W' r6 THE ?JEZM?SBIJRGDISPATGHi Si "' J7r, r t I FROM MILL MEN. Plans of the Hospital Sunday Com mittee to liaise Money. APPEALING TO THE CHURCHES. " Contribution Boxes to te Put in "Working , Establishments. EIPCTED TO HELD 100,000 TEAELT A circular has been issued by "William McCreery. Chairman, to the members of the Hospital Sunday Committee, asking them to attend a meeting to further the objects of the association, and to hear reports from the various hospitals -which were benefited through the fund last year. The Hospital Sunday fund has been ia partial operation in Pittsburg for three years. A committee was formed at that time to lay belbre the churches the necessity of devoting one Sunday annually to make collections for the hospitals. The first vear's collection through this channel was '$1,400. This sum was increased to $3,000 last year. Only three hospital treasuries received any monev from the fund, namely, the "West Penn, Homeopathic and Alle gheny General. The source from which the fund was de rived was very limited, the natural result being lhat the money collected was insuffi cient. No church outside the f Protestant denomination was asked to contribute to -the hospitals, and no hospital of a sectarian character, no matter what good it was ac complishing, received a penny of the money. THE CHUBCHES TO HEW. The committee in the future hope to largely swell the fund by adopting a more comprehensive plan. They intend to confer with all the church authorities, to see if some day can be set apart, to be named Hos pital Sunday, when everyone in the city will be given, a cnance to neip u carry uu the various beneficent institutions, irre spective of their religious proclivities. Then the committee has under consideration the advisability of conferring with a represent ative workingmen's committee, to 6ee if some scheme can be devised so that the workingmen can contribute to the hospitals in a systematic way. The idea which the committee think is feasible to gain the practical support of workingmen is to place in all the mills, workshops, business houses, offices and wherever men are employed a hospital Sat urday box. They will ask all the proprie tors of business establishments to nail on their premises a large box which theywill supply, so that the men may contribute whenever they feel disposed. The box will be marked "Hospital Saturday." OUGHT TO GIVE $100,000. By this new move on the part of the Hos pital Committee, it is expected the fund wiil be largely increased. Superintendent Cowen, of the "West Penn, stated that the churches and the mills ought to help the hospitals every year to the tune of $100,000. Mr. Cowen said further: "The system which we hope to inaugurate has worked successfully in New York. In England the hospital Sunday and Saturday fund is a great institution, and it accom plishes great good. If it works well there it should do the same here. After we get it fairly started we will enlarge the varions institutions, increase the s tafia and, generally speaking, do more good." According to the present arrangements a collection will be taken up in the various churches of Pittsburg and Allegheny on the second Sunday in January. There will be an increase in the number of churches that will devote their proceeds this year to the fund. George L. McCoy, Secretary of the association, will furnish all particulars concerning the object of the movement. Fairbanks & Cole Banjos, Also the Victor, Lascomb and other good makes. Our stock of banjos is large, and comprises all the various kinds, from the cheap instrument used by the steamboat roustabout to the handsome and elegant professional banjo, at Geo. Kappel's, 77 JBUith avenue. 14,22 HowIsThl.r $12 will buy at our great stores to-day a stylish suit and overcoat price for the two, $12. You will have to pay at least $25 for the same goods at any other store. Be on hand early and get first choice. No such bargains have ever been offered by anv firm in America. P. C.tC. C, Cor. Granttind Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Call nod Examine The convenient offices in the building of .LUC kHUC XCpV9lli WUUIIBUj, Ul AlUBUUIg, if you are wanting an office. The bnilding is carefully constructed, well lighted with electricity, has a fine elevator and is pro vided with every modern convenience. Take the Hint and Come Enrty. At 8 o'clock this morning Kaufmanns', anxious to reduce immediately and consider ably their tremendous stock of men's over coats, will place on sale 1.000 heavy silk lined English chinchilla, French wide wale and beaver overcoats, cut in the latest shapes, and worth $18 to $20, at only $12. Our Special Watch, Pronounced bv all who have seen it to be the neatest and most tasty in the market to day. Guaranteed to be absolutely satisfac tory as regards time. Bv Hardt & Hates, Jewelers, Silversmiths and Art Dealers, 629 Smithfield Et New building. TTS Feople Will Realize That our store is the place to buy their clothing at Think of it, $12 for a first-class suit and overcoat we mean $12 for the twol What better can you bny for a Christmas present than invest $12 for a whole outfit? P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Pocketbooka, Card Cases, Letter Cases, In calf, morocco, Russia leather and seal skin, at all prices, from plain to finest, with or without sterling silver mountings. No assortment to be found equal to ours. Store open till 9 o'clock every evening. , JOS. ElCHBAUM & CO., 48 Pilth avenue. , Be Sensible! Be Sensible! ilf you want to buy a man's or boy's suit or overcoat get it at Kaufmann's great holi day sale to-day. Don't waitl You have everything to gain by coming to-day everything to lose by waiting. The wonder ful bargains we shall offer to-day will go with lightning rapidity. Kaufmanns'. Casey's "Excelsior" rye is their special brand. It is very favorably known in this community, and we advertise only to give outsiders a chance to become acquainted with this fine old brand of straight and pure MonongahelaTye. For sale at T. D. Casey &"Co.'s, 971 Liberty st ps x"VTe have a very large assortment of reed, rattan and willow rockers, which are valued very much as a gilt Tfiey make a very pretty present Hoppee Beos. & Co., .TTS 507 Wood street Xmas Gifts. ,- Dressing Gowns. Jos. Hobne & Co. 'a Penn Avenue Stores. Silk English cloth i And quilted , Handkerchiefs far Presents. Immense choice initials, 10c, 15c, 18c, r 1AA-mA llUfn ff3 illr If. ir also Japanese silk, plain and initials, very I cheap tit .Bosenbsum as w.. wxnssu WHAT I WANT TOR CHRISTMAS I Can Get Best at Hamilton's. Is that so? Yes. I can get there an ele gant, warranted, well-known, reliable pi Trao at $230 in payments, or $210 cash, which he will cheerfully place alongside so-called $350 club pianos and some other new-fangled, unpronounceable "pianos discovered only re cently. Also another and better grade for $250 on time, and $230 cash, which, if set alongside above referred to (New Idea) pianos, any purchaser would willingly pay $50 ad ranee over New Idea machine. Also can purchase a Decker Bros. orKnabe piano at Hamilton's, which cannot be purchased anywhere else. Also the great Fischer pianos, of which there is now over 80,000 iu use. President Harrison has recently pur chased one for the White House (private use). All the attempts of rival dealers to cry down these brilliant and durable ar tistic pianos have only served to call forth favorable surnrise and friendship, which usually ripen into purchases. Also- I can get the great Estey cottage organs ai Hamilton's. What other dealer in this city but would auickly throw overboard every other agency if he could only secure the Estey? But no, you can only get the Esteyat Hamilton's; also the-magnificent mirrored Story & Clark, and also Clough & Warren organs alone at Hamilton's, prices running from $40 to $200 and over; pay ments $5 and $10 per month. Now, why should I go anywhere else than to Hamil ton's, lam sure of the best grades and quality of goods; sure of the lowest prices, lor who does not know that Hamilton leads the trade and has for many, many years. Everybody knows it All who see his stock, his facilities, and then the actual trade done here need not be told why he can and does sell better goods for less money than any of his competitors. Then he has just opened up a magnificent stock of newfkesh small insteuments. No old stock, broken, damaged, old styles, lifeless, toneless instruments, but new, soul ful, bright violins, $1 to $100; bows, 25 cents to $10; bags and cases, 50 cents to $10. Guitars, beauties, $3 to $50. Mandolins, $5 to $30. Banjos, $3 to $30. Tambourines, 25c to $5. Drums (musical), 50c to $30. Fifes, 10c to $3. Flutes, $2 to $50. Cornets, $8 to $100. Special line of beau tiful C cornets for home and church use. Ballad horn Home use. Accordions, harmonicas, harps, music roll cases, folios, zithers, autoharps, operinos, flagelets. Musical decanters, great novelty. Music boxes, immense variety; prices from 50c to $200. Everything! Every thing. Come along to Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue, Pittsbnrg. Open every night New Departure In Accident Insurance. The People's Mutual Accident Insurance Association, of Pittsburg, Pa., have devised a new plan for accident insurance which is believed to be a great advance over anything hitherto attempted in this line. It consists, in brief, in dispensing with the membership fee and the annoyance of frequent assess ments. In lieu of this fee, and of an assess ment issned before the ink is dry on the pol icy, an advance of $4 with each apnlication will carry insurance for the member for three months, to be extended in force on the same terms quarterly, or by the pavment of $15 in advance the membership will be car ried one year. From each of these payments a certain portion (10 per cent) is to be set aside to create a reserve fund for special emergencies. Agents will be entitled to a definite credit with each payment; this will give them a permanent interest in the renew als. We think this scheme will commend itself to the assured, to the agents and to the public generally. It is conceded by insur ance experts that this plan adopted by the People's is the most business-like and prac tical form of insurance on the mutual or as sessment plan that has ever been presented to the public by an accident association. LECHKER & SCHOENBERGER, 69 Fifth Avenae. The policy of this house has always been to sell pianos and orcans of the highest grade onlr. Every instrnment fully war ranted. No shoddy goods. Prices the low est in the city for the quality of the goods offered. Terms to suit all. 'Call and con vince yourself. Store open every evening. IiECHNEB & SCHOENBEBGEB, 69 Fifth avenue. Pianos and Orcans. New 5-octave parlor organs, $44. New 7J-octave upright pianos, $175. Second-hand 7-octave square pianos, $80, $100. $125. Second-hand 5-octave organs, $10, $20. $30, $40. Store open nights till 9 o'clock. Echols, McMukray & Co., 123 Sandusky st, TuSSu Allegheny, Pa. Careful Choice at Jewelry For Christmas presents doubles the recip ient's nleasure. Nowhere else can eaual f variety and beauty, utility and sterling value oe lounu uian iu uic spienuia jeweirv establishment of Wattles & Sheafer, 37 -Fifth avenue. Store open at night for the holidays. Young folks who intend to start house keeping will consult their interest by buy ing their outfit in furniture at H. Seibert '& Co.'s, Allegheny. 20c a yd. for fine French satine. Koech lin's make, choice styles and colorings were 35c and 40c. Hucus & Hacke. Patbonize home industry and drink Frauenheim & Yilsack's Pittsburg beer. Novelties in walking gloves. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. We All Cue the Banner. There is no baking powder Comparable to the old reliable "Banner" Baking Powder, which has been used in many of onr very best families for nearly a quarter of a cen tury. Amateur bakers and even quite small children bake delightful cakes with it Qim&dwmfiotym mpE$r gingeb pudding. Take one enp dark Porto Bico molasses, half cup dark brown sugar, one-fourth cup butter and two eggs; beat these all together. Stir into this one enp sweet milk, two tea spoonfuls ground ginger, and three even tups of Biffed flour, having mixed thor oughly through the dry flour one measure of "Banner Baking Powder." Bake in pudding or cake pan one hour; slow oven: serve hot, with the following hard dressing: One-fourth pound butter beaten to a cream, adding one egg and six taele ipoonfuls of granulated sugar, beating nntil quite light Flavor with vanilla or rum. r-SOME PEOPLE'S WATS are charmingly described In to-morrow's DISPATCH by Jessie Fother gill, the eminent authoress. Walter j. Osboubne. RichabdRabbovs. BABR0W8 & OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS. i . . .. v xuuiiu treefc Telephone No. ai s1-6-tts- CL4?S i5-11I -J T C ftUfiW? JO-DUplay advertisements one dollar per tguare or one insertion. Classified advertise' mentt on this page such as Wanted, For Bate, To -Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser Hon, and none taken tor lets than fifty rents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already hare accounts with Thx Dis patch. pittsburg. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, S5iO Bntler street. EMIL G. BTUCKEY, 24th street and Penn are. E. G. BTOCKEY&CO.,WjUeave. andFultonst N. bTO&ELY, fifth Avenue Market House. IASTEND. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Fenn aTenna. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK & BHEIBLEK, Sth ST. A Atwood it SODTHSmS. JACOB SPOHN, No. Z Canon street. ' H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. J. EAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McURIDE. Market House, Allegheny. FKKD H. EGGEBS. 172 Ohio street. F. B. EGGEK3&SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENKY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Bearer ares. PEKKYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Alleghenr ares. M1LLVALE BOKOUGH. VT. W. FLOCK-EB. Stationer. No. 4 Grant are. THE DISPATCH HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE FOB THE SOUTHSIDE AT NO. 1220 CAESON STREET. WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS, NEWS AND SOB' SCRTPTIONS CAN BE LEFT. BOTH FOR GENERAL EDITIONS, AND FOR THE SPECIAL SOUTHSIDE ISSUE PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY. WANTED. Blale Help. WANTED-CITRTAIN TJPHOLSTFRER-AP-PLY to O. MCCL1NTOCK. & CO., SI Filth ave. . dell-76 TT7-ANTED FIRST-CLASS CPHOLSTERER: VV atate experience and wages expected. Ad dress UPHOLSTERER, Dispatch office. deH-51-D TTTANTED A FIRST-CLASS FEEDER FOR V a cylinder press. Apply at once, Room SI DISPATCH BUILDING. Diamond street del4-8S WANTD-A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER. ONE who can speak German preferred. Inquire at P. J. LOUGHNEY'S, No. KB Liberty st. del2-8S WANTED-AN A 1 VISE HAND IN MOLD shop at McKEEt BKOTHEKS', Jeannette, Pa. Inquire at 955 LIBERTY br., Plttsborr. Pa. del3-55 WASTED-ONE PLUMBER AND ONE GAS fitter at once. Apply to D. CH1SHOLM, SIS Walnut street, McKeesport. Steady work to the right parties. del2-l(K WANTED FOREMAN BOU.EB WORKS Who can manage about twenty-five men and tret out (rood work at lowest cost. Address A. J. P., Dispatch office. de7-75-s -TTJANTED TWO INTELLIGENT MEN. WHO VV are not afraid to work, to represent us In towns near the city: roid ealaryto the rijrht par ties. Call or address ROOM . Eisner bnllalnp, del4-42 WANTED-IMMEDIATELY.AFIRST-CLAEB woodworker on light and heavy work: will give steady employment dt the year to good man. Apply to J. K. WOLFE. Monongahela City. Pa. WANTED-A FEW EXPERIENCED bOLIC 1TOK3 who can furnish good references. The right men can secure permanent and profit able employment by addressing L-, Dispatch office. del4-80 WANTED-A GOOD PRACTICAL BOILER maker, competent to lay out boiler and tank work In all Its branches. Apply, stating age, experience and references, to B. X. W., Dispatch office. de!3-52 -TTTANTED AOENTS-TO INTRODUCE OUR VV ft self-operating washing machine; no washboard or rubbing required: samplefree. Ad dressMONARCH LAUNDRY WORKS, 2S Pacific ave.. Chicago, 111. de!4-S9 WANTED A YOUNG MAN OF FROM seventeen to twenty years of ace as Invoice clerk; must be an exceptional good penman and quick and accurate at figures. Address MANU FACTURER, Dispatch office. deia-7 WAMED-RE1.1AHLE LOCALNAND TRAV ELING salesmen; positions permanent:, special Inducements now; fast-selling specialties! don't delay; salary from start. BROWN BROS., .Nurserymen, Rochester. N.Y. sel7-70-TTS -TTXANTEO-AQENTS SHOULD WHITE FOR VV Illustrated circular, terms and two weeks1 trial of Missouri washer: washes dirtiest clothes by hot steam without rubbing; easily sold; profit able J. WORTH, MBeekman St., N. Y, . nolO-94-wssu WANTED PARTY WITH MONEY WHO wishes to engage in manufacturing: new invention; sells at sight in home and office. Goods can be seen at SEVENTH AVE. HOTEL, Room 233, Friday and Satardav; also general act. wante d for Pittsburg. de!3-63 WANTED AGEMTSTOSELL TEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or mlllmin can makemoney in their spare time: special Inducements to per sons having established trade. YAMASHLRO TEA CO.. 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. au20-79-TTS -TT7-ANTED-SALESMEN AT 75 PER MONTH TV salarvand expenses, to sell a line of silver plated ware, watches, etc.: by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once for full Bartlculars and sample case of goods free. 8TAN ARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D WANTED -AGENTS IMMEDIATELY FOR the book, "History of the Clau-na-Gael and the Murder of Dr.Cronln :' 'a full and Impartial ac count: the sensation of the century: a harvest for agents: send for circulars and 20 cents for canvass ing outfit: liberal terms. BORLAND & CO., 1CI State sr., Chicago, 111. del4-3 WANTFD-EXPER1EN CED MALE STENOG RAPHERS for railroad and manufacturing business; $55 and 00 per month: situations fur nished bookkeepers, office clerks, etc, with ex perience and references: business houses sup plied with professional and clerical assistance, permanently or temporarily, without expense or trouble to idem. COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTING. AGEN CY, 163 Fifth avenue. deH-lS -TTTAMED-YOU TO KNOW THAT HOSTS TV of people are huvlng onr new hook. Mary, the Queen of the House of David." and are delighted with It: read the following: Mrs. Louisa P. Hopkins, authoress, says: "I welcome and commend the book:" C F. P. Bancroft "It will be read with an Interest amounting to fasci nation:" Dr. J. A. Chapman "1 have read It with unflagging Interest:'' "Ik Marvel" "Dr. Walsh has certainly put a verve and a glow Into the narrative which Is sure to make the book ac ceptable to thousands of readers;" goodsalarr to earnest solicitors. Published exclusively by A. b. GRAY & CO., Eisner & Phillips' building. del4-C Female Help. TTrANTED-TWO GOOD GIRLS FOR GEN VV ERAL housework. Immediately. GRANT HOTEL, 2831 Penn ave. de!4-39 WANTED-A COMPETENT GHtL FORN UHS ING and chamber work: Protestant pre ferred. Apply at 77 FIFTH AVE. de!4-25 WANTED-PEOFESSIONAL GEN1LEMAN without children, living In suburbs, wishes housekeeper about 45 years old. Address PRO FESSION, giving two unexceptionable references. deH-70 Male and Pcmale Heln. WANTED-COOKS; WAGES, fJ 50 TO W CO: chambermaids, dlnlngroom girls, nurses; 100 honse girls; German and colored girls; farm hands; drivers. MRS. K. THOMPSON, 608 Grant st- de5-Mih8 TTXANTED-M QUAKBYMEN. 60 COOKS, 30 VV chambermaids, too house girls, nurse girls, dishwasher ana laundress, col. cook, housekeeper, CatboUo preferred. MEEHAN'S AGENCY. 545 Grant st. de9-D Situations. WANTED SITUATION AS WATCHMAKER and salesman by an experienced young man; good reference. Address O. L. bHiFLEK, 48 Park way. Allegheny. del3-54 WANTED-BY A STEADY, COMPETENT man of 25 years' experience, position to oversee and work on a farm: reference as to ability given If required. Address A. B. 9. Dispatch office. del4-23 Partners. TT.ANTED-ONE OR TWO GOOD PARTIES, VV active or otherwise, to take an Interest In a full running and rapidly growing lumber busi ness la the Blty that has always made and Is now making money, and susceptible of increased reve nue with additional capital and assistance. The firm stands high in commercial circles, and is foil of energy aud enterprise, and possesses abundint means, and only proposes now to accept of addi tional capital, with or without personal services, in order to meet the expansive character of the business. This Is a splendid opportunity to mate an Investment that has every element of safety, and profit, and offers the privilege of becoming associated with gentlemen or Integrity and finan cial worth. Fuller particulars will be disclosed only to principal! and parties who mean business, by Mr. Drape, who Is personally acquainted with the firm. Amount of capital wanted, 30,000. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. del4-83 Financial. TTTANTED-TO A.OAN 1200,000 ON MORT V V GAGES: tlOO and upward at 6 per cent; 1500,000 at AH per cent on residences or business property: also in. adlolnlng counties. 8. H. FRENCH, US Fourth avenue. oc2-4-D TTTANTD-MOBTGAGES-lCI0,000 TO LOAN T T on mortgage, in sums irom sow to fio,wo. for J to 5 yean on city property, at very low rates; write for terms and rive du ertptlon of property. f. E. GLASB, US XQtb are. Telephone No. 1764. WANTZB." Financial. w ANTED-SMALL MORTGAGES-E-J.WIIi- BON, 149 Fourth aTe. no-" VT7-ANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN W In sums to suit at H, 5 and 6 per cent ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave, Tel. 167. apl9-14-TTSSU TTrANXED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROF W ERTY. over HO0O; 4 per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO.. S2 Fourth avenue. mnz-azz-D WANTED-500 TO 500,000-TO LOAN ON mortgages, 4K. 5 and 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Tele phone No. 975. del4-S9orWS -TT7-ANTED-MORTGAGE3 ON PITTSBURG. VV Allegheny or suburban Improved real estate In large or small amounts at lowest rates. ALEX.' ANDER ft LEE, 311 Wood St. del4-48-MWS w per cent. S 1 X1YLEA CO.. 131 Fourth ave. my-w TTITANTED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR VV small amounts on improved cltyorAlle- 6 heny county property. McCUN E 4 COULTER, eal Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 93 Fourth ave. del4- w ANTED-TO LOAN (500,000. IN AMOUNTS nr 9X cm And nnwArH. on rltT and suburban property, on 4) percent, tree or tax: also smaller amounts at 6 and e per cent BLACK ft BAU4D, 95 Fourth avenue. sea-a-i v h;l nui, .u vu ... turn ... cent counties at 8 per cent. bON, lOo Fourth avenne. Miscellaneous. WANTED-TOBUYAGOOD PAYING GRO CERY store In either city. Address J. O., Dispatch office. deU-50 WANTED-A SMALL SECOND-HAND UP RIGHT boiler about ten horse power. Ad' dress J. W. T., Dispatch office. de!4-40 WANTED-1NVEBTOR3 TO KNOW THAT we have several properties for sale which would make No. 1 Investments. McCUNE ft COULTER. Agents. 88 Fourth ave. de!4-52 WAMED-EVERYONE TO, KNOW THAT, PEARSON, the leading photographer, of 90 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal st., All'y., is making a life size crayon portrait, beautifully framed, and one dozen cab. photos, all for 33; all fine work. mhl3-63 WANTED-THK PUBLIC TO KNOW .THAT the largest and most complete stock of trusses, elastic stockings, shoulder braces, etc., can be seen at the store of ARTIFICIAL LIMB M'F'GCO., 909 Penn avenne, near Ninth street, Pittsburg. Pa. nol65-S8n FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE City Residences. FOR SALE-8,700-CLIFF ST. BRICK HOUSE 7 rooms, hall, bath, porches, etc; lot 50x147. J. R. COOPER ft CO., vn Fourth ave. de!4-l T7I0R SALE-ON CLIFF ST.. CITY. BE1 fi riwpltlnir nf llTnomn; all litest modem am ances: lot 30x147 ft. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood St. del4-47 FOR SALE-ON BIDGE ST., NEAR THIRTY THIRD, IZ300: lot 25x90; new frame dwelling of 6 rooms; 11,600 cash, bal. to suit. THOS. MC CAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. de8-42-TTSSU FOR SALE MARION ST., NEAR FIFTH ave. ; substantial and modern brick dwelling of 9 rooms, hall, bath, range, gases, excellent cellar, slate roof, etc. ; lot 24x103. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave.- de!4-l FOR BALE-TO CLOSE AN ESTATE, AT A bargain, 3 brick houses: lot 60x114 ft.: rent ing for 161 per month: on Vine st., Eighth ward; call or send for particulars. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, SO Fourth avenue. no30-40-S FOR SALE-ON WATER NEAR GRANT ST.. a good paying Investment, 7 brick tenant houses: lot 20x80 it., with 40 ft. in the rear; will close at a bargain; apply soon. I. M. PENNOCK ft bON, No. 105 Fourth ave. deI4-44-MWS F IOB SALE -MARION ST. A BARGAIN- C brick house, 7 rooms, hall, bath, range, w. V. K.K3, UVUUIO UUIUl IUK UIAU.C... l.UUUI with stationary tuba, etc : lot 20x90 to 6-foot alley. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. de!4-l FOR SALE PRIDE ST. PRESS-BRICK front dwelling, 7 rooms, ball, finished attic, eases, good dry cellar, also 6-room brick house in rear: lot 24x104. low price and easy terms. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave. del4-l F OR SALE-VIRGINIA AVE.. MT. WASH INGTON, a nice 2-storr brick house or s rooms, bath, range nat. gas. etc.. in good re pair: price 1300; cash $3uX bal. to suit. I. M. PENNOCK ftSON, No. 105 Fourth ave. del0-51-TTS FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE-BARGAINS IN houses and lots for homes and Investments; over 1, OX properties to select from; now Is the time to buy; real estate Is the best security In the conntry, and the safest-place to put your monev. Before buying be sure to call on THOS. MCCAF FREY, 3509 Butler it. Office open evenings. Telephone 5514. deS-145-WSSu Enst End Residences. FOR SALE-ta.500 WILL HUT A MODERN house of 6 rooms, with all latest improve ments, lot 22x100 ft., with stable, etc.. at Oakland, near cable cars. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood at. del4-47 FOR SALE NO. 4431 PEMN AVE.. 32.750 FOR 2-story brick business honse and dwelling, store and 6 rooms, large stable and lot 20HU0; one-half cash; bal. to suit. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler St. ' delO-23-TTS FOR SALE-SHADYSIDE A COZY 2-STORY frame house of 6 rooms, finished attic bath, both kinds gas, substantially built and nicely finished; fine lot. I. M. PENNOCK ft SON, No. 106 Fourth are. delO-51-TTS TOR SALE-FIVE-BOOM BRICK H'JUSE ON X: Fifth avenne near Robinson street, on line ot cable cars, at a bargain: price (2,500; (i, 000 cash and the balance on ten years' time If desired, u. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue del4-43 FOR SALE-A BARGAIN ONLY 13,000 AT Oakland, location good -a good, new brick house, 12 rooms; corner lot, containing 2 acres of level ground. For full Information see W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue del4-35-s FOR SALE-NO. 4515 CALVIN ST.. SEVEN TEENTH ward, new brick dwelling, slate roof, t rooms, hall, vestibule and large finished attic: large stable on rear of lot: price 32,600 at terms to suit. 1HOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509Ttutler street. no22-31-ws FOR SALE AT 32,500-EAST END HOUSE OF 6. rooms and good lot, with side entrance; bouse almost new and in first-class order: Imme diate possession: terms quite reasonable. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pitts burg. del4-87-D FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ON COR. OF Penn and Linden aves., large lot and modern brick house of 12 rooms, reception hall, sliding doors, hardwood mantels, etc. etc: elegant and omplete in every respect. THUS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. del4-41-TTsu FOR SALE COR. FIFTEENTH AND SARAH sts , S. S., fine 2-story pressed brick dwell ing, 7 rooms, hall, cellar, sewer, both gases, fin. attic: also on Sarah st., a 2-room and storeroom frame dwelling: lot 30x62)4 ft.; price only (5,500. A. A. ALLES. 162 Fourth ave OC14-I0 FOR hALE 14,500-SHETLAND AVE , NEW two-story mansard; nlnu rooms, hall, vesti bule bath. Inside w. c, hot and cold water, slate mantels, electric Ugnts and bells, natural gas; a pleasant home at a small price: lot 9x100. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 167 Fonrth ave. deH.l FOR BALK-SEVENrERNTH WARD-5,300-8 per cent net Investment: situate on one of the principal streets, two 2-story frame bouses front, and two 2-story brick bouses rear, fronting an alley: all In best of repair; lot 25x150. J. R. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave del4-l FOR HALE-COR. PROPERTY: LOT 43x100, with 6-room frame dwelling, all modern con veniences, near P. R R. and cable lines: worth 4.500; will sell at 3.600: terms reasonable; this Is a bargain for some one: possession at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. dell-67 TjV)B SALE-ON MAW. NEAR DAVISON ST., X! Seventeenth ward, at a sacrifice as owner Is leaving the city, a new 8-room brick dwelling, with modern conveniences; lot 25x100; price 4,600; all or half casb. bal. to enlt: cost over fc, 000. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler street. noi6-B6-wssa FORSALE-ia,000-PENN AVE,, NEABWINE BIUDLE, brick house 6 rooms and attic hall, vestibule, bath, hot and cold water, both gases. porches, wash house, well sewered: this Is a bar gain; lot25xlOO. J. B. COOFERftCO., 107 Fourth v 4atJ- ave, del4-! FOB SALE-A NICENE W DWELL1N G. WITH corner lot, in the East End, near to cable cars and railroad station: 9 cheerful rooms, attle rooms, bath, w. c, natural gas, laundry and all other domestic appliances: a beautiful property and in prime order. JAB. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. del2-19 FOR SALE 320,000-0 AKL AND RESIDENCE. Craft ave.. convenient to Fifth ave cable line substantial 2-story and mansard brick dwell ing, 12 rooms, hall in center. 2 bathrooms, laun dry, stationary washstands, slate and marble mantels, etc.; lot 100x227, with good stable and carriage house In rear; this dwelling was not built for sale, and Is one of the most substantial houses In the E. E,: all partitions are built of brick: see and be convinced. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth are de8-94 FOBSALE-AN ELEGANT EAST END RESI DENCE, on one of the fine avenues, con tiguous to cable cars: II spacious rooms, billiard room, Ubrary.bath. lavatorial facilities, laundry, natural gas, and modern throughout with all the more recent appointments; beautiful large lot girds the entire residence: the situation is one o( rare grandeur; a rich bloom of landscape beanty greets the eye at every nolnt; Immediate pos session: payments to suit purchaser, JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. del4-88 F OR SALE THERE ARE TEN VERY -UE-HIRAHLK nouses nowln course of rfrnstnre- tlonou Oakland square; to be finished complete ready for occupancy by April l; five of these houses are already sold, leaving five still available to buyers: prices, 17,500, 18,000 and 10,000, accord ing to size and location; lots vary In size from 301 100 to 92x150; Atwood St., npw pared with asphalt from Filth ave. to Oakland square and traction road being laid. Apply to SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 jrounn ave. aei2-4 FOB SALE-A NEAT NEW RESIDENCE with large corner lot, near Shauysldc East End and Ben Venue: large reception halL parlor, dining room and kitchen, with china closets, etc, on first floor; 4 bedrooms, bath and w. c. on see ond floor, 2 finished attic rooms, natural gas, dry cellar, all under concrete; perfect sewerage piazza In front and porch' In rear; everything qnlte new and complete: will be ready for occupancy In a week-or two: price lew, on moderate payments. Particulars horn JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., IS Fourth are, flttt&ura;,-, - deM-H-B. tTTANTED MORTGAGES-tl, 000, 000TO LOAN V V on city and suburban propertles-at 4K, 5 and C .. mA n ...ot. In 1 llD.n. anil ftflla. u;tM.-, .-- -v-- ap7-ftl F8R SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Eat End Re4aeBcea. CWB BALE -1,700- A COZY HOME AT X; Brushton; one equally good, same price, at WUklnsburg. CHARLES SOMERS ft CO.SU Wood st. del477 FOR SALE CHOICE AND COMPLETE homeatBrushton; large lot: near statloni ft 000. CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood St. Telephone 1771 del4-77 FOR 8ALE-I10.50O-ON TAYLOR ST., 8IX TEENTHward, at terms to suit: lot 45x137 reet, eornerproperty. 5 almost new brick dwell ings in first-class repair, n ow rentl n g for 1, 008 per nnum; will net over 8 per cent. THOS. McOAF FKEY, 3509 Bntler st. del4-14-W88u Allegheny Residences. FOB SAKE-CHOICE ALLEGHENY INVEST-MEvr-M substantial S-itory brick dwellings; rental njtn per year. CHARLES SOMERS ft CO., 313V?oodst. Telephpne,1773 de!4-77 FOR SALE-NO. 73 LINCOLN AVENUE; AL LEGHENY, at anctlon, on the premises, on Jan. 7 next, by order of Orphans' Court. See W. A. HERKON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. del3-67-8 FOR SALE-PARK PROPERTY RESIDENCE No. 21 Montgomery avenue Allegheny: 14 rooms, bath, lavatories, lanndry, all conveni ences. BAILEY, FARBELL 4 CO.. No. 619 Smlthfleld street. del2-l2-TTSSn FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY-FULTON ST.-A snug 2-story brick bouse of 6 rooms, attic good cellar, both kinds gas; In complete repair: lot 18SX72 feet: price 3,500. I. M. FENN0CK4 BON, No. 105 Fourth ave. del4-44-MWS FOR BALE-NEW 8-ROOM BRICK DWELL ING, Jackson St., Second ward, Alle gheny; 400 feet from street cars: best location In the Second ward; a bargain for (5,600. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. delO-96-TTS FOR BALE NORTH AVE. RESIDENCE, nearly new. contains Broome hath, range etc.; house built back from street; corner lot; a fine chance to get a home on the park. A. D. WILbON, 55 Federal St.. Allegheny. delO-27-TTS FOR SALE A NICE 7-ROOM HOUSE AND good lot with side entrance to an alley. In Allegheny, pn line of street cars; natural gas, bath, w. c. and other modern conveniences: price only (3,500. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. del2-19 FOR SALE-ALLEGHENY GOOD LOCAL ITY, line street cars horse power soon to be substituted by cable: lot fronting two paved streets: two brick dwellings. 7 and -4 rooms: ten ants never wanting; 5,300. CHARLES BOMERS ft CO., 313 Wood st. del4-77 TjTOR BALE-FRANKLIN ST., ALLEGHENY, JU good brick house 7 rooms, ball, vestibule ublu, range not ana coia water, insiae w. c, in side shutters; well finished throughout; price low to a quick buyer; lot 24x130. J. B. COOPER ft CO., 107 Fourth ave del4-l POR SALE NO. 293 ROBINSON ST.. ALLE GHENY, 9-room house; No. 295 Robinson St., Allegheny, 8-room house and No. 32 Rebecca St., Allegheny, 9-room house; these properties can all be bought at a bargain. McCUNE 4 COULTER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave del4-52 FOR SALE-MONTEREY ST, ALLEGHENY, brlcK house 8 rooms, hall, restloule batb. Inside w. c, range hot and cold water, both gases, front and back stairs, china closet; an ele gant house in every respect and price low ; lot 20x 110 to Morgan st. J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave del4-l FOR SALE-ON SHEFFIELD ST.-AN ELE GANT 3-story brick dwelling, containing 12 rooms, laundry, etc. ; has every modern conven ience; front porch, good yard all paved, fine brick stable cement pavements: can give imme diate possession. For full particulars call on A. D. WILSON, 65 Federal St., Allegheny. delO-27-TTS OR SALE-A HANDSOME RESIDENCE, almost new, with corner lot, on the parks, Alle gheny; most desirable location and particularly fine residence; replete throughout with all modern requisites and in elegant condition; would take a smaller property in exchange as part payment and allow long time on cash difference. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. deI4-87-D FOR SALE-DESIRABLE RESIDENCE AND investment property, corner page and Man hattan sts., fine 2-story brick dwelling 9 rooms, bathroom, w. c. in and outside vestibule, halL both gases: house 22 ft. frontage; lot 22x132 ft. to Franklin st. : also adjoining lot, 58 ft. on Page st. by 58 ft. on Manhattan st. ; choice property: terras easy. ALLES 4 BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave lei. 1S7. deu-35-wssu FOR SALE-NO. 38 SAMPSON STREET, Allegheny, a two-story and mansard brick dwelling of 9 rooms, halt, vestibule, bath, lnsido w. c. and stationary v. s range b. and c. water, slate mantels and tile hearths, sliding doors be tween parlor and dining room, both gases; this house la elegantly finished throughout; price only (7 500. J. E. GLASS, No. 138 Fifth ave. Telephone 1764. def(-3S -FINE BRICK DWELLING. COK- rrazier and Sheffield sts.: contains ars. dining room, kitchen and china r st floor; 4 chambers, bath room and second floor: 4 rooms on third floor: i heat in cellar: back ana front stairs; f : In fact,has all modern conveniences; r new and In snlendld condition. A. jt, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. aeiiMf-TTS FORSALE-A COMMODIOUS BRICK DWELL ING vith beautiful double lot, 49X138 feet, in AlleghenT.1 on a flue street near street cars: 10 spacious rojm,wlth hath, lavatory, laundry, fur nace and other needed requirements; good brick stable aid. carriage house on rear of lot opening out to ajpaved alley: this property can be secured at a great bargain: the best value of any property In eitbcf city. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave , Pitsburg. del2-19 FOR 18ALE A PRINCELY RESIDENCE property on the parks, Allegheny: almost new: spacious and luxurious rooms: fitted up and arrangiU throughout with every known recent convenience and appliance; one of the most per fect of I city residences, and In a location with surroundings of a most attractive nature; line southern exposure and full view of the fragrant parks; side and rear entrance; brick stable and carriage house etc., etc. : to anyone seeking an elegant elty home this property has special feat ures oft attraction. Fuller Information and a Eermlt to examine the premises from JAS. W. iRAFEft CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. . del4-87fD Hazelvrood Residences. FOR SALE -AT HAZELWOOD- A FINE residence on Sylvan ave. of 12 rooms, hall, vestibule water, both kinds gas, stable and out buildings: &)i acres ground; splendid location, with pleasant surroundings: cheap to an early buyer. 1. M. PENNOCK 4 SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. del4-44uws Suburban Residence. FOK3AL E-AN ELEGANT HOME FINE houle large lot, at WUklnsburg; 5.500. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO., 313 Wood at, del 4-77 F or Sale-very cheap-only 2,000-14 acres ground, with fair lmDrovcments. at btoops' Kerry, P. 4 L. E. R. R. See W . A. HER RON ft SONS, SO Fourth ave. de4-12-tvs FOR SALE WILKINSBURG-A FINE 9 rooni modern dwelling, well arranged; laun dry, finished attic bath, hot and cold water, nat. gas, electric light, slate mantels, fine tile hearths; lot 80x264 price reasonable. L. C. WELIUN, Room 7, Union station, city. del4-15-TuW8 FOR SALE-AT WlLKINSBURG, HOUSE 6 rooms, with corner lot. 45xl26,6mlnutes from WUklnsburg station and 6 minutes from Brush ton station: cheapest property In WUklnsburg to day: price 12,700. W. E. HAMNETT, 404 bmlth- neiu street, xitisDurg, ana wiuuusDurg, jra. de!2-91 OR SALE-HOUSE AND LARGE LOT AT Ingram station: monthly payments; 6mall amount down: 6 rooms, hall, porches, natural gas, water, etc; large lot: two minutes from railroad station; rare bargain; Immediate pos session. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO , 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. del4-k7-D FOR SALE-AT WlLKINSBURG, CONVE NIENT to station, 2 neat 5-roomed frame houses, lot 33'xl00 feet; excellent water in both houses; natural gas; good, dry cellars: wUl be sold very low and on easypayments. Full particular! from McCUNE 4 COULTER, 93 Fourth ave., who will take you out and show you the property. del4-52 FOR SALE LOTS. Eaat End Lot. FOR BALE-ON MELLON ST., NEAR STAN TON ave., lot 133x120, only 3,000. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. del4-41-TTSSu FOR BALE-MUST BE BOLD PROMPTLY; lotabont 50 ft. front on NegleVave.. E. .. lotabont 50ft. front on Negleyave., E. ., an elegant location for fine residence. GEO. T, MCDONNELL, Forty-third and Butler sts. deM-6-wg FOR SALE COR. CENTER AVE. AND BAB TON .st, lot 150M75, elegant location, good sewerage and convenient to both steam and cable cars. THOS. LIGGETT, No. Ul Fonrth ave. del4-U-TTSSu FOR SALE-I STILL HAVE A FEW CHOICE lots In the Bank of Commerce addition plan, at prices and terms that should meet ready sale; act quick. JOHN F. BAXIER, Agent. 512 Smith field street. de8-7S-TTSSU FOR SALE-ONLY $3,500 FOR A LOT 93X195 ft. to 2C-ft. alley, only one square from Hllandave.. E. End: good investment, SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fonrth ave. de!2-92-Thg FOR BALE-BUILDING.' SITES, E. E 80x225, Penn and Dallas aves.; 100x163, Boulevard place; 188x260, Linden ave.: 68x222, Boulevard place: 60x120, Edmund st. and Alden: 60x120. Ed mund St. (corner lot): choice locations; prices reasonable: terms easy. 1. M. PENNOCK 4 SON. 105 Fourth ave. delO-51-TTS FOB 8ALE-BAUM GROVE LOTS ARE THE most promising lots In the market; prices are very low; this plants located In the center of the East End and but a few minutes' walk from both traction lines and Penna. B. R. Full informa tion from MELLON BROS., East End, or JNO. F. BAXfER, Agent, 612 Smithfield st. ' i- deS-75-MThS TTIOR SALE-ON FOBBES ST., IN THE IM JC MEDIATE vicinity of Schenley Park, from one to five acres; convenient to new electric road, and bound to increase In value from 50 to 100 per cent, as It is without doubt naturally the moat beautiful property In the Schenley Park district. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. del4-41-TT8Sn Parma. F'. IOR BALE AN EXCELLENT FARM OF 200 L. aeic, Close to rauroau SLa.ivu, guuu lauu, all susceptible of tillage well suited for a dairy u bhj larm, Tery comionauic uncuuijc uuusc, large bank barn and numerous other outbuUd ings; splendid orchard and copious supply of water, etc ; would accept of a small city property In part payment. JAlC W. CRAPE ft CO.. 12V Fourth avenue PltUburj. v dtu-ao-xrha .t FOR BALE-ON SEIGLXH STREET, ALLfi . ., GHENY, goodframe house of 6 rooms, batb,. but, fyestl bole etc. lotOxTdtrrt.; price 2.600. AuafejUIAJJeOblC JU.43ia vvooaTC. FOR. SALE-LBTS. Farms. FOB. SALE-FARM, 110 ACRES, VERY BEST of buildings, in rich farming community Lawrence co.: must be sold soon. ED.WITTISII, 410 Grant St., PlttsDurg. de!3-D -IJiOR SALE-A FINE FARM IN OIL TEKRI JD. TORY, adjoining Montour Bun, about 109 acres; large dwelling, barn, etc., orchard, -water, etc jjsrettlest farm site In the county: Is known as "Cairnbeads;" it Is believed by experts to be on the line or the oil developments. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourtb-avenne Pittsburg. del4-87-P FOR SALE BUSINESS. BuslnesK Cbnncea. FOR SALE-DRUGSTORES FROM 1,500 TO 3,000, confectionery store for jOU, cigar stores, grocery stores, notion store restaurant, etc. PERC1VAL 4 CHAPMAN, 67 FUth ave del4-50 TfilOR SALE-ONE OF THE OLDEST AND X1 best paying photo galleries of Allegheny: a rare chance for right partv: good reason for sell ing. PHOTO, Dispatch-office delI-36-WTbsSU FOR BALE-AN ESTABLISHED GENERAL store, with good trade; will exchange for property: good reasons for selling. , Address BILLINGSLEY, Dispatch office. deU-S5-vuS FOR SALE-AN ESTARLISHED RETAIL grocery business In Allegheny: beat location in the city and a large trade, mostly casb. Ad dress RETAIL GROCER, Dispatch office de!2-3 FOR SALE WELL-PAYING BOABD1NG bouse, in central part of business, steady trade honse full; will sell at abont half price; physical inability the cause; terms half casb, balance on time. MAGAW 4 GOFF, LIU.. 145 Fourth ave. del4-38 F OR BALE-GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR A.' one or two active men with some capital to step into a paying wholesale prodnce commission business, nrofita this year will reach S10.000: owner engaged In other business reason for selling. Ad dress F. C. DICKSON, 140 Monterey at., Alle gheny. del0-50 FOB SALE-GROCERY STORES IN BOTH cities, from 33a0to 10, OOOi cigar stores 250. 350. oOO. 1,800; shooting gallery paying 75 per week clear of expenses: drugstores: general country stores:board!ng bouses, milk routes, con fectioneries, bakeries and otber good business Chances. SHEPARD 4 CO., 54 birth ave. no23 FOR'BALE-COAL BUSINESS ON LINE Of railroad, near the city, all in successful oper ation, and including pit wagone mules, tools and all necessary equipment: about 10 acres of solid coal: side track space for 50 cars; rare opening for anyone wbo understands the coal business. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsbnrg. del4-s7-D FOR SALE-AN INTEREST IN A WELL establlshed stove house furnishing and builders' hardware business In the city: a good man. wbo can furnish 5,000 and come well recom mended andprove competent to take charge of the books and office work, will be liberally dealt with; this Is a good opening: the business Is prosperous and growing. JAS. W. DRAPE4 CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. del4-90-D TpOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 300 ACRES OF Jj coal and mineral land on line of railroad and river, about GO miles from the city, with connec tions to Buffalo and the Canadian trade; besides coal there is iron ore lime and bnilding stone and fire clay: two coal mines and one ore mine open; equipped with tracks, care etc.; demand tor all coal and Iron ore that can be mined; 45 dwelling bouses, large store and other buildings: two good gas wells on the land; a splendid opening lor a profitable business; will sell, or exchange for other property In part payment. W. W. ACHE SON, or JOS. PAINTER, Room 204 BIssell block, or JAS. W. DHAPE& CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pitts bnrg. t del4-87-D Bnalnaas Stands. F IOB SALE-A BARGIN TO PROMPT BUYER; choice Alleghenvuiamond business nronertr. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO.. 313 Wood st. del4-77 FOB SALE CITY IN VESTMENT CORNER property with buildings: 270 feet street front age: 120,000. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO., 313 Wood st. Telephone 1773. del4-77 FOR SALE-GOOD ALLEGHENY BUSINESS property: two-story brick, 20x100; corner, large frontage: 8.000. CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO., 313 Wood st. Telephone 1773. de 14-77 FURS ALE A FOURTH AVENUEPROPERTY well located, for less than anything In the neighborhood: a snre property to enhance In value. C. H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. deH-4." FOR SALE A LARGE BUSINESS PROP ERTY on Water street, city: snbstantlal building; adopted for almost any kind of busi ness. JAS. V. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave nue Pittsburg. del4-87-D FOR SALE-SCHENLEY LEASEHOLD ON Water St., n. Penn ave., lot about 5ux75ft., brick store aud dwelling of 8 rooms and a 2-room brick house In the rear; will be sold at a low price: a good Investment. 1. M. PENNOCK 4 SOM, No. 105 Fonrth ave. deM-44-Hws FOR SALE-THE BULL'S HEAD TAVERN, with 40 rooms and stabling. No. 195 Second ave: a three-story building, with lot 48 feet front on becond ave and 24 feet on Third ave For par ticulars call on GEORGK.F4CARNLEY or HENRY A. WEAVER 4 CO.. 92 Fonrth ave de!3-58 FOR SALE FIFTH AVE. BUSINESS PROP ERTY, only 363 per front foot, near the Court House: a lotu3xllo feet to a street; well adapted for any purpose requiring large space and down town location; certain enhancement in value and unsurpassed. aB a safe speculation; satlsfactorv terms can oo maae. Dd.aiuji.Li n. jslaa. & CO.. 99 Fourth avenue delO-W-TTS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, dtc FORSALE-A LIVERY AND UNDERTAK ING business; 11 horses: carriages, buggies, wagons, bearses, with all the necessary outfit, etc., in one of the most active manufacturing towns on line of railroad in the county; a splen did opportunity for a man who understands the business; the present proprietor has made a snug fortune; particulars to principals and parties who are able to purchase will be furnished at our of fice. JAMES W. DRAPE 4 CO.. 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. del4-90-D Machlncrr and Metals. FOR SALE-ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW and refitted: repairing promptly attended to. PORTERiOUNDRYANDMACHlNECO..LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. aulO-29 FOR SALE-ONE 20X24 HORIZONTAL EN GINE, 25,000 reet second-hand wire rope; also hoisting, and portable engines and Slemen valves. castings, etc VELTE4 MCDONALD. 3200 Penn avenue. y2l-91-TT8 FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND botiers; all sizes and styles in stock, from 4 to 100 h. p. ;all rentted;good as new, at lowest prices; portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. ; boilers all sizes ana styles. J.S.YOUNG,23Park way, Allegheny. Pa. OC25-S0-D FOR SALE tEUNDERSIGNED.RECEIVER of Rees, bhook ft Co., offers for sale the ma chinery, tools, patterns, etc., of said Arm; the machinery consists of lathes, drill presses, etc.; also a large gray mare 7 years old. and harness andwagon. ApplytoJOltND.MCKENNAN.Be celver, Bakewell Law Building, Pittsburg, Pa. del4-2S FOR SALE SIACHINE SHOP-THE VALUA BLE machine shop of Washington Beck, Esq.. sltnate on B. Sixteenth street. S. b.. is now offered for sale owing to HI health: lot 60x60 ft., with one 2-story frame bnilding, 40x60 ft., and a one-story frame 20x60 feet, with engine boiler, fan, 3 Hues of shafting, pulleys, etc.: the machinery is all flrst-class and in good condition; location excel lent, heretofore doing a nice business; this valua ble property will be sold at a low price to an Im mediate purchaser; an excellent opportunity for a man ol experience and means to step into a well-established trade. Apply to I. M. PEN NOCK ft bON, 105 Fourth are. del4-45-D Miscellaneous. FOB SALE-PIANO; ALMOST NEW: WILL sell at a sacrifice for cash: parties desiring a bargain for a Christmas girt will do well to answer, as owner is leaving cltv: answer for next three days, giving real, name and address. Ad dress PIANO, Dispatch office. del4-34 FOR SALE ONE ELEGANT HAND-MADE dlnlngroom sideboard: Just completed; also elegant chamber suit, ornamental center table, fine writing desk, suitable for office or private dwelling: made expressly forhoUday presents. At BAWERS ft SCHIMPF'S. cor. Chestnut and Pike sts., Allegheny. deI4-93 ELECTIONS. Axi.eoheryNattonai.Bank. I Pittsbtjro. PA., December 13, 1889. ELECTION THE ELECTION FOR DI RECTORS of this Dank for the ensuinc year will be held at the hanking honse, No. 4o Filth avenne, on TUESDAY, January 14, 1890, between the honrs of 11 a. m. and 12 M. del-32 F. C. HUTCHINSON, Cashier. First National Bank, PrrrsBtrRo, Pa. PITTSBtjbo. December. 14, 1889. ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION of nine directors for this bank, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking House, corner Wood st and Filth avenue, TUESDAY, January 14, IS90, between the honrs ot 11 A. Jt. and 1 o'clock p. M. dell-D J.T). SCULLY. RESORTS.' OLD POINT COMFORT, VA., HYGEIA HOTEL. One minute's walk from Fortress Monroe, where daily inspections, drills, guard mounting and dress parade take place The sceulo at tractions are unrivaled. Muslo afternoon and evening. Climate mild, yet bracing and inyigoratinc: The most de lightful winter resort in the United States. Turkish, Russian, Electric and HOT SEA Baths. Send for illustrative descriptive pamphlet F. N. PIKE, del4-63-TTSSu Manager. THOMASVILLE, GA.f Piney Woods Hotel. Season opens December 4. 1889. M. ABOWER, Proprieton For circulars, rates, ete, address WM. E. DA VIES, Manager, Thomasville, Ga. or F.A. BUDLONG, WindsorHotel, N.Y.City. OC12-87-TTS MONEY TO LOAN deT-124 ON MORTGAGES -AT- . 4K, S and 6 per cent; city or country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., Fourth aye TO LET. City Residences. TO LET ON FEDERAL ST.. PG.. BRICK house of 7 rooms and bathroom; reduced rent to April 1.' THOB. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. del4-4i-TT88n fl-tO LET-LOCUST STREET, NEAR VAN X. BRAAMst.,new brick bouse of8 rooms, bath, range, hot and cold water, both kinds of gas fix tures, 15 minutes from P. O. ; rent 30 per month. SeeW. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave del2-16-TLS Offices, Dealt Boom. ic. TO LET-FOUBTH AVE. OFFICE-2 OFFICES first floor, between Smllhfleld and Wood; well lighted; also large front office. Inquire MORRIS ft FLEMING. 110 Fonrth ave. del0-55-EOD TO LET-300 PER YEAB-A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED office with all modern conven iences; newly painted and papered ; has two Urge closets for storage room. Inquire at GERMAN IA. SAVINGS BANK. 423 Woodst. nol3-31-P PERSONAL. PERSONAL NEW BOOKS-HUNDREDS OF new books, nicely bound In cloth gUt, at2tc each? many fine books In elegant bindings: come and see them. LEVI'S BOOKSTORE, Liberty st., nearNlnth. ncS-33 PERSONAL HIS LOVE SUDDENLY RE TURNED; recently they had not been on the best of terms owing to a little family lar occa sioned by the wife insisting on being allowed to renovate bis wearing appareL and which, ot course was done in a bungling manrter; in order to prevent the trouble they agreed to send all their work hereafter to DICKSON, the Tailor. 63 Fifth ave. corner Wood St., second floor, and now everything Is lovely and peace and happiness again reigns in their household. Telephone 1553. au30-D PERSONA L-THE FOLLOWING LATE OFFI CERS U. S. Navy (and their heirs) wUl learn something to their advantage by addressing the undersigned: Lieut. C. W.'Amstrong, tinrg. R. T. Barry, Com'r. E. Byrne Mid. C. 8. Bell, Mate A. K. Baylor, Burg. E. J. Bee Com'r. E. A. Bar nett, SaUmaker N. Buck. Surg. D. W. Ballentlne Surg. 8. Harrington, Com'r. T. McK. Buchanan, Mid. J. X. Bredln. Surg. J. L. Burtt, Lieut. E. Brlnler, Jr., Chap. Walter Colton. Com'r. J. Calhoun. Lieut. G. W. Chapman, Lieut. W. M. Caldwell, Mid. R. M.JCaldweU, Lieut. F. S. Con over, Engineer John Carroll, Surg. E. F. Dray ton, Mid. E. D. Denny, Surg. E. R. Dodge Engi neer N. C. Davis, MldT. S. B. Elllott,GnnnerC.E. Earnshaw. Surg. D. Egbert. Chap. N. Frost, Engineer J. Fouansbee Ensign J. Greenhalgb, Mid. W. B. Hayes, Lieut. T. TV Houston, Surg. A. A. Henderson. Surg. W. A. Harris. Surg. X. Hudson., Com'r. W. E. Hunt, Lieut. Geo. H. Hare Lieut. C. G. Hunter, Surg. J. Hastings, Lieut. H. Ingersoll, Lieut. Montgomery Lewis, Capt. E. A. F. Lavellette Boatswain Joseph Lewis, Master T. J. Llnnekm. Mate a W. Levins, Cban. John S. Lenhart, Gnnner W. H. Myers, Lieut. 3. B. McCanley. Lieut. R. M. MeArran. Surg. J. J. Magee Mid. F. B. McKean, Engineer D. B. Martin, Com'r. W. W. McKean. Lieut. B. McUvalne Lieut. D. P. McCorkle, Chap. J. W. Newton. PnrserR.il. Price Boatswain Herman Peters, Mid. J. Parrlsh, Ensign J. Parry. Lieut. F. B. Renshaw, Surg. W. Sherman. Surg. J. Howard Smith, Mid. E. C. Stiles, Mid. W. F. bhunk. Com. T. D. Shaw. Capt. H. S. Stellwagen, Engineer J. C. Tennant, Com. E. R. Thomson, Lieut. J. D. Todd, Surg. J. Taylor, Com'r. O. J. Van Brunt. Lieut. G. P. Welsh. MasterE. W. White Master Peter Wager, Ensign H. Whelan, Surg. Holmes Wit off, Mid. J. B. Yates. TALL MADGE ft TALLMADGE, Attorneys, 1425 N. Y. ave., Washington. D. C. de!4-a FOUND. F OUND-POCKETBOOK. CALL AT CHAP LIN. FULTON 4 CO.'S. 91 First ave. oen-w LEGAL NOTICES). OFFICE OF FIDELITY TITLE 4 TRUST CO., 121 and 123 Fourth ave. ESTATE OF JAMES H. SEWELL.DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate of James H. SewelL de ceased, late of Pittsburg, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make tnem known without delay. FIDELITY TITLE 4 TRUST CO., Administrator. DAVID Q. EW1NG, Trust Officer. de!4-21-B OFFICE OF FIDELITY TITLE 4 TRUST CO., 121 and 123 Fonrth ave. ESTATE OF- CATHERINE DOHEETY, DE CEASED. Notice Is hereby given that let ters of administration on the estate of Catherine Doherty, deceased, late of Pittsburg, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, ond those having claims or de mands against the same wlU make them known withont delay. FIDELITY TITLE 4 TRUST CO.. Administrator. del4-22-s DAVID Q. EW1NG, Trust Officer. ' OFFICE OF FIDEL1TYTTTLEAND TRUST CO., 121 and 123 Fourth avenue ESTATE OF CHARLES J. WAITE, DE CEASED. Notice Is hereby given that letters or administration on the estate of Charles J. Watte deceased, late of Pittsburg, bate been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims or de mands against the same wUl make them known without delay. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO.. Administrator. de!3-19-8 DAVID Q. EW1NG. Trust Officer. OFFICE OF FIDELITY TRUST 4 TITLE CO., 121 and 123 Fonrth ave. ESTATE OF JOSEPH STROBLE DECEASED. Notice la hereby given that letters ofadmln lstratlon on the estate of Joseph btroble deceased, late or Pittsburg, have been grantedlto tho under signed, to whom all persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the samewill make them known without delay. FIDELITY TITLE 4 TRUST CO., Administrator. DAVID J. EWINO, Trust Officer. de!4-20-g COTTON & HOLM AN, 91 Diamond street. Estate of Lncy Barnes, deceased. TitXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS JCJ hereby clven that letters testamentary on the estate of Lucy Barnes, late of the city ot Allegheny, Penn'a, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and to whom those having claims or demands against said estate will make tbem known without delay. WM. H. BARNES, Executor, noltMS-S 94 Fifth ave. Pittsbnrg. OFFICIAL-P1TTSBURO. Office of the city treasurer, i Pittsburg, December 2, 1889. f NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the duplicates for the second as sessments of water rents (for new buildings completed since April L 1890.) have been placed in my hands lor collection, and payable at this office during the month of December. All water rents remaining unpaid January 1, 1890, will be placed in the bands of W. R. Ford, Collector of Delinquent Taxes, with 5 per cent added, for collection. J.F.DENNISTON, le3-3S-D City Treasurer. N ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE grade of Twenty-second street, fiom RaU road street to the Allegheny river. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted br the city of Pittsburjr, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same That the Trade ol ITwenty-second street, from Railroad street to the Allegheny river, be and the same is hereby established as follows, viz: Begin ning at the north curb line of Railroad street at an elevation of 32.75 feet; thence falling at the rate of 0.5 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 271.6 feet to a point at an elevation of 8X39 ieet; thence rising at me rate or a.ieecper iiai ieet for a distance of 115.4 feet to the Pittsbnrg; Junction Railroad near the Allegheny river at an elevation of 33.7 feet. dell-11 AN ORDINANCE-ESTABLISHING THE grade of John street, from Junilla street to property line Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city or Pittsbnrg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the grade on the north curb line of John street be and the same shall be established as follows, to-wit: The grade of the north curb line of John street shall begin at the east enrb line of Ju nilla street at an elevation of 368.59 feet; thence rising at the rate of 11.60 feet per 100 leet for a distance of 214.20 feet at an elevation of 396.67 feet: thence by a convex vertical curve for a distance of 20 feet at an elevation of 397.6S feet, thence falling at the rate of I foot per 1C0 feet for the distance of 12L33 feet to property line, at an elevation of 398.48 feet, the south curb to be one foot lower than north curb. del4-ll AN ORDINANCE LOCATING GEM AL LEY, from Mathilda street to Atlantic avenue 1 Section L Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That Gem alley, from MathUda street to Herman street be and the same shall be Iocat'd as fol lows, to wit: The center line shall begin on the east five-foot line of Mathilda street, at a dis tance of 115 feet north of the north fire-foot line of Penn avenue; thence deflecting to the right 90 W parallel to and at a perpendicular distance of 115 feet north of the north five-foot rnnnlng line of Penn avenue, a distance of 1,958.50 feet; thence deflecting to the left 13 21' tor a distance of 251.79 feet to the east fire-foot running line of Herman street, and the sala Gem alley shall be of a width ot 20 feet deli-11 Continued on Tenth Page. SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SOHS & CO., STEAM DYERS AND SCOURERS ' And general renovators of textile fabrics, la dles' and gentlemen's soiled or faded garments neatly cleaned or restored in color. Curtains of every description carefully attended to. M. MAY SONS & Co. JoU-tts 66 SIXTH AVE., Pittsburg. Pa. PIANOS, ORGANS. And all manner of Small Instruments AT HAMILTON'S, . delO-D Fifth avenue ? remarried? If not, lend yonraddressto HE AMERICAN CORRESPONDING CLUB;ti0XW,WttHBBJg, W va. IHKETXNGS. VTO TI CF-MEETING MACHINISTS IN Pittsburg Lodge No. 52, National Associa tion of Macbini'ts. meett ejery SATURDAY EVENING At No. 81 Fonrth avenue, at 730 o'clock. BOli'lwS- RELIGIOUS. street opposite City Hall, at 10:45. Snnday scbooL at 10. Her. Dr. Townsepd, pastor. Snb Ject: "Measure and Meaning of Life." del-8 DIVIDENDS. OFFICII OF THE WZSTTWOHOPSE AIRBRAKE CO. PTrTSBTrBO, Pa December 9. 1SS9. J DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIRECT ORS of this company baa this day de clared a regular quarterly dividend o FOOTS PER CENT and an extra dividend of TWO v PER CENT, payable to tho stockholders of record on the 25tn inst Books will ba closed from December 25, 1889, to January L 1890, both; inclusive. Checks will bo mailed to stockhold ers. JOHN CALDWELL, Treasurer. dell-42 1 . RP.AI ESTATE. TWENTY-ONE HOUSES SOLD IN- OAKLAND SQUARE ' Since July 1.1889. This remarkable sale of dwellings proves con clusively that the square meets with the ap proval of the majority of those who are seeking homes. A few of the advantages and brief de scriptions are as follows: Location Directly bordering on Schenley Park, a magnificent Tiew of which can be had from any part of the square. Only four squares from Fifth avenne traction road, and directly on line of new electric road now being com pleted as a feeder to the Fifth avenue line, and which brings the square within 20 minutes of Pittsburg postofflce for 5 cents. Dwellings are constructed of brick by day work, not by contract, contain 8 and 9 rooms, wide halls,, baths, inside w. c inside shutters, range, laundry, cemented cellars, automatics electric lighting, slate mantels and tile hearths; In fact, all modern conveniences. The sauare is 120 feet wide, with park la tho center, around which runs aspbaltum paved streets and sidewalks. Perfect sewerage, gas, water, etc. Price. 56,500 to $10,000, Terms Small cash payment down, balance $500 per annum. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO, del4-Sl 99 Fonrth avenae. FOR SALE. SQUIRREL HILL. NEAR SCHENLEY PARK, 30 acres land, having a frontage of over 2,800 feet on a good street 21 acres land, street frontage 1,400 feet 5 acres, fronting on two streets. 4 acres and 2-story frame dwelling of 5 rooms'. 15 acres land near the Squirrel Hill Electrio road and Forbes street IRA M. BURCHFTELD, 158 Fourth ave. de3-64-TTS. ADCTIOS rJALES. ONE WEEK MORE, COMMENCING, MONDAY, DECEMBER ,. IFTHS BANKRUPT BALE. OVER J150,00O WORTH -or- FINE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CARPETS, RUGS, Eltt, BY AUCTION I -AT- 723 AND 725 LIBERTY ST., CORNER EIGHTH. Sales, Morning, Afternoon and Evening; N. B. Special accommodations provided for ladies. ' deiO-67-nssa A DJOURNED EXECUTORS' SALE OF A business property THURSDAY. Decern ber 19, at 2 o'clock p. M., on tho premises, we will offer at public salo that large tick building, with lot 60x80 feet, corner of Ohio and Area streets, Allegheny. GEO. D. RIDDLE. Attor ney, 118 Diamond st ALEXANDER A LEE, Auctioneers, 313 Wood st del4-49-TTS , AUCTION 8ALE ON SATURDAY DE CEMBER 14; a property on Taylor street Bloomfleld. Sixteenth ward, containing 5 bouses, grocery store, and suitable lots for everybody. Information is given by BERN HARD HILTERMAN, No. 140 Taylor street, Bloomfleld. de!3-61 AMUSEMENTS. B IJOU THEATER. Matinee this afternoon. CLARAMORRIS, EH HELENE. HELENE. HELENE. t By special request Miss Morris wUl repeal ber delightful performance of CAMILLE, CAMILLE. CAMILLE, This Saturday erening. December 16 CNIH . in Monte Crista. del4-S r RAND OPERA HOUSE SPECIAL XMAS ATTRACTION WEEK COMMENCING 510NDAY, December 23. Matinees WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. EMMA JUCH. GRAND ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY. " REPERTOIRE: Monday, Dec 23 Carmen. Tuesday, Dec 24 fl Trovatore. Wednesday matinee, Dec 25 Postilion of Loniameau. Wednesdar evening. Dec 25 Bohemian Girl. Thursday, Dec 26 Kanst Satnnl.-iv matinee. Dec 23 Maritana. . Saturday evenintr, Dec 28 Der Freiscbntz. ? Prices $2; II 50, H, 60c according to location. . Bare 01 seats opens Monaay, xiec, 10, at oox omce. mu T)UOU THEATER MATINEE AND EVENING, CLARA MORRIS In HELENE. Dec 16-O'Neill, In "Monte Crista." dels , J 1 GRAND OPERA HOUSE. . TO-NIGHT. Matinee Saturday Only. v MR. NAT. C. GOODWIN in A GOLD MINE. - Week Dec 23, EMMA JUCH GRAND OPERA? de9- HARRIS" THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening. MY PARTNER. Week Dec 16-Ada Gray in EAST LYNNK aes-aa H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night, Matinees Tuesday, xnunoayt ana aaiuruay. 4 T.wTvr wrr.f.i A rs J LONDON SPECIALTY COMPANY. 1M-MENSE. de8-16-P 1 WORLD'S MUSEUM Every day and evenlne, THE TORPEDO BOAT. Holmes' Specialty Company. 1 i del0-29U CHRISTMASPRESERTS;- An elegant stock of ladies and gents" flnef, watches, diamonds, jewelry, plain and see; rings, gents' chains, ladies' queen chains, Vic-jr tori chains. Test chains, charms, lockets, beadf neck chains, lace pins, stickpins, bracelet.,. sleeve buttons, etc. clocks, silverware and!. spectacles, etc. etc Boys' watches, 13; MisseaM silver watches, to 50, at WILSON'S. 61 Fourth are del4-TTS Pittsburg. I c. A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue. Flttlb TelephOM J3. 1 1 vH SJ 1 -l' 'JS- - V" C V . .