Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 18, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Tiews of aa 0. F. Produce Dealer
From Ashtabula as to Crop3
The City of Gidatngs and Ben TYade is
Kejoiclng in a Boom.
Orrics OTPrrfSBUito Dispatch. 1
Ttosdat. December 17. ISS9L
O. K. Balph, a produce dealer from Ash
tabula, O., was iA the city to-day looking
alter the ditpo rition of three carloads of
cabbage, whirj, found ready buyers at
double the 'ceg 0f two -weeks ago and
more. A liberty street commission mer
chant was confident that the net profits of
the three rloadwas not less than $300 to
the Asht afcnia dealer. List month there was
nomarVlXnere jor cabbage, and stock went
beggin g jor cnstomers. Now customers are
beggi jgior cabbage. Said Mr. McQo wan, the
Ubt ttj street commission merchant, to-day:
"1 .t onsd it much harder to sell cabbage at $2
PeT hundred two weeks ago than I find it now
Jri -sell them at M per hundred. When stuff
fas cheap buyers were few. now that it lias
Cone np, buyers are plenty and eager for the
Mr. O. K. Ralph, whose initials are plainly an
Judex to his character and business capacity,
itbus speaks or the agricultural interests of the
"Western Beserre:
Outlook on the Western Reserve.
"In our section of the country the frnit crop
'was almost an entire failure the past season,
and in this bne our people are mainly depend
ent on the -southern part of Ohio, which was
more favored in this regard. The yield
of vegetables was fair alone the lake
shore, and in our town of Ashta
bula there are plenty of the best potatoes at 35c
per bushel from stores. There is no shortage of
vegetables, and, with an abundance in this
line, we are not disposed to murmur oTer the
failure of the fruit cron. With plenty of bay.
SUn and vegetables, the people of the ReserTe
Te their share of the good things of the earth.
As to dairy products, we do not produce
enough in onr immediate vicinity for home con
sumption. The house which 1 represent last
XalL In the height of the season, handled 2,500
pounds of butter per week, which was shipped
xo us from a creamery at Plymouth, Ind. And
even this late in the season we handle over
JjBOO pounds from the same source."
Iron Qre'a Wonderfal Influx.
Departing from produce lines Mr. Ralph had
something of interest to tell of the Iron ore in
dustry which has had a phenomenal develop
ment at Ashtabula the past year or two. "The
amount of Lake Superior ore received at that
port." said "ne, "the past year, has been over
2,000.000 of tons, an increase of nearly 1,000,000
over the previous year. The receipts of iron
ore at Ashtabula from Lake Superior are now
greater t'aan at Cleveland and Fairport com
bined. "As ri-result of this iron ore boom real estate
in Arntabnla bas doubled in value the past
year or two. and our population is steadily
gro ing until it is now little, if any short of
1(1,000. There is little doubt that ours is to be
o.neof the great ports of entry on Lake Erie.
in fact, it has already attained this position.
Our connection with Pittsburg crows closer
every year, by reason of the fact that
Abe ores with which the furnaces
Ihere are fed are more and more handled
tat our port every year. Our great trouble
:now is to get cars enough to take away
'the ore that is landed. The Lake Shore Rail--way
has orders for 300 ears a day, and tbePrtts
'burg and Ashtabula for 200 cars daily. A few
days ago 2,600 tons of ore were unloaded from
a vessel at our port in eight hours and 10 min
utesthe quickest time on record."
TineleTSnra'a Trade.
At the Pittsburg Custom House on Garrison
alley and Penn avenue it was learned to-day
that Christmas trade was never better tban it
lias been this season. This trade is now prac
tically over as far as the Custom House is con
cerned. and goods are m the bands of mer
chants. Secretary Keating said: "Our De
cember trade has been the best we ever bad.
Toys from Germany, cigars from Havana, silks
.-and wines from France have been coming in
imore freely than ever.
X)ur rectnota of ocara this month will not
fall below 150,000 and these are the kind which
sell from 15c up to Jl a piece. Recently we re
ceived from Yokohama, Japan, the first in
stallment of raw silk which ever passed
througn the Pittsburg Custom House. This
consisted of 25 bales, weighing over 200 pounds
each, and came byway of San Francisco to a
manufacturer at Harnsburg. The dutyon this
rax silk was SO per cent. fc i
The Condition of Bnalneaa at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, )
, Tuesday. December 17, 1889. (
GATTX.E Receipts, 200 bead: shipments,
660 bead; market slow; prime, H 104 35; good,
tZ 403 70; fair, 2 603 25; bulls, stags and fat
'.ows, 1 602 60. No cattle shipped to New
Tork to-day.
Hoos Receipts. 1,100 head; shipments. 1.300
Siead; market slow; all grades, 3 753 85. Four
cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day.
. Skeep Receipts, 2,000 bead; shipments,
3,41)0 bead; market steady; prime, to 105 25;
good, S1504 80; fair, S3 601 25; common.
:fl 602 60; lambs, H O06 5a
Br Telesrnph.
New Yobk Beeves Receipts, 860 carloads,
all for exporters and slaughterers direct, ex
cept 1 carload; no trading in beef cattle; a fair
market for dressed beef at 57c per pound
for poorest to best native sides: exports, 200
beeves and 2,600 quarters of beet Calves Re
ceipts, 350: dull and lower, with a limited
trading at (4 757 50 per 100 pounds for veals
and at tl652 75 for grassers and western
calves. Sheep Receipts, 2,700, and L500 were
carried over yesterday; prices were firmly sus
tained for the better grades, but inferior and
common dragged and closed weak: sales were
at $4 006 40 per 100 pounds for sheep and at
S550Q7B0 for lambs. Hogs Receipts, 5.100,
nearly all for slaughterers direct; market
steady at 3S54 10 per 100 pounds, an advance
.equal to 10Q15c per 100 pounds.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 7,000 head;
-shipments, 3,000 head; market steady; beeves
42 TOSS 25; stockers and feeders, &! 003 U0:
-cows, bulls and mixed, SI 002 95; bulk, 12 00
-2 40: Texas cattle. SI 602 8a Hoes Receipts.
"25,000 bead; shipments. 7,000 head; market
steady; mixed, $3 453 70; heavy, 3 6003 70;
light, $3 5083 75; skips, $3 003 4a Sheep
Receipts, 8.U00 bead; shipments. 3,000 bead;
.market lower: natives, $3 005 50; "Western
corn-fed. $4 S05 25; Texans, t3 504 10: lambs.
.M 906 6a
Kaksah Crrr Cattle Receipts, 4,541 head:
shlpments.959 head: market steady; natives, S3 00
4 40: cows, SI 50B2 30; stockers and feeders
-S2 003 00. Hogs Receipts. S.67S head; ship!
merits, none; market 25c lower; everything.
J 004 45. Sheep Receipts. 1.177 head; shlpl
menu, 358 bead: market steady: good to choice
muttons, S3 80500; stockers and feeders. S3 25
,64 6a
Buffalo Cattle dull at yesterday's prices;
-receipts 3S loads. Sheep and Iambs steady and
-unchanged: receipts, 17 loads through. 9 sale.
"Hogs steady: receipts 7 loads through, 30 sale.
Wool Maraet.
St. Loots Receipts of wool 101,738 pounds
market quiet and steady.
.rw Yobk Wool Is steady and quiet
domestic fleece, 323Sc; pulled, Z7e38c: Texas.
Boston There is a confident and strong tone
totbe wool market, without any very buoyant
or speculative feeling. Sales have been made
to a eood extent, and previous prices are ob
tained. Advices from other markets tend to
sustain prices. In Ohio fleeces there have been
sales of Xat 3233c and JCX is firm at 34c,
.Michigan X fleeces will sell readily at 30c but
most holders are asking 31c. N o. 1 wools are
firm at S73Sc for clothing, and S940c for
combing. In fine delaine there have been fur
ther sales of Ohio at 35K3Sc, and Michigan at
34c, with 35c asked. Unwashed combing is
selling at 2930c for three-quarter, and 28c for
one-quarter blood. Territory, Texas and Cali
fornia wools are moving at unchanged prices.
In pulled wools there have been sales of choice
supers at 39S40c; fair to good supers at 30635c
and extra pulled at 222Sc Foreign wools are
very Arm.
Metal JtlnrKcl.
Nkw Yobk Pig Iron quiet and firm.
Copper dull and easy; lake, December, $13 75.
Lead dull and firm; domestic S3 9a Tin quiet
and about steady: straits, J21 2a.
1 WUalcy Market.
Prices are steady and unchanged at SI 02 for
finished goods. The demand is active.
To Dispel Colds.
Headaches and fevers, to cleanse the system
effectually, yet gently, wnen cosuve or Dillons,
or when the blood. Is Impure or sluggish, to per
manently cure habitual constipation, to awaken
the kidneys and' liver to a healthy activity,
without irritating or weakening them, use
siupwif ig.
. "V , .
Wheat Shows Less Backbone, but Nothing
to Warrant a Break Corn Moves
Down a Peg Pork Doll and
Chicago Wheat A moderate business was
transacted to-day. and at times the market
ruled dull. No Important changes occurred
and no special outside news was received to
warrant a change in the course of the market.
The market was chiefly a local one, The open
ing was rather firm, and while the near-by
futures showed but little change, May delivery
advanced He, then became weaker and de
clined with some fluctuations Ji for May,
ruled steady and closed about c lower than
Cable advices were generally without special
change. A private cable was received noting
a stronger closing. Jt is claimed that freight
engagements have been made by a railroad line
for the shipment of 1,800 cars of flour during
December, and from here and the West, of
which 320 cars were contracted lot the but 24
Corn Trading early was of a light local
character, but little interest being manifested,
and fluctuations were limited to KXe range.
The temper of the local crowd was rather bear
ish, and transactions were at slightly lower
prices. Offerings of all futures were rather
liberal, and in the absence of any support the
market ruled heavy the entire session. The
market opened at about the closing prices or
yesterday, wis easy, with the exception of De
cember, which sold up Jic on the wet weather.
The market then receded XQXc, ruled steady
and closed a shade lower than yesterday.
Oats were slow and steady and without a
feature of interest.
Mess Pork Very little business was trans
acted and the feeling was quiet and easy.
Prices showed very litua change.
Lard Aqniet and easy feeling prevailed and
prices ruled about 2Kc lower.
Short rib sides Trading was moderately act
ive, though chiefly In contracts for May.
Prices favored buyers.
The leading futures raneed as follows:
Whsat No. JL December. T!QT7Si
r6Jic; January. 77Ji4j7777677c; March,
N No. 2. December,
Oats No. 2, December. Zfiic; January,
20205ic; May. I2?i22J0222Jc
Miss Pork, per bbL January. $9 259 25
9 29 25: March. $9-4-J5S 459 429 45;
May. ja 659 (659 62H9 05.
Lard, per 100 &a.-January. $5 90G5 90
5 87K5 b7f : March, $5 9765 9765 928
5 92K; May, 6 056 056 056 02.
Shobt Ribs, per 100 As. January, H 70
4.7034 70; May. H 9ZK1 92K 9034 mi-
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
dull and unchanged. No. 2 Spring wheat, 763c;
No. 3 spring wheat, 6768ct No. 2 red, 76c;
No. 2 com. 32Kc; No. 2 cats, 20c: No. 2 rye.
45cNo.2 barley, 5860c No. 1 flaxseed. 1133.
Prime timothy seed, 1 20122. Mess pork, per
bbL SS759 25. LardV per 100 lbs. S587:
Short nbs sides (loose), $4 704 80. Dry salted
shoulders (boxea), U 124 25. Short clear
sides (boxed), (5 005 05. bugars Cut loaf, un
changed. Receipts Flour, 24,000 barrels:
wheat, 82.000 bushels: corn. 271,000 bushels;
oats, 212,000 bushels; rye, 15,000 bushels; barley,
&3.000 bushels. Bhlpments Flour, 17,000 bar
rels; wheat, 28,000 bushels: corn. 233,000 bush
els; oats, 153.000 bushels; rye, 7,000 bushels;
barley. 19.000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchance to-day the butter
market was unchanged. Eggs, 2021c
New Yobk Flour quiet. Cornmeal "dull.
Wheat Spot dull and easy; options dull, KK
Jic lower and weak. Rye weak; Western. 60ff
(2c Barley weak; Western, 50065c; Canada,
59073c Barley malt quiet; Canada, 77c
Corn Spot quiet and steady; options more ac
tive, HG'si0 lower and weak. Oats Spot firm
and quiet; options dull and firmer. Hay steady
and quiet. Hops in fair demand and firm.
Coffee Options opened steady at 61S points
down: closed barely steady at 1015 points
down; lower cables; quiet: sales, 43,760 bags,
including December, 15.9016.93c; January.
15.90S116.00c; February, 16.0016.05c: March,
16.U516.15c: April, 16.20c; May, lS.1516.25c;
July, 16.20fil6.30c; September. 16.15i6.25c;
October, 16.1016.25c; spot Rio easy and
quiet; fair cariroes, lBJJc; No. 7. lTVc
linear Raw dull and nominal; refined dull.
Molasses New Orleans steady. Rice steady
and in f air deroana. Cottonseed oil easy. Tal
low higher. Rosin steady. Turpentine lower
and quiet at 43Jf44. Eggs quiet and steady;
Western. 23K24c Pork quiet; mess, inspect
ed, S10 5010 75: uninspected, S10 2510 60;
extra prime, 9 509 75, Cnt meats easy;
pickled shoulders. 4c: pickled hams, 8
&c; pickled bellies, 665c; middles quiet.
Lard easier and quiet; sales 350 tierces; West
ern steam. S6 25, closlnc at $6 22; sales, 6,000
tierces; December, S6 05; January. $6 186 20,
closing at S6 18 bid; February. S6 256 27. clos
ing at S6 26 bid: March. S6 326 35, closing at
K 31; May. J6 436 44, closing at 6 44; July,
$6 66, closing at SO 55 asked. Butter quiet and
easy: Elgin, 29c; Western dairy, 918c; do
creamery. MQl'c; factory, 719c Cheese quiet;
Western. 810c
Philadelphia Flour steady. Wheat firm
and quiet; options steady; no graae, 6055c;
rejected, &565c; fair to good milling wheat,
7S85c; choice and fancy longberry. 8S92c;
ungraded, in grain depot, ,&S4c; No. 2 red.
December. 80V81Ke: January. 81682c: Feb
ruary. SS$iSie: March. 8484c Corn
Options sbade easier, with little or no specula
tion; car lots weak and Irregular: No. 4
mixed, in Twentieth street elevator, 36c; No. 3
high mixed, in grain depot, 67c: No.-3 yellow,
in grain depot, 36c: ungraded high mixed, on
track, 3Sc; steamer No. 2 high mixed, on
track. 3Sc: steamer No. 2!yellow, in grain de
pot, 37c; No. 2 mixed, on track, 40c; No. 2
yellow, in grain depot, 39c; old ungraded high
mixed, in Twentieth street elevator, 41c No. 2
mixed December. 39g39c: Januarv,8S3S?c;
February. 3838Kc: March. 38Kfcic. Oats
Car lots quiet but steady: No. 2 mixed. 2Sc:
No. S white 30S30e: No. 2 white, 31c:
futures higher; No. 2 white, December, 30Q
31Jic: January, 3031c; February, S0V630c;
March. 3031c Eggs dull and irregular;
Pennsylvania firsts, 24c
St. Louis Flour quiet and dull. Wheat
An advance of tc early on favorable reports
was not long maintained, and the close was ii
December, 77c closed at 77&C asked: March,"
80c closed at SSJi nominal; May. VXgW4&.
closed at 8181c bid. Corn weak; 'No. 2
mixed, cash. 2727lc; December. 2727ic,
closed at 27c asked; January. 27ic closed at
27Jj;27Kc asked; February, 27c closed at,
27c bid; May. 29"29Jc closed at 29c
Oats dull and easier; No, 2 cash, 1919c bid;
May,22?c Rye lower at 42c -Barley Nothing
doing. Flaxseed firm but quiet; salable at$I 28.
Provisions steady but very ouiet. Fork. 110 Itvm
10 ea
Minneapolis May wheat made an early
gain of He from yesterday's closing on mod
erate receipts and a cood demand for cash
wheat that holds the latter so near to May as
to make it unprofitable to buy cash wheat and
put in store for later delivery; the movement
from the country was not large In any section,
and the arrivals were below the dav's milling
requirements, the receipts being 226 cars, and
50 cars shipped. Closing quotations: No. 1 hard,
December, 78c: January, 78c; May. 82c: on
track, 79c: No. 1 Northern, December,
75c; January, 755c; May, SOVf: on track,
79c; No. 'i Northern, December, 72c; January,
72c;May, 77c; on track, 7274c
MlLtTATTKEE Flour unchanged. Wheat
qniet: No, 2 spring on track, cash, 7273c;
May, 76c; No. 1 Northern, 81c Corn steady:
No. 3, on track, 2929c Oate firm; No. 2
white, on track. 2223c Rye quiet; No. L
in store,46c Barley quiet: No, 2, in store
46c Provisions easy. Pork, January, $9 25.
Lard cash, S5 9a Cheese unchanged: Ched
dars. 999c s
Philadelphia Shoe Hen and Tbelr Employes
Uirable to Acre.
Philadelphia, December 17. The
Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association,
of Philadelphia, has issued a manifesto to
their employes, in which it is stated that the
employes have accepted employment under
the rules by which they and the association
were expected to work, and that they hare
shown-a determination to tiolate the con
ditions of their agreement. In this circular
the following questions are asked of ear.h
L Do you know that the rules under which
we work fortid either strikes or lockouts, and
require that differences of opinions be sub
mitted to the joint board of arbitration?
2. If you be a member of any organization
tuat, under any circumstances, might order
you to strike, would you obey the organization
or the rulesT
It is claimed by the men that this action
of the manufacturers is misleading, and that
their real pbject is to break np their or
ganization. The men say that they have as
much right to join their union as their em
ployers have to join their association, and
they refuse to retreat from their position on
this point. Trouble is likely to ensue.
One In 10,000 and altogether lovely is Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup. Look out for frauds!
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorta,
When she was a Child, she cried for Caitorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she bad Children,she gave them Castorta
In Beal Estate, but. Not Large Enough
to Excite the Community.
Mansions Advance in Property at the
Great Capital of the Nation.
"While there was nothing startling in real
estate circles yesterday, several important
transactions were closed up and allowed to
ceme to the surface. Henry A. Weaver &
Co. sold two two-story brick dwellings, Nos.
172 and 174 Second avenue, the lots 22 feet
front each by 80 in depth, to James W.
Piatt for $17,000. It is understood that the
purchaser will repair the houses and rent
Another transaction of some interest to in
vestors was the ssle by W. A. Herron A Sons,
of No. 866 Fifth avenne. Sixth ward, lot 20x100
to Ann street, with two tolerably good build
ings, for S9,00a The purchaser is Mrs. L.
Heiner, wife of A. A. Heiner, Esq. She will
Improve and occupy the property.
The gossips gave the Pennsylvania Railroad
and Cherry alley a rest. At least no fresh
rumors were flashed up. David P.. Black, of
the firm of Black A Baird, made this important
statement: "You may say that Black k Baird
are the only ones who know whether anything
is going on there, and they won't speak a
A Fourth avenue real estate broker, who has
just returned from a trip to Kansas City, said
yesterday that lots have been sold there within
a year for J10.000 a foot front. Business of all
kinds is very active, and the city is growing at a
marvelous rate.
"I am afraid, however," he added, "that they
are going too fast, and that sooner or later there
will be a financial crash which will cause wide
spread ruin. One reason for thinkingso is that
a great deal of the speculation is on credit
trusting to a rise in values to come out even or
ahead. One season of bad crops would be dis
astrous. I think capitalists wbo are thinking of
trying their luck In Kansas City should think
twice before they act."
An ex-Plttsburger wbo has made his home in
Washington, D. C, for the last 30 years, is in
the city visiting old friends. In the course of
conversation with The Dispatch representa
tive yesterday, in which real estate at the Capi
tal was the leading topic, he made some state
ments in regard to the enhancement of values
at the seat of government, and especially m the
northwestern section of the city, which are as
surprising as they are interesting.
He said residence properties in the district
in question, which sold during the war for 1
cent a square foot now bring S10, which is
equivalent to $1,000 a foot front. These lots are
only 25x100, and the location, while gooa, is not
the best.
This valuation is far above anything' in the
best residence portions of Pittsburg or Alle
gheny, where the maximum price is about $700
a foot for lots that average 250 feet in depth
twice the size of those In Washington City. It
is abont equal to the rating of the best busi
ness property here. When a Pittsburger is re
quired to pay 51,000 a foot for ajrasiness site be
wants something better than on a side street
There is no boom here, nor any likelihood of
one, bnt there are mbre reasons why properties
should enhance to double their present value
than can be found in any other city in the coun
try. These tacts for facts they are should
cause citizens with money to remain here, where
they can use it to better advantage than any
where else, and where there is no danger of
losing all in the effort to make more.
The pastor of a suburban church, in the
course of a sermon delivered recently, tola how
a business man in a neighboring town experi
enced a change of heart and made himself
solid with the community. He had been ad
dicted to most of the common vices and follies
of the age, and was noted for driving sharp
bargains, 1n which be did not always stick to
the truth. He kept a large country store, and
had a large trade, but his customers did not re
pose implicit confidence in him. His weights
were often short, and bis goods not always as
represented. Still, he was sound at theTjot
tom. He attended a revival meeting one night, was
converted and joined the church. Next day he
bought a large family Bible and chained It to
his counter in full view of all wbo came in.
Calling a number of his oldenstomers together,
he made them a little speech to this effect:
"Friends, I have made a change in my private
life, and I am .going to make one in my business
methods. Ueretofore my object has been to
make money, and to do that I have said and
done things which an hone st man could not
stand up to. Hereafter I propose to do busi
ness over this Bible. I will tell the truth, and
nothing but the truth, every time. You will
find everything yon buy from me to be just as
represented, and you will get full weight. You
can trust me from now on to the uttermost."
This occurred several years ago.Hekept
his promise, and prospered. His word was as
good as h s bond, and when he died recently he
was the r it- en man in tnat section. The large
business that be built up is now controlled by
bis son, who keeps up the custom established
by his father of selling and buying everything
over the Bible, which is still chained to the
The increase of the Garrett capital during
the illness of Robert Garrett is an accepted fact
In financial circles, and it Is said to be alto
gether due to the sound business sense of Miss
Mary Garrett, the only daughter of John W.
Garrett and sister of Robert. "It seems
incredible, but it Is the truth," said a Balti
more lawyer to a Philadelphia friend recently,
"that this young lady has virtually handled the
Garrett railroad and banking interests ever
since one of her brothers was attacked with
disease and the other lost his life. She is not
yet 30 years of age, and is a handsome woman of
the blonde type. She obtained her business
training from her father, to whom she was a
constant companion in his later ysars. and she
turned It to good account when the Garrett
family was actually deprived of a male head.
"No woman has ever had snch a responsibil
ity of this kind placed upon her as that which
Miss Garrett has voluntarily shouldered, and if
the whole story of her work could be told it
would be a narrative of the most extraordinary
business qualifications that any woman bas
ever shown."
A Terr Quiet Stoek market With Nothing
New In Quotations.
To show that the stock market was lifeless
yesterday, it is only necessary to state that the
sales were only E0 shares regular. In the ab
sence of business comments on prices and
prospects have very little force. About the
best tbat can be said is that local stocks show
no change for the worse in conditions, and
tbat brokers are bopefnl, hut not sanguine.
There was a small movement, the first for a
long time, in Pittsburg plate glass stock. It
brought 176. The last previous sale was about
185. Taking the list through quotations
showed no material change.
MOKuma. AFriBirooir.
Kid. Asked. Hid? AsKed.
Pitts. P. 8. M. Ex 4a 475
Commercial Na. Bank, M J(
ilsonlc nana.......
M. 411. Kat. Ban......
Third Nat. Bank 165 175.
Enterprise savings.... sz Mi
Iflrst Sat Bank. A... . W
Oons'dt'd Oas Co., III. 33 ....
Pitts. Gas C0..1U.... 61 80
AlleElienyHenttngOo. .... 100 .... 100
Brldgewater lias 23 .... 28) ....
CUartleri valley u.v
Ohio Valley
People's : U. AP.Co .... 15K ....
PennsvlvanUGas Co ,.
Philadelphia Co Wi MX 29K
Wheeling (in Co.....
Columbia Oil Co SM 3 , ....
Central Traction..... V3i TOM
Pitts. Traction 47 ! Oi
Pleasant Valley 22X .... Sji
Pitts. A. ft Man 255
Allegheny Vallev K. B. 1
P.AComi'lsvllleB. K. 10 IS ....
Pitts. & W. K. R. Co KH ..
Pitts. A W.K.K. prrf. .... 19 ....
N.Y. ftCOssUoalCo. ... , .... 39
baNoria Mining Co.- H X H
Luster Miulng Go .-r 18 Z5
Allegheny Go. Electric M CS 94
Westlnghouae Electric 43
Union Hlorase Co. ... .... 75
WesttnghouseA.tt.Co. 114)4 120 mtf
PUts. Plate Glass Co.., 178 18S 178
After the morals eall 10 share of Pittsburg
Plate GUm qwpay hreaght 170. At the iaet J
call 20 shares of Philadelphia Gas went at
w, 20 Central Traction at SZJ& ana ju ai W4j
Henry M. Long sold 60 shares of Pleasant
vaii.n.ti.v ny imiriiv Piutflr Bold
6U shares of Central Traction at SSJiandSZJS.
T? i r.,.. ..m m ,hi piaMnt Vallev as
223i, 100 shares Central Traction at 32X, and
SO shares Philadelphia Gas at 30.
The total sales of stocks at New 5 ork yester
day were 162,037 shares, including: Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western. 17,800: Denver,
Texas and Ft. Worth, 3.393; Louisville and
Nashville, 3,827; Missouri Pacific 9,850; Read
ing, 15,400: St Panl, 14,430; Union Pacific, 14,485;
Western Union, 3,725.
Everything Fioarlshlng at the Banks
General Trade Keeps Up.
Business at the banks was quite active yes
terday, but there were no new features. With
a good demand for accommodations rates were
steady at 67 per cent. It is the general senti
ment that money will be easier after the holi
days. Cbeckine and depositing were brisk,
showing continued activity in general trade.
Sales of holiday goods are large and becoming
larger. . ,
Bank statements show that local financlailn
stitutlonsareina prosperous condition. Re
sources are far Ik excess of liabilities and no
deadweight to carry. Currency was easier,
the heavy retail trade Is bringing it out. The
exchanges were 2,467,223 88 and the balances
$365,682 19.
Money on call at New Yorr yesteraay was
easy, ranging from 6 to 7 per cent; last loan, 5:
closed offered at 6. Prime mercantile paper.
6Q7K. Sterling exchange quiet and steaay at
(4 89 for 00-day bUls andH 84& for demand.
Closing Bond Quotation.
U. 8. 4s,reg lis
U. 8.4. coun m
M.K.4T. Gen.Ss
Mutual Union ...
N. J. C. Int. Cert.,
Northern P&e. lsts.
U. B. 4s, teg .1M
U. 8. 4Ms, conn.... 1MH
Psclfle&of'K. US
Louisiana stamped is MX
Missouri s 103 S
Northern Fae.M8..H2J4
Wortnw't'n consois.H
Northw'n deben's..I10
Orecon & Trans, os.10214
St. L.. 8. K. Qen.Jl.llIH
su fanl consols ....I23i
Ht.PL OhlAPc.lsU.II8
-ieon. new set. as,,. ii9
Tenn. new set. 58....101
Tenn. ucwset.as.... 74K
Canada Bo. zds...... OS
Cen. iaciflc.lits.....ll2
Den. & K. Q., 1SM...US
Den. R. O. 4s. 7H
D.ftB.8, West;lns. 93H
Erie, Ms 101H
lTx.,Pe.UO.Tr.K. 83X
Tx., Pe. K. Orr.KeU 6H
union rac. iiu..."t
Weit Shore VH
M. H-. T. Gtn. 6s.. 74X
Government and State bonds continue firm
and dull.
New Yobk Clearings, 1151,971.621; balances,
Boston Clearings, (17,862,988; balances,
2,360.645. Money, 4 per cent.
Baltimobe Clearings, 2,280,402; balances,
PHZLA.szi.FinA Clearings, 13,483,800; bal
ances, 1.440,256.
London Bar silver 47d per ounce.
Paris Three per cent rentes, 871 57e for
the account,
St. .Louis Clearings, 4,091,942; balances,
PItUbnrc the Biggest Bull In the Ring A
Little Spurt.
-The oil market was weak and spiritless yes
terday until shortly before the close, when it
livened up a little under shorts covering, and
closed within Je of tha highest point of the
day. The extreme range was of a cent.
Trading was light and almost wholly profes
sional. There were no orders worth speak
ing of.
The opening was 10 highest 105 lowest
10 closing 105K. Pittsburg lead the bullish
eontincent, and the market closed higher here
tban anywhere else. Oil City assisted in hold
ing things up. Bradford was a light seller.
New York waited and watched. The close was
steady. Monday's clearances were 623,000 bar
rels. Features of the Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oasuey A Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened lC5Lowet 1MK
tfiffbest I0ouioted 105
Average runs S1.U7
Average shipments 78,32)
Average charters , J8,K9
Kenned, Mew York. 7.60c
Keflned, London. SJtd.
Refined, Antwerp, 17Xr.
Kefined. .Liverpool. 6 1-lSd.
Keflned, Uremen, 7.1Sm.
A. B. McQrew quotes: Puts, 1 043ft calls
1 06KQ1 06
Other OH Market.
On. crrr. December 17. Petroleum opened
at 105X: highest, 1 05; lowest, J10
closed, 1 05.
Bradford. Deeemberl7. Opened at fl 05V;
closed at (1 05; highest, 1 05; lowest, 1 04.
TrrusvnxB, December 17. Petroleum
opened at (1 05: highest, 1 05W; lowest,
(1 04; closed. SI 05.
NjrwYoRK.Decemberl7. Petroleum opened
strong at 1 04 and moved up to 1 05. Then
the price declined to 1 04 but the market
rallied sharply and closed firm at 1 04. Stock
Exchange: Opening, tl 04; highest. (1 05; low
est, 1 0i; closing, tl 04. Consolidated Ex
change: Opening. 1 042; highest, 1 05:
lowest, 1 WA; closing. 11 05. Total sales,
441,000 barrels.
Brisk Movement In Realty With Something
to Show for It.
Magaw & GoS, Limited, 145 Fourth avenue,
sold to P. L. Cella a six-room house, with
springhouse, well and cistern, lot 90x110, at
Oak station on the Castle Shannon Railroad,
for a sbade less than 2,000, monthly payments.
Henry A. Weaver & Co. sold the two two
story brick dwellings, Nos. 172 and 174 Second
avenue, to James W. Piatt, lots 22 feet front
eachby 80 feet, for (17,000.
W. A. Herron A Sons sold to Mrs. L. Heiner,
wife of A. A. Heiner, Esq.. No. 366 Fifth ave
nue. Sixth ward, lot 20x100 feet to Ann street,
with fair buildings, for $9,000.
L. O. Frazier, comer Forty-fllth and Butler
streets, sold for John Davis and James W.
Campbell lot 24x112.50 feet to a 20-foot alley,
situated on the east side of Fortieth street,
near Davison street; Seventeenth ward, for
51,740. or S72 60 per foot front.
Black A Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to An
drew Dever for Mrs. R. J. Hardy a lot on Juliet
street, Oakland, being No. 32 in the Hardy
plan, for S675 cash.
I. M. Pennock dc Son sold and settled a
mortgage for 1,800, three years, on property at
on property In the Twenty-first ward, city, both
at Rpercent
Ewing A Byers, No. 93 Federal street, sold
for Mrs. Rosana Muller to Miss Lizzie Douthett
a two-story frame house of fire rooms and hall,
with lot 13.4x50, being No. 239 Irwin avenue,
Uecond ward, Allegheny, for $1,000.
Samuel W. Black A Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold lot No. 42 in S. L. Boggs' plan. West Lib
erty borough, situate on the north side of Paul
street, size 25x120, to a 20-foot alley, for 200.
The Trust Drop Like a Plummet Under
Squeeze of the Shorts Drives at tha
Coalers and Grangers.
New Yokel December 17. The stock market
to-day was dull and stagnant as usual for the
list, and the only features were supplied by a
few stocks which, were subject to special in
fluences. The early portion of the day was
dull and lifeless, but latertbere was some ani
mation with a decided upward tendency In
prices, and the list left off in many cases
materially higher than hist evening's figures.
The sensation of the forenoon was the manip
ulation of Sugar Refineries, in wh'lch there
was supposed to be a squeeze of the shorts
going on. The price of the stock, however,
while it opened np at 63, was soon sold down to
61, and while the borrowing demand was brisk
and a premium of per cent was exacted for
use of the stock at one time and cash sales
brought a premium of a fraction over those
sold the regular way. there was heavy selling
of the stockin the early trading! at sellers'
options of three daya,at as much difference as
1 per cent from fhe regular sales.
There are some people who think the appar
ent short interest is reel, but others think tbat
insiders have sold their stock and are borrow
ing for delivery until after the closing of the
books to-morrow. Sales at sellers' options and
also those for cash ceased soon after noon and
the stock became comparatively quiet, moving
with the rest of tneinarket.
After Sugar settled down there was the usual
drive at the Coal stocks, though Lackawanna
was the only sufferer, nod that only- to the ex
tent of a fraction. The shorts began to cover
freely toward 1 P. Xr, and the Grangers came
again to the front, all making-marked improve
ment under the lead of Burlington, whicb
spurted up lKperccnt. Among the specialties
there -were several sharp advances, Oregon
Short Line and Consolidated Gas taking the
lead, followed by Chicago Gas and Denver,
Texas and Fort Worth and Tennessee Coak
There was a large order executed in Consoli
dated Gas, and the traders bought on the theory
tbatthe embarrassment of tbeelectrio light com
panies by the cutting of their wires by the city
authorities must redound to the advantage of
The opening was steady, and prices remained,
so until the afternoon, when everything fol
lowed the Grangers up, and the market SaaUy
closed dulLbattttonfc&tabeattfcebeetl
Short JJm w bj &, (. $mtk,
and Fort Worth and Tennessee Coal li each,
and Burlington and Chicago Gas 1,
Railroad bonds were more active, sales reach
ing $1,630,000. and the final changes are con
fined generally to Insignificant fractions.
The -Post says: The general market was a
little lower In the hour to 1 p' clock, bnt consid
ering the extreme stagnation of speculation it
showed remarkable firmness Instead of a grad
ual peddling out of stocks by disappointed
bulls, as Is usually the case under such circum
stances. The particular features of the market which
help to sustain prices are, first, the continued
low rates for call loans which, this morning,
were freely offered at 6 per cent, the continu
ance of the large railroad earnings and the ap
parent disposition in London to invest in
American railroad securities.
The rouowmr tame snows tne prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock JSxenange yester
day. Corrected dally for Tua Dispatch by
Wiutnst A STsrniHBOK, oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of Mew Yorx Stock icxcnange. 67 Irouith ave
nue: Clos-
Open- mm- lyow- lng
In. csl, est. Bid.
Am. Cotton Oil Trust. . 1 n 3H XH
Am. Cotton OU 22 32 S3 1
Aten., Xop.&B.F..... UH UH M UH
CanadlaB Pacific 72
Canada Southern 55M UK 45 55S
Central oriJewJeney.mjs 121H U1X 122
Central Pacini. KH
ChesaneakeA Ghio.... 28)4 :W 2"X 26S
C Bur.Oolier.....10itt loeMi 1D54 loss
C, Mil. St. Paul.... 63 H 70&' 69 704
a, AlU.ASt. P.. pr....lUS 114 UZH 114
C. Bock LAP 87)4 93 87), 93
C, 8t. U ft Pitts Wi
U., St. U& Pitts, pf.. MX 39H 39H SH
C St. P..M.AO S3X
C.St. P., it. AC. Df. 98 H 98)4 98 98
C. A Northwestern lllH 111 111H 1US4
C.Aorthwiutern,pr.MlK HIH iH MOj
C, C O. A 1 70 7H4 70 71
c.. a. c. A I., nr 93 ts 5
Col. Coal A iron. S9 13' 33 S3
Col. Jt Hocking Val ..20 20 20 20
Dei.. I. AW. U7)4 U7 13651 137K
Del. ft Hudson. 14H
E.T.. Va. AGs - m
K.T.. Va.AGa.2dpf. 2H
Illinois central 117
Lake Erie ft Western. 12
LakeKneft West. nr. s-i
Lake Shore. A M. S 103 . 108 K7i4 lltiJi
LoulsvUle&Mashvllle. MX 86 86K 86-il
Micnigan Central 'Tin
Mobile A Ghio i:)i
Mo.. Kan. ft Texas.... 11J4 US 11S4 11
Missouri Pacific 6314 69U 69 S9!4
New fork Central 107 107J. 107H J07M
&. T.. U. E. A w an i!h H mi
21. .. C. A St. L, 17ri
N. r.. C. A St, L. or. 70
.x.. aftst-ii.zdof
N.Y AN, IS 4454 4M 44 i
. Y.. O. ft W I9X J9J4 19 19H
Norfolk ft Western... 19 19 19 19M
Norfolk Western.pr. UH
Northern Paclflc 32H ! 32X Vi
Nortnern PaciBc prer. KH 7C 76H 7m
Ohio A ill.smlDpl..., Wi mi SH 234
Oregon Improvement. 48 48 45 6'4
Oregon Tramcon...... UH UK 34
Paciscttall UH U 24)4 Htf
Peo. Deo. ft Evans 18
PhUadeL ft Heading.. 39i tH 39 39J4
Pullman Palace Car...l89 189 189 189
Richmond A tY. P. T.. 21 22 2134 "ft
Klchmond A W.l'.T.Df 80 SOf 80 79.S
St. P.. Minn, ft Man IK
St. L. ft San rran is
Si. L. ft San .rran pr.. 3354 &H 8)
st.L. ft San JT.lst pr. 944
Texas Paclflo 19 19 19 19ii
Union Paeinc ... 63 69 63 MM
Wabasn 15M 15J4 15! KM
Wabash nrererred so 31 30 30
Western Union 85H 83 85 85
Wheeling ft L. . 63 63 63 67
Sugar Trnat 63 63 61 6114
National Lead Trust.. 19 J9 1814 19
Chicago Gas Trust.... 41 KJi 41 42
Manipulation of the Sugar Trust Talk of
ConUCarrylng Companies Combining.
By Special Wire to John M. Oakley A Co..
Niw Yobk, December 17. A very limited
market would describe the business in stocks
for the greater portion of to-day. The only
feature of the early trading was a scarcity of
Sugar Trust certificates, which resulted in a
difference of per cent between the sale of
castfstock and those made in the regular way,
while H was the highest quoted premium paid
for the use of the certificates until to-morrow.
This would seem a little strange in view of the
fact that a large amount of this stock is now in
circulation, and the manipulation of it is all
the more marked.
About 2 o'clock the general market was taken
in hand and almost the entire list Impulsively
started up developing considerable activity and
maintaining a decided strength. The Coxe
case still continues to bo used as a factor to
affect the coal-carrylDg roads, but the latest in
formation obtained Is that the Inter-State
Commerce Commission does not intend to
make any decision but desires the matter to be
adjusted between the parties interested.
In commenting on the argument advanced
the Philadelphia Inquirer says: "The main
idea was to distribute the profits of the trade
more equally between the miner and the car
rier, and in the conference that will
necessarily follow is the chance for
the formation of a gigantic corporation-
to control the coal trust trade."
This Idea has been before advanced, and the
Sossibillties of a great Coal Trust have, no
onbt, been seriously considered by the con
trolling spirits in the leading coal-carrying
companies. As yet these stocks are the weak
est spots of th6 list, and are a menace to any
extended bull movement
The tendency of the money market is to easier
figures, and this will prove an important factor
in influencing the purchase of stocks. We
still are of the opinion, and which we think the
majority of the best bouses in the street enter
tain, that a good market may be looked for
early In the coming year.
TJoatan Block,
Ateh. ft Too., lit 7s. lis
Atotl. A Top. B. K... 34
Boston ft Albany. ..US
.Boston ft Mama,... .300
C J3. ftU. 106K
Eastern B. & 113
Eastern K. B. 6S....124
flint Penal 23
MealeanOen. com.. 18
Mex.G.lstmtg. bds. 69
N. X. ANewUni... 44
Ugd.ftL.Cham.com. S
Old Coionr. 176
WU. Central, com... 33
tlouexMgCo 90
Calnme ft Hecla....t45
Franklin. ISfc"
Osceola. 19)4
Pewablo 7
Qnlney 67
Bell Telepnone 203
Boston Land 8
Water Power 7
ramarack .138
San Diego., 19
Santa Ft copper. ...1.20
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenne. Members New York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Ballrosd...., S3 63
iteaaing iv ii-iD
buffalo, Pittsburg ft Western 7
Lehigh Valley 8.1
Lenlgh Navigation &!
Northern Pacific 32
Nortnern Paciac pretsrrea 76
Mining Stocks.
New Yobk. December 17. Caledonia B, 120;
Crown Point. 123; Consolidated California and
Virginia, 4;
iDeadwood T, 140; El Cristo, 130;
Hale 4
Iross. 22o: Homestake. 800: Iron
Silver. 150:
intarlo. 3450; Plymouth, 290; Sav-
age, 140: Siel
jevaaa, loo; union conson-
dated, 210.
Boslnesa Notes.
Of 34 mortgages recorded yesterday the
largest was for 816.400 purchase money. The
smallest was for (200.
Negotiations are on'foot for the purchase
of the McEelvy farm In bulk by a well known
speculator. It is situated near Swissvale.
Said a broker yesterday: "Money will be
easier after the January settlements, and then J
It is stated tbat work on the Pennsylvania
Railroad station house at the Fifth avenne
crossing will begin early in the spring. The
plans nave oeen compieieu. n win ue one 01
tho finest structures of the kind on the road.
WoEK.has been suspended on California ave
nue owing partly to a kick of the property
holders against the report of the Hoard of Ap-
8 raisers of benefits and damages. Mr. David
'liver thinks this tronble will soon be settled
and operations resumed.
On January 7, at 11 A. M., there will be sold
by the administrator of the late Charles L.
Caldwell, deceased, the vacant lot and brick
building on Fourth avenue, nsxt to the Dollar
Savings Bank. The property is 45 feet on
Fourth avenue and & feet deep, and is valued
at about 13,000 per foot front. Mr. Caldwell
purchased the property a little over ten years
ago at toOO per foot front.
The harvesting of the rice crop is not only
completed, but its threshing and milling so far
advanced that the outcome can now be accu
rately determined. Earlier estimates are moro
than fulfilled, except In the case of Georgia,
the falling away in the State, how
ever, is made up by gains In the Caro
lluas. The total product along the
Atlantic coast is 190,000 barrels as against 145,
000 barrels last year. '
Mb. Hakper, of the Suspension Bridge
Committee, said yesterday: '"The proposition
from the P., A. A M. was referred back to our
committee to go over the plans and estimates
and ascertain if the estimated cost Is correct.
Our engineer will at once commence
work on them and I think the ques
tfon will be settled shortly. Person-'
ally I think the P., A.. fc M. should pay
more than 312,000 per year, but others in onr
company seem satisfied with the price, and I
guess there Will be no serious trouble on that
score. I think we owe it to tb a public to give
them a handsome structure, equally as band
some as the one now standing."
Use Horaford'a Acid Phosphate.
Br. W. Graevee, Northfleld, Minn., says: "I
bave used it In oases of nervous prostration,
aadatoo ha eoaktea-tiOB with other remedies te
i. k s pny , wwiaetory a
H" -5.
Cabbage and Cranberries the-Strong
Factors of Produce.
Cereals Are Unchanged, With Oats and Old
Corn Strongest.
TUESDAY. December 17, 18S3.
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
All choice dairy products are firm at quota
tions, but movement is not as active as it was a
few weeks ago. Eggs are weak and slow. Deal
ers in all lines of country produce complain of
weather and roads. Many a nice-laid plan for
profit has been upset by the lack of the cus
tomary winter weather of December. The
strong factors of markets are cabbage and cran
berries. Both bave sharply advanced the past
weok. Potatoes also show an upward tendency.
All the conditions are here for an active prod
uce trade, with higher prices save one, which is
vital, arid that is crisp, frosty weather. Until
such times as the fates send us this boon, we
mnst be content with a quiet trade,
Bdtteb Creamery, Elgin. S032c; Ohio
do, 2S29c; fresh'dairy packed, 2527c; coun
try rolls, 2425c.
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, 12 252 30;
medium. 12 102 20.
Beeswax 2SQ30c fl Jk for choice; row grade,
Cider Sand refined, 56 507 60; common,
3 50Q4 00; crab cider, 8 0008 60 jfl barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c 8? gallon.
Chestnuts $5 OOQo 50 fl bushel; walnuts,
C070c fl bushel.
Cheese Ohio, llHXc;Kew York. llKc:
Limburger, 94llc: domestic Sweitzer, 110
13Kc; Imported Sweitzer, 23fc
Eggs 26Z7c fl dozen for strlctlv fresh. .
Fbuits Apples, fancy, SI 503 00 fl barrel;
California pears, $3 504 00 a box; cranberries,
til 0012 00 fl barrel; Malaga grapes, large bar
rel. S00.
Game Squirrels. 75cfl fl dozen; quail, SI
ft dozen; prairie chickens, 4 505 00 fl
dozen; pheasants, H 605 00 fl dozen: rabbits,
SI 501 75 fl dozen; venison saddle, 1215c ft
pound; venison carcass, 810c ft pound.
Feathers Extra live geese, 6060c: No. L
do, 4045c; mixed lots. 3035c ft ft.
Poultry Live chickens, 6065c a pair;
dressed. 89o a pound; ducks, 6575c ft pair;
geese, (1 2501 30 ft pair: live turkeys, 10llc ft
ft: dressed turkeys, 1213c fl ft.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62fts tobusbel, S4 20
4 4 (fl bushel; clover.large English, (S21s. J4 35
4 60; clover, Alsike, S3 00; clover, white. SB; timo
thy, choice. 45 lbs, SI 50; Dine grass, extra clean.
14 fis, SI 251 30; Dine grass, fancy, 14 Sis, SI 30;
orchard grass, 14 lbs, SI 40; red top, 14 lbs. SI 25;
millet, GO lbs, SI 00; millet, 6070c fl bushel;
Hungarian grass, 50 lbs. 65c; lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, S3 00 fl bushel- of 11
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4J
Tropical Fruits Lemons, common. S3 60
2 25; fancy, S4 005 00: Florida oranges. S200
2 50; Jamaica oranges. S3 004 00 fl barrel;
bananas, SI 60 firsts, SI 00 good seconds,
fl buncb; cocoannts, S4 U04 50 ft hundred:
ngs, 8K9cf) lb; dates, Sgbc ft; new layer
figs, 12K15Xc: new dates, 7&c fl lb.
vegetables Potatoes, from store. 6o60c:
on track, 4550ci cabbages, (7 008 00 a hun
dred; celery, 40c ft dozen; Jerseys, S4 004 2s;
turnips, SI 001 50 a barrel; bnlons, SI 75 a bar
rel. Buckwheat Flour 2J2Jc ft pound.
Package coffee is still strong enough- to ad
vance, and Jobbers are generally disappointed
at its failure to do so. Sugars are weak and
show a downward drift. General groceries are
quiet, without any material chance.
Gree? qoFFEE Fancy Rio, 23021c; choice
Rio, 2122c; prime Rio, 20c; low grade Rio,
18l9Kc; old Government Java. 2728c; Mar
acaibo. 2324Kc; Mocha, 2S29c; Santos,
20K24c: Caracas, 2224c; neaberry, Rlo,23
21c: La Guayra, 2324c
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands, 24c;
high grades. 252c; old Government Java,
bulk, 31X33c; Maracaibo, 272Sc; Santos,
24K28Kc; peabcrry, 2SKc; choice Rio,-25c;
piime Rio. 23Kc; good Rio, 22; ordinary, 21c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 7080c:
Petroleum (iobbers' nricesl 110 test-TVfc:
Ohio, 120, BKc; headlight, 150, oKc; water
white. lOKch-etobe: UBHUa elaine. UUc: car.
nadlne, ll4c; royaline, 14c; globe red oil, 11Q
iners' Orx No. 1 winter strained. 4&a47e
f4 gallon; snmmer. sutrajc lara oil. 70c.
Syrups Corn syrup. 28630c; choice sugar
syrup 333Sc; prime sngar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335c: new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop, 4850c;
choice. 47c: medium. S943c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Bicarb in kegs, SS3ic; bl-carb in K.
5c: bicarb, arsorted packages. 336c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do grannlated, 2ci
Candles star, full weight, 9c; stearine, ft
set 8Kc: Daxafflne. 11012c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 67c; choice, 6
6Jic: prime, 6K6c: Louisiana, 56Vc
Starch Pearl, 2Jic; cornstarch, 66c; gloss
starch, 47c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S3 65; Lod.
don layers, $2 90; California London layers,
$2 75; Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels,
S2 10; Valencla,7c; Ondara Valencia, 88c;
sultana,9Kc: currants,55ac: Turkey prunes.
45c: French prunes. 69c; Salonica
prunes, in 2-lb packages, 8c; cocoannts, fl 100,
6 00; almonds, Lan ft lb. 20c; do. Ivlca, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap. 1215c; Sicily
filnerts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12s?13c; new dates,
6flKc; Bnzil nuts, 10c: pecans, ll15c; cit
ron, ft ft, 19S20CJ lemon peel, fl ft, 16c: orange
peeL lac.
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per lb 6c, ap
ples, evaporated. 9c; apricots, California, evap
orated. 14616c: peaches, evaporated, pared,
2628c: peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared, 194521c; cherries, pitted,1314c; cher
ries unpittedt 66c; raspberries, evaporated,
25K26Kc: blackberries, 7X8c; huckleberries,
Bugars Cubes, 7Jic; powdered, TJic: granu
lated, 7Kc; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A.
6c; soft white, 606c; yellow, choice, 6
6vc; yellow, good, boc: yellow, fair, 6jg
5c; vellow, dark, 6ic
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), to 60; medi
um, half bbls (60OT.S325.
Salt N o 1. ft bbl, 95c: No. 1 ex. ft bbl, SI 05;
dairy, ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, SI 20:
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bn sacks, S3 80; Higglns'
Eureka, 16-14 lb pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 00
2 25; 2ds. SI 651 80; extra peach pS, S2 402 GO;
pie peaches, 95c; finest corn. SI 0001 60; Hid Co.
corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90cSl: Lima beans,
SI 20; soaked do, 85c: string do. 6065c: mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 70380c:
pineapples. SI 401 50; Bahama do, 82 75;
damson plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25;
egg plums, S3 00; California pears. S2 60: do
greengages. SI 85: do egg plums, SI 85; extra
white cherries, S3 40; raspberries, 95cSl 10;
strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40:
tomatoes. 8590c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 651 90;
blackberries, 65c: succotash, 2-lb cans, soaked,
90c; do green. 2-lb, SI 251 60; corn beef, 2-lb
cans, S2 05; 14-ft cans, S14; baked beans, SI 45
1 50: lobster, 1-lb, SI 751 80 mackerel, lib
cans, broiled. SI 60; sardines, domestic, Js.
S4 54 60; sardines, domestic. s, S6 757 O0;
sardines, imported. i, Sll 5012 50, sardines,
imported, K8. '18: sardines, mustard, S3 SO;
sardines, spiced. (3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 fl
bbL; extra No. 1 do, mess, JlO; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore. S32; extra ru. 1 do. mess.
S36: No. 2 sli ore mackerel. $24. Codfish Whole
Soliock, 4c ft lb; do medium. Geonre's cod,
:; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips. 6c: do
George's cod in blocks. 6K7Kc Herring
Round shore, S4 60 ft bbl; split, S8 60; lake,
S2 75 f 100-ft half bbL White fish, S8 00 ft 100-
jd nau oou jiko irout, 90 wi fi nan doi. in-
OAT1IEAL 86 006 25 ft bbL
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Exchange,
61 care. Fittsnnrg and Lake Erie Railroad
furnished the largest number of carloads in
one day for years, if not the largest ever. Re
ceipts by this road were In all 26 carloads, as
follows: 4 cars of oats. 4 of flour, 4 of com, 2 of
wheat, 10 of rye, 1 of malt, 1 of middlings. By
Pittsburg; Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of
corn, 4 of oats, 1 of rye, 4 of bay. 2 of flour. By
Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars of hay, 1 of straw.
By Pittsburg.,Cinclnnatl and St, Louis, 11 cars
of corn, 1 of wheat, 1 of straw, 1 of rye, i of
oats, 2 of bay. There were no sales on call.
The cereal situation is practically unchanged.
Oats and old corn are scarce and strong. Choice
bay and millfeed are steady. New corn is
weak. Wheat and flour are quiet.
Prices below are-for carload lots on track.
Wheat New Na 2 red. 8485c: No. 3, 80
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 4243c; new, 36037c;
hleh mixed, ear. 0Uc; No. 2 yellow, shelled.
42g42c; new, 3536c; high mixed, shelled.
4141Kcj mixed, shelled, 4141c
oats No. 2 white, J031c; extra. No. 3,
2930c; mixed, 27K23Hc.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 53954c;
No. 1 Western, 5152c
Barley Western, 4565c; Canada barley.
Flour Jobbics prices Fancy winter and
spring patents. So 005 50: winter straight,
S4 2S4 50; clear winter, $4 004 25; straight
XXXS bakers', S8 596 75. Bye Soar, SB 69
4 74 ,..--. J
waini . iinift m-vwavh
18 00 ft ton: brown middling.. 112 0014 00:
winter wheat bran. SU 25311 60; chop feed,
&5 5013 0a
HAY-Baled timothy. No. L SU 25311 50;
No. 2 do, S3 OOgiO 00; loose from wagon, Sll 00
012 00. according to quality; No. 2 prairie hay,
$7 008 00: packing do, V S5&1 SO.
Straw Oats, su 75S7 00; wheat and rye
straw. $6 00C 25.
Trade is fair as to volume, but margins are
narrow. The great need of the provision trade
at this dato is a few days of sharp, frosty
weather. The cost of saving and curing stuff
this weather eats heavily Into profits.
Sugar-cured bams, large, 9JJc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 102c: sugar-cured hams, small,
llc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 8c; sugar
cured shoulders, 5c; sugar-cured boneless
sbouldersJVXttsngar-cured Calif omla bams, 6c;
sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders. 5c: bacon
clear Sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies. 7Xc: dry
salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mess pork, heavy, Sll 60; mess pork, family,
S12 00. Lard refined, in tierces, 5c: half
barrels, 6Jfc; 60-lb tubs. 65e; 20-ft pails, 6Jc; 50
& tin cans, 6c; 3-lb tin palls, 6c: 5-ft tin, palls,
fe; 10-B tin palls, 6c; 5-ft tin pails,
c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large. 5c
resh pork links, 9c Boneless bams. 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, SI 00; quarter barrel,
Dressed Meats.
The following prices are furnished by Armour
& Co. on dressed meat: Beef carcasses, 430 to650
Jbs. Sc; 650 to 650 lbs, 6c; 650 to 750 as 6K6?ic
Sheep, 8c ft ft. Lambs; Sc ft ft. Hogs, 5ic
Fresh pork loins. 7c '
New York; December 17. Under the gen
eral tendency of demandtoward quiet at this
time, and unfavorable weather, business to
day in drygoods was quite moderate with both
agents and jobbers. There was no change,
however, in the situation and tendencies of
the market, which was further illustrated by
upward price changes. Agents advanced the
following He a yard: Ticking cords AAA, No. 2
AA, No. 3 A. WsrBB and Swift River, stripes,
Boston and eagle.
end rn hare it eaay now.
Can bsvashed like Oil Cloth, sndabsotataly .
Softens and Preserves all kinds ,
s of Leather.
Ask for it, and do not grro op tBl you spt it, ssd joa
will be well rewarded.
Sold by Shoe Stares, Grocers, Druggists, te.
For Harness it is unequaled.
I Sufferers are not generally aware that
are due to the presence of kving para
sites in tne lining memorano 01 tne nose
and eustachian tubes. Microscoplo re
search, however, baa proved this to be a
fact, and the result of thla discovery is
that aslmpleremedv bas been discovered
which permanently cures themostaggra- M
vatea cases oi inese aistressme aiseases oy
af ew simple applications' made(tuo weeks
apart) by the patient at home. A pamph
let eznlainins this new treatment is sent
fret by A. H-Dxrou A Son, 337 and 333
west iung o trees, -xcronto, uanada.
Incorporated January 24,1887. Charter per
petual. Capital S50Q,000. Burglar-proof vaults
for securities and valuables. Acts as .Execu
tor, Administrator, Guardian, Trustee and all
other fiduciary capacities.
A. Garrison, Edward Gregg,
Wm. Rea, Thos. Wightman,
A- E. W. Painter, Chas. J. Clarke,
A. P. Morrison, Felix K. Brunot,
John H. Rlcketson.
A. Garrison, President; Edward Gregg, First
Vice President: Wm. Rea, Second Vice Presi
dent; Wm. T. Howe, Secy and Treas.; Robt. C
Moore,Asst. Setfy and Treas.; Henry A. Miller,
Counsel, No. 153 Fourth avenue de4-KW7
GUN WA is a Chinese Physician,
Owing to existing laws he cannot practice
medicine in America. So bo bas prepared a
line of Chinese berb and vegetable specifics
wbicb. Instead of simply relievinc" symptoms,
strike at the VERY ROOT OFDIEASE, and
perform enres that are nothing less than mar
velous. A friendly talk and CONSULTATION
with Gun Wa COSTS NOTHING. He charges
but a small sum for bis remedies, which, though
gentle and. harmless to take, are certain and
unerring In their effects. They SPEEDILY
CURE all blood, nervous and chronic diseases.
Young, middle-aged or old men. snffermg.
quickly restored to PERFECT PHYSICAL
AFFLICTED. It you cannot call, write him,
in perfect confidence. Send for history of his
life, and his circular on Cancer, Tumors. Tape
Worm, Rheumatl'm. Catarrh, Female Weak
ness, or Piles. Inclose 4c stamps for reply.
Office hours, 9A.M.tol2H.;lto5 and 7 to 9
04.0 Penn Ave,
, Xlttstrarsr. Pa.
25ots.a Box
Sl f Dadbocght a! Wf
. X-iTfc 5
r 'viu.i ;tszs x
Mm 1
Eight years ago cancer cameonmylowef
Up. It took off my under lip from one side to
thn ntfiAr anil HAwn tA mv cnin. I had 1C
treated by burning; and gotso weak tnat I did
not thins: tnaticouia stanait mnca ivuk
After much suffering I discarded all other
treatment, and beran takln? Swift's Specific
iinrt thft cancer soon beeran to heaL and ma ,
!-'- ?rsZrii
short time it was completely healed analwaaYjj
entirely well. It is now over three years since 9M
X got .eu, auu bliCEO ua uocu uu C1KU ui muj
return of the disease. I know It was cancer,-
and I know it was cured aione oy o. 0. o.
E. V. Fzbrasd. Ruston, La. '
Trpatlis rfn Cancer mailed free.
The Swift Spbcitio Co.,Drawer 3, Atlanta,
ua. maitf-oo-A w w
Special attractions now open in useful;
-And, Hn..i,1'v ctlifMl fnw Inn ' 2
Holiday Trade.
n.-lau ...u. .....Im it l.na.t 41. ..tr
xyciic ao luiiKU iu1u3ycub.uoaMA.Jkg u
which is complete, and at prices whichcknv r4
not fail to impress the buyer.
This is now conceded to be the best in the
market, as -witnessed by the fact that wa
secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCELLENCE: -jvl
at tne irure a ooa reposition, neia in srmiaae.
And with the bright appetiiing flavor of fresh.
ly roasted beef.
The GOLD MEDAL has been awarded ta ''.
ARMOUR & CO., Chicago, -"
For their exhibit of t
jLttMLOTrtt'S;. :
Transaci; a General Banking Mness.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters)
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all salts ofthe world. Also issua 1
ureal ts
For use in this country. Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
ap7-91-XWT -
1 sans travelers' credits thronch Messrs. DraxMJ
Morgan A Co., New York; Passports procured, ifl
an23-l al. J
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New Tork and Chicago. ... J
45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
mwn - 3
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician In the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases
M C Dni IC and mental diseases, physical
l U fl V U U Odecay, nervous debility, lack oJ
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
disordered sight self distrust, bashfulness.
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak,
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and mar.
nage, permanently, safely and primely cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat1
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood'
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange
UnllMnn 1 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
paint nl symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttier's life-long; extensive expert,
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation IreeJi
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It
here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday.
10 A. M. to 1 p.m. only. DR. WHITT1ER,81
Penn avenne. Pittsburg, Pa.
de8-15 Dsuwfc
Vail n&rUcnlArs In TKimnbleV
sent free. The genuine Ory, J
Specific sold by drungUU only la.
yenow wrapper, xrict, f poci
packag or sll for S3, orbymalli
on recelnt at nrlce. bv address-'
soia in ritt3Darg Dy s. a. jiui.1. a l. raranc.
DmunDein toa uoeni iu. spuu
nnntoRS lake41
quiring scientific and confident
till t,Mtm.ntl llr H. K. laH
M n n P S . lathe oldest anc
'n,ot AYTwriAnrl aneeiollst iaV
the city. Consultation free and, 1
. a . M ...,1 T,n 8-D ir. Snndt 2ta4 Wl
OD11X3 f Ml Mil. rw m. m, "M"".. - - -- -
jtConsult them personally, or write. Docxosgi
inosed of Cotton Boot. Tantr M
PoTiTiTmnl a. recent discovery bv s
'old nhvslcian. Is succeSfuiZi uses
monMUir-Safe. Effectual. Price JJ. try mm,
uRalpd. Tjidlex. nk vnnr drmrsist for CooSl'I
Cotton Boot Compound and take no substitaH.'V
or moiosa z stamps lor seaiea psrucaisrsr ju
dress pond uli toarAsi, no. t
Block, 131 Woodward ave, Detroit, Mich.
.3-3oId in Pittsburg. Pa by Joseph FleiTj
jng a. son, uumona ana juarset m. e-j..
Bufferlar from tho effects of youthful errors, ea
decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc, 1 1
ftend a. valuahto trpala csealedl eontalnlsff i
particulars for home cure. FREE of charge.;-Afl
splendid medical work- should be read by everyfi
man wbo la nervona aixr deMUtated. Address,?
arroi. ar. V, rurVkUHi irasosas, ;
I ifa I fXJJJiJ superior to pennyroyal lesrij
unjytparuc 4. Carka CatTjA
. -.
xs, 'Fasmszi m