Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 20, 1889, Image 1

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EaKCHiiiaafl-BB u 'iB55!i8-'' S-ft- hsiB1
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From famous -women, Including an
autograph recipe from Mrs. Harrison,
Kill be one of the features of next
Sunday's issue of Ins Dispatch.
By Bev. T. Be"-" Taiosagei and Mf-
' - '3
- I
rioa WWe. kM jaered for next
lii ,f
gwitr'i JMM
f I
7" r
Opinions in the Beaver Yalley
on the Ship Canal.
Large Industries .on the Old Line
That ilisht he- Benefited.
How a Former Enormous Waste ot Water
,w Migbt be Obviated. ,
'Vt 'aft
A glimpse of the present scenes along the
UnTofthe old canal to Lake Erie is in
structive. The sites of the 'old dams and
locks, and. 'what they, formerly -ugnjfied,may
well be viewed, as they are now, in discus s
ingthe great ship canal project to connect
E, 'ohio river and Lake ISrie, The indus
, trial enterprises in and around' Rochester
", t vthat would he benefited by the" canal are re
I '' t fferred to. and the. Idea that the State should
t. T- a'd'TJncle, Sam unbuilding it is advocated
JP& by.aH in the BeaTer Valley -who talk.
"5P traoM orm kpicial coumissiohib.!
December 19. The
dam which still Vemains above this town in
the Beaver river and the lock at its side is
tlTe terminus at this end of the old Pennsyl
vania Canal, which bad .its other terminus
iat Erie. In the middle of the outer wall is
a)iuge slab on which is Inscribed in big let
ters "Girard Lock," and. 'thei in smaljer
letters gives the names, of. all the. persons
who were connected with, building ias
well as those who" had charge .of
constructing the canal. The legend
says: "Commenced in. 8""1-, .com
pleted in 1831-2." The lock, walls
are not in nearly so good repair as are some
others on the line of the old canal. "Neither
is the stone so good as will be found in the
locks in the Shenango Valley. Time and
weather have laid heavy hands upon the
rocks which constitute the walls, and there
is evident erosion, while, in addition, there
are several stones out of place.
Those Old Dams Successively.
The next dam in the Beaver river which
was used for the old canal u at Bearer Falls;
hnt New Brighton was and is a con-
siderable town on the line, which
,; came in between the two dams men-
" tioned. The next dam was at Bock Point,
which was then, as it is now, not a town at
- all, but simply an attractive pleasure resort.
..' The man did well who named it Bock
Point, because there are nothing but rocks
"there. It beats a Maine farm' or a New
Hampshire sheep pasture.
Ste WParther alonjjou the old -canoe routeOKM;!
wjunpuia oiujjie side and Xue?wn.on the
" other, 'just opposite -each other. 13ie latter
-.. place was named for eld Ben Tne, who has
gone to the silen. realms .of shade.
' HoraKia was on the line be
tween tbe dams at Bock Point and
Hardscrabble, the last named place not be
ing a town. Next comes If ew Castle on the
L dam route. At New Castle the cross cut of
the Mahoning river commenced, leading to
, ,ahoningtown.
t - Tbe Old Canal Harbor.
ftC "The Harbor" was the name of the next
place of importance on the old canal. It
, v- " was so called because it was really a harbor
?". - ;for the old canal boats; not so much because
V - -fthey feared storms and shipwreck, but be-i-
jjfeause it was a convenient passage point. The
'. -Xtown of Harbor amounted to very little in
.,' --Scanal days, and is not much larger now. It
'was for a long time the end of tbe canal, be-$-
4. ..Jihg a place to which the farmers of the
fe s STiV'estern Beserve brought their cheese for
shipment to market, thus saving much haul
ing to reach the Ohio river.
At New Castle the old canal entered the
Shenango river. After the Harbor came
the towns of Pulaski, Middlesex, Wheat
land, Sharon, Sharpsville, Clarksville,
Hamburg, Greenville, Adamsville, Harts
town, and Sherman's Corners. It was at
the latter place that the summit was reached
the place which is now called the
Up Toward tbe Summit.
'North of German's Corners, four locks
were necessary u lei tne coats down to
Lake Erie. There were only tlyee towns
between the Corners and the city of Erie,
.vthey being Powerstown, Albion and
"ESut, while only four locks were seeded
between tbe Summit and Erie, the locks
necessary to make tbe drop on tbe south
side of the incline were numerous and re-
n .quired an immense supply of water. It is
iljiprobable that the old canal which carried boats
water as would a ship canal, simply because
joxanuy jqciooub i uiutfucuuu. xnere
(was great waste of water at the lock gates,
and some quicksands scar the Summit swal
lowed a whole ocean of fresh water. There
are better methods of construction now in
every way and a bed of quicksand
jrould not bother -engineers at all sow,
although Mr. Shallenberger thinks the route
ofthe new canal should be made with dis
'tinct reference to avoiding quicksands.
nvnow, tne old canal was terribly
w - ', thirsty. Conneaut .Lake was the summit
mf.S, feeder, as it is likely to be again,
In order
!: to imaKe we reservoir s
greater 'the
f braised 12 feet.
" ' Driven by a BlcWarer Wheel.
a Then the waters of French creek were
a' jpumped into the lake and an immense
nwater -wneei arove tne water irom tne
Ilake into tbe canal. When all .these
precautious, the canal, nevertheless, went
'dry one summer, when the waters of Lake
.Conneaut were driven out until the lake
went down to its original level, before the
dam was built
As the new dam will certainly cross the
i summit by a lower level, and as the methods
i"of holding and using water are better- now;
than .they were SO years ago, it is sot at all'
n'iable that Conneaut Lake will be
ned Again. ,,.,...
. Unless a person could get hold of some of
the old books or tne canai ion collectors, it
wonldtbe difficult to say anything definite
jaHtfiTthe amount of business done by the
i;i&nnl Aarins its palmy days. These
Ibootsju-e in existence somewhere; but, inde
pendent of fiose at Harrisburg, it Is hard to
ascertain where they are.
It is not hard to find, however, that the
people of Rochester are Exceedingly anxious
- t:
to sec the ship eanal built. There aro no
iron work hre, nor any industries requir
ing heavy freights, but what are-here would
be materially benefited by a ship canal.
Large Intcrctt Favor It.
The lamest establishment 'in Eoch ester.
as it Is also tbe largest of the kind in Amer
ica, is tne itocnester Tumbler wor&s. mr.
H. CL Fry, the President ol the company.
Is extremely anxious to have the canal
built. The company sends out. three full
carloads of finished product for every day
in the year, and the total tonnage of tbe
concern (of raw and finished material)
amounts to at least 100 tons every day. The
freight bills average 53,000 a month. Mr.
Fry says they have 'the greatest difficulty
in getting cars when they want
them, and ths,t a canal anywhere' within 20
miles would be of immense benefit to the
company. Freight rates on the railroads
have also advanced to a wonderfnl degree, '
and a canal might relieve tbe pressure. He
thinks the National Government ought to
build the canal, hut that the State should
contribute largely.
There are two other' glass factories in
Rochester, also; but they are not so large
as the Tumbler Works. Thev are the Point
Bottle Works and the "Dinkey" Glass
The Olive Stove Works does a business of
750 tons of iron, 250 tons of coke, 400 tons of
coal and 500 tons of fire clay and firebrick
per year, and ships 750 tons offinished ma
terial per year. Mr. Aiken, head of the
firm, Is in favor of the State contributing a
large-sunr to the building of the canaL
A Bl frafbrenco on Lumber.
There arqihree planing mills in the place,
they beins owned by L. H. Oatman, Miller
&, Co. and. LerqueL Woodruff. 3Ir. Oat
man's Is ib.e lafgest,jan Jbas been longest
established, He if Yeryanxious.to havethe
canal built, as be, as well as tbe other lum
ber dealers, gets" most' o'f his lumber from
Michigan and -tho-Northwest- When the
old canal was-iooperation, Mr. Oatmau
used to get as. moch, as 1,000,000
feet of dumber at a time by
it. It cest then about, $1 75 per 3,000
feet, while now the- freight rates by rail are
$3 60 per 1,000. The average carload is 16,
000 feet, and be gets .from the Northwest
about 2,000,000,000 feet per year. Mr. Oat
man thinks the' State should pay a lanre
part of the cost of thecanal, and", if the
United States will rot build it, then this
State ought to Jo it anybOw.
The only other industries here are a car
riage works, which gets 'much of its-lumber
by rail' from the Northwest, and a flouring
sill; whieh'doea chiefly a. local business.
Every, person, however, to whom.' I have
broached the Subject here and that means
a good many favors State1 aid for the
eaaal; and aerees' that the aid shonld be lib
eral. There seems to be but one opinion on
that point c C. T. Dawson.
A Mistake to Say ibo Canal Commission
'Would Go by Clippings.
To tbe Editor of The Dlipatth:
Your correspondent from Bharpsville (Mr.
Dawson), in' yesterday's paper, states thetas
one way of EecariDg Information on the art of
ship canal construction the commission has i
New York clipping agency engaged in collect
ing scraps, and that after these are digested
the engineers of the commission (whom 'Mr.
Dawson sars confessed to him their nnfamil
laxity with the subject of canal construction)
will be able to present plans, etc;
O wine to the prominent display made by the
article In question, and being myself person
ally named as one of the engineers, I deem it an
Imperative duty to make a correction. After
seeing tbe article I made inquiries at the meet
ing in Rochester yesterday, and obtained the
Jjasis'of the assertion made by Mr. Dawson.- A
member of tbe commission has for his own use
obtained from New York a large number of
valuable, and no doubt interesting, articles
bearing on tbe projected canal, and nothing
else. I was astonished to hear that the collec
tion of different articles already' numbered
S.O0O. lnclndinc extiaetn from .Enciish and
fother foreign fournaC. SMfset Is simnlv im-
parianta-" imucaure pj lEjrgtjQipro&a interest!
fccii m vug . mji.ii..j j . , "Y
' imIgMEtopbertviatvWWhrtojuiathitltthB
canal is not to be "nndertaken until the
engineers have digested these articles, dooms
day wilL be upon nt before they have made
their report; but that statement is,.ot course,
as I bave pointed ont,a fiction.
Thomas P. Bobebts.
mrsBimo, December 19, 18S9.
" r
A Number of Prominent Oblo Democrat
Declare Against lbs Senatorial As
pirant Thomas Snld to be En
gineering tbe. Hove.
Coltjitbus, December 19. The fight
against Brice for Senator is gaining strength.
Sixty prominent Democrats, of Columbus,
are out in interviews civing reasons why
the National Democratic Chairman should
sot be selected. H. J. Booth, who has been
prominently mentioned as a candidate for
Senator, opposes Brice en the ground of his
residence, and says if they must go to New'j
York for a Senator they sbonld take Hoadley,
Thomas Swing or M. X. Southard, who are men
of Senatorial caliber. Brice has none of the
qualities of a statesman. Allen W. Thurman
-I am against both Brice and Thomas for the
reason I cavo weeks ago. and, io addition,
this: 'Lawn mower,' "railroad' stock,' kind of
a way they bave of conducting a campaign for
a high position ongbt to beat both of them out
of sight, and I beUeve it will."
Thomas E. Powell, named' as candidate for
Senate, said tbe contest must bo free from sus
picions of boodle, the caucus must be open and
the successful man must be associated with the
affairs ot the State. The list of interviews in
clude about all tbe county and city officials and
ex-officials, and thev are bitter in depunciation
of Brice. One of the lather's managers stated
to-night that this sentiment would Soon' blow
over, -and was tbe resnlfOf bureau work. Jtis
intimated that Thomas, tbe Springfield candi
date, is engineering the enterprise. If senti
ment in other parts of the State is aa strungs
in Columbus, Brice will bave a close call, but
the best informed believe tbe opposition have
delayed the protest too long. Brice has the
caucus vote promised unless they are scared off
by pressure of constituencies. "
Fathered by the Director of the Bureau of
Catholic Mission.
Washdcotok, December 10. The Senate
Committee on Indian Affairs bad up to-day the
nomination of Indian Commissioner Morgan.
Father Stephan. director ot the Bureau of
Catholic Missions, headquarters in this city,
was present and hied written charges against
Morgan of prejudice . toward . the Catholic
schools under tbe control of the Indian Bureau.
The matter went over until after the recess for
final action.
Father Stephan declares that Commissioner
Morgan has made false Issue in charging that
tbe Catholic bishops and the Bureau of Catholic
Indian Missions are opposed -to tbe system ot
Government Indian schools and therefore op
posed to his (Morgan's) confirmation. This
charge, he asserts, is made by the commissioner
to divert attention from bis avowed purpose of
breaking down tbe system of contract mission
schools and from bis military record.
They Sectors Tint TheytAra a "Necessity
io Ireland;' Interests.
Dtm&nr, December 19. The Dcke of Aber
corn presided at the Land Owner's Convention
in this city to-day. He denied that the combi
nation of the landlords was intended to hamper
b'e tenants, and said that not a sixpence of tbe
fcbnventlon's funds had gone to sueh a purpose.
arte convention aaoptea resolutions declar
ing that tbe retention of tbe landed class was a
necessity for Ireland, and protesting against
anyroeasaro maiuug tae Blue o iana com
pnisory. xi aiso
money to enable
Ir also agreed to provide and advance
landlords to buy out the in-
terests of tenants.
. Purer Government Becaandtd.
Sosroar, December 19. The Nationalists
Club held its anniversary saeetsMC W tvtning.
The speech of the session was Mlvered by Ed
ward Bellamy, on tbe neeesatsy a purer gor
ernsaet te elty, State and aMnu .
The SHcett BefelcaHon Likely to Fall
the fiavenaMBt'a So!der-Agree-Mat.
of the HoHe Committee .
Afaost f 75,608 to Pay.
WASHDfGTOir.DeeemberW. The special
House committee investigating the Silcott
defalcation has at last agreed upon a report,
by the terms of which nn appropriation will
be asked to make good the losses sustained
by members of the House. Mr, Holman
and Mr. Hemphill Vould not unite with'
the majority in this agreemont Mr, Ho
man wished to have thrt 870,000 remaining
in the Scrgeant-at-Arms' office distributed,
first to the members who bad money on de
posit and lost it (the total being about
$8,000), and to havethe remainder divided pro
rata among the members who lost their Novem
ber salaries.
Mr. Hemphill favored the reference of the
case to tho Court of Claims. Against this
proposition it was argued that Congress could
not compel anyone to mako up a case before
the Court ot Clalnisj'whlle, In the absence of
further legislation,- any member bad tbe right
to go before that tribunal and sue for his lost
"T- .. - . . t
Tne.cammittee, therefore, accepted Mr. H61
man'STiew as far as It went; bpt added another
clause, providing for tho passing of an appro
priation of so much as might bo necessary to
make good the deficiencies in salaries after the
distribution otthefundson hand. It was esti
mated that about J75,000 would cover this de
ficiency. In view of tbe necessity for securing
tbe concurrence ot tbe Senate, and also In an
ticipation of a good deal ot debate in the House
Upon the bill which will be prepared, the com
mittee decided It would withhold its report
until after the holidayTecess, as nothing could
be gained by bringing It on one day before the
recess. A separate bill will also be reported
making the Sergeant-at-Arras a disbursing or
fteer, and including the other provisions of
Bepresentative VAyson'a.blll,
Five of tbe aeven members ot tbe committee.
Including the Chairman, hold that the Ser-geant-at-Arms
was apnblio officer, and that lov
dividual members were; Justified by the- usage
and officisl recognition.' extending oyer many,
?ears, in s.regarding him, and that the loss by
he maireaSance or Silcott should be borne by
the- public"- trcasury-and' not by members of
Congres&rWho have not received the compensv
Tbe .comtnittep also held that tho Govern
ment would notbctfnsUBed in taking the special
deposits left withtheisjfrgeant-at-Arms for the
?mrpose of applying It toward the payment of
be salaries due bythetlovernment, and. there
fore, that4 Such 'personal funds should be re
stored to the private owners. By the proposed
pro rata arrangement those who have regularly
drawn their aalaries up to November voald
have the advafitageof sharing in the amounts
that otber memberSTiad left undrawn, which
the majdrity of tne' committee regard as an in
defensible. - -',
flarcawi.DlacnsslDK tbo Qnostloa of Grant
Ssgibeerecs In Tbrte Tear.
BogMfe December 19 A new departure Id
tho way of University education Is now under
coffi&leration by the Harvard faculty, with the
prospects entirely in favor of its adoption.
This, Is tho awarding or the degree ot Bachelor
of Arts after three years' study. Nowadays a
student can't get such a degree unless he takes
the full academic course for four years. The
result is that a good many young fellows who
are handicapped by a scarcity of money or a
lack of time find themselves unable to take
the coveted sheepskin. Under the plan pro
posed all such students may take the four
years' course in three years, but they will have
to work that much harder. At present all
academic students are required to tako four
and 'one-half courses each -week. Those who
stody under tbe new plan will bave to take six
courses a week. They will thus save a year's
time, and VjQO to 81,000 in money. .
In conversation to-uay, President Eliot said
the plan might be 'adopted by the college at
next .commencement, so tbat students could
enter tho new course In the fall. Therenas
been some talk about reducing the four years'
course to two, but President Eliot said the
idea was preposterous. In the further evolu
tion ot this Innovation it is said not to boim
Srobable that a man may study wherever.he
appens to be, and by paaslng the" Harvard an
nual examinations at Cambridge get a degree
Inst tbe same as the students la actual attend
ance at, the college.
- f i
Apply for aKoccIvertoLook After the Miss
Ids Man's Interests.
'PHmtDEUmi, December 19. Counsel for
Will iam D. Brelsf ord, attorney in fact for Jo
seph G. Dltman, has bronght suit in the .shape
ota bill In equity, filed in the Court of Com
mon Pleas, in the name of Joseph G. Dltman,
the missing bank President against the W. F,
Shaw Company, music publishers, asking for
the appointment of a receiver for tbe company.
Tbe bill says that tbe capital stock of the com
pany is 25,000, ot which Mr. Dltman holds
3150.000, and is indorser upon promissory notes
of the company outstanding to the amount ot
about $41,100, and that plaintiff is informed and
believes that the company defendant baa other
outstanding debts, now due and payable, to the
amount of (41,000.
The bill says further that the company is
without available f nnds and assets to' meet its
obligations and to pay its current running ex
penses, and is unable to realize an amount in
any manner for this purpose, tbat the notes
and drafts of the company which nave become
doe bave not been paid and have been pro
tested for non-payment, and that the company
is insolvent The Court is asked to order an
account to be taken of the business and con
dition of the company, and that areceiver be
appointed to take charge of its-affairs.
Captures a Horse Thief and Gels a Betvard
of One Hundred Dollars.
BataviX, N. Y., December 19. Mrs. Amy A.
Hodges, the young wife of a Well-known farmer,
is an accomplished horsewoman, and knows by
sight most of- the good horses within a circuit
of several miles and who their owners are. Last
June she saw a horse belonging to'Dr. McPher
son' being driven past her home by a stranger.
She surmised tbat the driver was a horse thief,
and. mounting her bay, followed him. At Staf
ford, five rnlles away, she overtook the'stranger,
and seeing a constable named De Wolf she tola
him of berscspicion and asked him to arrest tbe
man.' De Wolf made tbe arrest.
The Supervisors of Genesee connty offer a
standing reward ot $100 for information leading
to tbe arrest and conviction of horse thieves in
that county. Mrs. Hodges and DeWolf both
claimed the reward, ana at a- meeting the Su
pervisors on Saturday by a unanimous vote de
cided in favor ot Mrs. Hodges.
To Determine tbe Actual Costof Two Swards
Presented to General Shields.
Washington, December 19. Secretary
Proctor is somewhat embarrassed over the dis
bursement ot 10,000 appropriated at the last
sesMon of - Congress to pay tbe widow of the
late General Shields for the two handsome
swords presented to that officer and now in the
custody of the Treasury Department. The law
provides tbat he shall pay the "actual cost of
the swords,", and the problem to be solved Is
bow this fact Is to be established. It is Impos
sible to learn what their donors paid for them,
or to ascertain in regard to their financial his
tory. ,
Beprcsentative Mantur bad an interview
with tbe Secretary on this subject to-day, and
it Is probable that the widow will receive the
entire amount of the appropriation on the
theory that tbe swords are worth that amount.
Fire on the Top Floor of a New Tork Pres
byterian Hospital.
New Tons, December 19. Fire' broke out
to-night In ward 6 of the Presbyterian Hos
pital. It Is on tbe top floor .of the hospital
proper. The patients were removed In safety,
and two hours after the fire broke out' it was
reported to be under control.
Four Bremen, connected with an - engine at
work on Madison -avenue, were at the side of
the hospital when one of the walls fell in, and
they were almost, blinded. They were badly
burned aboat tbe hands and face and had their
eyebrows scorched.
The Church Can Mo Leaser B-lrrct Italian
Charitable Work.
Rome, December IB. The Chamber of Depu
ties, by a vote-ef ytt- to 98, passed the bill de
privlactbe deify of tee direction of all chari
ties. The Vatlaaa ergons vigorously eppsso
ad a4eRtfcaSsaaBJs. . .&, .
Members of the flora Claim That tie
They Thus Explain lis AppointasBt it Mi.
McEeaa aa,aaApprent
An IneUent Told'of'the Vy la TOca Breaker B?a,
Was Treated.
rv..,nt in 4i aTnaintnunt f a Sen
ator's instead of a Bepresentative's choice
for postmaster at Pittsbarg has taken a netf
turn at "Washington. 'The correspondent of
i, -kt.o. Vn um Henators believe
the President is trying to curry favor with
them at the expense of the House, and mem
bers of the latte&branch are looking for
their turn at the same, wheel.
-KT-nr Vmxr TWomTier 19. .The Sutl'
Washington correspondent says to-night:
There is a good deal 01 taic in. .nepuimwM.
niii nimiitMftn notion of the President in
the Pittsburg postmastership. The matter
has been a fruitful topic 01 conversant
-.... M..ml..,M F !, TTnnfco anil there IS
general expression that tbe President is
trying to curry favor with the senate at tne
-t .1.. TTn. Tt,o K1iof tq that
the. President his become alarmed by the
mutteringsof opposition in the eenaie, an
has at- last aroused to a sense of his danger.
The promptness with which a half dozen
Republican Senators joined in the opposi
tion to Judge Brewer, for reasons which to
most people appear very trivial, bears a
gentle hint of the possibilities to the man in
the "White House. In this case no Senator
ial courtesy was involved. The Senators,
from Kansas, the nominee's home, had no
grievance. They did not ask to have the
nomination rejected. On tbe other band, they
were earnestly in favor ot confirmation, and all'
the elements of Senatorial courtesy there were
in-the oiise appealed toother Benators to vote
for confirmation. Itts clear, however., that it
the Senators from Kansas had asked to have
$he nomination rejected tney wouldn't navo
asked in vain.
If the President nominates Editor Nixon or
any man beside Campbell tor collector at Chi
cago, andSenators FarweU and Cullom go Into
the executive session as they will go If their
nerve holds out asking tbat I their rights as
Senators be protected by rejection of the nomi
nation, tbts Brewer Incident shows that they
need not ask without receiving.
Tbe obvious effort of the President to gain
favor with tbe Senate Is not likely to make
much headway. Tho Senate Is feeling very in
dependent and saucy. Harrison has not one
warm friend on tbe floor of tbat body. At the
same time, bo has alarmed the members of the
House by this blunder at Pittsburg. The mem
bers of the Commons are saying one to another
that If the executive will do thing like this to
one of them, why may he not do it to another!
Thus the members of the- House are likely to
stand together, and at the first opportunity re
sent this infraction of then-rights.
Senator Quay Is out In an interview in which
he tries to smooth the ruffled feathers of
indignant Representative Dalxell by paying
him pretty compliments, but the insult cannot
be wiped out In that manner.
A prominent Republican Congressman said
to-day, tbat Harrison would not hare made
this blunder, had Clarkson been In town to
advise him, and that if anything were needed
to seal Harrison's fate as an imitator ot Haves
in being a one-termer, this had done It.
-There fcTrfVjiWl?of talk. also, about a
Tlsit!md6tojtB3WJiIt8 House, to-dayTby
Speaker Reed. For some months Reed has
been pushing a candidate tor Collector of the
Fort, at his home town of Portland. The other
members of tbe Blaine delegation also have a
candidate, and they are backed by Blaine.
To-day Reed carried .some of bis candidate's
indorsements to the President's library and
'said: "Mr. President, to these indorsements of
Mr. Mllllken, I add' my own indorsement. He
islneverywayawortby.man. His character
is above reproach, Jieis capable, there is no
objection tbat could'be urged to him."
Leave the papers with me," said tbe Presi
dent in his way, "and PU have the man's char
acter looked into."
"What's thatf exclaimed the Speaker;
'-'you'll look into his character? Why, Mr. Presi
dent, I have already told you be is one of the
best men in Maine. Is not that enough to set
tle the question of character?"
The President still looked cold and unin
viting, as if Mr. Milliken's moral character
were undor suspicion in bis mind. Finally tbe
Breaker said: "
"Mr. President, If my word is not sufficient
to place Mr. MUliken's character beyond doubt,
I will not leave these papers here. I will take
them 'away with tne. And, according to the
story, Mr. Reed actually put the papers in his
pocket and walked away.
Mr Reea has given a half-hearted denial of
tho truth of this story,.as here told, though
there is no donbt trouble did arise between
himself and the President in some such man
ner. Prompt withdrawal of the papers, as if
resenting an insult, was -characteristic of Mr.
Reed, and the men who bave been most at the
White House say that the reported conduct of
the President was altogether characteristic of
Another Washington Correspondent- Lags
In the Governorship,
New Yobk,- December 19. The BeraUSt
Washington correspondent to-day "draws it
very strong" In commenting upon tho Pittsburg
postoffice appointment, as follows:
In apnolntlngjames S.'McKean to be postmaster
of 1'lttsburg the President, It Is claimed, has de
cided to cast bis lot with senator Quay for the rest
of his administration and to break with Chris"
Magee lor good and all. The contest has been long
and bitter. Congressman John OalzelL of Pitts
burg, ontbe-theorythat the selection belonredto
him, named Harry Ford, the President or the
Select Council of Pittsburg, a de-roted follower of
Macee. Mr. Msgee's friends at the recent election
"knifed" the UcpnbUean candidate for District
Attorney and caused the Democratic candidate to
be elected for tbe first time in the history of Alle
gheny county.
In Congressman Dalsell's laneusge the knifing
of last rail was mere scratching compared with
the wholsale bntchery which will take place next
fall if Senator Quay tries to force his candidate,
state senator 1elamatcr, upon the people. Mr.
Dalxell charges that Senator Quay willfully took
lit. McKesn np in order to deprive blm of bis J nt
political rights, and that the President In track
ling to Colonel Quay bad done much to destroy
tbe Republican supremacy in Pennsylvania.
Mr. Quay says that the office, being "very Im
portant, as It is a distributing and disbursing
office, having to dowlth the accounts of many post
offices In Pennsylvania outside of Plttsburga is a
Senatorial office and not one whose Incumbent
should be selected by tho Congressman or the dis
trict. ......
Mr. Dalzell's most slenlSeant utterance 1st
'This appointment marks the beginning of a de
termined light of the Republicans or Pennsylva
nia against botslsm-a light which will end sooner
or later in the overthrow or botslsm-and I believe
that the victory will come soon."
Mr. Magee will snpportAdlatant General Hast
ings for the Republican nomination for Uovernor.
Senator Quay will support bis follower, Bute,
Senator Delimiter, tv blchever succeeds tbere
are good prospects of a bolt by the vanquished,
and another Democratlo Uovernor ot Pennsylva
nia It not Impossible.
The Hussion Influenza Reaches Detroit by
Means of Paper Money.
Detroit, December Jtt The Russian Influ
enza has reached Detroit, and curiously enough
so far only bank employes are afflicted. This
Is attributed, however, to the report tbat tbe
microbes travel In paper money, and when the
contagions paper has been freely circulated In
the city. It is expected the disease will beeomi
epidemic At the Penlasular Bank nine of tbe
employes were sick at onetime. In the Pres
ton National there are four cases. The entire
staff of the First National has 1L and there
are two cases In the Merchants and Manufac
turers' Bank.'
The symptoms are dlf ereat la nearly every
Case. In soma it produces "An alt gone, tired
feeling," as one expressed It, while in others
the lining to the noM,.sStk ad threat Is af
fected; still others hswe a toasrk. ' Imbvm 1
one of the general, let wtitsfc it shows SB
strong. ..-.',
DECEMBER 20, 1889.
The ftftker Has f Cessilllees
Kewltr 9fe4e U-rreWe Cfcak
aiaatUss of 6ee ft the
Important 0e.
Htm at. ntuasax to TBI par -itch. 1
"WAsinSQioir, December 19. Speaker
Bee it his lut of committees nearly com
pletei.aThey will be announced 'to-saorr
row wlen Saturday, His main trouble
arises frer" the coveted chairmanships
of th4J Committees on Naval Affairs,
pBAlieLands, Territories, Judiciary,
PublHIIuildings and Grounds, and Elvers
and Hat4ars. Harmer, of Pennsylvania, con
tests thjHaval Committee with Boutelle,
and itiiaid to-night that the plaee may go
to a dsx horse in the person of Henry
Cabot Iidge, of Massachusetts. Farquhar.of
New York, or Henderson, of Illinois, will be
Chairman of the Committee on Rivers and
Harbors. Henderson Is the warm friend of
tbeHeanepln canal projecitand has been on
the committee for many yearS. . .
nilnote will probably get Public Lands or For
eign Afclrs. Payson, of Illinois, is belnghard
ushediy Strubel, of Iowa, for the Public
andsfsinmlttee.but as' the Illinois man has.
been 'Ma leader of his side ot the House
on .lis' questions for several years,
and ' as he was Chairman of this com
mittee, 'before, he will probably get lr
again, -Judge B. R. Taylor, of Ohio, and John
W; Stewart,' of Vermont, want to be Chairman'
ot the Committee' on the Judiciary, . Mr. Mllll
ken, of, .Maine; has made up his mind to be
Chairawn of the Committee on Public Build
hies and Oronnds. Sneaker Reed does not like
Mllllken any more than he does Boutelle, and
even tr ne did there is no- reason wny toe mue.
Btate Qt Maine should get three chairmanships.
If either Mllllken or Boutelle. or both of
them, should .be turned down, life would be a
burden to Tom Reed for a long time to come.
No one knows this better than be does, and it is
the strongest card that his ambitious
coneagoesTiave to play. Mr. Dlngley. who
is really a strong man;. will get a chairmanship
without donbt, and it tbe other two Maine men
were recognized every man in the delegation
would, have a chairmanship. -Speaker Reed
can fcafdly allow this, notwithstanding bis loye
for his State and bis distrast pf her Repre
sentatives. K0 BOOM IQR THEE
Fries the CroBta Marderera Removed
FraaKbe Chicago Police Force It Is
lUsered That O'Salllvan Will
' '. Stake a Confession.
OXJCAOO, December 19. The work of
reBteyiBgSClan-na-Gaels and their sympa
thieVeftm the police force waa resumed
to-M when Superintendent Hubbard
reaefcedhla office. The stars of five men
were'talcen before night and then it was an
noaweed that more dischargse would follow
in -Mr BOTBing. The. men who were dis
missed to-day were Detectives Palmer and
Fly. Patrolmen Michael Ahem and Daniel
CuMrfBgham and Station Keeper Peter Kelly.
All a-ve saea assisted in hampering the search
for Mm murderers of Dr. Cronin.
Caekhlm,1 O'Sullivan, Burke and Kunze
passed a quiet day in jail, and with the excep
tion Brke all the prisoners were visited by
woatefc, Xloo ot the evening newspapers to
nhasttlealHes that O'Sullivan cried out in bis
cell last night that he couldn't face his Maker.
wratseioaa ne nau ononis num. iao wrj
received1 partial confirmation at tho jail. It is
certain, however, that the iceman, who is dying
of consumption, is in distress, and may make a
sensational statement when be sees that he will
not be granted a new trial.
The Btaals Zeithng In its leading editorial
this morning declares its ability to prove tbat
the verdict waa bought. Tbe same paper also
makss.a bitter attack on Culver.
scWiWaa Highly Pleased With a Movement
, In tbe Bight Direction.
HahbiSbitro, December 19. In his last an
masA "report as Superintendent of Public In
stfejeHott, to the Governor, he late Prof, Hlg
b.aafs'ofHwschoolset the State:,
ThBi schools nonrvnatnbV 21,869, aa 'Increase;
s&ce last year, otttr. The Increase tbe previous
year was only 280. The increase in number of
pupils is 13, 178, differing little from the increase
of the previous year. To meet this Increase of
pupils, we bave H7 additional schools. This
shows a tendency toward better school accommo
dations, for It gives to each additional school only
24 pupils, while the general average of pupils per
school is slightly beyond 48. This average, how
ever, is far too high, and tbere must be many
crowded schools in the Btate; but ltis encourag
ing to know that' the movement is In the right
direction. There has been a very large Increase
in the number of graded schools during the year,.
ESS. The whole number of graded schools Is now
-10, U7, nearly one-half of all our schools.
The hope is expressed that as the State baa
increased the annual appropriation to the
schools to tZ.000.000 a year, the average salary,
of teachers wlll.be greatly enlarged, male
teachers now receiving only S39 per month and
female teachers J30. Closer supervision of the
schools is earnestly urged.
For tho Coming Centennial Celebration of
the United State Supreme Coon.
rsFCCjax, tzxxobxk to thb dispatch.!
New Tobk. December 19. The Judiciary
Centennial Committee of the New York State
Bar Association has completed its programme
for the celebration in this city of the Centen
nial ot the United States Supreme Court. The'
commemorative exercises will be held in the
Metropolitan Opera Honse, Tuesday, February
4 next, beginning at 100 A. it.- The addresses
will be made by President Harrison and many
prominent lawyers.
These exercises are expected to last about
tour hours, and will be followed in the evening
h-r n, trananer. On the following day there will
ie areception to the Chief Justice and the As
sociate Justices at tne nouse oi me uar As
sociation. Qrover Cleveland is Chairman ol
tbo Executive Committee ot Arrangements.
Her Health Fails Her and She Is Left Des
titute la Paris.
BAiiTTMORE, December 19. Ex-Minister Mew
Lane left to-day for Now york, whence he will
sail tor Paris on Saturday. While abroad he
proposes to assist a young Baltimore singer who'
has been very unfortunate. The lady 4s Miss.
Alice Oodefroy, "and she was formerly ,a pupil
in vocal music at the Academy of Notre Dame,
at Qovanstown. Here she showed such unusual
talent that she was brought to Baltimore. Bho
has been in Paris for several years, and became
eminently successful, owing to her beautiful
voice and tho additional attraction of being,
young and pretty.
Miss Godelroj's health failed recently, and
owing to her continued illness, she was com
pelled to relinquish ber concert engagements
and her pupils, tho only means of support for
both herself and an aunt who accompanied her
to Paris. Miss Oodefroy is destitute.
The City of Paris Reaches New York After
a Very Boagli Voyage. "-
rerxciAi. tslmham to ran dispatch; l
New York, December 19. As a storm
deflertbe steamship City of Paris takes the'
sea biscuit She bad a fire days' battle with
the most turbulent weather her veteran com
.aw r.af wAifrf1r W&tklns- ever van
Into, and came In to-day without a scratch. Her,
funnels were incrusted with white sea salt.
Her trip was the longest she has ever made. It
was 7 days, i hours and S minutes. It stormed'
so on Friday and Saturday that going on deck
was pretty much out of the question.
On Sunday .the engines bad to be run at halt
speed. It was a. common thing for a wave to
breakover the weather bow and drench the
decks.t Monday was like Sunday. The ship
run intn thn aastAvn ndtre of a bowling Cyclone
' at 11 o'clock on Tuesday morning. The blase
was from the Boutn for tnreo noun.
The New City et Jokastewm.
Hakbxsbttbo, December 19. Governor Bes"
ver issued a charter for the new City ot Johnv
town to-day. It includes the borough of Johns
town, Gruhhtown, Conemaugh, Woodvale,
Prospect, Mlllville and Cambria, these bor
oughs having a population of at least 10,060.
Consul Lewie' Recalled.
WASHiHQTOjr, December 19. It is admitted
at tbe State Department that William R.
Lewis, United States Consul at Taagiers, has.
been mailed at the request of Moorish
Government, arid that the President la now
etaWlOTittheae-iateat of hie sweeeeer.
Destitution, aed,' Poierty Amosg
Northumberland Miners.
- -
Formerly Preeperous Tillagea Eednoelto
jlegK-rjy Hamlets.
Stofjtge f Work la All the Ulaes fix aa Ia
1 ' - definite Period.
BeporU ef great destitution pn aceonnt of
the open winter, causing shutting down in
the mines,', come from Northumberland
county. Thousands of families are suffer
ing from, hanger, and many foreign miners
have' bees driven away, numbers of these to
their former homes across the sea.
Habbisbtxbq,. December 19. Poverty
and pauperism again prevail to an alarming
extent among the miners in certain portions
of Northumberland county, and the condi
tion ol affairs about Trevorton, Shamokia
and Mt. Camel, and in Coal township, is
causing uneasiness among tbe substantial
citizens or those places. Enforced idleness
has created distrast and has bred discontent
everywhere. .eyorton, a prosperous village
013,000 inhabitants only two months ago,
has scarcely 2,000 souls within its borders
now-. Actual hunger has forced the people
to quit the place, leaving unpaid bills and
house rents., At Mt. Carmel thousands of
men and boys are idle, and an alarming
state of' affairs exists at Shamokia and in
Coal township. . The nnmber of idle men at
each of these places is augmented dally.
The foreign element composes most of this
army of idle men, and. the men are in many
cases 'becoming sullen and angry. Through
shear feat the call for bread was at first heeded,
as tbe men, women aniLchildren begged from
door to door, pome of the idlers had saved
from their earnings, but this was soon, con
shmed In buying "polinskL" a favorite alco
holic beverage. But since food has been de
nied them, threats of violence and murder are
beard. Hungarians ana Italians by the hun
dreds have left these places. Many have gone
to New. York, Philadelphia and Boston, as
their friends have sent them money. Others
cross tho Atlantic.to the home ot their Child
hood, muttering words ot discontent and curs
ing th eland of the free." ,
Tbe present dullness in tbe coal regions and
the depopulation of the towns is attributed to
the open winter of 1888 and the same condition
of tho weather just now.
The Philadelphia and Beading Coal and Iron
Company owns nearly all the mines In North
umberland Connty, and the abutting down ot
the North Franklin colliery, No. 2, is the
cause of the distress at Trevorton, as It was the
only Industry at that place. Miners tbere dur
ing the summer.and early-fall were able to earn
only no a month. Many of them remained,
with the hope that-times would get better, and
when the crisis came they were left almost
penniless. The Idle men emigrated to Snamo
kin, only to find tbat tbere was no employment
there. Then they went to Coal township, and
subsequently to Mr. Carmel, but encountered
the same condition of affairs.
W. I. Scott's Hickory Swamp and Hickory
Ridge collieries' are dosed, and the PennsjI
vania, also Scott's, employing over 1,000 men
and boys, will stop work shortly. The stoppage
in alt the miner which have ceased work will be
for an indefinite period. Individual collieries
aro shutting down dally, and unless a cold wave
comet to stay, the destitution and distress will
The Ex-KIeg ef the Bade Ha No More Use
for Fairy Tales.
tsrxcxAi. txusoham to ram dispatch.!
NkwYobk, December 19. For the last year
E. Berry Walli the ex-klng of tbe dudes, has
been on the .rack in supplementary proceed
ings brought by his tailor. Matthias Bock, on a
judgment for KS87. Mr. Wall has appeared be
fore the referee'a number ot times, and told
some Interesting1 things about his wardrobe.
He said be hadn't a dollar to bis name, except
such f nnds, as His' friends, supply him. His
watch was a Waterbury, his ring was worth
about $2, and his other jewelry was of no value.
Mr. Wall said that the case was pushed against
him through spite.
This afternoon It was discovered that Mr.
-Wall bad some funds which be was willing to
sacrifice for the sake ot peace. The taUrs bill
was paid, andUr. Wall's faiy tales about his
wardrobe were brought to a conclusion.
A Conflict Between Bishop O'Hara and a
Total Abstinence Society.
BOBAHTOir, December 19. A conflict Is at
present In progress between Bishop O'Hara
and tho St. Peter's, Catholic Total Abstinence
Society. Not long ago the society,
determined to bold a fair to raise
money with which to build a hall. They made
great preparations and opened the fair on Mon
day night. They bad not, however, obtained
the consent of tbe Bishop, and they were noti
fied tbat the fair mast not go on.
On -Tuesday the Bishop sent for the officers
of the society, and they met blm at the Episco
pal residence. He informed them that the fair
now being held under the auspices of the society
was without bis authority and must bo
abandoned: The officers told the bishop tbat
the fair bad been opened and nothing could bo
done until the society met, on Sunday next.
He Attempts to Prevent a Grand Jury From
.Making an Indictment.
Taxxahasskb, FtA., December 19. F. K.
Hughes, a prominent attorney of Gainesville,
was arrested )ast nigbt charged with attempt
ing to Influence members of the grand' jury in,
the matter ol indicting A. B. Thrasher,- re
cently -released from custody in 510,000 ball,
after having shot and killed Louis Wltkoviski,
tbe Mayor of Starke. Hughes is an intimate,
personal friend .of Thrasher, and during tbe
preliminary examination, just closed, made
strenuous efforts to secure bis discbarge.
His alleged action in attempting to influence
the grand! urors has caused intense excitement
in tbat section of the State, and the citizens ot
Starke bave called a public meeting to express
their indignation and to condemn Thrasher's,
act. t
Her Guardian Cenfldest Tbat Ho Knows
1 Where She Is Hid.
St. Lotis, December 19. When the case of
tbe mysteriously abducted heiress, Alice Jack
man; was called' in tbe Court of. Ap
peals this morning, Charles C. Spink,
one of the alleged abductors who was
cited to produce' tbe girl In court, filed an an
swer setting forth tbat Alice Jackman was now
at Woodlawn, Cook county. 111. Spink says be
exercises no control over her.
Mr. Estey, the attorney for W.H. Brouthers,
who was appointed guardian, is confident
of proving that Alice Jackman is still
in the care or custody, or at least
under tbe control of Charles Spink.
It, however, the court decides it .has no juris
diction in tho preraie,-tb8-ease will end there,
- at least so far as -the - Court' of Appeals Is con
Assignment of the jBape-laatloa J Which
Wavnesharg Is Interest..
Lakajcik, WraDccember 1. The Laramie
Plains Land and Cattle Company made an as
signment here today. Tbe ranetc is on' the
Laramie river near thte place, and consists of
17,008 acres, with cattle and lapcoveaseats, val
ued at lM,e. -
The aMgBeat was eaased ay Mm recent
heavy failures of the assskaoltoaa, wsMteg -WafaeebarcPa;
The Bathe Amerieaa CoatlaeM WW Vefteri
the New BeHc U Sees
1 A Bealal of tho Charge
la ttha Manifesto.
Lisboit, Deeeberl9. Dr.BayBarbov
in his desk! of tbe allegations in the re
cently pabHshed manifesto of the Viseoant
De Oaro Preto, says it is not true, as al
leged by Preta, that a. platoon of infantry
was held in readiness to shoot him. while he
walla custody, and aiso that it Is false that
Maraoaju, the Imperial Minister of War, was
fn any way a traitor to DoasPedrd. ffewea
dismissed by the Republic because' he betrayed
the army and tbe country.
Preto's manifesto is designed to deceive
Europe. Braail detests. Pre to, and the restora
tion of tho monarchy is absolutely impossible.
The diplomatists and politicians around Pedro
used him as -a tool In the accomplishment; of
projects of which his nnbiased judgment could
never bave approved. The claims that certain
European States may interfere in tbe concerns
Of Brazil, are merely .ridiculous. The- conti
nental policy of the western hemisphere on
that subject was seen In the history of Mexico,
and in virtue of that policy it Is a simple fact
tbatBraziTlson the offensive and defensive
with all America.
The national prosperity is increasing on a
grand scale. A commission has been appointed
to draft a constitution and electoral laws, and
the provisional Government will In a few days
decree religions freedom and civil marriage.
Absolute tranquility exists, and the financial
situation Is assured.
One of His Measure Reported Adversely by
tbe Elections Committee.
rraosTA 6Tai cbKBxsrosoxar.'l
Washington. December 19. The Senate
Committee on Privileges and Elections admin
istered a gentle little snub to Senator Blair to
day. They reported back adversely a bill he
introduced a. few days ago. providing amend
ments to the constitution so as to confer upon
the District of Columbia representatloa In both
Houses of Congress and In the. Electoral Col
lege. The report was accompanied with, the re
quest tbat tbe resolution be indefinitely post
poned. Mr, Blair was evidently surprised at
the speedy manner in which bis measure had
been disposed of by the committee, and with
some sarcasm In bis voice bs remarked that a
large number of people in Washington bad Ire
sired to be heard in connection with the matter.
They had not expected such swift action by the
committee, and had.therefore not had an op
portunity of discussing the question. He asked
that the resolution be acedon the calendar.
Which will admit of its being- called up and dis
cussed later, and thje request was granted by
the Senate.
Some of the Benators were much tickled at
the manifest endeavor of Mr. Hoar, who is
Chairman of the Committee on Elections, to
"sit down upon" Mr. Blair.
The Irish Leader Given Foods to Carry on
the Campaign.
Liverpool, December 19. At a banqfietat
which Mr. Parnell was entertained to-night, a
check for 17,600, tbe sum of the proceeds of
the Liverpool jcenants' defense fund was pre
sented to him. In thanking tbe donors be said
he thought be was fairly entitled to boast that
be waa the first Irishman who had been so
trusted by Englishmen, who had started this
subscription ' before Sir Russell had won tho
victory for him. He again declassed that the
object of the Home Bole party was to improve
the Industrial development of Ireland. Why
should the promoters of a plan of campaign
that kept agitation free from crime be treated
as criminals T
Earl Spencer's coercion was directed at real
crime, but Balfour's was only against shop
keepers for refusing to sell. Irishmen bad had
in times past some justification for hostility to
England, but now they entered joyfully, and
hand in hand with English Liberals, into a
battle which he trusted was very near.
Tho B., H. Si P. R.'S. Has a Netlneomo at
Only 818.79 21 a Year.
AXBANT, N. Y. December 19. The annual
report of tbe Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg
Railroad Company, for the year ending Septem
ber ST." just filed with tbe State Board oi Bail
road Commissioners, shows as follows: Gross
earnings, 1,860.683 17; operating expenses,
S1,S10,8S2 90; uet income. 110,765 21; deficit up to
September 30, 1883,13,652 Oi! add valuation of
Perry railroad, increased to actual cost, $23,
253 63: total surplus September SO, 1883, (27,
486 70.
The cost of this road was 115,853.107 00; cost
of equipment, 2,813,719 SO. Its capital stock Is
12,000,000; fnnded debt, $3,359,110; Interest on
funded debt, due and accrued, 9110.207 08:
audited vouchers and payrolls, $102,018 53: open
accounts, 5125,829 33; rentals accrued, $1815 94;
profit and loss, surplus, 127,468 7a
The number of passengers carried for the
year was 597,706; tons of freight; 1,770,219; num
ber of passenger cars, 45; locomotives, 95.
A Mao Literally Cat to Piece la His Own
CniCAQO, December 19. Sixty knife wounds
were inflicted to-night on MaxMantweH, in the
basement of bis own house. Tbe man was
literally cut to pieces. His bead scarcely bung
to the body, which was mutilated almost from
end to end. While tbe tragedy was in progress
the victim's wife and teo children were less
than 60 feet distant. The family-resided in tbe
upper flat ota two-story house. Mantwell was
According to his wife's story he wBnt down
stairs. He had not been gone lont: when she
beard strange noises, but she' attact ed no im
portance to them, and only remembered the
circumstance when, after two hours, ber hus
band's absence began to worry ber.. No ex
planation for the horrible affair, could be found
except surprise, which coupled with it the
name of a man in the neighborhood known as
Bruno Eberling. The police at once set about
investigating what, If any, relations existed
between Eberling and Mrs. Mantwell. The
latter Is a blonde of rather handsome appear
He Will Not Announce HI Committees
Until To-Morrow.
Washuhjtoit, December 19 -Despite the
fact that the House was not In session to-day,-there
was 'a steady stream of callers pouring in
and out of the room set apart for the Speaker's
private use. Mr. ,Beed was there all day,
wrestling with the committee problem. He
will not announce, the completed list of House
committees until Saturday morning, the day
agreed upon for the Christmas recess.
"Great pressure has been' brought to bear
upon me,fi said Mr. Reed, "to make the an
nouncement earlier, so tbat members of both.
Houses could get away from. Washington. But
this is a matter requiring careful .consldera-,
tlon, and I do not propose to, be hurried in
making my selections."
Form an later-State Organlzitlon to Ad
vance Their Favorite Idea.
OMAHA, 'Nxb- December 19. The Inter
State Prohibition Convention reassembled In
Boyle's Opera House this morning. Hon. J,
Trontman, of Topeka, Kan was chosen Per
manent Chairman, and 'the Temporary Secre
taries were made permanent. The reports of a
number of tbe committees wee listened to and
It was decided to call tho organisation "The
Inter-State TemBerance Union," and that it
should consist of the States represented in the
convention and such others as may wish to
join. One representative is to be allowed for
every 60,080 persons In the State,
Narrow Escape of a Family From a Bars
lac BatMha-.
isractAX. nunuv to not distatch.T
HABHtSBtJBS, December 19 Mr. Sovercoot,
wife and three children, residing at West Fair
view, opposite this city, had a narrow escape
frembeing burned this morning. A dog In thb
bouse which they occupied awoke them about
2 o'clock- by bis barking, while tbe building was
B flftmofli
Mrs. Sovercoot and .her Infant escaped by
4pteg oat ot a window, and two of the chlf
tMnwete helped to the eatslde by means o a
n. wfciee. oaafkt Am jat aa ohear wera safely
pufcri OPPOSED.
m -;
A Star dRV. r Herin? at Jamei
Camplj&O the Treasury.-
i n,lRnwnlJ,f'lITPRTPATIR?,
" A1 "3 j
That There WaiNot a Technical-Late J ,j
Importing Contract. 4
Pittsburg's Caadldate for Us jloreaeo CtosaJsaltl
Yery Hopeful
There was little to report ia that treasury
hearing of the imported glastworker-' caMol
yesterday, president J ames campoeu, wno
asked and was granted a hearing9
went over tbe old ground of insisting that (5
there was no tethnicallabor importing coo-,
tract. Not even this could be done, how
ever, until he had procured the- expulsion?-
of correspondents from the room. James V.
Long's Candidacy for the Florence Consul-.'
ship has taken a most hopeful turn.
1 i '
WAsHiwoxo-f, December 13. A.-llttli
group oi reporters was present tuisaicernooa .m
at the roBinsed by the Secretary of the
Treasury, for public hearings. They ex
pected to learn, as actual nudiors of trie ;
proceedings, just what the Jescnette glass . 4
- T- J J U - t f " Jl
jjcuimb nan ?cca.iug m as&iBfr A; uc ;JHj,
after a test suit had been entered against: ,
one of the important men. Beside Secretary! ,
Windom there were present Attorney Gen-- H
era! Miller and Solicitor Hepburn, on the'
part of the Government, and Messrs. J.'JL
Chambers. James Campbell. GeorselV. Cake
of Ix. Ak 300, and Isaac Hammet, a well- f' i
known glass man, on the part of the 'glass. :j
manufacturers and workers. Inspector of. J
Immigration Xiayton, of Pittsburg, ana
Special Agent Iiitchman, ot Boston,, were-;
also present, the former possibly to corrects
any misstatements that might be made, and-'ffc
the latter to do .what he could to help his -n
friend Campbell, as his friend Campbell was i
under fire, principally by reason of the'-inV'M
dustryof that arch-enemy of both of them, jal
.r. xiomer . aicuaw.
im.r s j r !:"-..'-
iijugHUBiuKuwi suajie jura cumiurfc,
nnlft ll'lDA fnr nil T170n earwjta11v -thT
J.- !.. IT- r .V.1I S3 J
and, apparently, very much embarrassed, luted '
to the Secretary be bad a matter to present
which was sacred to his party and to tho ears
of the Department, and ho must ask th it out
siders be excluded. As the only "outsiders'
were the gentlemen of the press, there was no
mistaking Mr.Campbell'a meaning. He wanted
to exclude the representatrres of thepress, and
through them tbe public at large. The Secre
tary smiled a funny little smile- when Camp
bell, hesitating, stammered oat his requests
The- Attorney General eyed Mr. Campbell aa
though fie coold hardly believe tbe evidence ot
his ears. The Secretary, still smiling and
slizhtly sarcastic, said he was not aware that
tbere was to be anything secret about the --J
matter, Dut, li tne gentlemen wished it. tbe--.
Itentlemen could have their wish granted, hsf.'.;
supposed, ana no- rooxea inquiringly nx ina
Attorney General, and tbat grave official,
nodded a crave acquiesence. The correspond
ents slowly and regretfully filed out. looking -their
reproaches at the relentless little Bcotcbr
' The hearing lasted nearly two hours. It con-' j
sisted of a rehash ot tbe evidence In the easagil
presented by District Attorney Lion and litfW
specter oi amigratton xy ton, . i otmne waa ,
adduced, and nothing material wa'denley
Mr. Campbell was closely Questioned bv the
Secretary and tbe Attorney General, andJ
several times-tno latter stopped mm as ne
branched off Into irrelevent matters eonnected
with the character of the order of the Knight:
of Labor, and told him to confine himself to -the
Mr. Campbell held tbat there was no contract
with the Imported men. within the letter of the -lawt
butthe questions of tbe Attorney General
brought out an admission of most of the facta
on, which the proof of a contract rested, and. ;
urhtM m.tha hf nil whif.n Knit. ha nrAtkrt1 '
It was supposed, when Mr. Campbell asked, VI
lor a secret neanng. tnat ne woaiu present
something new and perhaps sensational; but
there was nothing of tbe kind, and the hearing,
drapired alone fn a verv nnlnterestin? wiv until-.
tbo end. when it was found tbat it'had'beea
reallr notbln? more than a threshintr over al'-'i
old straw. - - '&
In regard to whether it may have any effect gm
in changing the course ot tbe department in Its a-i
treatment of the caser the Secretary said tba
he could give no opinion this evening; 'Ho and -S
the solicitor ana mo Attorney uenerai puia
confer in regard to tbe matter within a 'tear
dats. ...
Another, of tbe officials present stated that it
waa an error to assume that tbere Had .been'
any suspension or stoppage of the caser' The.
party had asked to be beard, and as a matter of P
riffht and courtesy thev were beard. It was"'"
little more than a courtesy. Nothing had been, fjm
JICKUKU .u t,vu.uvu(it40 u,e ,q. mimuj
taken of the case. The opinion of the Solicitor, -'
delivered after lontr and careful consideration;
of the evidence, was tbat suit shonld be or?
aerea. J.ne Attorney uenerai aiso, alter carer
fully analyzing the case, had agreed with the
Solicitor in every point and without reserve.
Itany reversal of former opinions take plaea .
it will be after a conference, and due to the in- i.
fluenco ot the Secretary and his Assistant, ?l
Secretary, who have never been quite so ,
thoroughly enlisted in favor of prosecution aa'i
nrosneets are tbat nothina will be done, and :'-:
thar. as stated, tbe bearing was allowed simply iH
because no one wisnea to reiuse nesnng .to, )
anybody in toe case, a story tnat aerator
Onnv lin.imr hUInflneneatohave the nrose. ;
cation quashed is indignantly denied by alia
or the oniciais concerned. uuaxa i ..
Tie Plttsburar Applicant for the Bloreae
ConsuIsblpTery Hopeful. J:
WA8Hhiotow, December 19. Mr. James V
Long, ot Pittsburg, called on Assistant Seere-
tary Wharton, of tbe State Department to-day; i
and had a very satisfactory Interview with .tbat
official in regard to the Florence consulship
for which Mr. Long is a prominent appljeaatS
Mr. Long's friends in this city are quite bopaful -
of his appointment. It Is thought the PreI--j
aent ana secretary or eta wiu dc uzs moron
disposed to favor the wishes ot Representative!':
Dalxell and bis friends in this matter, on ao-J
count of tbe fact tbat their recognition hithenaj
has not been quite what tbe President conaWKi
ers Just and due to them. '$;
There is little doubtthatthePresldentls'rerrj
desirous to do something to restore, the- gooil
leellne somowhat disturbed by the Pitbuit
Postoffic appointment, and many think taiaS
disposition may And graceful expression ia tbefjj
commission oi r. uong to represent KMt
in tne loveuest city or itaiy.
Their Churjtes Against the BrItraria
Offlcer Declared Not SastaloesV-
t3AZSl.SK, TjTAir,December 19. The UteM
Commission met here a week ago last Mondays
to bear Mormon charges against the dep-tfyl
registratlod officer for this city. The alio
tlona were to indefinite that the co-ami
I called for more specified charges. These weNj
inrnuaea on irnaay, ana tne Bearing oegaa ml
the claim that the registration omcefs
favorla- tan Gentiles and dlacrlahial stl
against Mormon voters. The- case doseiM
oay. .
Tc-nlht the commission decided that.1i
charefea are not sustained, and auotO'freasl
decision of Judge SSane tbat registration oSceral
nave aiscretionary anties uweu aa inuienai;i
nau wmiv, up to- cbi.(u iwiu, hibi uia
register anyone- wno pronen to e ian
oath, afterward thev may strike of the ;bss
if. In tavetr 'ndment, the persons are p tttal
polrsy.' Ike: decision a vlctery fr,al
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