i WmWimwBmmr- TTT',rt" mMl CZA'R PLAGATED. His Koyal Kibs Hot Objecting So 'Benonsly to tne Duko 01 ttesse AS HIS FOTUEE SON -IX -LAW. lino CzaroTTitr Buying Jewelry and House- keeninfr Articles. s,t r " potatoes since the new spirits excise act came into force. His Majesty gravely prom ised to look into this prosaic matter, and half an hoar later be was praying at his dead son's tomb. FOK NERVOUS PKOaTKATION Use Horaford'a Acid Plioiplmte. Dr. Vf. Graeres. Nortnfleld, Minn says: "I have need it Incases of nervous prostration, and also in combination with other remedies in indlfrcsllon.it has proved as satisfactory as could be expected." 60HE OTHER GOSSIP ABOUT EOIALTI JBT CABLE TO TBI PJ6PJLTCH.3 LONDOS, December 21. Copyright A mysterious but apparently authoritative announcement has just been made respect ing the future wife of the Czarowitx. The lady is described as a princess of one of the reigning houses of "Western Europe, which is the courtly way of describing the young est daughter of the Grandduke of Hesse. Princess Alice is very beautiful, and capti vated the heir to the Russian throne last "winter, when she and her father visited St. Petersburg. The Czar does sot like the Dnke of Hesse, who made a fool ot himself some years ago by entering into a morganatic marriage with a lovely but lowly widow. The affair upset half the courts of Europe at the time, and ' nearly drove Queen Victoria mad, the Duke havipe been the husband of her favorite daughter, Alice. The Queen actually went to Darmstadt to scold the Duke, and gen erally behaved in a manner which set all Europe laushms. The widow was finally bought out, and a divorce was secretly pro nounced by the subservient Hessian courts. THE CZAR PLACATED. The Czar's dislike, however, has appar ently been overcome, for a priest will shortly proceed to Darmstadt to prepare the Princess for -admission to the orthodox church, and the Czsrowitz is busy buying jewelry, and generally preparing to set up housekeeping,. The marriage, however, will not take place before next summer, as the Princess is not 18 years old until June. She is poor, but her rich English grandmother will help to dower her. For some reason best known to himself, the Prince of Wales has considered it neces sary to inspire the Government newspapers to announce that there is no foundation for the report that his son Albert Victor has been ordered home forthwith. That young man, after remarkably good times in India proper, arrived in Rangoon yesterday, and in reply to an address of welcome, managed to speak two sentences, all out of his own head, to the effect that he had often heard that the Burmese were among the happiest and most prosperous of his grandmother's Bnbjecls, and that he had no doubt he would enjoy his visit to Bannah. When Prince Albert makes np his mind to enjoy himself he generally succeeds. ATPAKEaTTLY TBtJE, It is again reported that Prince Henry ot Battenberg's continental trip was com pulsory, he having quarreled with his wifef mother-in-l&w and brother-in-law. Should lie be absent from the latnily gathering at Osborne House next week the report may be taken as true. Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lome, is painting a portrait o her mother, which -will be exhibited at the Royal Academy Hext spring. The Austnan Emperor, ten princesof the blood, and 19 bishops attended the funeral of the Jate Cardinal Gangbauer, Archbishop of Vienna, who, althongb one of the great est princes of the chnrch, died no richer than the average successful farmer. The poor of Vienna will be poorer bv tens of thousands of florins yearly. Prom the Cardinal's funeral the Emperor went to his palace, and there received a deputation of humble Moravian peasants, who complained that they had been unable to sell their A Two Daj' Wonder. There will be counters upon counters of clothing sold on Monday and Tuesday, and we want to sell more during the next two days than any other home in Pittsburg. We have marked prices that will draw the crowds. Monday we are open until 8 o'clock, and Tuesday until 11 o'clock even ings to accommodate our patrons. Be sure and call, as the bargains are simply im mense. $10 overcoat and suits for men, such as you have never seen before, at that price. Ask to see the Daisy overcoat at $10. Regular price for the Daisy is 520 and J23,ours is $10. Also see the fine line of chinchilla and kersey overcoats at 8 and 10. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond its., opp. the new Court House. FREE! FREES FREES! FREESS Grand Parlor Books, Publisher Price, 84, Distributed Gratia to Kanfraanas' Pa trooa To-Morrow nod Tuesday. Dore's Bible gallery: Milton's Paradise Lost, J von' The regular premium edition, size 10x12 inches, gold edges, and precisely the same work which all first-class oook stores retail at H, will be given free with every man's or boy's suit or overcoat, or lady's or miss' cloak,costing not less than $10. We chanced to bny these books at away below their true value", otherwise we should never have been able to present them to our patrons. Truly, this is a gorgeons Christmas gift, and, if you're wise, you'll secure one gratis, KATJFMAJTlfS', NEW ABTXRTISSafENTS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Jii iff" ii l'l l'B OPERA GXA&tSlZa. The largest and finest assortment in the city, sold at low prices. Gold spectacles, IS and upward. f5 Gold Eve Glasses with chain attached. Field Glasses. Telescopes, Microscopes, Ba rometers, Thermometers, etc, etc Call and examine. J. DIAMOND, Optician, 22 SIXTH STREET. P. S. A. beautiful present given to every purchaser. noM.urtof.wWtt REPORTS, OLD POINT COMFORT, VA., HYGEIA HOTEL. One minute's walk from Fortress Monroe, where daily inspections, drills, guard mounting and dress parade take place. The scenic at tractions are unrivaled. Moslo afternoon and evening. Climate mild, yet bracing and invigorating. The most de lightful winter resort In the united States. Turkish, Russian, Electric and HOT SEA Baths. Send for illustrative descriptive yu4puic- ' Al &4IUJ, atu M-CS-TTSSa Manager. 8XW ABTZRTISWWWM. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Gold Speotacles, Gold Eyeglasses, Opera Glasses, Pield and Tourists Glasses, Magic Lanterns, Barometers. Thermometers, Draw ing Bets, Microscopes, Graphoscopes, Pho tographic Cameras, etc, KORNBLUM, OPTICIAN, No. 50 Fifth Avenue, NEAR WOOD STREET. TeleDhone No. Z6S3. ' deS-100 -,KW ATETI SB SCENTS. morril, " 'SBew PHOTOGRAPHER, 18 SIXTH STREET. A fine, Jorge crayon portrait IB Kij see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets. S3 and 12 0 per dozea PROMPT DELIVERX oelS-8$ocwrsa jmr XAarriiraa, HERBERT WALKER ARTiririAf eve qS MAKER, Offlc hours for inserting eyes, 1 to ap. x. 0fcluuJt wvti de3-TC-sa Wblcb Shall it Be? It would be a difficult matter to decide which of Harper's periodicals to take for the coming vear, if there were not an admirable and really inexpensive solution of the prob lem in sending a combined subscription for all four. Each is independent and complete in itself, and, if taken alone, seems to sat isfy all one's desires for what a periodical can bring; and yet no one of the four, when they are taken together, seems to be super flous. Harper's Magazine is international in, scope, but American in enterprise; Har per's Weekly has become indispensable as the citizen's illustrated paper; Harper's Bazar remains the leading fashion and home journal, and Harper's Yonng People has never been surpassed as an illustrated weekly for boys and girls. .i . Fob a finely cutiieat-ntting suit leave pur order with Walter Anderson, 700 Smithfield street, whose stock of English suitings and Scotch tweeds is the finest in the market; imported exclusively for his trade. su Orer 1,000 Happy People Received their photos at Anfrecht'i Elite Gallery, 51 G Market st., Pittsburg. Overcoats. Montenac, chinchilla and kersey over coats, ready-made and to order, at Pitcairn's, 431 Wood street. Superior values in ,24-in. wide plushes at 76c, (1 and $1 25 a vard complete color assortments, Huous & Hacks, TTSSU Buy fine rings at Hanch's. Lowest prices. No. 293 Fifth avenue. Finest photos and crayons at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg. TlWimiMl! Paris Exposition, 1889. A C3,rS obtained the only gold medal awarded solely for toilet SOAP in competi tion with all the world, Highest pssibk distinction? BOSTON NOVEITY STORE, 406 and 408 Wood Street i HEADQTJABIEBS FOB OHBISTMAS GOODS. LOOK AT OT7B PRICES. Boys' sleds, 39?, 50?, 75c Girls' sleds, 39c, 50e, 75c. Boys' desk with stool, sold everywhere at $1 25, only fl. Large rocking horses only fl. Blackboards, 25c, 50c, 95c. Children's decorated tea sets, sold every where for 50e, only 19c Maglo lanterns only 25e. Toy pianos, sold eyerywhere for 50e, only 39c. Dolls' bedsteads and cradles only 25c Thousands of beautiful dolls which we are selling irom So to 60c Another lot just received of those beauti ful dolls' heads from 50q to $1 50. Kid bodies, bisque arms, shoes and stock ings, all sites, from Wo to ft 50, Elegant vases, hundreds of styles. Co to53. ' V Bilk plush albums, sold everywhere at $1, only 59c f fib'-pieca decorated tea set only S3 84. 108-piece decorated dinner set only $8 50. l2-pi?ce decorated gold-lined toilet set, 54 50. ' ' Full line of silver plated ware, toys, games, albums, dolls, vases, etc H. G. HAYDEN & CO, WW AWPJHWSSE3CMIITS ; E&SE55 nil nf mrmMTM'Wmmmm rrgpriTHH fli wviflnl mm im w ffcVr'yAL XSEitfiinnsf v w jpSyMife. -1'-nkJ'STC.K3 S8SJ . K "sWii "TH ffl IsTi Wl iiniJF Isssssssssssss&yr issssK IsssssH PisW V SlassssssssssWate. " .1IW -tsssssssssssssVVvl MEDICINE M M llli3 GUINlEAfl7 For Weak' Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Lifer, SOLD B7 AIX DRUGGISTS. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. ,repareaonlylbyTHOS.BEECHLiIi;St.Helens,lAucashire,EnglaBa. B. F. ALLEN & CO., Sole Agents FOR IJIWTED STATES, SS & S67 CANAX ST., NEW TORE, Who (if your druggist does not keep them) will mail feeecham's Pills onreceiptof priceffitf inquire -fir ft. s (Please mention this paper.) HOLIDAYGOODS Artistic, fpr those who love the beautiful and. at prices that will please you. BEAUTIFUL PIANO LAMPS. The Handsomest CHAMBER, SETS in the city. . CJHINA, DINNER -AJTB- TEA SETS i at prices that will induce you to buy at once "Wo invite all to visit our Sales rooms, 311 WOOD STREET, Opposite Si Charles, and 102 and 104 THIRD AVU, and see our Stock. m OUR POPTJIiAB BRAm Old Honesty Will be f oand a combination not always to be bod. A Fie Quality of PLUG- TOBAC CO at a Reasonable Price. Look for the red Mtln tap en each plug, It yon are looking for a FIRST-CUSS ARTICLE -nr- Chewing Tobacco DONT FAIL to give OLD HONESTY AFAIB TBIAI Ask your dealer for it, Don't take any other. INO, ETNZER & BROS., IiOTJISVIEiLE, 3T. mhi3frB mw ABTXRTissaonrrs. IMPORTANT : NOTICE For tbe Accommodation of Buyers of Holiday Gifts? J l T3TrTr ui uj T"TsrrrL sr Great ami Popular House Furnishing Bazaar Will be Open To-Morrow and Tuesday Evenings TJntil 9 O'OIocHJ on Christmas Day TJntil 12, Noon. u Li- and With our wishes for a Merry Xmas goes our magnificent free Xmas gift of either.an; decant Tripod, a beautiful "What-Kot or a magnificent. Bric-a-Brao Stand, with purchase made up to noon, Christmas Day, amounting to $10 or more. Ko matteVwfiet fieri yes pay cash for your goods or buy on easy: payments you will be entitled to this remark able present FBEE OP CHAEGE, and you shouldn't forget to ask for it (rrf OL. I P. WALLACE 4 CO delS-WTSU Pi TO rt vv.j jm.r ru GUN WA is a Chinese Physician Owing to existing laws be cannot practice medicine in America. So he has prepared a Tine of Chinese berb and Testable specifics wblcb, instead of slniply relieving symptoms, strike at tne VERY BOOT OF DISEASE, and perform cures tnat are notbine less than mar velous. A friendly talk and CONSULTATION with Gnn Wa COSTS NOTHING. He charges hut a small sum for bis remedies, which, though gentle and harmless to take, are certain and unerring in tbelr effects. They SPEEDILY CORK all blood, nervous and chronic diseases. Young, middle-aged or old men, suffering, quickly restored to PERFECT PHYSICAL HEALTH. GUNWAIsaFRIENPTOTHE AFFLICTED. If you cannot coll, write him, in perfect confidence. Send for history of bis lite, and bis circular on Cancer, Tumors. Tape Worm, Rheumatism. Catarrh, Female Weak ness, or Files. Inclose 4c stamps for reply. Office hours, Si. m. to 12 v.; 1 to 6 and 7 to 9 Q-TTlSr -WA.3 04,0 Fenn .A-ve., Pittsburgh Fa. ocS-treu 3MrWSf? 9 WE COULD GIVE LOTS OF REASDM Showing how easy it is for us to PDEISELL AIL OUR WOULD-BE COMPETITORS. JBut this one will suffice. TO AEE HOT "UNDER ONE-HALF THE EXPENSES! of the stores, who, having establishments of imposing appearances on fashionable streets; and thoroughfares, haye to pay enormous rents, besides other contingent large expenses.! Do yea see the point? Do yon catch the idea? WHAT ABOUT THAT HOLIDAY GIFT? HAVE YOU PURCHASED IT YET? It isn't too late. "We have hundreds uponhundreds of Sensible, "Useful and Suitable Articles and Goods for Holiday Presents and at prices for everybody, ABSOLUTELY AND POSITIVELY THE LARGEST ARRAY -or- Seasonable and Beautiful Goods in Our Line in the City! Everything is so conveniently and tastefully displayed that anyone can see at a glance our stock. No poking your heads into dingy, dusty and badly lighted boles and corners; no haying to climb flight after flight of stairs. Ours is a daylight store all the time and our prices are daylight prices. The unusually heavy sales of last week and yesterday haye not perceptibly depleted our vast stock and assortment of Center Tables, Boas, Cabinets, Folding Beds, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Desks, Secretaries, Mall Stands, Sat Backs, Umbrella- Stands, Shaving Stands, Book Cases, Easels, Pedestals, Cloaks, Bronzes, Clieval Mirrors, Divans, Foot Stools, Fire Screens, Lounges, Fictures, OnyxJFop Stands, 2t v r ' ENTIRELY NEW THINGS IN ELEGANT CHAIRS I Rockers, Arm and Reception Chairs, The grandest display in the city, finest Mar bleized Silk Plushes, Crushed Plushes, Telour Plushes, Tapestry, Leather, etc. Never were sore beautiful goods seen, never were such low prices named. ANYTHING IN OUR STORE FOR CASH OR CREDIT. Including Ladies' Cloaks, Ladies' "Wraps, Newmarkets, Dolmans, etc. The best place ia the city for the working classes to trade at. Call and see us. PICKERING'S OLD RELIABLE HOUSE, Corner Tenth Street and Penn Avenue. de22 v. S"t- - - - -v3 El Aft CHRISTMAS GOODS AT YOUR OWN PRICE TO-MORROW and TUESDAY AND UP TO 12 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY KAUFMAN IMS' t ' Co' TWfT -f?1 AT. HALF PRICE , any Toilet Set, Manicure Set, Work Case, Shaving Set, Smoking Set yet left on their counters. This big and genuine Sacrifice "Sale will also include any article of silver and silver mounted rare (and they've been the most popular Christmas gifts this season) such as Silver Hand Mirrors, Silver three-fold Mirrors, . Silver Hair Brushes and Combs, Silver Pocket Flasks, Silver Bon-Bon Trays, Silver Pin Cushions, Silver Cigar and Cigarette 'Cases, Silver Match Boxes, Silver Cigar Moistening t Cases, Silver Card Receivers, Silver Cologne Articles, etc., etc. Thous- ands of these very desirable Holiday presents are still here, , but yre don't propose to have a single one under our roof after j Christmas. Hence our big, unparalleled reductions. Those l&who come first will capture the best things. Don't delay, there- sDore, but make a bee line for our Holiday bazaar as quickly as . possible. "W t- Ml CURIE. Come in at any time before next Wednes day noon and take choice of any of our regular 5, Overcoats for 3 50.' $7 50 Overcoats for $5. $10 Overcoats for $7 50. 14 Overcoats foria 17 Overcoat's for $12. ' 22 Overcoats for 15. $27 Overcoats for 18.. $30 Overcoats for 20. $6 Suits for $4 50. 9 Suits for $7. $iz Suits for $9. 15 Suits for $11. 18 Suits for 13. $20 Suits for JS15. 5825 Suits for 19. r l . Parents, show your wisdom by bringing your Boys here before 12 o'clock next Wed nesday noon, and fit them out in new Cloth ing at the following reduced prices: 3 35 Overcoats for $2 50. $4 50 Overcoats for $3 50. $S 25 Overcoats for $4. ' $j Overcoats for 5. 11 Overcoats for $8, 3 75 Suits for 3. $4. 50 Suits for 3 50, $6 Suits for 4, 75. $7 50 Suits for 5. $1.0 Suits for $7. 12 Suits for $8. A CQSTir GIFT PRESENTED WITH Every Boy's Suit or Overcoat. TO-MORROW and TUESDAY AND UP TO 12 O'CLOCK "WEDNESDAY KAUFMANNS' WII.Ii OFFBIl THEIU ESTTEE STOCK 07 HANDKERCHIEFS at away below regular prices. Beautiful hemstitched goods at ioc Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs at 19c; plain embroidered at 7c Silk scalloped and hemstitched at 29c. And, don't forget, every half dozen is placed in a beautilul Christmas box free of charge. Silk Mufflers must go too. 98c now takes choice, of our fine French goods. . . GLOVES prices away down. Xloth Gloves, 15c. Jersey Gloves, y 25c Scotch Wool Gloves, .25c. Kid, fur top, fleece lined Gloves, 69c Red Kid Driving Gloves, 89c Genuine Buckskin Gloves at 98c. Fur Gloves and Fur Caps at half price. LADIES' CLOAKS. The unparalleled reductions we've made in our Cloak department should and un doubtedly will attract every Lady's attention: 5 Newmarkets for $3. $8 Newmarkets for $5. $10 Newmarkets for $7. ' 12 Newmarkets for $8. $15 Newmarkets for 10. $j& Newmarkets for $12. $20 Newmarkets for $14. $2$ Newmarkets for $16. $30 Newmarkets for $20. $25 Plush Sacques for 17. 30 Plush Sacques for 20. 36 Plush Sacques for 25. 50 Plush Sacques for 38. 23 Plush Jackets for r5. $30 Plush Jackets for i?2o. LADIES' JACKETS. $4 50 Jackets for $3. $6 Jackets for $4. $7 50 Jackets for $5. 10 Jackets for $6. $12 Jackets for $g. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S CLOAKS ani JACKETS Our entire stock to be sacrificed. Now's the time, mothers, to make your selections: $3 Cloaks and Coats for $2 25. $$ Cloaks and Coats for $3 50. $7 Cloaks and Coats for 5. $g Cloaks and Coats for $6. $10 Cloaks and Coats for $7. $12 doaks and Coats for $8. :: A HANDSOME GIFT :: PRESENTED WITH Every Child's Cloak or Coat. TO-MORROW and TUESDAY AND "UP TO 12 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY KAUFMANNS' l PCX HALF PRICE; . the entire balance of their stock of such elegant and acceptable Christmas gifts as Photograph Albums of every kind, shape, style and size; Autograph and Scrap Albums, Ladies', Gentle-' men's and Children's Podketbooks, in all kinds and colors of leather; Wallets Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Chatelaine Bags, Writing Tablets and Portfolios, plain ,and silver mounted"; Whisk and Key Holders, Paper Holders, Picture Frames, fancy Foot Stools and' goodness knows how many mor,e similar arti cles. We don't want any of 'em after Christmas, and we shan't have any if there be any virtue in low prices. nni I 5 1 MILLS ! We have several thousand, lefti UULL&1UULLOI Dressed and UQdressed Dolj French and domestic Dolls. Select any of them for just" half the regular price. liyRRn I A.Q anrl T.flNFS The most appropriate. u Christmas gifts-on earth;" The largest stock, the best makes, the prettiest handles,, the lowest prices are to be found right here. Name, letter.jof monogram engraved gratis. ft "-ttjga f-rwr-n . STCpE WILL BE OPEN TO-MORROW NIGHT TILL 9 O'CLOCK; TUESDAY NIGHT TLLL 11 O'CLOCK; WEDNESDAY TILL 12 O'CLOCK (NOON). KAUFMANNS' FIFTH AVENUE and SMTTHFIELD ST. WHOLESALE and EAEV' KAUFMANNS! " W m 6l & lA& ! J ML ill jt i w v-e k .