Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 21, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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iSHht Decline in Business, but Prices
Well Maintained.
Some Anxiety In Kew York as to the Exact
X StawlitTofthe'Boom.
- fl,i Vftlnmo nf imn Vneineea 4li f
,v -week shows a slight decline irom that of
ft several weeks past, but there are no indica-
tions ofany decline in prices. Markets are'
Terr firm for all grades of iron and steel;
in fact prices are fully as strong as they
were njweek ago. The quietness of the past
week is mainly due to the tact that con
sumers had stocked up largely when the
boom in iron started and that there is a
general disposition to clean up preparatory
to January settlements.
In last June gray forge iron was very
slow at $13 75 per ton. Now it is very firm
at 518 50 and all signs point to still higher
prices. Bessemer iron was hard to sell
In midsummer 'at $15 75. while now it is Terr
firm at 21 SQL Charcoal irons have undergone
very little change in the recent advance. The
advance in this graae of iron has not amounted
to over SI per ton since the lowest price of last
June Then No. I foundry was sold at S22 SO,
and now the pnee is 23 50.
The advance in steel rrils on the present
boom has so far been close to 110 per ton. Abont
one-third of this advance goes to tonnage
labor. The Edgar Thomson Steel Worts aro
producing close to 1.100 tons every 2-J hours, and
,tbe advance of $10 per ton must furnish a com
fortable profit, not to speak of profits before
' the iron boom.
, Among the features of the iron and steel
trade worthy of note is the fact that notwith
standing tue aavance on sui craucs jjiuuutiiuu
has not materially increased so far. The
capacity of steel production has been worked
up to its limits for some time past, and it will
be impossible for some time to come to produce
an overplus of stock. The Edgar Thomson are
now sold ahead ior months. All iron and steel
products are at this date strong and firm, and a
year of unwontedjictivlty is certainly before us
in both lines.
In raw and manufactured iron there has been
a strong demand during the week. The follow
ing prices are quoted;
heiitralmlll ?18 onffilg S0-caEh
fAU-oreinill 18 5C19 00-casn
o. 1 foundry, native ore 19 OCfoils SO-cash
iXiso J foundry, lake ore 19 5019 75-cah
Kcenicr S3 eX So c&bh
bDlccel 37OWS33O0
Stuck bar 30 50&.H
bteel blooms S3KoU6 50
bteel fclabs 33 SC36 09
Sicul billets 35 5U3b50
bteei K.C. ends 24 IH.&-4 SO
Steal bloom ends OlMC! cO
Old Iron rails American Ts ZS OCa 00
Old steel rails, short pieces 22 6iii3 50
lo. 1 . scrap 25J4 00
No.S V. wrap HI CO
Steel rails, new &i 10(336 00
i Meel IE. light sec 3 OU(&J3 00
. liarlron 1 K I 95
Iron nails, per Leg, usual dls 2 35
Meet nails, per kc, usual dls.... 2 3a
ire nails, pcrke,c 2 SO 2 95
1'erro manganese 103 00
Some Fears an to tue Permanence of the
High Prices.
New Yoke, December 20. The extraordi
nary advances made in iron ore, Bessemer and
fonndry pig, charcoal iron and in steel blooms,
billets and slabs are not regarded as wholly re
assuring by the iron trade at large. The
anxiety to liberally cover requirements
Sot the ensuing year is .the basis
of the unusual activity and high
prices at this time. Users of all kinds of iron
and steel material desire and Intend, so far as
it is in their power, to know what raw
material will cost them. Cleveland ore
transactions are reported to foot up
nearly 3.500,000 tons "for 1S90. Gogebic
Bessemer ores have sold as high as $8 at that
point. Menominee Bessemers, S6 to $6 25. Bes
semer pig has reached S25 at Western dis
aJtributroiT points. Alabama car wheel iron hsc
veold in Chicago markets atS25toS2S. South
ern ironmakers are announcing quotations for
1890 at $19 75 to 20 25 for No. I delivered at
Chicago- Lake Superior charcoal is held ashigh
as $22 to S22 60 at that point. Bnyers of steel bil
lets and blooms are endeavoring to cover re
quirements for from three to four months
ahead, and in their urgency for supplies prices
are held atontside figures, aud capacity is over
sold. A vast amount of new business
is coming in sight, and the possibili
ties of a general advance in quotations
in January or February aro contem
plated with mora or less favor, according
to the position of the observer. Very
heavy contracts have been placed through
out the East and West for Bes
semer iron. Merchant bars were ad
vanced this week at Philadelphia to2 cents.
Neutral gray forge is held at 518 to $18 50 at
Pittsburg and Bessemer pig at $24 to $25. There
is an active demand for merchant iron abd
nails in Western Pennsylvania, and steel rails
are quoted strong and active at $35 to $36.
In several markets users of forge iron have
succeeded In placing large orders fur delivery
during the next three or tour months at what
niav under the circumstance be regarded as
reasonable prices. The plate and structural
iron mills will be crowded through the winter
at outside prices. Inquiries for merchant steel,
sheet iron plates and tubes, as well as for
barbed wire iron and steel nails all indicate
an unusual demand as probable during the
winter months. In steel rails nothing of a de
cided importance has transpired. Sales for
ISMloot up nearlv 75,000 tons. Official state
ments show that shipments this year foot up
1,116,017 tons, which is about equal to the ship
ments up to same time last year. The
gross production for 18S9 will foot up
about 1.500,000 tons. The iron and
steel making capacity is being strained to the
utmost, and extensions and improvements are
in progress in every quarter. Iron ahd steel
prices (at mill or furnare). Pig iron, anthra
cite No. 1, ton. December 20, l&tt. $18 5019 50;
December 13. 18S0, $18 5019 50: Decem
ber 21, 18SS, S18. Lowest. 1RS1, $18.
Steel rails, tun, December 20, 18S9, $3435; De-
cember 13. 1SSP. $3i35; December 21, IsiS. $28
21. Lowest. $23. Comparative prices of other
materials (in itore): Copper, lake, pound, De
cember 20, 1S69. 11.000: December 13, 1889, 1S.OO0;
December 21, 1KB, 17,250. Lowest, 10c.
Lead, common domestic, pound. Decem
ber 20, 1&8H, 3.900 December IS. 18K).
3.900J December 21, lbSX.3.800: lowest 1SS13KC.
Tin straights, pound, December 20, 1889. 21,100:
December 13. 18S9. 21,350; December 2L ISte, 2L
800; lowest 18S4, 16Jic Domestic, pound, De
cember 20. 18S9. none; December 13, lbS9, none;
December 21, 1SSS, 4.900: low est 18S4. 4c
A Light Demand Jnst Now, but No Weak
ness In tbe Market
El. Louis. December 2a In their weekly
iron circular Rogers, Brown & Meacbam say:
The demand for Southern coke irons in this
market has been light, but there are no ele
ments of weakness in tbe situation. Con
sumers are unwilling to stock up until after
January 1, bat a good trade is looked for then.
Offerings from furnaces are limited, and prices
are well sustained, although some specu
lative lots have been placed at less
than current quotations. Lake Superior char
coals have been advanced over $1 per ton, and
several furnaces are out of the market on ac
count of heavy orders booked for tbe next
'three months' delivery. Southern charcoals
have advanced 70 cents. The Missouri furnaces
art reported to have made heavy sales to Chi
cago buyers, and are now holding their brands
firmly at fig re given below. We quote for
cash f. o. b. St. Louis:
Southern Coke No. l ;....$ 19 so
fooullicrn Coke 2to. 2..... ig 00
bouUitrn Coke No. 3 18 so
buuiucnit.rc Korjre 18 00
boutlieru Charcoal No. 1 it 503 00
boutliorn Charcoal Jvo. 2 19 u19 SO
Missouri Charcoal So. I. Sand 3 21 00
Ohio softeners , 19 soaj 00
Lake Superior '-, ralXTlU E0
bouthcrn - 2ipa24 5o
East Bt. LonlVit ...$5 25
j3 joulg....,........ .......... 5 40
An Active Week at Chi en to.
CHICAGO, Xecember. 20. Commenting on the
state of the iron market, Rogers, Brown 4 Co
riy: T'herels perhaps more activity in the Chi
cago market at the close of this week, so far as
general buyers are concerned, than whave yt
seen. The sharpadvance in Lake Superior chap
coal and coke irons has convinced buyers that
w?asft 4" -t tj ' i V,.' mi ft flSiffii YJtShtsiiiiiflSAoKSXr m
the higher prices ruling -hare come to
stay for a time at least, and that still
higher values are probable. This adds to
free buying. Good irons are Increasingly
scarce. Old material Is Strong and in light sup
ply. The continual enlargement of manufacij
uring plants broadens out the demand, and if
there is to bo any backward movement for a
time It is hard to see where it will come from.
Good strong No. 1 foundry is now worth $20 to
$21 here, and L. 8. charcoal iron is held firm at
$23, but with no sales at that figure yet reported.
An Upward Tendency In Values.
CINCINNATI, December 20. Rogers, Brown
&. Co-'s iron circular says: The upward ten
dency in values continues in all branches of
the pig iron market. During the week there
has been a further stiffening in prices of North
ern mill and foundry irons. Lake Superior
charcoal, and all products of lake ores. This
grows out of the -extensivo early buying of
lako ores for next season at an advance of
about SI a ton over last season's closing prices.
There has been no further advance in South
ern coke irons, which bavo been ruling rela
tively higher than Northern lions for
some weeks past. Very liberal sales are
reported, however, on the basis of price es-
lauusueo. Dy tue warrant uuyiug iu i uvcuiucw
Southern makers do not desire to see any fur
ther advance, believing it will stimulate too
many new enterprises In their district. Already
there is a generous crop of them started. Ohio
furnaces generally are heavily Bold and are very
slow to name any prices on round lots for fu
ture delivery. Consumption continues very
heavy in all lines.
Prices RuIIns on the Other Side of the
Ocean Darius; the Week.
The Amcncan Manufacturer in Its cable
letter of December 18 gives the following quota
tions: Scotch Fig Transactions In warrants have
been on a smaller scale and prices have shown
narrower fluctuation, lb makers' iron there
continues to be a good trade and prices for
most brands remain firm. .
No. 1 Coltness 79s. 6d. f. 0. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Smnmerlee 79s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Gartsherrie Tbs, Od. L o. b. Glasgow
NclLangloan 78s. Od. to. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Carnbroe -.67s. 6d- f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Shotts 77s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. lGlengarnock.....77s. 6d. atArdrossan.
No. 1 Dalmellington ...70s. Od. at Ardrossan.
No.lEglinton 65s. Od. atArdrossan.
Bessemer Pig Sales from second bands have
been made at irregular prices, but makers are
lerytirm, quoting West Coast brands at 77s.
6d. for Nns. 1, 2, 3, a b. shipping point.
Middlesbrough Pig Prices have ruled very
irregular under speculative dealings, but the
movement for consumptive account has been
moderate. Prices touched as low as 68s. 3d.
To-day the market is steady, with good mer
chant brands quoted at COs. 64. for No. 3.
Spiegeleisen The market continues strong
witu demand good and sellers indifferent. En
gush 30 per cent quoted at 97s. 6d100s. f. o. b.
at works.
Steel Wire Rods Prices remain Ann. but
the demand is only fair. Mild steel. No. 6,
quoted at 72s.6d. tab, shipping port.
Steel Rails Previous prices are adhered to
by makers and tbe market is firm with demand
good. Heavy sections quoted at 7 f. o. b.
shipping point.
Steel Blooms A good demand prevails and
prices rentain verv firm. Bessemer 7x7 quoted
6 7s. 6d- f. o. b. shipping point.
Steel Billets The market remains In stronc
position witbMemand fairly active. Bessemer
(size 2x2) quoted at 6 10s. f. o. b. ship
ping point. ,
bteel Slabs Last week's prices prevail, with
sellers tlrm and the demand fair. Ordinary
sizes quoted at 66 2s. 60. f. o. b. shipping
Crop Ends The position is unchanged ana
furnace prices are asked. Run of the mill
quoted at 3 12s. 6d3 153. f. o. b. shipping
Old Rails The trade in these is still moder
ate, holders' price being considered too hlch.
Tees quoted at 37. 6d-3 12s. 6d., and double
heads at 3 12s. 6VLS 15s. o. b.
Scrap Iron There is little doing, but holders
are very firm. Heavy wrought quoted at 3
3 6s. Od. f. o. b. shipping points.
Manufactured Iron A fairly active busi
ness in all lines and prices firm.
Stafford ord. marked bars.
(f. o. b. L'pool) 9 lOsOd 0 OsOd
" common bars S 0s0d810s0d
" black sheet singles 0 0s0d10 OsOd
Welsh bars, f.o.b. Wales... 7 12s 6d 717s6d
Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York,
2s. 6d- Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od.
Pig Tin-Prompt deliveries advanced sharply
owing to moderate receipts and consequent
light stock, but subsequently receded. Busi
ness has been quite act ve. Straits, quoted to
day at 97 7s. 6u. for spot; futures (3 months)
9678. 6d.
Copper Prices dropped about 1 but subse
quently reacted and tne market is now fairly
firm but rather quiet. Chill bars quoted 49 10s.
for spot, 49 2s. Cd. for future delivery. Best
selected English, 08.
Lead The market rather more active and
prices firmer. Spanish qnoted at 14 2s. Bd.
Spelter There is a steady demanaand prices
are very firm. Ordinary SUesian quoted at 24.
Tin Plate There has been some improve
ment in the demand and the market is firmer,
without, however, any positive change in prices.
The Condition of Bnaknes at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, J
.Fbidat. December 20, 1889.- (
CATTXE Receipts, 420 head: shipments, 4
head; market nothing doing; ail through con
signments. No cattle shipped to New York
Hoos Receipts. 33 head: shipments. 67 bead;
market dull; Philadelphias, $3 703 75; York
ers, $7 C03 70. Six cars of hogs shipped to
New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 3 bead; shipments, 3 head;
market slow and unchanged.
By Teletrrnpb. ,
New Yobk Beeves Receipts, 30 carloads
for the market, 24 carloads for export and 56
carloads for city trade slaughtered direct, and
25 carloads of sale cattle in tbe Belling pens
from previous arrivals: market dull, and a num
ber of carloads were to sell at a late hour; poor
to prime cattle sold at S3 255 00 per 100 pounds:
2 carloads of extra do at $5 2o5 60. and a car of
Cnristmas steers, 1.735 pounds average, at $5 65.
Calves nearly nominal; Western calves were
not wanted at any price.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 700 head; ship
ments. 2.200 head; market steady; good to
fancy native steers, 54 305 15: fair to good do,
$3 404 35, stockers and feeders. $2 103 30:
range steers. S3 C03 15. Hogs Receipts, S00
head; shipments. 1.500 head; market a shade
higher: fair to choice heavy, $3 603 75; pack
ing grades. $3 503 70; lijrht, fair to best, $3 45
3 65. Sheep Receipts, 800 head; market firm;
fair to choice, $3 504 90; lambs, $4 05 6a
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 7,000 head;
shipments. 4,350 head: market quiet: beavr,
$3 603 75; light. $3 503 bO: skips. $3 003 4a
Sbeep Receipts, 6.000 head; shipments, 1,000
head; market slow; natives. $3 006 00: Wen
em cornfed. S3 905 20; Texans, $3 504 20;
lambs.$4 9063a
Buffalo Cattle slow and irregular: re
ceipts, 45 loads through, 3 sale. Sheep and
lambs linn and unchanged; receipts, 11 loads
through, 17 sale. Hogs lo er; receipts, 27 loads
through, 100 sale; mediums and heavy, S3 70;
mixed and Yorkers and pigs, S3 653 7a
Opposition to tbe Confirmation of Amor
Smith, of Cincinnati.
WASHTNGTOir, December 2a The refusal of
the Senate -to copfirm Amor Smith as Collector
of Customs at Cincinnati may be still another
sequel to the ballot-box forgery. Smith's nom
ination is now hung up in the Senate Commit
tee on Finance, at the request of Senator Sher
man, who is a member of the committee, and a
favorable report on it to the Senate will depend
upon the result of tbe Congressional inquiry
into the ballot-box forgery. Smith's name was
connected with the matter as a go-between, and
if investigation establishes the fact that be was
not in any manner a party to the forgery his
confirmation will follow. If he is guilty he will
have to suffer the consequences.
Congressman Butterworth, when accused of
fighting bmith's confirmation to-day, said: "I
am not antagonistic to Smith now and I shall
not be unless tbe Congressional investigation of
this ballot-box outrage establishes his connec
tion with it. If it does I shall fight his confirma
tion tooth and toenail, and do it openly, too."
President Bodine'a Report.
The report of President Bodine, of the Win
dow Glass Manufacturers' Association, shows
93,018 boxes of donble and 275.624 boxes of
single on band on December X For the same
montn last year the stock was 110,386 double
and 327,241 single.
No Genuine Russian Inflnenza.
A number of local physicians who were in
terviewed yesterday said that no cases of gen
nine influenza had yet been seen by them in
this city. Such expressions were madebvDr
Duncan, Dr. Hleber, DK Sands and Dr. H. H
Only a Few Pots Idle.,
According to the official list of the National
Glais J3udget there are 1,272 glass house pots
111 operation and 242 idle. Everyone in the
Pittsburg district 184 are working at present.
Seventy Good Dwellings to be Erected
at Beltzlioover Nest Springs
But Two or Three City Institujions Might
Do Better in the East End.
Butler Is looking up as a manufacturing
center. There has just been organized there,
and chartered, an enterprise of considerable
magnitude called the Butler Salt and
Chemical Company. The capital is about
(300,000, and the object is to manufacture
articles in which the company has several
lines of specialties in chemicals and other
valuable products of a sfmjlar kind. For
this purpose a number of fine buildings are
being erected and almost finished, covering
several acres of ground, on which there are five
or six flowing salt wells. ,
The company has been organized on a very
substantial basis, largely through the efforts of
the President Mr. Joseph Brittain, of Butler,
and Messrs. Joseph Painter and James W.
Drape & Co., of Pittsburg, and it offers to its
lucky stockholders the prospect of very re
munerative dividends. The company is al
ready in receipt of orders sufficient to keep the
w orks employed for several months.
A meeting of the Board of Directors will be
held at Butler on Thursday next for the pur
pose of perfecting arrangements for putting
tbe works id operation, which will be in a few
Tho natural attractions of the SOuthside for
residence purposes are causing quite a move
ment in real estate circles over there. Beltz
hoover is a point of great interest, although
other districts Mt. Washington, for instance
are not neglected. The new inclinaand prom
ise of rapid transit are important factors in the
A prominent Southside capitalist has so much
faith in tbe permanency of the boom on that
side of the river that he is negotiating for 70
building lots in the outskirts of Beltzhoover.
The fact was mentioned yesterday, but details
could not be given. It has been learned since
that the purchase, if consummated, of which
there is scarcely a doubt, will be for invest
ment. A four or five-roomed house will be
erected on each lot, and rented at a moderate
price, so as to secure a good class of tenants.
Work will begin as early in the spriug as pos
sible. This will be the largest building job
ever undertaken on the Southside, and the 0
houses will be quite an acquisition to tbe com
munity. The cost of the ground and improve
ments will approximate $150,000.
Referring to reports of the organization of
national banks in (Lawrencerille, East Liberty
and Wilkinsburg, a Fourth avenue financier
remarked yesterday: "These people may mean
business, but I doubt it. If they are practical
business men tbey know, or onght to know,
that there are too many banks here now, and
Some of them have hard sledding. Banking
competition is greater in Pittsburg than in any
other city In the country. As an illustration
A Chicago banker told me not long ago that
his institution made about $50,000 a year selling
premium on Eastern exchange. There is not a
bank in Pittsburg that makes enough out of
exchange to pay the salary of one clerk. This
is not very encouraging for new banks.
"A better way wonld be to remove two or
three of the city banks qut there. This would
be easier and more economical than to start
new ones. It would ease np things in the city,
and satisfy the ambition of the Hast Enders to
have banks of their own. One or two good
banks out there might do well, -provided they
could retain their old business and get the
local patronage."
A Connellsville authority says of tbe coke
trade: While it is active, the shipments for the
last week were several hundred cars less than
those of the week previous. This falling on is
attributedto the fact that the furnace compan
ies have become well supplied by the heavy
shipments during tho last few weeks, as tbey
were the largest ever known in tbe region. Tbe
Illinois Steel Company, abont tha largest con
sumer of Connellsville coke, report their coke
supply as good. The Eastern and Pitts
burg trades are likewise well supplied.
New cars of the Frick and McClure com
panies are arriving daily, but the Stewart Iron
Company's now lot of 100 have not yet put in
appearance. Work is progressing on new ovens.
Contractor Sbeehan has 42 of tbe new addi
tional ovens to the Redtop plant at Tarrs com
pleted, and the company will fire them shortly.
Hostetter, Uppincott, Frick and McClure are
having ovens completed daily. The Leisener
ing works No. 1, 500 ovens, which was idle a
couple davs last week on account of strike, is
again in full operation. Fayette and Mahoning
plants, numbering 230 ovens, are still idle, and
the number of idle ovens is tbe same as last
week, about 400. Fart of the Standard Coke
Works are idle on account of the slope being
burned Tuesday night.
The shipments last week decreased 530,cars
from tbe previous week, and the total output
was 130,U0 tons compared with 142,650 tons of
the week before. Shipments averaging about
1,230 cars per day, with a total of 7,395 cars were
distributed as follows: To points west of Pitts
burg, 4,525 cars; to Pittsburg and river points,
1,470 cars; to points east of Pittsburg, 1,400
cars. Former prices are still quoted: Fur
nace coke, $1 75; foundry, $2 05: crashed, $2 55.
Tbe sale of the Bennett building, on Fulton
and Nassau streets. New York, has been talked
of for some weeks, and it is rumored that the
purchase price was $1,000,000, but the parties m
interest decline to state the amount. The
price, for some unusual reason, as not named
in the deed, and it was understood that it was
to remain a secret between buyer and seller.
The building was bought by John Fettit, of
Orange, N.J. He has told bis friends that it
is his purpose to make of his new purchase an
office building which shall be second to none
in the city.
The building was the personal property of
James Oordon Bennett, Jr., he having bonght
it at the partition sale of his father's estate in
ISS4. He will continue to occupy the basement
for extra boilers and the dynamos which gen
erate the electricity to supply tho lights iu the
Herald building, thus becoming a tenant of
Mr. Fettit's. Why Mr. Bennett thus disposed
of the property is not known.
A Better Feeling Among Brokers, bnt Busi
ness Still Slack.
Tho characteristics of the stock market yes
terday were good feeling and a moderate busi
ness. Sales were 1G0 shares, of which 110 were
Philadelphia Gas and 50 Central Traction. The
former opened steady at 29, but weakened in
the afternoon to 29K on a sale of 100 shares,
and closed at that price bid. The tractions
were a shade stronger, as were Luster, Elec
tric and Plate Glass. Tbe latter closed at 100
asked. With a few exceptions tbe entire list
was stronger, indicating that orders are coming
in more freely.
Bid. Asked. Did. Asked.
Keystone B'k of Pitts. 64
Third Nat. Hank 165
Tradesmen's Nat. B'k 215
Pitts. Gas Co., Ill 06 80
Allegheny HeatlngCo. .... 100
Brldcewater ias 29 ....
Chartlers Valley G.Co. 40
Ohio Valley SI ,
fennsvlvan-aGas Co 13M
Philadelphia Co 29Jf S 29K S9H
Wheeling lias Co 3) 25
Forest Oil Co ...-. .... 0S ....
Washington Oil Co 80 HO 80
Central Traction KJi a 32H 33
Pitts. Traction 47 47K
Fleawnt Valley 2 23f M 23
Pitts.. A. i. Man 157 300
Chartlers Hallway 45 .,.'. .... ....
Pltts.JuncK.it. 27
Ft.. V. &C.1C.K.CO. KH
la Norta Mining Co H H
LuiterMming Co...... 23M
Westlnchonse Electric , 47 47 48
Pitts. Plate Glass Co.. 185 190 .... 190
At the first call 10 shares of Philadelphia Gas
brought 29. Sales In the afternoon were 50
shares of Central Traction at 82 and J00
Philadelphia Gas at 29&
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 301,919 shares, including: Atchison,
5,975; Canada Southern. 13,161: Delaware, Lack
awanna and Western,t2S,fiS0; Lako Shore, 1635,
Louisville and Nashville; 3,900; Michigan Cen
tral, 4,553; Mlssonn Pacific, 61,457: Northwest
ern. 3,775: Northern Pacific preferred, 6,215;
Readlnc, 24,400: St. Paul. 20.57o: Texas Pacific,
4,666; Union Pacific, 13,69V; Western Union,
. 1
"" - - - 1
The Demand at the Banks Keeps Up Largs
'Holiday Trade.
Local backers reported a good demand for
discounts yesterday at67 percent. Funds
were reported somewhat easier, as a rf suit of
the large holiday trade. This is also reflected
in the heavy checking aud depositing. Cur
rency was at a slight premium over exchange,
Tho bank clearings were 82,859,567 40, and tho
balances S311.058 38.
Money on call at New Yort yesterday was
close, ranging from 5 to 9 percent; last I0?-,0,'
closed at 58. Prime mercantile paper. 67.
Sterling exchange quiet and steady at $4 ow?i
for 60-6ay bills and $4 84 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U.S.4s,Kg 128 M. JLAT.Gen.Ss
U. s. it- r.oun 137! Mutual Union 6s...
U. 8. 4(s, reg 104t V. J. C. Int. Cert,
tJ. B. 4)S, coup.... VA
Northern Pac lsts.
Northern Pac.M.
racinctaoi'Ki nn
Loutslanastampcdia 93Y
Northw't'n consols.!
Missouri 6s 102)4 Northw'n debr..1104
Tenn. new et. Ba. 110 joreuon Trans. ''
Tenn. new set. &s.,..102)i
Tenn. newset.3i.. 74
Canada So, 2ds 97
Cen. Pacific. 1st. ....11.!
Den. t K. G., UU...13
Den. & It. G. 4s 7356
D.&B.G.We6t,l3ts. M
Krle-Ids 101
M. S. &T. Gen. C3.. 75H
St. L.&S.K.Gen.M. 12J
bu Paul consols .. rJM
TX.!FcK.G.TT.Kct J7
St. J.. 1.41. uen. 00 ojtj
union rae. ...;",,
West Shore... W6X
Tho following in. ofatoment nf TTnited States
bonds purchased from August 3, 1887, to and
including December 14. 1889: Amount pur
chased. 4 per cents. $107,225,850: 4. flJi--500:
total. $235,701,310. Cost. 4 per cents. $137.
104,788: 4K per cents. $13S,702,G38;Wtal, KfaSOa,
824. Cost at maturity, 4 per cents, $186,741,460;
lii per cents. 8145,392.293: total, $J32,1S3.5A
Saving, 4s. $49,636,672: 4s. $6,690,256; total. $06.
326.928. The above purchases include $5,377,
500 bonds surrendered bv national bank deposi
taries in liquidation of their deposits.
New York Clearings, $109,911,819; balances,
.BOSTON Clearings. 514,Mjl.lz; oaiancra.
$1,508,293. Money, 34 per cent.
iiAijTiJioius wie;
Clearings, $1,968,441;- balances.
Philadelphia Clearings. $11,372,211; bal
ances, $1,926,947.
London Bar silver 44d per ounce.
Paris Threo per cent rentes, 87f for the
Chicago Bank clearings were $lL411.O0a
New York exchange was 4050o discount. The
demand for money from various classes of
merchants continues good and brokers are
holding rates firm at 6 per cent on call and 6S
per cent ior time loans.
The Oil market Shows No Improvement
Very Llabt Trndlng.
The oil market started in weak yesterday and
nothing was done for a long time. Tbe pykers
then tried to start a bull movement, bet failed.
and the market fell oil and remained weak to
the close. Tradinf? was nnlmnortant.
The market opened at $1 03; highest, $1 04:
lowest, si us; closing. $1 vl uennea was
lower at London. Thursday's clearings were
726,000 barrels.
Features of the Marker.
Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey fc Co., 45
Sixth street, members or the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 1C3SI Lowest 10354
Highest I04ttCloed 104
Averaceruns IH
Average shipments '"'JS
Average charters 31,827
Kefined, New York. 7.50cl
Heflne London. 6a.
Refined, Antwerp, lMr.
Itefined, l.lTerpool. S M8d.
Keflned. liremen, 7.13m.
A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, $1 03X; calls,
Other Oil DInrUets.
TrrusviLLE. December 2a Opened atjl 03;
highest, $1 Ot; lowest. $1 03K: closed, $1 03.
OiLCrnr. December 2a Petroleum opened
at$l 03$; highest. $1 04; lowest, $1 03;cloed,
$1 03. Sales, 167.000 barrels; clearances, 1196,
000 barrels; charters, 22,222 barrels.
New Y0KK;December2a Petroleum opened
steady at 31 03. and after the first sales be
came strong, and advanced to $1 04. A reac
tion followed, after wbicb the market closed
steady at $1 03. Stock Exchange: Opening,
$1 03; highest. $l04Ji; lowest, $1 03: closing,
SI 03. Consolidated Exchange : Opening;
$1 03; highest, $1 04K: lowest, $1 03; closing,
$1 03. Total sales, 476,000 barrels.
Some Good Deals. Shoivlng That the Interest
Keep. Up.
Alles & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for
Dan F. Siangan, No. 152 Webster avenue, Alle
gheny City, a frame dwelling, mansard, six
rooms, hall, etc., lot 13 feet 4 inches by 100 feet,
to Veto street; to "Thomas 'HcGowan, for
$2,900 cash.
Samnel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenne,
sold to W. Theiss, No. 289 Fifth avenue, Pitts
burg, consisting of a two-story and mansard
eight-room brick dwelling: lot 22 by about 113 to
an alley, at a price approximating $120(XL
W. A. Herron&Sons sold for T. C. Carson,
of Denver, Col., on Jackson street. Bellevne, a
residence of five rooms, lot 40x170 feet, all in
fair order, for"82,10a
Black Baird, 99 Fourth avenue, sold to T.
D. Chantlor, Esq , lots Nos. Sand 9. in the Lloyd
estate plan, in Bellefield, having a frontage of
100 feet on Bellefield avenue by about 120 in
depth, for $5,000.
Ewing & Byers, 93 Federal street, Allegheny
placed a $2,500 mortgage on Fifth ward prop
erty, to run three years, at 6 per cent, free o f
State tax.
James W. Drape & Co. sold a house and lot
in the city, contiguous to Penn avenue and
Fourth street, for $7,000. 1 hey have also an
offer for a business property in tbe city of $28,
000. and placed mortgages ot $21,000 In amounts
from $500 to $6,000 at 6 per cent on properties in
Allegheny and Pittsburg and the East End.
Tbey also placed a mortgage of $10,000 at 5 per
cent on a business property in the eity.
Jamison & Dickie sold for Henry Loxterman
a lot on Rural avenue, Tenth ward, size 40x110
feet, to J. F. Ganster for $1,750 cash, and for
Tnos. F. Marshall live lots on Idlewood street.
Twenty-first ward, size 25x149 feet, to Caroline
MacFarren for $2,750. They also sold a mort
gage on a farm in Plum township for $5,500,
three years at 6 per cent, and two mortgages
for $9U0 on East End property, three years, at 6
percent. "
They Sag OflT nLIttlo Under the Pressure of
TIeht Money, but More Than
Recover Losses..
Nevv Yobk, December 20. The stock mar
ket was more active and decidedly strong dur
ing the greater portion of the day, and although
realizing, sagged off toward the close Several
material advances were scored as tbe resnlt of
the day's trading. Tho temper of the market
was rather reactionary at the opening, dullness
and stagnation being the principal features;
but- tbe reports of the remaining Vanderbilt
roads, with tbe extra dividends, soon set things
going, aud activity and buoyancy took the
place of the stagnation of tbe early hours.
Missouri Pacific and Western again led the
market, and at its highest point it showed a
gain of 1 per cent over its last night's figure.
The settlement with tbe Kansas and lexas
upon a basis of mutual advantage was the im
pelling cause, although even it aid not move
until tbe news from tbe Grand Central depot
was received. Those who pretend to know
expect that a further advance will take place.
The Vanderbilts were the conspicuous feature
of tbe market, and from that on especially dis
played marked strength, though, like tbe oth
ers all of tbe improvement could not bo held
at tbe dose. The Grangers also came to tbe
front, and Burlington led the advance among
them, and with St. Paul was more active than
for some time. The Coal stocks were sluggish
and considerable pressure was brought to bear
upon them in the early dealings, resulting in a
fractional decline, with Lackawanna leading.
They became stronger with the rest of the list,
however, and'the early losses were wiped out,
but in tbe upward movement met with consid
erable of a check when the money rates ad
vanced, and during the afternoon money was
up to 9 per cent, inducing realizations on a
liberal scale, and the reaction from the best
prices reached from X to IJi per cent.
Owing to the increased Interest In railroad,
shares, the unlisted department was quite
neglected to-day. Sugar opened up 1JJ per
cent, at 59, but retired to 56, and thereafter
fluctuated within those limits, becoming very
dull in the afternoon. The close wan. quiet and
rather heavy at the reaction. Almost the en
tire active list is higher to-nigbt, and Jersey
Central is up 1. Missouri Pacific 1, Burling
ton and Quincy 1, and Canada Soutuern 1 per
Beyond tbe activity in Kansas and Texas 6s
and tbe strength in the Iron Mountain 5s, there
was little feature to the dealings in railroad
bonds to-day. There -was a firm tone, and the
business done was as a rule well and widely
distributed, the Kansas and Texas 6s contrib
uting $118,000 to the day's total of $LS96,00a
The following tanie snows tne prices 01 active
stocks on the New York Stock Kxcnange yester
day. Corrected daily for Tin Disfatcd by
WHrriiBT&BTJtrnimsoN. oldest Pltuburg mem
bers of New York Stock Kxcnange, 67 fourth ave
nue: Clos-
Opsn- High- Low- Ing
In. est. est. Bid.
Am. Cotton Oil Trust., sojf SIK 80)4 so
Am. Cotton OU 112
Aten.. Ton.AB.r..... 14 SiM X'A 34)4
lanaaian raeino ... ..i. ....
Canada southern M ElU M
Central of KewJernr.Ul 22ZU Hi 13
1 iMiii 11 iaa,yig.3apMiw i.n i mihu hi
CheBeaieOnio....-iSf'- 'ISif !W -WiI
C Bar. .t Qulber... .,106)r' MW 10GU i!H
C Mil, & St. faut... 70H 70' Wii 70K'
li, JHll.iSt.r pi... .1141, 1U!4 IMX lltt
t, KoctLtF 98"4 99W S3) 9SJ
C, St. Ia. & Pitts IS IS IS 15!4
C St, U A Pitts. Dt. Ui 42M H 4l
C. St. P..M.&0 84 M 33 33Vf
C st. P..M.AO.. or. 99 99 99 99
C A Northwestern 111H 112 llllf M1U
C, C C. A 1 72 73 71M 71M
C tt. a A I., or 87H inn v. w
Col. Coal A iron 38H 397k 33H 33
Col. A Rocking Vat It's
Dei.. L. AW. 137), 138)4 13SJ4 137
Del. A Hudson. t.ltt 149X 14S 1&
Denver&Klott - is
Denver A Bio U.. nl... 49)4 49)4 4 48
E.T..VS. AOa.Istpr. 8
K 1.. Va. AOs.Mpr. IU
Illinois Central. IIS 313 118 184
Lake Krle A Western.. 18 18 18 17
LakeKrleAWest.pr.. .... .... - ... MM
Lace Shore A M.S 107ft 108tt 107 VHK
LonlSYllle A Nashville. t6U mi SGX 63
M!chlKas,central S8X 99!4 98)4 8M
Mobiles Ohio . M
Mo.. Kan. A rexas.... 3IJ U4 Hh "I
Missouri Pacific 71 a 74H 7I 73!4
New York Central 108JJ JOS1 10SH J08H
H. YA.V. IS 44 4I 43 41J4
N. V.. O. AW 31 20H 2054
Norfolk A Western.... . 19
Norfolk Westerner, so 6o 60 60
-Nortnern racinc pref. T8& 77 76X 71
Ohio & Mississippi..... UK
Oregon Improvement. 42$
Orecon Xranscon S3 85!tf Wi 145
raclfloAlaU..i.. 35! SOX 35)4 35
Peo. Dec. A Kvans. 18.
Phlladel. A Headlne. 38W iH 3S 3SJ4
Pullman Palace Car.. .187)3 187H 187H 187
Mchmonn A W. P. T.. S1H 22) : 2
KlchmondA'W.P.T.Df SO
Bt. P.. Minn. A Man..U2)4 112)4 112 liH
U-ju ASan Fran 18
St. L. a San Jrran pr.. 3SH 38)4 S) &te
8t,u, A Han IT. 1st pf. 92
Texas Pacific.... 20X 21 20)4 20K
Union ractnc 69)4 69 69)4 69H
Wabasa 16 16J 18 153
Wabash nrererred 31 32Sj 31 3lt
Western Union. 84 MM S355 S3",
Wheeling A L. . 68H 68 &H 63
Sujrar Trust. fisjj S3H 58)4
National Lad Trust.. 19 19 19 1934
Chicago (las Iratt.... 43 44 43 43)4
x-dividend. '
Philadelphia Slocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. BM. Asked.
Pennsylvania Bailroad. 52 82
KeaainE 19 5-10 19 7-18
Kuffalo, Pittsburg A Western 7M &'A
Lehlah valley 2 S2J4
tehlKh Navigation &-H SIX
Northern Pacific 3l 32
Nortnern Paciuo nreterred 75 75
Opportunities for Securing Fresh Vegetables
Never Better at This Time or Tear
Christmas Turkey Promises to
be Uncomfortably High.
Office oFPrrrsBtnto Dispatch,!
Fbidat, December 20. 1889. f
It is very rare that fresh vegetables are to
be found on tbe stalls in as good shape at
this time of the year as they are this season.
An old-time dealer in this line said to-day:
"I can remember no season like this. We
are able to furnish fresh tomatoes, cauli
flower and string beans, cucumbers, and, in fact,
about everything wanted for a sumptuous
Christmas dinner almost as well as we could
when tbe season for these things was at its
height. Ot course it requires mora money to
secure the stuff now, but we have it, and to tbe
class with whom money is no consideration the
opportunities tor securing a variety for Christ
mas dinner have not been so good for many
years as now."
Choice poultry tends npward as the holidays
approach. Turkeys are fully 5c per pound
higher than tbey were a week ago. and dealers
look for still higher prices next week. The
Christmas turkey that is not alreadyengaged
may go to 30c per pound. Last New Year's 35c
per pound was paid in thoDiamond Markets for
choice turkeys.
ThO condition of weather the past few weeks
has prevented shipments of poultry from tbe
West, and it is now too late for the large ship
pers to flood the markets before Christmas,
whatever the weather may be.
Florists report trade at its best. It is Im
possible to fix prices in this line, as everything
depends on weather for the next tew days. At
present weather is favorable for the develop
ment of buds, but it is Impossible to tell what a
day may bring forth, and while we quote prices
the same as last week these will be a poor cri
terion in case of sharp frosty weather between
now and Christmas. Last Christmas supplies
fell far below demafW, and American Beanty
roses went up to 1 50 apiece, which was the
price paid by our florists hereto New York
The demand for holiday mistletoe, bouquet
greenand Christmas trees was never better
than It is to-day. Maryland and Virginia are
the chief sources of supply for our holly and
mistletoe. Bouquet green comes from Wis
consin and Michigan, and has of late years be
come a prominent industry of the half-breeds.
Our Christmas trees are crown in laree ouanti-
tles uv-the nurseries adjoining the Schenley
Park. Those prouucea in tne nurseries are
much neater and command better prices than
those gathered from, the woods. The range of
prices for Christmas trees is from 50c up to $2.
Following "are tbe retail prices of market
basket filling as fnrnlshed by leading retail
dealers :
The best cuts of tenderloin steak range
from 20 to 25c, with last figure for very
fancy; sirloin, best cuts, from 15 to 18c;
standing rib roast, from 15 to 20c; chuck
ioast.lv to 12c; best round steaks. 15c; boiling
beef, 5 to 8c; sweet breads, 20 to 50c per pair:
beef kidneys. 10c apiece; beef liver. 5c a pound;
calf livers, 25c apiece; corned beef. from 5 to 10c
per pound. Veal for stewing commands 10c;
roast. 12 to 16c; cutlets, 20c per pound; earing
lambs, fore quarter, 10 to 12c; hind quarters,
15c A leg of mntton, hind quarter, of prime
quality, brings 12c; fore quarter, 8c; loin of
mutton, 15c; giblets, 6c per pound.
Potatoes. 15c per half peck; Jprsey sweet pota
toes, 25c per half peck; cabbage, 5 to )0c;
cauliflower, 75c to fl each; tomatoes, 35c
a quart: celery, 5c a bunch; bananas,
15 to 20c a dozen: carrots, 5c a buncb: lemons, 25
to 35c per dozen; oranges, 25 to 40c; lettuce,
5c per bunch, 6 for 25c: beets, 3 for 10c;
string beans, 35c a quarter peck; onions, '20
to S5c a half peck: Spanish onions, 5 to
10c each: pie pumpkins, 10 to 85c according
to size; Malaga giapes, 20 to 35c per pound;
turnips, zOc per half peck; cranberries, 15c a
quart: cucumbers, 15 to 35c apiece: mushrooms,
SI a pound.
Choice creamery butter, 35c. Good country
butter. S5c Fancy pound rolls, 40c
The retail price for fresh country eggs is 40c
The range for dressed chickens is 50c to 1
per pair. Turkeys, 20 to 25c per pound. Prairie
chickens, Jl 00 a pair: ducks, 81 00 to $125 per
pair; partridges 6 a dozen; squirrels, S5c a
pair; rabbits. 30c a pair; pheasants, SI 25 a pair;
pigeons, 50c a pair; geese, 75c to $1 25 apiece.
Following are the articles in this line on
the Btalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali
fornia salmon, 40c per pound; white fish,
12J4c; herring, 4 pounds for 25c: red snan
pers, 15 to 20c per pound; Spanish mackerel, 80c
to 35c a pound: sea sarmon, 40c a pound:
bine fish, 25 to 30c; perch. 10c; halibut, 2oc;
rock bass, 30c; black bass, 20c: lake trout, 12c;
lobsters. 25c; green sea turtle, 23c; mackerel,
20c small, 40c large. Oysters: N. Y. counts,
SI 75 per gallon; clams, $1 25 per gallon; scol
lops, 50c a quart; frogs, $2 00 per dozen;
soft shell crabs, 75c per dozen; devil crabs, 85o
per dozen.
La France roses, S3 00 per dozen: Bride roses,
$2 50 per dozent-Perles,Sl 50-per dozen; De Watt
ville roses, $2 50 per dozen: Papa Gontler roses,
SI 25 per dozen: Niphetos, SI 50 per dozen; Ben
netts, $2 60 per dozen: American Beauty, S10
per dozen; Mermcts, S2 50 per dozen; carna
tions, 60c a dozen; Maiden Hair fern, 50c per
dozen fronds; lily ot the valley. S2 per dozen;
chrysanthemums, SI to S3 per dozen; violets,
fl 60 to 82 a dozen; hyacinths, SI a dozen.
President Stlchney's New Scheme Expected
to be Very Profitable.
New Yobk, December 2a The account of
President Btickney's projected stockyards,
warehouse and wharves on Staten Island, and
bis steamship line to England, was a disclosure
to most railroad men. The letting of the
contract for the wharves will prob
ably be announced within a month. Eras
tus Wiman said to-day that he was
familiar with Mr. 8tlckney's intentions.
'The site chosen," said he, "is the most availa
ble anywherd around New York. Most of the
stock of the company will probably be held
In England, and the company will be organized
there. Mr. Boyle i related by marriage to the
Baring Brothers, of London, who will take an
active interest in the scheme."
Mr. Wiman said that the company would
bring live stock and corn from the Western
nlalna tn thA QAfthnaril and shin it to Great
L Britain. They will be able to ship it at a mini
mum oi cost ior terminal tiuu uusjwimuuu
The Amalgamated Not la It.
In regard to the opposition of the American
Flint Glass Workers Union to the appoint
ment of J.B.Harrah, ot Beaver, Pa., to the
office of United States Marshal. Secretary
Martin, of the Amalgamated Association, was
asked last night if his organization would op
pose Mr.Harrah. The Secretary stated tiat
be bad no knowledge that tbe opposition would
extend further than the flints.
with contributions from Mrs. Presi
dent Harrison and the society
ladies of Washington, will appear
in to-Bwrrow'a DISPATOH,
.JP- Sv
Wheat Fairly Active, Bat Prices Give
Way a Little Cora and Oats
In the Rut Pork
Chicago Wheat A good speculative busi
ness was transacted to-day, and tha feeling
quite strong at times and weak at others. The
situation generally is not ot a character to pro
duce strength, but there was not enough out
side trade to bull the market, and the local
crowd was alieady pretty well loaded up with
tbe long wheat, so that they were not buying as
heavily as during yesterday, and each attempt
to sell caused weakness. A prominent local
trader of the day sold freely at the higher
prices and bought again on the weak spots.
Tho opening was about Ho higher than
yesterday, (hen eased oH c, under
rather free selling, again recovered,
advancing Jc, but freo offerings
caused a decline of He, then ruled steadier,
and the closing was c lower than yesterday.
Outside news generally favored better prices,
foreign markets ruling stronger and higher.
For tbe fire days this week the receipts at
Minneapolis and Duluth aggregated 902,000
bushels, against 1,688,000 tbe corresponding
period last week.
Corn ruled steady and Inactive the greater
part of the session, thongh toward the close a
little more life was manifested. JTho specula
tive market opened at yesterday's closing
prices, was quiet and inactive for some time,
then sold oflfc. ruled steady and closed
o lower than yesterday.
Oats were quiet and easier. There was a
moderate Inquiry for January and It held
steadily, but February developed a weaker feel
ing and declined fc May was traded in more
freely than tne other deliveries, but prices held
within the same range as yesterday.
Mess pork Only a light business was trans
acted and the feeling was easy. Prices ruled
2c lower and the market closed quiet.
Lard Very little business was transacted and
the feeling wastcadier. Trading most exclu
sively in January and May contracts. Prices
were advanced about 2c and closed steady.
bhoft rib sides Trading was only moderate.
Prices were a little more favorable to buyers.
The leadinir Intnres raneea as loiiows:
Wheat No. 2. December. 77?77?(
77kc; January. 78K7878iS7oc; May, 833
Corn No. 2. January. 8Uifi(3131,
31c: February, 31K31K3PK-51c; May, 33
Oats-No. 2, January. 20K20K20K20Ke;
February, 2)20c; May. i22222j
Mess Fork, per bbl January. S9 2559 25
9 2U9 25; February, $9 3U9 35 S09 35;
May, S3 e7K9 67J9 82i3 65.
LABS, per 100 Sis. January, to 905 90: Feb
ruary, S5 92V5 925 92Hb U2K: May, 50 07K
66 10S6 056 05.
Short Bibs, per 100 lis. January. Si 75
m Ti !Zm 72; February, S4 8C4 80;
May. t4 954 D74 j4 05.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 77
77c;No. 3 spring wheat, 63c: No. 2red,77ke8
77Kc;No. 2 corn. 82c; No. 2 oats, 30Kc;No.
2rye.45j4c. No.2 barley, 4860c. No.lflaxseea.
SI 36. Prime timothy seed, nominal. Mess
pork, per bbl. 8 759 2o. Lard, per 100 lbs.
$5 90. Bhort ribs sides (loose), S4 7004 85. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), S4 124 25. Short
clear sides (boxed). J5 00S510. Sugars un
changed. Receipts? Flour, 22,000 barrels:
wheat, 47,000 bushels: corn. 848.000 bushels;
oats, 148,000 husbels; rye, 8,000 bushels: barley,
43,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 16,000 bar
rels; wheat, 27,000 bushels: com. 226,000 bush
els; oats. 131.000 bushels; rye, 6,000 bushels;
barley, 24,000 bushels.
On the Produce Excnange to-day the butter
market was unchanged. Eggs, 202Ic
New York Flour fairly active and easy.
Wheat Spot dull and weaker; options moder
ately active, Ht$3i: lower and weak. Bye dull;
Western, (iO&ffic Corn Spot active and
weaker; options more active, K lower and
heavy; Oats Spot less active and. steady;
options dnll and easier. Hay qniet and steady.
Hops strong and -fairly active. Coffee Op
tions opened steady, unchanged to 10 points
down; closed firm, unchanged to 10 points up;
sales, 41,000 bags, including December, 15.80c;
January. 15.7515.85c;Febrnary, 15,85c; March,
15.9015.95c: April, 15.95c; May. 15.9516.05c;
June, 15.95c; July. 16.05; September, 16.05
16.15c; October, 16.10c: November, 16.0a.
Spot market unsettled. and quiet;
fair cargoes, 19c; No. 7. 1717a Surar
Raw quiet, lower: fair refining 5c; centrifugals
96 test. 6g6c; extra C, 55Kc: white extra
C, 66Kc; yellow 5J6; off A, 66c;
monld A, 7c; standard A, 6c; confectioners
A, 6Jc; cut loaf, 7Jc; crushed, 7c; powdered,
oTici granulated. 6c; cubes, 6c Molasses
New Orleans steady. Rice fair demand,
steady. Petroleum quiet, steady. United
closed $1 03 lor January. Cottonseed oilquiet.
Rosin steady. Turpentine quiet, easy 4344c:
Eggs firmer; Western, 23c; receipts, 2.406
packages. Pork steady. Cut meats steady;
pickled betlies,12pounds,6c;nickled shoulders,
4c; pickled hams, 8c; middles weak, short
clear S5 45. Lard steady, qniet; sales, SOO
tierces; Western steam. $6 226 25.' closing
56 22; options, sales, 6,500 tierces; Jannary,
S6 23. closing at 56-20 bid: February. S6 296 SOI
closing at $6 28 bid: March, 16 34, closing at
S6 34 bid; May. S6 426 44, closing at J6 42
bid; July, S6 50 bid. Butter dull, easy; Elgin,
29c; Western dairy, 918c; December held
1018c Cheese quiet, weak; Western.- SffilOc
PHttADEiFHlA Flour very quiet. Wheat
firm; speculation tame; fair to good milling
wheat, 7885c; choice and fancy iongberry.
8893c: No. 2 red, December. 8181c: Feb
ruary, 8383c; March. 81842c Corn Op
tions steady, but speculation in ca; lots mod
erate and steadily held; No. 3 yellow, in grain
depot, 36c; No. 3 high mixed, track, 37c; N o. 3
yellow, track, 37c; do, delivered in Camden,
38c: steamer. No. 2 mixed, track, 33c; No. 2
yellow. In grain depot, 3939c; No. 2 mixed
December, SS39Jic: January. 88?i39c: Feb
ruary. 38d8c; March. 38d9?a Oats
Carlbts hrm; No. 3 white, 31c: No, 2 white,
in grain depot, S2c, quoted in Twentieth street
elevator, 31c: futures quiet, but firmer: No.
2 white, December, 8131c; January, 30
3051c; February. S0S0Jic; March. S0j
31)4,0. Eggs, fresh stock, steady; Pennsylvania
firsts, 24c
Minneapolis Receipts for the past 24
hours were 198 cars and 29 cars shipped, against
230 cars received and 25 cars shipped yester
day: the demand for cash wheat was good
and continued active during most of the ses
sion. The general range of prices was abont
tbe same as yesterday. Some good milling
wheat went to outside mills, but tue bulk of it
was taken by home millers. Elevators were
looking on and buying but little, as prices paid
were above their views. Low grades were in
V rather poor demand. Closing quotations: No. 1
hard, December, 7Bc: January. 7ac; May.wwc;
on track, 80c: No. 1 Northern, December, 76Jic;
January, 76c; May, 81cr on track, 78c; No. a
Northern, llecember and January, 72c; May,
78ct on track, 7476c
ST. Louis Flour unchanged. Wheat lower;
market c higher, bnt was rather weak
thronghout, finally cloiedJiQJjJc belowyester
day;No. 2 red, cash. 77JJC; December, 7!Me;
Mav. 81jp82?Sc closed at 8182c bid; July.
77Ji7S4c, closed at Tio asked. Corn lower:
2 mixed, casb. 26c asked; December closed
at 26c; January. 2626Jfc: February. 27
27c March. 27827c asked: May, 29c bid.
Oats lower; No. 2 casb, 19:; May, 22J asked;
December. 19JJC Rye No. 2. 41c Barley
Nothing doing. Flaxseed, 81 SO. Provisions
qniet and weak with only a moderate spot busi
ness. Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
easy; No. 2 spring on track, casb, 7375c;
May, 77c; No. 1 Northern, 81c Com slow:
No. 3, on track, 2929c Oats No. 2 on track,
22c. Rye easier; No. 1, in store, 45J16c Bar
ley irregular; No. 2, in store, 4Cl6Vic Pro
visions easy. Fork, 9 25. Lard, to 9a Cheese
Toledo Cloverseed dnll and steady; cash,
December and January, S3 50.
Wool Dlnrker.
PHniABELPHiA Fleece wool in improved
demand; Territorial wools quiet; Ohio. Penn
sylvania and West Virginia, 323ic; X,
3133c; medium, 86c;New YoTk, Michigan,
Indiana and Western fine or X and XX, 29
31c: medium, 3637c; coarse, 3536c; fine
washed delaine and XX, 34ooc: medium
washed combing and delaine. 3941c; coarse
washed combing and delaine, S738c; Canada
washed combing, 3335c; tub washed, 32
41c; medium nnwashed combing, 23030c: coarse
dn,2728c: Montana, 1825c; Territorial, 15
Boston There has been less business done
In wool during tbe past week, and the total
sales nave oeen oniy z,ui.uuupounas. in prices
there has been no material change, as holders
of desirable wool contlnneUrm in their views.
Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces are selling at
3435cforXXand above: 3233o for X and
above, and 37038c for No. L Michigan X
fleeces steady at 80c but holders refuse
to give any more. Combings and fleeces very
Arm and In good demand, with -sales of
No. 1 combing at S940c; unwashed combing at
2730c; Ohio fine deiaine,3516c, and Michigan
floe delaine at 3iS5c Territory wools have
been selling principally at 6860c for tine. 55
67c for fine medium. Texas wools hare been
dull add In small stock here. California sales
to some extent at 50055c, and Oregon wool In
about the same range. Georgia wool in a small
way has been sold at 28c, and Maine un
washed at 30c In pulled wools there have been
sales of superfine at 4045c f or choice! fair to
good superfine at S039c,and extra flue wool
continues firm.
New York. December 20. There was no
change in the drygoods market Agents are
more busy with the delivery and charging np
bf goods. Wools were quiet anu cotton goods
were firm with still an upward tendency; in
directions there has not been any advance.
Stocks of colored cottons are in improved
shanc and some of these with heavy sheetinzs
I and drill are more active for export.
Friday's General Produce Trade is
Below Expectations.
Sajrar Weak and Tending Lower Package
Coffee Still Firm.
Fbidat: December 20, 1889.
Country Produce Jobblnc Prices.
Everything in produce lines is quiet. Friday
Is looked forward to by commission men as the
best day of tbe week. This Friday has been
altogether disappointing to the trade. Dairy
products are slow, but prices are unchanged.
Eggs fail to come up to their usual market
standard. Hens are getting in their work far
In advance of their ordinary time by reason of
spring-like weather. The demand for fancy
apples and sweet potatoes is strong. Cranber
ries are very firm, at the recent advance. Poul
try supply is not up to demand. The Christ
mas turkey promises to be higher than it has
been for years. They Whose Christmas turkey
was contracted for weeks ago at a stipulated
price were wise. All poultry has advanced
since Thanksgiving.
Btjttbb Creamery, Elgin, 3032r; Ohio
do, 2S29c; fresh dairy packed, 2527c; coun
try rolls. 2425c
Beans Navy hand-picked beans. S2252 30;
medium. S2 102 2a
Beeswax 2830c J) & for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, SO 507 60; common.
S3 504 00; crab cider. S3 0068 60 fl barrel:
cider vinegar. 1012c t gallon.
CriESTinjTS So 00Q5 60 fl bushel; walnuts,
6070c V bushel.
Cheese Ohio. llllc: New York; HKc;
Limbnrger, 9llc; domestio Sweitzer, 11Q
13c; imported Sweitzer, 23c
EGGS 2627c t dozen for strictly fresh.
Knurrs Auples, fancy, ?- 503 00 fl barrel;
California pears, S3 504 00 a box; cranberries,
Sll 00Q12 OOfl barrel; Malaga grapes, large bar
rel. S8 00.
Game Squirrels, 75cSl f? dozen; quail, SI
W dozen; prairie chickens. S4 50o 00 f)
dozen; pheasants. SMJ0Q5 00 f) dozen: rabbits,
25c a pair; venison saddle, 1012o ft pound;
venison carcass. 79c V pound.
Feathees Extra live ceese, 5060c; No. 1,
do. 4045c; mixed lots. 3035c f) fi.
Poultry Live chickens, &U65c a pair;
dressed, S9c a pound; ducks, 6575c ?) pair;
geese, SI 251 SU fl pair: live turkeys, 10llcfl
tt: dressed turkeys. 13015c fl tt.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62As to bushel. $4 2069
4 4 (fl bushelrclovpr.large English,62Bs. S4 35
4 60; clover, Alsike, S8 00; clover, white. S9; timo
thy, choice. 45 &s, SI 60; blue grass, extra clean,
14 &S. SI 251 30; blue grass, fancy, 14 its, SI 30;
orchard cr&ss, 14 Bs, SI 40; red top. 14 As. SI 25;
millet, 50 Bs. SI 00; millet, 6070c fl bushel;
Hungarian grass, 50 Bs, 63c; lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, 83 00 fl bushel of 11
Taliow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4?
Tropicai. Fruits Lemons, common. f2 50
2 25; fancy, S4 005 00: Florida oranges. 1200
2 50; Jamaica oranges. S3 004 00 fl barrel;
bananas, SI 60 firsts, SI 00 good seconds
ft bunch; cocoanuts, t 004 60 fl hundred:
figs, 89cft ft; dates, fic ft ft; new layer
figs, 1215c: new dates. 7c fl ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, from store. 5560c:
on track, 4550c: cabbages, S7 008 00 a hun
dred; celery, 40c fl dozen; Jerseys, S4 004 2a;
turnips, SI 001 oO a barrel; onions, SI 75 a bar
rel. Buckwheat Flous 22c ft pound.
Sugar is very weak, and another drop is in
prospect. Coffee options are still tending up
ward, but packages fail to rise. Tbe movement
of general groceries is quiet, as it always is
prior to Januarsettlements. The disposition
to reduce stocks and begin tbe new year with a
minimum quantity of goods on hand has a
marked effect in curtailing trade in all jobbing
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2324c; choice
Bio. 2122c; prime Bio, 20c; low grade Kio,
1819c; old Government Java. 2723c; Mar
acaibo. 2324c; Mocha, 2829c; Santos.
2024c: Caracas, 2224c; oeaberry, Rio, 23r
21c; La Gnayra, 2324c
Boasted (in papers) Standard brands, 21c;
high grades. 2529c; old Government Java,
bulk, 3133c; Maracalbo. 2728c; Santos,
2423c; peabeny, 2Sc; choice Bio, 25c;
pilme Bio. 23c; good Bio, 22; ordinary, 21c
bPICES (whole) Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c: nutmec, 70680c
PETBOLEUit (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8c; headlight, 150. 8c; water
white, 10c: globe 1414c: elaine, llc; car
nadine, Uic; royaline, 14c; globe red oil, US
Miners' On No. 1 winter strained. 4647c
fl gallon; summer. 40043c Lard oil. 70c
STRUTS Corn syrup, 2830c; choice sugar
syrup, 3338c: prime sugar syrup, 3C33c;
strictly prime, 3335c: new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop, 4850c;
choice, 47c: medium, 3S43c; mixed, 4042c.
Soda Bl-carb iu kegs, S3c; bi-carb in s.
5c: bi-carb. assorted packages, 526c; sal
soda in kegs, la do granulated, 2c
Caudles Star, full weight, 8c; stearlne, fl
set, 8c; parafflne, ll12c
Bicl Head, Carolina, 67ca choice, 6
6c: prime, 56c: Louisiana, 5CVc.
starch Pearl, 2Jic; cornstarch, 5g(5c; gloss
starch, 4?i7c
Foreign Fruits Laver raisins, S2X5; Lon
don layers, S2 90; California London layers,
S2 75; Muscatels, $2 40; California Mnscatels,
S2 25; Valencia, 74c; Ondara Valencia, &8c;
sultana,9c; currants,55Jic: Turkey prunes.
45c: French prunes. 69c; Salonlca
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, fl 100,
$6 00; almonds, Lan., fl ft, 20c; do. Ivica, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap 1415c; Sicily
flluerts,I2c; Smyrna figs, 12e?13c; new, dates,
66c; Brezil nuts, 10c: pecans, U15c; cit
ron, fl ft, 1920c; lemon peel, 13c ft ft: orange
peel. 17c
Dbixd Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft 6c. ap
ples, evaporated, 9c: apricots, California, evap
orated. 1416c; peaches, evaporated, pared,
2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared, 1921c; cherries. pitred,hi14c; cher
ries unpitted, B6C; raspberries, evaporated,
2526c: blackberries, 7Sc: huckleberries,
Sugaes Cubes, 7c; powdered, 7c: granu
lated, fic; confectioners' A, 6c; standard A,
eac: soft white. 6V6
,c; yellow, choice. 6
6jc: yellow, good. 56c: yellow, fair, 5
oywi veiiow, aarK. o?fec
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), 55 50; medi
um, half bbls (600). S3 25.
Salt-No J, fl bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bbl, SI OS
dairy, fl bbl, SI SO; coarse crystal, ft bbl. $1 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S2 80; Higgles'
Eureka, 18-14 ft pockets. S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peach ex, $2 00
2 25; 2ds. SI 651 80; extra peaches. 52 402 CO;
pie peaches, 95c; finest com. SI 001 50; Hid Co.
corn, 753Uc; red cherries, 90cSl: Lima beans,
SI 20; soaked da 85c: string do. 6065c: mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked' pea, 70(c:
pineapples. SI 401 50; Bahama do, S2 75;
damson plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25;
egg plums, S3 00; California pears. S2 50: do
greengages, SI 5: do egg plums, SI 85; extra
white cherries, S2 40; raspberries, 95cSl 10;
strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, $1 30fjl 40:
tomatoes, 8590c; salmon, 1-BV SI 651 90;
blackberrie, 65c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
80c; do green., 2-ft, SI 2S1 Hh corn beef, 2-ft
cans, S2 05; 14-ft cans, Sll; baked beans, SI 45
1 50: lobster, 1-ft, $1 751 80; mackerel, 1ft
cans, broiled, SI 50: sardines, domestic, Js,
84 254 60; sardines, domestic. s,S6 75j 00;
sardines, imported, i'. Sll 50012 60, sardines.
Imported, s, S18; sardines, mustard. S3 30;
sardines, spiced, S3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S38 fl
bbL: extra No. 1 do. mess. $40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, mess,
S36: No. 2shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock. 4c fl ft; do medium, Georee's cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips. 6c: do
George's cod in blocks. 67c Herring
Bound shore, $4 60 fl bbl; spilt, S6 60; lake.
J2 75 100-ft half bbL White fish, S6 00 f) 100
ft half bbl. Lake trout, S3 50 ft half bbL Fin
nan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft
ft. Pickerel, bbl, S3 00; U bbL SI 10; Poto
mac herring, S5 00 fl bbL S2 50 ft bbL
OATMEAL 56 006 25 fl bbL
Grain, Floor and Feed.
There were no sales on call at the Grain Ex
change. Receipts as bulletined were 32 cars.
By Pittsburg, Ft Wayne and Chicago, 1 car
of feed.1 of -hay. 1 of barley, 1 of corn. 8 of
flour, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and
St Louis, 9 cars of corn, 2 of bran, 9 of oats, 7
of hay. By Baltimore and Ohio, ' cars of hay,
2 of oats. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of
flour, 2 of husks. The weak factor of cereal
markets la new corn. Receipts are light in
other lines and markets are steady. Flour Is
quiet, owing to heavy stocks In the hands of
jobbers, and until this is worked off, there can
be no npward movement.
Prices below are for carload lots on track.
Wheat New No. 2 red. 8485c: No. 3, 80S
Cobs No. 2 yellow, ear, 4243c; new, 3Cg37c;
high mixed, ear. 4041c; No. 2 yellow, shelled,
4242c; new, 35&'3flc; high mixed, shelled,
4141c; mixed, shelled, 4141c
uATS No. 2 white. S031c; extra. No. 3,
2&3ec: mixed. 2728c
lint No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6354c;
No. 1 Western, 51(52c . .
BARLEY Western, iseisoc; uanaaa oariey.
J00- .
'JKHrat-Jobbfcs prieee-Faacy wiater ad
i spring patents, to 005 50: winter straiM?l
S4 254 50? clear winter. S4 OOgl 25; straJefccI
ii-w-r r 1
x-x-xx. cakers , J was ia. aye Hour, sb ooj
473. H
Mtt.t.it.ed Sllddlines. fine white. $15 0913
16 00 ft ton: brown middlings SLi 0O14 Ootl
MHn.A Mt hran 11 eWrhi fh chnn fju9r3
tis snoia cm. .-
Hat Baled timothy. No. I. Sll 25811 60;
No. 2 do, S3 0010 00; loose from wagon, SIX 09
(312 00. according to quality: No. 2 prairie bay,
17 oasm 00: nackintr da S7 2507 60.
Stba-w Oats. So" 75Q7 CO; wheat and ryH
straw, S6 0060 Zo.
Sugar-ccred hams, large, 0Jc: sugar-cureA
bams, medium, lOJicr sugar-cured hams, small,
lljc: sugar-cured breakfast bacon. 8c; sugar
nrprl nhnniden SVfc: gucar-cured boneless
sUoulders-Tc: sugar-cored California hams, 6cl jj
sugar-cured ansa ueei uv, wj .uiimcu
dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders. 6c: bacon
clear sides, 7c; bacon clear bellies, 7c; dry
salt shoulders. ffXr.r arr salt clear Side?. 7c
Mess pork, heavy. Sll 50; mess pork, family,. A
MY IV! T n-rA vaMnat H -1 X7- half.. ?"
mM W- .uiu icuuwu. .u . .v-w. vsh
barrels, ojic; oo-ft tuns, owe; ;
ft tin cans, 6c; 3-ft tin paiK
tSUer. 10-ft tin nails. 6C
6c Smoked sausage, long. 5c: large, SeJ
Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hama,10v
Pigs feet, half barrel. S4 00; quarter barrel.
urrssea jueais. j 1
Tbe followlneprices are furnished by Armour -
A Co. on dressed meat": Beef carcasses,450to559 ,
fts. 6c; 550 to 650 fts, 6c; 6o0 to 750 &s. 66Kc.
Sheep. 8c ft ft. Lambs; 9c ft ft. Hogs,oc.
Fresh pork loins. 7c
The Fifth .Avenue Bank has had put In k '
Tiiw slx.tm hnrMar-nroof safe.
. ,.' . ..,,. . t i
jitter paying in regular uinaena too
Tradesmen's Bank wm have over 86,000 for its
surplus fund.
The contract for constructing the iron Pratt
truss bridge at Cumberland, Md., has been leS
to the Plttsourg .Bridge company.
THE Fidelity Title and Trust Company &
crowded with business. It has built up a sub
stantlal reputation in a very snort time.
Directors of the Dollar Savings Bank held
their annual election for officers yesterday
afternoon, and banqueted at the Duquesne last
There will be a meeting of real estate agents
next Tuesday at 10 A. jr. at the Chamber ot
Commerce rooms to take further action to se
cure a change of moving day.
The Reading road has captured tha entire
tonnage of the Coxe mine. This means an in
crease or at least 1.500,000 tons in the freight
traffic of the Reading road for the coming
The Love Manufacturing Company, ot
Rochester, which made an assignment recently
as a result of the Lawrence Bank failure, has
resumed operations under the charge of the as
signee, Mr, L C. Biggert. "
RoBiNSOir Bros, sold within two weeks $5,000
Equitable Mortgage Company debenture 6s at
par aud interest; $2,000 Little Rock, ArlL, water
bonds. 6s. at par and interest: $2,000 Pratt
county, Kan., school 6s at 105 and Interest, and-
tz,uuu registerea i-annanuie s at u&ft.
Ix the trade column of The Dispatch yes-"'
terday It was stated that a leading fire briclc
manufacturer of New Camberland, W. Va.,
turned out 3,000,000 of fire brick annually. Tha '
amount produced by this firm is 30,000,000, tha
mistake being made by tbe omission of a cipher.
With this immense capacity the New Cumber-
laud concern isnnable to meet demands and '
its product is sold far ahead. -'
'-Carter's Little Liver Pius.
:-Carter's Little Liver Pllli..
Carter's Little Liver Pills
SICK HEAfJACHECapter,I uttl9 ureirau
nol-7-TTSJttlrf' s
Special attractions now openra usefali
goods special y suited for the jt J
Holiday Trade.
' jfeS
Dealers are invited to inspect the stock
which is complete, and at prices which caaA
not fail to impress tbe buyer.
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. $125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
arvi Intense lteJilas
and tlsslnss moct ftl
fBi worse dj
tcratcfclxc. If l
Iowed te eoatlan
bnmlf Tei-r (ore. SWAYnTS OUT.
MtJiT mm the Itehlnc and bleedhv, heal
ulceration, nnd in most eases remores the tmm
mors. 3wATssOnmfxvTljodb7dniggUU,or8iaUlit
sar EttlreM on receipt of prlce.'SOetivS box; 3boxet,SU&,
Addrtn Icuen, DE. SWATHE SOS. FaOalalpUa, Tt.
A purely Vegetabla.
Compound that expels
all bad hnmors from tha
system. Removes blotch-l ,
ca ouu jiiuyies, aot4 j
uiaj&es jjiue. iicuuiwu
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured, f -
!in.l Jl
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago-
45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg.
7cpeenbt20-TEAR GOLD BONDS'
We Offer ai Par and Intersil $300,000
Bear Lake and River Watig
. Works and Irrigation Co.
Bonds, Due in 1909, Interest Payable April Is
and October I. &
These bonds are a portion ot a total off
$2,000,000, and are Issued to complete that
construction ox lzumiiesoi canjusuiTortiuginai .
water of Bear Lake and Bear river into that
Great Salt Lake valley, utan, ior tmgatras;
9.V1 flCO orres of land, and to snnDlv tbe citv ot
Ogden and other towns with waterfor domestjoj
ana manuiaciunng purposes. , ai
Thv are secured by a first mortgage on allfc
tbe property, canals, franchises and water rights!
belonging to the Irrigation Company, inclcdinaHj
many thonsand acres of fertile land In Salt Lakal
valley. The right is reserved to aavance thsj
price without, notice. For full information
auuress or inquire at tne omcro oi uio
Va fM DnuitlM. VawVanbl "W R10 Tt7s1n.'nl
w.mw utVAunaji mn vana ad uy MUJ
r street, Philadelphia; No.ee state street. Boston,'!
mass, ana no.il uustomnouse street, rrovi-J
aence, . j, or
- " IK) Fifth avenue, no"-rsj
Blood Piirifier.