Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 21, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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'Y'. i 'fSHri,,
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bsbbbbx t
ipTls assured to all who read llie
ipmotli Triple Issus
of the
iSmiday, Decemljer 22, 1889.
The contributions to this issue are especially
lie Cere tine tome of the most striking being:
syur cniistmas Menu, by Miss urunay, Jr.,
with. a facsimile recipe from Mrs. President
Kinder Other Skies; How Christmas Is Spent
lihMany Lands, is described by well-known
Christmas In Camp, by Mrs. General Caster.
be Art ol Etching is explained by Brenan.
ife on the Tongidng Frontier Is described
by Henry Norman.
Inntlng the Moa, the now-extinct mammoth
Itird. by Edward Wakefield.
Kwhy Agasslz Disagreed With Darwin, by
.Christmas Superstitions, by F. a Bassett
flBcenes in Whitechapel by Henry Hall. .
1 Great Christmas Story
MARION WHITB, entitled
pristias Uulce Witt lie lawleys.
(je B$al4
pVot. ,ao. 317. Entered at Pittsburg Pnstoflce.
lyovembcr It, 1SS7, a second-class matter.
BuBinoss Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
INews Rooms and Publishing' House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising Office, Boom 46, Tribune
Building, Hew York.
DAILY DISPATCH, One Year. (8 00
EDAILT DISPATCH, Per Quarter- 2 00
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, I year. 10 00
Daily dispatch, lnclndingSunday.Sm'ths. 2 SO
Daily DI6PATC1, Including Sunday.lmonth 90
SUNDAY Dispatch, One Year. 2 SO
"n'lritirT.'r TttRPATfnr. lnp Yr 1 5S
the Daily Dispatch is delivered by carriers at
JScentener week, or Including Sunday edition,
fats' cents per week.
The introduction of Senator Morgan's
5soluJon for the recognition and indorse
ment of the Brazilian Republic afforded a
Ropic for the display of much buncombe and
Wne sound sense. The former was of course
She main purpose of the resolution; but it is
pleasant to note that political precedents
twere so far disregarded as to use the occa
sion for spittle sensible talk, j
mWe are glad to credit Senator Ingalls
With having spoken the sensible words at
She fit season. The United States should of
toiurse promptly extend its recognition and
jtriendEhip to a new American Republic
ffihen the latter proves its right to the same.
Sut when a military re volt ends in the over-'
ghrow of a liberal monarch, whose rule has
tbeen as nearly republican as it is possible
for a monarchy to be, and when there are
Bnany intimations that the liberty of press
and people is restrained by the new Brazil
San Government, it is no more than wise to
gait till it proved itself to be a constitu
tional and free Bepnblic, before putting the
gamp of Congressional approval upon it.
Bit is of course competent for the adminis
tration to recognize the Brazilian Govern
znentasaGovernmentde facta But it might
eiembarrasslng if, after we had formally
indorsed it as a Bepnblic, it should turn out
to be a military dictatorship,
J'The statement which comes in our trade
reports of large purchases of American iron
on English account, is another indication of
the change which has taken place, whether
temporarily or permanently, in the relative
positions of the American and English mar
kets. The natnraf suspicion arises that the
Smrchase of 10,000 tons of pig iron, reported
in. our trade columns, is not intended for
Actual export'butis merely a speculation on
an expected rise in the home market. That
theory, however, is less adequate to account
Jor the large purchase of wrought iron pipe
reported. There is a very decided boom in
English prices for iron, which may have pro
duced this reversal of the usual order oi
things; bnt it would be indiscreet to place
Bnyjesjecial reliance on its permanent dura
iThe reported difference of opinion which
Dai arisen, according to a special dispatch
inuhis morning's issue, between the clergy
men of Bedford, as to the rights jof one pas
tor to get up a revival without consulting
the views and predispositions of the others,
u about as singular -a development of the
theory of sectarian vested rights as can be
lit is rather hard to believe that the posi
tion of the dissident clergymen is accurately
Rated in the summary of the views attrib
nTed'to them. That indicates an opinion
onttheir part that their right and title to
fiie religious care of their denominations is
asexclusive as a title to land and has its
boundaries as closely defined; while the too
ardent exhorter who is carried away by his
enthusiasm to the saving of souls, without
regard to sectarian lines, is liable to; be
summoned by a species of spiritual writ
Iputre clausum regit.
While we hardly credit the report that
Aatelligent and earnest men have seriously
suypteu any bucu position, mere seems to
Bjprround to advise the Bedford brethren to
Swell together in nnitv, and to let anyone
exhort their flocks to religion, on the gen
eral principle-that it cannot do any harm,
fcna may do some good.
Kf "
The old talk about the importance of the
Bussian petroleum field, in the markets of
Sielworld,is thought by an Eastern co
temporary to be reduced to very little value
6v?,ihe statistics df petroleum exportation
jm the United States for the past eleven
months. So far as that talk took the form
predictions that the Caspian product
Stould drive our oil ont of Europe, it is
ffibroughly disproved by the figures. The
f 'ports, for the eleven months ending with
ovember, amounted to a total value of
,'298,000 against $43,997,000 for the same
period In 1888, a gain of a little over 10 per
cent; while the quantity exported is about
rcent greater.
Cius' certainly shows thai the cheap and
Jerlor,Bku petroleum cannot drive the
product of the Pennsylvania field out of the
foreign markets: but it does not prove that'
the influence of the BusiknceBpetUlou
ii of so ralne In tie interna
tional trades. It is n paint which
nearly- every one' seems to overlook,
that sil the' results which are geaerally re
ferred to as hiving been secsred ante the
Standard regime, haveheen, so far as the ex
port trade is concerned, secured tinder the
influence of competition with Bussian 01L
In this very particular the resnlt of competi
tion between the two fields in keeping the
price of this illnmlnant at reasonable figures,
mar be credited with the chief share of such
an immense expansion of demand that the
shipments from both fields hare been enabled
to be increased. It is, in snort.a new illustra
tion of the old adage about competition be
ing the life of trade.
Another point is suggestive in this connec
tion. The export figures show that the gain
in (he quantity of petroleum exported is
greater than the gain in value. In the home
market ior the' past year prices of petroleum
have averaged higher than for 1888. Does
not the' contrast afforded by the fact that we
have sold Europe petroleum this year at
actually lower prices per gallon than in 1688,
convey a very strong inference as to the re
sults.of the more active competition in the
foreign markets for rtfined petroleum than
we enjoy at home.
Before 1890 is yet here come well authen
ticated mention of several handsome new
buildings for Pittsburg, the plans for which
are now in preparation. Nothing is so sug
gestive of the metropolitan come-to-stay big
ness of the town now, compared with the
proportions of ten yeanrago, as the really
astonishing architectural output of the dec
ade, particularly of the past four years.
Tall, spacious and magnificent buildings
have risen on all the business streets. Some
are scarce surpassed anywhere for style and
dimensions. The German National, the
National- Banc of "Commerce and the Ma
rine Bank quarters, now in coarse of erec
tion, are splendid instances of the new
means,, the new ideas, the new life-blood
that is conning through the business arteries
of staid old Pittsburg. There are dozens of
other elegant edifices in testimony.
When the fashion of great buildings first
took hold here and it seems but the other
day they were looked on as a doubtful ex
periment. Where wonld the tenants come
from for the firsf office buildings, the Lewis,
the Hamilton, the Schmidt & Friday? The
people who accept only 'the established
shook their heads. But since then the large
office-buildings have more than three or four
times multiplied, and still the demand for
I accommodations is greater than the supply.
We see in- the Clearing House returns
weekly the figures to prove that Pittsburg's
business has doubled, in the pastfsix years.
Bnt the cold figures do sot tell the story as
well as this rebuilding of the city, whereby
dozens and scores of business enterprises are
trading upon the same lot of ground which
formerly gave unpretentious accommodation
to a single shop or warehouse.
After a time this line of growth will im
press strangers: Our own people are ac
customed to it. It is evident Pittsburg is
rapidly becoming an interesting city from
an architectural as well as from an'induiPN
trial standpoint. Each handsome new dl-J
fire starts others. The strikingly, impress
ively beautiful county buildings, by Rich
ardson, also have had a happy influence.
They set a copy in showing what was possi
ble. No longer, however does the Court
House shine with the unaccompanied luster
of a solitaire. It will sWilbe no more than
the chief diamond ortf numerous and at
tractive clnster which will ornament and
dignify this city of marvelous material re
The report that the Pennsylvania Bail
road has decided to try so further to find a
substitute for the car stove maybe true, bnt
we hope and believe it is not The author
ity for the, statement whicY a cotemporary
prints is anonymons, and this fact encour
ages us to hope that the Pennsylvania's
officers are not so blind to their own in.
terests and so careless of pnblio safety as the
report would have us believe.
It is said that the Pennsylvania Railroad
has spent seventy-five thousand dollars
in experiments with steam car heaters. A
full test of various systems of heating, we
know, has been made by this railroad.
Now it is alleged that the car stove
has no, peer, and it is hot to be
disturbed or supplanted. The prominent
railroad official who is quoted on the sub
ject, lightly indicates the dreadful suffer
ings travelers endure where the cars are
heated by steam sufferings of which the
travelers, strange to say, never complain
and playfully winds up with the cheerful
chunk xif truth that the car stove never hurt
anybody, anyhow, 'This would be all right
from some railroad men's point of view
this weft of polite fiction and if there were
no court of appeal to which the public could
apply we fear it would be all the comfort
the railroads would grudgingly grant
to the people. Bat there is a court of ap
peal, the Legislature of the State. In other
States, notably New York, the Legislature,
has abolished the car stove. The same thing
can be done here. It would be much better
for the railroads to do the work themselves
in their own way and with deliberation,
than have to make a radical change at short
notice and possibly according to some par
ticular plan.
The Pennsylvania Railroad is managed
.in such a capable and enlightened fashion
that we believe that the stove will be hurled
from the cars before long. One thing is
certain the car stove has .too bloody a record
to be tolerated much longer. In plain
English, tf e car stove mnst be abolished.
That story which comes from London
about a proposition which the King of
Portugal is reported to have made to the'
Spanish Republicans, for the consolidation
of Spain and Portugal under a single re
public, sounds very interesting, but is
wildly, improbable. The Portuguese
monarchists, who are among the last relics of
the reigning Bourbon families, are neither
so prompt to perceive the drift of popular
.opinion, nor 'so liberal in their efforts to
meet the popular demand, as to originate a
policy at once so popular and so 'surprising.
The story will probably be found to have Its
source among the Spanish Republicans who
have their representatives in London, and
whose desires can give the tinge ot hope to
the most improbable ideas. When a stable
Bepnblic Is fonnded in either Portugal or
'Spain, It must have a basis of popular de
sire and popular intelligence which is ptlll
far from assured.
Mb. Cobnelius VAirijEBBrxT'a pay
ment .of (95,000 for Turner's "Grand Canal,"
suggests to a cotemsorarr that It would have
made the old Commodore's eyes stick .out, as !
the iirle canal was good enough for ate. AS
the old Commodore -had no use for "theZrle
canal, it wonld bave been more accHraie. to1 say
that be would 'probably .have objected ,mat
strenuously to the inyesttaMt by Ms giaaton
ana namesake ox nearly im,m i;a
which being composed of oU, could not be used
to water stocks withal.
How if the New York millionaires will
turn in and make good the pledges of their city
with regard to the Grant monument, tbey'wM
brine their reputation for decent public spirit
np to something lite par.
The esteemed Washington JPress thinks
that the occurrence of the Presldental election 1
in 189 "makes it politically unwise to give vast
patronage to the cities of New York, St. Louis
and Chicago during that contest," As the
patronage would exist in Washington Just he
same, this profound argument makes it neces
sary to Impeach the thoughtlessness of Chris
topher Columbus in not waiting until 1192, and
discovering America in a non-presidental year.
With a supply of cars equal to the de
mand, the coke trade is now enjoying a harvest
of 'prosperity, and will probably stlct to It,
without any hazardous experiments In the line
of putting up prices.
m Iks question of the car supply on the
railroads bids fair to hold good to the old rule
of a feast or a f amino. Hardly bave tho coke
shippers got enough cars to move their traffic
before it is beginning to be beard that the rail
roads have more cars than they can find traffic
for. It would be a pleasant change to go
through one season In which there were neither
too i many, ncr too few cars, but just cars
The statistics of the National Transit
Company show a diminishing surplus of petro
leum, bnt the field news indicates that there
need be no fear of a dearth of oil In the imme
diate future.
"It is to be hoped that the new extradi
tion treaty with Great Britain will establish
complete reciprocity In the interchange of
criminals," says the Providence Journal The
more correct way of putting it might be that
we have free trade in criminals between the
two countries, and we propose to establish a
protective system against its pernicious results.
The-three-cent-rate for4 mining is a very
pleasant Christmas 'gift for the Monongahela
miners; but under the circumstances it mnst be
set down as one which they made to them
selves. . 1Tb. John W. Booktwaxteb takes es
pecial pains to make public the fact that he is
not a candidate for" tho United States Senate,
but that he Is in the hands of his friends. Mr.
Bookwalter being a millionaire, it may be In
ferred that his parrel is also In the hands of
his friends, which will serve every purpose.
Before giving its complete indorsement
to the Brazilian Republic the United States
Senate may find it discreet to be certain that it
Is a real Republic
Tx seems to be certain that the tobacco tax
will go, as both parties seem to be agreed to it.
But the sugar tax should go with it. It would
have a rather singular look to relieve the
smokers and chewers from taxation and to
leave the 80 per cent taxation or the food of
the people.
As to the long-looked-for cold wave, per
haps it Is acting on the determination to come
to time when the Weather Bureau stops pre
dicting It i
It is to be hoped that the new automatic
register of natural gas pressure which some of
the companies are Introducing, will make the
way clear to ensuring that they shall register
an abundant pressure, without any more breaks
In cold weather, just when the pressure is
The Free Bridge Committee met yester
day. More progress than that may be reported
In the near future, but not to-day. '
Iltfas demonstrated ont in Indiana the
other day that a young gorilla can whip a full
grown bulldog in one round. But it remains to
be shown who will give the gorillas who got up
the bestial fight, the severe licking that they
8. -S. Cox left the manuscript of a book,
which Mrs. Cox will edit
Jebeuiah Rusk, Secretary of Agriculture,
has become a great friend of the new Chinese
Mb. Stead has resigned his petition as editor
of the -Pall Mall Gazette. He proposes Xp
start a review.
It is said that Lord Tennyson received $1,250
for his poem, 'The Throstle," in the New He
piew for October.
De. Low, the. President-elect of Columbia
College, will be the guest ot the Boston Boot
and Shoe Club this evening at dinner.
' Feanexin B. 'gowen had a marvelous
memory. After reading a long .poem through
twice be could repeat it without the text, word
for word.
Sxma Humbert, of Italy, has inhaled so
many cigarettes that his bronchial tabes have
become affected. He now sucks camphor in
stead of tobacco smoke.
TrjppEE's writings are declared to have
brought him for several years past a revenue
equal to that received by Tennyson, Longfellow
and Browning combined.
Yesterday morning First Assistant Post
master General Clarkson returned to gashing
ton from the West, and was at his desk In the
department during the day.
Rev. Ed waed Abbott, who has been elected
as Missionary Bishop to Japan, is said to be the
original "Rollo" of the "Rollo Books" written
by his father, Jacob Abbott
The tenor Narconl, who sang In the Cam
panini troupe, upon hearing that he had lost
bis entire fortune through the failure of a
bank, lost his voice also, and is now under
An American lady who managed to see some
thing of Count Tolstoi's real life avers that the
Russian Socialist, in his apparent resolution to
live among and like common people, manages
to get a good deal of comfort, not to say luxury,
out of it.
Dr. James McCosh has severed entirely his
connection with Princeton CoUege, of which he
was the head for 20 years. The venerable ex
president Is living quietly in a little cottage
overlooking Princeton Valley and Is devoting
his remaining days to literary work.
Judge S. Newton Pettis, of Mead'viHe,
Pa., has opened a branch law office in Wash
ington and associated with him Colonel T. L.
Dewees, also a Pennsylvanlan.Another legal
matter of general interest Is the admission of
Corporal Tanner to practice at the District bar.
The motion was made by Thomas 8. Hopkins,
a war veteran.
Ornate Design for St. Paul's Ephemeral
Winter Palace.
St. Pauis December 20.-The plans for the
the Ice palace for 1890 were accepted to-day,
and construction will be begun as soon as there
is 'ice enough in the Mississippi.., The castle
will be SCO feet long, and will vary in width
from 48 to 200 feet There will be one central
tower 54 leet square, and rising In the air to the
helgbt'of ISO feet Seven similar towers will
be erected at different angles, their, height
ranging from -40 to 80 feet The towers are
almost purely Romanesque in design.
Starting at the main entrance, either from
the east or west side, tho visitor will enter the
main tower looking to the right and left down
long vistas to the royal apartments at one end
and a large amphitheater at the other. The
apartments of Borealts Rex and suite consists
of a banquet hall and the King's and Queen's
apartments, containing in all eight rooms.
These are located at the east end of the palace.
The amphitheater is a circular enclosure'100
feet in diameter, with a realistic scene at the
extreme end and niches in the wall nlledwith
The vista will be about S00 feet long and from
SO to 40 feet wide and will be decorated with Ice
arches and sprayed evergreens. Intermingled
with varl-colored electric lights, making a
scene of rare beauty and brilliancy. The cost
of the structure will be 115,000.
Ike BUI Gets BU Job.
Wabhtkhton, December 2a On motion of
Jtr. Carlisle, of Kentucky, a' resolution. ;Was
adopted to-day by the'Hosse authorising Isaac
X.'Hilltoact as Assiittwt -Doorkeener ef.the
The Drngrglu'e Chrteusaa Prewats A Cell
for Cranks The Popular Ssamer Cm
cert Scheke. '
( 'There Is nothing lbxe adapting your business
' to the season.
In a drugstore window not far out Fifth ave
nue a really comprehenslfe exhibit of chest
protectors and liver pads is tastefully arranged,
Above these romantic articles is a striking sign
with the inscription "Christmas Presents."
To accommodate those lovable, benevolent
men and women whe must have the win
dows raised when they travel on the cars, a
fair correspondent of mine makes' the follow
ing suggestion:
Let there be a compartment made In every
car, or at least in one car onevery train
specially constructed, for the lovers of fresh
air and their own comfort at any cost to their
neighbors. Let this compartment in winter be
completely open to the wind, cinders and mis
cellaneous weather; and summer it might at
tract another tribe of selfish cranks if the
compartment were hermetically sealed.
I (On the Fort Wayne Railroad, at all events,
Special stop-over prvrilegescaDixmOnt might
be 'offered to the occupants ot the airy com
partment V
JK spite of the sniffs ot a few disgruntled
persons, me wea uj. uavwg a bcxiob v& nuui
mer concerts In the Exposition building is find
ing friends everywhere. After" the holidays,
when everyone recovers from the extra work
of the festival, the popular desire for such a
series of concerts will be plainly manifested.
A lover of music, who is also well known as
a philanthropist, said to me yesterday: "Let
there be no doubt about what is needed, not
winter entertainments, but a series of musical
events of a popular character in summer time.
In winter the theaters are all open; concerts,
amateur and professional, are taking place;
chnrch entertainments and social parties are
frequent in airclrcles, and It would bo Impossi
ble to make popular concerts pay. But in sum
mer, when the theaters are closed, and there Is
virtually nothing eolng on in the evenings to
compete with them, popular concerts at the
Exposition would be a boon to the great mass
of the population, an attraction strong enough
to draw to Pittsburg many people from the
country1 and nearby towns, and a source ot
profit to the Exposition Society itself."
An Easily Secured Decree Set Aside by the
Judge Who Made It.
CmcAoo, December 20. Pretty Mary Albee,
of Rutland, Vt, would never have known until
it was too late that she was divorced bnt for
the newspapers. Lawyer Bisbee appeared in
Judge Tuley's court before hours on Novem
ber 27 last, having in tow a well-dressed client
29 years old. The young man was Charles 8.
Albee, and with the ease peculiar to Chicago
divorce courts when he went' out ten' min
utes later it was with the juUlcial assur
ance that he wonld.be a free man as soon as a
decree could be entered. Yonng Albee charged
his wife, Mary W. Albee, with desertion. He
said he married her in October. 1885, at Bellows
Falls, Vt, and that she several times left him
and returned to her home in Rutland. He did
not know where she was now. He had aaver
tised his divorce suit in the usual way, In a
legal publication whose circulation is confined
'to the Chicago bar, and he affixed bis name to
,an affidavit that he did not know his wife's
whereabouts. He said he had lived here a
Attornev White presented to-day a bunch of
affidavits by Mrs. Albee and old-time friends of
her family In Rutland, Vt. The lawyer claimed
that Mrs. Albee never deserted. Albee at all, bnt
that be deserted her. He said that Albee was
not a resident of this State, but had gone back
to the White Mountains. Mr. Albee was the
son of one the richest Vermont farmers east of
the mountains. Mary W. McDonough was a
milliner in Rutland. Young Albee married her
against his father's protest, and ever afterward
it was the old gentleman's aim to part them.
The affidavits presented to-day in Mrs.Albee's
behalf were, in addition to her own, those of
George W. Hillard. a manufactnrer.and P. M.
Meldon, an attorney of Rutland, Vt The gen
tlemengave Mrs. Albee a very high character.
Judge Tuley lost no time insetting the divorce
aside. He said that he would also allow solic
itors' fees, so that Mrs. Albee could make a
Paying Scheme Adopted by a Frenchman
to 'Avoid Work.
New Y,ork, December 20. Charged with
being a professional writer of legging letters
Charles Sampson, a stout healthy Frenchman
of 45, stood up in court and declared that he
was a besrear from choice. He said he could
make more money and make it more easily,
Agent Hebbard, Who knew the man, saw
him Wednesday afternoon enter the home ot a
benevolent lady on Hast Twenty-second street,
near Broadway, with a begging letter in his
hand. The letter was left, the writer intending
to call for it In an hour. The letter was In
French and begged for the sum of Si 60 to take
the writer to Cleveland, O., where be would
get work on the National soldiers' monument
He said he had not eaten anything in twenty
four hours, nor had he Mept in bed the last
Thanksgiving Day he called at the home of
Mr. Fulton Cuttmgand sent in abeggingletter.
Mr. Cutting had been warned by the society
and declined to do anything for him. Agent
Hebbard resolved to follow Sampson. He
walked down the street and sawSampson smoke
three -elgars at Third avenue and Eighth street
The beggar walked to the Carlton House, 252
William street where ,he took a two-dollar bill
from a roll of money in his pocket and paid for
a rOom. Sampson had a small book containing
clippings from the newspapers showing what
monuments be had worked upon. He had also
a. list of names, some of whom he had called'
A Letter From the Man Who Wedded
Judge Thnrtnnn' Dangbter.
San Diego, Cai, December 20. The fol
lowing letter has. been received from Thomas
Scott Gilford, who married Judge Thnrman's
daughter, dated at Ensenada, December 17;
"Before leaving for the Alamo mines allow me
to inform you and the public in a truthful
manner that I was never married in my life bnt
once, and that was on the 30th of November, to
Mrs. Mary Tljurman-Cowles, who is now and,
will always ds my sum turn oniy wue.
Reducing the Surplus.
WASirxNOTON, December 20. Since Secre
tary Windom announced his policy of a grad
ual withdrawal of public funds on deposit with
national banks, the amount so held has been
rednced to a little over $38,000,000, and the
available surplus In the treasury has been re
duced to 527,500,000.
Work Mot to be Delayed.
Washington, December'20.-The Elections
Committee of the House to-day received the
report of the sub-committee upon order of
bearingvand approved it Without objection.
The next meeting of the committee will be held
tho first Tuesday after the holiday reces;,when
the hearing of contests will begin.
MIchnel Kelly.
Michael Kelly died night before last at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Cornelius Kerln, No. 34
Vine street In Us 80th year. Mr. Kelly's mental
faculties were unimpaired until within an hour
of his death. He was born In Bllgo, Ireland, In
1800, and came to this country In 18M on what has
since been known as the cholera ship, nearly all
the passengers having the disease during the six
weeks or the voyage, and SI dying and getting
ocean burial. Mr. Kelly lived In Center and
Clearfield counties for nearly SO years, coming to
this city three months ago to reside with his
daughter. The funeral services U1 bo at St.
Bridget's Church, Center avenue, this afternoon.
Sir. Snsnn Getz.
Canton, December: SO. Mrs. Bnsanttetz, aged
65 years, Canton's oldest resident, and one of the
oldest in Stark county, died at her home hereto
day. She came to this cltylnlMt, and has re
mained continually ever since. She saw and re
membered Oenerals Washington and Lafayette,
they having been guests at her father's Pennsyl
vanlan Inn after the close of the Kevolunonarr
War. She had a clear recollection oftheWarof
IS12 and the Mexican War, having met and enter
tained many of the prominent commanders of
, George Btarlhcni.
Mr, Oeorge Marthens, a former resident of
Plttsbnrg, died in Jersey City, N. J., on Tuesday
night, December 17, at .the advanced' age of 80
years'. Mr. Marthens was a printer by profession,
and there are yet a few of the fraternity here who
will remember him. Almost continuously for to
years be has ..been connected with the Harper A
Bros, establishment, New York; no present mem
ber of that firm was born when he entered Its ser
vice. Mr. Marthens was the eldest or seven
brothers, four or whom still reside in-and around
Alfred Co wles;
cmcAocvDeeember X, Alfred' Cowles, busi
ness managerjof the'Chlcago"-Jriotsnf, and knows
ln'newspaper circlet throughout the tioa'ntry, was
stricken wlthJparalyslsiat the Calumet Club utt
BlghC and oia tale aoruuutiV -.- :'": -1 imri
A Knottier of AMatetnesti, and the Beaftte
Agree to Same Other.
WASHiMiTOir, December20L The President
sent to tho Senate to-day the following nomina
tions; Tobe Collectors of Customs John Price, oTNew
Jeriey, for the district of Great Egg Harbor;..
J.; Henry W. Dalngerfield, of Virginia, for the
district of Tsppahannock; Vs.; Thomas B.
Johnston, of Booth Carolina, for the district
of Charleston, 8. C.; Charles Y. Osborne, of
Michigan, for -the district of Superior, Mloh.;
James B. Burdsall, of Ohio, to be Appraiser of
Merchandise for the port of Cincinnati, O.; Ed
ward O. Frothlngham, of Massachusetts, to be
special examiner of dross, medicines and chem
icals in the district of Boston and Charlestown,
Mass. Postmasters Peter C. Van ilatre, at
Holden, Mo.: C H. Gere, Lincoln. Neb.; D. H.
Swalm. Blnffton, lod,; E. A. Jernegan, Misha
waka, Jnd.: 8. f. Uyrara, .Liberty, lnd.: K. J.
Tllton, ottntnwa, la. Also a large number of re
cess appointments.
The following were confirmed by the Senate
Treasury Asa C Matthews, or Illinois. First
Comptroller; Benjamin F. Gllkeson, of fennsyl
vanla. Second Comptroller: Edward X. Harts
horn, .of Ohio, Deputy Second Comptroller;
Thomas B. Coulter, of Ohio, Auditor for the
rssiomce .ueparuneni; jonn ii. .rranKiin, oi
Xaniis, Deputy second Auditor; Aug, 1). Shaw,
ui inaiana..ueDuiy Auira Auditor: a. d. wait-
taker, of Illinois, Deputy Fourth Auditor: Will
iam H. Bart, of Indiana. Third Auditor: John B.
Lynch, or Mississippi, Fourth Audltoi, and
Robert Smith. Superintendent or the Mint New
Orleans; Oliver O. BosbysheU, Suoerln
tendent of the Mint, Philadelphia; Edward O.
the Mint: Johnl. Bankln. of Pennsylvania, Dep-
mj Auditor jrosiomce ueparimem: William .
Dlmond, Superlntendent.Mlnt.Ban Francisco: C.
M. Wright, Superintendent Mint, Carson City;
Michael P. Smith. Assayer In charge of Mint,
Denver: Pearls B, Kills, Assayer Mint, Carson
City; Chailes H, Polburn, Coiner Mint Carson
City; Henry H. Lawrence, Assayer Mint San
Francisco; and the following Collectors of Inter
nal Revenue: James W Hearne, Fourth Texas;
David w. McClung.Flrst Ohio: John O, Cravens,
Sixth Indiana; John Fcland, Second Kentucky;
Daniel Hogan, Thirteenth Illinois; Cyrus Leland,
Jr., Kansas: Julius 8, Starr, Fifth Illinois; James
H. stone. First Michigan; Horace W. Byington,
Fourth California; Oeorge P. Waldorf, Tenth
Ohio; Marcus Boggs, Eleventh Ohio.
Lessons to-be Drawn From the Constant Ac
cumulation of Sncb OIntter.
Washtkqton, December 20. The Dead
Letter Office sale, which is now in progress,
directs publio attention afresh to the need of
greater care to be exercised by the publio In
handling its correspondence. ' Although the
articles now being cleared off under the auc
tioneer's hammer aro for the most part of no
great intricate value, yet to some one they
were sufficiently important to be worth the
money spent on postage. The reason they
found their way to the Dead Letter Office was
that the address on them was insufficient or the
wrapper not strong enough, so that they
dropped out and conld not be identified and re
placed. There Is, of course, no help for insecure
wrapping, except an expenditure of more care
and perhaps more money. But the danger
from inadequacy of the address may be pro
vided against by a very simple precaution,
which the Postofflce Department has been
urging upon the publio for years the Inscrip
tion upon every envelope or package of the
name and address of the sender. This would
save the Government a vast deal of expense to
which it is now put in maintaining Its dead
letter establishment while each nerson would
have the satisfaction of feeling that what he
uau mauea would at least oe delivered some
where if not at its destination, then back to
Various devices have been resorted to 'for the
accomplishment of the same end. One con
cern, for example, makes a business ot selling
to its customers a kind of adhesive stamp,
which, if a letter or package goes astray, will
insure its being returned to a central bead
quarters, whence, In tnim it is restored to the
sender without opening, the number on the
stamp furnishing a key to his identity. This,
however, is a more or less expensive luxury,
while precisely the same results would follow
the simple plan of writing or printing a few ad
ditional words on the envelope or wrapper, and
letting the Government do the rest
How They Came to Get Married and How
They Were Dressed.
From the Cincinnati Commercial Qazette.I
It will beremembered that Patti, at the insti
gation of the Empress Eugenie, in May, 1868;
became the wife of the Martinis de Caux. The
Marquis was one of the gentlemen who deo
orated the court of Napoleon DX with his ele
gantind supercilious presence, and he was ex
tremely useful to Patti in the Investment of her
earnings. He was able at any time to place all
the gold that was paid by the opera-goers in
the capitals ot Europe. It seemed his manifest
destiny and accomplishment to do this at the
gambliDgtables. Eventually Patti did not like
it, and her domestic arrangements were, to
some, extent, broken up. Among other things
the Marquis was a very Jealous little man. it
was said he and Patti had a very romantic
courtship. The way it all happened Is related
as follows,
"'Well, what is there new what is Paris
talking aboutf ,
"The newest thing,' was the answer, Is that
we are engaged."
"I must admit that this answer startled me.
and that I looked at Adellna with my curiosity
on a tension. .Her features seemed enlivened
by an inexpressible lovellness-emiUngly she
said to the Marquis:
'And why notf I hope it wonld not be nn
pleasantrf or youf
"At first embarassed, then Joyfully moved,
the Marquis was only able to stammer the
" 'No, certainly not I would be the happiest
of mortals If it were true.'
"Blushlngly Adellna extended her hand to
the Marquis, who was almost beside himself
with joy, while she said:
" 'I, too, would be happy.1
Another Man Thinks Hs Has Solved the
Problem of Producing It.
From the Atlanta Constitution. 1
If all that Is claimed for it proves true, At
lanta will come to the front with one of the
most valuable Inventions of the age. It is a .
process by which aluminum can be produced
without the use of sodium, and at a cost so ex
ceedingly low as to be only nominal. Mr. Bam
uelW. Goode, one of the four gentlemen who
control tne new discovery, Is confident that It
will prove an entire success, ioth as to the pro
duction of the metal and the cost attendant
thereon. In, fact, experts have already tested
mo prucero, wu jc.ai.ciujr uveauiK pir. uuuuo
showed to the reporter and, several other gen
tlemen at his office samples, both in the rough
and finished, of the metal as produced by the
Invention in which he is interested.
The secret of the process, said Mn Goode, was
discovered by a well-known Atlanta man,, a
chemist who has experimented with it tor
eight years or more before finally bringing It to
perfection. Mr. Goode,' accompanied by Mr. P.
iLHarralou, will leave forJNewYork to-day,
where he goes to negotiate with capitalists for
a test of the process. The gentleman with whom
Mr. Goode is to confer has already achieved a
large. ortune Indirectly from the manufacture
of this metal.
The largest manufacturing establishment in
the world where aluminum is madeis located at
Newbury, England. It covers eight acres ot
ground, and represents an invested capital of
$5,000,000. There the minimum-cost of produc
tion is 84 eo per poono, ana nownere else can It
be made for less than to per pound., in very
large quantities it wholesaled at Tt 50 a pduncl,
and retails In many instances at U and 112 an
Pension Commissioner Rnum.Crentlng Con
sldernble.of a Disturbance.
Washington December 20,-PensIon Com
missioner Raum la-day issued an order abol
lshnfg the Board of Review in the. Pension
Bureau, and distributing the 40 members of
that board among the five adjudicating divi
sions of the office. Six of the ablest men In the
Board ot Review will be assigned to duty on
the Board of Review to a committee more im
portant and difficult questions that may arise
will be referred for decision. The Board of
Review wlil.thus be Increased from 82 to 88
men. The remaining 84 reviewers, together
with the 40 special examiners recently recalled
from field work, will be distributed among the
adjudicating divisions, thus' increasing their
effective working force by 74 men.
Ail of the divisions of the office will be reor
ganized or corrected, on a simplified basis, with
a view to increasing to Its utmost the adjudi
cating capacity of the bureau.
An Old Beading Doctor Wees a Yoaeg
Reading, December 20. A wedding which
ha been the subject of considerable comment
in society circles took place here last evening.
The groom was. Dr, John Stephens, probably
the best known pnysician in tne city, ana tae
bride was Mies Bailie D. Hejmee, who.luntU
recently, was a" proofreader on one ot the
MtMttolraetf U Dr. Stephens' fourth wife.
HI third died r and a half month ago. Dr.
fttoiiMM is K yeas otswe, while kt bntte
.ilt .V. fl'KfikSS. -'I'l
9M totatoMaa tfcMiM fjiwerntletu sTresa
Cstrb tat Certiior.
MB, Haeey Paul, the good-looking and bril
liant young President of the Americns
Club, has some large notions In regard to the
organization of a permanent and strong Re
publican club In Pittsburg;, The proposal has
been brought out by the scheme of the Ameri
cas Club to buy a site for a new clubhouse. Mr.
Paul would like to see formed Hn this city an
organization like the Union League Clubs of
New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. They
not only count among their members the young
politicians and business men of standing as the
clubs of Pittsburg do, out include the older
manufacturers, merchants, capitalists and pro
fessional men of their cities, the solid
men of affairs and great party leaders.
Mr, Paul recognizes the fact that
there are large business men in this
city who are thorough Republicans, who do
not belong to either the Americas Club or the
Tariff Club. Tb elr names lire known from one
end of tho country to the other, and could they
be brought into a great, broad-principled club,
they would give it solidity and standing be
yond what has yet been attained. Such a club
as Mr. Paul would like would .take no part (in
local political affairs, but act only In national
campaigns and on national topics. It would
build a magnificent club house, would listen,
at intervals, to papers and discussions on po
litical issues, and would attract public men of
prominence on freauent occasions to become
Its guests.
ivr the way, Mr. Paul has only recently re
D turned home from a pleasaht business trip
to Colorado. He visited Denver, Central City
and Colorado Springs. He is enamored of
Denver, calling it one of the most beautiful
I cities In the country. With kindly remem-
orances he speaks of the hospitalities oi tne
people of Denver. Mr. Paul thinks he would
like to live there for a time, but hardly perma
nently:, ft Is "so far from any place." Denver
he reports to be booming In a business way,
showing all signs of prosperity and growing
rapidly. Colorado Springs is also said by him
to be expanding' and taking on city airs.
Throughout Colorado there are general signs
of commercial progress.
A band of IS Italian laborers entered the
Union depot to buy tickets for Bruslfton,
where the were to work on some excavations
for pipe lines. One of them had a bagpipe and
his side partner carried a monkey. The padrone
went to the 'ticket window, while the others
huddled near. "Gimme ze-a one tick to
Brush," the leader said, laying down the
money. When the clerk had solved the mys
tery of the name "Brush:," the. ticket was sold
and the clerk made the change, which the Ital
ian pocketed. "Anozer tick to Brush," he then
said, producing more money. That ticket was
sold, the change made and pocketed,' "Anozer
tick to Brush." That was also sold, and In that
way, one at a time, the agent was compelled to
sell the whole lot of 15 tickets to-Brush ton.
The leader was probably unable to reckon the
sum of all the fares, and would' not trust th'e
high collared young gentleman behind t he win
dow.' When all had been bought, "Tick for za
monk to Brush," the padrone said, banging down
another coin. The agent had difficulty to ex
plain that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
was not sailing monkey tickets, and that if his
simian highness desired the luxury of a ride to
Bruthtonhe must trust himself to the mercies
of the tender-hearted brakeman. As the pon
derous booted descendants of Romulus
tramped trainward, the monkey cast back
over his keeper's shoulder such a look of re
proach at the youthful clerk as made that gen
tleman swear a solemn vow' that Immigration
must be restricted.
not only the most dressy man In the City HalL
bnt he smokes the costliest cigars among all
the officials In that old rookery. The cigars cost
him about SIS a hundred, but he does not con
sume many of them In a day. They are so
strong, that In spite of their luxuriant price,
"his brother officials are not anxious to try them.
Chief Brown Is not aristocratic In his tastes,
and smokes tobies and five-centers with equal
enjoyment Controller Morrow pays about
83 60 a hundred for bis cigars. Ho says he has
found a placet where he gets them better for
suae price toan some ue xuruicnj ubou tu uuj at
to. But the urbane Controller does not confine
himself to his cigars. On unexpected occasions
he produces from hU pockets or from a mys
terious drawer a sort ot toby, long, black and
ominous, which he smokes with apparent
relish. He has no hesitation in distributing,
these nameless tobies miscellaneously.
He Is happier when he has given
half a dozen of them away. After such a
general donation he Is sure to have at least
half a day to himself, and a chance to do some
work. Thursday; afternoon Chief Blgelow
sauntered Into the Controller's office, with his
hands in his pocket and a complacent smile on
bis face. 'Anything to smoke, MorrowT" he
asked. "I've just done a good day's work and
feel like smoking." The Controller passed over
half a dozen ot those tobies. The.chief of .the
Department of Publio Works stowed five away
in a pocket lighted the sixth, and departed
Yesterday Chief Blgelow did not appear at
his ofBce. He sent word to Clerk Blngaman
that be was too ill to leave bis house, suffering
with a severe attack of Indigestion.
The manager of one of the theatrical com
panies playing here this week tells a story of
his first Sunday in Plttsbnrg. He and a few
other members of the company left the hotel
last Sabbath afternoon on a quest for cigar
ettes. They visited one cigar store after the
other, and glared savagely .at the drawn blinds.
Weary with searching, they chanced to fall in
with a young doctor, whom. the manager knew.
"I'll fix you," the medio said, and be led them
to a well-known drug store. There all begging
by the theatrical gentlemen was vain, but the
doctor drew out hU prescription book. He
wrote upon it a lot of latin, which, being trans
lated by the drug clerk, thus resulted; "320
grains bf leaf tobacco, in 1 ounce packages.
Take ,3 .three times dally, as directed." The
cigarettes were banded ont amid mutual smiles..
Senator William B. Allison, of Iowa,
went through Pittsburg yesterday forenoon
on bis way homeward for the holidays. Tho
venerable Senator was secluded in his berth,
and te reporters conld not gain, access to him.
Tne dots tnereiore pouncea upoa, sua aiminu
tive but wily secretary, Joseph' S. Morgan,
who was incautious enough to venture upon
the platform. The little stenographer assured
the reporters that the' Senator was "all rightj"
that there was no doubt ot bis re-election to
the House of Lords; that he was going home
so early only to see his family and seonre rest
and not at all to look after his fences. "You
know," Mr. Morgan said, "our fences out in
Iowa. are wire, and tbey don't get out of order
as they do down hero in Senator Quay's coun
try." Congressman Martin L. Smyser.of Wooster,
0.,one of the young and vigorous Repub
licans' of the Buckeye delegation, went through
the city on-the Pennsylvania line yesterday, to
spend Christmas at ms wayno county noma.
This is his first trm. He does not fear any
continued disaffection amongtlhlo Republi
cans, and he thinks there Is no doubt that C. S.
Brlce will win the Democratic nomination for
the Benatorship. He says that the best man
the Democrats have in the StWe is John W.
Bookwalter, the turbine wheel manufacturer,
but be is not likely to be a candidate for the
Betiatorsbip. ,
Speaking of the oil market, a prominent
broker sald yesterday: "The short-sighted
and jealous policy of the brokers of this city
has ruined our local oil market You can't
kick a man out of your house on Monday,
invite him back on Tuesday, kick him
out on Wednesday,, and expect him to
come back on Thursday; The pnblic has been
kicked out of the oil market once too often.
A lot of curbstone brokers bave so misled and
cheated men who had money to put on oil, that
outsiders have become disgusted. Now when
they see the oil figures going up and down, they
stand with their hands In their pockets and say,
All right, boys, let her move. I hope you're
having lota of' fun.' They won't bite any more.
Although! am an oil broker, I have ceased to
pay much attention to It There Is' no mosey
in it, nor in any of the local stocks. The cjtly
thing In which there is much trading now if
New York stock, railroad and so os. It i the
fault of the brokers hare, and I think there Js
need of tery thorough reform."
-BHAL.1ISSI Wises sjsd'ttoCkfM Me-
(XjtasifI jssttssPSsHsiMtstf sttsWsViaf f09sW NsTPMssW'
lagtes. He wae aeeoapasJed by.Qgeigo M.
von Besahorst Mr. Maee revealed no eon
Sfisors desire to stter his sentiments in regard
to the appolntoeat at James B. McKean. He
atsaplysald: fThe remit has been understood
for a long time, and It was .only a question of
having the appointment made. 1 am glad it
has been settled." In Washington, to an inter
viewer, Mr. Magee" named Major E. A Moa
tooth ae bit) choice for Governor.
Why Does AHeghesy Hold OS?
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
The Plttsbnrg, (Allegheny and Manchester
Traction ordinance came np in Select Council
last night and without a single amendment
being c&ered it was referred back to the BaiI-4
road Committee from which it cams two weeks
ago. This is a little singular for people who
are continually clamoring; for rapid transit
The two things Allegheny City most needs is
rapid transit throughout the city, and good
water, both of which the Allegheny City gov?
ernment seems to be getting further-away
tronr. The reverse Is true of Pittsburg, which
quicKiy welcomes any new street car project.
The result can be seen In the difference In the
value of property and the rapidity with which
Pittsburg Is growing, ana the slow rate ot
speed with which Allegheny City Is growing.
Pittsbubo, December 20.
Safe to Bet That Railways Kill Host;
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Two ot my friends who are constant readers
of The Despatch have been amicably quar
reling for some time about the number killed
by railroad accidents and accidents on water,
one maintaining there were more on water; the
other, more on land. Will you kindly state
what your opinion 1st Please state also
whether there is more traveling by rail or by
water. Yours truly,
Constant Reader.
Ptttsbubg, December 17, 18S9.
iNo reliable statistics ot recent compilation,
bearing upon these questions, are at hand.
But the statement has often appeared in news
papers, and from wide observation would seem
to be true, that" an enormously larger number
of persons both travel and are killed by rail
than by steamship lines.
Prof. Seymonr Used to Be.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Mb. Editor Will you kindly inform me
through the columns of" your paper If there is
a professional phrenologist in Pittsburg or. Al
legheny, and oblige a constant reader.
M. F. R.
Salem, O., December 19, 1889.
o-ys Will Receive a Vino Christmas
A genuine turkey dinner, with all the acces
sories and cakes, pies and fruits, will be served
to the Industrious little newsboys between 12
and 1 o'clock Christmas Day at their Home on
Old avenue. This- Is the fifth annual feast for
these Junior business men of the city, and
more than 100 members of the day, night and
Sunday school connected with the Home will
enjoy the good things provided for their bene
fit this year through the generositv of Messrs.
S.S. Marvin. H. K. Porter.E. A Kitzmlller,
James L Buchanan, Charles Lockhart, L P.
Hannah, James W. Drape and others.
Everything- Ready for the Bazaar sit St,
Paul's Cathedral.
Rev. Fathers Wall and.. Molyneaux, of St
Paul's Cathedral, worked until midnight last
night arranging matters for the fair which
opens in the basement ot the chnrch this even
ing. The proceeds of the fair are to be devoted
to paying for the decoration of the interior of
the church. Among the other Improvements
which have already been noted In The Dis
patch, a brass rail in front of the sacristy has
been proposed. Most of the scaffolding has
been taken down and the work of putting
down the new carpets will be begun Monday
Chnrch Pleasures,
A fair and bazaar will be Inaugurated this
evening in the West End Gymnasium Hall on
Main street The proceeds will benefit St
James' Church. West End. The booths are all
to be exceedingly pretty and the hall will beap
proprfately decorated. The "Leader Italian
Orchestra will furnish the music and the
reign of festivity will continue on the following
days, December ZL, 23, 25, 28, and January 1
THEW.C.T.U.ofthe East End will cele
brate the sixteenth anniversary of. the "Tem
perance Crusade," in their hall on Frankstown
avenue, to-morrow at 2-20 P. K. Rev. C. V.
Wilson will deliver an appropriate address, and
several other eminent ministers will do like
An Omaha Electrician Who Has an Elec
trical Death Trap.
Kansas City, December 20. Victor Pois
sant,ayoung electrician of Omaha, has been
practicing an electric method of killing rats) at
Intervals for the past three yeara, and may be
fairly credited with having anticipated the
New York scientists, who are now' puzzling
themselves and the rest of mankind as to the
propriety of sending Mr. Kemmler out of the
world by electricity. The rodents are caught'
in an ordinary oval trap, the bottom of which
is covered with tin. Polssant has a small
dynamo ot his own manufacture. One wire,
connected with the dynamo, is fastened to the
tin lining of the trap. The well-known pro
pensity of a caged rat to show fight asserts It-1
self, and he seizes the wire between bis teeth.
In so doing the circuit la completed, his Jaws
close on the wire With a death grip, and with
out a squeak and almost without a quiver he
passes into a state of eternal desuetude.
The process Is equally effective with mice,
but somewhat more difficult to apply, as' these
little animals will not take hold of the' wire as
the rats do. No mark is left or. either. In both
cases death is practically instantaneous.
f thinks this is due to the fact that they have
fewer nerves to act upon. Grasshoppers die
very bard. One peculiarity about their "elec
trocution" is the fact that as soon as the cur
rent is applied their hind legs fly off. This is
Usually attended with more or less violence,
and the dissevered limbs are frequently shot
several feet away. These legs are attached to
the body by a very delicate ligament, and the
sudden contraction of the big muscles in the
thighs, produeed by the electric current, pulls
them off.
AT Springfield, O., a few days ago little 6-year-old
Edna DeLong ran down to the depot
to see ber "Uncle Joe." She did not know
where her Uncle Joe lived, but .knew lie went
to the depot to go home. She managed to get
on a train, and, being unable to give the con
ductor any information as to where she wanted
to go, she was taken to Cincinnati and turned
over to the police, by whom she was taken care,
of until her parents arrived to claim her.
At White Haven a gunner fired fourteen
shots at a duck before he found out that it was.
a decoy placed on the water by two schoolboys.
At Parkersbnrg. W. Va., the Christmas jug
trade Is on in earnest at present and hundreds
of them leave here by train and boat every day.
A most peculiar feature about the jug trade is
that the shipments are nearly all made to pro
hibition counties, or to counties where there Is
nd license to sell. There is a great variety In
the styles of the jugs and lnthe quality of
liquor tbey contain.
Mrs. Mart Anderson, who died Tuesday
at Bradford, was tne oldest inhabitant and one
of the original settlers of McKeaa county. She
was 102 years of age.
An old man, evidently from the rural dis
tricts, with a humorous countenance and dad
in an ancient garb, created ' much amusement
at Akron, -O., for the passengers ot a street-car.
His attention was attracted to the fare indica
tor at the end of the car; Looking at his wach
for a moment be remarked, "Wall, I guess I'm
a trifle slow." Everybody laughed but the old
Says the Bedford Vazelti: "Over la York
county there to a horse suffering wMi "ossifica
tion of the joints,' It take half a day to walk'
a mile., it will probaeiy Be enterec Isv the tret,
tlagraee at the next Bedford Coaaty Fair."
A tearful widow at Charleston, W.jV.
obtained an orter for 94 worth ot groeisiia
from the Poor Comsatotesiete. Kesst ey ' tM
ttrns4ssssSsssst eaBssssVol SUaatspaaJ m AsfsLA KjtaAAssVsssaAAA
gn VTS7s irttrij SweasFssjysjk VsBfV sTVBijWHsBssrVWVsr Wt
The population ot Japan is just Under
40,ooo;o6a a .
Over. 8,000 Enssians have seftTed 'iaW;
and around Eureka, CaL, within a-year.. - " .J
In Eussia, in 1888, there were pnb"'
llshed- 5,318 books, of which 17,395,050 copies
were printed. J$f
English cutlers who used to pay ?3,000?
?. ?n i?Ji;ory naT8 wcwtlyhadtopayirV'
high as 810,000. lf'
JefC Davis grave is guarded night andi
day by a detail of police, and the vigils will bo " ' 5
kept np for at least four months. yv
An Iowa girl, Flora Leak,, has just shot . . '
a man dead for serenading her grandfather on '-'&'
tne occasion oi ms latest marriage.
There has been an extraordinary epi
demic of snlddes in the German army of lata.
In one moirth 28 officers shot themselves.
It is said that one of the English novel?
Ists is able to repeat from memory every word
he has written and he is the author ot many
books. -
' Samuel TragdoD, who was serving a life'
sentence Ip the Iowa Penitentiary for killing X?s
man for cheering for Jeff Davis, has been par-;. - ,'
uonea Dy uovernor Larraoee.
The New York Postofflce issued 70.695-
money orders last week for Europe,tbe amounts
sent footing up $1,000,000. Most oi this money
was from successful Immigrants.
Last year Germany granted only 3,921
pensions, against England's 9,779 and the
United States' 20,42a The number granted in
Germany baa fallen pff 927 in lively ears.
William Harrocks, a Philadelphia
brakeman, was killed by the cars; a few days
ago. Three nights before his death one of his
neighbors dreamed that be had been killed,
A Town councilor ot Houtz, Bohemia,
Who refused to join in an official vote of con
dolence with the imperial house on the suicide
of the Crown Prince of Austria has been sen
tenced to two months' imprisonment
The mother of Monsieur de Paris, If me.
Deibler, died at ber son's house near the prison
of LaRoquette a weekago,aged9CL Herson,tha
S resent executloner-ln-chief, married the
aughter of thya beadsman ot Algeria.
The Pension Department has upon its
rolls the names of 27ridows ot revolutionary
soldiers who have been regularly paid pensiom
up totbe present time. Three of them are 97
years of age and two W. The youngest Is 71,
The Pope has received abequest of 680,
000 from Baron Lllientbal. The latter was by
extraction a Hebrew, and made money In the
Union Generale speculation, and his desire was
to lender the Pope independent of Peter's
pence. The will will very likely be disputed.
An Englishman has bought the con- N
tents of the royal castle of Nuremberg, con
taining trie most complete collection of Instru
ments ot torture extant costing 6,000 in aU,
There is a library ot 8,000 volumes, giving the
history of crime and torture for many cen
turies. One of Bishop Taylor's African mission
aries declares that while apparel does not make
the man, the want of It renders the work of
missionaries very embarrassing. "When yon
come across a man," he says, "wearing only a
stovepipe hat and a Congo Free State smile, it
is. hard to preach to him without a feeling of
It is related of a Traverse City girl that
she has made ber best fellow promise to corns
around at noon for an answer to his proposal of
marriage. The girl says she has seen him
several thousand times, but always In the even,
ing.and she will marry no man unless she knows
how ha looks by daylight,
A party of surveyorsin the wild TJgati-
mam country, In Hew Zealand, have discovered
and brought back to civilization a white woman,
who has been Identified by a scar on her body
as the daughter of a settler, stolen IS years ago.
when a child, by the -Maories. She was Hying
with a Maori and his wire, and conld not re
member a word of English.
The diamond and pearl necklace worn
on state occasions by Mrs. Cornelius Yander
bill has excited! the greatest wonder and ad
miration. The striking feature of this neck
lace is that the diamonds are pierced through
the center and are strung alternately with the
pearls. It is said that It required many weeks
at patient labor to pierce each stone.
The figures given for the cost of using
the great ordnance lead to a calculation that
theBenbow, which carries two 110-ton guns
and other smaller arms, would in tifobrdlaaryfeW
engagements use up guns and ammunition to
the value of 130,000. A modern naval engage- -ment
on the scale which more than one nation
is ready to engage In, would cost millions.
Two or three years ago the- Bussian
Government-established credit banks for the
purpose of assisting the owners of large estates
who happened to be pressed for money. The
effect has been that the number of mortgaged
estates is much greater than ever, and many
belonging to high nobles are to be sold this
year for nonpayment of the Interest on loans.
A Milwaukee clergyman who is ac
quainted with Rev. Mr. Milburn, the blind
chaplain of the House of Representatives,
states that the chaplain has no idea of time.
He is liable,. It is said, to preach for three
straight hours, and he is so confused in regard
to day and night that he is likely to start out at
midnight for the purpose of making a social
Mrs. Leland Stanford has the most val
uable collection of diamonds in the world ex
cept the crown jewels of Russia and Great
Britain. One other 'necklaces is worth S600,
000 and her entire collection Is valued at 12,
000,000. The rarest gems from the casaetaof
theex-Qneen Isabella, of, Spain, and the ex
Empress Eugenie are now owned by Mrs.
Stanford, ( -
Extreme low water in the Mississippi
recently unearthed an historical relic at the
ferry-landing at Columbus, KyM In the shape of
a huge, old-fashioned columbiad which did
duty during the late 'war in the hands of the
Confederates. Those familiar with the history
of the formidable weapon state that it played a
conspicuous part in the battle of Belmont, Mo.,
in the fall of 1861, and that from its lofty perch
on the bluffs above Columbus It sent many a
huge shell screaming across the river into
Grant's army, and that it had more to do with
keeping the gunboats at bay than all others at
the fort. Tne Sun isfthe only remaining relic
ot the Confederate fortifications erected at
Columbus, Ky., 30 years ago.
The only walking match Paris has known
for some time Is Bernhardt. Texas Sttingi.
That horse so prominent in the Cronin
trial can jglve the leopard cards and spades In
changing his spots. TAt Commoner.
A Uickname. Viiitor "What is your
son's namef
Mother-Stocking p. Smith; but we call him
Socks for short Judge.
For the benefit of its readers in this city
It Is announced that the Congretnonal Keeor(t
will not Issue any Illustrated Christmas number.
PMladtlpMa Becord,
With Bonlanger still in Jersey, the Cronin
trial at an end and McQinty on his way to-Europe,
there Is nothing to interfere with the enjoyment
or a merry Christmas. PMladtlpMa Timet.
Women may not love him,
Yet he who wheels the baarow
Carries all before him. :
-Philmitlphta Infairtr,
.A Stickler for Facts. Squire Gruff Hey,
hey, boys (what's this; ,5 -
Bobby-I hit Tommy snd he hit m back.- '
. Tommy-'Talnt so, sir; I didn't' hit hlaback; 'l
Just punched his nose". Texas Sif tinge.
Never Yet 3eard O. Women and' Wlna
are often, classed together by the poets, buVwe
have never yet heard of a poet who claimed that
both of them Improved with gt. -Hurling ton Fru
She- Knew What She Wanted. Old
ldy I'd like to buy some plasters, yacrag feller.
Drag Clerk Yes, mam : porousT
Old Lady-Do ye s'pose 1 want to ketch my death
0' coldf Let's see yer winter styles.-j-if ,
Not Much on the Bible. A Kentucky.
gentleman who recently came to Washington to
consult with his member bf Congress about an
office nader- the new administration was asked
yesterday by a gentleman from Boston whether
It was really true that the people of Kentucky are
so very bibulous.
"Bibulous!" said the Eentucklan. Bibulous!
I don't reckon yon conld find a dozen Bibles la
the whole State." WatMngtin Pott. "
1 h ave sixteen pairs of slippers,
And they're all of them too smallr
1 own twenty-ons.watcb-eases,
And they're mostly on the. wallj
X bave thirty-five penwipers v
la ay desk quite safely stored! -
so 1 modestly request yoo
.- When you add unto my hoard
i e" reeall' these facts art so;
V. w .. vu- .-mm u .., WIUU
d humbly like to Mention
iP r wca walsh dees.'
"- t"'
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