be raised. Thatis
understood and admitted.
But there1 is another question in getting
a canal through New Brighton. Bight in
the middle o the old canal bed is located
the twine factory of Bentley &Gerwig
Built on top of thelowerlock is the keg fac
tory of M., T. & S. Kennedy. Across the
river, in what is known as Fallston, is the
factory of W. P. Townsend & Co., manu
facturers of rivets and wire nails, which is
built clear down to the water's edge.
The Economy Society bought the old
canal route above the1lower lock up to tha
dam at Beaver. Three of the locks have
utterly disappeared, the stone having been
sold by the Economy Society to the Lake
Erie Bailroad Company and used in
the construction "of that road. The bed of
the canal was then divided np into town
lots, and in addition to the twine factory
there are several houses built on the ground
where water formerly flowed.
Since the canal was abandoned a dam, was
bnilt in the Beaver river at this poinV for
water power purposes. The power is used
bv numerous industries on" both sides of the
river, and these establishments, of course,
are bnilt close to the water's edge. The
Economy Society, which bnilt the dam,
afterward sold it to a company of which Mr.
Hartman, of the Hartman Manufacturing
Company, of Beaver Falls, is tbe President
The same company owns the dsm and water
power at Beaver Fails, in regard to which"
more particulars will be given in another '
letter. The Water Power Company esti
mates the valne of these privileges alone at
81.000.000. and wonld not consent to any in
terference with them by a canal without1
being paid heavy damages. ,!
To bring the canal along either side of the
river, it will tbns be seen, will involyea
very large expenditure for rights of way Cj
much more money, in fact, than the mere
construction or tbe canal wonld cost
Now as to the business ot New Brighton:,'
While the tonnage is not so great as at
points where there is a large iron business ;
done, still there are mors Industries hertr
than is generally known by the outside pub-'
lie. uomewnat to my sorrow, J. lonna that'
they were scattered over a good-deal of ter
ritory, too, insomuch that it requires a great
deal of walking .to visit ail of them.'
There are two glass factories, those-
of Dithridge & Co. and the New Brightonl
Stove Works; three potteries, viz., Everson,?
Bnerwooa & -Barter, anerwooa uros., ana'
the Enterprise Pottervr three fire-Brick!
yards; thePittsbnrg Sewer Pipe Works,
ue largest establishment oi tne JCind in!
Western Pennsylvania; the twine mill of
isentiey s uerwig; two nounng mills, ja.e
Donnei & McLain's, and J. S. Mitchell'sli
the large - novelty works of the Logan &
Strobridce Iron Comnanvr the hollow mra
works of Dawes & MyJer; the keg factory ofj
ji., x. a o. xienneay, on ootn siaes of the
river; the Standard Horse Nail Company;
two flour mills in New Brighton and one, at
Continued on Fifth Page,