FCT ?THB- ' PITTSBURG ;DISPA!EaH,CaATOBDKTr DECEMBER . Si,' ' 1889 -iii- .aSu. A.?..' - , sc- E MILD WEATHER a Depressing Effect Upon Yolnme of General Trade. the YC0AL THE GEEATEST SUFFERER. JRailrnart Earning Still Show a SatlSUC- tory Increase, IXGL1KD BUIIXG AUEEICAfi PIG IBOK. VTwieM Fipe is Bold to be Sow Hijher Ortr the Atlintic Thin Here According to the reports to Bradstreet't and ft. G. Dan & Co., general trade has been depressed.by the long run of phenom enally mild weather. Several features have combined to force up speculative prices, however. Iron is still enjoying a boom. ttnCWL TXXEQBAM TO THI DIS? JLTCK.1 New York, December 20. Special tele grams to Bradslreet's show a noticeable de crease in the volume of general merchandise distributed, larzely on account of the un seasonably mild or wet weather. Through out the west, the scarcity of freight cars, low prices for produce and the fact that many merchants have on hand large por tions of last winter's stock, in addition to the weather, have contributed to check trade, and complaints are heard from Chi cago, St Paul, St Joseph, Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis, as well as at the larger eastern cities. The declaration of 2 per cent regular and 1 per cent extra dividends by Lake Shore and by Micigan Central, and one of 2 per cent by Omaha yesterday, aided by contin ued heavy railway earning, the settlement of the Iowa railway troubles, the termina tion of the Missouri Pacihc and Missouri, Kansas and Texas controversy, and the in creased earnings report of the New York Central quite overcame the depressing ef fects of irregular money markets and the untavorable condition of the coal trade yes terday, and the "Wall street stock market was enlivened by a bull movemenin which the Gould andVauderbilt shares showed the greatest strength, even the Coalers and the trusts shared. COTTOV ASS WHEAT. Bradstreet's 2,239 cotton correspondents report a crop this year i per cent larger tney did last year. If the actual yield this year increases correspondingly as comoared with last, the indicated view lor lsw-yu is t,zu, 000 bales. Exports ot wheat (and flour as wheat) "are increasing rapidly, the total for both coasts beine 2,872,021 bushels this week, against 2.471.21C bushels last week and 1,487,720 bushels in the like week of 38SS. The total exports July 1 to date amount to 50,195,622 bushels, a quantity about equal to that exported in a like por tion or 1888, and as compared with 73,000, 000 bushels in 1887. Special reports of net railway earnings of 101 companies for October show a gain of 17 per cent as compared with 1888, and of 89 companies for ten months ended with October, 1889, an increase of 16 per cent Recent advances in iron and steel are re garded with some apprehension, the trade showing symptoms of crowding into the market for supplies for season delivery. In stead of crossing into 1890 at $20 for No. 1 pig iron, it may thus become a price in ex cess of that figure. J. FXXB PEOSPECT AHEAD. A general advance through January and February isnot unlikelv. Cleveland prices of superior ores are at 56, Bessenier pig is at $25, and Southern pig. Chicago delivery for 1890:-is announced at $19 T520 25. Heavy contracts ot Bessemer iron have been placed. Merchant bars is now at 2 cents. Steel Tails are firmer at $35; with 1889 shipments ag gregating 1,110,017 tons,abont eqnal to those in 1888. Gross rail production lor 1889 will eqnal 1,500,000 tons. Wheat and' oats hive been higher in price, the former 13JJc and the latter 14 14Jc Deliveries ot wheat at interior cities have declined, and cables have been stronger. Offerings of oats have been re stricted. Indian corn on a freer interior movement and iavorable weather conditions is down c. Fork is more active at concessions in price and lard is a little easier. Offerings of raw sugars have been beyond current needs and prices have ruled easy. Eefincd is quiet and c lower. The result of speculative transactions in coffee is a net decline of 35 points on the week. In trade cliann .s'coflee, is dull or depressed and about c lower. DBYT GOODS LOWER. The movement of staple drygwds is mod erate at New York and Boston, and leading makes of 'brown and bleached cottons ire V,' to X cent higher, while print cloths nave declined 1-lb. Uold weather is needed to enliven heavy weight woolens; raw wool isia iair request at steady prices. . Business lailures repotted to Bradstreet't number 330 in the'TJnited States this week, against 370 last week and 335 this week last year. Canada had 34 this week, against 23 last week. The total of failures in the United States January 1 to date is 11,353, against 10,082 in 1888. K. G. Dun & Co.'s review says: Mild weather causes increasing trouble.' Perhaps the coal trade suffers most; .many collieries in Pennsylvania have stopped, throwing over 4,000 men out ot employment and great suffering results. The drygoods aud boot and shoe trades are much affected. Cottons are "only fair" at many Western points; "hardly "satisfactory" at Cleveland, and un pleasantly slow at Milwaukee, where much excitement is caused by a heavy failure at Fan du Lac, and small failures have be cornlTalarmiiigly freqnent ANOTHER FEATURE. In some Southern States trade is seriouslv affected for the time by the operation of the Farmers' Alliance, which enlists farmers in co-operative trading and, absorbs money which might otherwise go to settle indebted ness with merchants. The results, in some localities, almost paralyze trade. But the general tenor ot reports is by no means un favorable. The volume of trade continues larger than a year ago. Clearings outside ot New York are still about 10 per cent larger than last year. Railroad earnings show a handsome increase. The iron business seems a shade less promising:. Recent sales of 60,000 tons of Bessemer pig at $21 50, are supposed to have supplied needs of large concerns, and with additional furnaces turned to production of this kind of iron, the future ot prices is less clear. Rails are quiet flnd it is believed that orders have been booked already for 700,000 tous delivery,-but next year; the actual output this year, including light rails, it believed to be 1,450,000 -tons, .against 1,364,447 last year. Bar iron, has been advanced to 2 cents by the association, bnt is quiet; plate and structural iron tire firm. ESOLAJTD JL PURCHASER. As a surprising reversal of the usual order ol thinirs, it is noted that an English order for 10,000 tons of pig iron has been received with a margin of $4 per ton deposited, and an English house has asked prices on 65,000 feetof wrought iron pipe, which is said to "b- selling at 11 cents net, ngalnst 8.C3 cents net in this country. The exports in iJovember appear to have exceeded those of last year by nearly or quite $30,000,000; but since December 1 the export trade has been a little smaller. Money is still close here at 6 per cent on call; comparatively easy al Cleveland; un changed, but with liberal demand, at Chi cago; close at Kansas City, but in sufficient snrjnlv for legitimate business at Wntmi aud Southern points generally. The Treas ury has made heavy disbursements, so that it -holds $5,200,000 less cash -than a week ago, and foreiiro. -exchange has 'advanced ah eighth .during the week. The generallerel di prices nag scarcely coaugeo. , . rA;ui.jS.xivis in n nn. r.xa. :etsnave been., com paratively dull. Only &000.000 bnihels of wheat have been sold here, the price ad vancing about 1 cent, and the change thus far has been less thaawould ' naturally fol low the close of navigation. Sales of corn hsve been 5,500,000 'bushels, with a frac tional decline, but oats are a shade stronger. Pork has dropped 25 cents per barrel, and lard a shade; oil is .Jf cent lower; with sales of only 1,000,000 barrels for the week. Coffee c lower with sales of 331,000 bags. Though receipts and exports ot cotton both fall a little below those of the corresponding week last year, the price is unchanged. In the stock market dullness has been fol lowed by fc stronger tone. The business failures number 342. For the corresponding week of last year the figures were 311. . THE ABSOLUTE PERFECTION Of the Hardman and lbs Krakauer Pianos. They are used by the best musicians, cul tivated amateurs and people of intelligence generally. The charm of the mechanism and tone of these two makes of pianos cap tivates all who hear them. Even those who have been wedded for years to other instru ments must acknowledge, if they are honest, that the Hardnian and Krakaner makesare the peers of them all. As a Christmas or a New Year's gift a Hardman or a Kra kauer piano is without a rival. A most magnificent stock of these and other well known makes ot pianos on hand to select from. Heller & Hoene. 77 Fjith vavenue. Big Crowdi After the Daisy. Yesterday was the first day we placed our Daisy oVercoats on sale at $10. They caught on at once. Thousands of people came to see what we meant by a Daisy. Not one left without purchasing one of these excel lent overcoats. They sold at sight The Daisy is an all-wool small-fibbed cassimere overcoat, in three shades black, blue and brown silk-faced or plain, silk sleeve lining, with cloth or silk velvet collar, and ricjily lined throughout Merchant tailors would charge'$28 to $35 for the same coats. Our price for the Daisy is $10 to-day. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. HOLIDAY TABLE DELICACIES. Largest Llse Lowest Prices. Look for our special card in next Sunday's Dispatch. Better send for the Housekeep er's Guide; it will post you on everything in our line; also contains valuable information for all housekeepers. Store open till 9 P.M. until Christmas.) Wb. Haslage & Sojt, 18 Diamond Square, Pittsburg. 1S5S. Holmes' Best. 1SS9. Indorsed by scientific men, Government officials and a host of patrons as the purest and best brand in the market It is a brand that is always maintained at a high and uni form standard of excellence. "W. H. Holmes & Son. 120 "Water street and 158 First avenue. TTSSU For Christina Dinners. "With the rapid approachof Christmas comes a yearning for the good things of life. In this connection it is proper to call atten tion to Marvin's golden fruit cake, or plum pudding, something that should have a place ou every table. It is pure, sweet and delicious. You can order it through your grocer. ' ' D Bon! Boy.n fioytVH HojiVSi aThegrandest,costliest, finest Christmas gifts yet will be presented to all purchasers or boys' suits or overcoats (no matter how low their prices may be) at Kaufmanns-today. Be sure and secure one. They're no trashy things, remember, bnt articles of value. Onyx Table. Most beautifully mottled onyx, some dif ferent from any we have ever seen, hand somely mounted in tables of brass and ma hogany, at Habdt & Hates', Jewelers, SilversfflUtU and Art Dealers, 529 Smitbfield street New Buildincr. , "Open every evening. its We solicit but one trial of our "Mountain Dew" rye. The "investment will please the consumer. Put up in full quart bottles at $1 each, and sold -only byT. D.Casey & Co.. 971 Liberty st PS SEAL PLUSH JACKETS. Tho People's Store, Fifth ATenae. Seal plush jackets at bargain prices, $7 50, $10, $12 50 and up to the best values; yon will be pleased with" them. Campbell & Dick. The SiaudnrdXrani Presents. "Watches, sterling silverware, superb china, marble and bropze figures, are fonnd in wonderiully fine assortment at Geo. Vv. Biges & Co.'s, Smithfield street, corner Sixth avenue. The Howard and Waltham watches deserve special mention. New Wall Taper. The best desipns and-cororings of aU the American factories. Cbumbine, Bane & Bassett, . 416 Wood st. The Novelties forIndie In sterling silver and gold ornaments are too numerous to .mention. Gall and we will show you the largest variety and most beantifnl collection. Open every evening till Christmas. "Wattles & Sheafeb. Jewelers, 37 Fifth avenne. Fob the finest cabinet photos or crayons Anfrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. Bring the little ones. Use ele vator. For Christmas Morning:. Gents' fur gloves. C. A. Smiley & Co. Oue line of jackets in price from $1 to $12 'are the best values shown in the city. TxsSn Htraus & Hacks. For Chrislmni Moraine, Gents' seal caps. C. A. Sjitley & Co. Open Ermines. Holiday goods; cash or credit tts ' Hoppeb Bbos. & Co., 307 "Wood st Holiday silk handkerchiefs and mufflers at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. D r YOUNG folks who intend to start- house keeping will consult their interest by buy ing their outfit in furniture at M. Seibert '& Co. 'a, Allegheny. . Ale and porter are the correct drinks for December, January and February. Frauen heim & Vilsack's brews are the favorites with connoisseurs. For Christmas Moraine, Ladies' seal jackets. C. A. Bmilet & Co. Ten per cent cheaper than elsewhere, those zinc covered toy trunks jnst the thing for the girls, at Harrison's toy store, 123 Federal st, Allegheny. its i For Cbrlslmaa Mornlnc, selection now at C. A. Smiley & Make Cos. Holiday neckwear "for gentlemen James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth are. Open Earlr. Open Lnte. 'Every chance in the world to select a handsome Xmas present Holiday goods "without end at prices that sell at sight Cash or credit 307 Wood st tis Hoppbb Bbos. & Co. gg-QHBJSTMAS TKRIOB "WITH THE HA.WSLEX8, a Ckriatxiss romance by Eev. T.De "Witt Tal mage'&rid Marion TTnlte, Will &p roear in tomorrow's DBH'JLTCa PLENTY OF CARS NOW. The Dreary Famine is Over, and Roads Are Howling for Freight. HOLIDAY DULLNESS THE CAUSE. Coal Hen No Looser Fraying for Cars, bnt -Good, Eonnd Orders. THE COZE SHIPMENTS AEE YERIHEAYX Why January Will 'Throw Many Cars and Furnaces Into Idleness. There are more flat or open cars now than the local Tailroads can find use for. The warm weather and decreased demand for coal are the causes. Coke shipments, how ever, are still heavy. There will be more cars yet idle in January, when many of the blast furnaces blow out . "Well, the car famine isAbout over, and for a few -weeks, at least, we will hear no more of the chestnut about 'how soon will, we get those cars.' " said General Freight Agent F. A. Dean, of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bailroad. "Yesterday was the first day we had more cars than we could possibly find use for. The Surplus is not so great that the cars will not be pressed into service, bnt at some points we had too many. It will take several days to dis tribute them properly, and we expect then to have enough for all practical purposes. "When I say that we have lots of cars I do not mean box or merchandise cars. We have a surplus of coal and coke cars, bnt the others are still scarce, althongh we have no complaints about not getting them. We are still receiving parts of the order for 500 cars being built at Indianapolis and La fayette. We are sending on our line about i 4oo cars 0f coai a3d cote each day. COAL MEN IK HABD LUCK. "The coal men have turned their atten tion from cursing the railroad companies, and are now complaining about the warm weather. They cannot get any orders now on account of the winter being so backward. Formerly they had the orders, but could not eet the cars. Now thev can get the cars, but no orders. There is a big demand for slack from the furnace men in the Mahon ing and Shenango valleys. The. article is scarce and hard to get It only costs about half as much as lump coal, and isjnstas good for manufacturing purposes as the large coal. The shipments are still very heavy, notwithstanding the fact that there are plenty of cars. I suppose after the holi days business will-brace up again." Air official in the office of the General Superintendent of Transportation, Joseph Wood, of the Pennsylvania company, said: "Yes, the car famine is about at an end. We have a few surolns cars, and I notice that the number is increasing daily. There is still a crying demand for cars in the West to be used in the gram trade. The ship ments of grain still continue to be very heavy, witb no sign of a let np. MORE IDLE CAES. "In January I expect to see many more idle cars. In that month the furnaces blow out for repairs, and shut off a great J amonnt of freight Alter being blown in the heavy shipments will resnme, and the business will again be heavy bv spring. From the present indications I think next season will be a big one in the railroad busi ness." Another official of the Pennsvlvania lines Lsaid: "The rush is about over, and for the first, time in months we have more cars than we can use. At some points along our lines it is impossible to get the kina of cars wanted as soon as they are ordered. In another week I think, there will be more cars of all kinds than can be used. We have been as far as 200 cars behind in our orders per day, but now have caught up." The reports sent to Freight Agent Dean show the shipments of coketo be on the in crease. Far the first two" weeks of this month,six days per week there were shipped 13,327 cars of coke to Pittsburg and the West On the 19th inst there were shipped to Pittsburg, Bessemer and the West, 733 carloads. About 300 cars went east the same day. It is safe to say tbat the east and west will average the past week from 1,200 to 1,500 cars per day. GENUINE SEAL SHINS. The People' Store, Fifth A Tonne. A handsome and useful present for wife, mother, daughter or sister wonld be a real seal skin jacket or sacque. "We hare them guaranteed from $100 to $225. Quality and value warranted to be the best obtainable. Campbell & Dick. Bojs! Boys!! BojsH! Boy!!!! The grandest, costliest, finest Christmas gifts yet will be presented to all purchasers of boys' -suits or overcoats (no matter how low their prices may be) at Saufmanns' to day. Be sure and secure one. They're no trashy, thinirs, remember, bnt articles of value. Mr. Dan Taylor, Late of the firm" of B. P. "Wallace & Co., will be pleased to receive his many friends in the Natural Gas Cat Glass Department of Hardy & Hayes', Jewelers, 529 Smith field street Open every evening. tts, Fob the finest cabinet photos or crayons Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg. Bring the little ones. Use ele vator. Holiday umbrellas and canes at James H. Aiken & Co.V 100 Fifth ave. D rfutt WE'Gtf? FUKb. Its superior excellence proven in millions ot homes lor more than a quarter of a century. It Is used by the United State Government. Indorsed by the ieads of the creat universities -as tbo Stroncest, Purest and most Healthful Sr, Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia. Lime of Alum. Sold only In cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEWYOBK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. my5-82-TTseosu A CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR YOUNG AND OLD. A Registering Savings' Bank. The first coin deposited locks the door and opens only when full amount has been saved. It regis tens each deposit. Made for dimes and pennies. No Key or Combination. Price $1 50. McMWOUiJM.S II 23 AND 35 rTIFTH ATS 0?pRicr$ CREAM baking SS P1TTBBTJBG, PAJfCWMe-ssasW OIL EXCHANGE DOMINATIONS. . The Broken Will Meet To-Day to Kame . Their Favorite for 1S96. The nominations'of officers, directors and arbitrators of the Oil Exchange to be elected January 2, to serve for the year 1890, will be made at th Exchange to-day. A slate has already been prepared ob which nearly every large brokerage firm is represented:. Considerablcdissatisfactionjexists among the brokers owing to the condition which the Exchange is in at present and the state of trade. A broker wbosename appears on the slate said yesterday: "We want to try and make this institution an Exchange. Now it is scarcely more than a tool for tho bucket shops. We want to have all, stocks, in which local parties are interested, listed and traded in on the floor. It would be a bless ing not only to the members, bnt the city. As it is now the public has lost confidence in speculators ahd brokers. We want to remedy this, and can do so if the members would only pull together, but when one al terants to do anvtbine for the good of the Exchange the others get mad, and crash" the reformer." Tho Road Not In It. The last person mentioned as an intend ing purchaser of the property-between Fii th and Sixth avennes, and Smithfield and Grant streets, especially the Avery A. M. E. Church-sustentation-fund, property, is lix. D.F. Henry, of the Pleasant Valley Bailway Company. Eecorder "Graham says the company doesn't want the property, bnt that Mr. Henry may possibly want toaddjt to what he already owns in that section, in the belief that it would become very valua ble when Cherry alley is widened. Catalogues, Illustrated and printed equal to Eastern work, at lowest prices. PlTTSBUBG PHOTO-EKO. CO., ttssu 75, 77, 79 Diamond st Letter From a Clergyman. Grateful Acknowledgment of Cures by the Cuticura Remedies. A minister and his little boy eared of obstinate skin diseases by the Cuticura Remedies. Praises Ihem everywhere, in the pulpit, horns, and in the street. For abon 1 13 years I have been troubled with ec zema or some other cutaneous disease which all remedies failed to cure. Hearing of the CCTlcrxBA Kemedies I resolved to Rive tbem a trlal,and pur chased one bottle of Ccticusa Resolvent, one box of Cuticura. and one cake of COncunx Hoap. I follon ed the directions carefnllr. and It affords me much pleasure to say that before using two ooxes ox me liuxiuuuA. xoar ca&ea ui tun- i Cuba sojlp, and one bottle ot uuticura uesol yesjt, 1 was entirely cured. In addition to my own case, ray baby boy, then about Sve months old. was suffering with what I supposed to be the same disease as mine to such an scab, from which there was a constant flow of which was slckenlns- to look noon, besides oim pus look upon, besides two larze tnmor-like kernels on the back of his head. Thanks to Ton and your wonderful Cuticuka Remedies, his scalp Is perfectly well, and the kernels have been scattered so tttat there la only one little place by his left ear, and tbat Is ne&llnjr nicely. Instead of a coating of scabs he has a fine coat of hair, much better Shan that which was de stroyed by the disease. I would that the whole world of sufferers from skin and blood diseases knew the value of yonr Cuticuea Remedies as I do. The GcticCra Soap and Cuticuka Resolyikt are each worth ten times the price at which they are sold. 1 have never used any otherfollet soap In my house since I bought the first cake of your Cuticura Soap. I wonld be Inhuman as well as nnjrratefal should I fall to speak well of and recommend your Cuticura Kemedies to every sufferer who came In ray reach. I have spoken of lc and shall continue to speakof It from the pul pit, la the homes, and in the streets. I'raylng that yon may live long, and do others the same amount of good you have done me and my child. I remain, yours gratetully, (KIV.) O. M. MANNING, Box 28, Acworth, Ga. Outioura Remedies Are sold everywhere. Price, Cutictba,60c; Soap, 25c: BESOi.VENT. ft Prepared by the Pottxb Dbco and Chemical Ooki-oeation, Boston. J09Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, SO Illustrations and 100 testimonials. PIM PLCS, black-heads, chapped and oily skin prevented oy cuticuea medicated soap. OLD FOLKS' PAINS.. Fall of comfort for all Pains, In flammation and Weakness of the Aged Is the Cuticuea Anti-1'ain Plas ter, the first and only paln-kllllng Strenrthenlnz Platter. New. lnstan- tau(.oua uud Infallible. ws THE CREAT ENCL1SH REMEDY. Beecham's Pills For Bilious and Nsnrous Disorders. Worth a Guinea 8 Box" but sold for 25 cents, .St ALL DRUGGISTS. CURED OF KIDNEY DISEASE. Mr. Cbarles Preston had for some years been a victim of kidney disease. The pain across his back and kidneys was so severe that sev eral times he was compelled to give np his bus iness. He had more or less pain ail over bis body. He bad a constant tired feclinc and much pain over his eyes. His appetite at times was very poor. He felt very nervous and could not sleep. He had a dropping of mucus into his throat, which,in hawking and spitting it out, caused ' a burning feeling in his throat. Ills dis ease so affected his mind tbat he became very melancholy, and, as he said, he fre auentlvfelt like kill. ing himselF. He be gan treatment with the physicians of the us. shafek. Jf oiypatnic institute, 420 Penn avenue, on September 23, and became cured. He can be found at Kos. 5 and 7 Ross street. Jle says: ''I take great pleasure in an nouncing to the people of Fittsbnrg tnat I have been cured of the above disease, and most cheerfully advise those who are suffering from chronic diseases to consult these doctors. "CHARLES PEESTON." They treat successfully all forms of kidney and urinary diseases, chronic diseases and sur gery. Office hours, 10A. K. to 4 P.M., and 6 to 8 P. x. Sundays, 1 to 4 P. M. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Treatment also by correspondence. del4-TTS The Finest Meat-Flavoring Stock LIEBIG COMPANY'S Extract of Meat. USE IT FOR SOUPS, Beef Tea, Sauces and Made Dishes. Genuine only with fac-simile of Justus von XJebig's SIGNATURE IK BLUE INK Across label. Sold by storekeepers, grocers and drngelsts. LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OP MEAT -CO., Xim. Jted, London. aua-i-ws ONE WAY EXCURSIONS. , Pullman tourist sleeping cars from Chicago to Ban Francisco audtho Pacific coast. For the ex clusive accommodation of purchasers of second class ticket', the Chicaco, Hock Island and Pacific Railway are now tannine excursions in Pullman tourist sleepms cars (personally con ducted), every second Thursday, from Chicago to Oregon and California via Denver. Every comfort and convenience assured at a great rednction from regular first-class rates. Address for full particulars E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gen. Manager, Gen. Ticket and Chicago. Passenger Agent no2S-SQ-rrs McMUNN'S. ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a preparation of the Drug bywhichits Jn jurions effects are removed, whllo the valuable medicinal properties are retained. I possesses all the Eedatfrei anodyne.. and antispasmodic powers of Opium, but produces no sickness of tfaestomacb.no vomiting, rio -Costive ness, no faeiAichi. In iu-nt(f nervous disorder s it Is an Mnvalnable remedy; and is recOBHoefcie'd by the uest pnrsicians. ,, , FEIfrETTAieiit . m rri wl. B.vrK. sVi ., .A--i S& sp NEW ADVERTISEMENTS There are many white soaps, each ' represented to be- ' - "just as good as;the-lycry' They are not, but like J all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of ' the genuine. Ask for . i- Ivory Soap ' , and t " insist upon haying lt'-' .' Tis sold, every where. ' ' no3-101-HW3 PAULSON BROTHERS, SEAL GARMENTS. ; jks dealers in reliable Furs onlyonr repu tation for over fifty years has never been questioned. Whatever other qualities we deem advisable to keep we always CARRY THE BEST. Onr immense stock of Seal Garments is no exception to this rule. Every garment quoted below is absolutely reliable and warranted. Alaska Seal Sacques, full length, $140, $175, 5200. Alaska Seal Jackets, $125, $135, $150. ' English "Walking Coats (half sacque), $135, 5150. Very finc25-in. Jackets (Martin's London Dye), $97. A few Seal Jackets and "Wraps at $75. Sole Agents, for Treadwell's Celebrated Mahogany Dye Seal Sacques, warranted 12 years. Endless variety of Shoulder Capes, in Sables, Astrakhan Persianer, Seal, etc., at LOWEST FIGURES. (Also every description of SmalJ. Furs. PAULSON BROS., Manufacturers of Furs, 441 WOOD STREET. , del240-TTS FOR X.MAS CHEER CALL ON U. E. LIPPENCOTT. 539 Smithfield street, Pittsburg. Distiller and wholesale liquor dealer. Our specialty is Lipponcott's Nectar, a pure old-fashioned rye whisky, 8 to 15 years old, at 60c to tl 75 per quart. Fine wines and liquors at lowest prices. Orders by mail attended to. Cincinnati and Milwaukee bottled beer con stantly on hand. delO-Tus DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific Jt can be erren in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge or the person taking it: Is abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether tho patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck, "thousands of Drnnkards have been made temperate men who have taken Golden bpcclfic in their coffee without -their knowledge and to-day believe ther qnlt drinklDK from their own free will. ITHEVEB FAILS. Thqsystem once Impregnated with the me PtttRlmri-- S3 . Federal St., Allegheny, trade supplied by Heo. A. Kelly A Co . jFlttsburc. l'a. at&-SS-Trs HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Lorgnettes, Barometers. Graphoscopes, Stereoscopes, etc., eta Handsome Pearl Opera Glasses, in Plush Case, $5, Fancy Thermometers, Magic Lanterns, Steam Novelties, eta, eta, at cost. WH.RSTJEREJ,, Optician, 544 SMITHFIELD ST., PITTSBURG, PA, de3-22-TTS Useful Present. Press aiu Outfits $1.75. S2.50. $5.00, I 57.50, 510.00. 521.00 to 531.00. Bend 6c for cata logue. W. A. BUNTING SO SthAvc, cor.Miirltet sfc no2S-75-TTS JOHN PLOOKER & CO., JIANTTFACTUREnS OF Flocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOR RAILROAD USE. Italian and American Hemp Packing Clothes LinesTwines. Bell Cord, Fish Lines, Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide Rope, Tarred Lath Vara, Span Yarn, etc WORKS East street. Allegheny City. Pa, OFFICE AND SALESROOM-ga Water St. ttaburz." Telephone No. 1370. oc2269-MWB DEAF NESS and HEAD NOISES yUihleJubaUr ar iCswh. 'j r .man. nmsperaoeuatusunn. ooeefnl when J1 remedies lul. Writs or eU for iHotod-book EKBH. . Sold onjr br .F.jHISCOX, HI ivainr. wc Mpasn.. nvw xim. ftoksesic. spr Give Your Boys a 79mrr K9sj7flBHHUK BrHBBsV sfHaTBBHsVCSbMSHBBBstt &4 1'tHHI NCW ABTERTI8E.HENTS. iStt Chew?. THEN GET V -Hie.'Best;;' . ? WHICH IS Mnzer's ; Old 7. Crenuine rhas a red H tin tag on every plug. OLD HONESTY is acknowledged to be the PUREST and MOST LASTING- piece of STANDARD CHEWING TOBACCO on the market Trying it is a better test than any talk about it Give it a fair trial YOUR DEALER HAS IT. mh2-33-ssn Speeches and Goods. If you know the goods you have a key to the speeches about it. One house talks ex travagantly about common clothino;. Another, whose goods are reliable, says less about them than they would be justified. The same rule holds about prices. One makes a speech that you wonder at about re ductions in price. Another, whose prices are always low, tells quietly about making them lower still. The one uses showy phrases; the other, effective, plain talk. We believe you are always ready to accept our speeches .about Wanamaker Clothing at par. We mean just what's said, and give what's promised full value. Unexceptionable tailoring to order: 1,000 styles of goods. i " Wanamaker & Brown Sixth street and Penn avenue. P. S. Store open this even ing and, every evening until Christmas eve. ' de21.D HOUDAY PRESENTS! Gold Spectacles, Gold Eyeglasses, Opera Glasses, Field and Tourists' Glasses, Hagic Lanterns, Barometers, Thermometers, Draw ing Sets, Microscopes, Graphoscopes, Pho tographic Cameras, etc. KORNBLUM, " . OPTICIAN, No. 50 Fifth Avenue, NEAR WOOD STREET.. ' Telephone No. 1686. deS-100 GOLD MEDAL, PAB1B, 1878. W. BAKER & CO.'S MM Cocoa- In un it soluble. No Chemwals srs used in its prcputtkm. It hu man than tint Umu the rtnngiM et Cocoa mlipl "with Starch. Arrun rout or Sogar, and i. therefore far more economical cutting liu Oa ant cent a cup. It is delicious, somiahlnz. strengthening, FsRTT.T DiaxSTZD, and admirably adapted for Inralids u well aa for perwni in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Maas. ESTABLISHED lb7U i BLACK GIN FOB THE KIDNEYS Is a relief and snre cure for the Urinary Organs, Gravel and Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder. The Swiss Stomsch BiHars aro a snre cure for Dyspepsia, Lirer Comnlaint and every Trade HABKspeciesof. Indigestion. Wild Cherry Tonic the most popular prepar ation for enre of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Lunj: Troubles. Either of the above, $ 1 per bottle. ortB for Jo. If your drneEist does not handle theso goods write to WM. F. ZOELLER, Hole MfJ.. OC8-71.TTS Pittshnnr.J'ai. HOLIDAY .PRESENTS. SOLID GOLD SPECTACLES And Eye Glasses, 3 and upward. J. DIAMOND, Optician, no20eVrrssu 22 SIXTH ST Pittsburg: JAS. MNEJUi & BRO, BOILERS, PLATE AND SHEET-IKON wmur PATENT SHEET IRON ANKKALTNa WOVRSL With as teeraued capacity and hydraaHc saachinery we an prepared to furalsu wore la our line cheaper asd better thaa Bf the old method. SBefsviriacr and ge-HjnisatJeBMjs sW ssBeMlsmi m on esp WfjisM N If I! Ml Iiif I In i1bV585V . SSissW tfc ' V . NSir.ABTMfSSaiEKTS, - TB 1.1:1 II II I II Ml I rMJJJLXIBWT LADIES' TOILET SETS?: MARKED DOWN TO CLOSED ' ' We'vesold thousands of Toilet Sets since the opening 'of 'thla Holiday season thousands more W Hn WlfTl 'm ift-A-m r'f.flfnnf concern, for we don't nronose to Wednesday. Our reduced prices will sweep them out of our stores like snowflakes before a hurricane. Come in to-day and buy .hand- some' Leather Toilet Cases at 6oc: beautiful Plush Toilet CasesHit,. . g8c,-and on these prices base your expectations for our-finer igot. J finest Toilet Sets Horn, Ivory, Celluloid and Silver mounted goods&'' .bui our reaucuons nave not oeen- connnea to i oner, sets i Every article in. our vast Holiday Bazaar has suffered. Charming ManicurtS Sets- from oc op. Gorgeous Work baskets" and Hush- Work Cases' at two-thirds former prices Shaving Sets at equally great reduc tions. Beautiful Folding Mirrors, Hand Mirrors, Clothes Brushes, Hair Brushes and Combs, silver mounted, at just 50c on the dollar. Silver Flasks, Silver Match Boxes, Silver Fruit Knives, Silver Card Receivers all go for half their real value, as we're bound to close them out before Christmas. Still they-come: Picture .Frames, Fancy Clocks, Horn Footstools, Fancy Thermometers, Smokers' Articles, Smokers' Stands, Smokers' Sets, Cigar Moistening Silver Cases come in, take your choice .and pay us one-tbird below-the real value of these goods. But we've not done yet! Beautiful, things are here in plain and embossed Leather, and go they must with the rest: Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Scrap Pic ture Albums, Writing Tablets, Pocketbooks, Wallets, Chatelaine Bags, Cigar Cases, Cigarette -Cases, -Card Cases,Hand Satchels, Traveling Satchels, etc- A big, big saving guaranteed to any pur--chaser of these goods to-day. KjTJFIITITS' I THE BOTTOM HAS DROPPED OUT rOFv- Prices of Smoking Jackets.! Come here to-day, Ladies' who think of presenting your hus bands or fathers with a Smoking Jacket, and see the finest line oi these goods ever displayed in this city sacrified below cost. . Very pretty Jackets at $5 and up. Dressing Gowns and Turkish BatH Robes also mercilessly cut down. Fine French Silk Suspenders (they're dandy Holiday presents), each pair in a glass box, at 98c A half dozen Collars and Cuffs, if presented in one of our leather boxes, at 25c, or fine combination, plush cases, at 98c, make a most acceptable Christmas gift Prices range from 50c per half dozen up. Painted and Velvet and Plush Scarfs, each one in a handsome bo at 74c, 98c and $1 50. ( ' ' A flood of Handkerchiefs at low ebb prices. Xadies' Initial Handkerchiefs at 19c; Embroidered at 25c; plain Embroidered at 7c; finest Embroidered from 35c up; Hemstitched at 15c. In Men's Handkerchiefs we offer plan White, Hemstitched at 15 c; Fancy Border at 10c; fine Linen, hemstitched, at 15c; elegant Initial at 25a 9S"Every half dozen Handkerchiefs placed in a beautiful Christmas Box gratis. Silk Handkerchiefs for Ladies, scalloped and em broidered, at 25c; silk embroidered at 50c; Men's White Hem stitched at 35c to 59c; fine Embroidered at 74c; Black Hemstitched at 74c Another lot of Ladies' Silk Theater Fichus below cost SILK UMBRELLAS! A few words about SILK UMBRELLAS: We always sell them for less money than others. To-day, however, we shall beat all our prev ious records. Gloria Umbrellas at 89c; good Gloiia Silk, Urn brell as at 98c; a fine line of Silk Umbrella, with gold, silver nat ural, carved and mounted handles, at $1 50, $2, $2 25, $2 50, $3, $4 and $5. And, as a compliment of the season, we will engrave free of charge any name or monogram on all Umbrellas costing $2 or over. ijTjn-isrisrs1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I H Our truly elegant Gifts, which we have all week presented to our patrons, will be received by all purchasers to-day. EVERY LADY no w' mae a Purchase in our Cloak, or Shoe ttn, l-"L', Department to-day will be presented with one of those Magnificent Golden Boot Perfume Stands and Bouquet Holders, 7 inches high. FVFRV RflY Getting a . Suit or Overcoat at our store to-day El tn I du 1 wiU be presente(i h a beautiful Christmas5 Book, containing a Water Color Engraving (worth 50c) by the celebrated American artiste, Ida Waugh, or, if preferred, a 'Large and Hand some Sled. FVFPY GIRL Getting a Cloak or Coat at our establishmenf'to C VCR I Uini- daywiU be presented with the Christmas Book ,spoken of above, or an elesant Miniature Saratoga Trunk, -with lock and key and leather and steel trimmings. . FVFRY PHILD Should call and see Kris Kringle' celebrated CTC.ni unim popCom Bakery (first floor) t'o-day, andtreceive one of the delicious Popcorn Balls. Our Royal Italian Marionette Theater alsos still in operation in our large Corner Window, and will afford much amusement to the little ones. pyppY VISITOR At our store to-day will be presented with-a even I wiCMiu.i truly hanfjSOme and useful-Souvenir a most artistic and ornamental Calendar for the year 1890. - . ' . KAUFiyiANN Fifth Avenue and WHOLESALE iTiTTTIIllliLlilUII ITH """ Sp ' iaTai - -1 - - " - ' ' - s ;- - - , v. 3j' are still on our hands. What2shall is . itlAt.rrlif tTllf ftnoen'f r.?.. -Cj"-Wi have anv of them left aftr 'next LLU LTT! Magnificent .Embroiderer! aJTand FTTT Smithfield Street and BETAIL. ' A ! i A s3 sfr, .