Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 19, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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me yesterday: the entire class Interest
Western Pennsylvania; the river ana coal
, and other too nnmeroai to mention.
le exuberant delichtot his active backer
! exnlainable in the fact that from first to last
there has been a feeling that President Harri-
l might make one of his favorite ordinal
ptfinoves and appoint some outsider, as a means
untying the Uordianlcnotso painstakingly
ijrat together by Senator Quay, Congressman
0alzell and a I Magee. It -was known to be a
Ffierce contest, with neither side willlngtto con
cede aeieat until Tne actual acuon auisun,
- and the eyes of the nation hare been so often
'tnrnprl nnon the Pittsbnre Postoffice that all
.connected with the fight have had renown
-vtnrust upon them.
JUX, Jo.CA.ean WMinaiia ynte ouigo jBaici
day, with a bland smile lighting np his ingenn
ons countenance, when a Dispatch reporter
tendered the congratulations evoked by the
occasion. When asked what he bad to say, he
disengaged himself from a bevy ot hilarious
friends, and said:
"The appointment pleases me, and, better
than that, pleases my friends, and if the gen
era! 'public is not satisfied, I shall strive to
Brake itso. I recognize the Importance of the
official position which I am to fill, and I antici
pate that I shall have to do plenty of hard
work to measure np to the record of the gentle
man who will be my predecessor in office,
J consider that Mr. Larkin has been a most ad
mirable executive, and his successor, no matter
whom he might be, whould have no
easy task. Pittsburc's growth is visible to the
naked eye, and its future postoffice must natur
ally be a matter of concern to the public I
appreciate, I think, the responsibilities which
will devolve upon me, and I shall study the
needs of Pittsburg earnestly in an effort to
keep np with the procession. 1 can hardly find
words to express my thanks to my friends who
have single-heartedly workedfor my candidacy.
"1 have not made a pledge of any nature, nor
a promise which will bare to be redeemed by
an appointment. Few men could be so un
hampered in entering into any public offlcc.
and it speaks volumes for the unselfishness of
my friends.
'For my late opponent 1 have only
the kindest feelings, and, if I had
failed to reach the goal,
there is no man 1 should haTe preferred to
him. I think it can be saia ot tne canvass just
closed that no vindictive or retaliatory expres-
.' sion has been extorted from those who were
; championing my interests. Personally I have
cliosen to say as little aspossmie aoeciwoai
am now vcrv glad I came to at the beginning ot
the fight, for those who have made my fight
in Washington. I have already expressed my
cordial thanks by telegram."
"When will you assume charge at the post
office, Mr. rostmasterT"
. "Sot until Mr. L&rkin's term expires, and by
that time I shall be enabled to close out some
extensive business interests which will claim a
great deal of attention for at least a month
from now."
"How did you like the sensation of being
immersed in such a hot fight as that through
which you have for the first time passed?"
"It is a source of satisfaction to me that dur
ing the whole contest, while many things
political have been said of me by my
opponents, not one word of personal de
traction has been uttered by anybody. By the
way, when I say that it is not my wish to
assume office before January 20, after con
firmation by the Senate, I shall be subject to
Postmaster General Wanamaker's orders, and
what he advises or orders will, of course, gov
ern my movements."
The spirit of "enterprise" has prompted sev
eral sources of information to grossly misstate
the particulars and details of the appointment
of Mr. McKean so far as the action of Presi
dent Harrison and Postmaster General Wana
maker is concerned.
The facts are as follows: Oh the evening of
.Monday, December 2, Mr. Wanamaker and
Ills portfolio entered the White House to
gether. The portfolio containedMr. McKean's
appointment, with his name engrossed upon
the outside. President Harrison turned over
the mass of appointments, made a remark ia
regard to the Pittsburg Postoffice, which is
neither here nor there, and locked np the pa
pers. Yesterday afternoon ihe President's
messenger carried a portion of the documents
into the Senate chamber, and delivered them to
Clerk Charles W. Johnson. Sot until that
time were Mr. McKean's papers out of the
Presidents! espionage. The appointment was
made yesterday, as yesterday morning's DlS
. .patch said it would be, and not at any previous
, A Complete Introduction to the 'Newly Ap-
y ' pointed Postmaster
M James Stitt McKean opened his mild blue
'eyes upon this world on tbe 2Stb day of Jam
ary, lS50,at the;NewAbbey,Dumfriesshire,Scot
land, within a short distance of the birth place
or Bobby Burns. Across the street was the
house in which Colonel James P. Andrews, the
eminent engineer, was born. Within SO miles
of Mr. McKean's home Andrew Carnegie was
' bom. A few miles away Charles Lockhart, of
ihe Standard Oil Company, came into this
world. ALeggate and Alex Dempster were
natives of tbe same village as Mr.MeKean.
Messrs. Campbell and Dick were from the same
shire. Altocether it was quite axiest of Draw
laddies, who have since made their mark in
more ways than one.
In June, 1850, the McKean family crossed tbe
ocean and landed in New York. Their first
home in America was at Newburg-on-the-Hnd-.
eon. In 1831 they remored to Mansfield, Pa,
where a farm was purchased and rural life
pleasantly initiated. In 18C6 Robert McKean
sold tbe Mansfield property, and, after some in
spection, purchased 260 acres near Lock No. 4,
paving therefor 522,000 in cash. "Tbe Pittsburg,
Virginia and Charleston Hallroaci subsequently
was run through the farm, and McKean station
became the central point of tbe lock No. 4
"Jarues. as the oldest boy of tbe family,
sturdily entered into farm life, and, by his hard
work and energy, improved tbe naturally arable
property to such a pitch of cultivation that the
'McKean farms became noted throughout the
valley. A portion of the original 260 acres was
recently sold to the Cbarlerol Land Improve
ment Company for 200,000 in cash.
"In 1S7C the subject of the sketch came to
Pittsburg and entered into the firm of Duff,
.McKean & Co., a firm which has since been
typical for conservative methods, business en
terprise and tbe enjoyment of financial con
fidence of tbe community. The traae enjoyed
by .the firm extends over tbe greater portions
of five States. The senior partner of the firm
IsJMr. W. O Duff, who was Mr. McKein'a first
schoolmaster. History is silent as to whethor
the senior partner ever wielded the birch to
the detriment of the junior partner's corporeal
comfort. Mr. McKean is unmarried, but
there's no telling when tbe record will have to
lie amended.
fjHe has been in the Masonic fraternity just
ten'VfiarsL havini rispn as rnnldltr anrl frnrlir-
'.. ,"bjy as in politics. He became a member of
. ionic lioage coo, tr. A tn Aiiegnenv. and by
-An odd chapter of accidents was thrust into tbe
chair of the V. Master within six months after
taking his initiatory degree. Sent to the Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania he attracted attention
and came back with a subordinate position
therein. In quick succession he became Past
High Priest of Allegheny Chapter No. 217.
(Past Thrice Illustrious Grand Master of Alle
gheny Council. At preseiit Eminent Com
mander ot Pittsburg Commandery No. 1,
Jvnlghts Templar, Junior Grand Deacon of the
Grand Lodge of Pennyivania, District Deputy
' Grand .Master for tbe Thirty-second District of
.Pennsylvania, a member of the Scottish Kites
bodies, and a member of Assyria Temple, Ancient-Arabic
Order of the Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine. He is also a charter member and
. ,econd vite president of the Americas Club,
"vice president of the State Agricultural So
ciety, and a member of its Executive Board.
He is one of the Waverly Scots Society, a
.member of Morris Lodge L 0. 0. F a member
of the Boyal Arcanum, and a member of Pitts
."inrg Council Independent Order of Hepta
"tonbs. Mr. McKean is of medium height, square
shouldered and compactly built, and his weight
.inclines toward tbe comfortable line. His
.liandgrasp is always fervent and his cordiality
precludes tbe possibility of his having ought
but warm personal friendshin. Inanvascem.
blage Mr. McKean would be called a handsome
man. He has tbe faculty of making friend
ship with marvelous ease, and those he meets
.never forget him. Of simple tastes, always
quietly dressed and unassuming to the last de
gree.' tho new postmaster is a man of , whom it
might be aptly saidr "He standi without
httching." ,
Uo Commends QIcKenn, bat Maintains a
. Principle.
Henry P. Ford, the popular, though de
feated, candidate, said:
.lean cordially and unequivocally congratulate
Mr. McKean upon his appointment. We have
always been personal friends, and shall still re
main so. Be has the position, and X could not do
less thanoe the first to wish him all success per
sonally. The appointments made I wish It un
derstood and it cannot be pot too strouglv Is
personally grateful to roe, but politically dlstiste
luUnoton my own account, but on that of tbe
Congressman of tbe district.
1 hold still; as 1 have held all along, that the dis
position of tbe office belonged by both right and
custom to Congressman Dalzcll; and while con
gratulating my succersfol competitor, 1 regret ex
ceedingly the slight which bas been pat upon the
Congressman of our district.
"Wants the People to Decide.
Of the tix candidates out for the McKeesoort
..postoffice,, there is hutjone Captain Joseph
aCiflne wno u in xavor oi auieiecnon. ana tbe
, -tMJV-..,. .,-E.. --.. ...1 ' . ... .
wvuetfiug luequcauon. t
V. A. Blagee, WMloCoDgratalaUaetlie Ap
pointee, Deprecates the Precedent
What His Paper Will Say of It.
Of Mr. McKean's appointment Councilman
W. A. Magee, editor of the Timet, said: "I
have no objections, of conrsetoMr. McKean,
and will be glad to see him conduct this office
as properly as his predecessors -have done. Of
his ability I have no doubt; but I, as the general
public well knows, was in favor of H. P. Ford,
as was also the active working" por
tion of the Republican party of
Pittsburg. I think that the ' Congres
sional representative of the district which sup
plies the work of the postoffice ought to have a
little choice in the question of who will admin
ister the mail service in the central portion ot
the Congressional district. I congratulate Mr.
McKean on his success; but I dislike the man
ner in which he was placed there."
The Pittsburg Times will this morning pub
lish the following editorial upon the appoint'
President Harrison yesterday appointed Jas.
B. McKean Postmaster or the city of I'lttsburft.
The appoinnient was made on the demand of Sen
ator Quay, and against the protest or Congress
man llalzcll, who advocated the appointment of
Henry P. Ford, President ofgeleet Council. Air.
Ford was Timorously indorsed by every delegate
in the last Chlcaco Convention from this city. In
cluding Harry W. Oliver. Jr., delerate-at-larn.
He was also Indorsed by the Chairman of the
ltepnblican County Committee, the Chairman of
me isepuniicaa iaiy unnmuKc, ana mae-temns
of the members of each committee from the city
of Pittsburg, which composes the postoffice dis
trict, which is entirely within the Congressional
district represented bv Mr. Daliell. He was also
Indorsed by every Republican member of the Leg
islature rrom this city, and by a resolution unani
mously passed by both branches of Councils.
Neither his capacity nor his integrity were
ever questioned. The local offices in Alle
gheny county, including the postofflce, have
been filled heretofore in accordance with the
Judgment of tha Republicans ,of the county.
uuuiao inierierence uaa not oeen xoieraiea.
Allen landlordism has never been acknowledged.
Under this system of home rule the Republican
organization bas been maintained and the ltennb-
lican majority has been increased until In 1833.
Allegheny countv gave Harrison a larger maioritv
than she ever gave to any other candidate for
President and a larger majority than any other
county in the Onion gave to Harrison.
Mr. McKean Is a gentleman whose personal
qualities no supporter of Mr. Ford has ever at
temnted to gainsay or belittle. Be Is a man of
repute In the community, of undoubted integrity
and unquestioned Intelligence.
Rut no friend of his has reason to deny, or has
denied, equal measure of these qualities to Mr.
Ford, and no memory can be so poor as to forget
that Senatorial Interference In Republican party
affairs less purely local than this and bosslsm less
arrogant than this, have cost the party the State,
even within the present decade. To the extent
which like causes tend to produce like results,
such appointments as this and many others like It
In this State, are bad politics.
Some Politicians and Other Citizens Who
Think a Political Precedent Ought to
Have Baled What They Say.
A few random expressions, gathered last
evening, anent the appointment, axe readable.
Tbe talkers said:
"William Flinn-The appointment Is made. Is it?
Well, lam satisfied that I shall get my mall Just
tbe same as usual, and I must congratulate Mr.
McKean. You act me how Congressman Dalzelll
races it r lam sure 1 cannot tell. He is a good
man and a good Republican, and will take his
gruel, I suppose, without kicking.
Dr. Jennings I don't know what to say, more
than yon can put me on record as having a firm
belief that Congressman Daliell has been most
shamefully snubbed, and I do not like It. There Is
no disrespect Intended to Mr. McKean In this
statement, as 1 regard it -wholly from the stand
point of prlnclpu and think the appointment a
very unit prcceucut.
As chief of police I hsve seen hbu at work at all
hours of night and at limes when 1 thought my-'
at home. In bed.. He has been in my opinion
sen ne wuuia nave ueen niucu more appropriately
model postmaster.
Hon. Mark R. Iemon-"WhIle folly in accord
with the average citizen of Pittsburg In Indorsing
Mr. McKean as a man eminently capable ol con
ducting the office bofli from the standpoints oi
ability and Integrity. I mnst sav that I consider
the appointment as an outrage upon the rights of
the Congressmen of this district. On this point 1
make a arm stand.
The postoffice employes We are not' particu
larly looking for Jobs. The civil service rules
keep os quiet both as regard to our mouths and
our situations.
W. J. Brennen, Esq., I'm abundantly pleased
with McKean's selection. I'm opposed to this
Chinese snivel service reform, by which 8,000
people fore 6O.O0u.C0O to accept what they d
not want. Civil service merely provides places
for people who are too weak to get them for
The filling of offices Is of aore Importance t
the election of a President. When the nennlni
for a change they mean It, and I despise dlietta
notifies. iouu ieeo laou'iwant to say anyinmg about
the matter for the simple reason that It was not
my Sght. My ambition is to have yon address my
mall as State Senator
Sheriff JE. McCandless You can qnote me as
saying with regard to the appointment that I said,
"lake a toby." '
Frank Case. City Assessor I know of no objec
tion In the world which could be urged against
Mr. Mc'Kean's appointment. He Is a repre
sentative man and can fill the position as It
should be tilled. 1 will 6ay, however, that my
firm belief Is tbe appointment belonged, as by
custom, to Congressman Daliell. The question
of the merits of the candidates never entered Into
the contest, as both stand so high la the estima
tion of tne citizens.
The riitabure Postofflce a Depository for
1,300 Offlcea Mr. Larkln Beady to
Shnkr ITnndi With His Successor.
The appointment of a Pittsburg postmaster
entails a good deal more than the average
citizen imagines. Few people recognize the
fact that the Pittsburg postmaster is virtually
an assistant United States Treasurer, as the
postoffice is the- depository for over 1,300
fourth claBS offices, besides some 400
money order offices, of which the ac
counts are settled daily. This places
Pittsburg ahead of New York, which has tbe
only sub-treasury in the country, and the post
office, although handling more business than
any other in tbe country, bas not tbe dignity
attached to its occupany which Pittsburg
proudly bears. Postmaster Larkin, from
whence the information of the importance of
the office was derived, said yesterdav:
Well, I am glad the matter Is settled. I do
not think, as I told you before, that there will be
any very sudden changes in the administration or
the office, as the appointment takes place at a
very Important time ofyear when the accounts of
auiueseinDuiaryomces are oeing prepared and
will have to be audited. -This will take three
weeks at least to do, and of course the turning
over will consume some time. There will
be probably some five or six weeks yet
before X snail hsve to pack np my crip
and resume the quiet pursuit of private
lire. I have the very highest regard for both the
gentlemen who bave been regarded as the candi
dates and can as freely and as pleasantly shake
hands with Mr. McKean as I would be pleased to
do with Mr. Ford. Klther one of them will find
the postoffice right here until the grand opening
"j ta.r! piste uuwu street ana uncie earn will
do business at the old stand, no matter what re
sults the whirligig of politics may produce."
He Dnclnree tbe Violation of Precedent a
Wrong Tfant Will Yet bn Sighted.
A special telegram from Washington to The
DrsPATCH last night gave the explicit and in
cisive comment of Congressman Daliell on the
appointment, as follows:
I have expected theappolntmentof Mr.MeKean.
Mr. "Wanamaker at my first Interview with him
openly announced himself on the side of Quay as
against me. The President conceding the force of
precedent seemed to think that even precedent
could not stand against the demands of the
Chairman of the National Committee. Mr. Mc
Kean has known all along that my feeling for
Tilm personally. Is of the kindest character and
that my fight against him Involved, in my honest
Judgment, a principle for which! was morally
bound to contend, I care nothing at all for
patronage and the dispensation of it is tbe most
disagreeable part of my duties.
The appointment of McKean, "however, is a
wrong against me as a Representative of my dis
trict. Ills an indefensible violation of Rcpubll-
can precedent; it is a wrong done at tbe direction
of a selfish and grinding bosslsm, and the self
respect of the peeple. or Pennsylvania will soon
vindicate" Itself. Every wrong brings its Own
fruits; this one will prove no exception to the
He Regrets tho Late Complication, bnt Bai
No Fnolt to Find.
W. D. Porter. Chairman of tbe Republican
County Committee:
I regret that any complication should have oc
curred over the appointment or the Pittsburg
postmaster, but at the same time bave no possible
fault to find with the choice. The custom in such
matters I am not sufficiently familiar with to give
an opinion on the merits of the case, but as 1 have
been Informed the Congressman is supposed to
have the right to nominate the postmasters of his
district. I have, howevtr. too good faith in the
sterling Republicanism Ot Johri Daliell, as well as
ofMr. Kora, to think for a moment that this mat
ter wonld afreet the party's prospects either na
tionally pr locally. '". : '
An Engagement Broken,
ATonn!r lad v. Kich in .social eirelea 1h
this city, has just broken her engagement,
because her intended, who promised to buy
her a musical box refused to go 'to Gailin
ger's, ISOJTPenh avc.to buy Jt . TheypBpg"
lady claims that their iStock, eoniisting-ot
musical bqxes; gnitars, masdolias; violins,
accordions, concertinas, beajog,. .etc., is the
fiyaujEisavy sdik. ..aa&m Thso-,
A Hotel on a Splendid Scale- to be
Built on the Postoffice Site
New Xork Capitalists and a Pitts Burger Are
Puttin&Up the Money
Pittsburg is to have a hotel, by 'which is
meant a hotel with a capital H a hotel
which will be costlier, larger, more magni
ficent and more admirably situated than any
other hotel in the city or perhaps out of It Its
location will be on the site of the present post-
I office building and not less than 51,000,000 will
oe spent in tue enterprise.
The projectors of tbe scheme are New York
capitalists, with whom is connected a gentle
man who is identified with one of tbe city's
largest iron and steel firms. Tbe New Yorkers
have been here from time to time, and have
had more than one interview with the Pitts
burgers in relation to the matter.
No persons will be, more astonished at what
they may call a premature announcement,
when this appears, than those concerned in tbe
scheme, and attempts will be made in the nat
ural order of things to controvert tbe state
ment, but the information contained heroin
comes from such ' a thoroughly reliable source
that not any doubt can be cast upon its relia
bility. The gentleman having the commission to se
cure the site, when the time comes for its pur
chase, ba entered a bid which falls something
short of 500,000. This latter figure is set down
as the buying price, as it is thought that it will
not be approached from any other quarter.
It is well known that there are several peo
ple who look on the site with longing eyes, and
it is stated that Gusky's have made an offer of
5380,000 for the property. Tho projectors of the
hotel will not, however, allow dollars to stand
In tbe way of their enterprise, which bas ad
vanced the length of having the plans pre
pared. The most pertinent and vital points about
tbe new building will be that it will be con
structed entirely of steel, and will be thor
oughly fireproof. Tito building will be ten
stories high and have a pair of double ele
The entrance will be at the corner of the ave
nue and SralrhQeld street, where will be a
spacious vestibule, leading to a lofty rotunda,
and giving access to the sample room and cafe,
which win be on the Smithfield street side.
The wine room will be located on the Fifth
avenue side and adjoining it the office and
various apartments.
The baggage and domestic entrance are
planned to adjoin tbe Court House, and a pair
of freight elevators will communicate with the
top story, where it is proposed to place the
kitchen and domestic offices. The Structure
will have a frontage on' Fifth avenue of 128
feet and on Smithfield street of 120 feet. Two
hundred and fifty thousand dollars will be ex
pended en tbe erection, and another $250,000 on
the interior decorations and furnishing.
An architect whose reputation in hotel
structure is well assured is now engaged upon
the plans, and in tbe not far future the city
will possess a caravansary which, if it does not
lead, will be second to none iu the country.
Particular attention will be paid to tbe cafe,
which it is proposed shall rival Delmonico's in
New York.
Allegheny Firemen Mnko a Public Test of
Their New Engine.
The new Sllsby engine purchased by the Al
legheny Plre Department was tested yesterday
in the presence of the Committee on Fire De
partment, Councilmen and citizens. The test
'twas entirely .satisfactory. Twenty pounds ot
team was .raised in tbe englno in S minutes
and 45 seconds after the fire had been started.
and in four minutes tbe engine was throwing a
stream of water. The steam was increased at
times to 120 pounds, and a stream was thrown
horizontally 819 feet through a IJi-lnch nozzle;
312 feet with a l&Inch nozzle; SI7 feet with a
1-ihch nozzle, and 218 feet -with a 2-Inch noz
zle. She also threw a stream 218 feet through
four 1-inch nozzles at the same time, bnt the
trial that showed the best results wasavertical
stream through a 1-inch nozzle that went 23
feet above the top of tbe spire on tbe North
Avenue M. E. Church. Tbe spire is 194 feet
high, so that the stream was thrown 219 feet in
the air. There was 120 pounds of. steam on at
the time and tbe water was forced through 300
feet of hose and through aSiamese connection.
Measurements were taken by City Engineer
The Lair of Long fc Co.'a Personal Property
Disposed Of.
The last of the persoonal property of Long &
Co. was purchased yesterday morning at the
mill. The stuff was a lot of brass which was
purchased by Maloney&Co. They bought six
tons of red brass worth about $2,000 and 1,000
pounds of new brass bearings for rolls, etc. Tho
firm bought altogether about 23,000 worth of
cinder, pig metal, iron, etc
Tbe mill will be offered for sale on January 0.
Mr. Long stated yesterday that he would make
an offer of $200,000 for the property. If be
bought It in he would begin work at tbe mill at
once. Harry Darlington is also after tbe prop
erty, it is Bald. It is probable that there will be
considerable rivalry to secure possession of the
Thirteenth Ward Citizens Say tbe Herron
mil Reservoir Injured Them.
Councilman S. A Duncan called on Superin
tendent Browne, of the Water Bureau, yester
day in relation to tbe payment of damages to
John and James Harrison .and several other
members of the same family for injury sus
tained to their properties in the Thirteenth
ward by reason of tho leakage of water from
tbe Herron Hill reservoir.
Tho property in question is on Bidge street,
and Mr. Browne says isa quarter of a mile
from tbe basin. He thinks tbe water that dam
aged the Harrison property comes from the
Herron Hill coal pits.
A Terrible Beating.
Charles Call and Edward Miller will have a
hearing before Alderman Bupp, of the Elev
enth ward, Allegheny, to-day, on a charge of
assault and battery. Ezra Carson made tbe in
formation in behalf of bis small son, John
Carson, who, it Is said, was assaulted and ter
ribly beaten by the defendants. No cause can
be given for tbe alleged assault. '
Two Three-Yenr-OId Lost.
Two 3-year-old tots named Walter Wardle
ana Arthur Mallory, residing on Wylie avenue
and Arthur street, disappeared yesterday from
their homes. Up until a late hour last night
nothing had been beard from them, and their
parents are almost distracted.
A Lnd Killed by tho Cars.
Robert Cobauch, M years old, was killed on
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad near Glen
wood yesterday. His parents live on Lytle
street. Hazehrood.
Incidents of a Day in Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Reading.
Tks of the, cars to he used on the Federal
Street and Pleasant Valley Passenger. Railway
have been shipped from the Pullman shops.
The adjusting of the wires along the road has
been completed, and as soon as the work on
tbe new power house is finished the road
will be put into operation.
Officebjoiin Mooit. yesterday afternoon,
broke up a little party th& had congregated
with a bottle behind a lumber pile on the
Allegheny wharf, at the foot of Seventh street,
by arresting them all, seven in number and
sending them to Central station as vagrants.
The greatest landslide that bas occurred on
the Baltimore and Ohio Railrood for years
took place last night at the old Jackson mines,
near Dawson, fnd stopped all traffic until a
track was. built around hundreds of tons of
dirt and boulders as" big asahoi car.
'"tux sixth annual Christmas dinner for the
Bradford newsboys will be held in the Capitol
restaurant of that place qn tbe 2oth. P. H.
Llnderman is in. charge of the feist.
TSBhevr sewer at Negloy 'avenue-has almost
been" "flntene'd:" It WiTl"fehhan(h the'valnnnf
propeijty,whleb grates 'bobtjIQ percent.
Tii citizens WoTRan.amtalkine of!
jboWteg a public" saeetlng on Monday ..to protest;
flf.a1nt thit fllthir MnlHmi n tt,A nil t TIT iiml
-The Allegheny Light Csmpany ta. fee's.
Mllllon-Dellar Ceaccrn A Special M eeu
inglTas Bees 'Calf et)
Tho growth ot the electric light burners in
this city has become so great that tho Alle
gheny County Light Company find, itis neces
sary to increase their facilities in order to keen
up with tbe times, A special meeting of the
stockholder of tbe company has been called
for Saturday. January 4,
At that meeting a proposition will be made to
increase tbe capital stock of tbe company to
11,000,000 or more. It will be necessary to make
the change if the company expect to maintain
their grip on the business in this county.
In speaking to a Dispatoh reporter yester
day Secretary B, D. McCJonnigle of the com
pany, gave a number of figures which show
the extent of the business. The company
started in 18S1 with a few arc lights. They did
not put in their first incandescent lamps until
March 18S6. When tbe first arc lights were put
up the people were astonished and the lights
were an innovation in this city. From a be
ginning of ISO incandescent lamps the business
has grown to a system of 23,000 incandescent
lights and 600 arc lamps. Tbe orders for lights
are coming in so rapidly that the company can
not supply tho demand and are away behind.
They bave come to tbe point where it is
necessary to increase their facilities or else
Fton doln? business.
The 28,000 incandescent lights are equal to
418,000 candles. Each light is of 16-can die power.
Each arc lamp is equal to 2,000 candles, and tbe
800 lights would give tbe same illumination as
1,600,000 candles. This, added to the candle
power of the incandescent lamps, given a total
of 2,018,000 candles In the two cities. Each aro
lamp is equal to one horso power, and the aggre
gate horse power necessary to run all the lights
is S,C00horses. In addition to this tbe company
has rented out over 200 electric motors for run
nine sewing machines, printing presses, etc
Eight thousand of the 23, 000 Incandescentlamps
are being burned by meter. The others are
running on contract. There is but one other
company doing business in the city. This is the
East End Electric Company.
The Westinguouse Electric Company, ofjthis
city, yesterday received a contract for a cen
tral station plant at McKlnney, Tex. This Is
the fifteenth central station plant they have
contracted for in tbe Lone Star State.
An application for a charter bas been made
by Percy F. Smith. J. J. McCormlck, William
Macrum, George Glass and W. A. Zahn for a
company to be known as the Chartiera Valley
Electric Light Company. They will put in a
Westingbouse plant near Chartiera and light
up all the towns in tbo valley. Mr, Zahn will
probably be tbe president of the company.
It is rumored that the Central District and
Printing Telegraph Company, or the Bell Tele
phone Company will bring suit against the
Allegheny' County Light Company for
damages. "Verv of ten tbe electric wires cross
tbe telephone circdits, and the high power
burns the latter out. General Manager Metz
gar, of the telephone company, says they have
stood it as long as they propose to, and will
make the light company reduce their current
within the city limits. The crossing of highly
charged electric wires with telephone lines has
set bouses on fire. The telephone box sizzles
to a crisp and then drops to the floor, setting
fire to the carpet or woodwork.
Secretary Dillon Says Plttsbors Will Not
Commence Operation.
Secretary William Dillon, of the A. F. G. W.
Union, is back from the convention ot the A.
F. of L. at Beston. Speaking of the eight-hour
proposition of the Federation Mr. Dillon said
that tbe Executive Council had instructions
from the Federation with regard to the move
ment and that it would carry oat its policy
after the manner it might consider expedient
Thea88cssL:entotthe2 cent per capita bore
no relation to the eight-hour movement; the
object being to raise a fund for other and dif
ferent contingencies. When it does come to a
question of a fight for the eight-hour day it
win ne touna tnat many oi tne trades win
make the fight entirely on their own account,
and on their own resources. "Pittsburg," said
Mr. Dillon, "will not be selected as the place
where tbe. movement for the elght-bour day
will he initiated. Another thing which the
convention did was the passing of a resolution
pledging the Federation togive the Brother
hood of Ball Players its moral support and en
couragement." THOSE RIVER MINERS.
Some Concessions Being Of ade to the Striker
Dealers Still In Abeyance.
It was rumored on Water street yesterday
that one opera tdr in the f onrth pool had ordered
his men to work af the increased rate, viz.; 2K
Severn! smaller mine owners hare been supply
ing the local market at the 3-cent rate for some
time past, but among the rest of the leading
owners there is just as strong a disinclination
to yield the half cent as heretofore. There Is
no doubt at all that all the coal men are chafed
at daily looking out upon the volume of water
at present in tbe river, and at the fact that
they cannot come to terms with their men.
The Eastern syndicate river mine coal deal
is reported as off, but the fact that W. P.
Shinn is in the city and having talks with lead
ing men would indicate a possibility of tbe deal
being yet arranged, tbongb perhaps on a differ
ent basis from that proposed.
SberrlfT 6c 4ativrarth to Equip tbe New Mill
at Greensbnrg.
Sherriff dsAshwortb, of this city, have se
cured the contract for the machinery to be
placed in the new steel works to be located at
The contract is worth about $25,000, and is
mostly for engines, boilers, lathes, crushers,
etc The company erecting the milt is composed
of Greensburg people. Work has already been
begun on the building of the plant. It is
expected that it will begin operations about
March 15.
Some Big Leases Secured and. Some New
Wells Pat Down.
Tbe Ferrin Oil Company has purchased leases
covering 350 acres on the Barton, Winters,
Kllnger, Martin and Cooper farms on Thorn
creek, one drilling and 11 producing wells, from
inayeroc urosDy, ot mis city, jrrlco, 540,000.
Royal No. 3, on the Calhoun farm, George
town field, Beaver county, started off at a 75
barrel gait. The -well produces the furore
usual in a new district.
Operations are brisk in the Taylorstown
field. Duffy & Co.'s No. 4, on the Carson heirs
farm is doing 60 barrels from the Gordon sand.
Father Canevin Ask for n Collection for
Their Benefit.
Rev. Father J. F. Regis Canevin, treasurer of
St. Paul's Orphan Asylum, on Tannehill street,
bas issued a circular to the clergy and laity
of the diocese in behalf of the orphans' now
sheltered in tho institution. Ho requests that
a collection be taken up in all the churches in
the diocese on Christmas Day for the benefit of
the waifs. It has been the custom at tha
Cathedral to take up this collection each year
and collect 25 cents at the door. The asylum is
dependent on these collections.
A Regulator.
A few Hamburg figs wilt cure the worst cases
of constipation and'lndigestlon, and their occa
sional use will prevent the recurrence of these
troubles. 25 cents. Dose, one fig. Mack
Drug Co., N. Y. usu
An Elegant and Useful Christmas Present!
Is Will L. Thompson's collection of popu
lar American copyright mnsic. A mam
moth collection, consisting of popular songs;
songs with chorus, concert quartets, popu
lar sacred songs, sacred quartets, comic
songs, piano solos and mnsic for parlor or
gan. The selections include none out the
most valuable and most popnlar American
copyright music. The book is very large,
handsomely- bound in heavy cloth, 384
pages, lull sheet music size. Trice;. ?3.
From notv until Christmas, wHl Send it, ex-i
press prepaid, tffany part of TJ. S. or Canada,
upon receipt of f$. (Tlie music, when
bought in sheet form, costs $41.) Address
tts East Liverpool, O.
401 Smithfield Street, cor. Fourth Avenue.
Capital, $100,000. Surplus, 50,000.
Deposits of SI and .upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. xzs
Lndlc. Have Yon ffnlr
On checks, cbin or lip 7. If so, you can
have every hair destroyed lorever "without
pain, scar or injury hy the electric needle by
consulting Dr. J. VanDvck, electro sur
geon, permanently located at 602 Penn ave.
Never fails. Book free,
Art Plashes ms4 Wilts. '
Go to H. Holtzman &. -Sons' presi saci-i.
fice sale of .fine painted' aftd-erabfi4rd:
U1UBU BBU ail. 9UU.1MtaR
Contribution Boxes to 'be Placed All
Around tho Two Cities.
The Bill Hen to lie Asfced to Contribute
Twenty-Fire Cents.
The Hospital Saturday and Sunday As
sociation held a special meeting yesterday
at the Homeopathic Hospital. A number
of representative" merchants, doctors and
prominent citizens, together .with delegates
from the various labor organizations, assem
bled to ascertain what the objects of the 'as
sociation1 were, and to devise it plan whereby
the different hospital treasuries can be en
riched so that they pan carry on the work of
the institutions without constantly begging
for money, llr. WilllaniiMcCrdery presided.
Among thOse present "were Messrs. George
McCoy, A. W. Cowen, J. O. Patterson,
Samuel Hamilton, Joseph Albreev Rev. B; P.
Woodburn'and a number of others.
The report of tbe last year's collections and
disbursements was read and adopted. After
the Tontine business bad been completed Mr.
McCrcery turned the meeting into a general
hospital committee. Mr. A. W. Cowed outlined
the work. He said:
' 'Hospital Saturday will occur December 28 and
hospital Sunday the day following. Wei propose
to Inaugurate a new move to raise money on these
days. In all public resorts, or wherever people
congregate, a contribution box will be conspicu
ously placed." Mayor MeC'allln has promised to
protect tlte boxes where they ,are erected, by a
special officer. "We hope to put boxes In front of
the City Hall, Court House, bridges, at tbe corner
of Fifth avenue, at the Unlou depot. In the
Market and tbe vestibules-of the theaters. "VV'e
are endeavoring to persuade tbe, proprietors of
mills to pnt similar boxes In their establishments.
A number of prominent stores also offer to have a
box nailed at their doors.
"On Sunday collections will be taken in all the
churches of the two cities. Tbe clerjry have prom
ised to preach special sermons. They will point
ont the necessity of supporting the charitable in
stitutions.. We expect to realize this year from
these two sources about 833,(00.
The secret societies In the city have signified
thelrlntentlon to belp us in this good work next
year. Tbey propose to put on the table during
their meetings a hospital box. If any member of
this society choose to contribute to this desirable
fnnd. he will have an opportunity of so doing.
The box wUl not be opened until the expiration of
the year.
"We will pursue a different course during the
coming year which will help to swell the hospital
Saturday fund. A committee will be appointed irom
each of the various mills who will have charge of
a box. These boxes will be fastened In some part
of tbe mill, not far from the pay window, it wilt
be the duty of tbe committee to canvass amons
the men asking them to contribute to the box. If
each man In the mills would give 25 cents every
year, the hospitals would be out of the reach of
penury, sua mey wouia accompiisn a greater
If sufficient funds can be collected this year It
is'the purpose of the committee to Increase the
capacity of the various hospitals. Nearly all the
institutions in Pittsburg and Allegheny are taxed
to their utmost capacity at present, and if a great
calamity was to overtake the city, the. greatest
difficulty would be experienced in providing ac
commodation therein."
The West Penn Hospital have completed tbe
new annex at the east side of tbe main build
ing, in the rear. It will be formally opened for
the reception of patients New Year's Day.
This gives the West Penn Hospital SO extra
beds. With this new wing the hospital wards
will be full. Every ward in tbe hospital now is
more than full. The corridors have to be
utilized in the evening for sleeping rooms.
Silver mounted Leather Goods.
Folios, writing tablets, letter and card
cases, pocketbooks, purses, cigar and cigar
ette cases, visiting lists and address books.
No house in tbe city shows the assortment
we jdo. and so fully guarantees quality,
workmanship, etc.
. Jos. EichbAum & Co., 48 Fifth ave. '
Elegant line of children's Fauntleroy
collars, just opened 25c, 60c, to $1 25. Collars
and cuffs in sets, $1 25. $1 50, 22. New
patterns. Boggs & Buhl.
Seal plush garments all sizes and newest
shapes in cloaks, jackets and wraps. Prices
greatly reduced throughout the entire line.
Handkerchiefs at Half
Tbe price of last season. ' Hemstitched, a)l
linen, embroidered initial handkerchiefs at
12c, were 25c last year.
Jos.- Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
r. For Christians Morning,
Ladies' seal satchels. C. A Smiley & Co.
1S5S. Holmes' Bear. 18S9.
Use this brand for sickness. It is perfectly
pure. W. H. Holmes & Son,
120 Water street and 158 First avenue.
The best grades of French sateens 20
cents a yard during our clearing sale, form
erly 35 and 40 cents.
ttssu Htjgtjs & Hacke.
AnOTHEB lot of those 16-inch kid body
bisque dolls for only 50c, at Harrison's toy
store, 122 Federal st., Allegheny. Jns
' Bamboo Easels.
A large- assortment at prices never heard
of before. Well made and dnrable.
Jos. Eichbaum & Co.,
48 Filth avenue.
Cossets that were $1 50 now for 75 cents.
Come quick. F. Schoenthal,
612 Penn ave.
Dolls A new invoice by express just in.
Tbe best values in bisque head kid-body
dolls at 25e, 50e, 75c, 51, 51 25, 51 60, 51 75,
52, ever seen. Booos Ss Buhl.
Mnsic Boxes I Masle Boxes!
Thellargest stock of tbe best make of
boxes at H. KleDer & Bro.'s, No. 606 Wood
Ale and porter are tbe correct drinks for
December, January and February. Frauen
heim & Vil sack's brews are tbe favorites
with connoisseurs.
For Christmas Scorning.
Ladies' seal satchels. C. A. Smiley & Co.
Open Evenings.
Holiday goods; cash or credit,
its Hoppee Beos. & Co., 307 Wood st
" For Christmas Morning,
Ladies'fine umbrellas. - -
C. A. Smiley & Co,
A handsome assortment of table cloths
with napkins to match in sets from 54 .up
ward.? HUGUfr&HACKE.
B. As B.
60 dozen ladies' fine white embroidered
handkerchieisjustinat SO cents. Best 50
cent values ever seen; usual prices 75 cents.
Stores open every evening, beginningThurs
day. Boggs & Buhl.
Holiday silk and Batin suspenders at
James H. Aiken & Co.'s-, 100 Fifth ave.
Books! Books! Books! Books!
Jt. B. Davis & Co,, 96 Fifth ave..
Telephone 1788.
TENper cent cheaper.' tnan elsewhere,
those aise covered, toy trunk's, just the thins
fcr the girls, at Harrison's toysto,13i
Federal st.;, Allegheny. . .. na
BUm'8LLG"re5tISirth;i gbsfWslj
A Good Chance for Him is 6 lata Baststess
en Fesrth Aveew.
Said Mk George B.H111 yesterdays "I wish
you would call attention to the necessity for a
first-class lunch room on Fourth avenue near
the Exchange, something like those in the
vicinity ot the StockExchange in New York.
"It should bo run by someone who understands
the business, and should be arranged so that a
person could get what he wanted at a cost of 6
cents to a figure as high as a customer saw fit
to go. Tbe cooking should bs unexception
able, and particular attention should be given
to the securing of good bread, not the alum
puffed article set before people, even' when
thev pay a dollar for a meal.
"You can Bcarce get good bread even at our
best clubrooms, and without it a meal is unsat
isfactory, no matter Dow excellent in other re
spects." .
Mr. HU1 further stated that if tbe right kind
of a man were. to offer his expenses would be
paid to New York and see wbat was wanted,
and money furnished without Interest to 'set
tbe institution on its feet and keep it there un
til established, feeling confident that It wonld
be a success fromtbo start, so that the projec
tor could soon wipe tint his indebtedness.
' Open for .the Holidays Only.
You will wonder at our fine display.
Goods'Sre going rapidly, and we would ad
vise you tojcali early. Special discounts on
large pieces. v
Store open till 9 P, M. until Christmas.
Wm. Haslao c &j Son,
Select Family Grocers;
18 Djamond Square, Pittsburg.
185a Holmes' Best. 1SS9.
Our catalogue contains the names of 17
brands of champagnes, as many clarets, all
the best vintages of port, sherry and Bur
gundy. Best imported French brands,
choice cordials, iu fact all the items of the
trade which are essential" to the holiday
feastings, including our own specialty, viz:
"Holmes' Best," a whisky of undoubted
excellence. Send orders by telephone 305
or to W. H. Holmes & Son,
120 Water street and 058 First avenue.
Entire stock of children's collars trans
ferred from onr wholesale at sacrifice .prices.
$1 grade at BOc.
60c grade. at 25o. ,
35o grads'at 15c
25o grade at. 10c
lOo and 16c grade at 6c.
Booos & Buhl.
Mr. M cGIoty's Wife.
Whatever may have been Mr. McGinty's
misfortunes while attempting to win his
famous five dollar bet, he was happy and
contented with his home life. His' wife be
ing a sensible woman, used Marvin's Self
Rising Flour,. and every morning McGinty
reveled in the most delicious buckwheat
cakes made from it. Marvin's Seif-Risiog
Pancake and Buckwheat Flours are for sale
by all grocers. s
The Bohmsnn Mandolins
Lead them all. Have jnst received a large
and handsome stock specially finished for
Christmas trade. They are acindwledged
by professional players to be superior to any
thing made In this country or Europe. In
model they are perfection; in finish elegant,
and in tone they are immense you mnst
see and hear them, and he convinced. The
genuine are to be had only at George Kap
pel's, 7Z Fifth avenue. ' 12,19
Mnsic Boxes 1 Mnsic Boxes!
The largest stock of the best make of
boxes at H. Kleber & Bro.'s, No. 606 Wood
For Christmas Morning,
Ladies' fine umbrellas.
' C. A. SMILEY & CO.
. . Onr, Special Watch.
We have been surprised at the 'demand;
lor tnem. All admit onr claim tnst wa
"have tbe neatest, thinnest and best watch in
the market. Guaranteed absolutely satis
factory as regards time.
Haedy & Hayes',
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Sealers,
629 Smithfield St. New Building.
A Beautiful Writing Desk
Is to be seen in our store. A very choice
Eiece of the finest cabinet work in solid ma
ogany, finely carved and fitted with the
best fittings. Well worth the attention of
one. who wishes to bave a unique present.
Jos. Eichbaum & Co.,
48 Fifth avenue.
The Howard Watch Leads All.
A magnificent and very full line in all
sizes and cases for ladies, gentlemen and
children, at moderate prices. -The time
pieces are highly recommended by promin
ent officers of the XT. S. Navy on account of
reliability and accuracy. Don't fail to see
the Howard watches at George W. Biggs &
Co.'s. jewelry house, corner of Sixth avenue
and Smithfield street.
Holiday dress patterns in nice boxes, fine
black silk and black silk warp cashmeres at
prices for choice good a. that are bringing the
people for useful presents.
Booos & Buhl.
Holiday umbrellas and canes at James
H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave.
Extra good value in 46-in wide all wool
mack cashmeres at 50, 60.J75. 85 cents nd
51 a yard. Huous Ss Hacke.
New Wall Paper.
The best designs and coloringsof all the
American factories.
Crumkine, Bane & Bassett,
416 Wood st.
Thbee (3) fold mirrors, silyer. Won
derfully useiul. Bichly ornamented.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
All our corsets must De sold this week.
Your choice of 20 styles now for 75 cents.
E Schoenthal, 612 Penn ave.
B. & B.
A comprehensive assortment elegant
things for Christmas presents, new, use
ful and artistic, 52 to 510 each. '
Booos & Buhl.
The Mokevlllo Bnhles.
An attractive water-color print of s group
of "Little' Mokes" enjoying themselves at a
picnic; a very nice present lor the nursery
and its inmates.
Jos. Eichbaum & Co.,
48 Fifth avenue.
Ale and corterare the correct drinks for
I December, January and February. Franen-
r tiaim J?- tr,l..V. hranrfc oto tllA fnvnritiu
with connoisseurs.
Holiday silk and linen initial handker
chiefs. James H. Aiken & Co.,
100 Fifth ave.
For Christmas Morning,
Fine umbrellas. C. A. Smiley & Co.
Holiday aprons, 25c to 51 50. ladies and
children. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Cashmebes an J elegatt line of light
colors' for evening and fancy costaaes, all
wool, 40 inches wide; 60 cents yard.
xxssu Hugos' &- Hacke.
Holiday neckwear for 'gentleflsen at
Jamea'H.' Aiken & Ch.'s,, 10Q Ifefjia aye., ,
'j. r7 ,Titsj ,. - (,
The lOTgwt.raietff at Mi Sijrt ft Co:,,
." Vt??7J' t. ,r , T.&'-. os-lta,
!Wemi z?.-. :..-. 2. .".
TsTMsMSKSESEl",Sli.. -St-'JMsr
1SS1 ' Mellir fc Hoene. 1 1S8
Jt is a truly magnificent sight to see.the
vast atraxqf pianos and organs at Mellox&
Hoene's, 77 Fifth, avenue. There are as
sembled such pianos as have world-wide
reputations, and whose names have become .
household words in every family. Such
pianos are the Hardman and Krakauer
makes, which are known toi every one as in
struments of absolutely .the highest grade
manufactured; and the best ot it is, they are
sold by Mellor&Hoene at the lowest pos
sible prices, and also on easy payments to
those who do not desire to pay cash. Mellar
SS Hoene have also the popular Kimball
and Harrington pianos, which are fast be
coming known throughout the country as
the best for tbe money.
The celebrated Cbase organs, which can
only be obtained from Mellor & Hoene, ara
superior to any other reed organ manufac
tured, in regard to superior quality, sweet
ness and power of tone, Mellor & Hoene
Have a most elegant lot of organs on hand,
rich and-beautiiul in design, and with hand
some cnt glass mirrors, really tbe finest lot
ever seen in the city of Pittsbnrg. The fact
is. at Mellor & Hoene's yon can get just
what you want iu the organ line, for church,
chapel,lecture room, and for lodge and home
use, anytning irom tne very smallest to the
very largest, and on easy payments of from
$5 to $10 per month. Can you really get to
gether a finer collection of reed organs than
the Chase, Palace, Chicago Cottage and
Kimball makes? We answer, no! Most as
suredly not!
. Christmas is nearly here, and now is the
time to visit Mellor & Hoene's and make
your wife, daughter or sister a gift of a
piano or organ, a present that is lasting and
that will make joy in the household for
many years to come. Call on Messrs. Mel
lor & Hoene and. see their wonderful stock
of pianos and organs, or if you cannot, then
write for catalogues, which will nromntlT
be mailed you with a description of their
easy payment plan. Their address is 77
Fifth avenue, and is known to every one as
the center of Pittsburg's musio trade.
An Endless Stream of Music Lovers Pour
Into Kleber Si Bro.'s Gtore.
It is conceded that the balk of pianos
and organs sold in this city and neighbor
hood come from the old and popnlar house
of H. Kleber & Bro., 06 Wood street.
They have "handlea" all the best instru
ments made in .this country and Europe,
but they sell only th&very cnoicest o f them
all, leaving it to all ihe other music dealers
to "handle" away at the inferior and worth
less ones. What can compare with the
matchless Steinway, the superb Conover or
the popular Opera and Gabler pianos? or
the great Burdett organs, the .dust and
mouse-proof Earhuff organs, or the match
less new Vocation church organ, which,
while costing only $800 is fully equal in
power and variety to a 12,500 pipe organ,
and will cost absolutely nothing for keeping
it in good tune or many years, while everv
pipe .organ must be tuned once every year at
least at an expense of upward of 100.
Messrs. Kleber & Bro. are the pioneer
music dealers of Pittsburg, and their gpod
name for strictly honest and honorable deal
ings attracts the big majority of buyers to
their store, 506 Wood street.
1858. - Holmes' Best. ISSfi.
The most approved whisky procurable
anywhere. It has the indorsement of all
who have used it during the past 31 veara,
Send for catalogue or order by telephone
No. 305, if needed at once.
W. H. Holmes & Son,
120 Water street and 158 First avenue.
Comb aad Brash Beta la (Silver,
Manicure sets, gentlemen's cases, gold pens
and pencils, pocketbooks, new and elegant
iiuo vi aiuuma.
B. S. Davis & Co., Booksellers,
, 96 Filth ave.
Telephone 1788,
Open every night this week. Plenty of
Holiday goods. Cash or credit Hoppee
Beos. & Co., 307 Wood st. TT3
No Christmas and New Year's table
should be without a bottle of Angostura
Bitters, the world renowned appetizer of ex
quisite flavor. Beware of counterfeits.
For Christmas Sforntng,
Fine umbrellas.- C. A. Smiley & Co.
Wants a silk dress. What more appropriate
gift to wife, sister or mother?
Onr immense stock, representing the' best
makes of the world, is open for your inspection.
Really fine grades of black silks will be found
here at SI and SI 25 a yard.
French robes and pattern dresses at $10 to J2i
recently reduced from 120 to J6U
We have Just made large additions to our
stock of fine umbrellas for ladies, gentlemen
uiu coiiuren.
Natural wood sticks, with metal and mid
caps, f I SO, SI 75, tZ
Extra fine natural sticks, with silver and gold
mountings, at S3 up to H. $5 and SO.
Fine natural sticks, with solid silver mount
ings, at S5 to 810.
These prices are lower than usual.
Children's fur sets in almost endless variety,
at very cheap prices.
Satin damask table cloths, with napkins to
match, in great variety, of size, grade and price.
Offered at special low prices during the next
two weeks. These are made from best grade of
silk seal plash, elegant satin linings, correct
styles, superior fit, finish and workmanship.
We have still on hand some very choice
Alaska seal garments of the best English dye,
in sizes from SI to 18-Inch bust measure.
We offer you these, with a great variety of
small furs, collars, capes, muffs, etc., at unus
ually low prices.
Onr stock of handkerchiefs was never so
large and never so cbean. We offer great
variety in all linen hemstitched and plain, at I
on per dozen, uaies- initial nandcercniefs
much under value, SI 50 per dozen. Silk hand
kerchiefs and mufflers in almost endless
505 and 507 MARKET STREET.
del7-Trssn 'Ar '
: v GEMS
For ihe holiday season of 1689, we exhibit
tbe most superb collection of Diamonds and
precious stones We have ever shown, mounted
in all tbe latest designs.
Our Diamonds are all of finest quality, and
belug purchased before the recent advance in
prices enables us to offer special inducements
tj Christmas buyers.
Er P. Roberts StSons,
Cor. Fifth ave. and Market st
TkB CHfM'sixoS,
luugt flpsV ashsaflsk tflsr t '
j 'MEW 'ATtTBMl!J3Ui!nSSr?ii V j
' " -- ':&&
PrrrsBUBG, Thursday, December 19
Harmony all over these stores. Not a
chord out of tnne,
A Christmas carol of the kind that
wilt stay in your mind. -A song of in
dustry. Come and swell the happy
criorus. '
Friendship and affection the refrain.'
Customers get confidential once in
awhile. A handsome Black Silk Dress'
pattern was bought by some ono yester
day morning to send to some one in
Montana. And many others were
bought to go nearer home. Nothing
more practical or more acceptable for a
A plume of triumph for the Millinery
Department. . i"
1,000 bunches, an colors, real Ostrich'
Tips.61nabnncb, 0o a bunch, worth
SI 25. Words can add nothing of Inter
est The regular price Is' SI 2S. The' 7
price now Is COc. It is only a question.
of your needing tips. See them any
Flowers that wonld be real if they had
grown on bashes. They lack nothing in
prettiness. You know tbey are not real.. -,
because they stay pretty, as pretty as.
ever they were. But while the price?
was SI a bunch it is now 60c. At that",
price youcan find many uses for them, .
There has been a great demand re
cently for satines, tinted grounds with
small: figures. Seem to be scarce else- -Where.
We bave plenty of them. New
ones came in yesterday. The prettiest
stuff you ever saw. Call them "Panto
mime Satines" to snggest a use that's
being mads of them just now.
New housekeepers, or old, for that
matter, would be pleased with a hand
some table set as a gift Many other
things suitable. Bnt Table Linens stand
among the first of tha practical pres
ents. A. ;variety. yon.will.not.flnd equaled
ujnuv.o. vus n. u pnijr h raag
in aesign, snowy in wniteness. oi tno
wearing quality well possessed, at tha
modest price of Si 75 one full size cloth
and a dozen napkins.
The other end of the quality line is
where? Stop at $80. Something grand
at that you may be sure.
S7, $750 and S3 50 represent three qual
ities of beautiful Dunfermline Damask
sets. '
Fringed sets S3 75 to $21 each.
Hemstitched Cloths, very stylish, be
gin at So and $7 each, with Napkins to
"match at $7 a dozen. The more drawn
work and tbe larger 'the cloth, tho
higher tbe price, of course.
Napkins have a long range of grades.
SI, SI 25, 8175, $2, 2 SO, $3. SI per dozen
and upward to where? HO a dozen.
These Table Linens represent the
finest looms of Ireland, Scotland, Ger
many and France. Imported direct by
Tbe Linen Department has also Bed
Linen of every description. Beautiful
. Hemstitched Sheets. SS 75 and SJ per
pair to $15 matched by pillow" 'cases,
bolster cases, shams, etc
Polka. Dot Lace Scarfs. Hacktand
Crearo.i yards long, by J yaxds'wide,'
Hand Run Lace Scarfs and Fichus,
S3 and upward.
Popular prices on Lace Handker
chiefs in Duchess, Point and real Valen
Ciences, 3150, RS2 25andS25CL, Many
higher, some lower priced. -' " " ,
Selling Black Net with Black. Silks,"
for Christmas Dress Patterns. No such
an assortment as is here.'
No halting in the mareh of Dress
Goods. Hurried people take kindly to
the Patterns and the Kobes. Others
buy by the yard. Your convanience.is
all we consider. If you have plentyof
time, occupy it looking. It you are hur
ried, trust a little to us:
Patterns S2 50 to S3 that we made for
the holiday trade.
Robes, saving yon the" trouble of,
matching, beautiful, neat and cheap,
at half, and some less than half price.
All imported goods, from $7 SO np.
Good, heavy, all-wool Berges, 48-inches
wide, SOo a yard, in a full line of shades.
Double width, all-wool Cashmeres, an
colors, elegant quality, and more than
usual values, at 35c, 40c-and 60c yard.
' Complete lines of Fine Dress" Goods,
Serges, Broadcloths English Saltings,
etc., etc
Our Umbrella stock rffened'byseT.
era! hundreds yesterday.-.- Yo'uwonder
whyT None too manyavtheir present
selling'rat. . '"? ,' "
100 new ones. choice'dgasVoxidlzed
silver handles, all new designs, sticks of
III popular woods, good union cloth,
guaranteed for a year, at S3. Extra
New ones at $5 also.
jus. HnHkl'En.,,
60621 Penn Ayis
." SBsssHr