Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 21, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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V. B. Cliaffey Swallows a
Quantity of laudanum
Recent Financial Difficulties Preyed
Upon His Mind.
William B. Chaffey attempted to commit
suicide at bis residence, on Linden arenas,
Allegheny, yesteriay moraine; by first
taking a dose of laudanum, and then by try
in g to reach iis heart with a razor.
Mr. Chaffey is a broker and telegraph
operator, and is the silent member of the
firm of Heideeer & Co., brokers at 141 Fed
eral street, Allegheny.
He has lost considerable money recently
ia speculations, and this seemed to prey
upon his mind. Testerday morning he
rent down to his office about 9 o'clock, but
before 10 o'clock returned home.
He did not tell his wife why he returned,
bat passed bpstairs to his bedroom and
locked tbe door. Mrs. Chaffey. left home
shortly afterward and did sot return until
about.! o'clock in the afternoon. She
found the door still locked:
Receiving no answer to her knocking she
became frightened, and rushing to engine
house No. 10, a few yards away, she asked
for assistance to break in the door. Two of
the firemen accompanied ,her, and on fram
ing an entrance to the. room were horrified
to find Chaffey lying across the bed ap
parently dead, with an open razor clasped,
in his hand, and an empty bottle which had
contained an onnce and a half of laudanum
on a table nearby.
? Dr. Kirker, of North Diamond, street,
who happened to be passing, was'called in
and Tainly tried to revive the patient
Upon examination he found that Chaffey
had cut a gash about three inches long across
his breast immediately over his heart, be
side swallowing the laudanum. The cut
was only a flesh wound, and Dr. Kirker
took instant measures to neutralize the effect
cf the drug. After . working with the
patient a couple of hours Dr. Kirker left
and thejfamily physician, Dr. Munn, took
charge ot the case.
At 11 o'clock last night he was still uncon
scious, and Dr. Munn stated that the chances
for his recovery were very slim.
Chaffey is 31 years of ace and a native of
Toronto, Ont, where his parents are very
well biown. He is married and has three
bright children. He has traveled all over
the United States in his capacity as a tele
ernnh onerator. and is known to operators
in all the principal cities of ttie country, j
xseiore coming 10 .sriusourg ne resiaea in
Oil City and Bradford for several years.
Dr. Kirker said last evening: "The
young man evidently took the laudanum
first and while the drug was commencing to
operate he attempted to reach his heart with
the razor, bnt before he could do ao the J
laudanum stupefied mm.
.Postmaster DIcKea-- to be Banqueted nt
tbe DDQ.ae.qe To-KlEBt.
The chef of the Hotel'Duquesne will com
mence to work the chicken croquette and
Rv pate de fair gras racket early-this morning
1 " fgr.ihere's going to be a pleasant little ban
quet to-night at tbat hostelry, at which tbe
guest of the evening will be tbe popular
new Postmaster, Mr. James S. McKean.
The gentlemen who have so valiant!
championed Mr. McKean's candidacy will
turn ont in full force and indulge in gastro
nomies! exaltation over the successful ter
mination of the campaign.
Mr. Sam Moody, who insists that he is
going to be assistant postmaster; Mr. Al
G. Roenigk,President Paul of the Americas
Club; H. D. W. English; "William 8.
Brown, who is slated (or tbe Collectorship
of the Port; United States Marshal Harrab,
of BeaTer; Hon. S. D. Warmcastlc and
Hon. Walter Lyon; the gentleman who is
to be United States Pension Agent in Pitts
burg (what's-hls-name everybody knows
him), and several other well-known Repub
lican friends of Senator Quay, will be
present. It will be the first coming together
of the local Federal appointees.
Senator Matthew Stanley Qnay wjll leave
Washington this morning, and if be has his
usual good luck, he will ocenpv a seat at
tbe banquet table. "Crumbs (or theT Faith
ful," will be a topic of discussion, '
The "Fnrnlture Dealer Do Net Want Mov
ing Dar Made Later.
A meeting of the Furniture Exchange to
consider the proposed change of moving
day, was held last evening in the office of
A. J. Logan & Co. W. B. McLean pre
sided. Dealers in kindred lines, carpets,
wall paper, etc., not members of the ex
change, were present The question was
discussed, and the sentiments of the meet
ing were in decided opposition to the
rhange. They were pnt into the shape of
the following resolution:
Resolved, That we, the Furniture Exchange
and kindred branches assembled, do not belie ve
that a change ot moving day to May 1 would
result In good for the majority of onr com
munity. Acarelnl consideration from a busi
ness standpoint leads us to believe it will be a
loss to the business interest of our county.
We, therefore, earnestly protest against tbe
change, knowing that the press of Pittsburg
has only agitated tbe movement to gain the
opinions of all interested.
1 .
He Is Said to nave Arrived In bltubnrg
Lnit Night From New York.
jut. Andrew Carnegie and' wife were ex
pected at tne Union depot last night, bnt
they were not among tbe passengers that
alighted from the limited when it pulled in,
in honr and a half behind time.
It may be remembered that a short while
since Mr. Carnegie wrote to Mr. John S.
Lambie intimating his intention of being in
Pittsburg near the approach of the Christ
mas holidays, or as soon after as his engage
ments with the Pan American Con
gress would permit. The conduct
ors and porters of the limited
are becoming Tery reticent concerning
theaoveincnts of their big natrons, but it
was' hinted that Mr. Carnegie had taken ad
vantage of the brief stoppage of the train at
East Liberty to deseend. Thence, if is pre
sumed, he was driven to tbe residence of
Mr. H. 0. Frick at Homewood.
The Millrale Iron Works Suspend Opera
tionsA New Purchaser Hinted At 500
Men Thrown Onr of Work.
Work has been suspended .at the Millvale
iron mill. For the past nine months the
works has been in operation under the man-
agement'of Mr. James Friend. There is a
rum'or, however, that Mr. Friend has dis-
--posed oMhe plant to the former owner,
Mr. Greff. The real reason for (losing
down the works cannot be ascertained.
The suspension o work at the mill is
3-cansing great distress among the employes.
- -'About COO men are thrown out ot emiuov-
menL ana at a time wnen iney coma least
afford to be idle. All over (he village there
are .visible signs of distress. People gather
at ine cornerroi tne street discussing tbe
situation; and wondering when a resumption
i mre win lace place.,
MAS..1 . MJl
A Statement From Hen. WakerL Upon
tbe Importation Why Campbell Wanted
From the publication in Tke DISPATCH
yesterday of the, conference held between
Messrs. J. A. Chambers, Jasaes Campbell
and others interested in the Jeannette im
portation case and the Treasury officials at
Washington, the feeling gained ground
in labor circles yesterday that an effort was
being made by those most concerned to
quash the proceedings. '
District Attorney Walter Lyon when
seen in this connection said:
"So far as I am concerned the case is
in the same condition as it stood last week;
I have bad no instructions to stop proceedings.
The action in the civil suit to enforce the
penalty lor -violation of the contract labor
law bears no relation to what steps the
Treasury Department may see fit to take
with regard to sending the men back, should
the prosecution succeed in its case. The
matter may end at the civil suit or it may
not; that is a question tolely for the Treas
ury. The conference at Washington yester
day may have been for the purpose of in
quiring into the evidence with a view to
enabling the Department to make up its
Messrs. John Ehman and Homer Ii. Me
Gaw were seen at the o nice of tbe Glott Bud
get. Said the former in connection with
the case:
"It is a curious thing that Campbell
should try to exclude reporters from the con
ference when he offered- to afford every
facility for a free and open investigation
into the matter last May. The offer, how
ever, was subsequently withdrawn, though
the council had agreed to the investiga
tion." Mr. McGaw said: "I was invited to be
present at the meeting at Washington but,
instead of going I sent on some evidence in
the' case. I believe the conference was
called to devise some means for killing the
whole case."
George L. Cake, Secretary of the Window
Glass Workers' Association returned from
Washington yesterday. Mr. Cake said that
the reason Campbell wanted secrecy was
because he had to submit certain lodge pro
ceedings which showed that the laws
of the Universal Federation of Labor
did not conflict with tbe feder
al or alien contract labor law. This
was why he asked the reporters to withdraw.
He did not know whether the case would be
dropped. Secretary Windom had given no
intimation. Mr. Cake said that Mr. Camp
bell wonld rather be, convicted than give up
the secrets of the order.
High School Candidates Wrestling With
tbe Examinations.
Candidates for admission to the High
School commenced their preliminary ex
amination yesterday morning. There are
5B0 pupils on the anxious seat, and every
school in the city with tbe exception of the
Springfield School is represented.
Writing, drawing and reading were the
branches in whch the applicants were ex
amined yesterday, ana geography will be
tackled Monday. The remaining branches
will be wrestled with at the final examina
tion in June. Out of the 690 pupils it is
surmised about 6 per cent will fall below
the required average of 65 percent
A Lineman Charged With Iotlmldattnc Alls
eheny Llebt Company Employes.
William H." Hurley, one of the striking
linemen of the Allegheny Light Company,
was arrested yesterday afternoon by Officer
Duffy, at the corner of Grant street and
Sixth avenue, for interfering with some of
the men worklagifbatbe company.
The charge against him was made dis
orderly conduct, but this morning -an in
formation charging him with another offense
will be made. Last evening a committee of
three members of the Electricians' Un on
visited the Central station and secure! Hur
ley's release by thedecosit of $30 for his ap
pearance this morning. Hurley lives at No.
36 Pride street, Allegheny, is 28 years old
and single.
Son of fet. 0 corse Indulge in Some
Flentnnt Anticipations.
The members or the several lodges of the
Sons of St George in Pittsburg and neigh
borhood have for some time been talking up
tbe proposition to erect a hall for their
meetings. There are eight lodges in this
vicinity, one in Allegheny, two on Penn
avenue, one down town, one on the South
side, one in. Homestead, one in Braddock
and one inMcKeesport
Their united membership is 1,200, and
their treasuries contain surpluses of no
mean amount. The total membership of
the order in the United States is -about
30,000. The hall scheme is at present only
in the discussion stage.
The Pnptla Proems Shown to Indulgent
Mammae and Papas.
Yesterday was , observed as reception day
at the .Moorhead school, Eleventh ward.
The doors were thrown open at 2 o'clock,
and lrom that time until 4 o'clock the
parents of the pupils held fall sway. In all
of the rooms the children had arranged for
special exercises, and Samples of drawing
and writing covered the walls.
Tbe visitors were well pleased with the
entertainment provided for their pleasure,
and the principal. E. P. Johnston, and nis
corps of teachers, received many compli
mentary remarks. Several of the directors
were present and inspected the work of the
children with apparent satisfaction.
Hipper Poit'a Fair.
Colonel O. H. Rippey Post No. 41, G. A.
R, opened its fair last night at the 'old car
stables on Butler street, near Forty-first
street. A large number were present. The
fair will continue for threo weeks,, and is
for the benefit of the post.
Some Who Travel, borne Who Do Not, and
Others Who Talk.
Mr. James E. Brown, Jrv of South
Hiland avenue, came homo yesterday for the"
holidays from bis studies at New-Haven. Conn.
He was accompanied by bis cousins, James and
Jack Neale, of Kittanning, who repaired to
their home on the 2 p. K. train.
W. V. Taffner, ex-Oontracting Freight
Agent of the Chicago, Burlington andQohicy
road, yesterdav entered upon bis new duties as
traveling freight agent of tbe Chicago, Santa
Fe and California line.
The Hon. Thomas J. Stewart, Secretary
of Internal Affairs 'at Harrisburg and Com
mander of tbe Department of Pennsylvania,
G. A. K.. will pay an official visit to Post 162 to
night In tbe post room in Allegheny,
ProHeritage (not Herriott, as by mis
take In another column), sang three selections
at the Carry University. reception last evening
aqd was enthusiastically recalled by his hear
ers. , f
William McDevitt, the well-known oil
dealer of Third avenue, will leave for his home
near Barre, Canada, this evening, to spend the
.Major tieo. ri. names, of tnomannfac-i
turlng firm of Whitman t Barnes, of Canton,
O., IsstavicgattheDaquesne. ?
Quality Will Tell.
Of 2,454,604 cases of champagne imported
during tbe past ten years, comprising 26
brands, oreronHoUrth was"G.H.Mumm,'s
Extra Dry." which during the same period
was over 200,000 cases in excess of any other I
LANDS is described J In tomor
row's DISPATCH br SkidelakL
.Zessinr, Wales, Xellyjiuid otlirsvf
Will S. Jones' Canllidacy for
Sonthside Postmasterslrip,
La quay follower likely to win
Major McCallin and Other City Politicians
II is not unnatural that there should be a
skirmish for the plums at tbe disposal ot
James 8. McKean, the new postmaster.
Yesterday petitions were circulated in all
.parts of the Southside, by the friends of
V... n -r .t . a ,-. a- ? T.I
will a. oones, tne oruggui, luuursiuK uiu
for Superintendent of the Southside station.
Mr. Jones js one of the Quay brand of Be
publicans and has been identified with
Twenty-fifth ward politics for a number of
A conference has already been held with
i Mr. McKean, and while the latter did not
personally give Mr. Jones much encourage
ment, .he is credited with a statement to the
applicant's friends that practically justifies
the,belief that Mr. Jones will be appointed.
When Mr. Jones talked to Mr. McKean
the latter told him to present a petition
signed by the most prominent business men
on the Sonthside, and intimated that the
petition need not be a very long one.
The petitions sent 'out yesterday were
signed by over 200 leading business men,
manufacturers and politicians. Mr. Jones
has the support of nearly all of Senator
Quay's friends on the Southside and has
been promised the indorsement of those on
this side of the river. He seems to have se
cured a lead on all other possible candi
dates, as a diligent search by a Dispatch
reporter failed to unearth any oppositionto
his candidacy.
There is considerable talk among the
citizens of the Southside about the matter.
It was rumored last night that Mr. McKean
had told a friend of his, that there should
be no change made in the Southside post
office, unless it was satisfactory to Mayor
McCallin. The latter was credited with
the statement that the appointment of Mr.
Jones was the only one that conld satisfy
An effort was made to see Mr. McKean in
regard to the abdve, but he could not be
found. Mayor McCallin would not admit
having made the statement credited to him,
but said: "Mr. Jones is a very fine gentle
man, and I believe his appointment wonld
five general satisfaction on the Southside.
Ir. McKean, however, will appoint the
manof his choice, and I cannot say if he
favors Mr. Jones or not."
a widow now nr chaboe.
The Southside branch is the most import
ant station in connectionjvith the Pittsburg
nostoffice. It was created about a year and
a half ago. The estimated population of
the Southside is 75,000. The postoffice is
located in the heart of the most thickly set
tled district. The East End branch was
established before the Southside office was,
but the latter has outgrown the East End
station in the volume of business transacted.
Postmaster Larkin stated last night that,
while he could not make an official state
ment without looking up the records, he
thought the money order business last year
amounted to about $50,000.
The office is now in charge of Mrs. Kate
Foerster, who was appointed in September,
18S8,by Postmaster Larkin. There are 12 car
riers and a distributor employed and as many
as five deliveries are made daily. The terri
tory included in the Southside district is all
of that portion lying east of the SmithfieTd
street bridge. The station has all the facili
ties of a first-class office, and being in such
close proximity to the city office can be fur
nishea with supplies od short notice. The
lease on the building now occupied, located
at 'No. 1506 Carson street, runs for nearly
three years.
Mrs. Foerster is spoken of very highly by
Postmaster Larkin She seems to have con
ducted tbe affairs of the office in a careful
and satisfactory manner. About th? only
objection likely to be raised against Mr.
Jones' candidacy for the position is the fact
that his appointment will remove a widow
from the office. The matter is looked upon
as a purely political transaction, however,
by the friends of Mr. Jones.
They Are Said to be Infesting the City, bat
Are Under Espionage.
There is danger of pickpockets in the
large crowds of men, women and children
who congregate about the store windows
and on street corners dnring the hplidaj
season. m
About two weeks ago Detective Coulson
saw a young man named Edward Boyer, of
Lima, O., in company with a fellow be
lieved to be a thief in a disorderly house.
The young man was asked his business. He
said he was a railroader. Yesterday after
noon, In a large crowd gathered at the cor
ner of Smithfield and Fiftb avenue, Detec
tive Coulson saw some men who, bethought,
werelopktng out for pocketbooks. Asne
approached one fellow said, "There's Coul
son." The men immediately scattered, but
the officer grabbed one of them, who proved
to be his former acquaintance, Edward
Boyer. At the Central station Mr. Boyer,
who is only 18 years old, ia charged as a
suspicions person.
Detective Coulson fays he believes the
men intended to "work" the crowds which
climb udod tbe cable cars at tbe Postoffice
every aiternoon. It is a great opportunity
for pickpockets.
Secretary Martin Sny That Bar Iron Will
Mr. William Martin. Secretary of the
Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel
Workers, yesterday accepted the position as
representative of labor on tbe State .Revenue
Mr. Martin yesterday expressed the opin
ion that the Western Iron Association at
its next meeting wonld advance the price of
bar iron to, the-wage limit, 2cents, and even
exceed ii. Under the;scale, for'every'bne
tenth advance inpriee over 2 cents, the
price paid for puddling will advance 10
cents per ton up to seven-tenths, and all
other departments advance as set forth in
the list.
"There isa ripple," said Mr. Martin, "on
the Industrial sea."
Thev Displace tho Light of tbe Edison Com.
I pany la Boston.
The "rivalry between the Edison Electric
Company of New York and the Wcsting
hbusc Company of this city is bringing.
Pittsburg to the front. The Eastern papers
for the past few days have had sarcastic no
tices of a flattering indorsement of the su
periority ot the lamps nsed by the Pittsburg
In the Boston postoffice the Edison com
pany have Been supplying the lamps for a
number of years. About a week ago tho
lamps were dtfplaced by those of Pittsburg
manufacture.nklthongh the latter cost more,
than those made in New York.
The Child Stolen.
Four years ago Mr. and Mrs. Flelsoh of
Osborne street, East End, adopted1 the in
fant daughter of Lizzie Smay, who lives on-j
Eippey street. The foster nareuts yesfti day
reported to the police that the child hid
been Stolen while they were away from
home for a-few hours Thursday evening.
J-aej mius mat tne imie one was lasen.oy
her real mother,' wha had been ipr'some time
fryinjf to get jraesession'of "her." The- police
ave set yet leeatea tse eaiia.
, -
Tbo Assembly, by 18 Votes to 5, Swederi
Its Charter What- Menn. MeSaw and
Ban Say of tbe Action.
L. A. 7190, Warehousemen, K. of L.,
held a meeting last night at the corner of
Wood and Fourth avenue. There were 21
out of 125 members in the local present
District Master Workman Boss attende'd.
While the Secretary was reading a pro
test of the committee against the expulsion
of McGaw from the order a member rose
and moved to rescind their action in rein
stating McGaw, but no second could be
A motion was next made that the charter
be surrendered, and, on Mr. Koss rising to
leave at this juncture, a point of order was
raised on his doing so in the middle of the
proceedings. Mr. Boss' declared that he
could not sit in the assembly with an ex
pelled member, and retired. The motion to
surrender the charter was then put, and
carried by 16 to 5 against
Mr. Boss was seen alter the meeting, and
It has been ruled that no assembly can sur
render a charter while there are ten members
willing to retain It The whole proceedings
are altogether illegal. McGaw got into tha
local by Iraud and does not legally belong to it
He was transferred from I A 2169 on a card
that was not signed by the local Master work
man, and that constitutes an illegal transfer.
This fact alone wonld be sufficient to prevent
bis claiming membership in 'tbe local, but
there are many others that could be men
tioned. Mr. McGaw, when seen, claimed that his
transfer from one local to the other was
legal, inasmuch as the Master Workman had
refused to act and he was then obliged to
have his card signed by the next in author
itythe Worthy Foreman.
Mr. McGaw said that when the secret
work had been taken from the door that a
motion to withdraw from the K. of L. was
put and carried, and thereupon the members
present formed themselves into a new union
under tbe .title of the Warehousemen's
Union, 1Tb. 1, with Samuel Nikirk as
president and James J. Carroll; secretary,
and Fred. Stoerr, financial secretary. A
special meeting of the members of L. A.
7190 will beheld this evening at K.of L.
Blver Operator Give ia and the Misers
Get the Advance.
Tbe Monongahela river miners' strike has
been brought to a close by the concession of
the operators to the men, and work will be
resumed in the majority of the mines on
Monday at the increased rates. The men
at Walton's No. 2 mines in the second pool,
and at the Lucas mines in the first pool
have been notified to resume work at 3
cents on.Monday, and the other operators
will, of course, and as usual, follow the
lead shown by. Joseph Walton & Co.
The reason for the sndden change on the
part of the operators is said to be the action
of the smaller operators, who were obliged,
by the exigencies of their business, to re
commence mining, and take their chance
for a profit from the state of the market
When one commenced others followed, until
the larger men came to the conclusion that
they might as well give in, and this they
have done with pc friendly feeling toward
their smaller brethren who drove them to
During the strike a very large proportion
ofthe miners found' employment at pipe
laying and at the railroad mines, but are
expected to return to their old work next
week. The river is full of empty craft, and
the next run of coal is expected to be a very
large one.
Meanwhile the lower markets are well
stocked and the market dull and inactive.
How a Yonng Lady Did the Haw kshaw Act
nod Recovered n Parse. -,
A joung lady, named Orrisonwho lives,
in the Fifth ward, Allegheny, entered a
Pleasant Valley street 'car yesterday. The
car was crowded, and t Miss Orrison was
compelled to stand and cling to an overhead
strap for suppor'. After paying her fare
she placed her pocketbook, containing (12,
with 'which she intended making a few
Christmas purchases, in the pocket of her
A few minutes later she felt a hand slip
into her pocket, but paid no attention to it
Shortly after the yonng lady had occasion
to use her handkerchief, and, placing her
hand in her pocket, found her pocketbook
missing. She suspected a neatly dressed
young woman seated behind her, and, turn
ing to her fellow passenger, said: "You
took my pocketbook and I want yon to re
turn it instantly." The accused indignantly
denied, the charge and threatened to have
Miss Orrison arrested. The latter
again demanded the return of her
sjtolen property and said: "If yon do not
give it to, me this minute, I'll call the first
policeman we meet,andhave you searched."1
This had the desired effect The pocket
book and its contents were returned intact,
and the female pickpocket hurriedly left
the car.
The Insane Woman Found in Alleghany
Identified Yeiterdny.
Barbara Seigworth is the correct name of
the demented woman found wandering in
Allegheny yesterday. She comes from Kerr
town, near MeadviHe. Major Hunker sent
her to the Allegheny Home.
Incident! of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for ltendy Reading.
Mns. Barbara shqitet, a German woman
80 years of age, of Kerrtown, near Meadville,
was taken up on Spring Garden avenue, Alle
Cheny, by Officer Immer. She said she wanted
to be taken to father Molllnger, on Troy Hill,
to cet spiritual consolation. As Mrs. Bequot
appeared to be oat of her mind. Major Hunker
sent her to the Allegheny City Home to be
Kept until ner orotner, witn wnom she livedr
could be notified.
Assistant Supebintenmut O'Mara, In
spectors McAleese, JIcKelvey and Whitehouse,
and Captains BIIvus, Stewart and Brophy,
forming a committee of tbe attaches of the Bu
rean of Police, yesterday signed their names
to tbe engrossed copy ot the resolutions on the
death of-the late James Ford. The orna
mental copy was made by Prof. T. M. Williams.
Tes funeral services of Reed Myers, the well
known contractor, who died very suddenly on
Thursday morning, will be held at bis former
residence, Orerhlll street on Sunday after
noon. The funeral will be in charge of the Odd
Edward Renner and Martin Tatter were
given a hearing before Alderman Schafer last
f evenlnc on a charge of stealing a horse our-
chased on tbe installment plan from John
Jakes Bka'dt, who lives out Penn avenue,
is charged with taking $600 from his mother's
house. He is now in jail, and will be given a
hearing before Alderman Warner on Monday.
Thomas WAtxixs, colored man, SI years
of age, -fell from a scaffold yesterday at Rob
bin's Coal and Coke Company's Works,and had
his leg broken in two places.
'MisS Agnes MORGAN, who was arrested at
the sonth end of the Sixth street bridge two
weeks ago, was taken to the Insane department
of the Poor Farm yesterday.
These is an effort being made in the West
End to organize a literary society. It Is said
the project will be actively pushed after the
new year.
Michael CABBOi.iof No. 2 Engine Com
pany, who has been confined to bed for several
weeks with typhoid fever, is able to be out
Maktha GBASAH,-an old lady living on
Oakland avenue, fractured her Tight limb by
f ailing, down a flight of stairs yesterday.
Dr. B.L HAHKAr Eyewear, pose and
throatdlseaseiejtclnsiyely. OfSc718Pena
street, Pittsburgh Pa. s&3a
THE ..HAWStBYS", sv. CdtaM
rbmarieey'BeVjrvlte.'W TsU-"
magefcndj Manoa WfliM;,wal
p Istoriwxro "; DltT ATOM.
a .A .-
Oil Operators Actively Engaged
Throngfioutkthe Entire Field.
-r -e - i.
Figures Showing the Largs Average De
pletion, ia Stocks.
Notwithstanding the extremely unfavora
ble weather of the last three months the oil
operators throughout the entire field have
not allowed the drill to rest a moment' The
greatest difficulty they have had to encoun
ter is in getting tools on the ground where
they intend drilling, and the roads are in a
worse condition at -present than they
have been at any time since the
fall weather commenced. There
have been .no new "fields opened
up, but wells good from 100 to 500 barrels
hare been struck within the boundaries of
what might be termed oil fields, and on ter
ritory which the majority of experienced
operators had condemned. This was nota
bly the case in the Washington, Butler and
Shannopin fields. Tne Dufi district and the
Chartiers field cannot be classed as new as
the former is in reality an extension of
Mush Creek, and J. M. Guff & Co., and
Calhoun, Jennings & Co., had already done
considerable drilling aronnd Chartiers, but
the Arbuckles were the first to touch the
The West Virginia field is being rapidly
developed, and there are many Pittsburg
operators who believe that it will be an
other Washington.
The renorts from the Boyle well, on the
Cotbett farm, in the Eureka field, which
should have been several days, ago, are not
reliable. It has been reported dry, but an
operator, who is largely interested in tbat
locality, states that the'well is fall of oil,
but will not be drilled in until some of the
loose territory in the vicinity has been
gathered in. The result will either open np
or condemn a large amount of territory.
The production of the entire field has been
Increased 20,000 barrels within the last three
months, bnt it will have to be 30 times that
amount to keep down tbeayerage depletion,
which for the eight months preceding Sep
tember 1, averaged 665,100 barrels per
The stock of crude petroleum on hand
January 1,1889, was 18,595,474, and on
beptember 1, there were on hand 9,952,104
barrels of merchantable oil, sediment and
surplus 3,491,057 barrels, making a total of
13,354,221 barrels, which deducted front
the amount on hand January 1 shows a de
pletion of stock, besides the consumption of
ail on production from wells dnring the
eight months of 5,241,253 barrels. The last
statement of the National Transit Company
gives the "receipts from all sources" as
1,470.365, and the "total deliveries 2,001,
430 barrels, a difference of 531.065 barrels.
At such a rate the stocks will, in a few
years, be consumed, and the pipe line tanks
will be empty. The world will then be
without illuminating oil, except that which
is produced from day to day, unless some
means of refining Lima oil is discovered, or
an immense oil field is opened up in Amer
ica or Europe.
J. M. Patterson & Co.'s well, on the Tay
lor farm, in the Hookstown field, is doing
120 barrels a day, and their well on the
Leeper farm is six leet in the sand and filled
.with oil. The Mahoney wildcat, near
Zelienople, is reported to be doing 100 bar
rels a day. II is owned by P. J. Mahoney
and Charles Strohecker. There was not
Sufficient tankare on the trronnd to hold the
$11, and the drilling baa been stopped untiU
tanxs can be put up. .Many operators nave
been retarded recently by more than the
usual number of fishing jobs.
One of these unfortunates said yesterday
that this is dug to the fact that oil well sup
ply manufacturers are rushed with orders,
and do not take proper precautions in mak
ing the cables, many of which are of in
ferior quality and hurriedly made.
How a Bncollc Carpenter Paid to See the
Plttibnrg Elephant.
The men whom Johnny Smart accuses of
robbing him are being arrested one by one.
A part of Johnny's story has already been
told. He is a carpenter who has been in
town only three days. Whentie arrived he
had $75. He has now much less. His right
name is not Smart That was bestowed
upon him by the police sergeants, who
thought it appropriate. He refused to give
his right name. He was hauled up because
he had refused to pay Goettman for meals
which he had Ordered for himself and two
tough looking companions. All three were
drunk, and were charged with disorderly
Thursday morning- Smart was fiaed and
his companions discharged. After thehear
ing he pleaded that he was drank, bat said
that while he was in that condition he had
been robbed by three companions of a
silver watch and $30. The police went
after those who had been with him. ' De
tectives Robinson and Shore found Thomas
Eeidman, whose home is at Ko. 22 Robin
son street, Allegheny, at the corner of Mar
ket and Fourth. He gave his business as
that of a steamfitter, but he was considered
suspicious, and Magistrate Oripp yesterday
morning sent him to tbe workhouse for GO
Last night Detectives Bobinson and Shore
found another one of the party, named
Walker, at the Farmers' Hotel. He was
a ragged, vocationless man, whose chief pos
session was a clay pipe. He was locked up
as a suspicious person, emu anotner is to
be gathered in.
Tho Religions Orders obierrlos Their An
nual Period of Fasting.
The Bisters of Mercy of this city are pre
paring to go into their, annual holiday re
treat The retreat is not conducted on such
a large scale as the one held during the sum
mer. Next week all the nuns connected
with the order will hold a three days' serv
ice of fasting and devotion. This is done at
the houses where they are stationed and not
at one central point. The retreat generally
begins three days before New Year's and
ends with the dawn of the new year. Dur
ing the retreat none of them 'are allowed to
speak with each other.
The brothers of he Order of St Mary, who
conduct the parochial school of the St
Mary's congregation in Allegheny, and the
St Michael's on the Sonthside, are going
into their annual retreat. It is being held
in the mother house of their order in this
country at Nazareth, near Dayton, O.
All the priests of the order of the Holy
Ghost held their annual retreat last week at
St Mary's Church at Sharpsburg.
J. J. O'Brien Under AritHt for Beaitag a
Workman With a Pair of Touts.
J. J. O'Brien was held for court by Alder
mas Porter last night on a charge of aggrn
vated .assault and battery preferred by Peter
Gorey. Both men are employes at Shoen
berger'saillat Sixteenth street Abost a
week aee a dispate arose, and O'Brien, it
is alleged, strnck Gerey'on' the fees with,
heavy pair of tongs, fraetaring his skull.
We UmwMi Mre tm.
kssflBV&beak a Wilson, agpidnw m
tlwwal property lets freo the Xonoifhela
jaerase Ere, ssaoa lw mmi refett M) tto
He Wfaf f Tfcta.Staw Preae te Make
JHwlr Sack ami Bass.'
' The millers of a considerable section of
this State; who stave been meeting at the
Seventh .venuV Hotel, have formed an
organization whieff'they have christened,
"The Keystone Bag CompanV the capital
stock of which is $100,000.- They deny that
they have combined to fighthe Paper Bag
Trust, which has headquarters in New
York, but all tbe same the operations ofthe
new company will necessarily be more or
less antagonistic to the combine.
The officers are: President C. H. Horn
ing, Pittsburg; Secretary, F. B. McClurg,
Pittsburg, Treasurer, B. I. Isenberg, Hunt
ingdon; Directors, A. B. Spanoele, Lewis
towp; O. P. Shnpe, Mt Pleasant: James
Stanton, New Stanton; H. C. Best, Scott
dale; W. C. Bichey, Irwin:; Hon. H. G.
Fisher, Huntingdon; George M. Creswell,
Petersburg, and C. F. Horning, Pittsburg.
It was decided to erect the factory at
Irwin, Westmoreland county, and the ob
ject is to make flour sacks and bagging of
all kinds. The citisens of Irwin have
donated ground and fuel, and the location is
considered as good as can be found, being
on the direct line of railways east and
west The projectors expect to enlist most of
the millers of the State in its support, and a
considerable number outside the State have
subscribed to theN stock; and it is expected
that the factory will recommend itself to the
patronage of many who nave not yet signi
fied their adhesion.
While it is denied that the object of the
combination is to fight the trust, it will
doubtless take away all the business from
the latter that can be had.'
Heptasophs See Some of Nature's Wonders
and Then Go nnd Eat.
Friendship Conclave No. 3, of the'lm
proved Order of Heptasophs, at the regular
meeting last evening was entertained by a
microscopical display given by a number of
the members of the Iron City Microscopical
The objects were principally from insect
life, and were shown both in microscopes
and by the microscopical lantern upon a
screed. After the meeting there was a sup
per at Nesrell's.
Have Yoa Seen
That wonderful specimen of the glass cut
ters' art in natural gas cut glass, shown by
Hardy & Hayes. There are only three like
it in the United States. This one we had
cut to order, and it is a triumph. It would
be just the thing for a club present
Haedt & Hates', -
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers, 629
Smithfield street New Building,
Open every evening. tts
Boys! Boytt! BotsIH Boritn!
Tbe grandest costliest finest Christmas
gifts yet will be presented to all purchasers
of boys suits or overcoats (no matter how
low their prices may be) at Kaufmanns' to
day. Be sure and secure one. They're no
trashy things, remember, but articles of
A FUiA line of rye and bonrbon whiskies,
foreign and domestic wines, gins and bran
dies, and all articles embraced in the whole
sale liquor trade, will always be found at
the warerooms ot T. D. Casey & Co., 971
Liberty st Visitors to the city during the
holidays will find it to their satisfaction to
call and examine the stock. L 73
Tke People's Store.
Fifth Avenne.
Buy your wife a nice black silk dress pat-
m "Pmm frnm ItIK in SIKft Onnlttv
to 50. Quality
Open till 9 P. M.
Campbell & Dice.
Bots! SoytB Boy!3! BoVi!3!
Tha .grandest, costliest, finest Christmas
gifts yet will be presented to all purchasers
of boys' suits or overcoats (no matter how
low their prices may be) at Kaufmanns' to
day. Be sure and secure one. They're no
trashy things, remember, but articles of
We keep open this evening in all de
partments until 9 o'clock plenty of light,
plenty of help, plenty of goods. Come.
Jos. Hobne & Co.
B. SbB.
Brown bandanas, large and good quality;
dollar ones at 50 cts; 50 and 60-cent ones go
at 35c to-day. Beal old-fashioned, bandana
silk handkerchiefs with tbe diamond
shaped figures. Booos & Buhl.
Make Children Happy.
Jast the thing for the little ones Mar
vin's Christmas toys and animal cakes,
made especially to please childish hearts at
Christmas time. Grocers beep them, s
TloIInf, BnrJo,
Guitars and mandolins. A. large and care
fully selected stock of these popular instru
ments can be found at the musical estab
lishment of Geo. Kappel, 77 Fifth ave.
We keep open this evening in J all de
partments until 9 o'clock plenty of light,
plenty of help, plenty of goods. Come.
Jos. Hobne & Co.
T u v &
Japanese Leather Fnpen.
The finest line of these goods ever offered
in the city at Crumrine, Bane & Bassett's,
416 Wood st
Open Evenlns.
Holiday goods; cash or credit
its Hoppee Beos. & Co., 307 Wood st
Seal plush garments all sizes and newest
shapes in cloaks, jackets and wraps. Prices
greatly reduced throughout the entire line.
For Chrlitmns morning-,
Ladies' fine umbrellas.
C. A. Smiley & Co.
Ektibe stores open until 9 o'clock this
evening. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
SAVE time and money by selecting your
presents from the immense stock, at Harri
son's toy store, 123 Federal st, Allegheny.
Sialic Boxes! Woilc Boxes t
The largest stock of the best make of
boxes at H. BUeber & Bro.'s, No. 506 Wood
street l
Opest every night this week.
Holiday goods. Cash or credit
BEOS. & CO., 307 Wood st
Plenty of
Bar Christmas Morning,
Ladies'fine umbrellas.
C. A. SSfiLEr&Co.
One hundred different stylesof bedroom
suite stall prices. H. Seibeet & Co.,
Ale and porter are the correct drinks for
December, January and February. Frauen
heim & Vilsack's brews are the favorites
with connoisseurs.
For Chrlttms Morales;,
Ladies' seal sateheli C. A. Smiley & Co.
No Chbistmas table should be without
a bottle of Angostura Bitters.
AY silk handkerchiefs and muMers
j H. Aiken & Co. 's, 108 Fifth ave.
bhmut coustrU ue giyaa
Tl II.
fat aesrasm'
A Coal 9Bar Says That Pablietty Kilic the
Sitae SyaAeafa Scheme Captala AMI
ea yte Bon't Thialt So.
jit is Just a question whether thff river
mine-Eastern syndicate deal is off or not
A gentteaan yesterday expressed the view
that the newspapers had Jellied it by giving
its operations too much publicity, with the
effect of scaring the operators.
Whether this is so or not, Colonel W. P.
Shinn was yesterday in conference with S.
Ii. Wood, Addison Lysle, Captain Bnnton
and Captain James Faweett, and the con
versation was reported to be of a ver in
teresting tenor.
Mr. Lysle was seen at his residence, in
Allegheny, last evening with reference to
the meeting, 'and said: "Messrs. Wood,
Buntou. Faweett and myself met yesterday
afternoon for about ten minutes, but the
meeting was entirely informal, and we
merely spoke" of the deal, i We decided
upon nothing, because the Eastern people
have until the 1st oi January to say yes or
no, and until that time we can only lay on
our oars. I do not take any stock in the
rumor that the publicity given to the deal
through the newspapers has frightened the
Eastern men."
A late telegram from Elizabeth says that'
the owners of the Gospel and Walton
mines, oi that place, have notified their
men to go to work on Monday at the in
creased rate, and &dd that the strike is over.
Inflaenz a In WHUInsbtfrjf.
Dr. Pershing, of Wilkinsbnrg, says hwe
are l) cases of Influenza in that place. The
symptoms closely resemble those of hay
fever. The disease fs not dangerous. It
runs its course in about a week without
Big Cro.wdi After the Dalay.
Yesterday was the first day we placed onr
Daisy overcoats on sale at $10. They caught
on at once. Thousands of people came to
see -what wo meant by a Daisy. Not one
le'ft without purchasing one of these excel
lent overcoats. They sold at sight. The
Daisy is an all-wool small-ribbed cassimere'
overcoat in three shades black, blue and
brown silk-faced or plain, silk sleeve
lining, with cloth or silk velvet collar, and
richly lined throughout Merchant tailors
would charge 528 to tZ5 for the same coats.
Our price for the Daisy is $10 to-day.
P. C. O. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court House.
The Diamond
Embraced in our specially selected Christ
mas stock cannot be surpassed; their ele
gance is enhanced by the delicate and grace
ful mountings.
WATTLE3 & Sheafee, Jewelers,
37 Fiftb avenue.
Open eyery evening.
Bay Genu' Furnishing
To-day or to-night Fine neckwear, hand
kerchiefs, smoking jackets, bath robes,
dressing gowns, gloves, suspenders and
hosiery. .
Open to-night till 9 o'clock.
Jos. Horke & Co.'s
Penn Avenne Stores.
Carrara Marble Bnits
Of most beautiful form, the finest sculpture
ever brought here. Also bronze figures in
profusion. Brass and oxidized piano, par
lor and library lamps, and a host of choice
artistic objects for Christmas presents, to be
fonnd in our art toom.
George W. Bioqs & Co., Jewelers,
Cor. Sixth avenue and Smithfield street
Ektibe stores open until 9 o'clock this
evening. Jos. Horse & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Silverware, Clocks, Bronzes, Etc.,
Secret society emblems for presents. Very
low nrices. Jas. McKee, Jeweler,
420" Smlthfied,st, one door below Diamond
st Store open every evening.
to-morrow's DISPATCH, gives an
old Maori chiefs graphic descrip
tion of hunting the Moa.
Wants a silk dress. What more appropriate
gift to wife, sister or mother?
Our immense stock, representing the best
makes ot the world. Is ocen for your inspection.
Really One grades of black, silks will be found
here at SI and si 25 a yard.
French robes and pattern dresses at 510 to J25,
recently reduced from t20 to $50.
We have just made large additions to onr
stock of flno umbrellas for ladies, gentlemen
and children.
Natural wood sticks, with metal and gold
caps. 60, $1 75, S2.
Extra One natural sticks, with silver and gold
mountings, at 3 np to Si. 5 and TS.
Fine natural sticks, with solid silver mount
ings, at JS to SIO.
These prices are lowecthan usual. -
Children's for sets in almost endless varietv.
at very cheap prices.
Satin damask table cloths, with napkins to
match, in great variety of size, grade and price.
Offered at special low prices dnring the. next
two weeks. These are made from best grade of
silk seal plash, elecant satin linings, correct
styles, superior fit, finish and workmanship.
We have still on hand some very choice
Alaska seal garments of the best English dye,
in stzes from 31 to JS-lnch bust measure.
We offer yoa these, with a (treat variety of
small furs, collars, capes, moils, etc at unus
ually low prices.
Onr stock; of handkerchiefs was never so
large and never so cheap. We offer great
variety in all linen hemstitched and plain, at
SI 60 per dozen. Ladies' initial handkerchiefs
much under value, JI 60 per dozen. Silk hand
kerchiefs and mufflers In almost endless
505 and 507 MARKET STREET.
del7.TTS3u :
For the holiday season -of 1SS3, we exhibit
the most superb collection" of Diamonds and
precious stones we have ever shown, mounted
in all the latest designs- ,
Our Diamonds are all of finest quality, and
being purchased before tha recent advance m
prices enables us to offer special inducements
to Christmas buyers.
E P. Roberts & Sons; 4
Cor. Fifth ave. and Market st
gifts, hermetically sealed, so as to preserve
the cigars fresh and moist from heat of natural
gas. For sale" by JOHN A KENSHAW
& CO., Fancy Grocers, cor. Liberty and Ninth,
streets. det-ws,
r- Icsseet MMetnck of
?46rfO(-.tvii:setltBcor- - "'W
,LJ Utt,fXmARU;. Uiriiyrocivi3W IJKsrs
Ww.-.. ..ftv..Aw n -l I "JUIin A. SXlC....3UA1Tl W
Xt Xverr Heart Brjifee Veat Sins I f
This is the true spirit in which to receive
Christmas. But how shall .such sentiment i
be sustained without the cheerful strains of
a piano or organ in the family circle?'
There is no necessity for such, an omission
Have yon nbt yet become acquainted with
Meller & Hoene's liberal idea of placinz
these instruments in every home in the cityl
If not, inform yourself at once by callings!
their warerooms at 77 Fifth avenne. There
is no earthly reason why a Hardman; Kraj
kauer, Kimball or Harrington piano- should
not find its way into your house, or aChasei
Palace, Kimball or Chicago Cottage. organ
assist your family in chanting Christma
carols and gladsome New Year's songsl
Their methods of payments for the sam
are so easy that there fs no excuse whatevei
left for anyone to deprive themselves or a
privilege so pleasant and refining in its inf
flnence. Send lor catalogues, or better stlllf ',
call and familiarize yourself with thehouse.' "
its methods and its instruments. Their aov .
dress, as mentioned before, is 77 Fifth!-'
avenue,, a place wherein is the resort .of all
music lovers. " j, ! .
1835. Holmes' Best. A4SSSV1
-asssv -
An undoubted brand, established Tor, 31
years, highly recommended by all,profes .
sional and non-professional people. Order,
from W. H. Holsies & Sojt, 1
120 Water street and 153 First avenue.
CHRISTMAS, 1SS3 Three Days to Buy.
PrrrSBUBO, Saturday, December 2L 1S89.
Can't say the wrong thing to-day to help
Somebody out of the slough 6 perplexity. Lata
buyers always grasp at straws. Bat we want to
say the right thing. No desire to pat off unde
sirable goods on you just because you are
hurried and perplexed.
We have the right goods, and the prices are
right: It is a question only of reminding yoa
ot afew things to be of help to you.
if oe o long day of it for your benefit Open
tn every department until 9 o'clock this evening i
for thote who cannot come during the day.
Plenty of light, plenty of help, plenty ogoods.
It will be dress goods to-day In the minds of
the practical-turned. A handsome dresS for
wife or daughter, mother or sister, or a near
friend, or a neighbor. Now. is there anything
more appropriate, or more acceptable? It re
calls the olden time when the useless pretties
were given only In the more rare cases.
BLACK SILKS To again remind yoa. For
these Christmas sales we are offering special
values In fine black silks at $1 50 to $2 50a yard.
Buying a fine black silk dress is not an every
day occurrence with any one. and baying good
reliable goods it need be only a thing to happen
at intervals of years. These qualities repre
sent tbe best values we nave bad. There are
better silks and lower priced ones, too, of much
more than ordinary merit '
Our past in handkerchiefs has been the envy
of more than one trader. Bnt in this general
and ceaseless bettering of things we beat even
our own past.
Here is tbe record:
A small lot (some 75 dozens) ot ladles' all
linen, hemstitched and embroidered initial
handkerchiefs at 12c each, are the very
same goods we sold- last year at 25c
The values all through this monster stock,
thousands of dozens, are better than we ever
saw or had before.
One reminder of the extent white and col
ored embroidered purelinenandallhand,work,
from 50o to JU a piece.
A dozen grades in white hemstitched Japan
ese sillt handkerchiefs, from !Sc to J2 each.
Men'shandkerchiefs In gent's foraisbings
departtrtenr,""No4esacomplrtyJijelc:tliaii in ,-tm.S '
ladies' goods. v
All linen, K,! and 2-Inch hem, hemstitched
handkerchiefs, 25c, 35c, 45c, 50c, and so on to
$2 60 each. Special dozen or half dozen prices.
With tape border, largo sizes. 25c, 30c, 40c and
60c each.
Elegant initialed white linen handkerchiefs,
hemstitched, 25c, 35c, 45c and 50c
Japanese silk handkerchiefs, .hemstitched,
one and two-inch hem. special values clear
through these many grades, 25c, 50c, eoc, 75c, Si,
and up to S2 25 each.
Men's fancy silk mufflers (an acceptable
present always) 75c to 52 each.
Umbrellas hava become extremely popular
in Pittsburg lately, largely on account of the
weather. We have a monster stock of them,
bat the size of the stock, would bo sadly incon
siderable without the daily arrival of new
$1 60 is a popular price In ladies' umbrellas.
We ran out of that quality and to snpply the
demand have reduced a large lot of S2, $2 50
and 3 umbrellas to SI 50 each.
Gent's umbrellas in most complete and
choice assortments. ""
Canes All the styles shown by the best New
Yorkfurnishers elegantand exclusive designs.
We have a big stock of fine carriage and
lap robes, doing good
business, with;o u t
much help in the
newnapers. For
quality and choice
they are the best.
Some thoroughly
waterproof robe
1 Mnrpfl! tha vnKaw
-"-""and make a most
fa, n desirable, driver's
.VI'iU 'companion for ail
weathers. The stuck Includes heavy English
cloth, plash, goat, gray wolf and black bear,
and all good, large sizes, ranging' in prices from
J5 to $100 each.
In the upholstery department for the present,
usually In gent's department Xmas goods for
tbe men dolus lively business. No such stock
of smoking jackets, house robes, bath robes,
neckwear, collars and cuffs, foot wear under
wear and gloves. Come to-day and to-night
Choice and reliable goods only.
Ladles' gloves:
A new lot of onr celebrated 5-button
scalloped, "no name" kid gloves, at $1 50
best values at the price in these cities
coma in tan. mode, brown, blue, green,
bronze and black.
A complete new line also of the popular
"Lorient" $1 glove?.
New SI suede mousquetalres.
New II pique gloves. c
All extra value.
600-621 FENrAvE?
Open UniilS Oclockin All Departments tMt
Evening, ,.
de21 .
Never fall to cure.
tie great European remedy against all
f - Sold by all Druggists.
V Small boxes. 25c; large boxes, 6ft.
VMV-Ali Jn . The best clear for 17 pec
sadrM;aualitvMnteeaForsftlby y
Nlat' A
sow !
.i TI7S3F
m wjsi