Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 14, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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'V ;.-a-
jchshwhj-i CM
Bread the great triple number of
It Is filled with bright and Bparkllng specialties
Jthe best of modern writers, and contains
Speaker pro tern of the last Legislature, con-.
tributes an article on
Read the great ronyiPce by" Wong Hatska
Foo. member of Chinese Legation, and
Albert Dayton, entitled,
Vol. 4. No. HO. Entered at Pittsburg rostomce.
XoTcmberlt, 16S7, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 andDQFifthAvenue,
News Rooms and Publishlngr House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street
Intern Advertising Office, Koom 45, Tribune
Building, New York.
UAILY DISPATCH, One Year. 1 8 00
Daily Dispatch, FerQuarter zoo
lUrrrmsrATCH, Including Sunday, lyear. 10 00
Dailt Dispatch, InclodingBnndar.Sm'ths. 2 SO
Daily Dispatch, inclndlngSunday.lmonth 90
Buxtay Dispatch. One Year 2 50
"Wzekxy DISPATCH, One Year 1 25
The Daily Dispatch is delivered by carriers at
15 cents De'r week, or Including Sunday edition,
t!0 cents per week.
The Cronin case went to the jury last
night, and at one time a verdict was report
ed to be expected. So prompt a return indi
, cates the generalexpectation of a verdict of
guilty; but it does not seem at this writing
to have been well founded.
The conclusion of the case up to the point
where'the finding of the Terdict is left to the
jury, makes it worth while to review its
progress. It has been a trial of remarkable
duration; and it is one of its singu-
$)e Bippwij.
f: lar features that the most time has
' been occupied with those portions
of it that ought to be least decisive in deter
mining the guilt or innocence of men on
trial for their lives. The selection of a jury,
which, supposing everything fair and
' above-board, ought to be done in half a day,
occupied nearly two months. The presenta-
.. tion of the testimony was not half so long as
the wrangle over the jury; and the flow of
orators occupied unnumbered days, which
is calculated to arouse sympathy for the
jurors who had to listen to it
Taking the case with all its unique feat
ures, and the collateral charges of jury
fixing in connection with it, it affords a
. striking example of the necessity of legal
.reforms, and especially of reforming some of
.the men who are connected with the admin
istration of the law.
There seems to be an unnecessary amount
of newspaper astonishment over Mr. An
drew Carnegie's complimentary allusion to
ex-President Cleveland at the Boston ban
quet, night before last It is not at all re
markable that Mr. Carnegie should be of
that broad and liberal class of mind that is
able to recognize the honesty of political
leaders whose principles he does not sup
port. That Mr. Carnegie has any intention
of abandoning his protection views, is a
ridiculous supposition; but it is neither
ridiculous nor surprising that he should be
- fair-minded enough to mean what be said,
namely, that Mr. Cleveland's administra
tion was a clean and honorable one; and
that a party .having such leaders should
stick to them, whether it is Mr. Carnegie's
party or another. To make more than that
but of the courtesies engendered of a non
partisan banquet is to discover a mare's
Edgar Saltus, the novelist, according to
Lis wife's story, has been leading a life pat
terned' after the lives of the villains he has
exhibited in his books. Mrs. Saltus' opin
ion of her husband's novels is not known;
'bnt in her application for a divorce she has
Kr- shown a decided disapproval of his ways of
s Saltus books would convince any sane
.reader of them that their author's nature
.'-and .modes of thought were not highly re-
' fined or elevated. It is almost satisfactory
to know that this leader of the sewer snipes
of literature has been writing down to his
own level. "We should have been sorry to
jvlearn that such evil works came from a man
"who knew better. Mr. Saltus seems to have
sat in the sewer when he held up the
' 'mirror.
It is a pity that Mr. Saltus cannot be
"satisfied with practicing the peculiar im
. morality, he is said to favor, in actual life.
fe 'without lending his brains to picturing the
;- 'scenes about him. His life is his own affair.
wiBut that life translated into the pages of a
novel is a public evil that cannot be too
strongly denounced.
The old story of efforts to "get around" the
Inter-State commerce law, is repeated. The
details are given as coming from a railroad
man, with the evident belief that it is a suc
cessful device for dodging that enact
ment The scheme is explained to consist
of inducing shippers who are to be favored,
to permit their freight to be billed to some
unimportant local point part way to its des
tination, beyond which, it is said, the
freight goes through without billing and
with a private charge.
' 'This device is said to have been discovered
recently and a conference of freight officials
was held to devise some means of prevent
ing the practice. The most obvious com
ment is that the persons who suppose such a
scheme evades the provisions -of the law, and
consider a conference necessary to stop it,
betray their ignorance of the law. The
practice is just as much a violation-
of the la w as the alio wance of a rebate would
be. It first violates the provision which
forbids "any device" for giving one shipper
& better rates than another; and it next vio-
vlates the section which forbids the carriage
of freight for any distance at other than the
advertised rates. The railroad man who
. .discovers that the opposition line is indulg
jiing in any. such a practice can bring it np
with a round tarn by the obvious and legiti
mate coarse of patting evidence before the
United States courts and setting the offend
ers fined (5,000 for each shipment made in
that way.
The neglect of that obvious remedy, and
the resort to the idea that the combination
mast be.resor ted to for Borne sew scheme of
billing rales, proves either the inability of
onr railroad friends to grasp the idea of gov
erning the railroad business in accordance
with the law or suggests a doubt as to the
existence of the practice.
The renewed complaints of the Southside
people with regard to the insufficiency of
their water supply certainly calls for at
tention from the city government It is
premature to say exactly what the extent
or justification of these complaints may be,
but it is safe to assert that when the quan
tity or quality of such an article of neces
sity is alleged to fail it is an urgent publio
duty to see that the complaint is remedied
or disproved.
There is no clearer duty, when a city un
dertakes to supply water and levies taxes
for that purpose, than to insure an adequate
supply of pure water to all of its citizens
who can be reached by the mains. This
duty was clearly recognised some years ago
by the arrangementin which the Mononga
hela "Water Company was understood to
bind itself that the supply should be ample
on the Southside. If that agreement has
been fulfilled, the fact should be made
plain. If not the city should take steps to
supply its own water to the Southside
In such a matter it should be understood
that it is not sufficient to meet the com
plaints by a general denial. The burden of
proof is on the city and water company.
They have undertaken to see that an ade
quate water supply js furnished, and they
most make it clear that the work is per
formed or else take prompt steps toward
its performance.
Mnsio is an excellent thing, money can
be made to be, and all Pittsburg desires to
help along its new permanent Exposition.
Therefore, in suggesting the idea of giving
summer concerts of a popular kind, at in
dubitably popular prices, in the Exposition
building next summer, we are advocating
something that will be of profit and moral
and material benefit to all concerned. The
concerts will do good to the people who hear
them, put money in the Exposition treasury
and give to Pittsburg what she has sadly
lacked, a legitimate, elevating and at
tractive entertainment of a popular char
acter in summer time. The theaters are all
closed at that time, or in a few cases playing
summer "snaps," which are but a weariness
and a burden to those who behold them.
Pittsburg as yet does not boast a
superfluity of wholesome amusements
to which our toiling population may resort
after their labors; and the proposed con
certs, to give which Manager Johnston as
sures us a first-class orchestra can be -secured,
would we believe be hailed with
delight by all classes.
The Dispatch is glad to know that the
directing board of the Exposition has
began jo consider the feasibility of a series
of summer popular concerts, and that
Manager Johnston has already begun nego
tiations with an orchestral organization of
national fame. How favorably the project
is regarded by the directors of the Exposi
tion and by the leading musicians of this
city maybe learned by reference to our
news, columns. '
As we have said before, wo believe such
concerts are needed, that they will do
us all good, and that they will prove profit
able to the Exposition, and The Dispatch
will do all in its power to carry the project,
to a successful issue.
The rivalries between Minneapolis and
St Paul have furnished their fall share of
amusement to the nation at large ; and now
the twin cities of the Northwest are taking
a position that has its serious value, as an
example for Pittsburg and Allegheny. The
newspapers of the two cities are pointing
out that their interests are identical ; that
though under different municipal organiza
tions they are practically the same com
munity ; and that advantages of great pub
lic value can be secured by the consolidation
of the two municipalities into one.
If this can be true1 of the two cities
between which there has been so much
rivalry as Minneapolis and St Paul, how
much more should it be true of the more
closely adjacent and thoroughly identified
cities of Pittsburg and Allegheny. In
deed, so far as the recognition of
the identical is concerned, we are
in advance of the Northwestern
cities. Everyone knows that commercially,
financially and socially Allegheny is a por
tion of Pittsburg; but the majority are not
so prompt to see the advantages of complet
ing the union of municipal organization.
The gain in reputation of a single city of
400,000 inhabitants is scarcely comprehended
here, although in the pushing cities of the
Northwest it would be recognized as practi
cally decisive. The advantage of united ac
tion on such an issue as the bridge question,
or in providing a complete system of termi
nal facilities for the railroads, or a single
water supply, police or fire system, which
ought to be vital considerations, can hardly
gain a hearing with those who scent a
political scheme under the soriaeeofthe
consolidation idea.
If consolidation is mooted it should be
done under provisions which will fully pre
serve the rights of all sections. "When that
is done, the movement should promise a
great advantage to both alike.
Southern riots against "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" performances are not a conclusive
method of showing that the South has ab
jured all sectional and pro-slavery feelings.
If the riot reported in yesterday's dis
patches had been against the two Marks,
two Topsys, and the aggregation of blood
hounds and donkeys to which the managers
of "Uncle Tom" attractions are prone, it
might have struck a sympathetic chord in
the hearts ot theater goers of the North.
But there is reason to fear that the Texan
heart would not be fired by any number of
donkeys on the stage; and that it is the un
favorable representation of the peculiar in
stitution which was Host and the' lost cause,
that moved the Southern mob to exploit
itself. There are fools in all parts of the
country; but the Southern variety seem ca
pable of making, themselves peculiarly ob
noxiously prominent
The speech of an English Government
official at a public banquet the other day in
which it was asserted that the English fleet
assembled at the Splthead naval review,
without unduly depleting the Tegs lar sta
tions, amounted to twice the eaure navy of
the United States, afforded a striking con-
trast in the naval power of, the'two nations.
The United States has neither the need nor
the desire to rival the English navy in size;
but it should be our. policy to equal, if not
surpass, it in the quality ,of such vessels as
we do build. For that end, it is necessary
to say that the recently issued advertisement
for proposals for thirteen-knot cruisers is
little progress in the direction. A. thirteen
knot cruiser, in these days of twenty-knot
vessels, is of about as much use as a fonr
minute horse In the free-for-all races on the
grand circuit. It could neither catch the
enemies vessels nor run away from Bhips of
higher power. If we are to have a navy, it
should be built on the principle of getting
the swiftest commerce destroyers or none
at all.
A good many Bepublican newspapers
are criticising Chief Justice Fuller's address on
the ground of its,lack of original information
about Washington. There may be some truth
in the criticism; but it would be no more than
fair to remember, first, that the topic of Wash
ington's character has been very thoroughly
gone over daring; the past century, with the re
sult that If an orator wishes to give original In
formation he will hare to invent it; and second,
that the supply of orators who produce new
and striking ideas on set occasions Is nearly,
If not quite, as small as the new facts.
The best prediction on the coming winter
is to the effect that It is likely to be mild along
the Atlantic coast as a result of the deflection
of the Gulf Stream toward the United States.
It is pleasant to know that nature Is doing her
best to give the people of the East some relief
from the burdens of the anthracite coal com
bination. A stoey is told by the New York Star
of the way in which Bartley Campbell, when a
reporter here, tried to interview Bishop Tulgg
In the confessional, having obtained access to
the church dignitary in the role of a penitent
The story may be 1 nnny, bat its real value is
somewhat damaged by the fact that there is a
hiatus of several years between the timq at
which Bartley Campbell left the newspaper
ranks of Pittsburg and the date at which
Bishop Taigg succeeded to the diocese of Pitts
burg, and the additional tact that the man who
did the confessional Interview Is still alive and
in Pittsburg newspaper work.
"When the Atlanta Constitution calls
such a man as George W. Cable a "little rene
gade," for the crime of having an opinion of
his own on the race question, it proves that
sectional prejudice has its abiding place in the
editorial office of the leading newspaper of
"Kentucky coal and Kentucky gas burn
ing in front of Kentucky fire-brick will make
us very nearly independent In our heating ar
rangements," jubilantly remarks the Louisville
Courier-Journal. True enough; and until that
happy consummation is secured, Kentucky
will try to keep herself warm by the use of
that other great heating agent, which
the Courier-Journal singularly omits to men
tion, namely. Kentucky whisky.
-Notwithstanding Allen O. Myers
hotshot, political information from Ohio is to
the effect that Ohio will be represented in the
United States by Brice's barrel, as a legitimate
successor to the Standard Oil barrel.
The fact that the last Johnstown disaster
was the result of a large attendance at an
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" performance, will not be
fully utilized until the Richmond Slate gives
free play to its imagination by holding it no as
a judgment ot Providence. But perhaps the
State is dissatisfied because Providence killed
only a dozen of the people who are so wicked as
to go to a play which that sapient journal as
serts to be sectional.
The Signal Service has evidently adopted
the theory that the prediction of cold waves
about this time of the year Is likely to prove a
successful policy if adhered to with sufficient
Things are locked at differently in differ
ent localities. Here has the Michigan Supremo
Court gone and decided that it is not libelous
for a newspaper to declare that a candidate for
Congress is an Ignoramus and a fool. This
view is supported at length. In Pennsylvania the
assertion would be placed under the ban of the
law, presumably on the principle of the greater
the truth the greater the libeL
Anothee six hundred-pound gas well in
the Bakers town field should knack the inflation
out of the talk concerning the failure of the
natural gas supply.
The discussion as to what court the
license hearings shall be held in next year Is In
teresting, but likely to be decided without
much reference to the views of the public
press. There is reason, however, in the sug
gestion that tho hearings shall be begun at an
early date, in order that the protracted task
may be finished In good season.
Elijah Haxtobd has taken to horseback
William E. Gladstone will celebrate his
SUth birthday on the 20th of this month.
Don Pedro, ex-Emperor ot Brazil, Is an
honorary member of the New York Historical
Theodobb D. Weld, the well-known anti
slavery agitator, celebrated his 86th birthday
recently. "
THE eldest daughter of General Mahone has
one of the finest and sweetest voices Mrs: John
W. Mackey has ever beard.
Knight Templar, a member of the Knights of
Pythias, the Grand Army of the Republic and
the Order of Elks.
The Rev. T. P. Sanf ord, who has become the
pastor ot a Baptist church in Birmingham,
England, is a full-blooded negrd, who was born
a slave in Virginia.
Chablotte m. Yonoe, the historical writer,
has written and published exactly 100 books.
She is now engaged upon her 101st work, to be
published shortly.
Sib Julian Pauhcefote is devotinga good
deal of time to the study of American litera
ture. He says that he had no realization of the
richness and variety ot the work of our men of
Judge Coolet, who has been ill for some
time, has been improving steadily daring the
last few weeks and will resume his duties as
chairman of the Inter-State Commerce Com
mission in a day or two.
Consul Osbobne, a son of Representative
Osborne, of Pennsylvania. Is in Washington
making preparations to depart for his post of
duty at Ghent. Mr. Osborne Is one ot the very
youngest of the new Consuls appointed, and
what Is more peculiar Is that he secured the
place without the indorsement of his father,
the Congressman. Representative Osborne did
not wish his son to get the position, and would
not indorse his application. Young Osborne
went to work on his own behalf, and with the
assistance of other Congressmen and the Penn
sylvania Senators secured the appointment
Contractor McGowan Thinks 1940 Will See
Pittsburg's PoatoSce Completed.
Washington, December 11 "I sincerely
hope The Dispatch is In error," said Con
tractor McUowan, with a serious mien, to-day,
in allusion to the possibility suggested in The;
Dispatch that the Pittsburg Government
building would not be finished before the year
of onr Lord 1913. "It will be rather rough on
me if the conclusion Is deferred so long, but I
have reason to believe it will come sooner than
that The stone Is now all on the ground, and
at the present rate of progress I think I can
safely say the whole structure will be finished
not later than 1940, thus beating The Dis
patch estimate by f nlly three years."
The Editor's Midst Not Infected.
Prom the'Yale News,
, The statement made in tbe JiegUltr zuitt
numoeroi oinerpa-prs as to a renewal oi tne
typhoid fever In our midst Is utterly false.
,w ?y.zain&?yk'
Germany in Pittsburg Had No Money, bat
Wanted' p. Purse An Odd Hymeneal
It Is customary to speak of the United States
as an English-speaking country, but a foreigner
must be astonished at the amount of German,
high and low Dutch, Italian, and Sclavonie
tongues which he hears about him as he travels
over this continent ,
Notwithstanding the sizo of the German
population in this city and number of people
besides who can speak. German, some proceed
ings which took place in Magistrate Gripe's
office on Wednesday night must be deemed oat
of tho ordinary. Both plaintiff and defendant
were Germans. All the evidence was
given In German! th(L (layers on both sides
examined the witnesses and addressed th
Court in German; Mr. Qripp interpolated
judicial remarks in German, and finally gave
his decision in the case in that language. Not
a word was spoken in English during the trial,
and, except for the quality of the German,
which we may reasonably suppose was not al
ways tho best, the trial migbt have taken place
in Heidelberg or Pumpernickel.
It is curious how far a man who Is attached
to the credit system will run into debt
One day I was standing in a country store
where everything under the sun is sold, when a
tall, well-dressed young man came In. The
storekeeper waited upon this customer at once.
He wanted a parse, he said, and after looking
over all the stock, picked out an exceedingly
large one of leather. As he was putting the
parse into bis pocket he said to the store
keeper: "Be kind enough to charge this to
The man behind the counter replied
brusquely: "No, Mr. B , I can't do It
Yon know I can't"
"But I haven't a cent, and '
"Then yon don't need a purse," said the store,
keeper, as he replaced the purse in the show
case. V
It is fanny how very particular some people
are about getting all the details of their station
in life into the newspapers when they get mar
ried. For Instance, several months agt arrtry ex
cellent young man sent to me the draft of a
notice of his wedding, which he desired to have
published in 'The Dispatch. For obvious
reasons I can only give this draft with the
original names, etc., altered, and in this shape
it will be found below:
"On Wednesday, 18th Inst, the wedding of
Mr. T. J. Blank, cashier in the bureau of power
on the P., T. fc O, R. R., at the Bonthworth
depot, to Miss S. F. Nonesuch, daughter of Mr.
L. M. Nonesuch, superintendent of the Oleo
margarine Applying Manufacturing Company,
office No. 77 Boulevard street," etc.
Now the only thing further that might have
been said about the bridegroom's business af
fairs would have been to state his salary, the
character of his work, and the kind of desk
and chair he used, with possibly a few details
about his preferences as to lnk,pens and paper.
"What a noise Sarah Jane Is making up
stairs," Mr. Turtledovo remarked to his spouse
as a sound of revelry by night with incidental
crashes of furniture came from the attic.
"Yes, my dear," Mrs. T replied, "Sarah
Jane will insist on sitting on all the chairs in
her room at once."
"Why don't you take some of them away!"
"Because there Is only one," was tho some
what exasperating reply of Mrs. T i
Offered Yale Students for the Best -Political
Economy Essay.
New Haven, December 13. The under
graduates at Yale University this year will
have the opportnnity to display their under
standing of political economy in competing for
a medal offered by the Cobden Club, of En
gland, to the student who shall prepare the nest
paper upon any of four subjects assigned by
Profs. Sumner, Farnam and Hailoy. The
theses most be presented at 118 North College
before June L Following are the subjects:
First-'The History of Silver Sine 1S78."
Second "Employer's Liability," (including
the law on the subject, the recent changes made
or proposed in different countries in regard to
such liability, the proper limits of its deduced
from the relation of employetand emiloye, and
the doctjinesof ethics tnd jurisprudence which
have been affirmed in regard to it '
Third "The Doctrineof'Virtual'Monopoly.".
including the legal decisions in which the term
has been used, the Idea which the courts bold as
to wnat "virtual" monopoly is, the law about it
as the courts have laid it down, the economto
aspects of the doctrine, and the ethical and
legal reasons which' have been addnced ti instl-
f y regulation of charges where virtual msnopo
ly is alleged to exist . J
Fourth. "International Industrial Exhibi
tions," with a discussion of their material and
social advantages to the world at large and to
the country and city in which they are hfld.
Hovr Mr. Gladstone Dodged the Scotland
Yard Detectives.
Some good stories have been told as to the
tactics which Mr. Gladstone when Priii e Min
ister adopted in order that be might 1 lse the
gentlemen delegated from Scotland Yarjl to be
bis guardians. The Liberal .chief nevei liked
the notion of being shadowed even with the
very best of Intentions, and the precautions of
Scotland Yard rather cut against the grain
with him. So he did not hesitate on occasion to
get rid of bis brace of "angels hovering round."
and here is a perfectly fresh item asto'howhe
did it when resident in Downing street Ho
would walk into No. 10 and hang his hat upon
a prominent peg in the lobby; the detectives
would watch the hat and meanwhile;the old
tactician would have donned another head
gear, slipped out at the back entrance, and got
clear away. This trick served its purpose
of tener than one might imagine, but in the end
one detective went to the front and the other
to the back of No. 10 Downlnc street' and Mr.
Gladstone was driven to contrivo some fresh J
Biraregy. .
Mormon Leaden Assort That They are.
Loyal to the Government.
Salt Lake, Utah, December la Wilfred
Woodruff, George O. Cannon and Joseph F.
Smith, apostles of the Mormon. Church, have
issued another' manifesto, unqualifiedly deny
ing all charges made against tho church In the
recent hearing before J udje Anderson. So far
from any doctrine or teaching of tho church
being hostile to the United States Government,
members of the church are under Divine com
mand to revere' the Constitution as a Heaven
Inspired instrument, and obey as supreme all
laws made in pursuance of its provisions.
The signers ofs the manifesto regard the at
tempt to exclude aliens from naturalization
and citizens from the elective franchise, on ac
count of membership lnthe Mormon Church,
as an Impolitic and ungenerous encroachment
upon civil and religious liberty. They earnestly
appeal to the American press and people not to
condemn Latter Day Saints unheard.
Dr. B. E. nigbee. t
Lancaster, PA., December ,13.-Dr. E. E.
HUbee, State Superintendent or Public Schools,
who was stricken with paralysis at Mifflin Tues
day afternoon, died at his homo in this city at 1
o'clock this morning. Dr. Hlgbee was born In
Burlington, Vt, March 27, 1830. When quite
yonng he entered tbe University of Vermont de
clining an appointment to the West Point
Academy, and soon distinguished himself for his
ability, graduating with honor In ISO. He went
to Emmlttsburg, Md., soon after graduating, and
engaged In teaching school. While In Emmltts
burg his mind was turned to the Christian mlnls-
xrv, ana oe soon niter eniercu me ineoiogical
seminary of the Herman Kerbnned Chsrch, then
at Mercersbnrg. He was licensed to preach tbe
gospel In May, 1854. In 1855 he was united with
the Congregational Association of Vermont and
labored at Bethel, In that State. In 1858 he ac
cepted a call to tbe First Keformed chnrch at
Tiffin, O., and at tbe same time served as Professor
or Languages In Heidelberg College, located at
that place. In 188? be took charge of Grace
Church, l'lttsburg. where his sermons attracted
much attention, In 1864, while Dr. ScbaS.was on
a visit to Europe, -he. was appointed by tire Board
or Visitors Professor of Church History and Kie
geslsatMercersburg, and so satisfactorily aid he
perform his dntles that wbea Dr. Schaff resigned
tbe chair In 1865 tbe Snyod or Lewlsburg unanl
monsly elected him to flu the place permanently.
Dr. Hlgbee continued his conneotlon with the
Hoyttothe Superlntenuency oi i-nDUo instruc
tion, being subsequently reappointed In 1885 by
Oovernor JPattlson, and In 1839 by Governor
Thomas Parker.
WAsmNaTOH. December It Thomas Parker, a
well-known cltlsen of "Washington. 1, a, died
here, yesterday, aged 81. He was one of those who
drew Lafayette's carriage into Washington from
Baltimore In J8S4. H was fthMn.rw ores;.
Governor Charles P, Joaasoa, of Mtos oun,
'ff ?
A Great. Ship "Railway Tbat Reduces a Trip
of 560 Miles to 17.
Ottawa, December 13. Canada Is carrying
on just now one of the most remarkable works
of modern times the Cblgnecto Marine Trans
port Railway. The road is being built on the
neck of land lying between the Northumber
land strait and the Bay ot .Fundy, It is de
signed to facilitate maritime communication
between the Gulf of St Lawrence and south
ern ports. Vessels will be hoisted on to a huge
truck. Two locomotives will at once commence
to pull, and away the shlD will go. 17 miles
overland, to the Bay of Fundy, where it will be
set afloat again to resnme its voyage. Tho,
railway trip will avoid the lone Journey around
, Cape Breton and Nova Scotia.
InVifia steel for tho track is the heaviest ever
mauwigblngUO pounds to the yard. There
will be a double track, upon which the track
containing the vessels under transport will be
placed. The locomotives, two of which will be
used In drawing the vessel across the isthmu,
are built on the same principle as the ordinary
locomotives, but of a much creater weight and
power. It is estimated tbat with this power
and the roadbed In fairly good condition a ship
of ordinary capacity will be taken from the
Bay of Fundy and placed In Bale Verte. a dis
tance of 17 miles, in 2K bourstbough 10 miles
per hour is easily obtainable! The vessels to
be transported will be hoisted by hydraulic
power from a basin or dock to the railway"
track. It is claimed that it will be impossible
for the ship to suffer injury or attain by this
novel experience.
Hovr the Diva Passed tho Day In the
Windy City by the Lake;
Chicago, December 13.-Patti took advan
tage of the springlike weather yesterday, and
passed what is commonly known as a "large"
day. With .Mr. Abbey and Nieolinl the song
stress took an extended drive before dinner,
immediately after which she spent two hours
exhibiting and dilating upon the beauties of
her gorgeous wardrobe to a reporter. This
finished, Jake Schaeffer and Lou and Nellie
Bhaw, atPatti's previous Invitation, partook of
lunch with several of the hostess' friends as
guests, and the three billiard experts aroused
Pattl's enthusiasm by their exhibitions of
scientific ivory kisses. The Wizard" and the
queen of song engaged in a short cushion car
romgame, and Jake was richly rewarded for
hisgenerosity by the supreme happiness of his
fair opponent as she called game when the
champion's string was one button short
In the eveniDg Patti honored that ambitious
actress. Hattie Harvey. Jn whose welfare she
nas mini great interest, oy occupying a box at
the Windsor Theater, and witnessing two acts
of "A Little Tramp." At night Patti said she
was seriously considering the advisability of
making Chicago her home. and. with dreams of
the Windy City's Auditorium and World's
x air,. me divine songstress sang Into contented
The Superintendent of tho Census Makes a
Strong Recommendation.
Washington, December 13. Congressmen
who are Interested in the selection of super
visors of the approaching census, experience
difficulty in finding the right sort of men to
recommend for appointment, owing to the
meagre compensation allowed by the terms of
the census act That limits the compensation to
be paid supervisors to 500. The duties of
supervisors require for their satisfactory dis
charge, men of Integrity, good judgment and
business habits., Each will have to select from
100 to 300 enumerators, superintend their work,
complete the returns with acenracy and audit
all their bills. To do this well,. Congressmen
say, is worth more than J500, and many of them
have written to superintendent Porter upon
the subject
The Superintendent to-day addressed a letter
to Senator Hale, Chairman of the Senate
committee on tne census, recommending that
the act be changed so as to authorize nlm to
pay supervisors 81,000. In his letter, Superin
tendent Porter says that It will require folly a
year's time to discbarge the obligations de
volving; upon supervisors, and that in view of
the responsibility of thenosltion the sum of
81,000 is as little as should be paid them.
A Now State of Affairs Confronting
Tollers In tbo Coal Pits.
Spuing Valley, III., December 13. Yes
terday 29 negroes arrived at the Seatonvilla
shaft of the Chicago, Wilmington and Vermil-
Hon Coal Company, about five miles from here,
to dig coal, the first appearance of the kindM,
this sectibn. This shaft was running all sum
mer during the strike, the men being paid by
the day, but soon after the strike was settled
at this place; the company ignoring its con
tract established a new basis of pay,' which re
sulted in a material reduction. Most of the
men qnit wort, many of them seeking and ob
taining employment at this place.
The arrival of the negroes has caused a flut
ter of excitement as there is a strong feeling
against them among the miners here and in the
surrounding locality. To-day another invoice
of abont 60 arrived, clearly Indicating tho pol
icy of Manager Sweet to pay less wages than
any of his competitors, even though he re
sorted to this means.
A Sad Case of Premature Bnrial Reported
From Wisconsin.
Madison, Wis., December 13. A sad case of
premature burial has just developed here.
About a month ago diphtheria appeared in the
home of a prominent family.- A, young do
mestic was terribly frightened, and decided to
go to her home in the country, but the attend
ing physician would not permit this, not from
fear of spreading disease, but to render assist
ance to the family. A young child died of the
dread disease, and this, with the horror of the
disease, caused the girl to take to her
bed, and she apparently died in a few hours
and was at once buried by the authorities.
A few days ago her parents obtained per
mission to remove the body to the country,
and npon opening tbe casket they were horri
fied to discover that the body was lying on its
face, tbe hair wrenched from the head, and the
flesh literally torn from the face and hands.
Will Not Attend Congress, However,
TJnill After the Holidays.
Washington, December 13. Representa
tive Samuel J. Randall was so much improved
yesterday tbat be got np and walked about the
bouse for some time. His condition continues
to Improve each day, and his strength increas-
Mr. Randall is very cheerful, and takes a
keen interest in the proceedings of Congress,
but will not attend the sessions of the House
until after tbe holidays.
Seasonable Hints for Those Who 'Keep
Paco Wlih tbo Times.
From tbe Clothier and Furnisher.
Nov is the harvest time for tho strictly gift
species ot cane and umbrella.
Feabl white gloves, with dead white, wide
braiding npon tbe backs, are tbo propab capah
for fall dress.
. iKralkjng gloves, tbe craven tan are yet
-r al..afr . A A ..A. 1a.. ...... .l..nkt.Afc A m .wA a
the case last season.
These is yet an Increasing- demand for
men's waterproof garments, the big enveloping
cape coats being the most sought for.
THE premonitory symptoms of the holidays
find their fullest exploitation this season In
tbo sumptuous display of suspenders In all the
Double-breasted sack suits In solid colors
and mixtures' and in round cutaway from tbe
lower buttons ijnd tho straight-buttons are all
in high favor.
TBS lighter woods of thistle, ash and oak are
successfully treated with ornate decorations
in silver and many artlstle walking stick ex
amples are thus secured.
The purchasers of underwear would do well
not to pin-their faith in a mild winter npon the
temperature thus far. The regular weights
arejhe'safest Investments.
MoUCHOiB cases and handkerchief boxes
are keeping many stores busy wboss proprie
tors are alert to every pretext to take advan
tage of tho, Chris tmastlde feeling.
These is absolutely nothing pew in trousers,
either in shape or pattern. They are cut in a
reasonably loose width, and tbe quiet herring
bone combinations ttil have the call.
Rehekbeb that, no matter bow erratic the
fold or bow the scarf pin is inserted, the bead
of tbe pin must finally fall in the center of tbo
scarf. This Is authentic and Irrevocable.
THE tendency Is- growing toward the tteablo
scarfs knowledge of tbe various fold is being,
diffused, and tho buyers are showing aaUoH
nation tee better; and higher yrlced goo.
Mrs. Scott Bfddona Appears la One of Her
Programmes at Lafayette Ball.
Mrs. Seott Siddons must certainly have
discovered an elixir of life equal in effects to
those claimed by Dr. Brown Seqnard's famous
discovery, for In facing her audience in Lafay
ette Hall last erenlng, she appeared' not a day
older than In any of her previous visits to the
She was attired in a handsome Parisian
toilet of stiff cream satin, the entire front em
broidered in a pretty design with small gold
beads, and the bodice was also beautifully
trimmed in the same style. Her dark hair and
eyes accentuated the creamy whiteness of her
face and neck, and a magnificent diamond
necklace sparkled upon the latter. Bracelets
encircled her wrists, and numerous rings
gleamed upon her fingers.
She evidently understands that a handsome
woman assists talent wonderfully in making a
good impression upon audiences. Her manner
upon the stage was peculiarly graceful, and her
recitations were all received warmly by the au
dience, bat they waxed quite enthusiastic over
the rendition of "The Creeds of the Bells"
and her concluding number, the experiences
of an old maid. By request Mrs. Siddons
recited "Curfew Mnst Not Ring To-Night" in
her inimitable manner, and made qnite a bit in
"Father Phil's Collection." It is safe to assert
tbat no other reader in the profession conld
hold an audienco for two straight hours with
out even a sign of weariness, as Mrs. Siddons
did last evening. As accomplished in the plav
of her features as in the well-modulated tones
other voice, she combines all the possible
uuauucaiions oi success.
The Normal Alnmnl Association Have an
Enjoyable Meeting;:
The second Teception of the Normal Alnmnl
Association was held at the High School build
ing last evening. About 200 guests were pres
ent, and a delightful evening was enjoyed
by all.
Before the dancing commenced a short pro
gramme was rendered, consiltingof an address'
by the President of the society. Miss Elizabeth
McCabe: a piano solo by Miss Hall; a recitation
by Miss Frankie Graham; a solo by Mrs. Harri
son; a recitation byMlS3 Graham, and a solo"
by Miss Fraser.
Immediately after the business" meeting was
held, and new officers elected for the coming
year. Dancing was then enjoyed until 12, when
Hagan served a sumptuous repast and at 2
o'clock the happy guests departed for their
respective homes.
The officers of the association acted as recep
tion committee and in a thoroughly charming
manner made everyone welcome. They were
Miss McCabe, President; Miss Ivy O. Triesel,
"Vice President; Miss Carrie Adams, Secretary,
and Misses Self, Beck, Roswinkle, Sellers and
Five Dinners Combined In One Very Exquis
ite Dance.
Delightful will be the series of "dinner
dances," judging from the initial one given last
The five ladles who acted as hostesses and
-chaperones are Mrs. Mark W. Watson, Mrs.
B. F. Jones, Mrs. A. E. W. Painter, Mrs. Harry
Oliver and Mrs. John W. Rlcketson.
The dinners were given at 7 o'clock at the
various residences and covers were laid at each
dinner for 12 neople.
At 10 o'clock Mrs. Rlcketson received tbe ag
gregation of merry-makers from all the din
n'ers, at her lovely home on Ridge avenne, and
wlthToerge Brothers' orchestra as an inspira
tion tbe German was enjoyed until after 12.
Four more of the pleasant gatherings will
complete the series and they will be given every
other Friday evening.
Mrs. Harry Oliver will give the german on
December 27, and the remaining ladies of the
mystic Ave will give the dinners. The appoint
ments of the composite parties are superb, and
the most rigid conventionalities are observed
by all, making them very exclusive affairs.
Tbo Woman's Industrial Exchange Doing a
Large Business.
The. Ladles' Industrial Exchange will con
tinue tholr clearing sale to-day, and will also
resurrect some of their latest consignments for
tbe benefit of their purchasers.
Their business is flourishing; 150 was the
cash receipts of one day this week in the
needlework rooms, and on the same day they
served 180 people in the luncheon department
v Social. Chatter.
The John J. Davis Commandery will give a
very exclusive reception on Tuesday evening,
December 3L There are but 40 invitations
issued, and each lady present, it is stated, will
receive a handsome souvenir of tbe occasion.
Their rooms, 2541 Penn avenue, win be the
scene of festivity.
A very delightful chamber musical was
given at the Pennsylvania Female Co!'ege last
evening. Tbe Boston Quintet Club was in
The Shady Avenue Baptist Church held a
delightful bazaar last eveuing at which
Christmas presents were displayed in pro
fusion. Oystkbs were served In the Sewickley M. E.
Church last evening and In the Mt Washing
ton Grace Episcopal Church.
Me. and Mes. Challonek. of Tarentum,
with 33 oftbeir friends, occupied parquet seats
in tbe Bijou last evening.
The "E. E. E.'s" (East End Euchre Club)
jnet at tbe residence of Mrs. S. S. Schoonmaker
last evening.
Australia's Ballot Reform System Indorsed
nnd Protection Demanded.
HAEBisnrmo, December 13. Tbe State
Grange adjourned to-day, after adopting reso
lutions demanding equal protection in the
national tariff laws, equal with manufacturers,
and declaring in favor of tho adoption of the
Australian ballot reform system. A resolution
was also adopted expressing sympathy with the
family of the late Prof. Hlgbee, Superintendent
of Public Instruction.
A Committee on Legislation was appointed,
whose duty it will bo to see that the interests
of the Grangers are taken care of at Washing
ton and Harrisburg. Leonard Rhone, Worthy
Master of the State Grange, is Chairman of
this committee.
Very Appropriately They Choose a While
Horse ns no Emblem.
Gbeencabtle, Ins.. December 13. A Red
Heads Club Is the latest acquisition to the nu
merous societies In DePanw University. This
morning about IS young men strode into chapel
in a group, and took possession ot
adjacent seats. The' hair of every one was a
deep, rich auburn, and as a further distinguish
ing characteristic every one wore a large badge,
upon which was engraved the picture of a
"white horse."
, The members of this new organization re
mained in their seats at tbe close of the chapel
exercises nntll tbe remainder of the students
bad left tbe ball, and a glance back at tbe place
where they sat was llko the view of a glorious
sunset '
The Congressional Committee on Elections
Organizes for tbe Session.
Washington; December 13. The House
Committee on Elections held its first meeting
and effected an organization this morning.
Chester H. Rowell, of Illinois, son of the chair
man, was selected as clerk, A sub-committee
oa rules was selected, consisting ot the chair
man. Messrs-Honk, Cooper, Crisp and O'Fer
rall. This sub-committee will be charged with
tbe arrangement of tbe seventeen contested
election cases, now awaiting settlement
Tbe committee will meet again subject to call
when tbe sub-committee is ready to report
Football a Wicked Pastime.
From the North British Mall. I
A manufacturer of footballs recently wrote
to tbe "Secretary. Football Club,", of a small
town in Wales soliciting orders. The reply be
received considerably astonished him. It was
from the parish clerk, and read thusly: "We
have no clubs of tbe kind here. We are better
Christians than to allow oar yonng men to in
dulge in snch wicked pastimes. It is the ruin
of young men. Let them read their Bibles and
Common Prayers, and thiuk ot death."
Chance at the Dljou.
Mis Clara Morris, in' response to
Whelming demand!, h decided to
"CaadUe' .ts-s-ftit la place of tk drama
km serris' Ml Ma
weaierf ally setMf at.
A fiwlflsHer Broaght to GrleC
New York, December 13.-J. J. Carter, alias
"Doo Warren." ha practiced tbe employment
agency swindle in Jersey City for tbe last 18
months. His advertisements In tbe New York
andf Jersey City dailies called for a helper at
expositions, south and west at a salary of S50 a
month and expenses." Every applicant for tbo
position. If be bad tbe money, was induced to
deposit with Carter, $150 or 200 guarantee.
Then the "helper," who understood his new
business to be to carry samples of goods to
county fairs, was started to Philadelphia, and
there met by a confederate ot the man at this
end, who sent him on to St Louis, or some
other far Western town, generally as far as his
money would carry him, so that be might bo
effectually stranded. The "scheme worked) to
a charm. Tbe deluded victims were seldom
seen here again, although they were frequently
beard from by inquiries through the police of
tbe Western towns as to tbe pretended "em
ployer." When Charles J. Nash started for
one of Mr. Carter's Western expositions, two
weeks ago, however, ho was clever enough to
buy a return ticket In St Louis ho dis
covered that he had been swindled, and hur
ried back to New York. Last night be bad
Carter arrested. In court this morning, Fred
erick Boyer, of Brooklyn, related tbat Carter
had cheated him ont of $700 by means of tbe
exposition game. It was also shown that Car
ter had been punished In Missouri and South-.
em Calif ornia,as well as in Philadelphia for this
sort ot swindling. He was held for trial.
Tbo Stewart Mansion Leased.
It Is practically settled that the old Btewart
mansion, at the corner of Fifth avenue and
Thirty-fourth street will soon become the homo
of the Manhattan Club, the Democratic rival
of the Union League. The Manhattan and the
managers of the Stewart estate have been hag
gling about the price of the property for the
last two years. The club offered 800,UOO for it
while the trustees of the estate demanded at
least $1,000,000. The arrangement now pro
posed provides for a 21-year lease, at the rate
.of $23,000 a year. There are a number of de
tails which have not been definitely settled,
and this work may require two or three weeks'
time, but it is reasonably certain that tbe lease,
on the terms named, .will be consummated.
McClellan's Horns Sold.
The home of Gen. George R, McClellan, near
Eagle Rock, N. J., has been sold to Albert C.
Squler, of Brooklyn, for $55,000. The property
consists of a big, old-fashioned bouse built by
McClellan before tbe war, and U acres of band
some grounds. McClellan passed most of bis
days there after the rebellion.
Ingersoll on Electrical Executions.
Bcninioic .Jngigo, the Japanese who ran a
dagger through the heart ot Mura Comml, on
November 10, was taken to the Court of Oyer
and Terminer, this morning, to receive the
death sentence. Justice Brady, however, de
ferred the sentence till the Court of Appeals
should have banded down Its decision as to the
constitutionality of the electrical execution
law. This decision will be given to-morrow,
probably, and will determine bow Kemmler
and Mclivaine, a3 well as Jngigo, shall die.
Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll gave this opinion,
to-day, of the law in question, and of the possi
ble consequences of the decision of the Court
of Appeals: "Offhand, I should say the elec
trical execution law was entirely constitutional.
I would rather die take my chances of dying
in the electrical chair than by being hanged.
None of those who have died by electrlal
shock have complained of the method. But
should the Court of Appeals decide that the
law Is unconstitutional, in my judgment every
murderer in tbe first degree will go unpun
ished, I do not believe such a decision by the
Court of Appeals would restore the law pro
viding for execution by banging, to the statute
books, without further legislative action. In
other words, there would be no law for the pun
ishment of men convicted of murder in the
first degree, until the Legislature bad made
one, and those already convicted could not be
sent to prison for life, for tbe law does not
prescribe snch punishment for murder in the
first degree."
The Senatorial Candidate Writes to Repub
licans Asklsr for Their Support.
Waveblt, 0 December 13. Sheriff James
H. Watklns and Auditor S. C. Sargent both
Republicans, are the recipients of the compli
ments of the great New York rainbow chaser,
of which the following is a verbatim copy:
Lima, O., December Id, 1889.
Dear Sin I earnestly ask your support lnmv
candidacy for tbe Senate, as without tbe approval
ofsuch men as yourself the place loses its value.
My neighbors and friends believe tbat I can be of
service In continuing our campaigns In the same
spirit which has pervaded those of 1883 and 1889,
and by securing Congress In 1890 and tbe Oovernor
and Senator in 189L, put the Ohio Democracy far
to tbe front In tbe national contest In 1892.
I sincerely hope that you can agree with them
and lend me your aid. I would be glad to hear
from and grateful lor any assistance yon can give
me. Believe me, very truly yours.
Calvin S. Beige.
As both these gentlemen were defeated for
re-election in November they are not partic
ularly stuck on the "spirit" which pervaded the
last campaign, although both realize the
value" of the place Mr. Brice occupied. It is
safe to assnme that Mr. Bnce has not as yet
"heard" from the boys.
The Reason Given for an Increase of Sb
prerae Court Members.
Washington, December 11 One of the
reasons which the Supreme Court Justices
think shonld have weight in tavor of the pas
sage of a bill to increaso the number of justices
on the Snpreme Court Bench Is the large terri
tory over which some of thorn bavo to preside
when they go on circuit daring the summer
recess of the court Justice Miller's circuit in
cludes Colorado. Arkansas. Missouri, Kansas,
Nebraska and theNortbwest
This circuit is the one Judge Brewer has pre
sided over, and that there Is unanimity of opin
ion among lawyers that It is too large for one
Circuit judge and tbat tbe extreme western
territory should be divided by creating at least
two additional judges bad also two additional
Supreme Court Justices to sit with the Circuit
judges in the new-made districts when not on
the bench at Washington.
Dllaaed Her Diamond Wedding.
From tbe North British Mail.
A woman at Anglesea has recently died at
tbe aga of 03 years. Her husband, to whom sho
was married 71 years ago. Is still alive. They
bad 13 children. Only a little while ago the old
lady cat three new teeth.
Policeman Rowhottox, of Mahanoy City,
arrested a robber in bis own parlor recently.
A pectliably shaped rock was picked np
by workmen on the foundation of a building
near Morgantown, W. Vs. It almost exactly
resembles a moccaslncd f oot, and for a time it
was supposed to be the potrifled pedal ex
tremity of some giant Indian who chased buffa
loes and tomahawked bis enemies in prehis
toric ages.
A"West Chestee paper tells of a man who
was 'dragged down stairs and over a stone wall
by a stubborn mule."
A Touwd lady of Carlisle has" received a bill
amounting to over $100 tbat tells a little his
tory. The bill came from a jilted man, and in
It she Is charged with 23 yards ot silk dress
goods, two gold bracelets worth $40, one dia
mond ring, a bat and several other items. The
above named articles were presents from him.
John Wade, of Akron, had a caller the'
other morning whom at first glance he took for
a tramp. The man. who was a Scotch sailor,
wanted 'a breakfast and also a job to saw wood
in payment and what surprised the family
most was that he refused .to eat until be had
done tho work. It was not for snch travelers
as this that the tramp law was passed.
A HH3HLY electrical young man in Alliance,
0., has only to rub bis fingers when small coin
and other metallic valuables stick to them as if
by magic
A Habbisbubq man went into a store Tues
day and put a" lighted cigarette on the edge of
an aquarium. A goldfish seized It and took a
pair. For several days the poor thing lay at
tho bottom of the tank aad pted like a to
dog. Its color chaaged ts a jet black, a4
tbeows-Kof that oiganM feu swaraetlltr
.4 . "
A spring of petroleum discovered in the "'
Wisconsin iron range has been tested and
proven genuine.
There are some drugs which are said to -be
worth $2,000 a bottle, and the druggists say .
they don't make much on them either.
Her American tour will net Patti $500,
000. This will go a long way toward her house
bold expenses In the Welsh castle with tbe un
pronounceable name.
"Waiters in "Washington hotels have
adopted a new method of obtaining Christmas
tips. They place before helpless guests cups
bearing the legend "Remember Me."
A company is engaged in building a
new hotel in London which will cater exclu
sively lor American patronage. It Is to be
called the Columbia and it Is to have an Ameri
can bar.
A family at "West Bethel, Me., consists ,
of a couple, K and 80 years of age respectively;';
who live alone and do most of their work. " But
they do not lack for music or excitement they;
keep 15 pet cats. ,
The Italian Admiral Albini thinks that
the future man-of-war will have doable screws
and a helm at each end, so that in battle It need '
waste no time in turning around. Its sides will ,
be unarmored. , - -
A social authority declares that a man
can afford to dress badly If he is a genius era
chump. But if be isn't one or the other of'
these two things, he must toe the mark of
fashionable convention.
John N. Matthews, who operates '
Government distillery in Madison county,
Georgia, says a majority of the distillers of the
State will abandon the business if negro
officials are forced upon them.
A new process for burning coal without
smoke has lately been discovered. It consists
in sprinkling water containing a special prepa
ration of resin over tho coal, and the result is
tbat there is no smoke, and the clow is as In
tense as coke.
In discussing; lager beer a German critic
insists that there is in tbe German vocabulary
no such word as lager, which he believes to be
purely a Viennese expression. There is also
very little lager abont a great deal of the beer
that is pat oat
"What is known as the rhinoplasty
operation has been successfully performed by a
Brooklyn physician. Last October be made an
entirely new nose lor a w6man,using tbe breast
bone of a chicken as a foundation. The lady
now has as good a nose as anybody.
No man or woman now living will ever
date a document without using the figure 9. It
now stands on the extreme right 1SS9. Next
year it will be In the third place, where it will
remain ten years. It will then move up to the
second place, 1900, and there it will rest 100
Anyone can make the hand-grenade fire
extinguishers, and at a small fraction of the
prices charged in the market Any light quart
bottle will serve to hold the solution, which is
composed of one pound of common salt one
half pound of sal-ammoniac, dissolved in about
two quarts ot water.
What will be the largest locomotive
ever built has been ordered by the St. Gothard
Railway Company, of J. A. Mafflt of Munich.
It will be a large doable compound tender lo
comotive on tbe Mallet system. The service
weight will be 95 tons, and the engine will run
on six axles coupled in two motor groups.
A South Carolina man who was curious
to know just how much staff an alligator could
get away with when he felt well, fed oat a hind
quarter of a cow, seven chickens, a sheep, four
geese and a hog's head befoie tbe reptile
backed water. The cow and sheep and poultry
bad died of noison. hnt this didn't trnnhln rh
'gator any.
The latest electric device is for detecting
fires. When tbe temperature of a room
reaches a dangerous point tbe composition In
the little button starts the bell to ringing and
indicates the number of the room in the
office. The alarm is kept up until the
.temperature of the room is reduced to below
the danger point
A man named Pawlikowski, who died
lately at Wloclawek, Poland, and who worked
in the fields until last year, is said to hare been
115 years of age. It Is further related thai his
brother died at the age of 116, and his father at
12B, while three surviving sisters are aged re
spectively 102; 99 and 93 years one of the oldest
-AUWIC0 is AAorupe.
An officer high In army circles suggests,;
that as a solution of the Indian qnestJon.-the
red man be enlisted In the regular army. He
says that they make good soldiers, bntvery
poor farmers. Tbe American army has found
the former to be a serious fact while the
Interior Department has made almost an otter
failure of converting them Into farmers.
A Brooklyn girl, who is an heiress, bat
whose property is in care of a trust company,
applied to tbe President for money with which
to buy a sealskin sacque. He refused, on the
gro un d that It was a luxury. The girl then ap- -plied
to the Supreme Court, through a lawyer,
for permission, and it was granted, and in less
than two honrs tbe young lady was wearing the
best one she could find.
The French Academy gives a prize of
4,000 francs every year for tne best verses upon
whatever subject it may select This year the
assigned theme was labor, but of the 200 poets
who entered the contest not one considered
labor in any other light than that of pessimism.
They all dwelt upon its pains, its hardships. Its
drudgery and its miseries, without once touch
ing upon its benefits, its duties or its saving
There are ten Gentile churches in Salt
Lake of the leading denominations. Tbe Meth
odists, the Presbyterians, the Baptists and the
Congregationallsts through tbe New West
Educational Association all have mission
schools, the Methodist being a boarding school.
Hammond Hall, tbe gift ot Charles G.Ham
mond, of Chicago, is the oldest school of the
New West which has beside it two or three
ward schools. These various mission schools
seem to be full.
The famous gold mines of the Province
of Carabaya, Department of Puno, which were
formerly worked extensively by the Spaniards
and Portuguese, but were subsequently
abatduned. partly on account of the attacks of
savages and partly because of revolutions, are
now exciting great Interest Many quartz and
placrr mines are being taken up as, with the
advance of civilization and improvements in
the roads, enterprise is taking rapid strides in
that district where there is immense mineral
and vegetable wealth.
The Jash has never been abolished as a
means of discipline in penal Institutions of
Germany. Generally they use a thong it) Inches
long, fastened to a handle a yard longA The
lash is thickest at tbe end. The thickness
varies according to the provinces. But the small
est lashes are two Inches thick. Only in Saxony
are tbe dimensions fixed by law. the handle
there being 39 inches long and the lash CS
Inches. The maximum number of hlows Is left
to tbe judgment of tbe prison directors, but it
must not exceed 25 In Mecklenbourg and Olden
bourg, SO In Saxony and 0 in Prussia.
A nickel in the hand is worth two In the
slot. roi.
The new Brazilian Bepublic will not have
on tho full panoply or constitutional UbertytlU
the Uraslllans organize a couple of first class bass
ball clubs. rue.
Once I knew thee poor,
now i love tnee run,
For thy dear sake I could endure
Larger dividends IT sure.
A Modest Maiden. He "Will you
share my lot?
Bhe How large Is your lot?
He Tbe world Is my parish.
Bbe-No, I don't want the earth. Lift.
Cedric Say, grandpa, what does it
mean when It says that "the two trains telescoped
with frightful force?"
The Earl That means tbat they collided while
going la opposite directions, my child.
'!X should think they would call it a kaleido
scope, grandpa. Columbia Sptctator.
Cyril (in the garden) rather! father!
look out or the window I
FaterfamlUas (putting out his head) "What a
nuisance you children are. What do yon want
(With a triumphant glance at his playfellow)
Johnny Gray wouldn't believe you'd got no hair
on the top of your bead."-i'c-nu-up. ,
Bunko Bteerer Excuse me, sir, but
isn't this Mr. William Green, of White Mound?
Dadore ta Tnv-nsmA- and I r-member meeting yon
one day last snmmer when I was up In Michigan
GtaaV'f ' fi
in alias Brown's store under tne poswmco.
to sea Ton In Un York. How'fSllaS?
Mr. Green-How d'ye do, Mr. Dodge t Why.lsT
tjsoo-4don'lyouflIrA- git soms nswolraet-
terMtf Silas was.burat9Btwr ow" -
- V. .. -a,
' .-..
fefii:. .