ER MF YEARS Elfllaii Arrested for a Double Mur- fder and Kouliery in France. IrOWDKELT IS STILE. A FREEMAN. SfiVProposes to Hate TronWa for Those T . JeraectUing Him. 2L1 TUB SEWS PE011 KEAEBI TOWNS IITICtJW. TELtCBAU Q THB DIRPlTCn. Philupsbueo, December 19. Xavier Francis Picavex, alias ,Frank Franklip, a Frenchman, was arrested at Pardee mines, near this place, lost night by Detective J. G. Benning, or New York City.and CapUin Harry Simler, of the local police, on charge of murder and robberies committed in France four years ago. Picaver and a com rade uere arrested at the time for the strancu Htion ot a wealthy gentleman and bis daugh ter, and while his comrade was convicted and pnmsned, Plcarez sncceded In mtUng his es cape, fleeing to this country. A persistent search was made for the crim inal, and wnile traces of him had several times teen found, every attempt to oanture him proved without avail until his arrest here. He was at last traced to Coal Bluff. Washington county, where he sailed under different name, coming to this place in August. He Ii 3S years old, and has a wife and lour children in his native country. He admits to the robberies, tut denies having committed the murder ills appearance represents a villain of the lowest cast. He was taken tolf cw York to-day, and will be extradited. I A CAR SEETICE ASSOCIATION Organized by tiro Kailroads In the Blahontnc and Miennnco Toilers. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TOIHE DISPATCH. OfoUNGSTOWN, December 19 Representa tives of all the railroads in the Mahoning ana Bhenango Valleys, with the exception of the Pittsburg and Western, held a meeting here tbis afternoon at the Todd House, for the pur pose of organizing a Car Service Association, A. 1L Tucker, General Superintendent of the 'KowYork. Pennsylvania and Ohio road, was elected Chairman, the following being In attendance: Superintendent fc. Holbrook and General Acent Myron Wood, of the Pittsburg and LaVe Erie Railroad; Division Superintend ent C K. Fitch, General Freicbt Acent b. r. 'Shane. Division Freight Agent J. It Hendei son, of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio 'Railroad; General Superintendant Taylor, Di vision Superintendent J. M. Kimball, Division Freight Agents J. P. Orr and a F. Perkins, of the Pennsylvania Company; General Superin tendent P. P. Wright, Division Superintendent G. H. Mclntyre, Assistant Superintendent T. W. Kiles, Calvin Pierce, agent of the Lake Shore road: W. W. Holsey. Superintendent Estern New York and Pittsburc; Superintend ent Trubyot the Sharpsvllle Railroad. A. M. bunmons. Manager Car Association of Cleve land. A constitution and by-laws was adopted, the name selected being -The Mahoning and Shenango Valley Car Service Association." Though not represented, it is understood the the Pittsburg and Western will join the asso ciation. The association adjourned to meet here Friday, December 27. when officers will be elected and a general manager appointed. POWDEELT NOT ARRESTED. He Declares That He Will Pash the Blatter In the Conns. rSTZCLAX. TXLIQBAX TO THE DISrATCH.1 Scsaxton, December 19. Constable Wash ahaugh, of Westmoreland county, who has a warrant lor General Master Workman Pow derly on the eharee of conspiracy, preferred by ex Representative Edward Callaghan, of Ecottdale, has not yet arrived here. Mr. Powderly said to-day: "I know nothing more about the case than what I have seen in the newspapers. I presume it is a revival of the charge of conspiracy I don't know Callaghan, although he claims to have met me in the Bingham House, Philadelphia, on the 7th of April, 1S7. If he did meet me there at that time he was not at his post of duty, as he Kbonld bars been at the K. of Ii convention! which opened at HarrUburc that day. There is no donbt that my name has been used by Callajcban's opponent, but I cannot help toac X!iavabcen .made the victim of what appears to be a sort of persecution. -fc i When I go to some places I am hauled into court as a witness to the character of some worthless fellow I nave sever seen. It seems to be a systematic job, audit costs me consid erable time and money. I may have my tickets purchased and be ready to depart from a town, when along comes a subpoena that compels me to change my plans and pay my way to the town In which the court Is held." Mr. Powderly has been told that Scranton parties are urging Callaghan on to injure him, and he declares he will push the matter in the courts and make these parties show their bands. PLANS FOR CO-OPERATION. TheHnlshtsol Kiabor Anxious to OlokeSnch nn Experiment. trrrCtAL TELIGKAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Ecottdale, December 19. The Delegate Convention of the Knights of Labor concluded the consideration of the new scale to-day. The vote will not be made public until January 9, when it wOl be presented to the operators by a committee appointed for that purpose. The rote was but silently altered from the original draft as presented by the committee, thoughlt is' intimated that many additions have been made. After the adoption of the .scale the question of co-operative distribution was taken up, and the following resolution was adopted: 'Whebeas, Tbe beneficial results of co-operative distribution among the working people Is apparent, and believing (bat Its beneficial results should be applied in tbe coke region, therefore, be It Kesolvcd, That we the members of the K. of L. establish cooperative Institutions In the coke regions on, tbe following basis: All members to pay f 1 permontb for the first five months. Tbe moner to be kept In the treasuries of the local assemblies until tbe fund aggregates 3.000. It shall then be decided by a vote where tbe first institution ebsll be located and afterward estab lish branches. This resolution was submitted f o the locals for Indorsement and will De reported on at the regularly quarterly convention, which will be held January 10. It was decided to suspend work on New Year's Day. Messrs. M. P. Kane, Peter Wise, John Angus and James Keegan were elected delegates to the National Conven tion at Columbus, On on January 10. A PER DIEM PENSION BILL Advocated by the Grand Army Pasts of T Westmoreland County. t rsrxciAi. tzlxobajc to tux dispatch KjEEEJTsbuhq, December 19. A delegate .convention of the members of the several posts 'of the G. A. R. of this county was held in tbe -Court House to-day. There were about 400 representatives present. The object was to consider the per diem bill, now pending in Con gress. Speeches were made by prominent G. AR- men, among them Colonel J. R. Oursler, of-Latrobe, and Dr. T. I Crawford, ot this place. Tbe following resolutions were adopted: Iteoled. That It is our judgment that what Is f'enerally known as the per dleaa bill now pend or before Congress should become a law. .Kesolved, That the bill known as tbe arrearage , bill should have its date so changed as to allow all applicants for pensions their arrearages. , resolved. That all soldiers and widows who carebeen allowed pensions by special act of Con gress shontd be allowed arrearages. tSesoived, Ibstthe Chairman appoint fire per sons on ways and means, of soldiers and citizens, fornbe purpose of raising funds for soldiers' monuments. Kcsolved. That tbe Chairman appoint five com rades and five citizens to act In conjunction in the selection ofa site for tbe proposed monument in Westmoreland county. t FIGHTING FOR TWO ENGINES. , A T-Ively Sfrurale Between a Conple of " ' Buckeye Railroads. " rsrECTAX. TZTXCKAM TO THE DISPATCH.! .ZAWKVUiE, December 19. A speck of war has arisen between the .Zanesvillo and Ohio River and tbe Shawnee and Muskingum River roads as to two engines which were taken by tbe former road by force from a crew of the latter road in October. A writ of replevin was the Shawnee and Muskiugnm road and the Sheriff attempted to serve it late last clrbt. He, with posse and a number of oB- Tcers of, tbe Shawnee and Muskingum, obtained 'possession of the engines but while they were Miring op the Zanesvllle and Ohio River officials were notinefl and put In an appearance. They Immediately derailed another oncineon the main track across tbe switcn which con nected tbe tracks, on which tbe engines ere standing, with the main track. They next tore up tbe switch track for some distance, and. not ; content with this, dumped a loaded coal car across the .switch track. In defense of their .action they say that while the Sheriff can bare t"- QK JC - - -- " the engines on tbe writ, he baa w right to use their track as t-natHs not in dispute, and no writ was issued for it . Warren J. Kceley Sick. fSrCOAl, TEUGBAJt TO TBI DISPATCH.! Reading, December 19, Warren J. Keeley, Executive Clerk -under Governors Hartrantt and Hoyt, and Chlet Clerk of the Treasury since the death of State Treasurer Hart, is dangerously ilk Mr, Keeley went to Philadelphia en Saturday last, and while on the way was seized with the illness which threatens his life. He has been In delicate health for several years, owing to a stroke of paralysis. The Stolen Property Retained. JSFECIAL TELXOUAM TO TEX DISrATCH.I WbosTKB. O., December 19. The diamond bracelet stolen fro the residence of H. O. Orth, a former Pittsburger, and for which theft WilUam Eakln and Hartley Shaffer were sentenced to the penitentiary, was found on the floor of a room at the Orth residence, having been thrown through the window by unknown, parties. 'Contributions Front School Children. The Twenty-sixth ward schools have em barked In charitable work. Afew days ago the pupils were notified that an opportunity would be given to each one to donate some use ful article as a Christmas girt for the benefit of the poor on that side of the river. Every child contributed something, and there is a great pile of eatables and wearing apparel In the school building to be distributed next Tuesday. The directors will see that everythlngis judiciously distributed. Casey's old "Log Cabin" rye is especi ally adapted for medicinal use. The pro prietors guarantee its perfect purity, and it is recommended by many well-known physi cians, and defies competition at the price which places it within reach of all. Put up in lull quart bottles at S3 per gallon, fs T. D, Casex & Co 971 Xiberty tt. Tlstt the Llnon Department far Holiday Presents). Here are dainty doilies, tray cloths, lunch cloths, square and oblong tidies, with drawn work and in ontlined designs then the fancy scarfs all sorts, 20 cents up to finest see the odd Bulgarian scarfs at half price. Jos. Hoekb & Ca's Pena .Avenue Stores. New Wall Fapert The best designs and colorings of all the American factories. Cbumetne, Bank & Bassect, 416 Wood st. Slake Children Happy. Just the thing lor the little ones Mar vin's Christmas toys and animal cakes, made especially to please childish hearts at Christmas time. Grocers keep them, s Elegant all-wool blankets at (5, (6, $8 and $10 grand ones a$" f IB your own ad jectives for the (45 ones. Good, stout, all wool blankets at $3 75 also. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s .' Penn Avenue Stores. Silks, Silks. Great bargains in silks. Enable & Srustee, 35 Fifth are. irwysu For Christmas Morning. Ladies' Persian, monkey, seal, astrakhan, beaver and lynx shoulder capes. , C, A. Smiley & Co, This Week. This Week For bargains in holiday goods. Enable & Shdstee, 35 Filth ave. Mwrsa Blanket!, Blankets. Blankets. $3 75-S5, ?6, $8. SIO-SIS-SIS. Visit this great blanket room. Bargains in Booth and Fox eiderdown comforts; less than half price. Headrests less than import cost Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, If you consult your bealth, you will use only the purest liquors as found foreign or domestic at MaxJHein's. Yon will in variably meet with prompt attention and get tuuasa vaiue, . J"MTQ.a.k v. SIWP B? you wish to save money select -your presents from the art department, at Harri son's toy store, 123 Federal, st., Allegheny. MWP The Cheapest Place for Diamonds, Pins, earrings, finger rings, scarf pins, etc, at very low prices. Jas. SIcKee, Jeweler, . 420 Smithfield st., one door below Diamond st. Open every evening. For Christmas, Colored silk dress patterns in surahs, gros grains, failles.regence and all other popular weaves, solid or combined with elegant bro cades. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Ale and porter are the correct drinks for December, January and February. Frauen heim & Yilsack's brews are the favorites with connoisseurs. For Christians Morning-, Gents' fur gloves. C A. Smiley & Co. Gbeat bargains in white spreads, chenille table covers and draperv silks. Enable & Shus'tee, 35 Fifth ave. jtwtsu Cash paid for old gold and silver, at Hanch's, Ho. 295 Fifth avenue. T7FSU For Christmas Morning, Sleign and carriage robes. C. A. Smiley & Co. Furniture. The largest variety at 21. Seibert & Co.'s, Allegheny City. ' Holiday embroidered night shirts at James H. Aiken & Cc's, 100 Fifth ave. . Hosiery and Underwear. Gloves and umbrellas, smoking jackets. Enable & Shusieb, 35 Fifth ave. mwfsu j For Christmas Morning, Gents' fur gloves. C. A. Smiley & Co. Ladies' gloves and silk hosiery for Xmas. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Pena Avenue Stores. Acid in the Blood Accumulating In the joints, is believed to be the cause of rheumatism, from which so many suffer at this season. Hood's Sarsapanlla has had wonderful success incurine this complaint. It neutralizes tbe acidity of tbe blood and re stores the vital fluid to healthy condition. If you suffer from rheumatism, try Hood's Sar saparlllaT "I have been suffering from an acute attack of rheumatism, induced by a severe sprain ot a once dislocated ankle joint, which caused great swelling and intense pain. But one bot tle of Hood's Sarsaparllla restored circulation, cleansed the blood and relieved the pain so that I am nearly well again. I regard Hood's Sar sapanlla as standing at the head ot remedies for purifying the brood and giving a healthy tone to the system.1' L. T. Hurt, Spring, field. Ma "iiy husband had Inflammatory rheumatism two years, and Hood's Sarsaparllla helped him more than anything else." MBS. F. Axxxn. son, Salem, Ina. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists, tl: six for S3, Prepared only by C. L HOOD4 cO Lowell, Mass. (00 Doses One Dollar BLOOKER'S DUJCH COCOA. 150 CUPS FOR ft.' CHQICEBT. PDBE8T. BBBT. TRY IX J-MTTT otpticI t " J? HM3BAY TABLE BELICAC1KS. Lan-sjest Use Lowest Frleea. Look for ear special card in next Sunday's Dispatch. Btttersead for the Housekeep er's Gnidc: It will post you on everything in onr line; also contains valuable information for all housekeepers- Storevopea till 9 P.M. nntil Christmas. Wb. Haslaoe & Son, 18 Diamond Square, Pittsburg. Betaking Jackets. " Choice holiday present. Verylow prices. Enable & Shusti 85 JFifth nve. MVFSU For Chrlatmaa Morning. Sleigh and carriage robes. C. A, Smiley &'Co. Mnsle Boxes t Moslo Boxes! The largest stock of the best make of boxes at H. Kieber & Bro.'s, No. 06 Wood street. For Christians Moraine, t Pine seal sacques. 0. A. Smilet & Co. Aranteur Photographic Outfits Are inexpensive and give enduring pleas ure. They are an unfailing source of amuse ment, and are the most appreciated Smas gift Sold by W. S. Bell & Co., 431 Wood st, Pittsburg. Bwr For Chrlstma Moralni, Ladies' teal gloves, C. A. Smiley & Co. Holiday silk handkerchiefs and mufflers at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth aye. For Christmas Morning. Xadies' seal hoods, C A. Smiley 8s Co, Marrlngo licenses Granted Yesterday, Kama. Boldenee. ( Frederick strelner. .....Allssheny t Clara Kenkauf. , Allegheny (Joseph Fisher . Bprlngdale I Martha Bartrey. Bprlngdale J A. E. Shutterly. Braddock c juia M. Gamble. Braddock ( Alexis Jarvls Pittsburc I Helen Burgh .' Pittsburg ( Tnoraaa E. Klrsop i...BanksvUle I mma A. Williams Banksvllle f William Etter. Wllklnsbnrg 1 Maggie Beck Wlltintbnrg (John O. Williams ....Pittsburg t Sadie Montgomery. mttsburg Philip Anient. Mlllvale ( Cora Bamsey .Homestead J"V. V. Alward Oakmont I Jennie Summervllle Allegheny ( Fritz Goellner.. ...... ..,..., .Allegheny 1 Maria Flemer Allegheny (JohnBldge Braddock 1 Julia Sullivan ..Braddock j Jacob Flcgel ,. Pittsburg (MaryEeete Pittsburg ( John M. Bill, Allegheny I Little Dtelnbaek, Allegheny DIED. DUNLAP On Thursday afternoon, at 4.30 o'clock, Sadie A., daughter of Haace M. ana Sarah A. Dunlap. NoUco of funeral hereafter. DUNBAR On Thursday afternoon, Decem ber 18, IS89, at S o'clock, at the residence ot its grandmother, Mrs. Sarah J. Brown. 156 Center avenue. Infant daughter of Edwin W. and Dalsey Brown Dunbar. GIVEN Wednesday, December IS, 1ES9, at 1.30 a. ic, B. F. GiVBN, in his 6Stb year. Funeral aerrlees at his lata residence. No. 112 Bluff street; Feiday at 2,3Q P. M. Inter ment later. 3 HAMILTON Wednesday.December 18, 1SS9, at 12 noon, Kbenezeb B. Haxtltoh, in his 25th year. Services at tbe residence of his brother, 'A. T. Hamilton, No. 75 .Dawson street, Allegheny, Pa.. Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Inter Vent private. KENNEDY On Wednesday, December 18. 1889, at 8 P. M..MABY B. KssNXDT, aged M years. Funeral will take place from her late resi dence, 4920 Hatfield street, on Prtday, De cember 20, at 8 a. K. Services at St. Mary's Church, Forty-sixth street, at 9 A M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend i HOMER At Mooongabela City, Thursday morning, at 6:30 o'clock, Anxbony Komee, aged 40 years. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral at St. Mary's Cemetery. Notice of funeral hereafter. LATlMEft-jU Leechhurg, Pa.., December 19, 1889. at 60 V. M-. WHilAM tiAXntEB, SiL, aged 72 years, 3 months and 11 days. LECKY On Wednesday, December 18, lEsC Feedekiok Dallas Ijeckt, son of Qeorge C. and Kate D. Icky, in the ISth year of his age. Funeral from the family residence, 338 Re becca street, Allegheny, on Saturday, 'De cember 21, at 10 A. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 LONG On Wednesday. December 18, 1889, at 620 a m.. Eev. Warneb Long. Funeral services at his late residence. No. 632 Fifth avenue, on Friday, at 1 o'clock P.M. In terment private. 3 MOORKOn Wednesday, December 18, 18S9. at0P. M., Bamuel B.'tbe 75th year of his age. t Funeral on S'attjed AY at 10 am. from his late residence. Surgeoa Hall Postofflfce, Bald win township. Friends of tbe family are re spectfully invited to attend. 2 MYERS On Thursday morning. December 19. 1SS9, at 2:45, Bees Myers, in his -38th year. Funeral from his late residence. No. S9 Over hill street, on Sunday, at 120. Friends ot the family are respectfully invited to atted. 3 F.ODAN On Thursday, Docember 19. 1SS9, at 2 o'clock A M., at the residence of her parents, 61 Arthur street, city, Mary, only daughter of James and Mary Rodan, aged 9 years 1 month and 23 days. Funeral from the family residence at 2 o'clock P. k. Friday, December 20. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. SEIBERT On Wednesday. December 18,, EcQESK Joseph Seibert, beloved son ot Martin and Elizabeth Heibert, in tbe Uth year of his age. ' Funeral from the parental residence, No. 81 Oedar avenue, Allegheny, on Batubday, the 21st Inst, at 9 o'clock A, M. Interment private at a later hour. 3 SEXTON At his residence, 48 Franklin street. Allegheny, on Wednesday. December 18, at 805 p. m., James V. Sexton, member Branch 67 C. M. B. A., of Allegheny. Funeral at 820 a M. Saturday, to proceed to St. Andrew's Church, Beaver avenue, from thence to St. Mary's Cemetery. Friends in vited to attend. 2 SCHWARTZ-On Wednesday, December 18, 1SS9, at 610 a u., Anna Mary, daughter of Fritz Schmidt, aged 23 years 10 months and 18 days. Funeral on Friday, December 20, lSStf, at 2 p. m.. from late residence. No. 153 Crawford st, city. Friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend. ' 2 TRESS On Thursday. December 19. 1889. at 5 o'clock A. m., Elizabeth Tress, relict of tho late John Tress. Funeral services at St. Mary's R. O. Cburcb. Allegheny, on Saturday, December 21, at 0 o'clock am. Friends of the family are re spectfully invited to be present. WILHELM On Wednesday. December 18, at 6 Air., John Henry Wilhelk, aged SO years. Funeral from his late residence, Meyran and Bates avenues, Oakland, on Friday, 20th Inst, at2P.JC 2 Connellsrille and TJnlontown papers please copy. ANTHONY. MEYEK, (So ccessor to Meyer, Arnold A Co, IJm.,) UNDERTAKER AND TCMRAr.MTtB, Office and residence, 1131 Penn aveaue. Tele phone connection. mylO-eS-HWFSu JAMEH H. FULLERTOtt, DNDERTAKER AND E1IBALMER, NO. 6 SEVE3TH BTBEKX, Telephone 1153. apZ7-S2--HTSn FLORAL EMBLEMS. ORCHIDS AND 80SES OF BARE BEAUTY. wl.'Jf. cC r. B. MURDOCH, ci n bmithfikllU tjx. Telephone OB. noao-xwr HOLIDAY FLOWERS Holly wreathing, Christmas trees.palms, ca nary birds, gold fish, etc. Order early. JOHN Br A. MURDOCH, 6US Bmlthneld street. Telephone J39 delK-MTfT I)EPBE8ENTEU IN Fm-SBORU IN 1AI ABSETS T 19771,86988. Insurance Co. f Jferth America, Losws aajusted aaipaiaoy wiLIJAM.Ii JOKJW. M Fearta aveaac ia3HSrB Irarosuiigl iDrapXToai .JIIHHe y?SBKiXI 6stmj& r r- wnr t' With the largest and most varied stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jew elry, Fancy Silver Articles, Artistio Pottery, eta, ever Drought to this city, 'Come and see ua and we will make Christmas buying easy for S" an. "rfe will deliver goods anj as desired. WJITTLES i SHEAFEB. IEWELERS, 37 FIFTH AVE. de4-WT IiATIMER'S WILD WEATHER SALE -OF- Gifts marked at a Nominal Price to make g, clean s"w:e:e!:f IN LADIES BEAIi PLTJSH JACKETS AND, COATS, NEWMARKETS and OHTT.DBEISTS ;-: COATS Marked away down now, rather than wait until after the Holidays, LADIES' AND OHILDEEN'S, with ele gant Capes and Collars to match of the most serviceable FURS. E"or your Parlor, Library or Drawing Booms, -- T, M. tATlMER, , 138 Federal and 46 South Diamond Streets, Allegheny, Pa. del8.xwrsu BEAD and REAP. Every day from now on is ot great import Holiday Presents present them selves in numberless kinds. HIMMMICH'S Novelties are in the Slipper department and here,-right 'here, is displayed the strongest proof, of a gift that is surrounded with admiration and the comfort following the wear of artis tio made goods, in whioh speoial efforts have been devoted toward excellence. In making your selections from this very large and grand stock you'H find it a pleasure. Boom is ample and light brilliant. Prioes are bo very Jow On every article that hesitation does t and need not enter the mind or any buyer. OPEN AT NIGHT. Wednesday evening, De cember 18, our house wil) be open till 9 o'olookand continue until that hour every night till Christmas day. HIMMEIMI'S, Market St, Entrance 430-436. Braddock House, 916 Braddock Ave. delS-WTSu THE CHRISTMAS RUSH -IS ON IN- FULL :-: FORCE. -- So yonr best to come in the morning, be- fore NOON if possible, as we can serve yon much better then than laterintheday. How ever, if yon can't come in the morning, come in the afternoon. "We have a large force and will do onr best to wait on yon promptly and well. . We are Open in the Even ings Till 9 O'clock, And if yon come in can make purchases very nicely. SEE OUB EIEGANT DISPLAT -OTf- Derby, Meriden and Sterling . ffllv'er BRUSHES, OOMBS, MLBBOBS, MANICURE SETS, SHAVING MUGS, TRINKETS, jfcto. HORNE & WARD, 41- FIFTH- AYE. ., CBRISTMAS r- r'mgtfBgwyw- t7ii ah'4 "! r 7IWWATWIT! B. & B. Tuesday, December 17,. SALE! 200 Frenoh Seal Muflb at 91 60 Each, Children's Furs, ?1 to $7 a Set Pur Capes, 8 0 to $12& Take elevator and visit FUR DEPARTMENT. Large and comprehensive assortment of all that's new and best in Furs, and what is equally or more important is that the prices iorEine Furs here ia much lew than they are generally sold. HOW 7 -V70T7LD 9 A SEAL JACKET at f85 genuine Alaska Seal Suit your wife or daughter for a Christmas Gift? Seal Jackets and "Walking Coats, 985 to 1185. 16-inch and Black, Bine Black and Jet Black All-wool Cashmeres at 80o a yard is a bargain of merit, such as Allegheny and Pittsburg buyers have never seen hereto fore, and we donbt if buyers in any other city have. A GRAND HOLIDAY EXPOSITION Choice goods, 25o to 9100; moderate profits on all brings crowds of buyers.. DRESS -:- GOODS. BUks, Black Silk "Warp Cashmeres, Silk Velvets and the HOLIDAY DRESS PATTERNS, put up in NICE BOXES, at the Bargain Prices, $3 50, $3 SO, $4 S0,tS, 6 CO and up, are presents eminently useful and in such shape as they will be appreciated. B0GGS & BUHL, 115,117,119,121 Federal st.Allegtay. P. S. New Goods by every express Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Kid Gloves, Fur Gloves and Gauntlets. Fine Neckwear for Ladies and Gents. Children's Collars, Mittens, Gloves and 'Wraps. delT-D A.G.CAMPBELL&SONS DON'T DELAY ANY LONGER BUYING YOUR -. r Holiday Gifts ! We bave made GREAT BHDUOTIONB on many of our beautiful HAND-PAINTED TJOODS. They were cheap enoogn to start with, bat we do not Intend carrying over any. Now is your opportunity to buy very cheap. HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS, Plain and initial, silk and linen, 5o to Jfr, f or men, women and children. HOLIDAY MUFFLEES " For men (all new), 7So to ft HOLIDAY KECKWEAB For men (new), 25o to tZ. HOLIDAY APBONS For children and ladles. 25c to Jl HOLIDAY LEATHEE GOODS, From 23o Card Cases to 810 Chatelaines, HOLIDAY BEIC-A-BBAO, Very pretty large and. small pieces. 20o to US. HOLIDAY TJMBEELLAS, In Ivory, Gold. Silver and Natural Stick, from Jl to JLI HCLIDAY GLOVES & SUSPENDEBS For men (new), 25c to H. INFANTS' (home made) DRESSES, spe cially made for holiday presents. Also, Caps ana xtooueus. Bee our prices before purchasing. Atrupen every eTening uu v. 710 Penn avenue, 710. PENN BUILDING. Between Seventh, and Eighth streets; deZD-Tursa BaistnsL Prunes. Nuta. Erapor NEW CROP C05-MWT ated Peaches, Anricots. New Orleans Wo- lassea. GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO, Sixth Avenue: Xj -A. X SLIPPER EXPOSITION! GRAND HOUDAY DISPLAY. Newest Shapes, Eatest Styles; largest Stocfcand Best Assortment in Fine Plashes, Genuine Alligator, Seal Goaf, DoBgots, Patent Leather, Ooze Calf. All the new shades of pinshes and Velvets in elezant Embroidered and Plain Vamps, Yon can select handsome pairs now at 50c, ESe, 75a and (1, or we can show yoa a finer selection at $1 25, $1 50, ?1 75 aad $2, a the finest ever made at 2, 12 CO. f3 and ?3 50. Call ana see them. Too'll h both satisfied and delighted. MAMMOTH RETAILSHOE STORES 406 and 408 Market Str Our, Wood Street State is Exclusively "Wholesale, ad eeespies five entire floors, Hiakiag the largest ad mast ceapleteWhelesaleSheejHoBseia the city. DeeJers rap piled at manufacturer prices. DON'T MISTAKE THE LOCATIONS: W. M. LAIRD, 515 WOOD STREET. WXOLMULUi IXOLUiCTatiT. DANZIGER'S. -- Always the Ipwest prices in "the two cities. Our elegant stock of DOLLS, 3 TOYS, rBOOKS, GAMES and::. Rich Holiday Goods still IS com plete. Come in the morning and avoid the rush. Open even ings until Christmas. -- DANZIGER'S POPULAR STORES,- Sixth St and Penn Ave. de!9 m$N$L :-: v -PIKE XCfE OF- MM 1WLE-PLA1D WARE. OASTEBS, BUITEK DISHES, SPOON HOIiDEES, NAPKIN EIKGS, CAKE BASKETS, FETJTE DISHES, -VTATJSB PITCHERS, SYBUP PITCHEBS, DEINKING CUPS, KHTVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. ROGERS' STERLING SILVERWARE. Butter Knives, Plain and Engraved, Pie Knives, Cheese Knives, Su&ar Spoons, Fish Knives and Fruit Spoons, eta. Fleishman & Co., PTTTSBUBQ, EA. de30 AiH I nSTT A INStJRANCB CO, -cXll A. -LN JS- Hartford. Cans. AsseU, January I, 1SS7. S9,568,SaB 5C EDWARDS & KiTONKY. Agents. nn Fourth avenue Pittsbarr, JORs ID7 W.M. LAIRD, 406 awJ 408 Hark St MTAH. WSOW.WL 1 MaVmrr , Wtimw art- i ,U T tff r USEFUL and ORNAMENTAL TOILST SETS, TEA SETS, DINNER-SETS, FISH SETS, GAME SETS, -UMBKBLLA STANDS. BANQUET LAMPS, VASE LAMPS, HANGING LAMPS, HALL LIGHTS, " OHANDELIBRS, GAS nXTURES. RICE CUT GLASS. BBONZE3, DLOOKS, PSDESTALa. .. " KASBLS, ONYX TABLES, ABT POTTERY, PLACQUBa , After Dinner Coffees and Plates in Satin Lined Oases, THE J. P. SMITH Lamp, Glass & China Co., '' 935 Penn Avenue. Between Ninth and Tenth Streets. P. S. Store open till 9 P. M. delS-wrsu Established I8&. BROOM CORN. Brgem Manufacturers Supplies PEANUTS ROBERT DICKEY & CO, 77 WATEKSX.AND95F1BSTAVE: Telephone IBS. n23-31-Mwr liartons AN. EXTRAORDINARY UNLOADING SALE -OV- OVEECOATS. 12 Per Cent Cash Discount From the regular prices of aU Overcoats for Men, Boys and Children All are new goods, but the stock lif i th efienn Nnfp Txrndt irnn AttbW Ak M tftauwwM. .. ... JH $35 oo Uyer coats now..,..., 530 62. 3000 Overcoats now 26 25. ' 25 00 Overcoats now...... 21 87., 20 00 Overcoats now.............. .............. 17 50. 15 00 Overcoats now 13 12. 12 00 Overcoats now........ 1050. 10 00 Overcoats now.........................-.. 8 75. 8 00 Overcoats now............................ 7.00. 5 00 Overcoats now 437. 3 50 Overcoats now................. 3 06. 2 50 Overcoats now.... 2 19. 2 00 Overcoats now. ..........: z 75. All intermediate prices proportionately the same. All garments! have the regular price marked in plain figures; and the discount ia defs ducted from it. STRASSBCEGER & JOSEPH, CLOTHIERS, TAIE0SS and HATTERS, 161 and 163 Federal street, Allegheny. ' V&'Onr stores now open every o'clock. Saturday until n. HOLIDAY HOLIDAY GOODS HOLIDAY GOODS. THE LARGEST VARIETY, THE BEST SELECTION, . BTHE LOWEST PRICES,.' GOOD,. SUBSTANTIAL GOODS. HOPPER PROS, & GO,, THE LEADING : HOUSE 0 f)7 "V7"OOID STREET 3()7 wVI BECWEKN THIBD AND FOURTH AYES. 1 I Store open Saturday evening until io o'clock. USE t5ST THE P"- lUHEOKLYBy IN THE Ge o.lMacbeth&Co. PrrrsBURGHj WW3w&r$W d jmw AynHnggmcctTs. PAULSON . BBOSf , iTNEKa' 'Best Double Texture ITaciintoihes, with nA ritUnnt Claytm in Rlfti.V and All IKa v WA PKPPdF "V - V -V Jv "T'V rvjsa .&. liivkt IIiaaI. TAtffrvnff Q.7 PT.1I1 WtlflW . UCH U. ..- fcM.ft"" . . . vw.nn.hj Sveryone UU AiiA-NXtiiiu to De tnorougn-j ly WAXEBlBUU.c. a Xmas Gift. Just the thing fortq AT,Xi SIZES. . Manufacturing our own TJMBKELLAB and CANES, we can save, yon the ordinary retailers pront sua gtrejoaa luuuuir.' variety to select from. MAKING OUR OWN UMBRELLAS,' we know what we are sellin?. and onr 2-nar-- nti n in DTrRABITiITS' is worth Kama, 5 tkintr See onr window disolar and Low Prices. , fbr EXTBA QTJALITT Goods. PrieeaVi ranira from 81 and UDward. :-i PAULSON BROS., 441 WOOD STREET. N.a OurTJmbreUa Factor is stm busyoaL RIMJOVEBINO and REPAIRING TJmbrellaaS KEABOHAiiji anaruujurxxir. aeis-xwri A ic77iZ, FHOTOGRAFHER. 18 SIXTH STHEEt A fine, large crayon portrait tB SO; soothaa. before onlertos elsewhere. Cabinets, . and $2 H) per dozen. PRO 3IPX BEUVEBlT oclS-SS-Hwrsa we have on hand is too large for thij ran eav? ft3fl -. - "W .."V. evening (except Friday) until!-98 t -y del5-wrsaki GOODS, hs i m THE EASIEST TERMS i ': FURNISHERS,1 S3 delO-wrrfiJ HIMNEYS 1 LAMP . rs l.j." & j