Jf THE KTSBURGi ISPAT0H,praXTffDEOEMBERW3OT88 TOTTERISG THRONES. A Sword is Suspended Over the Head of Portugal's Monarch. GERMAN! APPEALS TO ESGLAKD Kot to Create Any Disturbance at This Particular Time, A GEaEEAl FEAE THEOTJGHOUT EUEOPE. Anarchists and Socialists Tery AetiTe in Blsmrct's Domain. The trouble between England and Port ugal may be seized upon by the Kepubli cans in the latter country to create an up rising. Boyal circles in Europe are xnncU worried concerning the situation. Bis marck has written Lord Salisbury to be as unicable as possible. tcorrwoHT, JS88, BT THE MW YORK ASSOCIATXD tress.) Berlin, December 21. The Emperor has been so ill as to be compelled to keep his bed since Thursday morning. He arose for the first time to-day, and Teceived official re ports. His malady was a catarrh which provoked a recurrence of the old trouble with his ear. There is also in his throat more than the usual trouble experienced in such cases. An injudicious note on the subject was printed in the National Zeitung. It is in tended, of course, to ease the public, but bad an entirely different effect and caused almost incessant inquiries to be made at the palace. The Emperor forbade the publica tion of bulletins, received in his bedroom the leading officials who called and treated bis illness in a jesting spirit. MILITARY AMUSEMENT. This trouble originated in a cold caught while the Emperor watched the effect of a sight alarm in the garrison at Potsdam, one ot his military amusements being to test the rapidity with" which the various regiments can be'tnrned out at unexpected moments. But that is not His Majesty's only military amusement. At the field maneuvers at Bornsted a regiment of cavalry was sud denly ordered to advance at full gallop. It rode helter skelter down the badly lighted streets of Potsdam. Some of the horses were killed and several of the towns people were ridden down and badly hurt. This caused much public irritation and was one of the reasons why there was very little sympathy with the Emperor in his illness among his people in that part of the empire. For many days now the attention of the continent has been centered upon the de velopments in Brazil and the threatened coutre-de coop in Portugal. Long daily dispatches from Lisbon and Madrid have confirmed the intelligence recently given that Portugal is likely to follow the example set by Brazil. AN TOEASY FEELING. The Government here shares the uneasi ness felt in every chancellery in Europe. If Portugal takes fire the movement ot the Portuguese republicans will, it is believed, be the signal lor a rising in Spain, and this will be Followed by agitation in Italy, and by a general upheaval of the social "forces throughout Europe. The militant attitude of the Portuguese Government toward England over the Zam besi district is recognized here as necessary to strengthen the position of the King of Portugal at home, where any accidental failure of strength at this mome'nt would be made much of in the interest of the radical party. Prince Bismarck, according to a re port afloat in ministerial circles, has writ ten directly to the Marquis of Salisbury ex pressing the hope that nothing will be done to humiliate the Portuguese Ministry, in vcwof iiie imperial catastrophe in Brazil and the position of the monarchy in Portu gal face to face with similar forces to those that cast down "Dom Pedro. ATrEALINO FOE FORBEARANCE. An article in the National Zeitung ap pealing to the forbearance of the English Government says that Serpa Pinto, like other agents of Portugal, maT go beyond his instructions, bnt a statesman, looking beyond the cause, will see that other inter ests than those relating to the possession of African territorv should have immediate consideration. The youth of the Prince who has just ascended the Portuguese throne, his relationship to Queen Victoria and the conservative tendency of the Mar quis of Salisbury's policy should altogether assure snch a calm adjustment of the dis pute as will not add to ttie difficulties in the way of King Carlos. The Zeitung' ' article indicates that Prince Bismarck favors the English claims in this difference between the powers. The official bias is evidently toward England. This is due chiefly to the intimate relations of the courts and the concurrence ic foreign policy, but also it is furthered by the at tempts of the French press to foment an irritation in Portugal against England. A ZEALOUS OFFICES. Some German official experience with Serpa Pinto goes a certain way toward con firming the opinion that the Portuguese have made a mistake. Serpa Pinto was the officer who, while Portuguese Consnl at Zanzibar, caused the capture of the Sultan's yacht by a Portuguese cruiser. German intervention in that case at first supported Pinto. The justice or injustice of England's de mands is regarded as of no importance to the Government here, and little interest is felt save in the possibility that the dispute, it it is pressed against the King, may afford the Bepublicans in Lisbon a lever with which to overthrow the monarchy. In that phase the case causes some anxiety. The advices received at Hamburg from the Province of Bio Grande de Sul, in Bra zil, are entirely contrary to the opinion that the German colonists desire the protection of the Fatherland. They appear to be con tent to await events, and hopeful that a fed erated Bepublic will increase the general prosperity. ALL FOB THE REPUBLIC. They desire to sec fully developed self government or State sovereignty in the prov ince, and believe that a republican consti tutional convention will grant this, and will accord to tbem an enlarged control of the provincial finances. All this accorded they count uponhe -TOwth in the 21 ew World of a great German free State. The official world here is disappointed bv this adhesion of the colonists to the Republic. The mimers' strike still remains unset tled. Several pits in the Saar district are working, but more idle. The directors sent out placards to-day proclaiming that all men who have not returned to their work br Monday will be treated as having re jected the terms offered tbem. Anarchists from Liege, in Belgium, have been inciting the men to refuse the terms. Some arrests of these men have been made, but this has failed to overcome the agitation. Many police agents from here have been sent through all the districts where the trouble is to watch the operations of this Anarchist propaganda. SOCIALISTS AT WORK. Although the strikes are not directlv traceable to the operations of the Socialists, the Government is possessed of information that they are fomented through a Socialist committee. The recent stnke at Lucken walde, was directly due to the Berlin Committee. Agitation thus active and demonstrated, will be the basis of Prince Bismarck's argument in hi? forthcoming appeal to the Reichstag to pass the Socialist bill entirely as it stands and without enfeebling qualifications. The Government expects to make pressure enough upon the National Liberals to force the withdrawal of their opposition. There are signs in the National Liberal press that that Tmrtr will accept the expulsion clause. The truth of the position is that the 27a-1 tional Liberals believe they hare done enough to justify themselves to their con stituents tor election, and. they will now yield to the demands of the Cbaneellor. a coNsxrrtnioNAL question. Although the mandate of thetejehstag expires on February 21, there Is some douot about the date of the elections. The jour nals are discussing the constitutional right of the new Reichstag. The renewal of the agreement or coalition programme known as the Carta! has not prevented some lively disputes between deputies of the 'allied groups. The more liberal end of the combination is accused of making itself subservient to the royal will, and the Emperor is imag ined as the author of the programme the wits saying that he originated it by saying in the style of Louis XIV.: "Car-tel est mon plaisir." In the disputes of the partyvHammer stein, the manager of the Areuz Zeitunq has, with Stolp, one of the candi dates in favor or ex-Minister Putt kamer to oppose the National Liberal candidate atBeliefield Thereupon the National Liberal and the Ultra-Conservative newspapers have fallen foul of one another, and the National Liberals ac cuse the Conservatives ot having entered into secret measures with a wing of the Deutsche Freiezinnin party to work the elections in a number of districts against the National Liberals. A GOVEBNMENT SCHEME. The Socialist trial at Ellersfeld is likely to result in the enforced absence from the electoral struggle of a number of the Social ist leaders. The Public Prosecutor de mands that Babel be sentenced to 15 months' imprisonment, Grillenberger and Harm to one year, and Schumacher to six months. The'Socialist delegates, m a reunion at Pis dorf, a suburb of this city, decided to join the international demonstration on the 1st of May in favor ot eight hours for a day's labor. Count Von Moltke was ill three days with the fashionable epidemic He recovered and was out on Tuesday, but he had a re lapse and was taken down with bronchital. The doctors now prohibit his leaving his bedroom. PORTUGAL WILL COKGEDE. Lord Salisbury Demands Will Probably Receive a Pencefnl Answer. Lisbon, December 21. Senor Gomaz, Minister of Foreign Affairs, has summoned the members of the Cabinet to consider the note of Lord Salisbury, the British Prime Minister, calling uponPortugal to repudiate the acts of her agents on the Zambesi river and favoring the restoration of the statu quo as it existed before the recent expedition of Major Sarpa Pinto. Owing to the ntgency of the matter, Port ugal's reply to the note, which will be of an amicable nature, will be telegraphed to London to-night. A TEEI SIGNIFICANT MOTE. English Crnleer Ordered to the Scene of the Trouble WUb Portugal, Capetown, December 2L The flag ship Raleigh, the corvette Curacoa and the torpedo cruiser Brisk, of the British Cape of Good Hope and West coast of Africa squadron, have been ordered to proceed im mediately to Delagoa Bay. CANADA WILL EETALIATE. She Carries Ont Her Thrent to Do as Sao'a Bone By. rprxcux. telegram to tux DisrATcn.1 Ottawa, December 21. The Dominion Government say that if the United States Government is going to sell Canadian sealing vessejs caught in Behring Sea they will retaliate by confiscating and selling all American fishing vessels caught violating the fishery regulations in the Atlantic Carrying this threat into effect, the American fishing schooner David J. Adams, which was seized atDigby. N. S., in 1886, by the Government cruiser Lans downe, for breaking the fishery laws of 1818 by purchasing bait, was sold at auction by the Vice Admiralty Courton-Tnesdav last. A lcrge number of captains and" ship owners were in attendance. The bidding was spirited, and the vessel was finally knocked down to Sproul Bros., of Digby, lor $1,400. The Adams is in a bad state, the water flowing in and out of her every tide. 'She will require recaulking and a general overhaul ing. Her owners will fit her out for the bank fisheries. The Adams had been tied up at the wharf at Digby to- the past three years, and allowed to rot, which accounts for the great depreciation in her value SHOT DOWN FOE M'GINTI. One of Those Frrquent Jokes Causes a Toons; Man's Death. New Yobe, December 21. John Rusk, one of the best hearted of the Irish lads who live at Throgg's Neck, joked with a drnnken man about McGinty; Thursday night and was shot down for it Thos. Hart, who killed him, was a constable of West Chester, residing with his widowed mother at Fort" Schuyler. A warrant is out for his arrest, bnt he has fled for his life. Benja min Nelson told this story of what had oc curred. He said he was walking home with the constable when they saw Rusk. Hart said: "How are you. Johnny?" Rusk replied: "First rale, Tom. Did you see that fellow that was looking for yon?" "What fellow was that?" inquired Hart. "Whv. McGinty." replied Rusk. "Here's McGinty," retorted the con stable, and drawing his revolver, and with out ado, he leveled it at Rusk and fired. QUAI AS SILENT AS ETEE, lie Intends to Enjoy Christmas Wlihont Discussing; Politics. Senator Matthew S. Quay, with his wife and daughter, passed through the Bouthside yesterday on his way from Washington to Beaver. The party went by the Balti more and Ohio, the Pittsburg, McKeesport and Youghiogheny and the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroads. They were not com pelled to change cars on the Bouthside. their coach being switched from one line to the other, and sent out over the Lake Erie at tached to the 9 o'clock lorenoon train. Sen ator Quay did not care to discuss personal politics. He was going borne ior a good holiday season, and had brnshed aside, for the time, all partisan cares. A BAND OF FIENDISH TEAMP8 Roast a Companion to Death by Holding Him Over a Lor Fire. Lafatette, Ind., December 21. This morning the body of a tramp was found in atfeserted spot, a mile below the citv, hor ribly burned and charred. Investigation shows that he was burned by drunken tramp companions who held him over a log fire until life was extinct The dead -man was known as Joseph Mooney. Five tramps have been arrested on suspicion. The Encllib Syndicate Once More. Cincinnati, December 21. It has trans pired that an English syndicate has bonght two breweries jointly here. One of these breweries is the Weyaud & Jung, of Cin cinnati, and the other the Crescent brewery, of Aurora, Ind. The amount said to have been paid is $1,725,000. ThreeMore Conemansh Victims Pound. rsrECLU. TELEGRAM Tp TUX .DISPATCH. 1 Johnstown, December 21. Three bodies were iound on the bank of the Cone mangh near Coopersdale to-day. All the bodies were close together and all were fe males. None were identified. Holidays at the Bee Hive This is the place where a dollar will buy more Christ mas gifts than $2 at any other housei Busy Bee Hive? Sixth and Liberty. ,-G mwaprJ"'"-'-x . --- :. -wr -r(aiaww-- rttwnLiJiwiiiir"? aevm -"m"? DIED AN AGNOSTIC. A Chef of M. Felenard'a Dies as He Lived Pecnllar Ceresaaales at the Grave A Speech Soracthtne Like Ing-enoll'a. rrSOX A STAFF COEBXSrOlTDEKT.I Washington, December 2L Monsieur Marcel Pelouard, former steward to Lord Sackville, late of the British Legation, and husband of the Madame Pelouard, who was cook at the White House last summer, and who threatened suit against the Harrisons for wages claimed, keeps a small French restaurant and pension on Eighteenth and H streets. A few days ago he secured the services of a noted French cook, a fine-looking and very well educated young fellow from Pari? and New York. The first effort of the latter was to pre pare an elegant banquet given by Monsieur Pelouard to a large number of correspond ents and public men. The dinner was highly E raised, and the new chef was very proud, ut the exertion was too much for him, for on the day following the banquet he was stricken with pneumonia, and died within 48 hours from the beginning of the attack. The chef had been reared in the Catholic church, but had been an agnostic Notwith standing this, a Catholic friend bent for Father CbappeUe, a popular priest of this city, to minister to the dying man. Even in his delirium, however, the chef adhered to his agnosticism. He Ordered Father Chappelle from the room.de clariughe wanted no priests about him, either in life or death. Of course the church refused her blessing and her services alter this, and the poor chef would have had a very quiet burial indeed, had not the guests at the banquet heard of his demise. Many of these assembled and attended the body1 to Graceland ceme tery. As the coffin was lowered into the grave. Mr. Lewsley, of the New York World, stepped forward with uncovered head, and made a briel but eloquent and af fecting address, suggestive of the best vein of Colonel IngersoU. An old friend ot the chef delivered an oration in French, others made brief re mark and altogether the funeral was per haps the most unique and interesting that has ever occurred in Washington. TOOK THE TEAIN 'FOB, A HOESE CAB. A Young Man Walks Ont of a Train and Em braces Mother Enrtb. Daniel Kavanagh walked into the bag gage room of the Union depot last evening with a sprained shoulder, damaged finger, a few bruises, his face plentifully bespattered with P. R. B. real estate, which hardly con cealed a nose of sanguinary hue, and with the aid of a couple of porters. Dan is about as innocent a young man as appeared within the precincU of the staid old depot in many moons. He went down to Braddock yesterday to look for a job. and when the train which brought him back was pulling in from the yard Dan jumped off and injured himself as described. A reporter entered the baggage room simultaneously with Dr. Hamilton who bad been sent for. The doetor got Daniel into a chair and proceeded to examine him. Dan groaned: "Oh doctor, dear, am I dead?" "Not yet," quoth the doctor. The examination proceeded. "Doctor, d'ye think I'll live?" "Why, what's the matter with you?" "Oh, me shoulder and finger is oad." "You're all right Where do you live?" "In Thirtv-sixth street" "What number?" queried a reporter. "There's five houses on the street, but the sorra a number." "Suppose they were built in such a hurry they hadn't time to number them?" inter jected the doctor. "Tell us how the accident happened." "I was comin' in on the thrain, and just beyant the station I told the man to stop the thran for me to get off, and Igave him me ticket I thought he was going to do it bnt the train didn't stop and I walked off the step and fell." "Thought you were on a horse car, eh?" "Doctor, is ma finger bad?" "Not much hurt; only a little strained." "Is that so?" "That's a lact," said the doctor. "Say, Dan, what's the name of your land lady on Thirty-sixth street?" "Mickey O'Hoolahan." And Dan was helped on with his coat and sent on home He has been two weeks in the country. BAILEOADS W1LL0PP0SE THE CANAL. An Erie Ulan Believes the Waterway Will be Built Anyhow. An Erie business man, C. R. Hilty, who was at the Seventh Avenue Hotel yester day, said of the projected Ohio River and Lake Erie Canal: "I suppose the railroads will oppose it They will naturally do so as a matter ot their own interest bnt I tLink it will be constructed. The State Commission is an energetic and systematic one, inclined to push the matter." The Ex-Connty Treasurer's Report. Alexander JE,. McCandless, late County Treasurer, made a 'settlement yesterday with the County Controller, by exoneration and cash, for the following delinquent county. State and poor taxes for the years 1886 and 1887, viz.: County 8168,086 U State 6,850 65 Poor. 6.597 29 Total 8171,634 38 A Conference on the Carbon Setter Strike. The general committee representing the joint labor organizations and the Electrical Union received a communication yesterday from General Manager Blaxter, ofnhe Alle gheny County Light Company, appointing 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon for a confer ence on the question of the strike Holiday Presents. The largest stock of the most beauti ful lorgnettes, with silver, tortoise shell, pearl and ivory handles. Lenses adjusted after the holidays free of charge. Lowest prices, at Kornblum's optician store, No. 60 Filth ave. Holiday Presents. Without exception the largest and best assortment of magic lanterns, stereopticons, views, etc, sold at the lowest possible prices at Kornblum's optician store, No. CO Fifth avc v Holiday Presents. ' Solid cold spectacles and eveelasses 5 and upward. Glasses of superior quality at Kornblum's optician store, No. 50 Fifth avc FREE! FREEH FREES! FSEESS Grand Fnrlor Books, Publisher's Price, 84. Distributed Gratis to Kanfmann's Pa trons To-IUorrow nnd Tuesday. Dore's Bible gallery: ' 5ane;s?n!)rT' I Illustrated by LIJUieBiUlCIUUl r TW. rsu , t, j:.T..t V AJore, The regular premium edition, size 10x12 inches, gold edges, and precisely the same work which all first-class book stores retail at $4, will be given free with every man's or boy's snit or overcoat, or lady's or miss', cloak, costing not less than $10. We chanced to buy these books at away below their true value, otherwise we should never have been able to present them to our patrons. Truly, this Is a gorgeous Christmas gift, and, if you're wise, you'll secure one gratis. Kattfmanns'. The Cheapest Place for Diamonds, Pins, earrings, finger rings, scarf pins, etc, at very low prices. Jas. McKee, Jeweler, 420 Smitbfield street, one door below Dia mond street Open every evening. Yocs mother-in-law would be pleased with a" fine cashmere wrapper or tea gown onlyfl 76, $2 to 810. 'SUST BEEHIVE. - y. i & , rv wyvv .ir r.fu GROYERTERYJOLir. Er-Fresidcnt Cleveland is One of His Very Happiest Humors. HE ADDRESSES COBNEIjL ALUMHI On the Subject of the Nation, the State and the University. BIS EXPEEIEN WITH TWO OP M. The Eeirty Laughter of Bis Auditors Pnnetnitts His Eejiarks, Ex-President Cleveland addressed the Cornell University Club last evening. He was in excellent humor. His subject was "The Nation, the State, and the Univer sity." He was often interrupted by laugh ter. rSrXCIAL TSLXdlAX TO Till DISPATCn.I New Yoek, December 2L What has heretofore been the Cornell Alumni Associa tion of this city, turned itself permanently into the Cornell University Club at its tenth annual dinner in the Hotel Bruns wick to-night About 150 alumni were present and the invited guests included President Charles Kendall Adams, of Cor nell University; PresidentE. Benjamin An drews, of Brown University; Grover Cleve land, General Alfred O. Barnes and Alonzo B. Cornell. Mr. Cleveland seemed happier than on any recent public occasion, as he sat at the left of President John DeWitt Warner, of the club, at the center ol the table of honor, and right in front of the big mantel in the banquet room, against which he leaned back, puffing a cigar between laughs at the hubbub ot college merriment before him. He responded to the toast of "The Nation, the State, and the University," and began by saying that the subject was one that might have anpailed him, had he not learned by actual experience how easily the nation and the State could be got rid of. IMMENSELY TICKLED. That little pleasantry tickled the college men immensely, and it was a long time be fore Mr. Cleveland could go on. When he did he said: I am confident that, no matter how carefully a man may compute his social assets, an item here and there is certain to be left out, and he is likely at any time to wake up and find himself anions on account of some thing of which he never knew before. If I am not the inventor of this idea, I claim at least, to be a striking example of its truth. When the committee come to ask me to be present here. I may as well confess that while I listened to their arguments upon the magnitude of the occasion with that patient fortitude that a man acquires by long-continued experience in hearing men express their anx iety to prove their patriotism by filling Federal offices. Laughter. My thoughts were actu ally engaged in framing the most courteous phrases In which I could decline to come Bat one of them called my attention to the fact that I had been the only Governor of New York who had ever attended a meeting of the Board of Trustees ot Cornell in his capacity as an ex-offlclo member. IMPEESSED -WITH HIS IMPOETANCE. When I thus found that I had done some thing that none of my predecessors had ever done, I was so impressed with my own Impoit ance that I had to consent to come here So I came here to-night to insist upon the fullest recognltio of the relation I bear to tbe uni versity, and to exploit my new-fonnd honor. Laughter.! But, after alt seeing this body of men and remembering what Cornell has done for tbe advancement of the best Interests of the State and the nation, I am entirely cured of any vanity as to my own share in it, and am willing forest my presence here solely upon the fame of the university and the merits of the oc casion. AS TO THE NATION. Speaking of the nation, I find that in the grant of Federal aid. which, so largely assisted in the foundation of the institution. It was pro vided that especial pains aro to be devoted to thispromotion-ot agriculture and the mechanic arts. In the charter granted by the State, I find a precisely similar provision, and the farther reauirement that admission should be free. upon tbe smallest reasonable payment to all alike .without regard to previous condition. These facts mean that the education of the peoolein agricultural arid mechanical arts is a proper subject for Government aid. There is also a recognition of the fact that the good of the nation and the State is subserved by tbe education of all the people, without regard to rank or class. They recognize the fact that the people are the rulers of the land and that their education is the surest safeguard for the progress and prosperity ot the nation. But this assistance tendered by the State exacts a compensation in the way of good, citizenship. Those who accept these benefits Incur an obligation to the nation and the State that can neither be avoided nor compromised. It la an obligation to realize the dnty of citizen ship, to inform themselves on public questions, and to perform political duties with a purpose hi secure me weuare oi mo enure country. OP GBEAT SIGNIFICANCE. Your diploma is evidence pot alone of the fact of your graduation, but also of the fact that you have one a service to the nation. Of this the alumni of Cornell should at all times be proud, for everywhere, if trne to duty, they are among the foremost ranks in the noble labor of achieving the grand and ultimate des tiny of the freest and best, nation the world has ever seen. If they still owe allegiance to the State of New York their pride should bo increased, for they will be working for the good of the grandest Commonwealth In all that the nation can number, bo. in tbe State and in the nation, you wear a badge of good citizenship that was pnt npon you in the halls of Cornell. Concerning the affection due from you to the University, it is unnecessary for me to say how much to your alma mater you owe of reverence and love,bnt letme leave with you one thought That is, that you cannot honor your alma mater more than by keeping a live, active and Bober apprehension at all times of tbe dnty you owe to the nation, to the State and to tbe university. TALKED ABOUT OEOVEB. President Adams answered for "the Uni versity," and Stewart L. Woodiord, in re sponse to "Ezra Cornell," made a speech about Grover Cleveland, with some casual references to Mr. Cornell, and wound up with the hope that the alumni would "never be ashamed of being citizens, never be ashamed of being partisans, and never forget that the success ful party of the future will be the one that worts for the advancement of the true inter ests of the nation." COEN-FEDOIBTJSES. The Lnsclons Blvalres Fattened on Lib ernl Qncntltles of Seal. St liouls Globe-Democrat Most people, when they hear of "corn-fed oysters," laugh at what they take to be a little extravagance intended to convey the idea of fatness, the association of ideas with extreme fatness and corn-fed hogs being natural. But corn-fed oysters are as much a fact as corn-fed bogs. Oyster culti vation in all tbe bars and sounds of the East is conducted with as much science as the cultivation or agricultural products. In many places on tbe Chesapeake Bay the oyster farmer every morning strews with a liberal hand upon the surface oi tbe water covering his beds of the bivalves, quantities of finely-ground corn meal, which rapidly sinks to the bottom and is devoured or ab sorbed by the gaping shell-fish, the result being an especially tat and luscious oyster. A Family SoflocaCed by Gas. Akeon, O., December 21. The Wil helm family, on Bowery street, consisting of man, wife and child, was suffocated by coal gas from their stove last night They died jearly this morning. fitnee Robbers at Work Again. Bawxins, Wto., December 21. The Bawlins and White, Blver stage was held up iast night SO miles south of here. Two masked men took fl50 feomtie yanoiifterr and the registeredMad? " ' ' aW ..! J . - --V'- - ' r , M ALIETOA IS KING. Chosen by the Katlvea ef Samoa and Rec fttseed by the Three Gavera seals All to Now Peaccfal on the Island. San Francisco, December 21. The following was received from Apia, Samoa, per steamer Alameda: King Malietoa haa at last been formally recognized as ruler of samoa by the Consuls of the United States, Great Britain and Germany. About a month ago the Consuls issued a proclama tion declaring that the Berlin conference had agreed to recognize Malietoa as Xing and advising the natives to acknowledge him as such. Tamasese replied to this proclamation by saying that his followers were willing that such a course should be taken. Malietoa and Mataata agreed to the suggestions of the Consul and tbe na tive chiefs of the islands also signed a docu ment acknowledging Malietoa as the King. As soon as the Samoans had come to this agreement, preparations were made for an official announcement o( Malietoa's author ity. Accordingly on December 5, Malie toa's flag was hoisted on the site of the old Government house, and the United States man-of-war Adams fired a salute of 21 gnns in his honor. The German man-of-war Sophie, which was also lying in the harbor, did not fire a salute. The Consuls held a conference ou the same evening and issued a proclamation declaring that the Govern ments of the United States, Great Britain and Germanv from this time will recognize Malietoa as King of Samoa The proclamation also advised that the two native parties which have been hitherto opposed to each other, to effect intimate a reconciliation as soon as possible, and con tribute to the peaceable management of the new Samoan Government This proclama tion was signed by Dr. Stuebel, German Consul General; H. de Coetlogan, British Consul, and W. Blacklock, United States Vice Consul. It was printed in the English and Samoan languages and posted in various parts of the island. The opinion is generally expressed that this action on the pan of the three consuls is ultimate settlement of the Samoan difficulty. DUO HIS OWS GEAYE. An Eccentric Man Dies Because He Made Up Bis Mind He Would. rsrXCUL TXX.IQKk TO TBI DISrjLTCH.l Punxsutawney, December 21. Some thing unique in mortuary matters occurred recently in McCalmont township. Solomon Himes, an old citizen, who spent most of his time in the woods with dog and gun, be came alarmed about two weeks ago on account of the prevalence of typhoid fever. One of his old neighbors Buccumbed to the disease, and old Himes made up his mind his turn would come next. He accordingly took a mattock and shovel, selected a spot on his farm which he thought suitable for his final resting place, and proceeded to dig his grave, both wide aud deep. After this he talked in a nonchajant manner about his obsequies, saying, in his drawling way, that he really would have preferred to live a little longer, because, as he expressed it, "a man has such a gol-danged long time to be dead." As Himes was an exceedingly robust man his neighbors laughed at his eccentricities and whispered around that "Sol Himes was getting a little out of his head." But in the course of a week Himes was down with ty phoid fever, and when the doctor came he said: "There ain't no use in running up a doctora bill, when a man knows he's goln' to die," and not a morsel of medicine would he permit to pass his lips. In a few days more he was dead, 'and his body now rests in the grave he prepared. A GORGEOUS BANQUET Given by the Brooklyn New Easlaad So elety on Pilgrim Day. tSriCIXI. TILEQnXM TO TBX nisrATcn.j Nirw TOBKj December 21. The descend ants of the Pilgrim Fathers in Brooklyn maintain, ..that ihe- historical landing at Plymouth Bock took place on Decem ber 21, 269 years ago, one day ahead of the date observed by the Puritans of this town. So it happened that the annual banquet of the New England Society of Brooklyn took place to-night It was the tenth 'of the series, and in every respect one of the most successful. Such gorgeousness as confronted the visitors would doubtless have horrified their ancestors. The dis tinguished guests had an elevated table all by .themselves. Justice Willard Bartlett presided. He was flanked by Secretary of the Navy B.F.Tracy, the Bev. Dr. A. X P. Bebrends, Mr. B. D. Silliman, the venerable lawyer and President of the Brooklyn Club; John Winslow, a former President of the society; the Hon. W. Bourke Cockran and the Bev. B. C. Towne. Delmonico furnished the dinner, aud more.than two hours were required by the Pilgrims to do justice to it It was after 9 o'clock when President Bartlett started the flow of oratory. AVERTING A CRISIS. A Messenger Sent by Canada In Great Hnste to the Northwest. SrSCIAI. TZLXQBAK TO TUB DIS? ATCK.1 Ottawa. December 21. Until now only brief mention has been made of the letter addressed by Bishop Grandin, of the North west, to Cardinal Taschereau, threaten ing troubles in tbe Canadian Northwest It was Bishop Grandin who called the at tention of the Dominion Government to the certainty of an insurrection in the North west, just before the late rebellion broke out and had the Government heeded the Bishop's warning, the whole trouble might have been averted. The Bishop's last warning to the Cardinal, through whom he hopes to reach the Dominion Government hasbeenlaidbefore Sir John Macodnald, and taking time by the forelock, alarmed at the outlook, tbe Government on Thursday dis patched Mr. Both well, law clerk of the De partment of the Interior, in great baste to the Northwest to investigate matters and re port as to what action it is necessary for the Government to take to avert another crisis. An effort was made to conceal the fact that an officer of the Government was going to the Northwest, but in some way it leaked out, much to the displeasure of the Pre mier. CITI OFFICIALS FEEL WELL. Mr. W. K. Ford Har Beaten Past Kccords and Mr. Morrow Commends. W. U. Ford, tbe Delinquent Tax Collec tor, has beaten the record by his last month's report He said yesterday: "I am now $ 15,000 over the estimates and away ahead on the city taxes. Why, for the .present month I have got $40,000 now on hand to go on. I shall also band over to the county $18,000 on Monday." Controller Morrow here said: "He will go on in the course he is doing, and wipe out the deficiency. There is nodonbt but that he is doing wonderfully well in the col lections much better than anyone ex pected." The Bakers to Give a Dnnce. The regular meeting of Bakers' Union No. 27 was held last night in Buppel's Hall, John Lambert presided and a large number were present Several new mem bers were admitted. It was decided to give a ball on February 15, at Masonic Hall, Allegheny, and John Bugger, John Lam bert, John Nigel, Andrew Wishner and Nicholas Knecht were appointed a commit tee of arrangements. The Teaantera Elect OScera. Attheregnlar meeting of Teamster As sembly, No. 1577, K. oi Ij., held Thursday, James Bodan was elected. Master Work man and Timothy Doyle, Recording Secre tary for the ensuing six mouths. A num ber ef new members were initiated ad'tbe i-Mj una BMHaaiBg oeauiues. , -K!f ' .-'"'.. -SSSEJS PAPERS- CALLED FOR. All the Correspondeace Betigeei Bra zil and tbe United States IS REQUESTED BT THE SENATE. Mr. Morgan's Resolution to That Effect at Length ConcarrediD, AFTER A SOMEWHAT SFIGI DEBATE. Again No Qnorum Present to Decide Any CratroTerted Question, t Senator Morgan calls for copies of all cor respondence between tbe United States and Brazil. After a debate his resolution id agreed to. No quorum present to decide any controversy. Washington, December 21. In the Senate to-day Mr. Morgan offered a resolu tion calling on the President of the United States for copies of all correspondencejbe tween the United States and Brazil, and of all other papers on file in the State Depart ment relating to the recent change of the government of Brazil, and said that he de sired to submit some remarks. Mr. Sherman declined to yield for that purpose. Mr. Morgan I regard this movement (to go into executive session) as a deliberate attempt to cut us off from any consideration of the resolution(tbe one debated yesterday); and as the Senator from Ohio is Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Belations, to which committee the motion has been made to refer it, I do not think; that he is justified in this coarse of action. I propose, on his motion to go into executive session, to test the question whether or not there is a voting quorum here, because if we are not to have any consideration on this side of the chamber, I shall insist that the other side suffer just as much by that form of tactics as we do. NO QUORUM PRESENT. Mr. Sherman disclaimed the imputation, and said that .if the Brazilian resolution could be debated and voted on, he had not the least objection; but there was no quorum present to decide any controverted question. Mr. Morgan admitted that in the absence of a quorum his resolution to recognize the Bepublic of Brazil would necessarily go over till after the holidays, but he desired that the information called for in tbe resolu tion which he now offered might be obtained, for the purpose of informing the country of the situation of the Brazilian question in the State Department, But he wished to submit, in connection with it, a statement from Mr. H. W. Hilliard, of Augusta, Ga,, (a former Minister to Brazil), which he had received from that gentleman this morning, in the shape ot'as interview in the Augusta Chronicle. He also wished to submit the speech of Mr. Mendonca, of Brazil, as re ported in the morning papers, in response to the toast, "Ameriea, All Bepublican." Mr. Sherman said that he had no objec tion to the adoption of the resolution just offered if it were acted upon without dis cussion. Mr. Morgan If the Senator trill allow me to put into the -Record this communication from Mr. Hilliard, and also a statement which I will add WHAT HE HIOHT BO. Mr. Sherman I do not think it fair for the Senator to do that Let him put Mr. Hilliard's statement in the Record. Mr. Morgan persisted no farther, but fur nished to the official reporters copies of the papers containing Mr. Hilliard's statement and Mr. Mendonca's speech, and then his resolution calling for the correspondence was agreed to. Mr, Spooner offered a substitute for Mr. Morgan a resolution as to the recognition of the Brazilian Bepublic, to be referred tor tile uommltteeon .Foreign delations. It declares that the action of the President in according diplomatic recognition to the present provisional Government of Brazil, and accords a formal recognition of the new Bepublic as soon as a majority of the people of Brazil should have signified their assent to its establishment and maintenance, and merited and received the unqualified appro bation of Congress. Mr. Morgarr suggested that there was something in Mr. Spooner's proposition "to point a moral and adorn a tale." The Senate tben adjourned until Janu ary 6. A LIYELYJISOUSSIOff. Mills nnd Hotmail Canse a Stir In the Honse Economy In Expenditures as Seen br the Senate and Honse. Lively Oratorical Tilt. Washington, December 21. The House was treated to a spioy little discussion this morning, between Mr. Holman, of Indiana, and Mr. Mills, of Texas. The discussion was precipitated by a statement of Mr. Carlisle, of Kentucky, to the effect that, in offering the resolution yes terday, for the appointment of I. B, Hill as assistant doorkeeper, he had fixed tbe salary at $2,000, believing that was the salary which had always been received by the other special employe, Mr. Clancy. Mr. Clancy haa been the Bepublican minor ity employe. He had learned that there was a mistake, and that Mr. Clancy's salary bad been $1,500. He therefore moved to re consider the vote by which the resolution was adopted, in order that the House might determine whether it would reduce Mr. Hill's salary to $1,500, or increase Mr. Clancy's salary to $2,000. The vote having been reconsidered, Mr. Holman, of Indiana, moved to reduce Mr. Hill's salary to $1,500, and he urged the ne cessity of observing economy in the ex penditure of public money. Air. Mills said that thst was the same old speech he had been listening to for the last 16 years. Every session the House was treated to a lecture on economy, which was to be applied to the officers of the House and the smaller officers of the Government. But whenever it came to applying- economy to the expenditure of hundreds ot thousands or millions ot dollars the eloquence of the gentlemen was lost to the country. Could the American people hp Erotected from excessive expenditures only y cutting down the salary oi some poor fellow about thq House of Bepresentatives? He bad fought against the redaction of pay of officers of the House, and the increase of pay of officers of the Senate, which tbe gen tleman from Indiana, as a member of the Committee on Appropriations, had per mitted to be done year after year. He be lieved, in common with all English-speaking people, that tbe Honse of Bepresentatives was the breath of the people, and he believed in maintaining- its equal dignity, equal power and equal rights; Applause. If he should ever succeed in getting to the Senate there wonld be somebody in the Senate who would still feel that he was kin to the American democracy, and that this House should be preserved in equal dignity and right to tbe Senate. Mr. Holman said that if gentlemen in tended to practice economy they must begin with the details which came before Congress for consideration. Tbe dignityof the House had it been assailed during the last six years, when Mr. Clancy had been receiving $1,500? Had the gentleman from Texas felt it necessary, in order to preserve the dignity of the House during those six years, to in crease the salary? If the House had been more considerate in the expenditure of pub lic money than the Senate had "been, it was to the great honor and dignity of this bor"y. Mr. Hoi man's motion was agreed to 95 to 10 and the resolution as amended was adopted. COLLECTOR WAKMCASTLB CONFIRMED. Several Haudred. Other New Ofcwi Also vvBtwrnDt B6ft(0fl MneUttntseslx m tsb MarAfe&l , Washington,' Debr . AaMsg tbe Mdreds of jeeafraMtieM by the Seate tenkty, were the following: J.M. Glazier, Collector oCCastoma at Brie; S. M. Friday, Collector of Internal Revenue Ninth district, Pennsylvania; David Martin, First district Pennsylvania; T,F. Beurnan, Twelfth. Pennsylvania, and 8. D. Warm castle. Twenty-third, PennsTlrasla. TIME LOCKS ON C0XGEESSME5. Mr. Peters, of Kansas, OhJeeU Seriously to Any Saeb Innovation. Washington, December21. Mr.Breck enridge, of Kentucky, called up in the House, to-day as a special order, the reso lution offered by him yesterday, relative to tbe turning over of ihe assets in the Ser-geant-at-Arms' office to the present Ser-geant-at-Arms. He withdrew tbe resolu tion, and substituted therefor the follow ing: Resolved, That to enable the Serzeant-at-Armstehavelnll and untrammeled use of his office and the safe therein, the Treasurer of tbe United States is hereby requested to take Into his custody all money and other assets placed by J. P. Leedom- late Sereeant-at-Arms. In the safe, and to safely keep the same on special de posit nntll farther order of this Boose. On motion of Mr. Baker, of New York, the resolution was amended so as to provide that the written consent of Mr. Leedom must first be obtained. It was further amended, on motion of Mr. Beilly, of Penn sylvania, by the addition of a proviso de claring that nothing therein contained shall be construed to affect the liability of Mr. Leedom. The resolution as amended was adopted, over the protest of Mr. Peters, of Kansas, who doubted the propriety of put ting time locks between tbe members and their money. . IKYBKT0R DUOS SUSTAINED. A Decision Bendered la a Holly Contested Patent Office Case. Washington, December 21. The Com missioner of Patents to-day rendered a de cision in the case of Westinghouse, Jr., against Dixon, in which he sustains Dixon's patent The invention relates to the auto matic air-brake system, and consists of an apparatus by which tbe engineer, by charg ing and venting a train-pipe at the'locomo live, operates a valve controlling a piston at each car to admit compressed air from a separate storage reservoir to the brake cylin der and discharge it therefrom at will, for the purpose of setting and releasing the brakes. The case haa been hotly contested in the Patent Office. A FEATHERED POLICEMAN, A Carious Bird That Preserves Order Among: His Companions. London Globe. 1 The description given by a cotem porary to-day of the cariaraaa or serie mas, located in the eastern aviary of the Zoological Gardens, will amuse everybody," while it should not surprise anyone. That there should be among birds a species which is fitted to perform among its kind tbe duties undertaken among men by policemen, is a fact for which all ought to be prepared. Why snouianoi eacn variety ot created things have in its midst the same sort of functions and functionaries, modified according to circumstances and habit? More than one pictorial artist as, for instance, C. H. Ben nett in this country have shown ns what marvelous resemblances birds and other animals can be made to bear, and actually do bear, to man; and if humanity finds it necessary to have policemen, why should not the "feathered tribes" be similarly im pelled? ' The cariama seems particularly well fitted for the post of public guardian. He per ambulates his cage with all the regularity and hauteur of his human prototye on his "beat," and if at intervals he emits piercing shrieks which (says the chronicler) seem quite uncalled for, he only the more faith fully carries out the analogy. This, no doubt, is his way of blowing the whistle, aud when he does it in his cage it is probably Jrora instinct or from immemorial custom. He has already been acclimatised in the poultry yard, where he faithfully performs his duty as the pre server of order. If two voung cocks assault or batter each other, he steps in between them, and stops the combat "by a series of pecks directed impartially at ihe beads of both." Impartiality, of course, is an excellent quality in a policeman, whether he be bird or man; would there were more of it The origin of the cariama is, it seems, lost in obscurity; but it is admittedly ancient, and possibly he may be a lineal descendant of the judge-birds of ornithological antiquity. THE DRESS 0DR FATHERS WORE. Costnmes That Were Fashionable One Hun dred Yeara Ago. Youth's Compsnlon.1 One hundred years ago the leading men of the United States read in their Bibles that the body is more than raiment, but they dressed according to the advice of worldly wise Polonius: "Costly thy habit as thy purse can bny, For the apparel oft proclaims the man." When Governor Bowdoin, a tall, digni fied man, reviewed the troops assembled at Cambridge, in 1785, be was dressed in a gray wig, cockedv hat, a white broadcloth coat and waistcoat, red small clothes and black silk stockings. John Hancock, thin in person, six feet in stature, was very fond of an ornamental dress. He wore a wig when abroad, and a cap when at home. A gentleman who vis ited Hancock one day at noon, in June, 1782, describes him as dressed in a red velvet cap lined with fine white linen, which was turned up two or three inches over the lower edge of the velvet He also wore a blue damask gown lined with silk; a white stock, a white satin embroidered waistcoat, black satin small clothes, white silk stockings and red morocco slippers. Washington, at his receptions in Phila delphia, was dressed in black velvet; bis hair was powdered ard gathered behind in a laree silk bar. His hands were encased in yellow gloves; he held a cocked hat with a cockade on it, and its edges adorned with a black feather. He wore knee and shoe buckles, and at his left hip appeared a long sword in a polished white leather scabbard, with a polished steel hilt John Adams, on the day of his inaugura tion, was dressed in a full suit of pearl-colored broadcloth, and bis hair was powdered. Chief Justice Dana, oi Massachusetts, used to wear in winter a white corduroy surtout, lined with fur, and held his hands in a large muff. The Judges of tbe Supreme Court of Massachusetts wore, till 1793, robes of scar let, faced with black, velvet, in winter, and black silk gowns in summer. At the beginning oi this century powder for the hair became unfashionable, tying up the hair was abandoned, colored garments went out of use, buckles disappeared, and knee breeches gave place to trousers. FREE! FREEH FREE!!! FREEHS Grand Parlor Books, Pabllsfaer's Price, 84, Dtstrlbntcd Grails to Kaafraanas' Pa trons To-Morrovr and Tuesday. Dore's Bible gallery: Dante;s Purgatory. ) illnstrated by Dante's Inferno, D ' Milton's Paradise Lost, ) ""' Tbe regular premium edition, size 10x12 inches, gold edges, and precisely the same worK which all first-ciasa book stores retail at 4, will be given free with every man's or boy's suit or overcoat, or lady's or miss' cloak, costing not less than $10. We chanced to buy these books at away below their true value, otherwise we should never have been able to present them to oar patrons. Truly, this is a gorgeous Christmas gift, and, if you're wise, you'll secure one gratis. Katjs-hanns.' Gold and Silver Watches for HolWay Pres ents, Yrv,,lw prices. Jas. MoKzb, Jeweler, m 8Sel street;- eae deer below Dk- MMd street ssww epa every eveadag. iWrjjrtgr . $r- Powderly Comes Back at CallaglsaB With Conspiracy Charges. t WaRBAATS OUT FOE'BOTHMIN, war TojHf mm '!, 2 . .i . .. !.-Ml'vZlZ, ?& an Attempt to Arrest mo ucuciat "Srsj Workman tun. CALLAGHAU'S ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC? He Calls Attention t the SeotUale Strata Bnuntloas , - a' - a s-wv An attempt was made yesterday to arresv T. Y. Powderly on a warrant charging hia& with conspiring against Edward CaUaghAsvF It was a failure. Powderly is now-taking! legal action against Callaghan, who corneal out in a card to the public defining' nlrf?l sition. i !8PICIA1. TH.IOUAMTO Tint DISVATCa.r Scbanton, December 21. A few days ago Constable Thomas Washabaugh tele graphed from Scottd'ale", Westmoreland" county, to Chief Police Wade, of thiscityV to arrest General Master Workman T. Ya t Powderly, of the Knights of Labor,' and hold him in custody till the Scottdale constable could Teach Scran ton. Mr. Powderly was notified of this,but no attempt was made to arrest him. He had., been around tbe city every day during, the, week waiting ior Constable Washabaugh ta come and arrest him, but the Scottdala officer did not get to Scranton till to-day. He bad a warrant for Mr. Powderly from a Greenshnrg Justice. It had been sworn out by ex-Assemblyman Edward Callaghan,who has lately been telling the newspapers that he was going to have Mr. Powderly arrest ed for conspiracy against him in tbe Knights, of Labor as well a for defeating him when he ran for State Senator. The constable came into Scranton on ths sly-to-day- He did not let the Chief or Po-.. lice know that he was here and he went di rectly to Alderman Fred Fuller's office and asked the Alderman to indorse tEe warrant The Alderman examined the warrant very closely and then refused to indorse it, for the reason that no crime) was charged in it. Constaola Washabaugh insisted, and the Alderman refused, and then they both walked over to gether to get President Jndge Archbald'a. opinion. The Jndge agreed with, the Al-o derman, and he also advised Washabaugh not to undertake to arrest Mr. Powderlr on that kind of a warrant Tben Washabaugh hurried out and disappeared, and the sup-. position is that be has skipped back to Scott--dale. No specific charge of conspiracy war made m the warrant rOWDEELT FIGHTS BACK. Some time ago the Hon. Edward Cal laghan sued Mr. Powderly ior lipel, and- the matter was thrown out of the Westmore land county court. Powderly is now about to sne Callaghan for libel. He has handed all of the correspondence between them over to his attorneys here, and has instructed them to proceed against Callaghan- Pow derly also swore out a warrant against Cal laghan, charging him with conspiracy, and. a constable started for Scottdale to serve. itT THE SCOTTDALE RESOLUTIONS. ' The resolutions referred to by Mr. Callag ban, which were passed on February 12,. . 1886, are as follows:. WhbkeaS, We, the citizens of Bcottdale,' realizing tbe magnitude of the enormities en-p tailed upon the social and business status of our town and community in consequence of the existing difficulties between capital and labor in the coke regions, and being desirous; tftata speedy and amicable solution of the present; trouble should be effected, offer the following, resolutions: Besolved, That in view ot the fact that ther' Importation of foreign or contract laborisrat.' tended by grave and serious results, and sooner or later it will develop Into socialism and anarchy, therefore we, the citizens of Scott-; dale, do enter our solemn protest against-it, and in case of any loss of life or destruction of property the operators should be held respon sible. ,f Resolved, That we commend the strikers for, their quiet and orderly bearing, and in their; ' honorable and dignified demands lor a redress of their grievances we offer them our sympathy and support - - Resolved, That while the citizens of Scott-t dale commend the strikers in their position as. men holdlnc to what they believe to be rizbt.. that It is the sense of this meeting that the dif ferences should be submitted to a board of ar bitration. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions ba forwarded to the President of the coke sysdt. . cate and to FeterWise.Presldent of the strikers,, association. Scottdale, Fa, December 21, 1SS9. To tbe Editor of The Dispatch : . I address this letter to your paper for the en. tirn -nrnfu and noDla of the conntrv. Tbem lx no one to advocate my cause, except my owni inaiviauai sen. we justness oi my case ana my devotion to principle. Buringthe big strike of 1888 tbe citizens of Scottdale assembled in the Opera House, to express their views on the situ ation. After tbe election of officers, a com mittee of three was appointed to draft suita ble resolutions. I was appointed chairman of that body ana power aeiegaiea to me Dy ths other two, O. N. Negley and Scott Lane, to write tbe resolutions, which. I Old, and thjr were adopted as written by tbe meeting and published in your paper at the time. (It wasby special reqnest that they were sent to your pa per.) Mow I would ask you to republish ths resolutions that were written by the "Scott dale Cobbler" and let the delegates of District to. 4 read them and contrast them with the Infamous resolutions adopted at' their last meeting. I am still true to the raters ests of labor, and I nave shown beyond ths possibility of a doubt that no one is backing me in my fight against Powderly and others. If there are any such tbey are unknown to me. and I would ask them to come forward and! prove themselves or forever hold their peace. Powderly. Byrno and Wise have appealed to, theworklngmenforald. I appeal to the Just God and the laws of my country. Before max-i ing the appeal I pleaded most piteously fori merer from Powderly: none was given. Now I ask none, nor will I give ir. Edwxtld CUUCHiX. , i Throat Catting; Threatened. j Albert Hill, who lives on Clark streets made an information before Alderman Bell vtM?4v rfcmrrrinrr .Tamea TfinmTiann with surety or the peace. Hill alleged that. Thompson threatened to cut his throat withj n rarnr. TTa war arrested- and ffave 2306T" .-.- - .., .- . oaii ior a neanng monuay. FREE! FREE!! FREE lit FREE! II U Grand Parlor Books, Publisher's Price; tif Distributed Gratis to Kaafmanna' I trans To-Morrow and Tnosday. t.h' T4!M yil7itnr? f SI-SXS! I Unrated by-" lyuic B a.m.m it w . j. Milton's Paradise Lost ore" Tli. Art1ar nrpminm edition iw I0r1i inches, gold edges, and precisely the samal work which all first-class bookstores retail? at$i, will be given free with every man's or hor's snit or overcoat, or lady's or miss-' cloak, costing not less than $10.. We chanced to buy these books at away below their trua value, otherwise we should never have beea able to present them to onr patrons. Truly this is a gorgeous Christmas gift, and, if. yourre wise, you ll secure one gratis.- KAtmiANsa', Closing; Oat Besardlessofcost, a very fine line of aril embroidered and painted plush and siDcl poods lace curtains, portieres, upuouterrj goods, etc., at private sale every mornisjj and evening. Auction sales every after-1 noon until closed out Call early, aa choieil goods are going fast at our very low prises: J on account, at ou wood si- H. HOLTZMAN & SONM Bfanrad Barrinrrs on J Flatrer Klss. -3 You can save monev. Buy your preseawl at Jas. McKee's, Jeweler, 420 SmithjfitUl street one door nciow Diamond street. ' UlUiS UJJCU CYCf j ccuiug. Big Monet Sated Buv your, bllwfiS cesuorts. winter underwear, giria a dresses, Miea'newraarketa, etc.. tik.,i .BUST JSKJalTZ, tsixifl ana ijiBeny. f mmmKSk Pfmi,l,iSHmSFmll-m