Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 14, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Mam houks a day.
The Federation of labor at Work for
Shorter Working Hours.
-t '
llfthe Demands of the Laborers Are Not
; Conceded Kext May Day.
ftpirsstd in the Applause That Met a Eesolatioa to
. Support Them.
The American Federation of Labor yes
terday took the first steps toward enforcing
on the 1st of next May its demand for an
eight-hour working day. A resolution in
faTor of supporting the Brotherhood of Ball
Players was received with applause and re
ferred to the Committee on Boycotts.
nrzcui. tzlxokuctotiis msrXTCB.1
Boston; December 13 The preliminary
steps in what will be the greatest labor
movement in the history of the world were
taken fn the City Hall in this city to-day,
nnd if the workingmen of the country sus
tain the action of their representatives to the
Federation of Labor Con veution.millions will
demand a reduction in the hour? of labor,
so that eight hours shall constitute a day's
work. If their demand is not successful,
the industries of the- country will be par
alyzed by a strike ol huge proportions. This
does not apply to any one or two branches
of trade, but includes every department of
labor. ,
The delegates representing all these
varied channels of industry to-day declared
in favor of demanding the adoption of an
eieht-hour day. This is what the working
men of the country have been waiting for;
it is what their delegates were instructed
to formulate. It was the chief object for
the consideration of the convention.
The address ol the committee presenting
this report was exhaustive. The committee
did not feel disposed to commit all the
trades to the movement. They reported
that the existing conditions would not
justify the hope that at this time
all the crafts are preparea to
successfully enforce the eight-honr system
on May 1, 1890, although many of the trades
are now ready and many more will be by the
time specified for the inauguration of this,
the greatest of industrial reforms. The
scope of the great strike is contained in the
We therefore recommend that the Executive
Council shall have power to select such trade
or trades from those affiliated with the Ameri
can Federation cf Labor as shall, in their judg
ment, be best prepared to achieve success, and
that each union in the federation be requested
to assess its members 10 cents per week, for
as many weeks as shall be necessary to secure
the short hour day, payment upon soch assess
ment to commence not later than March 1, 1S9Q.
That all trades affiliated with the American
Federation of Labor not now working the
eight-hour day, or between whom and their
employers existing contracts may pre
vent, . shall appoint committees to confer
with their employers, and if possible, secure a
reduction of the hours of labor to eight per
dav, and that the Executive Committee shall
appropriate for their use, if needed, such sum
or sums as can be spared from the money re
ceived for the trade or trades selected by the
Executive Conned.
When the committee's report had been
read the delegates jumped to their feet and
adopted it with ringing cheers. It was a
moment ot intense excitement. It was de
cided to send a copy of the address to the
trades unions and labor organizations in
Another feature of this day's proceedings
was a red-hot debate over this resolution:
Whekeas, It Is knoirn that certain employ
ers of labor in the varions parts of oar caunlry
are forcing their employes to sign away their
rights as American citizens.
Resolved, That the American Federation ot
Labocdemand of the'vaxious Legislatures that
they enact laws to make such methods as
practiced in JSonh Adams unlawful.
Anarchist Joseph A. Labadie started the
fun. He objected to the resolution on the
ground that it was an inlringement on the
"right of private contract, and would have
the tendency of appropriating private
capital. If the convention wished to
declare that the present holders of property
had no right, he would go with them; but
he did cot care to see a law passed which
could be turned against the workers in the
trade organizations. After an exciting de
bate, the resolution was adopted by a vote
of 32 to 25, with 15 absentees.
Great applause was raised when a resolu
tion was introduced to urge all anion men
to give their support to the Brother
hood ot ball players, which increased when
it was referred to the Committee on Labels
and Boycotts.
The rest of the day's work is summarized
as follows: Resolutions in favor of forbid
ding children under 14 to work in mills; in
, favor of petitioning Congress to restore rates
of wages in the Government printing office,
which were reduced in 1877, and in favor of
petitioning Congress to remedy defects in
the alien contract labor law were adopted.
The work of the convention closes to
morrow. MARRIED AT 16, DIED AT 10L
Tbe Remarkable Longevity of a Widow of a
Veteran of 1S12.
New Yobk, December .13. Certificates
of death in the cases of two women who had
lived to a remarkable age have jnst been
filed. in the Bureau, of Vital Statistics.
Mrs. Amenia Whitson died on Tuesday at
the age of 101 years and 6 months, at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Amy Burk, Ko.
969. Madison avenue. She was born on a
farm owned by her father, Caleb Saxton, near
Flushing, L. L, and was only 16 years old
when she was married to Jacob "Whitson, a
young farmer. Her husband was a soldier
in the "War of 1812. When she died she
had 1 daughter, 5 grandchildren, 18 great
grandchildren and 4 great-great-grandchil-aren
living. She retained possession ot all
her faculties until two years ago. An acci
dental fall on Monday, which broke her
arm, hastened her death.
Mrs. Jane Franklyn, colored, died at No.
124 "West Fortieth street on Monday, at the
reputed age of 107 years. She was born in
East Chester, her parents being "Tony"
and Lydia Briggs, who had been married in
A-.Toddllne Infant Fractures His Sitter's
bknll With a Foker.
Philadelphia, December 13. An in
vestigation was held by the" Coroner in the
case of Nellie Coyle, 5 yean, 1923 Binggold
street, who died from.a fracture of the skull,
due to a blow with a poker inflicted by her
2i-year-old brother.
Mrs. Covle testified that the children
were playing in the kitchen, and Nellie
called to her mother that the baby had
struck her. The witness found the point of
tbe poker imbedded in her daughter's skull,
and pulled it out. The verdict was death
from a fracture of the skull.
Probable Prehistoric Remains Discovered
on Lonff Island.
Huntington, Long Island, Decem
ber 13. A laborer, named Whalen, while
making an excavation for a pond, at "West
Neck, discovered a hnman skeleton fully
eight feet long. The skeleton was in fair
sstateot preservation and is supposed to be
the remains of an Indian.
He Tries to Issue 8ie.8ee.ee8 Worth of
"Bonds Upon Property Worth 8175,-
000 The Stranse Case
Brought to Light by
Indiana Lawyers.
Chicago, December 13. For two days
pasttwo Indiana lawyers, Lew "Wallace, Or.,
and A. "W. Hatch, have been in Chicago on
a secret mission. Their object was mani
fested to-day when they appeared in Judge
Gresham's Chambers and filed charges of a
sensational character against Henry Craw
ford, the well known Chicago lawyer.
The accusations are that in 1885 he bought
the Midland Bailwav Company, of Indiana,
for J40.000 at a foreclosure sale, and within
a short time thereafter originated a scheme
for floating bonds for 510,000,000
upon a road, the value of whose rolling
stock, right ot way and all other assets,
does not exceed $175,000. Messrs. "Wallace
and Hatch represent the Loan and Invest
ment Company of New York, which claims
to be a victim to the tune of $150,000.
To substantiate their charges they said
they must secure possession of the Midland
company's books. This could be done only
hv ex parte order for their seizure. Jdge
Gresham, after a long conference, decided
that notice must be given to Mr. Craw
ford, who is President ot the road,
before any order could be made.
He is expected in Chicago to-morrow, and
the case will then come up. So far as yet
appears it is not seemingly shown that Mr.
Crawford ever issued any bonds, and the
proceedings appear in the nature ot an
effort to recover $150,000 money loaned, in
sufficient security and other varieties of
fraud being charged. A receiver for the
property is asked.
Snng Harbor, Staten Island, n Tough Place
for a Captain.
New Yoke, December 13. The trnstees
of the Sailors' Snug Harbor have employed
the law firm of De Groot, Bawson & Stafford
to assist the District Attorney in the prose
cution of Anderson, for shooting at Captain
Trask. ''"We shall do everything in
our power to bring these persons to
punishment," said Captain Ambrose Snow,
President ot the Board of Trustees. "I un
derstand that the men threaten to shoot, not
only Captain Trask. hut every trustee of the
Snug Harbor, it they do not secure what
they call their rights. That threat will not
deter us."
The sentiment of the worst element of the
community about the Snug Harbor is un
doubtedly with the men; but the sentiment
of the best part of Staten Island is as un
doubtedly with Captain Trask. The
Staten Islander represents this part of the
public when it says:
We voice the best public sentiment when
we urge Captain Trask to stand at his post.
This may be equivalent to an invitation to him
to show himself and be gunned at occasionally.
We believe that he lacks neither physical nor
moral courage, and we are equally conttdent
that were a man deficient in either to be
placed at the head of the 'Harbor" to-day
a spirit akin to mutiny would rapidly
develop among the excitable sailors. Is ever
before wasa strong hand needed there as mnch
as it is at this moment. It is only natural that
the family and friends of Governor Trask
should beg him to shake the dust of the "Har
bor" forever from his feet; but we shall feel
that we have been greatly mistaken in tho
temper of the man should he yield to their so
With Another BInn Leads to a Most Hor
rible Doable Tragedy.
Grand Kapids, Mich., December 13.
James McDonald, a farmer in the township
Of Tyrone, has employed a farm hand by
the name of Gilmore for years past.
This morning McDonald went hunting and
upon his return home was horrified to find
the dead body of his wife, she having beeh
strangled to death. Further investigation
resulted in the finding of Gilmore's dead
body in a grove nearbv with a frightful
wound in the chest inflicted by an old
It has been rnmored that Gilmore stayed
on the farm more for, regard for Mrs. Mc
Donald than any other reasons. It is be
lieved that Gilmore, during the absence of
McDonald, tried to induce Mrs. McDonald
to elope with him, and angered by her re
fusal to fly from her home, first strangled
her and then shot himself.
The Mysterious Discovery Mode In a Vacant
Honae at tbe Capital.
"WASHiNGTOir,Decemberl3. Two ladies
engaged in house-hunting to-day went
to examine the premises at No. 1205
G street, which have been vacant lor some
time and in charge of a colored watchman
named Mardilla. As they were abont to
enter the house they detected a hotrible
odor, and, without going in, informed the
proprietor, who immediately had au inves
tigation made, which resulted in find
the dead body of a young negro, and the
watchman in a dying condition.
The young negro had probably been dead
for three or four days. There is no solution
of the mystery as yet. An autopsy will be
held to-morrew.
The Manner "In Which Martin Cheney Met
Death In Oklahoma.
Gttheie, Ind. T., December 13. Martin
Cheney, formerly of Kingman, Kan., was
found dead on his claim, abont six miles
southeast of here, to-day. He had been shot
in the head with a rifle, and the body was
still warm when fonnd bya deputymarshal.
"When shot he was sitting on a log at the
edge of a wood, and was probably mistaken
for a deer, as several hunting parties were
scouring the woods at that place. Dr.
Cheney leaves a sister and two children in
"Waco, Tex.
Caaght In a Fiog.
Stanford Bush, aged 21 years, a brake
man on the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bail
road, had his right foot badly crashed last
night by having it canght in a frog and
several cars passing over it. He was re
moved to the "West Penn Hospital, where
the foot was amputated.
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for Beady Reading.
A NEW corporation, known as the Pittsburg
Paving and Construction Company, has been
organized, and the Governor will be asked to
grant a charter on December 31. Tbe corpo
rators are Edwin W. Smith, Charles S. Craw
ford. W. A Schmidt, Walter D. Logan, John
b. Mcintosh and George B. MotheraL
The old rnmor that the Lake Erie intended
to build a now passenger station On the South
side was revived yesterday. Superintendent
Holbrook said it was needed badly enough, but
he hadn't heard that it was to be built at pres
ent. Justice Holtzman, of Braddock, yester
dav sent to the jail Blanche Holmes, alias An
nie Swimps. She is charged by Michael Qea
ney with larceny, and is held in 500 ball.
Joseph Neff, of Sharpsburg, was sent to
jail for a hearing, charged with felonious as
sault and battery on bis wife, Mrs. Susanna
Nefi. Justice Baird will hear the case.
District Deputy Richabd Muse will this
eveniog. in Arsenal Hall, institute Chevalier
Castle No. 232 of tbe Ancient Order of Knights
of the Mystic Chain.
Cttt EnginekeBeown visited the Schenley
Park yesterday, and found that no work was
being done on the Squirrel Hill Railroad.
Next Monday tbe County Commissioners
will set three more clerks to work to prepare
assessors' books for next year's use.
Alderman Cassidat yesterday held Frank
McBrido for court on the charge of embezxte
menr, made by William Marsh,
Mr. R. A Campbell, clerk In the Pension
Office, states that np to last nl'ht there were
21,299 pensions paid.
It Is expected the first car will ran over the
Central Traction road on CbrictrMa moraine.
Figures Which Go to Show That Uncle
Sara la Kot Wldo Awake Facts Favor
ing Subsidization.
In the course of an interview last even
ing the Hon. Mahlon Chance, who is con
nected with the American Protective Tariff
Leagne in the capacity of Assistant General
Scretary, mentioned some interesting figures
in connection with international and South
American trade.
In the year 1886 the total value of the
exterior commerce of Latin-America
amounted to $973,000,000. Ot the J473.
000,000 of this total credited to imports only
$69,000,000 came to this country, and of the
$WO,000.000 exports the "United States
bought $244,000,000. In 1888 United States
imports irom South America carried in
United States vessels amounted to $28,500,
while $35,000,000 were carried In foreign
bottoms. Though the commerce of the
States is as great as that of all Latin-America
combined, yet while the latter pays 55,
000,000 in subsidies to its ships this coun
try does not expend more than $49,000.
Taking the condition of trade with Brazil
as an example ol how the States are dis
criminated against, it may be shown as fol
lows: With the exception of sugar, which
is dutiable, all else imported from here is
free. The States buy more from Brazil
than England does, and yet Brazil
buys three-fourths more from England
than from the States. This is due solely to
the want of communication by means of
steamship lines between the respective coun
tries, and until the Government sees fit to
subsidize ships, commercial wealth which
should be diverted to this, will continue to
flow to other countries. Transportation, it
is argued, must precede the actual needs of
trade. If commerce will follow the flag and
benefit the nation of that flag, it is necessary
to first send flag.
Mr. Chance argues that if $10,000,000 of
the surplus were given to subsidies.or foster
ing a commercial marine, the wealth which
would flow into the country as a return for
the investment would yield such a return as
to make it the best investment ever under
taken by any Government. As indicating
how yonng industries or enterprises flour
ish by being subsidized at their start, Mr.
Chance mentioned the Illinois Central
Railroad, which was at once a success, and
soon had four other roads, built without
any promise of subsidies, competing with it
for its business. So it would be with a
commercial marine. If one or two lines
were subsidized as a start, their trade would
.become so good as soon to bring other lines
into competition with them without any
Inspector McAleese Has Camped oa a Hot
Inspector McAleese said last evening that
he was going to make war on the employ
ment agencies in this city. He believes that
very few of them do business honestly; that
they are regularly engaged in swindling
those who apply to them for work. Hehas re
ceived complaints from many persons who
have been swindled, and would be glad to
hear from others. The matter was brought
forcibly to his attention by the case of C. H.
"Woodward, who was arrested yesterday
morning by Detective Demmell.
"When the Inspector received his com
plaint from Washington he began to watch
the newspapers for advertisements for work
men, clerks, agents, etc, looking through
them for a clew to Woodward's presence in
the city. What he noticed and what he
learned while looking for Woodward -forcibly
impressed upon his mind the crooked
ness ot the manner in which the employ
ment agents carry on their business.
The work of making complaintswill be
gin in a few days, as soon as the informa
tion at the Inspector's hand is sufficient for
proof. There are abont 20 such offices in
Pittsburg and Allegheny. The Inspector
will not admit that many of them are
A Little Fire Downtown. .
The accidental burning of a few paper
bags in the bakery of Charles Marx, at No.
210 Market street, caused an alarm of fire
from box 13, at 8 o'clock last night. The
little blaze was put out without the help of
the firemen. The damage was inconsequen
tial. Don't
Fail to call early, as our complete assort
ment is being rapidly broken up by early
buyers, at
Haedt & Hates',
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers,
29 Smithfield st. New building.
No disappointments at our house.
Christmas goods delivered at the hour ap
pointed. All wagons will be in use until
noon Christmas. We take no order that
we cannot deliver promptly.
- 307 Wood street.
Cash or credit. tts
How la ThU?
$12 will buy at oar great stores to-day a
stylish suit and overcoat price for the two,
$12. Ton will have to pay at least $25 for
the same goods at any other store. Be on
hand early and get first choice. No such
bargains have ever been offered by anv firm
in America. P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
We're In Dead Earnest
With our great reduction sale of cloaks.
Our entire stock of ladies' beaver, broad
cloth and twill jackets has gone into this
sale at two-thirds former prices. Come to
day and get the best of the good things.
Photograph Albams, Screens and Frame.
The largest and finest line to be found in
the city, at all prices and in every style of
Store open every evening till 9 o'clock.
Jos. Eichbaum & Co.,
48 Fifth avenue.
A Fact.
Nothing lasts so long in the memory of, or
is more appreciated by ladies orgentlemen
than that which adds to their comfort and
happiness. See onr Xmas presents before
buying elsewhere. Cash or credit 307
Wood street. Hoppee Bbos. & Co.
its . ""
We Will Leave It for Yon, Ladles,
To say whether our stock of long garments
and newmarkets is not far ahead in style
and nnahtv of that of anv other house in this
xcity, and our very choicest goods will go at
greatly reaucea prices to-aay.
Kaufmanns' Cloak Department.
Writing Desks, Portfolios. Lap Tablets.
Immense variety and greatest values to be
found anywhere, and at all prices from $1 60
to $250. Well worth your attention. Store
open every evening until 9 o'clock.
Jost Eichbaum & Co., 48 Fifth avenue.
Beaollfnl Hllverwnre,
From the "Rich and Costly Tea Service for
the wealthy to the modest thimble for tbe
poor relation. You can see a complete col
lection of rare and beautiful sterling silver
Haedt & Hates'.
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers,
629 Smithfield st. .New Building. ,
Me, 60c and 76c a yard during our clear
ing sale for Priestley black silk warp Hen
riettas, were 85c, $1 and $1 25.
txssu Huous & Haoke.
HEART, b. romantic story by Mr.
Wong: Hatska Foo, a. member or
the Chinese Legation at Washing
ton, and Mr. Albert Dayton, will
appear in to-aaorrow's DISPATCH.
Strong Discussion of Commercial
Union With Erastns Wiman
General James fl. Wilson Takes Part in a
Presentation of the Subject,
Two Hotel Protectionists m Fallea to
3 V
A good deal of significance attaches to a
commercial union meeting (to discuss a
Canadian alliance) in "Wilmington, Del.,
last evening, because of the eminence of the
men who toot part in and attended it.
Erastus "Wiman and Hon. Thomas F.
Bayard were participants.
Wilkinoton, Del., December 13.
There was a notable gathering of representa
tive men in Institute hall to-night, upon
the occasion of a publio meeting of the
Board of Trade of this city, to listen to a de
bate between Erastus "Wiman, of New
York, and General James - H. "Wilson, of
this city. Henry G. Ganse, Vice President
of the Harlan andHolltngsworth Company,
presided; and the stage was filled with
leading business men and poilticians.
Senators Gray apd Higgins and ex Secre
tary of State Bayard were among the most
earnest listeners. Mr. Bayard was greeted
with applanse as he stepped on the plat
form, and so were the speakers.
Mr. "Wimanwas introduced by Mr. Ganse,
and he explained, by a large map of Can
ada, which also showed the gea$ commer
cial border line, just what ihe question at
issne was. He also announced that the sub
ject for consideration was: ""What govern
mental policy on the part of the Govern
ments of the United States and Canada
would be best' calculated to bring abont the
establishment oi the fullest and most desir
able relations between the two countries?"
General "Wilson was then introduced and
opened the discussion proper. He spoke
for three-quarters of an hour, and was
warmly greeted. Mr. Wiman then re
plied. ,
The Hon. Benjamin Bntterwortb, of
Ohio, 'and Charles Emory Smith, of Phil
adelphia, who had been announced to
speak, did not appear.
General "Wilson took the broad ground
that a commercial or customs union would
not solve the problem. He declared that the
law of any national growth seemed to be ac
cretion, not colonization, and quoted history
to prove it. The doctrine of manifest
destiny has commended itself to every
thoughtful student of history. It has not
ceased to work for the glory of the American
name, and cannot cease or be defeated of its
end and aim until the American flag
floa'ts over every foot of the North American
continent. It is as impossible to suspend
this law as it is to make the waters of the
St. Iiawrence,and Lake Ontario flow back
ward over the Falls of Niagara. He said
in conclusion:
"I do not hesitate to say that our true
Solicy is to invite the British provinces in
Forth America to come into the glorious
Union as States and Territories, on the
assurance that our Government will assume
the public debt of the Dominion and
of the independent provinces. This would
give them every privilege and blessing they
now enjoy, except such as are connected
with hereditary titles, and would give them
in addition the inestimable boon of free and
unrestricted trade with 60,000,000 of the
most enlightened, the most progressive and
the most wealthy people in the world."
Mr. "Wiman, in his remarks, dwelt on
the great resources of Canada, the
enormous growth of the commerce of
the United States, the wonderful de
velopment of the Northwest, the ne
cessity of doing something to extend the
commerce both of Canada and the United
States, and the possibilities of extending
the commerce of the United States through
the great stretches of country to the North.
He then said: .
"When one recalls how great are these
possibilities, and how utterly insig
nificant are the impediments in the
way. of this extension of trade, it
wonld seem as if these United
States were asleep, so little do they appear
to apprehend the advantages that may
come from an obliteration of the barriers
that now limit their trade. This barrier con
sists of a barbed wire fence 4,000 miles long,
in the shape of a customs line over which
one brother canhot 'trade with another
brother for a bushel of potatoes without the
intervention of the Government. Over
this barbed wire fence is col
lected the insignificant sum of
$5,000,000 per year, a perfectly unnecessary
taxation to the' burdens of Canada, without
any compensating advantage whatever.
This $5,000,000 divided among 65,
000,000 people in .the United States
amounts to less than 8 cents per head. Not
a loss of this amount, hut a cessation of nec
essary taxation to this extent is all that is
required, while the amount in question
would be made up with interest by the in
creased revenue of the Postoffice "Depart
ment. "The plan by which it is proposed to ex
tend the trade of the United States to as far
North as human life can exist on the one
hand, and to permit a free supply
of raw material from Canada on
the other, is to create a practi
cal commercial union between the two
countries. It is proposed that the tariff
line, which now runs athwart the continent,
should be lifted up, and, being made of uni
form height, placed entirely around the
continent; that the duties collected
in Montreal and Quebec shall
be precisely the same as those
collected in New York and Boston; that
the political separation shall be just as
complete as' it is now, but that the com
merce of the two countries shall be one."
A Utile Girl's Terrlblo Dentil Before
Frantic mother's Eyes.
Chaelotte, N. O., December 13. News
of a most horrible death is to-night reported
fromBurke county. The little 9-year-old
daughter of -John Christenberry was
burned to death to-day, at her father's
home and before, her mother's eves. The
little girl was the only child of th'e family,
and she was left alone in a room by a
crackling fire. Her father was at his
work in the field, and ihe mother
had left the house for a kw minutes. On
hearing the pitiful screams, she ran into
the room where a most ghastly sight met
her eyes. Sparks from the fireplace had
set the clothing of the little girl
to bnrning. . Such headway had it made
that she had fainted with trying to open
the door, and had fallen on the floor, and
lay there bnrning to a crisp.
The mother made frantic efforts to save
her child, but to no avail. Her clothiriitf
however, took fire, and she was burned so
badly that she will also die, and the house
caught fire also and was burned to ashes.
They Deny Watchorn's Statement.
A letter yas received from the Corey Gas
Coal Company yesterday denying that their
miners ara on strike at the Buffalo mines.
The men there posted up a notice that Secre
tary Watchoru's statement was untrue.
FrankH. Converse Dead.
Maliien, Mass., December 13. Frank
H. Converse, story writer for Youno'PeonU
and other youth's publications, dead. - I
rT" i . . i- i - i i i i .Hi- i- TT- - . -. a . . - ..
The Arrival of no Ecclesiastic Excites
Quite a stir was created on the Southside
yesterday afternoon, by the report that a
Catholic missipnary had arrived in the city,
under Instructions from Pope Leo, for the
purpose of collecting information in regard
to the publio schools in Pittsburg.
About 4 o'clock in the afternoon a clerical
looking gentleman mounted a Birmingham
street car, and on tbe wa y to the Southside,
he struck up a conversation with another
passenger. The latter is authority for the
statement that the stranger said he was a
missionary that he came here irom Canada
and that he is trayling through America
Pnt-la-aM-foathering up" data on V"0 subjects and
'.matters of nationaV.imPorta'bce.
"ine.Jree, manner ini wnicn ne aiscussea
the public school question is what gave rise
to the supposition that he was investigating
it He said he bad beard a great deal
about the schools here and fie wanted to
know more of tbem. He referred to the
proposed annexation1 of Canada to the
United States and rather favored Mr. Wi
man's scheme. When the car reached the
Southside he inquired for the Passion is t
Father's Monastery, located above Pius
street, and being directed to it, he left the
car at South Twefth street.
The persons who heard the conversation
imagined that thl missionary had been sent
here by the Pope and must have thought
that he was going to walk right away with
the country. Last night nearly everybody
on the Southside was talking about the
matter and regarded it as a new move against
pnblic schools.
The gentleman who had the conversation
with the stranger on the street cirsoid: "He
acted very mysteriously and evaded every
question I asked him, but he was very free
to introduce topics himself. He was very
inquisitive and I concluded at once that he
was here on some important mission."
A feature that seemed to indicate that the
visitor was a person of some prominence oc
curred during the course of the reporter's in
vestigation of the matter. When the latter
called on Father Bernard last night and in
quired if he heard of a missionary being in
the city, the reverend gentleman said: "A
missionary called here this afternoon, and
asked to be directed to the monastery. X do
not know who he was, and I was not at home
at the time."
A call was next made at the monastery.
The Superior treated the matter as a sort of
a joke. He said that Father J. C. Casey, of
Pembrooke, Canada, arrived last e vening.but
he denied that the visit was of any impor
tance. He said Father Casey is in poor cir
cumstances, and is. traveling for his own
Very Serlons Indeed.
Henry Bell, who was sued before Alder
man Burns a few days since, and committed
to jail on a charge of slight importance, has
had three other more serious charges n
tered against him by Charles Wilson. The
bailor Bell was increased to 51,500 for a
hearing Monday night.
A Serlons Oflense.
Charles Sehuetzki, a Pole, who has been
in this country only three weeks, was ar
rested last night by Constable Packer,
charged with committing a serious offense.
Mr. Kirchceaier is the prosecutor. The de
fendant was J locked up for a hearing on
Monday before Alderman Porter.
. Coursed With Being; Light Fingered.
Blanch Holmes, alias Annie Swimps, was
committed o jail yesterday for conrt by
'Squire Hoxzman, of Braddock, on a charge
of larceny yrererred by Michael Geary.
Bitter FncllltlcsTo-Daj.
During tie holiday rush the main aisles
in our retal stores will be cleared as far as
possible of (11 obstructions. All aisle coun
ters are not out of the way, and the daily
throng of jbuyers can make their way
through al parts of this store with more
comfort a 1 satisfaction. Extra help in
every dep rtment until Christmas will in
sure prom ; attention to all our patrons and
friends.- -
We are Well organized also for prompt
delivervfof Igoods hourly from 8 A. m. to 7
p. m. every day.
I Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Thj Weather, May be Rather Mild (
Just at present, but winter's icy blasts will
begin U assert themselves before many days.
Take the hint and (attend Kaufmanns' big
reduction sale of men's fine cape overcoats
and ulsters to-day. ' Prices range from (3 0
up. First-class garments at $7 50 and (10;
beauties a12; dandies at $15; superlatives
at $18. Kaufmanns.
Silver NoToltiei.
Presents for men a specialty. You can
hardly fail to find what you wish from our
very large assortment. Call early goods
going rapidly, at
Habdy & Hayes',
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers,
529 Smithfield st. New building.
Xmas Gifts.
Probably the most suitable article for a
Xmas present, something that will -be more
appreciated, can be found in our warerooms.
They say "a thing of beauty is a joy for
ever." If so, come and see the beautiful
line of holiday goods we have to offer, and if
you wish to bestow a "joy forever," make a
selection.cash or credit, 307 Wood street.
tts Hoppee Beos. & Co.
Photograph Albums, Screens and Frames.
The largest and finest line to be fonnd in
the city, at all prices and in every style of
Store open every evening till 9 o'clock.
Jos. Eichbaum & Co.,
48 Fifth avenue.
A Veritable Bee Hive.
That's what Kaufmanns' grand cloak par
lors will look like to-day. With greater
bargains, handsomer styles, more room and
better facilities than ever, to-day will be a
red-letterday in the truly eventful history
of Kaufmanns' cloak department.
Diamond Finger Rings, Diamond Earrings,
Lace pins, fancy Soman gold pins, lockets,
cuff buttons, 'etc., at very low price:.
Jas. McKee,
42P Smithfield st, 1 door below Diamond st.
Storeopen every evening until after
Choice silk plush rockers, the largest as
sortment in the city. Cash or credit.
tts Hoppee Beos. & Co.,
307 Wood street.
Dressing Cases, Manicure Sets. Etc,
In plush and leather boxes, fitted with c"ellu
loid, oxidized silver, quadruple plate and
sterling silver fittings. Prices from SI 50 to
$75 per set. The only store where all kinds
and prices can be compared.
Open every evening until 9 o'clock.
Jos. Eichbaum & Co.,
48 Fifth avenue.
Diamond Pendants
That dazzle and bewilder with their rarely
beautiful brilliancy. Don't fail to call and
see them at
HABB-r & Hates',
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers, 529
PmithfielU st. New Building.
v ... ,J '3 ' ms
pWATTEND our holiday and clearing sale
for bargains and holiday presents.
ttssu Hugus & Hacke.
Novelties in silk and linen initial hand
kerchiefs. James H. Aiken & Co., 100J?ifthave
morrow's DISPATCH discourses
on tho profit of writingr for glory
and talks about Louisa Alo'ott's
early struggles.
MrHlonalre Waddlagham Tells How Be and
His Wire Separated Ha Contradicts
Many Stories That Had Beea
Told Abont Him
"of Late.
New Haven, Conn., December 13.
Wilson Waddingham, the "millionaire cat
tle king, last evening arrived at the palace
built by him in West Haven, several years
ago, and now occupied by Major Barrow,
his bosom friend. This morning he was in
terviewed with regard to the mysteries
which have been printed regarding the di
vorce suit brought against him by his wife.
"There is no dispute or ill feeling be
tween Mrs. Waddingham and myself," said
he. "There is a grievance which dates
back 20 years or more, a grievance which
is between Mrs. Waddingham and myself,
and we are the only persons on earth
who know of it. Mrs. waddingham and
myself are as affectionate to-day, when we
meet, as we ever were, and she will tell you
that I have been a kind husband, and a
kind father alsov. Upstairs in my
library, some years ago, she
came to me one day and said:
" 'Wilson, I think it is better that we sepa
rate. You are first here, now therrf, in
Europe, in the West everywhere and any
where. We will separate and I will go to
Regarding his early career, of which much
has been printed, Mr. Waddingham said:" I
cannot boast about what I have done, but
I can say that I can read and write, and
never engaged in mining in the black
Hills, nor was the minister who married
Mrs. Waddingham and me paid for his ser
vices with a barrel of cider. I was a rich
man when Lincoln was assassin
ated. I don't recall the date of that
event, but X was considered rich then. I
am a Canadian by birth, and was educated
at Queens College, but did not graduate.
Both Mrs. Waddingham and myself were
members of well-to-do families.
He Is Going to England to Take the Late
Jockey Archer's Place.
New Yobk, December 13. "Snapper"
Garrison, the crack American jockey, who
has piloted August Belmont's Ben Ali,
Haggins' and the Dwyer Brothers' famous
racers to victory in many a memorable con
test, is going to England to show the Brit
ishers how to ride, and if possible to take
the place of the late Jockey Archer in the
saddle. He sails Wednesday next.
"I am going to England, he said to-day,
"but I don't want you to publish anything
about it until I am gone. Besides, it might
interfere with my plans. You see, I have
been riding a hard race all summer, and I
want a bit of a rest. When I'm off and
well in the stretch I mean on the ocean
you can write all you want abont me, but
please don't publish anything in advance.
"I am very well off, and have been very
fortunate in all my speculations. You
might say that Mr. Belmont was always
pleased with my riding. You know he gave
me a very handsome watch in appreciation
of my services while wearing the scarlet and
maroon during the past season. So all this
talk about my having trouble with Mr.
Belmont over the Baceland-Kingston talk
is all nonsense." .
Bat Was Confident That His Fatnre Pros
pects Were Bright.
Baton Eouge. La, December 13.
Thomas Spooner, a young negro 21 years
old, was execnted at Port Allen, West
Baton Bouge Parish to-day, for the murder
of Seth Swearingen, a white man, on
Nelson' plantation on tne night of October
13, 1888. Spooner, after the murder, fled,
bnt was captured last May and returned to
the scene of the crime. After conviction
Spooner's case was appealed to the Supreme
Court, but the verdict of the jury was
affirmed, and the Governor signed the death
warrant November 15, fixing thesexecution
for to-day.
The condemned man rested well last night.
He arose early this morning, dressed him
self in his burial suit, and took a cup of
coffee. He was attended in his last moments
by Bev. William Pelton, of the Baptist
Church, who prayed with him. Spooner
walked to the scaffold saying: "I am
going to the graveyard." On mounting
the scaffold he advised those within
hearing at some length "that he"was going
to glory, and was ready to go." He con
fessed his crime and expressed sorrow at
the commission. At 12-20 the drop fell and
16 minutes later he was pronounced dead
from strangulation.
Daniel Ayers Makes a Gift of 8250,000
to the Institution.
New Yobk, Decemter 13. At the an
nual dinner of the Wesleyan Univer
sity Club this evening Judge Bey
nolds, of Brooklyn, President of
tbe Board of Trustees, brought
down the house with the announcement
that Dr. Daniel Ayers, of Brooklyn, had a
few hours before, paid over to the
trnstees the Bum of 5250,000 as
an endowment fund for the Universitv.
Dr. Ayers, although not a graduate of the
college, recentlygave it $50,000 to establish
a Chair of Biology, and he has also given it
other considerable sums. His title of
Doctor of Laws he owes to the university.
Judge Beynolds' announcement was re
ceived with the Wesleyan cheer, and a reso
lution of thanks to Dr. Ayers was unani
mously passed amid more cheering. The newly
elected President of the college, Bradford
Raymond added to the enthnsiam by the
declaration that the trustees had resolved to
add $250,000 to Dr. Avers' gift, and that
$60,000 of the amount was already raised.
Dockstader's Theater Forced to Give Up
Any Attempt at knowing.
New Yobk, December 13. There was no
show at Dockstader's last night. Tbe
company was on hand to go on,
but so few persons paid for seats
to see the performance that Manager
Tobin,after consultation with the minstrels,
decided to refund the money and close tbe
theater. "I've been in the show business 25
years," said Mr. Tobin atterward, "but I
never saw such a 'frost' as this. This is a
regular hoodoo houso, anyhow."
Doth Sides Announce That They Are Beady
for the Trial.
Puevis, Miss., December 13. The Kil
rain case was called to-day, and both sides
announced themselves ready for trial. Ten
jurors were obtained, the list of talesmen
was exhausted and court adjourned until
Captain John Fitzpatrick and other wit
nesses for the State are present.
Three Killed by Falling Rock.
IeonMountain, Mich., December 13.
W. Leach, Gus Erikson and August Nag
nusson were buried nnder falling rock in
the Chapin mine this morning. Leach was
taken out alive, the others dead. This
evening a second tall occurred, in which a
miner named E. Parmenter was killed.
Hit Him With a Brick.
Patrick Flannery. ofSoho street, made an
Information before Alderman Jones yester
day charging Patrick Cooneywith assault
and battery. It is alleged by Flannery
that Cooney struck him in the face with a
brick, breaking his nose. He was arretted
J and gave $300 bail for a toatisg to-day.
The New Scale Being Considered If o Vital
Points at Issae.
The Associated Flint Glass Manufacturers
have been conferring for the past few days
on the question of next year's scale. So far
no Intimation has been received from the
American Flint Glass Workers' Union by
the manufacturers as to changes in the scale
of prices in vogue, nor has notice been sent
to the manufacturers by the nnion of pro
posed changes from their side. Should any
alteration in the scale be desired bv either
5 workers or owners, notice should be given
to-day, or at latest by Monday, in order to
.allow of a discussion and decision on the
new scale previous to the expiration of that
existing, which terminates on the 1st of
There are no vital points in dispute be
tween the respective representatives of
money capital and the capital supplied by
labor, and it is thought that a harmonious
agreement will result as regards those points
abont which some differences exist. Should,
however, anything be proposed by the capi
talists to which the workers cannot agree,
the present scale will continue in operation
until the 1st of next May, when the matter
will have been disposed, of one way or
A manufacturer, speaking yesterday of
the ontlook for the year, said that the trade
in the tableware and pressed ware branches
was very dull. This was due chiefly io the
scheme, or gift houses, which bought very
largely at the opening of tbe fire
in the expectation of a combination
among factory owners ensuing, which would
have shut tbem out from bargaining with
individual firms, and who, having suffi
ciently stocked themselves, were content to
wait to see what the future would bring
forth. The large amount of goods purchased
by these houses interfered with the trade of
the jobbers, to whom the manufacturers
looked for the bulk of their business.
Efforts have been made to arrive at an
understanding between the varions firms as
to concerted action tor mutual benefit, bnt
in this trade, as in others, there are those
who seem to think that they can pursue their
business to better advantage while unshack
led by association rules. Some of the factories
are working but half time, and the condi
tion of trade shows no signs of improvement.
This, however, will not enter as a factor into
an agreement upon a scale of prices for next
The Woman's Auxiliary of tbe P. K. Chnrch
Missions In Session.
At the afternoon session yesterday of the
annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary
of the Pittsburg and Allegheny dioceses of
the Episcopal Church, the most important
feature was the election of officers for the
ensuing year. Those elected were:
President, Mrs. Ormsby Phillips; First Vice
President, Mrs. M. Bvllsbv; Second Vice Presi
dent, Miss Frances Davls;Recording Secretary,
Mrs. Tschndi: Corresponding Secretary, Mrs,
Jeannette Rogers; Treasurer, Mrs. John O.
Six hundred dollars was appropriated for
the general work of the Women's Auxiliary
in the dioceses, etc A short discussion en
sued as to the formation of a junior branch
of the Auxiliary to be composed of boys
and girls, and Mrs. Soule, of tbe East End,
was appointed to take charge of that work,
and receive any communication regarding
the matter.
A church periodical club was formed for
the receiving of contributions of reading
matter and the distribution among the
clergy, etc. Mrs. Taylor was selected to
take charge of the work.
Bracing Dp tbe Orsaolzatioo.
Five prominent labor leaders of Pitts
burg will hold a big mass meeting in Tur
ner Hall, McKeesport, to-morrow week for
the purpose ofj reviving labor union senti
ment with a view of bringing together again
the extinct organizations.
An Etna Speak-Easy.
Justice Elsesser, of Etna, yesterday com
mitted Margaret Wilson to jail, in default
of $1,000 bail; for court, on charges ot sell
ing liquor to minors and without license,
preferred by Joseph C. Williams.
Injared at the Westing-home Works.
William Santon and Theodore Shaunder,
of the Westinghouse works, and Bndolph
Trobert, a tinner, were taken to the Homeo
pathic Hospital yesterday with crushed
hands, injured while at work.
Now Is the Time
To make your selection of a piano or organ,
while our stock is yet complete. A more
magnificent array ot beautiful instruments
is not to be found in the oity. We have
pianosand organs at prices and terms within
the reach of all. The great Kranich &
Bach, the Stultz & Bauer and Jas. M.
Starr pianos. The incomparable Miller &
Packard Organs, to be found only at this
establishment. Come and see for yonrselt.
69 Fifth ave.
How Is ThU?
$12 will buy at our great stores to-day a
stylish suit and overcoat price for the two,
$12. Yon will have to pay at least $25 for
the same goods at any other store. Be on
hand early and get first choice. No such
bargains have ever been offered by any firm
in America. , P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp- the new
Court House.
Those Fine Parisian Newmarkets
Which Kaufmanns' imported several weeks
ago, and which have since had a very lively
Bale (-the most fashionably dressed ladies of
Pittsburg being the buyers), will be closed
out to-day at two-thirds former prices. Those
that were $27 will be $18 to-day. while those
that cost $24 have been reduced to $16.
Christmas In Gent's F'nrniihlngs.
Smoking jackets, dressing gowns, bath
robes, seal caps, fur gloves, handkerchiefs,
mufflers, suspenders, neckwear, fine shirts,
underwear, hosiery, gloves, jewelry, toilet
cases, night shirts, canes, umbrellas, mac
intoshes, etc., etc.
Jos. Hoene & Co's
Penn Avenne Stores.
Over One Hundred
New and dainty styles in Stick Pins can he
seen at
Habdy & Hates',
Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers, 629
Smithfield st. NewHuilding.
Holiday Goods.
Such an elegant assortment of bookcases,
easy chairs for gents, silk plush rockers for
ladies, chiffoniers, writing desks, fancy
clocks, statuary and cashanti ware, at
Hopper Bros. & Co.'s stores, 307 Wood
street. Cash or credit tts
Something handsome in Peau de Soie
colored silk; a 35-piece lot, regular $3 CO
quality, at $2 a yard.
Pocketbooks, Card Cases. Letter Cases,
In calf, morocco. Bussia leather and seal
skin, at all prices, from plain io finest, with
or without sterling silver mountings. No as
sortment to be fonnd equal to ours.
Store open till 9 o'clock every evening.
Jos. Eichbaum & Co.,
48 Fifth avenue.
A bargain 50c, 60o and 76o a yard for
Priestley's black silk warp Henriettas,
were 85c, $1 and $125.
Novelties in embroidered night shirts.
James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave.
Jenks, In to-morrow's DISPATCH,
deeoribeean Invention which Is to
revolutionize looftl transportation.
How a Color Bearer Defended His
Begiment's Colors Till He Died.
Who, Kovr That Jefferson. DaTia Is Tea
Wishes to Return the Flag
Tbe Eijhti Hew Tork Resident Offered a Belle fry
Its Captor.
Lieutenant Saunders, of a Florida Con
federate regiment, offers to return a battle,
flag he captured during the battle of Seven
Pines from a brave color bearer who begged
for it with his dying breath. Lieutenant
Saunders' description of that memorable
battle is vivid.
isrzci-ix nusaui to tux sisrATcn.1
Palatka, FrA., December 13. Tha
battle flag of the Eighth New YorkBegi
ment. General Han Sickles, is in the posses- '
sion of Lieutenant 6. W. Saunders, of this
city, who served in Company I, Second
Florida Beglment, under command of Cap
tain Brevard, ot Tallahassee. The
flag was captured before Blchmond,
at the battle of Seven Pines
by Lieutenant, Saunders himself, who, to
day showed it to The Dispatch corres
pondent. It contains two black spots,
designating that no quarter was shown
Confederate soldiers. It also contains 13
bullet holes, nine of which were made tin
it by Lieutenant Saunders.
The particulars lkof the capture are
thus given by Lieutenant Saun
ders: "We started in abont 1 p. 5L, having
sent out our skirmishers at 12. Colonel Perry
said: 'Boys, the password is "Home and
Firesides." We passed through tbe swamp
a mile ana a half and came to the clearing
of a small field, when Colonel HcCall said:
"Hold, boys, there's the enemy." The
enemy raised up and said: 'Come on, boys,
.it is not the enemy; it is friends.' Colonel
'McCall said: 'Forward, Second Florida.
Two seconds after and the enemy poured a
volley into our lines.
"Out of 13 Captains 11 were killed.
Colonel McCall fell with two bullets in his
head, and I took him from the field. The
great and noble voice ot Colonel E. A. Per
ry, afterward Governor of Florida, was then
heard above the din of battie as he
shouted: 'Arise, and charge them, Second
Florida! We charged them across the re
doubt, and as they turned their grape and
canister upon uswe retreated. We charged
ihem the second time, and we again re
treated. Col. Perry again shouted, 'Charge
tbem again, boys, and do not fall down
upon your faces when we get under the re
doubt; and then when you see a man with,
his head above the breastwork, shoot him.
"Sixteen men were killed at tbe month of
one gun. Hearing the battery limber up,
he shouted: 'Bise, Second Florida, and
through the gap!' Colonel Perry was the
first man through, running his sword
through the first horse of the caissons as
his company was skilled in the artillery
drill, he ordered his men to wheel the guns
on the enemy and fire. We held the fort
and all its appurtenances.
'1 then came upon the color bearer of the
Eighth New York, as he lay upon the
ground, shot and dying. As I approached
him, with drawn sword, he said: 'Wonld
you harm a dying man?' I threw"
aside my sword, and lifting his head,
gave him a dnnk of water from my canteen.
He then said: 'You want this flag, take it,
but let me hold the staff.' I allowed him to
keep the latter, which he held tightly
clasped across his breast until he died."
Lieutenant Saunders expressed great ad ,
miration for the gallantry of the color bearer x
ot the Eighth New York, and said he died
like a true soldier. The flag is now in
Saunders' possession. He says that he
has had it for 26 years, but
on the day Jefferson Davis was buried he
decided to return tbe flag to its former
owners. If the survivors -of the Eighth.
New York Begiment will notify Lieutenant
Saunders at Palatka, Fla., the flag which
they fought under at the battle ot Seven
Pines will be returned to them.
Hovr a Coon Hant Suddenly Broke Up as)
Alabama Funeral.
WxaMnjrton Ton.1
"While I was provost marshal in the Sel
ma district, in '66," said Colonel D. C. Lay
ton the other evening. "I was frequently '
called on to officiate at colored funerals.
One day a negro came to me and said his
baby had died and the funeral was to be)
that afternoon. Would I come and deliver
the sermon. X always made it a rule to
grant these requests if possible. So I went
at the stated time. The funeral was very
simple. Tbe father shouldered the little
coffin and started for tbe burying-ground.
A couple of men followed 'behind with
spades, and'then came the women and tho
rest of the procession. Arriving at the place
tbe grave was dug and the coffin lowered in.
Then I started to read the Episcopal burial
service. I had made a little progress when
I heard a dog barking across the field and
noticed an uneasy feeling in the edge of the
crowd. In a minute several darkies
sneaked from the outskirts and made over
toward the barking. Before I had read a
dozen lines more there wasa general exo
dus and only the grave-digger and 'myself
" 'What does this mean?' I asked.
" 'Marse Layton, dat dawg done treed sv
coon,' said he apologetically, 'an'dese ye
folks des had ter go. Nuffin hoi 'em.
"I closed the serviee right there, and went
over to the tree myself."
"Did they get the coon?"
"Well, they did, and then wanted me ta
go on with the services, but I drew the line
right there."
m - - r
The Lone Highwayman Araln.
Aubukn, Cai, December 13. The
Forest Hill stage was stopped by a masked'
highwayman yesterday. He opened the ex
press box but found no coin. Then ha
opened the mail bags. It is not known '
how mnch he secured. The robber has not
yet been apprehended. ,
Mm. Campbell Is Convalescent.
Cincinnati, December 13. A telephone
message from Hamilton, O., says that at 1C
p. si. the Dbvsician in charge of Mrs.
James E. Campbell reported that hia'.
patient was resting easier, and was cieariy.
Fatal Ezslosloa la a Mine.
Madrid, December 13. There has beets
an explosion in the Belmez mines. Fifteen 'J
in'ured persons have been brought to the
mouth of the nit. The number of dead is .
unknown, but it is thought to be large.
Easily Enongh Accomplished.
Somervllle Jonrnsl.l
An amateur hunter doesn't have tobe s',J
very good shot to blow all the fingers off hia V
good right hand.
Wanted, by January I. a first-class man witsfl
store loondrv mil machine shoD. to take roll
charge, sell tbe goods, etc.; or will rent ttai '
above, including flasks, patterns, euu, on rea-M
soaaDjQ terms. Jrarues now mtexBsteu oatsj
otner easiness. Situated on main line or f.i.JS,T;
Call on or address m
U941-V lBliyut,
- V
tidd iLh