K f ' . rTH PITTSBURG "DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, 'DECEMBER 18 188& iV . 1 i I O T "Y1 pMl. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8. ISM, k VoL . J o. SI .Entered at Fittrtmrg l'nstomce. November 14, 1SS7, as second-class matter. IBus less O fflce 97 and G9 Fifth Avenuo. lews Booms and Publishing House 75, , 77 and 79 Diamond Street. -. astern Advertising Office, Koom 45, Tribune -uilalng, ewxor k. mv?ttth. no trair rTTrr,n J-OSTAGE FREE T THE EXITED STATES. Daily disfatch. One Year. I SCO Daily Dispatch, FerQuarter S00 ait Df 'ATC , One Mouth 70 Dailt Disfatch, Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 Daily l isfatch, inoludm gSunday.Sm'tbs. 2 50 Daily Disfatch, Including S iday.lmon . SO bUKDAY Disfatch, One Year S 50 Weekly Diskatch, One Year 1 The Dailt Disfatch is delivered by carriers at IS cents cer -week, or Including bunday edition, at cents per week. PITTSBURG, WEDNESDAY. DEC. 18, 1888. PETTY PABTISAKSHIP. The snap judgment which the opposing parties in the House have been getting on each other for the past two days affords an illustration of the results which are sure to 'follow when partisanship is placed above public interest. In the disposition to fight for partisan ad vantage both sides appear to be equally ..matched, except that the responsibility is on " the Republican side for failing to provide rules under which the House should act, Even if amendment of the rules is needed, the committee should have reported the general rules for action until the amend ments could be perfected. In addition to that the Speaker, who should in his action be non-partisan, whatever he may be in his counsel, Is conceded to have primed his de cisions for the purpose of getting ahead of the Democrats. So iar as the snap game has gone the two parties are about even; but, as the public business stands still, it is the country which E rs. PA-NIX- IK THE -TEIP. Mr. Parnell, in his -Nottingham speech, yesterday, made a rather fine grist of the Tory position and, especially, reduced to nothingness the story that he was broken down and in hiding. His speech is full of the ring and vigor ot his old days; and it is . clear that Parnell is at the head of the Irish yarjy as actively as ever. The review of the at nipt of the Tory Government to make coercion grateful by some half-hearted at tempts at conciliation, and of the disgrace ful outcome of the "Parnellism and crime" forgeries, together with his clear statement of the platform of Irish reforms carried out by an Irish Government sets the issue forth. .Parnell is in the fight to stay, and his ulti mate victory is only a question of time. A GOOD SIGH AT CUT HALL. Both Messrs. Bigelow and Brown, Chiefs respectively of the Public Works and Safety Departments, are to be commended for the promptness with which they disclaim a pur pose attributed to them of asking for in creased appropriations for city expenses next year. -Ullage for taxes is so usually an affair of annual arithmetical progression, that it is gratifying to find a couple of heads of de partments who are willing to recognize a reasonable limit. It is cheerful, too, to find them taking the initiative, in place of yield ing reluctantly under a fire of adverse crit icism in or out of Councils. Pittsburg is growing in size, population and prosperity so rapidly that there is per haps some temptation to the men who frame estimates of expenditures to enlarge the borders of their demands. For what is clearly a desirable "extra" such as the im provement of the new park, the public will readily indorse a moderate allowance to start the work on a becoming scale; bat as for ordinary expenses the chiefs of depart ments will greatly commend themselves to the favor of taxpayers by limiting the ex penses to just what is actually needed for an efficient and thorough administration. There are laurels to be gained in city government by the men who are willing to conduct it on the principles which prevail in private buiness. Whenever and where ever such a spirit is shown in Pittsburg it will be applauded. In such moods will be received the novelty of an appropriation ordinance which from the start proposes to do business at the old stand without de manding enlarged allowances. SAYAGE CTTI-IZATION. The action of the Germans in Africa in hanging Bushiri, the chief who has been fighting them for some time past, is not likely to impress tbe Africans with the pacific advantages of civilized rule. Whatever Bushiri's faults, and of course he was little more than half civilized, it is cer tain that he had a right in East Africa antedating that which Germany has taken by the strong hand. His mode of fighting in defense of what he esteemed his rights will doubtless be regarded by the majority of Africans as fair as Germany's method of burling globes of iron at defenseless vil lages. The German method ot annexing -whole districts in Africa and killing those who dispute the German authority, does not seem to differ essentially from the Arab method of conquest and burning. If civi lized governments cannot carry the justice and mercy of civilization with them to Africa they should keep ont of that continent THE TBTJ8T C0-PAHY TAKES CHABGE. The possible conflict of interest over the appointment of a liquidator for the Law rence Bank was satisfactorily settled yester day by the appointment of the Fidelity Title and Trust Company as the successor to Mr. McKelvy. All the parties in interest agreed to this selection; and that corpora tion can enter upon the work of winding up the affairs of the bank at once. It is, we believe, the first experiment in Pittsburg of the assumption of such duties by a trust corporation and the outcome of the work will be watched with keen interest Under the management of an institution so well equipped as the Fidelity, and possessing so "thoroughly the confidence of all parties the experiment will hardly fail of successfully ebowing the virtues of the sew method. EUSSIA EKTJBS BRAZIL. Poor Brazil! Here she has been to the ex pense of shipping her benevolent Emperor and his troublesome daughter and son-in-law to Europe, and in other ways, happily not bloody, put to a good deal of trouble in changing the Empire into a Be public, when down comes a blackbird, no, we beg his Im perial Majesty's pardon, the Czar of Buss ia who breaks off all diplomatic relations with the Brazilian Minister and tells him that he will never recognize the present government of Brazil. Was ever a young, blushing Be pnblic so badly treated? -Tot given a chance to explain to his bomb-proof majesty that dynamite and nihilism are explicitly ? JBK : omitted, from the sew constitution, not k .. v . ruiowea even to suggest, mat u does not L-i-f-. . vL matter a centime to Brazil whether an auto crat on the oth.er.side of a big ocean recog nizes her or not We honestlrfcelieye that Brazil will sur vive this awfnl blow at her new institutions. It is very discouraging, of course, to the en terprising Journalists and others who have steered Brazil through the greatest revolu tion of modern times, to be denied the pat ronizing nod of a tyrant whose life would not be worth a rushlight if jhe walked .alone and unguarded among his loving subjects. The benison of such aieautifnl being as the Czar of Russia is sadly needed at the bap tism of a new Bepnblic Without it how ever, the United States of Brazil will sur vive, we thine, and their Bepnblic will ba firmly established when the unnatural ex crescence of an-absolnte monarchy has been torn from the face of Europe. THE CABAL AND BAT-BOADS. The first of a series of articles on the in vestigation of the canal project appears in this issue. It is principally devoted to con sidering the difficulties which the commis sion must study and which, it is thought, must be overcome before the .car lalcanbe regarded as practicable. The two chief difficulties stated in the article are first, the question of the crossing of the canal by railroads, and second that of meeting the exigencies that will arise where portions of the canal route have been occupied by .railroads. The first is the greatest difficulty; butit is by no means in superable. It seems to be taken for granted, that in all cases where the railroads cross the canals they must be raised to a height that will do away with the necessity of swing-bridges. Tet this, while an advantage where practica ble, is by no means a necessity. If we are not mistaken all of the railroads which this, waterway would pass,have at oth er points where they cross navigable water ways, built swing-bridges of their own choice. This applies in the case of the Pitts burg andXake Brie Bailroad only to its connections. What the railroads build for themselves, in crossing waterways, is good enough tor this waterway to build for the railroads, where better cannot be provided. With regard to the occupancy by railroads of rights of way needed for the canal, that is a very simple matter. Where such rights of way are more essential to the canal than to the railroad they cannot be condemned by the power of eminent domain. Ko principle has been better settled by State and United States Supreme Courts, than that the power of eminent domain, extends to the appropri ation ot other highways where necessary always, of course, upon due compensation. Upon that principle, railroads have appro priated turnpikes and country roads for their tracks; and they in turn are subject to the same right if necessary for the comple tion of a work of such importance as this canal. The vital points to be determined by the commission are, first, the engineering prac ticability of the canal, over the various routes; and, second, an approximation of its cost With these two matters made clear the further question, as to how it shall be paid for will be a State and national issue; and the details of raiboad crossings and rights of way can be settled in accordance with well-established principles. FB-HONITIONS OF DEATH. It is an odd story which Postmaster Gen eral Wanamaker tells of his premonitions of the violent death of Mr. Franklin B. Gowcn. To be sure, these premonitions were not very definite. On the evening of Friday Mr. Wanamaker experienced a sense of un easiness and general distress, and at the same time the fact that his old friend Mr. Gowen was about to visit Washington flashed across his mind several times during the evening. This feeling of incomprehensible disquiet weighed sufficiently with Mr. Wanamaker to keep him from fulfilling some social en gagements that night The next morning the same uneasy feeling recurred to him, once more linked with thoughts of Gowen. At that time the latter was lying dead in his room. It may have been only another of those curious coincidences which are only noticed when the upshot is sensational. But it is worth remarking how often in the ease of violent death the friends or relatives of the victim have received mental warning of the event It is quite possible that man is not yet fully acquainted with the extent and powers of his senses, and that there exist, be tween the units of the human race, ties and means of communication of whch we do not dream in our philosophy. A level-headed, substantial' business man, of Mr. Wana maker's stamp, is not the sort of a man to fall a victim to hysteria, or to allow his im agination to lead him captive. The subject is a profoundly interesting one. SECTIONALISM ON THE BAH? AGE. Mr. Oates, of Alabama, is reported to have declared that he will, to the best of his ability, control his vote on the settlement of the World's Fair site, by political motives. "I shall not," he said, "vote to locate the World's air in any city of any State whose representatives in Congress vote to pass coercive election laws for the South." In other words, Mr. Oates, of Alabama, is going to prove his sectionalism by de ciding a non-partisan issue wholly by a sectional and partisan criterion. We are far from indorsing the coercion election measure mooted in Congress; bnt to tie the vote on that question to the vote on a purely business issue, which should be decided solely for the national credit,is a very stupid and sectional line of action. It is also ex ceedingly silly; because if the majority in Congress are shown that Southern votes are to be held over them as a whip, in this man ner, it will be certain to solidify the majority from the North against any tyran nical nse of the log-rolling practice. Mr. Oates seems disposed to engage in the supererrogatory task of proving that the blindest sectionalism in the country holds sway over the Southern brigadiers. The full account of the revolution in Brazil, which has been published in the New York Timet, represents it as a counter-stroke to forestall a coup d'etat that was planned by the Imperial ministry in favor of theComte d'Eo and Princess Isabella, upon the expected retirement of the Emperor. Since tbe revolu tion succeeded so easily', it appears that tbe Re publicans could well have afforded to let the new monarchy reveal its absolutist tenuency and then fall to pieces of its own weight Op course, the verdict haying been secured which saved Sullivan, Conghlln and Burke from tbe gallows, tho next thing is to get them off from all punishments- And the effort has at least the virtue of logic If they do not deserve to be hanged they do not deserve any punishment at all. The collection of relies in the" National Museum contains an enormous punch bowl which belonged to George Washington. This the Chicago if erold regards as evidence or 'a kindly and genial nature which softens the grave and austere aspect" Yet the same Issue which contain this remark coat ues to jump on Vice-President Morton for hbuet at the -horefcs-u It gates a pigisi.waewhea the geniality is on the wrong side of the polit ical fence. ' .New Xokk does its best to satisfy the, lovers at horseflesh of all ranks. toons read hay Snndl and Hand 6. at tbe fanciest prices, and the Newtown sausage factory gives the poor people all the horseflesh they -want m re tail lots, and at the lowest prices. The report that the furniture men have resolved that the people must have their moving day in pneumonia weather, in order to make business better for the furniture inter ests. Is probably an injustice to the furniture men. They arean intelligent set or men, and know that they will et more business by serving the public. at the public's convenience than by trying to make the public serve them at their convenience. New o is left in temporary darkness because tbe authorities are taking down the dangerous poles and wires. Pittsburg was left in partial darkness .night before last, hutnot a pole or wire is coming down. Pbof. Tuck ek, of Andover, is -quoted as saying that this country has had but three thinkers, Jonathan Edwards, Ben jamin Frank lin and .Nathaniel Hawthorne. The spectacle of Tucker, of Andover. rullnc Jefferson. Ham ilton and Emerson ont of the list of thinkers, deserves to be set up as a companion piece to the picture of Oscar Wilde being isappointed .at the Atlantic Ocean. The number of men who are stating that they are not candidates f or e nomination for Mayor Is large; but the number ot those who are not candidates is much larger. Nor w l max iroPTG the authoritative denials of the purchase of property above Smithfleld street between Filth and Fourth avenues, on the part of the Pennsylvania Railroad, the deals still go on. -The public joins In chorassing the question: It the Pennsylvania Railroad -does not want this property, who, in the State of Pennsylvania, does! The chiefs -of departments take the very sensible view that the appropriations which ran the city this year will be big enough to pro vide for it next year. Austeia. is .reported to have got a new explosive which is one-third mors explosive than dynamite, and is expected to work wholesale destruction in the -eld. Tbe In ventions of destruction win soon reach a point which will wipe the defeated army oat of ex istence and break -up the victorious, one by Its "cost Now let tbe Fidelity prove its title by getting ont that statement and showing whether it can make a dividend from the wren ce bank's assets; -HE sale at ong&Co's yesterday presents the singular feature of realizing more for property at a forced sale, than therm was able to get In tbe course of regular business. This Is not an inducement to other iron firms to make an assignment. It is simply an evi- dence of the firmness of the iron market PEOPLE OF PEO-IH-NCt- JonN G. W rTTT was 83 years old yester day. The Japanese Minister, Huneml Mutsu, has been recalled, and is making hasty prepar ations to leave this country on short notice. It 13 impossible to learn the cause. Mbs. Piclxb, wife ot the South Carolina Representative in Congress, is said to be an ac complished orator, and will be much in demand this winter at temperance and woman suffrage conventions. r his prayer yesterday morning the chaplain of the House of Representatives feelingly re ferred to the death of the wife of Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, and invoked the divine protection on the bereaved husband and motherless chil dren. ciENATOB i)ras, of "Vermont, has served longer In the United States Senate than any of his colleagues. On April 5, 10, he will have been .the Benate without a single break 21 years. Mr. Edmunds will be in February. He looks his age. A Fir,-D and admirer once said to Robert Brownie g: "I have studied long upon this pas sage in your poem, and am unable to compre hend it Pray, tell me, what Is the Idea em bodied in itT" Mr. Browning read tbe passage over and replied: "Beall.v, I cannot tell; bnt I believe it will be worth your while to keep on studying it" Gneba Voir ScHWErrrz, the German Ambassador to Russia, who is married to the daughter of the Hon. John Jay, of New York, has just returned to St Petersburg, after pay ing a long visit to Prince and Princess Bis marck at Friederichsruhe. It is believed that his conferences with the Chancellor are con nected with the betrothal of the Czarowitz to Princess Margaret, of Prussia. CANADIANS fOE ANNEXATION. Dissatisfied With Present Conditions. They Want to Join the Union. rFrZCIAl. TELEOBA TO THE PISFATCB.J Ottawa, December 17. The fact that there is a rapidly increasing desire for a national change in Canada is indisputable. Even tbe organs of the Dominion Government admit it Considerable surprise, however, has been ex pressed over the candid way in which the London Free Prat, the organ of the Minister of Agriculture, the Hon. John Carting, makes the admission that dissatisfaction prevails , and to use Its own words, that "a good many people are found concerning themselves just now with the future of Canada." The Free Prett says: "They want to know whether we shall become independent: whether we shall become part of an imperial federation, or If it shall be our fate to be annexed to the adjoining Republic. It evinces a patriotism that is praiseworthy and gives expectation that the sons of Canada will ever be alive to its Dest interests. And that is a guarantee that it Is not to be despised. It has Its reassuring conditions and anchors ns to the conviction that, come what may, loyalty to Canada will be the prevailing watchword." AN ARMLESS AETIST. A Tonna Ulan Without Hands Who Made Fine Plctsres. I have before me the proof of an etching just published (writes tbe London correspondentof the Scottman), the work of an armless artist, M Noel Masson. The etcher was a young man who died suddenly a few weeks ago, immedi ately after he had completed this plate. Dur ing the Commune he lost both arms and hands by the explosion of a shell. He was then It years ot age. He got himself fitted with me chanical hands and set to worktolearn etching. Of his success the plate now published Is full proof. It is a view of Nogenteur-Marne. M. Masson, in choosing tbe subject, put a considerable strain on bis powers of execution, f or th b drawing Is full of detail, not to be done except with much paii taking care. He baa, however, produced a bold and strikine picture. JL Masson had unquestionably r sympathetic feeling which his mechanical hands could not always interpret But even on its artistic side the etching does not lack interest Not Coins to. Lot e Thoir Fay. Washington, December 17. In the Senate, to-day, the House joint resolution to pay the officers and members of both Souses their De cember salary on the 20th instant, was reported back from the Committee on Appropriations and passed. Ah Sin's DepartaraJH onccd. From the ew York World! 2 A Chinaman has absconded from San Fran cisco with -527,000 of other people's money. There are times when tbe Chinese really ought not to go. DEATHS OF A MY. Sirs. Jane l-cWlIIIaa is. County OommlMloner Daniel HcW-tla at' grandmother, Mrs. Jane McWllims, aged $a years, of Alt. Oliver, died yesterday morning, after a six weeks' illness. Mrs. Me Williams was born in Scotland, and came to America with ber husband In IS . Mr. AlcWlUlamj died in 1860. The funeral will take place to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock from at John's Church on South Four teenth street John Duffy. John Duffy, a young- Ironworker, died at his home, comer of Xaoch and DeriU rs streets, yesterday. He .was a Irother.of.E.JB'. Duy, , j - q , ana a nep&ew-er oger' sra, THE TOPICAL TALKER. An Old Pros-ran. rae of Clara Morris A Small Girl's Anatomical Lore Br. Ave! lag's New Venture. Weh Clara Morns was playing here last week the veteran actor, J. H. Howe, showed me a programme which possesses a good deal of interest to theater goers. It is a programme of the old Academy of Music, on Bank street, Cleveland, and bears the date of June 11, 1888. JohnKilsler was manager then. The attrac tion was "Jane Eyre," with Miss Fanny B. Price in the title role. Down at the very end of the dramatis pertonts is found Miss Clara, Morris' came. She played tbe small part or Lady Georgiana Clarens. What a rise she has had since. Nearly all the rest of tbe cast, ac cording to Mr. Rowe, are dead or retired from the stage. Mr. Bowe says that even in those days, when Miss Morris was unknown outside of Cleveland, he hasaeen stars like Mrs. J. P. Bowers, Jean Hoimer, Fanny Price. Helen Western, etc., work for all they were worth to keep Miss Morris from walking away with the whole performance. But Mr. Bowe added pathetically: 'Salaries those days were wearji" V A 8A o girl fell and broke her arm two or three weeks ago. The fracture' was reduced and all went well, the little mite proving her self a heroine under the pain. And what pain a broken arm can give! But the tiresome part of the business, tbe growing together of tbe fractured parts, has tried ber patience sorely. The other day the family doctor explained to the little patient that the pain she suffered came from the knit ng of the bone. "Knitting, is it?" the child echoed, "well I wish it would stop, for 1 can feel the needles sticking into me." V Pe itaps some of my readers remember Dr. Edward B. Avcling who paid this city a visit two years ago, and lectured at Lafayette Hall on Socialism. He afterward gained a great deal of unpleasant notoriety by the revelations of his sybaritic ways of life while carrying on this crusade in behalf of the working man. He was employed to lecture on Socialism by a New York society, and he had a dispute about his pay. Dr. Aveling Is a Londoner. He took the do greeof Bachelor of Science at London Uni versity ten years ago, and at one time enjoyed a reputation as a scientist. What reputation ' he has now I don't know. It was growing small when he came here. But I mention him to record the fact that he recently, on November 28, In fact, produced a play which is attracting agooddealof attention in London now, and will, therefore, probably reach America next season. Dr. Aveling's, nom de theater is Alec Nelson, and bis play is' called "The Jackal." The tit of the play is rather taking, and the critics say that tbe plot is new and the charac ters show novel treatment. Bnt I should think that Aveling could do no better than drama tize his whole life. There are three or four chapters in it known to me which would mako exciting plays. THE BIGHT TO BOUNCE. Dr. Woodbnra Explains What Baptist Practice Means. Tbe solid citizens belonging to tho benezer Baptist Church again met yesterday in the spa dons and pleasant apartments of A. H. Clark, in the Dispatch building. The citiz eness has not yet mado her appearance, which seem3 somewhat strange in a church trial. As woman generally monopolizes to a large degreo church business nowadays, it is whispered, however, that she may play a part in future proceedings. James Robison was the first witness ex amined yesterday. He said Mr. Johnston was excluded twice. Mr. Robison went a little further than some of his brethren in stating that the church was run under the authority of theBible as well as that of His cock's Manual He dldnot say that Isaac Morton.Wesley Johnston, Isham Carter, Barbour and Nelson Bryant were notified to appear and stand trial, but was confident they were notified. Mr. Morton had refused to turn in some books. Johnston had said the pastor was preaching false doctrine. Mr. Carter refused to give up a "sham" deed, una wanted the choir discharged and persons put in he might choose. Hiscock's Manual was put in. evidence and labeled "Exhibit No. 3." Dr. B. F. Woodburn was put on the stand. Ho said the government of tbe Baptist Church was independent or congregational. Tbe church is supreme, or it may receive or roject the advice of councils. There is no Baptist Church as a national affair. Each congrega tion is supreme in the direction ot its own affairs, though churches generally steer their respective crafts by means of certain manuals and laws. A council has the right to advise, so may an association, and if a congregation re fuse to answer tbe helm the general body may withdraw tbe rightf band of fellowship. The general idea is much the same-as that of State rights In a political sense. Hiscock's Manual is generally regarded as reliable authority, and Hiscock is an authority on the subject of ex clusion. Dr. Woodburn knew nothing specially about the Ebenezer controversy. AGAIHST THE CHANGE. Farnltnre Dealers Object to People Moving on May 1. A meeting of the members of the Pittsburg and Allegheny Furniture Exchange was held last evening In the office of Captain A. J. Logan on Third avenue. The object was to protest against the proposed change of moving day from April 1 to May L After considerable dis cussion on the matter a committe consisting of Eli dmunas on,PhiIip Eichenlaub and Captain Logan was appointed to draft resolutions against the change. The committee will report at a meeting to be held Friday evening at the same place. Nearly every furniture and household utensil dealer in the two cities is opposed to tbe change. They say that if tbe change is made they will lose thousands of dollars. Captain Logan stated that his whole season's business is now done in ten weeks. At present custom ers go out of the store on account of tbe sales men being unable to wait upon them. In sell ing furniture, bedding, etc., it takes several hours and many times half a day to make a sale. If people move onMay 1 the busy season will be compressed into six weeks. It was the unanimous sentiment of the meeting that the change Is being agitated by real estate men who. it is said; would gain another month by tbe change. SHE'S A SEGULAS HOODOO. A South Carolina Damsel Who Possesses Supernatural Powers. rBFXCIAL TILE ORAM TO TUB DICFATCB.l Columbia, S. C, December 17. A wonder ful story comes from Sumpter, this State, about the discovery by a girl 12 years old of supernatural powers that throw the Georgia phenomenon, Lulu Hurst, in the shade. Her name is Daisy Robinson, and she lives with her mother on the premises of one of the most reliable citizens of the coun ty, wno vouches for the follow ing: To-day the girl discovered that some unseen poworwas following her every where. Tbe first demonstration was the fall ing of a sideboard flat on its Hie, then a water bucket fell from a shelf on her shoulder. Her mother thinking tbe room haunted moved Into another, when the same agency moved tables, smoothing irons, and furniture. These demonstrations continued at Intervals during theday. Alargs crowd heard of the re markable exhibition. gathered about the house, and a reporter tried to get admission, but the father of the girl said (bat all persons must be excluded, but the reporter could have an Inter view at some, other time. BEST TO THE SENATE. Another Big Batch of Nominations, Chiefly for tbe West. Wash-JOtou, December 17. The President to-day transmit d the following nominations to the Senate: Alphonso Bar to, to be Register of tbe Land Office at Bt Clou 1, Minn.; August Klckbusch, to beBegUteroftho Land Office at Wausan, Wis.; William Wetteran, to be Beceiv of Public Moneys at St. Cloud, Minn.; Andrew M. Craw ford, to bEecelver of Public Moneys at Bose. burg, Ore.: Frank M. Foote, to be Uecelvero! 1'nblic Moneys at Evaoiton, Wyo.; Eocene Bay. to be United States Attorney for the district of Minnesota; Fremont Wood, to be United States Attorney for the Territory of Idaho; Wll longbby Cole, or Cauiornla, to be United States Attorney for the Southern district of California: Oeorsre E. Card, of Cal ifornia, to be United States Marshalrbrthe South ern district of California; JohnW. Jacobs, to be United States Marshal for the Southern district of New York; Cyrus Leland, Jr., to be Collector of Internal Bevenue for the strict ot Kansas. Dcfn niter Plicott's Successor. Washington. December 17. Sergeant at Arms Holmes of tbe House has appointed EL J. Harts horn, of Iowa, to be cashier of his o co in DLaB 01 tae -oeia ter Hllca . 'Mr. in ei we -aeia ter HUcest, -Mr.' iglveaabond oummtet Hwj jxtar rn nas ?-& BEILUAHT ALAUX. A Series Given at Era annel Parish -slid. Ins;, In Allegheny, Last Evening-. A brilliant entertainment was given last evening in the parish building of Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Allegheny. It consisted of a series of tableaux. The first one represented . Sculptor's Studio," and various figures of statuary were repre sented by Misses Irwin, Ida McClurg, atio McJlwaine and Edith Johnson. A very appro priate tableau entitled The Rainy Day" was next seen, and little Nona Irwin, Grace Irwin and Mary Stuart were sheltered by a mam moth umbrella. A huge bay field was next presented, and in a farmer's attire Mr. Harry Robb rested from his labors and awaited his lunch, which Miss McClnrg was in tbe act or taking to him. 'Secrets" were told swinging on the garden gate by Miss Katie Mcllwaine and Mr. Lake. "Confesslons of Love"' was Impersonated by Misses Kate Mcllwaine and stater Mamie, and Messrs. Lake and McClurg. In "Love or Country," Mr. Robb was seen in great perplexity, while his sweetheart. Miss Edith Johnson, was demanding a choice. in ie uipy wmp, misses in jonn- sod. Ida McCluri a tie ana J ami mcllwaine and Mr. Harry sies. iobb were tbe fantastic gip- The entire entertainment was notabVe for ar tistic skill and finish, and was thoroucblr ap preciated by the audience. At the conclusion of tbe tableaux a pink tea was served by the young ladies ot theschurcb. and various pretty booths were utilized for tbe sale of fancy articles, ice cream, candy, etc., etc. The ladles in chargo were Misses Roddy, Phipps, Seelv. Bobb.Gutb.rie, Phillips, Byllesby Tbe B C. O. Entertained. The "M. C. O.," or the Oakland Society Club, was entertained last evening by Miss Stella Seibert, at her residence on Forbes avenue. Dancing and music was tbe principal features of the evening. The Royalama Italian Or chestra was in attendance. Refreshments were served by tbe charming hostess. A full dress reception will be given by the club in January, Social Chatter. There will bo a Christmas entertainment for tbe children at Dr. Meyers' Eighth Street Synagogue at 2 o'clock next Sunday afternoon. Loads of candy and other delights will be served ont to tbe urchins. The ladies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, corner Wylie avenue and Congress street, will hold a fair and bazaar in the church to-morrow and Friday evening. Byron King will spout Theke will be a Christmas entertainment at the Ursullne Convent, at 2 o'clock on the after noon of Monday, December 23. Cards of invi tation have been issued. The Junta Club was entertained by Mr. Joseph Woodwell last evening, and Rev. George Hodges discoursed on "Modern Papjil Rome." THE alumni of tbe Pittsburg High School will enjoy their annnal banquet at tbe Hotel Schlo or on the evening of Friday. January 3. A paelok musical was given at the Penn sylvania Female College last evening. In which local talent did themselves proud. A bazaae and sn'pper will be held this week in Fifth United Presbyterian Church, Webster avenue and Washington street. Miss Josx Woodwem, will entertain her friends on the evening of December 28. The grand organ recital at St James' Church, Wilkinsburg, this evening. The Teaspoon Club was entertained last evening by Miss Birdie Stoney, TAI-OBS' SUITS MUST SUIT. A Jndgo Rales That It There Is No Fit There Should be No Par. Boston, December 17. An important decis ion was made by Judge Emmons in the Bast Boston District Court to-day. In an' action brought against a clothing company by Bord man Hall for tbe recovery of the price paid for a custom-made coat and vest, which the plain tiff alleges did not fit him. From the testi mony it appears that the pla intlff ordered a coat and vest to bo made for him of an author ized salesman at the store, and a deposit was made when tho order was given.f Plaintiff re ceived his clothes in due time, when he paid for them in f nil. On trying them on he found that they did not fit, and returned them to the makers, asking them to refund the money he had paid for them. This the .defendants re fused to do, but offered to alter the clothes so that they would fit or else make the plaintiff another coat and vest The plaintiff would not accept the offer, saying that he had no more time to be experimented upon. Counsellor the plaintiff claimed that when the latter left the order for the ciotbes It was with the understanding that they were to prove satisfactory, and that the defendant bad re ceived his part of tbe bargain, while plaintiff had got no return. In rendering bis decision Judge Emmons said he thought that when a tailor made any article of clothing for a person it was generally understood that it was to be a good fit. The tailor could have had the cus tomer try on tho clothing as many times as he cbose in order to have it right, but as soon as the clothing was completed the contract was at an end. In view of this fact he said he would have to decide in favor of the plaintiff for a re covery in full of the money paid the defendant on the clothes. HIES. DLZELL EECEPTION. A Pleasant Event at tho Home of tho Pitts bars Congressman, LVnO- A STAIT COEHE SFONDSNT.l Wash tngtok; December 17. Mrs. John Dalzell had the first of herafternoonreceptions to-day, and during tbe entire afternoon visitors poured in and out of the residence on the cor ner of Fifteenth street and Massachusetts ave nue. Mrs. Dalzell was assisted by her daughter, Miss Bessie Dalzell, who will, at a later date, make ber formal entrance into society. Mrs. Dalzell will hold her public receptions each Tuesday afternoon during the season. Jtforo Reliable Than the Gooseboae. From the New York Sun.l Against tho many signs and prognostications of a hard winter should he set the story that the toad which has been imprisoned in solid rock since George Hoar was as ancient and Adam a lad in knickerbockers, has been released on good behavior. Also the story that "pots of treasure" aro being found In various parts of the country. The excavation of that same old toad and tho nnearthing of that same old pot of treasure indicate a very open winter. TIEWSOFTIIETE-DICT. PHI-ADEI--IA Record: The verdict of the Chicago jury in tbeCroo l case will be ap proved by the general puolic judgment. Cincinnati Commercial Gazelle: It Is a discreditable performance, but the fault is in the criminal law and jury system, which pro tects bloody scoundrels as if tbey were tbe most precious possession of tho people. On, Vox Derrick: If tbe persons charged with the murder of Dr. Cronln were guilty of thatact,asdec red ythe jury, then no men who were ever guilty of murder more richly deserved the extreme penalty of the law. NW YOB Herald: It is a compromise and a disappointment It fails to mete out to the assassins of Dr. Cronln the penalty which their diabolical crime ments , and falls short of that full justice, which society has aright to de mand. . CINCINNATI Enquirer; Is the result satis factory! Probably sp to lawyer Forrest and his client; possibly not to anyone else. But there is at least one point of general satisfac tionthat the trial is over. That Is something to be truly grateful for. Indianapolis Journal. There are those who will criticise the jury because they did not consign the principal conspirators to the gal lows, instead of sending them to prison for life, but when they think it all over, and remember that all tbe evidence was circumstantial. It possible they would, have done tho same thing under similar circumstances. CiVE AND Leader: The worst feature of the whole case is tbe fact that the result leaves little ground for hope that tbe real authors of the whole conspiracy. Dr. Cronin's deadly foes.4 who were willing to resort to the most fiendish methods in securing bis "removal," win ever be brought to the scaffold, A. sentence to the penitentiary for life has no snch terrors for men like O'Sullivan, Burke and Conghlln as the death penalty. PrxAi .Err l Timet: That which is chiefly to be regretted in connection with the final outcome of this trial is that tbe real insti gators of tbe conspiracy to murder Dr. Cronln are probably still at large. The convicted men were doubtless the tools and agents, of others who so far hate gone scot free. Full and com plete justice will not be dope until those who employed the men convicted yesterday are r s dowfi and visited with, tkepua-is J sir MARRIAGE NOT A FAILURE. - This Is the Beelsloa of the Wsmas's Clsk, Afler BIscaattoB Bcule Bramble Says Bu Past Was Jilted Single Wsraes Kalber Wary. Marriage is not a failure, so say the members of the Woman's Club, and the discussion of the subject by them yesterday afternoon in the Teachers' Library was of such a clear, comprehensive and exhaustive character that the most calloused cynical advocate of the failure side of the question would have bee converted without a murmur. The question, "Is marriage a failure?" was not discussed, but "Why are so many marriages a failure!" Mrs. Taylor, in a well written paper, said that it would be just as reasonable to discuss, "Is Qod a f luref" as to discuss Is marriage a failure? but taking tbe qualified question, "Why is marriage so often a failure!" there were a great many reasons to be given, and the wonder Is not that there are so many failures, bnt that there are so few, taxing into consid eration tho immorality, intemperance, defective education, poverty, deceit and infatuation with which so many mar riages are entered into. Tbe lady in a skillful manner dealt with each one of the vari ous topics which are sure death to a bappy union, and dwelt at some length upon the un healthy atmosphere in which a great many young ladles Ifve and breathe, with no other Idea in their diseased minds than the obtain ing of a husband, by fair means or foul. Her reasoning, bowever, proved that tbe young gentlemen are just as of ten as deceitful in securing the choice of their hearts as the young ladles. Poverty, she thought, in the present condition of the world, a pall bearer to marital happiness, for people are not Inclined Henry Ward Beecher-wards, with few excep tions. She thought it would be bard to find a conple nowadays who would be willing to commence life in tbe bumble manner in which tho great Henry Ward and his plucky little bride did. Co-Education a Remedy. As a remedy for these evils she suggested co education, which would bring tbe sexes Into a free, open, healthy, cood fellowship with each other, and a mora practical and less senti- -mental view of life would be taken, as a conse quence xewer unhappy marriages would be made. Mrs. Taylor further remarked that mere were proportionately just as many fail ures in single as double life, and said that mar riage was a divine creation that should be ob served in tbe extreme. Mrs. Dr. Sara Rutan commenced expound ing her views in tbe following happy, interest- iu6 jin; my wormy coueagus nas taken a qua Bed affirmative front to this subject, I shall be forced for want of antagonists and by choice to nnsbeath my sword and climb upon the negative back of the topic, and in the candle right of revelation and the electric light of observation to deny that marriace. bona, fide, is ever a failure." "Marriage bona fide is not a failure, civil contracts sometimes are. Marriage is a sacra ment something entered Into with an oath, that possesses unity and indissolubility. It is a path in which tbe steps are all one way." J is. tho lady said, the highest attribute of Qod. His goodness, peace, mercy, truth and justice having failed, He subdued and con trolled the earth and redeemed to Himself a, peoplejby holy matrimony. Business contracts of marriage relations need not be failures, either, if each partner win concede something to each other. Woman is forever fondly re-' membering that she was given to be with nun in paradise, hut forgett that she was expelled to he with him in exile; or, not satis fled with tbe paradise he is able to build for her. she strikes out to build one for herself, and loses tbe one in which she might have reveled. ut ir women owe a duty in preventing the failures, so do men, for they are like to each other as the bark and branches of trees. The lady mentioned briefly the great number of divorce suits con tinually being eranted in our country, and said thata great manyyeople rushed into divorce courts because of some defect in themselves tbey do not see, or some flaw in others they overmuch see. Social Ambition a Cause. Dr. Rutan thought that at the last day, when all tbe innermost secre would be made pub lic, that social ambition would probably be the cause of as many ruined lives as alcohol, which would surprise those who talked so learnedly auout uiu naa ens curse, uonnnuing, sue said that tho old role by Bodger was too often for gotten: "That a woman enters her husband's homo to be its light changing with brightness what an before was night: a guardian angel o'er bis life presiding, doubling his pleasures and his cares dividing; winning him back when mingling in the throng of a gay world we have allowed too Jong to f urnhh pleasure and do mestic ease, hlest with that charm tbe cer tainty to please. For, ob, the true rule is that a true wife in her" hnsband's home Is hi3 serv ant It is in his heart sheis queen. " At tbe conclusion of the last paper the presi dent, jura, waae, imormea tne una that the question was open for discussion. The opin ion seemed to be almost unanimous that there was no failure in marriage proper, but an inter esting dis cussion was Indulged in regarding the concluding lines of Dr. Rutan's paper, which some ot the ladies -took exceptions to. Mrs. Wade, in her own Inimitable manner, in formed the company she did not behove that woman should be a doormat for the conven ience of her husband, and she defied Sr. Paul and bis teachings about women, said she be lieved St Faul was jilted by some fair maiden and per consequenco his bitterness. She gave Milton all due reverence as an intellectual man, but snapped her fingers at his opinions about woman,and believes in an equal partner ship between husband and wife. She quoted Gladstone in that his GO years married happi ness was due to the fact that when Mrs. Glad stone was very much in earnest be always con ceded, and wbenhe was very much ia earnest Mrs. Gladstone always conceded. Tbe ladies were divided in their opinions regarding that subject, but the majority of them believed as their worthy .president did. No Substitute Fonnd. Returning to tbe subject ot ma Triage the Secretary, Mrs. Dr. Ramsey, scored a good point when she queried what would or could take the place of the family relations, and she affirmedtbat all the most tender and better thoughts of a buman being were bom through family ties, and she pictured in a realistic manner the forlorn, aimless creature that would go wandering through the world all by himself if marriage were abolished, which it certainly should be if proven a failure. , Several bright single ladles in the room afforded much -amusement when called upon to express their views, one by saying marriage had most certainly been a fallnre in her case; another begged to be excused from expressing her opinion until she bad personal experience, while tbe third declared she preferred knowing by proxy as it was her determination never to risk a partnership that might result m bank ruptcy. iter marriage uau ueen e us a a very in teresting paper was us neo. to Dy tee ciun which the Treasurer, Mrs. Prentiss, hadpre- Eared. An accidental discovery of her hns and's diary written during the time of the ex cursion of tbe American Microscopical Society last August gave the club members the rare treat tbey enjoyed, as the lady had taken the points contained in the book, and enlarged upon them i a charming manner, thus afford ing a very interesting and instructive article. Mrs. Prentiss bad with her a starfish with wbicb to illustrate certain points in her lecture, and after the meeting adjourned the members all surveyed and investigated the peculiarities of tbe starfish with the aid of a powerful glass provided by the same lady. The next meeting of the Woman's Club will be a business meet ing, and Will to held the first Tuesday in Jan uary. THE D0CT0E8 BIPFEE. Some Sax Influenza Is Common Here, Others Bar 'Not, Dr. C. C. Wiley said yesterday: There is a treat deal of nasal trouble in this city at pres ent It might be ealle d influenza. It is proba Mr ranspritivrha chantreable weather.altnonch tb o exact cause Is not certainly known. Nearly all tbe physicians have many cases." Dr.W.X. -English, tho specialist on throat diseases, when asked If any cases ot Influenza had come within his knowledee.Teplied that he had not heard of any in the city. Qnny Arrayed far Battle. From the Boston Herald. 3 A Washington correspondent calls attention to the fact thatnohody ever saw Matthew Stan ley Quay in a swallowtail coat He prefers his shir ts leeres and a mailed hand. vJOFTJNtt Are you drifting. Wend and Brother, Down life's dark and turbid stream; So e tunes slower, sometimes faster. Yet still drtlng with the stream? Is the river aouiet its shallow, Then again both 'deep and wide? Do yon and too elf still drift c, Always drlfn; with the tide Do you sometimes fight against It Pulling with such might and mala That your oars are snapped asunder, Broken by tbe mighty stralnf Do yon ever grow -Uheariened, Feeling that your work is valnT Sometimes wUh the voyas e was over, And the restful harbor sslaedr Don't despair, but st-lpath onward, Oawsro, till llfe'svoyage "IS roq ,a.wrrrneWi rvrriaii i si, '.'. X ar So rr Goa's will be So- MATTEES MET0F0LITAR Hold for srlcy and I reeay. , HEW TO t BUBXAU SPXCILS. NkwYobk, December 17. Four years ago Theodore CL Jourdan, then 23 years old, ma Tried Henrietta F. Baden, a widow of 60, witt tason ten years older than ber new has band. Jourdan remained true to her tut be had wheedled 18,000 out of her purse. Then he deserted her and fled to Coney Island. One evening last August he met on the beach a young woman whom la years before he had promised to marry In England. Ha had stolen all her money and abandoned her without a word. Shertcognlz ed him andf Tightened him by her threats into marrying her tbe next day. At the end of the season she came to New York and lived with htm on tbe Wests ide. Mrs. Jourdan No. 1 got on his trail and landed him in jail last night. To-day Jourdan was held for trial for bigamy and larceny. Not an Internal Machine. The explosion of a heavy wooden box on the Savannah Line pier to-day, caused tremendous excitement all along the adjoining water front .Everyone thought an infernal machine had gone off, and ran like mad till he had got at least two blocks away from the sizzling, blaz ing object Some one turned in a fire alarm, and in a few minutes four engines, two hook and ladder companies, and a dozen policemen were on hand. By that time the fragments of the suspected box were smoldering quietly. Two longshoremen plucked up courage enough to make an investigation. Tbey found that the box had contained no Infernal machine at all, but a lot of fireworks , tbe remnants of which lay scattered about the pier. A Rccnlnr Death Trap. A policeman saw flames burst from the sixth story window of a big business building at 63 Idridge street early this morning. He turned in a fire alarm, knocked on tho doors and shouted "fire" with all his might There were six men in the building a watchman of a He brew synagogue on the second floor, two ap prentices in a uors shop on the fourth floor, and Abraham Wisoivat, Solomon lley and Harris lias, shoemakers, in tbe loft All the men heard the policeman's shouts. The watch man and the tailors' apprentices got down to the street in their nlghtclothes. The three men in tbe loft, however, were met by fire at the head of the stall s and driven back. Before they could decide what to do the flames made a fiery barrier between them and their only means of rescue, the Are escape. They dashed through the Are and threw themselves against the win dows. In the brief encounter they had been scorched and burned. Only one at a time could go through the hole in the iron balcony. The last man was half dead when the fourth story windows were passed. At the se cond story the iron ladder was not down. Three moaning, blackened men In smoking rags sat on the fire escape until tbe fireman ran up laddsrs and res cued them, lley and lias were so badly burned all over the body that they will proba bly die. Wisoivat will recover. The fire was ex tinguished half an hour after. Its origin is un known. , AUDACITY IN ADTEETISI-G. Why a Mexican Journal Was Is tho Pan American Congress to Idjourc From the Financier, City of Aleilco.l Recently, when the Pan-American delegates, in the course of their peregrinations about the United States, reached Philadelphia, they were invited to Mr. Wana maker's tremendous retail shop I for this announcement no charge will be made. Mr. Wanamaker was there to receive his guests iwe wonder he did not sell them at least a paper of pins, and caused them to be presented with "an elegantly bound and em bossed souvenir in the shape of a booki con taining a triumph of advertising audi city. Postmasters General are not expected "to drum up trade" for their private mercantile establishments. But our story would not be complete did we fail to mention the fact that Mr. W. E. Curtis. the authorized acentof the DeDartment of State of Washington, who accompanied the Pan-American victims on their tour throuch -, - ,.-, . . onlv uiunu- wine v uo, ign.y spins ox tne immortal Bunt I How these poor Pan-America s were i 1 1 ed. exploited, and humbogge .Next wo shall learn that the soap used to share these guileless La tin Americana was the Yankee shaving soap, IS cents a cake: that their shoes have been blacked with Mason's lustrous pol ish, and that they clean the teeth with Mr. -.r '-- rtw .,. .Z7 - IZ yon's tooth tablets l Per haps before thev return to their distant homes the great Jay Gould will sell them ele vated railway shares and Mr. Rockefeller per. suade them to try a little flier in Standard Oil. or tbe gigantic trusts will induce tbem to take shares on behalf of their respective Govern ments. A prompt adjournment will save these imperiled mep from the wiles ot tbe insidious Wanamaker-, California wine merchants, tooth powder men, shaving soap makers, etc. H0E RULE HOLDS THE FIELD. What an Eagllsh Minister Thinks of the Present Situation. From the Philadelphia Press. 1 The following letter was received by Thomas Walter, of this city, from Ber. Charles each. F. G. 8., pastor Queen's Park Congregational Church, London. England, who visited this country last summer: Home Bale holds the field all along the line; there is a settled conviction that the next election -will settle It. Tbe Tories are playing a game of "waiting: against the life of an old man man, in the vain f to heaven before hope that if they can see him off to heaven before tbe general election, nower. place and pay. tbey may creep back to They are living In a tool's paradise. The bye elections tell their own tale. It will be a great loss to humanity when the Grand Old Man is taken home, but Home Kule cannot be shelved. It bas seized the .English democracy and must come. Scotland and Wales have many pressing questions, bnt tbey are now alive to the fact that even for them Irish Home BnleK the most im portant question, as it blocks the way. MEW MOLASSES. First Shipments of ike New Crop From New Orleans. Tbe steamer Rainbow, which arrived from Cincinnati Monday morning, and the steamer Andes, which arrived yesterday morning, brought 700 barrels of molasses from New Or leans, and the great rows ot barrels occupy a prominent part of tbe wharf. This is the first consignment of molasses Bent here this season, and is of the new make. The Andes left yester day afternoon with a good load of freight The Hudson will be here this morning. The steam boat Lizzie Bay departed yesterday afternoon for tbe Kanawha river. Quay's Pension Bill BoII Washinqton, December 17. Senator Tnr ple, from the Committee on Pensions, to-day made a favorable report on Senator Quay's bill, fixing at $72 per month the pension to be granted all persons who are or who may be come totally helpless from Injuries received or diseases contracted while in the military or saral service of tbe United States. T-I -STATE TE1F-ES. The citizens of East Bradford township, Chester county, are stirred up by the unearthly cries of a wild animal that Is roaming the fields and woods of tbat part ot tbe county at night. Tbe farmers and their families are awakened In the middle of the night by cries that curdle their blood, and none are so brave as to bunt the animal. It Is supposed to be a wildcat. A B 3TDZtt of Canton, O., received a note from a friend, residing at a country station a few miles distant, stating that if he would send f him a box he would ship a nice pig is a present The Cantonian sent the box and received a fat pig, which died a few hours later. Now ha finds out that the donor knew the pig had the cholera and took this method of getting rid of it to avoid the expe le of burying it X WnxiA-SPOBT child swallowed a toy whistle last week and bas not been able to take any solid food since. r Lizzie, a polar bear in the Cincinnati Zoo logical gardens, has lately given birth to twins. The cubs are about tbe size of full grown rat It is four weeks beforo the young of the polar bear species open their eyes and fully six weeks before ley ventaro out of their den. In their native ba ants the mother remains with her young until spring; when, emaciated and scarcely able to walk, she crawls out A Sir PnrtAn uia man who went West and became a faro gambler, accumulated a fortune of to00,0, but play ed rashly and lost It alL He is now Insane In the county in firmary. A WT TJtneXr W-Ta,, smb set IS snares fa his tssriMand tiM ftnt.-tBt caosht.13 MsaaJo$0Hs, .t 3SL CUBiaOB CONDENSATIONS. The hear which 'Squire Schlogg shot near Bridgeport, N.j.,a few days ago gave about 80 families their first taste of bear meat, and furnished a nice rug for the 'Squire's daughter Susie. In New York there is already a "World's Fair Cigar Store" on the West Side, and a Bowery establishment has for some time bad the sign, in letters two feet lone. "World's Fair of 189-4 Temporary Site. A newspaper in California relates that, after the recent rainstorm, many people of Angles Camp. Calaveras county got money enough for their Thanksgiving dinners by picking up guldinhe streets ana in tbe shallow streams. - i Brown, the mind reader, is to be used as a witness at Ashland, Wis., in defense of a cashier who Is charged with being implicated m a robbery, tbe specialty of Brown being tot prove that any mind reader could secure tho "combination" of the safe. Alfred N, Haxzard, 73 years old, turned op in New Haven recently, much to the sur prise of his son, Alfred N. Hazzard. Mr. Hax zard deserted his family In Western Tor State 40 years ago, and after wandering about in the West has become wealthy and returned to his son. Ashe put it, he has come home to die. At the Indian cemetery on Indian Hill, near Portland, Conn, tbe other day. JohnB. Lewis dug up a redman whose grave was liber ally provided with culinary utensUS. There were several bottles, an iron kettle with a cop par ladle, a brass kettle and two Dutch mugs. The human remains, which were a skull and a dozen very fine teeth, were evidently those of a great chief; but what business the Datcn mugs had In the grave is a mystery to every one, A rustic couple from Waldoboro (Me.), visited a JostJee of tbe Peace in an adjoining town for the purpose of being united in the bonds of matrimony. The bride being some what bashful, objected to going into the pres ence of the justice unannounced, and was con cealed in tbe bushes by the roadside while the groom called at the bouse and arranged to gits the justice a bushel of potatoes to marry then Then be went to the door and called: "Coma ont de alders, trade's all made!" and the brida stood forth In all ber finery. The friends of Mrs. A.JE. Bose gave her a surprise party at her home, in Cincinnati the other evening. They intended to have a jolly time, but the result was unfortunately serious The occasion was the birthday of Mrs. Rose. She was In a back room when her friends were admitted to the parlor by theservant gtiL The latter called Mrs. Rosa to go to the parlor. She did sot As she ODened the door the band of music with her friends suddenly struck up "White Wings." The lady was so completely surprised that she gave a shriek and fell over In a fainting fit and was unconscious for about two hours. The Supreme Court of Georgia has de cided that tbe courts ot the State shall not be regulated by standard time. A verdict was rendered in the Superior Court of Cobb county just before 12 o'clock Saturday night, accord ing to railroad standard time, by which time) the judge at the beginning of court announced that he would be guided. By the sun it was some time after o'clock. The judge of the Superior Court received tbe verdict, and held that it was proper. The Supreme Court hold that the sun time Is the proper guide for courts, but tho fact that the verdict was brought in on Sunday does not render it Illegal. Stephen Eigabroadt, of Depanville, N. T., Is the owner of a fine maltese cat that is un usually intelligent, and bas developed to a re markable degree traits that are seldom found in the eat family. Tbe most popular thing about this particular Thomas is his love for a gun, a love which began to manifest itself about three years ago. The cat first bsgan to follow bis owner to the woods and fields in search of birds, and Mr. Eigabroadt noticing his liking for the sport took some pains to de velop the hunting instinct and make Tommy useful. The cat was easily taugntand a few lessons sufficed to make him a trustworthy rs triover. Even the much -despised traraphasoftea more honor than he's given credit for, as wit ness the following- from New Jersey: "Four teen years ago a tramp knocked at the door of Daniel Palmer, m South Orange township. 1 Essex county, and asked for a hat. Bymista ks I one of tbe daughters gave him her father's best 1 Bill- f.A- lttaj.AW..t.. .1... !--, J . A. - aon received. Ittle thought was" afterward eiventn the matter until a few mornings ago, when a clean, new hat box was fonnd on the front, porch. It contained a newsIIK hit. and to en planatlon within os a slip of paper: To replace your father's best silk hat, tak enby me H years -a.' " Every newspaper in Bochester, ". Y., was an unconscious party to a unique, if not clover, swindle perpetrated Wednesday. A harrowing story was printed giving the particu lars of a fatal railway accident, alleged to have occurred at the Piatt street crossing of the New York Central Railway, by which a man named St Clair, having a wife and several young children dependent Upon him, bad lost his life. It has now been clearly demonstrated that no such accident occurred.no such man as St Clair, with a wife and family, lived at the address given, and that the story had been cir culated by one John Walsb.who bad announced himself as a personal friend of St Clair, and bad taken in over 110O as subscriptions to aid St Clair's "starring widow and children." One of the best shooting territories in this country east of the Rocky Mountains is found in and near the Okifl nokee Swamp, which covers a large area in Chariton, Ware and Clinch counties, Ueorg , and Baker county, Florida. It includes numerous lakes, the haunt of wild fowl, and forosts of timber, tbe abode of large and small game in great profusion, Tbe sportsmen wbo go there should equip themselves with heavy leather thigh boots as a protection against the attacks of moccasins and rattlesnakes. From the abund ance of gams found in tbe Okiflnokee, these. It would appear, are the most effective form of game warden. A point so easily accessible by rail has retained its probflcn ess as a game preserve only through the terror with which the average man regards a venomous snake. Among recent United States runaways there has arrived at Montreal a verdant farmer from near Hartford, Conn., who was frightened away from his home by the statement of a fortune teller that he bad enemies wbo were seeking his ruin. The farmer, wbo was at one Mvm , YturA fts-lntr 1 tStfj rt4) .. hl -.- r ment until be imagined he was being shadowed dv an enemy wno wantea muraer nun. Jf nt tfn g a few things into a hand bag he bought 'a ticket for Montreal, and arrived here a few days ago with a few cents in his pockets and a watch. The latter article was valuable, but an obliging stranger let him have Soon it, and gave neither receipt nor address. The farmer, after a good night's sleep at a hotel, called on Mr. W. S. Walker, advocate, for advice. Mr. Wal ker notified the farmer's Hartford friends, and learned that his strange client's account of himself was strictly true. The farmer is still In Montreal. HUMOR FROM THE HUB. A brash between two artists may not end in a dtaw, but it certainly begins with one. Although a runes is worth only half a dollar also of rupees is to ba preferred to a lack of dollars. Ycllowly There is something pioud look lng abont circus posters, isn't there? Brownly There Is something flaming abont them, bnt I don't see where the pride comes In. Y. Well, they always look to me as if they wre stuck up. A QTJXXB TE HP E U Llf CIS MEET-TO. The speaker rose and looked around, Around tbe andlsnc looked be, And.be was startled when be round Tbe house as full ss it could be. Another Tnt. Jobson What axe yoa busy with nowz Jepson I'm baggage m aster on the X. 7. Ball road. What are you doing; Job. I've got Into the trunk manufacturing business. Jep.-Hsl Let us form a combination. Interior Furnishing. Smith Hullo, Jones! Uotanyth lngtodoyet? If I recollect aright yon were oat of employment, Jones Yes. I got a very good Jobi lamm anu factiriDf material for interiors, a.-Ahl Art decoration? J No; I've turned cook. First lady I've seen the divided skirt. Second lady I don't see bow you coald whea you haven't been at the boose since I got the idea Into my head. F. -.-What do you mean? I refer to the reform garment invented by is. S. L. Oh! I thought you referred to mine. I have jnit divided one of my a rtsto akeap eases for the twins. "Where is the dashing boarder who used to be the life of the table when I was here before, : Mrs. -lvtnnore?" asked an old patron or mo house, addressing the landlady. "I married him," was the Quiet rerly. "lndtcdl He was one of the iprlghtUcst fellows I ever met always babbling over with spirits and chock full or stories. He's awav from home, I suppose; I haven't seen blm since I returned. , rji "He's at home: he has never been away.' ,j - 'Indcedl Where U be. tnent" . i "He's la the kitchen washing dlshes."c. $ H MCVm v fWH WWlWi ! ' ' WI'rtii'seni-l'.&jknierliiiJtottvnittiH. A ?;14:IAk-.,. v--. O ij - .. 5.