i$8 r & ?jvm -. j --. THE PITTSBimG DISPATCH WEDNESDAY, DECEMBERS- 18, c1889. -, pf DASHING BLONDE Arrested on the Charge of Passing a f Counterfeit $20 Bill. FIGHTIKG FOR THE EIGHT OF WAY. The Charter for.the.JJe'ir City of Johnstown to be Issued. ILL THE NEWS FROM KEAEBI TOWKS rsrJCIAL TU.IGRAMTO TBC DlSrATCH.l CuMBELLAiTD, Md., D tember 17. CoraTYcls. , a dashing IT-.-ear-old blonde, of Keyscr, "W. Va., -was arrested in this city last night on a charge o attempting to pass a ?LO counterfeit bill. She is the daughter f a prominent lawyer of Keyser. She denies the knowledgjof the bill being a countei.eit, and is prostrated oyer her ar rest She will be given a hearing to-morrow. The beat lej.u.1 c un.elia the city has been employed to defend her. KAILEOADS AT WAS. Two Corporations Straecle for a Strip of Disputed Territory. urrciAi Tiucaui to tub DisrATcn.1 Zaxesyili.e. December 17. A contest be tween the Baltimore and Ohio and the Cincin nati and Muskincam Valley Bail way oeca Eloned some excitement beret The former pat a large force of men at work moving part of their track over closer to tbe track of the lat ter. The cTound between them at this point is of disputed ownership, and the Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley soon bad a force at work trarinc up the track and throwing it into the river. . Tbe Baltimore and Ohio forces put the track down again and ran a train upon it. until an in junction could be secured restraining the Cin cinnati and Mnskmrum Vallev road from in terfering. During the time that the Baltimore and Ohio had a train on the ctlsputod track there were one or two attempts of tbe Cincin nati and Muskingum people to pull the spikes holding the rails down, but these were met by the Baltimore and Ohio people, who shoreled cinders, with which the cars were tilled, down upon their backs. f A SEW I0EK HOESE DEALEE Arrested and Taken to Pennsylvania on a Charge of Fraud. tErEClAl. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH-l CnAMBEESBtJEO, Px December 17.3. H. Whitson, a well-known and reputed wealthy horse dealer of New York, was brought here to-night from that city and placed in jail on tbe charge of defrauding Washington Mc N air, a local horse dealer, out of a carload of horses Talued at S3.TU0. Whitson was arrested ten days ago upon a requisition from Goremer Beaver and made a strong fight before Governor Hill, but the latter to-day ordered that tbe prisoner be turned over to tbe Pennsylvania authorities. JOHXSTOWK AS A CITI. The Charter for tbe New Mnnlelpallty Will Soon be Issued. CSTXCIAI. TZISOKJLX TO TUB DISPATCnl. Joukstowx, December 17. A telegram from Harrisburg to-day says that the charter for the new city of Johnstown will bo issued in a few days. The new city will consist of 16 wards, 7 of which will be in Johnstown proper. 1 in Grnbtown, 2 in Conemanph, 1 in Woodvale, 2 in Mill vale and 2 in Cambria. HOT QUITE A THOUSAND. The Pine Imposed Upon a Defanlting Ohlof- Tovrashlp Treasurer. EAST Pamstjite, O., December 17. Ex County and Township Treasurer Abel Lodge, of New Lisbon, who was indicted for embezzle ment of borough funds, has been sentenced to two years in the penitentiary at Columbus and also to pay a fine of 9U9.99. respecting? a Railroad Line. rsrzciAZ. tilkiejlk to th dispatch, t Maxsfieid, -."December 17. President M. D. Woodford and other officers and Director John G. Warwick, accompanied by Bydney Dillon and other New York capitalists, went down the Wheeling and Lake Erie road to-day to inspect tbe extension from tbe Panhandle to the Ohio river, and also examine tbe vast coal territory on that end of the line. The party returns Xo Toledo to-morrow to attend the annual stockholders' meeting there on Thursday. A Bloat Horrible Accident. rSTECUl TXLIGEAX TO TBI DISPATCH. I WASHiKQXOJf, Pa, December 17. A hor rible accident occurred yesterday in Union township. Wilson MeVay. a young man 20 years -of age, while feeding a chepping ma chine on bis father's farm, got his fingers caught between tbe rollers that draw the fodder to tbe knives. The fingers were drawn in, and before the power was stopped the arm nearly to the elbow was chopped off in bits an inch in length. The youne; man is recover ing. A BIc Oil Deal Consummated. Butxeb, December 17. A heavy deal in oil property was consummated bere to-day, the Perrm Oil Company purchasing a block of leases on the Burton, HUnger, Winters, Martin and Cooper farms on Thorn creek, consisting ot 850 acres with one drilling and 11 producing wells, from Thayer fc Crosby, ot Pittsburg. Tbe consideration has not been definitely stated, but it is reported to hare been about $10,000. A Successful Teachers' Institute. :epbciax. txxxqkah to thx dispatch. Fbak klej. Pa., December 17. The Venango County Teachers' Institute convened in this city yesterday. There were 27S teachers pres ent, including a number of prominent teachers in the country. A course of lectures have been arranged for each evening. The institute is in every way a success, and one of the largest ev er held in this part of the State. Closed Because of Over Production. Reading, December 17. The well-known Joanna Furnace, at Joanna, this county, and the Jones iron ore mines near by. bare closed down for the winter. Nearly 1,500 tons of pig iron are stored at the furnace, and operations will not be resumed until the orer nroduction is disposed of. Four Persona Arrested for Arson. ISrECIAI. TXXXOBAX TO TlIX DI'PHTC'U.l New abe, O., December 17. Mike Porter, Mrs. Porter, Al Cochran and Lucy Mnrpby were to-day arrested for arson in setting fire to the Richardson building. The block has been fired several times before. Neighborhood News In Brief. Patrick Hjlnkiqan was fatally scalded by the bun tine ot the boiler ot a small locomotive in tbe Cambria yards at Johnstown. Miss Mabtba Likpsay. of Bedford, and Robert Brown, of Huntingdon, were married at the former place yesterday. The wedding was quite a social event. "Sxeeteb" Cass, Joe Taylor and "Fatty" Neal were arrested at Martin's Ferry, Om for tne ourciaiy 01 Aoams' store at Georgetown, O., Bunday. The burglars secured about 12,000 the burglary or Adams' store at Goorgeto- IA, Bunomy. ia ourj In money and jewelry. Jaxes Bbowjt, West Middletown, shot, and it Is thought fatally, wcunded Daniel Brown, of Canonsburg, the shooting occurring at the latter place. Both parties are colored. Brown was lodged in jail in default ot S1.O0O ball, THX schools of Westmoreland county have raised and forwarded to Superintendent Hugus for tbe benefit of the Conemaugh Valley schools (60S 71, which amoupt will tie sent to tbe Superintendent of Cambria county at once. 'a whitb elephant. Captain Joksstsn Receives m Live Joke From New Orleans. The steamer Andes, which arrived yesterday morning from Cincinnati, brought a curiosity to this city in the shape of a well-grown alli gator. It was consigned to Captain John R. Johnston, who is connected with the firm of James A. Henderson A Co and was sent to ' him by his friend. Captain Doddler, of New .Orleans. Jfhe alligator is 5) feet long, and is probably tbelargestllve one ever ehipped to this city. It.was-'brougbt'npinatank.lZxlO feet in size, and is on exbloitlon at Captain Johnston's office. No. M Water street. It u very voracious, and consume several pounds of beef dally. The Captain thinks the joke is rather a serious idne. .. . . Oh! The Elegant Piano Received by Cor tlficate '202, in tbe Everett PInno Club This Week. This member (elects one of the most beau tiful upright grand pianos ever brought to the city and only pays ?1 per week. The price to members of the club is $75 less than the piano can be sold in the old time way of buying in email lots. Out clnb system allows us to contract for 350 pianos at one purchase. We have enough "members to bring in the price in cash each week, hence they get the lowest cash price and have the privilege of ?1 weeklypayments. Oar store is full of pianos set aside for Xmas, and we have added a new wareroom at 21 Federal L to make room for our "immense stock of fine grade Pianos. We allow our members to take their pianos at any time on the same payments asked. by other dealers, and give them the price obtained by the club con tract We will save you ?75 in the price and give you the finest piano made. But we do not sell that cheap, shoddy stuff ad vertised by some dealers. The people know that we are piano makers by trade, and we know that such goods would kill our repu tation. We have a number of odd pianos such as Weber, Knabe, Decker, Kranach & Bach, Gaehle, Hallet & Davis and others, which are in the way. We need the room they occupy and we will dispose of them at cost, so come now nd make your selection. Ton will receive courteous attention, and if we cannot please you then we will not ex pect you to buy. at.t-it, boss Music House. aiwsu 137 Federal st, Allegheny. Perfection, Elegance and Reliability. This trio of words, conveying more than the ordinary significance, comprises the es tablished motto at Alellor & Hoene's famous establishment a house in its line the oldest in the city of Pittsburg, and unquestionably unexcelled for liberality and courteous at tention to patrons. The principals are inde fatigable in personal attention to visitors, and perforce of theirwide experience in trade handle only" such pianos and organs as are perfect in construction and which conse quently afford unlimited satisfaction. Among the pianos will be found the Hard man, Krakauer, Kimball and Harrington makes, all of them built on the most thorough acoustic and artistic principles, many being absolutely elaborate and ex quisite in designs of case and finish." In or gans they make a specialty of the Chase, Palace, Kimball and Chicago Cottage man ufactures, which they have in styles and sizes suitable for churches, lecture rooms, halls and residences, each make sharing the highest awards for general excellence. Those contemplating the purchase of an instru ment during the holidays will do well to call at once or send for catalogues and full par ticulars of easy "payment plan to Messrs. Mellor & Hoene, at 77 Fifth avenue,and you will be the recipient of the most courteous treatment and receive a full line of cata logues. Holiday Excursion Tickets on the Pennsyl vania Railroad. Pursuant to the usual policy of aiding its patrons in the interchange of social visits during the holidays, the Pennsylvania Bail road Company will, this season, place on sale at all its ticket offices excursion tickets to be sold between the various stations on the system at the rate of two cents per mile in each direction. The holiday excursion tickets will be sold from December 21, 1889, to January 1, 1890. inclusive, valid for return until January 4, 1890, inclusive. This arrangement, however, does not apply to the sale of excursion tickets between Hew York and Philadelphia, but does apply be tween Baltimore and Washington in either direction. Have Yoa Purchased a Piano T If not it will be to your interest to visit our warerooms. Why? Because, we sell first-class goods only. We have an immense stock. Our prices are reasonable and our terms within the reach of all. We sell the great Kranich & Bach, a piano which posi- I lively nas no superior, xne oiuiiz ce .Bauer 1 and Jas. M. Starr merit your attention as fine pianos at moderate prices. The elegant Miller & Packard 'organs will surely please you. Come and see , us. We will take pleasure in showing you our goods, whether you buy or not Store open evenings. JjEClLNEE 63 SCHOENDEBGEK, 09 Fifth avenue. Slake Children Happy. Just the thing for the little ones Mar vin's Christmas toys and animal cakes, made especially to please childish hearts at Christmas time. Grocers keep them, d Bamboo Easels. A large assortment at prices never heard of before. Well made and durable. Jos. Eichbatx & Co., 48 Fifth avenue. Those desiring to present friends with a rare quality of wines or liquors have only to call on Max Klein or write for his cata logue, and the most complete satisfaction will be the result mwp Coats, Wraps and Jackets For holiday gifts. Kxable & Shtjsteb, 35 Fifth &ve. MWSU Furniture. One hundred different styles of bedroom suits at all prices. M. Selbeet 8c Co., Allegheny. Anothee lot of those fine glass mounted panel pictures, at very low prices, Habbison's Tor Stobe, MWP 123 Federal st, Allegheny. Ale and porter are the correct drinks for December, January and February. Frauen heim & Vilsack's 'brews are the favorites with connoisseurs. See our window of surah silks, only 35 cts. a yard. Knable & SHtrSTER, 35 Fifth ave. Z. Waetweight & Co.'s ale and porter are unquestionably the most popular winter drinks. Kept by the leading dealers, wsu Handkerchiefs, Handkerchiefs. Knable & Bhusteb, S5 Fifth ave. MWSU Cash paid for old gold and Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth avenue. silver, at TVFSU 35 cts. a yard, surah silks in all shades. Knablk & Shtjsteb, 35 Fifth ave. Malaria Fever "I was cured of one of tbe worst cases ot ma laria fever by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and what this medicine did for me, it will do for others. I was taken with the disease inlESS. I consulted tbe best doctors, but without any apparent benent, and had-to resign my situation as agent and operator for the Missouri Pacific Railroad. I had lost 68 pounds and spent orer $300. At last I accidentally met a traveller-for C.L Hood A Co., who advised me to try' Hood's Sarsapar 11a. I bought six bottles for IS and after using two 1 thought I was no better. But I deter mined to nse up what Sarsaparilla Ibad: before the third bottle was gone I, began to feel better and continued to men till I took II bottles, when I more than gained my usual health and weight. I soon obtained another situation, and consider myself a well man." J. M. Millkb, Agent Wabash A Pacific Railway, Lodge, 111. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa rilla do not be induced to bay any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druegists. 81; six for & Prepared only by a X HOOD t CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar BLOOKER'S SSTET Dutch tti.ti.oa KBt.E54 forI.OO. COCOA. CB.B5OTrMttoart.,It. v Smoker's Heart. Dr. Flint's remedy wards oS death from those who have developed a "smoker's heart" through' tbs use of tobacco, rendering that organ liable to rupture at any time. De scriptive treatise with each bottle; or address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. mwf Harrlase Licenses Granted Yesterday. Kunc C Wm. D. Bestaeaae. Lynch. Duquesne I Carrie al. Woir...... uuqneine .n "Rvndhoren... Allcrhenv l Elsie Lledner Allegheny J Henry Honker ...... Pittsburg f Maude Schaltte. flttiburs; (Charles Thompson (Mary A. Grub .PltUDurg- niisDnrg II. II. Loxsn Bethel towpthlp t Mary K. Murray Bethel township 5 Albert Teenary. Collier township J Laura Liggett Collier township (J. O. Moan New York I Agnes 8. Kelhl., Cambria county J K&lph P. Gould Allegheny I Mary J. Davis Pittsburg Julius F. Btyaert Pittsburg I Louisa M. Khmer Pittsburg i Max Abram MeKeesport Bertha Proc Pittsburg (Wm. 8. Allen Pittsburg Tulle D. Bonner.., Beltxhoover borough (Jacob Knecht Allegheny 1 Catherine Keller j... Allegheny ( Kobcrt J. Hester '.....Pittsburg Kstella V. Orr Allegheny (John Keed ..Pittsburg I Jennie B. Fowler Chartlers township MAURIED. JOEWAR BARE On Tuesday, December 17. 1SS9. by Rev. J, M. F.nlton,Mx. JOHW DeWAH and Miss 11 abo abet J. Babe, both of Alle gheny. DIED. APPEL On Tuesday. December 17. 1889. at 8 A. M., Edsa Pbabl, only daughter of Adam j ana Annie Appei, ageu o xnuutua i iujs. Funeral will tako place from parents' resi dence, 1509 Sarah street, Southside, Wednes day aftebxoox. at 2, Interment private. BRiTTON On Tuesday, December 17, 1S89, at 2:40 p. jl, John Beittou, in the 59th year of his age, Funeral from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Sarah J. Conner, No. 282 Second avenue, Thttbsoat, December 19, at 2 p.m. Friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend. MeKeesport papers please copy. CONNOR On Tuesday at 630 A. Jt ROSE Edith, infant daughter ot Thomas a. and Mollie Connor, aged 7 months. Funeral from residence. Center avenue, near Hiland avenue. East End, on Thubsday kobitzkq, at 10 o'clock; DUFFY On Tuesday, December 17. 1889, at 8:20 a, ml, Johs Duffy, aged 29 years. Funeral from the parents residence, corner of Enoch and Devilliers street, city, on Thubs day, at S-3Q a. M. Services at SL Bridget's CburehataA. jl Friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend. GRTJBBS On Monday, December 16, 1889, at 2:15 a. jx., Ann Jane, daughter ot Charles and Permilia Jana Grnbbs,aged 17 years and 11 months. Funeral from parents' residence. Pleasant Valley, near Sharpsbnrg, on Wednesday. De cember 18, at 2 P. M. Friends of the family are invited to attend. 2 GRUNAGLE At parents' residence, War ren street, Kunnery Hill, Allegheny, on Moo day, December 16, 1SS9, at 605 p. 1L. Miss Mable Gertrude Qbuhaole, daughter.of the late Christian Gmnagle, aged 12 years 7 months IS days. Funeral services on Wkdkbsday at 240 P.M. HARRISON Monday evening, December 16, 1SS9, at 8 o'clock, Maboabst N.. wife of William R. Harrison, at Hulton, Allegheny Valley Railroad. Notice of funeral hereafter. McKNIGHT On Monday, December 18, 1SS0. at lam P. x, Geohqe, brother of A. T. McKnight, of Allegheny, in the 04th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, 23 Morgan street, Allegheny, on Thursday, at Jp.x. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. MoWILLTAMS On Tuesday morning. Do cember 17, 1889, at 9 o'clock, MBS. JAKE Mo Wtt.t.taws, in the 80th year of her age. Faneral from the residence of her son-in-law, John Quinn, No. 48 Washington avenue. Thirty first ward, Thursday morniko, at 8m Bervices at St. John's Church, Fourteenth street, Southside, at 9 o'clock. Friends of- the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 REYNOLDS At 1020 P. jl. December IB, at tisnusMenna CnTih Thlcfl o-aa A kaIIa A UCt ICillUt.Ubb, UWUtU AU11U OSI OSSl, AlfWUUUUj strong county. Mrs. Kate Reyn OLD8. Funeral will take place at 8 o'clock A. M., De cember 18, to proceed to Saltsburg via West Penn Railroad. ROSS On Monday, December 16, 1S89, at 11:56 P. K., Joseph U, son of Hugh G. and Mary A Ross, aged 27 years, 8 months and 8 days. Funeral from his late residence, 216 Easel wood avenue, on Wednesday, December IS, at 2 p.m. Friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend. BCHIiINGHEYDE-On Tuesday morning, December 17, 1889, Henry A Sghlxngheydb, aged 32 years. Philadelphia papers please copy. ANTHONY MEYER, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold t Co., Llm.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, 1131 Penn aveaue. Tele phone connection. mylO-eD-irwrsu JAMES M. FULLERTON, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. ap27-82-WFSu FLORAL EMBLEMS. ORCHIDS AND ROSES OF RARE BEAUTY. A. M. & J. B. MURDOCH, rr-f n bmithfield bt. OXJ Telephoso 439. no20-xvrr Holiday flowers Holly wreathing, Christ! .Holly wreathing, Christmas trees,palms,ca- nary birds, gold fish, eta Order early. JOHN R. & A. MURDOCH. 08 SmithHeld street. Telephone 233. del8-MWF -pEPRESENTEJJ IN PITTSBURG IN ISO. Assets . 9j071,896sj. Insurance Co, of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIA&I L JONES. Si Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-D V HE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, PhlladelDbla. Total Assets, January L 1837 1301,858 63 EDTTAMBS &KENNEY, Ag'tsA no t'OUKTH AVE., Pittsburg, Fa. wl TeleDhone 76ft ,315-60-7 BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408 Wood Street. THE RUSH CONTINUES." Saturday the crowd was so great we were obliged to lock the doors several times during the day. unr prices are on per cent cneaper than any other toy house in Pittsburg. "READ OUR PRICES." 200 muslo boxes, worth SOe, only 88c. 100 music boxes, playing two tunes, only 81. 75 music boxeSjplaying three tunes, only (125. Hide horse and cart, worth f 1 25, only 75c. .Large rocking horse, only Jl. Double rocking horse, only tL Toy tables ior children, 19c, 25c 50c. Large square red tables, sold elsewhere for 11 94, our price only Si. Willow doll carrfaces. brown. SSc 150' Dol its' tool chests, 10c, 25c, 50c, Jl. ur cracues, zac, ouc, vsc, n. Magic lanterns. 25c, 88c, 60c. 61c to 83 50. crass arums, ivc, zoc eve, ouc to A Iron toys, 25c, 50c and Si. Paint boxes, 10c, 15c, 25c. Toy tea sets, decorated, worth 60c, only 19c. Toy pianos sold elsewhere at 60c, only 39c. Elegant pictures in asst. frames, 22x24, only S2. Beautiful vases In hundreds of different styles from 5c to S3. Thousands of dolls, 5c to 13. Silk plush albums, from C9c to S10L Toilet set in plush box, black fittings, 75c Toilet set in plush box. white fittings, SL ' Shaving set In pluth box, only si. -Children's chairs, 25c, Sic, 89c, 60c, Si Elegant bisque figures, 10c, 25c, SOe, Si. Children's A. B. C. blocks. 5c. 10c, 25c to SL Lamps, decorated shades, 52 to 15. FJegant lined work baskets, 25c to S3. & ftlll If.... .. a.ta....M ...... ... ..... ...It.. .... fruit dishes, silver plated ware, etc "O! EVENJNQa" H. G. HAYDEf & CO. NEW ADYERTISEMKN'rW. With the largest and most varied stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jew elry, Fancy Silver Articles, Artistio Pottery, etc, ever brought to this citv. Come and see us and we will make Christmas buying easy for you. We will deliver goods any time desired. WATTLES J SHEAFER, JEWELERS, 37 FIFTH AVE. dei-MWT LATIMER'S MILD WEATHER SALE -oy- topi CfllllfflMr Gifts marked at a Nominal Price to make a clean SWZEJIEIF IN LAMES' SEAL PLUSH JACKETS AND COATS, NEWMAB.KETS and OHTT QUESTS :-: COATS Marked away down now, rather than wait until after the Holidays. 3VC TJ IE1 nr s , LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S, with ele gant Capes and Collars to match of the most serviceable FURS. JFTTtt ttTJGrS For your Parlor, Library or Drawing Rooms. -- J, li LATIMER, 138 Federal and 46 South Diamond Streets, Allegheny, Pa. del8-xwT3u READ and REAP. Every day from now on is ot great Import Holiday Presents present them selves in numberless kinda HIMMELRICB'S Novelties are in the Slipper departmentand here, right here, is displayed the strongest proof of a gift that is surrounded with admiration and the comfort following the wear of artis tio made goods, in whioh special efforts have been devoted toward excellence. In making your selections from this very large and grand stock you'll find it a pleasure. Boom is ample and light brilliant. Prices . are so very low on every article that hesitation does and need not enter the mind of any buyer. OPEN AT NIGHT. Wednesday evening, De cember 18, our house will be open till O o'clock and continue until that hour every night till Christmas day. - - HIMMELRICH'S, Market-St., Entrance 430-436. Braddock House, 916 Braddock Ave. del5-wrsu PAULSQN .'. BROS. A fa&&$intiQue Best Double Texture Mackintoshes, with and without Capes, in Black and all the new light Cheek Designs and Plain colors. Everyone GUARANTEED to be thorough ly "WATERPBOOF. Just the thing for a Xmaa Gift .AXiIi SIZES. Manufacturing our own UMBRELLAS and CANES, we can save you the ordinary retailers profit and give you a much larger variety to select from, MAKING OUR OWN UMBRELLAS, we know what we are selling, and our guar antee as to DUBABILITr is worth some thing. . See our window display and Low Prices for EXTBA QUALITY Goods. Prices range from $1 and upward. PAULSON BROS., rnvxBBEriXiA. siajkiis, 441 WOOD STREET. N.B. Our Umbrella Factov Is stftl 1mm-on c-uuvjunvaca xicrjviniww j v .?1 fisfci Wfl FDDDfUN v a v "V. ." -. rer rvviir Villi v JsbsbsIsbsb9ssVV' -wi- jaBmjamx9ettTr iiu iii NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHRISTMAS COMNG AND ALMOST HERE. Have You Made Your Purchase? If not, the following list, with a few illustrations, will make all clear, "Something :: fashioned :: in beauty and made to wear." Book Cases, Blacking Cases, Butler's Trays, China Closets, Curtain Cases, Card Tables, Chiffoniers, Chevals, Cabinets, Chairs, Dressing Tables, Dining Tables, Divans, Desks, Rookexa, WALL CABINETS. Easels, Euchre Tables, Easy Chairs, Fancy Chairs, Gold Divans, Gold Chairs, , Hat Racks, Hall Glasses. Hall Chests, Hanging Cabinets, Mantel Cabinets, Muslo Cabinets, Music Portfolios, Reed Chairs, Revolving Chairs, Silver Chairs, Shell Chairs, Leather Couches, Plush Couches, Rug Couches, Tapestry Conches, ANTIQUE ROCKERS. Turkish Chairs, Howard Chairs, Platform Rockers, Floor Rockers, Colonial Rockers, Antique Rockers, Seaside Rockers, Brass Easels, Bamboo Easels, Oak Easels, Cherry Easels, Clothes Poles, Bnc-a-Brae Tables, Brlc-a-BracPedestals Plush Chairs, Brocatelle Chairs, Tapestry Chairs, Shaving Stands, Toilet Tables, Toilet Stands, CHEYAL MORS, For further particulars, call at warerooms. Respectfully, P. C. Schoeneck, 711 LIBERTY ST. OPP. WOOD STREET. del5-wsu SPECIAL RATES , -TO- SUNDAY SCHOOLS and others buying Books, Bibles, Prayer Books, Christmas Cards, Booklets, Calen dars and Stationery in large quantities. Our prices on BOOK8 are viet low much lower than elsewhere and we invite a visit, .isas CMSTMAS SPECIALTIES. Christmas Tree Ornaments. Chocolate Menier at 40c a ponnd or 20o a half pound. Dolls, Toys, Games. Pictures, Bronzes, Terra Cotta Ware, etc Fleishman & Co., P1TTSBTJKG. PA. Store Open Every Night Until 10 O'Olook. dels The Finest Miat-Fiavobino Stock LIEBIG COMPANY'S Extract of Meat. USE IT FOR SOUPS, Beef Tea, Sauces and Made Dishes. Genuine only with fac-slmileof Justus von Liebig's SIGNATURE IN BLTJE INK Across label. Sold by storekeepers, grocers and drngglsts. LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT CO., Lim ited, London. an2I-W--wra STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. VTTH1TE STAB UK L- rOH QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Royal and United States Mall Steamers. Germanic, Dee. 18, 2 p Uermanlc, Jan. 15, noon Britannic, Jan. S,Cm 'Adriatic, Jan. 29, 1 p m un tannic, Dec IS, 7:30 am 'Adriatic, Jan. I. Z p m veuic, rau. s. cam ueiiKvieD. a. m From White Star dock, foot of West Tenth st. Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates, $50 and upward. Second cabin. SK and (inward, according to steamer and location or berth. Rx cnrilon tickets on favorable terms. Steeraxe. ta. White Star drafts payable on demand In all the principal banks throurhont (Jreat Britain. Ap ply to JCUN J. MCCOKillCK, e and 401 Smith field St.. Plttsbura-, or J. BUUCE 1SMA1, Gen eral Agent, U Broadway, New York. del J-D STATE LINE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage 135 to $50, according to locattoa 01 stateroom. Excursion $85 to 190. Steeraxe to and from .Europe at Lowest Rate. AUSTIN BALDWIN k CO., General Agents, S3 Broadway, New York, 4. J. MoCORMICK. Agent C39 and 401 Smithfield SL, PHisburg. Pa. ANCHOR LINE. United 8(s(ss Mall Steamers. SU every BATUK1IAY from NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. t. Calling at MOVILLE, f Londonderry.) Cabin paissxe to Olasgow, Liverpool or Iondon- derry, a and fS5. Bound trip, fW and 10O. Beeond-cnus. tM. Bteersre, sae. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE via Azores. Best route to Alders and coast ol Morocco. NEW YORK to FLORES, FAYAL.GIBRALTAR, NAPLES. VENICE, and TRIESTE. '8. 8. YICTOKIA. WEDNESDAY. JANUARYS. Cabin passage to Axores, MStotSO; Naplts, Sto100: Yenlce. pa Drafts on Ureat Britain, Ireland or Italy, and letters of credit at favorablit rates. Apply to HENDEH80N BROTHEKS. N. Y or ?ti XcCO JUKICst. est and 1 Sraltuield M. ; jC H. BOOHiB SON, J Smlthleid tt., PlKsbarr," W. , WM m J Ji Jfj Y ILds nwj V4t svssrssnrHvtii ashmawbt NEW ADVKRUSXaCINTS- WHAT DO YOU WANT -IN- MEN'S FURNISHINGS FOR THE HOLIDAYS? we wnii tell, xorj. Gents' White Linen Handkerohlefe, Hemstitch, 10c, 12c. SOe, 25c, 35c, 60c, 0c, 75o, 85c and 11 each, in inch, 1 inch and 2-Inch Hems. GENTS' FANCY BORDERS, HEM- STITOB,HANDKERCHIEFS atl2Jft25c.5Qc, 75o and 85o each. "We have a special bargain in. Col'd Border at 25c each, 6 for Jl 25. GENTS' YHITE INITIAL H. S., extra value, at 25c and 50a each. Silk Handkerohlefe. Pongee and Jap. Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, at 60c, 75c and 51 each. Fancy Border Jap, Silk Handkerchiefs at 50c, 75c, 90c and 81 each. One lot of Solid Color Silk Handkerchiefs. Reduced from 60o to 25c. Just the thing for Fancy Work. One lot of Pongee Handkerchiefs at 25c each. Best ever sold at the price. PLAIN JAP. H. S. SILK HANDKER CHIEFS In X Inch, 1 Inch and 2-inch H.S. at 50c 75c. IL n 25 and U 50 each. MEN'S EMBROIDERED JAP SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, for full dress wear, at SI and SI 50 each. Our Mufflers. Men's White Jap. Silk Mufflers at V full 32. inch square, is the best ever offered, at that price. ' MEN'S WHITE SILK MUFFLERS in Plain and Brocade, from Jl ta 58 50 each. Men's Fancy btrlpe and Plaid Silk Mufflers at $1 to $6 60 each. , Men's Black Silk Mufflers, very stylish, at S3 and S3 75. Men's Full-Dress Shields in Plain White, Black and Plain Colors. Also fancy stripes, with and without collars. Men's Fanoy Night Shirts In all the newest styles. Plain Muslin Night Shirts at COc. 750, SI and S oa Embroidered Muslin Night Shirts at75e,$l, SI 25, SI 60, 12, 52 50 and up to SI 5a Cambric and Nainsook, Sateen and Muslin, Silk-Embroidered Collars, Caffs ana Bosoms in Bilk. Jap. Silk Embroidered Night Shirts in White and Ecru, $7 50 and $10 each. Men's White Dress Shirts. Plain Linen, Plain P. K, Embroidered P. K. and Linen Bosoms, SI to S3 each. We hare a large line of EmbroideredBosoms, which we can make up in Shirts in time for the Holidays. Boys' and Youths' White and Colored Dress Shirts. Boys' White and Colored Cambric and Linen Waists, all sizes. Men's and Boys' Flannel Shirts, 'Plain and Fancy, In light and heavy weights. Suspenders. Men's Fancy Bilk Suspenders, Embroidered Satin Suspenders, in Dark and Light Shades I and Blaek and White. Also Plain White and Colored Satin, for embroidering and paint ing. Plain Black Satin and Moire at S2 each. Also a largo line of Suspenders, for Men and Boys, 25o to SI SO each. Men's Smoking and House Jackets In Plain and Striped Jap. Silks, English Cloth and Fancy Stripes and Plaids, Plain Cloth, Satin-lined and trimmed, S15 to S35 each. Men's Long Gowns, Plain Colors, Plain and Satin Trimmed, S3 to SIS each. Men's Jap. Silk Gowns in Plain Colors. Ladies' and Gents' Bath Robes In Turkish, English Wool and Blanket Robes. Men's Pajamas In Fancy Flannel at $5 to 17 per suit Men's 1-2 Hose. i We have a large line of Men's X Hose In Cotton, Merino, Cashmere, Natural Wool, Silk and Wool and Silk. s Men's Underwear In all grades Cashmere, Natural Wool, En glish Merino. Baibriggan, Scotch Wool and Pure Silk, in all weights. Men's Walking and Dress Gloves. Men's Fnr Top, lined. Leather Gloves, SI to S3 per pair. Men's Plain Top, lined, Leather Gloves, $1 to S3 per pair. Men's Cloth and Jersey Gloves, lined and un llned, 50c to Si per pair. Men's lined andunllned Mocha Gloves. Men's Seal Gloves and Gauntlets. Men's Black Hair Gloves and Gauntlets. Coachman's Oape and. Gloves. Men's English Tan Walking' Gloves, Si, SI 25 and SI 60 per pair. Men's F. O. A F. Walking Gloves In light and Dark Shades. Men's Perrine's- Walking Gloves In Light and Dark Tans, for evening and street wear. Men's Pearl and White Embroidered Gloves for full dress. Silk and Wool Cuffs in Black and Colors. Neokwear In all the newest shapes and styles, in Puff, Teck and Four-ln-Hand. White and. Light Shades for evening wear. Black, (if os Grain, Ottoman and Figured Silk Scarfs and Ties. Gloves for the Holidays. KID GLOVES. I SILK GLOVES, CASHMERE GLOVES. LEATHER aLQV.ES JOB LADIES, MISSES, BOYS, CHILDREN. Buttons, Hooks and Mou&quetalre, Do sirable lengths and styles. New, fresh goods. Popular prices. Ladies' Silk Hosiery and. Under wear for the Holidaya Ladies' Silk Stockings from 73c a pair to S3 a pair. Including Black, White, Plain, Colored, Black Feet with Colored Tops, and Fancy De signs in great variety. Opera lengtns in Black and Colors. If you want Silk Hosiery, call and examine our stock. - Ladles' Fancy Lisle Thread Hose in a great variety of styles and designs from 60c toil 50 a pair. All the newest colors In fancy boot pat terns, and Opera lengths in the two coifs and plain. , Ladles' Silk Vesta ' In all sizes and shapes, from the cheapest to the finest, in Ecru, White, Black and Colors. English Novla Silk Vests and Drawers for Ladies In all the different weights. f HORNE & WARD, 4J FXFXS A VSNTTX. OpQ TM7 TMsW tiU 9 e'otoek. HEW ADTESTISEaiXSTsV B. & JB. TuasBAY, Deeember IX 2 OO "French Seal Mnfftr at 81 50 Each. Children' Fun, U to fl a Bet. Fur Cape, S 6ft to 8125. Take elevator and visit FUR DEPARTMENT. Large and comprehensive' assortment of all that's new and bssx in Furs, and what is equally or more important ia that the prices for Fine Furs here is much less than I fiTlT- -Tlfi-.m t 6""-". - HOW WOTJXTJ 1 A SEAL JACKET at lis genuine Alaska Seal Suityour wife or daughter for a Christmas Gift?-- Seal Jackets and 'Walking Coats, $83 to ?1G5. 4G-inch and Black, Blue Black and Jet Black All-wool Cashmeres at 80c a yard ia a bargain of merit, such as Allegheny and Pittsburg buyers have never seen hereto fore, and we doubt if buyers in any-other city have. AGEAKB- HOLlIAT EXPOSIHOK Choice goods, 25-to3100;moderata profits on all brings crowds of buyers.. DRESS -:- GOODS. Silks, Black Silk Warp Cashmeres,. Silk Velvets and, the HOLIDAY DRESS PATTERNS, put up in NICE BOXES, at the. Bargain Prices, (2 60, $3 50, 14 60, S5, f6 50 and up, are presents eminently useful and in such shape as they will be appreciated. B0GGS & BUHL, s 115,117,119.121 Federal st.Allegheny. P. 8. New Goods by every express Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Kid Gloves, Fur Gloves and Gauntlets. Fine Neckwear for Ladies and Gents. Children's Collars, Mittens, Gloves and Wraps. dol7-D Raisiss. Prunes. Nuts, Evapor NEW CROP noS-JfWT ated Peaches, A; njlcota. New Orleans i. aio- lasses. GEO. K, STEVENSOX S CO., Sixth Avenue. AN EXTRAORDINARY UNLOADING SALE.; -or- ' i - - tt- I . I I VJf V JZjSXjKsIjEl. JL CD. i j . 2yz Per Uetit Uash Discount .$ From the.regular prices of all Overcoats far Men, Boys and ChildterSj All are new goods, but the stock we have on hand is too large for tnif! late in ine season, ituie wuai juu $35 oo Overcoats now 30 00 Overcoats now 25 00 Overcoats now nr rr fllr-r'f c Timxr 15 00 Overcoats now ... 13 12 12 00 Overcoats now............................ 10 50. 10 00 Overcoats now r, -w a 00 vjvercoaus uuw c 00 Overcoats now 3 i UlUUJauuun 2 50 Overcoats now 2 00 Overcoats now , 275.- ,'jr Alt J -Avws Ai ft tea w Af nwnnnFttnn nfalu t anvd All rr si mrt ass In. j nave tne regular price marKea in piam ngures. ana tne aiscoanr. is ae- Aiirteci from it ao'-. rA rt -w - 1 . j - riiiv AUIil IVIlLtU At IHVLjIJU f m ii.Mimii iniinii. iwi .1111111 1 &: CLOTUIEIS. TAIL0KS ana niTTEIS. f 4 3 r TT1 3 idjl ana 100 r eaerai . r-i A. . -. - . - i aruur stores now open ever o'clock, baturday until ii. LAIRD' SLIPPER EXPOSITION! GRAND HOLIDAY DISPLAY. Newest Shapes, Latest Styles, Largest S took and Best Assortment in Fine Pluabeeyj Genuine Alligator, Seal Goat, Dongola, Patent Leather, Ooze Calf. All the new shades! of Flushes and Velvets in eW gant Embroidered and Flam Vamps. j9 You can select handsome pairs now at 50c, selection at $1 23, ?1 50, $1 75 and $2, and the finest ever made at $2, (3 50, V and (3 50.', Call and see them. You'll bo both satisfied and delighted. " MAMMOTH RETAILSHOESTOREi - 406 and 408 Our "Wood Street Store is Exclusively making the largest aadmost complete "Wholesale Shoe House in the city. Dealersww piled at manufacturers' prices. DON'lN MISTAKE I, W. M. LAIRD, 515 WOOD STREET. miOCJsALl KOLUSrVILT. NJVW ADTERTTSKIHXXTS. DANZIGER'S -- A IT II xl PL -x upen evenings umu uun;uiia$i - -.4 -wrrjJOTEr poux- - . The Grandest Assortment of A JbMol.M., t-So94am fwX -V eretb Under One Hoof. - &4 TOYS, DOLLS, s BOOKS, GAMES.1 fT1.2T.9.....i. Ta.T.. ..a...i. U7..f...L 3 . UUU.UJCU O JJ3Lat IftUHUA 11 OOAJUtiaaUflUK , Express WagpnSi Velocipedes, Hobbyi Aiorses ana juecuanicsi Aoyst uons x Xtt't msbings, Jewelry, Toilet Sets,, StocMags, Shoes and Hats. Christmas Cards,. Stationery in Plush, and Paper Boxes, Floor and. Table. Easels. Beveled and Triplicate Mirrors ia Plush, Bronze Oxidized Silver and Antique Oak. Florentin e Bronzes,. Hungarian and Blows , Ware, Fancy Cups, and Saucers. An enoV less variety. v HAHDKERGBLTEIFS !' Ladies' and Men's Embroidered, InliialJSl jt uuu ouu u: auvj' vvwnu jwruenu xianw- kerchiefs. An elegant assortment, and at our famous LOW PP.ICES. UMBRELLAS! Gold and Silver Handles. An elegant variety and in all grades. Letters engraved FBEB OF CHABGEt j on all umbrellas, purchased during the Holidays. 8PECLAL 600 Elegant Gloria Silk "OWyl breilas, with elaborate handles, and worth 'A fi each. Our Price $J 24. Holiday Goods suitable for Hen. A most iAmnl((A flqurlmpnl nf JAtf.V4-w TITm't ct.:.. p.iu fffv. q..-.-j. -j cmCil uiujw?, uviMii, wiiiiiT, UHajuuua suu 0U.U Handkerchiefs and ATI TTnliilftV fjvr! -nTiwnnBMl tiiTIJ be stored until wanted. .; VIVU JJ.. -.u uuiuijiio XkJ.IAA Jfj AVOID THE BITSH. DANZIQER'Sl POPULAR STORES, Sixth SL and Penn Ave, delSl P . O? E 3ST T &H t - O.D. LEVIS. SoIWtorofPatentV u -.... vacuus, 0wvo " '"'"i ..... . i nymtJx, omce. in o aeiay. xtaDusaea &) years. se2S00 - ' 11 - A mH J l. cttu savci ......S3Q 6;. 26 25. .............. 21 87. - - -99- rtf &4 87c. A-l '- 7 00. a ?7. 3 uu. 2 19. ' 4 - . - - . rt .- . - . - vf ? 1 J A.. A. Tl J1 -a sireeT;, -ajuegneny. -4 j? , . f t T "J V A"11- ' evening except rnoaj unuijij. - ,$- delSWfSU - 65c, 75a and ?1, or we can show yoa a fiaSci Market St. "Wholesale, and occupies five entire few,! THE LOCATIONS: W. M. L AIRDI 406 an 408 Mtrkti St.J JWIAIL STONHk ? ' 'S'-VtI OmUffB ' ae-.woa U:X "" i?r5'-!i '. ,! , r -r'i- It.. . . - S&-J