" TRIPLE 1 " ST I . .Cr&sV . j I -51 II fl 1 1 1 1 in fiivi I r AirW. Si J- f r f fs2T m ' lOKTY-fOTJUTH YEAE. TO STOP IT, Influenza Still Baging Un checked in Europe. SOME- OF TfiE SYMPTOMS Show That the Disease Doesn't Affect All Alike. A MLD.WIHTER BLAMED FOE IT. M LessfThan 500,000 Sufferers Sneezing f at Present. GEElt'HOKOES AWAITIHG STAKLEY ' fv " ilnfltrtnza still rages unchecked in Europe. At'least half a million people there are sufferers at present. The young German 'Emperor is the most exalted one. No remedies are effectual. Business is even affected by it The open weather is blamed (for it Tonne Abraham Lincoln is in a jiairway to recover. Great honors and ova tions await Stanley's arrival in .England. IBT CABLE TO THE SISFATCn.2 Lohdon, December 21 .Copyright Xf. Europe is still in the influenza's grip. Some experts say it is due to the phenomenally mild weather, which has been favorable to breeding and nourishing certain germs which long ere this time of the "year should have bees annihilated 4by frost. But this explanation is not altogether convincing, seeing at the disease has no geographical limita tion, having thrived lustily alike in the froxenJfortb and the balmy Soptb, and as the Lancet saplently remarks. "Its virus travels over sea and land in a manner so baffling and contradictory to the ordinary conceptions of transmission of infection as to render any simple explanation of its na ture almost impossible." THE SYMPTOMS YABIABLE. The symptoms also vary to a considerable extent, .apparently in sympathy witb cli matic conditions and individual peculiari ties." In this country there is marked cer ebral disturbance, nausea or vomiting, vio lent diarrhoea, sore throat, with extreme muscular weakness, cardiac pain and de pression, and severe aching of the limbs and the muscles of the back. In Spain these 'symptoms are varied by chills, shivers, bone aches, headache and fever. The remedies recommended or enforced are as varied and curious as ths symptoms. In Paris men have painted their mustaches with a preparation of pinol and have tried bravely to give up smoking, Many fami lies have tried keeping indoors, with doors and windows sealed", on the plan referred to here last week, but the result has sot been IfiO WAY 4Mmm?SParBs'''K- rj ,iift i.r a. muuljr omijrr.rtriK. No more"snece'Bj has followed the action of tbfe "Governor of Lower Austria, who has "ventured to issue a proclamation ordering the local authorities to treat influenza like any other Infectious disease. Atthepresen moment there -cannot be less than 500,000 people suffering from this disease in Europe, in Odessa there are at this moment 40,000 victims; in Antwerp there are 10,000 cases; in Paris 60,000 to 80,000; jn Madrid 30,000, and so on. Parisians have almost ceased to make fun over the disease. There may be something comical about red noses and loud sneezing, but when one has to lay abed for days and howl over violent abdominal pains, the daughter is apt to become somewhat forced. BUSINESS AFFECTED. ,7 The disease is seriously affecting business, also, for those who can afford it are rushing i South or migrating into the country, and the masses will, it is feared, have too much to pay the doctors to allow of the average patronage of Christmas and New Year fairs. In Paris, as elsewhere, the disease has been rigidly impartial, the victims includ ing President and Madame Carnot, Minis ters Tirard, Spuller, Preyciuet Bouvier and Pay e. Clemen ceau has to keep his room. The Palais Boyal Theater is closed because Madame Judic and others of the company are in the doctors' hands, and the Vaudeville will probably have to follow suit The school holidays have been has tened, and the troops in garrison are given as little outdoor work and exercise as possible. Finally, the epidemic is spoil ing seasonable festivities and diminishing theater receipts to an alarming extent UK CHECKED IS GEBMAKT. Jn Germany, from Hamburg to Mnnich, influenza is raging unchecked. Several military schools have been closed, and the work of several Government departments li'has been thrown into confusion owing to ji. the number of officials on the sick list 3 Similar news comes from Austria, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Portugal. But it jis comforting to know that not a single 'death has yet been recorded this week as adue to influenza. Everywhere the favorite -remedies seem to be antipyrine and quinine. Jiin which just now there is an emphatic and si tremendous boom. sTThe most exalted sufferer this week is the Rinnan Emperor. Attempts were made to aeny vnai ne naa anytning more serious than a slight cold, but the pretensehad to tbe'abandoned -when it became generally ilcnown that His Maiestv had riven nn V ."hunynjrtrip and had laken to his bed. It was not until yesterday evening that the -Emperor was allowed to leave his bed. and to-day he has not been permitted to leave his "room. Z- A BE A TXT SEBIOTS ATTACK. There was similar make-believe in the case of little King Alfonso, of Spain, The .Dispatch's Madrid correspondent being .. the first to inform the world of the true state Xol affairs, as set forth in this column a week ago. Bis Majesty's attack proved to be 'really serious, and it was not until yesterday that he was allowed to leave his cot, which, "by the way, is placed alongside tne Queen "Bcgent's own bed. The'royal mother nursed .the little fellow with assiduous devotion, 'tallowing the instructions of the five physi cians whojhad charge of the baby King's case, with the scrupulous care of a hospital nurse. Aiiouso s sisters nau a 7ua attacK, and his aunt, the Infanta Euialia, was isuflenog at the same time in Jfaris. jBoumania'f poet Queen has been ill, ru mor says, .with influenza, and has been or- dered to spend the winter in Italy. She will probably go to Naples, where she will find the Empress Frederick, of Germany, enjoy ing herself with an entire absence pf state not altogether pleasing to the xoung Kaiser. The Empress has not forgotten the calls of charity, for she has sent orders to Berlin for the customary Christmas institutions of whichjshe is patroness, and also to those in which her late husband took an interest CAUTIONED AS TO CANADA. K Semiofficial Government Organ's Six nlflennt Correipondencr. IBT CABLE TO TUX DISPATCH. I IiONDOK, December 2L The (?fo5e, the semi-official organ of the Government, to day published a letter apropos to those by Stavely Hill, Q. C; and Sir George Baden Powell, M. P., in the Timts, upon the Ca nadian question, in which it is pointed out that the Canadians have a substantial griev ance which only commercial union with the United States can overcome. The corre spondent also states that the United States will not have commercial onion without po litical union, and declares that unless En gland does something in the matter Cana dian lovalty will not long stand the strain. The correioondentsays:"Welost America through bullying her. Are we going to lose Canada because we are now alraid of America?" and concludes.: "If we want to keep Canada we must bind her to us by bonds of self-interest and affection, and it is for us to consider whether we are doing that just at present, by our timid, hesitating policy with regard to the Bearing Sea trouble." rBEPABINQ TO BE0EITO BTASLEI. Honors nod Ovations Awaiting ihe Explor. er' Arrival In Entlnnd. tBT CJIBLI TO THB BISrATCH.l BONDOjr, December 21. Mr. Stanley is to have a big American dinner, upon his re turn to London. Minister .Lincoln will preside, and there will be only Americans at the table. The explorer will be presented with a silk American flag, bearing the names of the localities he, has named, and also with apiece of gold plate valued at 100 guineas, unon which will be engraved the raapof his latt rente across Africa. The city authorities and Boyal Geographical Society are making great preparations to honor Stanley and Emin Pasha. The reception at Albert Hall is to be the most elaborate and imposing. Lord Mayor Isaacs has said that it is the most gratify ing function he expects to occupy his attes ting during his term of office. The Boyal Geographical Society is having massive gold medals struck, for the occasion. The London journalists are also preparing to make Stanley's welcome to London memor able. BEABLX ESCAPED PEOM PfilSON. Os or the American Dynamiter In Chnlh am Frlnon Almoic Gets Away. rBr CABLE TOTBZ DISrATCB.J London, December 21. One of the American dynamiters now undergoing a life sentence at Chatham prison, almost effected his escape last Thursday. He was em ployed, with others, in the dockyard, mak ing new foundations for the 110-ton guns, and manaeed to evade the vigilance of the guards. "When he was missed, a search re vealed his convict clothing Under a pile of timber. Meanwhile, a man carrying a tin dinner pail and dressed in the garb of an ordinary workman, had presented himself at the outside eate, where lie was stopped bv the police beeause he had no pass. While hVas searcltag 'his 'pockets for ths document, tb BatriiWitf'Ws clothes, and1 he -was nwinulacef inStf Ussaent: It is not known kUaeeare4 his work man's suit, norhoVit was possible for him to change his clothes nnoDserved. It is not known which of the dynamiters it was, but report is that it was Dir Gallagher. Y0USG LINCOLlf-ODT- OP DANGER. Ko Stack Taken In the Kumar Thru Bis Father Will Resign. raT cabls to Tjrs'jirATCH.: London, "December '2L Minister Lin coln is still in Versailles, where young Abraham has only jnst now been pro nounced out of danger. The boy has had a hard time of it His trouble was carbuncle, which was operated upon too soon, the re sult being that the little patient was scarcely able to rally from the shock. His father and mother have been at his bedside con stantly for almost two months, Mr. Lincoln only venturing to London once or twice,each time being called directly back. "Whether his absence from London so much has had anything to do with rumors of his resignation as Minister to the Court of St James, I do not kuow, but such a rumor has been current among Americans in London. Henry White, .First Secretary of Legation, assured me to-day, however, that this rumor is utterly baseless. SALISBURY FIRM AS A BOCK. He Refuse to Bsdce nn Inch From BI Fonnsneio Ultimatum. TBT cauls to Tna PisrATcn.i London, December 21. Lord Salisbury still declines to budge an inch from the posi tion he has taken up in regard to the dis pute witb. Portugal. Early in the, week he sent a sharp note to Lisbon, and has just emphasized his sentiments by dispatching three war ships to Delagoa Bay. The Portuguese are in a terrible rage, and the Lisbon newspapers, reflecting pub lic opinion, denounced 'Salisbury as an in ternational Jack the Kipper. CUTTING D0WS TBE WIRES. One Hundred Miles of Them Lowered In New York the Part Week. I8FICIAL TXLIQKAX TO TBE nsrATCB.1 New Yoek, December 21. Six gangs of men under inspectors of the Department of Public "Works, have been busy since early this morning tearing down electric- wires. Many mile of streets between Union Square and the park were entirely cleared. In the last week 100 miles of wires haye been cut down. The rrand inrv is still f nveitimilint. iht. . electric lighting in the city, and has sum moned Thomas A. Edison to appear before them on Monday. They will take action next week on the killing of Lineman Clau sen. A HOKGOLIAft FLOGGED. The Manitoba Flan of Dealing With the Wicked Celestial. "Winnipeg, Man., December 21. The flogging of Ah Sin, the Chinaman who was sentenced to 20 lashes for an attack on a little girl, took place at Calgary yesterday. The Chinaman was stripped to the waist and fastened by straps to a triangle, when Sergeant Hooper took his stand at the left of the victim, cat in hand. It .had a tail or 15 inches with knots at the end of each. After each stroke, blue welts appeared on the yellow skin. The victim yelled from start to finish. Took Nothing but the Cash. St. LoDlsrDecember2L The safe in the County Treasurer's office, Boerne, Kendall county, Texas, was blown open by burglars Thursday night and $6 .000 stolen. A large number of drafts, checks ftaawa-rmita were left undisturbed. GHOSTS IN THE WOODS. A Murderer's Spirit Thought to be Wan- dertag About the Spot Where the Criminal Wu Lynched Ter- ribla Sound and Sights. nrECUX. TELEOBAlf TO TOTS DISFATCR.1 Cabhesville, Ga., December 2L A well-authenticated report has reached a local newspaper office that an apparition has been seen several times lately near here Frank Banders, the murderer, was lynched. It is said that there are heard strange noises and the most awful groans that mortal man ever heard in the woods, and they are unaccounted for by any line of human reasoning. A short while ago an apparently large fire was seen at a distance in the woods, and a large crowd of smajl children was seen dancing and playing around it and having a merry time. The firn annpurcd In he cnmft 200 vards 'from the road, and when those who saw it attempted to go to it, it would appear to make a retreat through the woods, and the pursuer could never get nearer than when he started to it The children appeared to be having a perfect jubilee, as they were danc ing and playing like so many fairies, and having a picnic in the woods by firelight. After making the chase for some time it was abandoned, and the light was left burning and the children dancing in their merry glee. It is said that hooting owls are heard near the spot at all times of the night, and there is one heard almost nightly that has a dif ferent voice from any of the others, and one who once hears it is impressed with the idea that it is a warning of danger. Several col ored people have passed the place recently who have seen something that had the ap pearance of a gallows and & victim upon the scaffold upon his knees making a confes sion, and several ministers around offering up prayers for the cnlprit J. A. Hilley, -who rented Dr. Pceeman's place last year, near the place of the execu tion, left it on account of himself and fam ily having seen things for which they couldn't account and which they thought were supernatural, and its present tenant, J. E. Crawford, has also heard things near the place that are shrouded in mystery to him. These reports have become so general, and are so much believed by the colored people, that those who came from up that road to. town always leave in time to pass the place of the execution before nightfall. CULYER STRIKES BACK. The Cronln Juror Believe That He Only Per formed HI. Duty Judge I,ongenecker Wm Entirely Too Officious. He Waa Not Bribed. Chicago, December 21. Juror John Culver, the man who held out against the infliction of the death penalty in the Cronin trial, makes a statement in answer to tbe published strictures on his conduct He says: When I was sworn to try the case In which! was Impaneled, according to law and the evi dence, I had no Idea that I should be required to satisfy tbe popular clamor, and I now think that jury trials have become the veriest farce If it a true that one must salt his verdict to the demands of newspapers or pnbllo opinion (If. indeed, tbe newspapers express, instead of manufacture, public opinion), or be de nounced and maligned, and his action at tributed to the most detestable of all corruption bribery his rellcion derided, and even his family and wire, dragged in to enhance tbe sensation. Among the nat ural fruits of this passionate and clamorous treatment on the part of the newspapers al luded to I class the numerous published inter views of persons not sworn to try tbe case, and the conduct of Judge Longenecker in stepping out of the sphere of bis duties as prosecuting officer and assuming that of censor of jurors when forsooth their verdict happens noltolie In accordance with his desires, and tbe many obscure and threatening, letters, which myself j and my wtfeliave reoelred. There was, fool conspiracy to murder Dr. Cronln, and that ie was foully murdered was the unhesitating verdict of every juror but if it is true that there are counter secret so cieties, as some of these letters indicate, plot tin; death to jurors that do not And their ver dicts according to tbe desires, of tbe members of tbeso societies, to what a passTiave we come, and in what a perilous position stand onr courts of justice. If I am to be the nextrictlm of these feuds, I shall have nothing to regret except that the law made it my duty to be a juror in this important case, and that tbe state of public feeling is such as to make it possible that such an outrage can be committed upon one who has endeavored to discbarge his duty to the best of his ability. ALL THAT GLITTERS NOT GOLD. A Sworn Statement of the Deceit of Fhos , phnte Mine Owners. f SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE D1SFATCH.J Kevt Toek, December 2L-T-Carl 'Gru now, a German, who has been working for the Italian owners of the phosphate mines in Calleton county, S. C, called at Castle Garden to-day, and told, under oath, how the miners were treated when he was down there. He said that he got employment through the agency of A. E. Herz, at 18 Greenwich street He was promised first class board and $2 60 a day. He says that the men at work in the mines were mostly Germans and Belgians. They were worked from 520 in tbe morning until 6 at night were led on bad bread and half-cooked pork, and had to sleep on tumble-down straw. The men received about 25 cents a day and their board and lodging. He was put in jail for refusing to work, but as he had not signed a contract his taskmasters were compelled to release him. "When he left the mines there were 11 men in prison. Each one had signed a contract binding himself to work for a certain time for the mine, owners. "William Patman, the Belgian Consul at Charleston, wrote to Consul Mali, here, re questing him tn warn the Belgian -immigrants against the Italian padrone, William Orlando, who induced deluded workmen to go South by roseate promises of fabulous wages and a heavenly life. The Castle Garden authorities will look into the matter. TOO MANY CHARITABLE CALLS. Grovor Cleveland Haa Not Money Enough to Meet All the Demands. New Tobk, December 2L A solicitor for aid in behalf of the "Women's Hospital, of this city, called upon ex-President Cleve land to-day and Informed him that the use of his name as one of the contributors to the support of the hospital would be an excellent help to the institution, no matter how small might the amount of his donation, as his name would encourage others to subscribe. Mr. Cleveland said that all other applicants used the same argument He said he would like to assist all worthy institutions, but his finances would not allow him to do so, but he would consult Mrs. Cleveland nbout this particular request Then he added significantly: The truth of the matter is that the demands which are constantly made upon me for aid are so numerous, and come from so many different quarters, that I have about made up my mind to leave New York in order to get away from these requests." f TWO TRAINS ON ONE TRACK A Broken Coapllng Canaes n Bad Wreck an the Ft. Wayne Road. Cleveland, December 2L Preight train No. 90, on the Pittsburg, Pt "Wayne and Chicago railroad, near Lima, broke in two to-day, and the rear half crashed into the train following. Conductor Jones, uraKeman aiorau ana wuiiam onerman, of Lima, asleep in the caboose of the, runaway train, were all injured, Sherman.' probably fatally. i Sixteen cars, a caboose and the engine of tne second tram, were wrectced. jane road has been blockaded all day. PITTSBURG, SUNDAY, BRICE TO BE BARRED Ifrom the Straggle for the Next Sen atorial Toga ia Ohio. CALVIN'S OWN SWORN STATEMENT That He is Citizen of Newlork Will do Used Against Him. , FRANK HDRD MAY BE THB COMING MAN. Ibe Strength of tieEalaiow Chaser Litdj to Goto tbn Free Trader, Candidate Thomas claims to have positive evidence that Brice is a citizen of New York. The latter made affidavit to thatef fect in signing a bond six months ago. This charge, if sustained, would make the na tional Democratic chairman ineligible as Senator from Ohio. tsrr-cTAi yitioiuu to tbb pisrAicn.: Columbus, December 21. John H. Thomas, tbe Senatorial candidate, imparted the information before leaving for his home in Springfield to-night that he had just come into possession of facts which would insure the defeat of Brice. Being pressed for his find he said he had jnst received from bis agent in New York a certified, copy of a paper in which six months ago Brioe went on the bond of a firm of contractors in New York when he made oath to his residence being ia New York. Thomas claims to be able to show that Brice has not voted in Ohio for two years. The constitutional qualifications of a Sen ator are described in article I, seotlon three, clause three, of the Constitution oh the United States, which says: "No person shall be a Senator who shall not have .at tained to the age of 30 years, and been nine years a oitizen of he United Spates, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhab itant of that State for which he shall be chosen." The objection mads against Mr, Brice is that he is not an "inhabitant" of tte SUte of Ohio, but of New York. The point turns on what is meant by "inhab itant," XRB li&W IK OHIO. Bection 2,946 of the revised statutes of Ohio .says: That place shall be considered tbe residence of a person in which bis habitation is fixed, and to wblcb, whenever be is absent, lie bas tbe intention of returning. A person shall not be considered to have lost bis residence who leaves bis home and goes into another State, or county of this state, for temporary purposes merely, witb tbe intention of- returnins- A person snail not be considered to have gained a resideneeln any county in this State, into which he comes for temporary purposes merely. without the! intention of malunc such county ng such county his borne. If a person remove to another State, with an intention to make it his permanent residence, be shaft be considered to have lost bis residence in this State. If a person remove to another State, with an intention of remaining there an indennlte time, and as a place of present residence, he sball be considered to bave lost bis residence In this State, notwithstanding he may entertain an intention to return at some future period. The mere Intention to acquire anew residence, without the fact of removal, sball avail nothing; neither sball the fact of removal without the intention. If a person eo into another State, and while there exercise the right of a citizen by voting, be shall be con sidered to have lost his residence in this State. A YEBf 5XB0HG POINT. It would therefore- seem that even under the most liberal connrrnctian of th law3f Mr,iIhomaS aFtfafaiik prof JssJilnuiigU nionC&almiiilVisBSr e"fibie Brice men have met furious opposition in' the post two days and are calling out all their reserve force, Hon. Prank Hurd, of Toledo, and General Ai N. Bice, of Pre mont, will be here tbe first of, the week to aid in Brice's canvass The fact that Prank Hurd has supported Cal Brice for Senator has surprised many Democrats, and when it was known that Hurd could have had the most of the Bepre sentatives from Northwestern Ohio if he had announced himself as a candidate, tbe sur prise was increased. Congressman Bill Hill, who is at the head ot Brice's bureau, stated that Hurd was to support Brice this year in turn for Brice's opening his barrel to elect a Democratic Legislature, which shonld select Hurd to succeed Sherman in 1893. The disclosure has created a sensa tion among local Democrats. HUBD MAY BE THE MAN. It is the free trader's expressed ambition to go to the Upper House oi Congress, and the combination is one in keenintt with this. Por some time Hurd had been non-committal as to his choice, but after a long confer ence at the Boodv House last week with Brice, lasting nearly a dav, he announoed himself in favor of the New York man. Brice said when last here alter his confer ence that Hurd would henceforth be for him, and that the free trader would be the next Ohio Senator after him. In view of all- these facts it is believed here that if the discovery made by Thomas forces Brice off the traok, or it for any other reason he cahoot secure the Senatorial honors,, the Brice strength will be thrown to Hurd. This would practicallv assure the election of the Toledo statesman, as he Is very popular throughout the State, and would make a very strong candidate even without the support of Brice. v An effort was made by The Dispatch correspondent to-night to reach Mr. Hurd by telegraph, but nothing was learned be yond the fact that he was at Lima in close consultation witri Brice. ABOUT BOOKWALTEB. Mr. Thomas dropped another significant remark to-night "I see you have another candidate in Springfield'' remarked the correspondent. "Y-e-es, who's that?" "Why, Mr. Bookwalter." "Oh, that was announced this morning. I thought you meant a real new candidate," said Mr. Thomas. ""What do you think of his candidacy?" was asked. "I guess Ballentine and Charley Constan tine wanted to attract attention and brought him up. Constantino is an Oklahoma boomer, you know. He was defeated for Mayor ut there. The Bookwalter candi dacy is to serve some side interest that I don't altogether understand. I believe Bal lentine ha been working for Brice." "Do you think that Mr. Bookwalter is a bona ride candidate?" "1 really don't know. It is sometimes hard to learn a man's motives. He is hardly as much an Ohio man as Mr. Brice, how ever. Since his canvass for the Governor ship in 1881 1 don't believe thas he has been in Springfield 60 days in all. It would crowd him to scrape up 60 days that he bas been in Cleveland in the last eight years. He has been in Egypt more than he has been in Ohio in that time." . EILLED FOR TRE8PASBING. A Weir Virginia Hub Find. HI Neighbor on OU Farm and Kill Him. rSTICTAI. IBJOBiK lo THI DISrATCH.1 CLABK8BUBa, "W. VAl, December 2L A terrible murder was perpetrated a few miles from this place this morning. The murderer is Barry Cauffman and his victim Charles Sbrsves, both being very prominent farmers and Shreves a very wealthy man. The latter had been warned by Canflman not to trespass' upon his laras, bt persisted in doing so. This Koraiajr. -CaHffkan caught himoa his ld. Stsfcttk-w.'. 3MEOBJIBER 22, 1889. A COOAtm VICTIM. fH Wlw Tok .Twenty tSralfi at a v ShHrte Bwe-9 I Charted WHb aa Atieowt.ta Cm mH Suicide, New Yosk. December 21. There was brought to Bellevue Hospital this morning a mental and physical wreck,, a victim of the effects of the terrible drug, cocaine. Theutory of iis subjection to the drug, as related by the policeman who arrested hint, Is a terrible warning, At 220 o'clock this morning Policeman John J. Bath was on iiajwat at tho Bowery and Grand street when an excited yonng man rushed up to hlml In breathless tones be "told the officer to'nrry at once to 108 Bowery, where a man had taken an overdose of cocaine. The officer went promptly to the number given, which is a lodging house known as the National Hotel, where beds are rented for 25 oents a night In room four was tbe man for .whom the officer was called. He was sitting in a chair, with a two-ounce phial in nlifjliogers. His eyes-were deeply sunken and'glaring at tbe floor aronnd him, his cheeks were pale and hollow, almost like those of a dead-man. Policeman Bates asked him what was in tbe bottle. "With a sickly smile he answered, "Cocaine," and raised the hand containing the drug to his Ups as if he wonld swallow all that was left of it The officer seized and easily dragged the little bottle front the man's nerveless grasp. .In answer to in quiries put to him tbe dying man said his name was. Elton Fay, and, that he had just taken 20 grains of cocaine. Por two months past he had been staying in the lodging house. The night clerk who had called Officer Bates sain he had seen him driving imaginary cats and dogs and other things irom about bis feet, ana becoming alarmed lest the raan might do something desperate in his delirium bad called the officer. Pay. is supposed to have attempted to commit suicide, and he is therefore a pris oner in Bellevue Hospital. Before he came to live in this city Pay had been employed at Atbury Park, Previous to that be was in good circumstances in Chicago. His wife, who Is said to be highly connected, is now Jiving with her friends at the paternal home of Elton Pay, at Janesville, Wis. Pay said that he had also taken twenty grains of the drug last Sunday. The physi cians say that such a dose is enough to kill a man. BUfiGLARS BLOW UP A BUILDING. Ia AtteBHitlnc 16 Crack a Safe They Overdo '' ' the .Mailer. terXCUI. TttEQBAU TO T8TJ DISrATCS.l Phicipsbubo, December 21. The town of Clearfield was thrown into a state of excitement this morning at 1 o'clock occasioned by tbe blowing up Dill Se Mc Pherson's grain tou'se by burglars, who, in they efforts to open the safe, put in too big & charge, creating an explosion that not only wrecked the safe, but shattered the building-, blowing out one end almost en tirely. Buildings 'within several hundred feet were badly shaken and hundreds of Iieople aroused irom their slumbers by tbe oad reports. , The books and valuable papers were thrown out into tlje street, and some of them will be almost worthless. The firm had drawn considerable money out of the bank during the day, and the burglars bad likely become aware of the fact and thought it an opportune time to ply their nefarious work, but fortunately pearly tbe entire amount had been paid out during the day. No clew to the burglars has oi yet been obtained, x'ua.a A xuuu niAJivun, jiai a. wtrcirrtm nAnr wimn ATtn u iw T fri ii nr"i"riT,ii "-&'?tf w mrr. - (, w m wn lummmvm n..vw. Wllf Have to Shaw Their Color. rirSCIAI. TXXKQRAICTOTHZ DISrATCH.3 NitwYobk, December 21. 'When the steamship Barraeonta, from tbe "West Indies, boldly entered our harbor a few weeks ago, without heeding the shrieking commands of the Bevenue Cutter Chandler for her to Slow up the incident had its amusing side. But the precedent set by the Barra coota is bearing fruit, and when the steam ship Alarich, from Galveston, came into the harbor to-day without 'paying tbe slightest attention to the Chandler something had to be done about it, Lieutenant Smith, of the Chandler, has sent a letter to Collector Erhardt, and tbe matter will be laid before the Secretary of the Treasury, and some of these days, when a big steamship is jauntily skipping up the bay after the manner of the Barracoota and the Alarich, a round shot will hit her in the stern wheel and bring her up with a suddenness; that will be a fearlul caution to all foreigners in the future. FAULT OP THE FLAGMAN, A Disastrous and Probably Fatal Wreck on tbe liebfgii Valley Itaad. Bethlehem, Pa., December 21. A dis astrous wreck occurred on the Lehigh Val ley Bailroad at Laury's station about 0:30 o'clock this morning. The east-bound Buffalo express, made up of four express cars, three passenger coaches and two Pull man sleepers, while running at the rate of 40 miles nn hour, dashed into the rear end of a freight train entering tbe side track. The engine turned over on its side, and En gineer Monroemosic, of South Eajton, was pinned by the legs under tbe boiler. He was gotten ont three hours afterward. His injuries will, it is believed, prove fatal. Pireman Irvln Godley jumped and was cut about the head and face. The platforms of the passenger cars were broken, but no passengers were hurt. A dozen freight cars were demolished. The flagman of the freight train, whose fault it was, disap peared after the accident GHRIST1IA6 FRESENTS BURNED. One'of tbe Carlon Featare In Connection With a Sr.lionl Fire. St. Louis, December 21. The burning this morning of a large freight house near the Union depot, occupied by the Adams Express Company, presented the novel feat ure of the destruction oi thousands of Christ mas presents, which were temporarily lodged therein awaiting shipment to points outside the city, and other thousands of itnrisun&s ouenngs if rcsiucuH ui uc cuy, which had not yet been delivered to the owners. A considerable amount of other freight was destroyed. The loss on the building was not material, but the loss on presents and tbe grievous disappointment to hosts of little ones, to say nothing of regret of older ones, can never be estimated. LAUGHED Ai; L0CKSHI1HS. Tfao Elopement of n Bnckeye Conple Wboso Marrtnee Was Forbidden. rsrrciAi. tzlxooaii to tus dupatcu.i "Wakben, O., December 2L A social sensation to-night is the elopement of Amos McMahon, a United Line telegraph oper ator, and Miss Nettie Sheppy, daughter of a prominent business man of jhh city. The young couple met with' op position on tbe part of her parents in their lovemaking, and their clandestine courtship was brought to a close this after noon when McMahou secured a license and met tbe lady at the East-buuud Pittsburg and Western train. To a friend was made known Jheir inten tion to be married immediately oa arriving at Pittsburg. Both, MoMakVa and Mis Shtppy are ratter yoMg. - - ' !. . -- WT. ... - , - -. LIKE 'MELICAN MS. A New York Chinanaa Has Skipped Oat With $20,000 in Cash and a BEATJTIFUIi GIRL OP - BROOKLYN. He .Supposed to be Safelj OTectbe Cana dian Border. ALL OP M0TT STREET IS INHOUKNIKG. Eren the Jras Honse Snffjred Prom Hie Operates of lie Defaulter. A prominent member of the Chinese colony in New York has disappeared, Any where from 120,000; to 40,000 ia cash is also missing. A beautiful white girl from Brooklyn is said to have accompanied tbe enterprising Mongolian. He was a Snnday school sobolar. IRITECIAt TXLXOItAV TQ TBI PUT ATGB.I Netv Yobk, December 31 1 Chu Pong, the Chinese dude, the interpreter and cash ier of Kwong Hong Long & Co., 5 Hott street, also part owners of the big Japanese store at 813 Broadway, who was to start a Chinese bank a few weeks ago, has suddenly disappeared for parts unknown with the funds of the several Chinese firms, amount ing, so far as' now known, to about 515,000. It is supposed that he is in Canada. Sev eral American merchants are also victims, and are mourning over his disappearance. Bach, was the immense confidence reposed in him by the Chinese community, notwithstanding- the faot that there was a suit of $3,000 hanging over him in the Supreme Court for alleged crookedness in an opium deal, that several merchants lent him large sums of money as he desired. THE CHIHE3B VICTIMS. A hurried examination of the bank no counts of several Chinese firms revealed that the names of the following firms had been forged for the sums set opposite their names: Mai Li "W, 19 Bowery, $1,000; Sinn Quong On, 33 Mott street, $1,000; Kwong Hong Long, 5 Mott street $5,000; Joss House Association, $1,600; Mr. Levy, of 10 Chatham square, $600. Other victims are still being heard from, as Chu Ping has many American friends and business acquaintances who do cot yet know of his sudden departure. He bos taken all the cash that he could raise upon his business at 813 Broadway, of which place he was only a part owner, but in which he had a controlling interest The Kwong Hone Long firm is managed by ad uncle of his, who is the heaviest loser of alL A TVOMAK IIT THE CASE. It ia further alleged that Mr. Chu Pong, the late Berry "Wall of Chinatown, New York, has taken with him a very pretty American girl, on whose account, it is al leged, many a former crookedness of Chu Pong was traced. She was the pretty daugh ter of a certain Brooklyn real estate man. Who tbey are or where they live no Chinamen seemed to know, but they all de clare that they haye seen him with her on many an occasion. She was also known by several gentlemen in Howe & Hummel'a of fice, who are Popg's attorneys in New York. Chu Pong is ony 27 years eld, but Is of more than ordinary size for a Chinaman. He weighs 180 pounds, and is full-faced. He dressed . while here in the height of American: fashion, His itjack-hair 1 cut ihortl, aad has a feather edge. He walks with a nodding, forward movement, as if'he had a big corn on his toe, and some one had stepped on it with the gentleness of an elephant The usual Mongolian expression is hardly observable at a dance, but in a moment's conversation you will at once know he is a Chinaman. Xlit, .ABE INTERESTED. Every business firm in Chinatown is just at present busily engaged in trying to find out how , he stands with the bank, and with Chu Pong. Many confiding Chinese Jaundry men who appointed him the custodian of their wealth will "Pot learn of their cashier's disappearance until some day wheu they come down town. It will not be at all surprising if there is yet some throat cutting 'or opium swallowing among tbe latter's depositors, as most of them are poor, hard-working men. Mr. Chu Pong has been a fairly diligent Sunday school scholar ever since his appear ance in New York, some six years ago. His entire crookedness, including that famous opium deal, js set, down at $20,000 so far. but that amount will probably be doubled to morrow or Sunday, when his other victims are heard from. As Joss is also a victim included in this ereat swindle, Mr. Chu. Pong's cousin, Mr. Chu Yon Knew, tbe high priest and Chinese Mayor who left his post of duty a few days since for fearot impeachment for alleged com plication with his other cousins in the recent fantan raid at Chinatown, has been forced to come back to settle Joss' affairs. A JBAL0US HUSBAKO'S SEED. After Warning BI Wife Ho Fatally , Wound aim vancled Klral. rersciAi. tbxxobaic to th dispatch.! Mabtih'sFebrt, December 2L About 6:30 o'clock this evening a shooting affray occurred at tbe corner of "Walnut and Pourth streets, which will result in the death of Bichard Cotts before morning. The shoot ing was do ire by Walter Kelly, and arose from Cotts' alleged intimacy with Kelly's wife. To-day Kelly warned his wife about her conduct About 6 o'clock she passed Kelly on tbe street and he followed her. She met Cotts, and Kelly at once ran up. The two men had a quarrel, and Kelly pulled his revolver and fired, -shooting Cotts through the body. . HO MONEY FOR SOS PEDRO. Tbe Grant Made to Blra by the Kennbllo Hn Been Recalled. Biq Jaxeibo, December 21. An exe-1 cutive degree promulgated to-day fixes the date of general election for September IS, and tbe meeting of the Constituent As sembly for November 15. By the same de cree the ex-Emperor, Dom Pedro, is banished from Brazil together with the members of the royal family, the "Viscount d'Ouro Prcnto and his brother Carlos Al fonso and Senator Martino, Governor of Bio de Janeiro, charged with treason as leader of the movement Tbe decree recalls'and cancels the grant of 5,000,000 milrees toDom Pedro and suspends his allowance in the civil list SO MORE EQUAL ACCOMMODATIONS. The Sonlli Carolina Legltfatare Repeals tbe Civil Blest BIIL CoiiTTMBiA, S. C, December 21. In the General Assembly to-day the Senate recon sidered its action taken last night by which the House bill repealing the chap ter of tbe general statutes re lating to offenses against the civil rights was refused passage. After voting.to reconsider the Senate passed the bill, which'as previously passed bv the "House will become a law as soon as it re ceives tbe Governor's signature, which it is certain to get There were only 4 Totes agalaet the bill is Uw SeMte awl mm la tt Sewe. ' 1 - I 'SUCCESS CAME jS MEB. A Maa Ketaraa Pros CMsriSr Year.' Akseaea an'dJPfeii WMs4 FrifdBedAce4 .. . tea- WHa HI Safe, nracux. tzxxsbax to rax mararem. t Acwobth, Ga., December 21. X. ,"rT. "Wilson., Jr., arrived, here .yesterday frsa, California to spend the Chaistmas holidays. Pour yesri ago he was a tenant cropper Bear town, his father being supposed to be dead. In the earjy settle ment of Cobb county miners delved for hidden treasures more than they do now. Among tbow engaged jn this business was K."W. WUson, JCa 1W8. in a fit of the blues,, he bade his pretty young wife and child goodby and started for California. His wife remained at her home near Acwortb, and" received a few letters from hint after he had arrived among the miners of California. Finally be ceased, writing altogether After some years passed suitors pleaded for the J wife's band iu marriage, but she declined to enter wedlock ana kept sacred the memory of her first love. One day one of her suitors found in a California paper the recorded death of her husband, "With this assurance she consented to marry the man 'who bad been so kind to her. After living with her second husband a few years she died, ., Some time ago a stranger 65 years old stopped, at Aclworth anil rerislesed at the Litcbfield Bouse as B, W. "Wilson. He in quired for bis old triend Litchfield. He was told that he was dead, and then he named friend, after friend, and was told that tbey were dead or hai moved away. Like Bin Tan "Winkle, he knew no one. and nobodv knew him. fHe got on a horse and rode out into his old settlement, Hoping to find some familiar face, and as he passed Captain J. B, O'NeiU's'farm he saw a young man pick ing cotton, and Inquired his name, and was told '.'Wilson." ' "Where is your father?" he asked. "He went to California 40 years ago." The tears came rushing into tbe old man's eyes, and he made known that, hq was tbe father. Young "Wilson was great ly affected by this declaration, and the old man went to his son's houie and was introduced to his daugbter-ia-law and grand children. The old man re counted his reverses in California, and why he waited for success to crown his labors before returning. He finally struck it rich, and is now wealthy. He took bis son and family back with him and installed him as lis heir. Young "Wilson gives glowing descriptions of the life he now Uvea on the Pecifio coast LOYB AT PIRST SIGHT. Another Young Yale Freshman Hoped In by n College Widow, rsrXCJUI. TSUQBAB TO) TUB DISPATCH,! Nw Haves-, Cosk., December 21. Yale University has given birth to another romance, in which Bichard H. Johnson, of Boise City, Idaho, a freshman, and Miss Katie Ashdown figure. It was shortly after tbe opening of the college year, last fall, that young Johnson, while going home irom morning prayers, saw a pretty young girl of petite figure walking up the street just ahead of him. Johnson, was smitten, and at an early date sought to become ac quainted with the young lady. He suc ceeded, and last Sunday night tbey eloped to "Wallingford, and were married by Jus tice of the Peace Morse. Johnson will probably be; expelled from college, as the faculty dp not allow married men to pursue collegiate, courses. He is now at home, spending the holidays with, his parents, and his wife is witirher parents at their home on Dixwell avenue. Miss Ashdqwajs a very .prqtty , young- W0W8 well known about town, ana together wjth her sister, Tytnt under the name of the Ash downs. It is another case of one of the col lege widows roping in a freshman, A SUIT f 0 BBS. FOSTER. The Widow of the Corapoier Wlghtlng for Bar RUbu. rSPXCTAt TEUEOEAM TO THS CIS PATCH. 1 Ixsiaxapous, December 21. Atf ex traordinary suit waa brought in the Federal Court to-day for the widow of Stephen C. Poster and his daughter, Mrs. Marion Pos ter Veleh, of Chicago. It seetka to enjoin Kinsley & Pauley, of the Lafayette Echo Company, from further infringing the copy right onthat old-time melody, "Way Down Upon de Swanee Eier." It haa been published by the defendants under the name of "Old Poltcs at Home." It was first sung by Christy's Minstrels, in the 50s; the copyright was renewed in 1879, 28 veors after its original production. Pirth, Pond & Co., of New York and Boston, publish it HESRI GRAB! SERIOUSLY ILU BI Family nnd Fhjalclan Are Maeh Alarmed Concerning; Blm. Atlanta, Ga., December 21. Henry Grady's conditions was much worse to-day. His physicians and family are much alarmed about him. Pneumonia is believed to have set in, and nervous exhaustion makes his condition more serious. . THE D18PAT0H DIRECTORY. Interesting Feature Contained in Tht Mammotb Triple Ine. The Dispatch this morning Is largely tinged by tbe pemdlns spirit of the -season, and might therefore bo called a Christmas number. Tbe news tnls morning; foreign, domestic and local, which Is mainly confined to the first part, is full of life and interest Tbe prominent features of tbe second and third parts are as follows: Fart II. Pagi S. TJnderOtherBkles ....S. B.Bkidilsktxtal. On China's frontier Hixbt Hohkax The Art of Etching- Bbxxah Onr Christmas Menu 31ISS GBOXDT, lu. Page 10. The Earth's Changes.... Poor. J. M. Fxtob Ynletlde Customs V. B. Baskett Helping the ttoor Clasa Bxixx Easiness Cards. Page 11. The World of Mtulo , Sxaxt Wsitxb Davis a Christian. -.., Loo Wants, To Lets, for Bales, etc Page a. Where Beauty Beljtns. King TJp the Curtain. The Boys of Sixty-One. Saber and Bine. Pedarogne and Popll. Business Cards. Page 13. Grip and Password. Financial Indulgence. Business Cards. Pagtli. A Bandit's Career SPXCIAI. COEEISPOXDIT The Bundle Terlod i BiirrWmaa Business Cards. Pagali. Six Black Knight .'.WrxLUx Idwabds Every Day Science Staxt Warrxa Christian Courtesy (ixoaox Hoodxs Artists and Art Works. Bnslnesj Cards. Pagt IB. Amusement Announcements. Business Cards. Fart III. Pagt IT. A City's Seamy Bide .BxsrsTBAXi, Christmas tn Cmp....ELizABiTB Bacok Cusxxa Christmas Thrice With the Bawsleys.... Bxt.T. DEWnxTAUtAai axp Mabios Wnrrx Pagt IS. Joys of Farm Life Bxssrx Bsamblx Snnday Thoughts ACLIeqtmax Paa IS. Tbe Two Eagle-Boys EbxxstK. Ilxcreicns Actor of the Past .. ..Jamis U Pukdt Hnafersof the Moa EDWABD wakxfield Oldl'rob'sBclence...... TheFlresldeSphlnx.... Pageae. .BCKBAtO ... jc k. eriADBotrax .Peot. Oaoao Ebirs a aiaag aae . kid Bras ffifrpTE G3NT3 ' ME. '&8o' AT VOBK'l riT... AM LnR inifi Qv is Friend Mntch - ' ., CJ VlwC a tiovernor. . s. v d 4 TT MWHSe'5te ra AUK'S i'lKliU.. IAtcis PiiladelphLi Democrats "bo j Newman Toward tha KOmHAnON OF THB EI-SENATOB "VI, Preparations for toe ApDnneaisg Ueetlsg ttlie But Committee. .. 3 Ex-Qongressman Scott's visit of several days to Philadelphia is laid to poHt!cs.He) , is saM to be working for Congressman,' Mutc'nler to oppose Montootb, Hastings or DeJamater next year for Governor. Bx Senator "Wallace, however, is said to haya the. inside track In the Q naker City. tSTZCIAI. TZXXOBAV TO THX DISPATCS.1 Philadelphia, December 2L While? tbe Republican candidates for the nominal tion for Governor have been busy declaring their intentions, the Democratic leaders of the State have not been idle. "William "L. 8cott, of Erie, the acknowledged champion of Clevelandism in Pennsylvania, wno is interested in the fight for Governor, spent a few days in this city during the week, and while bere looked over the situation with a few of the local leaders of the Democratic party, with reference to the coming meeting; of tbo Democratic State Committee which, is to be held at Harrisburg January 22. Mr. Scott's visit is regarded as significant in view of the announcement that ex United States Senator Wallace, who is said to be in, tbe lead for the Democratia nomi nation for Governor, will return from Eu rope in time to be in attendance at the State Committee, and that be proposed taking a band in the selection of its officers. SCOTT FOB aUTTCHLEB. "While Scott's friends in this city decline to say anything regarding the object of his visit bere, yet in well-informed circles the story goes that Scott bas de clared his preference for the Demo cratic nomination, and it is said to be Congressman William Mutchler, of the Eighth Pennsylvania district, .which, embraces the counties of Monroe.Northamp ton, Pike and Carbon. Mutchler's friends are said to be well advised as to what is being done to make him the candidate. The friends of Senator Wallace are in formed of what is going on, and it is said that steps are being taken to secure the con trol of the State organization. Under the ralei adopted by the last Demo cratic State Convention, tbe State has been divided into separate districts,each of which will have a chairman, who will, of course, be subservient to the regular chairman, but who will be held responsible for the conduct of the election in the counties of their re spective distriets. KISNEB'-WOULD DO. It is said that the Wallace people will not ooject to tne re-etection or unsirman iiisner, although they would prefer that Benjamin P. Meyers, ot Dauphin, or James P. Kerr, of Clearfield, should be placed at the head of the State organization. They will make their fight on the district chairmanship, claiming that the real strength of the party organization centered therein. They appear tobe perfectly- confident of exiSenator Waw la'cVi "nomination for Governor, andaro making every possible arrangement to have the organization put into first-class: shape. A meeting has been called for January- 9 of the present State Executive Committee, at which it ia believed tbe subject will be thoroughly gone over. The present mem bers are "William L. Scott nf Erie; Eckley B. Cox, of Luzerne; Mortimer P. Elliott, of Tioga; Benjamin P. Meyers, of Dauphin, J. Marshall Wright of Le high, and James P. Kerr, of Clearfield. Sheriff Krumbhaar. of this dtv. was 'a member, but the new rules make Chairman Johnson, of the Democratic City Commit tee, his successor. CT FATOB OF -WALLACE. Politically speaking, the complexion of ' the present Executive Committee is said to be in favor of Wallace's interest The Democratic City Committee, on December 2, elected, by Senatorial districts. PhiladeW . phia's representation of the State Commit-' A tee. Judging-by the past history of the men. seven of the eieht members will be found working; in sympathy wjth ex-Postmaster Harrity's interest, while the ex ception. Senator William McAleer. it is I presumed, will flock by himself. -a. wen-posted jjemocrauc leaner said to day, in speaking on the subject: "Wallace will get the Democratic nomination for Governor, and will make a good fight His friends will not fight Kisner, as they realize that the District Chairmen will really be the important people to elect" Elliott P. Kisner, Chairman of the Dem ocratic State Committee, arrived here to- M day, and gave it out that be is attending to business of a strictly private nature, and that his visit had no political significance whatever. While Mr. Kisner refused to talk upon the subiect of his re-election, if is generally understood that he is prepared to make next year's fight as the head of the Democratio State organization. . The new disease, "Bussian influenza:" must have reached Chairman Kisner's end of tbe State, and it was with great difficulty, on account of throat trouble, that he could? speak at alL 1; 1- THE FIRST L0C0M0TITB WORKS West of Fltubnrg- to be Eilabllshed a Chicago. Chicago. December 21. A tract of 615 acres of land six miles westof the city ball was purchased to-day by B. Suydarh Grant, ot New YorL The purpose is to remove tbe Grant Locomotive Works from Patter-' i son, N. J., to this site. A part of-the land will be plotted and sold in lots.. The Grant works here will be the first lo4 comotiye plant established west of Pitts-J burg.. Two companies, each with a capital j tbe purchase one company taking careofJ the land and the other the manufactory. P. T. Jeffery, late General Manager of thej Illinois Central Bailroad, will have super-1 vjBiua oi uoiu companies. Ef The stock of each is already t paid jail About half the stockholders are Chicagoani Tbe price paid for tbe land is a trifle overs! S1.000 an acre. At first the capacity or thel works will be 250 locomotives a year. Bej tween 1,200 and 1,500 men are to employed! in tbe shops, 'ihe old plant at ratter will be abandoned. According to Mr.JefJ fery, the works there were cramped andJtiMJ place inconveniently located. SENT 0PF TO SING S1SQ.' A Big- Batch of Criminal Fat Oat at t5 Way far Awhile. rsFzcTAi. roiasAX to tot eispatck.ii New Yoek. December 21. A big bateetl of condemned criminals was sent to,8ig umg to-dav. Aha worst or tne lot it Sciescente, who killed a peddler witil knife some time ago; William Salley,'why inrew a vonni? man overnoara irom an'ex: rnrtinn hamn ami 1lnWMl lllm tn Arrtm , -v" "-" ?v.tr. r -tz-z'M jiisi summer, ana .ion a j wiuuor, wooksao John Uronia dead. Bailey and Sciescente are sentenced jforl lite; O'Connor for 15 years. TheMtrio was accompanied by 12 thieve, aadlTJ , . U'V, V V. 1 " - i &if.ir.. i ler? omcen;, ',rs p. T!J-t il-'! - W5&Z ..i $.ari v i