V. ,A -r ..- ' 4- ntrj: T .. THE SHIP CANAL Designed to connect Pittsburg with tbe Lakes, is now being surveyed by a Dispatch Commissioner. Read bis first letter in this issue. THE BALL CRANKS Say the next break in theBrotherhood will t9 tho desertion of McGinty. Everybody gays THE Dispatch is Pittsburg's great newspaper. .& lr-P' ' FORTY-IXHJRTH: YEAE. I Preparations Are in Progress Among the Commissioners. OBSTACLES FAIBLY FACED. The Enormous Tonnage and Utility . . of the Project Assured, MORE THAN OFFSETTING ITS COST. Several-Trunt Lines and Other Railroads Host be Bridged. STEPS SOW TAKEN AND OTHERS TO BE Yery interesting information, preliminary to the snrrey of the route of the proposed ship canal from lake Erie to Pittsburg, comes from Bharpsville and is given in this 'issue of The Dispatch. The. great ad' vantages of such an enterprise, as well as the only really portentous obstacles it will hare to overcome, are squarely stated and "met in this prefatory discussion of a sub ject yet to furnish an interesting and an im portant series of letters. rrsox oce emcial commissioner. SHABPSVUiEi Pa., Decemher 17. If any person had entertained a doubt that great interest is .being taken in the proposed snip canal from Lake Erie to Pittsburg he would have it thoroughly dispelled by a visit to this remarkably aotive little town. Bui then there was no real doubt to dispel. The iron manufacturers, the producers of iron ore,-coal, etc., and persons engaged in other industries which will be affected, have a most lively interest in the project. There is no question whatever but that such a canal would have all the tonnage it could- conveniently carry. Neither is there any doubt that the rates for the heavy freight that would mostly be carried on the canal would be very considerably less than . are the present rates by rail. It is also con ceded that, notwithstanding all the many railroads which cover the terri tory named, interlacing with each other until they form a regular network of iron rails, they nevertheless cantaot carry all the freight that is offered, as promptly as is desired. The matter of the. lack of sufficient freight facilities is every day becoming more embarrassing to the manufacturers of Pittsburg and of the Beaver and Shenango Valleys. What the Bis Problem Is. The questions, then, which are yet to be decided are: (1) feasibility, (2) cost and (3) who will pay the cost? The primary question io be settled in de termining the feasibility of the project is . ggthat ,of a sufficient water supply. It will require SYood'deal more water for a canal so large and deep, ship, canal must be. L To be certain of having sufficient water at all seasons of the year is one of the elements in1 determining the route of the canal; but it is not thconly one. The possibility of pro curing a right of way over the best route is exceedingly important, as will be seen further along. Both these qnestions have had to be taken in consideration by the commission ap pointed by Governor Beaver, under author ity of the act of Assembly appropriating $10,000 for a preliminary examination. It is generally known that this commission consists of Messrs. John A. 'Wood, -who is chairman, X P. Roberts, J. SI. Goodwin, Eben.Brewer and ex-Congressman Shallen berger. While the entire commission has, in one. way or another been devoting con siderable time to gathering data of various Kinds, it has been chiefly left to Mr. Good win; who lives in this place, to secure the surveys needed for making preliminary .maps. The Three Routes Considered. There are three routes under considera tion. One of these is that generally of the old Pennsylvania canal. Of the other two, one would go through a portion of Ohio. In a subsequent article these routes will be explained more in detail. It is sufficient to say here that there is some objection to the Ohio route, because of the mere fact that it will run through that portion of the State. The route that is most generally talked of is that of the old Pennsylvania canal; but the commission has not yet decided, and will not decide, un til the meeting to be held in Rochester, Beaver county, which will be the first one to go over. However, -the commission as a body will certainly go over the old canal route in any event, but when, is yet to be determined. There are wonderful engineering difficulties to be overcome, no matter which route is selected, and the question of cost is closely allied to that ot feasibility in considering these difficulties. "Any person who will glance at a map of Pennsylvania will find that there is abso lutely not one great trunk line railroad run ning from the Eastern seaboard to the 'West that does not cross any route that can be de vised for a canal from Lake Erie to Pitts burg. Over a Perfect Gridiron. The problem of how to construct the canal is, therefore, Tendered decidedly more diffi cult of solution than it would be in almost any other section of the country. It is recognized by the commission, as it will be , by every intelligent person, that these arter ial highways cannot be interfered with seriously. Trains must- run just as uninter ruptedly with a canal as without. In order to effjet this there must be very high bridges built over the cans! Tnis will involve the elevation ofthe road beds on each side of the canal, and in order to avoid having heavy grades on Itbese approaches the changing of the roadbed will have to commence, in many instances, at very considerable distances from the point of crossing. For some of the railroads, which are of lesser importance, draw bridges may do, but most of the cross ings will have to be made by elevated, per manent bridges. This work in itself is likelyio be very costly. Colonel Roberts says that the entire amount of the 10,000 appropriated by the State would not pay one-sixteenth of the expense of working the surveys for the bridges alone, and in ascer taining what property will have to be taken upon which to build them. X Cans la Poiat. One illustration of this phase of theqnes- FOB HE IP CULL ryion'marbe given.right .here. Just .below t ,E W ? rT 45 the dam of the Shenango river, whem the old canal made connection with the slackwater of the Shenango river, -within the borough limits of Sharpsville, the Eno Railway crosses the river and the old canal by a low bridge. Nearly all the through passenger trains between Hew York and Chicago, on the Erie road, pass over this bridge. There are seven fast trains daily. In order not to cause any delay this bridge would have to be elevated SO or 60 feet, at least, which would run the approaches on each side very much farther back. The raising of this bridge, however, would, of course, depend upon whether or not the new canal would J come along the line of the old one. It is generally known, I imagine, that, the State Having abandoned the old canal, large sections of it are now occupied by railroads. The Erie and Pitts burg Railroad runs on part of the line of the old canal, not far from the place men tioned. It is this loss of rights of way by the State, and the actual ocoupaney of so much of the ground by other corporations possess ing the right ol eminent domain, that con stitutes another serious, nossiblv an insur mountable, barrier -to the building ofthe ship canal on the line of the old one. An established railroad is not going to step aside with any precipitate haste in order to let a canal go by. A Terr Pertinent Question. And then there is another consideration pertinent to the question of feasibility, viz.: Is it practicable to construct a canal that will admit of the passage through it of the vessels now in use on the lakes, or must ves sels be built with especial reference to the canal? Neither Colonel Roberts nor Mr. Goodwin, the two civil engineers on the commission, had any practical knowledge of ship canals.and both say they are unfamiliar with the requirements. As one way of getting light on that point, the commission has had a New York clipping association engaged' in cutting out everything they could find published concerning ship canals. This -work extended over nearly a year. The result, which is a .huge mass of printed mat ter of all sorts, is now in the possession -of the commission, but no member has yet had time to go over and digest it; therefore the members of the commission are not yet much wiser on that point. Id Order to Start Right. This enumeration of the problems which confront tbe commission is not made, and should not be taken, in the nature of .an argument against the construction of the canaL. It is only done in order to give a clearer idea of the nature of the work, and lead to a better understanding of the articles which are yet to appear in The Dispatch. How as to the question ot cost: The com mission will, naturally, try to approximate it; but it will not be necessary to decide that point until the primary ques tion, that of practicability, has 'been disposed of. Who should incur the ex pense, the State ot Pennsylvania or the National treasury? is quite a different mat ter, and is one upon which the citizens of the State are entirely competent to, and shonld, speak. In the course of other let ters expressions of opinion from various persons will be given. -O. T. Dawson; JUST ONE WIFE TOO HANI. Arrested for Blgnmr Wills Singing a Gospel Temperance n7u'. tsrxciAi. TB.xaitkra.feai'VtSrxrca.l BuincoBX, December 17. David I. Bern hardt, alias David .L Day alt, was Arraigned here this morning on the charge of bigamy; He was arrested last night while Ringing a hymn at a gospel temperance meeting, and appeared to be horrified when Captain Cadwallader inter rupted him and marched him to jail. The policeointerference broke -up the meeting. Bernhardt, orDaywaU, came to Baltimore from Hagerstown about May, '88,bringlng with him his wife and six children. Although a stone mason by trade, he told his. wife that he was working as night watchmarcand that it would be necessary lor him to be away from home for weeks at a time. This continued far months. when, it is said, he did not return, to her fire side at all. During this time he contributed very little to the support of his family. Mrs. Daywalt reported the matter to the police, who discovered that the husband had been married to a Mrs. Weatherton in July last under the name of Bernhardt, and bad also, it is said, been living with a woman named Laura Mummert Wife No. 1 says she was married on April 9, 1872, in -Waynesboro, Pa. Wife No. 2 has her marriage certificate. WENT TO BE A SOLDIER. A Tonne Man Who Enlisted the Day After Ills Wedding-. rSrSCULTSLXOBAXTO THX SISrJLTCB. St. Louis, December 17, A bright-faced young girl, accompanied by her mother, ap peared in the office of Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Dierkes, this morning. She wanted to get a divorce. The girl gave her name as Clara B. Ewings, and' related a strange tale. For over a year a young man named Archie B. Ewings bad been courting her, and they had become engaged to marry. On April 24 last, the wedtting took place. Early the following morning the bridegroom rose and made tbe fire. He told his bride that he had some' busi ness to attend to, bat would return before dinner. About 8 o'clock that evening the house was in a turmoil of excitement, when suddenly a step was heard on the walk. The door opened, and In came the recreant spouse, grinning from ear to ear. He was attired in a full suit of regimentals. Then he explained his delay. "I enlisted down at tbe barracks, to-day," he said, "and leave for Montana for duty to- uiguu xioieik quo wm get ner airorce. WOULD NOT WASTE HER MONET. A Yonng Woman Ready to be Married Gets $1,600 for Her Disappointment; rsrxcux. nuosui to ran siarATCB.j Hackensack, N. J, December 17.-Joseph C. Ochs was sued by Miss Jennie Lutkins, of Orcola,for breach of promise of marriage. Miss Lutkins, a comely yoong woman of 20, lived with her aged father, and. contributed to his support by working as a dressmaker for Miss E. M. Melick, In Paterson. Ochs is a farmer's son, living bear Miss Lutkins' home. She testified that they were engaged to be mar ried, and that she had prepared all her ward robe for the wedding, when Ochs declined to fulfill his part of the contract, giving as a rea son that he had heard something detrimental to her character. Jndce Dixon charged the jury clearly for the plaintiff, and Miss Lutkins got 31,000 damages. SECRETARI PROCIOR'S DESK The Scene of an Incipient Conflagration Which Destroyed Some Papers. Washington, December 17. A fire was started In some mysterious way last night on tbe large handsome mahogany desk which stands in the center of the office of the Secre tary of War, and burned a large hole through tbe top before it was discovered, and extin guished by the watchman. Several official papers were destroyed. They were not of special value and can bo replaced. Secretary Proctor cannot under stand how the fire originated, as he does not smoke and keeps no matches about his desk. ' MAN AND MONEY MIBSING. A Tonne Girl Who Rashly Eloped Finds Herself in the Larch. Lonrsvixxx, December 17. Vasco Browne, formerly business manager of the Mayfield Democrat, recently eloped with 'Miss Novella Landrum. of that place, and married ner. The girl had M.O0O in cash. Browne already had a wife living at Lexington, ot whom Hiss Lan drum had never heard. Yesterday the girl returB4'irsa9Bt.Jryma saying twne had deserted betytattag aU the "iwwj.- , VS2&i .., . ki?l BEIGE IS1LAEMED. Ho is Already at Work Meeting- the New Tactics or the Opposition Still Con fident of the Ultimate Remit. ISPXCIAL TBLEGBAM TO THE EI6rATCH. Coltjmbcs, December 17. The activity J developed by the opposition to the election oruoionelBrice' to the United States Ben ate caused that gentleman to drop into Columbus to-day to prevent, if possible, the movement from becoming epidemic. He is surrounded to-night by a large number of his backers, and has become somewhat irritated over the movements of his opponents, who have lately enlisted some prominent men. both in Cleveland and Columbus. McBrlce is quoted in a paper as foUows: "That opposition which has taken form as announced m the papers comes from a small minority of the Cuyahoga Democracy from men who are ex crescences of the party there, hangers-on at a reform club and followers of Virgil P. Kline, Three-fourths of the Democracy are for me, and I have been assured by leading men ot the party that they do not look with any favor upon this vicious attacking of the Chairman of the National Executive Committee. I have no fear whatever of it possibly affecting tbe. men that I must look' to for my election. I realize that other candidates have their friends, and that they might naturally combine to attack me merely because I am the strongest op ponent. Bat I am not disturbed." The names of the Columbus Democrats who took part in the preliminary meeting last night cannot be learned yet, but it is known such a meeting was held, ana It is said that among those present were several prominent party men, some of whom have a wide reputation throaghont the State. Tbe preliminaries for the fight were arranged,and the movement will soon manifest itself in no uncertain manner. CONSIDERING A SCALE, The Knights of Labor Denouace the Prose cution of Peter Wise. ISrscxu. tzxxobax to the nisr atoili Soottdaie, December 17. The Delegate Convention of district 4, Knights of Labor, for the purpose of reconsidering the K. of L. scale, met here to-day. With the exception of a few minor resolutions the entire day was taken up with the scale, and it Is still unfinished. Con trary to expectations the scale wiU not be made publlo'atthls time. No reason is given for keeping It secret, except that a majority of the delegates do not want it made public. It Was intimated that the scale will be modified some what from the original draft, though what the minimum rate will be cannot be ascertained. The fact that Peter Wise was the only one arrested on Callahan's second warrant for con spiracy drew forth the following resolutions: "Whereas, The thirst for notoriety is increas ing in our esteemed friend, Edward Callahan, and bis wrath is being poured out on our friends and brothers, ex-Master Workman Peter Wise, John R. Byrne and T. V. Powder ly, and Peter Wise being tbe only.ono arrested, therefore, be It resolved, that we as a conven tion representing 14,000 workingmed tender him oar moral and financial aid, and further that .Master Workman Kerfoat .accompany Brother Wise to Greensburg and render all aid in his power to secure film a fair and im partial trial." The scale will probably be completed at to morrow's session. It is rumored here to-night that the H. C. Fries: Coke Company has pur chased the three coke plants of W. J. Ralney. Nothing was known of the deal, however, at the office of the General Superintendent at this place. AH OLD UNRBC0N8TRUCTIBLE. He Wanted Jeff Davis for President, and Recognizes' JCo Colored Totes. rSTBCUX. TXLXOBXX TO THS DISPATCH.! Lsoxabbstowk, Md, December 17. The Hoi Ben G. Harris, of this county, who repre sented Maryland in Congress in the fifties, is being congratulated on bis having attained his E3d birthday. He was a great admirer of Jef ferson Davis, and will not now admit that secession was wrong. Five years ago a Balti more newspaper naked of leading Democrats their choice tor President of the United States. Mr. Harris, in reply to one of these questions, wrote a columnletter. In which he arimed that .Mr. Davit3rastb.obcst.man for the place. The' old gentleman is displaying his feelinjra for the deceased leader by crape on his arm, which he will wear for SO days. Mr. Harris is in full possession ot his facul ties, both mental and physical, except some little defect in eyesight and hearing. He is entirely unreconstructed, believing the thir teenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments, and all acts made or done in pursuance thereof, are entirely void, and if on any occasion or in any position he moets with them, he will think it his duty to disregard them. This he has always openly avowed. He does not believe a negro has the right to vote in Maryland, be cause the Constitution ol Maryland, which he is bound by oath to support, denies it to him. He has never solicited a negro vote, and has al ways advised them not to exercise a privilege which has not been properly granted to their race. ACCOUNTS THAT DON'T BALANCE. A Man Charged With a 3700 Forgery Brings a Connter-Clalm of $100,000. tsrsciAX.Txr.xonAicTO tbk dibpatch.1 New York, December 17. W. L. Carbln, Vioe President and manager of the Commer cial Trading Company, was arrested to-day, at the Barclay street ferry, and arraigned in tho general sessions, upon an, indictment for for gery in issuing, without authority, the com pany's notes for (700. The complainant was Frank T. Morrill, a stockholder, who also avers that Carbln has been connected with other transactions such as the Indictment charges, Carbln pleaded not gailty, and in default of ball was committed to the Tombs, to await trial. To a reporter he said that the charge against him was prompted by spite, growing ont of the fact that bo claimed that the com pany owed him (100,000. MALFEASANCE IN OFFICE. Formal Charges Preferred Against the Metropolitan Dock Commissioners. New Yoek, December 17. As a result of the recent investigation into the methods of the Dock Department, charges were mado this af ternoon to the Mayor against two of the three commissioners of the department Messrs. Post and Matthews. The commissioners are charged with culpable negligence, malfeasance and mis feasance in office, failure to acquaint them selves with the duties and necessities of the de partment and a failure to administer its affairs in the best interests of the city. THE FAN-AMERICAN DELEGATES Shako Hands With Archbishop Corrlgan and Listen to Andrew Carnegie. New Yoek, December 17. Tbe Fan-American delegates to-day paid visits to the Normal College, the Museum of Art tbe Museum of Natural History and St Patrick's Cathedral. To-night they attended a grand reception at the Union League Club; Andrew Carnegie made a brief speech. At Bt Patrick's Cathedral the party was greeted by Archbishop Corrigan, who shook the hand of each delegate. LAMAR WILL BE INT1TED To Make an Oration at a Jefferson Davis t Memorial Meeting. Kiciikond, Va., December 17, At a meet ing of the Chamber' of Commerce committee to-day the following gentlemen were' appointed to visit Washington and Invite Associate Jus tice L. Q, C Lamar to attend the Davis memo rial mass meeting: Judge George L. Christian, Hon. J. Taylor JEUerson, General Joseph R. Anderson, E. G. Leigh, Jr., and Colonel Taze well Ellett AS MYSTERIOUS AS EVER. Clerks nt Work on tho Complicated Ac counts of tho Missing Dltman, Philadelphia, December 17, The mys tery regarding the whereabouts of Joseph G. Dltman is as deep as ever.. Clerks are hard at work endeavoring to arrange Dltman's com- Heated accounts. Tbe counsel will give no iformation as to the condition of his financial affairs. CANADIAN VESSEL SEIZED, An American Collector of Costejas Mnkes a Decisive Ketnllalory Movement. Gloucester, MAS& December 17. The British schooner Mary, "which arrived yester day ffoea Oape Broylea,N. FM with a cargo -of nh.-.WM Seised te-ou br Collector Prawasf or .dlecsargmg her cacgewMkMt ajWaH, ju PITTSBURG, -WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1889., DIDN'T TJP 1 HDJT. flow the Eepnhlicaa Majority in Con gress Again -Lost a Point, THE SPEAKERSTIP WASN'T TAKEN, And the Democrats Did Rot Fall to Grasp Their Opportunity. WHAT THE LACE OF EULES MAT MEAN. Tbe Btatt Fish Oanmlssloa J-Mptellafc-' the Gnern neat Fhaerict. The Democratio minority In Congress again demonstrated Its ability yesterday to gain an advantage at the expense ofthe ma jority, when the latter was not expecting anything of the kind. Speaker Reed saw the opportunity, but his hint was not taken in time by his party. The Fish Commission is in session in'Washington. rrnos a staff connisrosTiiirr.l WASimrGTOir, December 17. From the fact that the rules of one Congress die with it and do not bind the succeeding Congress, the present House of Representatives, not having yet adopted any code, is acting under what is known as general' parlia mentary law. No one has ever been able to define what that is, but all parliamentari ans are aware that the condition of affairs which it implies is ode in which the Speaker has almost dictatorial power. The Committee pn Rules was appointed J ten days ago, and it was expected that a- meeting of its members would have been called long before this for the purpose of furnishing the House witn a code under which to act xothidg of the sort has been done, and no call for a meeting has been issued. The enforced absence of Mr. Can non, through the death of his wife yesterday, will postpone again indefinitely a .meeting of the committee. CAUSIKO UNEASINESS, This condition of affairs is causing some nneasiness among the Democrats, for Speaker Seed has' already demonstrated his capacity to take advantage of all the privi leges ot his position for tne benefit ol his party. In view of the delay In formulating new'rules, and of Speaker Reed's ruling in the election case that was called to tbe atten tion of the House yesterday, some of the Dem. ocrats suspect that it IS the purpose of the majority to dispose of the contested election cases before the roles are adopted. Under the present condition of affairs the Speaker nas .almost absolute power, and could put a stop to any dilatory action on the part of Democrats to prevent the unseating of any of their party. While tbe Republicans may not dare to go to such lengths as this, they are already discuss ing a plan which they hope will prove equally as effective. The custom has been in preced ing Congresses for the Committee on Elections to consider ono contested election case, submit their report thereon to the House, and then proceed with the consideration of another. Under this method It has usually taken several mouths for the House to get through with the docket of contested elections. HOT THIE WAS". The present election committee, however, proposes to proceed differently. They will re ceive the evidence in all the cases before report ing their conclusions, on any one to the House. Then they will present their reports on each case almost simultaneously. An imperative call will be issued to the Republican members to be present for three weeks at the time these' reDortsars-to be -taken un and dlscnisad. In this way tbeyJ&op&se-waTfietotaveaanornH present during, thoonsidaratlon of all the Another result of the lack of rules is tho Im possibility of introducing bills to tbe present House except by recognition of the Speaker of a member for that purpose.' Several bills have found tbctr way in by this means, but the Dem ocrats Complain that the Speaker has extended his recognitions for this purpose in a purely partisan manner. Democrats who have made themselves very conspicuous in their efforts to Introduce bills have failed to seenre this recog nition, while Republicans seem to havo no diffi culty. This morning -there- was a case of this kind, and there was something ot a hubbub over the matter. Finally Mr. Bonk, of Tennessee, of fered a resolution providing for tbe general in troduction of bills by States. As there are no committees in existence to which they could be referred, the Republicans were divided on the subject and the Democrats were united against it SIONAX FOB A BRUSH. Mr. Oatcs, of Alabama, moved to refer tho resolution to thq committee on rules. This was the signal for the first brush between the par ties. The motion was pnt and the prolonged "yea" on the Democratio side seemed to carry it The speaker said: "The yeas seem to have it" Then he waited, but no one on the other side seemed to grasp the situation in time to demand a division, and he continued his an nouncement "too yeas have it the resolution is referred to the committee1 Before the Sneaker had finished this, an nouncement Mr. Dingley and two or three others were calling for a division; but having started, the Speaker would not stop in the mid dle of his announcement The proposition to let the bills in was thus defeated. The Speaker then directed the clerk to read the titles of the bills he had nermitted to be intrnrtnrarf. l-h Democrats objected, but the Speaker paid no attention to their objection. Mr. Bynum tben rushed to the front forcing his presence upon tbe eye ot the Speaker, and demanded the reading of the bills in full. This aggressive action was followed at once by a motion to adjourn; made by Mr."McCreary, which was carried before any one on the Re publican side had made up his mind to call for a division. This Illustration of how the minority may sometimes get an advantage is apt to be re peated many times before the session closes. LIGH.TNEB. HARRISON KNEW THE MAN. A Minnesota Senator Msdo Blad'by One of the President's Appointments. IPPECIAL TXLEOBAM TO TH SISrATCB.1 Washington, December 17. The appoint ment of Eugene G. Hay to be District At torney for Minnesota, which was sent to tbe Senate to-day, settles, as far as tbe President is concerned, a contest whiclhas been In prog ress for some tune, between the two Senators from that State. Senator Washburn had a hard fight for election, and bis strongest parti san In tho Legislature was Eugene .Hay, who nan been elected at senator Washburn's suggestion and through his influence. Senator Washburn laid Hay's name before the Presi dent for the District Attorneyship. Senator Davis immediately nominated Halvor Steever son, a Scandinavian attorney and a good Re publican, representing to the President tbat Hay was a carpetbagger, and that it would' offend tbe people ofthe State to appoint him. The President however, knew more about Hay than Senator Davis did. Hay was a mem ber ot tbe Indiana State Legislature for some years, and a strong supporter and warm friend of Mr. Harrison. He had been a resident of Indiana until three or four years ago. He was not a member of the President's family, but he was almost as close to him as some of the rela tives who have Men remembered In the dis tribution of political -favors. So the President turned down Mr. 8toeverson and ap pointed Mr. Hay. Senator Davis is extremely angry, and he may carry his opposition to the nomination into tbe executive session. - AC0MPR03I1B1NG AGREEMENT. The Court of Claims to Settle tho Sll cott Defalcation Kespouslbltltr. WABHiicGTOir, December I7.-The Special House Committee investigating the Sllcott defalcation to-day resumed the consideration of the legal points involved, and practically reached an agreement on a measure which, was regarded as a compromise between the divers views of tbe members. This measure will pro vide for the reference of tbe subject to the Court of Claims, wbich.tribunal is to determine the responsibility for the defalcation and ad just tho claims of the members who have lost money. If it follows -from their findings that they are entitled to reimbursement by the Government , . t . i Another, meeting of tie oeawaiteistoha held to-Derfee tha for i-ef taanataaattM and 'agree upoa details yctnasoWloa. - -r&dt 3 OPPOSED TO BEEWEE, - i .Harrison's SBsreae Coart Appelates Hav- tsg a Hard Time to be Coa- flrmed Thf Charges BraBght Against Hlsa. Wastgtoh, December 17. The exec utive session of the Senate this afternoon lasted more than two hours. The principal topio of. discussion was the nomination of Jndge David J. Brewer to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. This was called up by Senator Ingalls, upon tbe iarorablq.report ot the Committee on Judi ciary. Although there was no minority re port, confirmation of the nomination was opposed by Senators of both parties, it is said, who based their objections upon two grounds: Pint HI. decisions In the prohibition cases in Kansas, which were a fterward reversed by the Borreme Court; Second-That the .statement offsets In Judge Gresham's review 'of the appointment of re ceivers of the Wabash system of railroads by Judge Brewer, whose order In the case Judge Gresbam. vacated, so far as it affected the roads within the lta)U or his circuit, Justlry a suspicion that Jndge Brewer Is tbe friend of corporation Interests at against thoia of the public; and that the facts, as stated In Judge -Qresbam's review, warrant an Investigation. . The frjendl of Judge Brewer; It is said, denied that he was in anywise unduly in fluenced in his action in; tbe Wabash receiver ship, but adjournment came before the case was disposed.of. ' It ,is believed, however, that the nomination will be conflrae1, probably to morrow. FISH COMMISSION 127 SESSION. Inspecting; the Government Fisheries and Transacting Bnslness. rrnOH A STATP. COnjlISPONDEHT.l WAfirrrKOT oh, December 17. The members of the Pennsylvania Fish Commission con vened to-day at Biggs Hotel, the full board be ing present, consisting ot Messrs. Henry C. Ford, fit Philadelphia; James V. Long, ot Pittsburg; W. L. Powell, of Hanlsburg; Henry C. Demnth, of Lancaster; Lewis Streuber, of Erie, who has ins t succeeded tbe late Commis sioner. Archie Dickson, of Meadville, and a B. outweu, or ecranton. The object, in meeting nereis to inspect the Government fisheries and tbe Department of Ichthyology of the Smithsonian Institute. The members of tha commission were very courteously received by United States Commissioner McDonald, who; escorted them about tbe central sta iou of the Fish Commission and other points of interest. The commission will to- morrow visit tne catching grounds and station at Ft. Washington. Among other business transacted at the meeting to-day was the ratifi cation of tbe expenditure of 82,600, appropri ated by the Pennsylvania Legislature for the construction of a fish way at Lackawaxen dam on the Delaware, and which was expended for that purpose in conjunction with the expendi ture of a similar sum appropriated by the Leg islature of. New York. The commission will remain here two or three days looking critically into the operations of the National Commission to seenre all possi ble information for the promotion of the fish eries Interests of Pennsylvania. Members of the commission state- that they are about to be cm at tbe central station at Erie the 'propaga tion of 20000,000 of white fish for distribution in Lake Erie, the ova of which have just been received at. the Government station at North. villcMlcb. SIGNS OF A COMING ROW. Democratic Congressmen Want All Contests Considered Deliberately. lEFSCtAn TXXBOBAM TO TM DISPATCH. 1 Washington, December 17. There aro growing signs of a political row in tbe House 1 to-morrow, unairman Howell, of the Elec tions Committee, broached to the members the subject of sitting daring the holiday recess in order tor facilitate the disposition of the con tested election cases. The Democrats promptly denounced the suggestion, declarlns thev feould not sit during the reccsa. As tbo.Rev htUta -signified .-their willingness to. work during tho'holldavs." Mr. Rowelr said he vnnid to-morrow offer a resolution authorizing his committee to sit during the recess, and also during the session of Congress. The Demo crats are outspoken In their opposition. They say they will resort to filibustering against tbe resolution, if that shall be necessary. It is not any consideration of working during the holidays tbat influences the Democrats. They are determined that the Republicans shall hot railroad any ot the contestants into seats. Chairman Howell has said he wanted to have one or two contested cases ready to report soon after recess. The Demoorats insist that every caser shall be handled deliberately and fairly, and make no secret of their purpose to adopt any means to prevent the summary un seating of any of their colleagues. PITTSBDEG'8 NEW POSTMASTER. His Appointment Awaiting Dlr. Wanarank eHs Rotnrn to Washington. rSFBCIAL TXtXOBAV TO TUB StSrATCn.1 WAsmwoTON. December 17. When Post master General Wanamaker gets back to his department to-morrow from the funeral of his friend, Frank Qowen, in Philadelphia, he will send up to the White House the names of about 200 good Republicans for appointment to Fresldental postofflccs. Among these names will be tbat of James 8,McKean to be post master at Pittsburg. Congressman Dalzell yet claims, as he always has, tbat this postoffice, being in his district, belongs to him, and that the Senators have no right to interfere with tha appointment On the other band, the Pittsburg Postoffice deliv ers mall not only through Mr. Dalzell'a dis trict bnt also m portions of tho districts repre sented by, Colonel Bayne and Mr. Ray. These two Congressmen, with a diplomatic eye to the future, have declined to take any part In the contest, although they have each said that Pittsburg, being the next city in the State in population to Philadelphia, the postoffice there ought like the postoffice In Philadelphia, tobe considered a Senatorial appointment THE NEW EXTRADITION TREATY. Transmitted Yesterday' to the Senate by President Harrison. WASHnraTON; Deoember 17. President Harrison to-day transmitted to the Sen ate the extradition treaty with En gland referred to in his annual message negotiated by Secretary Blaine and Sir Julian Pauncefote, the British Minister. By its terms the number of extraditable' of fenses is largely increased, the most important aaumon DeingiuacoremDezziemeni; comatll the treaty be ratified, Canada and the United States will cease to exchange a class of un desirable residents, who have hitherto seenred immunity from punishment The text of the Samoan treaty, negotiated at' Berlin last spring, has not yet "been transmitted to the Senate. MARRIAGE A FAILURE. An Old Man's Bride Leaves With a Sorao wbat Yonnger Admirer. Lonb Tree, Mo., December IT. Several months ago Newton Summers, a man aged 63, married a young girl aged I7- The young girl was engaged to a young man named Charles Harland, but ber parents objected to him and compelled her to marry Summers. Yesterday morning Summers was found by some neighbors lying in his. house terribly beaten and his wife gone. Summers says that Harland and his wife beat and robbed him and then left together. GOVERNOR TOOLE TAKES A HAND. He Send Ills Message to the Senate and Democratic House. Helena, Motor., December 17. Governor Toole thit morning sent his message to the Sen ate and the Democratic House. The Republi can House was ignored by tbe Governor. The Republican House has so far paid ho attention to the warrant sent the members by the Demo cratio House, aad it has been determined to disregard it In toto. -T- A NEW OIL DISCOTERI. The Neighborhood or Cblllleothe Excited by a ProBiIsIng Well. Chillicothk, p December 17. Oil has been found on tbe Xrag farm, three mile east of thkssW.wlutn-Viaa aH hi-' tiftlw aulr. ,xaa JMjwsc en KomUmMs m aw ? (Mr. - ... .J-. --- B . T- TVWb a a J n i WSfnSSBVirrK cy Cdlyebtos.theman Who Sayed CangkliB, O'Sallivan and Burke From the Gallows. ANOTHER MEMBER OF THE JURY GiTes Judge XoBgenecker a Fall Report of the Proceedings. NO OBJECTION TO ANOTHER TRIAL. lbs State's Attorney BsllsTts a Stronjer Ytr&iet Cwild be Secured, All statements concerning the delibera tions of the; Cronin jnry agree that Culver was the man who prevented a hanging-verdict against at least three of the prisoners. Thereat gave In to avoid a disagreement. Attorney Xongenecker is willing that there shall be a new trial, tSrXCIAI. TSUCOBAJt TO THS DISPATCH.1 CniCAOOt December 17. John Cnlver, the juror who held out for the acquittal of all the prisoners until his safety' was threat ened, was so ill to-day that he did not leave his bed. ' The feeling against this juror is so bitter that it is not likely he will leave his home for some time to come. An indigna tion meeting will probably be held on Sat urday night by the antl-Trlangnlars of the Ulan-na-Gael.. The work of sweeping the police force of Olan-na-Gael sympathizers was begun to day. Detective Stlft and .Patrolman Red mond IfoDonald, who tried to establish an alibi for Conghlm, were discharged to-day, and Policeman and Detective Crowe will be dropped to-morrow. XOXrOXCTECEZB CONFIE1I3 IT. State's Attorney Longenecker this even ing,, after a conference" with one of the Cronin jury whose name he withheld, told how the verdict was reached. As surmised, Jnror John Cnlver. who spent much of his spare time during tne long evenings reading the Bible, was the influential factor. Tbe first incident in this connection occurred while the trial was in progress the time when Mrs. Conklin testified. That evening Mr. Cul ver notified his fellow jurors that he solemnly believed she had committed perjury. Later Mrs. Hoertel, he thoueht. Was a liar, and Mar tinson, tbe expressman, did not really know Burke, while the Carlsons were plainly telling falsehoods. To illustrate. as to Expressman Martinson, Mr. Cnlver told of a mistake made by the wife ot his partner, who, one day, saw a man riding in a baggy whom she was sure was Culver, when in point of fact she was entirely mis taken. VEST POSITIVE OPINIONS. Culver, as the trial neared the end. seemed to see in nearly every witness for the State a vin dictive enemy or a purchased perjurer. He plainly hinted that it looked like a conspiracy on the State's part The matter of having witnesses under the charge of detectives was one of the things he thought looked bad. He wasn't sure Dr. Crpnln ever went to the Carl son cottage, and when asked, 'How do you ac count for the bloody trunk," said, "Why, for all we know, a dog may have been taken away and he was Impressed with the Idea tbat Dan Cougblin had a "good" face. When tbe tbe'time for balloting arrived Cul ver voted for the acquittal of all the defend ants. He steadfastly declared tbat Beggspartlo nlarly he would not send to jail for even a day. The result was a long struggle and repeated ballots, ending in the compromise verolct an nounced. Farmer Pierson nad voted steadily for the execution ot ill , fla.datjndants. and mi Ihe lilt tTjlaMu-J"' vvi:-iT Not until ftaTsSUf-or so before the verdict reached the public did ha give In' to the en treaties of his companions. The leading thought ofthe majority of tbe jurors, other than Culver and Piersontseemed to bo-to pre vent a disagreement They apparently be lieved that a mistrial was what had been aimed at by the defense. as- an-Kcrnm scene. Cougblin. .O'Sallivan and Ennze received many callers in jail to-day: Mrs. Conghlin visited her husband and wept bitterly during tho Interview, which was carried on through the wire netting. The prisoner, however, maintained: his wonderful nerve, and when the little woman-left the jail he became as cheer ful as ever. Burke had no callers. He sat In his oell and smoked cigars In apparent content ment O'SulIlvah was visited by his Sister, who cried almost continually, Tha ice man is slowly breaking down, if his conddct is any criterion, tha verdict has crushed him. He has the greatest horror of serving a life sen tence, and it is reported that if a new trial is S anted he will take the stand and tell who led m to make the contract with Dr. Cronin. Little Eunze is still unconsolable. He cried nearly all day, notwithstanding the efforts of his sweetheart and his lawyer to cheer him. One of the strange features of the case is the vehemence of Beggs and O'Bnllivan in declar ing that the boy had no hand in tbe murder. This fact, some of tbe newspapers argue, shows that the iceman and thesenlor warden certainly know something about tbe murder. It is not likely that the prisoners will reach tho peniten tiary for a year to come, even if tbe Supreme Court shonld refuse to grant a new trial. State's Attorney Longenecker, and his as sociates, will not, it is said, oppose any attempt to reopen tbe case, as they think another jury, if it could be found in tbe county, would return a more satisfactory verdict to the State. HO PARDON FOR a; ABE BUZZARD. Yesterday's Proceedings In the State Board Westing at tbe Capital. SPECIAL TELinHASt TO TBI DISPATCH. 1 Habeisbtjbo, December 17. The Board of Pardons to-day refused a pardon recommenda tion to Christian Burkhart, convicted of murder In the second degree In Allegheny county and sentenced to tha penitentiary for ten years. Simdiar action was taken in the following cases: Oscar Ecister, selling liquor without license in untietcounty ana sentenced to tne Allegheny County Workhouse fornlnemonths; Abram Buzzard, tbe notorious outlaw of Lan caster; Jacob M. Butt ot Lancaster, sentenced to four years and nine months for forgery. Tbe pardon of W. A, Swiers, of Jefferson county, sentenced to the penitentiary for five years and three months on February 11, 1888, was recommended, as were those of Peter Augstadt larceny, Berks county, and Charles Gibson; Lancaster, breaking jalh A FRAUDULENT ASSIGNMENT. The Creditors of a Broken Bank Receive Some Important News. ISriCIAL TELEOBAK TO THS StSTATCa. EuaBA, N. Y., December 17. The attorneys ot John R, 4 Robert M, FurteU, grocers, of this city, wero to-day notified by Referee Ed wards, of Binghamton, tbat he had decided the assignment of Frank G. Hall fraudulent and illegal, and that the assignment should be set aside, previous to July 19, 1U, Hall conducted a bank In this city, On tbat day the doors of the bank were slammed in the faces of the de positors, and a placard hung out announcing that Hall was unable to meet his obligations. A panic ensued, which was intensified when it was found that Hall had transferred about 5100,000 ot property to his uncle, S. 8. Hamlin. The enraged creditors and depositors soon at tached all his property, and on August L 1884, F. G. Hall assigned to 8. G. Taber, of this city. ' CORRUPTION IN UTAH. A Large Number ef Arrests Caae& by a Graad Jary Investigation. Salt Lake. Utah, December 17, The re cent Investigation ot the grand jnry into the alleged frauds in the dlshnnteg of funds and the making of contracts by the city and county officials Is resulting in a large number of arrests. Mayor Armstrong was arrested last night; there being nine indictments against him, charging intent to defraud tbe city and connty. To-day Charles A Smith. Bishop Georgo Rannoy, Jesse W. Fox, County Surveyor John O. Cutter, County Clerk Alonzo Young, Joshua MIdgely, sStephen R. Marks aad W. W. Will iams were also arrested a 1 dittos sats of the same oatars. aii-- taM; Mwt tho Unite States ComatatMoaer aad aave beads ja a.aa ah fli iiini "-- --- - - Z--"Z1i.T. " ,---t.t ;the lrajEm scAEMURELAND IS A MWK Evorysedr With a Cold Bellevsa Ho Has the Blsease lie Inv'ea ligation Blade by "the Board of Health. New Yobk, December 17. Sanitary In spector Guiteras, who Investigated the re port that Russian influenza had arrived in town, reported to4ay to Dr. Edwn, of the Hoard of Health.' The matter was brought to the attention or the board by Dr. Carl Lellman, who notified it that 7 out of the 13 members of tbe family of Albert Klamroth were suffering from what he be lieved to be Russian influenza. In his report the inspector says: "The .ages of those attacked range from 60 years to 4 years, all but two little children being over 21 years. No caose of tbe attack: was apparent; none of tbe family have recently arrived from Europe or associated or been thrown in con tact with recent arrivals or anyone suffering from the disease. Certain ones rocently re ceived letters from Europe. The young lady who was the first one at tacked received a letter from Berlin the day before tho attack came on. Tbe first case occurred December II, the second on the following day, and .the third on the 13tb. The fourth and fifth cases occurred on December 14, and tho sixth and Seventh on the'15tb. The first symptoms were sudden faintness, chin and marked prostration. Then succeeded headache, followed by acuta corja, pharyngitis and slight laryngitis, winding np with bronchitis. Examination showed the patients to be as about as sick as persona with a bad cold. The duration of tbe attack. was two days and npward. two of the family having resumed work while the first one attacked Is yet confined to tho house. The patients state that catarrhal symptoms are nothing In comparison with the great feeling of prostration." - Dr. Edson- said he had no donbt'Dr.'Leilman was correct In his diagnosis, and that it is tbe real Russian influenza. He thinks there is no occasion for interference on the part of the Board of Health. The .Klamroth family win not be quarantined. The Health Board is not yet convinced that the real disease is here. Kearly everybody with a cold is reporting a easel AN OYSTER WAR AT AN END. The State of Virginia Placed on theSldoof tho Pirates. nrpBCIAZ, TXXXaBAM TO THS DraPATCTI.1 RicimoitD, Va, December IT. The Hog Island oyster war has come to a summary end. Much blood has been shed and a great amount of bad feeling engendered. The State of, Vir ginia is- in the novel position, this time, of siding With tbe pirates, against whom she has been waging war. The pirates have owned that they were wrong in working in other waters of the Commonwealth, bnt have insisted that they would yield up their lives before they would give np fishing In the Hog Island oyster grounds. They have contended that Virginia has no more right to forbid them fish ing there than to forbid their existence. The Virginia. gunboat Chesapeake was kept on tho lookout all the time, for the dredgers swore they were imposed upon and would not submit. The Investigation reveals that Mr. Lawis leased from the State the oyster flats for which he paid the State 25 cents an acre, and for Which he received tlOO an acre. He has been making $30,000 a year from the Hog Island flats, and would have made more if piracy had been entirely suppressed. The Legislature has Sromptly passed a bill annulling the lease and eclanng the Hog Island territory open water. It was shown that the State had no right to lease the territory, as it did not belong to it. This is a striking evidence of tbe ease with which a law can be passed when no one Is around to explain it GREAT FDTDRE FOR COKE And the Workers Will Profit as Well ma tho Operators. Master Workman L B. Roe, of N. D. A. 135, previous to leaving for the Indianapolis Con vention on Monday night outlined the position which the cokers would take with regard to the scale of wages for next year. An attempt .wlUbfijnadatotbring into effect a scale of wages based on tbe market pries of the pro-. auct-in other woras, a sliding scale, xnu plan, it is claimed, will be found mutually advan tageous to operators and workers, since it will equalize the cost of the product to tbe former and yield the latter a more equable return for their labor- A prominent operator seen yesterday said that he could find no objection to the sliding scale, and observed that he had little doubt but that It would be brought Into vogue. "The prospects of the coke trade." continued this gentleman, "were never so promising, and on a slldlngscale of wages the condition of tha cokers will be materially improved. Next year's trade will be a heavy one, and should Congress pass a measure Increasing the tariff on tluplate so as to admit of American manu facturers competing with their foreign rivals, tho development of tho coke trade would be enormous, duo to the number of mills which would spring into being to supply the demand for sheets. 1 hare not any doubt that we shall have S3 coke by the end of the year." HAMMOND IN SEATTLE. He Says He Left England for the Benefit of His nealth. rarSCnLTXLXaHAMTOTHDISPATCH.l Seattle, Was n., December 17. a R. Ham mond, whose flight from England after the ex plosion of the London scandal, caused so much comment, has been located here. He was found In a room with a-thick-set French woman and two boys, and was very indignant at bis identification. He denied any direct connection with the scandal, but said he knew all there was In it Tbe woman, who joined him here, said ha had. married about 13 years ago, aud one of the boys, the younger, was theirs. They are re puted to have a quantity ot diamonds with them. In London, he said, they kept a lodging house for bachelors who bad latcb keys and did as they pleased in their rooms. He left En gland for his health, he says. AND WITH SO SMALL A SWAG ! A Brooklyn Cashlor Missed, With Only n Paltry 83,000. rSFZCIAX. TXXIORAlf TO THX DISPATCH.! Brooklyn, December 17. Henry L. O'Brien, a young man very well and favorably known In 'Brooklyn, Is supposed to have fled with some boodle 32,000. He is Assistant Cashier in the Arrears Department under Register McGnlre, his personal friend, with a salary of S1.UC0. Aoont a month ago, being hard pushed for monoy to maze good, as it Is supposed, some heavy losses at tbe winter race tracks, of which he was a steady patron, he raised $2,000, less tbe amount of discount, on a note bearing the forged names of Senator Eugene F. O'Con nor and bis own mother. CORRIGAN GOING TO ROME. The Archbishop of New York Calls for Annual Reports From Cbnrehes. IBPICXU, TXLXOBAX TO TBI DISPATCH.! New Yoke, December 17. The first session of a conference of tbe Catholic Clergy of the Archdiocese of New York was held here to-day at St Michael's Church In West Thirty-first street Archbishop Corrigan presided and in structed the pastors to send him their annual reports before January 10. One of tbe priests told a reporter of The Dispatch that Arch bishop Corrigan gave this order because he will leave this city on JanuVy lb for Borne. JUST TICKED FROM THE WIRE. Four hundred and ninety-one immigrants arrived ia New York yesterday from Ham burg. The police of Baltimore have ordered Wm L. Crosley, a dealer in "green goods," to leave the city. THE death of Henry D. Harkey, President of the Merchants' Shot Tower Company, is an nounced from Baltimore. AT Boston yestjrday Horace H. Stevens was elected President and Leonard Lewissohn Vice President of the Santa Fe Mining Com pany. The saw steamer Russia, of the Hsmbnrg Ameriaaa line, arrived at New York yesterday on her maiden trip. She left Hamburg on the 3d last At the city election in Merlden, ContL, yes terday the Republicans were victorious, for the first time in three years, electing their Mayor and 21 oat of 30 Councilmen. Miss Grace Phbdit, an English actress, eMfMtBat Edward T Henley, who recently married MM Mary Hassaton. aad k sow la CaWlecHia, is bar hjnhand . aad she yesterday aaaMsd at a New .Yark a sUae aosgs leg a war- 'raatisrWsaMsei.i,' - .' THREE GENTS b d HnstTery Soon be Permittedto Manage Her Own Affairs, r.T. nTrrr.TKfff.Q utr pnr.inv. . W-0r dJSgl 'siaKW-V V &:. .i . .j;3 UU VUiUilVU A1AM IVJMVli: id L.T., ss. t?for English Interference arti uuusu una iikaeu. ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO KILL THE CZACi .?. lis Accounts cf the Idle Syndic of Boms Are Ab 400,000 Bsort 23L In a speech at Nottingham yesterday, Mr. '.""' ? Parnell defined the future hopes and plana of the home rule organization- He de clared that Ireland could never be ruled by a mixture of coercion and constitutionalism, and that all measnres for the benefit of tha country mnst be carried ont by the Irish themselves. Parnell will visit Gladstone shortly. Lokdon, December 17. Mr. Parnell was at Nottingham to-day. There was a great crowd at the railway station when he ar rived, and he was greeted with - mingled groans and cheers. The Irish leader ad dressed a large meeting this afternoon. Ho declared that there had never been a move ment of such magnitude to the country, which was so comparatively he& from crinia as the Land League movement The object of the home rule movement he said was to regenerate Ireland, especially with regard to her indnstrial condition. Continuing, Mr. Parnell said that manu factures might be developed to such an ex tent as to take the strain off the land and enable the people to look to other means than farming for gaining a living, bnt the idea' was not tenable that Ireland could be govemed by England's promoting her in dustries. NOT ENGLAND'S WOEK. Irishmen themselves mnst promote Irish industries by building harbors, clearing out the channels of rivers, and reclaiming waste lands not at the expense of tbe English ex chequer but of the Irish exchequer, or, best of all, through the efforts of local and Indi vidual enterprise and with private capital. Mr.' Balfour's plan of making railways through im poverished districts was a vain expenditure of money. Home rule aimed at national regeneration, and this Implied the regeneration of industries and the industrial and commercial spirit of tha people. If home rule were granted. It would not discourage the rich people of England from, promotlcg industrial developments, but tho money would be judiciously and advantage ouslv emDloved instead of beinc? wasted, as now; to maintain in power a Government of fraud and trickery. Expenditure of that sort would enable Ire land to get and keep her head above water, and, so exercise and develop the qualities of her people that she would be no longer an exhibi tion of wonder and scorn of the nations of tho world. Cheers.1 XHE GBEAT XSIAL. Briefly referring to the Parnell Commission, the speaker said that he believed the judges ' report would not discredit the National move- ' ment Mr. Parnell devoted the speech be made to night to the tenants' league. Ha said this was by far the greatest and most powerful peace able movement ever organized In Ireland or any other country. Although Ireland was tran quil, she was not appeased. She did not sub mit On tha contrary the people's dislike of tho Government was tenfold mors intense tor', the 'experiences of three 'years of coercion." Bat the country. -thongh-H did: not yield, was tranquil because -of the faith it nadintba assurances of Mr. Gladstone tbat a triumphant liberal party would soon give it its legitlmato freedom. Mr.Parnell would not say that It would ba Im possible to govern Ireland by mera coercion,1 but Balfour's mixture of coercion and consti tutionalism would never succeed. Mr. Balfour had made several mistakes; among these was that bo had neglected to provide for arrears of rent and for the restitution of evicted tenants. A DAY OF EETBIETJZION, This had led to tbe formation ot a new agrarian movement, which would sweep Bal four and bis props away as chaff Is swept be fore the whirlwind. If the Government had, nothing to be ashamed ot in connection with' tbe Timet doubtless it would gratify curiosity bv making known the truth about that matter: The country wanted to know how far the Gov ernment bad gone in a course so mean and so thoroughly contrary to the English spirit as to attack men from ambush and by the use of such disreputable instruments. He knew tho letters were forgeries, but ha would rather have died than have accepted tha vindication the Government offered him. Tha Parnell Commission, instead of trying tbe per sonal Indictment bad tried the Irish nation and the movements of the Irish party. Mr. Parnell upon the conclusion of bis en gagements at Nottingham, will visit Mr. Glad stone at Ha warden. A QUESTION OF LANGUAGE. The Municipal Authorities of Riga Blast Use" the Rassian Tongae. TITOS T)n?fmhi17 Thn TnnntrlYVil antfuwt- tips AC theip nnntini- tvjI&T enndnctad thA nrtw ?M repriln lln th RnMlfln tsnmtiin 1ntad nfb : the German, in accordance with the utasora-' " cently Issued by the Czar. This was the first ' time the Russian language was used, at tha' meeting oi tne uouncn. Mayor Oettingen and Councilors HIllnler. Hausemann and Tiemer withdrew from tha meeting owing to tho enforcement of the user of tbe Russian language, and the Municipal Secretary resigned for the same cause. HO SHOW FOR B0ULANGER. The French Chamber of Deputies Refuses' to Grant Him Amnesty. Paris. December 17. Tbe Chamber of Depu ties to-day, by a vote of S01 to 198, nullified tha-. election ot too xKiujaneut, .u. xaur. .rao was, elected for Neuilly by a majority of 2.C00 over the Republican candidate. Tha Chamber also voted, by 338 to 61, against tha proposition to give emergency to a motion declaring am nesty for Boulanger and bis condemnedasso- dates. It also voted, br 190 to 155. against giTinsf amnesty to strikers who had been guilty oi '.; violation oi law. TO ASSASSINATE A KING. -- Jfcl lUBjiiunarcn 01 barrAUiu DuoisamiaciS'W Who Feel Tbat War. ., 2 London, December 17. Advices from! Shanghai are to the effeot that several high' officials are Implicated in a futile attempt .to I assassinate the Kinir of Corea. who Is reportad as desiring to abdicate In favor of Prince Mia-,- Yong-Gylk, and bare been exiled to Honcl ii.ong. ANOTHER PLOT DISCOVERED. The Life of tha Czar Again Menaced by thai Whlll.t. -;4l . ""- .. jr .Berlin, Aiecemosr ii.-i.ae truer meuvngi Ot Bremen says that another plot against tho Czar has been discovered, and that anumoerl ot military officers ot St Petersburg have' hoenj arrested on tne cnarge ox oeing concerned in ret ON THE AMERICAN PLAN. The Syndic of Rome 9400,000 Short la Hkii Accounts. Rome, December 17. It is reported tkatjajl deficiency of (400,000 was incurred by tbe ad ministration of tha lata Syndic of Rose, Dak xonoui. THE NEW DEMOCRATIC MASCOTS -JM Will be tho Guests of Honor at a NswT York Banauet. New Yobk, December 17. The Business! Men's Democratic Association of New York! 'will celebrate the anniversary ot the' Battle of g New Orleans on January 8, by a banquet at thev Hoffman House. The guests will ba the nawlvl eiectsa .ueraocraao uovernors ox ususvwwtvl 'Virginia, New. Jersey and Moatoaa. xmmm . -'-IT . . ', 'Jit .', . . .ik . jwww" itfii ann i-t - y5w.-rft.u '-ijiHV . !, i'