Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 17, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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'drt 5.
'-17, 1889.
f ileadiDg Features of Live Stock Mar-
& kets for the Week.
Kgattle supply kot dp to demand
-And Choice Grades Bring Better Prices
r Than Last Week
OmcE ofPittsbubo Dispatch, l
Mojf DAT. December 16, 18S9.
Markets were better than last week, and all
ofienngs were cleaned op at a shade better
prices. A few fancy beeres for holiday pur
poses sold better than anything offered for
months past. A Diamond market batcher re
ports that be paid 6J4c for a prime 1,700 pound
The supply of cattle was not up to last Mon
day, and batchers were prompt buyers at an
advance of 15c to 20c per cwt. on the prices of
last week. Prime heavy beeves from Chicago,
weighing 1,500 to 1,600 ponnds sold at S5 40 t
$5 65; medium weights, L35U to 1,450 pounds,
$5 to $5 25; do 1,200 to 1,800 pounds" M 70 to
15 03; prime light weights, 900 to 1,100 pounds.
it 50 to $4 75; common to fair thin and rough
steers, 53 65 to M 20. The market for fresh cows
was active and inn at J35 to $50. Calves were
scarce and firm at a range of 5Kc to 6c per
giund. There were only IS head offered,
alls, stags and dry cows were better stock
than they hare been for some time past, selling
readily at SVc to 4)c per pound.
Receipts: From Chicago L Zcigler, 122 head:
h. Gerson, 96; A. Fromm, 65: L. Rothschild A
Co., 6L From Ohio Needy A Smith, 31 From
Pennsylvania J. Shepherd, 21: various owners,
12. Total, 409; last week, 612; previoas week,
Sheep nod Lambs.
The offerings were light and demand was
good, but hardly up to that of last Monday.
u The following prices were maintained, bat no
more: Best heavy native and Western wethers.
$55 25; good to choice medium weights, SI 0
4 90: fair to medium do, M 251 45: common
and mixed lots, S3 501; lambs, 5bc per
pound. William AlcCreary sold 150 head of
'Lawrence county sheep and lambs to Winter t
Dellenbacb, proprietors of the island abattoir,
.at 56c per pound. The sheep averaged 13S
ponnds and the lambs SSL
Receipts: From Chicago L Zelgler.-SlOAead.
From Pennsylvania W. McCreaxy, 150;- D. O.
Pisor, 55: Bingham &. Co 1G0; E. D. Sergeant,
8S; G. Flinner. 122: G. W. Keesv. 44. Total,
JO; last week, 733: previous week, 800.
Hoi in LIcht Supply.
Supplies were much lighter than a week ago
and markets were firm without any advance.
Best Chicago's and Ohio's sold at range of
" S3 854 10, and country hogs wholesale at
S3 6033 95.
Receipts: From Chicago L Zeigler, 238 bead.
From Ohio Needy Smith, 251; N. K.
Buchanan, 86; A. B. Hank, 91. From Pennsyl
vania D. O. Pisor. 41; Bingham 4 Co., 24: E.
1, bergeant, 12; G. Flinner. 4; J. Shepherd.84;
G. W. Keesy, 7; A. Roby, 72. Total, 910; last
week, 1,33; previous week, 836.
Receipts nt Liberty.
Receipts of cattle at East Liberty to-day
footed up 100 loads, againstllO last Monday and
120 the week before. The quality was an im
provement on last week and prices were stiff er
and a shade higher. The outside rate was
$4 50 in carload lots, but only a few reached
this figure.
Hoes, too. were higher this morning both at
East Liberty and Chicago: At Chicago the
outside was S3 65 and at Liberty S3 9a
The indications at all live stock centers are
that uottom prices have been reached and that
markets are on the verge of an upward move
ment. Certainly there is a move hopeful feel
ing among drovers than for some months past.
' Br Telegraph.
Chicago Cattle Receipts. 12,000 head;
shipments. S.500 head; market steady; beeves
H 505 So; steers. 22 60Q4 20: stoccers 'and
feeders, H O02 85; Texas cattle, si 602 8a
Hogs Receipts, 24,000 head: shipments. 6,000
head; market strong; mixed, S3 453 65; heavv,
S3 453 70; light, S3 503 70; skips, S3 003 40.
Sheep Receipts, 7.500 head; shipments. 2,000
head; market steady: natives, S3 005 50: West
em corn-fed. S4 rxi4 50; Texans, S3 00p4 2a
The Mrover's Journal special cablegram
quotes bast American cattle lc higher than last
iwim general marser is well supplied
with all kinds except American cattle; medium
to choice steers, 11K13- r
PnrxATjEU-iiiA Beeves Receipts, 4.400
head, making 12,400 head for week. Arrivals
included 123 carloads for city slaughterers
direct, 72 carloads for exporters, and 60 car
loads for the market. The market was fairly
nrm; prices 1015 cents per 100 pounds higher.
Common to strictly prune native steers sold at
S3 05 60 per 100 pounds; bulls and dry cows
at SI 503 oa The steers sold at $5 SO per 100
ponnds were semi-Christmas cattle. The
week's shipments included 3.530 beeves and
15,570-quarters of beef; calves, receipts 600,
making L920 for the week.
Burr axo Cattle dull and lower on common
grades: choice fairly active and firm; receipts,
188 loads through, 250 sale; choice to extra
export steers, S4 154 70; common to good ex
port, S3 7584 00: choice heavy butchers, S3 40
4 00. Sheep and lambs Demand good and
higher; receipts, 23 loads through, 43 sale;
sheep, choice to extra, 26 608 70: good to
choice, S5 255 50: lambs, choice to extra, 26 50
6 S5: good to choice, 55 Z55 55. Hogs fairly
active and lower; receipts, 66 loads through,
150 sale; mediums and heavy, S3 753 80.
Kaitsah Citt Cattle Receipts. Z850 head;
shipments, 3,406 head; good cattle 5loc higher;
others steady; natives. S34; cows, SI 60ffi2 SO;
stockers and feeders. $2 003 CO. Hogs Re
ceipts. 5,034 ;head; shipments, none; market
2X5c higher: extreme range, S350360; bulk.
$3o2H355. Sheep Receipts. S25 head; shijj
stents, l,097head; market steady; good to choice
muttons, 23 805 00; stockers and feeders, S3 25
4 6a
Robeet Gaeeett is said to be recovering
his mental and physical health.
Work in thl various oil fields is active, but
nothing big and lasting is being developed.
THE Bell Telephone Company has declared a
dividend of 23 a share, payable January 15.
It is rumored that the Erie Railway will
soon have to come into the market as a bor
rower ot money.
The number of mortgages recorded yester
day was 34. The largest was for 210,000. Twelve
were for purchase money.
Beokees have settled down to the opinion
that the stock market will remain dull until
after the holidays if not longer.
Duexko the coming year the corporate exist-
ence ot 68 national banks, with an aggregate
capital of JS.330,000. will expire. -"
The banks have been called on to make a
statement at the close of business on December
11 Pittsburg banks had been prepared for 'it
Xor some time.
ON January 1 the new provision for the
abolition of the system of rebates and com
missions adopted by the Trunk Line Commis
sioners will take effect, and it is estimated that
it will save the roads 210.000,000 per year.
The Pennsylvania Railroad reports that the
. quantity ot coal and coke originating on and
carried over its lines east of Pittsburg and Erie
for the week ending December 7 was 357.898
tons, of which 242,617 tons were coal and 115,381
tons coke.
THE Virginia, Tennessee and Carolina Steel
and -Iron Company applies to the New York
Stock Exchange to list 21,105,000 collateral
trust 6 per cent gold bonds, and Ohio Southern
Railroad also asks to list 22,520,000 general
mortgage 4 per cent gold bonds.
AT the meeting of the Citizens' Insurance
Company ,held yesterday the following were
elected directors: Wm. G. Johnston, John
Caldwell, Jr., George Wilson. Thomas Snow
den. -James W. Brown, Charles Meyran. John
H. Wilson, JebnHaworth, Isaac Debaven. Geo.
M. Laughlin, W. F. McCook. J. P. Kauffman,
Lewis Irwin, J. J. Young, J. R. Dunlap.
New York. December 16. The week opened
with improved demand from Southern buyers,
many of whom are now in thai market, and a
variety of special fabrics were the subjects of
attention. Staple goods, however, continued
more or less quiet in accordance with the ten
dencies of last week, a holiday dullness now
being seasonable. Orders by mail were of fair
amount for new goods, including prints. The
tone of cotton goods continues of previous
firmness, but there were no price changes,
though some are looked for.
Dos'T rub yonrself with turpentine, but
use Salvation "Oil for jour rheumatism.
Price 25 cents.
"S: Vj Hili., Pittsburg aleat Supply
Company, corner of Church avenne and An
derson street, Allegheny, Pa., aold forZJel
son Morris & Co.. for week ending Decem
ber 14, 1889, 93 carcasses of beef, average 1
weignt,t)i8 pounds, aTerage price, $o z per
100 pounds.
Elevator Men Cause a Small Flurn ta the
Wheat Pit Becesaber BBd January
Weak bnt May Strong Pork
Chicago Wheat A fair speculative busi
ness was transacted, to-day, and the feeling was
a little unsettled throughout. Fluctuations in
prices were again confined within rather nar
row limits. There were no specially new feat
ures presented excepting that the elevators
might possibly combine and agree upon ad
hering to full storage rates and not allow any
rebates for winter stored grain. The possibil
ity of such a movement induced the selling of
the nearer deliveries, and the bnylng of May,
causing the premium to widen out from 4 on
Saturday to 6 to-dav.
The market opened at about Saturday's clos
ing figures ruled steady for a while, "but De-
cemDersoon oecame weak ana aecunea xc,
while May held steady. Later the market for
May became strong, the price advanced Jfc. re
ceded c, ruled steady and closed about jc
lower for December and January, and Jc easier
for May than Saturday. '
Corn There were no special features pre
sented in this marker. Trading, as on the
closing days of the week, was limited and fluc
tuations narrow. The market opened at Satur
day's closing prices, was firm f of a, time. De
cern oer selling np ;c, eaea on a miie. ruieu
quiet and closed a shade lower than Saturday,
though December was unchanged.
Oats were dull bnt steady.
Pork Trading was moderately active and
tli e feeling was rather unsettled and prices ir
regular within a small rangfc Prices were ad
vanced about 2Kc early in the day, but ruled
weaker, declined 710c during the latter part
of the session and closed rather tame.
Lard A little more business was transacted
and prices were irregular. Early the market
was strong and prices advanced 2c. but
toward the close the feeling was easy owing to
unfavorable Eastern advices and prices settled
back again and closed quiet.
Riba Trading was more active with prices
favoring buyers at outside figures. There was
fair trading early, but near the close a reduc
tion of 5c was submitted to.
The leading futures raneed as follows:
Wheat No. 2. December. 77f77677
77c; January. 78Je78K776fiJBc; May, 82
S2S2Kfctfc 2
Coax No. 2. December. 32?3332
32Kc: January, 31i31J31J431Jic: May,
Oats No. 2, December. 20222(
2Wc; January, 2020c; May. i2f22
Mess PORK, per bbL-January. 29 309 32K
9 209 25; March. $9 479 52U9 459 45;
May, 29 709 72J9 659 bo.
Lard, per 100 Sis. January. 25 926)5 92V
5 905 90; March, t6 006 005 97K5 97;
May, 26 106 1008 0566 05.
SnoBT Ribs, per 100 fts. January. 24 72K
4 72K4 704 70: March, 24 S2V4 82K4 80
4 UJ-, May. $4 954 954 904 9U.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 77c; No.
3 spring wheat, 6568c; No. S. red, 77c;
No. 2 corn. 32c; No. 2 oats, 20c: No. 2 rye,
45KcNo.2 barley, 5S60c. No. 1 flaxseed, S1S6&
Prime timothy seed, 21 20I 22. Mess pork, per
btu. 28 759 2a. Lard, per 100 lbs. 25 905 92
Short nbs sides (loose), 24 704 SO. Dry salted
shoulders fboxed), 24 124 25. Short clear
sides (boxed)'. 25 055 la Sugars Cut loaf, 8
gSJc: granulated, TjSCct standard A, 7c. Re
ceiptsFlour. 17.001) barrels: wheat, 66.000
bushels: com. 212.000 bushels: oats, 156,000
bushels; rye, 11,000 bushels: barley, 48.000 bush
els. Shipments Flour, 16,000 barrels; wheat,
24.000 bushels: corn. 217.000 bushels: oats. 101.-
000 bushels; rye, 9,000 bushels; barley. 34,000-
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was unchanged. Eggs, 20X21c.
New York Flour more active and weak.
Cornmeal quiet and steady. Wheat Spot
firmer and dull; options doll, KMc up and
weak. Rye easy; Western. 60062c. Barley
easy. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot dull and
steady; options dull, December c up; others H
Qc down and steady. Oats Spot firm and
lairly active, options steady and quiet. Hay
quiet and steady. Hops strong and in fair de
mand. Coffee Options opened steady at 1020
points down: closed steady at 2030 points
down; sales, 68,730 bags, including December,
16.1016.15c; January. 16.0516.15c; February.
18.15lO20c; March, 16.2016.35c: April, 16.25
16.40c; May and June, 16.S516.45c; July. 1635c;
August, 16.25c: September, 16.30l6.40c; Oc
tober, 16.25I6. 45c; spot Rio easy and quiet: fair
cargoes, 19c;No. 7. 17Jc: Yov.8, 16c. Sugar
Raw dull and nominal; refined c lower and
weak at 20c: extra C. 6K7Kc; white extra C,
6M6Jfc; yellow,5Jc;ott A. 6&Vc:mold
A, ytc; aianaara a,4c; coniectioners' A, uc;
Sowdered, c; granulated. 6c; cubes, c
iolasses New Orleans steady. Rice in fair
demand and steady. Cottonseed oil easy; crude,
27c Tallow City (S2 for pkgs.). 4 746c.
Rosin quiet; strained common to good 21 20
125. Turpentine weak and quiet at 44KJ45c.
Sggs fairlr active and firm; Western. 24c; re
ceipts. 3.959 packages. Fork firm. Cut meats
weak; pickled shoulders. 4K4Vc: pickled
hams, SXSJi"; sale pickled bellies. 12 Ihs
6c; middles dull; short clearT 25 6U Lard
easier; more active export; sales 2,500 tierces;
Western steam. 26 22XS6 25, closing at 28 22H?
options,ales 4,750 tierces. Batter Elein,-29c;
Westerndairy. 18c; do creamery. 1427c; do
held, 1018c: do factorv, 719c. Cheese quiet
and easy; Western. 810c-'
Fhtx.asei.fhia Flour quiet and steady at
unchanged prices. WheafH;c higher; spec
ulation quiet; choice grades.scarce and firm,
with a fair inquiry from millers;- fair to good
milling wheat, 7885c; choice and fancy long
berry. 8792c; nngraded, in grain depot, 82084c;
fancy longberry. in grain depot, 92c; No. 2 red.
December. S0K81Kc: Jannarr, 81Kc; Feb
ruary. 82KS3fcc: March. 8484Hc Corn
Options steady; car lots unsettled and l2c
lower; new ungraded, in grain depot, 40c; new
No. 3 high mixed, on track, SSc; new No. 3 yel
low, afloat, 38c; do. in grain depot, 3739ct new
steamer. 3S39c, as to color and location; new
No. 2 mixed, on North Pennsylvania track,
40c; new No. 2 yellow, in grain depot, offered at
33c; No. 2 mixed December. 3939c: Jannarv,
2is;c; reoruary, iJSjstasK:: .March. 38B39J4C
Oats Car lots steady; No. 2 mixed. .23c; No. 3
white,30K No. 2 white, S2Kc: futures quiet
but steady; No. 2 white. December, 30V31c;
January. aWeSCgJc; February, 3!30J4c:
March. S0K31a Provisions dull. Pork Mess,
new, 211 5012 00: do prime mess, new, 211; do
family, 212 5013 00. Hams Smoked. 10K12c.
Lard Western, S6 S7K6 aa Butter dull
and weak: Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 26
27c; do prints, do. 3437c. Eggs irregular and
dull; Pennsylvania first. 27c. Cheese steady;
part skims, 78J Receipts Flour. 6.600 bar
rels: wheat, 7,000 bushels: corn, 26.000 bushels:
oats. 17.000 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 4 000
bushels: corn, 5,000 bushels; oats, 3,000 bushels.
Minneapolis The demand for good mill
ing wheat from the sample tables was quite
active during the early part of the dayat about
Kc higher range than that of Saturday. It
went fairly later, but at rather easier quota
tions in sympathy with futures. Poor wheat
was dragging, with no great competition for
it. The receipts, including Sunday, were 401
cars, and shipments 65. The local stocks in
creased 544,053 bushels for the same time. The
visible increase was 694,000 bushels, showing a
small decrease for all points outside ot Min
nesota. Stocks of corn. In the visible, de-
creaseu m.imj ousneis, ana oats decreased 41,
000 bushels. The demand for carlots was
chiefly from local millers, with some good taken
to ship to outside mills. Closing quotations:
No. I hard. December, 78c: January, 78Kc;
May. 83c; on track, 79c: No. 1 Northern, De
cember. 75Jc: January, 7&c; May, 80: on
track, 77Kc; No. 2 Northern, January. 73Xc;
May, TTJic; on track, 72375c
St. ILouis Flour quiet and steady. Wheat
Under the influence of improvement at other
points the market was strong, advanced Xc
early in to-day's session, but elsewhere
caused a decline and the close .was lr. Mi
Saturday; No. 2 red, cash. 77Kc: December
closed at 77Xc asked; May. 84Jc tid; July.
71c bid. Corn lower; feeling was weak and the
pressure was all to sell; No. 2 mixed, cash,
27Vic; January elbsed 27Jc asked; February,
27Xc bid; May. 2956; asked. Oats nominal:
No. 2 cash, iSUmB& bid; May quotable at
about 22Jc. Rye No. 2 at 42Kc bid. Barlev
easy and dull; Minnesota, 4248c. Flaxseed,
ti to. jrroTisions ami.
CINCHT2TATI Flonr dull; fandlv S2 MV93IVI.
fancy, S3 G03 80. Wheat weak and lower; No.
2 red, 7778c; receipts, 3,500 bushels; shipments,
1.500 bushels. Corn dull and weaker; No. 2 new,
37c; new. 33Kc Oats easier: No. 2 mixed, 24ffl
25Xc Bye quiet at 46c. Pork Steady at 19 50
9 6U Lard in fair demand at $5 80. Bulkmeats
Sulet; short nbs, $4 87K- Bacon scarce: short
lear, $8 75. Butter dull; fancy creamery, 30
31c; choice dairy, I517c. Unseed oil easy at
6858c. Sugar firm; hard refined, 58c: New
Orleans, &6c Eggs steady at 1819c
Cheese steady; prime to choice Ohio flat 910c
Baltimore provisions dull and quiet
Butter quiet: Western packed. 1416e; best
rolled, 1820c: creamery. 2328c Eggs steady
at 2321c. Coffee firm; Rio cargoes fair at
Toledo Cloverseed active and firm: cash,
and December, 13 65: February, S3 6a
The Ylnlble Snpply of Grain.
New York, Decemoer 18. The visible sup
ply of gram on Saturday, December 14. as
compiled by the New York Produce Exchange
was as follows: Wheat 83.944,742 bushels; in
crease. 601,078 bushels. Corn, 5,269,282 bush
els; decrease, 400,107 bushels. Oats, 4.827J567
bushels; decrease, 41,461 bushels. Bye, 14.212.
326 bushels: increase, 97,394 bushels. Barlev
2,585.793 bushels ; decrease, 190,387 bushels.
Grain In Sight.
Chicag o, December la The Board of Trade
report on the visible supply of grain Is as fol
lows: Wheat 83,944,000 bushels;- increase.
694.00a Corn, 6,297,000: decrease, 147,00a Oats.
4JS29.000; decrease, 4l.00a Rye. 3,189.000: de?
crease, 7o,O0a Barley, 2,683.000; decrease, 191,.
Metal Market. t
New Toss: Pig iron strong: American.
S16 60fl9 0a Copper dHU and iut' steady;
lake. December, 113 90. Lead useetl4domes-
tio,J3 67X. Tin qnietades4n , 6l 8ft
Flying Arormd in Relation to Pros
pective Deals in Realty.
What Does a Man Pay for When He Pur
chases a Lot or a Piece-of Ground?
A few fresh rumors of big deals in real
estate concentrated on Fourth avenue yes
terday, but they were too fleet of foot to be
corraled. A few gauzy Jacts were also float
ing around. The Connecting Railroad was
looking after a piece of land near Glenwood
lor a siding, A Butler county farmer com
menced negotiations foe the sale of a 200
acre farm. An Oil City merchant was in the
city trying to sell his store. Two other trans
actions of importance were reported to have
progressed so far that they will probably be
closed up by the last of the week. The gentle
men managing them said: "They are the big
gest things we have ever handled."
It was denied by a gentleman whose! word is
law on tbe subject, tbat tbe Pennsylvania Rail
road had acquired a foot of ground on Cherry
alley. If there is no fire there it is hard to tell
where all the smoke comes from. Still, tbe
people must believe the denials are made in
good faith.
, Quite an interesting question is being dis
cussed by some of tbe real estate agents of this
city. It is this: Where a man buys a lot or
piece of ground, is its rental value or produc
tive capacity included in the price be pays for
ItT In other words, does he bny it for what it
is or for what he can make out of it?
In giving expert testimony before an arbitra
tion board recently a prominent real estate
dealer gave it as his opinion that the full
rental value was included in tbe purchase price,
and that prospective enhancement had nothing
to do with it He held tbat tbe purchaser
paid only the amount, the property was worth
at the time of sale.
This position seems open to criticism. Sub
urban property is not rated as high as eligible
city property. WhyT Because it is not so pro
ductive. Sixty feet front on Fifth avenue, or
any other good street, is worth more than an
acre in any of the outlying districts not be
cause of the superior quality of tbe soil or any
other inherent excellence which it may possess,
but because its rental value, already great, may
be almost indefinitely Increased with the growth
of business and population. There is a conse
quential, or accumulating, as well as a present
value, and both should be taken into the .ac
count in buying tbe property.
In acquiring the Schweitzer property on
Fourth avenue for S12Q,000,or 2,000 a foot front,
did Mr. Vandegrift estimate its value at what
it was at the time of purchase, or at what he
thought he could make out of it? If tbe
former, be paid a big price; but if he bad in
view tbe enhancement that would nocessarily
follow the erection of a fine office building on
it and the improvement of the street, he got a
bargain. Tbat a man of his business acumen
would pay such a large sum for a piece of prop
erty without looking into its possibilities of de
velopment is not to be thought of. He looked
to the consequential as well as the real value,
and seeing that he could make 10 or 12 per cent
out of the nvestment concluded to make it.
The fact is, that nobody acquires land, in
either large or small quantities, tor the sake of
tbe land itself. He buys it this year because
he thinks it will be more valuable next year.
It is to him what the mill is to iron manufac
turer or the store to the merchant a plant to
do business with. It may be almost worthless
when it comes into his possession, but he sees a
way to make it profitable. If it had no conse
quential value he would not buy it It is not
the land merely that a man buys it is what it
is capable of producing.
It is as hard to kill a rumor, when it once gets
a good start, as it is to kill a snake. Rumor had
the Hamilton Hotel property sold last week to
the Americus Club. It 'was promptly and
authoritatively contradicted: but that only
suppressed it for a little while. It came to the
surface again yesterday, as fresh and positive
as ever.
To settle the question for good and all, a call
was made on Henry A. Weaver A. Co., who are
agents for tbe property. These gentlemen
stated positively that the sale had not been
made, tbat all reports to the contrary were un
true; that there had been talk pf such a deal,
but that nothing had been done to carry it out,
and that all the gossip in connection with it
was premature. It might be consummated, bnt
there were important difficulties in tbe way of
a successful termination of the transaction.
Charles F. McKenna, Esq., was also seen,
and be confirmed Mr. Weaver's statement,
adding that, while the matter had been can
vassed to some extent do documents had been
signed and co money paid to constitute a
bargain, and be did not know when there would
bS. if ever. Some serious difficulties were in
the way, and these would have to be removed
before anything further could be done. The
report of the sale, he concluded, was entirely
premature. Mr. McKenna is attorney for the
Trimble heirs.
The Wall Street Daily InvaUgator contains
the following: The stories current in Wall
street for the past three days, that Clans
Spreckels was trying to sell his Philadelphia
refinery to the Sugar Trust, are falsehoods pnre
and simple. We say this advisedly. There is
no doubt in our mind that Claus Spreckels will
fight the Sugar Trust as long as he owns a dol
lar or has breath in his body. His heart and
soul are in this fight, and he will leave no stone
unturned to win it Tbe people in this part of
the country do not know him, nor how
thorough he is in whatever he undertakes.
Moreover, they have not the least idea of his
financial resources. What is generally sup
posed to be his aggregate wealth is about his
annual income. Tbe music in the Sugar Trust
has not yet begun; when it does begin Wall
street will acknowledge that its strains are the
livliest they ever listened to.
Not Enough Business In Stocks to Stir Up
The stock market yesterday was unsatisfac
tory in the amount of business transacted, only
36 shares changing hands. .Nothing was done
in the afternoon. The feeling was better than
the business. Hopes of a revival are still en
tertained, but it may not put in an appearance
for several weeks. A good deal depends npon
the results ot tbe January settlements
There were a few changes in quotations, bat
none were important Or significant Pittsburg
Traction was a little stronger. Central un
changed and Citizens' neglected. Philadelphia
Gas was offered at 8 at the opening and 30 at
the close. Bridgewater was in light demand at
28 and 29. The best bid for Chartiers was 39.
At the close it was held at 43. Electric was a
trifle weaker, but practically unchanged.
Luster closed strong at 25.
By a rule adopted yesterday, hereafter all
offers and bids for Westinghouse Electric shall
be for trust stock, unless otherwise speeffied.
There is $1,000,000 of regular stock and $4,000.
000 of trust, and trust stock has been generally
aeait in.
Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
Pitts. P. B.AM. Ex... 42S 600
Commercial .Na. lianK.
Enterprise savings....
City Insurance
Humbolt Ins. C0....1..
Man. AMer. Ins.......
Western Ins. Co
Allegheny Heating Co,
Bridirewater Uas
Chartiers Valley ti.Co.
People's .N. U. A P. Co
Pennsvlvanla Uas Co..
PblladelphU Co
Pine Hon ias...
86 83 SS S3
.... 35 .... 35
.... W ....
so :
.... so
.... 100
23 .... 29 ....
4S 39 4S
15" .. IS
"iX tan "a "a
.".' "x .".'.' ....
75 ,...
S2S4 S3 32J 33
IH My 473 47K
2& 23 Hi ....
ff :::: nt ::::
'".'. '.'.'.'. "is
I 41 ....
""h ""h ""
u2 !4 "is "a
47 ls 4S 47J
.... . US ,..,
WneeUnir basCo
Tuna Oil Co i
Washington Oil Co
Central Traction
Pitts. Traction
Pleasant Valler
Pitts.. A. A Man
Allegheny Valler B.B.
Chartiers Railway.. ....
P. A Conn'UvlUe E. K,
Pt. Va.AC.lt ft Co..
N.Y. A C Gas Coal Co.
h. Norla Mlnlnr Co...
Luster Mining: Co .
Yankee Girl Mining;...
Westinghouse Electric
Westinghouse A. B. Co.
The sales were 25 shares of Pleasant Valley
Railway at 23 10 Pittsburg- Traction at 48,
and 1 aaembership at 450. a . '
Ibe total sales ef steefcsat New iork yeeter-
t -
day were 169,850 shares, Including: Atchison,
8.630; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. 25,
969; Kansas and Texas, 8.625; Louisville and
Nashville. 16,170; Missouri Pacific 12,645; Read
ing, 30,310: fit Paul, 6,350. -
A Good Demand or Cosh at tbe Usual Pre
mium. Money was easy and In good demand yester
day, and rates were steady at 67astbe ex
tremes. Several of the banks reported cur
rency as scarce, but others said they had enough
to get along with. Checking and depositing
were brisk, but hardly up to tbe Monday
standard. The exchanges were $2,618,216 70,
and the balance 2S0.301 21.
A 'penny famine" exists in the South and
West notwithstanding the incessant efforts of
tue mint to supply we aeraana. as pnsine:
interests in .those sections are adversely af
fected. Congress will be urged at the earliest
opportunity to give heed to the necessity of in
creasing the appropriation for the coinage and
delivery of pennies to various parts of the
United States.
Money on call at Hew YorK yesterday was
easy, ranging from 4 to 7 per cent; last loan, 4;
closed offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper.
67& Sterling exchange quiet and steady at
$4 80H for CO-day bills and 84$ for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
V. 8. 4s.reg ra
U. 8. 4a. eous 127
M.lCAT.Gen.Ss . MX
Mutual Union Si... .102
N. J. C. Int. Ort...UX
Northern Fac lsts..11M
Northern Fac. Ms. .112
Nnrthw'n derm's.. 110
U. 8. 4Xs, rer 1MM
U. 8. 4)43, coup.... IMIi
Pacific 6s or '95. US
Louisiana stamped Is 937g
Missouri 63 101)4
lenn. new set. u... ii
Tenn. new set 6....10ii
Term. newset.Ss.... 7i
Orecon A Trans, to. 103
at. U4 8.K0en.il. I12!
Su rant consols ....IIS
StPL OhlAFe.lstS.llS
Canada Bo. Ids 86K
uen. raclflc ists. ....iw
Den. Ait. G., lata... lis
Den. &B.G.4S 78
D.ftB.O.Westlsts. 9SX
Eric, Ms 101
U.K. AT. Qen.Cs.. 74
union fac. uis...-ii
West Shore 103
New Toes Clearings, t82.73Q.933: balances,
J4.664.2S0. -
Boston Clearings. 817,565,191; balances,
21271,738. Money, 4&5 per cent
BAX.TXHOBB Clearings. 12,668,324; balances,
PmL.VDin.FHiA Clearings, $10,643,725; bal
ances, $1,929,546.
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England to-day is 60,000.
Pabis Three per cent rentes, 87f 70o ex-Interest
for tbe account
Chicago Bank clearings were 512,643,000.
New York exchange, 23c discount The de
mand for money continues good and rates are
unchanged from the former quotations 0 per
cent tor call and 6Q8 per cent on time.
Petroleum Continue Dnll, but Values n lilt-
tie Firmer Refining; Ohio.
The oil market was dull, but rather firmer,
yesterday. It seems to be firmly established
on a holiday basis, and no radical improvement
is expected until along in January. The open
ing was $1 04; highest SI 0 lowest SI 04;
closing. Si & Trading was light all along
the line and entirely professional. Saturday's
clearances were 132.000 barrels. There was no
important field or other news, except tbat tbe
Standard Is making good progress in refining
Ohio olL
The complete report of all the petroleum
Elpe lines for November shows net stocks of
.412.772 barrels, against 11,926.742 in October,
and 17.823,274 in January, a decrease of 513.975
from TJctober and 6,410,602 since January. The
amount of outstanding certificates is now less
than one-bait the amonnt In January, while tbe
available supply of Pennsylvania oil above
ground represents only about six months' con
sumption, and production is less than con
sumption. Features of the Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oaaiey A Co, 45
Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 1C4XLowest 104X
HTjtUwt lfeXJClMed ltaX
Average runs........ .......... .......... o3.803
Averaxe shipments 78.070
Average charters. 38,950
Jteflned. New Yor. 7.60c
Krflnei, lrfmdon. 6Xd.
Refined, Antwerp, YtM.
Kenned. Liverpool. S 1-163.
Kenned, Bremen, 7.15m.
A. B. McGrew quotes:
calls, SI 06
Puts, a 04Jil 04K;
Otber Oil Markets. .
New Yokk. December 16. Petroleum opened
steady at Si 03 and after tbe first sales the
market became strong and advanced to SI 04.
There was no further movement and the close
was firm at SI 04. Total sales, 230,000 barrels.
OilCttt. December 16. Petroleum opened
at SI 04; highest Jl 0 lowest, SI 04;
dosed, SI 05J6- - - -
Bradford. December 16. Opened at tl 0ft;
closed at tl 05; highest SI 05; lowest SI Oiii-
Trrusvtti.E, December ia Petroleum
opened at SI 04: highest SI 05V; lowest
$1 04; dosed, SU ,
The Week Starts Off With a Number of
Good Deals.
Alles A Bailey, 164 Fourth avenne, sold for J.
H. Hughes a two-story frame dwelling of 11
rooms and 8 acres of ground, etc, on Washing
ton pike, to Peter Sibel for ?2,50a
W. A. Herron & Sons sold a lot on the east
side of Fisk street Seventeenth ward, near
Penn avenue, in size 22x139 feet to a 20-foot
alley, for (1,43a
Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold lot No. 118 in the Blair estate plan of lots,
in Glenwood, Twenty-third ward, situate on
Renova street size 24x118, for $800.
James W. Drape A Co. closed the sale of a
house and lot in tbe East End and a small
property in & llegheny for $5,250 cash.
Black A Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Mr.
Robert Lyners, for P. Berrlnger, the property
on the comer of Blair and Frazler streets, Oak
land, being a two-story frame dwelling of five
rooms, with lot 65x120 feet for $2,000 cash.
Jamison A Dickie sold a lot on In wood street
East End, 33xl38 feet for $750 cash; also a lot
on Atwell street East End, 40x120 feet to Ada
Campbell for $850. and a mortgage on East End
property for $1,000, three years, at 6 per cent
Railroad Shares Listless at the Opeolng,
but Improve In Activity and Strength
Drives nt tbe Rending and
the Sngor Trust.
New York, December 16. The stock market
was again listless and dull, and all interest in
the speculation was supplied by the bears, who
were more aggressive than for the past week.
The death of Mr. Gowen was made the occasion
of a rumor that his holdings of Reading stock
and junior securities would come upon the
market, and during the forenoon, especially,
considerable pressure was brought upon the
market. In it there was less snecess than
among the incomes, and the interest was ex
tended to Lackawanna with more satisfactory
results, though the final decline in it was a
fraction only.
The same tactics were resorted to in the case
of Sugar Refineries, because of tbe death of
Air. iiavemeyer, ana wniie in this there were
some wide fluctuations made, and at one time
a material drop from the best figure was ac
complished, the rally in tbe afternoon was
complete, and tbe stock actually closed with a
fractional improvement. First prices were all
small fractions better than Saturday's final
figures, and. left to Itself for a short time, tbe
entire market appreciated further small frac
tions, while Sugar Refineries continued its ad
vance of last week add rose 2 per cent before
the attack of tbe bears checked the upward
Missouri Pacific was also prominent injtho
early rise, and with Chicago and preferred
rose over 16 per cent. The screws were then'
put on and Sugar retired ZH per cent, Lacka
wanna something over 1 per cent, and others
fractionally. Tbe pressure was not maintained;
however, and when it was relieved, tbe market
again sank back into dullness, while prices
'slowly appreciated until the last bour when
the upward movement became mora pro
nounced. The market closed fairly active and
firm to strong.
Railroad bonds were quiet and devoid of
feature of importance, although there was
active tradincr in Erie seconds and!Kan!ut and
Texas sixes which furnished S119,000and$102,000
respectively to the day's total of $1,142, 00a
h Government bonds were .dull and steady.
; State bonds were dulfbut firm.
The following tanie snows tne prices or active
stocks on the New York Stock Kxenange yester
day, corrected daily for The Dispatch by
WurTNITABTIFHiKEON. oldest Pltuburr mem
bers of Kewioraatocaicxcnange, 67 roar th ave
nue: Clos
lnr Bid.
68 4
Open- High. low.
IDS'- est. C4U.
Am. Cotton OH Trust.. UH HH ax
an. iwuon uu, ...... ....
AtCD.. Top.B.F..... HX
Canadian Pacific .... - .
Canada (southern ..... KSi
Central 0f.NewJerse7.r22
Central PaelOt... Wi
Chesaoeake Uhio-... 2S!4
C Bur. ft QulnT.....10SM
a. Mil, St. Paul..,. B9K
a. nn.Ast. P- pr....niH
C, Jiockl. ftl. 'S7H
U, BU K & FlttS U
Cauks Pitts, nt. SS
HH 33
C St. 1, 41. AO -
c st. r-M. o.. nr. ,.
C. ft Northwestern U1H mj no
C. northwestern, Br. .... ...;
ti, C C. 1 TO., "JO 30
,Ct. Cji.U, ALi'Vi .., ,i K .,,
OoL coal a iron S8 S9V
Col. A Booking Val .. 20 to
ue.. u a w.. usx tax
Del. A Hudson.
Denver A Klo O IS 18
Denver A Bio O., pi
K.T.. V,4U tH SK
K.T..Va.AGs.ltpf. .. ..
K-, T.. Vs. AGs. Zd pt.
Lake Bn a Western.. 17K MX
Lake Kne A Wester.
Late Shore AM. 8 10S5 10854
LoulsTiijeiMajnTjiie. WSi S7X
Michigan central
Mobuea Ohio
Mo.. Kan. Texas.... llif UH
Mlssonn faclfio 63)4 68Jr
ew york Central 107J 108
JJ. J L. . A W 27J4 27J4
iJ.V..L.B.AW.prer.. 67 67
2-J., a A8t L 17V 17
",.. O. A8tL. or.. 70 70S
J"... O. A W KH MX
Jiorroik Western
(JorrolkA Western. pf. 5SX NX
Northern Pacific 32H S2X
Nprtnern f aclfle pret '6X 7X
Ohio Mississippi..... 2214 22X
prejson improvement
Greeon Transcon X S4a
PacincMall M WH
Peo. Dee. a Kvans.
PhlladeL A iteadlnc. XX 40
Pullman Palace Oar. .. J88)4 189i
Blchmona A W. P. T.. 2IX 2ife
KfohmondAW.r.T.pr 80 80X
St p.. Minn. A Man..H2J, IDS
St l. & aan rrn 15 15
St b. a 8n JTran pf.
St.u A Ban jr. 1st pr.. M 94
Texas Paelfl l 19S4
Union raclflc 6BX CSX
Wabash preferred JO 3IX
Western Union. 6 S6
VVhreling A L. t 68X MX
ouitar Trust SIM est
National tad Trust. 1X 19X
Chicago Uaa Trust.... 41)4 42
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing anotitions of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A StCDhenson,1 brokers. No. 57
Fonrth avmniL
jaemners .new lore Dioci-tx-
19 11-16
Pennsylvania Bailroad. 52
Buffalo, Pittsburg A Western....
Le&lKh Valler..."
Lenigh JNavlmtlon
northern Faclfio
. 7X
. SI
Mining:' Stock.
New Yoek. December IS. Best & Belcher,
240; Caledonia, 120; Consolidated California A
Virginia, 440; Deadwood 140; El Cristo, 120;
Hale & Norcross, 250; Homestake 900: Horn
Silver. 225; Mexican, 230; North Belle Isle, 100;
Ontario. 650; Plymouth. 290; Savage, 150; Sierra
Nevada, 200; Union Consolidated, 24a
Beech All's Pills cure bilious and nervous ills
Peaes' Soap secures a beautiful complexion
A No. 167.)
construction of a sewer-on Broad street,
from Fairmont street to a connection with a
sewer on Neeley avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city ot Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same, That tbe
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to adver
tise in accordance with the acts of Assembly of
tbe Commonwealth at Pennsylvania and the
ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg
relating thereto and regulating the
same. for proposals for the con
struction of a pipe sewer, 15 inches in
diameter on Broad street from Fairmont
Street to a connection with a sewer on Negley
avenue tbe contract therefor to be let in the
mannerdirected bythe said acts of Assembly
and ordinances. Tbe cost and expense ot tbe
same to be assessed and collected in accordance
with the provisions of an act of Assembly of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled
"An act relating to streets and sewers in cities
of the second class," approved the 16th day of
May. A. 0. 18S9.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or
dinance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be, and the same is hereby repealed
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 25th day of November, A. D. 1SS9.
a. tr. fuuu, president oi aeiect councit
Attest: GEO. SHEPPAKD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L.HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, November 27,1889. Approved:
"Wll. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H.
MCCLEARY. Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 209,
14th day of December, A. D. 1839. del6-14
(No. 174.1
construction of a sewer on McCully street,
from east side of Hlland avenue, connecting
with a sewer on Negley avenue.
'Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted bv tha
J. city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Conn-
jcus assemmea, ana it ismererjy ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same. That tbe
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise In accordance with the acts of Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
the ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg re
lating thereto and regulating the same, for
proposals for the construction of a pipe sewer
IS Inches in diameter on McCully street, from
the east side of Hiland avenue to a connection
with a sewer on Negley avenue, the contract
therefor to be let in tbe manner directed by the
said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The
cost and expense of the same to be assessed
and collected in accordance with the provi
sions of an act of Assembly of tbe Common
wealth of Pennsvlvanla entitled, "An act re
lating to streets and sewers in cities of tbe
second class," approved tbe 16th day of May,
A. D. 1889. '
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance be and the same is hereby re
pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 25th day of November, A. D.. 1889.
H.P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of, Select
Council. W. A. MAGEE. President of Com
mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office, November 27, 1889. Approved:
WM. MCCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H.
MoCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 214,
14th day of December, A. D- 1889. del6-14
A No. 166J
construction of a sewer on Homewood
avenne, from Penn avenue to a connection
with sewer on Homewood avenue at Tioga
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by
tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common
Councils assembled, and lc is hereby or
dained and enacted by the autbority.of the
same. That the Chief of the Department of
Public Works be and is hereby authorized
and directed to advertise in accordance with
the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said
city of Pittsburg relating thereto and regu
lating tbe same, for proposals for tbe con
struction of a pipe sewer on Homewood
avenue, commencing at Penn avenne, thence
to Meade street, lo inches in diameter, and
from tbence 18 inches in diameter, to a con
nection wltn a sewer on Homewood avenue,
near Tioga street, the contract therefor to be
let in the manner directed by the said
acts of Assembly and ordinances. The costand
expense of th e same to be assessed and collected
in accordance with tbe provisions of an act of
Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, entitled "An act relating to streets and
sewers in cities ot the second class," approved
the 16tb day of :May, A. D. 1889.
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this Both day of November. A. D. 188.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD,. Clerk of Belect
Council. W. A. MAGEE, President of Com
mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH.
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's office. November 27,1839. Approved:
WM.McOALLlN.Jifayor. Attest: W.H. Mo
CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded In Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 208,
14th day ot December, A. D. 1880 de!6-14
A No. 177.1
opening ot Kvaline street, from liberty
avenue to Breed's Hill street
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the
Chief of tbe Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to cause
to be surveyed and onened within 60 davs
from tbe date of the passage of
this ordinance, Evallne street, from
Liberty avenue to Breed's Hill street,
at a width of 60 feet, in accordance with ordi
nances of Councils locating tbe same, approved
November 12, 1886, and September 27, 1877.
The damages caused thereby and tbe benefits
to pay tbe same to be assessed and collected in
accordance with the prpvisions of an act of As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers
in cities of the second class," approved tha 16th
day of May, A. D. 1889. I
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions ot
this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils
this 25thday of November, A. T. 1889.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk ot Beloct
Council. W. A. MAGEE, President of Com
mon Council pro tern. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, November27, 1889. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ty H.
McCLEARY. MavoTa Clerk.
Recorded in Oreteaace Book, vol. 7, ?e 215,
M war ot Peossmr, A. D.im. ' sMf jT
Monday's Usual Qaielness ifl Lines of
General Produce.
Oats and Old Corn Drifting UpwardHew
Cora Weakening.
, MONDAY. December 16, 1889.
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Monday seldom develops any new features
to general produce trade. To-day Is no excep
tion to tbe rnle. Trade is quiet all along the
line. In the line of dairy products, butter is
the strong factor and the drift is toward higher
prices. Supply of cabbage is small and mar
kets are very firm. In fruit lines, cranberries
are the strong factor. The bulk of stock Is now
in the hands of men who can afford to bide
their time and who will wait until they can
hare their own prices. The advance in cran
berries tbe past week or two has been equiva
lent to 2 per barrel, and markets are firm at
the advance. Game is very slow, and unless
sharp, frosty weather comes to the rescue,
dealers in this line are likely to suffer heavy
loss. There has not often been a time this late
in tbe year when game was so plenty and cheap
as it is now.
Butter Creamery, Elgin. S032r; Ohio
do, 2S29c; fresh dairy packed, 2527c; coun
try rolls. 2425c. .
Beans Navy hand-picked beans, $2250230;
medium. $2 102 2a
Beeswax 2830c V St for choice; low grade,
Cideb Sand refitted, SB 507 EO; common,
S3 504 00; crab cider, $8 00Q8 SO $ barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012e t? gallon.
Chestnuts o 0085 60 lp bushel; walnuts,
6070e 1 bushel.
, cheese Ohio, llUc; New York. HKc;
Limburger, 9llc; domestic Sweitzer, llQ
13Xc; imported Sweitzer, 23c.
Eggs 2627c fl doien for strictlv fresh.
Knurrs Apples, faney, tl 503 00 $ barrel;
California pears, $3 604 00 a box; cranberries,
$11 0012 00 f) barrel; Malaga grapes, large bar
rel. $8 oa
Game Squirrels, 7oc$l dozen; qua!, $1
f) dozen; prairie chickens. $4 50o 00 V
dozen; pheasants, $4 6005 00 dozen: rabbits,
$1 501 75 ft dozen; venison saddle, 1215c $
ponnd; venison carcass. 810c ?t pound.
Feathers Extra live geese, &060c; No. L
do, 4045c; mixed lots. SO35c V &
Poultry Live chickens, 6o65c a pair;
dressed. 89c a pound: ducks, 6d75c 91 pair;
geese, $1251 30 pair: live turkeys, 10llc f
ft: dressed turkeys, 1213c V &
Seeds Clover, choice, 62&s to bushel, $4 20
4 4 1 !p bushel: clovrr.large English.tGfts. $4 35
4 60; clover, Alsike. $3 00; clover, white, $9; timo
thy, choice. 45 fis, SI 50; blue grass, extra clean,
14 lbs. $1 251 30; blue grass, fancy, 14 fis, $1 SO;
orchard grass, 14 fts, $1 40; red top, 14 fts. Si 25;
millet 60 fts. $1 00; millet 600c bushel;
Hungarian grass, SO lbs. 66c; lawn grass,
mixture of fine grasses, S3 00 V bushel of 14
Taiaow Country, 4Jic; city rendered. 4
.tbopicai. rKurrs ljemons, common, Tt so
2 25; fancy, $4 005 00: Florida oranges. $200
3 00; Jamaica oranges. $3 004 00 $ barrel;
bananas, $2 00 firsts, $1 50 good seconds,
SB bunch; cocoanuts, $4 004 50 V -hundred;
figs. 8U9c V ft: dates. sXoKc W ft: new laver
figs, 12K16c; new dates, 7c t ft.
Vegetables Potatoes, from store. 5560c:
on track, 4550c: cabbages, $7 008 00 a hun
dred; celery, 40c fl dozen; Jerseys, $4 004 2o;
turnips, $1 001 oO a barrel; onions, $2 a barrel.
BUCKWHEAT FLOtra 22c fl pound.
Coffee options advanced 20 points on Satur
day ana are very firm to-day. Packages can
hardly fail to go up higher at an early day. The
trade awaits the actions of a single firm. Sugars
are still weak and a lower level of prices is
among the strong probabilities. ,
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 2324c; choice
Rio. 2122c; prime Rio, 20Xc; low grade Rio,
18KQ19c; old Government Java. Z728c;Mar
acalbo. 2324c; Mocha, 2829Kc; Santos,
20H24c; Caracas, 2224c; neaberry, Rlo,23
2ic; La Gnayra, 23K24c.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 24c;
high grades. 2529c; old Government Java,
bulk. 31X33c; Maracaibo, 272Sc; Santos,
24K28Hc; peaberry, 28Kc; choice Rio. 26c:
piiine Rio. 23Kc; good Rio, 2-2; ordinary, 21c
Spices f whrjle)Cloves, 1920c; allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c; pepper, 17c; nutmeg, 70880c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test,7Vc;
Ohio. 120. 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8c; water
white, lOKc; globe, 1414c: elaine, 14c; car-
nacune, uc, rojaune, ic; giooe rea oil. 1168
mEBS' Orx No. 1 winter strained. 46047c
ft gallon; summer, mamc. .Lara oil. 7uc
STBOTS Corn syrup, 2830c; choice sugar
syrup, 3338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime. S335c: new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. MOLASSES Fancy, new crop, 4850c;
choice, 47c: medium, 3843c: mixed, 40342c.
SODA Bl-carb in kegs, 33Jc; bi-carb In s,
5JJc: bl-carb, assorted packages. 5J6c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, fl
set. 8Kc; parafflne, ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 67c; choice, 6KQ
6C: prime, 5X6c: Louisiana, &6Vc
bTAEon Pearl, 2Jic; cornstarch, 66c; gloss
starch, 47c
Foueiqn Fbutts Layer raisins, 12 65; Lon
don layers, $2 90; California London layers,
S2 75; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels,
82 10;ValencIa,7i4c; Ondara Valencia, 8KSJ$c;
sultana,9Xc: currants,5K5c; Turkey prunes.
4K5c: French prunes. 69c; Salonica
prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts, t 100,
SO 00; almonds, Ian., f) ft, 20c: do. Ivlca, 19c;
do, shelled, 40c; walnuts, nan., 1215c; Sicily
nioerts, izc; amyrna ngs, liaise; new aates,
&S6Kc; Bruil nuts, 10c: pecans, -ll15c; cit
ron. V ft, 1920c; lemon peel, fl a, 16c: orange
peel, loc
Dbikd Fbutts Apples, sliced, per & 6c, ap
ples, evaporated, 9c; apricots, California, evap
orated. 14l(lc; peaches, evaporated, pared,
2628c; peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared, 1921c; cherries, pitted,13X14c; cher
ries unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evaporated,
25K26c: blackberries, 7K8c; huckleberries,
Stjoaes Cubes, 7c; powdered, TJic; granu
lated, 7Kc; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A,
6J4ci soft white, eSe; yellow, choice, 6y,
6Kc; yellow, good, & yellow, fair, 6Jg
5c; vellow, dark, 6Jc
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), $5 60; medi
um, half bbls (600), 3 25.
Salt No L ft bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bbl, J105-,
dairy, fl bbl, 1 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, SI 20:
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 82 80; Biggins'
Eureka, 16-11 ft pockets. t3 00.
Caused Goods Standard peaches, tl 00(5
2 25; 2dSL 1 1 651 80; extra peaches, $2 402 60;
pie -peaches, 95c; finest corn, tl 0001 50; Hid Co.
corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90cSl; Lima beans,
tl 20; soaked do. 85c: string do. OOgOoc: mar
rowfat peas, tl 101 15; soaked peas, 70ts0c:
pineapples, si vmi tf. Manama ao, c 73;
damson plums, 95c; greengages, tl 25;
egg plums, J2 00; California pears. 12 50: do
greengages, tl 85: do egg plums, tl 85; extra
white cherries, $2 40; raspberries, 95ctl 10;
strawberries, $1 10; gooseberries, tl 3Ckg)l 40:
tomatoes, 8590c; salmon, 1-ft, tl 651 90;
blackberries, 65c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked,
90c; do green, 2-ft, tl2S160; corn beef. 2-ft
cans, $2 05: 14-fi cans, t!4; baked beans, f 1 45
1 50: lobster, 1-ft, tl 751 80: mackerel, 1ft
cans, broiled, tl 50; sardines, domestic, Ws,
H 254 50; sardines, domestic, KMS 75 (00;
sardines, imported, js. tll5012 60, sardines,
imported. Us. 118: sardines, mustard. S3 30:
sardines, spiced, S3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 ft
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, $40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32r extra No. 1 do, mess,
38: No. 2shore mackerel, ViL. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft ft; do medium, George's cod.
Be; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips; 6c: do
George's cod in blocks. 6X7c Herring
Round shore, t4 50' ft bbl; split, 56 50; lake,
S2 75 ft 100-ft half bbL White flsb, t6 00 ft 100
& ball bbU Lake trout, $5 60 ft halt bbL Fin
nan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft
tt. Pickerel, i4 bbl, 12 00; K bbLtllO; Poto
mac herring, 5 00 ft bbl, t2 60 ft M bbL
OATBAL-eC 006 25 ft bbL
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Sales on call at the Grain Exchange, 1 car
sample corn, Ko. 6 days, P. R. R.; 1 car extra
3 whits' oats, 29c, 5 days, P. R. R. Receipts as
bulletined, 61 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne
and Chicago, i cars of corn, 6 of oats, 7 of
flour. 1 of bran and middlings. 1 of wheat, 6 of
hay. 1 of middlings. 2 of feed. By Pittsburg,
Cincinnati and St. Louis, 7 cars of corn, 2 of hay,
2 of oats. By Baltimore and Obio.l car of oats,
2 of hay. ByPitUhurgandLakeErle.3carsof
flour, 2 of oats. By Pittsburg and Western. 2
cars of bay, 1 of middlings, 1 of flour. Oats are
very firm at quotations. The same is true of
old corn. New corn shows weakening tenden
cies on liberal receipts. Millfeed grows firmer
as the season advances and markets are strong
Prices below are for carload lots on track.
WHEAT-NewNo.3 red. 8e85c: No. 3, 88
Uokh No. 2 yellow, ear,4243c; new, 38637c:
blgh mixed, ear. 404tc; No. 2 yellow, shelled,
i2m-Hc: new, 35038c; high mixed, shelled,
41Hc; mixed, shelled, 4141Xc
iATS No. 2 white, J031c; extra. No, 3,
2930c: mixed, 27K28Kc
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Okie, 6364c;
No. 1 Western, 51V2c.
baklxt western, jsjwicj uaaaem Mariey.
rae- -,
OMJasiaiBg. pntsjs ,y WWHC 4
serine patents, $3 0905 60; winter straight,
$4 24-56; clear winter. $4 O0g4 25; straight
XXXX bakers', $3 603 75. Rye flour, $3 &08
4 75.
MnxFEED Middlings, fine white. $15 009
14 00 V ton: brown mlddliags, 12 0OH 09;
winter wheat bran. $11 25 11 50; Chop feed,,
$l5 6oei6 0a -!
HAT-Baled timothy. No. L $11 25911 60-,
No. 2 do, $8 0010 00; loose from wagon, $11 00
12 CO. according to quality; Na 2 prairie bay,
$7 088 00; packing do, J7 25g7 50.
STKAW-Oats, jo 757 00; wheat and rye
straw. $6 00C 25.
Sugar-enred, hams, large, 9c; sugar-eured
hams, medium, 10c: sugar-cured hams, small,
lljc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 6c;sugar
cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders.7Kc;sugar-cured California hams, 6c:
sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders. 5c: bacon
clear sides, 7Kc; bacon clear bellies. 7c; dry
salt shoulders, 5c: dry salt clear sides, 7c
Mesi pork, heavy. $11 60; mess pork, family,
$12 00. Lard refined. In tierces, 5e; half
barrels, 6c; 60-6 tubs. 6Ve; 20-ft palls, 6Xc; So
ft tin cans, 6c; 3-B tin pails, fic: 5-fii tin palls,
fie; 10-ft tin palls, 6c; 6-B tin pails.
c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large, 5c.
resh pork links, 9c Boneless hams.l0c.
Pigs feet, half barrel, $4 00; quarter barrel,
Dressed MentM.
The foil owing prices are furnished by Armour
A Co. on dressed meat: Beef carcasses, 450 to650
tts, 5c; 550 to 650 Bs, 6c: 650 to 750 &S, 6K6c
Sheep, Be B. Lambs; 9c fl 2. Hogs,5c.
Fresh pork loins. 7c
SICK HEADACHECarttr,i L,tUe UTer ruu
SICK HEADACHEC4rter,g uttje LiTernrjs.
SICK HEADACHECirtet,jLlttl8LlTerpUjJ
A pnre dry Soap In powdered form. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury ta
Tiindj or fabric. Economical, pare and good,
Beits the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, milk palls, milk cans, clothes, ic.
Keeps moths oot of carpets, bureaus, etc. Sea
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages.
R.W. BELL MF6. CO,, Buffalo, N.Y.
visible Tnbnlir Km- f'n.h-
11 tt XVh)UH riAawl j44v,a
Jr. Successful when all remedies fadV Wnta or call for
Illustrated book FREE. Sold only by P. HISCOX.
853 Broadway, cor. 14th St.. New York. Bo ageuuT
MM Cocoa
It aisolutelv mire and
it is soluble.
No Chemicals
n nied la its prepuifcon. It his
mor Ocm On Hmtt tU atrtngtJk of
Cocm mixed with Staxch, Arrowroot
or Sngar, and is therefore far mors
economical, costing Ut Oon m cent
a cup. It is delidouf. nonriihinj,
itrengtheniaj, Eabilt Diqz8tzd4
and admlrabJj adapted for inrallds
as well as forpenoni Is health-
Sold "by Grocers everywhere.
W.BAKEE & CO., Dorchester, Mass,
11 !!
A nurely Vegetable
L Compound tbat expels
(all bad humors from the
system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
JAB. D. CALLERY President
JOHN W. TAYLOR ..Cashier
Capital and surplus. 1125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
ret IntvBBA Itehlan
andttlniliicf notml
lffftti worse 07
I lowed to eoatiaao
bnromlnr Terr man. HIHYNWI HINT.
MElI Mops the Itehlnc tuid Mecdlaft fcela
m Bleeratlan,aBidiBiiDoatmseremoveaue ta
mors. SWATnsOisnmrlf floldb7dnccl1tt.orBuU.dt
at AddreM oaToedpt of Briet,S0ct.abox; 3boxof.flJS.
Adonis Inters . PS. SWAT3K t SOS. FMUdelpUa, Po,
Issue travelers' credits throngh Messrs. DrexeL
Alorgan Co, New York, Passports procured.
In stock options or margins
stock options or margins'in Wall st leads to
wealth. -
STEVENSON 4 CO., Brokers,
no25TTSu 50 New st. New York.
Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New Yoxk and Chicago.
15 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg.
7cpeenrt 20-YEAR GOLD BONDS.
We Offer at Par and Interest $500,000
Bear Lake and River Water
Works and Irrigation Cs.
Bonds, Due In 1909, Interest Payable April f
and October I.
These bonds are a portion of a total ot
$2,000,000, and are issued to complete the
construction of 120 miles of canals diverting the
water of Bear Lake and Bear river into the
Great Salt Lake Valley, Utah, for Irrigating
250,000 acres of land, and to supply tbe city of
Ogden and other towns with water for domestic
and manufacturing purposes.
They are securedjby a first mortgage on all
tbe property, canals, franchises and water rights
belonging to tbe Irrigation Company, Including
many thousand acres of fertile land In Salt Lake
Valley. Tha right is reserved to advance tha
price without notice. For full Information,
address or inquire at tbe offices of the
No. 239 Broadway, New York; No. 518 Walnut
street, Philadelphia; No. 68 State street, Boston,
Masev and No. 27 Custom House street, Provl
deaee, R. I., or
o ipn nf
1 1 Mrn
Blood Punfler.
n y WFimwesMW. seJfr-THW,
Special attractions now open
goods specially suited for the.
in useful
Holiday Trade.
Dealers are invited to inspect the stock,
which is complete, and at prices which can
not fail to impress tbe buyer.
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents,
311 Fifth avenue, above Smltbfield. next Leader
office. (Ho delay.) Established 20 years.
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established
and most prominent physician in tbe dty.de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MCDnilO and mental diseases. physical
IM L II V U U Odecay, nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope. Impaired memory,
disordered sight, self distrust, bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, falling powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting thoperson for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the STStem.
1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange
U n 1 1 1 rt h I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
paint nl symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttier's life-long, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on comolon-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if
here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. if. Sunday,
10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 81
Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
de8-15 DSuwk
How Lost!
How Regained,
know thyself;
""-J ' SaCJIUPB-t-TEl ov
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Trsatlss on
snenrrorsoi lonin.i-remararejjecuDe, nervous
and Physical Debility, ImsurlUes oi the Blood,
Resulting from Folly, Vice, lguonnce. Ex
cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit
ting the victim for Work, Business, tbe ilar
riage or Social Relations.
Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this
ureat work. It contains 300 Dazes, roval 8vo.
Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price,
only tl by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain
wrapper, illustrative Prospectus Free, If you.
rospectus r rae, u you
nisbed anthor. Wm. H.
annlv now. The distinenii
Parker. M. D., received tbe GOLD AND JEW.
ELED MEDAL from tha National Medical As
sociation, for this PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS
and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a
corps of Assistant Physicians may be cun-
snitea. connaentiany. dj- mail or in person, as
STITUTE, No. 4 Qulflnch St, Boston, Mass., to
whom all orders for books or letters for advice
should be directed as above. aulS-67-Tursuwk
Health is Wealth
Db. e. C West's Nzbvk and bbaxx
Treatment, a guaranteed specific for hysteria,
dizziness, convulsions. Uts. nervous neuralgia.
headache, nervous prostration caused by tbe
use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, mental
depression, softening of the brain resulting in
insanity and leading to misery, decay and
death, premature old age. barrenness, loss of
power in either sex, involuntary losses and
spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of tha
brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each
box contains one month's treatment tl a box;
or six boxes for 15, sent by mail prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
Tocure any case. With each order received by us
for six boxes, accompanied with 5 00, we win
send the purchaser onr written guarantee to
refund the money if tbe treatment does not ef
fect a cure. Guarantees issued only by EmilO.
Stucky. Druggist, Sole Agent, 1701 and 2401 Penn
ave. and cor. Wylie ave. and Fnlton st. Pitts
burg, Pa. se27-100-TTSSn
SPECIALISTS In all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatmentl Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P. a, isthe oldest and
most experienced specialist in
the city. Consultation free and
strictlv confidential. Office
limn S tn and 7 to 8P. K.: Sundays. 2to4lV
XXonsult them personally, or write. Docroaa
Laxs. 323 Penn ave, Pittsburg, Pa.
jel245-DWJC .
?8 Ooirtoaa. Boot
inoaed of Cotton Root. Tansv and
Pennvroval a. recent disebverv by aa
'old Dhvsiclan. Is successfully used
trwniAlH Safe. EffectnaL Price L br matt.
sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook's
Cotton Boot Compound and take no substitute,
or Inclose 2 stamps for-sealed particulars. Ad
dress FOND LILY COMPANY. No. 3 Flsbet?
Block, 131 Woodward avewDetroit, Mich.
" J-3old in Pittsburg. Pa., by Joseph Flea
tag t Son, Diamond and Market sts. se26-3B
Sole mad aiwT reCi&le. Ladlos
. mak Dnigm tor Diamond Brad,v
4rarunieuiueD0ZM, weieawna i
cbloa ribbon. Take m atlierv AXt
j4Uj la pasteboard boxes wtu ptu ttbb
pen u dJufferoas e
4 (rtanp.) for putleslarf, testli&aBlala
oi -Kur rr unutv uaw,vf
Hlin ailL Ifamt Paver.
" OC5-71-TTS
For LOST or Falllnr
npu. Weakness at
Body A Mind, Lack of Strength, Vigor and De
velopment, caused by Errors, Excesses, Ac Boot
Modi or SxnvritXATXxxT. and Proofs mailed
(sealed) rree. Address JOUJC jukdiuai. cu
jtauaio. is. z.
JaW smMsTsmr'
- "
de37-TTS4WlC i ?3
Bzxxcv Tsxz. ATictfaa
of Toutnfal Imprudence.
causing Premature Decay. Serrous Debility, Lex
Manhood, Ac harmg tried In vain erery known reme
dy, lias dlscoTered a idniple means ot self -eon, wnica
ha will send (sealed) FREE to his fe!low-uflreTS
Address, J. H. BEEVES, P.O. Box 230, New York CUs.
For men! Checks tha worst eases in three)
days, and cures In five days. Price II 00. at
ja5-29-TTSsa 413 Market street
SuSenns from the elects ot youthful errors, early
decay. wasUns weakness, lost manhood, etc.1 win
send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full
particulars for home cure. FREE of charge- A
splendid medical work: should be read by every
man who is nervous ana aemuianea. Auoresa,
ei9U ,V.XW WUi istawra,i:a
f ..U