Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 21, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 9, Image 9

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fflorta, That Quaint City of the Best
Known Azorean Island.
Scenes From a Decidedly Bare
Bura! Civilization,
Fatal, .Azoees, November 19. Tour
ist to the Azores usually laud at Horta,
Fayal, as it is the most frequented port oi
these 'Western Islands from England and
America. To one first coming to land,
tropic lite and semi-oriental customs in this
beautiful harbor, there would be much to
interest and charm. The island of Fayal,
bo called from the faya, a small tree, or
large shrub, indigenous to this one of the
Azorean group, has an area of only about
40 square miles, and a population of per
haps 30,000 souls. In some respects it is
looked upon as chief in importance, always
by the Fayalese, and principally so by
people of our own country and England,
because ire know, at home, more of the
Azores through Fayal fishermen and other
Fayal immigrants, than from wanderers
from all the other "Western Islands com
bined. So, too, Azorean commerce with
the outside world, and all the inklings of
the, trifling activities within these little
specks upon the sea, have their place of de
parture at Horta, whose roadstead as you
enter, at once recalls the lesser harbors of
the Mediterranean.
The roadstead and the city lie along
Fayal's southern shore, protected from the
fierce northwest gales. Pico, but four
miles away, stands squarely in front at the
south, a barrier 8,000 feet high against
southern winds. The islands of Graoiosa,
St. George and Terceira, break the force ot
the sea from the northeast and east. And
here, lite a checkered ribbon of white, pink
and russet, the straggling shore-side city
.nestles at the feet of mountainous hills, a
crescent of oriental moquetry, forcverkissed
by azure waves aud forever facing the
safirony rays of a languorous tropic sun.
Opposite, the tip of the eastern horn is
formed by a still nobler headland, the
Espalamaca. Barks and barkantines, brigs
and brigantines, schooners, and now and
then a full-rigged ship, ride at anchor upon
the gently undulating roadstead. The
long, straggling, circling city, quaint
and olden in architecture, "hugs the
shore from headland to headland, a feathery
lineot spume breaking against its huge sea
walls and along its glistening brown
beaches. Like a rich fringe to a mottled
scarf, rising behind the town and gradually
fraying out into cultivated fields and lesser
. gardens, are quintas and villas innumera
ble, delicate dashes of gray or white in wall,
or rutset red in roof, showing prettily from
masses of embedded shrubbery. Then come
tierupon tier of upland ridges with misty
hollows, gradually narrowing and fading
into the sotlened outline of Faval's greatest
licfchts, not 4,000 ieet above the sea level,
where the clouds play and hide and dis
close, in mimic portraiture, the grander
shifting scenes forever being set for tb,e be
holder where Pico's ghostly cone overtops
and sentinels all.
Between Pico's base, where, across the
lovely channel, lowly Madelena and strag
gling peasant hamlets peep from the dark
aud ragged rocks, and the gleaming band of
spray at Horta's circling front, every man
ner of the smaller ot sailing craft known to
. ATcdflerranean waters are plvintr back and
'jorthr-bearing the gentry and peasantry of
. the islands, and conveying in that pictur
esquely cumbersome way all labor is here
performed tbc various produce andmercban
dise of Azorean ports. The blue and white
flag of Portugal flutters from countless craft
There are music and langhter on boat and
on shore. The sky above is the sky of Italy.
The sea has that tint of azure which hints
of bloom. And when one is landed and at
rest upon some pretty balcony, air and sky,
sea and mountain, street and garden, men
and beasts, women and voices, all sight and
sound end seemintr, prompt to delicious
siesta and enchant to tender repose.
The chief street of Horta is the Hue de
Ban Francisco. It extends the whole length
of the city in a Btraggling, genial sort of
-way, inviting lellowship from all manner
of lazy waterside folk and scenes beneath,
alongshore, and from the far prettier and
more interesting thoroughfares which strag
gle down from the mountains past lovely
qninta and garden-embowered town house,
or through the far more picturesque quarters
of the petty mercados. At intervals it
widens into nleasant squares and tiny parks.
In some are wells where the water carriers
loiter. In all are beggars and fleas. The
shops are a quaint collection of windowless
store-houses with blank onter walls, but
tremendous doors, barred at night as if for
siege, where clerks and keepers stand and
ogle the passing senhoras and senhoritas,
leaving their wares in inextricable confusion
within. This ogling is not meant or taken
offensively. It is the daily compliment
trade pays to beauty, and the fair women ot
Faval would reckon themselves a sorry lot
without it.
Architecturally the city is vastly more in
teresting than beantitul. "Street facades pre
sent the queerest of styles and studies. Here
is'a shadowy shop of one story where griinv
men grope about among grittv piles of char
coal. The next building may be a three or
five-story structure which houses the richest
ot wares, whose upper stories arc fancifully
decorated in gorgeous paints and gilts. Next
to this, on one side of a dark den, dirty cob
biers beat ceaseless staccatos, a cutler grinds
and hammers on theother, and away in there
a stream of lignt shows exquisite stairs lead-ing'-to
some inclosed court where a home of
opulence is imbedded in vines and roses.
Everywhere are ponderous base and arch,
huge column and tremendous entablature,
supporting bnildings whose insignificance is
ludicrously startling. In the churches and
a fev of the more prominent public build
ings tbe architecture is Moorish, and the
facades invariably flanked by immense
square towers and the dreary' Saracenic
domes. Host of tbe side streets are narrow,
and so shade trees will not crow.
There are but two streets, or short
stretches of streets, like some of onrimn.
jean "places," which are widened and beau
tified by trees. The general plan of shop
nod abode iu the thickly settled parts ot tbe
city is the shop below, and the home above;
or tbe lower story is used asa sort ot entrada
to walled-in home structures in the rear, or
the habitation above. In the latter case
these entradas are temporary shops tor itin
erant cobblers, cutlers,saddlers and tbe like,
or.lounging-places for beggars, donkeys and
goats. But however unsavory may seem
the ground floor of, or the street entrance to,
any structure, the upper stories of the same,
or the pretty homenests behind afford
abundant compensation in picturesque
groupings and scenes. Balconies in the
Azores are as universal as in Havana, Lis
bon or Madrid. All are latticed, and in
tbisdattice-work are odd little slides and
gates. From these, as you pass, you will
catch glances from fair eyes, and often see
smiles and coquetting looks from lovely,
roguish Ifaces. The Fayal maidens must
,not.look upon you in the street; but social
IcuUora jpre s them the blessed right to flii t
iwlthiyjou. desperately from tbe lofty and
jitiIp nntnostiof their balconied alcobas.
-STbe courtyards or sagaos have as inviting
3lookTthrough these carelessly kept entradas. BumbalO In tO-iaorrOW B DIS
There Is a tucgestion of snugness in the J PATCH.
high enclosing walls. The open court shel
ters the home-gatherincs and belongings of
the average family. All its members are
more or less there. Many lovely flowers
and clambering vines light up the place in
Winter as well as summer days. Frequently
interior galleries add to the picturesqueness,
for people live in these courts and on these
galleries more than in the cheerful alcobas
to which they lead. Beside, there are none
so poor that the gladdening songs of match
less brown Azorean canaries are not always
heard above, or blending with, the gay and
murmurous undertones of lazily-done do
mestic affairs.
Nor can one ever tire of the street scenes
of Horta. There are iew fountains and one
misses the graceful red ewers of St. Michael's
Upon the women's heads. But there are
wells everywhere, and at all these are con
stantly seen groups of women dropping their
odd horn cups, filling their churn-like casks,
loitering and gossiping, coming and going,
with much laughter the whole day long.
Here and there throughout the streets bevies
of giggling senhoritas, never alone and al
ways convoyed by some bright-eyed old
duenna, pass from shop to shop, ever seem
ing to avoid but ever in reality compelling
most ludicrous antics on the part of all
males from 18'to 80.
Soaring and tearing down from the hills
as if pursued, comes one of the half-score of
Horta's cocheiros with his ramshackle ba
rouche to which are harnessed three donkeys
abreast. He has been nowhere. He is
going nowhere. He lashes and screams and
calls his beast vile names. Suddenly the
outlandish outfit comes to a halt. In an in
stant the wild cocheiro is asleep on his box,
and the dontey's heads droop dolefully be
tween their knees. Now and then a horse
and rider will be seen. The horse is a pie
bald. The rider is a gentleman farmer; a
"porgado," he is called here. He sits on
his beast in a semi-military, semi-cowboy
style; holds bis bridle-reins high in air;
wears a spur and mustachiosot wondrous
dimensions and ambles through the chang
ing scene like a hesitant, humbled Quixote.
Everywhere are little donkeys carrying tat
peopie; uurucuea wnn iurze, Drusnwooa,
dried corn leaves and stalks, rushes and
straw, completely hiding them; packed
with twice their own weight of boxed
oranges going to the quays; or driven
double with great timbers across their backs.
"Andel Andel" their drivers shout, as
they prod them with iron-pointed pikes as
long and heavy as(a pitchfork handle.
These and ox-carts with a box like a half
section of a huge wicker basket, and solid
wooden wheeU with iron-spiked rims which
creak and shriek like a Bed River train in
the sixties, are ceaselessly wending their
way along the thoroughfares and to and
from the country, the only means of freight
age; while each donkey and cart is accom
panied with more able-bodied and ever-yelling
muleters and cartmen than are neces
sary to convey every onnce of produce or
merchandise upon their own broad and lazv
backs. Over from Pico every morning
come boat loads of market stuff and peas
antry. The latter are more colorful and
picturesque than the Fayalese. The women
are bndiced; their heads are dressed in gay
kerchiefs and wrappings; and they bring
along, with every manner of small produce,
some of fhe prettiest feet and legs the bare
tooted habits of many, and the short-skirted
petticoats of all, ever give uncon
scious display. The crates, casks,
baskets, ewers, wheel-like and gigan
tic wooden platters, that these women bring
with them and carry np the beaches and
over the quays upon their heads, are of in
credible size and weighs. Thick, goiter
like necks are the result; but their grace
and brightness while beasts of burden are
very winsome surelr. Alone with these
come, infrequently now, a folk who live in
the farthest upland wilds of Pico whose
manner and dress recall those of the Arrau
Islanders. Tall, lank, grave and austere,
their sack-like garments hang limp to the
primmest of knee breeches, which lead to
stockincs of wonderful colon, while their
feet are covered rith - rawhide sandals to
whhh the hair still cling;. These are fas
tened across the toes with rawhide thongs,
forming an exact copy oi pampooras seen in
the Arran Islands, the earliest form of foot
covering known to man. Interwoven with
all these odd folk and ways are the Fayalese
peasants and the lowly of Horta.
Capote hidden women from the hills; city
servants with their endless castiuet-Iike
clinking of wooden shoes upon the pave
ments; grim men from the fields leaning
upon their huge staffs; the important, apish
and wasp-waisted military attaches dancing
here and there in blue, buff and green;
grave and comfortable padres; halt naked
urchins with wonderfully bright faces; beg
gars with sunnv faces, as cherry over rebuff
as reward, and a hundred other folk and
factors so touched and tinged with the
semi-barbaric and oriental, that one
awakens from the weird fancies the scenes
and sights conjure, in half dismay that
where he stands is 600 miles away irom
Europe toward American civilization, and
still 80Q years behind even the drowsy prog
ress of the Europe of to-day.
The Azores are of volcanic origin. Over
there just four miles from Horta, is Pico
with its 8,000 feet hiph still smoking chim
ney, at whose top I recently passed a night.
And this Caldeira is, so far as Ijcan learn,
the largest known extinct crater upon the
earth's surface. To tbe eye Its rim is a per
fect circle six miles around and its walls
drop sheer from the rim 1,800 feet Its floor
is seemingly perfectly level with the excep
tion ot a tiny secondary none, where not so
very long ago steam ana smoke ascended.
There is nothing in the entire scene but
hideous desolation. The peasantry regard
the locatiod crewsomely, and locate every
evil of witch and warlock as emanating
from tbe dark and dreadful place. It was
a relief as we turned to descend to see Pico,
bronzed and purpling, clear as steel against
a tender sky, and the red roofs of Horta
circling the edge-of the peaceful and smiling
bay. Edgak J.. Wakeman.
A specific for all bodily pain is Salva
tion Oil. It cures all pain instantly and
.costs but 25 cts. a bottle.
1838. Holmes' Best. 1SS9.
Both chemists and physicians indorse the
purity and good quality of this standard
brand of whisky. We have also in stock a
magnificent line of fine champagnes, wines,
cardials, imported brandies, liquors, bitters
and table waters.
W. H. Holmes & Son,
120 Water street and 168 First avenue.
For Christmas Morning-,
Gentlemen's hats.
C. AT Smiley & Co.
Everybody 8oy
We have the finest stock of Men's Novelties
in sterling silver in the city. Come and see
them, at Haedv & Hayes',
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers,
529 Bmithfield street. New Building.
Open every evening. tts
Far Christmas Morning.
Don't get left, but go now to C. A.
Smiley & Co., 23 Fifth avenue, and make
selection from their fine assortment of use
ful presents.
Tabtan and novelty plaid surah silks,
beautiful effects and colorings, $1.60 a yard,
worth regularly J2. Hughs & Hacks.
For Christmas Horning-,
Beaver muffs and collars.
C. A. Smiley & Co,
Eg-THE .WEATHER Is the sub
ject of an Interesting artiole by
Pittsburg's Life Glass Chiefly Confined
to Hen Who Pose.
The Prices Paid to Models, and tbe Con
ditions They Exact.
Mr. Vandyke Brown sat iu the warm glow
by the fruit-covered dinner table; and, twirl
ing his long-necked glass between his fing
ers in nn absent manner, spoke gracefully
of Pittsburg, her art and artists.
Presently a hot-faced youth, who had been
burning to speak all evening, but had felt
quite a Philistine amid the jargon of the
initiated, succeeded in altering the drift of
the conversation by a sudden question.
"What kind of folk are your Pittsburg
models?" he asked.
Mr. Vandyke Brown shrugged his shoul
ders. "Our Pittsburg models?" hej-epeated.
"Wel!,jf you mean professional models, we
haven't any. I suppose the artists are not
numerous enough to support a regular corps
of models. At any rate, we are forced to
rely on our own observation, and the assist
ance of the Society for the Protection of the
Poor, in regard to obtaining suitable people
to pose."
"By the wav," put in Flake White, the
man of portraits, pulling his long mustache
fiercely, "that is a branch of Good Samari
tanism which Pittsbnrgers know very little
of. This system of giving the poor a little
light work to do is an excellent one. They
esteem money much more highly when they
have earned it themselves."
"By Jove 1" cried Sap Green, youthful
and impulsive, "I shouldn't call posing a
light exertion. The model's occupation al
ways seemed to me to be a very painful and
laborious one."
"But are we not straying a little?" said
Mr. Vandyke Brown. "I think our friend
yonder expressed a desire to know some
thing about our models."
The hot-laced youth nodded vigorously.
"Well, then," Mr. Brown continued, "I
shall tell you all I know, and the other fel
lows can 11 up whatever is wanting in my
account As has been stated, the Society
lor tbe Protection of the Poor is our chief
model medium. We applv for a mod.el to
the society, describing the kind of person we
want. The district visitors of the society
are notified, and they proceed to look among
the poor of their neighborhood for a suit
able model. The result is that three or four
are usually found, -jd we can then take our
choice. That is the practice ot the Pitts
burg School of Art on Wood street, and of
many individual artists. The nearest ap
Droach to professional models in Pittsburg
consists of a few old timers who have been
sitting at intervals for years."
"What do you pay "your models?" the
gentleman of the hot face -asked.
"Well," replied Mr. Brown, "for a fancy
model we pay a fancy price. At the Art
School the standard lee is from CO cents to
$1 a sitting. The sittings last for lour
"At a stretch?" exclaimed the horrified
"Oh, no, not at a stretch. There are pe
riods of rest every half hour or thereabout"!.
The model is then allowed to relax his pobe
and trot about the room, or look at the paint
ings, if it be a class. Each model's engage
ment is supposed to last for two weeks at
least; sometimes the term is extended to
three weeks.'
"Very often the contract eets broken,
thongh," said'Mr- Flake White, who was
now puffing a big cigar. "May I interrupt
to tell you about a girl model, down at the
Art School, not long since? She had a very
fine head, and the charitable ladles sent her
to. the school as a model. All went well
during the early part of the first sitting;
but later on the model got dreadfully rest
less and impatient By and by she jumped
up and requested to know when her lesson
was going to begin, adding that 'it ought to
be some other girl's turn to sit now. After
some questions, it was discovered that the
good ladies, when coaxing our fair friend
to become a model, had injudiciously
promisea ner tnat she suouiu also be taught
painting. When mademoiselle discovered
tbe true state of nffairs, she flounced out of
the classroom, and has never returned since."
"Yea," laughed Mr. Brown, "things lite
that are constantly happening with models.
Some of them have really no idea of what
they are wanted for. There was a Pittsburg
model once engaged down at the school. He
was a very ordinary man in everything but
hair; bat in that particular he'was superb.
His long tresses and huge beard delighted
both class and professors, and the first day's
sitting was a great success. Next day, while
the pupils were "waiting for the model and
longing for another glance at that beard and
those locks. In the gentleman sauntered
with his hair cropped quite close and his
beard shaved off. He made his best bow to
the ladies present, and said: 'I must ask
you to excuse me for coming here yesterday
without visitin? a barber. To-day I'm
trimmed np a little bit, and hope to give
satisfaction.' "
"How I should have liked to have seen
those girls' facesl" said Sap Green, while
everybody laughed at the incident.
"Does the Art School engage any nude
models?" asked the hot-faced individual,
"No," Mr. Brown replied, "and 1 don't
believe there are any nude models in Pitts
burg." There would be no call for them, as
tbe tendency ot our local art does not run in
that direction."
"Now aud then they verge on the nude
down at the school," said Mr. Flake White.
"They are forced to do so in their anatomical
lectures. When Drs. McCann, Dickson
and McKennan lecture before the classes, a
man of fine physique is usually stripped to
the waist and used as a sort ol living dia
gram. Years ago there was a nude class
here; but it died out We would have to
get nude models from Philadelphia or Chi
cago, at fancy prices."
"Of what nationality or race are your
models?" was the next question propounded
by the very inquisitive individual with the
ruddy countenance.
"Of every race and every nationality we
can get hold of," was the answer. '?The
most usual are the Germans, Irish and colored-people.
The Italians, we would like
to have, aqd down at the school they are
very anxious for an Italian model. But
Diego is very hard to get' at, and ho does'
not make a good model. They Iitfrt one
Italian, a bootblack, at the school last year;
but lie proved restless and unmanageable,
ana tney were lorcea to lei mm go."
"They had an old Spaniard once," said
Mr. Flake White, "who was great fnn.
He was a very vain, a very faf, and a very
pompous old party. He got to know Mr.
Hetzel and Mr. Beattie by name, and all
the pupils by appearance. When his period
of sitting was over he came round and
claimed one of the pictures as his due. In
cidentally he mentioned that he had com
posed some poetry English poetry, for he
really spoke English well on the professors
and class. The verses were produced and
presented to Mr, Beattie, who keeps tbem
as a curiosity. They are screamingly, un
intentionally funny. The first verse is ad
dressed to the class at large, the next to Mr.
Hetzel, the next to Mr. Beattie, and the
rest ot the composition is devoted to the
young ladies of the class. Each one is de
scribe! by some personal characteristic
she of the blue eyes,' 'she of the gold hair,'
etcetc One he advises to study diligently,
because she will yet be a great painteri an
other he reproves for giddiness; a third for
loitering overmuch in her work. The old
fellow really took ah interest in the class.
"Ijsuppose," remarked the still inquiring
youth, "that all models are very restless?
"Why, .no," Mr. Brown , said, "some
models are excellent from the start I
think the good aud bad models are nearly
equal. There is no medium condition about
models; they are either very good or very
bad. The bad models are of two kinds.
One sort get restless, and make the painting
a matter of great difficulty. Theother sort
get sleepy, which makes painting an utter
"There is one class of models you forget
about," put in Mr. Flake White. "I mean
animal models. They are, of course, the
most difficult subjects. Of all animals, I
like to paint horses best. When you have
put a horse in a eertain position once or
twice, he seems to recognize what is wanted
of him, and poses as you wish. You must
catch the expression and general outline,
within tbe first few minutes of the pose,
though; otherwise all is lost. Your horse
after a Cevr minutes falls into a drooping,
lazy position all the lite seems to leave
him. To paint horses in 'fly-time' is
terribly hard. Your subject gets al
most mad with heat and flies. He
tosses about, and makes himself utterly
disagreeable, I had a man to hold a team
for mc up iu the mountains last summer.
One of the horses, was an old-time model of
mine, and he was not very excited. The
other brnte, however, was positively awful.
Nothing could quiet him, and he ended by
lifting his foreleg and knocking the man.
who was holding him, clean off his stool
into the fallow. That horse, too, had a
horrid fashion of wheeling round and look
ing at me in the most critical parts of the
work. When he had been put into position
some 30 times 'he began to 'catch on,' and
after awhile, if I shouted at him when he
turned round, he would immediately resume
the right pose of his own accord."
The allotted time given to man for the
discussion of his affairs, "over the walnuts
and the wine," wasnow long past, and it
was judged necessary to postpone the lecture
on models to some future date. The hot
faced youth, however, was much wiser on
this subject when he leit the dining room
than when he entered it.
Been an.
For the Rainy Weather.
Gum coats for misses, $1 00, $1 25 and
Gum coats for boys, $1 60.
Gum coats for ladies, 51 25, 52 00, 52 50,
53 00, 54 00. 56 00, 57 00, 510,00, ?12 00,
513 50, 516 50.
No finer or better goods anywhere the
higher priced goods are pure silk and
Gents' gnm coats and mackintoshes in
light, medium and heavy weight; a splendid
variety, 51 87 to ?15 00.
Campbell & Dice.
Largest Line Lowest Prices.
Look for onr special card in next Sunday's
Dispatch. Better send for the Housekeep
er's Guide; it will post you on everything in
our line; also contains valuable information
for all housekeepers. Store open till 9 p.m.
until Christmas.
v Wm. Baslaoe & Son,
18 Diamond Square, Pittsburg.
183S. Holmes' Beit. 1SS9.
For medical use and for home purposes
this whisky stands high, has been indorsed
by chemists and Government officials. As
a holiday need it has gained countenance
by its purity and age. Families supplied
with champagnes, wines, cordials and best
imported brandies, etc. Send for catalogue
or telephone orders for immediate delivery,
No. 305. Christmas and New Tear goods
delivered promDtly to all parts of the city,
Hast End and' Allephehy. -
W. H. Holmes & Son,
120 Water street and 158 first avenue,
Rtnrs Rises Rlnitk.
Onr collection is complete. Solitaires in
diamonds all sizes and prices. Only the
best goods sold. Clusters in all the colored
stones and diamonds. The handsomest col
lection we have ever bad together, at
Haedt & Hates',
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Deilers,
529 Smithfield St. New Building.
Open every evening. tts
Sir. BIcGIntr'a Wife.
Whatever may haye been Mr. JIcGinty's
misfortunes while attempting to win his
famous five dollar bet, he was happv and
contented with his home life. His wife be
ing a sensible woman, used Marvin's Self
Rising Flour, and every morning McGinty
reveled in tbe most delicious buckwheat
cakes made from it. Marvin's Self-Rising
Pancake and Buckwheat Flours are for sate
by all grocers. j
Cahey's "Excelsior" rye is their special
brand. It is very favorably known in this
community, and we advertise only to give
outsiders a chance to become acquainted
with this fine old brand of straight and pure
Monongahela rve. For sale at T. D. Casey
& Co.'s, 971 Liberty st. fs
The People's Store, Fifth Avenne.
Present your wife with a good seal plush
sacque. We have all sizes, and the best
styles and value". Prices ior good ones,
520, 525, 530, 535, 540, 55.
Campbell & Dick.
A Diamond or a Piece or Jewelry
Makes the most appropriate and acceptable
gift for Christmas. Examine our choice
new stock. Open every evening.
Wattles & SiiEArEit,
37 Fifth avenue.
For Cbriitnraa Itfornlnir,
Fine umbrellas. C. A. Smiley & Co.
Special Deslcss.
A larger line of specialties than is offered
by any other house in the city.
Cetjmeine, Bane & Bassett,
416 Wood st.
For Christmas Morning;,
Gents' seal caps. C. A. Smiley 8s Co.
Open Evenings.
Holiday goods; cash or credit.
tts Hoppeb Bkqs. & Co., 307 Wood st.
Ale and porter are the correct drinks for
December, January and February. Fraucn.
helm & Vilsack's brews are the favorites
with connoisseurs.
For Christmas Blornlns:,
Ladies' seal gloves. C. A. Smiley & Co.
Cbnrmlac Crcntloni In Jewelry
For holiday presents. Diamonds, sapphires,
rubies, opals, pcarU, gold and silver special
ties, at Geo. V. Biggs & Co.'s, Smithfield
street, corner Sixth ayenue.
For Christmas Qlornlnp,
Ladies' seal satchels. O. A Smiley & Co.
For Chrjslraas Morning;.
Don't get left, but go now to O. A.
Smiley & Co., 28 Filth avenue, and make
selection from their fine assortment pf use
ful presents.
E-BILIiYED'Vv,ABDSIn to-morrow's
DISPATCH discusses the
prospects of a colored champion..
The Suburban Electric Hallway Will
Extend to the City,'
Possibility of an Arrangement 'WItk the
Sew Incline Company;
The Southside hill district and the city
arc to be connected by still another rapid
transit line. The new competitor for pat
ronage will be the Suburban Rapid Transit
Railway, and will run from Carey pojtoffice
to the city, either via the new Pittsburg
incline or by two other routes. When the
Pittsburg, Knoxville and St Clair Electric
Railway, which starts at South Thirteenth
street, ceased operations some months ago
the Suburban lino also had to lay off its
cars, at both used the same power bouse.
The latter line started at the edge
oi Knoxville, aud was really
a continuation of the Pittsburg,
Knoxville and St. Clair Railway out to
Carey P. O., two and three-fourths miles
from the city line. They are distinct
corporations, but as long as the Thirteenth
street line was running they amalgamated
their interests. The Suburban line has now
groVn tired of waiting for the other line to
start up and proposes to come to tho lower
Sonthside Itself, and rmt only that but to
the city across the rivfir.
The above information and that to follow
was given to The Dispatch by Mr. T. A.
Noble, secretary of the Suburban Rapid
Transit Company, and may be considered
authoritative. Mr. Noble said that his com
pany, was bound to enter the city by some
route, and negotiations were now pending
on several directions. These negotiations
will not be finished doubtless for some little
time yet so that it is impossible to positive
ly state which route they will take, but it is
a sure thing that they will come to the city
by one of them.
Their first and pet plan is to enter into
an agreement with tbe Pittsburg Incline
Company by which the Suburban line will
furnish tbe facilities planned, for the street
car company now hold lranchises on
all of the available streets in
Knoxville, and was to have been built to
run in conjunction with the incline plane.
The Suburban line have purchased two lots
at the foot of Amanda street, Knoxville, and
in the spring intend putting up a large
power house. If arrangements are com
pleted with the incline people, they will
then extend their track over the most ac
cessible way to the head of the incline. The
cars will then be taken down the incline and
again restarted.
The route from the foot of the incline will
be via Bradford street ft Eleventh street,
thence to Muriel street and the Tenth steeet
bridge. After crossing the bridge the cars
trill take the Second avenue line to the city.
The cars will be propelled by the Daft
motor, now being used by the company, and
it is expected that very fast '.time can be
maae Detween tne city and the loot of the
incline. Passengers will be carried from
Carey postoffice, the present terminus of the
line, direct to the city for one fare of five
The above is the plan mapped out, but as
yet the negotiations either with the incline
company or the Second avenue line have
not been fully consummated. The man
agers of the incline company at this end are
ready to enter into such an agreement,
but the Philadelphia men, Messrs. E.H.
Matthews aud Rawle have yet to be seen
in order to complcfa tho negotiations.
The machine company's sole idea in build
ing the plane was to get an entrance into
Knoxville and an outlet for its citizens to
tbe city. They have no franchise to extend
their tracks beyond Knoxville, and the Su
burban line has. The latter line would fur
nish the accommodations sought for to the
Knoxville citizens, and thus by an am alga-
mntlnn str tfia twf nnmnnniao' inlnunta l,.tl.
would gain their ends.
Mr. Noble said that the bridge company
would take them oyer easily enough if they
arranged to pay the toll, as this is what tho
bridge was built for. No difficulty is anti
cipated in making satislactorv arrange
ments with the Second avenne line, as the
two would in no way be competitive.
Mr. Grimes, of tbe incline company, when
seen by a Dispatch reporter some time
ago, said that the company did not care
whether they built a street car line them
selves, or entered into an agreement with a
company to do so. He said that an arrange
ment would probably be made with a com
pany to operate the street car line. At that
time many thought that the Birmingham
line would be the one, but it seems not.
Should any of the negotiations fail over
the ronte named, tbe Suburban lines have
still another way to reach the citv. In 1886
they received a charter to build a track
from tbe hilltop down tho Birmingham
aud Brownsville turnpike, thence to
Eighteenth street, to Mary street, to
(seventeenth street, to Muriel street and
the Tenth street bridge. Tbe grade on the
route is only about 3 degrees, and the line
down the hill would be about one mile long.
The worst grade is only 5 feet in 100 rise.
Mr. Noble Slid that car No. 1, now owned
by the company, had gone up a grade of oyer
8 feet to 100 rise with 107 passengers at 12
miles an hour, so he thought it not difficult
to climb the turnpike. ,,
Tnere is still another resource left the
company, and that is the Twenty-second
street incline. Jndge Mellon, the heaviest
stockholder, said that tbe incline company
would be pleased to enter into an agreement
with tho electric road, if they would como
that way. The incline would not have to be
remodeled to take tbe cars down, and it
would in no way interfere with theother
traffic. The electric line has a capital of
5120,000. Mr. John Phillips, of Oliver &
Phillips, is President; Mr.T. A. Noble, the
attorney, Secretary. The other1 members of
the company are Messrs. Robert P. Cun
ningham, William T. Cowen, William C.
The new line wonld have a big field to
draw from and could hardly fail to be a
success financially. Lower St. Clair town
ship is building up last and contains some
valuable building sites that wonld become
accessible when the line was completed.
The stockholders in the company own a
good deal of the land and hope to thus
bring it into the market. Eventually the
line will be extended to Whitehall. The
traffic from Knoxville and the surrounding
territory m ould augment the receipts to a
good basis.
The'negoti&tions now pending in regard
to the Pittsburg Incline ronte are expected
to assume definite form Inside of two weeks
or so. The facts thus far are given without
coloring. .
In regard to tho revenues of tbe Pitts
burg Incline, Mr. Noble said that one day
last summer he had the tollkeeper on the
Brownsville turnpike count the number of
vehicles that passed the tollhouse. There,
were just 600 of them, and it was not an
exceptional day for teaming.
ENOBAYIN.OS for all illustrative pur
poses. General printing.
ttssu 75, 77, 79 Diamond st.
MADE' Is told by Brenan la an
Illustrated artiole In to-pwrrow's
DISPATCH. i -- "
street, in the vil
lage of St. Leger,
is a transverse
street connecting
two parallel ave
nues Thevillage
itself is a suburban
one, "" about an
hour's ride by rail
way from the me
tropolis, and a fa
vorite residence
for merchants.
clerks and o'ther
business men of
small means
whose occupation
requires their daily attendance in the city.
The houses on Goodwood street are all alike
and stand back some distance from the
street, the space in front being pleasantly
arranged in miniature gardens, divided
from each other, and from the street by neat
fences. The houses are all brick, three
stories in Height, with piazzas, also of three
stories, covering their entire. front. These
piazzas are aiso uiviaea, ou eacn story, Dy
close board partitions, and are provided on
the upper floors with railings, breast high,
of green lattice, as a precaution against ac
cidents. Access to the gardens is had from
the street by lattice gates, from which gravel
walks conduct to the lront doors of tho
On the 13th of December, 1873, painters
were at work upon the piazzas of the third
house from the corner ot the southerly ave
nue on the west side of the street. This
'house had been for sometime unoccupied,
but had recently received a tenant in the
person of a gentleman of about 40 years of
age, who. with his family, consisting of a
young wife, an infant son and a servant,
had taken possession of the dwelling in No
vember. The nnmber of the bouse was 5,
The name on tbe door was John Davis. So
short a time had this family resided in
Goodwood street that the usually neighborly
intercourse had not yet been established
with it, and little was known in St. leger
of John Davis except that he went to the
city very early every morning and returned
to his home considerably after dark on
eyery day in the wcefc except Sunday. Ru
mor described him as a banker's clerk, but
of this the neighbors had no positive infor
mation. The 13th day of December was a cloudy
day, and on the 14th a snowstorm set in,
which continued throughout the day. At
11 o'clock the evening of the 14th two men
got ofl the last down train at Sr. Leger sta-.
tion. One of these men was John Davis,
tho other was Henry Austin, a young bache
lor who boarded at No. 2 Goodwood street,
nearly opposite the residence of Mr. Davis.
The men had apparently made each other's
acquaintance on the train. As they turned
in tne direction ot uoonwooa street, one of
them, looking up, remarked that the storm
had evidently ceased, as the stars were shin
ing out.
"We are the first to break a track," said
Austin, pointing up the road which lay be
fore them, white and spotless in the star
light. '
"This is bad for my newly-painted piaz
zas," replied tbe other. "I doubt if they
had time to dry. But it's just my luck."
"You are not so fortuuateas Mme. Au
vergne. She, painted her house entire a
week ago. Perhaps she is a better weather
prophetjhau you."
"Who Is Mme. Auvergne?" asked Davis.
"Almost your next-door neighbor. She
has recently hired No. 9 for the winter. Is
it possible you have not seen her? She is the
handsomest woman ever seen in Goodwood
street," said Austin, enthusiastically.
"You must pardon me," said Davis. "I
am away from home so much that X know
very little pf my neighbors."
"Ana I know little of the ma4tim'," re-
iBiV il'SiML
i&ttxft I InllMiUlif II bhI
.Tin , 2 .rV yVW
plied Austin, "except what I have ob
served from my own window, noarly op
posite hers. She is a very beautiful womau
French, I believe and is to open No. 9 as
a school for young ladies. So." continued
the young man, again givine vent to his en
thusiasm, "we may have Goodwood street
brizht this winter with pretty faces. By
Jovel there's a light in her window now,
and it's the only light on the street, too.
Your folks and nitne have evidently gone to
John Davis looked up at the upper win-
do wsof No. 9 as they passed. A light wasa
Doming in tne cnamner on tne seconu story,
aud the top of tbe woman's head couhl be
seen, whose owner was apparently writing
or reading at a table.
The men parted a( the gate o? Austin's
house and Davis waded across the street,
through the deep snow, to his own.
When Austin reached his own room he
went directly to the window and peered out
Into the street before HghUng his lamp.
Mme. Auvergne's shades being raised, a tol
erably good view of ber apartments could
be obtained, and Austin's gaze rested for a
moment upon her graceful figure, as she sat
with her back to the window, bending over
her work, whatever it was, at the table.
From this pleasant picture iu the lighted
room across the way Austin looked down
into the street at his friend Davis, who was
i rtjao.: , . ; r IU" I" " "tiTt:
' had accumulated about his rate.
A deep drift had formed on the opposite
sidewalk, and had been piled high against
the fence along the whole length of the
street. John Davis was the first to break
its continuous outline, and it was evident
that none of the inhabitants of the opposite
side of Goodwood street had opened their
gates since the snow ceased falling.
Austin watched the shadowy figure of his
friend, scarcely discernible in the starlight,
until he had succeeded in opening the gate
and closed it with a click and walked up
the path toward his door. Then the yonug
bachelor drew down his window-shades,
after a parting clance at Mme. Auvergne's
studious figure, and turned from his window
to light his lamp. As he did so a sound
like a human cry reached his ears and caused
him to halt when half-way across his room.
The rattle of the window-shade, as he drew
it down, had partly drowned tbe sound, bnt
to his ears it sounded almost like a cry of
murder. He lurued again to the window,
drew up the shade, threw up the sash quick
ly and looked out.
The cry was not repeated. No sound dis
turbed the stillness of the night. The stars
were glittering in the clear, cold sky; the
spotless snow filled the street and gardens.
The only living thing visible to Austin's
gaze was the graceful form of Mme. Au
vergne, bending over her table in the light
ed room across the way.
"It must have been a cat," thought Aus
tin, "or my imagination. It did not dis
turb my friend opposite, whatever it was."
And with this reflection he closed his win
dow and went to bed.
At the breakfast table next morning
strange news awaited him. Goodwood
street, from end to end, was in a state of
great excitement. Two constables standing
at the gate ot No. 5 denied access to all
comers except to the properly constituted
authorities, while the roadway before the
house was filled with an eager, noisy crowd;
for John Davis had been fonnd at the steps
of his residence stiff and cold, with tbe snow
about him dyed crimson with his blood.
There was an inquest after the funeral, at J
which all the inhabitants of the village who
were able to gain access to the building in
which it was held attended. Members of
the press from the city were there, and an
artist from an illustrated paper, who
sketched the house, No. 5 Goodwood street,
and drew an imaginary portrait of the
murdered man, whom he had never seen.
The witnesses examined were four. The
first was a village physician, who had ex
amined the bodr after its discovery. He
testified that death had been caused by a
blow upon the head with a blunt instru
ment possibly a hammer. The skull was
beaten in aud'death must have been instan
taneous. He did not see tbe instrument with
which the blow was inflicted. From the
position and nature ot the fracture, should
say that it was impossible for it to have
been caused by an accident. Deceased
might have been able to utter a cry at tbe
moment of being struck, but should think
It hardly probable. Witness described the
wound in detail in medical language and
was permitted to stand aside.
The second witness was Eliza Fleming,
the servant of the Davis family. It was
she1 who first discovered the body about day
light on the morning of the 16th of Decern,-
& fVnfll s& , ,. 4m JK
ber. She had opened the front door with
the intention of sweeting the snow front the
piazza and front steps, and bad found the
murdered manlying face upward at the foot
ot the latter. Was at first too much fright
ened to do anything but scream, but after
ward thought her master might aof be dead,
and so went to him, but found the body quite
The rest of tbetestimony o'f this witness
excited great interest
When she opened the door to sweep the
-Sl cgS
piazza there were no footprints in the snow
around the door. This fact she remembered
distinctly, as she glanced along the length
of the piazza before seeing the body. There
was no disturbance of the snow at the foot of i
the steps, except such as was evidently
caused by her master's fall. Witness was
the first to go out on the street and give the
alarm. In doing so, she was compelled tq
step In the footprints made by her master,
as tbe snow was quite deep She was cosi
tive that there were no footprints in the.
front yard except those made by Mr- Davis.
There was no place around tbe front door
where a person would be concealed from
tbe view of any one coming up the gravel'
The next witness was Mra. Amelia Davis,
widow of the deceased. Mr. Davis wai
teller in a bank, which she named, in the
city. When his body was found, his gold
watch, his pocketbook, gold pencil and seal
ring were discovered in their proper places.
Witness knew of no enemy to her husband.
He was an inoffensive, good man. Eliza
Fleming slept in a back room, adjoining the
one occupied by witness, and could only
leave it by passing through her mistress
chamber. All the family retired at 10
o'clock on the evening of the 14th of De-'
cember, and Eliza Fleming did not rise un
til 5:30 or 6 o'clock next morning. The
personal property fonnd on the body of the
deceased was in the possession of the Coro- '
At this point a man with a sandy beard.
who occupied a seat near the Coroner among
the audience, arose and asked permission to .
ask a question ot the witness. Permission
being granted, the man with the sandy
beard wanted to know what the name
"Marie" meant on the inside of thesealiing
belonging to the deceased. In reply witness
said she did not know. She had never seen
the ring except upon her husband's finger,
when the name, of course) was concealed.
She knew of no person named "Marie." To
further questions by the Coroner she said she
knew little of her husband's antecedent
prior to her marriage. It was a love match,
entered into against the wishes of her par
ents. Witness being then evidently in great
mental distress, was permitted Mo- stand
aside, and the man with the sandy beard sat
down, apparently satisfied. -
The fourth and last witness was Henry
Austin. He briefly described his meeting
with John Davis-on the night of Deeembei '
14. their walk home together and parting it
his own gate. He afterward saw from hisr
window JohnDavis endeavoring to open his
front gate by poshing away the snow which
had accumulated against it- There wssja
deep drift of snow on the sldewalic oi the
west side of the street. Witness and. ao-S
ceased were the first persons to pass througbl
Goodwood street after the storm ceased
Was sure of that, because he remarked it tol
Mr. Davis. He had never known MrS
Davis prior to meeting him on the train that!
This closed the testimony, and the jury A
after a short consultation, delivered a Ter-J
diet that John Davis came to his death by a
blow Irom a blunt instrument at the hands
of some person to the jury unknown. Thei
crowd dispersed, each individual with hisS
own tneory as to tne tragedy, ana Austins
walked thoughtfully toward his home. Besj
fore he reached the 'street corner, he felt a
hand npon his shoulder, and turning, found!
himself face to iace with the man with the
sandy beard.
"I beg your pardon," said this individual!
"My name is Mixer. I have just come from
that remarkable inquest, and the Coroner is
a looi.
Austin looked at him inauirinclr.
"I am a city detective," continued Mk
Mixer, "lread'ot this ease in the pspersjl
ana came aown nere merely out ort prof
fessional euriosity. I want to make somel
inquiries. You are tbe last man, wltbLonsj
mwjiuuu, wuo saw Aavis uiije, auuvovl
loos reasonably Intelligent." - w
o wmmm
l3j&83? m m ft It I irl
Sit JL, , , , r '