Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, December 14, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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iPopTilar Concerts Could Iq
Handily Instituted.
fOf Having Both Winter and Summer
Public opinion all powerful.
Down on the rirer front stands a huge
building which, frith shut doors and frown
ing exterior, marks the spot where Pitts
burg's first Exposition was made a howling
success by the earnest efforts of her best
citizens. The main building was closed on
October 17 and bids fair to remain so until
the fourth of next September, when the
second Exposition is to open.
The Dispatch believes that that grand
and roomy edifice is but poorly subserving
a distinct purpose in the advancement of a
great community like this when its period
of use by the public is 40 days out of 365.
There stands a naked building; now to
clothe it with an idea of usefulness; to de
vise some plan whereby the public can get
some distinct and decided good out .of so
spacious a hall.
"Popular Concerts" are the happy thought
under the circumstances. Music is an edu
cator, and upon no project can rich and poor
meet upon a common ground so happily and
with results so productive of gooa to the
With the above plan as a somewhat vague
basis vague as to the possibility of whether
the concerts can be summer or winter a
number of gentlemen have been sought out
and requested to outline their opinions.The
distinctly favorable views entertained indi
cate a popular indorsement of the plan. And
the columns of The Dispatch are open to
those who have any suggestions to oiler.
President S. S. Marvin, of the Exposition
Society, was seen. "When The Dispatch
reporter announced his mission, Mr. Marvin
said: "I think that the ideaof popularcon
sertsjfor the benefit of the masses is an excel
lent one and a most laudable enterprise.
The only bar to it no w is the fact that there
is no means of heating the building. It
would cost considerable money to put in
heating apparatus, probably about $5,000.
My idea would be to heat the buildiDg by
steam coiled pipes. "We could not put in
enough ljf-inch pipe to make the place
comfortable for less than $5,000. There is
.no reason why we should not have popular
concerts in the building. When the Expo
sition plan was proposed, it was stated that
when not being used as an Exposition it was
to be a music hall. There is no reason now
why we should not utilize the place instead
of allowing the building to stand idle. The
1,200 members of the society are expecting
something in the music line, and they will
get it very shortly I think.
"Would you confine the concerts to local
"No, sir. I would not, unless the local
talent is the best in the world. I would
constitute the concerts of the very best talent
obtainable. The attractions I would get
would be the best that money could procure.
At popular prices which would surely draw
big crowds the scheme would pay" hand
somely. The acoustics of the building are
everything that could be desired.
the pbopee thing to do.
"1 think the proper thing, however, to do
is the agitation of the erection of a music
hall in connection with the exposition
building. The hall could be used during
the 40 days of the Exposition for Exposition
purposes. The balance of the time it could
--trs-nstdbrconcerts, meetings, etc.
"We very seldom get any good music here.
-The large opera companies start out at New
XorE. Alter playing an engagement mere
the ."i.ies sometimes split up. One
section il go to Boston and New England
and then westward without touching Pitts
burg. Another crowd will come to this city
after playing in Philadelphia. A third
section will go to Baltimore and take in
Cincinnati and St Louis. They all come
together in Chicago, and the people there
are given a first-class festival. If we had a
good hall here this city would be a hall-way
stopping place for all the large companies
going from New Xork to Chicago and re
turn. When they came they wonld
stay at least a week and we would get some
thing in the music line worth listening to.
Instead of that we now get everything piece
meal. If we could get the ground from the
city this would be an incentive to erect a
building with all appurtenances, etc The
building would cost with fixtures, etc,
about 5300,000."
J'What should be the price of admission
to the concerts, in your opinion?"
"I would not charge more than 25 cents.
This would give everybody a chance to hear
the music. I would run the concert one
weekVith vocal and the next instrumental
music or perhaps combined occasionally.
We wouldsliave a season of good local tal-
' ent and then give a first-class festival.
.. "We are now on the eve of a State Con
vention. If we had the music hall built
''the convention could be secured for this
. city. There is not a hall in the State that
' would hold as many people as the one we
propose to build. It would be an induce
ment for the people of Ohio to hold their
Diaie lanvenuon in jrinsourg. we are
nearer to a great many counties in Ohio than
Cincinnati is. Look at the present music
ball over the market house The idea of
sitting over beefsteaks takes the flavor from
the music Think of those straight stairs.
.Every time I get in the place I am afraid
itbat some accident may happen and the
-people will be unable to get out of
the Duiiaing. xne only rente is by
the stairs, and should a panic ever take
place there we would witness a repetition of
the recent Johnstown horror. The Idea of
'local popular concerts has the svmcathv and
'rapport of everv member of the Board nf
ruirecwro ui iuc .cipusiuon society, wno
will continue to ao everything in their power
to elevate the tastes of the people of the
Prof. F. Xohnun, the able musical di
rector, said: "I do not think the present
Exposition bnilding would answer the pur
pose I think the idea is a good one, and
will lave the support of everybody who
loves music 1 do not think, however, that
the Concerts can be given successfully until
a music hall is erected. I was the first man
in the city to agitate the concert idea in the
Exposition building before it was erected.
Had it been built according to my ideas
we would have had a good place
lor concerts. My scheme was to -arrange
the place so that it could
be made a resort during the summer. With
a scattering of ferns, potted plants, etc,
throughout the building it would give it an
appearance of a summer garden. I wanted
the gallery to be reserved for persons who
could afford to pay more than 25 cents. The
first floor was to be for the ocenpancy of the
middle classes, who could easily afford to
pay 25 cents for several hours of good
music In the summer time the concerts
conld be given in the afternoon and
evenings. Dnring the winter season the
building could be heated Jby steam and the
concerts given every evening.
"With the present building I do not
think that a large concert would be much
of a success from.a musical standpoint A
music hall conld be bnilt in this city with
out much trouble. If we had the hall we
could hold musical festivals that would
compare favorably with anything given in
'this country. I would not want to run the
concerts exclusively with home talent Oc-
jcuionally I wpuld like to see some of the
great artists brought here, and the publIo
afforded an opportunity to hear them."
D. C Herbst, one of the directors of the
Exposition, coincides with the -views of
President Marvin. He says the building
could be heated at -an expense of less than
f 1,000. In his interview he said:
"It was always my idea to have entertain
ments given in the Exposition building.
That is what it was built for. It would not
be a hard matter to heat the building. We
have introduced in this city natural gas
stoves that need no chimneys. With-the
gas the combustion is so perfect that no
vitiated air remains in a room where there
is no chimney. If we had to heat the build
ing with coal stoves it would take a great
many to do the business. With natural gas
stoves the place could be warmed in
the coldest weather. I would be glad
to see a series of popular con
certs given this winter. Looking
only at the moral side it would be a great
thing. It would keep young men ont of
poolrooms and saloons and young girls from
running to cheap dauces. The young people
need some amusement, and if they cannot
get it one way they will get it another. , If
the scheme was Inaugurated and the price
of admission be placed at 25 cents, I think
many of these dance halls would have to
close up. The concerts would give the peo
ple a healthy resort to go to. There is not
the least doubt but that the idea would be
come immediately popular. There is no
use allowing the buildings to stand there in
idleness while they could be used to advan
tage for the betterment of the people When
the Exposition buildings were erected it was
not the intention to have them used exclu
sively for exposition purposes. The society
wants a music hall, but the question is how
are we going" to get it?
"When Conductor Innes, of New York,
went away I asked him if he would come
back during the winter if we wanted him.
He said he was ready to play for the people
of Pittsburg at any time. Now, if we could
bring him back and give another week of
brass and reed music, would it not be a treat
for the people? After having Innes and
his band I would have a vocal concert
Then run in one of our local bands for a few
nights. This idea is carried out in other
cities in this country, and there is no reason
why it could not be done here. In Europe
every little town has its music hall, where
the people gather and hear music that is
beneficial to their systems after working
hard all day. I have been over a good por
tion of the globe, and I do not know of any
town where people have more getup in them
than the residents of Pittsburg. When this
concert idea is started by The Dispatch I
am sure it will be productive or good. It
will have the support of all the directors
and most of the members of the Exposition
Prof. J. P. McCollum, director of the
Mozart Club, thinks the concerts would not
be a musical success on account of the main
building being too large He said:
"I am heartily in favor of giving popular
concerts, but if vocal music is intended I do
not think the Exposition building is the
proper place. Eor orchestral or brass music
the hall is all right Eor home talent the
place is too big and is not adapted for solo
singing. To give a first-class concert I do
not think any artists can be found anywhere
who will fill that place The hall could
be remodeled by dividing it in
half. If one-half was partitioned
off and the concert held in either half of the
building it would be a success. A hall that
holds over 3,000 is a poor one for singing.
The Exposition building could only
be adapted for concerts by the
expenditure of a large sum of
money. I am in favor of e very-day concerts,
but to be a success they must be held in a
suitable hall. I understand the music hall
the Exposition Society intends to build will
hold 7,000 people I do not know what
they will do with it when it is completed.
Wfien you crowd 2,500 or 3,000 people into
a building to hear a concert you get nearly
every one who. wants to go on that night I
hope the thing will be a success. The music
lovers would be heartily in favor of it"
In the summing up of points in favor of
the plan of winter and summer concerts, it
must not be forgotten that the musicians of
Pittsburg and -Allegheny would form a
powerful nucleus. The massing of fairly
expert orchestral players, who, with assidu
ous rehearsals, would not do injustice to
either the best popular or the mildly classi
cal music, would result in an orchestra
equal in size and far more provocative of
interest than the great orchestras which
visit here But the professional musicians,
who wonld of necessity have to be included,
would mostly be available for afternoon
concerts on account of evening engage
ments. What Pittsburg's brass musicians can do
when harmoniously brought together has
been several times shown. Notably at the
occasion of the M. M. P. TJ. picnic at Boss
Grove 'last summer a year ago. Over 200
players were concentrated in one band and
marched through the city making the at
mosphere resound with inspiring melody.
Inside such a building as the main Exposi
tion Hall, the band would tear the lining
out of things.
The possibilities of a successful combina
tion of the local singers were vividly Bhown
at the recent May festival, at which a mag
nificentchorus handled with consummate ease
such powerful and intricate compositions as
Saint Saen's "The Deluge;" Beethoven's
"Ninth Symphony;" excerpts from Wag
ner's best works; all with marked success.
In fact, the Pittsburg singers scored a great
point in succeeding with the "Ninth Sym
phony" alter four months' practice, where
the singers of Cincinnati went to pieces
after a year's study.
Such vocal ability applied to the oratorios
which are always popular and the stan
dard cantatas, glees and choruses, scores of
which would be wholly new and novel in
Pittsburg, would.be sure to achieve suc
cess. The combination between local sing
ers and the crack orchestras of the East has
been accomplished with good results by the
Mozart Club and the Boston Symphony Or
It may be that the money for the heating
of the Exposition building may at present
seem not forthcoming, as the plan of popu
lar concerts hardly lies within the scope of
the Exposition Society. Bnt the discussion
of the plan may evolve some ways and
means. In an interview published in The
Dispatch, it will be remembered that Mr.
Carnegie, just returned from Europe, re
marked that if the musicians of Pittsburg
would become as harmonious in their rela
tions as they were in their productions, he
might feel tempted to play patron saint in
several ways. The remark stirred up a
great many people who went to some pains
to show how poorly the shoe fitted them.
Nevertheless, the steel king meant what he
said, as may be demonstrated before the
twin cities are much older.
Some Who Travel, Some Who Do Not, and
Others Who Talk.
Chief J. O. Brown, of the Department
of Public Safety, returned yesterday morning
from his trip to Washington. He said that he
was hopeful of the early procurement of a fire
patrol boat He is pleased with the model of a
boat made by Free & Meredith, of this city,
and said that he hoped the Council committee
would investigate it before departing to look
at the patrol boats in other cities.
J. W. Robinson has been appointed
special agent on the Pittsburg and Western
road. The position is newly created, and Mr.
Robinson deserves the promotion.
James A. Chambers, the well-known
window glass manufacturer, is lying at his
home ill.
Db. B. M. Hanna. Eye, ear, nose and
throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Penn
street, Pittsburg, Pa. S&sn
and the methods used there in
training athletes are describes in
to-morrow's DISPATCH by Prof
The American Patriotic League Was
' Organised ii lew Tork
Opposed to Unrestricted immigration and
the Boycott
Stephen Collins, Superintendent of Mails
in this city,and State Vice Councillor ot the
Jr. O. TJ. A. M. of Pennsylvania, returned
yesterday from New York, where he had
been attending a meeting ot representatives
of the various American societies and orders
in the United States. The meeting was
attended by some of the foremost men in the
American movement, men who hare given
years of thought and work to the subject
Mr. Collins, when interviewed yesterday,
"There are 41 different organizations in
the United States at the present time, all
organized for practically the same objects,
though varying in many respects. The most
important or prime object of all is the re
striction of immigration. Some are
further identified with the movement to
protect and maintain the public school sys
tem and prevent any sectarian influence
therewith. Some are aroused over the re
cent movement of fo'reign capitalists to con
trol many of the leading industries of this
country. English syndicates are purchas
ing the great flouring mills of Minnesota,
the chief breweries of many large cities, the
principal tanneries of New York State, and
they are gaining control of very many large
concerns in this country.
"Twenty-seven alien corporations and in
dividuals own 20,234,000 acres of land
more land than all of New England. For
eigners are gaining control of the capital
and also of the labor. Many of the so-called
labor unions are entirely under the control
of foreigners.
against the boycott.
"They have introduced tbe'hated boycott
and other un-American institutions, Amer
ican boys cannot learn trades; they are driv
ing Americans out of the field. The French
Canadians are colonizing New England.
They held a convention at Troy, N. Y., in
October, at which 100 delegates were pres
ent In 17 States foreigners vote after being
in the country six months. All of these va
rious orders, working independently in the
same direction, can control legislation if
they act in concert
"Last Thursday night, in a hall in Union
square, New York, we formed an organiza
tion to be known as 'The American Patri
otic League.' The objects are as follows:
L To restrict immigration.
2. To extend the period for naturalization.
a To require an educational qualification of
every voter. . . . ,
4. A general, unsectarian, American free
school system,
5. No public pronerty or funds to be devoted
to any sectarian purposes.
6. American lands for American settlers.
7. To obtain the above by legislation.
"It will be seen by the above that the or
ganization is political in its mission, but it
is not intended to form or encourage any
new party, bnt to require the members to
maintain their former party affilations and
to work in every honorable way to obtain
their objects. It is intended to draw into
their ranks members of all of the American
orders, and also all citizens, native and
foreign born, Who will subscribe to the
above principles. Leagues will be formed
all over the country. The names of the
members will be kept absolutely secret
State and national legislation will be
watched closely.
thbeatening dangers.
"Public opinion and sentiment is ripe for
amovement of this kind. Its firmest support
ers will be found among the naturalized cit
izens, who have come to this country to be
come good citizens, and see the danger which
threatens us by the unparalleled influx of
paupers and criminals from the old world.
The foremost editorial writers of the day, the
shrewdest statesmen and the most learned
preachers are writing and speaking the
words of warning to the country.
"It is desired to Americanize America.
We are not alarmists, bnt any intelligent
observer cannot .fail to see the
dangers that beset the country at the
present day. All that is needed is proper
legislation and rigid enforcement of the laws
when passed, and public opinion is king in
this land. In Pennsylvania alone we have
over 250,000 voters who are members of four
American organizations. Their influence
will count if bent in the proper direction.
The officers of the new organization will be
made known shortly, and active work will
scribe to the objects and principles will be J
eligible to membership. The order will not
be ritualistic or beneficial, and only a small
entrance fee will be required to pav.for
printing, etc Members of all political and
religious parties and creeds can belong to the
league if they desire, and its course will be
conservative, though energetic and aggres
Thlrty-FlTo Dollars Per Day to be Paid by
the Traction Company.
The Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester
Traction Company has at last decided to
run its cable cars over the Suspension
bridge. They have made an arrangement
with the bridge company, and will ay
$12,000 per year toll. This will amount to
over $35 per day for the privilege of run
sing the cars over the bridge.
At a meeting of the committees of the
traction and bridge companies yesterday the
matter was satisfactorily settled. The plans
of the bridge company lor the improvement
of the structure were exhibited. It was
stated that the company would extend the
piers of the bridge and build two additional
tracks for the grip cars. The new structure,
when completed, will be what is known as a
trotting bridge. The cost of the improve
ment will be about $160,000. A meeting of
the directors of the bridge company will be
held within a few days to ratify the action
of their committee. It is said the toll to be
paid by the traction company is over 7 per
cent of the cost of the bridge.
Rev. CE. Locke Defines Somo of the Requi
sites Pertaining to Manhood.
Bev. Charles Edward Locke delivered a
lecture last evening in the Smithfield Street
Church before a large audience, his subject
being "Every Inch a Man." He described
the qualities required to form the ideal man
who should be able to meet the issues of the
next SO years. That man, Mr. Locke said,
should be a specialist, a philanthropist, in
dustrious, radical and learned. It mattered
not whether he were white or black. The
speaker said that he was fond of the negro
race. He,believed that it was either a great
race degenerated, or a great race in embryo.
It would not matter either whether "the
ideal man" should be a man or a woman.
He believed that women could hold their
places with men in all the advanced work
of the world. The last and highestrequi
site of the ideal man must be, he said, spirit
Wharf Employe Calllean Admits
Charges and Gets Discharged.
The sub-Wharf Committee, of Allegheny,
held a meeting to investigate charges
against Mr. Culligan for demanding money
from Mr. Armstrong Parks, a well-known
contractor, for dumping -on privileged
Culligan admitted that he took money,
but denied having demanded it He was
discharged from the city service.
-was arwEfftfja
tmS i f
CellgtoHS Services Held la the Clafe Room
of the CoHBty Democracy No Sanaa?
It is not by any means uncommon for re
ligious services to be held in theaters, skat
ing rinks, dance houses and saloons, but
probably it was never before the case in
Pittsburg that such services were held in a
political clubroom.
r People who have lately visited the club
room of the County Democracy noticed a
teat little parlor organ to the right of the
President's seat, and wonder$dry,mucb.
how, it came to.be there. ,8ome thought it
rnighVor utllizad4oothi savagcrstearts on
nfohtx fnlliiwiriV XVTlifcle Democratic de
feats, and otherFMWlBtsPresident Boyle-f
migh't be an apfle of sweetness and.Ugtt, j
who wished w smooth the asperities of
life generally and quiet the Democratic
Utrrr -wtipn hn howled for Drev.
Last night Messrs. Beltzhoover and Fox
decided to gratify all curiosity by explain
ing that the 'Unitarian congregation
worshiped in the hall every Sunday morn
ing. It is well adapted for the purpose, be
ing central and ample and well lnrnished,
while the faces of Grover Cleveland and
other apostles ot Democracy, looking out of
their frames on the wall, would serve to re-,
mind worshipers of the faith to which the
County Democraoy seek to proselyte.
Grover's portrait looks serenely on Rev.
Townsend, as he expounds the oracles of
When the proposition of the Unitarian
Society was submitted to the club, there
were two or three kickers, but the general
sentiment was in favor, and on motion it
was made unanimous, after the suggestion
was submitted that a good Democrat ought
on Sunday morning to be either at home
with his family or at church, and had no
need of the club room at that time.
Mr. Fox said: "You can state that while
other clubs may make speak-easies of their
quarters on Sunday, the County Democracy
has divine service in its rooms and is on the
pleasantest terms imaginable with its wor
shiping tenants, and expects to -maintain
those relations. The church will" worship
here for a year at least"
Later Orders Issued In Regard to the For.
The last order of Grand Marshal Bosinski
of the parade to dedicate St Agnes' Church
to-morrow changes somewhat the formation.
It is as follows:
The First Battalion HlbernianRifles, Colonel
Felix McKnight, and the A. O. H.. Board of
Erin, will compose the first division. The
Battalion Hibernian Rifles, Major John Coyne,
and the A O. H.. American Board, will com
pose the second division. All other divisions
will follow in the order as laid down in General
Orders No. L , .
Thomas Burke has been appointed Assist
ant Adjutant General of the parade and
will have a number of aids.
The First Battalion Hibernian Rifles and
the various divisions of the order are di
rected to report Sunday morning at 820 at
the corner ot Fifth avenue and Grant street,
where Assistant Adjutant General Burke
will assign the various divisions to place.
Grand Marshal Bosinski is anxious that
all members of his staff report promptly at
Smallman and Twenty-second streets to
morrow morning that the start may be made
on time and no delay of the procession be
Section of the K. of L. Constitution Under
Which Ills Assembly Acted,
Begarding the action taken by the .Ware
housemen's Assembly in reinstating Homer
L. McGaw when he had been expelled from
the order by the General Assembly, reference
.was made yesterday in labor circlet to the
case ot John a tannery, ecutor ot tns, j.raaes
Journal, who was reinstated by his assembly
after explusion, and who has continued as a
member of the order since. Section 185,
page 60, Revised Constitution of the jtnights
of Labor reads:
A member legally expelled from the trder by
sentence of any court can never again.be ad
mittea to mempqrsnip except py a jwree
fonrths vote of the assembly from which ex
pelled, therefore great care should be ixer
cised that no injustice he done. Members pan
not be- expelled for non-payment of dues or
other minor offenses, and erery member must
have a fair and impartial trial before expul
A Lad's .Promise to His Father When) He
Leaves tho Reform School.
William "McKee Anderson, a boy 15 years
old, was returned to the Beform School yes
terday. He was released from that place
last June. His mother and stepfatherjlive
in Poplar, alley, and they complained that
he was idle and stole property from their
Asvount? Anderson departed from! the
Central station he said to InspectorJMc
Aleese: "Goodby, Mac; I'll see you soon.
I know the ropes out there and I'll soon be
back. I'm going to knock that stepfather's
head off, and then I'll skip the town." Wil
lie is nearly 6 feet tall.
It Is About Settled that Library Hall Will
Not Change Hands.
It is about definitely settled that the Li
brary Hall bnilding won't be sold. Ar
rangements will be completed in a few days
by which the debt will be cared for, certain
negotiations have been in progress for some
time, and they will be consummated shortly.
The stock of the Library Hall Company
has only a nominal value, and at frequent
times many of the stockholders have prom
ised and given their stock to the library
company. The committee soliciting sub
scriptions is now turning its attention to
securing all the stock members of the hall
company are willing to contribute.
To Band Together for Their Mutual Wel
fare and Protection.
The machinery molders held a meeting on
Thursday night to concert measures for an
amalgamation, bnt they were nnable to
agree, as as already foreshadowed in these
columns. Too much jealousy is reported as
existing between the three organizations to
allow of any amicable arrangement regard
ing a uniting ot lorces lor mutual good
being brought about bo much the better
for the manufacturers, who will find it
easier to treat with a divided trade than
with one whose members were disposed to
act together harmoniously.
Machinists to Meet To-KIght to Form an
A meeting of machinists will be held this
evening in old hall. 101 Fourth avenue, for
the purpose of forming a solid organization
of the craft It is expected that there will
be a large attendance of machinists, as well
of those belonging to existing organizations
as others who are on tho outside.
A Brutal Father Fonnd.
Agent Berryman, of the Humane Society,
yesterday afternoon investigated a com
plaint made against Fred Bower, a Ger
man, living in the rears of No. 242 Beaver
avenue, Allegheny, u"wh6," it is claimed,
abuses his 3-year-old son unmercifully. The
complaint was well founded, being sub
stantiated also by the child's appearance
and his mother's testimony, and an infor
mation will be made against Bower to-day.
Desirable Office For Rent
On second floor Penn Bnilding. Bent low.
Inquire at 201 Penn Building. ws
ESTOIiABA BETiTiTl, in to-mor-
jow's DISPATCH, tells why rnil-
ionalree seek wealthy wlvea.
Remark Made by Andrew Carnegie
Booming Grover.
Set Down as a Compliment Flavored With
Scotch Humor.
J-1 Ttjainf erence that Mr. Andrew Carnegie
' v&i"Cl A" ?'' ",
had.apjtfo ached the verge of
or. as some term it, free trade.
heresy, in his
talk at the Boston banquet in his glowing
reference to Grover Cleveland, caused con
siderable comment in the city yesterday.,
-Mr. Woods, of Arbuckles & Co., was
quite exercised over, the chaffing of some
people, who knowing him to be a red-hot
tariff man, took occasion to guy him at fre
quent intervals. Mr. Woods contended
that Mr. Carnegie's utterances possessed no
significance whatever; that he only said
what any gentleman might be expected to
say, and that to have referred to the ex
President in any other manner would be boor
ish and that Mr. Carnegie was not a boor.
Mr. Woods defied anyone to point out amy
thing in Mr. Carnegie'i reported remarks
that even squinted toward a divergence in
his views from the doctrines of the Repub
lican party.
He contended that the suggestion that one
thing that might be done with ex-Presidents
was to run them again contained nothing
either significant or improper, nor, of pos
sible disloyalty to the Bepublican party, as
no one had a right to find fault with any
one else who might wish to run ex-President
Cleveland again.
The matter was informally discussed last
night at the rooms of the County Democ
racy, and it seemed to be a tolerably general
belief that Mr. Carnegie might be in favor
of tariff reduction. There was quite a
sprinkling of Democrats present, and some
seemed to treat the matter with indifference,
while others thought the utterance possessed
significance. Among those noticed were
Councilmen Carr and Mullen, County Com
missioner Mc Williams, Harry Beltzhoover,
and the crowd generally that congregates
there a part of almost every evening.
Mr. T. O'Brien suggested that Mr. Car
negie may not have gotten something that
he wanted from the Harrison administra
tion, but the general view seemed to be that
Mr. Carneeie had made enough money to be
clear of the ills that beset weaker manu
facturers; that he had made enough money
to be able to fight for a market .in any part
of the world, and with the tariff taken off
raw material might so cripple weak firms,
especially those struggling to get on their
feet in the South, as to prevent their compe
tition. G. H. Stengel, Esq., thought it logical
for Mr. Carnegie to lean toward a reduction
of duties. He had gotten in a plane from
which, with free raw material, he could
make goods for any market in the world.
City Controller Morrow said of Mr. Car
negie's speech: ''It means nothing. It was
simply an after-dinner compliment I have
talked with a good many persons about'it,
and that is the general opinion."
. Mayor McCallin said: "I don'tknow what
it means. I was surprised when I read it.
I thought he must have changed his poli
tics." Postmaster Larkin said: "I don't know
what significance to attach to it. It was
probably only an after dinner compliment"
President Weihe, of the A. A. of I. and
S. Workers; President Smith, of the A. F.
G. W. Union, and Editor John Ehman were
asked yesterday to express their ideas
upon the matter. They thought
that Mr. Carnegie was re-echoing
or playing upon Mr. Cleveland's remarks
on a late occasion in.New York when al
lusions were made in the same strain, and
that he did hot mean anything in the direc
tion of booming Cleveland for '92. None of
those seen had- supposed for a moment that
Mr. Carnegie had departed from his firmly
grounded protective principles, and they re
gard the suggestion as to Cleveland's run
ning again as a post-prandial compliment
largely seasoned with dry Scotch humor.
T. B. Atterhury, of Atterbury & Co.,
said: "I attach no significance whatever to
the remark. I regard the matter as a com
plimentary joke. Mr. Carnegie was in a
position where he was compelled to say
something pleasant about Mr.-Cleveland,
and I suppose he thought that was the
nicest thing to say."
J. B. Dilworth, of Dilworth, Porter &
Co., said: "I fancy that Mr Andrew Car
negie thought that if Mr. Cleveland was
nominated for re-election by the Democrats,
it would be the best thing that conld be
done for the Republicans. Mr. Carnegie
never meant that he indorsed Mr. Cleve
land with all his free trade ideas for Presi
J. M. Shafer. of the Bepublican County
Committee, said: "I have not read Mr.
Carnegie's remarks, but I am satisfied he
has either been misquoted or his remarks
were a nice little compliment which he felt
under obligation to pay to Mr. Cleveland.
I don't take any stock in these after-dinner
speeches, anyway."
W. H. Cassidy, of the Oliver & Boberts
Wire Company, said: "1 don't think Mr.
Carnegie has any reason to be very partial
to Mr. Cleveland after his message of 1887.
It is to Mr. Carnegie's interest to be a pro
tectionist, and I am not worried mnch over
the reports that he meditates flopping for
Besult of Cross Salts Brought by Residents
of FoarOIUe Ran.
Martin Loftus was committed to jail by
Alderman Jones last night, in default of
$500 bail, on a charge of committing an as
sault on Mrs. John Clark.
John Clark, the husband of the prose
cutrix, was also committed to jail on a
charge of aggravated assault and battery,
preferred by Martin Loftus. The parties
five at Four-Mile Bun. A few days since
John Clark accused Martin Loftus with
making an assault upon his wife. Loftus
denied, and a fight resulted. Loftus alleged
that Clark struck him on the head with a
hammer. A hearing in the cases will be
held to-day.
A Pleasant Event at the Union Klnby. Alle
gheny, Lnst Night.
The One Hundred and Twenty-third Penn
sylvania Volunteers held a reunion last
night at Union Rink, Beech street About
600 people, friends of the old warriors en
joyed a pleasant evening, which mainly
consisted of feasting.
Among the speakers were Bev. Hunter,
Dr. B. B. Smith, Bev. W. S. Owens, D.
D., S. S. Stewert, Major Bobert E. Stewart
and D. Ashworth. During the evening a
number of selections were given, both in
strumentally and vocal. Every one went
honiejlatisfied with the proceedings.
Tho Annual Meeting 6f the Medical Socletv
Last KIgfat.
The Homeopathic Medical Society of
Allegheny county held its annual meeting
last night at the Homeopathio Hospital.
The following officers were elected to serve
for the ensuing year:
President, Dr. L.H. Wlllard; Vice President,
Dr. C. H. Hoffman: Treasurer. Dr. J. B. Mc
Clelland; Secretary, Dr. J. Richer Horner:
Censors. Drs. J. H. McClelland, J. 6. Bwghw
and J. H. ThOKipeon.
A Reliable Asssrance of a Plan to Caarp the
Lawrtnco Bank With a National Institu
tion Big Money Raised.
A prominent gentleman in LawrenceviUe
told a Dispatch reporter last night that a
number of moneyed men in the district were
organizing a company, with 200,000 capital
to start a national bank. The men inter
ested in the scheme are working quietly,
and there object is to secure the building of
the collapsed Lawrence Bank in which to
operate the national bank.
It is thought that a good, stronj bank,
governed by correct financial principles,
would soon be able to amass a fortune. The
building of the Lawrence Bank is contig
uous to Bloomfield, LawrenceviUe, Tenth
and Twelfth wards. No bank is within
easy reach of any of theae points now, and
this new company is certain that a big busi-,
ness can be done.
However, the company which is organ
izing for the purpose of starting a national
bank, does not intend to move in the mat
ter of acquiring the property; yet They
will meet to subscribe sufficient capital.
Whenever the present owners are ready to
vacate the building; or if itcomes under the
hammer, they will be ready to purchase it,
and immediately apply for a charter and
initiate the newventnre.
Nothing new transpired in connection
with the defunct bank. The officials were
hard at work during the day fixing up the
various books. No new development oc
curred on the part of the depositors, and
things in the neighborhood ore about nor
Councilman Carr lias Promised to Stir the
Blatter of Obstractloa.
The people who live on Fritz street,
Twenty-seventh ward, are on the point of
rebellion over the blockade of the street by
the Pittsburg Incline Plane Company.
They say thev have had no use of it for two
months, and hold that a moderate amount
of effort would soon abate a great nuisance.
Councilman P. M. Carr has agreed to
carry the matter into Councils, and the com
plainants assert that if they do not get
speedy relief they will be heard from in
some other manner.
Of Everett Pianos at 137 Federal St., Alle
gheny, Pa.
We have been so rushed this week with
purchasers for those lovely Everett pianos
that we have not had time to write adver
tisements. Our trade and our stock has
grown so large since we adopted the club
system that we have been compelled to rent
an additional wareroom at 21 Federal St.,
and we have now without exception the
largest stock of fine pianos in the two cities.
We buy our pianos in lots of 350 at once,
and witl sell you a piano at least $75 less than
any other house in the State can sell the
same grade of instruments. We do not sell
those shoddy pianos advertised by some
dealers at f 175 and $200. We value our
reputation too much to swindle our cus
tomers in that way, but have a few odd
makes, such as Weber, Decker, Knabe,
Eranach & Bach, Hallett & Davis and
others which we will close out at cost, as
we need the room for our immense stock of
Everetts. Come and see us before you pur
chase. Alex. Boss,
137 Federal st, Allegheny.
Cash That's What We Want.
Just now we all want it The baby wants
it to buy mamma a present, and mamma
wants it to buy baby a present Everybody
wants itt The merchant to meet his obliga
tions; I -want it to invest in other business
and must have it by January 1. I haven't
it yet, bnt I am going to get it Now listen
how. I have a large stock of fine goods, all
suitable for presents. You have the money.
Now, come with it to 612 Penn avenue, and
if you, don't spend every cent, it will not be
the fault of prices.
Everything must be sold within the next
two weeks, let the price be what it may.
612 Penn avenue.
Store open every evening.
Compelled to Continue Another Week.
Owing to quite a quantity of goods still
remaining uncalled for, and also to the fact
that quantities of cut goods and broken
packages remain unsold, the large assignee's
sale at auction, at 723 and 725 Liberty st,
corner Eighth, will be continued one week
more, commencing next Monday, December
16. Those who are in search ot choice dry
goods, carpets and rugs should attend this
mammoth sale dnring the v coming week, as
the assignee is determined to close ont every
thing regardless of cost or price.
At the China Store of W. P. Greer
You will find the largest assortment and
latest styles of bric-a-brac, tableware, etc.,
suitable for holiday and household pur
poses. It would be impossible to enumerate
the different factories represented; sufficient
to say we have an endless variety.
Ton are cordially invited. A visit will
well repay you for the time spent even if
you do not purchase.
All goods strictly first class.
Novelties a specialty.
622 Penn ave. Opposite Library Hall.
Read! Important!
We will offer to-day all day a man's all
wool cassimere overcoat and a cassimere
suit, in sack or 4-button cutaway, for $12 for
suit and overcoat Understand, we mean
$12 for both suit and overcoat. This will
five a chance to people of limited means to
uy a useful holiday present
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. the new Court House.
A Coarse Diametrically Opposite
To that pursued by the rest of the Pittsburg
cloak dealers has been marked out by the
enterprising Kaufmanns. Instead of watch
ing and watting for the cold weather to
come to quicken sales, Kaufmanns' will
create a boom by a general reduction of
prices. The finest newmarkets, wraps and
jackets will be offered at away below their
true value. Sale commences to-day. Be
sure and be on hand.
Cash or Credit.
One means that if you have not the ready
cash, we have implicit confidence in yonr
ability to pay in the future; the other that
we sell for cash, and we will say just here
that, owing to our low" expenses, we can un
dersell our competitors fully 20 per cent
Hoppeb Bros. & Co.,
its 307 Wood street
Plain silk, embroidered silk, brocaded
silk, English cloth and velvet smoking
jackets. Jos. Hobne-& Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
No Christmas and New Year's table
should be without a bottle of Angostura
Bitters, the world renowned appetizer of
exquisite flavor. Beware of counterfeits.
All styles of ladies' overgarments at re
duced prices. For value, style and finish
see our lines of jackets, in price from $4 to
512. Hrars & Hacke.
Novelties in silk suspenders for holi
dav presents.
"James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave.
Three Hundred Mora of Those
Men's good, full length storm overcoats or
ulsters at $3 50 will be offered st Kauf
manns' to-day. They would be good value
for, $6.
Christmas Trees.
Extra fine nursery-grown trees, from. 3 to
20 feet high. Laurel and pine wreathing,
holly wreathing and designs, bright green
moss, and all suitable deeo rations for.Christ
mas. u B. A.LLioxxCo.,54Sixt4t,
r ,
!ifji.fltiTiSSHr iT''
Two Meetings to be Held Thorsday la
Old City Hall.
The public and parochial school -trouble
is about to break out afresh. A public
meeting has been called by the National
Reform Association, through its President,
the Hon. F, R. Brnnot, and the Special
Secretary. In the call it is stated that tho
object of the meeting is for the "defense of
the common schools."' It will be held in
Old City Hall Thursday, December 19, aft
ernoon and evening.
Bev. McAllister stated yesterday that a
large number of citizens unite in this call,
including the Presbyterian Ministerial As
sociation as a body, and many other minis
ters and citizens of the different denomina
tions. Addresses will be delivered in the
afternoop by J. H. Baldwin, Esq., Miss
Cusack, "the Nun of Kenmare," and Dr. I.
If. Hays. In the evening speeches will be
made by Harvey Henderson, Esq., Miss
Cusack and Dr. C. W. Smith.
Miss Cusack will discuss "The Jesuits"
in the afternoon, and "The hostility of pa
rochial school instruction to our Bepubli
can institutions in the evening. The Hon.
F. R. Brunot will preside at both sessions.
BHOi'S. "
Their Pianos and Organs Preferred.
Among the numerous pianos sold for
holiday pianos by the old, popular firm of
H. Kleber & Bro., 506 Wood street, there
are no less than eight pianos and several
organs bought by citizens of Johnstown.
They all are of first-class grade, such as
Steinway, Conover, Opera and others, and
were chosen after the purchasers had scoured
the whole city, tried every instrument, and
finally concluded that the Kleber Bros, kept
the best instruments of them all and sold
on more accommodating terms. The busi
ness excitement at Klebers' music store is at
fever heat five large floors being filled with
pianos and organs and customers and sales
men. Telegrams for more instruments are
daily dispatched to the manufacturers, in
order to enable that popular house to keep
pace with the extraordinary demand for
their superior goods. Don't fail to call at
Klebers,' and your dealings there will be a
source of pleasure and a saving of your
Music Boxei! Music Boxes!!
H. Kleber & Bro. have just received a
large and elegant assortment of musio boxes,
specially ordered for the holidays. This lot
comprises mandolin, guitar, piccolo, sublime
harmonie, zither and interchangeable cylin
der boxes, made of the best material through
out Klebers' also have in stock the cele
brated Washburn guitars, mandolins and
zithers, as also a large variety of violins,
cornets, banjos, music rolls, and everything
pertaining to the music line. Prices lower
than any other house. Store open every
evening. XL Klebeb & Bbo.,
No. 506 Wood street
Dressing Coses, Mnnlcare Sets, Etc.,
In plush and leather boxes, fitted with cellu
loid, oxidized silver, quadruple plate and
sterling silver fittings. Prices from $1 50 to
$75 per set. The only store where all kinds
and prices can be compared.
Open every evening until 9 o'clock.
48 Fifth avenue.
Haee This is the day. Great bargain
sale of ladies' jackets, newmarkets, girls'
cloaks, dresses and infants' wear. Busy
Bee Hive, Sixth and Liberty.
At Tail's Philada. dental rooms, 39 Fifth
ave., you can get the best set ot teeth for
$8 00. A good set for $5 00.
Extra gaide White Country Blanket U
124 White Country Blanket, extra value, Sol
Good, f nil-size Bed Comforts, SI, SI 25.
Special low prices on Eiderdown Quilts.
Two extra fine grades:
English Suitings, in All-Wool Checks and
Stripes. fiO-lnch wide, reduced to SI and SI '25.
36-inch SUK and Wool Plaid and Stripe Suit
ings at STKc, worth SOc
60-Inch Wool Stripe Suitings at 50c, worth 75c
50-Inch Wool Plaid Saltings at 75c, worth SL
Special value in Black Henrietta:
Jet Black and BlueBlack Shades 40-inch Silk
Warp Henrietta, in extra fine grade, reduced
to 51, worth SI 37&.
Ladles' and Children's Furs in Mink, Aj
rracban, Persian, Beaver and Seal at very close
With durable coyer and novel handle. See our
Solid Silver Mountings on Natural Bulb Stick.
Just the umbrella to please a gentleman or
lady for Xmas.
An immense display of Newest Fabrics,
Newest Shapes, and, of great importance to
you. Newest prices.
The season is somewhat advanced, and we
are enabled to close out lots at great reduction.
We give yon the benefit
505 and 507 MARKET STREET.
Never fall to cure.
the great European remedy against all
Sold by all Druggists.
Small boxes, 25c; large-boxes, 50c
For the holiday season of 1889, we exhibit
the most superb coUectlon of Diamonds and
Sreclous stones wo have ever shown, mounted
1 all the latest designs.
Our Diamonds are ?U of finest quality, and
being purchased before the recent advance in
prices enables us to offer special inducements
to Christmas buyers.
E. P. Roberts & Sons,
Cor. Fifth ave. and Market st
gifts, bermeticaUT sealed, so as to preserve
the cigars fresh and moist from heat 01 natural
gas. For salo by JOHN A. KENSHAW
& CO., Fancy Grocers, cor, Liberty and Ninth
streets. det-ws
RIVAL lost in. The best clear for S7 per
nunaroa; quam guana weu. c or saio dt
Fancy Grocers, corner Liberty
and Ninth
Inssect the stoct of
m JWTHFIELb &T.y, M-m
;. ' - Ji MJ&.
1S3L r -r 186.
Dfellor fc lloene's Holiday DUIy mi
Pianos sod Organs.
It is a truly magnificent sight to see the
vast array or pianos and organs at Mellor&
Hoene's. 77 Fifth avenue. There are assem
bled such pianos as have world-wide reputa
tions, and whose names have become house
hold words in every family. Such pianos
are the Hardman and Krakauer makes,
which are known to everyone as instrument
of absolutely the highest grade manufac
tured; and the best of it is they are sold by
Mellor & Hoene at the lowest possible
prices, and also on easy payments to those
who do not desire to pay cash. Mellor &
Hoene have also the popular Kimball and
Harrington pianos, which are fast becoming;
known throughout the country as the best
for the money.
The celebrated Chase organs, which can
only be obtained from Mellor & Hoene, are;
superior to any" other reed organ- manu
factured, in regard to superior quality;
sweetness and power of tone. Mellor
Hoene have a most elegant lot of organs oa -hand,
rich and beautiful in design, and
with handsome cut glass mirrors, reallv tha
finest lot ever seen in the citv of Pittsburg. s
The. fact is at Mellor &" Hoene's, you
can get just what you want in tho.
organ line, for church, chapel, lecturer
room, and for lodge and home user
anything from the very smallest to
the very largest and on easy payments of
from $5 to $10 per month. Can you really
get together a finer collection of reed organs
than the Chase, Palace, Chicago-Cottage arid
Kimball makes? We answer, not Most
assuredly notf
Christmas is nearlv here and now is the
time to visit Mellor "& Hoene's and make
your wife, daughter or sister a gift of a
piano or organ, a present that is lasting and
that will make joy in the household for
many years to come. Call on Messrs.
Mellor & Hoene and see their wonderful
stock of pianos and organs, or if you cannot
then write for catalogues, which will
promptly be mailed you with a descrintion
of their easytpayment plan. Their address
is 77 Fifth avenue, and is known to every
one as the center of Pittsburg's music trade.
Printed French cashmeres for tea gowns,
wrappers, etc. Choice designs and colorings
at 50c a yd., former price $1 25.
Hughs & Hacke,
Christmas 1880 12 days yet 9 days for buying.
PrrrsBtrao, Satubday, Dec 11, 1889.
Tbedaylsdrawlngnear. There is nothing to
gain in putting off buying. Everything to gain
in buying early. The goods are all here. Read
our "ads" always, but don't wait to see your par
ticular desire mentioned. Too many notions
among the people and too great a variety of
goods here to make every "ad" fit the thousands
ot readers.
Our constant readers have first chance at the
big bargain offers or the new things.
Take to-day's offerings:
Finest quality wool astrachan shoulder capes
at $5. worth SS.
And the hundred or so real astrachan capes,
the most popular of the season, were S10, are
to-day f7 60.
An unusual offer is a fine quality Alasfca seal
skin shoulder capev best shapes, at S35. If you
find a J35 cane elsewhere it will not be the equal
to ours. Wo can tell you why.
Fine Alaska seal jackets begin at f3i
Bargains all over the cloak rooms that haro
the January twang about tbem. Like taistta.
Fine braided aU-over Jackets, beaver cloth,
stylish shapes, well made and finished prica
S3, worth S3X A few ot these. A few of an
other and another and another bargain lot until
you have taken in the stock of jackets. Coma
see them to-day.
Lacking the surprise of giving Just on the
day, a handsome cloak Is In the first ranks as a
Christmas gi ft Better have it fitted and ready
to wear for Christmas. Come to-day. Crowded
with work. Tardy ones may run against an
impossibility. Ererybody who gives us reason
able time will be served satisfactorily.
This will be a day ot da" In the Handker
chief Department
Always fa Saturday.
With the breath of
Christmas blowing in
our faces, what will
it bo? The long count.
en will be crowded
with layer upon layer
o f customers. A
grand phalanx of
buyers charging upon
this grand fortress. A brave onslaught until
the dosing of the doors at night But Fort
'Kerchief will be just as much a match for tha
enemy on Monday as ever.
That talk on headrests and down pillows was
just a day too soon. But a good reason to open
the subject again. A big now batch of them
just came in. Over 600 of them in assorted
sires and shapes, covered with fine white cam
bric In two hours' time after you have select
ed your material we can have them covered In
India. sHlc, plush, velvet or anything else, and
in any fancy or fantastic style or shape you
may desire This Is Christmas time, and quick
work is imperative. We have the facilities. Do
you want a pillow, or does a friend?
That practical Idea: The giving of usefnls.
Here are a few dress goo'ds bargains that are
no less bargains for yourself, for your own use.
xor for giving:
Or S3 50 a pattern (10 yards)
Good, warm and stylish stripes, plaids, checks
and tricots and colored cashmeres; worth SOs
and 35c a yard.
At 40c, 13c and 50c a yard
Stylish all-wool stripes and plaids.
At SOc and 75c a yard there are
Cloth width plaids and stripes, very stylish.
Fine broadcloth, M to 58 inches wide, best
broadcloth finish, made out of finest wool, only
75c a yard. Extra quality broadcloths up to
SI 15-
These speak for the best stock of low priced,
but reliable, dress goods ever shown anywhere.
Not much left to
say of Gents' Fur
nishings. Ton
know a complete
stock. We have it
Prices the lowest
Varieties the larg
est Goods the
most stylish. Facul
ties the best At
tention and service
the most satisfac
tory. Extra help
iff the department
to-day. Open until
9 o'clock this erentag.
eoo-ea penn, avenue.
r f
i: I
: -: