"w lf r 0 fy??MI). s Knights of the Golden Engle. f' Four new cutlet are going to be instituted In this locality soon. 'l; . Arolen Castle Mo, 213, ot the Bouthside, Is !one of the wide awake castles and does good V' 'work In conferring the degrees. - - jlcKecsport Castle is increasing her mem bership rapidly. This -castle also confers the Oriental degree, -which is certainly groat. -, Anchor Csstte No. 838 initiated and con- . .ferred decrees on. in all, six applicants last Friday sight. Pretty good tor anew castle. Venn Castle No. 291 seems to be prompted with the same activity that tho other castles are, and is haying candidates at almost every cession. The Manchester boys are doing some great hustling and by the end ot the present term, trill hare a report to send to the Grand Castle, 1 that will astonish eren oar city brethren of Philadelphia. Grand Chief A. C. Lyttle was present and made a very impressive address on tbe order "K. Q. E," at the entertainment last Wednes day evening. The Grand Chief is a great favorite among the Pittsburg boys. Lexington Castle Ko. 330, of Doqnesne. In itiated 11 candidates at their last session. This castle was instituted only a couple months ace, but with the material that comprises it and tbe way they are booming it along, indicate that they will bo second to none at a very early date. Allegheny Castle No. 131 showed no well at the entertainment Wednesday evening last. This -castlo was lately reorganized, and the manner the new members hare gone to work indicate that this castle will, without doubt, soon stand among those at the bead of tbe order. Coroner McDowell Is the Noble Chief in this castle. The General Committee Knights of tha Golden Eagle of Western Pennsylvania, through their Secretary, Dr. K. T. White, de sires to return thanks to all those who con tributed to tbe interest of tbe entertainment bv taking part in the programme or otherwise, for the excellent manner in which the various relections were rendered. Also to the press lor courtesies extended to the General Com mittee in various ways. Star of the West Castle No. 83 initiated ana conferred degrees on four applicants, in. eluding the third degree for Brother Knight Bprosler, of ililroy Castle No. 275, Milroy, Pa-, f at their last meeting. 8Ur of the West has for some time back sort of slumbered, or rested as it were, until lately some new material has been added, who have, in turn, taking an active interest in things, and now new members are beiug taken in at almust every session. Noth ing like new blood, you know. The musical andliterary entertainment and reception given under tbe auspices of tho Gen eral Committee of the order in Western Penn sylvania, at Lafayette Hall on Wednesday evening, proved a grand success financially and otherwise. The andience was a large and select one, and the banjo sketches and laugba---ble jokes of Lonny Long were highly appreci ated. The piano duet of Miss Katie iiran i "nlgan and Master Willie McDonald was well rendered, and tbe recitation of Miss Lizzie Btcinmerx was well received. The programme was a lengthy one. and all who took part in it were entitled to a great deal of credit. Order of Tonti. Pittsburg has now IS lodges of Tonti, all of them flourishing and proud of their leaders. The total of reservo fund from assessments No. 1 to 19 inclusive, with interest, shows a grand total of J193.S16 Ot John A. Logan Lodge, of Allegheny, post poned their last meeting on account ofthetr ball being taken up by a bazaar and fair. They meet again on tbe 26th. The time is not far distant when an election will have to be held for the delegates to the representative convention. Members had bet ter prepare themselves for the vote. ' Pittsburg lodge No. 12 initiated four new members at its last meeting. They have en rolled and in good standing over 90 members. Including some of Pittsburg's most prominent men. Pittsburg lodges will play a strong part in the representative convention this time, and they should see to it that they have their repre sentatives well posted regarding their duces at that convention. The idea of lodges visiting one another in a body, which was inaugurated by Goodwill Lodge, of Allegheny, is a good one, and not only introduces tbe members throughout tbe two cities with each other, but adds greatly to the interest ot tbe meetings when the lodge room is crowded. Besides, more minds arc set at work, and therefore more important subjects are brought out for discussion. Pittsburg Lodge No. 12. at its meeting on last r noay evening, eiectea omcers ior me ensuing year as follows: Past President, H. C Scott; President, John Fisbering; Vice Presi dent;. E. M. Joyce: Secretary. J. D. Walter; Treawcrer,' K. V. Over; Chaplain, George L. Lauferi Marshal, A. G.' Over; Guard, Wilham Nelson; Sentinel, Jacob Rerh; Trustees, G. L. -Lanier, Jacob Been and B. C 8cott Golden Chain. W. H. Sadler, the Snpreme Treasurer of the Golden Chain, was in this city last week. The public entertainment to be given by Bessemer Lodge at Duquesne. Pa to-morrow sightpromises to be a grand affair. The order of the Golden Chain has trebled in the number ot lodges and doubled in mem bership in this State since May 1 of this year. An important meeting of the Allegheny Connty Entertainment Committee will be held in the lodge room of Fidelity Lodge at No. 80 Federal street, Allegheny, to-morrow evening. Supreme Organizer Samuel L Osmond, as sisted by Supreme Treasurer W. B. Sadler, of Baltimore, lid. and Past Commanders A. B. Mercer. M. C. Bryant, W. C. Nicbolls, insti tuted Gas City Lodge at No. 61 Fourth avenue. In ibis city, last Friday evening, with 3D charter applicants. The following officers were elected and installed: Past Commander. S. McElroy; Commander, Frank A. Grundy; Vice Comman der, W. 8. Sharon: Assistant Commander, W. H. Lambert; Prelate. William E. Bunting; Secretary, George R Beecher: Collector, Thomas C Griggs: Treasurer, George B. Chal mers; Gnide, &. D. Lowry; Guardian, J. A. Sboles: Sentinel, Jesse Hook Trustees, John N. Hazlett, James N. Campbell and James T. McMaster; Medical Examiner, Dr. Edwin T. Painter; Representative to Past Commanders' Convention, S. McElroy; Alternate, Frank A. Grundy. CnthoIIc Mntnal Beneficial Association. All persons wishing to come in as charter members of tbe German branch in St. Mary's parish. Altooua, will be sure and be present at a meeting held in tbe school hall this (Sunday) afternoon at 1 o'clock when the charter will be closed. Special Deputy F. J. Brady is working up this band, and reports 20 signers so far, two of them priests. There will be a meeting held this (Sunday) afternoon at 1 o'clock in the schoolbouse of St. Peter and St. Paul's Church, East End, for the purpose of organizing a branch or tbe C. M. B. A. Prominent speakers will be present to ex plain tbe workings of tbe organization. A cor dial invitation is extended to all tbe members of this congregation to be present at this meet ing. Branch 31 elected the followingnamedbro th ere to serve as officers Ior tbe next year: Presi dent, Thomas M. Hughes; First Vice-President, John M. Rourke;. Second Vice-President, John Poland; Recording Secretary, P. G.Nash; Assistant Recording Secretary, James B. Mc Guire; Financial Secretary, John Grant; Treas urer, Daniel Becher: Marshal, George Meter ing; Guard, Ed Doris; Trustees. William Cor bett, James S. McGuire, William J. Turner, P. G. Nash; Delegate to Grand Council, J. S. xcGuire; Alternate to Grand Council, F. J. Brady; Delegates to Advisory Council, John Grant and P. G. Nash. American Mechnnlcs. Knoxville Council No. S70, O. TJ. A. M (senior branch) will give an entertainment and ball on the evening of December 23 at Odd Fellows Hall, Southside. On this occasion the National Dramatic Company, under the joint management of J. C. Getty and Ed C. Carney, will play the drama of -Shadowed." Center Avenue Lodge No. Ill held one of their musical and literary entertainments on Tuesday evening last, at their ball, comer of Center avenue and Erin street, upon which oc casion some of tbe best local talent of tbe city appeared. Tbe audience was an appreciative and enthusiastic one. The programme was very entertaining, the musical portion of It, both vocal and instrumental being especially good. Select Knlghta. A. O. TJ. W. Liberty Legion No. 20. of S. K. of A. O. TJ. WM bad a very pleasant time on Wednesday evening at their hall, corner Penn avenue and Winebiddle avenue. The following officers were elected for tbe ensuing yean P. ti, Qeorgo Brallsford, O, L. C. Morton; V. (i, John Tur ton; L. li, Jerry Xlamms; Ree R. R. Gaw; Rec. Treas,&F. Leech; St tt, J. a Jlles; Tieas R. R. 8mith;8. W., Jas. Brooks; Jr. W Peter Bell: G Charles Hedenberg; M. K, J. J. Greene; Trustees, Jas. Brooks and J. 8.Jiles. After election Past Commander B. P. Leech presented a badge, designed and made by a member of tbe Legion, to Comrade J. U. Tur ton In honor of his work. Kaltrbta of St. John. Corom&nderyNo. 132, at McKeesport, have ordered ISO uniforms to be delivered by Febru ary 22. At the regular meeting of Dnqnesne Com xnaaderyNo.ll2,last Tuesday evening in the carlors of tbe Episcopal residence, the con tracts far the uniforms were awarded to a I 'Pittsburg and a Columbus, O., Arm. Ten new members were obligated and 20 applications re ceived. An entertainment will be held in Janu ary for the benefit of the commandery. A spe cial meeting will bo held Thursday evening next to take measures for the uniforms. Hcptnsopba A number of conclaves will hold their an nual entertainments in January. A number of Deputies will become Supreme Representatives by reason of their districts hav ing obtaid 300 or more members. Nearly all the Allegheny county conclaves will show a handsome net increase in their membership during the term just closing. M. R, Fox, of Reading, formerly Superin tendent of the Reading Hardware Company, has two conclaves nearly ready for institution. The conclaves have elected their officers for the ensuing year. In January the officers will be installed and the conclaves inspected by the deputies. Tho Supremo Secretary has removed bis office from 902 East Baltimore street to 823 Madison avenue, Baltimore, where he will have better facilities to handle the.increasiag work of the office. The new corps of officers in the city and county conclaves are generally well selected, and no doubt they willcontinue to keep their conclaves in the front rank and perhaps im prove the condition of some. Fraternal Legion. At a meeting of Thomas Paine Camp No.67. Fraternal Legion, held Thursday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: Commander, Philip Bombach: 8. V. Com., Walter Hague; J. V. Com, E. Grundy; Adjutant, Harry Hoover: Enrolling Officer, J. Cutshall: Treasurer. G. Charles Schade; Guide. Thomas Thompson; Oiator.Thomas Ventor; In side Warden. Henry J. Heitman; Sentry, Wes ley J. Richard. The installation will take place at tbe next meeting, tbe first Thursday in Jan uary. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. AlaTander Foster, a Boston Inmber dealer. has gone into insolvency. His liabilities are $22,000, while bis office furniture comprises his only assets. The factory of Mitchell & Shepherd, at Bradford, England, has been destroyed by fire. ThelossisS150,000. The American squadron of evolution ar rived at Lisbon yesterday. The squadron con sists of the new cruisers Chicago, Boston, At lanta and Yorktown. The proprietors of the boot and shoe fac tories in Bristol, England, have locked out their operatives. By this step 9,000 persons are thrown out of employment. A syndicate, with a capital of 110.000,000, has been formed to buy out tbo business of British carpet manufacturers and work their establishments on American patents. S The gasometer of the Asheville city gas works exploded yesterday while being repaired. William Gates and Lewis Guthrie were in stantly killed and several others were injured. James H. Pickney. manufacturer of silk goods at 598 Broadway, New York, and at West Hoboken, N. J., made a general assignment yesterday, without preferences, to Frederick H. Pickney. Mr. W. M. Greene, now assistant to Presi dent Ingalls, ot the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chi cago and St. Louis road, has been appointed general manager of tbe system, to take effect January 1, 1890. Prof. Oldrelve started from the battery wharf in Boston, at 1:30 o'clock Friday after soon, to walk on the water to Boston Light, on a wager of $100. He cannot now be found, and it is feared that he is lost. At Glenwood Springs, Col.. Robert Holmes was sentenced to be hanged, Wilham Chambers received a me sentence, ana uosepn noimes was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment, for the murder of Henry .Holmes on Cache creek last'June. The bodies of 6 of the missing IS persons and one of tho boats belonging to the British steamer Cleddy. which was suck off the Isle of Wight Friday by collision with the British steamer Isle of Cyprus, have been washed ashore at St. Catherine Point on the south side of the island. Mr. E. W. Kellogg, who is connected with tbe Thomson-Houston Electric Company, has just returned to Boston from a visit to Hayti. He says that the published stories that Minis ter Douglass is not receiving the treatment to which be is entitled as an officer of tbe United States Government are false. Mrs. H. Keck, aged 70, wife of a Cincinnati manufacturing jeweler, died In a cab Friday night, while on her way home. She had been to the theater with her daughter. Tbey under took to board a cable car, bnt Mrs. Keck fell, striking on her bead. A surgeon was called, who advised that she be taken home in a cab. During a street fight at Chicago two labor ersEdward Hughes, of 326 Milwaukee ave nue, and William Smith, a boarder at tbe St. Clond Hotel were dangerously stabbed by JSzra Cohen, a Westslde bartender. Bngbes was cut three times in the face, arms and neck. The injured men are at tbe County Hos pital. Cohen is locked up at the Desplaines street station. At 8 o'clock yesterday morning engine 15, drawing a southbound train, ran Into engine HI, which was side-tracked at One Hundred and Thirty-seventh street and Fourth avenue, New York City. William Bunough had bis jaw, right leg and left arm fractured, and Fire man Frank Eslack was internally injured. Both were taken to the Harlem Hospital. The accident was caused by an open switch. Mrs. Margaret Taylor, living at Cottage Grove, Lane county, Ore., yesterday shot and killed Manoh P. Martin, aged 70 years, and a pioneer. The woman claims that Martin came to her bouse during tbe absence of vber hus band and attempted to assault her. Bhe pro cured a pistol and repeatedly warned him to leave. He refused to do so, and vio lently seized hold of her. She then fired two shots at Martin's head, producing Instant death. FAILED FOE A MILLION. Two New York Stationery Firms Cannot Meet Their Eogacemecta. 2KW Toek, December 2L The report current yesterday of the probable'suspension of business of the firms of J. Q. Preble & Co., manufacturers of blank, books and en velopes, and J. B. Sheffield & Son, manu facturers ot paper and general stationery, was verified to-day at Nos. 10 and 13 Thomas street, where both firms have offices, and where are situated the city sales rooms of the companies. To the inquiry of a reporter in regard to the reports, the following state ments were made: Yes, you may state that It is true thas the firms of J. B. Sheffield A Son and J. C Preble A Co. have failed. Thevwill both trnrtnvmtr. gether. In addition to these two firms, tbe Wabash Manufacturing Company of Chicago is involved. As to the liabilities of tbe com panies, the reports that they will reach $2,000, 000 are exaggerated. However, the liabilities will exceed $1,000,000 just how mncb we can not say until an adjustment of the affairs of the companies. GAS AT L0WPEESS0EB In the Neighborhood of McKeesport Ex tension of Lines. The National Tube "Works' Murrysville wells became weak yesterday, and one of the puddling mills was obliged to shut down. The company's Grapeville extension will soon be finished, and the supply of gas will be again restored.The ilurrysvflle wells lor merly showed a 400-pound pressure, but are now down to ISO pounds. Ihe Union Gas Company is putting down additional lines in McKeesport in tbe hops of getting a bet ter supply, which at present is very weak. HOME FOE HEW lEAE'S DAI. Mr. Camecle Expected to Nome the Trustee for Ills Library Gift. Councilman John A. Lsrabie says An drew Carnegie will be here about January 3U and that he is expected then to name the trustee of the proposed library gift. The sura offered by Mr. Carnegie for the free library project is $760,000. The site of the building will hare to be purchased with a portion of this amount as there is no down town property owned by the city, available' for that purpose. The McKeesport Machine Company, The McKeesport Machine Company was chartered yesterday with a capital stock of $21,000. A large foundry and machine shop has already been opened and is doing a good business. J. W. Taylor is President; Suane P. Smith, Secretary, and George Powers, Treasurer. When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she ci led for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children,she gave them Castorla ft-TMrtrrsa THEfWAY TO' WEALTH. No Boyal fioad, bat Economy and Perseverance Make It Possible. millions Made by agcidest. How Notable Men, Beginning Low, As csnded tho Golden Ladder. I5HERITED BIOflES IH TAB C0UKTEI Toil is not always rewarded with pecuni ary success. Many a' hard-working man lives and dies in poverty. There is no more loyal road to wealth than to learning. Its acquisition is as much accident as design. No man -of his acquaintance was more surprised than was Coal Oil Johnny when he awoke one morning and found himself a millionaire. The Schuylkill connty man who tried to make anthracite coal burn by stirring it, and failing, flammed the fur nace door shut in a rage and went away and left it,not only made himself immensely wealthy by the act, but did a service of in estimable value to tbe State, This accident made him rich and famous. The mere plodder, the man who has a reg ular calling and works at it from sun to sun, without thought of anything else, while as sured of a living so long as be has health and ability toperform his daily duty,seldom amasses wealth. He may, and often does, own the house he lives in and surround himself with many of the comforts of life, but he seldom rises to the Importance ot a capitalist. A cogent reason for this is that living expenses are so great as to absorb bis surplus earnings. In his endeavor to live as well as other people to be somebody, as the saying is he pays out all, or the bulk;, of his earnings. This is not his fault, but the fault of society. The desire to shine, to dress and live like peo ple of unlimited means, keeps many a nose to the grindstone. If Benjamin Franklin's maxim ilve within tout Income were more closely observed there would be more happy firesides and lighter hearts. A patch on tbe knee and gloves on do not harmonize. There is room here for a great reform. Society Should look to causes as well as to effects. The working man, no matter what his avocation, should not permit himself to be so dazzled by the splendor of his rich neighbor as to be tempted to imitate his extravagance, even on a small scale. It is not what one earns that makes him rich; it is what he saves. V It is not intended in these remarks to applaud great wealth at the expense of a mere compe tence. No one who Iras lookedinto the subject, eren superficially, will contend that riches are an unmitigated blessing. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown," expresses tbe condi tion of the millionaire as truly as that of the monarch. Jay Gould, guarded wherever he goes, sleep ing and waking, by a private detective, cannot be a happy man. Moderation in everything furnishes tbe maximum of pleasure. The hap piest man is he who has all he needs and a little to lay by for the doctor and the undertaker. Having spoken of tbe general rule governing wage-workers, it seems necessary to note ex ceptions, of which Pittsburg furnishes a large number. Many of her wealthiest citizens be gan life as plodders, but tbey bad genius and ability, which, being developed and pursued, led on to a fortune. There are few communi ties in the world whose wealthy men were, at the beginning of their career, less favored by fortune, except in the matter of mental endow ments, than those of this great industrial center. Scarcely one of them was born with a silver spoon in bis mouth. By intelligent ap plication, and by taking advantage of their op portunities, they rose from poverty to wealth. They were not content to remain mere plod ders. Nature had. endowed them with talent for something higher. Like the boy Washing ton at the Natural Bridge in Virginia tbey sought to carve their names high among those of the great financiers of the country, and tbey succeeded. Two poor boys came to Pittsburg from Scot land. Both of them became millionaires. One is dead, but the other lives, and is using his immense fortune to add to the knowledge and happiness of the people of his adopted city and country. Another poor boy came here from an adjoining county, where he had served in an humble capacity on the old State canal. He died a few months ago, leaving a million dollars or more to the educational and charit able institutions of the city. Many other similar instances might be mentioned, but the foregoing are sufficient to show that persistent, intelligent effort is reasonably sure of its re ward. The lives of these men offer encourage ment to all who earn their bread by the sweat of their brow. It is somewhat different in the country. There is a great deal of wealth in the rural dis tricts of Western Pennsylvania, bnt a large part of it has been inherited. Ithas descended from father to son for many generations. Talk ing a few days ago with a gentleman who lives in the Beaver Valley, he said: "I consider my self well off in this world's goods, but I earned very little of it. It came to me in tbe shape of land from my father, who obtained it from his father. My grandfather bought a large tract ot land at an early day, getting it for a song, as the saying is, and it has remained in the family ever since. The advancolnits value has made us all independent. Tbe same is true of many others of my acquaintance. There is a valuable prop erty near McKee's Bocks that has been owned by one family for nearly 100 years, and ithas made them all rich. They had patience to wait, and they are now reaping their reward. Land is the most valuable of earthly posses sions, and when one acquired it should not be lightly parted with. There is a good deal in this recital worth con sidering. People of this age look ;oo much to tbe present to the neglect of the fnture. To supply a present want, real or Imaginary, they sacrifice the prospect of luture comfort. They build a borne or buy a piece of ground, and immediately sell it because they cin get a little more than it cost them, whereas if they would hold it, in the ordinary course of affairs it would become a valuable possession, a support in old age and a legacy to their children or de pendents which would lift them above want. While material wealth is not the most de sirable or valuable possession in the world, it is a good tbing to have, and its attainment will always command the best powers of man; but while the field is open to all, few receive it by their individual efforts. It is severely guarded by locks and bolts, ithicli only economy and perseverance can turn back. Trade keeps up remarkably well considering the unseasonable weather. There has been very little diminution in volume and no con traction of prices. Even dealers In stocks'and oil were hopeful. They seo in the present lull a promise of better things to come. When the yearly settlements are made and the evening up process is completed, money will be easier. The holiday trade got a late start, but is in full swing at last. Sales the last two dajs of the week were enormous. That all of the industries of the city, whether mercantile or manufacturing, are in a prosper ous condition is shown in the official statement of tbe manager of the Clearing House that ex. changes last week exceeded by more than $2,000,000 those for the same time last yaer. AN ESCODEAGIKG FINISH. A material Improvement In Local Secni-I-tlee Luster Make a Jump. Tbe feature of the stock market yesterday was a further advance In Luster Mining Com pany to SO bid and 80H asked, with very little offered. It was said the company had secured new and Improved machinery in San Francisco, and had taken other steps to develop the prop erty. Those on tbe inside express confidence in tbe final outcome of the energetic operations of those in control of the mine. Philadelphia Gas held its own on light offers, and at tbe close exhibited symptoms of a rally. The prospects of tbe company are said to have materially improved during tbe month. Cen tral Traction was a trifle stronger, and lectrio was no to t!H bid and 48 asked. There' was thn usual Saturday bidding on bans: stocks, to keep up quotations, but, while firm, they showed no decided change, Brokers expect a refits! after New Tear's and show it latbelr looks and actions, The Keeling .yesterday was quite buoyant; ano radlng brisk for a short day. The total sales were 405 shares, contributed by pnuaueipnu Gas; Luster and Central Traction, .uite: stocks, BW.A(kea. Arsenal S3 . Bank of Pittsburg jj" Commercial National Bank W w Citizens National Bank f CltyBavines. Diamond National Bank la Duqnesne National Bank... 165 .... Kxcnange National Bank.. '. 22 " First Nationsl Bank, Pittsburg m .... Fourth National Bank 128 1 Klfth Avenue - t First Nat. Bank, Birmingham .250 German NatlonalBank. 30) Iron City National Bant M Iron and Glass Dollar Savings .130 Keystone Bank of Pittsburg. r Ci Masonlo Bank..., my .... Merchants Manufacturers' Ns.Bank.102 .... Mechanics' National Bank 63 ce Metropolitan National BanK 100 .... Mononnbela National Bank..t HZ Odd Fellows' Savlnrs Bank 6J Pittsburg Nat. Bank, of Commerce 235 .... Pittsburg Bank for Savings , 220 .... People's Nationsl Bank ,157 Keal Estate Savings Bank, Lira 130 .. Third National Bank 163 173 Tradesmen's National Bank 243 .... Second National Hank. Allegheny.. ...Sue Third National. Allegheny 133 ctstraiscx BTOCXS. Bid. Asked. Citizens 38 Humboldt so Western Insurance Co w GaS STOCKS. . , Bid. Asked. AlleghenyGas Co. (Ulum.1. 39 Consolidated Oas Co. (ilium.) S3 Pittsburg Uas Co. (Ilium.) 60 89 KATCBal, GAS BTOCXS. Bid. Asked. Allegheny Heating Co 100 Brldgewater i tt Cnartlers Valley Gas Co US 4S Ohio Valley S3 People's Nat. Uas Co... 15 Pennsylvania Qas Co........ I'M Philadelphia Co 29X 29 Westmoreland and Cambria 25 Wheeling ties Co 20 OH. COMPACT BTOCXS. Bid. Asked. Washington Oil Co 80 FASSEXOXB KAILWXX STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Central Traction 2K SHi Cltlsens' Traction 67 .... Pittsburg-Traction. 47 tlH Pleasant Valley 23 24 Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester.2SS EXTLBOii) STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Allegheny Valley. 154 cnartlers Hallway 43 .... l'itts., Youngstown A Ashtabula B. B. .... 32 Pitts. & Connellsrllle 13 Pittsburg & Lake Erie w.... SO .... Pitts, ft Western K. B. Co 13)t COAL STOCKS. Bid. Asked. N. T. & Cleveland Gas Coat Co S3 37 HININO STOCKS. Bid. Asked. La Noria Mining Co H V Luster Mining Co.. SO 3 kankee Girl Mining Co H ZLECTBIO LIGHT STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Westlnghouse Electric HH 43 MieCXIXAJfXOUS STOCKS. Bid. Alked. Westlnjrhouie Air Brake Co 117 Westlnghouse Brake Co., Lira -G:X Pittsburg Cyclorama Co S Sales were 5 shares of Philadelphia Oas at 29, 100 at 29K. 100 Luster at SO. and 100 Central Traction at 32. J C. Forse sold 100 Central Traction at 33 The total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 83,314 shares, including: Canada Southern, 2,400; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 12.809: Lake Shore, 4.600: Missouri Pa cific, 17,320: Reading, 7,200; St. Paul, 6,625; Union Pacific, 4,760. ACTIYB AND EAST. Good Demand for Money, bnt the Supply Equal to Requirements. The local money market was strong yester day, as it had been throughout the week. The demand for accommodations for some time has been so great as to prevent the accumulation of a surplus. Still there is nothing resembling a pinch, nor is there likely to be, as from now on, owing to large sales of holiday goods, a gen eral settling up and disbursements of divi dends and interest, the trend will be toward greater ease. Tbe Clearing House report makes a satis factory exhibit of tbe prosperous condition of general trade. The exchanges for tbe week are over $2,000,000 greater than for the corre sponding time last year, when business was thought to have about reached high-water mark. The volume of business so lar this year is the largest in the history of the city. The figures which lollow tell a pleasing story of un exampled prosperity: Yesterdays-exchanges. f 2,186,811 43 Yesterday's balances......,.., 301.773 Si Week's exchanges:, 14, 279, 270 Iff Week's balances 1,833,756 IS Dally average exchanges 2,379,878 45 Exchanges week of 1S88. 12,207.021 49 Gain over week of 1888 2,071,53574 Money on call at New Tore yesterday was easy, ranging from 4 to S percent; last loan, 4; closed offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 57K. Sterling exchange quiet and steady at 54 80 for 60-day bills and S4 84) for de mand. The weekly statement of the New York banks, issued Saturday, shows the following changes: Reserve, increase, 1763,075: loans, increase, 12,455.400; specie, increase, tl.714,600; legal tenders, decrease. $257,600; deposits, in crease, t2,77o,700circulation, decrease, $57,100. The banks now hold 53,398,725 in excess of the 25 per cent rule. Closing Bond Quotations. TJ. B. 4,reg.... 128 U. 8. 4s. ooun 127 M.K.AT. Gen.Si Mntnal Union 6s.. N. J. C. Int. Oert. Northern Pac. Ists Northern Fae. M. six 100 1MH nth 112 U. B. 4Ka. ret? 104K U. 3. 4Hs, conn.... 1MK raoincDsor'ib us Loulslanastamned (s 93X NortbW't'n conenli.Ml illssourl 6s Wlii Northw'n deben's-.llOK ienn. new set. Be... lit) Oregon & Trans. 6a. 103)4 St. L. ALU. Gen. 3s SOX St. U A b. K. Oen.il. II: b'v. Paul consols ....12914 St. PL Chi Pr-lita. IIS Tenn. new set. 5....101H xenn. new set. as.... hh Canada Bo. Ms 96ft Gen. Pacificists.. ...Ill Den. iKQ, lsts,..122 Den.AR.G.4s 765 D.&B.G. West, lsts. 99 Tx., Pc.L.(l.Tr.Bs.90 Tx..Pe.K.G.TT.Beti S8 union srae. ists...MII3 West Shore 106X M.1L.AT. Gen.6s.. 74a Jie, a&.............JW9 Government and State bonds are firm and dull. New Tone Clearings, $124,033,971; balances, $5,348,954. For tbe week Clearings. 703.928, 850; balances, $31,913,539. ,,- Boston Clearings, $10,378,607; balances, $2,048,033. For the week Clearings, $98,182,042; balances, $11,473,693. For the corresponding week last year Clearings, $88,834,473; balances. $11,162,032. - - i -i PflttADKLPHU-Clearings, $13,173,730; bal ances, $1,810,808. For the week Clearings S7i4S0.ni2; balances, $10,632,385. ' Baltmobe Clearings, $2,320,142; balances, London The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day, was 25,000. Bar silver 45 15-16d per ounce, CmcAOO Bank clearings were $71,036,459, against $6,830,412 for the corresponding week. The demand for money, especially for grain and provisions, is exceptionally good, and rates remain firm at 6 per cent for caU and 6Q8 per cent for time loans. . HAS 50 BACKBONE. Oil Speculation Loilng lta Attraction for Both Insiders and Outsiders. Yesterday was another very dull period In the oil market, the fluctuations being narrow of a cent and the feeling far from confi dent. Even pykers wore long faces. Tbe mar ket opened at $10 highest 81 MK, lowest and closing 81 04. Friday's clearances were 104,000 barrels. Those for the week were 1,937,000. The highest price was $1 05J and tbo lowest $1 03V. These figures tell a story ot llstlessness and apathy which operators only too fully realise. The strong conditions of tbe market count for nothing In tbe absence of speculative interest. An expert said: The work of the drill has been uneventful, but the operators are not less active than tbey were a month ago. Tbls ac tivity is having the effect of adding a great many small wells to tbe producing capacity, which will for sometime at least defer tbe com ing of the day when stocks above ground will be annihilated. But the stoeks of oil have nevertheless declined to that point where trad ing in the commodity is decidedly uncertain, and speculating In wind Is always unsafe." Fentares of Ihe Market. Corrected dally by John M. Oauey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened u....JM Lowest 1M Highest 104HClosed T.-104 Barrels. Average runs. . ................ ,. 64,084 Average shipments 81,094 Average charters , 11,222 Kenned, New York. 7.60c Heflnerf, London. M. Beflned, Antwerp. 17Kr. Refined. Liverpool. S 1-184. Beflned, Bremen, 7,13m. A. B. McOrew quotes: Pats, $1 08K; calls, $1 04Jai 04& ' Other Oil Markets OrxCrrr, December 2L Petroleum opened at $104; highest, 8104K; lowest, $104; closed, Bradford. December 2L Opened at $1 03; closedat $1 04; highest, $1 0 lowest, $1 03 Tmjsvn.T,B,Docember21. Opened at $104: highest, $1 04H: lowest, $1 04; dosed, $1 04H- Nbw Yoke. Decembers!. Petroleum owned steady at $1 OS&and moved up to mi. A reaction followed, ud toe surlM4f ..if s.r..j .si .. - m i -r MOW! steady at f 1 06. Stool; Exchange: Opening, $1 OS; highest, $1 04; lowest. $1 033ft closing, $1 03K. Consolidated Exchange t Opening, jl 03; highest. 81 04V; lowest, $1 Q3j closing, ao Total sales, 111,Q(X barrels. STILL THBI GO. Laadsjiad Houses Continue to Attract the Attention of Investors. W. W. McNeill 4 Bra, 105 Fourth avenue, disposed of one-quarter interest in a large manufacturing concern at Beaver Falls to a business man of this city. The figures are private. They also .placed mortgage of $1,760 on Twelfth ward property, 6 per cent, two years. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to A. Mibxnaloton Fifth avenue in the James P. Ban homestead property, being 50x95 feet, for 85,500. James Wright sold two lots on Hiland ave nue, East End, to a a Green, of Pittsburg, and James Gilbert, of Bbarpsburg, who will build two large Queen Anne bouses at once. L. O. Frazier, corner Forty-fifth and Butler streets, placed si $4,000 mortgage onalargelot and dwelling in tbe Seventeenth ward, and one of $2,500 on a small business property in the Sixteenth ward, both for three years at 0 per cent. Magaw & Goff. Limited, 145 Fourth avenne, sold lot No. 74, 25x112, bavlnga good street both front and rear, in their Oak station nlan,on the Castle Shannon Kailroad, to W. L. Kebple for 8100 cash. He will build a nice residence. Samuel W. Black fc Co., 99 Fourth avenne, sold four perpetual ground rents on property near Fifth avenue, which net the purchaser 5 per cent on tbe amonnt paid for them, tbe pur chase price being $2,880. Charles Somen & Co., 313 Wood street, sold JorM.A. Strother to J. A. Whitcomb three Jots on Wadsworth street, near Emmett street, having a total frontage of 65 feet on Emmett street and a depth of 100 feet for $1,200. They also placed a mortgage of $600 for two years at 8 per cent on a vacant lot in the Thirteenth ward, city. THIETI-FITB HOUSES. Permits for That Number of New Buildings Taken Ont Last Week. Building was active last week, despite bad weather and the lateness of the season. It looks as If it would hold out all winter. The number of permits issued was 85. and the esti mated value ot the Improvements 90,303. The largest was taken out by H. S. A. Stew art for five two-story brick dweUings onjStan ton avenue, to cost $25,000. John A. Benshaw, the Liberty street grocer, was authorized to erect a three-story brick dwelling on Ellsworth avenue. It will cost him $10,000. -The follow ing is the list: . a Henry Schmitt, frame two-story stable, 18x26 feet, on rear of Butler street, Fifteenth ward. Ed. Griffiths, frame one-story and mansard dwelling, 16x30 feet, on Reed street, Thirteenth ward. Chas. E. Cnmmlngs, frame one-story shop, 10 xl2 feet, on Center avenue. Eleventh ward. H. Hohmeyer, frame two-story dwelling, 14x 16 feet, on Boquet street. Fourteenth ward. Second Avenne Passenger Railway Com- Sany, frame two-story carshed, 60x125 feet, on econd-avenue. Twenty-third ward. M. J. Montgomery, two frame two-story dwellings, 87x32 feet, on Greenbush street. Thirty-second ward. M. ITinnegan, frame one-story dwelling, 20x18 feet, on Stockholm street, Twelfth ward. Daniel Miller, frame two-story dwelling, 16x 32 feet, on Brereton avenue, .Thirteenth ward. T. M. McDonougb, frame addition, two-story dwelling, 20x40 feet, on Beelcn street, Thir teenth ward. Mrs. C. A. Shaffer, frame one-story store, llx 23 feet, on Apple street. Twenty-first ward. Chambers & Coale, frame one-story and attio stable, 16x20 feet, on Lytle street, Twenty-third ward. F. G. Hague, frame two-story stable, 16x28 feet, on rear of Meadow street, Twenty-first ward. . H. O. Hornberger, frame two-story dwelling, 19x33 feet, on Hazelwood avenue. Twenty-third ward. August Euler. frame two-story dwelling, 20x 34 feeti on Martin street, Twenty-seventh ward. Wilhelm Michael, frame addition, two-story dwelling, 18x18 feet, on Plymouth street, Thirty fifth ward. Peter Schusler, brick two-story and attlo dwelling, 22x47 feet, on Collins avenue, Nine teenth ward. Fred Hass, frame two-story dwelling, 22x48 feet, on Bt. Clair street. Nineteenth ward. Mrs. A. J. Lee, frame two-story dwelling, 22x30 feet, on Collins avenue. Nineteenth ward. John A. Bensbaw, brick three-story dwelling, 84x34 feet, on Ellsworth avenue. Twentieth ward. Mrs. Patterson, frame one-story addition to store, 16x20 feet, on Bedford avenue, Thirteenth wara. Childs' Hospital, frame two-story hospital addition, 24x27 feet, on Forbes street. Four teenth ward. J. Ei Ilabenstcln, frame 'addition one-story dwelling, 40x33 feet, on Forbes street. Four- fAfiTlL'li wnl John Klein, frame two-story dwelling, 17x31 feet, on Ella street. Sixteenth ward. John Price, frame one-story dwelling, 18x33 feet, on Brereton avenue. Thirteenth ward. Phillip Becker, frame one-story stable and wagon shed, 18x27 feet, on Hill alley. Thirteenth ward. H. S. A. Stewart, five brick two-story and attic dwellings, 33x50 feet, on Stanton avenue. Nineteenth ward. John O. Frazier, four frame two-story dwell ings, 20x32 feet each, on Lyman avenue. Twenty-second ward. Weyman & Bros., brick addition three-story storage house, 27x74 feet, on Scott alley. Fourth ward. Peter B. Callaghan, frame two-story dwelling, 18x18 feet, on Bates street. Fourteenth ward. C. Evans, frame addition two-story dwelling, 20x28 feet, on rear of Second avenue, Twenty third ward. Mrs. Levi Schuck, brick two-story dwelling, 25x45 feet on Broad street. Fourteenth ward. James C. Dick, frame two-story dwelling, 18x 81 feet, on Boquet Btreet, Fourteenth ward. F. Bese, frame one-story office, 12x24 feet, on Penn avenue. Twentieth ward. Mrs. Morton, two frame two-story and man sard dwellings, 20x35 feet each, on Blppey street, Nineteenth ward. Mrs. Mary Welsh ous. brick two-story dwell ing. 30x41 feet, on Walnut street; corner ot O'Hara street, Twentieth ward. NOT MUCH LIFE In Bailroad Shares Only Two Active Feat ores A Favorable) Bank State ment Boosts Values a Lit tie at tbe Close. New Yore, December 2L The general liquidation which has taken place in the stock market during tbe past few days makes an ex tremely dnll one without special feature of any kind. Only two stocks, Missouri Pacific and Lackawanna, showed any life whatever, and both after advancing somewhat relieved again, losing most of the improvement. Outside of the two stocks mentioned there seemed to be no speculative interest in the market, but foreign houses were buying on a limited scale, chiefly St. Paul and Union Pacific There was liberal buying of Missouri Pacific at the opening, and it rose rapidly and steadily until it was within per cent of its yesterday's figure, 76- It then as rapidly re tired to the opening figure and closed at a slight advance. Lackawanna was inclined to heaviness rn the early trading, but toward the close there was a good demand for tbe stock at advancing prices, but it also sagged oft be fore the close. Tbe opening ot tbe market was strong at ad vances over last evening's prices, extending to & per cent, duc except in tue siocks meuuoneu the fluctuations were confined within the nar rowest limits and no decided tendency In either direction was shown, though a firm tone marked the dealings as a rule. The unexpect edly favorable bank statement gave character to the final dealings, and tho close was firm. The final changes are all for small fractions with advances largely in a majority. Railroad bonds were relatively more active than stocks, the sales of all issues reaching $057,000 for tbe two hours' session, and, while a firm tone generally prevailed, there were few changes of importance to record. Tho Iron Mountain 5s and the new Wabash seconds were the features, both being active and strong, though tbe latter reacted toward tbe close. Sales for the week, $7,203,000. against $7,875,000 The Pott says; The change of sentiment among the professional speculators as the re sult of the recently declared extra dividends on the Vanderhilt and other stocks was mani fested beyond doubt to-day, though these fa vorable developments of the last week had been so unexpected that they caught the larger part ot the speculative public unprepared for them. Tbe rollowlng tania snows tne prices ot active stocks on tbe Mew "York Stock lxcnange yester day. Corrected dally for THS Disfatcu by Whitkiit A HTiriiENBON, oldest Pittsburg mem bers of Hew xork Btocx xxenange, .7 fourth avenue: Cloi- Hlgh- Low. In ess. est. Hid. soji zan ton SIM M x W 72V an n 87 ma 122)4 in 4 xh ita km 108 vr.u 107V 7iX Wi 70 1144 S9 KH 3 IS 4114 IX 41 S3 S3 KH liiJi liiji liii? 142 cti 71M Open- ., ID. Am. Cotton oil Trust., sotf Am. cotton on. Atcn xop.n.jr..... 304 Canadian Paclflo Canada Southern S7K Central orHewJersey.l224 Central Paelflt.... .... Ches&oeake A Ohio.... toll 0- Bur. a Oulir.....l07M C Mil. a. Ut. ifaul.... 71 c, mii.'& at. i. pr c, kockl &r n c, at. l. a l'itu CshUS Pitts, pr.. tn u. at. r.,s,to sen c at. ru. a o.. pr. .... C A .aorta-western.. ...111K C. ftnertfi western, vr. .... C ft. a .u..v.. .... CC C. AL, lr M, , 6S. 83 OoL Coat, & iron U'A SSJ4. 26 Col. A Hocking f ai .. .. . .... .... Del. & Hudson. , Denver A KloQ ., Benver& Bio (i pr JtT..Va,Aua - E.T..VS, AGa.lat p.'. JfcT.. Va.4oa.Jdpr. Illinois central. liatf lis 118JX. Lake Erie A Western.. .. .... ... f.alTA VrtA A- TO... ,r Lake Shore AM. ..-lOS lxralsvuieftnashvuie. mil Michigan central...... SSJt Mobile A Ohio Mo.. Kan. & Texas.,.. 115 Missouri faolfic 73 New rort central icatf a. r.. Lt. R. W 10SM iff 74), 1C8J J1.Y..L.E.. W.prer.. m. if., a Ast. iT. K.X.. a A8t.-L.nr.. 68M W& " 17)J 6CS4 17J4 N.i.. aftst.ij.2anf .... . K .44K . r.,O.A W 203 orfolk A Western..: NorrolfcA Western. pf. .... Northern Pacific. 3i?4 Nortnern racing pre& 73W Ohio Mississippi...., 22j Oregon improvement OregonSTransoon J3H Pacini) Mall KX Peo. Deo. Attvans Phlladel. A Beading.. iSTi Pullman Palace Car...lSSla Richmond ft W. P. T.. 215j Klchmond & W.P.T.pf 8054 St. PA Minn, ft Man..ll2 St. U A San Fran St. L. A San STan pr.. 33 st.i,. A San jr. 1st pr. Texas Pacific 20W Union Pacific C9X Wabasn .. 16! Wabash preferred 12 Western Union........ 84 Wheeling A L. , 6S SagarTrnst UH National Lead Trust.. ISM Chicago ties Trust.... 43J 4H 2034 4355 20Jt Hi 22)4 25SC si 133 21 m 113 ia" 2oi OH ISM sis S3 SSI 58 !? m 43 5W 31 7SK OH & KM IS SJ 1SS 21X 80S 112)4 IS MX K 20)4 C9H n'A sis ssn C8 MM 19J4 4JX 75 22 iii, ss ai 183H 21J, 80)4 112X si" 20& 70 18J4 XS !91 43J? WALL STEBET GOSSIP. Stocks Strong but Dull nnd Featureless Labor Troubles In England. By Special Wire to John M. Oakley ft Co.. Sew Yoke, December 21. The stock mar ket opened strong, especially In Missouri Pa clflo and Lake Shore, but it was distressingly dull. A generally Improved feeling follows tbe Gould and Vanderbilt dividend announcement, coupled with the continued talk of a car fam ine on the Western roads, hut the speculative Instinct has not been yet aroused. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western showed great re cuperative powers, bnt Reading was slngglsh. Chicago, Burlington and Qnincy and St. Paul were up, but Bock Island did not budge. Tbe bank statement came out earjy and was better than expected, showing a gain of nearly $760,000 In reserves and of twice that much in actual cash. The publication of these figures did not stimulate activity or Influence higher prices, presumably to the disgust of the bulls. Western Union has not shown the slightest powei to redever its exceptionally Urge divi dend, and while it may yet blossom into boll activity it must be confessed that it looks more as if it might go down. After the holidays, we shall hear a good deal of Wanamakerspet plan of making the telegraph an accessory of the Postofflce Departnent. Meantime tbe use of telephone wires ior telegraphing purposes increases. Dullness profound has been the characteristic of the market lately, but we hope tbat tbe blockade will be broken next week. There has been great industrial activity in England during the year, bat the inevitable consequence of trade expansion, hierher wa?es. is a factor that now promises to give trouble. The London correspondent of the Chronicle points ont that coal strikes are threatened in Great Britain and Germany. In South Wales the miners have made demands for shorter hours and higher wages, which the employers are not willing to accept. The writer says that if a strike there should ensne 'It would prob ably precipitate a strike all over the country, and would throw out of gear every important industry." Beside this, the railway employes in the North of England are agitating in favor of shorter hours, and the brewers are asking for more pay. Tbe increasing business on our rail wars here is likely to invite the new labor com binations who will Insist that they are entitled to extra dividend as well as stockholders in the companies. The coal miners are in more or less distress, and large numbers are being dis charged for lack of work. The unseasonable weather so far this winter must have checked the sale of drygoods, wool ens, boots and shoes, etc., and the country merchants must have large stocks of goods un sold. Perhaps this partly accounts for the ex ceptional demand for currency in the interior. Philadelphia Stocks. CloslDg quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. Ko. 7 fourth avenue. Members Hew York Stock .Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsvlvama Kailroad. R3K 53 19M 8 52 SM. SIM 75) Heading 19 7-18 buffalo. Pittsburg ft Western 7U Lehigh Valley..... S2i Ionian JnaTijraii9n...l Northern Paclflo 2 31 ed 79)4 H ortnem Pacino pre: erred., BUSINESS NOTES. Or 22 mortgages closed up yesteftay, the largest was for $10,000. Only one was for pur chase money. There is a deal of some kind going on In the vicinity of Fifth avenue and Penn, but it is kept as quiet as a mouse. Two HtrifDESD and twentt-ses deeds, transferring property valued at $577,776, were filed for record last week. Sales of local stocks on call last week were 1.135 shares, against 1,458 the previous week." Philadelphia Gas led with 515 shares. Negotiations between the owners of tbe Hamilton Hotel property and tbe Americas Club continue, but there is no prospect of a speeuy closing or tne aeai. Wouldn't it be businesslike fer owners of rookeries on some of tbe best streets, that are paying 2 or 3 per cent, to tear them down and put np good business houses tbat would pay 8 orlOf It is stated tbat of tbe three great electric companies, th Westlnghouse, Thomson-Houston and Edison, the former is the only one that has ever paid a dividend. Tbe Westlnghouse is a home company. There were lively times among real estate agents last week, and a large number of sales made, tbe most important being that of the Schweitzer property, on Fourth avenue, to Captain Vandergrif t for $120,000. The statement of the Dollar Savings Bank shows the amount due the depositors, $12,822, S35 49; amount due dividends, $236,253 52; amount due contingent fund, $743,110 06; total, $13,802,299 Of. Tbe present nnmber of deposit ors is 32,094, averaging $408 89 each. A 2 per cent dividend has been declared. JAME3 J. Johnsos", one of the trustees of the portion of the Avery estate, belonging to the Wylie Avenue A. M. E. Church, in speak ing of the reported sale of the property, yester day said: "There has been no definite proposi tion made to us yet for the property, and until there has been we of course can take no ac tion. At tbe same time the regular meeting of" the trustees will be held next week, when it is very probable the matter will be discussed. An expression from the members of the church may also be obtained. The following nominations for Directors and officers of the Pittsburg Petroleum, Stock and Metal Exchange were made yesterday: For President, Jas. a McKelvey; First Vice Presi dent, B. F. Arensburg; Second Vice Presidents, A. A. Adams, S. S. Pinkerton; Treasurer, H. W. Hagan, John B. Barbonr, Jr.; Secretary, Captain J.K. Barbonr; Directors, nine to elect, a K. Harris, J. C. Force. Geo. Heard, G. K, Knhn, W. L Mnstin, C. K. Kuhn, N. W. Stev enson, J. B. McKee, Jr., B. J. Stone v, Jr., A. J. Lawrence, T. J. Campbell, Samuel Fritz. W. D. Badger, H. E. Wilson and M. L. Jenkins: Ar bitration Committee. J. C. Morris, B. H. Rob inson. F. P. Smith: It. T. Hunt, Samuel Fritz. Jas. Carotbers and Frank Pollock. President McKee declined a renomination. Congratulated by the Governor. One business event of tbe past week was the dedication of Kaufmann & Bros.' largo annex. Among tho congratulations forwarded this en terprising firm was the following: COMJIOaWXt.T.TH Or-pENNSTT.VAirtA, ) XZCUTTVX CUJLUBER, J. HJatRiSBtna. December ia, 1&S9. ) Messrs. J. Kanimann & Bros., Pittsburg, ia, : GEJirLKUMJ Your telegram of tbe Mth Instant, Inviting me to be present at the dedication and opening or your enlarged business block; was re ceived npon my retnrn to Hamsburg, after an absence of several days. The Invitation was gratefully appreciated, and had it been possible for me to have visited Pitts burg at the time of the opening, I wonld have had great pleasure In Joining with those who tca tlSed their appreciation of your enterprise ana business ability by the acceptance of your invi tation. Kegrettlng tbe circumstances which prevented the acceptance of your invitation, lam Very cordially yours, JJlKXS A. REAYXB. ExoBAvnras for all illustrative pur poses. General printing. PlTTSBTJBO PHOXO-ENOBAVIHQ CO., XXSSU 76, 77, 79 Diamond st. Fratjenheim & Vixsack's ale and porter are superior beverages. CaU for them. All dealers keep them. Or order direct, 'Phone 1186. The most healthful winter drinks are ale and porter. Z. Wainvrright & Co. 's brew is the best. Telephone W8. -xxsu MABEETS BY WIREf A ifatr Speealatlve Movement la Wheat and Price Slightly Stranger Pork Rather Mere Active bat Weaker. Chicago Wheat-Speculative trading to day reached very fair proportions, and a strong feeling was developed in the market. Outside news was all more or less of a bullish tenor and assisted tbe buoyancy of the market. There was fair buying on long 'account, hut the de mand was supposed to come mainly from shorts, who were forced to cover, not liking tbe change which has come over the market tbe last few days. A prominent New York trader was reported as covering a large line through a Chicago house, and another Arm was credited with buying very freely on long account The market opened at about the closing fig ures of yesterday to o better, ruled firm and prices gradually advanced Ke, then receded c, again advanced to full outside figures, ruled firm, and closed about lc higher than yes terday. Operators were of the impression that there was considerable realizing at the advance by parties wbo had bought previous to the recent advance. Still the market held up well and the closing was apparently quite strong. Cable advices were, on tho whole, not quite so encouraging to holders as yesterday. Esti mates on the visible supnly vary from a prob able decrease to a slight increase. Corn A fair trade was transacted within a narrow range and tbe feeling developed was a trifle firmer, the market syrrpatbizing with wheat. Transactions were In the main local, principally in January, May and July. Tbe market opened at about closing prices of yes terday, was easy at firt. but soon became stronger, advancing Jc; ruled easier and closed a Bbade higher than yesterday. Oats There was more disposition to sell tbe futures. Tbe business transacted was only mod erate, but a weaker feeling existed and prices declined c Mess Pork Rather more was doing ana the market was weaker. Prices ruletl 1012)c lower early In the day. but rallied ZSc and closed comparatively steady. Lard Only a fair trade was reported. Prices ruled about 'JKc lower and closed steady. Short Bib Sides More was doing and the market was weaker. Prices ruled fully So lower early, but closed with more steadiness. Tbe leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT No. 2. December. 77Ji7877it9 78c; January. 78r878079c; May, 82JJa' 82gc Cobk No. 2. December. 33S3Xr3333: Jannary,31Sl3131Jc;May,SLS2K32? 32c Oats-tNo. 2. December, 20c; January. 20 20)i2q20; May. 2222224?225$c. Mess Poke, per bbL January. $9 209 20 0 129 17: February. $93069 329 3009 30; May. $9 6209 659 7X9 65. Laud, per 100 fts. Jannary.tS 875 009 5 87X5WK: March. $5 955 875 955 95; may, co vixuo vifiQO uxg-o do. Bnnirr. a inary. J si ran 904 92 04 7204 70IS4 12U: February. I75 4 72K4 73: Mav. 4 95 1 9304 9CX24 92K. uasn quotations were as iouows: f lour sieaay and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 78c: No. 3 spring wheat, 6364Kc; No. 2red,78c; No. 2 com. 33c; No. 2 oats, 20c: No. 2rye.45JJa Mo. 2 barley, 6S60c: No. 1 flaxseed. $1 35 Prime timothy seed. $1 22. Mess port, per bbl, $8 62K9 25. Lard, per 100 lbs, $5 87 Short nbs sides (loose), $4 6534 80. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $4 12. Short clear sides (boxed). $5 00o 05. Sugars steady. Receipts Flour, 13.000 barrels: wheat. 54.000 bushels: com. 252,000 bushels; oats, 106,000 bushels; rye, 17,000 bushels: barley. 35.000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 17,000 bar rels: wheat. 10.000 bushels: corn. 229.000 bush' Pels; oats, 112.000 bushels; rye, 6,000 bushels; Daney. I8.000 Dusbeis. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was unchanged. Eggs, 2021c HEAT ON THE HOOP. The Condition of Bualneai at the Salt Llkertr Stock Yard. O nncE or PrrTSBtmo Dispatch, j Satdbdat. December 21, 1889. ( CATTC.E Receipts, 640 head; shipments, 340 head; market nothing doing; all throngh con signments. One car of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoas Receipts. 1,900 head: shipments. 800 head; market fair; Phlladelphlas, $3 70: York ers, $3 603 65. Eight cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 400 bead; shipments, 400 head; market nothing doing and prospects only fair. NAYASSA EI0TEKS CONYICTED. One Found Guilty of DXarder and Eight of Manslaughter. Baltimobe, December 21. The jury in the Navassa case, as to the murder of Thomas N. Foster, have rendered the fol lowing verdict: Henry Jones, guilty of murder in the first degree; Cxsar Fisher, Ed. Smith, Charles H. Smith, alias John "Ward; Alfred Jones, alias "Texas Shorty;" Edmund Francis, alias Blue Ball; James Johnson, alias Tom Welsh; Alfred Brown and Amos Lee, guilty of manslaughter. James Phillips and Mosew Williams, alias "Dakota;" not guilty; and not agreed as to James V. Tasker, George S. Key, Chris. H. Davis, alias Pompey; Steve Peters, James H. Bobinson, alias "Snow;" Ed ward Wood fork and Norman Wooster.alias "Juggler." George S. Key was convicted of murder on the first trial, and was only tried tbe second time as a matter of form as accessory to the murder of Foster. Injunction Application Withdrawn. Wesley Webber states that the dispute between himself and Clark & Wilson over the sale of oil from tbe Clafiay & Duval wells, in Washington county, has been set tled, and that all is now quiet on the Char tiers. . SICK HEADACHBCarter,lTjttjeUTerpj1IJ SICK HEADACHECarter,5LutletlTerpjUj SICK HEAlJACHECartar,iIilmeUTerF,u, SICK HEADACHECirter,(X(MUeI(tTerp1Uji noH-7-rrssn iSllOKERS FINANCIAL. TTTHITNEY fc STEPHENSUN, 7 FOURTH AVENUE. ' Issue travelers' credits throngh Messrs. DreieV, Alorgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. ap2S-l Av TO $100 JUDICIOl a 4AitV'AitSIA nB nhiv1wfl TO $100 JUDICIOUSLY INVESTED In stock options or margins In Wall St. leads to wealth. STEVENSON 4 CO., Brokers, no26Vrrsu W New sfc. New York. COMMISSION, J. Bailroad Stoclcs. SSf01L16 For cash or on margin, either on New York. San ico. Philadelphia or Boston .Ex- changes. Loans made at low rates of interest; Established 1870. -85-Weekly Circular FBEE. A. R. CHISHULM & CU., 61 Broadway, N. Y. mhl3-97-su DAVID M. FORD, HOUGHTON, L.S., MICH., Dealer in LAKE SUPERIOR Gold, Iron and Copper S'.ocks. Michigan Gold Co.'s Stock a specialty. "The richest mines in the world." CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. de283-TTSa JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND SBOKERS. Stocks, Bonds, 9raln, Petroleum. Private wire to New York aad Chicago. 45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. mvzm MannrmfS 1 RESTORED, Bzsxsr ras. 1 victim ontnrui nspruaenca, nnftinfi. Premature Decay. Kerrous DebstT, Xxies Xanhood, &a. haTing tried hi rata erery known reme dy, baa awxrrered a atmsle means o( saU-cure, wblaa BwHlsend (sealed) nu8g to Ms tHofMia!Tm ecM-K-XTiM '&.. The"Testin. pf?Cho:. . 1 -- MR, BARNESHNJEi... .iwjsrjy L "Thirty years is a longrwhilt, bum is at least that -Ionsftha. known I had the trouble, though years it has been more Kvmfand alized that it Bad a stronger holdio, Indeed, for the past 15 years, I have not., able to do work of any account,".;;- " The speaker was 5Ir David Sba&xg Chartiers township, sear HcCarbteyfi Hotel, He is one of tie oldest resrdeai3vqfj the township, having lived there for CTVf years, and is well known throughout to 3 WUU.1UUU..J. um tyiv.ufa4 .., y.yjuikw.: aam m. n. . navirnaw an nmnnMui.. ". 01 a large livery auu cuuca auuic at uu-i . 1 12U -.J 1 -A-S.1. r r-a ton. Pa. j i "In the first, place," he said, "it seemeel ; to be more a cold than anything else. TberY- was a constant discharge from ray Boaey pains over my eyes and in. the back of my; head. My eyes were weak and watery. As the trouble grew worse,! coughed a great deal. Sometimes I would have violent ilia of coughing in the morning, and would hays to cough and raise. In late-years I hava naa severe pains over my neaxi, which . alarmed me greatly- There was a dropping back of matter into my throat. I was con- j stantly hawKinganaramngiarge quantities' . ui uiucus. ju.y lurua ucuauie jaw ouy w .9 named, ana it Hurt me to spiu "If I would tarn around or stoop oyzt h4hs1 T tAlll ? A MA .- J-! mm fj.4 -AAT aBSS uuuouif j. nuuiu vcuuiUD u aim a cot. tan v muuKu x was going 10 iamt. Mr. David Shaffer, Chartien 'ltnumMp. "My nights were the worst. It was utterly Impossible for me to sleep later than 4 o'clock in the morning. The pain over my heart was so severe that X could not lay on my left side at all. I was feverish, and bad to keen changing my pillow frequently; it wonld become so heat ed up I could not lie my head on it. My head would hurt me in the momlne. and both throat W m W ' "IB assKCHsmB SJpVt. HByHP and head would be choked up with maensj ' tvnenxwoniu get up x was aoweaa; mail, would stagger about. For years I had to hava a cup of coffee the first thing on arising before I could gee my clothes on. "I tried numbers of doctors, and took large quantities of medicine, bnt could obtain no re lief. I had been reading of the cases Just Ilka mine that Drs. Copeland & Blair bad treated successfully. 1 had tried so my people that was almost aiscouragea, out aeterminea to give them a trial. "The result was better than I bad ever aa tlclpated- The pains in my head and chest; have disappeared. I can now lie on mvlefs side and sleep comfortably. I get up la tho' "j,. morning ieeiing reiresnea. ao noc naws ana raise. I eat well and enlo v mv f ood. Mtstu are strong again, and to be brief I feel Ilka a' .tl Querent person 1x0m (noons a was wnen x went to them." -i Mr. Shaffer can be seen at the above men-;: tloned placed, and this statement easily vertf' 'M MR. BARNES! STORY. Ji Statement From a Well-Knowo Genf Itmsa-of ' ' Hiekman, Pa. The statement given below is from one of the patients residing out of the city who was treated from the office of Drs. Copeland1 & Blair. The gentleman in question Is' Mr- "WillUm Barnes, of Hickman, Pa., a : thriving town on the Pittsburg, Chartiers and Youghiogheny Bailroad, about 15 miles out from Pittsburg. During a recent conversation with the) ' writer, he said: "Five years ago my trouble first made its appearance, and it continued' to grow steadily worse until I was at last ia a very serious condition. BIy head and nose were first stopped up, and there was a dropping from my head to my throat I would get np ia the morning feeling more tired than when I went to bed the night "belore. 1 could eat hut little, and what X. did eat laid liken heavy load on my stomach.1 "At last the trouble extended to my chest. There wonld be sharp pains stabbing like a knile right over my heart, Aly lungs became) affected and I bad a dry backing cough. 1 grew weaker and weaker and was unable to do any work. 1 lost all sense of taste and smeU. I was advised to go to England. I went there, and spent a great deal of money, bat derived nobeneflt. 1 became dlsheartenedandhonestly believed my trouole wonld soon cause my death. "I was advised while in this condition to try Drs. Copeland t Blair. I had read of the great good they were doing, so determined to see them. The resnlt has been a great surprise to me. I Improved rapidly from the very first. I soon regained my sense of smell and taste. I bare no more trouble with my heart or palsa In my chest. I can eat well and feel refreshed . by my sleep. lean work all day and feel good , at night. In fact I am perfectly well. JLowe. my recovery to Drs. Copeland & Blair, and. shall be glad to speak with anyone about my. case." Result of Home Treatment. Some time ago Mr. Harry Phillips, of Hnlton, Allegheny county, Fa., com menced a course of' home treatment for his catarrhal trouble, under the care of Drs. Copeland & Blair. At tbat time his tronble had assumed a very aggravated form. Ha stated to tho writer as follows : "My nostrils wonld clog up. My head ached constantly. I had severe pains In my chest. There was a drooping of mucus from my bead to my throat. I had night sweats, My heart 3, would palpitate rapidly, ana do louowed Dy a slow. Irregular beating and feeling of faintneaC I was daily growing weaker. Tha slightest ex ertion tired me, and I was nnflt for work." 'Like another being. All the symptoms I ; have desert Dea to you nave disappeared, anal feel as well as I ever was in my life." Last May Miss Lottie J. Forker, of 299 Arch street. Meadville. Pa., placed herself under treatment by mall with Drs. Copeland A Blair, for ber catarrhal trouble. On JnneBsbe wrote: "Your medicine Is dotes? me good. I do not feel to tired, and my heast acnes nave ceasea." ,r August 23 ber letter stated: "I feel Quite Ills a different woman from tbe one I was when I nl Mmm.ti(BilmnrtmtmAnf ' Si Mr. M. C Wilson, who commenced using the si home treatment early in July, wrote on tnextn of the same month: "I am improving steadllyt leel much better than 1 have for years pass." Augnst 18 he wrote: "lam feeling Ilka adlf. ferent being from tho one I was when I com. menced your treatment, and am glad t Be sMt 'I to mage una statement." DOCTORS Are located permanently at 66 SIXTH AVENUE, Where they treat with success all curable cases. S Offleehonra-tollA.ir.;2 to 6 7.x.;7toat p.m. lounoay incinaeaj. Specialties catarrh, and Aili DISrj EAKES of tfe EYE, EAR, THROAT aattfi ... . liUAun, '$.1! ,..,. .. , .., tad vonauifcauon, n. auurm u iau bo DRa COPELAND ft BLATB, N BiJt a.Tft.JlttiwWf. TtSi CtMAflDttAH I A$ rdV-