Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 20, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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tie Senate Attempts jl Task Admit
tedly EatUer Long Deferred.
I'Bnt One Which the Senate is Apparently
Disposed to Sit Down Upon.
Eual Officers Xot to be Compelled to Bay Bisk-Priced
A discussion irai entered into by the Sen
ate Yesterday on the subject of reform of the
lobby. A circular from Passed Assistant
Paymaster Cowie, seat to naval officers,
brought in by Mr. Chandler, started the fna
ttnd the dignified Senate enjoyed it for quite
' a while.
"Washihgtoit, December 19. In the
Senate to-day, Mr. Chandler called np the
resolution offered by him some days since, in
regard to organizations among naval officers
to influence Congressional legislation, and
made a statement on the subject. He de
sired, it possible, to protect naval officers
irqm being levied upon and induced or com
pelled to pay money (which they could
poorly spare) for the purpose oFInfluencing
legislation. He said that a year or two ago
Thomas J. Cowie, a passed assistant pay
master in the navy, prepared a
bill for the increase of the
rank and pay of officers of the
navy. It was a very comprehensive bill.
It increased the rant: and pay of all the
officers of the navy. It contained no fea
ture ot economy whatever. There was no
reduction anywhere. It was an increase all
along the line. That bill had not been in
troduced in either House, but it had been
flitting aronnd privately in print In con
nection with that bill, there had been a
movement organized to secure money from
naval officers. That movement had taken
the shape of certain printed circulars.
One of those circulars Mr. Chandler seat
to the clerk's desk and had read. It was
from Mr. Cowie, and was dated December 2,
1SS9. It stated that Mr. John H. Thomas, o
Illinois, had been engaged as attorney to take
charge or and advocate the passing of a bill
framed by him tor the reorganization and
equalization of the pay of the personnel of the
navy; alid it expressed the hope that all the
officers would respond promptly to Mz. Thomas'
In connection with this circular one from Mr.
Thomas himself was sent to the Clerk's desk
and read. It is also dated December 2, 1SS9,
and states that he has been requested to act in
the matter; that expenses must necessarily be
Incurred, and the time and labor must be de
voted to the wort; and that his (Mr. Thomas')
acceptance of the proposition depended upon
his sending a retaining fee of $5 and signing a
contract (of which a, form was sent) to pay a
contingent lee ot iv per cent on me increase oi
the pay for one year.
Mr. Chandler added that there were 1,500
naval officers; and that this attempt to get
them into the movement had taken an ex
tremely offensive shape. He submitted to the
Senate that it was an extremely objectionable
and discreditable attempt to influence legisla
tion. He did not believe that Each a contract,
even If entered into, would be legally binding:
but at any rate, it was a contract which would
absolutely paralrze the Committees of Con
gress who would have the bill under considera
Mr. Hale supported the resolution. It was, he
Said, a matter of deep regret and of some-mortification
to know that public legislatipn, and
outside efforts in the direction of accomplishing
it, were being hawked about by attorneys in
"Washington. There were a great many men
living In Washington (and bring pretty well!
whoss scource of income was derived from
their supposed influence on legislation, and who
(as the senator from Kansas, Mr. Ingalls, sng
, jested, in an aside) "toil not, neither do they
spin,' because it was a. fact that Senators and
ItepreseotattTes bad such men before them in
their committee rooms. The imposition was
not so much on the Senate and House as on the
persons Interested in the matter. He hoped
that the resolution would be agreed to, and
promised that when the Information was re
ceived, the Ifaval Committee would give the
matter a thorough investigation. .
Mr. HcPherson defended the action of Pay
master Cowie, and said that if that officer bad
discovered a method by which the pay of of
ficers of the nary could be equalized to the sat
isfaction of all the naval officers he should be
regarded as a public benefactor. He aid not
know any particular reason why the matter
should bave been brought before tne Senate
and ventilated. Mr. Cowie had done nothing
more nor less than what hundreds of naval and
aimy officers had been doing for the last 10 or
15 years.
Mr. Butler said that while he had suggested
the other day that the resolution should be re
ferred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, he
had no objection to its being adopted, nor to
the fullest investigation of the whole subject.
He was glad to see the effort of the Senator
from New Hampshire, and of the otner Sena
tors, to reform the lobby; and he only regretted
that such a course bad not been selected 10 or
IS years ago. The country, he thought, would
' bave been a. little better off if it bad been.
The spirit of reform was abroad in the
land political reform, educational reform,
temperance reform; and now there was to be
lobby reform. He supposed that it was better
late than never, but it appeared to him to be a
tempest in a teapot. An officer of the navy,
because be chose (in the exercise of bis right
as a citizen of the United States) to employ
counsel to represent him before Congress, was
denounced as if be had done it very improper
thing; and the attorney, because ho chose to
make a contract with naval officers, was held
np to the country as violating some code of
propriety and rectitude. He thought tbat the
whole performance was unnecessary, and be
-wished that the effort to drive away lobbyists
would be appbed in other directions, as well as
to officers of the army and navy, whose mouths
'Were closed.
Mr. Butler wonld be the last man to do or to
say anything that would, in the least degree,
impair the efficiency of the navy or of the
army, or that would encourage combinations of
officers; but be codld see no reason why officers
should not employ counsel whenever they
pleased and pay counsel whatever they pleased.
Mr. Coekrell expressed his astonishment at
, bearing the Senator from South Carolina say
that officers of the army and navy bad their
mouths closed and could not approach Con.
Cress. Congress was lust as open to them as to
any citizen of the United States. Any officer
might send to the Senate or Honse bis petition
through the proper channel. The question was
whether officers bad a right to go into a com
bination, paying a fixed fee in advance, and
agreeing to par a contingent fee.
jkr. Butler Why should not officers do it as
well as any other body of citizens?
'Mr. Coekrell I am satisfied with the Sena
tor's Indorsement of this mode to secure legis
lation. Mr. ButierT repeat my question; why should
not officers do it as well as other citizens'
.Mr. Coekrell The public win answer that
ouestion. 1 do not propose to go into an argu
ment upon it before this body. It answers
itself. I hold in my band a similar circular.
Issued a short time ago, in reference to another
bill to increase the salary of officers; in which
it is stated that the fee is 300 as a retainer,
with a contingent fee of $5,000. and in which
the assessment is spoken of as 142 for one class
and 100 foranother class, tu pay the retaining
tee. Such things, ho declared, were disgrace
to tne army ana navy.
ilr. Butler If the Senator from Missouri
were not so very much excited
"Mr. Coekrell (impetuously)-: The Senator
Xrom Missouri is never excited. Laughter in
the press gallery.
.Mr. Butler I would like to ask the Senator
why be talks of this as an assessment. I sup
posed that there was some sort of compulsion
about assessments.
' v"-ilmself uses in his confidential circular.
jttr. turner ou promised not to get ex
cited. Mr, Coekrell lam perfectly cooL Laughter.
.After further discussion bySenators Butler,
Coekrell and Call, the resolution was agreed to.
The Senate then went into Executlro ses
sion. After the doors were reopened messages
were received from the Home announcing the
deaths during the recess) of Beprcsentatives
iAird.ofNebrsskajTownsend.of Illinois, and
Cook, OT New York. Resolutions expressive of
the regret of theenate were offered by Sen
ators Manderson. Collom and Erarta, and were
agreed to, and, as a further mark of respect to
the deceased, the Senate adjourned.
BrchaxTs Fills cre sick headache.
Psass' Soap, the rot and best ever
The iaeresiBt: fisymMy f aeeidenta by
fire and rail, steaa astd. Meii has stimulated
the business or accident insurance to a
marked degree One reslt of the extraor
dinary losses within tUs yew 4t disasters
has been to point the way to ew and better
plans of iwsring agaiast aeeidests on the
mutual plan. The People's Kstnal Acci
dent Insurance A swiriation of Pittsburg,
Pa., takes the lead ia a. new cekeme which
offers great advantages to those who become
member of the associatiao. The plan is
to dispense with the castary membership
fee (followed quickly by.aJB issessaienf),
and substituting thenfer as advance of f4
at time of making appJioatjpB-, sad $4 quar
terly in advance- thereafter; It is believed
that this arrangement will give bistter satis
faction to the insured, saving the tinuoyance
of frequent calls, and eaaWing the associa
tion to provide for a reserve faaeT for emer
gencies. The office of the People's 4s 91 and
93 Firm avenue, Pittshnrgrasil parties de
siring accident iasBTsnce will da well; to call
or write for appEeatioa fora.
Open for the Hofldaya Only.
Xou will wonder at our fine display.
Goods are gouts ranidly, and we would ad
vise you to call early. "Special djscaumts on
large pieces.
Store open till 9p.at. until Chrnfenxs.
Wll. Haslage & S025,
Select Family Grocsrsj
18 Diamond Square, PittsbtErg.
1853 Ttlrty-SI Years 1S89
In the jewelry business, the reputation for
fair dealing and low prices has long- been
established. Oar prices as diamonds and
watches are positively lower than, any other
honse in the city. "Wc guarantee, yon a
saving of 20 per cent on parlor clocks and
bronzes, this is no idle beast; oar stock of
rings is very large and completer all the
latest novelties In. silverware; itnndoubbed
lv will pay you to visit Hauch's Jewelrj"
Store, 295 Fifth ave-, near Washington si.
Btr. McGlnty" Wife
"Whatever may hare, been. Mr. McGlntwa
misfortunes while attempting; to win bis
famous five dollar bet, he was happy and
contented with his home life. His wife be
ing a sensible woman, used Marvin's Self
Rising PIout. and every morning Mcfiinty
reveled in the most delicious buckwheat
cakes made from it. Marvin's Self-Rising
Pancake and Buckwheat Flours are for sale
by all grocers. - D
Special Design.
A larger line of specialties; than ia offered
by any other house ia the city.
Cbtjmbihe, Baite & Bassett,
416 "Wood st.
A FtTLi, line of rye and bourbon whiskies,
foreign and domestic wines, gins and bran
dies, and all articles embraced is the whole
sale liquor trade, will always be found at
the warerooms of T; D. Casey & Co., S71
Liberty st Visitors to the city during the
holidays -will find it to their satisfaction to
call and examine the stock. PS
But Bare a SI 5ft Umbrella.
Having run out'of thatquality we reduced
all our gold handled umbrellas (26-inch)
from $2, $2 60 and $3 to that price and
$1 0 stylish handles, all new and choice
goods reduced to 1 50 from 52, $2 60 and $3;
Jos. Hobse & Co.'s
Perm Avenue Stores.
S.S. Stewart's Banjo,'
Fairbanks & Cole banjos, "Washburn
guitars, mandolins and zithers, fine Ameri
can guitars at 19, cornets, violins, ausic
rolls and Xmas music books at H. Either
& Bro.'s, 2Jo. 605 "Wood street.
Fob the purest, oldest, and most reliable
liquors during the holidays secure Max
Klein's catalogue, and whether it be brandy,
rum, gin, whisky, wine or cordials, you can,
select the finest in the two cities. HOT
Gent's Ties, Gent's Gloves.
ladies' ties, ladies' gloves, umbrella,
umbrellas for holiday presents.
ttvawt.ti & Shusteb, 35 Fifth are.
For Christmas Mo'nlne,
Beaver muffs and collars.
C. A Smiley & Co.
Ale and porter are the correct drinks for
December, January and February. Frauen
heim & Tilsack's brews are the favorites
-with connoisseurs.
For Christmas Mornlss,
Ladies' seal satchels. C. A Smiley & Co.
Machdje and hand-made dresses, robes,
slips and skirts for infants; beautiful things
for inlants in the Children's Department.
Jos. Hokne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Fob a reliable, pure grade of beer, D.
Iiuti 8s Sons brew surpasses any in the mar
ket. Office, corner Spring Gardes ave. and
Chestnut st, Allegheny. air
For Christmas Morulas,
Gentlemen's hats.
a A. Smiley & Co.
Shawls and jerseys for holiday pres
mwfsu 35 Fifth ave.
Iwtakts' Bobes.
Infants' Slips.
Infants' Skirts.
Infants embroidered flannel Skirts,
Shawls and "Wrappers.
Penn Avenue Stores.
Young folks who intend to start house
keeping will consult their interest by buy
ing their outfit in furniture si M. Seibert &
Co. 'a, Allegheny.
Holiday silk and linen initial handker
chiefs. James H. Aiken & Co.,
' ' 100 Fifth ave.
For CbrUtnas Horsing.
Iiadies'fine umbrellas.
C. A Ehjxey & Co.
Dress Goods Bargains.
Dress patterns, dress patterns for holiday
presents. Enable & Shusteb,
mwpsu 35 Filth ave.
Handkerchief Stock Foil Up To-Day.
See the bargains from Belfast direct
bought bv our own buyer best values ever
seen in Pittsburg.
Penn Avenue Stores.
For Christmas Horning-.
Ladies Persian, monkey, seal, astrakhan,
beaver and lynx shoulder capes.
C. A Bmilet & Co.
Msflers, Mufflers.
Our prices will please you.
Knable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave.
For Christmas Moraine.
Don't get lfit but go now to 0. A.
Smiley & Co., 28 Filth ayenue, and make
selection from their fine assortment of use
ful presents.
Gent's gloves, suspenders and hosiery for
Xmas. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Pens Avenue Stores.
Holiday silk handkerchiefs and mufflers
at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave.
Heal Lnce Collars,
'Were $3, (4 and $5, to be sold at $1 each.
Knable & Shusteb, 35 Fifth ave.
Xwv vanHfBMI invrMCpi
Ladles' i tusArellas.
----- , C.A.Ssfixwre'cCe.
gfcgp'to li WWUt l-'T1
The North Dakota Legislature has passed
the prohibition bill after a big fight.
The Missouri Pacific directors yesterday
declared the regular quarterly dividend of 1
per cent, payable January 15.
The body of Mrs. Ellen Hennessy, a woman
of 60, was found in Boston yesterday. She is
supposed to have fallen oft the roof while intox
icated The Distillers' and. Cattle Feeders' Trust
has declared its usual monthly dividend of
of 1 per cent, payable January 21 to certificate
holders of record December 21.
Yesterday's bond offerings were as follows:
Recristered it. S7&000 at 127: couDon 4s. SLSUO at
127; registered 4it, H,W0; conpon 4, 81,00t 1
n7. aii tne oners were accepteo.
At tne meeting of the Unfon Pacific direc
tors vesterday at Boston the Union Faciflc-Ft-"Worth
deal was considered and referred to a
committee to be put In shape and executed.
The American bark John M. Clerk, Cap
tain Pendleton. fromBydney, N. S. W August
22, for Shanghai, foundered at sea. Her crew
were rescued by the Charles Gaiisen and taken
to Hong Kong.
Oliver Baker, a heavy St. Eaut carpet
dealer, has made an assignment. Tils assets,
principally tied up in red estate, are $50,000.
His liabilities are probably not halt that
amount. Mr. Baker attributes his failure to the
dull season and great competition.
Judges Hanen, Day and Smith, comprising
the special commission appointed by Parlia
ment to investigate the charges made by the
Times against Parnellite members of the Honse
of Commons, bave finished their report, but it
will not be published until Parliament meets.
Timothy J. Coe, one of the best Known hotel
proprietors in New York City, shot and killed
himself yesterday morning at the house of his
daughter. Mrs. John A. Murphy, in New Yorfe.
The act was the result of temporary insanity,
induced by illness and a protracted period of
A French and Belgian syndicate is about to
build a railroad from a point on the lower
Congo river to the French Congo possessions,
with the object ot working the copper district
ot Katanga. The engineer who -wHI have
charge of the construction of the toad will
shortly start for Africa.
The Indianapolis wheel works were com
pletely destroyed bv fire yesterday morning, en
tailing a loss of 31150,000. The warerpoms were
crowded with finished work ready to be
shipped. The planing machines, saws, et&.'were
completely ruined, and there will be no salvage
whatever. Insurance on building, SS6.000.
John Cameron, of Plainneld, N. J., one of
the contractors engaged in building the Kin
derhook and Hudson Railroad, was arrested
at Hudson, If. Y., Thursday nigbt, charged
withgrand larceny. The charge was made by
the Kinderhook and Hudson Railroad Com
pany. The amount of the alleged e teal is 9,957,
and other persons are said to be implicated.
At Owensboro, Ky "Doc" Jones, a negro
barber, while very orunk, entered the shop
of John Westerfleld. white, and shot him dead.
He was arrested and placed in jail. A mob of
25 men appeared and battered in the doors of
the jail. The Sheriff resisted, but after a while
4Vn I. MY fi .i4bj1 fir.. I.K Ir.M T.n.a u.
Bound in a drunken stupor in a cell, but was
quickly hustled out into the court house yard
and hanged to a tree.
The English Admiralty, as an act of pre
caution in view of a possible straining of the
relations between England and Portugal re-
gardlng their possessions in Africa, has made
arrangements to transier tne depots and hos
pital stores for the Mediterraneaa-and channel
squadrons from Lisbon. Orders were recently
issued for the war ship Agamemnon, now at
Zanzibar, to rejoin the Mediterranean squadron.
These orders bave kince been countermanded
and she will remain at Zanzibar.
To Dispel Colds.
Headaches and fevers, to cleanse the system
effectually, yet gently, when costive or billons,
or wnen tne dioou. u impure or siuggisn, to per
roanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken
the kidneys and liver to a healthy actirity,
without irritating or weakening them, use
Syrup of Fjgs.
For Christmas Morning.
Ladies' seal satchels. C. A. Smiley & Co.
One of those hand-painted porcelain
panels makes an elegant Christmas present.
Habbison's Tot Siobb,
TOP 123 Federal st, Allegheny.
KEMedy; PAlhl
For Stablemen and Stockrfleii.
Cite, SwIHftfs, Bruises, Sprains, Galls, Strains,
Lameness, sfiffness, Cracked Heels, Scratches,
Contractions, Flesh Wounds, Strlnohalt. Sore
Throat, Distemper, Colic, Whitlow, Pell Evil,
Fistula, Tumors, Splints, Klngeones and Spavin
la thtlr early Stages. Directions wttheachbottle.
AtDeuqqikts and Deaxebs.
OPEBA GliA-SfeliS.
The larcest and finest assortment In the city,
sold at low prices.
Gold spectacles, 5 and upward. 85 Gold Eye
Glasses with chain attached.
Field Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Ba
rometers, Thermometers, eto, etc Call and
i. DIAMOND, Optician,
F. S. A beautiful present given to every
purchaser. no207.Mwrsu
J"W " -
I f thWISBssssf
ssssSSSiiiB sELnflsV
ji li ti Ti sir
turn on a large lot of Cloth, we've a great
quantity of Suits that we can afford to sell at
$15. You may depend on unusual good
Wanamaker & Brown,.
P.S. Store open this evening and'every
evening until Christmas Eve.
ftr Weak Slomadi Impaired
mm MMMmSEm
JB. F. AIiLEN&CO;, Sole Agekt$
Who (if your druggist does not keep them) will mail Beecham's
mw asttm
Choking Catarrh.
Have you awakened from a disturbsd slep
with all the horrible sensations of an assassin
.clutching .your throat and pressloc the life
breath from your tightened chestr Have you
noticed the languor and debility that succeed
tb effort to clqar your throat and head of this
catarrhal matter? "What a depressing influ
ence it exerts upon the mind, clomfingthe
memory and filling the head with pains and
strange noises! How difficult It is to rid the
nasal passages, throat and lungs of this poison
ous mucus all can testify who are afflicted with
catarrh. How difficult to protect the system
against its further progress toward the Inngs,
ltrer and kidneys, all physicians will admit. It
is a terrible disease, and cries out for relief and
The remarkable curative powers, when alt
other remedies utterly fail, of Sanfoed's
Radical Cube, are attested by thousands who
gratefully recommend it to fellow-sufferers.
No statement is made regarding it that cannot
be substantiated by the most respectable and
reliable references.
Each package contains one bottle of the
Radical Cube, one box of catarrhal Sol
vent, and an Improved Inhales, with
treatise and directions, and Is sold by all drugi
guts for .
potteb. dbuo & chemical cobpobatton,
Relieved in one minute by that
new elegant, instantaneous and in.
fallible Antidote to Fain, Inuamma-
Mikks"" tion and weakness, tne uutioura
Anli.Pain Plsster. The first and only pain-
subduing plaster. The most efficacious, the
most agreeable, and the most speedy of all ex
ternal agents lor the relief of pain and weak,
ness. At all druggists. 25 centsfive for SI; or.
postage free, of Pottkb Dbuo & Chemical
L'obpobation, Boston, Mass. delS-MP
For seven years did Mr. John V. Hart
man, of 1214 Main street, Sharpsburg, suffer
from catarrh, which gradually grew worse,
until he became afraid ne was on the verge of
consumption. He had a constant hawking
and spittiusr, and some of the poisonous
matter thatgathered in his throat extended
to his lungs. A cough set in. He felt sore
ness and pain in hislungs and around bis
shoulder blades. His throat became sore
and ulcerated, breath short, his eyes were
weak and had much pain over iliem. He
lost flesh, had those terrible night sweats,
and gradually grew weaker. After becoming
cured by the physicians of tho Catarrh and
Dyspepsia Institute, 323 Penn avenue, he gives
the following statement:
Air. Jolxri. "V. Hartman,
"Yes, I was alraid of consumption, and my
case was even worse than has been described,
I now weigh more than ever before, feel well
and strong, and It gives me pleasure to add my
The Catarrh andDvsneDSia Institute Is tier.
manently located at S23 Penn ave. They cure
Catarrh, Dyspepsia and Diseases of Women.
Consultation free jo all. Patients treated suc
cessfully at home ny correspondence. Office
hours, 10 A. M. to if. x., and 6 to 8 P. M. Sun
days, 12 to 4 T. M. del-MWrsa
Gold Spectacles. Gold EyeclasseSr Opera
Glasses, Field and Tourists' Glasses, Magic
Lanterns, Barometers, Thermometers, Draw
ing Sets, Microscopes, Grapnoseopes, Pho
tographic Cameras, etc.
No. 50 Fifth Avenue,
Telephone No. 1688. , de8-100
Breakfast Cocoa
It absolute!-
re and
it is so
No Chemicals
an ued In It preparation. It hu
worf Qum Otm lft fiU itrmga of
Coebs mixed lntti Starch, Arrowroot
ox Sugar, and ii therefor far mon
economical, CMtfn; ttu Un one eat
a cup. It il delldoni, ncnrUMng,
strengthening, EKn,T IHaxBTS),
and admirably adapted for InraUdi
a veil as for persons In health.
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
W.BAKEE & CO., Dor caster, Xass.
The Stylish Suits
for Young Men at
$15. By a quick
Digestion DImM Lfw.
SJssBsisi EBJSJnjr
fly f i IftVvM
At f3. , 56, 56.
Ifyott prefer a fine J"nr Cap wo can give
a choice of genuine Alaska Seals at 5, 6,
18, f 10.
Gloves and Gauntlets in Seal, Otter and
Beaver at $4 (5, $6, 58, 510.
Oregon Seal Caps at 48c, 87c, 98e, fl 20,
A snperb line of Gents' Fine Furnishings.
Gold and Silver Head Umbrellas a Specialty.
The Hatter and Furnisher,
42Land 423 Smithfleld St
Artistic, for those who love the beatftifnl
and at prices that will please yon.
The Handsomest
in the city,
- -AKD-
at prices that trill induce yoa Jto buy at
once. "yei invite all to visit our Sales
rooms, ,
Opposite St. Charles, and
102 and 104 THERDAYE.,
and see our Stock.
I- a J). LEVIS, olloitor of Patents,
$11 Fifth avenue, alove Smithfleld. next Leader
office. (No delay.) .Established 20 years.
.Kir nlH
Bfr ills
Tbonsands of Linen Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes or all ages.
Silt and Linen Handkerchiefs, Initial, in fancy boxes, largest assortment for Ladie
and Gents. ,
Bich Silk Mufflers for Ladies and Oents, an abundant snpply.
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Eid Gloves, lined and unlined.
Ladles' Collars, Caffs and Neckwear, a lovely display. v
Ladies', Hisses' and Children's Fan, an elegantly complete selection.
Bich Silks, Satins, Flushes and'Cress Goods, almost an endless variety. ,cv,
Best Hakes of Umbrellas, inGold, Silver, Oxidized, Ivory and Natural Motints.
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks, "Wraps, etc., a most wonderful collection.
Very Handsome Double Damask Table Sets, all sizes and qualities.
Exceeding Bich Table Covers, in raw silk, tapestry, chenille, etc
Gentlemen's Stylish Neckwear and Furnishing Goods of every description.
Bich hand-painted and Embroidered Silk Tidies, Scrim and Lace Tidies, etc
Very Elegant, Bich, Satin Trimmed Lace Toilet Sets and Dresser Scarfs.
Eiderdown Quilts and Pillows, a very choice selection.
Stores Open Until 9P.M. from Thursday, lOtn, till Xmas.
151 and 153 FEDERAL
If you haven't bought your Chrjstmas Gifts yet, do so at
once by taking' advantage of
Odd pieces of Furniture, Rugs, Mats, Curtains and Portieres,
Chinaware, Silverware, Cutlery, Clocks, Bronzes, Pedestals,
Pictures, Clothing, Cloaks, Drygoods, Blankets, Etc., Etc.
i r i -
A-.s'ff. ;
Oaelb-; acn-d. 0:r?ecX-b Soixse.,
92Santl'92S Fenn avmc, near Ninth street.
fisFSOLsVL: Store ojmm. yry tiU (3 o' wl
nkuiAT tsttKaa
XT after NoTemtxr ts, 1988. bates lecvre Uatm
Station, Flttstarg-, M foHows, Xastern awassHl
Sew York sad Chicago Limited of I'olliaan Tw-
Atlantic Express-daily for the jfett, 3:30 s. m.
Mall train, daily; except BoadaT, S:30a.a. ttaa
flay, mail, a:wa. m
1st, mall, 8:49 a. in.
Day escpreM dallr at 8KW a,
Mall eKpress J1It at 18 1
BKoress aaur at law p. jn.
PhUadelphla express dally at 4.30 p. m.
jsasiera express uhit 4 ; p. m.
run Use daily at 81I0 p. si.
reB6ure express 6:10 p. a. week days,
Derry express 11 :99 a. m. week days.
jLUtarourttraiB connect at Jersey City irlta
boats of "jTrooklTn Annex" for Brooklyn. S.Y.,
aroldlne doable ferriage and Journey thronjh H.
Traltia arrlTe'at Union Station as follows:
St. Lonls, Cliicago and Clnclanatl Express.
dally.. - , 2:00a m.
Hail Train, dally 8:10 p. in.
Western Express, dally. 7;43a.Bi.
Paelflc Express, dally 15:p. m.
Cblcaco Limited Express, dally. 9:30 p.m.
rastlJne, dally....... ....ll:56p. m.
JTor Unlontown, 5a0 and 8:JJ a. m. and AM p.
m,. -without change of cars; l!:50p. m., connect
ing at tireenthnrf. Trains srrlre from Unloa
townat9:4.iam., i::zo, 5:Sand8:10p. n.
lTrom JTEUEUAIj 8T, STATION, AUexheny Qty.
Mall train, connectlDir forBlalrsTllle... 8:45 a. m.
Exprosa, for BlalrsTllle, connecting for
Butler 3:15 p. m.
Hntler Acrnm 8:33 a.m.. 2:i5and Irn. m
8prlngdaleAccom9:00,U:50 a.m. 3:30 and 6:20 p. in
Freeport Accom.. 4:15, 8:20 and 11:40 p. m
On Hnndar.
12:36 and G:30n.m.
Korth Apollo Accom
.11:00 a. m. and S.0Op. m.
Allczhenr Junction Accommodation... 8.20 a. m
Blalrsvllfe Accommodation llrtiop. tn.
Express, connecting from Butler 10;3S a. in.
Mail Train 1:45p.m.
Butler Accom SilOa. m., 4:10 snd7:Z5 p.m.
BlalrsTllle Accommodation 8:52 p. m,
Irreeport Accpm.7:40 a. m.. 1 :15,7:26 and 11:10 p. ra.
OnBunday. 10:10a. m. and7:oop. m.
Sprlnxdalo Accom.:37, ll:8a. m., 3:45, SMS p.m.
Korth Apollo Accom. 8:40 a. m. and 5:) p.m.
Trains leave Union station, rittaburg, as fol
lows: s.
Tor Monongahela City, West Brownsville and
TJmontown, lU:40a.m. Jfor Monongahcla city and
West Brownsville. 7:05 and 10:43 a.m. and4:)Pp.
m. Oa Sunday lrt)l p.m. For Monongabela City,
8:M p. m., week days.
JJnvosbnrr Ac, week days, too p. m.
West Elizabeth Accojimodatlon, 8:30 a, m JSO,
6:20 and 11 :35 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p.m.
Ticket offices Corner fourth, avenue and Try
street and Union station.
tieneral Manager. Genu fass'r Agent.
From PilUbsrg Union Stsllon.
llfBnnsylvatiig Lines.
MS Trains Run by Csatral Time.
Leaye for Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 1 :15 a. m..
d 7:30 a. m., d 9:00 and d 11:18 p. m. Dennlson, 2:46
p. m. Chicago, d 1:18 a. m. and n:05 p. m.
Wheeling, 7:30 a. m., 12:05, 8:10 p.m. Steuhen
Tille, 55 a. m. Washlnirton, 8:55, 8:35 a. m., 1:55,
3:30, 4:45, 4:55 p. m. Bnlfrer, 10:10 a. m. Bnrgetts
town, S 11:35 a. m., &3S p, m. Mantfleld, Jili,
Sa 11.00 a.m.. 1.05, 6J0, d8J5,:50p.m. Mc
Donalds, d 4 15, d 10:45 p. m.
Tbains arrive from the West, d 2:10, d 8-00 a.
m., 3.-05, d 5:55 p. m. Uennison, 8:30 a. m. tjtea
beiville, 5:05 p.m. WbeellnK, 5:10, 8:45 a. m
tOi, 5:55 p. m. Bnrgettttown, 7:15 a. m., 8 9M
a. m. Washington. 8:56, 7:3X 8:40, 105 a. m.,
2:35, tdv. m. ManiOeld, 5:35, 8:30, 11:40 a. m.,
11:45, l:5o. 8:40 and 8 8.20 p. m. Bulger, 1:40 p. m.
McDonalds, d 8:35 a. m., d9KX)p. m.
Leave for Chicago, d 1:J a. m., d 12:2 , d lrtJO, d
8:45, except Saturday 11:20 p.m.: Toledo. 7:25 a.
m., d U:20, d 1:00, and except Saturday 11:20 p.m.:
Crestllne.8'45 a.m., Oeveland. 4:10 a m. :12:45 d 11:05
p. m.. and 7:25 a. m., via F., Ft. W. AC'.Ry. : New
Castle and Yonngstown, 7:06 a. m.. 12:20, 3:15 p.
m.tYonngstown and .Nllei. dl220 p. m.:ilead
vllle, Erie and Ashtabula, 7:05 a. m.. 12S) p. m.;
Miles and Jamestown, 8:43 p. m.; Masslllon, 4:10
J. nu; Wheeling and Bellaire, 6:10 a. m.. 12:46,
JO p.m.: Beaver Falls, 4:00. 5.-05 p. m.; Beaver
ralU S 8:20 a. m.; Leetsdale, 5:30 a. m.
Dxpast from allxguxnt Kocbcster. 6 JO a.
m. i Beaver Falls, 8:15, U:0O a. m.; Kaon, 3:00 p.
m.; Leetsda 6-00, 9:00, 10M, ll:45a. m.: 1:15, laa.
4:30, 4:46. 5:30, 6:15. 7:30, 8:00 p. m.: Conway, 10:30
p.m.; Fair Oaks 8 11:40 a.m.: Beaver Falls, a
4:30 p. m. ; Leetsdale. H 9:30 p. m.
11LUJIS akbivx Union sunon from CbIcseo,ex.
cept Monday. 1:50, d 6:00, d:J5 a.m., d5;55and
d 8:50 p.m. : Toledo, except Monday, 1:50, dSJ5a.
m., 5:53 and 6:50 p. m.; Crestline, 2:10 p. m.;
Yonngstown and New Castle, 9:10 a.m.. 1:2s, 8:50,
10:15 p.m.; Mies and Youngstown, a 6:50 p.m.;
Cleveland, d6:50 a. in., 2.-2S, 7'00p. m.; Wlieellng
and Bellaire, 9:00 a. m., 2:25, 7:00 p. m.; Erie and
Ashtabula, 1:25, 10:15 p. m,: Masullon, 10:00 a.m.:
Nllea and Jamestown, 8:10 a. m. : Beaver Vails,
7:30 a. m., 1:10 p. m.; Bearer Ealla, S 85 p. m.;
Leetsdale, 10:40 p. m.
ABR1VE ALLXOUXMY, from' Enon, 8.00 a. m.s
t;onwayo.4ua.in;uocneaier,s.oa.m.:iieaver Fails,
,iua. m.,a.i p. m.
p. m.: Leetsdale. 4.30. S.JO. 6. Li.
8.50, 7.45 a. m. 12.00, 1145, 1.45, 3. SO, 4.30. 8.38, 9.00
fair uaxs. o c.oo n.m. jseaver ssiu. a
12.30 p. m.: Leetsdale. S 8.05 p. .: Beaver JTalls.
S 8.15 p. m.
d. dally; S, Sunday only; other trains, except
u oevenia avenue.
Telephone 1344.
; delS-MWr
ssbsP J dtmr 1 1 m 1 il'! 1 l WOsTV IA Jjp""-
ISC S&Mu!lliUX
That's what we think in regard to the sale of our (swegtK
cudtii. vniibLiiicib uiiuubL
down with over 10,000 Overcoats more than twice the!
number we've ever had under our roof at this late .stales
of the season. It's appalling simply, appalling !iteBut
who s ever seen such an
proverDiai "omest mnaDiiant iaus to nna a paraiiei.i3urM
Yny corapiiunr
l "What's gone, and what's past help,
Should be past grief." Shak.
Thefact remains that over sioo.ooo worth of
coats still linger on our counters. They want to be sol1
They must be sold ! Complaining about the weather '
won t do it We can t put the snow on the ground.
That settles it But here's, what we can do. We can
' put our prices not on the ground, but still lower un
derground. We can (figuratively speaking) bury them
altogether. This is what we have resolved to do: Nay,
have done already, and now most earnestly invite you to
-07 OTJB-
Don't think we're jesting, for we're not Would to
gracious it were a joke, instead of grim reality. A loss
of thousands of dollars isn't any particular fun for any
body, and we're a good deal like the average man in this
respect But what can we do ? To be compelled to store
awaytill next season $100,000 worth of overcoats means
a loss of $5,000 in interest to begin with; it further
means a loss of $2,000 in insurance, an indirect loss in
' storage, and more than all, involves a risk of many more
thousands by reason of damage from storage and a
probability of a change of styles next year. Why take
these unnecessary risks and losses then, when
"Will Easily Accomplish our Object Now.
If a loss we must take, in order to get rid of our.
large stock of Overcoats, we'd rather take that now and
be done with it, Now, then, here goes the greatest
break in Overcoat Prices ever known.
Men's former $4 50, $5, $5 50 Overcoats down to $3 50.
Men's former $7, $7 50. $8 Overcoats down to $5.
Men's former $9, $10, $11 Overcoats down to $7 50.
Men's former $13, $14, $15 Overcoats down to $10.
Men's former $16, $17, $1.8 Overcoats down to $12.
Men's former $20, $22, $23 Overcoats down to $15.
Boys' former $3 25, $3 50, $3 75 Overcoats down to
$2 50.
Biyt'fwmr $4 50, $5; $5'500vereats 4wni$3l50im
Biys' firmer $6 50, $7, $7 50 Overcoats down to $5. '
Boys' farmer $10, 111, $12 Overcoats down to $8. ' -
"Equally Great Reductions have been Made
on Our Entire Stock of Men's and Boys' Pea
Jackets. iThey Must go and our Prices will Make them go.
Open Till 9 o'clock.
Open To-morrow Night till 1 1 o'clock.
Open, next Monday Night till 9 o'clock.
Open next Tuesday Night till 1 1 o'clock.
$-" 0 O 6"
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street
IT"F)inr I With every Boys' Suit or Overcoat, or
X" il.il JL ! Girl's Cloak we will give a large Christmas
Picture Book, a Handsome Sled or a Miniature Saratoga
Trunk, GRATIS.
POSTSCRIPT Additional Reductions have just been
made on Ladies' Toilet and Manicure Sets and other
Holiday Goods. Come quick.
. "delS-D
Schedule In effect NpTtMber H I88B:
For Wssnlnzton. J. a, JJaWmore. I'tiiUJel
pntaidi(ewro7k.''S:w;. m. and Sgep. m.
Yor Cumberland. S.-0O .m UM. :p. ra.
For CoaaeUsTUle. W: and "W0 . m., t m iltfO
and ?: D. in. yor Unlontown. SS:, "8rt a. m.,
tl:M andP0 p. m. For Mt. Weasant, :
& m. Vnd fiOT andJfcOOp. J. For Wash
Inston, JPa., "7iCS and : a. m., "MS, S:Si and
J:t.B. W Wueellnir. T.-0S, :)ani.. nas.
ZJOptm. ForCln-innaUand BtjLouls, Ttfja.
?: P.. For Columbus, "7:04 a. m.. "J:
p. ra. For Wark. 1:015, gU.in.. -J:SS. IX)
pirn. For Chicago, TjflS and nan p. an,
ftalns arrlTO from Few York. Fhlladelphia,
Baltimore and Washlnrfon., SrtO a. m.. "Was p.
m. Ttom Commbns. W,"n,?lB9ll2j&
S:J6a.ra. 110 2zm- Inm Vo""11. :3
roVtilnrSBaltlraore, WasMw.
tes. ClnclnnatlSnd Cnleaso.
Ceanellivllls accommodation ai 8! a. m.
lTf ttfinnrr Transfcr Company will call ftr
aaofakecK bs(c from Hotels and residents
SorderilcTaVB. . ticket offlee. corner
JfreS are. and Wood 1st. , or 401 and Smltttteld
t. CHAS. O. SCULL, Gen. trass. Agent. J. T.
O'DKLU General Manager.
ttme-ii JUttannlnir A&. CM a.nui Mlasra JX;.
lEnS'JZttLS, 'llnltmi Ac. 10:10 sum.: Valley
CanAc., 3S.-5TJB.in. i Oil atyana 11
pre,ap.m,;HulUn Ae.,S0B.ra.: JUUannlns;
SeTiiSOptraTj BraebBrnKS&p.m.S Kl:
:r xi ;.A . .a et.. dsiit
S p. sut Hulton Ae., sits
dsssa .sLsn lieu urn stst. s ; w
m. vbi
'l'rainar l.ti Eiaxi uuinrii iitiiw iuu.
Akrna. Toledo, Kane
0:a in
QHll a. m
7:37 p ra
aX) n in
ress (dsUy)....
BSp m
!ll:a ja
Mtma n bi
7rta a
:38p m
JPmW MVwH'V 9Vs vv Wvvi
Bts.sa. cnaes raui iumnt "i'i
Syglf&j: UjJi0UAlSO. Sea. Sset. n
afk fTsjtl-tssHB
. 1
December 20, 1889.
ncic diiu uui v-uuiucrs loaaeui
anamolous season. Eventhefe
'O 0 $- fr
COMl'ANV. Schedule In effect KoTembert7,
Itsa. Central time. DxrjLRT-For Clereland,
S.-C9. 8:00a. ra., '1:21, '-tax. IMv. ra. For Cln.
clnnaU, Chicago and St. Louis. 5:00 a. ra.. '1:33,
"9-J)p.rn. For Uuffalo. a.-OOa. m., 4:2a; l.aon.
ra. For telaraancs, 9:O0 a. m.. 40 p. m. For
Youngstown and Newcastle, 6.-O0, "3.UJ, 10-15 a.
in., 1:J '4:20, 9d0 p. m. For Bearer Falls,
6-o5, jaa, 8rto, io;ua. ra., i:S. Ida, 40,50.
9:3o p. m. For Cbarttera. SiOO, iiaa a. ra.. S.J3,
4:55.7:15.70. 8:05. s.-sa "V-5ai0:15a.m..i:.-C5,12 K.
112:45, 1:40. 1:30. 150, TIlJO. 5:05, tsa. 'ij-.iO, I!h3t
Abrtti From Clereland, tJ3 a. m., 12s3
J:4u. "7:55 p. m. From Cincinnati, Chicago and
fcu l.onK lv), 1-m p. m. Frrn lluff.ilo. 1JS
a. m.. '12:30, 10 p. ia. From Saiaraanca, 12JU,
73 p. in. From Youngstawir and New Castle,
:25. "Sia s. m., 12:30. t:x "7iSi W p. m. From
Bearer Falls, iOX '825, 70, 9:20 a. m.. 12 JO,
ISO, 6:40. T-SS, 10 p. in.
P.. C. & Y. trains for Mansfield. J JO a. m., J.30,
SrtUp, in. For Essen and Beechmont. 8 JO a.m.,
zsaop.m. ,
P.. C. ft Y. trains from Mansfield, Essen and
Beechmont, 7:03 a. m., 11 JO a.m.
jr., McK.ft Y. K. K. DXTAKT-For Hew H.
ren. i'd:jua si., iMp.ra. war wiflww",
sjft. Sim i.Tn.. s.ao fn .
ABBITI-Froin New Uaren. J"S:2o a. m., "5:1
&rn, from ncit nowion, s:u. rous. m.f g
For SIcKeesport, Elizabeth. Ilonongahela CltTj
and Belle Vernon, sjn. V30, JHU s. in.. 13 JO, ,
IfSOM tn.
From Belle Vernon. Monontahela City. Elisa
beth and ilcKtespon, 7:4Sa. m., 190, 12J0. if,
UaUyf'lSnndaTs only. WIU . 5?2
lata oa Bnnday. I tym ran two honri late on Sus-
Cl'ty Ticket OSce, 639 Smithfleld Street.
X wmterTlmeTabie. uouosiiito.."
138s, nnUl farther noUee, trains S'".1"?".;
tlin.s leovlnp 1'lttihiirr-iO a. ra., 7:1B a. ra
a a.m BJOa. m HJOa. m lp. JJ-f WJI
m- 5:10 p. ra.. 5.50 p. m.. P--j. ?1S"
USOp. m. Arllngton-5: -!? ;3)?:V?i-
4d8p.ra.. lJ0p.ra., IMP' aiJsrJtSVSI
s. at., lilfl p.ra.SdOP. ta,rlwiJIISJ
. . . fvun yAJsat.asjft,!
".. t
ili- xr , ' ,
. yi