wflfp V ". IHOEAIJTIFULSNOW 4 lXSIack Inquiry Tfcese Days for Poems J on tho Silent "Flakes. sXLEfcbOxNS TAUGHT BY CRYSTALS. f5", How Traffic and Locomotion Are Impeded by Congealed Water. BEHGIOX OFTES TESTED BY THE BKOff. Terhaps one of the most extraordinary signs of the times next to the recent per sistent wet weather, is the fact that the in quiry for "Beautiful Snow" poems has be come wonderfully slack. Letters asking for the publication, or offering to supply copies of the original Terses, are reduced to an aTerageof about one daily, and as no one can excuse poetic relerence to the con gealed shower, its actual presence may, be fore long, demand a certain amount of apology, if onlj lor taking things so coolly. The snows while it falls, although it can not rank with the plagues of Egypt, which in modern days included the quadrennial vote of Southern Illinois, is still sufficient to make man as helpless as Egyptian dark ness or a London fog. Just imagine a snow fall to last for a week or ten days in West ern Pennsylvania, The people of Pittsburg would stand in danger of suffering from hun ger before the end of the time. It would not pack as in the Canadian climate, where seven montns winter and five of Dad weither is the order, with the added incubus of a weather prophet who is invariably wrong in ' his predictions. But still snow, although an evil, can admit ol some good being drawn from its nresence, even as a straight Eepub lican vote might be extracted from a Mug wump. The pood nature which is so generally prevalent during a snow storm makes it a sort or application which draws oat the pub lic humor in a much pleasanter manner than a fly blister would, and makes the people generally look upon the application as a joke on all creation. THE SMAUj BOY'S JOKE. And it is a joke, particularlv to the small boy. who, with an ostentatious interest in "Where Did You Get That Hat?" makes a practical investigation by knocking it off with a snow ball. This may be rough on the hat, but it is great fun for the boys, and where is the man who was never a boy? He is the kind who does not enjoy a snow storm. Another lesson the snow storm inculcates, as it shows us the difference in the condi tions of life between ourselves and the Eski mos, is to impress upon the great American intellect the "instability of the great evi dences of civilization, which, including tel egraph, telephone, railroad and mail serv ;nn tn wtintii frinmnliH of invention and genius, irom the Dailx Dispatch to the milkman's wares, which escape Inspector McUutcheon's observation, may be cut off, interrupted, withheld from us for perhaps days without any means of redress against the soft but unyielding and flinty-hearted snow. The great lesson that is conveyed by the blocking or the results of years of labor simply through the trans formation of rain into crystal would tend to purify the moral atmosphere of the notion that the progressiveness ol the age is attributable to inevitable causes and logical consequences, and that mankind by its own exertions has secured a fixity of tenure of its wonderful modern achieve ments. The faet is clearly demonstrated thiough the agency of a snowstorm that of these humanity is reducedlto the position of a tenant-at-will at the mercy of the first blizzard whicn comes along, which is known to have about as much of the qualitv of mercv very highlT strained as the average Irish landlord bent on an eviction. This n a good lesson, calculated to knock a certain amount of conceit out of even a Pennsyl vanian. HOW IT STOPS TEADK. But,Jtalking of object lessons, the snow storm is as full of theme as the newspapers are of suggestions for mayoralty candi dates. It shows what a delicate substance in large quantities can paralyze trade and commerce. The finer the snow, the softer and more easily it melts without friction, the more determined and impassable is the obstruction. The closer it is to being rain, while retaining its character as snow, the more completely does it impede locomotion. The fine snow which cannot support a vehi cle on runners, but is solid enough to hin der wheels from making headway, is the greatest enemy to communication and com fort. This is true of all half-way things, from an act of Congress to the Mugwump vote, thincs liable to be changed at the least firessure, being solid now, liquid again, or ike the two instances quoted, frequently gaseous. Of course the beauties of a snow storm have been written and sung to such ac ex tent that whoever does not know of them is not capable of distinguishing the mantle of enow from a Connecticut wrapper, and, in fact, the livelier in cities sees enough of the line of the latter in the former to prejudice him upon this point. But there are other points in which the snow may be taken as a test of the religious character of the citizens, as well as setting forth moral and instructive lessons. The church congregation which Jets the snow or ice accumulate in front of its place of worship may be economical and laying up treasures where the sexton or his assistants cannot consume them, but its practical Christianity is somewhat out of .repair, resembling the streets in being either cold or slushy or both. There is nothing in the Divine ordinances to prevent the city ordinances from being carried out, but the latter are frequently neglected, as the firtt snowstorm will demonstrate. Here again 'the snow becomes a test for good citizenship as well as of the truly religious and fre quently necessary desire to suppress pro- ifanitr- Thus, as the feathery white crystals, . i dropping as the gentle rain from heaven, " bring out the good qualities of the men and the sealskin sacques of the women, it has an ennobling and beautifying effect which will serve as an apology for the harm it might do, but kindly refrains from attempting in this .part of the country at least. Monte. THAK IOC. MB. BLACK. JBbsbccn ol tho Training School Appreciate ' His Work. The Board of Managers of the Pittsburg Domestic Training School met recently, and sent the following communication to The ' Dispatch: " We wish to pnbllclr tender our thanks to Mr. John W. Black for the efficient aid rendered our school by the Chanty Concert recently given for its benefit. Without the least trouble or assistance on our part, Mr. Black undertook this prodigious work alone, ana with what Brilliant success the public has had opportunity to judce, while we have of the financial suc cess, since 1 1.185 65, the net proceeds, have been handed to our treasurer. "We desire Mr. Black to feel that we sincerely appreciate the effort made in our behalf, and that we heartily thank him for the same. To all the musician! and artists who so ceneronsly lent their assistance, and made the concert a musical treat, we also wish to express our wannest thanks and appreciation. E. J. Patterson. Secretary. 'Br order of the Board of Managers. The Dentist Went to Court. Bichard Toley. the Allegheny dentist, who is charged by Dr. Greenawalt, of the Pittsburg Dental Society, with practicing dentistry contrary to law, waived a hearing yesterday before Alderman McMasters, and entered bail In the sum of $500 for court CSTHE COLLEGIAN'S SWEET HEART, a romantic story by Mr. Wong JIatska l?oo, a member or vi nMnnsa Legation at "Washing ton, and Mr. Albert Dayton, will appear in to-morrow's DISFATGH. A1-. OX TOE AMIODS BENCH. Applicants for License Eager for an Early Session. People who propose to apply for license to sell liquor next spring are much interested in the question as to whether the Xicense Court shall begin work a month earlier or at the time previously fixed. Should the session begin earlier it would throw the question of granting license to the Judges of Common Pleas Court No. 1, as the session would be thrown back into the December term. . . The rather invidious suggestion has been put afloat that Judges Ewing and White, as they mav soon come before the people for re-election," might be willing to allow the license business to go into No. 1, as the re jection of applicants is not always calculated to make political strength, and that the Judges in Common Pleas No. 1 are practi cally at a distance from the voter at present. This, however, is not an elevated platform from which to view the subject. Doubt less all the Judges regard it as a disagreeable duty. Judge Stowe has frequently expressed himself pointedly on the disposition of the Legislature to mate clerks of Judges, by giving them work such as the supervising and counting of election returns, etc, work in which the judicial function has small part It is likely that the matter of bearing license applications will be decided by all six Judges. It is held by some that the Judges in No. 21iad power to fix the matter to suit themselves at the September term, but Judge White in his utterances some weeks ago did not talk that way. Asianlt nod Battery Cases. William Stewart, Sr.f was committed to jail for court yesterday on a charge of sell ing liquor without license by Justice Blackburn, of McKeesport. William Stewart, Jr., was committed by the same Magistrate on a charge of assault and bat tery, made by Sarah Curry. John Neff was yesterday committed in default of bail by Justice Baird, of Sharpaburg, on a charge of felonious assault, preferred byhiswite, Susanna Neff. At the China Store of W. P. Greer Ton will find the largest assortment and latest styles of bric-a-brac, tableware, etc, suitable lor holiday and household pur poses. It would be impossible to enumerate the different factories represented; sufficient to say we have an endless variety. w You are cordially invited. A visit will well repay you for the time spent even if you do not purchase. All goods strictly first, class. Novelties a specialty. 622 Penn ave. Opposite Library Hall. People Will Kenllzo m. aw t4aa ! tViA YtliftA to hnv their clothing at Think of it, 512 for a first-class suit and overcoat we mean $12 for the two! What better can you buy for a Christmas present than invest 512 for a whole outfit? P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Superb BInslo Rolls. A very fine assortment of music rolls and spring-back folios just received. All the newest desisns in the line. "An acceptable and useful present, from a parent or friend, at Geo. Kappel's, 77 Fifth avenue. A fuli. line of rye and bourbon whiskies, foreign and domestio wines, gins and bran dies, and all articles embraced in the whole sale liquor trade, will always be found at the warerooms of T. D. Casey & Co., 971 Liberty st Visitors to the city during the holidays will find it to their satisfaction to call and examine the stock. rs Flno Clocks, Bronzes. Silverware, Table irnrp. Etc Secret society emblems, K. T. and 32 charms and rings, fine jewelry, etc An elegant line of goods for holiday presents. Very low prices. JAS. McKee, Jeweler, 420 Smithfield st, 1 door below Diamond st Store open every evening. Make Bar While the Sun Shines. Buy bargains while you can get them. The 300 men's overcoats which Blaufmanns' will place on sale to-day at $10 won't wait long for customers. They are imported chinchillas and meltons, and are sold in ' other clothing houses at from 514 to $16. Diamonds. Unset stones constantly on hand. Designs chosen specially to suit each in dividual taste. Stones mounted, at once by Hakdt & Hates', Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers, 529 Smithfield st New Building. ITS Black Kcal Astrakhan Shoulder Capes n 87 50. The best value to be had. Jos. HOBNE& Co.'S Penn Avenue Stores. An Article of Jewelry Makes the most appropriate and acceptable gift for Christmas. Examine our choice new stock. Open every evening. Wattles & Sueafer, 37 Fifth avenue. Save time and money by selecting your presents from the immense stock, at Harri son's toy store, 123 Federal st, Allegheny. TTS Table cloths, with napkins to match; very desirable holiday-presents, from $4 per set uoward. Huous & Hacke. TTSSU Christmas Cards, Booklets and Satin KoveN ties. Immense variety; prices irom one cent to fifteen dollars. To suit all tastes and purses. Open every evening until nine o'clock. Jos. Eichbatm & Co., 48 Fifth avenue. Extraordinary bargains in doth and plush coats and newmarkets, suitable for presents, at Bosenbaum & Coifs. wrhs A splendid line of antique oak chiffon iers just the thing for a niceXmas present Cash or credit. Hopper Bros. & Co., us 307 Wood street Fnrnltnre. The largest variety at M. Seibert & Co.'s, Allegheny City. IS THE STRONGEST HORSE BLANKET For ula by H dealers. Nona genuine without bone stunped inside. Madetijr'Waf.AT&zgASoxs, PaUids, who make the strong fcA. Boise Blankets, Ee445-W8 BLOOKER'S ng Instantaneous. Hlltrh H 150 cup. UUI;L" , for Sl.00. COCOA. CS.EErOT,MlUrcrBt,H.T. C23-50-WS For a DISORDERED LIVER Try BEECHAM'S PIUS, 25cts. a Box. os JsJiXi pjrtTyqrcmroi. &AKER IEHTTSBTJBia KUB9HMBPWMM.WHaMH ' -- - . umiuma , America Leads the World In taste and the refined customs of civiliza tion, the evidence of which is, that of 2,454, 604 cases of champagne imported into the United 8tates during the last ten years, oyer 25 per cent was "G. H. Mumm's Extra Dry." whose imports were over 200,000 cases in excess of any other brand. Quality will tell. People Will Bcallze That our store is the place to buy their clothing at Think of-it, ?12 for a first-class suit and overcoat we mean $12 for the twol What better can you buy for a Christmas present than invest $12 for a whole outfit? P. C. O. a, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Christmas for Boy. Nothing better in the world than a hand some suit or overcoat And, oh, how the prices of these goods have been hacked down at Kaufmanns' great holiday sale! Better bring your boys In to-day and fit them out Don't hesitate. See the dandy suits and overcoats at $3. Kaufmanns'. fJTBESSIE BRAMBLE in to morrow's DISPATCH discourses on the profit of writing for glory and talks about Louisa Alcott's early struggles. DIarrlnsre IJeensos Granted Yesterday. Kane. Beildenee. Jacob Pirer SfJHESX 1 Maggie Cooper nttobnrg MARRIED. MITCHELL MAGEE On. Thursday, De cember 12, 1889. at First Presbyterian Church, by Rev. George T. Pnrves, D, D Mr. Kier Mitchell, Esq., and Miss Margaret Mao Leod Mages. DIED. DOBiUNGTON-On Friday, December '13, 18S9. at 1 o'clock A. M., Elixa, relict of the late Joseph Uorrington, in the 79th year ol her age. Funeral from her late residence, Western ave. and Hershell st, Thirty-sixtb ward, on Mondat, December 16. at 10.30 o'clock A. H. Friends of tho family respecttnlly invited to attend. 2 FOSTLER On Friday, December 13, 1689, at 7 o'clock A. at. Amelia, daughter of Jacob and Margaret Fostler, aged 19 years and a days. Funeral from late residence, Hazelwood ave nue, between Greenfield and Saline avenues. Twenty-third ward, city, on Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock Friends are Invited to at tend. 3 HFJD At her home, Reserve township, Bpnng Garden, at 2 o'clock P. M., December 13, FLORA H. Hedd, aged 9 years 1 month and 20 days, youngest oangnier oi dacou uu vuiuo Held. Disease, diphtheria. Funeral from tho residence on Saturday, December 14, at 2 o'clock p. m. Biterment pri vate.' LEWIS On Friday morning. December 13. 18S9, at 5.30 o'clock, Sarah Rossiteb, wile ol Wm. J. Lewis, aged 65 years. Funeral services on BUNDAY afternoon, at 1 o'clock, at the family residence, Hazel wood. Interment private. Trains leave Balti more and Ohio depot at 12 40 P.M., returning, leave Hazelwood at 2 17 p. M. McMULLIN On Friday, December 13. 1SS9, at 230 P. M., Edward J., son of Edward J. and Lizzie McMnllin, neo Trapp, aged 9 months and 15 days. Funeral from the parents' residence, 140 Brownsville avenue, Southslde, on Sunday at 2 p. m. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 McCLEliLAND On Thursday evening, De cember 12, 1889. at U20, at the residence of W. W. Shaw, Eleventh street. Sharnsbnrg. Mre. Sarah McClelland, in the 63d year of her age. y Fnneral from the residence of W. W. Shaw, 23 Eleventh street Sharpsburg, on Saturday, at 2 p. m. Friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend. O'CONNOR On Thursday, December 12. 1889, at 7 P. Sf., MARY O'CONNOR, aged 65 years. The funeral will take place from the resi dence "of her sister, Mrs. B. Clair, No; 127 Forty second street on Saturday, December!!, at 8.30 A. M. Services at St. Mary's Church, Forty-sixth street, at 9 a. m. sharp. Friends 5f the family are respectfully invited to at tend. 2 PIERCE On Friday. December 13, at S A. M., Thomas, son of John and Mary Pierce, In the 4th year of his age. Funeral from parents residence, 2805 Jane St., Sonthside, on Saturday, December 14, at 230 o'clock P.M. RICHARDS On Saturday. December 7, 1SS9, at Denver, Col., Charles A. Richards, in bis 20th year. Interment will take place To-day (Saturday, 14th,) from the residence of his mother, 340 Taylor street Sixteenth ward, city, at 2 o'clock p. m. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. ROHAN On Friday, December 13, 1889, at 11.30 A. M-. John N., son of jM. J. and M. E. Rohan aged 31 years. Gone, bnt not forgotten. Funeral from No. 73 Main street corner Cherry, Allecheny City, on SADBATH-at 2 p. at. TWheeling papers please copy.l SWINBURG Suddenly Friday. December 13.1889, at 3 p. m.. Miss Lucy S.Swinburq, aged 46 years 9 months 8 days. Funeral from the residence of her father, Penn township, Allegheny connty, Ea on Sabbath Afternoon at 1 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. JAMES ARCHIBALD fc BRO., LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, 117, U9 and 136 Third avenue, two doors below Smithfield st, next door to Central Hotel. Carnages for funerals, 13. Carriages for operas, parties, it, at the lowest rates. All new car riages. Telephone communication. myl-U-TT3 TjEPRESENTEli IN PITX'SBnRG IN 18a ASSETS . S9JG71,69833. Insurance Co. of North America. losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. S4 Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-D WESTERN INSVRjLNCE CO. OF PITTSBURG. Assets 18,601c7 NO. 411 WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIMICK. President JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President. fe22-26-TTS WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. H. H. DURBIN & CO., 63 FIFTH AVENUE. Rich Jewelry and Precious Hones. ne21-TTSSu SCOTT'S GREAT DISCOVERY! What I Can Do With It, I can cure an ordinary case of ulceration with one application, bod cases in two or three. Care guaranteed to be permanent. I never fail. Cure sensitive and paintul teeth, with exposed nerves or pulps, without pain. Can save you the trou ble of going to the dentist by the month for treament. Will not discolor yonr teeth as other dentists do. I Invite troublesome cases where other dentists have failed. I will cure you. To be had only at Dr, C. S. Scott's Dental Offices, 624 Penn ave., opposite Home's. delO-66-TTSBU EDUCATIONAL. HARC0URT PLACE. A remarkably successful Beminary for young ladles and girls. Admirable loca tion. Elegant new building. Exception ally strong frfculty. Superior equipment and comprehensive character. Thorough, preparation for the best American colleges for women, or a complete course. Pupils last year from thirteen States. For illus trated catalogues address the Principal, Miss Ada I, Ayeb, B. A., Gambler, O. KENYOH MILITARY ACADEMY. A select school for boys. 66th year. Lo cation of rare beauty and healthjulness. on a hill-top, eleven hundred fjeet above sea level. Elegant buildings. Masters all coUegeerad uates and teachers of tried efficiency. Thor ough preparation for college or business. Careful supervision of health, habits and manners. Particular attention paid to the training of young boys. Remarkable growth during the past four years. Large new gym nasium and drill hall. For catalogues ad dress the Bwfer, Lawbsmck cst, LL,L, Oaoibkr, 0., Q.T0 IPISPXTOH, jMrim.i&'isea&.VTrjL. j .jrAarw agCTmi-i - KKW ABVKRTISEMKNTS. Bazaar Bulletin No. 3. UR experi ence of eight A 11 n it a I Holiday Bazaars has made this year's the most attractive and suc cessful of them all. It fills out the broad quadrilateral of excellences, viz: Artistic Elegance, Practical Witty, Large Variety and Unparal leled Low Prices. Note the additional examples below: Nothing in the whole range of gifts can surpass the oermanent, 'every-day useful ness of a W rrting Desk to a lady, girl or boy. This Old Colonial pat tern at $io is neatly carved, has convenient interior ar rangements for writing, is in solid oak and best finish. A sample of forty other patterns. This rug-covered Eastern Couch, at $16, in its dress of sunset coloring, its graceful and luxurious lines of uphol stery, is but a type of our be wildering variety of Couches. Easy Chairs and Uphol stered Rockers in every imag inable shape and covering. .This Shake- f-'Ul t. jraoipw spearc a auic, it g- $5, is uie gen eral utility piece of furniture which meets the wants of all oc casions. As a whist or euchre-table it fills all the conditions. Note the advantage of the lower shelf. This Blacking Case, with :: car peted lid, and the usual :: conveni ences, isconly $i 2K. Our Car pet :: Department has them in every variety of style and finish; also that highest embodiment of exper ience and invention, the "Su perior" Carpet Sweeper. N. B. Our classified and descriptive catalogue sixty four pages of "presents for a lady, gentleman, boy and girl, is given on application." 0. McCLITOCK ac CO., 33 FIFTH AVENUE. del4-TTS HANDKERCHIEFS -FOB- THE HOLIDAYS. FOR CHILDREN, At 5c, 6c, 8c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 25c,tC0c, 75o and $1. FOR. LADIES, At 10c, 13Kc, 25c, 35e, 50c, 75c, SI and up to $15 and higher if wanted. FOR Mm, - At 12Vc, 25e, 50c, 65c, 76c, 90c. In Linen and'in Silk at 60c, 75c, 1. fl 25, 51 50. All positively the BEST VALUES WE HAVE EVER KNOWN OF. -A- Great Many Special Bargains That would take up too much space to tell abont and too ranch time for you to read. Bich and elegant things in GENTS' SILK MUFFLERS I WHITE. BILK. HOLIDAY GLOVES! We are now showing new and full lines of Kid Gloves In all styles. We have just opened onr second importation of Boys' and Youths' P. K. Embroidered Kids. Taos and dark shade sizes, ranging ft-qm 000, which fits a 3-year-old, to 7, which fits a youth of 16 to 18 years. " In Ladies' Snede Kids we have a llneJf 8-bntton Mousq., in Modes, Tans, Brown and Slates, at V. 60 per pair, which is the nicest quality and the best hdw eyr offered at that price. Commencing Monday, DECEMBER 16, onr store will be OPEN EVERY EVEN ING TILL 9 O'CLOCK. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTKJ.TMNVX Air4 i-a'ni , mWwwlvW JPCS BfJp-FA, M-r Ai)tprsy (Hi In mat in miJl -v. jr-r--fr nil ' im i ii 1 1 i Wsislki r.rtvak.4 rwMniwBsr t iV ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B. & B. S4.TUBDAY, December 14. IMPORTANT SALE. iiimi -.WW. 'Useful and Ornamental. HANDKERCHIEFS For the million, Be to $15 each. Special values and prices by the dozen orhalf dozen. Gents' Silk Mufflers. Cashmere, 20o to 51 25. Silk, 80c to $5. Extra Biik Mufflers at 76c, 51, 51 25, 51 60 and 52 bargains. Gents' H. S. Silk Handkerohiefe, 25c to 51 25. Gents H. a Japanese Silk Mufflers at 51 extra large size and quality extra bargain. Holiday Silk Umbrellas, 51 to 515, and hundreds for selection, and at prices and styles that sell almost a hundred a day we mean by prices that we sell them less than usual for nice goods and artistic handles and mountings. Black Silks. Black Silk Faille Franeaise at 51 to 53 60 a yard. You can save money on your purohase of the elegant Black 8ilk Dress that you are going to buy for Christmas. Blaok Silk Warp Cashmerea Special, 60o a yard, and ex. ex. values, 85e, 51, 51 10, 51 25, 51 50 and p to 53 75 per yard. Holiday Dress Patterns In French Dress Goods, Black Goods and Cashmere Departments, in nice boxes, es pecially desirable for presents. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Kid Gloye Departments Never offered such comprehensive assortments. Fur Department Astrakhan Capes, 58 50 up. Alaska Seal Muffs, 58 50, 510, up to finest. Fnr Muffs, 60c, 535. Everything that is new and ele gant In Eurs at closer prices than usually sold. 500 sets Children's Furs, 51 to 57 a set Alaska Seal Jackets and Walking Coats, 5100 to-5175. Alaska Seal Sacqnes, ?125 to 250. The Cloak Departments Are having an unnsnally active business fine goods at such low prices bring the peop)e, and such extensive assortments to choese from is quite a feature. B0GGS & BUHL, 115,117,119.121 Federal st, Allegheny. P. S. A. Holiday Exposition of Rare and Artistic 'Novelties, Bric-a-brac and Pottery, I5e to 5100. Worth a visit. Low prices oqchoice goods is our motto. del4-s THIS s Naf aBXNQUET UMP -k -BUT A- i NO EXTENSION LAMP, Made in Antique Brass, fitted with Duplex Burner and Silk Fringed Para sol Shade. ' And the price is 811 each. We have Piano Lamps from $8 95 each to 875 each. ' THE J. P. SMHH UMP. CUSS AID CHIU CD i 'J 035 PENN AVENUE, Between Ninth and Tenth streets. P. & We still have a few of those BRASS BANQUET LAMPS, with Silk Fringed Um brella Shades, at $4 75 each. OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9. del2.97.TTS P ATENTS n ti T.TJTna aAlfottnr if PntAnta Sll Fifth avenue, above Smithfield. nextLeader omce. UNO aeiay.j .Ksiaousaeu zu jeara. se25-6Q 1 i 'i . i .' DANZIGBR'S OIETEir SJLVUSTQc fPKIOES -Dtmmo OUB- GREAT HOLIDAY SALE. ,See our grand display of Dolls, Games, Books and Toys. The best line and the lowest prices in the two cities in Plush Brush and Comb Sets, Mani cure Sets, Shaving Sets, Silverware, Bronzes, Albums, Bibles and Bric-a-Brac. The weather be ing against us on Cloaks and "Wraps we have de cided to create a demand by making the Lowest Prices ever quoted in this or any other city. If you care for a Cloak or Wrap now is your time to get it. Special:; Our stores will be open evenings, com mencing Monday next, December 16, until Christmas. idjstzi POPULAR Mh. 42,44,46,48,50,52 Sixth W& JilW ABYXTlSEKZim. Tilt rtyft of book? IS BEADY, And Banta Clans sits at the head of the table. Will you taste first and then choose? If so, write for our New illustrated Cata logue of Books, Christmas Cards, Booklets, Calendars, etc It will be mailed to any address FREE OP CHARGE. Among our Christmas specialties let call your attention to our us Silverware (Solid and Plated), Clocks, Bronzes, Terra Cotta Ware, Faney China and Brio-a-Brae, Tal)le and Pocket Cutlery, Crockery, Glass and Chinaware, Fine Toilet Soaps and Perfumeries, lamps and Lamp Shades, Housefurnishing Goods, Umbrellas and Canes, Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear, Corse ts.Laeea and Embroideries, Fine Table Linen, Napkins, etc., Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Cloaks, Wraps and Fan. Christmas Tree Ornaments, Fine Stationery, Art Embroidery and Materials For Fancy Work, Dolls, Toys and Games, Music Boxes. Fleishman & Co!, PITTSBURG, PA. de!4 The Finest Meat-Flavobiwo Stock LIEBIG COMPANY'S t Extract of Meat. USE IT FOE SOUPS, Beef Tea, Sauces and Made Dishes. N Genuine only with fac-simileof Justus von Liebig's SIGNATURE IN BLUE INK Across label. Bold by storekeepers, grocers and druggists. LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT CO., Lim ited, London. au24-94-WS ' McMUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a preparation of the Drag bywblchits la jarioas effects are removed, while the valuable medicinal properties are retained. I possesses all the sedative, anodyne, and antispasmodic powers of Opium, but produces no sickness of vomiting, no costive nesa, no headache. In acuta nervous disorder s It is an invaluable remedy, and is recommendetd by the best physicians. E, FERRETT, Agent, 372 Pearl SL, New York. mbS0-Z7-S DRUNKENNESS Or the Llqupr Habit Positively Cared by Admlniitering Dr. Hainea' Golden Specific. It can be riven in a cop or coffee or ten without the knowledge of the person taking it: is abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient ia a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of Drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Golden Specific In thslr coffee without tbelr knowledge and to-dar believe tbev quit drinking from their own free will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter Impossibility for the Uquor appetite to exist. For tale by A. J. Bankln. blzth andl"enn avcl'ltubarp; E. Holden & Co.. C3 E. Federal St., Allecheny. Irade supplied by Oeo. A. Kellv & Co . flttabnrir, Fa. aeS-SS-TTS JONES' MAGIC ROACH FO "W DER. Roaches banished by eon tract. Satisfaction guaranteed or no mv. 35 BEVKNTH AVJO. IPittsburg. Pa Price tl 60 per pound. a-oo- STORES, 11,-538,540,542 fmn ave. ft HjnrAwrranswJonra's S-AJSTT-A. WILL, AS USUAL, MAKE 699H$1& GUSKY'S THE CGMESre HOLIDAY TIME. His Annual Carnival Reception! -WTti-EE HEED- "1MB MONDAY, December 23, from 9:30 to 12 nocS from 2 to 5:30 an&from 7 to 9 P. M. TUESDAY, December 24, from 2 to 5:30 P. M. .Everybody expected to attend which will be given, and all cnimren. parents or grown up friends) will .Candies. t , , UHKIb 1 MA5 : UJ Y Santa Claus Will Make -Ttt TUB- ORPHAN HOMES AM ASYLUMS -OF- PITTSBURG and ALLEGHENY. Every inmate therein will be from their friends, Gusky's. i My list if flVFRPnATQ For Men, Boys and Children. We've had no winter UitnuUrtlO meatier yet to speak of. But ifll come and when'it ; does be prepared for it What more appropriate gift than an Overcoat? All sorts here and at all sorts of prices. Men's, $5 to $30; Boys', $2 50 to 15; Children's, $1 25 to 10. You cannot go wrong, no matter what price you pay. OIIITq For Men, Boys and Children. As appropriate every bit asj OUI ' Overcoats for presents. Men's, $4 to 30; Boys', $3 50 to $18; Children's, 98c to $10. What manner of man, boy or child is tnere, wev wnnrler. that we can't suit to a T as easily in goods as in prices. Nos; old chestnut, wormy, moth eaten or new and stylish and the best in the CUfilf INfi lAPtfFTQ House gtnw"",u nws- s vj jonajjTy nDroOIMO nmUMC For father, ,unuo uuKiiio or pastor T ? " T Til ! M or a uressmg uowu ucre. jtjuiu ut nvctjr " 1" ', ., plain solid colors, etc You'll find'lots of 'em here quite different from'1 what you'll find elsewttere. 2& to 25- MCPlfUCAQ! Decidedly the largest and handsomest display in town. : nuuiiri.nii ,pjie patterns jn description, and many of the patterns are exclusive witn us. au xnes most noted of manufacturers goods are here, and our prices are 25, ayejfj and even 50 per cent lower than you'll pay exclusive (?) furnishing good dealers for tneir exclusive r; gooas. mmtrwr TT..H11 Gt- rA tyn'ro Oil In I o . si(Je 0ur assortment simply Immense and includes everg thing. All the newest conceits . in hand-embroidered bosoms, direct! from Switzerland. Also Pique bosoms, Pleat bosoms, Satin Stripes anal Finest Linen bosoms. Prices guaranteed 25 per .cent lower than anwj other house in Pittsburg. HAUnirDPUICCC I Chinese and nHHUrUlUliUO ; stitched, 34c to 98c Extra heavy 24-inchl Pongee Silk, 98c to $1 19. Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, special initials 49c to 74c Black Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, the newest! fad, 98c Fancy Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, every color of the rainj bow, choice patterns, 24c-10 ?2 24. IIMRRPi I AQT A most popular uiiiwnbiiwiwi novel, striking carved ivory handles, Etched Steiling Silver, Handchased Gold, etc? It'll pay you to see these goods. initials on all goods free of charge. HOSIERY 1 - larSe an( comprehensive stock, where you'll find any3 with fine grades and choice novelttes imported Scotch Wool half hose, 24c; regular 25c gooas, 19c per pair umy. ft I fiVFQT A great and complete WUlUi LfUJTlllg. JJJS top, 49c per pair. Men's plain or fur aoc oer oair. Perrine's best Pique $2 25, for $1 83 only. Finest Dress and Street Gloves, in all the newestf styles and at figures that'll shame the high-priced dealers. . jj OI IDDCDO I Handsomelv Embroidered Velvet nicely embossed! " leather, imitation alligator, goat opera, genuineseal, imi-. ration lizard, beautiful plush and leather. The choicest patterns, chamois lined ana quilted satin uningss etc, etc Slippers for Ladies, Men, UilETIPRQI In the choicest designs in both domestic and foreign "a : . -;1. ,. tr. .. r-hnr;?l Mufflers, the real serviceable1 ones, IYCdl 4.vA -J A-. than ever and of course handsomer lower than at any other Holiday time. We've got the dead wood on, all other dealers with our prices, too. WINTPR r&PR ! Thousands of them, Plush Caps, Plush Turbanf! ninicn unro I Fur Caps Fur Turbans, etc: genuine Sealsklnl Caps, $2 49, $3 98, $4 39. An immense stock and variety of Childrca'l Fancy Caps, in plush and velvet, from 24c up. Fur Foot Muffs. $4', Floor Hugs, $4 up: Gum Knee Robes, Plushl Back, $3 98; Fur Robes, $3 60 up, Ladies yvork .Boxes, 34c 10 pj; onoe oeis, wiin uxyaizcu ouvcr ouogi Horn. Glove and Shoe Buttoner, in plush boxes, $1 30: Manicure Sets)! 99c to $8 50; Shaving Sets, 74c to and Cuff Boxes, in piusn ano leamer, 99c 10 3 50J xonec os, ggcios I25J Domestic Dressing Sets, in Celluloid or Amber Fittings, 69601 $3 50, etc etc 9S"Ihe balance of the elegant awav the past few weeks) given away purchase in our Men's or Youths' upward. ORDERS BY MADL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. GUSKY'S : OLA HIS HEADQUARTERS from 9:30 to. 12 noon and only. . j to witness the grand performances (wno muse De accompameu uy " be presented with a box of -Fiay , - . - TT His Eighth Annua! Visit presented with a token of good willi Hi tell shop worn goods here. Everything!" city, no matter what price paid. $ Coats, etc Beautiful designs, fash trimmed, elegantly made, 55 to $2 grandfather, husband, azed friendl Money to be saved in the purchasel 1!m1 Hnlnvf. .Tn.V Tl.?ile ennae I h0tn Silk and Satin are grand beyond;- TicrTif in ovurT war inuirlfl and Tiriti Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs, hem- holiday present Odd, quaint, richy and beautiful sticks, also exquisite.! As usual we will engrave nameor3 for the Holidays. Men's genuine! "Uastle tiate" Merino nair nose,f assortment that includes every kind! 4.&..U M.KWS V A'... ....., f.M.. w. Zh top Kid Gloves, regular 75c googs? unlined Kid Gloves, regular price, 'P chenille, imitation seal, elegant natenn Boys, Misses and Children. 24c to $1 24. Our stock is bigger? AAU...WA - - V-19- "------w WA, than we ve ever had before. Prices Wolf and Foxhead Rugs, $5 .ujTjj $11; Smokers Sets, 89c to $5; Cbllairtj f.A Pictures (which we've been giving (until they're all gone) with every department to the amount of jiofeu GRAND BARGAIN STOH to 400 Mirket m aeinmii LkkllMgskk