h?w:s.,!'-' l M . " . i . "i wsip; r-' i-li? -- -VI ? THE PITTSBURG DISPATCHVWEDNESDAY,, DECEMBER 18' 1889; I m w K- TjL SOTLM'TBEIUEDER. Some Doubts Still Cast on the Suicide of Franklin B. Gowen. IcifAIHS THAT HE VTAS MURDERED. Detectives and Others Talking to Gain a IJttlo Notoriety. &BY1DBXCB AGAIK8T THEIB THE0KIE8. AppUeuitsftr Offices Workint U Haw Mere Bsees Hale. Ihere are still some people who belieTe that Franklin B. Gowen did not commit suicide. Their theory is that he was anrderedby "Mollie Magnires," though the circumstances under which his body ras fonnd prove almost conclusively that he must have shot himsel A. number of ap plicants for customs offices are -working a scheme to have more positions made to ac commodate them. tTROM X BTXTT COBBISrOXDBST.l WASHixGTOir, December 17. Every day since the discovery of the death of Mr. Franklin B. Gowen, at Wormley's Hotel, somebody has been getting a free advertise ment in the newspapers by arguing in favor of the theory that Mr. Gowen was murdered. These have been principally detectives who want a job or a free "ad.," but others have also lent their judgment to the theory, until there is a substantial and growing belief that the great railroad'lawyer did not die by bis own hand. Among the later advocates of this theory is Mr. C. M. Austett, late a law clerk in the office of the Supervising Architect of the Treasury, and now occupant of a law office in a block opposite the Treasury. MB. attstett's theoet. Jlr. Austett is persuaded in his own mind that the"Mollie Maguires" have always "had it in" for Mr. Gowen, and that instead nf tl-in hi life at anv of the numerous times when he was in their neighborhood, they intf ted nntfl he came to Washington and com mitted the mnrder under circumstances that Mere a thousand to one against escape. Were Mr. Austett and others of bis belief in clined to sift the facts rather than advance theories, they would easily find that there is not a shadow of basis lor the argument of mur der. The one door of room lo. 67. at Worm ley's, where Mr. Gowen slept, was locked from the Inside. The transom had to be forced to admit a man to the room, and was In a con dition which showed it had not been opened for a long time. To get from the window to the ground would be impossible without a long rope. The window is 50 feet from the gronnd, with a landing In x deep ana narrow area, or ' over a wall in the grounds of the German Le . gatlon, where there are several savage docs. There was no sign of a struggle Mr. Gowen's clothing was disarranged, just as it would hare been had ho fallen lengthwise. His money and valuables were all on bis per son. There were no marks of powder on his skin, showing that the pistol had been held close to the bead, and the powder thus blown into the bole made by the bullet. A MIND DISEASED. Added to this are new- facts coming to light every day in proof of the argument that Mr. Gowen was somewhat deranged menially. His own family admit that, and friends who met Mr. Gowen here are daily coming forward -with evidence of slight mental abbcrration. JJ either PostmasterGeneral Wanamaker nor any other of Mr. Gowen's friends here have had the slightest donbt that death came by suicide. Yet advocates of the murder theory, whatever their purposes may be, bid fair to get up something of a furor in furtherance of an investigation in which they might. probably be asked to take a band. The Coroner is cen sured for permitting the removal of the body without an inquest, and it will not be surpris ing if in a day or more stories are set afloat of dark-browed, vUlainoss-lookiog Mollie Ma puto es, positively known to have been in Wash ington last week, lurking about Wormley's and dodging the footsteps of the great lawyer. L00EIKG OUT FOE NO. 1. A Number of Applicants for Customs Of. ficcs Working: a Scheme. 1FEOM X 6TATP COnEESrOSDEXT. 3 Washington, December 17. A delegation composed of citizens of various places along the border between British America and the United States visited the Secretary of the Treasury to-day to endeavor to induce more vigorous action for the prevention of the intro duction of Chinese by this route into the TJnited States. They represented that the anti-Chinese law is a dead letter; that Celestials are coming by the thousands to the United States by way of Vancouver, and that the new Korthwest is rapidly being inundated with the effete Orientals. ' The members of the delegation talked very brusquely to the Secretary, urging that he use a portion of the surplus in the better enforce ment of the anti-Chinese Uw. The means ad vocated is the appointment of a large number of additional customs officers, to be stationed along the border at the crossings of all the routes from British America. It is whispered that most of the delegates are candidates for customs positions. PERSISTENT ATTEMPTS To Have tho Revenue Service Transferred to the Kavv Department. rraoK x stxtt cobbeepohbzht. ' Washington, December 17. For years the officers of the Revenue Marine Service, backed by the Navy Department, have been endeavor ing to compass the transfer of their service from the Treasury Department to the Navy Department. This year they have been more persistent in their attempt than heretofore, and have succeeded in inducing many boards of trade to adopt resolutions asking for the transfer. It is argued that by this change the officers and men of the Revenue marine would be bet ter schooled, that the vessels would be better Improved, and the whole in condition to render effective serviee in case of war. The opponents if the transfer argue that the service is wholly for the prevention of smuggling or the commis sion of frauds on the custom service, ana that jthe serviee should, therefore, be exclusively controlled by the Treasury Department. DEATH ON THE WIRE. The Horrible Fate of a Fainter Who Came In Contact With the Electric Current His Clothing and Flesh ' Bnrocd. T01.IDO, O., December 17. This morn ing Bobert S. Dalton. a painter employed by the Lake Shore Boad, went to the top of the train shed to measure a skylight for re pairs. He was missed a couple of hours afterward and the foreman climbed to the roof to investigate. He was horrified at seeing the body of Dalton lying on his back across the electric light -wires, and the smoke curling up from his burning clothing and flesh. The odor fairly sickened him, and, seeing that Dalton was dead, he at once de scended to the freight office and telephoned in to have the current shnt off so the body -could be removed. It presented a horrible spectacle. His face was black, and f r 4m his mouth great flakes of loam had fallen over his face and on to the roof. His left arm, which was fearfully burned above the elbow, was drawn up close to his 'JHL Bide, the elbow bent, and across his back were f-& Hwo burnt strips about three inches wide where ' he had touched the wires. It is surmised that in walking on the roof and in endeavoring to catch himself he backed up against one of the wires over which he fell, his shoulder striking on the wire, while his back, just at the base of the spine, rested oyer the wire where he first JeU. His clothing was wet from rain and made an excellent conductor, and receiving, as he did, the complete force of the current from two vires, his death must have been instantaneous. He's a Hasher. "Jack the Chaser" is the latest fiend who has been terrorizing the people of alt. Washlneton. He is In the habit of meeting young women loiter night and Introducing himself to them. ie has anoeared to some Touoir women ni-w ererv nlrht for the cast week.'' The driTn rglveabyaUwhotcotiSji tbesaae In every LATE HEWS Iff bSiEP. Four robbers are reported to have been lynched in Hanmelle township, Art, by a vig ilance committee. The Roman Catholic Church at Frealton, OnU was destroyed by fire yesterday. The loss is IS, 000: insurance 31,200. Carl Carlson and John Sullivan, miners,and Andrew Adamski. 16 years old, a drill boy, were blown to atoms in the Osceola, Mich., mine by a prematnre explosion. Bushlri, the noted Arab wholed the Afri can insurgents in their revolt, and was captured by villagers of Magilla and handed over to the Germans, has, been hanged. The' accounts of Robert Johnston, a trusted clerk in the general office of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad, who recently went to Canada and has not returned, are found to be 85.200 short. Roe Ii Hendrick, indicted at Buffalo for blackmailing the family of Jnnge Loran Xl Iiewis, of the Supreme Court,ycsterday pleaded guilty before Judge Daniels, and will be sen tenced on Saturday. The Supreme Court has decided that the biennial elections amendment to the Constitu tion of Ohio, which received a majority of votes cast on the proposition at the last elec tion was not legally adopted. This establishes the principle that to change the Constitution a majority of all votes cast at a general election must be In the affirmative. Captain Bobert M. Foster, who served In the One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois In fantry through the late war, has just discov ered that his wife is the legal heir to 800,000 acres of land lying in Virginia and Kentucky. He bas entered TOit in the Federal Court in Covington," Ky., to secure possession of the land, which is very valuable. A 18-year-old son of Henry Potts, residing near Woodstock, Howard county, lid., while handling a breech-loading sbotgnu,accidentaly discharged the piece, killing his young sister standing near by and seriously wounding his mother. The little girl's brains were blown ont and the mother received in the Bide the same charge which killed her daughter. Doubts are entertained as to Mrs. Potts' recovery. At Dallas, Tex.. Mrs. Mary Adams, a hand some young widow, was shot and fatally wounded Sunday night by Wr-D. Camming, a rejected lover. Mrs. Adams had accepted the escort of another man from church, and was fired upon by Cummlngs. who was in ambush. Bloodhounds were placed tnpoa bis track, and at Garland, he was captured. As soon as arrested he shot himself fatally in the breast. An Iowa case that is attracting great inter est is now on trial in the Poweshiek Court. It is the prosecution of Miss Flora Liookywho shot and killed a man who was engaged in a chari vari in Chester countv. The serenading party was making life miserable for Flora's grand father, who bad been ill The serenaders re fused to desist, whereupon Miss Flora took down a gun and fired into the party, killing one man. ROGERS' ROYAL NERVINE A Strictly Vegetable .BESTOBA TIVE to the BRAIN and NERVOUS SYSTEMS There is no substitute for this remedy. IT CUBES, it GIVES NEW MFE, it is PUBE and WHOLESOME. Sold by druggists. Price, $1. Prepared only by BOGEBS' BOTAL REMEDIES CO., Boston, Mass. ' ioS-38)W TheCod That Helps to Cure The Cold. The disagreeable taste of the COD LIVER OIL is dissipated in SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with HYPOPHOSPHITES OF X..TMT1 -AHX SODA. The patient suffering from CONSOMPTIOIT, BRONCHITIS, COUGH, COLB, OB WASTING BISEASES, may take the remedy with as much satisfaction as he Would take milk. Physicians are prescrib ing it everywhere. It Is a perfect emalshm. andawonderfalfleihprodneer. okenoofhtr o2-2S-MWT8U FULLVALUEFORTHE MONEY BLOCKER'S lbs. 11.00. Klbs. 55c. autcn COCOA 150 Cups for $1.00. Choicest, Purest, Best. InstantaBeons wltH Boiling "Water or Milt XJ. S. Depot, 35 Mercer BU New Yoex. At retail br all leading- giocen and draccisU. GEO. K. STEVENSON 4 CO., IMPORTERS OC3-50-WB TLOOKEB'S COCOA For sale wholesale and retail by JAMJSS LOCKHART, 103 Federal Street. Allegheny, Pa. no&68-ws OSE OFTO-OAY'S GREAT ATTRACTIOHS. turn Qn a large lot of Cloth, we've- a great quantity of Suits that we can 'afford to sell at $15. You may depend on unusual good value. Wanamaker & Brown, SIXTH ST. AND PENN AVE. P. S. Store open this evening and every evening until Christmas Eve. JL GcLTS obtained the only gold medal awarded solely for toilet SOAP in competi tion with all the world. Highest ftssible distinction! . , ' ' -:. :.u: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Letter From a Clergyman. Grateful Acknowledgment of Cures by tho Outioura Bemedies. A minister and his liiils boy enrsd of obstinate skin diseases by the Cutleara Remedies. Praises them everywhere, In the pulpit, horn:, and in the street. For about U years I have been troubled with ec zema or some other cutaneous dUeaae which all remedies failed to cure. Hearing of the CUTlctma. Kimzdies I resolved to give them a trial, and pur chased one bottle of Cuticbju. Rssourxsr, one box of Cuticuba, and one case or CuncnnjL SOAP. I followed the directions carefully, and It affords me much pleasure to say that before using two baf.es of the Cdticuru four cakes of Cuti cuba boat, and one bottle ot Crmcuiu. Eesol Vkkt, 1 was entirely cared. In addition to my own case, my baby boy, then about At months old, was sofferlnewithwhatl sappoted to be the same disease as mine to such an extent that his head was coated over with a solid scab, from which there was a constant flow of pus which was elckenlnr. to look upon, besides two large tumor-like XerneU on the back of bis head. Thanks to you and your wonderful Cuticuba. Kemedies, his scalp l perfectly well, and the kernels have been aeatteredao that there li only one 11 tut place by his left ear, and that Is healing nicely, lnitead of a coating of scabs he bas a fine coal of hair, mnch better than that which was de stroyed by the dlseaie. I would tnat the whole world of sufferers from skin and blood diseases knew the value or your CuncCKA Hemedies as I do. The Cuticuba SO Ar and CuncunA Resolvent are each worth ten times the price at which they are sold. I have never used any other toilet soap In my house since I bought the first cake of your Cuticuba Soaf. 1 would be Inhuman as well as ungrateful should I fall to speak well of and recommend your Cuticuba Remedies to every offerer who came la my reach. 1 have spoken of It. and shall continue to speak of It from the pul pit, la the homes, and la the streets, fraylnr, that you may live long, and do others the same amount of pood yon have done me and my child. I remain, yours gratefully. (KIV.) C. M. MANNING, Box 23, Aeworth, Qa. ; Guticura Remedies Are sold everywhere. 1'rlce, Cuticuba, 60c; Boap, c: KifOLVXXT, L Prepared by the Hotter Drug xsd Chemical Cobporatiok, Boston. 49-Send for "Hot to Core Skin Diseases, " 64 pegea, 60 illustrations and ICO testimonials. PIM FLES, black-head!, chapped and oUrsktn pxerenwa 07 ubticgsjl mejjicatad dullc. OLD FOLKS' PAINS. Full of comfort for all Pains, In. Sammatlon and Weakness of the Aged lithe Cuticuba Kwrt-Pxxx Plas ter, the flrft and only paln-kllllng Strenrthentiir Pl&ater. acr. inst&n- taneuuaud Infallible. ws AFRAID OF CONSUMPTION. Por seven years did Mr. John V. Hart man, of 1214 Main street, Sharpsburg, suffer from catarrh, which gradually grew worae., until he became afraid he was on the verge of consumption. He had a constant hawking and spitting, and some of .the poisonous matter that gathered In his throat extended to his'lungs. Aeoueksetin. He felt sore ness and pain in his lungs and around his shoulder blades. His throat became sore and ulcerated, breath short, his eves were weak and had much pain over ihera. He lost flesh, had those terrible night sweats, and gradually grew weaker. After becoming cured by the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. 828 Fenn avenue, be gives the following statement: Mr. John "V. Hartman. "Yes. I was afraid of consumption, and my case was even worse than has been described. I now weigh more than ever before, feel well and strong, and It elves me pleasure to add ray testimony with the hundreds already published, to my complete core by these physicians. .'JOHN V.PlABTMAtT." Tho Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute is per manently located at S23Pennave. They care Catarrh. Dyspepsia and Diseases ot 'Women. Consultation free to all. Patients treated suc cessfully at home by correspondence. Office hours, 10 Jv.il. to 4 P. 1L, and 6 to 8 p.m. Sun days, 12tolT.iL dei-MWTsn BOH) MEDAL, PABIS, 1878. W. BAKEB & CO.'S Mast Cocoa Is absolutely pure and it is soluble. No CliemiecUs ara ued In tts preparation. It hai mart Man tkru Unulll UrmflX ol Cocoa mixed vilhftarch, Am vroot or Sugar, and if therefore far mors economical, aaUngUu Om ant tat a cup. II ii delicious, nonriiWng, gtrenglhesixiff, J24SXX.Y uxbxstzd, and ijflmirnWj adapted for InraUdf u veil mm forpenoaa la health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKEB & CO., Dorchesr, Mass. ?77 PHOTOGRAPHER. U SIXTH STREET, A fine, large crayon portrait ts 50; sea them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, S3 and 12 60 per dozen. PROMPT DEUVEBX. oclB-85-xwisa The Stylish Suits ' for Young Men at 15. By a quick de!8 'Paris Exposition, 1889. m 15:. jtfff iKsWs sV if I VB 0FWCIA1WPITT8BURG. STOP AND -:- WONDER ! And Read these Wonderful Prices for Ladles' and Gents' Fancy HOLIDAY SLIPPERS! IiadieVFelt Slippers at. ... t t 60 Ladies' Cloth Felt Lined Slippers at. . 75 Ladies' Kid Opera Slippers at 75 Ladies' Fancy Velvet Slippers at 1 00 Gents' Fancy Velvet Slippers at 75 Gents' Fancy Velvet Slippers'at...... 1 00 Gents' Busset Morocco Slippers at.... 1 00 Gents' Fine Morocco Upper Slippers at 1 25 Also; a large stock of Ladies' and Gents' Cloth and Glove Kid, Congress and Ties at from $i up, at GaSIMEN'S, 78 OHIO St., ALLEGHENY. Corner of Sandusky street. dcl6-MW HOLIDAY PRESENTS. OPEBA GLASBBS. The largest and finest assortment in the city, sold at low prices. Gold spectacles, ?5 and upward. 15 Gold Eye Glasses with chain attached. Field Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Ba rometers, Thermometers, etc.. etc Call and examine. J. DIAMOND, Optician, 22 SIXTH STREET. P. a A beautiful present given to every purchaser. no24-107-iru7Su Paris Exposition, 1889: 3 Grand Prizes 5 Gold Medals. MENIER CHOCOLATE PUREST, HEALTHIEST, BEST Ask for Yellow Wrapper. For Sale Everywhere. SBAIC3 HOUSE, OIUI SQDABI, IW T88I. tttWi J' 'iTJBI CHOICE, USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS - AT DOUGLAS Thousands of Linen Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes for all ages. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Initial, in fancy boxes, largest assortment for Ladie and Gents. Bich Silk Mufflers for Ladies and Gents, an abundant supply. t Ladies', Gents and Children's Kid Gloves, lined and unlined. Ladies' Collars, Cuffs and Neckwear, a lovely display. Ladies', Misses' and Children's furs, an elegantly complete selection. Bich Silks, Satins, Plushes and Dress Goods, almost an endless variety. " Best Makes of Umbrellas, in Gold, Silver, Oxidized, Ivory and Natural Mounts. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks, "Wraps, etc., a most wonderful collection. Very Handsome Double Damask Table Sets, all sizes and qualities. Exceeding Bich Table Covers, in raw silk, tapestry, chenille, etc. Gentlemen's Stylish Neckwear and Furnishing Goods of every description. Bich band-painted and Embroidered Silk Tidies, Scrim and Lace Tidiw. etc. "Very Elegant, Bich,. Satin Trimmed Lace Toilet Sets and Dresser Scarfs. Eiderdown Quilts and Pillows, a very choioe selection. ALL AT PRICES BOTH PJLEASING AND ASTONISHING. Stores Open Until 9 P. M,rom Thursday, 19th, till Xmas. 151 and 153 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. del-KWT QTAwne fi AT III .vl III H . If you haven't bonght your Christmas Gifts yet, do so at once by taking advantage of SEECH' 8 GREAT-:-HOLIDAY -:- OFFERING -or- Odd pieces of Furniture, Rugs, Mats, Curtains and Portieres, Chinaware, Silverware, Cutlery, Clocks, Bronzes, Pedestals, Pictures, Clothing, Cloaks, Drygoods, Blankets,' Efc, Etc KEE GEE'S Oaslx axLd. 02?ed-ii3 lEEdxi-se, JUST AB.YbU I.TKT7. IT, " ' 923 and 925 JPcnn avenue, near Ninth Street. SPECIAL: Store open every night till 9 o'clock until Christmas; Saturdays till 10, as USE, HE sADEflMIYBrlNTHE bEff. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS .-.... ...?- I... .1.1 ...... -e.!.,.l I... . YOU CANNOT THINK OF A MORE ACCEPTABLE PRESENT FOR A GENTLEMAN THAN we or BXTBBIT'S BROADWAY SILK HATS! At ?3. u, fvk If you prefer a fine Fur .Cap we "can give a choice of gennine Alaska Seals at 55, fG, 58, flO. Gloves and Gauntlets in Seal, Otter and Beaver at ?4, f5, 6, 58, $10. Oregon Seal Caps at 48o, 87c, 98c, f 1 20, ?1 50. A superb line of Gents' Fine Furnishings. Gold and 8ilver Head Umbrellas a Specialty. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfl&ld St . delS-wrsu Gold Spectacles, Gold Eyeglasses, Opera Glasses, Field and Tourists' Glasses, Magic, Lanterns, Barometers, Thermometers, Draw ing Sets, Microscopes, Graphoscopes,. Pho tographic Cameras, etc. KORNBLUH, OPTICIAN, No. 50 Fifth Avenue, NEAR WOOD STREET. Telephone No. 1C8& deS-100 . Established VSSi. BROOM CORN. Broom Manufacturers Supplies PEANUTS. ROBERT DICKEY h CO., J7 WATER ST. AMD 9S PIRST AVE. Telephone 163. u23-31-inrr - MACKIE'S THE usual aelB-MWT LAMP By lilfl n in HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Till! J?....ji.mn NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. USEFUL and ORNAMENTAL ilfSoiveis TOILET SETS, TEA SETS, DINNER SETS, tflSH SETS, GAME SETS, UMBRELLA STANDS. L BANQUET LAMPS, VASE LAMPS, HANGING LAMPS, HALL LIGHTS, CHANDELIERS, GAS FIXTURES. BICH 0DT GLASS. BRONZES, CLOCKS, PEDESTALS, EASELS, ONYX TABLES, ART.POTTERY, PLAOQUES. After Dinner Coffees and Plates In Satin Lined Cases, THE J. P. SMITH lamp, Glass & China Co,, 935 Penn Avenue. Between Ninth and Tenth Streets. P. & Store open till 9 P. M del5-wrsa MONEY TO iRELANlJ. SCOTIiAND ANJU England can best be sent by checks on the "Cheque Bank." which are cashed bv aU bankers, merchants and tradespeople, fitts bnrg Ateney MAX SCHAMBKRQ A CO- 627 Bmlthfleld C Plttsbnrg se25-wsa OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Office of the crrr tbeasubb r. ) .PrrxsBtmo, December 1889. f -VrOTIOE-NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN Ll that the duplicates lor the second as sessments ol water rents (tor new bnlldinzt .completed since April 1, 1890,) have been placed in my bands for collection, and payable at this office daring the month of December. AU water rests remaining nnnaid Jannarv 1 1890, will be placed in the bands of W.B.' lora, wouecior or iieunqaent 'xsxes, wim o per cent added, for collection. J. F. DENNISTON. de&SS-s City Treasurer. No. 171.1 AN OBJHNANCE-AUXHOBIZING THE construction of a sewer on Snowden alley, from Willow street to Valley street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Plttsburp, hi Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is- hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and dirncted to advertise In accordance with the acts ot Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Penn sylvania and the ordinances of tbe said city of Pittabnif; relaUoe thereto and regulating the same, for proposals lor tbe construction of a 15-inch pipe sower on 8now den alley, commencing at willow street, thence to a connection with sewer on Valley street, the contract therefor to be let in tbe manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordi nances. The cost and expense of the samo to be assessed and collected in accordance with the nrovisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 18th day of 3Iay.A.D.18tSL " uecttonS That any ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting with tbe provisions of this, ordinance be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils, this 25th day of November, A. D. 1889. H. E. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. W. A. MAGEE. President of Com mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. November 27, 1BS9. Approved: WM. MoCALLIN, Kayor. Attest: W.H.llC CLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book. vol. 7, pace 212, Htu day of December, A. D., 1SS& del6-H No. 167J 1 N nnriTNANOE A.UTJ N OBPINANClJ-AUTflORIZrNG THE .A construction of a sewer on Broad street. from Fairmont street to a connection with a our.p nn Jarvlnv QVAtittA. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of PltUburc, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same, That tho Chief of the Department of Publle Works be and Is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with the acts of Assembly ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and tbe ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relating thereto and reflating tbe same, for proposals for the con struction of a pipe sewer, 15 Inches in diameter an Broad street, from Fairmont street to a connection with a sewer on Negley avenue the contract therefor to be let in the mannerdirectedbythosald act3 of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and expense ot the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions .of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers In cities of the second class," approved the 18th day of May, A. V. 1889. Bection 3 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be, and tbe same is hereby repealed so far .as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this 28th day of November, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPAKD. Clerk of Pelect Council. GEO. I HOLUDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. November 27,1889. Approved: WM. McOALUN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY. Mayor's Clere. Recorded m Ordinance Book. voL 7, pace 209. Mth day of December. A. D. 1889. ' deim (No. 188.J AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on Homewood avenue, from Penn avenue to a connection with sewer on Homewood avenue at Tioga street. . . . . Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, fn Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby or dained and enacted by the authority ot the same. That the Chief of the Department of Prfblic Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in accordance with the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relating thereto and regu lating the same, for proposals for the con struction of a pine sewer on Homewood avenue, commencing at Penn avenue, thence to Meade street, 15 Inches In diameter, and from thence 18 inches in diameter, to a con nection w(tna sewer on Homewood avenne, near Tioea street, tbe contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acts ot Assemblyandordinances. "The costand expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with tbe provisions of an act of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth ot Pennsyl vania, entitled "An aot relating to streets and sewers In eities of the second class," approved the 18th day ot :May, A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects tblsordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils thls25th day of November. A. p. 18S. H.- P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk, of Select Council. W. A. MAGEE, President of Cora moD Uoancll pro torn. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of CosBEon Council. XayeCsoSoa, November 97, 1MB. Approved; WJCMeGAIiaj.Myorr AtteMt W.H.Mo- ffitsertek MiiL w ii in jeefcjHt ?, jMg 8W, . -h mt M HMHsjMr; A. u. .ussy, za.mn llfflffil KEWABVKXTTSB1KEST8. fssitt mmkmffl nUUM.l n.. A sst- OTVGitu uays ngo no Our TME-:-CL0AK-:- QUESTION We haven't changed onr opinion since, but are determinectnTbre than ever to ettect a speedy clearance of our entire stock by means of reduced prices, in the face of this most unseasonable weather. Every garment in our Cloak Department MUST be sold. MUST is the word not may, might, shall or wilL MUST BE SOLD There's the rub. Ah, and you are surprised Yes, you are, no doubt, agreeably surprised to find that the garments against which this emphatic edict is pronounced are the ' very garments you need the- garments which ;add so much to your appearance the garments which are so conducive to your comfort the garments which you cannot at this sjsason do without. We have good reason for feeling proud of ,our enlarged and beautiful CLOAK AND WRAP PARLORS, Xook at it! Over 5,000 square feet of flooring covered actually weighed down with Cloaks, Wraps and Jackets. There is not a house in Pittsburg or Allegheny that can show you anything at all approaching it in extent and we are positive that, so far as. prices are concerned, ours cannot be duplicated because "EVERY GARMENT MUST BE SOLD!" no optional prices to secure profit, but compulsory prices to clear out the stock, in spite of rain or shine, warm or cold. This is our position. k To give you some idea ot the variety, as well as the general ex cellence, of our supply of, Cloaks, Wraps and Jackets, permit us to make the rounds of the Department with you. as. makes no difference with us. We anywhere near what they cost us. Flush Wraps are decidedly rich m p m aUUi X lUWUUk Great .difference in price, though. It would really surprise you to see how low those handsome wraps are marked. One step further and we get to the MirattW Beaver, MateHasse, Ottoman, Broadcloth and Frieze ClbthfBnF here comes the biggest fish in the ' IT -. 1 X What a vast field of beauty and cheap- 1 owinnPfOTP ness' f styie and durabnity-Eyea ur IlilllllnilliJi recent impqrtations from- Berlin and ,,1U nlUUlIlUUJl Paris are to be sacrificed! Yes! At half what they cost to import We have so many of them, you re mark. True enough. Our stock is very large but wait and see it a week from now! If the weather will be but slightly favorable, you'll then see many of those- Newmarket racks bare. But we have arrived at our MorlaieJffi different fashionable colors tc. Every one of them is doomed. at half its regular price. Now, see our " ' , - 4. - , " T . ductions have been the greatest Fv Dailiiicn Black Fur Capes at only $6. Excellent Astrakhan Shoulder Capes very slightly higher. Seal Shoulder Capes, and Seal and Astrakhan Combination Capes, Mink, Monkey and Marten Capes, Persian. Fur and Persian Lamb Capes at positively 50c on the dollar. Muffs from 25c up. Boas from 98c up. Finer grades of Furs, every kind, at greatly reduced figures. Children's Fur Sets at 75c And now, walking ,a few steps further, we lastly get to the CHILDREN'S AJTDMI8SE8'. The reductions are fully as great a3 anywhere in the Ladies Department And, Mothers, what a splendid chance this gives you, Ladies, to surprise your little daughters with such elegant and timely Christmas Gifts as a fine Cloak or Coat Prices range from $1 soup. THAT GOLD BOOT ! It,stiU .ses ee , 1 purchase m our Cloak or Ladies' Shoe Departments. It's seven inches high, contains a. bottle of Perfume, and when empty, makes a most ornamental Bouquet holder. MORE PRESENTS ! .5Sa.2S iSleds bee to patrons of our Boys' Clothing Departments. snI llfCIUIBQ- Presented t aU visitors, and to 5j J U w C MM 1 1 O every child visiting our store this week Santa Claus will give a large, fresh, sweet Ball of Popcorn, made right here in Kris Kringle's North Pole Popcorn Bakery. KAUF MANNS -X ) "5 Fifth Avenue and A ; t"Oien until 9 ?t3biistnMp, f1 mi art. pim December 18, 1889. ti PsC .J : TLi.. rs-i .fL- JJ- . ucinrca in inesc borunrnsri Position on Your eye will naturally seek the most attractive first Seal Goods. You are aware that, owing to the scarcity of seals last season, Sealskin Garments are much more expensive than usual. But tnat will feel satisfied if we can get Next! They look just as well as Seals, you say. Very nearly. It takes an ex perienced eye and close comparison to I detect tne ainerence. .truly, our aeal looking, and warm as genuine Seal. You will observe they are all in the newest effects, the prettiest shapes and most Pi novel materials Diagonal, pond: Yes! Tailor-made, and V iu, perfect fitting, in Stockin ette, Beaver, Kersey, Check, Stripes, Astrakhan: in all tan, blue, electric, navy, brown, slate, Every one is to be sacrificed cast your eyes to the left, and you'll . tlfs hardly necessary to say that Furs have suffered most from the backward season, and I that for this reason our Fur re of alL Just think! We sell fine DEPARTMENT. Smithfield Street- clock trery night ,ungl - t v. ,. ri - r ! 1 &fj WK-u