"31 -si THE WOBLD-'S FAIR. And so Is THE DISPATCH. Its news is not colored to favor faction or pavty.jlt Is progressive, earnest and independent ,TH GBA2E OAWAL Is (resigned to eoa-aset Pittsburg with the Lakes, The Dispatch connects Pittsburg with the wbola world evory d3y. Its readers are well posted. " VSa , rv I ii. 'i FORTY-rOITEiTH TEAK PITTSBOBa-; TH0ESDAT, DEOJBMBfe. 19, 1889: THREE CENTS11 '- A 'kw: ''Air ' ' ' ""' ' j --r ' 'ssnnn""nv r"" W W s & .r .TT2 ? So! f u v,i I MIGim PROJECT "Will tlieErie SMp Canal be Than Has Been Thought. ITS COST-UNPRECEDENTED, - But Its Advantages Too Obvious to v -' ' Jfeed a Kew Recital. A MEETING OF THE COMMISSION. Governor Beaver's Absence Alone .Hinders .-a the Official Surrej. HAPSABI) DATA SACEEDLT GUARDED ' tfee State Canal Commission has met It f"S . didS-ery little at its Bochester session yes- ErMUUUi UVtUUVi ,CWW 0 ..-... .. ihindrsnce to an immediate official survey ofoae of the three routes the ship canal ain&ytake. A Commissioner says it will be tthexnost expensive national project "Uncle i"Sam- ever undertook, and likewise one of theinost nrontable. "None of the maps or '.data have as yet got out of official bands. rraox ock special cosdhssioneb. ''.Rochester, Pa., December 18. The PcShip Canal Commission held a meeting to -day in the private office of W. S. Shall en- E.berger. of the First National Bank of ?'iSuST?w;ttor All tint members were nresent. Jj?rlilr. Brewer, of Erie, and Mr. Goodwin, ot -r :fsharpsburg, came in on the early train over theEneand Pittsburg Bailroad. Colonel f? ,"" S. P. Boberts and Captain John A. "Wood, t .,", of Pittsburg, arrived on the accommodation i - at 9.33 central standard time. The meeting, I which was held with closed doors, lasted ' -rnHl 1 nVlnr-.t when the members ad journed to the Doncaster House ior dinner. -. After dinner the members made a visit to the old dam and lock in the Beaver river, at the npper end of town. After they re- turned they held another secret meeting in -.the office of the first National Bank. Blocked bv the GoTernor. -.The second session of the commission -. lasted until a few minutes of 6 o'clock, the jr''ineeting adjourning only in time to permit jL--V Messrs. Boberts, "Wood, Brewer and Good- f-V win to take the train for Pittsburg. Mr. - S Brewer, who is secretary of the commission, ' - is also proprietor of the Erie Dispatch, and " iT had with him a reporter of his paper. He 'wrote to Pittsburg to tell the other papers 'there, who did not have a representative . here, that a meeting had been held. W Mr. Brewer said that if Governor Beaver v ' i could have been present at the meeting to day the commission would have at once started over the route of the old Brie canal, m.tbe DrelipinarTiggTrerr tnp -mri He read 'at thVmeeting abetter he tad received from Governor Beaver, in which the latter said he could not possibly get away at -the ,, --present time, and suggested that the trip be i ' deferred till some time in January. fc" It-was decided to notify the Governor at a & . later date when the commission would like " .'to start over the route of the old canal, or .leave it-to him to say when it would suit 'him to go. That constitutes the sum and substance of the work done that could be officially reported; but it may be said here tbatthe idea of starting out at once to go over the ground was somewhat of a surprise ', 'to"tbe members of the commission aside -fro"m Mr. Brewer. v,t They Scan thr Sncred Slop. . 'Earlier in the day Mr. Shallenberger had . y said that he had no idea a trip would be 7V"T made before spring. The long time spent oyiae commission in ine iwo meetings was, discourse, not given up altogether to the con sideration of the question of Gov ernor Beaver's attendance at the com mission's trip. Most of the time as devoted to looking over maps iwhich are more sacred than the temples ";of Mohammed, since no one can look at the f ;.outside, let alone the inside, of them. There Viare, however, the three routes under consid eration, viz.: Down the Alleghen'vtoPitts- "jpburg, as one: down the Sbenango and the suieaver valleys, as the second; down Mahon ing valley and across to the ShenaneoTal- ley, s the third. The only decision arrived at was that the commission would make its first trip of inspection over iha route of the old tErie canal. At Sharpsville. on Mondav. Mr. J. IS. CGoodwin said to me: Thecoram'isinn will tv" uwar in mind, and I wish you would say so s',to be a national affair. It will not be simply for the benefit of one community or section of the country, bnt for the good of alL" Its Enormona Cost. " "It will be tne most costly enterprise of the kind that the "National Government was ever called upon to take part in. If Ohio give some assistance, and the route down the Mahoning Valley is found to be ,he better, then the canal may come down thatway, and a spur will be run to Sharps- frille, anyhow. On the other hand, if the canal is built down the Shenaneo Valley. just as certain that a spur will be run onnfrstown. in the !rahnjiinff "Vnllo. ; ttlj'?.vent- I woufd lite to have the people jpnderstand that fSj'Ihe'canal will cost an enormous amount .i)money," he continued; "yes, an immense amount; but It will be more far-reaehinir in tJiUts8ehefits, as well as more costly, than any 'o'tber internal Improvement which has been ;sjundertaten by the Government Of course ttereufmucn good to be derived from the Improvement orthe Ohio river; but it reallv lt It.w AO lna? TffltnrA Tlio h.I i.t..i. fpfiEittsbnrg are those which mostly and al most chiefly have been benefited by ,Jhe a vis Island dam. f"But when I say that the canal will cost 'an.enormous amount of money I use it in a relative sense, and mean that it will be "greater than the Government has yet ex pended; yet It will not be so great as private .expenditures. More money Is spent in new buildings every year in Hew York than the tisbio canal will cost" 'rom the wav in which Mr. Goodwin sDofeXa person would naturally infer that 5iIy7one of two routes was likely to be con-. sidered, and that there was an absolute cer tainty that the Mahoning Valley would be taken in. no matter where the canal started. i" His never mentioned the Allegheny river -route at all. . I .' One TfclngQaltc Fotltlve. "rt'ar4BkllnfKer Mid to-day, before j .-tee;?:.'' &;- .. . . 1 the commission assembled, that the Alle gheny river roate was sure to be visited by the commission before any Toute wis deter mined upon. He felt the people would not be satisfied unless each proposed route had been carefully examined by the commission. "With the policy of secrecy established by the commission, it is impossible to say whether or not "all of them, agree upon the necessity or running a canal through the MahoningValley; bnt a question Mr. Shal lenberger asked was of some significance. "Does Mr. Goodwin still think the canal should reach the Mahoninj Valley?" he asked. Upon being told what Mr. Goodwin asked to have published, Mr. Shallen berger simply replied: "Then he stillticks tbit" His Bead Fall of It. There is. not another man to be found any where who knows so much about Western Pennsylvania surveys as does Mr. Goodwin. He has made so many surveys, and lias such attentive memory, that many persons be? J lieveie conld tell without referring to any J maps at all, the exact elevation at any spot mentioned in the Shenango Valley. But he is not disposed to give any statement of details until his work is thoroughly digested and the figures are absolutely accurate. Bis idea is that statistics that are not complete, down to the minutest detail, and cannot be backed up by a mass of authorities and references, are absolutely valueless. He does not say,' but 'I have learned from other sources, that there 5s an abundant supply of water for a ship canal down the Shenango Valley on both sides the summit The only question, therefore, on that score, relates to the summit. Lower Summit Accessible. There have been many new surveys made recently in that section. The rise com mences about Jamestown and reaches the maximum height in the old canal at what is nowrcallcd Summit station, on the Erie and Pittsburg Bailroad. "What is the result of these surveys cannot, or rather will not, be given until the commission is ready to re port Mr. Walter Pierce, of Sharps ville, says he understands that there have been several elevations fonnd lower than that on which the old canal crossed the summit A difference in eleva tion of 100 feet would make a difference of a dozen locks on each side, and would, of course, afiord a better water supply. Bnt the result of these new surveys is locked up in the commissioner's hauds or rather in the hands of one member, and cannot be definitely known until he chooses to make them public a T. Dxwsox. A EEAL CHALLENGE. One New Jersey Citizen Wants to Armee His Wounded- Honor on the Dueling Ground The Sequel to B. Sen- atlonal Case. HAceexsack, N. J., December 18. Alfred Smith, one ot the leading business men of this place, to-day openly challenged Joseph Bahman, of Englewood, to fight a duel. ""I will have your blood or you shall have mine," exclaimed Smith to Bahman, in 'the Hackensack Hotel before a crowd of per sons. The trouble between the men grew out of the Meyer-Bahman slander suit which was set down for trial in the County Court here to day. The case was settled at the last moment by Bahman retracting a charge he had made against ilrs. Emma Merer, wife of the proprie tor of the National Hotel of this nlaee. Bah- man'alio apalojtfed-io..Mr. Meyer In bepre- enceoia iow prominent, residents, and agreed to pay the cost ot court-S50 and Meyer's counBel Tees or S250i Bahman had said in pub lic that Alfred Smith-had been too Intimate with Mrs. Meyer, After the case was settled Smith sought Bah man and found him in the Hackensack Hotel. An exciting scene followed, the two men mak ing charges of cowardice and lying acainst each other. They were finally led away hy friends. Smith declares he will have satis faction, if it costs him his life, and Babmau has instructed his counsel to bring a slander suit ngiuosi. amnu. sou are prosperous business men and each is over six feet high. The affair has caused mnch excitement here, and many persons rear there -will be serioua trouble be- UU9JCIU LUC ween the men. Wl A POLICEMAK'S PLDCO FIGHT. Covered With Blood From Wounds Made r by Mcrderoo Italian. rSFECXU. TZLEQEAM TO TUB DISPATCH.! Springfield, Mass., December 18. A brutal and cold-blooded effort was made to as sassinate Special Officer. Stephen H. Greely early this morning by three Italians whose thieving operations had suffered because of the policeman's watchfulness. They laid in wait for him,-SDrang upon him, dragging him to the ground: then they fell upon him with knived and clubs. They inflicted ten serions stiletto wounds. It was an unequal fight until he got hold of his revolver. Be had to use his left hand for his right was badly mangled. He mauagvu wpt uuuei into ine arm ol one of his assailants, and nut all to fli-ht. Greely was a tough looking object when he staggered into the City Hall office and gave the alarm. He was covered with blood from head, to foot Asuigeon was 2J4 hours In dressing Greely's wounds. The murderous wretches were traced, and two were taken iotoenstody. Michael Croll and Giovanini Luri Croli pleaded guilty in court to tho charge of assault with in tent to km. THE LAST TO BE BARGED. A Jockey Who Became a Murderer Receives Hi Sentence. tKFECIAt. TZXIO CAM TO TH DISPATCH.! New Yobk, December 18. James Stone, the little negro jockey who shot and killed Bar tender Harry Miller on Coney Island in Jnne, 1SSS, is the last man to be hanged in the State of New York. The Court of Appeals having decided that the judgment of convic tion should stand. Stone was taken from jail at Brooklyn to-day, to the Conn of Sessions for sentence. He looked well pleased with him self and all the world when he was called to the oar. j ooze iiooro sentenced mm to be hanr-ert in Raymond street jail on February 7. Stone received the sentence without moving a muscle and on the way back to the jail chatted with Warden Brymer in the most cheerful manner. An appeal will be made to the Governor to have tbe sentence commuted to imprisonment for life. DITIIAK'S HAT FOUND. Friends ot tbe Family Believe He Is at the River'- Bottom. PnrLADELpniA, December 18. A hat which has been identified by members of the Dittnan family as the one worn by the missing banker, Joseph G. Ditman, when he met with tbe sup! posed fatal accident on Wednesday last, was this morning fonnd on the west bank of the Schuylkill river. , , Friends of the family think this is evidence of death by drowning, and they now believe that Mr. Ditman Is dead, and that his body is at the bottom of the river. AGAINST THE LIGflT TRUST. St. Lonli Will Proceed to Investigate the Gas nnd Electric Combine. St. Louis, December la The lower house of tbe municipal assembly has adopted resolu tions providing for tho appointment of a special committee to investigate the gas and electric light companies of St. Louis and ascertain whether they have not formed a pool, combine or trust to keep np prices and against the in terests of tbe people. This action is regarded as the first move in a big fight to be inaugurated against the lighting companies of tbo city. PARXELL IS HUSTLING. Ho Visits Gladstone and In Heady to Make Bono More Spoecbe. London, December is. Mr. Parnell visited Mr-Gladstone at HawarsWaaa'goW to'Liver- pool to-aay to receive ; aaafesatHnuYn urBorsMiium',,-, , aasarJ -! .? nsMirr B1OAILK0AD SCHEME. Prenoied CesMlMfttloa by the Pennsylvania Compaay of AH It Uae West of Pfeufcarff-fvjHU tbo Effect WaM Be. rsricTAL TEiassAX to Tins stsrATc&l Philadelphia, December 18. Stock orocers had arumorto-dav.that the Pennsyl vania Company would -consolidate all of its lines west of Pittsburg, into one great system of 3,400 miles with one management It was also stated that the Pennsylvania people were,huying the stock of the Chicago, St Louis and Pittsburg Bailroad Company, which, it is expected, will be benefited by the project. These rumors conld net" be con firmed at the general otHcoof the- Pennsyl vania Company. The Pennsylvania Company already controls the Chicago, ScLouijand Pittsburg Bailroad, as Jt owns a majority of the stock. The road consists of a line 230 miles lonq; from Bradford Junction, O., to Chicago, and several smaller lines In Ohio and Indiana, which are valuable to the Pennsylvania Bait .road system in handling St Louis -trade Under the new arrangement. It Is said that the smaller lines will become an important factor, aa the policy of the operating company will be to, develop Southwestern traffic, and make the haul from Pittsburg to St Louis as direct as possible, so that freight mny be taken through by a short line to St. Louis without breaking the bulk. This will divert from Chicago a great deal of traffic that now goes tbrongh that city by a roundabout route. The Chicago, St. Louis and Pittsburg Bail- mau uai a cistory wmen men on tne street ao not fprcet, as it presents the only case where the Insiders of the Pennsylvania Bailroad Com pany ever feot left In a big deal. Being nnder the lmoresslon that the income bonds of tho old Columbus. Chicago and Indiana Central Bailroad were guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the insiders loaded np with these securities, hut the Courts held that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company" conla not be bound by tho attempted guarantee. In the reorganization and consolidation of this road with the CMcago,- Bt. Louis and Pittsburg, which followed; the' Pennsylvania Insiders ac cepted Chicago, St. Louis and Pittsburg pre ferred stock1 m exchange .for the old income bonds of the merged road. It Is believed that the same parties are now buyers of the preferred stock, and that they will advance it to 6i hy the tune the new schemes are carried one a THE SUGAR TRTJSfS SCHEMES. It Will Avoid the Coorn'bT EnricratlnB to the- Connecticut Capital. Habttoiod, Conn., December 18. The re port from NewTTork that tho bis Sugar Trust has prepared to transfer its assets to a new cor poration if tho Court of Appeals pronounces the trust illegal is taken here to indicate that the trust win seek refuge within the sheltering arms of the Commonwealth Refining Com pany, which was chartered by the-Connecticut Legislature last winter and authorized to own and conduct sugar factories and refineries and to transact business of alt kinds appertaining to sugar. Including thd "holding ot stock of cor porations hayinc relation to sugar rennlng for parties interested therein, with Blithe rights of owners, ana certincates ot Interest therein, to issue to parties entitled thereto and to acquire, purchase, receive, in trust or otherwise, nold, grant-sell, mortgage, lease and, otherwise dis pose of all kinds of property, real, personal and mixed, whether in the State of .Connecticut or elsewhere." PORTUGAL REMAINS FIRST la Resisting- tho Enstlsh EncroacBiuenti Upon Dlspnted AfMcnn Territory. Lisbon, December IS. Great interest fs. taken in all parts, of the kingdom In the dis pute with England over the rights ot Portngal in the African country between Lake "Nyassa and tiaZanibesi river, and especially the val ley of the Shire river, whlchhe.Hortuguese en gineers are now, surveying ior the purpose -of VtnUldisE railway This adon-much totbx dtementaboaxiba discaltles in tho Delagoa uarcouniry. The' municipal government ot Oporto has taken the lead in communicating to Senor H. Barros De Gomes, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, its congratulations upon his reply to the Marquis of Salisbury in the Delagoa Bay dispute, in which he successfully maintained that there was no ground for the English pre tense that the claims of Portngal to the. coun try had lapsed because certain 'traders had abandoned their posts. RAILROADS MUST C0HE TO TIME. - A Sexr Federal Officer Appointed to Look After Such Corporations. "Washington. December IS. Attorney Gen eral Milles-to-day appointed Charles H. Aldricb, of Chicago, a special assistant attorney of the Department of Justice, toliaye charge of suits to be instituted against a number of the subsi dized railroad companies under the provisions of the act of August 7, 1SS3, for failure to com ply with requirements of the laws under which they were chartered in respect to the main tenance and operation of, separate telegraDh lines and in respect to reporting to the inter State Commerce Commission. Salt has already been instituted at Omaha under this law against the Union Pacific Com pany. There arc said to be about ten other companies liable to prosecution, but proceed ings against them will not. be instituted until after Mr. Aldricb shall have conlerred with the Attorney General. GOT. WILSON'S PROCLAMATION. Numerous Problems Proponed for Solution , by Ibo LesUlatnrc. rSrCCIAI. TZXXOBAXTO TOT OISPATCH.1 Chableston, W. Va,, December 18. Gov ernor Wilson this evening issued a proclama tion calling a special session of the Legislature to convene the third Wednesday in January uommeaM suoects upon wmen legislation may be enacted. First Is the contest between A. B. Fleming and Nathan Uoff for the office of Governor: to near the report of the Commit tee on Contest and all other matters concerning same. He recommends, among other things, the re striction of the'rlguts of railroad companies, prohibiting the carrying of delegates to political-conventions, or public officers, free; abol ishing the free pass system: prcventingSunday traffic by railroads, and assessing all rolling stock, etcx, and legislation on the Australian ballot system. MYSTERIOUS ROBBER! Of an Exprcsa Car of Corporation Bond Tnlned at $20,000. DwrVEB, December 18. Detectives last night arrested Fritz E. Newman, alias Ernest Hoff man, while trying to dispose of indemnity bonds amounting to' $20,000, which were destined for the Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation, of Chicago. The bonds bad been sent by Frelth & Zollars. insurance agents, ot Chicago, and are supposed to hare been stolen from the Wells-Fargo Express while en route through Kansas. .Newman's story is that while coming west on "blind baggace" be met another tramp at Li monet, and the two came to this city together. On- arriving here the stranger gave him tho bonds to sell, and while attempting to .dispose of them be was arrested. He declares bo did not know they were stolen. The stranger can not be found, and the police put no confidence in the story. WILD RACK FOR JJFE. A Train Breaks Into Three Parts With ' Fatal Const qnences. WalsenbUBO, COL- December 18, A shock ing accident occurred on the Denver and Bio Grande road last night I our miles west of here, in which an engineer and fireman were in stantly kiile'd and a large amount of property destroyed. Tho train soon broke in three parts, and then there began a race for life, as the -middle section .was loose from the caboose with no oralteman onlt. Portions of timber on the flying cats were thrown over 200 feet when the collision oc curred. Seven cars, of cattle and eight cars of lumber were piled np'in tho wreck, and nearly all of tbe cattle killed or horribly mangled. DIAMONDS WORTH; .$40,000. Stolen Front a 'London Letter Carrier, by Bwrihnc Kofchrra. LOKBOX, Deoeiier 18-The postoffice au 'thoritloS.ana tfce erclinBS who ownedtho, dioer- that-;.-tafcea.froin the - letter oasfiel -sW TnesAay, W the ' daring robbers have . g" ' Kms lost was S 10,? AHOTHEEGITI PARE Representative Stlzeil life, the Use of UxrtotVfteiM 6wiind3 nil FOE T PUBLIC 0P miSBOBG. u-i Bills Pmiding Pablic SaMHgSjfor Alle- "gBBBj rad OtW CffleS.- . '. A-'GEBAT. FLQ-Jfi. . IIP .'JIEASUEES Of GeaenU'oad looti" Interest, Pressed "by -Various ' ' CwgrcssHeB. t -, 'Congressman ;froja every State had bills to introduce, yesttfdav and some of them several. Mr. DaSell "had a measure provid ing for a jiarkin Pittsburg, and. Mr. Bayne and others Asked for public buildings for Pennsylvania cities.. Judge Brewer's nom inationos Associate Justice was confirmed. 11 Senators voting against him. r - - '. " CrBplt A STAFF CCEBESPONDXST. J Washingxok, December ,18. A resolu tion was to-day adopted la the" House per mitting the inlrpduction ofbilla! There suit was a perfect Hood of allMkinds of measures of general and local iatere.'t to every State in the Union, Nearly every member had at least two or three bills, and some as many as 20 or 30. To receive them all and read their titles occupied over five hours, and the Journal and printing clerks will be kept busy until late in the morning In the endeavor to keep" abreast of the' tor rent and avoid, being' swamped, v. The Pennsylvania members were on hand and presented a number of measures of in terest to their state as well .aa some of gen eral importance. Mr. Dalze'll introduced a measure providing for another public park for Pittsburg. LIMITS OF THE PEOPOSED PABE. This bill grants to the city as a park that piece- of ground belonging to the' United States in the Twentieth ward of the city, bounded by Ellsworth avenue, Bellefonte street, Elmer street and Filbert street, on con dition that tho grant shall cease whenever the city shall neglect or ref nse, f or a period of six months, to maintain Said ground as a public park. Ho also Introduced a bill directing the Secretary of War to sell that piece ot ground belonging to the United States, Jn the city of Pittsburg, at the northwest corner of Penn avenue and Garrison alley. In tho fourth ward, subject to such public easementsas exist thereon, the sale to be at Dublio-auuSon and after due advertisement. Several Pennsylvanlans Introduced bidls pro viding for the erection of public buildisgs. Mr. Bayne had ono for a postoffice and court house, at Allegheny City: Mr. Malsh wanted ono to Be erected at-YorkJMr. Brunner, at AUentown; JKEUeJ at PottsvUle; Mr. Osborne, at Wilkesbarre; Mr. Darlington, at Chester, and Mr.JScnil, at Altooha. .OTHER CITIES 'WAirT THSSt; Bills were also introduced by Congressmen from Ohio and West Virginia providing for public buildings in the cities of Lima, Fre mont, Flndlay, Tiffin, Defiance, Hamilton, Can ton and Youngstown In the former Sjtatc, and Wheeling, WeHsburg and Martinsburg in tbo latter. Mr. McCormick presented a bin to provide foir a new judicial district In Pennsylvania, to he known as the Middle district, the sessions of "the court to .be held at WHliamsport. Mr.JU kinson bad'sevejral measures of local interest to the District of CalnmbiaVs pein:bS-PlantJ .ing -an increase Irf certatrrcases'aul a'prttjosl-ttqa-toanvend the Revised Statutes la relation to natenta. Mr. Osborne wants Mm raneinn -r totally disabled veterans increasedVand pre BBuicu uui 10 iu;it eaect, wnuo Mr. O'Neill -ptoviaed ina similar way for the pensioning of soldiers and sailors who enlisted under assumed names. Lightneb. A NATIONAL MEMORIAL BUILDING. Representative WhoeleHa Finn to Beanlte All Who Fonsfat In the War. WASHTNOTON.Deccmberia Representative Wheeler, of Alabama, to-day Introduced a bill I. to incorporate the Military Order of America, anaescaoiisn a .national Military and Naval Museum Library and memorial building in tho city of Washington. The bill proposes the incorporation of a so ciety which is to bring together fra ternal association between those who werecn gaged in the War of the Bebellion, "to care for bim who shall have borne the battle and for his widow .and orphan especially; to aid sick and distressed companions and tbe widows anU orphans of deceased companions; to cherish the memories of camp, field and bivouac and strengthen the ties of reunion, sympathy, valor and patriotism between those who were enemies in war and are friends In peace." The order is to be non-sectarian and non political, and is to have a building in Washing ton, to be used as a memorial bnildinir, military and naval museum and library, wherein Is to be deposited copies of all Government publica tions. Provision Is to be made for the inter ment in the courtf this building.of the mortal remains of the "great commander Qrant,"and the erection of a suitable memorial. OPPOSED BI WESTERN SENATORS. Eleven Totes Against the Confirmation ot Brewer n Justice. rSPXCTAt. TXLEOfcAM TO TnKDISFATCH.1 WASHlKOTOxr, December IS, t was ex pected that there would be opposition to the confirmation of tho nomination of Judge Brewer b tho Senate. Several Western Senators were known to be against him. The Dakota Senators, particularly, ob jected to him for his acts when district courts were organized. It is said he tlien appointed as clerks of the courts, .one man from Kansas and one from Nebraska, Those appointments the Dakota Senators resent, not for any unfit ness in tbe appointees, bnt for the reason that they shonld have been residents of the States, and not imported men. The nomination was confirmed despite this opposition, though six of the men who voted against .prewer were irouttne West. The neg ative vote on the confirmation is said to have been cast by BlalTj Wilson, of Iowa; Colouitt, Beagan, Barry, lones, of Arkansas; Call, Moody, Allison, Chandler, and Pettlgrew. Senator Edmunds, it is said, declined to vote. THE WORLD'S FAIR QUESTION.- Committees From the Four Rival CItlcn Meot to Discuss Ir. Wabhinotoit, December la There was a conference on the World's; Fair question to night,.thefonr cities' that are rivals for the honor being represented by committees. A resolution was adopted to the effect that a commltteo be appointed to call on Speaker Beed . and request him to secure a meeting of the Committee on Roles with a view .of having it report on the resolution to create a Committee on the World's Fir on .Saturday next, and that" the Speaker be requested to appoint the committee before tbe holiday recess. For' this purpose the following commltteo was appointed: Commissioner Douglas, of District of Columbia; Congressmen Belden, New York; Hitt, of Illinois, and Frank, of ousaoun. iuv hiwmil wcu aojourned. CONFIRMED BY THE SENATE. Judge Brewer and W. W. PhelBnVSamen Among Those Acted Upon. WASHUtoTOir, Deeember 18. The Benito to-day confirmed the following noralnatlonsr David J. Brewer, of Kansas, Associate. Justice of the Supreme Court. The yote was S2 to u. William Walter, Phelps Minister to Oermahy; Thomas II. Anderson, of Ohio. Minister; Fred erick Douglass, Minister to Haytl; A. London iSaowdcn, 'or Pennsylvania, Minister to Greece:. Kobcrt 8. McCormick, or IliU ols, Second Secretary of Legation; Frank W. Falmer. o( Illinois.., Fubllc Printers Warner' P. Sntton. of Michigan, Consul Uen cralnt,Hevo Larado; Kvans Blake.-of Illinois Consul at CrtjfeldLLevlWj Bron. ofuiilo. Consul lit GlxSarow: John B. Ofbone. of Hcn.oilvnnJ Consuti'at Ghent; Charles K. Pope,;of AsmhwC-R!onsBlatTuronto:tiierW-lKooseveH,'orPea-''- tfiyivaH13,1sOUBui BlljrrttMVN;g.MejMNMl 4, W.-W,lHHi,HIMWSllWt, AHQUSKANDXOT,;, In the Price Attest 4. Myers Siy -HsWa Offrrcd far Hi Felhical Ina eace Ho Of aken Affidavit - ta That Effect. rSTBCTAI. TI3.BOBAK Iv TSS TJISP ATCH.1 Cincihkati, December 18. It having been stated here that S. K. Donavin, a well known Democratic politician has visited Allen O. livers in the interest of Brice arid offered' him 55,000 to shut up, Mr. Myers was hunted up and questioned upon the subject.' He stated that he had been ap proached by Donavin and offered a consid eration, but it was a house and lot instead of 5,000, to which he bad made an affidavit- He was asked. Do you think Brice will deny having had any relations with Donavin?" "Of course he will, and so will Donavin. But there is my affidavit. I have made oath to my statements and they can not be ,made stronger. But to back me up there was a witness who overheard tho conversation between Donavin and myself. Donavin talked to this 'witness before he approached me, and this very same party was in a room adjoining the one occupied by Donavin and myself. There was an open transom, and overy word that passed between Donavin and myself was overheard by this in dividual. Ho is ont of the city now.but will bo back to-nfgbt, He will also make affidavit to the correctness of my statement." That uart of Allen O. At vers' affidavit which refers to the Interview between him afcd Dona vin, is as follows: When we were alone he wanted to do me a great favor. That he bad once done me an Irreparable Injury, andsowhewanted to repay It by putting mj-family in a nice home of their own. I told him I appreciated his kindness, bat my family were In a happy home, and we were not suffering. He said I was very foolish. That ir I fought Brice or Thomas 1 would.be ground to powder as ho had been In thcl'ayne contest. He bad juet come from ew York and Washington, and knew the whole Inside of the flxht. BricC-or Thomas-.ijould he Senator. There was no chance for anybody else. No other man could win. 1 told him ltnmde no difference to me. I wac fighting for a conviction. A boodler might buv tbe benatorshlp, but he could not take rnyconvlctlon from me, and If he counted down (10, UX) be could not change my course. He said 1 was very foolish. He persisted, but I terminated 'the Interview, hating' learned his object. He wanted to .fix a date when be could' meet me In, iCoIumbos. I told him It would be very snsplcious for me to meet him in Colnmbus at thit time. When he left be said he would come to Cincinnati to see me on the following Monday. A fewdars after 1 telegraphed bu jut. lu Auomas to meet me id viucidubil lie did. I then told him of Donayin's proposal, and asked htm what he knew about It. He said Donavin was opposed to his father for Senator, and was doing all he conld to aid in the election of Brice. Any offers that had been made were done without the knowledge of John H. TUomas or his friends, and Jt was done to Injury Thomas and help Hrlce. From subsequent developments I be lieve iuai..iv. uonavin came to Duy my silence or purchase my support to aid Calvin s. Brico's candidacy for United States benatorshlp. I make this statement under oath, to protect my self at a time when there Is certain talk going around, and hot to Injure any honest man. ALLEN O. MTEE8. MALE VINDICATED. By a Toto of Foar to Ono HIa Coaareeatlon Decline to Accept Bis Resignation Heaaeneera Sent for Police to Preserve Order. CSraCIAL TILZGBAJtTOTlIEDISPATCH.J Johhstowm, Juecember 18. The trialot Dr. Beale, who was charged with" neglect of duty, dishonesty, etc, came up before the congregation to-night. When the charges were made two weeks ago Dr. Beale tendered his resignation pending an investigation of the charges. To-night a vote was taken on tho acceptance of the resignation and'resulted in his being retained by a vote of 123 to 67. John Fulton, General Manaser of the Cam bria Iron ' Company, charged Mr. Beale with dishonesty, claiming that he had borrowed money which he had failed .to pay. Mr. Maple-doram.-nwh'olesale'hardware 'masirad one. of favws&&aTgtrritfoitmaflwiSK. lot Ms nvnusa money sent for tho relief: of the Cambria Iron" Company Employes. The lie was frequently passed between the two fac tions, and finally the excitement got so Intense that messengers were dispatched for the police to preserve order. After tho vote was announced Dr. Beale ae livered a short address, thanking his friends for their support and sympathy. The affair will undoubtedly lead to a split in the church, as the charges were brought by men ot stand ing in the town. 5,000 IP I01T CATCH HIM. Congress Offers a Reword for the Arrest - of Cashier Sllcott. Washecgton, December 18. In the House to-day a resolution was offered and adopted authorizing the Sergeant-at-Arms to offer a re ward of $5,000 for the arrest and delivery to the marshal of tbe District of Columbia of C. E. .Silcqtt, the absconding cashier, the reward to be paid out of tho contingent fund of the House. Representative Payson, of Illinois, introduced a bill appropriating $75,000. to be immediately available for the purpose of p pay- me the members of Congress their salaries lost by the Silcott defalcation. It cbarees that the Investigation committee with the duty of transferring tbe assets of the office to the United States Treasurer, who shall be intrusted with tbe disbursement ot the same. Any private, deposits of members fonnd in the safe are to be held by the Treas urer subject to disposition by the Court of Claims. The Silcott committee had another meeting this morning,. but it was fruitless of results. It was found that the members still held di vergent views with' no present prospect of ah agreement., FORETOLD HIS OWN DEATH. A Little Boy Predict Hl Demise a Week Before It Occam. ISFECIAl. TXLXGBAII TO THX DISPATCB.1 New Yobx, December 18. Walter 8. Phillips, 12 years old, was bitten in the face by a pug dog two months ago. He remained in apparently perfect health till last Sundayafter noon. when be began to show symptoms of rabbles. Four physicians were called, bnt the boy becamo worse hourly. In a quiet Interval between his convulsions on Monday afternoon he callcd-his brother Will to his bedside and asked him what date it was. "This is Monday." replied his brother: "Yes: but what day of the month is lit" 4,It is the 16th day of December." "Well, I Will die on the 17th day of Decem ber." The little fellow's prediction came true. He died yesterday afternoon. PROF. HIGBEE'S SUCCESSOR Henry Honck Regarded as the Man Likely to be Appointed. rSPECIAr. TTO.IOttAJX.TO TJIB DISPATCH.t Habbistcrq, December 18. Governor Bea ver is daily receiving applications from persons who arc anxious to serve out the unexpired term of the late Prof. Hlgbee as Superintend ent of' Public Instructions. Among those prominently mentioned for the position is Henry Honck. of Lebanon, who has been tho first assistant in tho departmentfor many years. He has an extensive acquaintance among tbe active friends of education in tbe State and bis annointment is hnlnc warmly Urced by them. The Governor gives no sleuasto his probable cnoice. online prevamoK ujuuiuu is uuh xe will fall on Depnty Honck. FEARS OF. HYDROPHOBIA. Five School Children Bitten by the Same Dog Exhibit Ibe Symptoms. Fort Recovery, O.. December 1& Five school children, attending school three miles south of hero,' while on their way home frohi school on Monday evening, were attacked by a vicious dog belonging to Abraham Mott, a farm er, living "near here. Each of the unfortunate children hare de veloped symptoms of hydrophobia, and but alight hopes are entertained for their recovery. ALL ON BOARD SAVED. Two Vessel CelHeo at Sea and Beth Go ta tho Bottom. .. London. December 18, The steamer Leer dam, .bound, from Amsterdam. toBaenos Ayres, with Mfpaosongors, and the G.W.Gaquasa, for Wrtn TPi-awntatwi A&lUAAd la ftllA nnrtH R iut both sBfe-"AlP,e4Cbfd' tie;.veeel.wr A HENDISB FATHER. i- Tortures'Iis Children Until Qm of Tfcas Becomes Insane. HIS OWH LIFE PAYS THEFORFIIT. Fearful Stprj, of the Events WMck Jte 'salted in a Parricide. CHAINED URAND PIERCED WITH P1K8, after Which Whisky Was Slowly Euaeed Into tie Woonds Thru Canted. x Emile Guenlher, who murdered his Bged father; at St. Louis, is an imbecile, made such by his 'parents' crnelty. His older brother tells horrible story of the tortures inflicted upon "himself and other members of the family. The -barbarities alleged' to have beea ' practiced, would .make a Comanche acknowledge a superior in in humanity. St. Louis, December 18. A horrible tale of. the .alleged ' barbarous cruelty of1 George A. Guentber, the aged and defense less old'kan who was slain by his .16-year-old son yesterday morning, was related to day by Charles Guenther, an elder brother of the murderer, who called at the office of the chief of police at 9 o'clock this morning to secure permission to interview the pris oner in his cell, In the "Hold Over," the murderer haying surrendered himself yes terday afternoon. The son's story brands the dead man as a' savage fiend incarnate, who delighted in act41)f inhumanity toward his children, de lighting in torturing them by methods prac ticed only by the most fcrbarons. TALES OF CETJELTT. Among other barbarities alleged was the chaining up of the children in dismal apart ments nude, and while in that condition tortur ing them with alette cruelty practiced in the inquisition. "I haven't lived at home for five years," be gan Charles Guenther. "In ISSi I left the place on Franklin avenue, because I conld not stand the way I was treated, by my "father. Since then I have had but little conversation with the family at home, but I am convinced by. what I heard from those who lenow .of, what was going on there that- his savage cruelty toward my sisters and Bmfle has been kept up; "Before'I lef t home 'my father was guilty of the most horrible treatment of his, children that can bq Imagined, klileft the place after one period of slow torture that made me des perate. It was lnJlSSt I had done something that my father did not like. In fact, it was rarely that any of us could do anything he did like. Placed in chaiks. "It was a small offense, but the way my father torturea me would have made anyone believe that either he was crazy or that I had' com mitted some terrible crime. My father was stronger than I, then, and when he announced that he was going to punish me, and com. manned me to'go with him, I had to obey. He made me go Upstairs with him to a room in the back pare of the house, bnt; was seldom used. He shoved me in, and came., in himself and locked tho door.oeblrid him. "Then he brought -out some chains that ho had bidden somewhere, jind. when I- eaught. ignt ox- taea A -aenup an outery taat rani hoard me. or if they did. they' were afraid to come to rae. My fatberaeonted. to .me to stop that infernal noise, and when he found 'he conld not frighten -me he jumped at me, and we had a regular fight, I bit ana bit about me, and strurrcled to throw him off. but he was the more powerful, and finally cot the bettor of me, and by threatenine to do ine even greater violence!, compelled me to keep quiet. ONE INSTANCE OF TOETUEB. "Then he brought out those chains, and began to Dlnd me with them. I thought he bad fin ished, then, bnt taking up another one ho fastened it around my neck and fixd it so that I conld hardly move my head. Tnen he left me. I suffered fiendish tortures then, but I was compelled to submit to more, however. "After the lapse of a few hours I heard him coming up the stairs again. He opened the door, and when he stepped inside 1 noticed he had a bottle of whisky in his hand. He re leased mo from the chains and compelled me to strip from head to feet until I stood nude be fore bim. Then he chained me up. and the most horrible thing that could ever be endured then ensued. "He took a good-sired pin and began prick ing me with it from head to foot until I was bleeding all over. Then ho took tbe whisky bottle and held It for a while, leaving me to surmise what he Intended doing.and increasing my angnish doubly by the anticipation of tor ture to which I was to be subjected. Then my father wet his fingers from the bottle and rubbed oyer what seemed to me every sore be had made on my body. HOBEOE OF HOEEOES. "He did not rub it all over my body at once, but ikouIdrnD over a small space until all tbe stnff'bad been rubbed in, when he would 'wet his fingers again and begin on another place. The pain was terrible and' excruciating. I must have fainted from it, I think, for I re mained In that room all night cnained np, and did not know anytbinguntll the next morning, when my father came np and released me. After that I ran away." Tho boy Emile, who is held for beating bis father to death, acts like an imbecile, and It is bellevod that he has been driven Insane by the cruelty of bis father and tbe tragedy of yes terday. To-day be failed to recognize bis own brother, and when be was appealed to almost supplicatingly for recognition, there was a silly smile about the murderer's mouth, but nothing to indicate that he was any more than an idiotic creature, disturbed in the silly con templation of some vagary of a disordered brain. HAIR-PULLING AT A PLAL Three Wonted Engage In a Fierce Straggle i " In a Theater. ritr-CClAI.TX&XOBA- TO TOE DISPATCH. ( New York; December 18. Bosie.Blauvelt) a petite' young brunette in gay well-fittlng clothes, was the prettiest girl in the Tombs police court to-day. Her sister Sarah land her aunt told the justice what' a naughty girl she was, and how she- "had. ran away from home. Bosle denied their story, and swore that she never saw either of the women before last night. Rosie went to the' theater last night in company with Pincus Mendelssohn. The pair occupied seats near the shadows of the footlights. Daring an intermission Rosle looked around and saw her aunt and sister in seats directly behind her. In an Instant tbe three women became entan gled. Rosie's hair was torn, her hat was thrown over tbe footlights, and her cloak was about to follow suit when a policeman stopped the squabble and took all three women to a police station. Mendelssohn went along too. and he and, Rosle. besought tbe police sergeant to marry them. The aorgeant said be couldn't think oi ir, ana tocsea np the party. Rosle was remanded to-day, and the others were re leased. THRASHED BI HER SISTER, A Harried Man Who Made Love to a fiHrl Fabllcty Cowblded. Newark; N. J., December 18. Frank Miller, a onng saloon keeper, was publicly horse whipped this afternoon by Eva Hayes. For several hours the woman had loitered about Miller's residence waiting for htm, and several times she sent messenger boys "to the boase, saying that a man wanted to see Milleconthe corner. Her object was known and aozessof sympathizing men stood In' the street waiting for Miller to come out of the house. When he appeared Sao dashed at bim and dealt hira a "blow over the facej Tho man seemed paralyzed, .for a. moment, and then, realizing the situa tion, started on a run with the woman in pur suit. He ran Into asf alley and eladoa nnnnir. "Eva's sister and, Miller bad been engaged to oe mamea ana vho weaaingBTt ror jaovesnoef SUIast.- A;fewuajs beforuthat tlnwTitwas learned that Miller was married sva4 was livlne with ' kin if n in Fair ftcreat , M.IIUr utaka sittBrrt'r'eacera;M(;rtoe4 ' FAILED FOE i lOEEMK. Large LlahrHHes awl SanM Aweta t it Cal. Iforala Fratt and WKte Koms A Mother' Money Involved la die Crank. Chicago, December, 18. The Meade "Van Bokkelen Company, commission mer chants, dealing In California fruits, failed to-day. The liabilities are between $250,000 and $275,000 and tbe assets are very much less. The failure was directly due to judg ment being entered by Naomi Van Bok kelea for $36,291 on which the store was seized. Later the First National Bank entered judgment tor $12,540. TheMeade-Van Bokkelen Company organized about four years ago, the stockholders, being George W. Meade, the millionaire California fruit and wine man, Mr. Van Bokkelen and Geonre Bristol. It cut a wide swath for awhile, but a year aeo Mr. Meade tailed for over 51.000.000 in.Califomia. Meade owed the Chicago house about SW.OOO, which was a practical loss. Sometime ago, it Is understood, Mr. Bristol unloaded his Interest at a sacrifice, and Mr. Bokkelen was pracjically left alone. Persons In the trade savthat.' thoucrh the house did a very large business In dried Calif ornla fruits and wine, the management was bad, and the failure was expected. Some months ago tbe credit of the house seemed to pickup, and it wasnnderstood that Mrs. Naomi Van Bokkelen, of Buffalo, widow of Dr. Van Bokkelen, bad come to ther rescue of her son. She is said to worth S2SQ,0Oa Mrs. Van Bokkelen, it Is un derstood, has been the mainstay of her son's business for sometime, and it is believed his failure will sweep away a large part of her for tune. She Is surely on all of the paper held bv the First National Bank, and it is understood that she is also on the paver of one or two Cali fornia banks. Besides having advanced about 960,000 of her own funds. The stock of goods on hand now will hardly exceed 315.000 to (20,000 if forced to a sale. It is said. There was a story that there were other assets' in the way of real estate, but just the amount could not be learned. Mr. Van Bok kelen is striving to have a receiver appointed who can dispose of the stock, and has there fore not made an assignment. In the Federal Court this afternoon the firm confessed Jndz mentfor 20,29 in favor of Mrs. Van Bok kelen. Itt SHEEP'S CLOTHim Shopltltera Operating Under the Gnlae of Charitable Workers Two Sisters Arrested for Stealing Prop erty Talnrd at 81,000. Kansas Cirr, Mo., December 18. A charitable shoplifter was arrested here for stealing. Her name Is Maud Curran, and she "was one of the supposed, most faithful workers of the two charitable associations of this city. She worked in conjunction with the officers ot the Provident -Association and Mrs. A. W. Tinsley, Superintendent of the Bureau of Charities. Miss Curran is well known in the offices and storerooms ot business houses here, where 'she went in company with Mrs. Tinsley for tbe apparent purpose of soliciting aid tor the poor of this city. Tbe police say that while on these visits she purloined several articles. Last night she was detected in stealing a lace handkerchief in a retail drygoods shop. A gold watch and chain was also found in her possession. She was taken to police headquarters. The detective went to her home and searched the house. He found jewelry, clothing, and -articles of all de scription. He also arrested Miss Curran's sister. Tbe property recovered was identified by several firms as belonging to them. It is valued at J1.08Q. The bonds of the Misses Cur ran were fixed at $500 each, which they could not give. TWO 8EEENADEES SHOT Sifromt"vTh: Wn apoed' to the Unnal vTenterB Botei laUuient. . Port Tbwx'sfcSD, Wiait, "December 18. Two young men. named John Hall and John Graham,, aged 19 and 23 years respectively, were fatally wounded by Martin Phillips, on Lopez Island, Wash. Phillips was married a few days ago at Port Townsend, and left with bis bride for his home. A large crowd sur rounded Phillips' house and began harassing the occupants with a "charivari." Phillips be came enraged, and seizing a double-barreled shotgun, ho fired into the crowd. Tho shot took effect on Hall and Graham. The weapon was loaded with slugs, and sev eral of the slugs passed clear through Hall' body. The surgeons say the young men cannot possibly live. Phillips fs nnder attest. Great excitem ent prevails over tbe tragedy. Phillips says he repeatedly warned the crowd to leave and threatened to shoot. The warning was not heeded, when the fatal shooting occurred. INTO POWDERED FRAGMENTS. An IS -Ton Piece of Granite Crashes) Through a Flag Stone Pavement. The workmen employed ort,the new building of the German National Bank, at the corner ot Wood street and Sixth avenue, bad a narrow escape yesterday. They were hoisting apiece of granite, weighing 18 tons to surmount the fancy stone work on the second story of the building; When about to be placed In position tbe iron hook holding the stone broke and allowed tho piecfl of granite to fall to the ground. It struck the flag stone pavement and masbed the slab, which was ten inches thick, into powdered fragments. The granite was uninjured. Had any of the men been under the mass of stone when the pavement caved in would- probably, have to be dug out of tbe ground. AMERICUS CLUB MATTERS. A Meeting of tho Executive Committee for Important Work. The executive committee of the Americus Club, met yesterday afternoon. Under tbe resolution adopted at the last regular meeting, they carefully formulated facts and figures in relation' to the cost of' buying and equipping a club house commensurate with the wants of the club. The statement will be put into circular form and submitted to each member for his reply, to bo handed In at the annual meeting on Satur day, January 4. Upon the tenor of the an swers.to be received at that time depends tho result as to clnb house or no club house. POWDERLT WILL NOT TALK no Is Informed That nn Order Is Oat for Bis Arrest. S craktow, December 18. A reporter waited noon Mr. Fowderly this evenlne and ques tioned him as to tbe statement that a constable had left Greensburg for Scran ton to arrest him in the Callagban case. Mr. Powderly said that he had teen no such officer and declined lo talk until after the arrest is made. TO DEDICATE SP. FRANCIS. A New Cawch at Cbartlera to be Opened Snnday Next. The Right. Rev. Bishop Phelan will,dedicate the St Francis de Sales new Roman Catholic Church, at Chartlers,at 10:30 A. x. next Sun day. The Bey. F. L. Toblnwill preach the dedicatory sermon, and tho Rev. James Cos grove will celebrate the mass. IICIM0XD WANTS THE COFFIN. A CoBHStlttee to Visit Mrs. Bavta to Secure Her Consent. RreSMONB, "VX, December 3A A commit tee of the Legislature will visit Mrs. Jefferson Davis to urge her to permit the remains other hasbaad to be buried la Richmond. Dnylfsht Robbery. The. house ot Joseph Burkhart, on' Forty eighth street, was entered yesterday afternoon ana 11,380 stoics therefrom. Tbe robbers per petrated the theft in a cool ana daring manner. The; tnen entered throagb tbe back way. and. gained an entrance into the bedroom, taking the Money f roa the. burefia. Tbe police have not beoa atbls Woftfture the robbers yet. Carrieti.Tben to Loadeav 3tfvySsttattoas&jiauet'Mssvtwoyoss I lleXssjsporters, wsttt to Baitiraaoe a xew weeks, Siaoo to go to work M aa .o$atettet. Ik-ey sasMtnti as ae e a vot ; wwesuoar-. skannlnntnnnnfK. tanmaaoT SnsnUnnt tsntt nsjnosn M'KEU THE WINMEB Of the Hottest Local EigKi for, a Federal Appointment; ., liAMED AS THE TXE$X'Wl& S1 , What Political Friends' andpSw Have to Say of the Choice. PEECEDENT AI0BE WAS AT ISSUE ttr'1 WffiLt m $7 Z-y-fi The appointment of James S. McKean to - be postmaster in Pittsburg was sent to.th'ii rS Senate yesterday. While expected in '" Pittsburg for months, it has created a' de cided stir. The only point of criticism, however, is that based on precedent. After 373 days of unremitting hustling tot overcome a precedent of 21 years' standing, James Stltt McKean was appointed vesterl- ., , t j -T . it . - f - uay uj jr3iueut narrison to oe postmaster. of the city of Pittsburg. On his merits?' ,jj alone, and witn political precedent uncon-' ' sidered, no Federal appointment yet made, It , PitttburrSand3omeNetB'eoiimasler in this city could give greater satisfaction -to' the general public than the' choice, of JTr. McKean. A successful business man, I enjoying the highest confidence of the com- ninnity. prominent in Masonic circles, and -in his personal appearance and manners an , affable and genial- gentleman and a loyal friend, his popularity is apt to wax to a still .; fuller measure. COS GE ATTTLATI0N3 INNtraEEABLE. -l The congratulations showered upon hint, from all sides are indicative of the fact.that even his late opponents willingly concede,. his fitness for one of the most impbrianf nfl.fftffi.a Blm.;.lmSnt. t .M .4tMM A CV.Hfui.. iy uu.m tuM .a u kuo nanuu. J3 "clfy leaping- forward' to trmrBtibUtanlia with onnnt atrlnpii tnn v ht & mlnw v.nm th. m - -St Wsm - nnintmtrt 'Whwiv'tii'fa mrfiaa.t 1?V--.tM .. . -"h! tare of bis national bsckinzfor the uositf oh iik such that Pittsburg's demand for improved icj Dili service may now he met more than ha!"-; way Dy jt-osimaster uenersi wanamaxer.iarst Assistant Postmaster General Clarkson and Senator Quay, Chairman of the Senate Cora-Re mittee on Postonices. - , By an accurate computation specially pre- , pared at one stage or the fight by an .expert; the business men and leading citizens of Pitts burg whose names were npon Mr. McKean's.V - petition or petitions, for there were no less q than S7 separate and distinct documents of h mat nature, embracing is,ow names repre-r scnteu nmeteen-twentieths of ail tbe mall.. . ..... . .. . .. ...... . -. -i.-r junoiea locaiiyai ineirittsourgpostomce. IS "Si was also shown that the leading citizens of 13--JJ Congressional districts in which the service of , tIniTaiKiniMrwarBnnltodIn hi, ftitwruMMv "VJ ' - ' ' -v -..-.u uu -m,w,j. ; bo utterly unprecedented was the popular- indorsement of Mr. McKean that tbe Postoffice,-i. Department oScials stated last spring that thai equal of the petitions had never been witnbri the department. nrsiDE .histob r or the tight, j -. The inside history of the fight for the plant", will be fonnd readable. On December 8, 1SS3, prompted by the kindly suggestion of Hon. Wal ter Lyon, Mr. McKean and President Paul. of.. the Americus Club, called npon Senator Quay $1 and asked the National Chairman, flushed with' victory in the national canvass, what the pros peers were for a candidacy "npon a business -man's basis.' Colonel Qnav said that Con gressman Dalzell's aid and comfort shonld ha "M nrst lnquirea into. Hon. Jons Dalzell was seen. President Paul has since mads affidavit to the fact-that Mr. Dalzell then declared him'- self to be committed to no candidate, bnt would ''-3 zarorrno appointment oi tne cnoice ot the Deo pie of Pittsburg. Messrs. McKean and Paul reported progress to tho junior1 Senatoiv Hlsj remark was characteristic of the politician off m ua.v? a "If Iwere you. Mr. McKean. I should lose noj v i timeinseemg it tne people oipittsonrgwaatj yon. and If so. how much." .'. Mr. McKean and Mr. Paul returned to PlttswV i uurj auu, wim cua Mjmary energy, pecan to lay Dine. Gentlemen started out in everv direo- tlon and secured signatures by the thousand Those who worked with their coats off were of all classes, from a coke prince on through every industrial and business line in the eityS The movement was spontaneous, though strategic: for several gentlemen wno would not have refused the candidacy found no ground under their feet when they began to lookr around. The phases of Mr. H. P. Ford's earnest can-. vass are quite familiar to the public. He bad -the almost solid support ot the practical ele ment in politics, and his fight was strongly maintainea, even to the date of the appoint ment of bis competitor, by Congressman Dal-, zoll and his political friends. . OKLS THE UroOBSEMEITT DH H. 1 The Invasion of the prerogative of the rosi-j dent Congressman has been tee trump cardSoia Mr. Ford's hand, and it would bars been "ablas to take the trick," so all concerned think, 1 Mr. McKean's Indorsement had not been Der fastened and lronbound. Such friends of Mr. McKean as Messrs. Lyoaig and Warmcastle, said yesterday to a Dispatch reporter, that in their opinion the fitness - Mr. McKean for the position should' not bel lost sight of in tho fact that Senator Quay's! every energy bad. been bent to tho winnin-r of the fic-hr. Thev eXBTBaa the opinion that a man possessing less element of strength "would not have made the rUBe., The national aspect of the fight lay in the est act that the victory would have In analogous cases,' inasmuch as the precedent followed for s manv years in Pittsbnrehas been in fores 1st tha Republican States of the nation, wltbibat align, ueviauon, uunng ue existence oi aa Republican party. . ;""P For at least six months the opposing foroM hare watched the moves made as a' cat wpnM a , mouse, and .the appearance of anyindtcadomt of a new phase In the- fight has resulted lala. eriect aemge or letters ana telegrams, xjm son file in tbe archives of the Postoffice si partmsnt more literature relatinz to the Pis-T burg Postofilce than In regard to all the- ' nostofiices of the State nuctofrether. Three limes sines tbo fight was inltistia! have efforts been made to get In a compretosool candidate, on the plea of a deadlock betwssal Messrs. McKean and Ford. and many ingenloasl expedients bare been' adopted to get np sniij sort of a political trade which would -Tunas the complexion of affairs; but Mr. McKsaorsf irlendshave been wonderfully alert. aadttM fight was to a finish between the caadiaans'sC a yeax ago., -. k?jp To rehearse the character of (Mr, MeKesaVi backinc would, be simply to ctve tbe itinnlt tbe business men ot Pittsburg; -with Turumsjlil exception. . n eaTlv every iron ana steel msnnl 'facturerhr, the city, beaded by; H.'CPrl -wk. rieByienotb, wM.;HW'trfs oonsroWsiiogje stew piiailH;aitfcs;sTssil I A M