$&& Kf e -d."J j.:-r JV. i Mr THE HTTSB'OR'Q-. DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1889f - 'f CHOSE THE FIDELITY. 4 The Well-Known Trust Company Eeplaces Assignee McKelyy. -' HEWMOVEISTHELAWEEKGEBASK The Depositors Terr Much Pleased With the Substitution. AN ACTIVE WINDING HP OP AFFAIES The resignation of "William M. McKelvey as assignee of the Lawrence Bank wag ac cepted yesterday afternoon, and the Fidelity Title and Trnst Company of Pittsburg ap pointed in his stead, by Judge Stowe. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon Attorney McCook, lor the bank, and Attorney Wilson, for the depositors, were present in court Judge Stowe said be supposed there were no reasons why Mr. McKelvey's resignation should not be ac cepted, and asked if counsel bad any sugges tions to make. Mr. McCook said he had been requested to suggest two names as the successor to Mr. Mc Kelvey. That of Henry H. King, a reliable man who had practically retired from business and would be able to giro hi entire time to the matter,, waa offered by aportion of the directors of the bank. The creditors, or depositors, offered the Fidelity Title ana Trust Company for assignee. Mr. McCook said that the only objection to the latter is that it is impersonal, and that means that the work would ce done by some employe. F.INALLT AGREED UPON. A short consultation between Messrs. Mc Cook, "Wilson and F. M. Magee, also for the de positors, was held, however, and in a few min ntes they returned and said they had agreed to the appointment of the Fidelity Company as assignee. Upon this Jndga Stowe made an order ac cepting the resignation of Mr. McKelvey, directing bim to Die an account and to sur render the estate and effects in his hands to his successor in the trust, except so much of the money as may be necessary to pay all costs and expenses in any way incurred by him. In con clusion the Fidelity Title and Trust Company was appointed assignee. CONFIDENCE EXPRESSED. Mr. "Wilson reported in behalf of the Fidelity Company that Mr. John B. Jackson, the man ager, would give his own attention to the mat ter. Judge Stowe said that he had great faith in the ability of Mr. Jackson, and if he had ac counts of his own to settle would ask for no one better. If Mr. Jackson would give the af fair his nndlTidcd attention he wonld feel dis posed to aDpoint the Fidelity Company. One reason for this, he. said, would be to quiet the restlessness of the people in the neighborhood of the bank. As Mr. Jackson was not present to signify what he would do. Judge Stowe sug gested that the matter be deferred for a day and a conference of counsel held. This was agreed to. Jndge Stowe in the meantime accepting Mr. McKelvv's resignation. The agreement upon the Fidelity Company was made, it was stated, in consideration of the fact that there is to be no furtner agitation of the question of appointing a receiver. MB. M'KELYEY'S SENTIMENT. The reasons given by Mr. McKelvey for re signing were that there was a dissatisfaction on a part of certain of the creditors, and this agitation and contention were harrassing and annoying to him. Further, that the work would require more tune and attention thanbe would be able to give. Assignee McKelvey spent the greater part of yesterday at the Lawrence Bank, arranging matters so that he could withdraw. When seen in the afternoon he simply said: I am through now, and have nothing to say for pub lication." Mr. McKelvey did not know when the Fidelity Title and Trust Company would take charge. A SEPAEATE ANSWER PILED. The Affairs of Graff, Bennett fc Co. Acaln In LWIs-ation. James I. Bennett, of the firm of Graff, Ben nett fc Cot, yesterday filed his separate answer in the suit of the Cherry Valley Iron Company and others, creditors of Graff, Bennett A Co., against the firm, J. H. Bailey, assignee, and James jpickands, J.W. Friend and J. M. Bailey, trustees for 'certain of the creditors. The suit is to set, aside the sale of ajarga amount of the property of Graff, Bennett A Co, by the assienee, to Pickands, Friend and J. M. Bailey The allegations were that the property was sold for less than could have been realized lor it, other bidders having been bought off. and that it was fraudulent and in tended to beat other creditors of the firm. Mr. Bennett, in his answer, admits the truth and his belief in the trnth of all the allegations made by the plaintiffs, and asks the Court to make such decree as it may see fit. EJECTED FROM A TRAIN. A Motion for u New Trial la n. Ft. Wayne Railroad Case. An argument was made on a motion fork new trial in the case of J. F. Fleming against the Pennsylvania Company before Judges Ewing, White and Magee yesterday. The plaintiff sued for damages by reason of being put off a train on the Pittsburg, Tort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. He bought a ticket from Allegheny to Einsworth, but stopped off at Bellevue. and on entering an other train to continue his journey the ticket was refused, and he was put off. He got a ver dict for SLOOO. The attorney for the company averred that the ticket was for "a continuous passage." The Judges held the matter under advisement. Grand Jury Findings. The grand jury yesterday returned true bills in the cases of Martha Green and Patrick Mc Grogan, assault and battery; Mary Kane and John Schamberg, aggravated assault and bat tery: William Loughrey, assault and battery with felonious intent; Owen McCarthy, larceny by bailee and perjury; H. L. Megrawn, perjury and extortion: George L. Drum, embezzlement; John Sturgeon and James Porter, false pre tenses: Thomas Taylor and Fred Miller, lar ceny; L. K. Vale, secreting goods; John Peter son, misdemeanor; William RIchey, nuisance and misdemeanor in office; Peter Valowe, Will iam Weisser and Gubtave Anderson, selling liquor without a license; Henry Durst and George Smith, sellingliquor without a license and on Sunday. The ignored bills were: Charles McGarvey ct al, unlawful assembly: Peter Gormaney and Thomas Keating, assault and battery: John Carney et at larceny; Domlneca Liberia, false pretenses; Ann -Connors, Conrad Houseman, Thomas Hanley. Sarah Reese and Jacob Resch and John Bedinger, selling liquor with out a license. To-Dny'a Trial LliU. Common Pleas Na I Morton vs Paine et al; Shoup et al vs Winters: Skiles vs Burgwin; Stewart vs Hamilton; Thompson vs Schmitt Brewing Company; Rynd vs Schmitt Brewing Company; Stout et al vs Pierce, administrator et al; Bailey vs Frauernian. j Common Pleas No. 2 General argument list. Criminal noun Commonwealth vs Joseph Porter et al. Birdie Carlisle, Win. Green et al (2), John Daman et al. Sandy Travers (4), John Quinn (2), Lrenzie Larnsaagne (2). John Keefe, James Costello, J. C Blackstock (2). To-Day'a Audit Lists. Estate of Accountant A. H. Jewell H. L Gonrley. et al. Charles Wmshle. LUzabetn Clark. William Gallagher John B. Gallagher. M. Tolburst ilelvlns Johnston.- Wllllam 8. EwlnK Harriett C. Ewlng. Junes UcCbesney J. M. Shields. Mary Koch James Mllligan. Margaret A. Baesel George Fox. JohnG. Sprinirer. John Moody. Henry Good. I. W. Good. Will Mulct the Township. A verdict of 11,200 damages was given Daniel Murphy in his suit against Fmley township yesterday. The plaintiff. In driving home one dark night ran into a wagon left standing on the roadside and was considerably bruised up. He brought suit against the township alleging negligence on the part of the authorities in al lowing the wagon to stand on the road. A Speak-Eaay Conviction. Desora Collins, a Frenchman, was tried In Jndge Slagle's court yesterday, on charges of ' sellingliquor without a license, selling on Sun- Jday.andfor keepiDg a disorderly house at 1147 rtdPenn avenue, on oath of M. Caplan. He was Sfound guilty of selling without a license and on 'jSunday. Not guilty on tbe other charges. Chat ot the Court Corridor. Tin jury is out in the case of S. S. McKen ney and wife vs. Thomas Fawcett and Henry , Lloyd. ' Is the suit of Susan Forsythe against J. Waiawright and others, an action on a contract, a verdict was given yesterday for 32,183 25 for the plaintiff. . , Edwin Soles and George B. "Warren yes terday were appointed appraisers of the effects of George W. Shoup. who made voluntary assignment to S. O. Lowry. Sott was entered In the U.S. Court by Wine line ALyne against the Pittsburg Forge fc Iron Co. on an Infringement of a patent ate for mak ing draw-bars for coupling freight cars. Thb case of John W. Callahan, charged with arson, was concluded before Judge Slagle yes terday. It was alleged that he sot -fire to the house ot John Hastings, in Upper St Clair township, on August 29 last Thej ury is out A ckaktir was filed m the Recorder's office yesterday for the McKeesport and Duquesne Street Railway Company. The capital stock is 115,000. divided into 300 shares of 150 per share. The Directors are: S. P. Douglass, President: J. C. Smith, O. a Weadell, I- 1 Wood and Thomas Reynolds. Dr. Julius Schatfer was released from jail yesterday on an order of court Ho had been sued by his wife about three months ago for surety of the peace and was ordered to give bond in S300. It appearing that he could not meet the demand after three months' con finement he was ordered discharged. RAIN I BAIN!! RAINU! Ladles' Gum Wraps. Largest and finest assortment we ever ex hibited. The People's Store is the place to get a handsome and useful wrap that will protect and give you comfort in this wet weather. Pure striped and checked silk "Westmin ster, boated with real rnbber, thoroughly water proof, very light and dressy, price 516 50, regular price ?20; really the finest thing made. Silk Connemaras, Westministers, Fnn cesse and Edinburgh styles.coated with pure rubber, warranted water proof, very super ior articles, at $10 and $12 50. Same style as the above in less expensive materials, but just as useful, at $2, f2 50, ?3, Ji, f5, $6 and $7 50. In short, you can find everything here in the way ol a ladies' gossamer, in all sizes, from f 1 50 to the finest made. Campbell & Dice. JAPANESE WARE BAZAAR. Open for the Holiday Only. Ton will wonder at our fine display. Goods are going rapidly, and we would ad vise you to call early. "Special discounts on large pieces. Store open till 9 p.m. until Christmas. "VVm. Haslage & Son, Select Family Grocers, 18 Diamond Square, Pittsburg. For One Day Only. Just to make it lively for the stylish, dressers of Pittsburg we will sell to-day 150 imported blue kersey box overcoats with patch velvet collars and plain cloth collars, stitched fancy cassimere linings with silk sleeve lining, the most stylish garment made, for the low price of $13. You cannot get one made as good as that for less than 40. Onr price, and remember for to-day only, is $13. Store open this evening till 9 o'clock. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts,, opp. the new Court House. Why Certainly Ton Can Save money by dealing at Hatch's Jewelry Store, No. 295 Fifth ave. See our immense stock of gold and silver watches. The money you save on buying a watch here will buy you a fine silk umbrella, of which we have a very large stock in silver and gold handles at prices which knock these big concerts clean out It's a fact, our prices on first-class goods are lower than other houses charge you for an inferior article. Call at No. 295 Fifth are. and see abont it WFSU Brokavr Bros., The celebrated New York firm of manufac turing clothiers, have but one agent in Pittsburg, from whom alone their stylish garments can be obtained. Mr. A. I. Sailor, corner Sixth and Liberty streets, sells their goods, which are every way equal to custom made, and yet are priced far less than made-to-measure goods. He makes a specialty of suits lor boys, nobby and yet 'very durable. " TO" Mr. BIcGInty's Wife. "Whatever may have been Mr. McGinty's misfortunes while attempting to win his famous five dollar bet, he was happy and contented with his home life. His wife be ing a sensible woman, nsed Marvin's Self Rising Flour, and every morning McGiuty reveled in the most delicious buckwheat cakes made from it Marvin's Self-Rising Pancake and Buckwheat Flours are for sale by all grocers. D Newly Married Couples! Making preparations for housekeeping do not forget that Dreydoppel soap is a very important article to have. The" finest and best for all purposes that soar) can be used for. Renders clothes beautifully white, sweet and healthful to wear. Full pound bars, 8c per pound, at grocers everywhere. Ladle. Have Ton Hnlr On cheeks, chin or lip? If so, you can have every hair destroyed tore ver without pain, scar or injury by the electric needle by consnlting Dr. J. "VanDyck, electro sur geon, permanently located at 502 Pena ave. Never fails. Boo'k free. Art Plushes nod Bilks. Go to H. Holtzman & Sons' great sacri fice sale of fine painted and embroidered plush and silk goods. See auction sale. 511 "Wood st Gent' Diamond Shirt Studs. $25, $50, U00, $200 each. Finest quality, lowest prices, at the jewelry house of Henry Terheyden, 530 Smithfield street Furniture. The largest variety at M. Seibert & Co.'s, Allegheny City. A Free Concert. Swiss music boxes in great varietv, from $1 up to $200, at E. G: Hays & Co.'s, 75 Fifth ave. wfsu Nevee apprehend disappointment if you place Tonr order for holiday wines and liquors with Max Klein. Prompt and care ful attention is guaranteed and goods with out a compeer in the market mwf Ale and porter are the correct drinks for December, January and February. Frauen heim & Yilsack's brews are the favorites with connoisseurs. The finest ale and porter is that made by D.IiUtz &Son, cor. Spring Garden ave. and. Chestnut at, Allegheny. If yon wish to save money select yonr presents from the art department, at Harri son's toy store, 123 Federal st, Allegheny. MWF At Tail's Philada. dental rooms, 39 Fifth ave., yon can get the best aft ot teeth for $8 00. A good set for $5 00. Jtjst reduced fine surah silks; now 35 cts. a yard. Knable & Shusier35 Fifth ave. Z. "WArNWEiGHT & Co.'s ale and porter are unquestionably the most popular winter drinks. Kept by the leading dealers, wsa Highest prices paid for ladies' or gents' cast-off clothing at De Haan's Big 6, Wylie ave. 'Call or send by mail, wsrr Black lace'ties only SO rts. Knable & Shuster, 35 Fifth ave. BUSINESS CHANGES. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between George B. Gleason and Charles J. Atkins, under the firm name of Uleason's Ticket Office, transacting business at No. 0 Smithfield street, is this day dissolved by mutual consent Charles J. Atkins retiring. George B. Gleason will continue the business and assume the liabilities of the firm. GEORGE B. GLEASON, CHARLES J. ATKINS. PrrrsBUsa, Pa., Dec 9, 1888. dell-38-w Mr-Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion, Classified advertise ment on this page such at Wanted, tor Sale, To Let, ete, ten cent per line for each inser tion. and none taken for leu than fifty rents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BJRANCS OFFICES.' For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the folio-wing plaoes, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transi ent advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisement ore to be prepaid except where advertiser already have accounts -with Tin D1S PATClt rnrsBUKG. THOMAS MCCAFFKEY, SV8 Butler street EMU. G. 8TUCKET. Mth street and Penn ave. C G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylle ave. and Fnltoust M. bTOKEiiY, Fifth Avenue Uarket House. XAST ISD. , J. IV. 'WALLACE, ein Penn avenue. ojlxxaxd. MCALLISTER & SHE1HLER, Sth av. & AVwood it SOUTHBIDK. JACOB 8POHN. No. I Carson street H. A. DUN ALDSON. 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENr. A. J. KAEKCHEU, 9 Federal street H. J. McBRIDE. Market House, Allegheny. FEKDH. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS A SON, Ohio and ChermntiU. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. TV. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver ares, PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and AUefheny aves. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. TV. FLOCKER, Stationer, No. 4 Grant ave. THE DISPATCH HA8 OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOR THE. SOOTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CARSON STREET. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SUB SCRIPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIALSOTJTHSIDEISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. 3IoJe Helpu TTTANTED AGENTS TO SELL HOLIDAY YV slfrns and show, cards. HABXEL'L. 411 Smithneld st. det-uwp WANTED BOY WHO HAS HAD E'XPERI- ENCE In the barter trade: Apply 2S0 FIFTH AVE. del8-62 WANTra)-A PULLER-OUT TO PULL IS Dots on a heat. Inquire of L. S. JACK, care Singer, Nlmlcr ft Co. del8-40 WANT ED-BOY TO LEARN THE BARBER trade: one with experience prererred. Apply 73 131AMOND STREET, city. delS-64 WANTED GLASSHOUSE BLACKSMITH ar.d enfrlneer of experience. Call at ROOM 71 .L Hamilton Bulldlnc, city. del7-!l WA1JTED A FIRST-CLASS FEEDER FOR frrllnder Dress. Call Immediately ROOM a, Dls-patch bnlldlng. Diamond street de 18-30 W-eiNTED 100 MEN AD BOYS TO GET 12 cabinet photo for ft at AUFRECHT'S ELITE GALLERY, SIS Market st, Pitts. Uecl8-59 iVTJ-A-NTED A DRUG CLERK: ONE THAT v speaks German; a good situation for the rlr ht man. Address DOIT. Dispatch office. Jel8-S -fTJANlED-BAHBER-GOOD WAGES: KOM E YV but first class need apply. Address J. 3?IGGEb,Lowery House barber sbop, Butler. Ps. dlS-S0 WANTEDMAN OF BUSINESS TACT DE SIRING active work, can find permanant poiltlon at salary or SO) a month. NO. 5 SI7.TH AVE. del5-72-W su -TTT ANTED A COACHMAN FOR UVHRY. VV None but experienced and sober need ap--plrtoT. B, MOKlaND, 6100 Penn ave., E. E., Pltttbarir. dcl7-81 ' X.fW13,, n UUflV U L..IBIC MW ,1' L, can climb: waees t2 per diy; steady em ployment ALLEGEENY30UNTY LIGHTCO., J5 Virgin alley. - del7-lS WANTED A GOOD HEATER; STEADY work. Apply at once to FOKEMAN IRON CITY TOOL 'WORKS, LIM., Thirty-second st. and A. V. R. R. del8-21 WANTED-THE SERVICE OF A SHORT HAND and tvpewriter abont two evenings In the week. Address 0. A. 11., Dispatch office, with lowest terms. delS-3 -fiTANTED-AGENTS IN EVERY TOWN IN VV the U. 8. to sell "Boss" Bitters; steady work: can make 18 to 124 pcrweek. DR.O'KEEFE & CO., 34 Fifth ave., Pittsburg. . delS-61 -TT7-ANTED-YOONG MAN WITH SOME EX VV PERIENCE who can operate the callirraph and write shorthand. Apply 25 and 27 FEDERAL ST., PltUbarg. second floor Tr-ont. deU-93 WANTED-A BOY 14 TO IS YEAKS OLD with a (rood deal of sand. Inqnire at the KEYSTONE BISCUIT WO&K3, 98 and 100 Beach st. Call on Thursday mor&lng by 7:30 o'clock. del 8-57 -TTT-ANTED-MAN TVELL ACQUAINTED VV with Plttsburgand Allegheny grocery trade; one that has had exp-jrieuee and business with them; good salary. A ddress BOX 472, Plttsbnrg, Pa. delS-48 bv 117. to allev. haTlnc erected thereon 4 tbvee-story brick buildings. J. CREILLY, 77Diajnondst del8-M -TTTANTED-AG ENTS SHOULD "WRITE FOR VV Illustrated circular, terms and two weeks' trial or Missouri washer: washes dirtiest clothes by hot steam w ithoot rubbing; easily sold; profit able. J. YVOP.TH, MBeefcmanet., N. Y. nolO-94-WSB.U -TTJ-ANTEJO-SALESMEN AT 175 PER MONTH r salarv and expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc. ; by sample only; horse and tean furnished free; write at once for full Strtlculars and sample case of goods free. STAN ARD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston, Mass. se24-90-i WANTED-ALL BRICKLAYERS AND CON TRACTORS toknow that the headquarters of the INDUSTRIAL MUTUAL BENEFIT AS SOCIATION, at 93 Fourth ave.. near Wood, Is the authorized Central Labor Exchange for the B. and M. L U.; no charge to employes or mem "oers. ocll-80-WFsu ANTED-SALESMEN AT ONCE A FEW good men to sell onr goods by salrfple to the wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest manufacturers In our line In the world: liberal salary paid: permanent position: money advanced for wares, advertising, etc. For full terms ad dress CENTENNIAL MFG. CO.. Chicago. 111., or Cincinnati, o. no9-77-wrsu TTJ-ANTED-AGENT3-NEW AND WON W DEBFUL book lu both English and Ger man, recent explorations and adventures of Stan ley in ttaewllas of Africa: thrilling accounts of htsjourney across the Dark Continent: oyer 200 fine engravings: a bonanza for agents: send SO eta. tor outfit: circulars free. BORLAND & CO., 101 State St., Chicago, 111. de!8-7-ws WANTED-NAVAL CLAIMS-WE DESIRE the addresses of all the late officers of the U. S. Navy, both volunteer and regular, and the heirs of such as are deceased. We are preparing a list of such for the purpose of keeping them thor oughly advised as to all laws and decisions now In force, or which may hereafter be made, affect ing their Interests. TALLMAOGE & TALL MADGE, Attrr.. 1423 N. Y. ave.. Washington. 1 D. C. del8-74 Femaln Help. w ANTED A GIRL TO WASH DISHES-AP PLY at 37 DIAMOND S(j., city. deIS-58 WANTED-A GOOD GERMAN GIRL, WITH rererenee. for light housework. Apply to 604 OARSON ST., S. S. fe!8-22 WANTED-100 GIRLS TO GET 12 CABINET photos for II, at AUFRECHT'S ELIT1. GALLERY. 616 Market St. Pittsburg. del8-o9 -TTTANTED-A GOOD FEMALE EXPER1- VV ENCED cook for lunch room: good place to right party. Applr at once, H2 LIBERTY ST. del8-4 Blole and Pejnale Helu. YTTANTED IMMEDIATELY 20 QUARRY VV MEN. chambermaids and cooks for small families, S3 SO to U per week: girl to do nursing and chamberwork: ion house girls. 10 Germans and Swedes, dishwasher, dining room and pantry girt MEEHAN'S, 543 Grant st deie-o Situations. WANTED-SITUATION BY A COMPETENT man as manager of producing wells. Ad dress J. W Dispatch office. de!7-24 WAN1ED-A SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER by an experienced man with best of city references. Address TRIAL BALANCE, Dls patch office. del-2 WANTED-SITUATION IN GROCERY BX young man 18 years old; has had one year's experience. Address W. B. P., careC J. DUKE, No. SI MUtenberger st, city. delS-6 WANTED-SITUATION AS 8ALESMAN1N drygoods store or traveling, by an experi enced young man; good references. Address A. TONG, Duquesne, Allegheny. Pa. de!7-S5 -TTT ANTED SITUATION BY A YOUNG MAN VV who can speak German and English: under- stands all abont horses, cows and gardening: not S articular In city or country. Apply 183 ROBIN ON ST., Allegheny. delS-53 Partnera. "ViTANTED-ONE OR TWO GOOD PARTIES. W active or otherwise; to take an Interest In a full running and rapidly growing lumber busi ness in the city that has always made and Is now making money, and susceptible of Increased reve nue with additional capital and assistance. The firm stands high In commercial circles, and Is full of energy and enterprise, and possesses abund'int means, and only proposes now to accept of addi tional capital, with or without personal services. In order to meet the expansive character of the business. This Is a splendid opportunity to mate an investment that has every element of safety and profit, and offers the privilege or becoming associated with gentlemen of integrity and finan cial worth. Fuller particulars will be disclosed only to principals and parties who mean business, by Mr. Drape, who la personally acquainted with the firm. Amount of capital wanted, tso.000. J AS. W. DRAPJC A CO., LIB fourth avenue, Pittsburg. delS-M WANTED. Rooms. Houses. Etc w ANTED TO BENT IMMEDIATELYj house ariont 0 roams, modern lmurove- ments: East End preferred; give location, terms and full description: would arrange to take present lease. Address B. R. SINGER, No. Ill Fourth avenue. de!7-19 Financial. TJANTED-SMALL MOR1GAGES-L J.WIL- W SON. 149 Fourth ave no26-SJ tax. mb2-a22-D -TTTANTED-S500 TO SW0,000-TO LOAN ON DRAPE St CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. Tele- nhnn. Vn DTK A11-M.r phone No. 975.'' del4-S9-MWS -TTTANTEOi-MORTGAGES ON PITTSBURG. "TV Allegheny or suburban Improved real estite In larce or small amounts at lowest rates. ALEX ANDER A LEE, 333 Wood st. del-48-MW8 "TrANTED-M'JRTGAGiaj-tl.000,l0TOLOAN VV In large sjid small amounts at 4H. Sand i ju iKfcc ajia smau amounts as icr cent, ftce OS State tax: jio delay. PSr.SF5h. 'J.00 0J State tax: jio delay. RfiJ U B. wiLtsw.t ui fourth ave. my2l-60 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON MORT GAG73 In amounts to suit In city or coun ?,rTi.,rt5t'j8Iercent, as to security: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 89 Fourth ave. de8-14-MTWTT TTTA-.4TED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS TV or (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4X percent free of tax: also smaller amp ants at 6 and 6 per cent BLACK & BAIRD, 5xourth avenue. seH-dJS-D leer cent.' SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 "YTTANTFD-TO kOAN (200,000 ON MORT W GAGES: (100 and upward at 6 per cent: 1500,000 at 4)4 per cent on residences or business property; also In adlolnlng counties. S. H, FRENCH. IS Fourth avenue. oc2-4-D WANTED-MOETGAGES-1100,000 TO LOAN on mortgages. In sums from (300 to (10,000, for S to S years on city property, at very low rates; write for terms and give description of property. J. E. GLASS, 13S FUth ave. Telephone No. LM. nolJ-47 BTiscellaneouv. WANTED-HIGHEST SPOT CASH PRICES paid for second-band furniture, carpets and houssoold goods of all kinds. 1211 PENN AVE NUE. au26-2S-MWF WANTED-TO BUY A SMALL CLOTHING, furnishing goods, stationery or notion business. Address, with full particulars, G. IL H., Dispatch office. del8-l WANTED ALL APPLICANTS FOR liquor license to hare their bonds properly executed berore THOS. MCCAFFREY, Notary Public, 3509 Butler st Telephone 5511. Office open evenings. del8-4 Wl ANTED BUYERS FOR HOLIDAY iroods: sneelallnducemehts to cash buyers; diamonds, watches, silverware, clocks, etc; spectacles and eyeglasses accurately fitted at low est rates. J. M1TSCH, 130 Federal et., Allegheny. del8-MWTSu WANTED-EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT PEARSON; the leading photographer, of 98 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal st, All'y., is making a life size crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and one dozen cab. photos, all for (3; all line work. mh!3-63 WANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING 10 days anybody contemplating the purchase of Christmas gifts to call and examine our great as-aoitx-entordlamonds, watches. Jewelry, silver ware, clocks and bronzes: our goods are entirely new and consist of all tbe latest novelties to be found in the Eastern markets: Just think or It; you can buy a triple-plated sugar howl, pickle castor, spoon holder, butter dish or cup at (1 each at M. J. SMIT'S. 311 Bmlthfieid st delS-127-Mwrsu . FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE CItr Residence. FOR SALE MAGEE" STREET A GOOD 2-story brick house of s rooms, cellar, etc : lot 18x62 ft; price only (3,500. 1. M. PENNOCK SON. No. 105 Fourth ave. deIS-23-Kwr T7IOR SALE-SECOND AVE., 3-STORY BRICK A house of 10 rooms, hall, cellar, gas, water, etc; lot 21 ft. 5 In. by 130 ft to First ave I. M. PEN NOCK A SON. No. 105 Fourth ave. del8-23 WTSU FOR SALE EUREKA ST., LATE ALLEN TOWN, lot 64x120 ft., with a J-story frame house of 6 rooms: price, (2,500: easy payments. I. M. PEN NOCK Jfc SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. del8-I3-Mwr F IOR SALE-MT. WASHINGTON-OMAHA ST. lot 25x130 ft., with, a 2-storr frame bouse oi 4 rooms, auic ana cellar: price -i.4uu: easv pay ments. I. M. PEN N OCK & SON, N o. 105 Fourth ave. del8-23-MWT FOR SALE-NEAR PENN AVE. AND NINTH St. cor. property, -lot 22 ft. 6 In. by 95 to au alley, 11 roomed dwelling: all conveniences: (15, 500; big bargain. ALLE3 & BAILEY. 164 Fourth ave. Telephone, 167 dels-39-uwrhssu FOR SALE-FORBES ST., NEAR CHlUjTNUT a very desirable two story brick dwelling. 6 rooms and finished attic hall and vestibule; both gases; price (3,600; terms easy; lot 20x6i). J. C. ltEILLY. 77 Diamond st. delS-66- -TJIOHSALE LOCUSTBTREET. NEAR MAGEE J -a two-story Dries; dwelling. 7 rooms anu nn lshed attic hall and vestibule n. and a. gas; a very convenient and desirable home; lot 21x02. J. C. RE1LL V, 77 Diamond st dels-66 FOR SALE-ON WATER NEAR GRANT ST.. a good paying investment 7 brick tenant houses: lot 20x80 ft., with 40 ft In the rear; will close at a bargain: apply soon. I. M. PENNOCK A SON, No. 106 Fonrth are. deH-44-MWS F OR SALE VERY DESIRABLE 1NVEST- jir.ni. snttiiman ?. near Twenty-ninth 3 brick dwellings lnood repair: will sell at a bargain: owner leaving city. BALTENSPER- v.4.a nnjuuijiotinxvuiuisvc. aeiJ-LO FOR SALE FORTY-SEVENTH STREET property; Ho. 62; lot 25x150 ft: 2 2-story bricks: 12-story frame; in fair condltltlon; will sell at figures that rentals will pay 10 per cent Address F. K. HAPPY, 137 Irwin ave., Allegheny. delS-14 T7WR SALE-NO. 4515 CALVIN ST., SEVEN J TEKNTH ward, new brlek dwelling, slate roof. 5 rooms, hall, vestibule and large finished attic: large stable on rear of lot: price (2, 500 at terms to suit THOS. MCUAFFBEV, 35091iutler street no22-31-ws FOR SALE (10,600 ON TAYLOR ST.. SIX TEENTH ward, at terms to suit: lot45Hxl37 feet corner property. 5 almost new brick dwell ings in first-class repair, now renting for (1.003 per annum; will net over 8 per cent THOS. MCCAF FREY, 3509 Butler st de!4-14-WE9u FOR SALK-COLWELL STREET. A CHOICE 8 per cent net investment, a 2-story brick dwelling of 6 rooms, hall, vestibule etc.. Inside shutters, slate mantels, nat and art gas: lot20x 90 to Our alley: price. (4,300. J. E. GLASS, No. 133 Fifth ave Telephone 1764. delS-27 FOR SALE-ON MAIN. NEAR DAVISON ST., Seventeenth ward, at a sacrifice, as owner is leaving the city, a new. 8-room brick dwelling, with modern conveniences; lot 25x100: price (4,500; all or half cash. bal. to salt; cost over (5,000. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler street. nol6-8-WSSn OR SALE (5.6'JONO.I INVESTMENT-NO. 310 Cedar st; lot 40x125; one frame bouse and 3 almost new brick aweiungs in No. 1 repair: the wbole will rent for (720; plenty of room to build 3 more houses: K or K cish. bal. to suit; street and alley paved. THUS. MCCAFFREY. 3509 Butler St. de8.144-WSU T7XJE SALE-S4.000-FINE TWO-STORY AND JC mansard brick, built during this rear; 8 Tooms, vestibule halt range, bath; cable cars will pass this property before J nnuary Land own er's valuation will be advanced (500 to (1,000: give it your attention now. CHARLES SOMEIlS CO., 313 Wood St. lei. 1773. delS-42 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE-BARGAINS IN houses and lots for homes and Investments: over 1,000 properties to select rrom: now Is the time to buy; real estate is tbe best security in the country,, and tbe safest place to put your monev. Before buying be sure to call on THOS. MCCAF FREY, 3509 Butler st Office open evenings. Telephone 5514. de6-145-WESu East End Residences. FOR SALE-150 FEET FRONTING ON FIFTH ave ; the choicest residence property now unsold at Shadytldi: price low; nothing left as good. MAGAW&GOFF, LIM., 145 Fourth ave. delS-9S-wrsu FOR 8ALK-4-ROOM HOUSE, WITH FIN ISHED attic and large lot: can build on both ends: on line or Fifth avenue cable cars, this side of Oakland power bouse: ouly a 6-cent rare etc C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. delS-24-ws FOR SALE-ONE OF THE FINEST RESI DENCES on Oakland ave.contalntngSrooms, hall: bath, laundry, both gases, marble mantels; ail the modern conveniences: lot 31x110: only 3 minutes' walk. from cable road; this desirable house on easy terms. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. 2D-82. delt-64-15, 16, 17,18, 19,21 TJiOR SALE ON MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN, A? new 8-room frame dwelling, hall, front and back porches, slate mantels and tile hearths; only S minutes from P. R. R. ; terms (oOO cash, balance payable by the month; price (2,200: good chance to get a home: possesion at once; Inspection Invited. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave del7-73-Tuwg FOR SALE THERE ARE TEN VERY DE SIRABLE Douses now in course of construc tion ou Oakland square; to be finished complete ready for occupancy by April 1; five of these houses are already sold, leaving five still available lng to size and location; lota vary in size from 30x 100 to 02x150; Atwood st, now paved with asphalt from Fifth ave. to Oakland square and traction road being laid. Apply to SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. deU-4 Hazelvrood residences. FOR SALE AT HAZELWOOD - A FINE residence on Sylvan ave. or 12 rooms, hall, vestibule water, both kinds gas, stable and out buildings: 5H acres ground; splendid location, with pleasant surroundings; cheap to an early buyer. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. del4-44-MW8 FOR SALE-S,500-SYLVAN AVE., 4 MIN UTES' walk from Hazel wood station, a good 2-story brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, bath, both gases, marble mantels. 2 porches and veranda, about 1 acre of ground! forest shade and fruit trees, etc BLaCK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave ZD-307. del5-63 Allegheny Residences. TnOB SALE-W.O00-MOST. COMPLETE LITTLE JD home in Fifth ward, Allegheny: house has 6 rooms, halt vestibule, bath, laundry, Inside w. c, etc ; nothing like It on the market BAL TENHPERGEB&WTr.l JAUM, lMFQMthave . FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Allfsbcny Residences. FORSALE-S3,600-6-ROOM BRICK ON GOOD St., In Second ward, Allegheny: car line passes door; cor. prop. BALTENSPERGER A WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. de!7-15 FOBSALE-t500 CASH AND (3) PER MONTH buys 6-room bouse on good street In Second ward. Allegheny; a chance seldom offered: don't miss it BALTENSPERGER Si WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave del7-15 FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY-FULTON ST.-A snug 2-story brick bouse of 6 rooms, attic good cellar, both kinds gas; In complete repair: lot 18x72 feet: price (3,500. I. M. PENNOCK SON, N o. 105 Fourth ave. del4-44-HWS FOR SALE-(5.300-TWO BRICK HOUSES, lot fronting two streets.l lne of streef cars, Allegheny; prime Allegheny Investment that must be sold during this month: look at It. CHAkLESSOMERSCO.,313Woodst Tel. 1773. delg-42 FOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE TWO-STORY brick dwelling of 7 rooms, bathroom, w. c, laundry, slate roof; lot 20x110 ieet to 20-root allcv; near park. Second ward. Allegheny: price (6.500; easy payments. WM. A. SIPE, 93 Diamond st del8-S7-MWS FOR SALE-A HANDSOME RESIDENCE, almost new, with corner lot on the parks, Alle gheny; most desirable location and particularly fine residence; replete throughout with all modern requisites and In elegant condition; would take a smaller property In exchange as part payment and allow long time on cash -difference. JAS. VV. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. deI8-28 TTIOR 8ALE-AN ELEGANT HOME: CHOICE 1 location; Second ward. Allegheny: half square from electric cars that are soou to run to the Pittsburg Postoffice: all modern improvements, containing 11 rooms, large reception hall, bath, 2 Inside w. c's. etc: stable and carriage house; large lot 60x!37 feet to a street: this property Is In the best condition: price (11,600. SAMUEL W. BLACK St. CO., 99 Fourth ave. dell-68-WTS Suburban Residences. TpOR SALE A SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND x: balance on long time will buy a fine residence site In Villa Park plan. Brushton; our prices are very low. and now Is the time to invest. JOHN P. BAXTER, Agent. 512 Smithfield street. deli-eo-irwr FOR 8ALE-WILKINSBURG-A FINE 9 room modern dwelling, well arranged: laun dry, finished attic bath, hot and cold water, nat gas, electric light slate mantels, fine tile hearths; lot 80x264: price reasonable L. C. WELDIN, Room 7. Union station, city. del4-15-Tnws FOR SALE LOTM. East End Lota. FOE SALE-MUST BE BOLD PROMPTLY; lot about 60 ft trout on Negleyave., E. , an elegant location for flno residence. GEO. T. MCCONNELL, Forty-third and Butler sts. del4--WS FOR SALE-LOT 20x145 ON PENN AVE., near Collins ave : finest business location in East End: will sell at a sacrifice: good reasons for selling. SAM'L W. BLACK Si CO.. 99 Fourth ave del7-71-TWTB FOB SALE THE CHEAPEST . LOTS WITH greatest advantages are the Baum Grove lots; no extra cost for sewers, grading, curbing, stone walks, etc.: easy of access: prices low; terms easy, and money to build If desired. See MELLON BROS.. East End, or JNO. F. BAXTER. Agent 512 Smithfield st del5-6S-wssu TTIOR SALE-ON FIFTH AVENUE. BHADY J: SIDE, three lots 88x245 each, opposite the handsome residences of Messrs. Park, Reed, Mc Cune and others: neighborhood and surroundings the choicest in the two cities, and will appreciate in value to double what Is now asked for It For particulars Inquire of MORRIB& FLEMING. 110 l ourth ave. deS-41-wsu Glenvrood Lots. TJiOR BALE-LOTS AT GLENWOOD; CON r VENlENTtothe station and Second Ave. Electric Railway: graded streets, sidewalks, city water; houses and lots for sale ou monthly pay ments. GEORGE C. BURGWIN, 150 Fourth ave OC29-2MTWSU AlleChenv Lots. FOR SALE-SPECIAL BARGAIN IN IRWIN ave. lots, near North ave,, to quick buyer. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. de5-71-5,7,8,9,18,21 Faxnn. FOB SALE-FARM, 110 ACRES, VERY BEST of buildings. In rich farming community Lawrence co.: mnst be sold soon. ED.WITTISH. 410 Grant st., Plttsourg. del3E FOR SALE-AN EXCELLENT FARM OF 140 acres within driving distance of numerous nourishing Western Pa. towns, at (25 per acre. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO.. 313 Wood st Tel. 1773. delS-13 FOR SALE-GARDEN. FRUIT AND NUR SERY farm, with 12 acres adjoining town; nice house barn, greenhouses, etc. : profits about (2, 000 per year; price S3, 500; no competition: rare chance. Address C. H. FOLSOM, Lima, Ohio. de!5-28-wsu Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 4, 000 ACRES HEAVY TIMBER Cameron county. T. LIVEZEY. Allen's lane Phlla. del8-9S-w TJOR SALE-CORNER PROPERTY ON GRANT IX? st, below Diamond, suitable lor building pur poses; price low; tot xt;..l. J. .k&uijLiX, n uia mondst. delB-ca FOR SAJLE BUSINESS. Business Stands. FOR SALE A LARGE BUSINESS PROP ERTY on Water street city: substantial building: adapted for almost any kind of busi ness. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave nue Pittsburg. delS-28 FOR SALE-CONSULT VALUATION IN THE Allegheny Diamond; we will discount the lowest In a quick sale of a choice business prop erty in that locality. Call on us, CHARLES SOMERS CO., 313 Wood st. delS-42 FOR SALE SOHENLEY LEASEHOLD ON Water St., n. Penn ave., lot about 50x75 ft., brick store and dwelling of 8 rooms and a 2-room brick house In the rear; will be sold at a low price: a good investment 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. de!4-44-Kws Business Chances. F OR SALE-ONE OF THE OLDEST AND hast rm wtn rr nhntn 11 dfIa At A llsshan! si .!.. uvst h"J a Mil, uuwhv puiiviiw va attvs,utuj . t rare chance for right party: good reason for sell In,?. niOTO. Dispatch office. dell-SG-wrhssa FOR SALE GROCERY DAILY CASK sales. (o0: can be doubled: elegant rooms in best location, nice fresh stock; Invoice tZOOO: one or the nicest stores In State Address C. H. FOL SOM, Lima, Ohio. del5-28-wsu FOR SALE SALOON. WITH EXTENSIVE trade: fine rooms: In best location In this growing city: population 20,000: large stock liquors: cheap rent; making money: best opening In the state. Address C. H. FOLSOM, Lima, Ohio, de 15-28- W8u FOR SALE-THE DRYGOODS DEPARTMENT of a first-class general store doing a profit able business In a town of not less than 12,000 In habitants; uo old 6belf worn goods; a splendid chance to the right parties: all communications confidential. Address E. T. S., Dispatch office. del7-16 FOR BALE-GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR one or two active men with some caoltal to step Into a paying wholesale produce commission business, profits this year will reach (10.000; owner engaged in other business reason for selling. Ad dress F. C. DICKSON, 140 Monterey St., Alle gheny. delO-50 OR SALE-GROCERY STORES IN BOTH cities, from (350 to (10,000; cigar stores (250, (350, (500. (1,800; shooting gallery paying (75 per week clear of expenses; drugstores: general country stores:boardlng bouses, milk routes, con fectioneries, bikerles and other good business chances. SHEPARD & CO.. 54 Fifth ave no23 FOR. SALE MISCELLANEOUS, machinery ana Metals. F1 OR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refittedr renalrintrnromntlv attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY ANDMACH1NECO..LIM., below Suspension bridge Allegheny, Pa. aul0-29 OR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles In stock, from 4 to 100 b. p. ;all refltted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. ; boilers all sizes and styles. J.S.YOUNG,23Park way, Allegheny, Pa. OC25-80-D F OR SALE- HOISTING ENGINES, NEW and second hand: wire and manllla roocder- nca ana niungs, noisting tuns ana cars, ciav ana ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. an5-17-xwr FOR SALE THEUNDERSIGNED.RECEIVEB of Rees, Shook Sk Co., offers for sale the ma chinery, tools, patterns, etc, of said firm; tbe machinery consists of lathes, drill presses, etc ; also a large gray mare 7 years old. and harness and wagon. Apply to JOHN D.McKENNAN.Re celver, Bakewell Law Building, Pittsburg, Pa. de!4-2S miscellaneous. FOR SALE HOLIDAY GIFTS-SOLID SIL VER stem-winding watches, (5, (6, 17, at M. J. SMIT'S, 311 Smithfield St. lie 15-133 FOR SALE-HOLIDAY GUTTS-MISSES' AND children's rings, solid gold, 75c (1 25, (1 73. M. J. SMIT. 311 Smithfield stT de!5-133 FOR SALE-HOLIDAY GIFTS - LADIES' bracelets and bead necklaces. 11 25, (2 and S3 45. M. J. BMIT, 311 Smithfield St. deli-133 FOR SALE HOLIDAY GIFTS LADIES' vest Queen or Victoria chains, roll plate, at (t (1 50 and (2 25. At J. SM11, 311 Smithfield st. delS-133 F: H BALE BILLIARD TABLE-ORDINARY size second-hand, hnt rood as new: all com plete Inquire of E. GREGG, of Logan, Gregg A Co., No. 306 Wood street. del8-20 LOST. T OST-BUNCH OF KEYS AT MEETING OF XJ McKlnley Lodge last evening. Tbe finder win oblige by returning to JAMES S. McKE AN. delS-69 LOST DECEMBER 17, 1889. ON FIFTH AVE., Magee or Forbes streets, bank book. Finder will be rewarded by returning to F. GRE1KKR, corner Fourth ave. and Try st. city. delS-13 FOUND. TfOUND-THAT M. J. SMIT, 311 SMITHFIELD JD st, has 600 ladles' gold watches, all stem winders and setters, which he Is selling from (9 to (45 each, and every watch Is warranted for time and quality, and are suitable for holiday gins. SMIT, t. ttcmcmDer vne naao ana unminr, a. 4, U BWHBSHM It, Q.U-1-MWTM TO LET. East End Residences. TO LET-VERY CHEAP-A NEAT NEW bouse Grooms, late Improvements, finished attic large lot: on Clayborne st., near Shadyslde station. See W. A. HERBON St SONS, No. 80 -Fourth avenue. del8-J9-WThS AIIeheny: Residences. TO.LET BRICK DWBLL1NG.TVASHINGTON 'street Allegheny; 12 rooms, modern Im provements. Inquire ROOM 208, Blssell Block. de4-0fi-MWrSU ArvrtmentK. TO LET TO GENTLEMEN ONLY rRONT and back parlors, 436 Penn ave., furnished or unfurnished (doctor or dentist preferred). In quire 530 PENN AVE. ' dclS-45 Buslneaa fftauita. TO LET-GOOD STOREROOM AND BUILD INGS on Smithfield, Wood and second are enue. C H.LO YE, S3 Fourth ave delS-25-WTSU T O LET-SIXTH ST., NEAR PENN AVE., storeroom 2 floors ahove cellar, etc.. 110 ft deen. nlate rlass windows, unexcelled location. SAM'L W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth are del7-7J Offices. Desk Boom. &c TO LET LARGE OFFICE-INQUIRE ROOM 208, Blssell Block. de4-BS-MWTu TO LKT-DESK ROOM IN OUR MAIN OF FICE, with use or desk, etc.: rent low to good tenants. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. delS-24-WS rpo LET DESK BOOM IN VERY DESIRABLE X office, central location, suitable for business or profession. Address BEAVER, Dispatch office. dels-47 TO LrTT-FOURTH AVE. OFFICE-2 OFFICES first floor, between Smithfield and Wood: well llzhted; also large front office. Inquire morris st Fleming, uo Fourth are del0-55-IOD TO LKT-1300 PER YEAR-A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED office with all modern conven iences; newly painted and papered: has two large closets for storage room. Inquire at GERMANLA SAVINGS BANK. 423 Wood st noI3-3'.-D UnsceUnneona. TO LET-NOT A 6-BOOM BRICK HOUSE, but to, let you know that you csn select the nicest goods suitable ror holiday gifts at M. J. SMIT'S 311 Smithfield St., who Is selling ladles' rings solid gold, at (1 50. (2 00, (2 75. and war ranted as represented. del5-127-MWTSn PERSONAL. PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS-HUNDREUS OF new books, nicely bound In cloth gilt at 25c each; many fine books in elegant bindings: come and see them. LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, Liberty st, nearNlntb. nc3-33 PERSONAL-HE FELL IN LOVE WITH HIS wife, and well he might after she presented him. with one or M.J. Smlt's beautiful gold watches, which cost her but (25. M. J. SMIT, 311 Bmlthfieid st, third door from Fourth ave. del5-133 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently tbey had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family jar occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate his wearing apparel, and which, ot course was done in a bungling manner: In order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor, 65 Fifth ave, corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace andhapplness again reigns In their household. Telephone 1558. SU30-D STRAYED. STRAYED-CAME TO THE PREMISES OF SAMUEL .MCCOULLOUGH. Tenth ward, Allegheny, a stray horse: owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. delS-71 STRAYED PICKED UP BY THE POLICE IN Allentovn. Thirty-first ward. November 29, a stray bay horse 16 hands high: right hind foot white; tbe owner Is Tierebv notified to come for ward, prove pronerty, pay charges and take him away or he will be sold according to law. Horse can be found at VlERHKLLER'SLIVEHY.Wasb lngton avenue Thirty-first ward. de!8-16 PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED by the Fire Committee of tbe boroueh of Wilkinsbnrg, Pa., until 4 P. M , FRIDAY. December 27. A, D.1S89,-at No. 83 Seventh avenue, Pittsburg, for the f urnishinB In part or entire thelnllowtnc. delivered free in boroueh, samples of hose to accompany bids, alsu guaranty; 1,000 feet treated cotton woven rubber lined fire hose Two hand hose jumpers. One 2-wheel hook and ladder truck, or 4-wheel hook and ladder truck with two five-gallon Are extiDEuisbers. Four reducers with one-inch nozzles attached. Two nozzles, -incb. Two 3-incb. Twenty-four spanners. One dozen hose straps. Committee reserve the ricbt to reject anv and all bids. ARTHUR STUART. SAMUEL A. STEEL, Committee. delS-11 SEALED PROPOSALS, IN TRIPLICATE, will be received at this office until 12 M., (local time), on WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of January, 1890, for the construction and de livery of L Two dump scows. 2. One dredge boat Specifications will be furnished bid ders on application, and detailed drawings can be , examined and all necessary in formation obtained at this office.' Pro posals will only be considered from those who can cive satisfactory evidence of their ability to construct the dump scows and dredge boat and In the time specified. The United States reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. Tbe attention of tbe bidder Is in vited to tbe Acta of Congress approved Feb ruary 36. 18SS, and February 23, 1887, vol. 23, page 332, and vol. 24. page 414. Statutes at Large. D. W. LOCKWOOD, Jdajor of En gineers, U.S. A. U.S. Engineer Office, Cos torn House, Cincinnati. Ohio. December 16, 1889. dcl8-8-18.19 20. 21 Jal3.I4 LEGAL NOTICES. GEO. D. RIDDLE, Attorney-at-Law, 118 Diamond street TTISTATE OF WINFIELD 8. WILSON, DE JCJ CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Winfield B. Wilson, late, of Allegheny county, deceased, have been granted to tno undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those haviDg claims against tbe same should make tbem known without delay to MARY H. WIL SON, Executrix, No. 23 Cabinet st, Allegheny. no20-13.w FTHE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 1 of Allegheny county, No. 83 March term 1890, Notice Is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to said court on the Uth day of January. 1890, at 10 o'clock A. M. under the general corporation act of April 29. 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called the "Linden Club of Pittsburg," the character and object of which is the maintenance of a club for social enjoyment F. K. UcCANCE, Solicitor. delS-W-W NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON TUESDAY, January 14, 1890. application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania by Percy F. Smith, J.J. McCormick, Wm. Mac rum, Geo. Glass and W. A. Zann, under tbe corporation act of 1874 and its supplements, for the charter of a corporation to be called "The Chartlers alley Electric Light Company." the character and object of which is snpplylngllght, heat and power to tbe public by means of elec tricity, in Chartlers township, Allegheny coun ty. Pa. WM. MACRUM, Esq., Solicitor. del8-12-18.24.31 NOTICES. NOTICE TO RTVERMEN. PLEASE take notice that tbe south channel of tbe Smithfield Street Bridge will be closed on and afterDECEMBER20,duringtbeerectIonoftbe addition to tbe bridge PENCOYD BRIDGE AND CONSTRUCTION CO., Contractors. del7-39 NOTICE THE MEMBERS OF ALLE GHENY Conncii No. 23, Daughters of Liberty, will meet at Hmithfleld M. E. Church, on THURSDAY, December 19. at2p.it, to attend funeral services of our deceased sister, Nellie O. Price. Members of sister councils respectfully invited to attend. By order OSCAR S. LOGAN, Councilor. Attest: J. "W. SWOGER, R. 8. d18-29 Office of National Transit Co., Oil City, Pa. December 16, 1889. t mHB PATRONS OF THE NATIONAL X Transit Company are hereby notified that all credit balances upon tbe books ot the National Transit Co.. at tbe close of business, Dec 14, 1889, and all outstanding acceptances and certifi cates Issued on or prior to that date are subject to an assessment of forty-six thousandths (46-1000) of 1 per cent, or fortv-six hundredths (46-100) barrels on a thou sand In plpeagn paid oil on account of loss by fire on the morning of December 15. 1889, from tanks united register, numbers 1303 and 1304, located near Clarendon. Warren county. Pa. del7-85 P. O. DAY. General Manager. ELECTIONS, ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANK. I PIttsbtjrq.Pa, December J 3. 1889. ELECTION THE ELECTION FOR DI RECTORS of this bank for tbe ensuing year will be held at tbe banking bouse. No. 4o Fifth avenue, on TUESDAY, January 14, 1890, between tile hours of 11 A. Jr. and 12 jr. del4-32a F. a HUTCHINSON, Cashier. Fibst National Bank, Pittsburg. Pa i PITTSBURG. December, 14, 1889. 1J1LECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION U of nine directors for this bank, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking House, corner Wood st and Fifth avenue, TUESDAY, January 14, 1890, between tbe hours ot II A. M. and 1 o'clock P. M. del4-31-p J. D: SCULLY. FOR MAYOR. At the solicitation of many citizens I bare consented to the use of my name for the office ot Mayor of Allegheny at the comlsg election. If elected will give say best efforts Is the inter ests of oar peat anl growing city. delS-M j- ST. W. MABTLX, TUtd VMd. BANK STATE flCENTS. REPORT OF THE COlvDITION OF TH.E METROPOLITAN N AUONAIi BANK, at Pittsburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, December 11, 1889: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .,.,.. ..J539,cVi5 11 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured... '.05 68 U. 8. bonds to secure circulati on 60, 000 CO Due from approved reserve ag enta... 67,133 78 Due from other national bank: 1 33,743 48 Due from State banks and bankers... 7,858 67 Banking boose, furniture and 'fixtures 27,000 00 Current expenses and taxes ptaicL..... 6.844 13 Premlumson U.S. bemds..... 3,125 CO Checks ann other cash Items. 64 67 Exchanges for Clearing Hod se 10,754 61 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents - 139 93 Spocie 21523 00 Legal tender notes 0.535 CO Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation) 2.250 00 $838,027 98 .1230.000 00 . 21.000 00 . 18,134 97 . 45,000 00 612 00 INABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits National bank notes outstanding... Dividends unpaid..... Individual deposits subject to check .,MH,893 Demand certificates of de posit 9,662 Certified checks 970 Cashier's checks outstand'g 2I6 Due to other national b'nka 48,982 Dae to State banks and. bankers 27,195 92 551,251 01 (830.027 98 State of Pennsylvania, county of Allegheny, ss: L George Seebick, Cashier ot the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true, to the best of tny knowledge and belief. GEO, SEEBICK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Uth day of December. 18S9. P. M. CUSHING, Notary Public. correct Attest: JOS. VOGEL. SR, CHAS. HOOK. GEO. W.IRWIN, del7-76 Directors. EEPORTOFTHE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Pitts burg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at. the close of business December 11. 1889: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts (2,781,552 Overdrafts A 1.350 00 U.-S. bonds to secure circulation.... 50,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. 47.779 43 Due from approved reserve agents.. 365,441 21 Du from other National banks.... 46,0S6 50 Due from State banks and bankers. 18,869 72 Real estatp. furniture and fixtures. 317,650 00 Current expenses and taxes paid. . . . 13,067 98 Checks and otbercash items 2,80183 Exchanges for Clearing House 138,898 76 Bills of other banks 6.700 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and pennies 78 92 QPCC10.a,a lXj,31o Oil Legal tender notes 210.000 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation)... 2,250 00 51,182,853 78 .t 750.000 00 LIABTLlTIEa Capital stock paldm Surolusfnud..................... 150,000 00 Undivided profits 87,478 31 National Bank notes outstanding. . . 45,000 00 Dividends unpaid 3.996 00 h Individual deposits sub ject to check 52,901. 703 57 Certified checks. 2,815 12 Due to other National banks 165,625 08 Due to State banks and bankers 76,859 70 J3,145,379 47 4,182,853 78 State of Pennsylvania, County of Allegheny, ss.: I, J. D. Scully, Cashier ot the First National Bank, ot Pittsburg, Pa-do solemnly swear that tbe above is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. J, D. SrULLY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 16th day of December, 1889. JOHN EWING SPEER, Notary Public. Correct Attest SALEX. NIMICK, JOHN WILSON. JOHN H. McKELVY, delS-28 Directors. AUCTION SALES. DrptiBOB' Enuit Bete. Elegant Business Property, Adjoining the Dollar Bank on Fonrth avenue LOT 45x85 FT., At auction on the premises TUESDAY, Jan. 7, 1890. at 11 o'clock A. 21. For full particulars see W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. del8-32-ws No. 80 Fourth avenue Grand Closing Out Sale, AT PUBLIC AUCTION, Regardless of cost balance ot our Sixth street retail stock left over. Lace Curtains, Portieres and Upholstery Goods in general. Also a very fine line of odds and ends in painted and em broidered Silk and Plush Goods, from onr wholesale department Sale commences Wednesday, December 18, at 10 A v. and 2 p. u., and will continne until all is disposed of. H. Holtzman & Sons, 514 WOOD ST.. BET. FIFTH AVENUE AND VIRGIN ALLEY. del7-54 ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF FURNITURE. CARPETS, Etc. The large stock of W. H. Thompson & Co., No. 305 Wood st, must be closed out at once, regardless of cost del5-S6 THOS. W. McCUNE. Assignee. KKAI ESTATE. TWENTY-ONE HOUSES -SOLD IN- OAKLAND SQUARE Since July 1. 1889. This remarkable sale ol dwellings proves con clusively that tbe square meets with the ap Eroral ot tbe majority of those who are seeking omes. A few of the advantages and brief de scriptions are as follows: Location Directly bordering on Schenley Park, a magnificent view of which can be bad from any part of tbe square. Only four squares from Fifth avenue traction road, and directly on line of new electric road now being com pleted as a feeder to the Fifth avenue line, and which bring the square within 20 minutes of Pittsburg postoffice for 5 cents. Dwellings are constructed of brick by day work, not by contract, contain 8 and 9 rooms, wide balls, baths, inside w. c, inside shutters, range, ladndry, cemented cellars, automatic electric lighting, slate mantels and tile hearths; in fact, all modern conveniences. The square is 120 feet wide, with park in the center, around which runs asphaltum pared streets and sidewalks. Perfect sewerage, gas, water, etc. Price W.500 to 110,000. Terms Small cash payment down, balance $500 per annum- SAMUEL W. BLACK S CO, del4-84 99 Fourth avenue. AMUSEMENTS. B TJOU THEATER To-night O'NEILL IN MONTE CRISTO. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Dec 25. Maggie Mitchell In Repertoire. del6-7 -(RAND OPERA HOUSE. It Box office now open for EMMA JUCH GRAND OPERA SEASON. ZMAS WEEK, House closed this week. del7-80 HARRIS' THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening. MISS ADA GRAY In EA8T LYNNE. Week Dec. 23. Florence Bindley. del5-21 H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night Matinees Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. THE IRWIN BROS. BIG SPECIALTY SHOW. del5-2 WORLD'S MUSEUM ALLEGHENY CITY. Wonderful Trained. Performing Seals. MAMMOTH OX. GREAT STAGE SHOW. Next Week Wild West delS-13 LOCUSTPOSTS We can fill contracts for LOCUST POSTS ranging from 00 to 5,000. All sixes; No. 1 timber. Delivered) by rail or water. Address B. &. CO., Dispatch office. del8-18 you married f If not send your address to THE AMERICAN CORRHSPOND1NG CLUB; Bex W, Cbtrkswarjc, W. Va. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. rNo. 177.1 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE opening of Evaline Street from Liberty avenue to Breod's Hill street Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is bereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of tbe tame. That the Chief ot tbe Department of Public Works be and is bereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days frost the date of the passage of this ordinance. Evaline street, from. Liberty avenne to Breed's Hill stfVt at a width of 50 feet In accordance) with oriV nances of Councils locating tno same, approved November 12, 1886, and September 27, 1877. The damages caused thereby and the benefits to pay the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of As sembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled. "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class." approved the 16th dav.of May, A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part, of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is bereby re pealed so far as tbe same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 25th day of November, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD. President of Select ConnciL Attest: GEO. 8HEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. MAGEE. President of Com- ; mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH.' Clerk of Common Conncii. Mayor's Office November27, 1SS9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. AtteBt: W. H. -McCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk. v Recrrded in Ordinance Book. voL 7, page 215, Uth day of December. A. D. 18891 de!6-14 No. 174.1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE construction of a sewer on McCnlly street from east side of Hiland avenue, connecting with a sewer on Negley avenue J Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the ty of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is bereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same That tbs Chief of the Department of Public Works bo and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise In accordance with tbe acts of Assem bly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of tbe said city of Pittsburg re lating thereto and regulating the same.for proposals for the construction of a pipe sewer isincnesin diameter on juccuiiy street, tronx tbe east side of Hiland avenue to a connection with a sewer on Negley avenue, the contract therefor to be let in tbemannerdirected by the sud acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provi sions ot an act of Assembly of tbe Common wealth of Pennsylvania entitled, "An act re lating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May. A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and the same 13 hereby re pealed, so far as tbe same affects this ordi nance Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 25th cay of November, A. D.. 1889. H. P. FORD. President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. W. A. MAGEE. .President of Com mon Council protein. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office. November 27, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. MCCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 214, 14th day of December, A. D 18S9. del6-M IN0.I6S.J AN ORDINANCE-AUi'HORIZING THE construction of a sower on Mulberry al ley, from Twenty-second street westwardly one hundred (1001 feet. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils as3emoied.anu it is nercoy ordained and en acted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and i hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with the acts of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances nf the said city of Pittsburg relat ing thereto and regulating tbe same, for proposals for the construction of a pipe sewer 15 inches in diame ter on Mulberry alley, from a point one hun dred (100) feet westwardly from Twenty-second street to a connection with the Bewer at the in tersection of Mulberry alley and Twenty-second street the contract therefor to be let in the manner directed by the said acts of Assem bly and ordinance. The cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in ac cordance with the provisions of an act of Av sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second clasi," apcrored the 16th day of May, A. D. 1889. Section 2 That any ordimwee or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 25th dav of November. A. D.. 1889. H. P. FORD, President ot Select CouncfL Attest: GEO. SHBPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L.HOLLIDAY President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor'soffice, November27, 1889. Approved: WM. MCCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page. 209, Uth day of December, A. D.. 1889. delS-11 . No. 173. 1 AN ORDINANCE-GRANTING TO THE East End Street Railway Company the right to use certain streets and highways. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe anthority of the same. That the East End Street Railway Company be and is hereby authorized to construct and operate a single or double track railway over the fol lowing streets and avenues in the city of Pitts burg, to-wit: To construct and operate its main line of railway on Penn avenne from a point near esnaay avenue, ana tnence extending eastwardlv along Penn avenne to the city line; Also to construct and operate a branch railway upon Fifth avenue, from Penn avenue to Grazier street; thence npon Grazier street to Homewood avenue, and thence along Homewood avenue to Frankstown avenue; also to construct and op erate a branch railway from the intersection of Penn avenue and Fifth avenue along Fifth avenue to Shady avenue; also to construct and operate a branch railway from the Intersection of Penn avenne with an alley opposite to the mouth of Landwebr street; thence along said alley to Shkepeare street and thence along Shakespeare street to Center avenue. Section 2 That said East End Street Rail, way Company, in building and operating the line or lines of railway contemplated by tbe terms of this ordinance or any of them over tho routes hereinbefore designated, shall have the right to construct and use cable or elec trical appliances for motive power, and shall have tbe right to construct subways Deneath the surface of tbe streets for that purpose. Section 3 That the said railway company, before constructing such subways, shall sub mit the plans of the same to the Committee on Public Works of tbe Councils of tbe city of Plttsburgand, before the same are built and constructed, shall be approved by said Com mittee and the Chief ot the Department of Public Works, and such subways so ap proved shall be subject in their construction and erection to the control and supervision of tbe Chief ot the Department of Public Works. Section 4 The rights granted by this ordi nance are expressly given upon the condition that tbe East End Street Railway Company shall pave so much of all streets or avenues as is occupied by it between its tracks and one foot outside Its tracks with block stone, as- pnaltum or other equally good materials, to De approved by tbe Chief of the Department of Pnblic Works, and keep the same In perpetual good repair, as may be directed by the Chief of, tbe Department of Public Works. Section 5 The said railway company shall commence to build and erect its plant within nine months from the date of the passage of this ordinance; otherwise tbe rights and privi leges granting hereunder shall be forfeited. Section 6 That before the provisions of this, ordinance shall go into effect thesald East End. Railway Company shall.withintbirtvdays after . , Its approval by the Mayor.nle its written accept ance, attested bv tbe hands of its President and Secretary and the seal of the company agreeing to J is terms. , Section 7 Tbe Chief of tbe Department of," Public Works shall have the right to employ and place suitable persons to supervise the, construction of said railway authorized by this ordinance at the cost and expense off this company, and in no event shall the city of. Plttsourg be held liable for any damage to person or property that may occur in any man ner or under any circumstances during tbe TlmffTPM nt thA ivnrlr thurnnn . Section 8 That any ordinance or part of or- ' dinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this, ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed. so taras tne same anects tni ordinance. j Ordained and enacted into a lawlnConncilas this 25th dav ot November- A. D. 1S89. H. P. FORD. President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select! Council, w. A. MAGEE. President of Com- mon conncii pro tern. Attest: Ui.u. nuuiHA Clerk of Common Council. jp Mayor's office. November 2D. 1889. Approved WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attests ROBERT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 216,," aim aay ot .December, a. v. .a. acio-n Continued on the Eighth JPage.1 ClUITABLE HOLIDAY GIFTS O kinds of birds and pet animaK parroti pigeons and poultry; gold fish and fixtures;! seed and gravel for birds: fine dogs, birds andQ animals mounted to order at ESPICII'S BIRDS STOKE, 610 Smithfield st, near Seventh ave. ae-i-io-wsu piANOh, t And all raanner of small instruments), , HAMILTON'S, delO-B Fiita matM, ' i 1 Stl